1A K. It Goods. of R O BES - Chronicling America...Dr. French. 5 00 Jan Eller 6 00 J.T.Saunders 5 00...

THE LATEST JUST ALL KINDS SEPT. 23, WW. UsdaV tThs. wedding m the AS USUAL, ARE AGAIN IN THE LEAD WITH THE Largest and Most Unique Display of Dry Goods U Unt nieht 1A K. Ever exhibited in the city. Their elegant display of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS surpasses anything ever shown in the West. It contains all the newest designs in all grades of desirable Dress Goods. a-- . m Ziarge Tilne of U p t.; Ust niht. Jo & Trimming three came . ...j m.mth disease. SACKING CLOTH, HENRIETTAS, GERMAN SERGES, Broad Cloths, And, in fact, everything desira- ble in Dress Goods can be obtained of BLUM & CO. Staple Goods Departm't Is complete this season in every respect, consisting of TABLE LIKENS, HAFKIB8, TOWELS, TABLE SETS, ALL KTHD8 LIKENS, At Prices T&at fill Surprise Yea. a large line of call and see them. BLUM & CO. We have recently added a Cloak-:- - Department! Amd bow hT th SicMt ud Koit Com Ttnicnt Place la tht City to Skew Gloaka. CaU ud m than. This department will have all of the latest novelties in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Wraps. Every lady withiu 50 miles of Mexico ia earnestly requested to eaU aud inspect for thetuaelve. BLUM & CO. THEIR LARGE AND ARTISTIC DISPLAY OF R O BES This season consists of all the latest novelties that can be pur- chased in fine imported Woolen Fabrics with embroidered, corn- el's hair and garniture effects. BLUM & CO. l . i . a ,.130 pei hd Saturday. In Gros Grain, Armtjre, Faillk Franoais, Richelieu, Peande-Soi- k In all the leading shades. BLUM & CO. a. idd ' Caliiomia. to reside. 15 -- rv..,. iinif Mexico. bim in regard to your CLOAKS! WRAPS! of rBiiiy. S lOUI IN A CANON. Fuitou, in his way to St. ARE THEY HIGHWAYMEN? WORCESTER NEWS. AUDRAIN COUNTY. T to-- on 150 .IS An Two Country Boya Arrested For Robbing Iiams One of Them Said to Have Confessed. "jjJJneTw having the Btore painted and Interesting Letter Which Speaks the Truth About our Farming' Lands. . One of the Keumrkable aud WonIerlul Sights In the Rocky Mouiitains. 1F A. IT nTT h Sums is awns a rwn lab es'- - mm Conespondeaee of Iba Nevada uotleer. Laddonia, Mo., Sept. 15. Having promised a number oi under his saloon Kjjga put -- ATVX- Wt'tten lor the Sunday tt h. One eummer afternoon I found myself loitering through one of those high mesa-lik- e parks so com- - friends to give a brief account of Frr left last night ior Correspondence of tbe Ledger. Worcester, Sept. 23. Jhn L. Carnes, after battling so long for life, is up and about. He called to see us and was looking very well. Mr. W. P. Atkins gave the young people a dance at his place last Wednesday night. Fifty young- sters enjoyed themselves until the wee hours of the night. J. H. Hardisty to-da- y brought suit vs. Geo. Miller, tor $765 for work, before L. P. Crigler, Justice of the Peace. Friday, the 26th, is the day Bet for trial. Our public school, under the lmd Hannibal on legal mon in the Rocky Mountains. The I fc. Bker, of Pulaski county, Winter -:- - Goods ! Arriving Daily. air was soft and balmy, and the heavy-toppe- d pines soughed so musically and cast their dense shades and exhalted their resinous ordors so delightfully that 1 was lVjng here to educate Ms Itomu, south of the city, management of Miss Mamie Carter, jome. in uo hurry to go on. Southward was a graded ascent for some dis- tance, then the ground swept sud- denly upward into a high crest, till against the unusually blue sky it Y jos i visit to his brother, I ami. was turreted with tremendous cas In Prices on all loot for Weiner & Bick's rocks clear cut and frowning showing how much high- er all this had once been. Between iihoe advertisement in the THIS PARTICULAR LINE OF GOODS, WE ARE SELLING THEH AT 25 PER CT. OFF. NICE GOODS-A- LL SIZES I EVERT PAIR WARRANTED 1 Call and Sea These Elegant Goods. jr. 3SL Settle, N. E. Cor. Sauare. Mexico. Mo. Lugm. these rocks were wide open spaces, Lk Brandenberger and wife, ieuoo City, are visiting SUMMER GOODS Now is Tour Time. as though another mesa might be there, or a long slope of descent is progressing finely. Mrs. H. W. Cox, who has been visiting in Henry county, returned home last week. Mr. J. H. Carter's writing school has closed. The prize for the greatest improvement was finally given to William Coleman. The Methodists and Presbyte- rians are holding a j oint protract- ed meeting at Wesley Chapel, and the Holiness Band has moved to Rush Hill, where they think the work of the Lord ia needed. They had one joiner at Wesley Chapel. Mr. Powell Morris, who has been very sick, is convalescent, under the treatment of Dr. E. J. Cornett, As stated in Saturday's Ledger Isaac Iiams, of Worcester, Mo., was held up and robbed by high- waymen on Fnday night. Marcus Page and Ira Fanning, two young men who live in the neighborhood, were arrested and brought to Mex- ico Sunday and bound over in a sum of 1500 each, to appear before the next grand jury. Young Page's lather went on the bonds. The young men aie about 19 years old and have b rne good reputations'. Mr. Iiams was robbed of $40 all the money he had with him Rumor says young Page ha con- fessed and returned the money. This report, however, is denied. The highwaymen, whoever they were, acted like green hands and did so much talking that Iiams at the time thought it a joke, and says he is sure Page and Fanning are the right parties. They had their faces blacked and wore hand- kerchiefs, with eye-hol- in them, over their faces and talked all the time they were holding the "old man" up. As he came out of a blind road into the Rush er pad, the robbers, who must have known he was coming, pulled their pistols on him aud told him to hold np his hands and give up his "dust." Thinking it a joke he argued sometime, but finally found out they were in earnest and shelled out. He went straight to Page's father, who lived near by, and told him he was sure his son had robbed him. It is reported that the party who plan- ned the robbery was not with the parties who did the work, but will be arrested at once. It is hard to i this city. beyond might here have its L Flora Bingo returned from iCiij to day where she has Suddenly I hear the low mutter jatiog relatives. of a gathering storm in the distance m. Norton, of Carlisle, Joe & Vic Barth, my trip to this part ot our great State, I improve the opportunity now nfforded by an hour of leisure to fulfill the promise. We arrived in this pretty little city,, over the Alton, yesterday morning, and stepped upon the same old platform from which 17 years ago we boarded our first rail- road train, on a dark cold night in December. Scenes about here have undergone a marked change since that time, and the smallham-le- t of yore is a thriving little city to-da- and the barren prairie wilds of then are now the sites of pleas- ant homes and substantial business houses. The failure ot the Wabash to con- nect with the Alton train at Mex- ico compelled us to lay over at that place several hours. We at once sought out our old time friend, Willard Potts, who entertained us quite royally during our detention. While there we enjoyed a most de- lightful drive about the city be- hind his fast stepper, visiting the Hardin college, Fleet military school, Salamander works and other points of interest. Mexico it-- progressive town, beautifully sit- uated, with a large territory inex haustible in resources tributary. We had about forgotten to say that on the way from Nevada to Sedaha We formed the acquaintance of Prof. D. C. McCue, of Fulton, in charge of a number of mutes for the State institution at that place They were children of all ages and both sexes and were gathered up at different points in Jasper, Barton, Vernou, B ites, Henry an i Petti counties. Prof. McCue iniormed us that more than thirty of the un- fortunates were in his cure, while L ib Audrain on a visit to her before aie. Nearer aud nearer it beemed tocome, but the air around me gave no indications of change, Kre. Job. Ringo. NOT KIDNAPED. Kmgo brought in some save a peculiar softness. A stoim anywhere is a grand sight, but a of Worcester. tof new corn y that and great fragments of cloud would STILL GROWING. rtorm in the mountains is always I U i i nr i n . 4 i u we ever saw. worth observing. 8o upward Tiwuuu g miaiing a :i j - a... . i . i r t x Just Gone Visiting The Lost Children Found in Bed at a Neighbor's About Midnight. i Crosse Lumber Company the castellated! ueei;uJr uown me 810Pe wnlCQ struggled toward The Fund for an Home Steadily Increases. op large signs over all rocks, judging that from them I woula have a splendid view of the leading into the city. JOHN LI. DYEE, aXoadoo, Mo. PLUMBER, Gas and Steam Fitter, AND DEALEli IN GAS & WATER PIPE, All kinds of Valves and Fittlntra, Pond ' Hydrants and Pond Checks. Boiler Feed Pumps, Injectors, Inspira- tors and Jet Pumps. commotion. Louder roared the Eagon, of the Windsor tho spent last week in St. Mr. J. W. Crigler and wife pass- ed through Worcester on their way to Paris to visit relatives. Strother Underwood is happy now- - He was telling us of the dandy corn cutting machine that slays 175 schocks per day. He says "That in ten years men can Jo their farm work in a week or ten days, when the long drudger- ies of toil will be no more.' this will be a great relief to our friend Strother, as he is a laboring man of the first water. Worried home last night. .Vimmie Jone, of Martins- - thunder, sleeper grew the gra: e and more rapid my steps aud breathing. The storm was evident- ly coining towards me and I knew that if it reached the crest before 1 did my view would be spoiled And In addition to those heretofore reported the following hive con- tributed to the fund for an Home : Mayor G. L. Ferris .$10 00 R. M. Price 5 00 J. W. Ritenour 5 00 Dr. French. 5 00 Jan Eller 6 00 J.T.Saunders 5 00 the guest of her friend, tmie Baskett, of this city. There was great excitement in Mexico last night on account of two little gir s being lost. Edith Galloway, aged 6, and uessie Elliott, a jed 5 years, were found to be miss- ing at supper time, and were not found until midnight, when they were discovered to be staying all night with Charley McGee's chil- dren on west Monroe street. The parents of the little folks were irul; distressed and Mrs. Elliott was frantic with grief. At least I should only get a wetting, b rom ilJ Mrs. P. . Locke, who M sojourning in Texas the lutlh, returned home last the last the rocks were my only had just ascended. Long hlmy streams above were stretching themselves forward as though im- patient at the slowness ot the great cloudy glacier beneath them. Large dropps of rain began to patter. The foreruning, outriding bits of mist were creeping on the earth around me, and some, as graceful j.3 a giant boa, were arching their long crests upward above the castle rocks beyond me. Then the great billow of boiling black swept around me and beneath me, like some living thing of strength and purposes and, thunder confused, my breath thickened with an air that was vapory, ozoned a d sul- phurous, I stood there, awed, si- lenced, fascinated. Soon I noticed that my hands kept wiping at my face to free it from a cobweb-lik- e sensation, and j think that two neighborhood boys , with good imputations should do 'such a desperate deed, and we tru-- t thry may be able to prove shelter. At last I stood is the shadow of an immense rock- - as Makes a specialty of eufrine and publics and private water-wor- ks building. Offioe in TJ. 8. Express building, op- posite tbe post-offic- e. MILK WANTED! Alice Mason returned home B. Ii. Cau thorn 5 00 Wm. Pollock 5 00 J. F. Llewellyn 2 50 R. McD 2 50 J. R. Johnson 2 0 S. P. Emmons 2 00 C. C. Davis 2 00 large as two or three city court- houses. I walked cautiously u'at from Eminence, Ky., five hundred people were engaged j nhttpent the summer with around its western side, well on the watch for wild animals : for I tht ir innocence. Mr. Iiams thinks, beyond a doubt, that the right parties are aires' ed. A NEW LOUGE. CKXAUBY TO BX OFXIXD AT XVIK ETXX OCTOBXK 6. he had sent a number of others over other roads in charge of other per had heard many tales of hunters Lebb Crigler drives the best three year old in this section of the county. If you want to buy him go around and plank down $200. He is a natural saddle and harness horse. Mr. Paige is trafficking with Mr. Graham of Middletown. Mr. Paige owns 200 acres of Audrain land and Mr. Graham business and res- idence property in Pike. The trade is not yet consummated We hope Mr. Paige will stay with us. Mr. Tomn.ie Wright, of Mexico, Lott and wife leave this niit their daughter, Mrs. stumbling, with serious results, J. B. Harrison 2 00 Jack Gough 2 00 Alex. Carter, Sr 2 00 VV. O. Johnson 2 00 J.N. Baakett 2 00 ItmrtjWho lives in Burling-- The A. O. U. W. to IIav? a f odre at Hiuer'a School IIouu. sons. He stated that the school this winter would be well attended. A little girl six years old travel- ing unactompairjed attracted con- siderable notice on the C. & A. Jack Saunders 2 00 in the search and the Are bell was i uug ior hours. The ringing of the bell was the means of discovery as Chailey McGee comedown town at midnight "to see where the fire was." When informed of the trouble he said the children came to his house and took supper, say- ing their mothers had told them they could stay all night. As they were playmates of hie children he thought it was all right. image licence was issued to unexpectedly, UPON BEARS in such places. When I looked in front of me, expecting to see as lope similar to the one I had just climb- ed go off gradually beyond, you The Rush Hill Creamery will open on October 6. The highest market price will be paid for milk. Farmers should call now and make contracts. Skimmed milk will be returned. T. HORN, 25 4t E. FEUTZ, Proprietors. D. M. Roberts 2 00 T.T.GiU 100 Barman Brandenberger, of l, and Miss Lena Kuukel, that my flesh was warm with a lit- - Bunk Edw ards 1 00 train yesterday 'morning. A card attached to her stated that she atj. tie prickling tingle; and, looking up, W. B. Taylor 1 00 U-- Brown, traveling freight passed through Worcester last Sat- urday. Mr. Galloway and brother, of I saw my gun barrel tips sparkling Ben Gilmore 1 10 with little flashes of light. Then ! ? E-- j Cave . 100 came from Liberal, Kansas, and ) was bound for Vandalia, 111. Her mother war-dea- and she waB on' fflM SanU Fe, was in the The following member of the A O U. W. Lulee, of Mexico, went to Hiner's school house last night in answer to an invitation from prominent citizens there who want to organize a lodge. J. J. Winscott, B. B. Runkie, J. A. S? pence, J. R. Luckie, E. S. Frost, 11. M. Allison, A. G. Gass, W. H. II. Lee, J. G. Trimble, R. M. White, J. T. Bunton, A. J. Win- - The parents of the children iKe Mjora.) i oo . Alien, I had realized my danger, an j q. 3 Macfarlane. 100 turning I ran quickly down the p E Todce 1 00 Kay looking after the inter desire to thank the public for assisting so promptly in the search. her way U her grandmother at that ,!,. , ' Mr. Thou. Duugnon. te' . . ... I The fiuishing game between the "One of tbe Best." From lb ndlt Buoo. The Mexico Ledger baa just celebrated ita fourteenth anniver- sary under its present management and the fact is noted by R. M. ctober 11 the great McCabe IV'i.pntutxr and Saul a KV h istt bull mountain side whence I had come, j a. S. Houston 1 00 and left behind me the grandest j Wm. Thomas 100 spectacle I ever witnessed. On ' Dr. W. L. Reed 100 our slope it only sprinkled When i w,n- - U wellyn 1 00 P Minstrels will appear at one indeed. A prettier country. . lad tlnar TTdi-ia- Q.a A i teams was piHyeu i jueiim para Buy your lumber of La Crosse Lumber Co. at Laddonia, Vandalia, Mexico AuKvasseand Fulton. GET THE BEST ! one could hardly wish to see. The Sunt later. last .Saturday, resulting iu the de- - i scott.W.C. Wallace, James Quisen- - ; J. B. Snyder " " - 1 00 ,w,nn a ... untprnriflliKr and tirnrt. I reached my home canon, the sun i- -, a xt T,.tf... i fin r e feat of the forever "Past Times," ! berry and Tom Roberts. rankie Lott and Miss swman are home from a t Tisit to Tplati can imagine my surprise at finding myself shuddering on the verge of a canon so deep that I could not see its bottom. Having j ust left my camp on a large fork of the South Platte, I did not suspect the pres- ence of another in this region. But where was the storm? Some- where in that great beyond of crag and chasm it was crashing omin- ously. But not a trace of it could my eyes detect. Above, the sun shone, the sky was clearj below the canon yawned, and beyond there stretched away a reach of bazy billows of cone and forest and valley. From where I stood the canon ran westward, apparently half a mile (I suspect it was much more), then curving gracefully but rather suddenly southward, disap- peared behind a cliff so high that it seemed to tower oyer me. Ii was a grand view, unenhanced, but and that, too, after Worcester j Interesting talks were made by played the most rotten game for Jj. Q. Trimble, W. H. H. Lee, J. four innings on record. "Pastjj. Winscott and E. S. Frost. Times" is the right name for them. We trust those who take an in-Th- can't play good enough to terest in such an order will organ- - i, Iowa. We can sell you the Great En- cyclopedia Brittannica, unaltered and unabridged, in 25 volumes, tor $38.40, the only complete edition published for less than $120. You White, its editor and proprietor, with pride. Mr. White has a right to be proud. He took the Ledger when it was in the sere and yellow leaf ot decay and he has by in- domitable pluck, energy and abili- ty made it one of the best weekly papers in the state. Here's to you, Bob, and may you live to celebrate tbe fiftieth anniversary of your ex- cellent sheet. had not ceased to shine there, but southward they had heard the stormy mutter. Two days later I went down to the South Fork to fish, and found its waters had been high, and were still too turbid from the great rain cloud that had rolled down its canon by my feet. Jambs Newton Baskett. hMactarlane left this after- - Jbr Columbia to attend belong to the present times. I iZ8 at once. There is plenty of can pay tor it by the month, and if I of the Board of Curators perous, and are last mating a great country of it The little city of Vandaiia, twenty miles east of here, a pushing little place, is rapidly growing. During our short stay there this morning we had the pleasure of visiting several of its attractions, principal of which were its two pretty parks and its coal mines. There are no flies on Van- dalia, and the dead men there are only those properly laid away in- side its cemetery. Perry L. Kidd. tUta University. R. C. Paul 1 00 Miss Ida Rosamond 1 00 M. Blum -- 1 00 T.J. Gibson 100 B. F. Dobyns 1 00 Judge Gentry 1 00 R. C. Potts. 1 00 Wm. Turner 1 00 R. N.Armstrong 1 00 Robert Hogan. 1 00 W. P. Quisenberry 1 00 Mrs. Nath Wilson, D. C. '. 1 00 W.A.Morris....:. 1 00 Hop Kemp i.... 100 J. P. Dobyns X 100 J.T.Johnson i. 100 Thos. Northern . 1 00 100 Mrs. W. T. Newman, who has g0od timber there to make a fine been visiting in Illinois lor nix: working lodge. Hinei's school weeks, has returned to her almost ( house is located iu the garden panic husband. We are ' Pp0t Qf Audrain, which is peopled glad, on account of our friend Wal- - j by our most substantial and pros- - of Mound City. lirto has been visiting his jj Johnson, for quite you want an iucydoptedia this is ooly a little more than you will have to pay for incomplete and unsatisfactory editions containing less than half the matter in the original edition. The first seven volumes are now ready for delivery and will be complete by Dec. 1. Call and see us. Sallkk & Cbaddock. For Sale or Rent. ter, that she has returned. perous farmers It is just the ior home to-da- a. The sick list is on the increase. place for an order like tbe A. O Fan. Keieh ev nri Miaa Little Clarence Atkinson, Little n W. to become strong and grow fttn,were married Tue Dee Atkins and Mr. Morns are!f )h , , o'clock at the Cath The LaCrosse Lumber Co., form- - apIw nnlrl lumher dealers, now quite sick. Dr. Cornett is meeting . PbyFather Dempsey. H.W.Reed... , 1 00 gives the consumer, through its With unparalleled success. Ycu are saving one profit by buy- - such as anyone may often see in the mountains. All at once, after peal on peal had sounded, there crep My farm of 253 acres, 4 miles F.M. Bailee J 1 00 many branch yards, the advantage west of Mexico, finely improved, Aaaz to day shipped 5 Mr. John Douglass, of near Ben- ton City, married Miss Frankie Jordon instead of Mrs. Jordon, as announced last week. The attend- ants were Miss Boone and Mr. Moore, and Miss Edna ' Allen of Reediville, and Mr. J. F. Johnson, of Audrain. They were married in the Christian Church of Reeds-vill- e, Callaway county, by R-v- . Robt. Shelton, of Audrain. The bride wore a beautiful wine color- ed satin, trimmed in iridescent pasmentry. The groom wore con- ventional black. The happy couple will reside on the groom's fine farm near Benton as soon as a resi ToWN TALK. Ing cf La Crosse Lunwer vo. Always bear in mind that Mc- - Live Stock Market. over this butting cliff, as gracefully two story dwelling of seven rooms. me to Chicago. They L,oney & b rult can oner to sen ; gT- - jmg Mo., Sept. 23. The good frame barn, all well fenced. J one and he bouuht as a serpent, a bit of blue mist that dropped into and climbed out ot goods ior less than any otner nouse ! f.,; run it tw ; National Stock Yards, of East fat. P A. Carter sometime ago WIii ' 4td 2tw ' Louis, furnishes the following of good grades at low prises. One profit saved. I. O. O. F. aud Saloon Men.1 From the Wcstlicli-l'os- t. The Sovereign Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F. acts against the intoler- ance of tbe Grand Lodge of Mis- souri. Every friend of personal liberty will hail with satisfaction crevice after crevice, and then down the bluff's walls into the Call on Wm. Bakkv, on farm, er Shea & Waddington, Mexico. La Crosse Lumber Co., wholesale yard, planing mill, dry kilns, Louis-an- a, IHo. quotations: Bland Silver Bill. From thr St. Luaia Keublie. The Bland silver law required the coinage of not less than $2,000,-00- 0 woith of hilver bullion per month, and not more than $4,000,- - 000 worth. That law is repealed by tbe new silver bill, except that tbe coinage of silver dollars is to continue under the old law for one year from the passage of the pres- ent law, aftei which no more silver dollars need be coined. So the boasted silver law enacted by the Republican party at the present session really demonetize! silver Jeweler Bobbed. Tbe safe of W. W. Woolfolk, the Centralis jeweler, was opened last night by some one wbo knew the combination and $1,000 worth of watches and jewelry was stolen. Fay Up. Having sold my drug business 1 would like for those owing me to Richard Clemmens and his wife Deanne and irrand- - chasm, long, clinging, fleecy KMigtLnla Price, left last Abe Lariuiore . 1 00 A. H. Canterbury 4 100 A.K.I.U kle j. 1 00 H. 8. Bteppelman . 1 00 WiU Gregg ..... 100 J.H.Bickley --.. 1 00 ThWAtchiaoar 1 00 Geo. Kabrich 100 A. G. Armstrong 1 00 H. Moore 100 J.G.Head 100 W.W.Nichols 1 00 J. T. Fields 1 00 W. A. Hunter 1 00 C. C. CardweU 1 00 J. H. Sallee 1 00 Cattlb The receipts to-da- y were 3,400 head; the shipments were 1,000 head. The market ruled higher. The sales ranged as fol- - had quite a matinee last night at their home on Clark avenue. It seems Richard went home in a fragments. But the larger por- tion came floating across the canon Kansaa City to visit Paarii "g dauahter. Mrs. the action of the Sovereign Grand as gracefully as a gossamer, direct lows: Good to fancy native i w ' dence can be erected. ly toward me. I knew this was boilerous state of intoxication and began to malign and mistreat his good wife in a most pitiable way, to Cfinanlt n. T ; the storm king's herald. Crashed Lodge which was in session at Topeka, Kansas. The State Grand Lodge of Missouri added to the steers,S4.40a5.00;fair to good steers, 3.90a4 40; stockers and feeders at $2 30a3 30; Texan and Indian steers, quoted at 2.50a3.50; range stere, . not quoted. . r mi 1 1 fwneaday until Saturday. Buy Tennent Stribling Shoe Co.'s "Never Rip" school shoe. They will wear better, tit better and look better than any custom shoe made. Turner, Jackson & Co. keep and when she, furious with rage and again the tnunder "tne ratuiug crags among," till the very rocks f Jour eye. Rmnhir constitution an amendment which H. Jacobson has sold his interest in "Jakes" saloon to Moses May-fiel- d and will at once move to Chicago with bis family. Jake has accepted a good position with a wholesale gent's clothing house and bis many friend here wish him unbounded success. Matthews-El- y. Married, at the residence of the bride's parents in West Mexico at indignation, pounced upon him f.8pt.24to23,atVind8or trembled, and turning my eyes a would expell all members engaged W. L.Craddock 100 unmercifully, SSTTK- - V and flogged him little westward I saw, sweeping Qltation free. in the liquor traffic, but the body of the Sovereign Grand Lodge are J. D. Morris 1 00 Eugene Tomlinson 1 00 with a grace and majesty I cannot striking him over the head with a 5 Market was lower. The stick of wood and brusing him up ; B&ie8 ranged as follows: Fair to .SonofMrandMra R. E. Hisey 1 00 attempt to picture, around the can died 8aturdav. Snnt. generally. settle their account without farther on a curve tne lull ironl. pernaps guarantee them. 23-B- t Fire at Fulton. A big fire at Fulton broke out Toesday at a little past 1 o'clock a. m. The large implement house of Tucker & Berghauser valued at $5,000, and all its con- tents went up in smoke. J. A. fwmbraneou8 croup. The P Vara t.L . . .. St. Louis boots and shoes to the 4 p. m. to-da- by Rev. E. K. Mil nearly half a mile in height, of a great storm-clou- d billow. It filled 50 50 50 50 50 60 Wallace Bodgerg. Wm. Galloway. .. M. F. Crow John Abbay J. D. M'jKee Cash m u Antioch, 7, and buried Sunday front. The workmen making them eat Missouri beef, eggs, butter, etc. Ask for Tennent Stribling made out of different material and strongly oppose such intolerant measures, and foiled the dropsi- cal intentions of said State Lodge. Mr. Francis Becker sent us the following message : Topeka, Sept. 20. The Sov- ereign Grand Lodze nronounced choice heavy were quoted at 14. 45a 4.65; packing grades, not quoted; mixed grades, quoted at $4 00a4 40; butchers' grades not quoted; light, fair to choice, quoted at S4.40a4.50. Sheep and Lambs The receipts to-da- y were 1,300 head; the ship- ments were 500. The market was ler, Miss D. Ely and Nelson Mat- thews. The Ledger extends con the chasm's fearful depth and float ed half as high above it. Shoe Co.'s shoes. For sale and warranted by Turner, Jackson & notice. C. R. Gibbs. dlw w3t Tbe boys have got the goods and don't forget they make tbe prices. 4td 2tw. McLoney & Frank. I will pay the highest market price in cah for all varieties of good, sound apples handled in a suitable manner for shipping. w-- 2 m W. S. Hathaway. I STOOD ENTRANCED Use LaCrosse Lumber Co. ready Company. 23 6t "ia,lhe optician, will be WedBesday, Sept. ;niw nntU Saturday, mixed paints. Guaranteed strictly pure. the action of the Grand Lodge of as it bore down upon me a surg- ing, boiling wave of vapor. Time Tbe Great St. Lonif Exposition steady. Fair to choice grades of I sheep were qnoted at $4.50a5.10; of 1890, gratulations to the happy couple, who will make Audrain their permanent home. Be sure and let Ls Crosse Lumber Co. to figure your bill. They will save you money. Tom Roberta has moved his restaurant and luncu counter one door Bouth of Rod en & Altepeter's BM b can be consulted JOUr evea and v the State of Missouri, in regard to the amendment, illegal. Yours, Cms. A. Liske. With Gilmore's full band and the and again I saw the lightning 8 zigzag flash cleave the frowning Franklin's saddlery as well as oth- er buildings were burned up, to the value of $12,000. We learn there was little or no insursnce on any of the property burned. McLoney & Frank carry the best line of boots and shoes in Audrain county. 4td 2tw. J. T. Screggins, of near Farber, r "glasses. Office at lambs were not quoted; mixed low, not quoted. Strayed. Strayed, from my residence at Wellsville. a dark bay pony, mare, Other people save money by buy Andrew Meyer, a brother-in-la- of Wm- - Kemper, is down South on a visit. The report that he was missing and had met with foul play is without foundation. He told Mr. Kemper he was going South on a visit. Ina of La Crosse Lumber Co., be L Foree, hying in the sides getting better grades. Why r grocery store, on west eiae oi should vou not do the same 7 Choice Potatoes. W. 8. Hathaway has just receiv- ed a lot ot choice Minnesota potatoes. No more pictures that you are greatest electrical display ever made on earth, will be open until October 18th. The Wabash offers the low rates to and from St. Louis. Particulars of the newest ticket agent. d&wtd If you trade where you can buy the best goods for the least money you will trade with McLomy & Prank. 4td 2tw. --H- .or thecity.U re. W &fchineton street, where he woma be pleased vo have all bis old cus- tomers, as well as new ones, call was in Mexico this week en route to Clinton where he will place his New Suits Filed. Jas. S. Capp vs. Wabash, St Louis and Pacific R. R., damages. so incoher 14 hands high; branded on left hip with a bar H; white spot on left side of neck. Shod in front. Send information to R. E. Bently, Weils-vill- e, M 24-2- t Be sure and call and Inspect La ehamed to show your friends. AU Tennent Stribling Shoe Co.'s custom boots and shoes made in and see him. t" front from top to bottom. Across its perpendicular face the dazzling streaks seemed, in twos and threes, to chase each other. The booming thunders never ceased, and great whirls of air not tornado-lik- e, but rather gentle seemed to waltz in a sort of mazy iuvolution graceful and bewildering all through the seething mass. Nearer it came with a pecnliar teUh, sort of rolling motion daughter.Miss Eva.and Miss Delia neighbors fear be sent to ih St. Louis by honest labor. No Mary E. Hoselton vs. Amos Williams in Baird College. Mjsb Eva graduates this year in vocal penitentiary work. Ask for them Hoselton, divorce. re-- v family physician S CitiahU , Ni old back dates made at Ed- - Crease Lumber Co.' sstook Edwards' New Gallery beats them all, 16 1 2 P. O. Block. d3twlt The best line ot men's underwear in Mexico just arrived at McLoney & Frank!. 4t42tw. jt and instrumental mnsic. For Sale. Five good brood mares, all in foal, and one fine Duluth stallion ltd It W J. H. DILLIARD, Four miles north of Mexico, Steive and Ellbogen vs. Mark ..nlni Ka flllrv He has alii uuo auu ... .t.t ; .renr ift 1.2. P. I Froofs shown with DleMon at at Turner, Jackson & Co.'s and take no other. 23-6- t Don't buy without first oalHng en La Cross Lumber Oe,. Pilcher, debt. New and stylish line of hats juat o BWk. d&wlfc I Edward' New Gallery. tftlt Gilbert Elliott va. G.Blum, note. arrived at Melon rrawa.

Transcript of 1A K. It Goods. of R O BES - Chronicling America...Dr. French. 5 00 Jan Eller 6 00 J.T.Saunders 5 00...

Page 1: 1A K. It Goods. of R O BES - Chronicling America...Dr. French. 5 00 Jan Eller 6 00 J.T.Saunders 5 00 the guest of her friend, tmie Baskett, of this city. There was great excitement


SEPT. 23, WW.UsdaV


Largest and MostUnique Display of Dry GoodsUUnt nieht1A K.

Ever exhibited in the city. Their elegant display of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS surpasses anything evershown in the West. It contains all the newest designs in all grades of desirable Dress Goods.

a-- . m Ziarge Tilne ofU p t.; Ust niht. Jo& Trimming

three came. ...j m.mth disease.



And, in fact, everything desira-ble in Dress Goods can beobtained of


Staple Goods Departm'tIs complete this season in every

respect, consisting ofTABLE LIKENS, HAFKIB8, TOWELS,


At Prices T&at fill Surprise Yea.

a large line of

call and see them.


We have recently added aCloak-:- - Department!Amd bow hT th SicMt ud Koit Com

Ttnicnt Place la tht City to SkewGloaka. CaU ud m than.

This department will have allof the latest novelties in Ladies',Misses' and Children's Wraps.Every lady withiu 50 miles of Mexico

ia earnestly requested to eaU audinspect for thetuaelve.




R O BESThis season consists of all thelatest novelties that can be pur-chased in fine imported WoolenFabrics with embroidered, corn-

el's hair and garniture effects.

BLUM & CO.l. i . a

,.130 pei hd Saturday.

In Gros Grain,Armtjre,

Faillk Franoais,Richelieu,

Peande-Soi- k

In all the leading shades.

BLUM & CO.a. idd' Caliiomia. to reside.

15 -- rv..,.iinif Mexico.

bim in regard to your CLOAKS! WRAPS!ofrBiiiy. S lOUI IN A CANON.

Fuitou, inhis way to St. ARE THEY HIGHWAYMEN?WORCESTER NEWS.AUDRAIN COUNTY.Tto-- on 150 .ISAn Two Country Boya Arrested For

Robbing Iiams One of ThemSaid to Have Confessed.

"jjJJneTw having theBtore painted and

Interesting Letter WhichSpeaks the Truth About

our Farming' Lands. .

One of the Keumrkable audWonIerlul Sights In the

Rocky Mouiitains. 1F A. IT nTTh Sums is awns a rwn lab es'- - mmConespondeaee of Iba Nevada uotleer.

Laddonia, Mo., Sept. 15.Having promised a number oi

under his saloonKjjga put-- ATVX-

Wt'tten lor the Sunday tt h.One eummer afternoon I found

myself loitering through one ofthose high mesa-lik- e parks so com- -

friends to give a brief account ofFrr left last night ior

Correspondence of tbe Ledger.

Worcester, Sept. 23. Jhn L.Carnes, after battling so long forlife, is up and about. He called tosee us and was looking very well.

Mr. W. P. Atkins gave the youngpeople a dance at his place lastWednesday night. Fifty young-

sters enjoyed themselves until thewee hours of the night.

J. H. Hardisty to-da- y broughtsuit vs. Geo. Miller, tor $765 forwork, before L. P. Crigler, Justiceof the Peace. Friday, the 26th, isthe day Bet for trial.

Our public school, under the

lmd Hannibal on legal mon in the Rocky Mountains. The I

fc. Bker, of Pulaski county,Winter -:- - Goods !

Arriving Daily.

air was soft and balmy, and theheavy-toppe- d pines soughed somusically and cast their denseshades and exhalted their resinousordors so delightfully that 1 was

lVjng here to educate Ms

Itomu, south of the city,

management of Miss Mamie Carter,jome.

in uo hurry to go on. Southwardwas a graded ascent for some dis-tance, then the ground swept sud-denly upward into a high crest, tillagainst the unusually blue sky it


jos i visit to his brother,Iami. was turreted with tremendous cas

In Prices on allloot for Weiner & Bick's rocks clear cut andfrowning showing how much high-er all this had once been. Between

iihoe advertisement in the





Call and Sea These Elegant Goods.

jr. 3SL Settle,N. E. Cor. Sauare. Mexico. Mo.

Lugm.these rocks were wide open spaces,Lk Brandenberger and wife,

ieuoo City, are visitingSUMMER GOODS

Now is Tour Time.

as though another mesa might bethere, or a long slope of descent

is progressing finely.Mrs. H. W. Cox, who has been

visiting in Henry county, returnedhome last week.

Mr. J. H. Carter's writing schoolhas closed. The prize for thegreatest improvement was finallygiven to William Coleman.

The Methodists and Presbyte-rians are holding a j oint protract-ed meeting at Wesley Chapel, andthe Holiness Band has moved toRush Hill, where they think thework of the Lord ia needed. Theyhad one joiner at Wesley Chapel.

Mr. Powell Morris, who has beenvery sick, is convalescent, underthe treatment of Dr. E. J. Cornett,

As stated in Saturday's LedgerIsaac Iiams, of Worcester, Mo.,was held up and robbed by high-waymen on Fnday night. MarcusPage and Ira Fanning, two youngmen who live in the neighborhood,were arrested and brought to Mex-

ico Sunday and bound over in asum of 1500 each, to appear beforethe next grand jury. Young Page'slather went on the bonds. Theyoung men aie about 19 years oldand have b rne good reputations'.Mr. Iiams was robbed of $40all the money he had with himRumor says young Page ha con-

fessed and returned the money.This report, however, is denied.The highwaymen, whoever theywere, acted like green hands anddid so much talking that Iiams atthe time thought it a joke, andsays he is sure Page and Fanningare the right parties. They hadtheir faces blacked and wore hand-kerchiefs, with eye-hol- in them,over their faces and talked all thetime they were holding the "oldman" up. As he came out of ablind road into the Rush er

pad, the robbers, whomust have known he was coming,pulled their pistols on him audtold him to hold np his hands andgive up his "dust." Thinking ita joke he argued sometime, butfinally found out they were inearnest and shelled out. He wentstraight to Page's father, who livednear by, and told him he was surehis son had robbed him. It isreported that the party who plan-ned the robbery was not with theparties who did the work, but willbe arrested at once. It is hard to

i this city.beyond might here have its

L Flora Bingo returned fromiCiij to day where she has Suddenly I hear the low mutter

jatiog relatives. of a gathering storm in the distancem. Norton, of Carlisle, Joe & Vic Barth,

my trip to this part ot our greatState, I improve the opportunitynow nfforded by an hour of leisureto fulfill the promise.

We arrived in this pretty littlecity,, over the Alton, yesterdaymorning, and stepped upon thesame old platform from which 17

years ago we boarded our first rail-road train, on a dark cold night inDecember. Scenes about herehave undergone a marked changesince that time, and the smallham-le- t

of yore is a thriving little cityto-da- and the barren prairie wildsof then are now the sites of pleas-ant homes and substantial businesshouses.

The failure ot the Wabash to con-

nect with the Alton train at Mex-ico compelled us to lay over at thatplace several hours. We at oncesought out our old time friend,Willard Potts, who entertained usquite royally during our detention.While there we enjoyed a most de-

lightful drive about the city be-

hind his fast stepper, visiting theHardin college, Fleet militaryschool, Salamander works andother points of interest. Mexico it--

progressive town, beautifully sit-

uated, with a large territory inexhaustible in resources tributary.

We had about forgotten to saythat on the way from Nevada toSedaha We formed the acquaintanceof Prof. D. C. McCue, of Fulton, incharge of a number of mutes for

the State institution at that placeThey were children of all ages andboth sexes and were gathered upat different points in Jasper, Barton,Vernou, B ites, Henry an i Petticounties. Prof. McCue iniormedus that more than thirty of the un-

fortunates were in his cure, while

Lib Audrain on a visit to her

before aie. Nearer aud nearer itbeemed tocome, but the air aroundme gave no indications of change,Kre. Job. Ringo.

NOT KIDNAPED.Kmgo brought in some save a peculiar softness. A stoim

anywhere is a grand sight, but a of Worcester.tof new corn y that and great fragments of cloud would STILL GROWING.rtorm in the mountains is alwaysI U i i nr i n . 4i u we ever saw.

worth observing. 8o upward Tiwuuu g miaiinga :i j - a... . i . i r t x

Just Gone Visiting The LostChildren Found in Bed

at a Neighbor's AboutMidnight.

i Crosse Lumber Company the castellated! ueei;uJr uown me 810Pe wnlCQstruggled toward The Fund for anHome Steadily Increases.op large signs over all rocks, judging that from them I

woula have a splendid view of theleading into the city.

JOHN LI. DYEE,aXoadoo, Mo.

PLUMBER,Gas and Steam Fitter,


GAS & WATER PIPE,All kinds of Valves and Fittlntra, Pond

' Hydrants and Pond Checks.Boiler Feed Pumps, Injectors, Inspira-

tors and Jet Pumps.

commotion. Louder roared theEagon, of the Windsortho spent last week in St.

Mr. J. W. Crigler and wife pass-ed through Worcester on their wayto Paris to visit relatives.

Strother Underwood is happynow- - He was telling us of thedandy corn cutting machine thatslays 175 schocks per day. Hesays "That in ten years men canJo their farm work in a week orten days, when the long drudger-ies of toil will be no more.' thiswill be a great relief to our friendStrother, as he is a laboring manof the first water.

Worried home last night.

.Vimmie Jone, of Martins- -

thunder, sleeper grew the gra: eand more rapid my steps audbreathing. The storm was evident-ly coining towards me and I knewthat if it reached the crest before 1

did my view would be spoiled And

In addition to those heretoforereported the following hive con-

tributed to the fund for anHome :

Mayor G. L. Ferris .$10 00R. M. Price 5 00J. W. Ritenour 5 00Dr. French. 5 00Jan Eller 6 00

J.T.Saunders 5 00

the guest of her friend,tmie Baskett, of this city.

There was great excitement inMexico last night on account oftwo little gir s being lost. EdithGalloway, aged 6, and uessie Elliott,a jed 5 years, were found to be miss-ing at supper time, and were notfound until midnight, when theywere discovered to be staying allnight with Charley McGee's chil-

dren on west Monroe street. Theparents of the little folks wereirul; distressed and Mrs. Elliottwas frantic with grief. At least

I should only get a wetting, b romilJ Mrs. P. . Locke, whoM sojourning in Texas thelutlh, returned home last

the last the rocks were my only

had just ascended. Long hlmystreams above were stretchingthemselves forward as though im-patient at the slowness ot the greatcloudy glacier beneath them. Largedropps of rain began to patter.The foreruning, outriding bits ofmist were creeping on the eartharound me, and some, as gracefulj.3 a giant boa, were arching theirlong crests upward above the castlerocks beyond me. Then the greatbillow of boiling black sweptaround me and beneath me,like some living thing of strengthand purposes and, thunder

confused,my breath thickened with an airthat was vapory, ozoned a d sul-

phurous, I stood there, awed, si-

lenced, fascinated.Soon I noticed that my hands

kept wiping at my face to free itfrom a cobweb-lik- e sensation, and

j think that two neighborhood boys, with good imputations should do'such a desperate deed, and we

tru-- t thry may be able to prove

shelter. At last I stood is theshadow of an immense rock- - as

Makes a specialty of eufrineand publics and private water-wor- ks

building.Offioe in TJ. 8. Express building, op-

posite tbe post-offic- e.

MILK WANTED!Alice Mason returned home

B. Ii. Cau thorn 5 00Wm. Pollock 5 00

J. F. Llewellyn 2 50R. McD 2 50

J. R. Johnson 2 0S. P. Emmons 2 00C. C. Davis 2 00

large as two or three city court-houses. I walked cautiouslyu'at from Eminence, Ky.,

five hundred people were engaged jnhttpent the summer with around its western side, well onthe watch for wild animals : for I

tht ir innocence. Mr. Iiams thinks,beyond a doubt, that the rightparties are aires' ed.


ETXX OCTOBXK 6.he had sent a number of others overother roads in charge of other perhad heard many tales of hunters

Lebb Crigler drives the bestthree year old in this section of thecounty. If you want to buy himgo around and plank down $200.He is a natural saddle and harnesshorse.

Mr. Paige is trafficking with Mr.Graham of Middletown. Mr. Paigeowns 200 acres of Audrain landand Mr. Graham business and res-

idence property in Pike. Thetrade is not yet consummated Wehope Mr. Paige will stay with us.

Mr. Tomn.ie Wright, of Mexico,

Lott and wife leave thisniit their daughter, Mrs. stumbling, with serious results,

J. B. Harrison 2 00Jack Gough 2 00Alex. Carter, Sr 2 00VV. O. Johnson 2 00

J.N. Baakett 2 00

ItmrtjWho lives in Burling-- The A. O. U. W. to IIav? a f odreat Hiuer'a School IIouu.

sons. He stated that the schoolthis winter would be well attended.

A little girl six years old travel-ing unactompairjed attracted con-

siderable notice on the C. & A.

Jack Saunders 2 00

in the search and the Are bell wasi uug ior hours. The ringing of thebell was the means of discovery asChailey McGee comedown town atmidnight "to see where the firewas." When informed of thetrouble he said the children cameto his house and took supper, say-ing their mothers had told themthey could stay all night. As theywere playmates of hie children hethought it was all right.

image licence was issued to

unexpectedly,UPON BEARS

in such places. When I looked infront of me, expecting to see as lopesimilar to the one I had just climb-ed go off gradually beyond, you

The Rush Hill Creamery willopen on October 6. The highestmarket price will be paid for milk.Farmers should call now and makecontracts. Skimmed milk will bereturned. T. HORN,

25 4t E. FEUTZ,Proprietors.

D. M. Roberts 2 00

T.T.GiU 100Barman Brandenberger, ofl, and Miss Lena Kuukel, that my flesh was warm with a lit- - Bunk Edw ards 1 00 train yesterday 'morning. A card

attached to her stated that sheatj. tie prickling tingle; and, looking up, W. B. Taylor 1 00

U-- Brown, traveling freightpassed through Worcester last Sat-

urday.Mr. Galloway and brother, of

I saw my gun barrel tips sparkling Ben Gilmore 1 10

with little flashes of light. Then ! ? E--j Cave . 100came from Liberal, Kansas, and )

was bound for Vandalia, 111. Hermother war-dea- and she waB on'

fflM SanU Fe, was in the

The following member of theA O U. W. Lulee, of Mexico,went to Hiner's school house lastnight in answer to an invitationfrom prominent citizens there whowant to organize a lodge. J. J.Winscott, B. B. Runkie, J. A.S? pence, J. R. Luckie, E. S. Frost,11. M. Allison, A. G. Gass, W. H.II. Lee, J. G. Trimble, R. M.White, J. T. Bunton, A. J. Win--

The parents of the childreniKe Mjora.) i oo. Alien,I had realized my danger, anj q. 3 Macfarlane. 100

turning I ran quickly down the p E Todce 1 00Kay

looking after the interdesire to thank the public forassisting so promptly in the search.

her way U her grandmother at that ,!,., ' Mr. Thou. Duugnon.te' . . ... I The fiuishing game between the

"One of tbe Best."From lb ndlt Buoo.

The Mexico Ledger baa justcelebrated ita fourteenth anniver-sary under its present managementand the fact is noted by R. M.

ctober 11 the great McCabeIV'i.pntutxr and Saul a KV h istt bull

mountain side whence I had come, j a. S. Houston 1 00

and left behind me the grandest j Wm. Thomas 100spectacle I ever witnessed. On ' Dr. W. L. Reed 100

our slope it only sprinkled When i w,n- - U wellyn 1 00

P Minstrels will appear at one indeed. A prettier country. .lad tlnar TTdi-ia- Q.a A i teams was piHyeu i jueiim paraBuy your lumber of La Crosse

Lumber Co. at Laddonia, Vandalia,Mexico AuKvasseand Fulton.


one could hardly wish to see. TheSunt later. last .Saturday, resulting iu the de-- i scott.W.C. Wallace, James Quisen- -; J. B. Snyder " " - 1 00 ,w,nn a ... untprnriflliKr and tirnrt.I reached my home canon, the suni--, a xt T,.tf... i fin r e feat of the forever "Past Times," ! berry and Tom Roberts.rankie Lott and Miss

swman are home from at Tisit to Tplati

can imagine my surprise at findingmyself shuddering on the verge ofa canon so deep that I could notsee its bottom. Having j ust left mycamp on a large fork of the SouthPlatte, I did not suspect the pres-ence of another in this region.

But where was the storm? Some-

where in that great beyond of cragand chasm it was crashing omin-

ously. But not a trace of it couldmy eyes detect. Above, the sunshone, the sky was clearj belowthe canon yawned, and beyondthere stretched away a reach ofbazy billows of cone and forest andvalley. From where I stood thecanon ran westward, apparentlyhalf a mile (I suspect it was muchmore), then curving gracefully butrather suddenly southward, disap-peared behind a cliff so high thatit seemed to tower oyer me. Iiwas a grand view, unenhanced, but

and that, too, after Worcester j Interesting talks were made byplayed the most rotten game for Jj. Q. Trimble, W. H. H. Lee, J.four innings on record. "Pastjj. Winscott and E. S. Frost.Times" is the right name for them. We trust those who take an in-Th-

can't play good enough to terest in such an order will organ- -

i, Iowa.

We can sell you the Great En-cyclopedia Brittannica, unalteredand unabridged, in 25 volumes, tor$38.40, the only complete editionpublished for less than $120. You

White, its editor and proprietor,with pride. Mr. White has a rightto be proud. He took the Ledgerwhen it was in the sere and yellowleaf ot decay and he has by in-

domitable pluck, energy and abili-ty made it one of the best weeklypapers in the state. Here's to you,Bob, and may you live to celebratetbe fiftieth anniversary of your ex-

cellent sheet.

had not ceased to shine there, butsouthward they had heard thestormy mutter. Two days later Iwent down to the South Fork tofish, and found its waters had beenhigh, and were still too turbid fromthe great rain cloud that had rolleddown its canon by my feet.

Jambs Newton Baskett.

hMactarlane left this after- -Jbr Columbia to attend belong to the present times. I iZ8 at once. There is plenty of can pay tor it by the month, and ifI of the Board of Curators

perous, and are last mating a greatcountry of it The little city ofVandaiia, twenty miles east of here,a pushing little place, is rapidlygrowing. During our short staythere this morning we had thepleasure of visiting several of itsattractions, principal of which wereits two pretty parks and its coalmines. There are no flies on Van-

dalia, and the dead men there areonly those properly laid away in-

side its cemetery.Perry L. Kidd.

tUta University.

R. C. Paul 1 00Miss Ida Rosamond 1 00

M. Blum -- 1 00T.J. Gibson 100B. F. Dobyns 1 00

Judge Gentry 1 00R. C. Potts. 1 00Wm. Turner 1 00

R. N.Armstrong 1 00Robert Hogan. 1 00

W. P. Quisenberry 1 00

Mrs. Nath Wilson, D. C. '. 1 00

W.A.Morris....:. 1 00

Hop Kemp i.... 100J. P. Dobyns X 100J.T.Johnson i. 100Thos. Northern . 1 00


Mrs. W. T. Newman, who has g0od timber there to make a finebeen visiting in Illinois lor nix: working lodge. Hinei's schoolweeks, has returned to her almost

(house is located iu the garden

panic husband. We are ' Pp0t Qf Audrain, which is peopledglad, on account of our friend Wal- - j by our most substantial and pros- -

of Mound City.lirto has been visiting hisjj Johnson, for quite

you want an iucydoptedia this isooly a little more than you willhave to pay for incomplete andunsatisfactory editions containingless than half the matter in theoriginal edition. The first sevenvolumes are now ready for deliveryand will be complete by Dec. 1.Call and see us.

Sallkk & Cbaddock.

For Sale or Rent.

ter, that she has returned. perous farmers It is just theior home to-da-

a. The sick list is on the increase. place for an order like tbe A. OFan. Keieh ev nri MiaaLittle Clarence Atkinson, Little n W. to become strong and grow

fttn,were married Tue Dee Atkins and Mr. Morns are!f )h , ,o'clock at the Cath The LaCrosse Lumber Co., form- -

apIw nnlrl lumher dealers, now quite sick. Dr. Cornett is meeting .

PbyFather Dempsey. H.W.Reed... , 1 00 gives the consumer, through its With unparalleled success. Ycu are saving one profit by buy- -such as anyone may often see in themountains. All at once, after pealon peal had sounded, there crep

My farm of 253 acres, 4 milesF.M. Bailee J 1 00 many branch yards, the advantagewest of Mexico, finely improved,Aaaz to day shipped 5

Mr. John Douglass, of near Ben-

ton City, married Miss FrankieJordon instead of Mrs. Jordon, asannounced last week. The attend-ants were Miss Boone and Mr.Moore, and Miss Edna ' Allen ofReediville, and Mr. J. F. Johnson,of Audrain. They were marriedin the Christian Church of Reeds-vill- e,

Callaway county, by R-v- .

Robt. Shelton, of Audrain. Thebride wore a beautiful wine color-

ed satin, trimmed in iridescentpasmentry. The groom wore con-

ventional black. The happy couplewill reside on the groom's finefarm near Benton as soon as a resi

ToWN TALK. Ing cf La Crosse Lunwer vo.Always bear in mind that Mc- - Live Stock Market.over this butting cliff, as gracefully two story dwelling of seven rooms.me to Chicago. They L,oney & b rult can oner to sen ; gT- - jmg Mo., Sept. 23. The good frame barn, all well fenced.J one and he bouuht as a serpent, a bit of blue mist that

dropped into and climbed out ot goods ior less than any otner nouse !

f.,; run it tw ; National Stock Yards, of East fat.P A. Carter sometime agoWIii

'4td 2tw ' Louis, furnishes the following

of good grades at low prises. Oneprofit saved.

I. O. O. F. aud Saloon Men.1From the Wcstlicli-l'os- t.

The Sovereign Grand Lodge ofI. O. O. F. acts against the intoler-ance of tbe Grand Lodge of Mis-

souri. Every friend of personalliberty will hail with satisfaction

crevice after crevice, and thendown the bluff's walls into the

Call on Wm. Bakkv,on farm, er

Shea & Waddington, Mexico.La Crosse Lumber Co., wholesale

yard, planing mill, dry kilns, Louis-an- a,



Bland Silver Bill.From thr St. Luaia Keublie.

The Bland silver law requiredthe coinage of not less than $2,000,-00-0

woith of hilver bullion permonth, and not more than $4,000,- -000 worth. That law is repealedby tbe new silver bill, except thattbe coinage of silver dollars is tocontinue under the old law for oneyear from the passage of the pres-

ent law, aftei which no more silverdollars need be coined. So theboasted silver law enacted by theRepublican party at the presentsession really demonetize! silver

Jeweler Bobbed.Tbe safe of W. W. Woolfolk,

the Centralis jeweler, was openedlast night by some one wbo knewthe combination and $1,000 worthof watches and jewelry was stolen.

Fay Up.Having sold my drug business

1 would like for those owing me to

Richard Clemmens and his wifeDeanne and irrand- - chasm, long, clinging, fleecyKMigtLnla Price, left last

Abe Lariuiore . 1 00

A. H. Canterbury 4 100A.K.I.U kle j. 1 00H. 8. Bteppelman . 1 00

WiU Gregg ..... 100J.H.Bickley --.. 1 00ThWAtchiaoar 1 00Geo. Kabrich 100A. G. Armstrong 1 00H. Moore 100J.G.Head 100W.W.Nichols 1 00

J. T. Fields 1 00

W. A. Hunter 1 00

C. C. CardweU 1 00

J. H. Sallee 1 00

Cattlb The receipts to-da- y

were 3,400 head; the shipmentswere 1,000 head. The market ruledhigher. The sales ranged as fol- -

had quite a matinee last night attheir home on Clark avenue. Itseems Richard went home in a

fragments. But the larger por-

tion came floating across the canonKansaa City to visitPaarii"g dauahter. Mrs. the action of the Sovereign Grandas gracefully as a gossamer, direct lows: Good to fancy nativei w ' dence can be erected.

ly toward me. I knew this was boilerous state of intoxication andbegan to malign and mistreat hisgood wife in a most pitiable way,

to Cfinanlt n. T ; the storm king's herald. CrashedLodge which was in session atTopeka, Kansas. The State GrandLodge of Missouri added to the

steers,S4.40a5.00;fair to good steers,3.90a4 40; stockers and feedersat $2 30a3 30; Texan and Indiansteers, quoted at 2.50a3.50; rangestere,. not quoted.

.r mi 1 1

fwneaday until Saturday.

Buy Tennent Stribling Shoe Co.'s"Never Rip" school shoe. Theywill wear better, tit better and lookbetter than any custom shoe made.Turner, Jackson & Co. keep and

when she, furious with rage andagain the tnunder "tne ratuiugcrags among," till the very rocksf Jour eye. Rmnhir constitution an amendment which

H. Jacobson has sold his interestin "Jakes" saloon to Moses May-fiel- d

and will at once move toChicago with bis family. Jakehas accepted a good position witha wholesale gent's clothing houseand bis many friend here wishhim unbounded success.


Married, at the residence of thebride's parents in West Mexico at

indignation, pounced upon himf.8pt.24to23,atVind8or trembled, and turning my eyes a would expell all members engagedW. L.Craddock 100 unmercifully, SSTTK- - Vand flogged himlittle westward I saw, sweepingQltation free. in the liquor traffic, but the bodyof the Sovereign Grand Lodge are

J. D. Morris 1 00

Eugene Tomlinson 1 00with a grace and majesty I cannot striking him over the head with a 5 Market was lower. Thestick of wood and brusing him up ; B&ie8 ranged as follows: Fair to.SonofMrandMra

R. E. Hisey 1 00attempt to picture, around the candied 8aturdav. Snnt. generally. settle their account without fartheron a curve tne lull ironl. pernaps

guarantee them. 23-B- t

Fire at Fulton.A big fire at Fulton broke out

Toesday at a little past 1

o'clock a. m. The large implementhouse of Tucker & Berghauservalued at $5,000, and all its con-

tents went up in smoke. J. A.

fwmbraneou8 croup. TheP Vara t.L . . .. St. Louis boots and shoes to the

4 p. m. to-da- by Rev. E. K. Milnearly half a mile in height, of agreat storm-clou-d billow. It filled


Wallace Bodgerg.Wm. Galloway. . .

M. F. CrowJohn AbbayJ. D. M'jKeeCash

m u Antioch,7, and buried Sunday

front. The workmen making themeat Missouri beef, eggs, butter,etc. Ask for Tennent Stribling

made out of different material andstrongly oppose such intolerantmeasures, and foiled the dropsi-cal intentions of said State Lodge.Mr. Francis Becker sent us thefollowing message :

Topeka, Sept. 20. The Sov-ereign Grand Lodze nronounced

choice heavy were quoted at 14. 45a4.65; packing grades, not quoted;mixed grades, quoted at $4 00a4 40;butchers' grades not quoted;light, fair to choice, quoted atS4.40a4.50.

Sheep and Lambs The receiptsto-da- y were 1,300 head; the ship-ments were 500. The market was

ler, Miss D. Ely and Nelson Mat-

thews. The Ledger extends conthe chasm's fearful depth and floated half as high above it. Shoe Co.'s shoes. For sale and

warranted by Turner, Jackson &

notice. C. R. Gibbs.dlw w3t

Tbe boys have got the goods anddon't forget they make tbe prices.

4td 2tw. McLoney & Frank.

I will pay the highest marketprice in cah for all varieties ofgood, sound apples handled in asuitable manner for shipping.w-- 2 m W. S. Hathaway.

I STOOD ENTRANCED Use LaCrosse Lumber Co. ready Company. 23 6t"ia,lhe optician, will be

WedBesday, Sept.;niw nntU Saturday,

mixed paints. Guaranteed strictlypure. the action of the Grand Lodge ofas it bore down upon me a surg-

ing, boiling wave of vapor. Time Tbe Great St. Lonif Exposition steady. Fair to choice grades ofI sheep were qnoted at $4.50a5.10;of 1890,

gratulations to the happy couple,who will make Audrain theirpermanent home.

Be sure and let Ls Crosse LumberCo. to figure your bill. They will saveyou money.

Tom Roberta has moved hisrestaurant and luncu counter onedoor Bouth of Rod en & Altepeter's

BM b can be consultedJOUr evea and v

the State of Missouri, in regard tothe amendment, illegal.

Yours, Cms. A. Liske. With Gilmore's full band and theand again I saw the lightning 8

zigzag flash cleave the frowning

Franklin's saddlery as well as oth-

er buildings were burned up, to thevalue of $12,000. We learn therewas little or no insursnce on anyof the property burned.

McLoney & Frank carry the bestline of boots and shoes in Audraincounty. 4td 2tw.

J. T. Screggins, of near Farber,

r "glasses. Office at

lambs were not quoted; mixed low,not quoted.

Strayed.Strayed, from my residence at

Wellsville. a dark bay pony, mare,

Other people save money by buy

Andrew Meyer, a brother-in-la-

of Wm- - Kemper, is down South ona visit. The report that he wasmissing and had met with foulplay is without foundation. Hetold Mr. Kemper he was goingSouth on a visit.

Ina of La Crosse Lumber Co., beL Foree, hying in the sides getting better grades. Why rgrocery store, on west eiae oishould vou not do the same 7

Choice Potatoes.W. 8. Hathaway has just receiv-

ed a lot ot choice Minnesotapotatoes.

No more pictures that you are

greatest electrical display evermade on earth, will be open untilOctober 18th. The Wabash offersthe low rates to and from St.Louis. Particulars of the newestticket agent. d&wtd

If you trade where you can buythe best goods for the least moneyyou will trade with McLomy &Prank. 4td 2tw.

--H- .or thecity.U re. W &fchineton street, where he womabe pleased vo have all bis old cus-

tomers, as well as new ones, callwas in Mexico this week en route

to Clinton where he will place hisNew Suits Filed.

Jas. S. Capp vs. Wabash, StLouis and Pacific R. R., damages.

so incoher

14 hands high; branded on left hipwith a bar H; white spot on leftside of neck. Shod in front. Sendinformation to R. E. Bently, Weils-vill- e,

M 24-2- t

Be sure and call and Inspect La

ehamed to show your friends.AU Tennent Stribling Shoe Co.'scustom boots and shoes made in and see him. t"

front from top to bottom. Acrossits perpendicular face the dazzlingstreaks seemed, in twos and threes,to chase each other. The boomingthunders never ceased, and greatwhirls of air not tornado-lik- e, butrather gentle seemed to waltz in asort of mazy iuvolution gracefuland bewildering all through theseething mass.

Nearer it came with a pecnliarteUh, sort of rolling motion

daughter.Miss Eva.and Miss Delianeighbors fearbe sent to ih St. Louis by honest labor. No Mary E. Hoselton vs. AmosWilliams in Baird College. Mjsb

Eva graduates this year in vocal penitentiary work. Ask for them Hoselton, divorce.re--v family physician

S CitiahU ,Ni old back dates made at Ed-- Crease Lumber Co.' sstook

Edwards' New Gallery beats themall, 16 1 2 P. O. Block. d3twlt

The best line ot men's underwearin Mexico just arrived at McLoney& Frank!. 4t42tw.

jt and instrumental mnsic.

For Sale.Five good brood mares, all in

foal, and one fine Duluth stallionltd It W J. H. DILLIARD,

Four miles north of Mexico,

Steive and Ellbogen vs. Mark ..nlni Ka flllrv He has aliiuuo auu ... .t.t ; .renr ift 1.2. P. I Froofs shown with DleMon atat Turner, Jackson & Co.'s andtake no other. 23-6- t

Don't buy without first oalHng enLaCross Lumber Oe,.

Pilcher, debt.New and stylish line of hats juato BWk. d&wlfc I Edward' New Gallery. tftltGilbert Elliott va. G.Blum, note.arrived at Melon rrawa.