1.Describing Syntax and Semantics.pptx

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  • 7/21/2019 1.Describing Syntax and Semantics.pptx


    Describing Syntax and Semantics

    Introduction The General Problem of Describing


    Formal Methods of Describing Syntax Attribute Grammars

    Describing the Meanings of

    Programs: Dynamic Semantics

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    Describing Syntax andSemantics

    Syntax the form or structure of the expressions statements and

    program units

    describes ho! programs "loo#": their form and structure

    Semantics the meaning of the expressions statements and

    program units

    !hich describes !hat language constructs "do"

    $xample: For example the syntax of a %a&a !hile statement


    while (boolean_expr) statement

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    The semantics of this statement formis that !hen the current &alue of the'oolean expression is true the

    embedded statement is executed( )ther!ise control continues after

    the !hile construct( Then control

    implicitly returns to the 'ooleanexpression to repeat the process(

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    Steps in a compiler:

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    'oth lexical analysis and syntactic analysis deal !ith syntax

    !hy separate them in t!o steps in the compiler*

    + $,ciency:

    + design of the lexer is based on a -nite state automaton

    !hile the parser is a pushdo!n automaton !hich is morecomplex

    + for a non+optimi.ing compiler about /01 of compile timeis spent in the lexer

    + 2istory:

    + prior to AS3II computers had their o!n character sets+ still di4erent character sets today actually

    + it used to be hat the end+of+line character !as &ery )5Sdependent

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    6ho must use language de-nitions*7( )ther language designers

    8( Implementers

    9( Programmers the users of thelanguage;

    A sentence is a string of characters

    o&er some


    A language is a set of sentences

    The General Problem of DescribingSyntax

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    A lexeme is the lo!est le&el syntactic unit of a language e(g( " sum begin;

    A to#en is a category of lexemes e(g( identi-er;


    index < 8 " count = 7/>

    The lexemes and to#ens of this statement are

    Lexemes Tokens

    index identi-er

    < e?ual@sign

    8 int@literal" mult@op

    3ount identi-er

    = plus@op

    7/ int@literal

    > semicolon

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    Formal approaches to describing syntax:

    1. ecogni!ers " used in compilers

    Suppose !e ha&e a language that uses an alphabet B ofcharacters(

    To de-ne formally using the recognition method !e !ouldneed to construct a mechanism C called a recognitionde&ice capable of reading strings of characters from thealphabet B(

    C !ould indicate !hether a gi&en input string !as or !asnot in

    The syntax analysis part of a compiler is a recogni.er forthe language the compiler translates(

    The recogni.er need not test all possible strings ofcharacters from some set to determine !hether each is inthe language it need only determine !hether gi&enprograms are in the language(

    The syntax analy.er then determines !hether the gi&en

    programs are syntactically correct( The structure of syntax analy.ers also #no!n as parsers

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    #. $enerators A language generator is a de&ice that

    can be used to generate the

    sentences of a language(

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    Formal %ethods o& DescribingSyntax

    discusses the formal language+

    generation mechanisms calledgrammars that are commonly usedto describe the syntax of

    programming languages

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    'ontext"Free $rammars De&eloped by oam 3homs#y in the


    anguage generators meant todescribe the syntax of naturallanguages

    De-ne a class of languages calledcontext+free languages

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    3ontext+Free Grammar

    In linguistics and computer science a context+freegrammar 3FG; is a formal grammar in !hich e&eryproduction rule is of the form


    !here is a Hnon+terminal symbol and ! is a Hstringconsisting of terminals and5or non+terminals(

    The term Jcontext+freeJ expresses the fact that the non+terminal can al!ays be replaced by ! regardless of

    the context in !hich it occurs(

    A formal language is context+free if there is a context+free grammar that generates it(

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    context+&ree grammar'F$;

    Is a set of recursi&e re!riting rules or productions; used togenerate patterns of strings(

    A 'F$consists of the follo!ing components:

    a set of terminalsymbols !hich are the characters of thealphabet that appear in the strings generated by thegrammar( K 7L

    a set of nonterminal symbols !hich are placeholders forpatterns of terminal symbols that can be generated by thenonterminal symbols( K? fL

    a set ofproductions!hich are rules for replacing orre!riting; nonterminal symbols on the left side of theproduction; in a string !ith other nonterminal or terminalsymbols on the right side of the production;(

    a start symbol !hich is a special nonterminal symbol that

    appears in the initial string generated by the grammar(

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    The syntax of !hole programminglanguages !ith minor exceptionscan be described by context+free


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    *ac+us ,ormal Form (1--) In&ented by %ohn 'ac#us to describe Algol


    'F is e?ui&alent to context+free grammars

    'F is a meta+language( A meta+languageis a language used to describe anotherlanguage(

    In 'F abstractions are used to representclasses of syntactic structures+they act li#esyntactic &ariables also called non+terminalsymbols;

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    A 'F descriptionor grammar is acollection of rules consists terminalsand non terminals

    e(g(N!hile@stmtO +O !hile Nlogic@exprOdo NstmtO

    This is a rule> it describes thestructure of a !hile statement

    Nif@stmtO if Nlogic@exprO ;


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    A rule has a left+hand side 2S; and aright+hand side C2S; and consists ofterminal and nonterminal symbols

    A grammar is a -nite nonempty set of rules

    An abstraction or nonterminal symbol; canha&e more than one C2S

    NstmtO +O Nsingle@stmtO

    Q begin Nstmt@listO end Syntactic lists

    described in 'F using recursion

    Nident@listO +O identQ ident Nident@listO

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    A grammaris a generati&e de&ice forde-ning languages(

    The sentences of the language are

    generated through a se?uence ofapplications of the rules beginning !itha special nonterminal of the grammarcalled the start symbol(

    A deri&ationis a repeated application ofrules starting !ith the start symbol andending !ith a sentence all terminal


    Grammars and Deri&ations

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    In a grammar for a complete programminglanguage the start symbol represents a

    complete program and is often namedNprogramO(

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    Deri&ation of a program

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    This deri&ation begins !ith the start symbol in this caseNprogramO( The symbol

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    A parse tree is a hierarchicalrepresentation of a deri&ation

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    )perator Precedence

    2o! to remo&e the ambiguity* 'y enforcing 0perator precedence

    )perator !ith igher precedence

    should be placed lower in the the tree

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    Separate rules for di4erent


    nambiguous grammar produces a uni2ue parse tree 'ut a single parse tree can ha&e di3erent deri/ations

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    eftmost deri&ation


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    Cightmost deri&ation


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    'oth of these deri&ations are represented by the sameparse tree(

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    Associati&ity of )perators

    eft Associati&ity 4e&t recursi/e grammar rule

    e(g a=b=c < a=b;=c

    e(g( A < ' = 3 = A

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    Cight Associati&ity: ight recursi/egrammar rule e(g( a=b=c < a=b=c;

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    6hat languages do

    SmallTal#: no operator precedence

    AP: right+associati&ity !ith no operator precedence

    + Programmers typically add parentheses !hen things aredi,cult to read

    if a N x N b; e?ui&( if a N x; N b; Ureturns 7 if b O< 7V

    For languages li#e 3 3== and %a&a the number ofprecedence le&els and operators ma#es the grammar huge

    + this ma#es the parse &ery slo!

    + a possibility is to not JencodeJ anyprecedence5associati&ity in the grammar but Wust ha&e atable that says !hat these things are %a&a 3;

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    The syntax graph and $'Fdescriptions of the Ada ifstatement

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    Three extensions are commonlyincluded in the &arious &ersions of$'F(

    The -rst of these denotes an optionalpart of an C2S !hich is delimited bybrac#ets( For example a 3 if+else

    statement can be described as Nif@stmtO if NexpressionO;

    NstatementO UelseNstatementOV

    5xtended *,F

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    The second extension is the use ofbraces in an C2S to indicate that theenclosed part can be

    Nident@listO Nidenti-erO KNidenti-erOL

    This is a replacement of the recursion

    by a form of implied iteration> thepart enclosed !ithin braces can beiterated any number of timesrepeated inde-nitely or left outalto ether

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    The third common extension deals !ithmultiple+choice options(

    6hen a single element must be chosenfrom a group the options are placed inparentheses and separated by the )Coperator Q(

    For example

    NtermO NtermO " Q 5 Q 1; NfactorO

    In 'F a description of this NtermO !ould

    re?uire the follo!ing three rules: NtermO NtermO " NfactorO

    Q NtermO 5 NfactorO

    Q NtermO 1 NfactorO

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    Syntax in isp*

    + o expressions in ISP but functionapplicationsY

    + $&erything is parenthesi.ed(

    + o associati&ity o operator precedence(

    + 3ompare !ith the 80 pages of the %a&a manual

    + ThisZs also !hy !riting a ISP interpreter is not&ery di,cult

    + !rite a pure %a&a interpreter !ould beextremely di,cult

    + !riting a byte code interpreter is not that hard

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    Static semantics +

    IntroductionThere are some characteristics of the structure of

    programming languages that are di,cult todescribe !ith 'F and some that are impossible(

    In %a&a for example a [oating+point &alue cannotbe assigned to an integer type &ariable althoughthe opposite is legal(

    If all of the typing rules of %a&a !ere speci-ed in

    'F the grammar !ould become too large to beuseful because the si.e of the grammardetermines the si.e of the syntax analy.er(

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    The static semantics of a language is onlyindirectly related to the meaning of programsduring execution> rather it has to do !ith thelegal forms of programs syntax rather thansemantics;(

    Static semantics is so named because theanalysis re?uired to chec# these speci-cationscan be done at compile time(

    'ecause of the problems of describing staticsemantics !ith 'F a &ariety of more po!erfulmechanisms has been de&ised for that tas#(

    )ne such mechanism attribute grammars !asdesigned by \nuth 7E]a; to describe both thesyntax and the static semantics of programs(

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    Attribute grammars are a formal approach both to describing

    and chec#ing the correctness of the

    static semantics rules of a program( Dynamic semantics

    !hich is the meaning of expressions

    statements and program units

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    *asic concepts

    Attributes6 !hich are associated !ithgrammar symbols the terminal and non+terminal symbols; are similar to &ariables inthe sense that they can ha&e &alues assigned

    to them( Attribute computation &unctions6

    sometimes called semantic functions areassociated !ith grammar rules( They are used

    to specify ho! attribute &alues are computed( 7redicate &unctions6 !hich state the static

    semantic rules of the language are associated!ith grammar rules to chec# for attribute


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    An attribute grammar is a context+freegrammar G < S T P; !ith thefollo!ing additions:

    7( For each grammar symbol x there is aset Ax;of attribute &alues

    The set A^; consists of t!o disWoint sets S^;and I^; called synthesi.ed and inherited

    attributes respecti&ely( Synthesi!ed attributes are used to pass

    semantic information up a parse tree

    inherited attributes pass semantic

    information do!n and across a tree(

    Attribute $rammars De8ned

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    8( $ach rule has a set of functions that de-necertain attributes of the non+terminals in the rule

    . For a rule ^ ^7 ((( ^n

    Semantic functions of the form S^; < fA^7; (((A^n;; 3ompute Synthesi!ed attributes from child nodes;

    Semantic functions of the form I^W; < fA^; ((( A^n;; for I N< W N< n

    3ompute 9nherited attributes from parent or siblings;

    . 7redicate &unctions

    . 'oolean expressions on the attribute setKA^; ((( A^n;L

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    Intrinsic attributes

    9ntrinsic attributes are synthesi.edattributes of leaf nodes !hose &aluesare determined outside the parse


    $ amples of attribute

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    The string attribute of Nproc@nameO denoted by Nproc@nameO(stringis the actual string of characters that !ere found immediately follo!ingthe reser&ed !ord procedure by the compiler(

    Syntax rule:

    Nproc@defO procedure Nproc@nameOU7V Nproc@bodyO end



    the predicate rule states that the name string attribute of theNproc@nameO nonterminal in the subprogram header must match thename string attribute of the Nproc@nameO nonterminal follo!ing theend of the subprogram


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    The attributes for the nonterminals in theexample attribute grammar are describedin the follo!ing paragraphs:

    actual_typeA synthesized attributeassociated with the nonterminals

    and NexprO( It is used to store the actualtype int or real of a &ariable or expression(

    expected_typeAn inherited attributeassociated with the nonterminal NexprO( It

    is used to store the type either int or realthat is expected for the expression asdetermined by the type of the &ariable onthe left side of the assignment statement(

    $xamples of attribute

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    $xamples of attributegrammars

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    + only t!o types: int and real int = int is an int

    int = real is a real real = real is a real

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    A parse tree of the sentence A < A =


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    3omputing Attribute alues

    called decorating the parse tree

    If all attributes !ere inherited thiscould proceed in a completely top+

    do!n order from the root to thelea&es(

    If all the attributes !ere synthesi.ed

    it could proceed in a completelybottom+up order from the lea&es tothe root

    The follo!ing is an e&aluation of the attributes

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    The follo!ing is an e&aluation of the attributesin an order in !hich it is possible to computethem:

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    3hec#ing the static semantic rules of a language is an

    essential part of all compilers( $&en if a compiler !riter has ne&er heard of an attribute

    grammar it is necessary to use fundamental ideas todesign the chec#s of static semantics rules of the compiler(

    )ne of the main di,culties in using an attribute grammar

    to describe all of the syntax and static semantics of a realcontemporary programming language is the si.e andcomplexity of the attribute grammar(

    The large number of attributes and semantic rules re?uiredfor a complete programming language ma#e such

    grammars di,cult to !rite and read( the attribute &alues on a large parse tree are costly to


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    There is no single !idely acceptable notation or formalism fordescribing semantics

    Semantics description tool is useful for: 'etter understanding the statements of a language

    De&eloping more e4ecti&e compiler

    Program correctness proofs

    ;hree approaches 0perational



    0perational Semantics Describe the meaning of a program by executing its statements on a machine

    either simulated or actual(

    The change in the state of the machine memory registers etc(; de-nes themeaning of the statement

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    natural operational semantics

    At the highest le&el the interest is in the-nal result of the execution of acomplete program(

    structural operational semantics At the lo!est le&el operational

    semantics can be used to determine the

    precise meaning of a program throughan examination of the completese?uence of state changes that occur!hen the program is executed(

    ' i P

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    'asic Process language is clarity

    to design an appropriate intermediate language $&ery construct of the intermediate language must

    ha&e an ob&ious and unambiguous meaning(

    If the natural operational semantics is used a

    &irtual machine an interpreter; must beconstructed for the intermediate language(The &irtual machine can be used to execute either

    single statements code segments or !hole programs(

    The semantics description can be used !ithout a&irtual machine if the meaning of a single statement isall that is re?uired(

    If structural operational semantics is used theintermediate code can be &isually inspected(

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    semantics of the 3 &or construct $xample

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    Good if used informally language manuals etc(;

    $xtremely complex if used formally e(g( iennaDe-nition anguage + D; it !as used fordescribing semantics of P5I P5I stands for

    JProgramming anguage 7J( P5I !as anantecedent of the 3programming language!hich essentially replaced it as an all+purposeserious programming language;(

    seful for language users and implementors 'ased on algorithms rather than mathematics

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    It is an approach of formali.ing themeanings of programming languagesby constructing mathematical

    obWects called denotations; thatdescribe the meanings ofexpressions from the languages

    The method is named denotationalbecause the mathematical objectsdenote the meaning o theircorresponding syntactic entities(

    Denotational semantics

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    'uilding Denotational speci8cation fora language: De-ne a ,umber for each grammar symbol

    De-ne a &unction !hich con&erts:

    Grammar symbol +O corresponding numbers

    Denotational /s operational

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    Denotational /s operationalsemantics

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    The mapping functions of a denotationalsemantics programming languagespeci-cation li#e all functions in

    mathematics ha&e a domain and a range(The domainis the collection of &alues that are

    legitimate parameters to the function it iscalled the syntactic domain

    the rangeis the collection of obWects to !hichthe parameters are mapped it is called thesemantic domain(

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    6e !ant to associate a semantic to each 'F

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    6e !ant to associate a semantic to each 'Fproduction

    6e de-ne a function M@bin that maps the

    syntactic obWects in the grammar rules to theobWects in the set of non negati&e integers(

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    ;he state o& a program

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    ;he state o& a program )perational semantics:

    ;he change in the state of the machine Memory registers etc(

    The state change is de-ned by coded algorithms Denotational semantics:

    ;he change in the /alues o& the program

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    5xpressions Semantic function: maps expressions to

    integer &alue or error;

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    Assignment Statements Semantic function: maps state to state

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    4ogical 7retest 4oops Semantic function: maps state to state

    $xisting functions Mb: maps boolean expression to boolean

    &alues true false undef;

    Msl: maps statement lists to states

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    5/aluation o& denotational

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    5/aluation o& denotationalsemantics:

    6hen a complete system has been de-nedfor a gi&en language it can be used todetermine the meaning of completeprograms in that language( i(e; Pro&ides arigorous !ay to analy.e programs

    3an be used to pro&e the correctness ofprograms

    3an be an aid to language design andcompiler generation

    'ut too complex for language users

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    A i ti S ti

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    Axiomatic semanticsis an approachbased on mathematical logicto pro&ingthe correctness of computer programs

    Goal: program correctness proo&(i.e) Cather than directly specifying themeaning of a program axiomatic semanticsspeci-es !hat can be pro&en about theprogram(

    Axiomatic Semantics

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    In axiomatic semantics there is no model of thestate of a machine or program or model of statechanges that ta#e place !hen the program isexecuted(

    The meaning of a program is based onrelationships among program &ariables andconstants !hich are the same for e&eryexecution of the program(

    Axiomatic semantics has t!o distinctapplications: program &eri-cation

    program semantics speci-cation(

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    Approach Specify constraints for each statement

    by logical expressions called assertions (orpredicate)

    7re"condition: an assertion be&ore a statement

    Describes the constraints on the &ariables at thatpoint

    7ost"condition: an assertion &ollowing a statement

    Describes the ne! constraints on those &ariables

    = + t diti

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    =ea+est precondition:

    The least restricti/e precondition that !illguarantee the postcondition(

    Pre+post form otation: KPL S K`L

    S:program statement

    P:constraints on &ariables '$F)C$ statementexecution called a JpreconditionJ

    `: constraints on &ariables AFT$C statementexecution called a JpostconditionJ

    5xample: a < b = 7 Ka O 7L )ne possible precondition: Kb O 7L

    6ea#est precondition: Kb O L

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    An in&erence rule is a method of inferring the truth of oneassertion on the basis of the &alues of other assertions( Thegeneral form of an inference rule is as follo!s:

    This rule states that if S7 S8 ( ( ( and Sn are true thenthe truth of S can be inferred(

    The top part of an inference rule is called its antecedent>

    the bottom part is called its conse2uent(

    An axiomis a logical statement that is assumed to be true(Therefore an axiom is an inference rule !ithout anantecedent(

    P f 7 &

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    Process of 7rogram proo&

    Assignment Statements

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    et Jx ?x"@5 or ?x"@5B x > 5 ?B P is computed as ` in !hich all occurrences of x

    ha&e been replaced by $

    + $xample:

    a < b 5 8 + 7 Ka N 7L

    the !ea#est precondition is: P < K b 5 8 + 7N 7L !hich reduces to Kb N 88L(

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    The usual notation for specifying theaxiomatic semantics of a gi&en statementform is

    KPLSK`L !here P is the precondition ` is the

    postcondition and S is the statement form(

    In the case of the assignment statement

    the notation is

    e(g( Pro&e the correctness of Kx O 9L x < x + 9

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    K x O L

    Ans!er: Kx X 9 O L Kx O 9L thus TC$

    e(g( 2o! about x @ B x < x + 9 K x O L *Since Kx O 0L Kx O 9L it is still TC$

    the rule of conse?uence says that a postconditioncan al!ays be !ea#ened and a precondition canal!ays be strengthened(


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    Se?uences The !ea#est precondition for a se?uence of

    statements cannot be described by an axiombecause the precondition depends on the particular#inds of statements in the se?uence(

    So the precondition can only be described !ith aninference rule(

    et S7 and S8 be adWacent program statements( If S7and S8 ha&e the follo!ing pre+ and post+conditions

    Th i f l t t th t t t

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    The inference rule states that to getthe se?uence precondition the

    precondition of the second statementis computed(

    This ne! assertion is then used as

    the postcondition of the -rststatement !hich can then be usedto compute the precondition of the

    -rst statement !hich is also theprecondition of the !hole se?uence(

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    ogical Pretest oops

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    ogical Pretest oops

    3omputing the !ea#est precondition for a while loop isinherently more di,cult than for a se?uence because thenumber of iterations cannot al!ays be predetermined(

    6hen the number of iterations is #no!n the loop can beunrolled and treated as a se?uence(

    The principal step in induction is -nding an inducti&ehypothesis(

    The corresponding step in the axiomatic semantics of awhile loop is -nding an assertion called a loop in/ariant(loop in&ariant is a condition that is necessarily trueimmediately before and immediately after each iterationof a loop) !hich is crucial to -nding the !ea#estprecondition(

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    loop in&ariant 3haracteristics

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    loop in&ariant 3haracteristics


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    To -nd I the loop postcondition ` is used to

    compute preconditions for se&eral di4erentnumbers of iterations of the loop body

    In general !ea#est precondition is gi&en by!pstatement postcondition; < precondition

    A !p function is often called a predicate

    trans&ormer because it ta#es a predicate orassertion as a parameter and returns anotherpredicate(


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    p while y NO x do y < y = 7 end Ky < xL

    ote: e?ual sign

    outside assertions it means the assignment operator(

    For .ero iterations

    Ky < xL

    For one iteration it is

    !py < y = 7 Ky < xL; < Ky = 7 < xL or Ky

    < x + 7L For t!o iterations it is

    !py < y = 7 Ky < x + 7L;

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    6e must ensure that our choice satis-esthe four criteria for I for our example loop(

    7( P < I P

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    9( It must be true that KI and not ';L

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    If loop termination can be sho!n theaxiomatic description of the loop iscalled total correctness(

    If the other conditions can be metbut termination is not guaranteed itis called partial correctness(

    Program Proofs

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    Program Proofs

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    De&eloping axioms or inference rules forall of the statements in a language isdi,cult

    It is a good tool for correctness proofsand an excellent frame!or# for reasoningabout programs but it is not as useful forlanguage users and compiler !riters

    Its usefulness in describing the meaningof a programming language is limited forlanguage users or compiler !riters

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    $&aluation of axiomatic semantics: It is hard to de&elop axioms or

    inference rules

    for all of the statements in alanguage

    ice tool for correctness proofs

    'ut not for language users andcompiler !riters


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