1960 Election of 1960: saw new trends in politics; gov't had become major role in people' lives. A. Republicans run noted anti-communist VP Richard Nixon. Ike fails to aggressively support him B. Sen. John F. Kennedy of Mass runs for Dems. Young, Catholic, rich, war hero C. Television plays a major role as both candidates seek to use it to show themselves. 1. Televised debates help JFK, hurt Nixon. D. JFK wins one of the closest in our history. Charges of fraud emerge after the campaign. Little mandate


1960. Election of 1960 : saw new trends in politics; gov't had become major role in people' lives . A. Republicans run noted anti-communist VP Richard Nixon. Ike fails to aggressively support him B. Sen. John F. Kennedy of Mass runs for Dems . Young, Catholic, rich, war hero - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 1960

Page 1: 1960

1960Election of 1960: saw new trends in politics; gov't

had become major role in people' lives.

A. Republicans run noted anti-communist VP Richard Nixon. Ike fails to aggressively support him

B. Sen. John F. Kennedy of Mass runs for Dems. Young, Catholic, rich, war hero

C. Television plays a major role as both candidates seek to use it to show themselves. 1. Televised debates help JFK, hurt Nixon.

D. JFK wins one of the closest in our history. Charges of fraud emerge after the campaign. Little mandate

Page 2: 1960

JFK and Domestic PolicyDomestic Policy: Pres Kennedy's

(1960-63) domestic policy expanded social programs (like the Peace Corps).

A. His domestic record is mixed. JFK did not have the votes in Congress (he did have majorities, but any were conservative Southerners) to pass much domestic legislation. 1. JFK is more successful in promoting NASA. U.S. puts its first man in space (Alan Shepard) 1961

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Assassination of JFKB. JFK is assassinated in 1963. Our

1st president killed since McKinley. Lee Harvey Oswald is arrested, but killed before tried. VP Lyndon Johnson is now President;

Warren Commission established to investigate the assassination

Page 4: 1960

Civil Rights MovementCIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT: emerges out of

the ear immediately following the war. A. Millions of blacks leave agricultural areas to

settle in the cities (jobs, schools, freedom)1. Cities begin to develop urban slums, yet especially in Northern cities, they become a major voting block (and almost always…a Democratic one).

B. EVENTS SO FAR:1. Brown v. Board2. Montgomery Bus Boycott3. Little Rock 9

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Civil Rights Movement 1960sC. Groups grow in regards to the

movement1. The NAACP: Legal changes2. CORE: Freedom Rides

3. SCLC: Made up of Southern Clergy. Dominated by King and his Tactics- He utilized the tactics of Gandhi of India….based on nonviolent protest 4. SNCC:

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MovementD. The CRM begins to gain momentum with actions

throughout the South. 1. Sit-ins. 2. Freedom Riders rode the South on buses 1. Both of these tactics were often responded to by confrontation with locals against the CRM. These conflicts began to gain national attention with James Meredith becomes the 1st Black to gain entrance to Birmingham sees a major confrontation between ◦ Fire hoses and dogs are used to subdue the protest…

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Civil RightsE. Sympathies of whites outside of the South

begin to mount. By 1963 the political climate for substantial civil rights legislation is ready.

F. Kennedy is a reluctant President in regards to Civil Rights (he needs the South Dem vote). 1. Pressures by events in Birmingham (international too!), force JFK to act. He submits a powerful Civil Rights Bill to Congress in 1963

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I Have a Dream2. March on Washington: A

massive rally is held in DC in Aug 1963 to support the act. - King gives his famous "I have a dream speech" to an audience of 200,000+

3. . Powerful Southern legislators keep JFK's bill in committee.

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Legislation FinallyG. Civil Rights Act 1964: Johnson,

using the death of JFK, forces passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It legally eliminates discrimination based on race in the US. It does, however, have loopholes.

H. Voting Rights Act of 1965 seals those loopholes. It provided for federal agents to enforce the ability of Blacks to vote.

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Black PowerThe CRM's gains legislatively are tempered

by resistance nationwide by white America. Frustrations at the lack of success cause

more aggressive groups to form out of the CRM. 1. SNCC forms the basis of more radical action by Blacks…openly defying King. - Stokely Carmichael becomes a major leader of this group. 2. Malcolm X emerges as a force of this new radicalism...

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The movement slows3. Others advocate violence as the only

means to accomplish rights. The "Black Power"movement grows. The Black Panthers become the militant force of the era.

RIOTS: US cities break out in riots in the mid 1960's. 1000's hurt, blocks burned. Watts, NYC, etc; Kerner Commission

King is assassinated in 1968. the movement is essentially leaderless.

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Busing J. The late 1960's and early 1970's (Nixon)

see advances by the CRM slowed/reversed by aconservative Nixon. A. He/his party do not see need to woo Black voters ( only 5% voted Repub).B. Court ordered "Busing" in the early ‘70's see conflict over race rise...even in Northern cities. 1. It promoted bitter clashes among parents and students…underscoring the deep divisions still evident in US Society.

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Domestic Policy JohnsonDomestic Policy: Pres Johnson’s (1963-1968)

Domestic policy is very aggressive (like FDR). He feels the US Gov’t has the power to eliminate poverty; GREAT SOCIETY

A. It is the largest collection of reform acts since the New Deal. LBJ’s skills as politician get it passed. 1. Ex #1. Econ. Opportunity Act of 1964 offered education/training for the poor; Head Start, Job Corps, VISTA2. Ex #2. Medicaid/Medicare: Federal health insurance to poor and elderly. Biggest piece of federal relief since the New Deal.

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Domestic Policy JohnsonEx #3. Housing legislation provides

for federally-built housing projects and rent subsidies.

B. The Great Society will change US society, but it's full impact is lessened by the Vietnam War and LBJ's weakening political power by 1967-68.

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Supreme CourtWARREN COURT: The Supreme Court,

under leadership of Earl Warren, becomes more liberal and supportive of individual rights. (civil, rights of accused, political affiliation, etc)1. Baker v. Carr2. Escobedo v. Illinois3. Gideon v. Wainright4. Miranda v. Arizona

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Cold War 60s-70sCOLD WAR: The Dynamic Nature

of the Cold War 1960's-70's. A. A young and inexperienced

President Kennedy learns as he goes in the Cold War. 1. Cuba, very poor after decades of US-supported dictators, becomes Communist in 1959, and begins to establish relations with the USSR.

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Bay of Pigsa. Bay of Pigs Affair 1961: US

trained Cuban exiles try to overthrow Castro's gov't. 1961

b. It is a disaster…we assumed the Cuban people would support us, they didn't.

c. Kennedy looks very bad in event. The makes the USSR (Khrushchev) bolder.

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Cuban Missile Crisisb. CUBAN Missile Crisis:October 1962

we obtain photo evidence that Russian missiles are being installed in Cuba. 1. This would be a direct threat to the US east coast. JFK cannot back down. 2. He orders a blockade of Cuba by the US Navy. It succeeds, and USSR backsdown. Khrushchev loses this round, and will soon be driven from power.

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Berlin Wallc. The crisis is the closest we get to Nuclear War…and this shocks leaders of both nations.

2. 1962 Tension in Berlin: Berlin Wall is constructed; JFK looks weak because he doesn’t do anything

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The Beginning of NamB. Vietnam War (1965-1973) sees

the Cold War get hot again JFK - sent advisors and some

military in to Vietnam; 16,000 total1. Gulf of Tonkin – August 1964

What happened? How did the U.S. react? What does that mean?

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