1978 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Ministry ...€¦ · Extraordinary Ministers of Holy...

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church 2901 East Huffman Anchorage, AK 99516 907-345-4466 1978 2015 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Ministry Directory Our Mission: “To gather together to build up the Body of Christ and to be sent to love and serve God and others.”

Transcript of 1978 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Ministry ...€¦ · Extraordinary Ministers of Holy...

Page 1: 1978 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Ministry ...€¦ · Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Adults Assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. Open to Catholics


Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church 2901 East Huffman Anchorage, AK 99516




Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Catholic Church

Ministry Directory

Our Mission:

“To gather together

to build up the Body of Christ

and to be sent

to love and serve God and others.”

Page 2: 1978 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Ministry ...€¦ · Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Adults Assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. Open to Catholics

Our parish ministers together through five forms of experiencing church as

expressed in the original Greek:

LITURGIA: Celebrate church through worship. We celebrate the pinnacle of our faith as we worship God through the Mass

and the sacraments. See pages 4-5.

KERYGMA: Celebrate church by proclaiming God’s word. Each ministry uses its unique gifts and talents to express faith in concrete,

lived ways. See pages 6-7.

DIDACHE: Celebrate church through teaching. We celebrate and build up our beloved traditions and rich history by sharing

our faith with the younger generations. See pages 8-9.

DIACONIA: Celebrate church through service. We experience and share the love of God through our service to our

parishioners and to those most in need. See pages 10-11.

KOINONIA: Celebrate church through community. By growing together as people of God, we support each other on the journey

and learn to live in relationship. See pages 12-13.

These five forms of church are modeled for us in the Acts of the Apostles:

“They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the

communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers. Awe came

upon everyone, and many wonders and signs were done through the

apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common; they

would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all

according to each one’s need. Every day they devoted themselves to

meeting together in the temple area and to breaking bread in their homes.

They ate their meals with exultation and sincerity of heart, praising God and

enjoying favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to their

number those who were being saved.” Acts 2: 42-47

How do YOU grow in Christ?

Ministries are listed alphabetically in the table of contents, or by category

throughout the handbook. Each ministry also includes the age range of

participants: Elementary, Junior High, High School, Adults, and/or the Whole

Family. Learn more online: www.akseas.net

About this Handbook 15

Electronic Giving:

Convenient for you and for our parish!

Thank you for your financial support of our parish! We invite you to

consider using electronic giving as an easy, safe, and secure means

of fulfilling your stewardship commitment.

Sign up for Electronic Giving at www.akseas.net.

Click on “Giving” and follow the directions. Thank you!

Parish Staff Members

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish

2017-2018 Fr. Patrick Brosamer [email protected]

Fr. Moore [email protected]

Fr. Armand Dice [email protected]

Deacon Kurt Adler [email protected]

Steve Siebs [email protected]

Anna Schulten [email protected]

Kellie Thomson [email protected]

Sarah Cross [email protected]

Kathy Gustafson [email protected]

Page 3: 1978 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Ministry ...€¦ · Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Adults Assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. Open to Catholics


Pastoral Council Members

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish


School Board Members

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School


John Estabrook [email protected]

Jamie Adler [email protected]

Brent Sanders [email protected]

Sarah Erkmann [email protected]

Jenia Jarrett [email protected]

Jamie Boring [email protected]

Jackie Hoover [email protected]

Amanda Yocum [email protected]

Chris Ori [email protected]

Trish Baker [email protected]

Brandy Pennington [email protected]

Kate Blair [email protected]

Father Patrick Brosamer [email protected]

Steve Siebs [email protected]

Diana Weber diweb@alaska,net

Lawrence Oraeki [email protected]

Christin Anderson [email protected]

Bob Ourso [email protected]

Jess Gutzwiler [email protected]

Jim Petrash [email protected]

Caroline Eddens [email protected]

Janet Cowley [email protected]

Rebecca Ward [email protected]

Anna Schulten [email protected]

Fr. Moore [email protected]

Chris Doucette [email protected]

Deacon Kurt Adler [email protected]

Fr. Armand Dice [email protected]

Ministries, Listed Alphabetically

Adult Faith Formation………………………………………………………………………………..8

Altar Guild…………………………………………………………………………………………………4

Altar Servers…………………………………………………………….……………………………….4

Art & Environment….………………………………………………………………………………….4


Catholic Homeschoolers………………………………………………………….…………………8

Coffee and Donuts……….……………………………………………..………….……………….12

Compassion and Caring…………………………………………….…………………………..…10

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion………………...………………..…………..4

Funeral Receptions……………………………………………………………….………………..12

Faith Formation…………………………………………………………………………………………8


Health Ministry Team……………….………………………………………………………………..6


Knights of Columbus……………………………………….……………………………………...12


Liturgical Receptions………………………………………………...…………………………….12

Magi Workshop & Bazaar……….……………………………………………………….…………6

Meals for the Homebound………………......………………………………………………….10


Music / Choir...…………………………………….……………..…………………………………….5



Parenting Group……………………………………....……………………………………………..13

Peace and Justice……………………………………….……………………….......................11

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration………………..………………………………….…………….5

Pew Clean up……………………………………………………….……………………………………5

Prayer Shawl…………………………………………………………………………………………….6

Prison Outreach...……………………………………………………………………………………11

Project Rachel…………………………………………………………………………………..……11

Respect Life………………………………………………………………………………………..……7

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults……………………..…………………………………….9



Sewing Group………………………………….……………….……………………………………...7

Social Activities Committee………………….………………………………………………….13

Spiritual Direction………………………………..……………....……………………………..……9

Vacation Bible School…………...……………….…………….……………...…………………..9

Volunteer Hotline……………………………..…………….…………………………………………7

Welcoming Committee……………………………………………………………...................13

Youth Ministry………………………………………….…………………………………………..…13

Our Vision: “We are an active, vibrant,

welcoming community living our Catholic faith.”

Page 4: 1978 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Ministry ...€¦ · Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Adults Assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. Open to Catholics


LITURGIA: Worship Ministries

Altar Guild High School


Whole Family

Weekly care and ironing of linens, upkeep of the altar and sacristy,

special cleanings throughout the year.

Altar Servers Elementary

Junior High

High School

Assist during Mass. Open to boys and girls age 8, 2nd grade through

high school who are baptized and have received First Holy


Art & Environment High School


Whole Family

Decorate the church building and worship space to complement the

liturgical calendar and enhance worship.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Adults

Assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. Open to Catholics in

good standing who have received Baptism, Holy Communion and

Confirmation. Must have a firm belief in and love for Christ in the Holy


Hospitality High School


Whole Family

Greet people at Mass, usher people to seats, take up collection, hand

out bulletins, tidy up the pews following Mass. Smiles needed!


Parenting Group Adults

Whole Family Open to all parents and caretakers. We support each other in our

families and faith through playtimes, Bible/book studies, stewardship

projects and family potlucks. Come play and pray with us!

Social Activities Committee High School


Whole Family

This committee is an active, versatile and friendly group of people

who believe in the “art of having fun.” Our mission is to come together

to explore possibilities and offer opportunities to the parish for

fellowship, meal sharing and good times. Join us once a month for a

brainstorming meeting and bring your ideas and talents for any/all

social activities.

Welcoming Committee High School


Whole Family

Personally welcome new members to our parish family! Provides

parish information to newcomers and welcomes them to activities.

Youth Ministry Junior High

High School


Whole Family

Youth Ministry needs volunteers in all of the following areas:

High School Youth Ministry

Jr. High Youth Ministry

Retreats/Overnight Chaperones

Small Group Facilitators

Service/Social Event Chaperones

Meal Preparations

Community Ministries, continued

Page 5: 1978 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Ministry ...€¦ · Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Adults Assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. Open to Catholics


KOINONIA: Community Ministries Coffee and Donuts Junior High

High School


Whole Family

Provides coffee, juice, donuts and socializing after the 8:30 Mass.

Ordering, picking up donuts, making coffee, serving, cleaning up.

Funeral Receptions High School


Whole Family

Prepare and/or serve refreshments for funerals if requested by families.

Knights of Columbus Adults

Whole Family Grow in friendship and personal faith as a member of Saint Paul Miki

Council. Very active in the life of our busy parish. Men 18 and older.

Liturgical Receptions High School


Whole Family

Prepare and/or serve refreshments for celebrations such as First

Communion, Confirmation, and R.C.I.A.

Nursery Junior High

High School


Whole Family

Open to parishioners with children at 8:30 and 11:30 Masses. We ask

that those who use the nursery volunteer to serve occasionally.


Lectors Adults

Lectors are individuals who boldly and effectively proclaim God’s

Word during Mass. They read the assigned readings at Sunday

worship and other special liturgical celebrations. Lectors must be

confirmed, in good standing with the Catholic Church, outgoing,

friendly, and good readers.

Music / Choir Elementary

Junior High

High School


Whole Family

“To listen seriously to music and to perform it are among our most potent

ways of learning what it is to live with and before God.”

—Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury, A Ray of Darkness

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration High School


Whole Family

Our parish is present before the Blessed Sacrament in the Saint Pope

John Paul II Chapel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call for your hour.

Pew Clean up High School


Whole Family

Weekly cleaning up, organizing, and stocking information in pews.

Sacristans Adults

Coordinate other lay ministers before Mass, open and close church,

set up for Baptisms, set up and clean liturgical vessels and books,

support liturgical ministry of clergy. Must have served as an

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for at least one year.

Worship Ministries, continued

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Health Team Adults

Whole Family Ministry which creates a holistic, healthy environment and addresses

specific health issues.

Magi Workshop & Bazaar Adults

Make craft items with furnished supplies to sell at the annual Bazaar in

October. Proceeds purchase needed items for the church.

Media Ministry High School


Whole Family

Maintain a slide show of our Parish and Ministry events, meetings,

etc. Take and edit photos of gatherings, prepare slide show/movie of

annual VBS & other events. Bring your ideas.

Prayer Shawl Elementary

Junior High

High School


Whole Family

Armed with yarn, needles, and patterns we create prayer shawls for

those who have lost a loved one, are ill or recovering from illness, or

homebound. We begin and end each gathering with prayer for all

those who have received a shawl. Know of someone who needs a

shawl? Let us know and we will arrange for you to receive a blessed

shawl to take to that person.

KERYGMA: Proclamation Ministries 11

Service Ministries, continued Peace and Justice High School


Whole Family

Explore the issues of our day in light of Catholic social teaching and

get involved in finding solutions. A ministry for people who want social

action and social change.

Prison Outreach High School


Serve those imprisoned and their families. Many opportunities include

visiting those in prison, assisting the families, process requests for

bibles, gather inspirational materials, making cards, writing notes of

encouragement, become a pen pal, mentoring, supporting Kairos

Retreats (praying, baking, cooking, etc.

Project Rachel Adults

Confidential grief ministry, providing healing and reconciliation for

anyone suffering from abortion loss. Nationally recognized program

includes scripture, prayer and Christ's healing love.

Page 7: 1978 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Ministry ...€¦ · Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Adults Assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. Open to Catholics


DIACONIA: Service Ministries Bereavement Adults

An outreach ministry to individuals grieving the loss of a loved one.

Includes sending cards and making telephone calls of support.

Compassion and Caring Adults

Bring the Eucharist to those who are ill or homebound.

Gardening Elementary

Junior High

High School


Whole Family

Share you green thumb with your faith community. Assist in planting,

watering, and tending our flower beds Spring through Fall.

Meals for the Homebound High School


Whole Family

Provides meals to those who are temporarily homebound or ill.


High School


Whole Family

Outreach Committee coordinates services and resources to people in



Respect Life High School


Whole Family

Prayer, education and action to proclaim the Gospel of Life.

Sewing Group Adults

Seamstresses, needle workers, designers of all abilities. We work on

church projects including vestments, altar linens and banners.

Volunteer Hotline High School


Sign up at [email protected] to offer assistance. You will receive

notices of parish, individual, or community needs and you decide

which ones you can respond to. Put term “volunteer” in subject line.

Use this address to request help also.

Proclamation Ministries, continued

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DIDACHE: Teaching Ministries

Adult Faith Formation Adults

Present/Facilitate/Lead a Monday/Thursday evening and

Wednesday morning faith sharing time with adults. Sample topics:

Scripture Study, Vatican II Documents, Peace & Justice, Papal


Catholic Homeschoolers Elementary

Junior High

High School


Whole Family

Open to Catholic homeschoolers from throughout the Archdiocese,

this group plays and prays together, shares ideas and offers service


Faith Formation/Religious Education Elementary

Junior High

High School


Whole Family

Catechist for Kindergarten- 12th grade

Office Help on Sundays

Catechist Aide for Kindergarten- 12th grade

Community Sunday Volunteer

Middle School group leader

Confirmation Sponsor

Confirmation small group leader


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults High School


RCIA Inquiry: Are you searching for a church to call your own? Do you

feel God's call to become a full, active participating member in the

Catholic Church? R.C.I.A. is the process by which adults become

members of the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Initiation:

Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist; and where Catholics who

have not done so complete these sacraments.

R.C.I.A. Sponsor: Be a companion on the spiritual journey of an adult

R.C.I.A. member.

R.C.I.A. Team: Be part of the team coordinating this adult journey of


Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton School Elementary


Whole Family

We provide an excellent Catholic education in a Christ-like

environment for Anchorage, Alaska students in grades K-6.

Spiritual Direction High School


Whole Family

Do you feel the call to deepen your prayer life? This ministry helps you

explore God’s call with the aid of a trained director.

Vacation Bible School Elementary

Junior High

High School


Whole Family

A week long celebration for kindergarten through 6th grade. Many

hands are needed: catechists, food preparation, game leaders, etc.

Teaching Ministries, continued