1st Grade Distance Learning

1st Grade Distance Learning Packet Newsletter i-Ready Reading and Math Growth Checks will be assigned on Fridays. . . Writjng. *Select a Narrative Writing Prompt weekly. *Light and Sound - Pages 121-157. Math *Complete a math worksheet daily. *Complete at least one i-Ready Math assigned lesson daily. Reading *Fluency passages with comprehension questions may be completed by each Thursday. *Complete Tic-Tac - Toe choice board using 5 sight words on the back daily. *Complete at least one i-Ready Reading assigned lesson daily. *Read at least 15 minutes daily using MyON or a book of your choice. Please note this on your daily reading log. -

Transcript of 1st Grade Distance Learning

Page 1: 1st Grade Distance Learning

1st Grade Distance Learning Packet Newsletter

i-Ready Reading and Math Growth Checks will be assigned on Fridays.

. .

Writjng. ~~~ Sci~nce-

*Select a Narrative Writing Prompt weekly.

*Light and Sound - Pages 121-157.


*Complete a math worksheet daily.

*Complete at least one i-Ready Math assigned lesson daily.


*Fluency passages with comprehension questions may be completed by each Thursday.

*Complete Tic-Tac­Toe choice board using 5 sight words on the back daily.

*Complete at least one i-Ready Reading assigned lesson daily.

*Read at least 15 minutes daily using MyON or a book of your choice. Please note this on your daily reading log.


Page 2: 1st Grade Distance Learning

Hi First Grade Families !

I wanted to share with you how to access your child's launchpad so that they are able to access online learning

resources from home.

type in: https://launchpad.classlink.com/rcboe


Google : rcboe launchpad and click on the first choice that comes up.

It should take you to a page that looks like this.

Please let me kn ow if you need you child's login information.



Once your child logs on, it will take them to their personal launchpad page with different icons on it. This is w here they

can access iReady, MyOn, 151 in Math, and other learning resources!

Please let me know if you have any questions !


Page 3: 1st Grade Distance Learning

Narrative Prompts

1. Write a story about your best friend. What is he or she like? What are his or her favorite toys?

2. Write about the best vacation you ever had. Why was it so special?

3. Write about a time when you went to a special party. What did you do there?

4. Write a story about your earliest memory. What happened?

5. Write about your favorite thing to do. Why do you like it?

6. Write about an animal that lives in your neighborhood (your pet, a neighbor's pet, or a squirrel or bird who hangs out in your tree). What does the animal like to do?

7. Write about a time when you went to the park. What did you do? Who did you go with?

8. Write about a time when you got to stay up late. What did you do with the extra time?

9. Write a story about the coolest place you ever went to. Why did you like it so much?

10. Write about a time when your family went to a carnival or festival. What was the most exciting thing you saw?

Page 4: 1st Grade Distance Learning

TSiam·e:-- ·---- -· ·-- --- -

Page 5: 1st Grade Distance Learning


C5 / LE XILE 150

In the Sky ( /LEVEL C - SET 2 \


~I Big planes fly in the sky.

I !=as+ rockets fly in the sky. GZJI Loud helicopters fly in the sky . . ~I I Colorful kites fly in the sky. ~I I Bright balloons fly in the sky. C!JI I fly in the sky.uif I take a ride! []J

day 1 day 2 day3 I day4 Color a box each time Color a box each time Color a box each !. ime Color a box each time

you read the ~ext . you read the text. you read the text. you read the text.

D DD ODD D DD D DD I read it times I I read it times! I read it ti mes I I read it times I

- - - -

©Second Sto·y \11/,ndow

Page 6: 1st Grade Distance Learning

~®® tnru®

Askyour ~ reader lo

H ove your child read point to each

this text several word os 1! is

times each day. read.

H elp your chi ld

fiaure out unknown .:;

word s. T he pid ures

con be o big help

H ove your ch ild

fin ish the practice

I activity :or the day.

Repeat the sleps on

other days Return

the page to school

Day l: Read the story. Then trace and wri te

t he word fly. Day 2: Rea d t he story. Then circle each

word t ha t soys fly.

f ~, ....... ...... . fyl fly fly fly ylf fly cry fl i fly fly fly fyi

Circle the letters in the word fly.

ABCDEFGHIJ K L M I~ C- i-rc-le_t_; _e_n_u_m_b-er_?_f_s_yl-lo_b_!e_s_;3_f_ly_. __ __J

NOPQRSTUV\NXYZ Day 3: Read the story. Then fil l in the Day 4: Read the story. Then draw lines to

letters to make each word spell fly. match the word parts t hat spel l fly.

I y -

f --

I {f j l~w I

I {f' ~w I l

I {f j l~w I C olor the vowels in fly. (a e i o u y) C ircle fly in t he sentence.

V~w A bird can fly. 0 Second Story Vl/,ndow CS In !he Sky

Page 7: 1st Grade Distance Learning

First Grade

Colors of the Rainbow 1.24

I decided my favorite color is a rainbow. It has all the colors I . 14 like in it: red, yellow, blue, green, and purple. They are all my 27 favorite colors. How could I ever choose just one? 36

Red makes me feel like smiling. I love red cards and shiny 48 red apples. My favorite type of candy is a red gum drop. My 61 favorite flower is a red rose. I'm happy when I get to see a red 76 sunset. 77

Blue makes me feel like taking a nap. My bed is fluffy blue · 90 and white with clouds all over it. I love the blue sky and ocean. 104 Blue bubble gum is the best flavor of ice cream. 114

Yellow makes me feel like jumping rope. I love the sun in · 126 summer and the full moon in the fall. Our meadow is full of 139 yellow flowers that dance in the breeze. Applesauce is one of my 151 favorite treats, and it is kind of yellow. Fuzzy yellow ducklings • 162 always make me laugh. . 166

Green makes me feel like climbing a tree. I love playing in 178 the grass and the fields. Green gummy bears and pears are my 190 special snacks. My favorite place to go is a park filled with trees 203 and grass. · 205

Purple makes me feel like eating grapes. I use my purple 216 crayon so much it is almost gone. My favorite backpack is 227 purple, too. Whenever anyone asks me what my favorite color is, 238 I tell them it is a rainbow. . 245

Number of Day of the Words Read

Week Correctly in 1 Minute

Monday wpm

Tuesday wpm

Wednesday wpm Thursday · wpm

Friday wpm


Page 8: 1st Grade Distance Learning

First Grade

Colors of the Rainbow 1.24 Use complete sentences.

Monday: Tuesday:

What sentence or sentences in paragraph Why is the "rainbow" the student's two helps the reader know how the student favorite color?

feels about the color red?

List the red items that the author likes? What word or words in paragraph one helps the reader know what a rainbow is?

Wednesday: Thursday:

What is paragragh four mostly about? Which color makes the character feel like climbing a tree?

In paragraph three, what word means the opposite of "best"? Which color makes the character feel like

eating grapes?


Page 9: 1st Grade Distance Learning

First Grade

The Wind's Job 1.25

I learned that the wind is impotiant for more than flying kites 12 or making our wind chime make music. Without the wind, our 23 world wouldn't have any people, food, or animals. Wind moves , 33 the heat from the sun all around the planet. Without the wind, 45 about half of the earth would be too hot for any living things. . 58 Most of the rest of the earth would be too cold. In fact, most of 73 our country would be under ice. 79

Wind is useful to all living things. It brings moisture up from 91 the oceans into the air. Then the wind blows the moisture · 102 around. The moisture falls as rain, dew, or snow and ice. 113

Many plants and trees depend on the wind. The wind helps 124 them spread their seeds to new places. Wind also blows pollen 135 around so trees, grass, and grains can ripen. Without the wind, 146 farmers couldn't grow corn or wheat. Bees help the wind spread . 157 pollen. Their job is to fly from blossom to blossom with pollen 169 on their legs and wings. 174

You can see for yourself how the wind spreads seeds. The 185 next time you see a yellow dandelion that has turned into a white 198 puffball, blow it. Or, ifyou find a maple tree seed with wings 211 that looks like a helicopter, throw it. You'll see all of the seeds 224 go flying and you will be helping the wind do its job. 236

Number of

Day of the Words Read

Week Correctly in 1 Minute

Monday wpm

Tuesday wpm

Wednesday wpm

Thursday wpm

Friday wpm


Page 10: 1st Grade Distance Learning

First Grade

The Wind's Job 1.25 Use complete sentences.

Monday: Tuesday:

I learned that the wind is important for From paragraph one, give two examples of more that flying kites or making our wind how the wind makes it possible for us to live on chime make music. Is this sentence from the ea1th.

paragraph one a fact or an opinion?

What word or words in the sentence What happens before moisture falls as rain helped you to decide? dew, or snow and ice?

Wednesday: Thursday:

In what way are plants and trees dependent What is it about the seeds in paragraph four on the wind? that makes it possible for the wind to blow them


In what two ways is pollen spread from plant to plant? What word in paragraph four means

the 012posite of "grab"?


Page 11: 1st Grade Distance Learning


c.vt tl\e SeNteNces oN the bo'btoM o\ tl\e pa~e c:rpart aNd Sort thet1.1_ Iuto the correct colv.tiill. Reh1€ti1ber to use y'our clue

words ! Highlight them in each opinion sentence.

Fact Opinion

_ _l i--------c-orli--<logs ______ 1 ____ Poiar--6ears _____ T-Pii°tf1iiigs-can:---r--------rrfunk -iiiai ___ _______ l ! are the best I have blubber to l get confused by i watching a movie 1

I c d h ! keep them I t~e lights on ! is m~re fun than I l J _

00 on ~ e ! warm9

i therr way to the j playing a board ! i planet. ! ! sea. l game. l ~-----------------------1 ------. - -------t------- -------- - --·----- --1------ - - ---- - --1 ! I got the worst i Pizzas can i Abraham j You should ! / haircut ! come with J Lincoln wanted ! always do i

: yesterday at ! many ! to end slavery, i the mall. i different i so the Civil War l hor::~~rk.

! toppings. J began. I

Page 12: 1st Grade Distance Learning

vvora vva11 ~err-venceb Name ------------iJse the words In the word box to complete the sentences.

saw tree way and your small home into many them

1. Russ went after school.

2. The pup jumped the sack.

3. The duck went that ---

4. The bug was __ _

5. pigs lay in the mud.

6. I see hug their pup.

7. I the bus go by my home.

8. The tent is by the __ _

9. tire is flat!

10. The girl canjump skip.

Page 13: 1st Grade Distance Learning

Whdt Cdn I do With mt 120 Chdrt? Read the numbers as fast or as slow as 'jOU ca n .

Count backward from 12.0 1

SKi p cou nt b'j l's , 5's ) or !O 's t

1 Count a co lumn (vertical going d own)

Count a row (horizontal go ing across)

PicK a number and tell a budd'j what 1s abo v e,

I below ) before) and after that num be r .

Tell how ma n'j te ns and ones a number has . I

PicK a number and tell what is I more or I less than that number ~


PicK a number and te ll what is 10 mor·e or 10 less '

than that numbe r.

Cove r a few numbers with pennies or c e real Have a budd'j g uess 'jOUr h idden numbers 1

Read 'jOU r chart in a s ill 'j voice. Tr'j reading l1Ke a monster , a princess) a frog, or an o pe ra s inger


What else can ~ou do with a llO chart?

Page 14: 1st Grade Distance Learning

~..---...--.---.---r-..,....,.....,-,_..,..""""'T'""'..,.....-r-"1-r-Tl-,-....,......,~.....-r.,--1· :,; y..L--L-L-LLL-1--l~...1.-~--1.-~_._.__..~L-1-.6-&o~._\

lf-© }~.lr~\ /"\~ I 2 3 4 5

11 12 13 14 15

21 22 23 24 25

31 32 33 34 35

41 42 43 44 45

51 52 53 54 55

61 62 63 64 65

71 72 73 74 75

al 02 o3 o4 l$5

q\ qz q3 q4 q5

IOI 102 103 104 105

111 I 12 113 114 I 15

12.0 6 7

\6 17

26 27

36 37

46 47

56 57

66 57·

76 77

06 o7

q5 q1

106 107

116 I 17

Chart 0 q 10

I[$ \q 20

20 zq 30

3o 3q 40

4o 4q 50

5o 5q 60

60 6q 70

10 7q oO

00 [Sq qo

q() qq 100

IOo 1oq 110

I lo 11 q 120


r .}~



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Page 15: 1st Grade Distance Learning

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Page 16: 1st Grade Distance Learning

Math Exit Slip: Missing Addend# I Name: --- --- ---------- -- -- ---- --------------- ------ ---- ----------- ---- ------

4-+ =7 q+_ =12 5+ =14--

6+ ___ = 10 I I.\.+ I

=8 2+ =8

8+ =q I 1+ =10 5+_ -= 11 ..

I+ =5 6+ =12 6+ =12 -

www. m rswheelerfi rst. blogspot.com

Page 17: 1st Grade Distance Learning

~~ .._, ,. • ., ,._ .. su li!r . I~-~----------

Math Exit Slip: Fact Triangles # I

~Clrl"\~: -----; ------- ---- ------------------------- ------------- -- ---- - -- -- ---

+ --- = ---

+ --- --

= --·

+ ---



Page 18: 1st Grade Distance Learning

GOMPORIN9 NUMB6RS Directions: Decide which number is bigger and then cut and paste either the >,<, or= sign into the blank


@_ ®_(j)

@_. _@ > > > <


Page 19: 1st Grade Distance Learning


~reakin9_!:l r1um er anto tens and ~~e~~-~-­Grade 1 Base Ten Blocks Worksheet

Draw rods (tens) and blocks (ones) to represent the numbers shown .

,c.;.::_--; ~....:..:,- · ....=:·_.;i ' - ~;

' r' ,,

r -- ~ 1---Y'~ ~ ;! --:~ ,_ ~t ---f"i LJJ tj)

34 . - ,,

- ~~j, :~t 1-·-~l 10 •_. -- :-· · -·t'

tJJ ED ~--(: --~·1 ·---( -~--V' 1---"";

.. __ _;;

~-<'I'----"'. ----·i -- y y /

1 1 - 1 2 - --

20 - 30 -- -

42 - 52 -- -

36 - 6 3 -- -

Online reading & math for K-5 www.k51earning.com

Page 20: 1st Grade Distance Learning

J___,~..,.,,- -- ~ ................ ..,__, '---....,__ ____ _, Nore and Less


6. r~-.









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8. '

12 . 2 (


Page 21: 1st Grade Distance Learning


I Day41

~ame ______________ Dote ______ _ Spin a Word

short o

Directions= Spin using a paperclip ond pencil to hold the spinner. Then record the appropriate word.

---i----·--- ,-- ----s hort e I short i I short o short u

·-----'-l---·-----·-f -----! " . .::, ,,. .. __ , , I . r- <:·-) ': ..

t-------------·····- --· __ : ..... _ ..... ____ J__~_- -4----··,_ ._ ..... · ____ ___.

. · ····- ~ ..... .. .

I + r-- - -

+ -- -~ddition Practice J.7 + 7 = 17 + ~

+1 + q = 5 + 17 I

··· .. .... .....

· .... ·' ~ ______ __.__

'1 0 + ·1 7 --. ...L .. . -

17 +· 8 =

41 !-... _ ....... . . -..-.-·~-... ... ...- . ~ ...... _... ___ ___ _ _____ ____ --!


j ~epresent Place Value

Tens Ones

Page 22: 1st Grade Distance Learning

\~-- ~ "'-~.r~ating _gr ___ l;!PS of 10 Grade 1 Base Ten Blocks V\/orksheet Draw loops around sets of 10 blocks. Redraw the blocks as sets of ten. Write the number.

~~ LJJ LD01~/ Bi LJJ Lil LJJ /

24 DJ OJ

20 ti - 211

Online reading & math for K-5 www.k5learninq.com

Page 23: 1st Grade Distance Learning

Date ____ _

label the Shape Worksheet

There are 7 different types of shapes. Label each shape using the letter in

the key found below.

R = Rectangle X = Rhombus S = Square 0 = Oval

T =Triangle C = Circle P =Pentagon

~ To ns of Free Math Worksheets a t: © www.mathworksheetsland .com

Page 24: 1st Grade Distance Learning

. \.. -~~'

\/\/rite the time beiow each clock.


4 .

7 '.

·--; J





8 .

"-_8 ~- 4,:· ... ·7 5 .·'

"J ' 1 ..........

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_.-;·1··c-"1'· .. :· ''i{) 2-·: :-9 .. 3 -: . . ··_8 4,:

.7 6 ?, .-,, ,,. 1 .....

r------------. 1-·------~~

----------------------------Online reading & math for K -5


L _ _ ___.

6 .


I ·------------'


L_ ______ ___.

© w-Nw.k51eaming.com

Page 25: 1st Grade Distance Learning

! I



Temng time Worksheet

Write the time.

----------- ----------------,-----r I

I 1 a. ..···r;··.0 j 1 b. .···w·· ·. I l 2 0 I 0 •• "1 1 112 ,, ... .. I .·· 11 1 •. ~ 1 .·, 0 '>·,, I .~ ·1 0 l 2··. i : 1

-·. I : •• I :9 0: '1· ;9 3 :

I • 0s . : ~

• 8 4 : 8 4 .... i ~ & • •

I t::., o 7 I •7 6 v • 6 5



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I . I • !

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I ·. 8 4 • .- / ··.8 4. ·

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•• • l 0 2 ••• J .~ l 0 2 •• I • • I • •

; 9 3~ I ;9 3 :

• ••• 8 4 .. : / .... s 4 .. •

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I 5 7

6 • •

i I ! I

I ! I

I -----i

I I ;


I --··-----.L _____________ _ L .... _____ , __ ·--------·-----·---··-·-

I _J

Copyright Hcmc:schoolmarh net - 'XJJ/i.W Home sl~ hao/Math .netlw~.ts: Pemuss1on to copy · You are free to copy this worksheet to any numoer of sluden?s for thei r mathematrcs work Do not d1stnbute on websi!cs, booKs, o r any such mate~al v;1thout perm1::;s 1on

Page 26: 1st Grade Distance Learning

Formative Assessment Lesson Alpha Version

Cater. ·u and Leaves

rogs and Cri( et-s

• •1 p '" . - 0 p - i - .< .-- . ; -·.' ,- \" c " - 3 ' ~ .. - '-· e ~ ... ... .f .. -


Page 27: 1st Grade Distance Learning

Name ---------

B Asia has 7 books. She buys more books.

Now Asia has 9 books.

How many books does she buy?

I 1!2 13141sl617 1s l 9110I 7 + == 9 - - 9 - _ _ == 7

Asia buys __ books.

l?J Jake has 8 games. He gives some away.

Now he has 3 games.

How many games does Jake give away?

I 1l21314 1s l6 17 1sl9 l10 I

3 + == 8 8 - == 3 -- --

Jake gives __ games away.

Oi-Ready· © 2020 Cu rriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved. 19

Page 28: 1st Grade Distance Learning

Solve each problem.

D Marai sees 8 dogs at the park.

Some dogs go home.

Now Marai sees 5 dogs.

How many dogs go home?

I 1 121314 [~] 6 I 1 I s I 9 I 10! 5 + = 8 8 - = 5 -- --

__ dogs go home.

0 Ben has 7 hats. 1 hat is red.

The rest are blue.

How many hats are blue?

(~] 2 ! 3 I 4 Is I 6 ! 1 ! s I 9 !10! 7 = 1 + 7 - = l -- --

hats are blue. --

O i-Ready © 2020 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved . l8

Page 29: 1st Grade Distance Learning

Identifying place va-ue Grade 1 Place Value \fvorksheet

Ex arnple: 53 = 5tens

Determine the place value of the underl ined digit.

1. 4 = 2· 69 = ----------- ----------

3 · 79 - 4. 6 = ---------- -----------

5· 81 - 6. 3 = ---------- -----------

7. 7 = -----------

9 . 5 = 10. 8 = ----------- -:-----------

11. 40 = 12. 38 = ---------- ----------

13. 72 =

15. 61 - 16. 91 ----------- ----------

Reading and Math for K-5 © www.kSlearning.com

Page 30: 1st Grade Distance Learning

Name :



+ 80

44 + 66

82 - 21

83 + 57

39 - 11

57 - 31

26 - 11

42 - 11

66 + 48

93 - 81

20 + 68

35 +10

69 +16

94 + 35

41 + 72



76 + 26

32 - 21

18 + 25

91 + 93

40 + 56

94 - 11

78 - 31

72 - 41

98 - 41

79 - 11

+- . ~L::. Math-Aids .Com

Page 31: 1st Grade Distance Learning

···:············································ ... ··········-·················· ... ···············--····-·····-···--·----• • • • : Name : : • • • •

i I Love My Pet i • • • Direc tion : Use the bar graph below to answer the questions. :

I • • • • • • • • • 1: I! 1• • • • • • • 0 • • • • •• • j

I • • • 0 s • • • 1s

• • • Favorite Pet i

en +­Q) 0.




0 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Children

I. How many children chose cats?

2. How many children chose hamsters?

3. How many chlldren like dogs?

Y. Which pet did most children choose?

5. Which pet did the children choose the least?


,1 •I :1 • • • • • ii :J 8 3•

• 0 • • • • • • • • • ' • ~ c • • • • • • • , • • ' 0 • • • • • &

* i? • :1 il • 6. How many more children like :

, dogs than hamsters? i • •

I 7. How many children in all chose cats and dogs? II I: =~· • • • 1i,•:::!~!'!!:!~!'!::!~!.'!::!~!'!!:!~!'!!:!~!'!!:!~!'!!:!~=!!:!t:!'!!:!~!':!:!~!'!!:!~:.•:::!~!'!!:!~:.c

Page 32: 1st Grade Distance Learning

I •

I . Iii

I Ill

I •

I !Ii

I II --


I •




I •



---==-- -~- m~'d-1~~~~~-ko_hl~=­Draw a Stor~ Problem

ill! !'ill !!I

Draw ~ picture of' )JOUt stor:; pt4 obtem.


• • - • Ill II -

l f - Ill Ill QI 11!1 Ill II ! ; 'l

Write ;;out stot~ problem. ! ! ! I

l ! 'I ! '

M 1 I I l l

I' j j

! l !II ! I I ! l

111 Ill

I q I I

Iii •

I l

l. !II

i I GI - II • - Iii R Dl!lllfill

Ji __ !

Page 33: 1st Grade Distance Learning


wr;te the Word3 With bloe vawel.s Ericl ~A ~t.s

wr;te the ward.s Ericl hlW . rJX>ch each i3

worth 3 letter~ = 3

wr;te the ward.s uth ~rilllll] letter.s

write the worda uth Ei ·cAPITAL


write the warcf3 With Erl Al cdor


:d nbow wr;te the ward.s 2 -ti~ each

wr;te the word3 uth dote er\

the letter"

wr;te each ward Ericl a word that ~uthrt

Page 34: 1st Grade Distance Learning

Grade 1 i-Ready Sight Word Inventory

Use Ti (_ - \oc --

uJ 1th \oe B ci°'rd t. but 22. how 43.an 64. left 85. until 105. both

2. who 23. old 44. has 65.each 86. us 106. cold

3. too 24. rriay 45.ask 66. soon 87. use 107.upon

4. what 25. just 46. giving 67. high 88. wish 108.been 109. found

5.so 26.any 47.had 68. stand 89.buy 110. why 6. with 27. let 48. could 69. home 90. or 111. first 7. brown 28. as 49. best 70. more 91. very 112. pair 8. new 29. stop 50. off 71. than 92.gave 113. five 9. black 30.by 51. fast 72.year 93. wash 114. part 10.good 31. from 52. sit 73. most 94. tell 115. set 11. white 32.open 53. its 74. next 95. work 116. same 12. end 33. some 54. sat 75. mother 96.goes 117. always 13. after 34. over 55. girl 76. seem 97. call 118. would

14. give 35.once 56.boy 77.near 98. sing 119. around

15. again 36. put 57. well 78. should 99.pull 120. right

16. him 37. take 58.book 79. color 100.write 121. because

17. round 38. then 59. will 80. morning 101. read 122. before

18. his 39.thank 60. while 81. pretty 102.made 123. their

19. fly 40.think 61. last 82. such 103. sleep 124. does

20. her 41. them 62. tree 83. thing 104.which 125. these 126.don't

21. of 42. when 63.dear 84. sure 127. those

Page 35: 1st Grade Distance Learning

Daily Rea.ding Log Name: Month:

Date Name of Book Author

Copyright© 2012 K12reader.com. All Rights Reserved. Free for educational use at home or in classrooms.

Time spent reading

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