1E Star Trek Customizable Card Game - 4a Introductory Two-Player Sample Game

SEE D PHASE PART 2 : M ISSI ONS Se parate into pi l es your six m i ss i ons , si x dil em m as, and y our outpos t (see il l ustrati ons , page 5 [ 9, 23, 12] ) . Norm aly , eac h player w ould shu f f l e this pil e of m issions and drawthe mat rando mto for maspaceline  . How eve r, t o sim pli f y things, pl ac e the m i ss i ons i n the p i l e in thi s order: Klin g o np la y er Fed e r a t i o np la y er R e p orte d A c t i v i t y C ar g o R en d ez v ous Aver t Danger Surve y Ins t ability G au l t Hom e war d A G o o d P l ac e T o D i e D i stre s s M i s s i on R e o p en Di g Hos t a g eSituation Sens i ti ve Search G r avesw orld  Y ou t ake t he fi r s t m ission f r omy our p ile — R e p o r ted A c t ivi t y — a n d placeit f a ceupon t he t abl e , w ithi t s g ame t e x t facingyou.  Y our o p p onen t t a k es h i s fi r s t m i ss i o n, C ar g o R en d e zv o us, an d p l a c es i t t o t h e r i g h t o f Re p o r te d A c t i v i t y , fa c i n g h i m s e l f ( h e c ou l d h a v e p l ace d i t t o either s ide). Ag ain, al l r ight/left directions w ill be fromyou r point of view .  Y ou p l ace y our secon d m i s s i on, A v ert Dan g er, t o t h e l e ft o f Re p o r t e d A ct i v i t y. Hep l ac esS urveyInstabi l i tyt otherightof C argoRen dezvo us.  Y ou p l aceGau l t t o t h e r i g h t o f Surve y Ins t a b i l i t y . I n this f ash i on, the tw o of you c ontinue to alter nate in se eding m i ss i ons , unti l t he s pac eli ne looks li ke this:  T h i ss a m p l e g ame, us i n g car d s fr o mt h e S t ar Tre k C ustomiz abl eC ar dGam e I ntroduc tor yT w o-Pl ayer G am e,il l ustratesthem ajor step sof settingupandplayi ngagam etoi tscon clusion. T heob j ec tof the game is to score 100 point s be f ore your opponent does. Themai n point - sc oring mech ani sm i s c om plet i ng missions.  Y ou a r epla y ing t he K lingona ffi lia t ion, an d y our oppon e n t i s pla y ingtheFe d e r a t ion a ff iliation. Y ou a r e using t he tw o pre- cus tom i zed dec ksi n the T wo- Pl ayer Gam e. You m i ght wan t t o l ay out the cards f r om both dec ks of the T w o- Pl ayer Gam e and pl ay the gam e out yoursel f . W hen instr ucted to drawa card, sim plygothroughyour dec kt ofi ndthec ardyounee d. ( O f co urse,youwouldn’tdothisin areal gam e!  T h i s i s j ust a p re- a r r an g e d m a t c h . )  Y our fi r st s t epin theg a meis t o cre a t eand seed  ( w hi ch m eans hi de c ert ai n c ards under other cards) the spa ce l i ne. You fl i p a c oin t o dec i de w hich player goes fi rst. For our dem ons tr ati on, you w i n the toss a nd w i l l se ed fi rst i n eac h part of the se ed p has e. You w ill also beg i n the gam e. THE SEED PHASE Up to 30 of your 60 car ds m ay be “seed c ards, ” which i nclude any c ar ds that ar e see ded as part of the spac eline or other w i sebrought into play bef ore the ac tual playing p haseof t he g am e. The T w o- Pl ayer Ga m edeckseachhave13s eedc ards( 6m i ssions, 6di l em mas, and1outpost) . Theo ther 47cardsw i l l f ormyour drawdec k. Se parate the se ed c ards f romthe other ca rds. Se ed c ards are placed into f our separate groups: SEE D PHAS E PART 1 : DOORWAYS Ne i ther of you ha s a doo r w ay ca rd (i ntroduc ed in the Alter nate Un i verse e xpans ion s et) , so yo u skip t his part. Exp ans i onse ts, w hichco ntainnewca rdsthatyoucanad dtoyour existi ngde cks , areexplai nedo n page 16. Star T r ek  Cu st om i z abl eCardGam e I n t rodu ctor y T wo- Pl ayer Sa m pl eGam e page 1 W hat’s go ingon ?   T h r o u g h o u t t h is g am e , y ou w il l s ee texti nboxeslikethis. Th eyc ontain inform ation sep arate fr omthe gam e, pr ovidi ng extra knowledge orinsightintothestrategybe ing used. W ewil l oft enm akepage reference s, suc has“(Seep age5 [ 9]).” Th e fi rst pag e num ber refers to the lar ge, full-color rul ebo ok i ncluded in the T w o-Player I ntr oductor y G am e. The se cond refers to the page nu m ber i n the sm all, card-sized rulebo ok. If there i s n o p arentheti cal ref erence , then there i s no reference to that subject in thesm all rul ebo ok. Also , all right/ left direction s w ill be fromyour po int of view(suc h as “Younowm oveyourship two m issionstot heright”) . Rem em ber, you are the Kl ingon player.

Transcript of 1E Star Trek Customizable Card Game - 4a Introductory Two-Player Sample Game

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Separate into piles your six missions, six dilemmas, and your outpost (see illustrations, page 5 [9, 23, 12]). Normally, each player would shufflethis pile of missions and drawthemat randomto formaspaceline . However, to simplify things, place the missions in the pile in this order:

Klingonplayer FederationplayerReported Activity Cargo RendezvousAvert Danger Survey InstabilityGault HomewardA Good Place To Die Distress MissionReopen Dig Hostage SituationSensitive Search Gravesworld

 You take the first mission fromyour pile — Reported Activity — and place it face up on the table, with its game text facing you.

 Your opponent takes his first mission, Cargo Rendezvous, and places it to the right of Reported Activity, facing himself (he could have placed it to

either side). Again, all right/left directions will be fromyour point of view.

 You place your second mission, Avert Danger, to the left of Reported Activity.

He places Survey Instability to the right of Cargo Rendezvous.

 You place Gault to the right of Survey Instability.

In this fashion, the two of you continue to alternate in seeding missions, until the spaceline looks like this:

 This sample game, using cards fromthe Star Trek™ Customizable Card Game™ Introductory Two-Player

Game, illustrates the major steps of setting up and playing a game to its conclusion. The object of thegame is to score 100 points before your opponent does. The main point-scoring mechanismis completingmissions.

 You are playing the Klingon affiliation, and your opponent is playing the Federation affiliation. You areusing the two pre-customized decks in the Two-Player Game. You might want to lay out the cards fromboth decks of the Two-Player Game and play the game out yourself. When instructed to drawa card,simply go through your deck to find the card you need. (Of course, you wouldn’t do this in a real game! This is just a pre-arranged match.)

 Your first step in the game is to create andseed (which means hide certain cards under other cards) thespaceline. You flip a coin to decide which player goes first. For our demonstration, you win the toss andwill seed first in each part of the seed phase. You will also begin the game.


Up to 30 of your 60 cards may be “seed cards,” which include any cards that are seeded as part of thespaceline or otherwise brought into play before the actual playing phase of the game. The Two-PlayerGame decks each have 13 seed cards (6 missions, 6 dilemmas, and 1 outpost). The other 47 cards willformyour drawdeck. Separate the seed cards fromthe other cards. Seed cards are placed into fourseparate groups:


Neither of you has a doorway card (introduced in the Alternate Universe expansion set), so you skip thispart. Expansion sets, which contain newcards that you can add to your existing decks, are explained onpage 16.

Star Trek ™ Customizable Card Game™

Introductory Two-Player Sample Game

page 1

What’s goingon? 

 Throughout this game, you will see

text in boxes like this. They contain

information separate fromthe

game, providing extra knowledge

or insight into the strategy being


We will often make page

references, such as “(See page 5

[9]).” The first page number refers

to the large, full-color rulebook

included in the Two-Player

Introductory Game. The second

refers to the page number in the

small, card-sized rulebook. If there

is no parenthetical reference, then

there is no reference to that subject

in the small rulebook.

Also, all right/left directions will be

fromyour point of view(such as

“You nowmove your ship two

missions to the right”). Remember,

you are the Klingon player.

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 You drawseven cards fromyour drawdeck for your opening hand. You have five personnel (Dukath, Dr. Farek, B’iJik, Torin, and J’Ddan), an interrupt (Countermanda), and an event (YellowAlert).

 Your opponent has Spock, Taitt, Christopher Hobson, Wormhole,Particle Fountain, Vekor, and Long-Range Scan.

Cardplay: Youreport Torinfor duty to your outpost.

When you play a personnel, ship or equipment card to your outpost,

you simply take the card and place it belowyour outpost (see page 9[13]) This symbolizes that the card is “at” the outpost.

Execute orders: YoubeamTorindownto Gault andattemptthe mission.

Beaming is an unlimited action — you may beamas much as youwant in a turn, “unless you are stopped.” In this case, you arebeaming Torin down to the planet (the outpost is located in space,orbiting the planet). To do this, simply take Torin and place himontop of the planet location.

 Torin attempts the mission and reveals the dilemma Archer. Thisdilemma says that an Away Teammember is killed unless SECURITYand MEDICAL are present. Since Torin possesses neither, he is killed

and goes to your discard pile. The dilemma says “Discard dilemma,”so it passes to your opponent’s discard pile. (It’s his dilemma —cards always go to their owner’s discard piles.)

Carddraw: Youdraw Vekor to endyour turn.


Cardplay: He reports Spock for duty to his outpost.

Execute orders: He elects to do nothing.

Carddraw: He draws a Runabout to endhis turn.


Cardplay: Youreport J’Ddanfor duty to your outpost.

Execute orders: Youelect to do nothing.

Carddraw: Youdraw Kle’egto endyour turn.For the next fewturns, you and your opponent simply alternatereporting personnel for duty at your outposts and drawing cards,without executing any orders.


Report Taitt for duty, draw Mendon.


Report Bi’Jik for duty, draw Divok.

page 3

per-turn rule areinterrupt anddoorway cards. These cards do not count as your normal card play. (These decks do not use

doorway cards.)

2. Execute orders. This may include loading, unloading, or moving ships; beaming personnel to planets or between ships;

attempting missions (including encountering dilemmas); and engaging in battle. These actions may take place in any order, aslong as the cards are not “stopped” fromperforming further actions (more on that later).

3. Draw one cardfromyour draw deck to your hand. This signals the end of your turn.

Star Trek™ Customizable Card Game™ Introductory Two-Player Sample Game

How canTorin attempt the 


He doesn’t have the skills to

complete it. This is a strategy known

as “red-shirting.” Asingle personnel

attempts a mission in order to

encounter, and if possible eliminate,

dilemmas. Even though the

personnel cannot complete andscore the mission (and in fact may

be killed or disabled by a dilemma),

he helps to clear the way for

personnel who do possess the

required skills. But it can be a

dangerous strategy, because a

single personnel may trigger a

dilemma with far-reaching and

unpleasant consequences.

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Report Christopher Hobsonfor duty, draw Taurik.


Report Kle’egfor duty, draw Vekma.


Report Taurik for duty, draw Spacedock.


CardPlay: Report Vekma for duty.

Execute orders: BeamVekma, Kle’eg, B’iJik, andJ’Ddandownto Gault andattemptthe mission.

 There are no dilemmas left, so you only need to satisfy the requirements on the Gault mission card.It requires Exobiology (J’Ddan), OFFICER (Bi’Jik), and Honor x2 (Vekma and Kle’eg). You slide themission card towards you (see picture, at right), and score 30 points!

Carddraw: Draw a K’Vort andendyour turn.


Report Vekor for duty, draw Montgomery Scott.


Report Dr. Farek for duty, draw Kromm.


Report Montgomery Scott for duty, draw another Wormhole.


Report the I.K.C. K’Vort to your outpost, draw Wormhole.

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Star Trek™ Customizable Card Game™ Introductory Two-Player Sample Game


Report a Runabout for duty, draw DarianWallace.


CardPlay: Play Yellow Alert.

 YellowAlert is an Event card. You decide to play that instead of a personnel or ship. The card says (amongother things), that all your personnel gain +1 CUNNING. You simply place the event somewhere on the tablein front of you, out of the way of your other cards and the spaceline. Event cards stay in play until someother card specifies that they be discarded. Note that you cannot simply discard an event if you feel like it.

Execute orders: BeamDr. Farek, Vekma, J’Ddan, Kle’eg, andBi’Jik to your K’Vort. Movethe K’Vort to Cargo Rendezvous.

 The K’Vort has a RANGEof 8. Look at the Spans on the bottomof the Mission cards you are traveling across.Survey Instability has a Span of 3, and Cargo Rendezvous also has a Span of 3. Since your ship has aRANGEof 8, you can travel to Cargo Rendezvous, which uses up 6 (3 +3) of your RANGE.

Beamdownyour Away Teamto Cargo Rendezvous andattempt the mission.

 You uncover the dilemma seeded under the mission — a dilemma you seeded yourself. The dilemma isFemale’s Love Interest. This dilemma selects one female at randomand moves her to the far end of thespaceline. Since the only female in your Away Teamis Vekma, she is selected and is transported to thefarthest planet — Gravesworld.

With the Female’s Love Interest gone (it said “Discard dilemma”), you check to see if you can still do themission. There are two sets of requirements for this mission, and you have to meet at least one of themtocomplete the mission. The first listed set requires an ENGINEER, which you don’t have. So, you look at thesecond set of requirements. You need Greed (supplied by Dr. Farek), Treachery (supplied by J’Ddan), and atotal CUNNINGof 32 or more. The CUNNINGnumbers printed on all your personnel cards totals 24. But, the

But Gravesworldisn’t your 

mission! It isn’t evena Klingon


 That’s alright. While Vekma can’t

attempt the mission (because it only

has a Federation icon), anyone can

 just beamdown to the planet. You

don’t have to attempt a mission

when you beamdown to the planet.

But Cargo Rendezvous isn’t 

your mission!

 That’s alright. As we mentioned in

the red-shirt box above, all you

need to attempt a mission is a

matching affiliation icon. SinceCargo Rendezvous has three

affiliation icons (Federation,

Romulan, and Klingon), your

Klingons can attempt the mission.

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 YellowAlert adds one to each personnel’s CUNNING, giving you a total of 28 — not quite enough! If youstill had Vekma in your Away Team, she would add 6 more CUNNING(5 on her card, +1 for the YellowAlert), for a total of 34! Curse that dilemma!

With nothing else to do on the planet, you beamyour Away Teamback up to the ship.

CardDraw: Youdraw Torinandendyour turn.


Cardplay: He reports Mendonfor duty at his outpost.

Execute orders: He beams everyone downto Cargo Rendezvous andattempts themission.

His Away Team, consisting of Mendon, Taitt, Spock, Montgomery Scott, Taurik, Vekor, and ChristopherHobson, beamdown to the planet. Since you already cleared away the dilemma, he can just meet themission requirements at no risk to himself. He chooses to satisfy the first set of requirements, which isENGINEER (Taurik or Scotty) +Physics (Mendon) +INTEGRITY >32 (he has a total of 44). He completes themission and slides it towards himself for 35 points.

Star Trek™ Customizable Card Game™ Introductory Two-Player Sample Game

Canhedo that? Healready 

dida missionthis turn.

He sure can. Until his personnel are

“stopped” (explained below), he

can continue to performactions with

his ship and crew.

 Your opponent plays the Interrupt Particle Fountain.Remember, an interrupt can be played between actions at any time during your turn or your opponent’sturn. It does not count as your card play. Just after completing the mission, your opponent chooses to playthe interrupt Particle Fountain, which says “If 2 ENGINEER present in Away Team, play particle fountain(maximumof one) on just completed planet mission for bonus points.” Scotty is a double ENGINEER himself,settling the requirement for 2 ENGINEER, so your opponent gets 5 bonus points.

Score: Opponent 40, you 30.

He beams everyone upto the Runabout andmoves to Survey Instability. He thenbeamseveryone downto the planet andattempts the mission.

He uncovers the dilemma. It’s Hidden Entrance, which requires Geordi La Forge (which he doesn’t have) ORENGINEER +CUNNING>32 (which he does have). He overcomes the dilemma and checks the missionrequirements. He has Geology (Taitt) and a total STRENGTH of 36 (he needs STRENGTH >35). He slides the

mission towards himand adds 25 points to his score.Score: Opponent 65, you 30.

He beams everyone upto the Runabout andreturns to the his outpost.

Carddraw: He draws Linda Larsonto endhis turn.


Cardplay: Report Krommto your outpost.

Execute Orders: Move the K’Vort back to your outpost andpick upKromm. Move theK’Vort to Homeward.

 The Span on Survey Instability is 3, on Gault is 2, and on Homeward is 3 (for a total of 8, which is equal tothe K’Vort’s RANGE).

Carddraw: Draw Batrell andendyour turn.


Cardplay: He reports DarianWallace to the outpost.

Execute Orders: He beams DarianWallace upto his Runabout andplays two Wormholecards.

Wormhole says: “Requires two wormholes. Play one on any ship just as it begins to move. Play the otherwhere the ship immediately emerges.” In effect, this pair of cards lets him“teleport” his ship to anylocation! He moves his ship to Homeward in this fashion.

He beams downthe Away Teamconsistingof Spock andDarianWallace andattempts themission.

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Star Trek™ Customizable Card Game™ Introductory Two-Player Sample Game

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Since the mission only requires two skills (Anthropology and Computer Skill), he decides to beamdown only two personnel to attempt the mission, leaving the rest on board the ship. The dilemma isMicrovirus, which says “Kills one Away Teammember (opponent’s choice), unless MEDICAL and

SECURITY present. Discard dilemma.” Since he doesn’t have SECURITY or MEDICAL, you choose oneof his personnel to be killed. You choose Darian Wallace.

 The remainder of the Away Team(which only consists of Spock) is now“stopped.” They cannotperformany more actions this turn.

 That should teach your opponent to attempt missions with his valuable personnel on the line! If hewould have attempted the mission with other personnel, leaving Spock and Darian Wallace on theship, he could have taken care of the dilemma and beamed down Spock and Darian Wallace tocomplete the mission.

Carddraw: He draws Gorta to endhis turn.


Cardplay: Youreport Batrell for duty.

Execute orders: BeamBatrell upto the K’Vort, move to the Homeward, andattack!

 You choose to initiate a battle between your K’Vort and his Runabout. Here are the steps in battle:

1. Both ships must be at the same location.

2. Any ship wishing to use its WEAPONSin battle must have a leader. Aleader is classified as any personnel with OFFICER classification or the skillof Leadership. B’iJik satisfies this requirement for you, and ChristopherHobson for your opponent. If either of you did not have a leader, then youwould not have been able to use your WEAPONSin the battle (explained instep #3).

3. Compare your WEAPONS(6) to your opponent’s SHIELDS(5). Since yourWEAPONSare greater than his SHIELDS, you damage his ship. He rotates it180 degrees to indicate the damage. If you would have had WEAPONSgreater than double his SHIELDS, you would have scored a direct hit,

destroying his ship.

4. Now, he compares his WEAPONS(5) to your SHIELDS(6). Since hisWEAPONSare less than your SHIELDS, his counterattack has no effect. Thisstep would occur even if his ship had been destroyed in step 3. All battle isconsidered to be simultaneous, so no ship has “first strike” in a battle.

Battle “stops” all cards involved in that battle (ships and personnel). So, you cannot domuch else this turn.

Carddraw: Youdraw a Wormhole (your second) to endyour turn.


Cardplay: He reports Linda Larsonto his outpost.

Execute orders: He beams Spock upandmoves the Runabout to Survey Instability.

A damaged ship only has a RANGEof 5, so that’s as far as he can go.Carddraw: He draws Calloway andends his turn.


Cardplay: Youreport Dukathat your outpost.

Execute orders: Move the K’Vort to your outpost, pick upDukath, andmove to A GoodPlace to Die. Beamdowneveryone andattempt the mission.

 You have enough RANGEon your K’Vort to accomplish this, moving fromHomeward to Gault (2 Span),back to Homeward (3 Span), then to A Good Place To Die (3 Span). The dilemma underneath the missionis Ferengi Attack, which requires the skill of Greed or a total STRENGTH +CUNNINGgreater than 68.

Why DarianWallace? Isn’t 

Spock better? 

In the long run, perhaps. But you

knowthat Darian Wallace is the

only personnel he has with

Anthropology (you’ve been paying

attention as he reports them). You

knowthat if you kill Spock (who

has Computer Skill), your opponent

could just use Christopher Hobson to

supply the Computer Skill. Without

the Anthropology Darian Wallace

provides, your opponent can’t

complete the mission. Paying

attention to all of your opponent’s

moves can be very valuable.

Stopped? What does that 


When personnel or ships are

stopped,they cannot performany

more actions on this turn. They

cannot beam, continue a mission

attempt, or initiate a battle. A

stopped ship cannot move. Typically,

cards become stopped in one of two

ways. If a dilemma has conditions

(such as “unless SECURITY andMEDICAL present”),and the Away

 Teamor crewdoes not overcome the

conditions, the Away Teamor crewis

stopped.(At a space mission, the

ship or outpost fromwhich the

mission was attempted is also

stopped.) The key word to look for

on a dilemma is “unless.” That

usually signals a condition. Also, any

participation in a battle stops all

cards involved in the battle. Stopped

cards become “unstopped” at the

beginning of the next turn.

If a ship is stopped, any personnel

on board are also stopped. If an

Away Teamis stopped, the ship they

beamed fromisnot stopped.

Also, note that earlier (on your Turn

8) you were not stopped when you

were simply unable to complete a


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Rather than take the time to add up your attributes, you simply look at Dr. Farek, who has Greed which overcomes the dilemma. You solve themission with Physics (Kromm) and a total STRENGTH of 44 (you needed STRENGTH >33). You beamback up to the K’Vort.

Score: Opponent 65, you 55.

Carddraw: Youdraw Where No One Has Gone Before.


Cardplay: He reports Calloway to his outpost.

Execute orders: He moves the Runabout to the outpost.

It will take a fewturns to repair the Runabout, so your opponent elects to wait for a bit.

Carddraw: He draws SimonTarses to endhis turn.


Cardplay: Youplay the event Where No One Has Gone Before.

Not impressed with your personnel, and wanting more versatility with your movement, you elect to play the event instead of a personnel. Like YellowAlert, this event simply plays on the table and grants you a special benefit — your ships can go off one end of the spaceline and reappearon the other!

Execute orders: Move to ReopenDig, beameveryone downandattempt the mission.

 The dilemma is Hunter Gangs. This instructs you torandomly select two personnel and “examine cardsseparately. Personnel escapes if CUNNINGis even, killed if odd.” The personnel selected are Batrell and Kromm.Batrell’s printed CUNNINGis 3, Kromm’s is 6.

But wait! The YellowAlert you have in play adds onetoyour personnel’s CUNNING! NowBatrell has a CUNNINGof 4 (he lives) and Krommhas a CUNNINGof 7 (he dies).Fortunately, you still have the Archaeology (Dukath) andtwo OFFICERs (Batrell and Bi’Jik) to complete the mission.Good thing Batrell survived! You beamyour personnel

back up to the K’Vort.Score: You 80, Opponent 65.

Draw Klagandendyour turn.


Cardplay: He plays Spacedock onhis outpost.

Normally, it takes two full turns to repair a ship at an outpost, but this event card immediately repairs his ship! Uh-oh!

Execute orders: He beams Linda LarsonandCalloway up, moves the Runabout to ReportedActivity, beams everyone down,andattempts the mission.

He’s trying to steal one of your missions! The dilemma he encounters is AnaphasicOrganism. This states that the female Away Teammember withthe highest total attributes resigns (is discarded) unless SECURITY and MEDICAL present. He has no SECURITY present! Another good reason toselect Darian Wallace over Spock several turns ago!

 The female with the highest total attributes is Taitt. She goes to the discard pile and his Away Teamis “stopped,” because he did not overcome thedilemma (note that it says “unless”). However, his Away Teamstill has ENGINEER x2 and Navigation, so he can complete the mission, gain 35points, and win the game — next turn!

Carddraw: He draws the U.S.S. Nebula to endhis turn.


 You better act — fast!

Cardplay: Youreport Klagto your outpost.

 You’ve got a plan, and it doesn’t depend on you reporting any particular cards for duty. However, it’s always a good idea to play a card anyway, just in case something goes wrong.

Star Trek™ Customizable Card Game™ Introductory Two-Player Sample Game

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page 8

Execute orders: Youmove the K’Vort to GravesworldandbeamupVekma.

Remember Vekma? She was hit with a Love Interest a long time ago and was just sitting on Gravesworld. You’ll need her for what

you’ve got in store!

 Youstart to move your shipagain, but insteadplay two Wormhole interrupts.

Right back at him! You play your Wormholes in the same fashion he did earlier, moving your ship to Distress Mission.

 Youbeameveryone downto Distress Missionandattempt it.

 The dilemma is Male’s Love Interest — not another Love Interest! This time the randomselection falls upon Dr. Farek, who runs off to thatromanticgetaway known as Gravesworld.

Fortunately, you still have Honor x3 (Vekma, Batrell, and Kle’eg) and yourtotal STRENGTH is 39, which is greater than the 36 you need. The mission isworth 35 points, bringing your total to 115 — you win!

A final look at the game:

Star Trek™ Customizable Card Game™ Introductory Two-Player Sample Game

Star Trek and all related elements TM, ® & © 19 97 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved. Game packaging and contents TM & © 19 97 Decipher, Inc. Customizable Card Game, Expand your powerin the universe and The art of great games are trademarks of Decipher Inc. All Rights Reserved.