1999 RAMADAN SESSION - Status of the IWDM …€¦ · Web view1999/12/17  · Tafseer will be...

Page 1 of 51 12-17-99 12-17-99 Comments on The Holy Quran What is the Quran, Islam, Prophet, Muslim Masjid Bilal Cleveland, Ohio Imam Warith Deen Mohammed Transcript 1 st draft unedited Nasir Ahmad no D = dictionary of terms P = printed hard copy No Q = Qur’an Tafser no X = excerpted Ramadan Session #1 Friday Tape 1 Side A As Salaam Aliakum. Bismillaher Rahmaaner Raheem. Ashadu an la elaaha illalahu wahdahu la shareka lahu wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduha wa rasuluhu. Sallallahu alayhe wa sallam amma buad. Q. 2.183; Ramadan prescribed for fasting “O ye who believe! fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that you may (learn) self-restraint.” Well this is the month of Ramadan, we’re witnessing it and fasting in this month, those who qualify and are able to fast the month of Ramadan, it is a month of blessings, great blessings, many blessings. I’ve never fasted the month of Ramadan and weren’t aware of special blessing being given or receive by me during the month of Ramadan. I’ve never fasted the month without being aware that I was receiving special blessings that I didn’t receive in other months. Also as you know, when someone completes the fast the month of Ramadan and have done it sincerely, fasted sincerely, not to lose weight, not to try to get pretty and wear your small clothes that you use to wear or not to improve your health, but you did it because Allah says fast in the month of Ramadan. And the Prophet established fasting for us in the month of Ramadan. He did it because you knew that was your obligation as a Muslim to do it. If you did it for that reason and you reason was not corrupted with other interests you had too, that you combined with it, made something else as important as the fasting as a Muslim, then you got great blessing if you fasted. And you will get great 1999 RAMADAN SESSION

Transcript of 1999 RAMADAN SESSION - Status of the IWDM …€¦ · Web view1999/12/17  · Tafseer will be...

Page 1: 1999 RAMADAN SESSION - Status of the IWDM …€¦ · Web view1999/12/17  · Tafseer will be explanation, clarification of the meaning of Quran? W.D. Mohammed I didn’t get the

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12-17-99 Comments on The Holy Quran What is the Quran, Islam, Prophet, Muslim Masjid Bilal Cleveland, Ohio

Imam Warith Deen Mohammed

Transcript 1st draft unedited Nasir Ahmad no D = dictionary of terms P = printed hard copy No Q = Qur’an Tafser no X = excerpted

Ramadan Session #1 Friday Tape 1 Side A

As Salaam Aliakum. Bismillaher Rahmaaner Raheem. Ashadu an la elaaha illalahu wahdahu la shareka lahu wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduha wa rasuluhu. Sallallahu alayhe wa sallam amma buad.

Q. 2.183; Ramadan prescribed for fasting “O ye who believe! fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that you may (learn) self-restraint.”

Well this is the month of Ramadan, we’re witnessing it and fasting in this month, those who qualify and are able to fast the month of Ramadan, it is a month of blessings, great blessings, many blessings. I’ve never fasted the month of Ramadan and weren’t aware of special blessing being given or receive by me during the month of Ramadan. I’ve never fasted the month without being aware that I

was receiving special blessings that I didn’t receive in other months.

Also as you know, when someone completes the fast the month of Ramadan and have done it sincerely, fasted sincerely, not to lose weight, not to try to get pretty and wear your small clothes that you use to wear or not to improve your health, but you did it because Allah says fast in the month of Ramadan.

And the Prophet established fasting for us in the month of Ramadan. He did it because you knew that was your obligation as a Muslim to do it. If you did it for that reason and you reason was not corrupted with other interests you had too, that you combined with it, made something else as important as the fasting as a Muslim, then you got great blessing if you fasted. And you will get great blessings every time you fast that way.

m. 23 Ramadan KarriemSo this is a very special month for us and we will celebrate it on the Eid day, on the Eid Al Fitr at the end of the fast en sha Allah. So we wish each and everyone of you a blessed Ramadan and as they say Ramadan Karriem, that’s something lately put in the greeting.

Ramadan Karriem, that’s something, its nice, Ramadan Karriem. Ramadan we expect for us to be blessed generously, karriem means generosity and karriem means honorable, honorable, noble, noble, honorable and karriem means yes, generous, generous. Most noble people and honorable people they are generous, so the two go together, noble, nobility, nobleness and honor they go together. That’s why its translated sometime honorable or honor and translated sometime generous, generous both meanings are in karriem.

So when you say Ramadan karriem it’s a very good expression but Allah says of Ramadan the month in which He’s given great blessings,


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G-d, Allah called it Mubarak, He didn’t call it karriem. So I don’t follow the trends, I don’t follow the trends but please keep saying to me, Imam Ramadan Karriem, its fine.

I think the immigrant Muslims introduced that into America to tell you that you’re not blessed, first be honorable, clean up, be respectable, be respectable, karriem, honorable with respect

and be generous. Don’t be asking for so much, give something, I think that’s what they’re trying to tell the blacks and I’m not in that, I don’t fit in that group. I’ve always tried to give as much as I could and I’ve always tried to respect what is to be respected. So I don’t need them to tell me to say Ramadan karriem.

The Holy Quran is Karriem, that’s an attribute of the Quran. So we’ve started the session already, you taking notes? Good, good.

Now we want to read some Quran before, then I’ll continue. From the last of surah Baqara, beginning with mentioning of the Prophet, Ar Rasul meaning Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) to whom the Quran was revealed who is the Messenger of G-d.

Q. 2.285; The Prophet and believers believe

“The Apostle believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord as do the men of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah His angels His books and His Apostles "We make no distinction (they say) between one and another of His Apostles." And they say: "We hear and we obey; (We seek) Thy forgiveness Our Lord and to Thee is the end of all journeys."

The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from His Lord and so, also have the believers. Everyone of them believe in G-d, Allah that is, means G-d and His angels and His Books of Revelation and His Messengers. They do not discriminate among or between His Messengers. Discriminate means to say one is better than the other or one is more legitimate than the other. As far as them being the Messengers of G-d they accept them all. That they all have equal respect, qualification as the Messengers of G-d, that’s what it means, that we don’t say one was a half Messenger of G-d and the other one was a full messenger of G-d. One was a weak

Messenger of G-d and one was a strong messenger of G-d, we don’t question, we don’t make distinctions between their legitimacy. They are all equally legitimate as Messengers of G-d like you can’t say one of us born of a mother and a father is more legitimate than another born of the same mother and same father. No matter what you think of us individually or how we rate with each other according to our own performance, each one of our performance, it does not at all affect the legitimacy of each one of us. So that’s what it means.

We do not give more legitimacy to one Messenger than another Messenger, that’s what it, exactly what it means, we don’t not make distinctions. We know there is distinction, Moses received a much bigger responsibility from G-d than did Aaron, two Prophets, his brother, his brother was a Prophet. So we know there’s a difference, there’s a big difference between Moses and Aaron, two Prophets, brothers peace be upon them. So it doesn’t mean that, it means we do not question their legitimacy.

m. 86Anybody else question the legitimacy of Prophets? Certainly, the Jews have not accepted Jesus Christ yet peace be upon him as a Prophet. Only a few Jews, modern Jews today, maybe its a few back then but the numbers are so few they are not even known.

Somebody sleeping they have to go, if you sleep here you have to go, now brother you have to go and wake up or you have to get out

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of here, you can’t, I can’t look at somebody sleeping and they stay in here, no.

How many of my students, my students? Raise you hands, if your hand went up slow you should get out of here, no, no joke, believe me this is no joke, I’m dead serious. If your hand went up slow you should just leave, if you’re gonna grade me you should not have come here, I don’t need you to grade me. You didn’t teach me how you’re gonna grade me?

m. 108And I’ve had you grading me, brother Imam that was pretty good that time, brother Imam I think you did pretty good that time, that’s the best I ever heard, I really like how you explained such and such a thing. And its not what you say as much as it is the spirit that you say it in, your attitude and your spirit tells me that you think you know something and you

come just to listen to me to see can you find fault, find some weaknesses, find something to say was wrong. And if you’re pleased then you say “oh you got a ”A” today brother Imam. You’re wasting me time and your time. So don’t do that, anybody see someone sitting among them and they look like they don’t belong here, please come and give me their names.

Okay, now returning to this, this reading from the last of surah Baqara, the last ayaat, verses of suratul Baqara.

Bismillaher Rahmaaner Raheemand they say, who say? The believers say, don’t lose what we’re talking about, the believers say. And who is the first of the believers mentioned here? I want to hear you, Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) Ar Rasul, yes brother.

Ar Rasul, Ar Rasululaahe is the first of the believers that’s mentioned here.

Q.2.156; We return to Allah "Who say when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah we belong and to Him is our return."

And they say, means Muhammad (pbuh) say too, and they say we hear and we obey, we seek forgiveness of You our Lord and to You is our destination, where we’re going. We’re going to You. And that doesn’t mean you’re dying. I’m going to be hitting on things that I know you doing wrong. You have a Christian saying when someone die, they return to Allah. How do you know? Everything returns to Allah but what is the meaning of that? Everything returns to Allah but what is the meaning of that, what is the meaning of everything returns to Allah? Allah says everything will return to Him not just you, everything, what does it mean? And Imam want to answer that for me? Lets see the hands of those who want to answer that question for me. What does it mean that you return to Allah? I want someone

close so I can hear them when I speak, so I can hear them, don’t have to strain to hear them, yes brother right here with the white shirt.

Comment:As Salaam Alaikum Bro Imam I believe it means that Allah will make the final summing up of what his worth was, the determination of his value in

W.D. Mohammed:Yes sir, yes sir you’re correct a perfect answer, perfect answer. All accounts will be settled by G-d, all accounts will be settled by G-d the last, the last payment is to G-d. That’s exactly, that’s a perfect answer I don’t have any question, any criticism of it at all. But it also means everything got its beginning from G-d, because of G-d and because of the power of G-d, the Will of G-d. And things go astray from His Will, they break with the Will of G-d and in the end everything comes back under G-d’s Will, under G-d’s authority and under G-d’s Will.

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[Le] means possessionThe word [Le] means possession, it indicates possession and its stronger than [enda, ende] if I say [ende ketab] that’s correct, it means I have a book, [ende ketab] “I have a book”. But if I say [Le walid] “I have a son” that’s stronger, that’s a stronger possession. That means I have rights to this son as a father because of natural ties, natural ties, we are naturally tied to each other. And because of first rights, first rights.

So Allah use the expression [Le] in fact in the beginning of this reading we just made I didn’t start at the beginning, it says “to G-d is whatever is in the, for G-d, means it belongs to Him, for G-d is whatever is in the skies and whatever is in the earth. To G-d you’re returning, they’re returning, to G-d is the destination, the final abode.

“Le” = For “Enda” = With

181 First title (ownership) with G-dSo this strong word [Le] whatever, whenever G-d says something is His, He never uses [enda], He never uses [enda] because things are always His. The first right to anything is always G-d’s, if we believe in G-d, if we believe in G-d then the first title was G-d’s. The first title to the universe, the first title to human beings, first title to anything, it was G-d’s, so that’s

why [Le] is always in use with G-d. with G-d its always [Le].

If any, any softer language was used like [enda, endee] means I have something” like [ende] for possession, for possession, if something like that is used then usually its not just G-d, but the angels or the Messengers, others are included and it is saying that not so much that they possess that, but they were present. They were present and had knowledge of what was going on regarding a particular thing whether it you a person or anything or a happening. The destruction of the town or city or whatever and to them were the reports or the news or the information, this thing is not as close in the relationship to the possessor as to say the object belong to G-d. This is just a happening that occurred, its different, its different, alright.

We hear and we obeySo the Messenger of G-d (pbuh) says, along with all the other believers, we hear and we obey, what does that expression bring to your mind? We say we hear and we obey, it means that we do not question what G-d said, we don’t question what G-d says. We hear and we obey.

Like a soldier in the army he hear the cadence and he carries them out, he doesn’t think about it, say “hey should I left face or should I right face”? He doesn’t think about it, he knows he’s suppose to hear and obey those cadence. Islam, if we know G-d said this, now hesitation, hear and obey. [aqamis salat] you don’t think about it, you get up and do your prayers, you don’t think about it, you don’t hesitate because you know G-d established that [aqamis salat], right? Yes, we hear and we obey.

Now right after that it comes “forgive us, we ask Your forgiveness our Lord”, so that tells us they don’t always hear and obey, but their wish

and their obligation is to hear and obey. Now this doesn’t include the Prophet (pbuh) but for all others they hear and they don’t always obey as soon as they hear. They have to learn the obedience of the Messengers of G-d from the Messengers of G-d, from the Word of G-d and the Messengers they learn this obedience. And to You is our eventual destination or eventual coming, where we will end up eventually.

Nafs feminine

Q. 2.286; No soul has burden it can’t bear

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“On no soul doth Allah place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns and it suffers every ill that it earns. (Pray): "Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; help us against those who stand against faith."

Now, “G-d does not burden a soul, any person except with what it has a capacity to bear. [wus-aha] means its capacity, G-d will not put on it more than it has the capacity to bear. For it is what it has earned and upon it, its what has been recorded, what has been recorded, but look at the ending of the word here, this is the [nafsun] right? The [Nafs] is feminine in grammar, grammatically speaking, in grammar, Arabic grammar the [Nafs] is feminine. [Ma kasabat] upon it is what it has earned and against it or upon it [Ma kasabat].

Now it means what has been recorded. Now the angels record don’t they? Are the angels masculine for feminine? Raise you hand if you know, anyone close up here or back there, I want to see all the hands who know. Are angels masculine or feminine in Islam, raise you hand if you know, no one closer, you all should have been in the back and the others should be up here. The first students are back in the back.

m. 228 Angel are masculine

Q. 50.17, 18; Angels record actions 17. Behold two (guardian angels) appointed to learn (his doings) learn (and note

them) one sitting on the right and one on the left.18. Not a word does he utter but there is a sentinel by him ready (to note it).

Soul records all your actions


W. D. Mohammed:Masculine, that’s correct, I saw some hand, I just want to get more response from you don’t be shy, you listen to me and you grade me let me listen to you and grade you. Yes, the angels are masculine, so its not talking about the angels and the angels record don’t they? They record our deeds but this is not talking about the angels, something is recording, its your own soul. Your own soul registers what you do good or bad, you’ll forget it but its in your soul, your soul will never release it, it’ll stay there forever. Everything that happens in your life is recorded upon your soul and it will stay there forever. Your soul records it.

Now look how the connection is made, see this is how you test someone to see if they know what they’re talking about or not; if they don’t know what they’re talking about it won’t follow through with --the meanings won’t be consistent, the meanings won’t be consistent and this is Revelation. Shouldn’t only be consistent it should be powerfully unfolding, powerfully unfolding, should not be just a little simple unfolding, it should be a powerful unfolding a mighty unfolding if its Revelation, and it is Revelation

Soul mind different Mind forgets soul records

Our Lord do not charge us with or punish us if we should forget or make a mistake, if we should forget or make a mistake. The mind forgets, the mind makes mistakes the soul records perfectly everything that

happens, but the soul and the mind are different. So you see how it starts? Hear and I obey, we hear and we obey, that’s perfect obedience right? Hear and immediately obey, perfect obedience and then the soul, the self is

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not burdened except by what it has the capacity to bear, that’s the soul.

Soul records what happened in wombAnd then the soul is recording very accurately everything that we’re doing good or bad, everything that we’re registering on our mind goes to the soul and will never be erased unless G-d erases. You have no power to erase it yourself. Is there any proof of this in psychology? Yes. They can bring up what happened to you when you were in your mother’s stomach, well they claim it. They claim they can bring up memory from you when you were in your mother’s stomach, not even born yet, you weren’t talking but they know by the responses that this is a response from the fetus, not from a born child.

So that means whatever happened in the fetus was recorded in your soul and they were able to find some evidence of that. Did you pay your ten dollars registration? Raise your hand, if you didn’t go, please. It was just to say to you that this has value, you weren’t charged the price, the price is one million dollars with no exaggeration, in fact more than that. One day some of you all might understand, some of you do already I believe. If you’re lucky to go to heaven and be in the high heaven you will understand.

So the mind is subject to forget because of the imperfection of the mind its subject to make mistakes so again we pray for the soul, G-d does not burden anyone except with what it has the capacity to bear. But now the mind, we’re pleading for the mind now, these are believers pleading for the mind. “and do not make us carry or bear a burden as that, that You placed on those before us”

m. 309 Esran [Esran means burden of unclear religionThis is a particular burden isn’t it? [isran] this is a particular burden, its not an ordinary burden, [Isran] a particular burden. This is a

burden that we see in Religions that are not having the clarity that Islam has and that’s all Religions other than Islam. No religion has the clarity that Islam has, it is the last of the great revealed Religions and it is the clearest, the clearest of the revealed Religions. All the other Religions filled with a lot of mystery, too much mystery, too much esotericism, secret language, language known only by the few who are blessed to get insight. They’re filled with that and that’s what makes them a great burden on the average adherent or believer or follower of those faiths.

So here we are praying that G-d will not burden us with the burden that was placed upon those before us. We’re praying because G-d, we have recognized the clarity in Islam, we have recognized the ease with which we can walk the path of Islam, [seraatal mustaqeem]. And we’re grateful to G-d for making this Religion now so plain and so easy for us to follow and live and we ask Him that He will never place a burden on us like He placed on those before us; yes it is.

This is Tafseer, Tafseer, you know what Tafseer is? Raise your hand, how many know what Tafseer is? Yes, yes brother with the pencil in his hand, right here, yes I know your face but I can’t call your name right now, ___ yes.


W.D. MohammedYes what is the meaning of Tafseer?

Commentor:Tafseer will be explanation, clarification of the meaning of Quran?

W.D. MohammedI didn’t get the first word.

m. 346 Tafseer is explanation of Quran

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W.D. Mohammed

Yes sir, exactly thank you, that’s exactly. So Tafseer is explanation of Quran, of the meanings, explaining the meanings as he said, Tafseer.

“Our Lord do not make us carry or burden us with a load, something to carry that we do not have the ability to manage.” These statements sound very similar don’t they? Sound very similar what is being asked, sound very similar, but they all have reference to Scripture, what was revealed before to people. And have reference to the people who believed before us, Jews, Christians, has reference to what they bore as a burden in, from on them as followers of the Prophets that came to them.

For the Jews Moses, peace be upon him or Musa, for the Christians, Jesus Christ peace be upon him but not limited to those, to all others. Remember this, Allah says in Quran these are the ones that are named in the Book, Prophets, speaks of the ones that are named, given by name in the Quran. And they are almost 100 % the same names we find in the Bible, so to leave us with the right impression so we don’t think that G-d’s Prophets are limited to those that are mentioned in Scripture, past; Abraham, Moses, Jesus and others, G-d says and there are others not mentioned in the Book

Q. 4.164; Prophets some named others not named “Of some Apostles We have already told thee the story; of others We have not; and to Moses Allah spoke direct.”

m. 383So most of the Prophets and Messengers of G-d are not even mentioned in Scripture, they are not mentioned in Scripture. The problem is not with those not mentioned, the problem is with those mentioned. So why should G-d discuss

those not mentioned, you don’t have any problem with them, you don’t even know them. The problem is with those that people have on pages and they’re saying things about them and they’re presenting them in certain pictures and in certain ways and most of the people are confused. Who of these are right, which one is right, which one is wrong, can all of them be right? So its confusion, G-d only addresses the confusion upon us to lighten our burden, G-d want to lighten the burden on believers, all believers.

“So do not have, make us carry a load that we can’t bear or we have not the ability to manage”. This is not referring to the mysticism in Religion, the difficulty with reading or perceiving what’s stated in the Scripture because its so mystified, its so esoteric, this is not referring to that at all, this one here is just referring to the ability of the individual, in the mind, the ability of the individual, his mind and his spirit and his soul to carry burden, the individual ability. Mind, spirit, soul to carry the weight, to carry the responsibility, carry the burden or whatever.

What is the reference? The reference again is to the respect, that the Quran, the Revealed Word has for human constitution, human power and human limitations, the respect that it has for it. First of all its not one of those Religions that depend mostly upon purification of the spirit and spiritual devotion. It ask us to work on that for that purification but that’s not what it depends upon.

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Quran reach soul through mind It depends upon us being truthful with our minds, being truthful with our minds, the message of Islam and the Quran, the Quran and Islam is to our minds. It does not try to reach our mind through our emotions as much as it tries to reach our emotions through our mind. So it is distinguished among religions of the world for reaching, for trying to reach the soul through the mind rather than the reverse is that clear? I know it is for me but if you’re grading me you’ll miss a lot and I never will accept your grade, not for me. I grade myself and I grade myself by trying to figure out how G-d would grade me, I try hard to figure how G-d is grading me and that’s the way I grade myself.

Q. 49.17; count not join Islam as a favor to


“They impress on thee as favor that they have embraced Islam. Say "Count not your Islam as a favor upon me: Nay Allah has conferred a favor upon you that He has guided you to the Faith if ye be true and sincere. “

So when it comes to our personal ability to carry responsibility, a heavy responsibility we should be grateful to G-d for Islam, when Allah says and count not our Islam as a favor to G-d it is a favor to you, like you’re doing G-d some favor. “Oh I became a Muslim, G-d wanted me to be a Muslim, Allah wanted me to be a Muslim, Allah wanted me to be a Muslim so I became a Muslim. Imam so and so and so wanted me to become a Muslim so I decided to be a Muslim, I know he’s happy now.”

Shahada beg ask to convertSome of us have that attitude, “oh my mother she’s been a Muslim, I’m going to surprise her I’m going to take my shahada next week. Oh my mother is happy now that I become a Muslim” . Oh somebody have to bribe, you’re doing somebody a favor becoming a Muslim. When have you all heard me ask somebody to take their shahada? This Religion is so valuable and precious I would never stoop down so low, beg you to take shahada. It’s a great favor on you that you take shahada, like me begging you to take a million dollars and there’s no comparison, but I’m just giving you an idea. Like me begging you to take a million dollars, that’s stupid, yes.

m. 485 Islam enter legal door of mindSo Islam appealing to the human mind, rational mind comes through the legal door, legal door, the door to my mind that is legal for you to enter is the door of my rational mind, the door of my reasoning. If you try to bypass my reasoning and reach me to convince me or to convert me to something you came in illegally.

Islam respects the legal door for entering the mind and influencing the thinking of people.

That is not to say that all who entered the door other than that door are criminal, that wasn’t to say that because sometimes a person will recognize the difficulty, sometimes what they consider to be a impossibility to reach you through your mind with you being conscious of what they’re doing and saying to you. So they will have your own welfare and your own good as their interest and they will come through your emotions or come through your spirituality or something to effect change in your mind. They didn’t do anything criminal they did something merciful, that was a mercy.

But you help babies that way and anytime we have to help a whole society of people that way it tells us that either they’re retards or we don’t have the ability, rational ability, education ourselves to reach them through their intelligence. What is that to say?

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Evolution mind from animal to manMankind has been in evolution as an intelligent creature, he has been in evolution, he has been a baby in his mind, he has been an animal in his mind He has been uneducated, uncivilized but G-d’s help coming to him through Messengers and Prophets and teachers, etc., have brought him up the ladder of merit, intellectual merit or rational ability and intellectual merit have brought him up that ladder, up the stairways. And it has taken time for the masses of the world to come to the point where they, to the rational ability where they appreciate their power of reason and their ability to reason for themselves and make rational choices for themselves and feel comfortable. It has taken a lot of time, this have been a process of history for man to come to recognize that his most useful tool for making his life on this earth and improving it is his intelligence, it has taken him a lot of time.

Leader masses grow to hunger for better ones

Q. 13.11; Allah not change condition until people “For each (such person) there are (angels) in succession before and behind him: they guard him by command of Allah. Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own

souls). But when (once) Allah willeth a people's punishment there can be no turning it back nor will they find besides Him any to protect. ”

And it also has taken time for the people in their souls to hunger for better minds to lead them and G-d go give them better minds to lead them. G-d won’t give them what they’re not ready to accept.

“G-d will not change what is with a people as a problem, that’s what it means, as a difficulty until they change what is burdening their own souls” so as they wake up to answer the hunger in their own souls for better, G-d is not going to send them help. When they begin to hunger in their own souls for better G-d will give them the help they want and usually from among them. He selects one of them for that. Are you talking about yourself? No I have no interest in myself, I have interest in you and when I told you, you should pay the price is one million dollars that wasn’t interest in myself, if it was I would have told you

Ramadan Session #1 Friday

Tape 1 Side B

W. D. Mohammed Allah assisted development...with a job working at a factory or something, welding to take care of my responsibility to my family, I’ll be happy, I don’t need anything. I don’t need this stuff, that the world loves, I don’t need it, G-d has risen me up in my soul above that, I don’t have interest in that kind of stuff. Only for the sake, only for necessity, only for the sake of helping something else more important, that’s the only reason why I’m interested in things like that. G-d knows that I

don’t have to have you all say “Imam, he’s great” I don’t need that, I’ll be happy with nobody telling me anything; people don’t know me I’m happy. They don’t know me to say who he is, to them I’m just a guy wearing a jacket, a brown jacket in the streets, you know, I’m happy, I’m happy. I don’t need it and that’s G-d’s protection on me, yeah and I’m happy and free.

They spilled juice on my beautiful dress that I wore for you all, like this, orange juice on me, I was expecting something, something told me in my soul “be careful, going to spill something on you” so finally they did. The attendant on the air plane reached over to get

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the waste from the person on the window, pulled it by me and spilled orange juice on me, I just kept like nothing happened, I just kept. And the guy said “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” he said, “I’m sorry”, I said that’s ok, I said he had on a sweater, looking just regular, I said “I like to dress the way you are”, I said “I wouldn’t have a problem dressed the way you are”. I said, “I never did like the tie”, I had on this tie, I said, “because its something in my genes”, I said.

So the attendant came and she came with the napkin wiping me off, I said “thank you very much” I said I’m alright, something has happened to me in the last few days, G-d has blessed me so much”. I said “I’m happy nothing can change that for me”, I said “don’t worry about it”, praise be to Allah. Lets get back time is passing. Yes, getting back to the burden, burden.

m. 31 Spirit of truthJohn 16:13; Spirit truth guide into all things “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.”

When the mind begins to open up and the mind wants to see what is truth and what is error, what is right and what is wrong, want to see it with your intelligence, want to see it with your rational mind, then you’re where Allah wants you to be. That’s where He wants to bring His people, His creation, His human creation. He want to bring them to that point where they

will have faith in their own intelligence and be truthful with their own intelligence. Don’t lie with your own intelligence, be truthful with your intelligence, that’s where Allah wants to bring the people and its in Scripture.

Said and when the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth, the spirit of truth, what is the spirit of truth? The urge in your rational makeup to see correctly or to know correctly what is right, what is wrong, what is truth, what is error, that’s the spirit of truth. The spirit of truth and falsehood is determined by the activity of the mind, rational mind, that’s how we determine truth from falsehood, it’s the rational mind.

College test rational for truth or false answersThey give you test at the college, what they say? True, false, right? True or false. You aint suppose to guess,although some of them do it, you’re not suppose to be guessing, you’re suppose to be using your intelligence, you’re suppose to be recalling the information and making your decision in light of what the information is. And then you say “that’s false, this is true”. See how everything bears out? See how everything testifies to the truth?They didn’t always have that kind of test for the students, true, false test, everything is happening in time, on time, in time and on time. When the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth.

Spirit two: truth and righteousness

What is the other spirit? Two main spirits, more than two, but two main spirits. One is the spirit of truth the other one is the spirit of righteousness, truth and righteousness. And when you don’t have education, what helps you make your decision so that you don’t do wrong, you don’t sin? Righteousness, your devotion to righteousness and the spirit of righteousness in

you, that’s what keeps you from falling into so much error or into so much sin.

m. 63 Jesus was spirit of righteousness

John 16:7; Expedient I go away so comforter can come

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“ Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.”

And Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, the Prophet and Servant of G-d, when he came to the people he was the Spirit of Righteousness and that’s why its prophesied that the spirit of truth must come after him, and it did come.

Now after reflecting on our own makeup, rational mind and our limitations and our powers and all this, the nature of our soul, we reflect on all of that beginning with the nature of the soul, reflected on everything. Reflected on the ability of the mind, the mind with its capacity and limitations, then we return to acknowledge that we can sin, with all this we still can sin [wa’fu ‘annaa] forgive us our sins, forgive us our sins, [wa’fu ‘annaa]. [Wagh-ferlanaa] these words are very much the same, [wa’fu ‘annaa] means like pardon our sins and then [Wagh-ferlanaa] forgive our sins. And there’s a difference because many times I may pardon a person but doesn’t necessarily mean I forgave him.

Mercy WarhamnaaThen [Warhamnaa] it’s a little bit more now, to pardon me is to excuse me, excuse me means I’m not going to bother you right now, right? If you just get on away from me man, you won’t get hurt. Then [Wagh-ferlanaa] that’s stronger, forgive me, mean I won’t be coming back at you. [Warhamnaa] means do good by me even though you have no obligation to do it. You have no obligation on you to do good by me, I want you to do go by me, that’s mercy, [Warhamnaa] and be merciful to us.

[Anta maulana] You are our Protection, Protector, [Warhamnaa] You are our Protector, with all of this Revelation on the power of the soul, power of the intellect, we come back to recognize that we have limitations and without

G-d we are helpless, we need Him always as our Protctor.

[Fansurnaa] You’re our Protector, give us victory, [‘ialal qaumel kaafereen] give us victory over the rejecters of faith, the ungrateful ones, who are not, they don’t appreciate You, they reject Your invitation to faith, to Islam. And this is the conclusion of that Suratul Baqara, the second chapter of Quran, sadaqallahul ‘iatheem.

Tarawih, Witr prayerIt is 7;35, about 7:35 roughly? Ok. This is Ramadan so we should do Eshaa and after Eshaa we should do Tarrawih prayers and witr you can do at home or we can do them together, it doesn’t matter. You can do it where you sleep before you go to sleep but not as an obligation, understand that, witr is not an obligation, it is not Fard prayer, but in the month of Ramadan that’s when we try to do all our prayers. Most of us we will try hard to do the Witr prayer after the Tarrawih pray, if you care to do them all here together you can, I won’t. After the Tarrawih prayers I’m going to go to my bedroom or to some room where I won’t have anybody to answer to but myself and G-d always, G-d.

Did you get something out of that? If you were a millionare and had your same mind would you give me a million dollars? I know I would. Now we want to answer some questions very quickly, simple questions and when we finish these four questions on this page and I give a general, kind of a general description of Quran to you, we will conclude this evening. And tomorrow, en sha Allah we will have, did brother Rafai every arrive? Brother Rafai were you able to get everything? Good thank Allah al hamdu lillahe rabbil ‘alameen.

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Did we bring the folders? How many? You have 25 folders? But you don’t have, you weren’t able to go to ___ to get the other folders? Now you know she prepared about 200, so how are we going to get the others, we can’t get them huh, unless we have somebody drive them up here? See we got a lot of people here we should have the folders, we have 25

folders and I want to share something with 25 Imams that was given to me. Now why is this important to me? Not for you to look at me, never do I want you to look at me, for that reason, for my sake or for you to think more of me, no, I never want that. Its for you to see what’s happening.

I got, its in the paper today, do we have the journal, everybody will be able to get it but I have copies of it in folders, yes there’s the journal, bring me the journal, let me read it.m. 138 Certificate from State departmentBrother rafai, here’s a brother close by got one, yeah bring the journal, is that the latest? Yeah, it’s an acknowledgment that I received from the secretary of state along with about, I think it was 23 of us on the special committee for the state department and the president of the United States on peace and Religious tolerance or the freedom of Religion at home but mostly abroad. Could you bring those folders, those blue folders with the certificate in it brother Muhammad, Rafai Muhammad?

I’ll read it to you and I took copies of it and I want to share it with the Imams, this honor that’s paid to me is not coming to me because of myself alone; its coming to me because of myself with you, not because myself alone, it would never come to me, they would never know, they would never be interested in me. So I want to share this with 25 of the Imams, later we can give it to more if you would like but it also will be in the paper. I’m going to read it here it says:

United States department of State, someone else read it to you, yes Dr. Nurriddin will you read this? You have to speak in this mike here.

Dr. Nurriddin:It says: United States Department of State certificate of appreciation awarded to Imam Wallace Deen Mohammed. Your distinguished

service to your country and the cause of Religious freedom has help created positive change in the lives of people around the world. The advice you provided has helped form United States policy on the promotion of religious freedom and has substantially increased public awareness and support for this fundamental human right, both in the Untied States and abroad. Its dated May 17, 1999 Madeline Albright.

Q. 5.3; Chosen Al Islam as your Religion

“ This day have I perfected your religion for you completed my favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.”Yeah so I want to share that with you, you see? Because this, this is recognition to us not just to me, its recognition to us and it is another I would say achievement that has the power to open big doors for us, big doors for us. Now that’s not accident, no, I don’t want you all think that’s an accident, when I was on Stony Island as you chief minister, chief minister I saw there, there and back then, that in order for us to really do what I believed we had to do, to really be Muslims and to really get where we should go in this world, in this United States too most importantly, and the was to what we had to do was to take Islam from being a nationalistic religion. Whether we call it black nation or whatever, take Islam from being a nationalistic Religion and a particular, Religion of a particular race, the black man to where it should go because of its own content. The contents of Islam according to the Quran and the teachings of our Prophet

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(pbuh) and the best teachers in our history as Muslims, on this earth as Muslims, the contents are universal and for all people.

And makes a great contribution to the betterment of life for all the people of the world. And it so broad and so profound and so far reaching and so valuable as a Religion that I just couldn’t stand to have it cheapened by keeping it in a small little place and in a small little awareness, small awareness of it. So I began working, I had a plan, I had a strategy and I began working. First thing I wanted to do was break the walls of the Temple and open the walls of the Temple, so get out of there, take it out of there. So I saw I wouldn’t be able to do that, calling myself the minister of the Temple, that I had to have my own ministry outside the walls of the Temple.

So I formed the Mecca fund to fund my ministry and you supported me, you who did you share this great victory with me, yes. Because of you supporting me financially and with your moral support to me that I was able to do that and keep going and didn’t have to worry about paying my rent and if you can’t pay your rent and you can’t eat you can’t do anything. Because of you all I was able to do that, so the victory is yours to, we all share in this big victory, we broke the walls of the Temple, knocked them down and went out side into the world and now look where we are.

m. 217Q. 66.6; Angels flag, not hesitate

“O ye who believe! save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah but do (precisely) what they are commanded. “

Bros. Rafai S. Muhammad support Imam WD Mohammed

And I have to value those brothers who are with me every step of the way and I share with them what I was doing, two of them here brother John Ramadan, Brother Rafai S. Muhammad, Shamsideen Muhammad, they’re right back there. They were with me when I was on Stony Island chief minister and they saw what has occurred from that time to now, so you try to convert them against what I’m doing, as my father say, getting you a step ladder to reach the sun and put it out would be easier. Now they got their faults just like we all got our faults, they’re not angels, they’re human beings so when it comes to following me they’re angels, that’s right. The angels obey their errand and they don’t flag they don’t

back step, they go right to the job and get it done. So when it comes to doing what they know what I want, I got angels, yeah, they’re angels. And that’s why its revealed like that to show us that we all, we have to have angelic obedience. In some areas we have to perform as angels not as human beings but as angels. You don’t question, you don’t let your mind interfere with it, you do what you have to do.

That doesn’t mean you go out here and get crazy and be stupid, you know, respect you good intelligence, but that, that you know is correct for you and your own mind tells you its correct for you. What makes you hesitate, why you not doing it? Weakness, as the Christian would say “weakness in the flesh”. Yeah its weakness that’s keeping you from doing it, you know it’s the correct thing to do, your own reasoning tells you it’s the correct thing to do, then why you hesitate when its time to do it? Our Lord we hear and we obey, it didn’t say we feel and we obey, say we hear and we obey.

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On the back since its here for me I have to make, the President, this is from the President of the United States, isn’t that nice? President of the United States, aint many small papers like this got the President of the United States on it, back of it with giving greeting to us. President of the United States says “our family wishes you and yours a blessed holiday season filled with treasured memories of past traditions and joy and peace in the new millennium . Bill Clinton and Hilliard R. Clinton”. That was mailed to me, but it was to all of us, that’s there to all of us. But now to the Muslims he got a special greetings, its in here too, I won’t find it for you he’ll find it, that mean you have to get a Muslim Journal.

Muslim JournalI don’t know what’s wrong with you all, I mean I’m serious, you stop on the road, pay $20.00 for some food that’s going to make you sick, yeah half cooked, fast cooked, cooked too fast, not all Halal and you won’t pay a little price for Muslim Journal every week, that’s a shame, yeah it is a shame. Not only should you buy one every week, you should buy a few extra ones to give them out to your friends, your relatives and friends, those that would accept it. That don’t mean we’re perfectly satisfied with the paper either, I got children I love so much just to think of them dying makes me just feel like I wish I was dead before I could think, before I could get the news of it. But

hardly a day pass that I don’t jack one of them up.

Mistakes don’t make with words Imam W. D. Muhammad

And sister Editor I believe the printer did this, if the printer did you should tell them that this is very serious, we aint the only one printing papers, we rather type it on our hands and pass xerox copies of it out than to go along with something that’s giving us a black eye and a bloody nose and everything else. Here from the President of the United States: Members of the Muslim American Community have made enormous contributors to our national life, that didn’t come from the President, have made enormous contributions to our national life. You’re not suppose to make mistake with the words of the President of the United States and you’re not suppose to make mistakes with the words of Imam W. Deen Mohammed, now I’m serious, very serious, not suppose to do that. Because not only you’re looking at it but other believers, many believers all over this country they’re reading what we’re saying that Imam W. Deen Mohammed said. And the whole nation and the world respects the President of these United States.

m.299So it can happen you can’t control it, you give your paper to the printer, printer might make a mistake, they do that but look in these papers, these major papers and tell me how often will you find them mis-quoting or messing up a message from the President of the United States. They take such pains with that, they know its correct before it goes out. So this hurts here to see this, it hurts me to see this, so we have to let that printer know that they can’t have that, we can’t have that and they should pay for every copy that they printed, every copy. See you all are not like me, I’ll go

for broke in the name of righteousness, in the name of principle in the name of what’s correct, I’ll go for broke, that’s right. Lose everything and start all over again.

So well “we paid you for this issue, the reason why you’re not getting your check for the next issue because the issue we paid you for you made a very damaging mistake, very damaging mistake”. “You give us our money or we’re taking you to court”. Lets go to court and we’re going to tell the judge why we didn’t pay you and the damage to us is much

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more than the money you’re losing because we’re not paying you for these issues, yes. I would take it all the way, go for broke. Then you can stop, that’s the way to stop this thing, see you have to stop things like this.

W. D. Mohammed International President of WCRP

If they get by with this, you know don’t think everybody happy because this community getting this kind of respect, everybody aint happy. Some of them so mad, in fact when I was voted International President of WCRP in Jordan, person I thought was close to us, close to me I happen to look at his face and the man was in such misery, his face was just miserable because they had voted me International President with the other Presidents, International President of WCRP. And I saw about two other faces miserable, yeah they were calling me Mr. President, no I mean they weren’t joking, they came to me and hand me a paper, Mr. President (hand me a paper).

I had just been outside in the opening, the entrance I had to go outside in the entrance during one of the breaks between the sessions and the Secretary General of the WCRP, World Conference On Religion and Peace, he met me and said Mr. President and gave me some papers. Gave me some papers that they were passing out and he said Mr. President. I kind of wondered what he was talking about, so he saw I was kind of a lost, he said “you have been nominated by the international group here, committee here and they have selected you to be international president of WCRP, World Council on Religion and Peace. So I say thank you very much, say that’s quite a honor and I went on back in to attend the session, the session and while I was sitting there a gentlemen brought me some more paper and he looked at me and he said “Mr. President” and he handed me my papers.

Then we went back to the committee sessions which were different from these other sessions, there they named, they called out the names of the ones that had been approved for position of International President. In America to my knowledge there only two of us now and that Archbishop Keeler of Baltimore a Catholic and myself a Muslim, yeah, that’s something. Believe me that’s something. This organization has influence in Asia, Africa, United States everywhere, everywhere. Son of Elijah Muhammad now you know that’s a miracle that cannot be anything but G-d, nobody could do that for the son of Elijah Muhammad but G-d. And look the Hon. Elijah Muhammad is lifted up, I’m his son, no way his son can go up like that with my life and my history tied to his beginning without him also going up, Allahu Akbar, wonderful. Almost eight now.

What is Al Islam

Bukhari 1.47; Gabriel taught what is Islam

Narrated by Abu Huraira “One day while the Prophet was sitting in the company of some people, (The angel) Gabriel came and asked, "What is faith?" Allah's Apostle replied, 'Faith is to believe in Allah, His angels, (the) meeting with Him, His Apostles, and to believe in Resurrection." Then he further asked, "What is Islam?" Allah's Apostle replied, "To worship Allah Alone and none else, to offer prayers perfectly to pay the compulsory charity (Zakat) and to observe fasts during the month of Ramadan." Then he further asked, "What is Ihsan (perfection)?" Allah's Apostle replied, "To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you cannot achieve this state of devotion then you must consider that He is looking at you."

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m. 386Okay first question, what is Islam, more correctly what is Al Islam you know Al Islam is the full name, the full name is Al Islam. What is Al Islam? Its okay to say Islam because that’s what the public is saying, that’s why you see me use Islam, I use the expression Islam. The people they know the Religion by Islam, we don’t want them to think we’re talking about a different Religion, so to the public its Islam. But to us who know the Quran we should say Al Islam. What is Al Islam? And before you answer try to remember your teaching, what you’ve been taught and many of you Imams have been taught what Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) gave as an answer when he was asked what is Islam. And that’s the answer. The answer is given by the Prophet, himself (pbuh) simply Al Islam is to witness that there is but One G-d and to pray. Now we know its to witness that there is One G-d and Muhammad is his messenger (pbuh) but that’s not how he answered it. we know its to witness that there is One G-d and Muhammad is his messenger (pbuh) but its shahada, to witness that there is but One G-d and to pray.

We know its to pray five times a day but he didn’t say that, he said to pray. And to pray to that G-d or to G-d and to give in charity and to fast the month of Ramadan and to visit the house, that is to make Pilgrimage to the house built by Abraham and his son peace be upon them, the kabah, to go there and salute the kabah. Well you really salute the black stone corner of the kabah and you make your rituals, you begin your rituals to complete the Hajj, that’s Islam, that’s what Islam is. But look how broad each of these structures are.

Shahada is acknowledgingShahada itself is not just a statement of belief but it is an acknowledgment by the faithful, I’m acknowledging, shahada means you

acknowledge, not just believe. That’s why we have articles of faith and principle of action and these five that was given in what is Islam are really principle of action. There is a certain action to follow when you say La elah illalah or ash hadu an la elah illalah I witness that there is but One G-d, there is a action to follow that statement of recognition.

I witness, if you say in a , in the court of the judge, you say I witness such and such, it means that you have knowledge of some evidence that’s admitted into the court, if he accepts your testimony. Now judge is here he can correct me if I go astray, yes praise be to Allah.

So Islam is not a Religion that wants you to be committed on an emotional charge, “oh I like this, yes I want to become one of you” no. Have you thought over anything, have you used your mind and made any judgement of the value of this Religion? Have you had any rational interaction with this Religion and come to a rational conclusion that this Religion deserves your support as an adherent or as a believer, as a member or follower, have you done that? If you have then take your shahada and say I witness that there is no G-d but Allah or that there is but One G-d and I witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is the Messenger of G-d, I witness.

1 John 5:9; Witness of g-d is greater “If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son.”

Is this in accord with previous Scriptures? Yes. Previous Scriptures talk about witnesses and talk about G-d gonna make witnesses. There is a whole order of Christians by the name witnesses, Jehovah Witnesses, yes. So this witness is strong in Religion, strong. There’s more to say about that, so what is Islam? Use

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the simple answer that Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) gave us when anybody ask you what is Islam. And then whatever you want to say let what you say be second to that not first. “Oh Islam is not to drink and not to smoke”, but go to jail every 4 months or every 30 days, go to

jail and preach in there and come back out and get caught again and go back to jail, “just don’t smoke and don’t drink, don’t eat pig”, that’s Islam.

Islam is a Religion of actionNo don’t talk from your own head what’s Islam, come from your memory of what you were taught what is Islam and Muhammad (pbuh) is the best of teachers for us and the world. And he taught us what Islam is, Islam is the five principles of action, Islam is a Religion of action, it’s a Religion of work, it’s a Religion of do, not just talk, that’s what Islam is. You say there is One G-d show it in your action. Say well how can I show in my action that there is One G-d? Obey that G-d and don’t put obedience to something else above obedience to that G-d, that’s the way you witness that there is but One G-d.

m.474that was clear wasn’t it? Kind of tighten you up a little bit didn’t it? See I felt some of them Squeaking that’s ok let it hurt a little bit and ask Allah for the strength to do what you’re suppose to do.

What is the Quran

Q. 2.2; This Book is guidance “This is the Book; in it is guidance sure without doubt to those who fear Allah.”

Q. 3.7; Quran is Basic and allegorical

...”He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: in it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical.”

What is the Quran? Again let’s not give our own answers before using what we’re taught. What is the Quran? This is the Book wherein is no doubt Guidance for the G-d fearing. So what is the Quran? It is Guidance for the G-d

fearing, Guidance for those who put G-d above everything else, it is guidance [Hudan lil mutaqeen] for those who reverence G-d or have Taqwa, meaning they put noting, no authority above G-d.

What else is the Quran, coming from the Quran? The Quran, I’m missing a lot, I’m skipping over a lot to bring you just things I want for this particular session. The Quran is clear guidance or clarity that serves to make clear what is Guidance and what is the criterion on that, that enables us to distinguish true Guidance from false guidance. And not only to distinguish truth from falsehood but it enables us to also distinguish the features of the Guidance. For the guidance have different features.

Shubaha] means what is given is a resemblanceAgain what is the Quran? The Quran is plain language, plain language, language that we all can understand and metaphorical language. And Allah says in the Quran while making this known to us that the Quran has these features, it is plain language and it is metaphorical language [shubaha].[shubaha] means what is given is a resemblance not the real thing. It resembles the real thing but it is not the real thing, that’s what [shubaha] is.

Muhkamaat] that which makes it easy to follow logic

[Muhkamaat] is that, that makes it easy for you to follow logic, to follow it logically, you can follow it logically, it have been made plain and very rational so that you can easily follow

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it logically. And Allah says, this is not something for you all to get here and go out like you heard a sermon, this is not a sermon, this is explanation of the meaning of Quran or the terms we us in Islam and the Quran.

You who intend to promote Dawa, to support and promote Dawa, invitation to people to be Muslims or propagation of the Religion so that people will see the Religion and be able to make choice whether they like it or not. You that intend to do that or you’re doing that and you want to continue to do that or you’re intend to do that in the future, that’s important to you that you help this, you should keep this in your book or in your notebook or whatever you’re putting it in to refer to it later when you have to. To refresh your mind. It should become part of your working knowledge for the propagation of the correct representation of Islam, if you really intend to do that.

Ramadan session to all persons with interest in Dawa

And this invitation was only to those who have an interest in Dawa, whether you’re Imams or not, its not just for Imams here, its for anybody who has an interest in presenting Islam correctly and giving people a chance to make their own choices. Whether they would like to stay non, a atheist or a hypocrite in Religion or a weak Jew or a corrupt Christian or whatever, you know. If they’re tired of that and they want to look at something else consider something else we want to have Islam out there, give the people another choice. And that’s what Allah wants to give everybody an opportunity to choose Islam, choose Islam if they want Islam, yes.

So what Allah says in Quran regarding these two features of the Quran? Allah says they, the Quran or the Revelation, the verses are [shubahat and Muhkamaat] they are allegorical as one translator puts it....

Ramadan Session #1 Friday Topic: comments on Holy Quran 2.284, 285 What is the Quran, Islam, Prophet, Muslim

Tape II Side A

Q. 3.7; in their hearts is a corruption who seek allegorical

“But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical seeking discord and searching for its hidden meanings but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the Book; the

whole of it is from our Lord"; and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding.”

...it’s the basis of the Book, the basis of the Book. So if I want to know Islam and practice Islam in my life should I be more interested in the basis of the Book or in the pictures, the picture language of the Book? The Word gives us a picture language too, the Word gives us a picture language and it gives us a rational language. So should I be more interested in the picture language or in the logic, the rational language that forms the basis of the Book? You know the answer, now what Allah says of those who prefer the picture language to plain rational language? In their hearts is a corruption, a defect, that’s what G-d says, that’s what G-d says. Those who prefer the [Shubahaat] that, that resembles something that G-d is trying to get you to understand, they prefer that over the rational clear

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teachings of the Quran, they have a defect in their hearts, they’re perverted. So remember that.

W. D. Mohammed is a studentLook at those who are hung up on the wayside Imam W. Deen Mohammed keep walking down the plain, clear path, I keep going forward with my supporters, my students, yes my students, because I am a student more than I’m anything else. You can call me minister, you can call me Imam, call me whatever, but I know what I am. More than I am anything else I’m a student and in being a student is what has lifted me up above others that I have been associated with. Being a student and a good student and a hard working student. You ask one of my wives, I’ll tell you which one Shirley, you ask Shirley say “did minister Wallace when you were married to him did he study?” She say “wow” she say “sometimes he sit up all night and we go to bed and we get up in the morning he’s still right at the table where he was when we went to bed, with papers everywhere, books open.”And when I got to bed, I went to work or got busy doing something else, I slept when I had to sleep, I got sleep you now I did, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t get sleep. I got it but I did what I had to do, I devoted myself to study and I had a strong urge to do that, I just had to do that. I was interested in bringing this people who followed my father to where he promised us where he would take us or that we would go.

Freedom, justice, equality, independence, now I don’t know what you think but I know I have

brought you there, Allah has blessed me to bring you there, to freedom, justice, equality and independence. Thank Allah yes siree.

Nation of Islam footing was in [shubahaat, allegory]So where was our strong footing as people who claimed Islam, where was our strong footing? In the [shubahaat], it was not in the logic, it was not in the plain teaching of the Quran, it was not in the basis of the Book it was in the [shubahaat]. And we had mis-interpreted the [shubahaat] and had our own false religion that we were calling Islam, we didn’t know, it was given to us, they gave it to us like that, we didn’t have any choice in the matter, we were mesmerized, yeah we were, the magnet was too strong for us, the magnet was too strong for us. It just got us, we cling to the magnet we had not power to pull away from it.

m. 50 Magnet two ways to de-magnetize itBut there are two main ways to get the magnet out of a magnet, one way is when it make ________, the other way is to take something and hit it real hard, take a solid, just as solid as it is and keep banging it, it will lose its magnetism. Why I sure have been banging it a long time. I know I got all the magnetism out of, I got free, yes siree.

Nation of Islam teaching had inferior and superior sides

So you know its plain, simple and clear, its time for us to stop wasting time, don’t waste time on that old stuff the confuse your minds, tie up your energies so you can’t make progress in a real world. I know there’s a superior part of it too, there’s inferior part of it and superior part of it.

The superior part of it was that, the way it was given to us it influenced better behavior in us and better life, better life, cleanliness and G-dliness, G-dliness and cleanliness, it influenced that in us you know, so that’s the positive side, that’s the superior part of it.m. 88How far can we take that, go with that? When the light is coming on brighter and brighter to

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show up that, that had attraction power, attraction power. That really, its attraction is not good, not accepted, so as the light increases and you’re embarrassed to keep hanging on to those things with the light shining so brightly on it you know. So there come a time when you got to separate from that and then separate and make a complete separation and don’t go back. “Oh it was so good to me, my son would probably in jail now or dead if it wasn’t for that method, so I have to good back and look in this chest and go down in the basement, I think I put some of those lessons in a box. I just got to go down here look at them and read them a little bit”. You mess yourself up.

Make a clean break like a man being just terribly, helplessly in love with a woman that’s the finest thing on earth to him and the longer he lives with her the more he see her defect. And after a while everybody knows her defect, can’t even go outside without somebody looking at that “there that whore is, there that whore is.” But he just can’t forget you know, so finally one day he decides to really get ready to separate, now he done see in Chicago he done moved way over to south Africa somewhere, in south Africa, Capetown but every now and then he got to go and look among his __ and get her picture. Pull her picture out of his old collection you know and look at her picture.

You have to make a clean break, you have to make a clean break with it, once you make up you mind that something is good for you and the other is not, you make a clean break. There’s always something good in something, you know Hitler is the worst man I can think of in modern history, Hitler, Adolf Hitler but I bet you if I heard everything about his life there will be something that will attract me. Hey that guy was good, yeah.


Q.14.22; satan had no power over you “And Satan will say when the matter is decided: "It was Allah Who gave you a promise of truth: I too promised but I failed in my promise to you. I had no authority over you except to call you but ye listened to me: then reproach not me but reproach your own souls. I cannot listen to your cries nor can ye listen to mine. I reject your former act in associating me with Allah. For wrongdoers there must be a Grievous Penalty.”

Even satan if I start looking at him carefully I’ll find some good about him. Say well how in the world you can find something good about satan brother Imam? Ok I’ll tell you, I don’t know I’m going to find something right now, right now, right now I’m start, I’m thinking and in less than 2 minutes I’m going to have you something good about satan.

In the judgment G-d says when you’re charged and you say, charge it to satan, satan gonna say “I had no power over you”. He’ll say “I only invited you and you responded”, I got to admire him for that, that’s ok, that’s one attribute of satan that’s alright. When he’s really before the big Judge he let the Judge know say “look Judge I just saw a weakness in them and I appealed to their weakness and he accepted it” now he know what G-d is going to do for him, he’s not going to escape. But that is something to be admired in him and when he’s before the might court he’s gonna recognize G-d and going to tell G-d that I didn’t force them to do anything, I just found a weakness in them and I came through that weakness and they accepted it”

And satan gonna help you know that you were wrong and you have to answer for yourself, right? Yeah, so I found something in satan to admire, that’s good, satan. I aint talking to nobody here now. I know some of you all, you’re just as crazy as you can be, “yeah I

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believe the Imam, I know he was looking at the brother, I know just who he was _____”. That’s somebody you want to hurt you know. “I know just who he was looking at, did you see the eye go over there brother?”

What is the Quran? Ok, so much for what is the Quran

What is the ProphetNow let’s go to next question, what is the Prophet (pbuh)? Now why did I ask that question that way? Why didn’t I say who is the Prophet (pbuh)? Anybody can tell us who is the Prophet (pbuh), the Prophet of Islam (pbuh). Anybody can tell us that, they can go to the library and answer that question for us. But what is the Prophet (pbuh)? So to answer the question what is the Prophet (pbuh) lets first look at who is the Prophet (pbuh) and who is the Prophet (pbuh) will lead us to what is the Prophet (pbuh).

m. 144Who is the Prophet (pbuh)? The Prophet (pbuh) is a Meccan peace be upon him, born in about 6th century of the Christian calendar, 670 A.D. And the Prophet (pbuh) is the person who was called an Arab because he spoke Arabic and he was of the tribe of Quraish, a tribe of the Arab people of the peninsula Arabia. He was the son of Abdullah and his parents goes back to Hashim who was a keeper of the keys of the kabah. His mother was Amenah, not giving all of it, not that important, now that we have established where he came from, the land he came from, the time. We’ve established his father and a grandparent of his named Hashim and we’ve established also that his mother is Amenah, Amenah on her be peace.

The Prophet (pbuh) also a citizen of Mecca who was known all of his life before he was called to be Prophet, to be honorable, upright, trustworthy. Names he received before being called to be Prophet was El Amin which means the one you can trust, the trustworthy one. And As Saadiq, the truthful one, truthful one. At the age of 25 he married a woman by the name of Khadijah, may G-d be pleased with her, a woman that he worked for before he

married her. And she admired him so much as a person and as a worker that she wanted him for, to be her husband and he accepted to be her husband while still accepting to be her employee working for her. She employed him, business woman.

When he was forty, and by the way she was 15 yrs older than he was, she was his senior by 15 years, when he was 40 yrs old while up in the mountain now called the mountain of the light, Jabl Nur, the mountain of light, in a small opening at the mountain, a little cave near the top of the mountain or in the top of the mountain, he was there in solitude. Grieving the condition of his people living for just the temporary life, divided along tribal lines, not united as a people, doing great sins, one of them preferring boys to girls and killing off their girl children just so they have more boys. So this is, this tells us who is Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) an Arab, an Arab with that description. It is also said that in his adult years he was associated with certain personalities like Abu Bakr and these personalities were not like most of the Arabs. They did not worship the idols that almost 100% of the Arabs worshiped or had in their homes or in their lives and did not carry their crude behavior, their crude manners and behavior. But they stood above that.

Hanifi companions were before Islam

Q. 16.120; Abraham was upright “Abraham was indeed a model devoutly obedient to Allah (and) true in faith and he joined not gods with Allah:”

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And its said and believed that the word Hanifi attributed to Prophet Abraham, Ibraahim in Quranic Arabic is what they identified themselves as before Islam, that they were Hanifi. And Hanifi simply means the person tried to follow the better urges in their own nature and life. The respond to the better urges in their own human nature and life. So what is of good taste in their behavior, in their

spirit, in their motivations or whatever, that’s what they prefer so that based upon the better motivations and the better urges of their life and rejected the lower and weaker urges or motivation in their lives. And as a result of that they raised, they were raised up above idolatry and debauchery, uncleanliness, corruption, immorality.

Hunafaa, so this term was already among them, I’m convinced of that. That the term Hunafaa was already among them and so when G-d revealed to Muhammad (pbuh) the Message of Islam and when He identified to him of what was in Abraham, He identified Abraham with a name, gave Abraham a name that Muhammad (pbuh) was already aware of, acquainted with. Said that Abraham was hanifa, hanifa from Hunafaa, from the many, plural for many of them. And Hanif is for one of them, it’s a brother here Hanif, find brother her Hanif, brother Hanif raise your hand, where is brother Hanif? There’s two Hanifs here where’s the other Hanif? There he is, yeah sitting at the table right here, got two Hanifs, both of them are my close brothers, close friend back there, ever since I met him I considered him a close friend, just automatically. My spirit was like that with you brother, yeah, ___ came like that just right with him, that brother back there on the wall right there from not Indianapolis, Kansas, Kansas City,Kansas City, yes.

m. 237 Marriage should be instant meeting of the soulsAnd brother Hanif here same thing brother Hanif, the first time I saw your eyes I just felt that we had been knowing each other all along like we weren’t meeting for the first time, yeah. And that’s what they call soul likeness, likeness of soul, soul likeness, when you meet a person similar soul as yours you just automatically. Now wouldn’t it be nice to fall in love with a sister like that? You have that instant meeting

of the souls, I been so unlucky in my life, don’t tell my wives that they _____. I don’t know what it is about me but if I can’t find something to pity in a woman look like I don’t have any interest in them. Sure mess me up. I have no advice for you people having domestic problems, I am not qualified, so please don’t write me. All I can do is shed some tears on a piece of paper and send it back to you. But I try to keep them happy, I do my best to keep them happy because its not their fault, it was mine, yes. That was Dawa, that was Dawa, I got a lot of company. Bad judgment, bad judgment but you know sometimes you believe, you believe in the Qadr of G-d too, right?

Muslim Vol I #1; Qadr of G-d

Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al Khattaab “He (the inquirer, Gabriel) said: Inform me about Iman (faith). He (the Holy Prophet) replied: That you affirm your faith in Allah, in His angels, in His Books, in His Apostles, in the Day of Judgment, and you affirm your faith in the Divine Decree about good and evil.”

The Qadr of G-d, Qadara, Al Qadara khairhe wa sharehe menallah ta’ala. That the power of, to, over harm and goodness is from G-d, not the effect, but the power, the power is from G-d, the effect is from us. But the power is from G-d, yes. So how I effect it is my doing but the power is from G-d and I know that what seems to be a hurt in your life

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sometimes is your best help, not your hurt. You think it’s a hurt because that’s the way you been looking at it, but sometimes its your best help. Really I wouldn’t change my life, G-d know I wouldn’t, I appreciate and value every experience I’ve had. With Shirley and the others, I do and from each I have gotten something for myself personally that will help me be a better person and to deal with the problems of life better, yeah, I have.

So I think some people G-d selects, there are people who are going to have special kind of responsibilities and special kinds of things coming at them and coming in their way and G-d selects them and He determines their involvement though they determine their outcome. I hope you could follow that, now that’s a little heavy logic but its true and I’m a witness.

What is the Prophet?(pbuh) We were talking about who is the Prophet, right, who is the Prophet (pbuh)? Now he’s not really Prophet (pbuh) yet is he? So what we were talking about is who is the person that became the Prophet (pbuh), right? Who is the person that became the Prophet (pbuh) so we were talking who his mother, who is father was, grandfather, his mother was and his wife, who his wife was and where he was born and all that. Language and what race or what tribe,

Quraish tribe is the most noted tribe the Quraish, all that is just saying who is the person that became the Prophet (pbuh), its not telling us who the Prophet (pbuh) is, do you buy that? Ok.

Now it says who the Prophet (pbuh) is because its only one Prophet (pbuh) name that we know that but those descriptions were not descriptions of the Prophet (pbuh), he had not become Prophet (pbuh) yet, they only became descriptions of the Prophet (pbuh) after G-d made him the Prophet (pbuh).

So when you ask what is the Prophet (pbuh) you must understand what transpired to bring him into Prophet-hood or to make him conscious that he was Prophet (pbuh) and Messenger of G-d. So when we ask who was the Prophet (pbuh) we must understand the Power of G-d to communicate to a person, a human being now this calls for faith and belief. Looking a a man in history that won’t get you to appreciate that man and his great role as a Prophet (pbuh), you just looking at him in history. Reading his history, his family, his story, you’ve got to believe that G-d has the power and that G-d communicated a message for the whole world to the mind and heart of a human being and that made him the Prophet.

And the nature of the message and the content of that message made him the last Prophet (pbuh), the Seal of the Prophets. What made him the last Prophet (pbuh), what made him the Seal of the Prophets (pbuh)?

m. 331 Seal of Prophets also means last

Q. 33.40; Seal of the Prophets

“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men but (he is) the Apostle of Allah and the

Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things.”

Rev. 22:18-19; don’t add anything to it For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: [19] And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

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Now lets look at a few names for the Prophet (pbuh). The Seal of the Prophets, the same term that says seal it means the last and where that reasoning come from? The last book in the Bible is called Revelations and the last thing said is “it is sealed”, don’t add anything more to it, that’s what the warning is. The warning is don’t add or take away or add anything to it, its sealed and it’s the last book of the Bible called the Revelation, Revelation. And Muhammad (pbuh) is called the [Khaataman Nabeyeen] the last of the Prophets but literally it means the seal of the Prophet (pbuh), the Prophet (pbuh), mean that nothing comes after that, its the last but its also sealed meaning nothing can come after that. Not as a Prophet.

Q. 34.28; Prophet is enough for humanity “We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men giving them glad tidings and warning them (against sin) but most men understand not.”

[Kaafatan len Nas] what it means? [Kaafatan len nas] means enough for all mankind, enough as what for all mankind? Enough for all mankind, enough for what? Enough as a messenger and Prophet for all mankind, no human being need any messenger or prophet after Muhammad, he’s enough [Kaafatan len Nas] for all mankind.

So aren’t these saying the same thing? He is the [Khaatan nabeeyen] he’s the seal the last of the Prophets, the Seal of the Prophets and the Seal of the Prophets mean that if you study the Prophets themselves, taken separately and all together you will arrive at the conclusion that this is what all of them were aiming for.

All of them were trying to reach Muhammad (pbuh), all of them had their sights on what Muhammad (pbuh) is as a Messenger (pbuh) and Prophet (pbuh) of G-d. Whether consciously or unconsciously they were moving in that direction to come in their position in terms of what they wanted to do and offer as service, come to Muhammad the Prophet’s (pbuh) Uswa. And come to Muhammad the Prophet’s (pbuh) mercy, his merciful works among or in the family of man among people. This is where they wanted to come.

m. 375So that’s where they wanted to come, so that what its mean by seal of the Prophet, he’s a seal of the Prophets. Seal means more than one thing, in the Revelation seal means protected by locking it up against my minds that will abuse it or mis-represent it. Protect it for a time until the right time that G-d chooses for the right pure hand to pick it up and unlock it. But protect it against all that are not pure, so that the impure will be able to decipher it or unlock its mysteries or whatever you want to call it, that’s what it means. Sealing the book the last book the Revelations, there’s much I could tell you about that and I’m sure there’s much you could tell me about that, that’s not the point so I won’t waste more time on that.

m 385Q. 33.21; Prophet excellent model of conduct “Ye have indeed in the Apostle of Allah a beautiful pattern of (conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day and who engages much in the praise of Allah.”

Uswa is from Sewa means balanceMuhammad the Prophet (pbuh) is also called [Uswatan Hasanah], Uswatan Hasanah and it says the excellent model, that’s the translation, excellent model. But what is this word uswa, what that is this word translated model, what is

it saying exactly, uswa? Uswa is from Sewa and Sewa means duly proportioned, correctly proportioned where nothing is outrageous, nothing is exaggerated, nothing is exaggerated or untruthful.

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Everything is proportioned and balanced according to truth and justice etc. This Uswa means balance, Sewa, from Sewa.

Q. 67.22; Walk moderately “Is then one who walks headlong with his face groveling better guided or one who walks evenly on a Straight Way?

To understand balance you need Religious history, Scriptural history and the meaning of balance in Scriptural history. It goes way back before Jesus Christ, way back before Moses peace be upon them, even before Abraham, peace be upon him. This interest in human balance and the belief that the human being in his physical balance is a picture of what he should be in his spiritual balance. He should not be looking deformed, warped, leaning out of form or out of position and the Quran mentions this, those who walk evenly, have a even gage, even pace and an even gage as they walk along and those who tilt to one side losing the balance, like hep brother that dips, go along dipping to one side and its usually the left side that’s dipping, that weak side is pulling him over.

Sewaa has cross of balance

Hadith __ Don’t break a cross Abu Dawud #1324; Destroy no holy place

Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas “The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) concluded peace with the people of Najran on condition that they would pay to Muslims two thousand suits of garments, half of Safar, and the rest in Rajab, and they would lend (Muslims) thirty coats of mail, thirty horses, thirty

camels, and thirty weapons of each type used in battle. Muslims will stand surely for them until they return them in case there is any plot or treachery in the Yemen. No church of theirs will be demolished and no clergyman of theirs will be turned out. There will be no interruption in their religion until they bring something new or take usury.”

Sewa, now in the sewa what do you get? You get a cross don’t you, the cross is a picture of the balance, it’s a picture of the balance, the cross. So Christianity is really saying the same thing isn’t it? So maybe that’s why the Prophet (pbuh) said “see that you do not destroy their relics, profane the sanctities of their holy places and see not that you break a cross” it must have been a higher meaning that he was addressing. So he “said see not that you break a cross”. People got their life in a balance, don’t do anything to disturb their peace and mess up their life and cause them to lose their balance. Well there’s a lot to be said, there’s a lot to be said.

Now we’re talking about what is the Prophet (pbuh), right?Didn’t just give him ___ what is his ______, we’re talking about what is the Prophet (pbuh). [Uswatan hasana] it didn’t say just for Muslims, for whoever believes in G-d and the last day. Mean they believe in G-d and the promiseof G-d. They believe in G-d and they believe that G-d’s promise is true that He will resurrect the dead and He will give those who remain honorable and faithful to Him even though they commit sin, He forgives sin especially the sins of one who does a good to make up for his wrong. He promise them heaven, a life of their soul’s desire, right? Yes.

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m. 470So those who believe that whether they’re Muslim, Christian, Jew or others Muhammad (pbuh) is said to be by G-d in our Holy Book, the Quran to be an excellent model for them, excellent model for them. So here is a universal figure, Muhammad (pbuh) is a universal figure he just doesn’t appeal to one religion or just one people. And look what the President said, President of these United

States, the honorable, high honored William Jefferson Clinton:

“Each year Ramadan brings a promise of renewal and hope for the world I pray that as the new moon rises we will witness the beginning of a new era of tolerance around the globe. As the followers of Islam celebrate the Revelation of G-d’s Word to Muhammad. We join you in honoring his call to a harmony and peace.”

You see how that Uswatan hasana has reached the President of the United states? The president saying we honor his call, who’s call? Muhammad (pbuh), G-d’s Word to Muhammad (pbuh), said “we join you in honoring his call for harmony and peace”.

So we know President James Madison recognized Islam, President Jefferson several others of them did, even Washington, now here is one in our time, Carter too, President Carter and here is one in our time paying his respect to the great universal Prophet and Messenger Muhammad (pbuh). Not saying that he’s a Muslim, no but he’s saying that I honor, we honor this man this Prophet whose followers are the Muslims. Its almost 9:00 p.m. but don’t worry.

Q. 21.107; Mercy to all the worlds

“We sent thee not but as a mercy for all creatures (worlds).”

G-d says of Muhammad (pbuh) also he is a mercy to all the worlds [Rahmatan lil alameen] a mercy to all the worlds. He’s the Prophet (pbuh) that received the Quran and the Quran by its name tells us that it’s a Book to bring about the revival and the progress of teaching, training the human intellect and educating the society. Education. The Quran is from a word [Qara-a] which means to read and we say ___ but if I say to you [huwa qara-a] or [qara-a

huwa hada sufa] he read this book, it doesn’t mean he recited that book, it means he read that book. [____tul Arabeya] means reading, Arabic reading, reading Arabic, doesn’t mean Arabic recitation. By reference to what has occurred traditionally they have come up with this meaning for [Qara-a] recite. Because what was read by Muhammad (pbuh) when G-d ordered him to read became something that was recited by the many who accepted to protect the Quran in its original reading or original composition. They devoted them self to a life of Haafez, recite the whole Quran by memory and without any mistake so it will be in their life and each Haafez is committed to pass it on to another Haafez so it stays. Its always someone who can, many who can read the whole Quran by heart or recite it by heart. So because of this tradition we get this meaning recite for [qara-a].

Bukhari Vol 1#3; Prophet Quran Revelation in cave Narrated Aisha “...The angel came to him and asked him to read. The Prophet replied, "I do not know how to read." The Prophet added, "The angel caught me (forcefully) and pressed me so hard that I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read and I replied, 'I do not know how to read.' Thereupon

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he caught me again and pressed me a second time till I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read but again I replied, 'I do not know how to read (or what shall I read)?' Thereupon he caught me for the third time and pressed me, and then released me and said, 'Read in the name of your Lord, who has created (all that exists) has created man from a clot. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous."

G-d said to him read and G-d said to him read and he began reciting the Quran but I know with the understanding G-d has blessed me to have that he began reading the Quran, he began reading the Quran. And he read it not from pages, he read it from his own conscience, G-d put it into his own conscience and he read it from his own conscience, he

read it in the hearing of the scribes, those who were devoted to protecting it and they wrote it down exactly as they heard it from his mouth and preserved it until this day for....

Ramadan Session #1 Friday Tape II Side B

Q. 73.20; Read as much Quran as is easy for you

“The Lord doth know that thou standest forth (to prayer) nigh two-thirds of the night or half the night or a third of the night and so doth a party of those with thee. But Allah doth appoint Night and Day in due measure. He knoweth that ye are unable to keep count thereof. So He hath turned to you (in mercy): read ye therefore of the Qur'an as much as may be easy for you.”

...Arabs didn’t need indicators, fatha, damma to ___, they didn’t need those things they knew their language but when Islam became the Religion for mankind they had to put those indicators on there so that everybody could learn Arabic easy and be able to read it correctly with the correct sounds, kasra, fatha, damma, sukun etc. So if Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) is the one who received the Quran the message for all man from G-d and then read it or recited it so that others would hear it and write it down so they would commit it to memory like he did.

Its said on one night in the month of Ramadan he read the whole Quran, stood all the night and I guess that’s why the Revelation came to him and the Quran saying read it for part of the night and reminded them that they had wives, not to neglect their wives. So much time in the Quran and they remembered they had wives,

don’t neglect their wives, go home spend some time with your wife. Is that good for you brother? I know its good for me even after all of this confusion I brought in my life, its still good for me to go home to my wife, not to somebody else’s wife but my wife.

What is the Prophet and Messenger (pbuh) of G-d? Prophet and Messenger (pbuh) of G-d is like all other Prophets what makes them prophets is that they received Revelation from the Lord of the worlds that comes to their conscious mind and they’re able to communicate it and articulate it so that another rational person can hear it an appreciate it. Though it comes form G-d the Most High, the All Powerful. The All Knowing, present everywhere, Omnipresent, though it comes form that high authority, that might Authority, that Infinite Being and all attributes of perfection and beauty. It can be

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communicated to an uneducated person like Muhammad (pbuh) was but innocent, he was an innocent person, he was not a person of sin, he as not a person with any selfish motives, not a person with any plot, any scheme; completely innocent like a new born baby but a man. And a man in all beautiful meanings of the word man. He was strong but at the same time compassionate, humble, considerate, soft spoken, but to be firm and very strict at the same time. Lover, loved his children, loved other children, loved his wives, loved men, expressedly loyal to his friends and would not do anything unjust to anybody.

Patient with the weak, patient with children and old folks, patient with slow thinkers, slow readers, no humor here, patient, understanding, considerate. And didn’t want any special favor, didn’t want another human being to carry a burden that he was able to carry and that if put on them it would be heavier on them than it was on them. He wouldn’t accept that they carry it. Helped his wives with their house work, went and shopped in the market by himself not with an entourage.

His people were mostly poor so he did not separate himself form his people by going out in the street looking like a king, but he wore the same simple clothes they wore. Slept on the simple beds that they slept on, they were so poor their beds were only a thin like casing with leave in it, the thickness hardly a half a inch, about a half a inch the thickness of it. Put that on the ground, sleep on the ground, put that on the floor of the house, sleep on the floor. And the floor of the house, dirt floor, dirt floor, this is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

If it was a wood floor, they slept on the wood, put the thin mat on the casing wit the leaves in

it or something soft, put it on the floor, sleep on the floor, that’s how he slept. When he traveled, this is history, when he traveled he would carry two garments, one he would wear the other one he would put on when that one got dirty. Soon as he put on the clean one, he washed the dirty one, he didn’t have maid, he washed the dirty one, he did all that for himself, still had time to visit the weak, the old, the aged. I’m ashamed of myself, I got relatives that I don’t even visit, too busy, I don’t have the discipline that he had. My discipline should be much better.

m. 84He visited sick relatives, sick friends or sick neighbor, he cheered them up and still did all his other work. He met with high leaders, the educated, met with people of government, met with great business men, people of great wealth, met with all of them and still had time to meet with poor people, uneducated people and help them with their personal problems, that’s Muhammad (pbuh). And had that great heavy responsibility of giving the message that G-d gave him so that the whole world would receive it.

Now you talk about reaching transparency, he reached transparency, became a pure light for the world. When it came to him performing the duty of Prophet and Messenger of G-d, servant of G-d there was no nationalism involved, not racism involved, no ego involved, no cultural attachment involved, no loyalty to national culture, no loyalty to national ideology, no loyalty to anything but obedience to G-d, that was that man. And coming not from something, an acceptance of something that he imposed upon himself but coming from a relationship of the lover and the job. The job had a lover and he was the lover, in love with his job.

And he was never convincing himself to do it, but he was just seeing the relationship and a way to make that relationship stronger for the

pleasure of G-d, out of desire to obey G-d. So just like we have a relationship with something that we are naturally a part of and

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naturally want for our self, that’s how his job was for him, it was a relationship with something that he wanted, naturally wanted. And naturally belonged to, he naturally belonged to it, that’s how he saw it, he saw himself naturally just by nature, his nature told him, I belong to this. I’m for this, this is made for me, this is what I want in my heart, in my soul, in my flesh, in my whole being, I’m giving my life to that, that it wants, to that, that it wants or to what it wants and that’s the huma being G-d made. G-d made us all to be like that but all of us are not Muhammad (pbuh), one is Muhammad (pbuh), one Muhammad (pbuh), Muhammad ibn Abdullah (pbuh) prayers and the peace be on him.

Prophet is witness for humanityQ.2.143; Prophet witness over you, you mankind “Thus have We made of you an Ummah justly balanced that ye might be witnesses over the nations and the Apostle a witness over yourselves; and We appointed the Qiblah to which thou wast used only to test those who followed the Apostle from those who would turn on their heels (from the faith). Indeed it was (a change) momentous except to those guided by Allah. And never would Allah make your faith of no effect. For Allah is to all people most surely full of kindness Most Merciful.”

But he is there to be a witness to us of what Allah wants for humanity, this is the excellence that Allah wants for humanity. And to the greatest extent possible for us we should want to come into his Uswa, he’s excellence as a model for human life. If we desire it honestly and G-d will help us get more and more into that excellence.

So Muhammad (pbuh) is a witness, he’s a witness to mankind that this is the picture of the human being G-d wants for all human beings. Then G-d says we should be a witness to the people too, Muhammad (pbuh) is a witness in the single body, single person, we

should be a witness in the plural body or the community life. We’re obligated to make a community life based up Quran and based upon Muhammad’s (pbuh) Uswa and his labor, his works among us, among human beings on this earth. We are to make a community in the excellence of the Word of G-d and the life of Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh). And when we make a community after that excellence we then are witnesses to the whole humanity too of what Allah wants for man as a picture of human society. Isn’t this beautiful that G-d wants for man a human picture of excellence and Muhammad (pbuh) is the focus for it and Jesus was a sign of it peace be upon Christ Jesus.

And He wants for humanity, all people a community devoted to the excellence of the Religion following the model Muhammad (pbuh), his sunnah, his way so that man can also look on this earth among the living and see what G-d wants for all people as a model society. Isn’t it clear what we have to do? It is very clear what we have to do, we have to live the excellence of Islam, the Quran and the excellence of Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) so that we show in our life as a society, as a group of people devoted to establishing and progressing society, our own community, what G-d want for all people, for all people. This is what Allah obligates us to do, establish something that G-d wants for all people.

m. 162How can you be selfish then if G-d says you are the best community brought out or raised up or evolved for all mankind [ ukhrejat len nas] for all mankind? How can we be selfish working for the glory of the black people, working to prove something for the black race or prove something to the world that the black race is powerful, mighty black man? I’m not at all remembering or reflecting on our past, if we were white I’d say the same thing against us if we were white people doing it. Not in

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Islam you can’t do that, you can’t be satisfied in your little small place in these cities, working in you little small place thinking only about a few people with you, praying with you and doing things with you. That’s as far as you can see brother? You’re too small for one ayat of the Quran, not to mention the whole Book, if that’s as far as you can see. You should be

ashamed if you’re not living to be attractive to the whole city, you must be attractive to the whole city, you must appeal to the eye that’s looking for excellence in the whole city not just your little neighborhood or not just your little family or those 12 people you have coming to your Masjid, that’s a shame, no.

You want to get you Dawa bigger, you want to get more people supporting you, embrace the universality of Islam and come out of that narrowness that smallness and you’ll see a world change for you. So much for what is the Prophet. Last question.

What is a Muslim

Q. 49.14; Say not we believe but say we submitted “The desert Arabs say "We believe." Say "Ye have no faith; but ye (only) say `We have submitted our wills to Allah.' For not yet has Faith entered your hearts. But if ye obey Allah and His Apostle He will not belittle aught of your deeds: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful."

What is a Muslim? This is a quick one. A Muslim is the nature for human content and human life and growth put into us, made for us by our Creator and its in us when we’re born from our mothers as Muslims. What is a Muslim in tradition or in history? A Muslim is on who says he follows the Quran and Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh), that’s the end of what a Muslim is. Simply means to accept peacefully to conform peacefully, that’s what it means, to conform peacefully. Say brother Imam “say to the Will of Allah”, no that aint what Muslim said, Muslim simply says to conform peacefully, Allah is not in that.

Now where have the support for this? Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) it was revealed to him to tell the desert Arabs who were not conforming as they should said say not that

believe, you’re believers but say that you have [aslama] which mean you have accepted to be Muslim. Muslim is from [salama], [aslama] is the order that I’ve don’t that. Say that you have [aslama] mean that I have, you say for yourself say, mean I have [aslama] I have accepted to be Muslim because faith has not entered you heart.

Believer more important than Muslim

Bukhari vol 2.440; Every child born Muslim

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Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) said: every child is born with a true faith but his parents convert him to Judaism or to Christaianity or to Magainism. As an animal delivers a perfect baby animal, do you find it mutilated?

Why am I making this distinction? Because Allah makes the distinction in the Quran Muslim is not the big deal, to say you are Muslim is not the big deal, to say you are a believer is the big deal. And then believer, because all people are Muslims they just don’t know it according to what Muhammad (pbuh) said, the Quran and Muhammad (pbuh). Said everyone is born a Muslim isn’t that what Muhammad said (pbuh)? Everyone is born a Muslim and it is the circumstances that they put in that makes them otherwise, a Jew or Christian or something, that’s what Muhammad said (pbuh)

m. 218

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So the big deal is not that you are Muslim, does the Quran say “Oh Muslim, Oh Muslim do this, do that?” Oh believer. And then there are, we’re closing right now, we’re closing out, but we got plenty of time tarawih prayer, tarrawih prayer however you want to pronounce it, both ways is good, tarawih prayer, tarrawih pray, these prayer go up into the night, you aint prepared to stay out there all that time, I’m really helping you out. You’re gonna do Eshaa,

then ...I had breakfast and lunch, I had breakfast with a date and some water, two, three dates and some water and I had lunch with the _____ and I’m getting ready to conclude this and go have my dinner after prayer. I got to face the daylight hours you know and I can’t eat anything or drink anything so I’m going to get my third meal after we finish pray.

Now you can go to bed if you want to, sleep good, its up to you and I don’t want any company, that doesn’t mean you security brothers don’t go. Got a few cave me walking around here, one cave man I know, one cave man is here in Cleveland and don’t you decide who it is you’ll be wrong, one cave man is here in this town and we got I think about a dozen zombies. Now you know I don’t want to be out here alone.

Believer two typesNow when it comes to believer you got two types of believer, maybe many types but only two types are addressed in the Quran. There’s the believer that believes in part and this is in Scripture, there’s the believer that believes in part, this is Islamic, Quran, I’m talking Quran. And there is the believer that have set him mind, spirit and soul and body to accept all that G-d says, whether his mind can understand it or not. He works to understand as much as he can with his mind but where his mind stops his spirit keeps going, that’s the true believer. And the Quran Allah calls this believer [haqqa] the believer in truth. He’s a believer that has certified his belief, it has been certified with the term [haqq], means true and real. Why? Because he have accepted the all of it, he believe all of it, say and they believe all of and they say all of it is from the Lord, from Allah, the Lord, from their lord, that’s the true believer.

So this completes this session and I’m going to make a general statement now as I said as I

promised on the Quran, the features of the Quran and then we will go and prepare ourselves for the prayers, the Ramadan prayers.

m. 267We must understand that they Quran is like food that G-d has prepared for all people, for all people, for every individual. The Qura is like the best healthy food and the best tasting food the best food in its appearance, everything that we look for in just the ideal meal for us, the meal of our choice, that’s the Quran. And it comes to us from G-d Almighty and its for us as a nation, its for the United States of America, if the United States of America want to declare this Religion its Religion, its for us as a nation, its for us as a society, for us as a society within a society sharing nation and obligation of citizenry, citizenship with other societies in this big society.

Its for us as professionals, ones a professional soldier the other one is a professional lawyer the other one is a professional doctor another one is a professional musician etc, its for us as professionals and it is for us a common people with common simple taste, common simple life. Having enough just to go punch the clock and make the hours, get the check in a weekend take care of our bills, be happy with our family and our children, our wives whatever, it’s a meal for them. It’s a meal for the man who want to engage the nature, the human nature or want to engage any

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particular aspect of human nature. Like maybe he want to engage his nature to appreciate beauty, he can read the Quran and oh become so thrilled, so inspired, so lifted in spirit. The Quran is a complete Book for every nation, for every group and for every individual, male and female and child. That’s why you can read some portion of the Quran and a child will listen and be very much attentive like the story of Luqman’s advice to his son, especially if you know how to explain it, break the big words down for the child to hold the child’s attention, the child will never forget it, just sticks with the child.

Q.16.18; Blessing ou can’t count “If ye would count up the favors of Allah never would ye be able to number them: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful.”

For the lover of sounds, its melodious, some verses flow more like suratul bayenah, flow so beautifully in rhythm and beauty, also beautiful in its seemingly poetic language telling us about the beauty of the seas, the beauty of life in the deep waters, the coral beautiful pink colors and the pearls there are all these beautiful things.

m. 319So its for everybody, a complete meal it has salad, soup the main dish and so many varieties, so many varieties of desert and Allah says He is the One Who gives without counting.

And there a whole chapter in the Bible called counting I know it aint called counting “Imam made a mistake” you’re grading me, right? You’re nuts I know its called numbers, but you read it, they’re counting, I’m going to get my buddy out of that lock up he’s in yet, yes. So it says Allah gives without counting, He’s the One that gives without counting. you know what that means? That G-d aint concerned about giving you two much, that’s not His concern, His concern is only to give and He knows that you have a capacity, its limited you only can take so much, but He just gives, so that much is left after you have been satisfied, much is left.

Quran method like Scriptures before

Q.98.3; These are the corrected books “Wherein are books right and straight.

And that tells you that He didn’t give for you only and then you become an instrument of His mercy and goodness, you start to find others who need and share, make it reach them, yeah this is a great G-d, this is the real G-d. Okay so we have covered what I had planned to cover

today but I want to lastly say that the method of the Quran it is the method of Scriptures received before from the same G-d. From the Lord, Creator of the heaven and earth. Why did I say that because some people have claimed they have received something but they didn’t get it from the Lord of the heavens and earth. But those people who receive something from the Lord, Creator of the heaven and earth what the Quran is, is the same method. Its only extended to bring it to its completion, give the whole that G-d wanted for mankind on this earth. And its corrected because errors came in what came before, errors came into it.

Q. 5.3; This day I have perfected Islam as you Religion

“This day have I perfected your religion for you completed my favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.”

So it says these are the corrected books mean that the books that were here before they had

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errors in them, these are the corrected book an explanation and clarity extending it further and a completion. And G-d says this day I have preferred for you Islam as you Religion and have completed My favor on you. That tells us that this was something that was in progress, that G-d was finishing something that was in progress for a long time. And He said His favor was on Jews and His favor was on the people of Aaron or the Christian who became Christian later. And He says that favor was on the Muslims, right? Finally favor came on the Muslims, so His favor was passed from one people to another and these are just a few that are well known but there are many who are not well known and no need to mention them because nobody knows them that He also put His favor on or put His favor upon.

That He was also bringing, He was evolving them into the picture of human being and society, human society that He wants for all people, He was doing that, so He said and I completed My favor, preferred for you Islam as your Religion. But He says I have perfected for you your Religion too, perfected for you your Religion and completed My favor upon you. And have preferred for you Islam or Al Islam the language for the Religion, for Religion or as a Religion, this is what G-d says.

WDM follows W. Deen MohammedSo if we listen to that language, that language I am in tune with that language, see that’s how you know whether a teacher is translating right or interpreting correctly or doing the correct explanation of meaning, is it consistent with what G-d has said in many places not just one place? You don’t know it until you test it in many places. Say ok ell G-d said this in twelve places, G-d have reference to what the Imam is saying. I find twelve references in the Quran, catch what I say by every reference and if you find me out of harmony with any of those references I give up my job. G-d knows I’ll give up my job. How do I know that? Because I’m not my own guide, I follow Imam W. Deen Mohammed, I’m not my own guide. Imam W. Deen Mohammed is protected by G-d.

Now so those Scriptures before, what they, what the theme was is the theme of the Quran, what was the theme? That G-d created you, G-d started the world and then man took it over and G-d is gonna get it back and G-d is gonna show you through your special ones that He selects from among you, He’s gonna show you the destiny, the final picture.

m. 405 Muhammad only Prophet with historical proof

Before Muhammad (pbuh) there were prophesies of the final picture, there were parables of the final picture but with Muhammad (pbuh) came the living proof of the final picture. Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) is the only Prophet, now you listen to this, if you’re still in the church and you came in here as a liar, gonna burn you a little bit, but you did it to yourself not me; Muhammad (pbuh) is the only Prophet that there is historical proof for, there is not another Prophet not even Jesus Christ that’s there’s historical proof for.

Only the people who believe in those Prophets claim there is historical proof the rest of the world knew nothing about them, the rest of the world never heard about a Jesus Christ. Outside of Judaism they never heard of a Moses or a Abraham. But the whole world knows Muhammad (pbuh) believers and non believers know Muhammad (pbuh). Session is closed.

Now this is outside of the session, this is Wallace speaking not Imam W. Deen Mohammed, you all want to hear Wallace speak? Who would choose a Religion other

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than Islam but someone who wants to debase himself or make himself a fool...

....next time don’t say the brother who lost the hundred dollars say the brother who lost some money and let them tell you how much. That’s the thinker, that was Wallace speaking.

...I’ll tell you, G-d gives without counting I’m gonna count the heads in here I’m asking counting $10.00 from each, yeah want ten dollars from you too, you get one kit.

..we have the 25 folders they are blue and they have copy of the certificate that I received from the state department from Madame Alright. I want to share something with you, the former secretary of state Christopher Warren he was the one to start the ball to rolling and Madame Albright she came in and took over that responsibility and made it happen. So I just want to mention him because he was aware of your Imam and my work and he’s the one that started the ball to rolling. Yeah so here the folder here and we’re going to give it to 25 of the Imams so don’t worry we’ll keep it, we’re gonna select 25 of the Imams to give it to.

Tapes of Ramadan session not to share with anybody elseAnd tomorrow en sha Allah before we leave you will have added to this package tape, tape of these sessions and you are not to share this tape with anybody. The tapes are just for you, not for you to share with anybody else, if they didn’t attend this session you’re not suppose to share with them. Unless they get it directly from me, there’s problems can be created with you passing this on to those that were not here, so don’t do that, ok. And the tapes and everything for $10.00. No, no not now, maybe tomorrow, by tomorrow, by Magrib en sha Allah.

Transcript 1st draft unedited Nasir Ahmad

Index 12-17-99 Q. 2.183; Ramadan prescribed for fasting 1;Q. 2.285; The Prophet and believers believe 2;Q.2.156; We return to Allah 3;Q. 2.286; No soul has burden it can’t bear 4;Q. 50.17, 18; Angels record actions 5;Q.4.164; Prophets some named others not named 6;Q.49.17; count not join Islam as favor to Prophet 7;Q.13.11; Allah not change condition until people 8;Q. 5.3; Chosen Al Islam as your Religion 10;Q. 66.6; Angels flag, not hesitate 11;Q. 2.2; This Book is guidance 14;Q. 3.7; Quran is Basic and allegorical 14;Q. 3.7; their hearts is corruption who seek allegorical 15;Q.14.22; satan had no power over you 16;Q. 16.120; Abraham was upright 17;Q. 33.40; Seal of the Prophets 20;Q. 34.28; Prophet is enough for humanity 19;Q. 33.21; Prophet excellent model of conduct 20;Q. 67.22; Walk moderately 20;Q. 21.107; Mercy to all the worlds 21;Q. 73.20; Read as much Quran as is easy for you 22;Q.2.143; Prophet witness over you, you mankind 23;Q. 49.14; Say not we believe but say we submitted 24;Q.16.18; Blessing you can’t count 25;Q.98.3; These are the corrected books 26;Q. 5.3; This day I have perfected Islam as you Religion 26;

Bukhari 1.47; Gabriel taught what is Islam 12;Muslim Vol I #1; Qadr of G-d 18;

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Abu Dawud #1324; Destroy no holy place 20;Hadith __ Don’t break a cross 20;Bukhari Vol 1#3; Prophet Quran Revelation in cave 21;

Bukhari vol 2.440; Every child born Muslim 24;

John 16:13; Spirit truth guide into all things 8;John 16:7; Expedient I go away so comforter can come 9;1 John 5:9; Witness of G-d is greater 13;Rev. 22:18-19; don’t add anything to it 19;

a-1Abraham was upright 17;Actions Soul records all your actions 5;

Allah a- change not condition until people 8;a- First title (ownership) with G-d 4;a- We return to Allah 3;

Allegory [shubaha] means its a resemblance 14;

Angels a- are masculine 5;a- flag, not hesitate 11;a- record actions 5;

b-1Baby Soul records what happened in womb 5;

Believer b- more important than Muslim 24;b- Believer two types 24;

Bible don’t add anything to it 19;Blessing you can’t count 25;

Burden b- soul No soul has burden it can’t bear 4;b- unclear religion 6;

c-1Certificate from State department 10;Change Allah not change condition until people

8;Church Destroy no holy place 20;College test rational for truth or false answers 8;

Convert c- count not join Islam as favor to Prophet 7;c- Shahada beg ask to convert 7;

Cross c- Don’t break a cross 20;c- Sewaa has crossc- of balance 20


e-1Education College test rational for truth or false answers 8;Emotions Quran appeal though mind 7;Esran means burden of unclear religion 6;Evolution mind from animal to man 9;Expedient I go away so comforter can come 9;

f-1Faith The Prophet and believers believe 2;Fast Ramadan prescribed for fasting 1;Favor count not join Islam as favor to Prophet 7;Fetus Soul records what happened in womb 5;

g-1Gabriel taught what is Islam 12;

h-1Hanifi h- Abraham was upright 17;h- companions of the Prophet before Islam 17;

Hear We hear and we obey 4;

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I-1Islam i- Chosen Al Islam as your Religion 10;i- enter legal door of mind 8;i- Gabriel taught what is Islam 12;i- is a Religion of action 13;i- This day I have perfected Islam as you Religion 26;i- What is Al Islam 12;

j-1Jesus j- Expedient I go away so comforter can come 9;j- Jesus was spirit of righteousness 9;

John Ramadan, Brother Rafai S. Muhammad support Imam since Stony Island days 10;


l-1[Le] means possession 3;Leader masses grow to hunger for better ones 8;Logic Muhkamaat] that which makes it easy to follow logic 14;

m-1Magnet two ways to de-magnetize it 15;

Man M -Angels record actions 5;M - Evolution mind from animal to man 9;

Marriage should be instant meeting of the souls 18;Mecca fund 10;

Mercy m - Prophet Mercy to all the worlds 21;m -Warham-naa 9;

Mind m- Evolution mind from animal to man 9;m - forgets soul records 5;m- Islam enter legal door of mind 8;m- Quran appeal to mind 7;m- Soul mind different 5;

Muhkamaat] that which makes it easy to follow logic 14;Muhammad only Prophet with historical proof 27;

Muslim m - Believer more important than Muslim 24;m - Every child born Muslim 24;m - Journal purchase weekly 11;m - Say not we believe but say we submitted 24;m - What is a Muslim 24;

n-1Nafs soul is feminine 4;

Nation of Islam n - footing was in [shubahaat, allegory] 15;n - teaching had inferior and superior sides 15;

o-1Obey We hear and we obey 4;Ownership First title (ownership) with G-d 4;

p-1Possessive [Le] means possession 3;Prayer Tarawih, Witr prayer 9;

Prophet p- and believers believe 2;p- is enough for humanity 19;p- Mercy to all the worlds 21;p- Muhammad only Prophet with historical proof 27;p- Quran Revelation in cave 21;p- Read as much Quran as is easy for you 22;p- Seal of Prophets also means last 20;p- some named others not named 6;p- What is the Prophet 16;p- is witness for humanity 23;p- Uswatan hasanatan excellent model of

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conduct 20;

q-1Qadr of G-d 18;

Quran r- allegory [shubaha] means its a resemblance 14;q- appeal to mind 7;q- Book is guidance 14;q- in their hearts is corruption who seek allegorical 15;q- is Basic and allegorical 14;q- Quran method like Scriptures before 26;q- Prophet Quran Revelation in cave 21;q- Read as much Quran as is easy for you 22;

q- reach soul through mind 7;q- These are the corrected books 26;q- what is the Quran 14;

r-1Brother Rafai S. Muhammad support Imam since Stony Island days 10;

Ramadan r- Karriem 1;r- prescribed for fasting 1;r- session to all persons with interest in Dawa 14;


r- Chosen Al Islam as your Religion 10;r- [Esran means burden of unclear religion 6;r- Islam is a Religion of action 13;r- This day I have perfected Islam as you Religion 26;

s-1satan had no power over you 16;Scripture Quran these are the corrected books 26;Seal of Prophets also means last 20;

Sewa e- has cross of balance 20e- means balance, Uswa is from this word 20;

Shahada is acknowledging 13;Shubaha] allegory means its a resemblance 14;

Soul s- has no burden it can’t bear 4;s- mind different 5;s- Mind forgets soul records 5;s- Nafs soul is feminine 4;s- Quran reach soul through mind 7;s- records all your actions 5;s- records what happened in womb 5;

Spirit s- Jesus was spirit of righteousness 9;

s- truth guide into all things 8;s- two: truth and righteousness 8;

t-1Tafseer is explanation of Quran 6;Tapes of Ramadan session share not with anybody else 27;Tarawih, Witr prayer 9;Test College test rational for truth or false answers 8;Truth Spirit truth guide into all things 8;

u-1United States Certificate from State department 9;Uswa is from Sewa means balance 20;


w-1W. D. Mohammed w- Allah assisted development 8;w- Certificate from State department 9;w- WDM follows W. Deen Mohammed 26;w- formed WDM ministry, Mecca fund 10;w- International President of WCRP 12;w- is a student 15;w- Mistakes don’t make with words Imam W. D. Muhammad 11;

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Walk moderately 20;

Warhamnaa Mercy 9;WCRP W. D. Mohammed International President 12;Witness of G-d is greater 13;Witness Prophet is witness for humanity 23;Witr prayer 9;x-1y-1z-1 Index 12-17-99