1B0N WORKS1 Wmm1 - Library of Congress · .i 11 i I. i 11 - . ' * r y ' I- BYW.A.LEEANDHUGHWILSON....

. i 11 i I ~ : - . ^ ^ ^ ." | . " ' . i 11 - . - '' > . ' * r y ' I- , ' *"! ~~7~.- *- ,|J - BY W. A. LEE AND HUGH WILSON. ABBEVILLE, S. C., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4; 1870. VOLUME XYljttfeNO. 28. The Waving Banner of Healtl HEIjSTITSH'S UUflEN'S, DELIGHT A GREAT AND GOOD MEDICINE. Heiniteh's. Queen's Delight The New Theory of Health. . The Ufa of all Flesh is Blood.The Health of all Life is Purity of FJe*b.Without purity of Blood no Flesh can bo Y. ' free ft om Disease. HEMTSffS QUEEN'S DELIGHT, An antidote of Disease. Tbe Great American Alterative and Bloo< /Purifier, For the cure of nil those Diseases whieli iuhj l»e traeed to a vitiated condition of the Blood. The theory is that Blood is the Life o of all FMi/aod if tmpure, the Life of al T > »T*»ulth is oulv to b< ui^eose. juhc nuu . . luainuined by the circuii.^uo of pure arterial liiood. Sucli as Scrofula, J{beumat*<w, Hepatu Disorder#, Iiifi«iii*tiou9, Ft*vei?f Livei Complaint, Consumption, King's fvil Carbuncles Boils, Itching Hum^r of tbt »"5kiiif Erjreipdas, Skin Diseases, Teller liougiinesb of the 8kin«, Pimple, Blolci."?s l'uio iu the Bouep,old Ulcer?, Syphilis auo Syphilitic Sort*, IudijjeMi««n, IiiflnniinaHoi of tie BladJer and K'dueys, Pains in (i>e Hack, Genera) Debility, and for ail complaints arising froto deficiency and poverty of blood. Hieoitsh'fi Queen's Delight Ib tie Wonder of Modern Science. No medicine lias attained aocil a wurlJwide reputation as tbis justly celebrated V;. 5 COMPOUND It» e'xtraordidary healing powers are at: t«ct«d to by thousands, and every mail ic v reigluad wilb letters bearing testimony to it excellent character and worth as a med cine Orders are coming in from alt quarters, and all bear uutuUukable evidence of i.s great popularity. Be 6ure and ask for . M « % * Hxisit&u'b Queen's Delight." auq . im ibal Li* oaaie is oo it. v Look out aud avoid ba«e imitations. Wholesale Agpnt-», - J, FISHER k IJEINITSH, CuJumbia, S. C. . For tale by all Droggi6tB. u ; OcUber 29, I8<59, 27.ly. - Jfc&BERT WOOD & CO., ^ ' PHILADELPHIA OmSEML IRON WORKS. ~ " ARDEK and C«ne»ery adornment, Cast, \J Wr'light Iron eud Wire Ruiintre, Fountain*, Vmpj, Verandas, Settees, Ai bure, Chairs, Suiaaier Houses, IRON STAIRS: Spiral and straight, io every vsriety of patt«ri« New aod iwprovrd styles of H«yjK<«irkf Matters, Stable Fixtures, Stall Divisions, Ac. PATENT WIRE WOIIK. Bailings, Stsre "Fronts, Door and Window Guard», Farm Fencing, £c. BROffZE "WORK. Faring fitted up our Foundry with fpecial reference to above class of wort, *e aTe now f>repar«d to fil} with promptness all orders far feronxe Castings of Statu a rj', -colossal, heroic, Had life size. ORKAMEKTAL IRQST GOODS. The largest assortment to found in the Veiled States, all of which are executed with liie expreea view of pleading the taete, whilo ibey comWae all tba requisites of beauty and aulAtami&I construction. 'r, Puicbaaers may rely on huving aU arti~ 4, .vJ) ar^A oliinm>H Jtn tll£ T>lact* CIO VAI ClUltJ «U« - r of J«f linatioQ. De*igus wilt be seat ta -tlioao who wish to «Mke election. - M*y 2n, 1870. 4.6m. J Y&M' ADE on Cottoo Shipped by lie un1*1 defined to fi^re.SLOAN & SIGINIOUS, Charleston «. W. C. COURTNEY k Co., * nmnvTrtAr if t. /\A a "* "J UE..N flULi.M <C 41 D. J. FOLY BRO. & CO-, Bait. smith, DUNNING <fe WOODWARD.-New Yort. « AUSTELL,' 1NMAN <fe co, N. Y. « hopkins; dwight & trowBRIDGrE, New York, And others not mentioned. Norwood, DuPre & Co. SepL 8, 1870, 20, tf Greenville and Columbia Rail- road. mmmm§mm Genekal Superintendent's Ojtice, Columbia. S. C., July 25, 1S70. ON" and after MONDAY, August fut, the following Schedule will be run daily, Sut day excepted, connecting with Night Trains on South Carolina Road, up and down, and will) Hight Train on Charlotte, Columbia andAueu»U &o*d going South : ~ " UP. Lrare Columbia, ^ 8.15 a m 44"" Alston : 93^ a rn " Newberry,. ,11.03 am JLrrire Abbeville, 3.00 p m " Auderson. 4.30 p m 44 Greenville, 6.tf0 p m DOWN. 'XiliT* Greenville, ' 7O0ara * AnJet-son, T 30 a m * Alibeville, 9-r©» m ** Jsewbory, 12.47 «. m " Alston, 2 30 am Arm* Columbia.»3.46 a m JOHN n. MORE, '*T 4 *:tt* General1£npWntedent. ^~ < Kinsman & Howell\ Factors' andF Qommiision Merchants. ' IsiberalAdvctncesmade on Cotton and Nqyal Stores* v-' CAarkston, S»C. .* .:~P I CONGAREE 1B0N WORKS1 Oolum'toia, IB. O. .~ 11 ( re[ Proprietor. |au rI'g Co ttt: : SUGAR CANE'MILLS, f LIST OF PEICES, ' 3 Rollers 14 incbes diameter $85,00 gre |J " 12 « $75,00 tliir J.;{ " 10 « $05,00 ticli - ' " tf./?- nn I 2 '* " ¥UU,VU aci* 2 * J2 ** . * *50,00 2_ «;i .10 u $40,00 Above prices compTflto with frame. ^ Without frame $10,00 on each Mill- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ SEVENTY GALLON BOIL- «7 ' Fo. EE $20,00 w Delivered at the Railroad Depot in | ttiia city. purc Steam Engine, Boilers, Cotton Presses, ^J0r Grist and Saw Uill Gearing of all kinds to order. Iron and Brass Castings, on a.^ bort notice and most rcaeanablo terms. w'1'' W»i Giu Gearing constantly on hand of the . J following sizes. , 'J expt 9 f*et wbeel and pinion $30.00 p°uii 10 41 u u "32.50 11° a 11 M M " M 35.00 v 12 " u u " 'M5 00 T 14 " " " " "50.00 Mill With BoltB $0 50. Extra for each Ret. l',e Autifrictioa platea and Balls for Cotrj Pre«B $10.00 «nd $12.00, per Ret. ^ K. B. Terms Cash on delivery, at R. uc R. here. c!."" vidt JOEIT ElfEIGHT, Ag't, ^ Abbeville C. H. fli loin A _lf AT, 1U«V% T Mt W. T. PENNEY, 1 Druggist, ® . ABBEVILLE, S. C., f Hub constantly on Land a complete Pli( stock of for I and 33 2.u.g-s AND MEDICINES, 31 - if vc Of every description at *.* " four At the Lowest Prices ac!< 0118 F O H CASH, *ffe< that Oct, 7,18« 0, 24, tf will mor TO T/RASfi- X \J JJJL1 !.(. KJ XJI o-»-o> MY VALUABLE . FSatwood . - . rr Fiantation,111 Comtii of 2,700 Acres. in TniS is one of the most valuable Plantations in Abbeville which I will Lease in parts or iu the whole. Call on me at my place near Abbe- Loi ville C. H. w it JOHN A. CALHOUN. ch' Sept 23,1870, 22-tf t Estate of Sarah Winn, M , . . Settlement Nov. 8th, 1870. ALL Persons indebted to the Estate are .m urged to prompt payment; tbose having demands against it uiu9t present them Jfc before tbe above date or be barred. J. H. WIDEMAN, Executor. A Sspfi. 9, 1870, 23, St " . - she At the Furniture Store, ?e] tha Large German Plate Looking Glasses i A lot .of German Glass Plates to Fill Old Frames. I ":T March 25, 1870,,48-tf I GREAT SOUTHERN IPROMENT IN FKHCDfCr. Saves its Cost in Land saved, and Facility of Cleaning. 1REAT saving of timber can be made of anytbingtbat will not break of own weight A rat may get tbrougli and a squirrel may climb over but all ier animals may stay out. The wind ti not blow it down, needs very little >air, and the timber will last longer than any other known feDce. The subscriber gent for Abbeville County and will sell hts for plantations and for townships, me up on Sale Day aud for further parLiars in regard to P. Davis' Improved teat Wire and Picket Fence, apply to .T W TTTOMAS. Agent Abbeville, S. C. ALSO, TEE GREAT imily Knitting Machine. II be exhibited at Mr. Brazeale's. This L-hine speaks for itself, and is destined evolutionize honsehold industry. "We not wish to abuse the time honored dies, but mnst say that even for ordiy use their day is at an end. This of « ./! /.Unn inir&ntiAn l/nlU AVAfV aw auu lufvuvivu nuiw w.v.j »g. Specimens of manufactured area exhibited. Call and see for youres. J. W, THOMAS, Agent. Abbeville, S. C. Lpril 15, 1870, 51.tf JVO/UU* «/ Hutchison's rmerly the "Donald Mill." BE MILL, long And favorably known as the "DONALD MILL," has been :hased by us. and we Lave repaired it oufflilv.putting in a near and splendid JTl'ER (the finest that is in U6e). i'EW BOLTING CLOTH, together NEW MACHINERY, from the terwlieol to the garret. . his work has been done in a Bubs(an and workmanlike nmnner by the most rrienced and skillful Millwrights in the itry; and we believe the Mill now to be better condition than it- ever was in almieet days. lie old Frieuds and Customers of the are re«pertfully invited to return to Mill that in days "lang syne"' served i 60 wpII and faithfully. IR. HUTCHISON, who ha8 bad h experience as Miller, will Lave ge of the Mill, and will give his oudid attention to the wants of their cusers. Respectfully, JAS. EVANS, THOS. HUTCHISON. illy 29, 1870, 13, 4m mproved Cotton Gins. | sLENDEK'S PATENT. HE subscriber purchased two years hCO. MrLENDEN'S TATENT IM)VEMENT TO COTTON GINS, '* i* * « Ml. f .lie iJoutuieS oi ADoevuie, xwgeueni, Newberry; and id that time has sold y of tliem, and to the entire salisfaoof hip patron9. The improvement is ied to the old gin at a (rifling expense; with these material advantages.that ill enable the Gin to gin from onfith to ODe-third more, and to produce janer and better lint, lie fins numercertificates from cotton planters to this :t, and also from colton buyers, stating the cotton from this Improved Gin command from one to one-a.half cents e per pound. Agents will be sent out, the pubiio palrouage is solicited in r behalf. Reliable agents wanted. E. F. PARKER. 'alhoun's Mills, Augujt 12, 1870, 16,tf sure Your Property, IX THE VSRPOOL & LONDON <3-LOBE surance Company. Assets in Goli, $17,080,000,00 iscs adjusted promptly and paid hout deduction at tho agency in arleston, S. C. Apply to AT. E. FAROE. Agent, at Abbeville, S/C. larch 18, 1870,47.tf CAROLINA ERTXLIZER S the season for Sowing "Wheat and other pmail grains approachto secure a full yield, every farmer >uld supply himself with some rtilizer, and there is none better tn the CAROLINA, which can had by applying to Miller & Robertson. Sept. 83, 1870, 22, tf ISTE!*W G A T y». We have in Si FALL AND ssoos Which we Offe Prompt Paying OR Oi WILL take Cotton at Market price friends soon with the st< T. L. COLES! Ontnhar 7 1870 24.4f. Carpets, Oil do! Window l Rugs, Mats, Crumb3 Cloths, Easso Lace Curtains, Cornices, Bands an Bamasks, Reps, Terrys, Center Ta Moreen, Hair, Cloth and Trimmin Picture Tassels, Cords and'Nails, i Wall Papers, Borders, Paper Shad The above new goods of our owu importation,are as in any nouee riort,n or south.- Our customers and the public are invited to call am Ca p»'ts made and laid promptly. Oil Clotba cot an made and put up, and all in the Upholstering line don James G. Baili* * V ' > A l*or a! largeandSelect Stock of Choice Family Groceries, Pla Wood and Willow Ware, on Octolcr OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ^ = .^ wa (IahIII HnrAlinn J ^linm'Tln f^ntltfftT dunui baruuud.jiuucvhid ui/iiiii], In Common Pleas. Equity Side. AiS Willis G. Harris, Ex'r, vs. G. A. Addison, B M. C. Txggarl, and others. Bill for Account, dec. PURSUANT to order of Court in lbi« cose, tbe credit ore of l-Ilizabeth Harris, dee'd, are hereby notified to prwent and prove thi-ir /-v demands against tbe taid deceased before me, at my office, on or before the 12th day of No- vernbor next, or be barred. ~ MATTHEW McDONALD, C C. P. Clerk's Office, Abbeville Co., ) 1|I2'.h Auguut, 1870,Bin J illGt Soiti CaroM-Aimlle Coily. In Common Pleas. an<* Equity Side. in V Patrick II. Bradley and Mary Jane Dendy, Ex'r and Ex't'x, vs. John 0. Vance, Ex'r, And others. Se Bill to Sell Real Estate, &c. ~~ PURSUANT to order of Court in this case, { the creditors of Allen Vance, di-c'd, are hereby notified to present and prove their demand* against the said deceased before me at my office on or before the 12th day of No vember next, or barred. JLS MATTHEW McDONALD. " C. a P. Clerk's Office, Abbeville Co.,) 12ih Aue., 1870. 8m f M CarolM-AlMe Coanty. Oi In Common Picas. Equity Side. Mary Wilson, Ex'r, vs. James A. Iteid, Ex'r, Bank of Newberry, et. al. jam Bill for Sale of Real Estate, Marshall Assets, &c. PURSUANT to Order of Court, in this case, the creditors of John R. Wilnnn. <W.'rl are hereby notified to prevent and prove their demand* against the said deceased before me, at iny office, od or before the 12th day of November uext, or be barred, TN MATTHEW McDONALD, J_ 0. C, P. bidd Clerk's Office, Abbeville Co.,) 12th August, 1370,3m J Shei Soft Mm-AIMj County. In Common Fleas. Situ Equity Side. Abb . mg! ThoB. C. Perrin, Ex'r, vs. Kilty C. Pemn, jam 6t. ftl. hp Bill to Sell Real Estate, <Lc. j t PURSUANT to late Order of Court in this caw, the creditors of Jarces M. PerriD, 01 a dee'd, are notified that the time for them to two present and prove their demands agninvtsaid seen deceased is extended until first day of January raon next, by which time the demands must be proved, or creditors will be barred MATHEW McDONALD, C C P Clerk's Office, Abbeville Co.,) g] 12th August, 1870,6m J ; Ml Carolina -Utaflk Coity. In Common Fleas. Equity Side, George W. Williams <fc Co., vs. Sopbrocia A. Allen, and others. Bill for\ Account, <kc. PURSUANT to Order of Court in this case, the creditors of GEORQE A. ALLEN, dee'd, are hereby notified to present »nd prove their deman Is agniostthe sai'l deceased before roe, on or bafore the 12th dny of November next, at my office, or be barred. matthew Mcdonald, C. CL P. ' Clerk's ffiee, Abbeville Co., ) ^ Jlth Augua, 1870/$1* f U C IrOODS tore our WINTERJ (10033, : >r Low to ' Customers w r LSH, I for all dues, liope to see our n lple to settle up. J AN & CO. :hs, Mattings, Stiades, ck8. * d Pins. ssels and Loods* 1 7 Piano and Table Covers, es, Screens, &c. now being opened, and will be sold M low I examine them, id laid; Window shades hong; Cartoini e promptly by competent workmen, by i & Brother. , i mt&tion Supplies, our lower floor* A Full Stonfe of ir Brasses and Combs J Always on Hand, o, Tooth Brushes, Finger rushes, Cloth Brushes, ; Brushes, Shoe Brushes, 4 W. T. PENNEY. ( ;lober 7, 1870, 24, tf > toll 5S Mackerel, Extra No. 1. EXTBA No. 2, Large No. 3 Mackerel, lis., half B!k, qnartcr Blls., and Kits, nfr.- Norwood, DuPre & Co.'s tpt. 23.' 1870 23.tf DILET SOAPS, HAIR OILS, 1 B PIOTM&MK In Great Profusion, at m W. T. PENNEY'S. :tober V, 1870, 24. tf . ( SHERIFFS SALE. * es W. Williams, Trustee, against Henry Beard, and others. . H ABBEVILLE. t! June Term, 1870. Bill to foreelost Mortgage. pursuance of the order in this case, I will sell to the highest er, at Abbeville Court House, on FIRST MONDAY in NOVEMt next, within the legal hours of q iff'b sale. £ )2 acres of land, moro or less, g balance of the tract mortgage, atedand being in the County of ^ eville, on Wilson's creek, adjoin- lands of Dr. John Holland, Gen. C es liinam, iienry i5eara, ana u irs, on li ERMS as follows: On a credit of o: tve month with interest from day h ale. Purchaser to give bond, with t< or more approved securities, to re the payment of the purchase ey. HENRY S. CASON, Sheriff Abbeville County. I lierifTs Office, ") | Oct 15, 1870, 26 tf ] Mitchell's Eye Salve, 1 .Reynold's Eye "Water, Thomson's Eye Water, Toothache Anodyne, Bronchial Tablets, Bronohial Trochos, Southern Soothing Syrup, Mott's Yog. Liver Pill?, Shriner's Balsam, Cough Syrup, at Parker & Lee's. 1.14, 1870i 25.tf Wmm 1 HAYS, BAB Lre now Receiving their t - . Win! f In inviting the attention of th their notice espec CLOTHING, And Domestic 6 Vhieh having been bought at unnsi 3wer than they have Jseen in many Bagging, Ties COFFEE, WHICH THEY AR LOWEST MA October 14. 1870. 25. tf .J -/ .I . a; WITHIN ' < ' " - «A ' c:; mnnn 1 AV^VVV J 100 lbs. choic: G ctober 14, 1870, 25--tf § ' '* ': SomefMii n A sum&JLJtimt Dan now be h; JUARLES, ] Oct. U, 1870, 25, tf GENT] r<m>mcni A VUMJUIJUJ lassimeres, Cloths, SI Collars and Ties, G Boots and Shoes, STOW READY 1 QtJARLES October 14, 1870, 25, tf - > EXCHANGE )n New York t rHE subscriber is now selling Ne York Exchange at'par. Pla »rs and merchants and all others d riBg to invest would do well to ca JOHN KNOX. Sept. 29,1870, 30.tf NOTICE TO SHIPPERS OF COTTOI rHE subscriber is now reccivit an'* shipping Consignments otton to the best New York Houst pon which ho is prepared to mal beral advances. Planters may sei n their cotton with the assurance aving their orderg promptly attend* JOHN KNOX. Jept. 30, 1870,23.tf KM IMS tlTE HAYE on hand and aro i |f|f ceiving tho following sizes: 8-10 14-18 10-12 14-22 12-12 16-24 10.16 18.20 12-14 18-24 12-16 20-24 12-18 22-28 12-20 22-30 12-24 ' 24-30 14-16 Parker & Lee. 80, 1670, 33.tt ^ ,. 'r VRTER STOCK. NWELL & CO. lsual varied Stock of Fall and ;er Goods, eir friends and patrons, they wonld call ially to their prices on HATS, SHOES, 'i Voods, of (sll Kinds, lally low figures, will be qpl<l at prices, years. Thoy keep on hand 4t * | Bacon, Sugar, SALT, &C., E. OFFERING AT THE . .EKET PEl'cE, *' r_ i rn p. mm JL JLJL JU1 || JUB JL.A JLXI »« ' i .. y. ,m *' > .. . bs. Bacon, E GOSEEJf BUTTER. \ - , r B r V. - ' " " mm ZZJ 'Jf i§r Useful ! i HANDSOME I ad at the Store of PERRIN & CO. YEMEN'S :NG STORE. lirts and Drawers,' rloves and Half Hose, . , . . Hew Style Hats, &<e., &c. ?OE INSPECTION". , PERRXN & CO. \ \ '. i LIBERAL CASH AB¥AH ES Made on Cotton shipped through us to the best Houses in New York, Baltimore and Charleston. r' Norwood, DuPre & Co. w 1 n- Sept. 30, 1870, 23.tf Shoes, Hats, _ HOMESPUNS, CALICOS AND HARDWARE, just received, at St NORWOOD, DuPRE & CO.S' Sept.,30, 1S70,,23.tf ... .. g B ACON^ » Larfl, Flour, Meal Grist, Molasses. .d SYRUPS, COFFEE, Of ' 0(1 Sugar, Tea and Chocolate, just roceivod, and for sale, by NORWOOD, DuPRE & CO. Sopt. 30, 1870. 23.tf ^J iMMi DE. PIUCE'S^EAM BAKING POWJDEBftfor sale, at 1 Trowbridge & Co. Jnno 10,1670,7-tf SUft¥EYI00, Accurately and promptly done BY 0. A. DOUGLAS. M»rch2 1870. tS.12m 9 »-. '.. .fVv-jOr. ^USSSSSSSSSISSSISSSSSSSSSSSSSfSSSISSmSISSfSSSSaS^ -5, ; Stand Together. ,f (There is more pleasantness by far in looking on the bright side than in busily foretellmg-disasterand tribulation. Neither the public scarecrow nor the pi-irate sKjfeton is a joyous thing to see; and, if the sky be clear to-day, what matters the possiblo >. storm of the morrow ? This, at alt -events, is thje drift of pop&Ufr thotight, which is sluggishly averse ta end, by * opposing, an expected trouble, and declines to heed the voice of him who wvuw >»vu* «us uuubuiops, 07 WHOSO drpary orafclea are j^nfiUtyfasbidned in the myHeripdfTOQee6& 0f a printing office. And where i* the harm of it ? Trouble is bad; 'enough ?' when it cOmes.' Why go half-way to meet it ? j Lachrymose looks and Iftfifc brows A help little in the'weary work of battling witfc.adversity, ao4; conqueringevil fortune. Cheeriness and confidence tu*e all nnlike the bltp<f Carelessness which,will not recognize the possibility Of danger. A deep Iihfc ji. videa both foolhardiness and rooted melancholy from the blythe, sj&Qwy *1; 1 * .1 * onuugti* wiuvu ttuowb no wu)tt,^na is ' ready to Strive, * with a 'will, {When 4 playiogtime is over. Ptack aoff porseveranc shall climb over, orJmrow under, the rock which bars the way. One alip is not rain. One blojpi not defeat. A. .fight Mf lost ijffiafight half won. And, if whatls Jjgnght ifl meet and right and worth th&baving, a partial filltare should provoke lustier blows when the hollow traces past and the straggle again begins* This is the temper in wP We de1 sire to eee this people. 'Qitjy wero unwilling to learn the w^jne length and breadth of their Trablio periL With fastrclosed eyes andf^led ears, mey joggea aaown ine Dr*M straight way. And when they drowsily awakened to the conviction ipafcinsolent extravagance and beaottecfe ignorance were wasting their substance, and placing in jeopardy tVtf'JjMy liberty, it was hard enough tx5- c6nVince tbem tbat.the enre lay' in own hands, and that they- wb 9: won Id be free, in pocket as inperttW), "theni.selves most stride the blow." i^t last they buckfed on their ^m<6>r of proof, and began the contest whose result, in all its naked truth, will soon bo known to the State. ^Already it is clear that this people Save-not gained as much as they hdpdror needed, and many may bt^.dtsnoqed to moan of wasted e£foijiaud ui8wsi. labor. But, [ taking things at thavery worst, tho people have proved^ fchcir power, and hav«shown Ui at Honesty and Intel. ligenco, With a'mo^^fearongh >discipline, and a more effort, can, wbenover the oc<awon offers, obtaia control of tho |&Verameiit of tho Slate.~y«M.' ' By drier of flirt1 liates, For Sale Day in Nov. j 1870, nY Order of U)i' Couri of Probate for £J Abbeville Cppotf, Fwifl «H1; bv public Auction on SAj&EDAY, in NOVE&f- JBER next, the JtTe^l'j&tate of,ELIZABETH K. PORTEEepeerdl cdnsialing of >v " One Hundred Tend Fifteen Acres, more; or less, lying in Abbeville and E^ffcld<^*anlie8, adjoioing lands of NaiiapwJ. Henderson, £; * VV. P. Andrews, estate of"'yolinson Sale and others. Terms of sale one half oft purchase | money to be paid in caab,. the"';t>*iraee on a credit of 12 mouths, Bond, and J^proted security, and a'mortgnge of the .premises to secure the payment. Costs'to be naM in. Jtailii t>, fviufl ft'/.' v<'t H.8.CA80N, Sheriff A C. October, H,1670, 25.UL' ~ ' >&£ /., Also on the Same Day. BY THE SAMEORDER, r wi^ltwo *roira«B» 1 and TWO ACEES OF LAND, -. more or has, the JBpal EiUta of J. WIL* LIS COBB, deceased, lying 'ft Abbeville J County on Coronaca creek, adjoining lands of C. A. Cobb, Hart, Arnold, and other*. A Teems 12 months credit, bond and approved security, and ft mortgage of tho pleroises to secure the pajmentp-costa in cash. < . k-jufcrr *nf\tt)v a /iicaw uwui u waow, Sheriff Abbeville Comity. Oct 6,1870,55.St AND ON THE SAME DAY, By the same Qrifct^ I "WILL sell QffE 'jjOl^URED and THIRTY-FIVE ACRES OF LANPj being Tract No. 1, belonging to the Estate of DAVID A. PRESSLY, deceased, lying in,. #tbe. neighborhood of LevodeaviUe, Abbeville County, anjoinin# land* of Mrs. Mitchell, John 'Arnold J. M. Latimer, and others, FOB CASH, *r ; ; ; H. S. CASON, Sheriff Abbevillo Cotmty. Oct. 10,1870, 25.3t '' r * * Medical College of Georgia, AUGUSTA^ «n: g .- Im'V > j: j#nr. m- THE COTR9B OP LECTURES in this Institution will be commenced on the FIRST MONDAYinNOVEM.,v . FEES; Full Course ....$105 Matriculation (taken once) 5 Practical Anaiomy... 10 Graduation Fee..*. 30 L. A. DUGAS, M. D., Dean* Oct. 14, 1870, 25-4f \ . < ... j I *> vsSm

Transcript of 1B0N WORKS1 Wmm1 - Library of Congress · .i 11 i I. i 11 - . ' * r y ' I- BYW.A.LEEANDHUGHWILSON....

Page 1: 1B0N WORKS1 Wmm1 - Library of Congress · .i 11 i I. i 11 - . ' * r y ' I- BYW.A.LEEANDHUGHWILSON. ABBEVILLE,S. C., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER4; 1870. VOLUME' *"! ~~7~.-XYljttfeNO. 28.*-,|J-TheWavingBannerofHealtl

. i 11 i I~




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BY W. A. LEE AND HUGHWILSON. ABBEVILLE, S. C., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4; 1870. VOLUME XYljttfeNO. 28.The Waving Banner of Healtl


Heiniteh's. Queen's DelightThe New Theory of Health.

. The Ufa of all Flesh is Blood.TheHealth of all Life is Purity ofFJe*b.Without purity of

Blood no Flesh can boY.

' free ft om Disease.

HEMTSffS QUEEN'S DELIGHT,An antidote of Disease.

Tbe Great American Alterative and Bloo</Purifier,

For the cure of nil those Diseaseswhieli iuhj l»e traeed to a vitiated

condition of the Blood.

The theory is that Blood is the Life o

of all FMi/aod if tmpure, the Life of alT "« > »T*»ulth is oulv to b<

ui^eose. juhc nuu . .

luainuined by the circuii.^uo of pure arterialliiood.Sucli as Scrofula, J{beumat*<w, Hepatu

Disorder#, Iiifi«iii*tiou9, Ft*vei?f LiveiComplaint, Consumption, King's fvilCarbuncles Boils, Itching Hum^r of tbt»"5kiiif Erjreipdas, Skin Diseases, Tellerliougiinesb of the 8kin«, Pimple, Blolci."?sl'uio iu the Bouep,old Ulcer?, Syphilis auo

Syphilitic Sort*, IudijjeMi««n, IiiflnniinaHoiof tie BladJer and K'dueys, Pains in(i>e Hack, Genera) Debility, and for ailcomplaints arising froto deficiency andpoverty of blood.Hieoitsh'fi Queen's Delight

Ib tie Wonder of Modern Science.No medicine lias attained aocil a wurlJwidereputation as tbis justly celebrated

V;. 5 COMPOUNDIt» e'xtraordidary healing powers are at:t«ct«d to by thousands, and every mail ic

v reigluad wilb letters bearing testimony toit excellent character and worth as a medcine Orders are coming in from alt quarters,and all bear uutuUukable evidence ofi.s great popularity. Be 6ure and ask for

. M « %* Hxisit&u'b Queen's Delight." auq

. im ibal Li* oaaie is oo it.v Look out aud avoid ba«e imitations.

Wholesale Agpnt-»,- J, FISHER k IJEINITSH,

CuJumbia, S. C.. For tale by all Droggi6tB.

u ; OcUber 29, I8<59, 27.ly.

- Jfc&BERT WOOD & CO.,^



" ARDEK and C«ne»ery adornment, Cast,\J Wr'light Iron eud Wire Ruiintre, Fountain*,Vmpj, Verandas, Settees, Ai bure, Chairs,Suiaaier Houses,

IRON STAIRS:Spiral and straight, io every vsriety of patt«ri«New aod iwprovrd styles of H«yjK<«irkfMatters, Stable Fixtures, Stall Divisions, Ac.


Bailings, Stsre "Fronts, Door and WindowGuard», Farm Fencing, £c.

BROffZE "WORK.Faring fitted up our Foundry with fpecial

reference to above class of wort, *e aTe now

f>repar«d to fil} with promptness all orders farferonxe Castings of Statua rj', -colossal, heroic,Had life size.


The largest assortment to b« found in theVeiled States, all of which are executed withliie expreea view of pleading the taete, whiloibey comWae all tba requisites of beauty andaulAtami&I construction.'r, Puicbaaers may rely on huving aU arti~4, .vJ) ar^A oliinm>H Jtn tll£ T>lact*CIO VAI ClUltJ «U«- r

ofJ«flinatioQ.De*igus wilt be seat ta -tlioao who wish to

«Mke election.- M*y 2n, 1870. 4.6m. J

Y&M' ADE on Cottoo Shipped by lie un1*1defined to

fi^re.SLOAN & SIGINIOUS, Charleston«. W. C. COURTNEY k Co., *

nmnvTrtAr if t. /\A a"* "J UE..N flULi.M <C

41 D. J. FOLY BRO. & CO-, Bait.smith, DUNNING <feWOODWARD.-NewYort.

« AUSTELL,' 1NMAN <fe co, N. Y.« hopkins; dwight &trowBRIDGrE,New York,

And others not mentioned.

Norwood, DuPre & Co.SepL 8, 1870, 20, tf

Greenville and Columbia Rail-road.

mmmm§mmGenekal Superintendent's Ojtice,Columbia. S. C., July 25, 1S70.

ON" and after MONDAY, August fut,the following Schedule will be run daily, Sutday excepted, connecting with Night Trains on

South Carolina Road, up and down, and will)Hight Train on Charlotte, Columbia andAueu»U&o*d going South :

~ "

UP.Lrare Columbia, ^ 8.15 a m

44"" Alston : 93^ a rn" Newberry,. ,11.03 am

JLrrire Abbeville, 3.00 p m" Auderson. 4.30 p m44 Greenville, 6.tf0 p m

DOWN.'XiliT* Greenville, ' 7O0ara

* AnJet-son, T 30 a m* Alibeville, 9-r©» m** Jsewbory, 12.47 «. m

" Alston, 2 30 amArm* Columbia.»3.46 a m

JOHN n. MORE,'*T 4 *:tt* General1£npWntedent.^~


Kinsman & Howell\Factors'andFQommiision

Merchants..« ' IsiberalAdvctncesmade on

Cotton and Nqyal Stores*v-' CAarkston, S»C.

.* .:~P


1B0N WORKS1Oolum'toia, IB. O.



re[Proprietor. |au




' 3 Rollers 14 incbes diameter $85,00 gre|J " 12 « $75,00 tliir

J.;{ " 10 « $05,00 ticli- ' " tf./?- nn I

2 '*" ¥UU,VU aci*

2 * J2 **.

* *50,002_ «;i .10 u $40,00Above prices compTflto with frame. ^

Without frame $10,00 on each

Mill- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


EE $20,00w

Delivered at the Railroad Depot in |ttiia city. purc

Steam Engine, Boilers, Cotton Presses, ^J0rGrist and Saw Uill Gearing of all kindsto order. Iron and Brass Castings, on a.^bort notice and most rcaeanablo terms. w'1''


Giu Gearing constantly on hand of the . Jfollowing sizes. ,


expt9 f*et wbeel and pinion $30.00 p°uii10 41 u u "32.50 11° a

11 M M " M 35.00 v

12 " u u " 'M5 00 T

14 " " " " "50.00 MillWith BoltB $0 50. Extra for each Ret. l',e

Autifrictioa platea and Balls for CotrjPre«B $10.00 «nd $12.00, per Ret. ^

K. B. Terms Cash on delivery, at R. uc

R. here. c!."" vidt


Abbeville C. H.fli loin A _lfAT, 1U«V% T Mt


Druggist, ®. ABBEVILLE, S. C., fHub constantly on Land a complete Pli(stock offor I


33 2.u.g-sAND MEDICINES, 31

- if vc

Of every description at *.* "

fourAt the Lowest Prices ac!<


F O H CASH, *ffe<that

Oct, 7,18« 0, 24, tf willmor




FSatwood. - . rr

Fiantation,111Comtii of 2,700 Acres. in

TniS is one of the most valuablePlantations in Abbeville which I

will Lease in parts or iu the whole.Call on me at my place near Abbe- Loiville C. H.w it


Sept 23,1870, 22-tft

Estate of Sarah Winn, M,. .

Settlement Nov. 8th, 1870.

ALL Persons indebted to the Estate are .m

urged to prompt payment; tbose havingdemands against it uiu9t present them Jfcbefore tbe above date or be barred.

J. H. WIDEMAN,Executor. A

Sspfi. 9, 1870, 23, St"

.- she

At the Furniture Store, ?e]thaLarge German Plate Looking Glasses i

A lot .of German Glass Platesto Fill Old Frames. I

":T March 25, 1870,,48-tf I


IPROMENT IN FKHCDfCr.Saves its Cost in Landsaved, and Facility

of Cleaning.1REAT saving of timber can be made

of anytbingtbat will not break ofown weight A rat may get tbrougliand a squirrel may climb over but allier animals may stay out. The windti not blow it down, needs very little>air, and the timber will last longer thanany other known feDce. The subscribergent for Abbeville County and will sellhts for plantations and for townships,me up on Sale Day aud for further parLiarsin regard to P. Davis' Improvedteat Wire and Picket Fence, apply to


Agent Abbeville, S. C.


imily Knitting Machine.II be exhibited at Mr. Brazeale's. ThisL-hine speaks for itself, and is destinedevolutionize honsehold industry. "Wenot wish to abuse the time honoreddies, but mnst say that even for ordiy

use their day is at an end. Thisof « ./! /.Unn inir&ntiAn l/nlU AVAfVaw auu lufvuvivu nuiw w.v.j

»g. Specimens of manufactured areaexhibited. Call and see for youres.J. W, THOMAS, Agent.

Abbeville, S. C.Lpril 15, 1870, 51.tf

JVO/UU* «/


rmerly the "Donald Mill."BE MILL, long And favorably known

as the "DONALD MILL," has been:hased by us. and we Lave repaired it

oufflilv.putting in a near and splendidJTl'ER (the finest that is in U6e).i'EW BOLTING CLOTH, togetherNEW MACHINERY, from the

terwlieol to the garret. .

his work has been done in a Bubs(anand workmanlike nmnner by the mostrrienced and skillful Millwrights in theitry; and we believe the Mill now to bebetter condition than it- ever was inalmieet days.lie old Frieuds and Customers of theare re«pertfully invited to return toMill that in days "lang syne"' servedi 60 wpII and faithfully.IR. HUTCHISON, who ha8 badh experience as Miller, will Lavege of the Mill, and will give his oudidattention to the wants of their cusers.


illy 29, 1870, 13, 4m

mproved Cotton Gins. |sLENDEK'S PATENT.HE subscriber purchased two years


.lie iJoutuieS oi ADoevuie, xwgeueni,Newberry; and id that time has soldy of tliem, and to the entire salisfaoofhip patron9. The improvement isied to the old gin at a (rifling expense;with these material advantages.thatill enable the Gin to gin from onfithto ODe-third more, and to producejaner and better lint, lie fins numercertificatesfrom cotton planters to this:t, and also from colton buyers, statingthe cotton from this Improved Gincommand from one to one-a.half centse per pound. Agents will be sent out,the pubiio palrouage is solicited in

r behalf.Reliable agents wanted.

E. F. PARKER.'alhoun's Mills, Augujt 12, 1870, 16,tf

sure Your Property,IX THE

VSRPOOL & LONDON<3-LOBEsurance Company.Assets in Goli, $17,080,000,00iscs adjusted promptly and paidhout deduction at tho agency inarleston, S. C.

Apply to

AT. E. FAROE. Agent,at Abbeville, S/C.

larch 18, 1870,47.tf

CAROLINAERTXLIZERS the season for Sowing "Wheatand other pmail grains approachtosecure a full yield, every farmer

>uld supply himself with some

rtilizer, and there is none bettertn the CAROLINA, which canhad by applying to

Miller & Robertson.Sept. 83, 1870, 22, tf


y».We have in Si

FALL ANDssoos 0®

Which we Offe

Prompt PayingOR Oi

WILL take Cotton at Market pricefriends soon with the st<

T. L. COLES!Ontnhar 7 1870 24.4f.

Carpets, Oil do!Window l

Rugs, Mats, Crumb3 Cloths, EassoLace Curtains, Cornices, Bands an

Bamasks, Reps, Terrys, Center TaMoreen, Hair, Cloth and TrimminPicture Tassels, Cords and'Nails, iWall Papers, Borders, Paper ShadThe above new goods of our owu importation,are

as in any nouee riort,n or south.-Ourcustomers and the public are invited to call am

Ca p»'ts made and laid promptly. Oil Clotba cot anmade and put up, and all in the Upholstering line don

James G. Baili** V '


A l*or a! largeandSelect Stock of

Choice Family Groceries, PlaWood and Willow Ware, on


OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS.^ = .^ wa(IahIII HnrAlinn J ^linm'Tln f^ntltfftTdunui baruuud.jiuucvhid ui/iiiii],

In Common Pleas.Equity Side. AiS

Willis G. Harris, Ex'r, vs. G. A. Addison, BM. C. Txggarl, and others.

Bill for Account, dec.

PURSUANT to order of Court in lbi« cose,tbe credit ore of l-Ilizabeth Harris, dee'd,

are hereby notified to prwent and prove thi-ir /-v

demands against tbe taid deceased before me,at my office, on or before the 12th day of No-vernbor next, or be barred. ~


Clerk's Office, Abbeville Co., ) 1|I2'.hAuguut, 1870,Bin JillGt

Soiti CaroM-Aimlle Coily.In Common Pleas. an<*

Equity Side. in V

Patrick II. Bradley and Mary Jane Dendy,Ex'r and Ex't'x, vs. John 0. Vance,

Ex'r, And others. SeBill to Sell Real Estate, &c. ~~

PURSUANT to order of Court in this case, {the creditors of Allen Vance, di-c'd, are

hereby notified to present and prove their demand*against the said deceased before me atmy office on or before the 12th day of November next, or barred. JLS


C. a P.Clerk's Office, Abbeville Co.,)

12ih Aue., 1870. 8m f

M CarolM-AlMe Coanty. OiIn Common Picas.

Equity Side.Mary Wilson, Ex'r, vs. James A. Iteid,

Ex'r, Bank of Newberry, et. al. jamBill for Sale of Real Estate, Marshall

Assets, &c.

PURSUANT to Order of Court, in this case,the creditors of John R. Wilnnn. <W.'rl

are hereby notified to prevent and prove theirdemand* against the said deceased before me,at iny office, od or before the 12th day of Novemberuext, or be barred, TN

MATTHEW McDONALD, J_0. C, P. biddClerk's Office, Abbeville Co.,)

12th August, 1370,3m JShei

Soft Mm-AIMj County. b«In Common Fleas. Situ

Equity Side. Abb. mg!ThoB. C. Perrin, Ex'r, vs. Kilty C. Pemn, jam

6t. ftl. hp

Bill to Sell Real Estate, <Lc. j t

PURSUANT to late Order of Court in thiscaw, the creditors of Jarces M. PerriD, 01 a

dee'd, are notified that the time for them to twopresent and prove their demands agninvtsaid seendeceased is extended until first day of January raonnext, by which time the demands must beproved, or creditors will be barred


Clerk's Office, Abbeville Co.,) g]12th August, 1870,6m J ;

Ml Carolina -Utaflk Coity.In Common Fleas.

Equity Side,George W. Williams <fc Co., vs. SopbrociaA. Allen, and others.

Bill for\ Account, <kc.

PURSUANT to Order of Court in this case,the creditors of GEORQE A. ALLEN,

dee'd, are hereby notified to present »nd provetheir deman Is agniostthe sai'l deceased beforeroe, on or bafore the 12th dny of Novembernext, at my office, or be barred.

matthew Mcdonald,C. CL P. '

Clerk's ffiee, Abbeville Co., ) ^Jlth Augua, 1870/$1* fU C


tore our

WINTERJ(10033, :

>r Low to' Customersw r

LSH, Ifor all dues, liope to see our n

lple to settle up. J

AN & CO.

:hs, Mattings,Stiades,ck8. *

d Pins.ssels and Loods* 1


Piano and Table Covers,es, Screens, &c.now being opened, and will be sold M low

I examine them,id laid; Window shades hong; Cartoinie promptly by competent workmen, by

i & Brother. ,imt&tion Supplies,our lower floor*

A Full Stonfe of

ir Brasses andCombs JAlways on Hand,

o, Tooth Brushes, Fingerrushes, Cloth Brushes,; Brushes, Shoe Brushes, 4W. T. PENNEY. (

;lober 7, 1870, 24, tf >

toll5S Mackerel, Extra No. 1.

EXTBA No. 2,Large No. 3 Mackerel,

lis., half B!k, qnartcr Blls., andKits, nfr.-

Norwood, DuPre & Co.'stpt. 23.' 1870 23.tf


B PIOTM&MKIn Great Profusion, at


W. T. PENNEY'S.:tober V, 1870, 24. tf .


es W. Williams, Trustee, againstHenry Beard, and others.


ABBEVILLE. t!June Term, 1870.

Bill to foreelost Mortgage.pursuance of the order in thiscase, I will sell to the highester, at Abbeville Court House, onFIRST MONDAY in NOVEMtnext, within the legal hours of qiff'b sale. £)2 acres of land, moro or less,g balance of the tract mortgage,atedand being in the County of ^eville, on Wilson's creek, adjoin-lands of Dr. John Holland, Gen. Ces liinam, iienry i5eara, ana u

irs, on liERMS as follows: On a credit of o:tve month with interest from day hale. Purchaser to give bond, with t<or more approved securities, tore the payment of the purchaseey.

HENRY S. CASON,Sheriff Abbeville County. I

lierifTs Office, ")|Oct 15, 1870, 26 tf ]

Mitchell's Eye Salve, 1.Reynold's Eye "Water,Thomson's Eye Water,Toothache Anodyne,Bronchial Tablets,Bronohial Trochos,Southern Soothing Syrup,Mott's Yog. Liver Pill?,Shriner's Balsam,Cough Syrup, at

Parker & Lee's.1.14, 1870i 25.tf

Wmm1HAYS, BABLre now Receiving their t


. Win!f

In inviting the attention of ththeir notice espec

CLOTHING,And Domestic 6

Vhieh having been bought at unnsi3wer than they have Jseen in many

Bagging, TiesCOFFEE,

WHICH THEY ARLOWEST MAOctober 14. 1870. 25. tf

.J -/ .I .


<' "

- «A ' c:;

mnnn 1AV^VVV J

100 lbs. choic:

Gctober 14, 1870, 25--tf§ ''* ':

SomefMiinA« Asum&JLJtimt

Dan now be h;

JUARLES, ]Oct. U, 1870, 25, tf


lassimeres, Cloths, SICollars and Ties, G

Boots and Shoes,STOW READY 1

QtJARLESOctober 14, 1870, 25, tf - >



rHE subscriber is now selling NeYork Exchange at'par. Pla

»rs and merchants and all others driBg to invest would do well to ca

JOHN KNOX.Sept. 29,1870, 30.tf


rHE subscriber is now reccivitan'* shipping Consignments

otton to the best New York Houstpon which ho is prepared to malberal advances. Planters may sein their cotton with the assurance

aving their orderg promptly attend*

JOHN KNOX.Jept. 30, 1870,23.tf

KM IMStlTE HAYE on hand and aro i

|f|f ceiving tho following sizes:

8-10 14-1810-12 14-2212-12 16-2410.16 18.2012-14 18-2412-16 20-2412-18 22-2812-20 22-3012-24 ' 24-30

14-16Parker & Lee.

80, 1670, 33.tt

^,. 'r

VRTER STOCK.NWELL & CO.lsual varied Stock of Fall and;er Goods,eir friends and patrons, they wonld callially to their prices on


Voods,of (sll Kinds,lally low figures, will be qpl<l at prices,years. Thoy keep on hand

4t *

| Bacon, Sugar,SALT, &C.,


.EKET PEl'cE,*' r_


rn p. mmJL JLJL JU1 || JUB JL.A JLXI»«

'i .. y.

,m *'

>.. .


\ -, r


r V.- ' " "

mmZZJ 'Jf

i§r Useful !i HANDSOME Iad at the Store of


YEMEN'S:NG STORE.lirts and Drawers,'rloves and Half Hose, .

,. .

Hew Style Hats, &<e., &c.?OE INSPECTION".


\ '. i


Made on Cotton shipped through us

.« to the best Houses in New York, Baltimoreand Charleston. r'

Norwood, DuPre & Co.w 1

n- Sept. 30, 1870, 23.tf

Shoes, Hats,_ HOMESPUNS,

CALICOS AND HARDWARE,just received, at

St NORWOOD, DuPRE & CO.S'Sept.,30, 1S70,,23.tf ... ..

g BACON^» Larfl, Flour, Meal Grist, Molasses..d SYRUPS, COFFEE,Of '

0(1 Sugar, Tea and Chocolate,just roceivod, and for sale, by

NORWOOD, DuPRE & CO.Sopt. 30, 1870. 23.tf ^J


POWJDEBftfor sale, at 1

Trowbridge & Co.Jnno 10,1670,7-tf

SUft¥EYI00,Accurately and promptly done


0. A. DOUGLAS.M»rch2 1870. tS.12m9 »-.


; Stand Together. ,f

(There is more pleasantness by farin looking on the bright side than inbusily foretellmg-disasterand tribulation.Neither the public scarecrownor the pi-irate sKjfeton is a joyousthing to see; and, if the sky be clearto-day, what matters the possiblo >.storm of the morrow ? This, at alt-events, is thje drift of pop&Ufr thotight,which is sluggishly averse ta end, by *

opposing, an expected trouble, and declinesto heed the voice of him whowvuw >»vu* «us uuubuiops, 07 WHOSOdrpary orafclea are j^nfiUtyfasbidnedin the myHeripdfTOQee6& 0f a printingoffice. And where i* the harm ofit ? Trouble is bad; 'enough ?'when itcOmes.' Why go half-way to meet it ? jLachrymose looks and Iftfifc brows Ahelp little in the'weary work of battlingwitfc.adversity, ao4; conqueringevilfortune. Cheeriness and confidencetu*e all nnlike the bltp<f Carelessnesswhich,will not recognize the possibilityOf danger. A deep Iihfc ji.videa both foolhardiness and rootedmelancholy from the blythe, sj&Qwy*1; 1 * .1 *

onuugti* wiuvu ttuowb no wu)tt,^na is '

ready to Strive, * with a 'will, {When 4playiogtime is over. Ptack aoffporseveranceshall climb over, orJmrowunder, the rock which bars the way.One alip is not rain. One blojpi notdefeat. A. .fight Mf lost ijffiafighthalf won. And, if whatlsJjgnght iflmeet and right and worth th&baving,a partial filltare should provokelustierblows when the hollow traces pastand the straggle again begins*This is the temper inwP We de1sire to eee this people. 'Qitjy werounwilling to learn the w^jne lengthand breadth of their Trablio periLWith fastrclosed eyes andf^led ears,mey joggea aaown ine Dr*M straightway. And when they drowsily awakenedto the conviction ipafcinsolentextravagance and beaottecfe ignorancewere wasting their substance, andplacing in jeopardy tVtf'JjMy liberty,it was hard enough tx5- c6nVincetbem tbat.the enre lay' in ownhands, and that they- wb9: wonId befree, in pocket as inperttW), "theni.selvesmost stride the blow." i^t lastthey buckfed on their ^m<6>r of proof,and began the contest whose result,in all its naked truth, will soon boknown to the State. ^Already it isclear that this people Save-not gainedas much as they hdpdror needed, andmany may bt^.dtsnoqed to moan ofwasted e£foijiaud ui8wsi. labor. But,

[ taking things at thavery worst, thopeople have proved^ fchcir power, andhav«shown Uiat Honesty and Intel.ligenco, With a'mo^^fearongh >discipline,and a more effort, can,wbenover the oc<awon offers, obtaiacontrol of tho |&Verameiit of thoSlate.~y«M.' '

By drier of flirt1 liates,For Sale Day in Nov. j 1870,

nY Order of U)i' Couri of Probate for£J Abbeville Cppotf, Fwifl «H1; bv publicAuction on SAj&EDAY, in NOVE&f-JBER next, the JtTe^l'j&tate of,ELIZABETHK. PORTEEepeerdl cdnsialing of

>v "

One Hundred Tend FifteenAcres, more; or less,

lying in Abbeville and E^ffcld<^*anlie8,adjoioing lands of NaiiapwJ. Henderson, £; *

VV. P. Andrews, estate of"'yolinson Saleand others.Terms of sale one half oft purchase |

money to be paid in caab,. the"';t>*iraee ona credit of 12 mouths, Bond, and J^protedsecurity, and a'mortgnge of the .premisesto secure the payment. Costs'to benaM in. Jtailii t>, fviufl ft'/.' v<'t

H.8.CA80N,Sheriff A C.

October, H,1670, 25.UL'~

'>&£ /.,Also on the Same Day.BY THE SAMEORDER,

r wi^ltwo *roira«B»1 and TWO ACEES OF LAND, -.more or has, the JBpal EiUta of J. WIL*LIS COBB, deceased, lying 'ft Abbeville JCounty on Coronaca creek, adjoining landsof C. A. Cobb, Hart, Arnold, and other*. A

Teems 12 months credit, bond and approvedsecurity, and ft mortgage of thopleroises to secure the pajmentp-costa incash.

<. k-jufcrr

*nf\tt)v a /iicawuwui u waow,

Sheriff Abbeville Comity.Oct 6,1870,55.St

AND ON THE SAME DAY,By the same Qrifct^


OF LANPj being Tract No. 1, belongingto the Estate of DAVID A. PRESSLY,deceased, lying in,. #tbe. neighborhoodof LevodeaviUe, Abbeville County, anjoinin#land* of Mrs. Mitchell, John 'ArnoldJ. M. Latimer, and others, FOB CASH,*r ; ; ; H. S. CASON,

Sheriff Abbevillo Cotmty.Oct. 10,1870, 25.3t

'' r -« * *

Medical College of Georgia,AUGUSTA^

«n: g .- Im'V >

j: j#nr. m-

THE COTR9B OP LECTURESin this Institution will be commencedon the FIRST MONDAYinNOVEM.,v.

FEES;Full Course ....$105Matriculation (taken once) 5Practical Anaiomy... 10Graduation Fee..*. 30

L. A. DUGAS, M. D.,Dean*

Oct. 14, 1870, 25-4f\.

<... jI*> vsSm