
l,i /ttret- ..:,':,,:,i....,.. fi,.'-'.,, ." .-,'' /{-.-4, "fhe Pha on Finn"


fi,.'-'.,, ." .-,'' /{-.-4, "fhe Pha on Finn" : a .9 'E

Transcript of 1958MayLDL

Page 1: 1958MayLDL

l,i /ttret- ..:,':,,:,i....,..

fi,.'-'.,, ." .-,'' /{-.-4,

"fhe Pha on Finn"

Page 2: 1958MayLDL






Page 3: 1958MayLDL

SpAtAt Iolg-D{sta-nc€-Rlbdng Coanlttee Feports,.. .

Arlation Hlgh scboof, ObEplc Develop0€nt IFDtL€ BliDd

Redondt3each. callfolnla1t:u!sday, !4ay'I5,1958

tleathar. Cloualy anal eoof. lace held on track of Eelr school!Start at 7:15 !.!i.3+ of 36 starters flnished,



m:Of,20 !032arO5n.L7"ata920t23:! t352ot 3720 llro20?\6zttfu20.9+N.5821: OO2rtO6zlt!221r1+2L:\12J-r\2'2I.\82217522!1622:4823: oo23:00.223:1823r2?23r2+

1. Girstave Dra.rte, unab............ 2JtO,2. Johr 8e11. unat . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 2l:213. Janes R, ShEpard, t&at.....,.... 20!33.2+. Robert Cons! Culver ctly AC,.... 20!265. Gerafd D. Ilalland. urat....,....21:OB6. Roberh Dr.ake. Crilve! C1ty....... 20:O57. Pster a. Mujrdle. SC Slflders.... 20:168. Joseph lY1er, Se Strlders. ,..... 20:33g.ThoEas C. Cyan r El C8nlno .of,]ec- 20:15

10. l,/ 1liam E. Pasley. Culver Cliy AC21r22IL Ai berL Pfeffer, un.b........,...22t2912, Kenr€rh D. SLrong, una1......... 26:2313. Ualte- dj Dei*-, 0'oi Chjcaso TC. 2l:Od1+. S:lvescer V1f,Ia, SC Strid-"s.,.. 20:5715. Puflp S. cla-Ia. culver ctty Ac 2t:!5f6. l4jlLon ;. CrearlB6, Culv-r Ctty AC24:16f,7. AlleE Herzo'. u..lat. . . . , . . , . . . . . . 22:LllB.Wil]1an se6en; un" t. . . . , . . . . . . .. . 23:f919. John 1'1. Stob6. una1,.,...,...... 2l:1820. ADgelo Cora-LI.ls, SFV coa -Rumers23:1021. !au.1 t. 'lsl er! un.t.....,......22t5].22. Roberi Jj Fletche!, ariation RS. 22!3723. DouElas c, maBn, Culver clty AC 231042+. noy I€vln. una t. : . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . 27!4125. loren ll1l1er. una t . . . . . . . . , . . , , , 2+:1226.C1a) lon K, coo]ey, Aliatlon RS,., ?5:5827. cene Kauftr--n,,,pvta .l on ,Is....... 25!152b. tuel lla-a8, ulver clLy AC..... 23:r-l29. gdward J. Fvl:son, unat......., 28!3330. rik. Ullghtr Doslnquez 8S..,,.,. 2a:5031. Jt.E Ba-Id, unaL i. , . . . . , . . . . . . .,. 25.75.212. Eugene Porter, lominquez HS..... 25t0813. Jos.rh tl. leacl! unai,.....,.... 2\:f2J+. c-ry IcKa.ts, DoDjnqu.z 1]s.,..... 25:1r-

dld not flllish:Jao s D. Bevins, r;1 "aa no CoffegeOeor-e Klnasleno.

order of Etpl.shActuallln€














2 3106:00


3 '302.2,3.202raO

It 25l-tro6:o02:104r 1o1: O0


L-.5al-: Lo


Page 4: 1958MayLDL


A pnbLcatio! tor '.ute!€

by tlmels.vo1. 3 Xo. 29 r'ay, 1958hblLshed nonlhly by ltarvlne Pltrtbg Co.

155 t{ L5!h st,. Phlle. 2. la.Ldlidlal oftlca- 306 W€ri C€.16! S1.,

netes: 2t c6nls a coDv: $2.50 a yea!.

ConbibuieB U'1s nolth: Bob Clalb,ilugh Jascouri, l{ei1 larr611, Dd JacobsrJoe Xleiner:l6, Se Lwls, Scot! D.Einl&on, J!., Ge@Ce Brm, Bitt Jireson

lditollat - Starilng rlth !hi6 is8u€,the LnE D13t@e LE take5 on a trd aldlm!@d fomt- As l@ ca Eee. The IoEorrera mny Frov€@Ns DcrdEg:lhotoglaphs, trore mdern prtntlng, tuprdedtayouts, b€tiei bendlng ease and additiosl

l{lth The loe 'W

ir Egazitr fom. 13ses cobe fl1€d easlly fd t\iure lefeleF€i Md Bofuiue laces and past eve.is, tlres &d rii€-ups viu be ai ,1u fing€' iips.

Thc ner LE is bol ]]te llars rup. And hhoGs A]a? fEfI. al! was the luldsi rup sales-B! xho cu! !h; erds off ai!. bts ng6 ald !h€!sewed th€E bacl on th€ oih* €nd!, so ihai allh16 russ f,o!1d be lonser. No, The Ibns DlsiabceEg is no! -iike ala's rucs. rh€TatE-tat']tdoes eive yd nq€ !o! the r@e !!ice. Thairs!1811i, iJ ,bu hare lreviously snscribed iothe old Le h! re.eift tle ner Ls for tte6ane pr)c6. Bur, r y@ are rc!(ard if tou a!en.t,, {hy are y@ leadtDg ihis?)y@ ca have lvelve blg lgsu€s deliver€d toyd fo! only $2.5o a year.

You ore lt !o @ spolt io ieIL you! lriendsab@t lhe ner !99, !o!, tl s@eone Fho is not aflue!, alrd neE! has been, s€es tlis ald ihefoUoFire issqes, ii @y sijrulaie his irrieresiin beco.dne a trre!. r'Ie all iealiz€ !h:iscouiry needs Dole scitve ru4els,6nd oiherat!1etes, so ihai re can be called the nosiphlsically fit c@t!y ed Doir as ts the casenor, on€ of the nosi lhj6icaLly ufti, cMtrtee.

Yd also ose ii to vouse1f to rcad LN5FaAaziie(nor lrn telkins to bolh lhe slbsc.lber!ald ilrose rho *l11 6tart thei! sbscllpiion bygettlng ihe next ls6ue) because it contalrsnole clockines snd othd nming facts tha! ayother @Bazine of iis klid, In faci, aU theeddng ne6 fnicn cones !o the ees ot itseditor, and he has lalge ea!s, Fill find itsEy iiiio Fili 1" !glElle!c_!ilE!94!c:coulent€ - Naiional.1,000 neie! ie& rece pg.9flSq.l!-?" -Jc,,+oj sout\ afrjcM r1alarhon ps.!

nry. 1958--3

t4RAlllol. nF.anltsEATS

,toll! Irffdty 13 !0, E€ has leen i! lhe[aw 18 yee€ ald l@ is rolkirs as s je!atrclsft, @chadc a! EqB! l{ey!@th. Roedlacil€ ir h16 rethod o! r€ladls, &d h6bas tee! n&1!g to eiBht, yed6. Sevehyea!€ ago h€ ron a @aihon tn Baltiree,ras secohd ln tbe lGton !@a!ho!, s€condi! lhe loaka6 MatboD and rcn iie Oldotchald atd Nes Ilah!€b!€ E!aiho6. I!1953, h6 Es second asaln ai tonker! aldn1n!h lr1 the 3A.A blt hadnri ttgE€d 1n

"ecen't yEarr because hets bo€a alth the

ffeet ln the xedit,ereean,Tbis ]rea, siatlored atr UeFrouih, he had

a chse io leeee tlalDlns erd Ede a niceconebaet. Ee EB llJtb 1! the Ner l€dfold18-D11e, fift,n h lhe Hyde Shoe t2-rdleand f:ifth in the Eandllon, ont,., EhestoneWd VetddB 15-nl1e aJt,a drlilns aUnight and alllyiDg orty hourr befole raceLin6. ne h.6 passed eEry physlca.I dmo€dby Lhe lilalT, yer he k. barr€d fton conper -ins ln the 1a58]tuathoE becaus6. i!€ph]slcldd seid, he ha<t a heart num!,.

led Colb1tt is 18. He nas a lachelorr6tegree fron Cieil@ti !. aid e Fast,eltstrom Ner York U. ge teaches physlcsl ih€laptat Co\rbia U. ald ihe Inaiilute loi lheC!ip!1ed alrd lho Dftabled ln {4 lo!k. He€s a rorh€r of th€ 1952 olthpic ted. Eercn the 195[ Giio@l @ralhon chsnpionEhipai foakels. Ee fidished lLih id hls tirstlA4 @aibon in 1951 dd bas been sl*thtrlce aid ]-1ih Lbice sbce ihen. He lrasrcn 8 oI Lhe J1 @aihons he hss dt,eled ddhe {on irhe Iet. 10 diae ch8aptoBhip lasiyea!. It x@1d seeh 1,o lake e s'ttu g healito corplle &ch a record b!t, .r!ke tlff€mJ,hd was bded flon .onpeiing in th6 1958@lsthon because phttslcia$ sald, he had a

Ar CodaloE is 27. s1s ho@ 1s ln $ake-fle1d, l1a3s. ad he 1€ a dr.dtsld at lheCennon ll€ctlic lu S.-lm. E6 has been @tof the ltr aolce only a fer yeqs ed rasphysicallt perfect lhen dlschdged. le roifo! the B.A.t. and ]3et yea E6 second a1'Yonkers @d foih b lhe loston ro. Thigyee he had finlshed sjxih at Nd BedJold,thlrd ai liyde Shoe dd silih at Caihedret"lle too* a physlcal efu befo.e all thoselaces but G6 balled &on conpeting 1! the1958 @athon beceEe, physici@ said, hehad a h@t dEdr.

A11 tiree rsre r{Lling to slgn 81re!s i!they c@]d sialt riih th€ !e!i ot the tleidThai lrss nlrd @i, so lhey !a oD ihel! o!:

(contlmed on page 15)

Page 5: 1958MayLDL

I-:x.y. 1998

ITDAX !F51 OI MAXATHON!i,5By J.!ry N4son (Bosroh c1ob. )

R.@kabt. l"1m.r5 frob Euolc .d !h.oricnt, con. dd got bdt th. h.;! elec.t_llfiJrg Ie ro .v.r hoot jn f.on goDkin_ton tn thc bls laethon r(. hs a_ha]J_t r.iEd_Irdld cntltr.d lUUsoh (Tuze)Eroh, rn. rorFlng redstdn tralb.d ohb.er rad de.p_.br.arhins .&!cises...othetuise th.yrd stllt be chaslns hir.

lug hsseu1r, ed old Marathoni!!addlct, contus ldti thls ijrr.s6i;.rie s&id, nlf Ur! Indid had tlatnedllke, ray, KeILey does lod€yr herd haEro ihe ctuse in 2:12!r,

Th. r.cold iE %. 2On. 9€,. dtd K.IL€Vi4pordily holdE it.ratea !e sas 21 dd khe" .s mch sboutlrarfairc, o! na rg, s tu Austlaliatuf ridelr lhe Nulageett brsve !r@de {as @t ot sighr instdtlyr snash€derery chsck-point rocord tton F}4ituhm

toniles) to coolidse corne! (21 ni&;)..r! EE 20 ye4s oefole sjybod, loucheo hi!

Dussault-iNobody 6ve! re ih6 Uelalhonc@6e rho bad nore Etus-l speed d scha irenend@s phystque as the Indte's.r. Ihree y€ds fouoring hi6 tncredlbte.rEJl-llepqed ePic, Brm r€tumed rodopr{ahion &d fled au the uay to a !ec_old et Exerer st.

Ee !d 2128 tn a cotd dr€nch whtch rustnare tighiened hts dn ad runnje mscres-t € coils o! colpe! rire,

bo, th th rather uusLut !rie6 Lhls css_ua_! de6cendant of i,he tlibe ih.t produceda r@ chlet llke Caoncnet lsd ruirederery record on the stlle B.A.A. colrse.ro ln1s day nobody has ler.,hllated es1-4t io FrMjjgto!._Drssarlt,-'0n1y tumei6 iho ilain oD

asosn e Je4-r@nd bEsls... hen llkeIeuey, Mihallc md Pulkldn€n ln reektyTael:.. !4 apFeclar€ rhe job t,har rnd_:A dld frrh t{het theyrd cocide! rc rra_

. the Indie Es a Etlral rio once !d alr:2d Elte, bdefooted. on the rrack erU. of Rhod€ Is]sd. h one s€aso. he sl@h_€d five loca1 records fe lo_nile eGnts-0k of nis rcst dtoudlrs feats te iodr fui.l l,larsthon races (26 nites, 189yddsj on sxccessive d4y! - ij lotrk€ls-N.L, ad aehegte!. I.l-_.ff 4/ @no::. seFes he r1ght,, he hltch-

to the othd.ret Tdze Brom llsined r:L!h the <rlus_

enc€ dd con6istency of a rayuoa puppyi

F. ree stlictly a Eure bor, hts .tt.ntluaea611y-dlatrect.o tlr ecb irportdt mtr€ls

Jobn^leIteJ probauy puls iD mle Dtte6 p€rv€e* (d7) than Td2d Blom d1d b tb,€e.-.and pailorlz* no loca1 ta@rns to boor-

NoaethelesE, nobody r.t o Ea{ his co@eFBh@Lhly Escted se ltp do@ r" Ii,i.ti.innlle. Fjll erer forset Eltilon (fsze) B.(M,th€ haaf-traln€d r€dst tr rrd lesterly. R.-!.Dusselt-ilf hls ab lLy tad mr ulea ,*"_osed by a cotlege track coach, Lfe lhdid niglrtfae besLen Ailt Zatolet to st-t thoEe ,o!,<t

Ho @ the beei, ln ilr &athon bool<.

I{4 trglard 20 r11o ChamtoBttbso.-IrEe,.e, v@s., M;y L- c;orge TeEy rd

oDe or nr8 good r&es to defeat a good fi€td t.ro d€greer ct@dy sd hhid €6Lter., tJ olaceprlzes-nelcl"adlse dd trophies.. hilty c;urs€.Auspices of'tslclors rest.qat, 58 So. BloadEv.raBenc.., Tee scole: t. Boston M_- r_Z_J_tr_5-


" 15i 2. No.th plpdfold Ctub--o-7-8-9-to- !,.1. Oeorge leny, .A,

29. Torry Uedetos, N}lC10. rralcoL! Fill, N.U.ll. Jis C@ciur NMC

32. !d Nofton, xl{C

8J: ll1

Bi-A, 8!:2A| 38. Jo;

sn.8h:h| 39. Paul



B.A,4, 86:j0




' !5. oLlie


67 $!2. Eino Pull<kj.hen, Filnsd 68:00L A1 ConfElone, BA,1 68:It!. TorV Saptenra, !I4 09!155. Ji, 0!€e!, Bl]{ 69,2a6. Fudy l4endez, IiYPC 1a.327. John Iafterty, a,r,r 7r,I9d.,Iohh A. Ke]leyr BoBt,!d. ?t:5J9. Joh! Booras, Bt-A 73.4210. conzales scotto, BIn ,tj,otJLL. nee noilon, 911{ 7313212. Xd Bracr€lt, Br,{ ,13t3911, Jonn llConEr&ea, tAA ?t:hz1lr. Ken !tul1e!, U.S. Alrry 73!5515. John 0ray, BI.A 75.a716. .rk HaEs, r,trtc, Tttog17. Ceorge l|Iatelh@s€, N!,lC ?5!JJ1U. lick Do,ohue, Bt]l 7r5?19. Rlchdd Packad, Br.A 76t5I20. St& Tler@r It C 76t5321. Rolte Sarj€r, I,IMC 7810622. Dor layr BI.A ?8:ttr21. Net6 Cltuhick, NrPc ?8.L62!. ,IoBe Dores, Nlrc 78j625. I€s lareob, R.D.C. 79,AI26. lober+ C\llrlnes, NMC 7%222?. Uit11e lifphyr !44 8Ot2)2E. S. Betur t',LT. AO.23


33. ,Jord R€itao, IarM 81!16l!. CLrence Fllton, N.!. 82:L?J5. rilil11& Kitlc, BA 82t97

Page 6: 1958MayLDL


!s! ori! led h13 Baltliole o1Fplc Clubteel@te6 to ihe first tutio@} Lrloo-neieriee iiite eve! a{dded in ihe uDit€d slateson a rain+ol!€n'd lracl in Ballirde.{ av

0rli. Buzz Saet€r &d CarI Pdiy tidsh€d lnther oider to! the B.a.c. A squd lnd had siilolnt6 to 6ixieen fo! the cleveland (ohio)itagyars, a gta! of fiutsdlan refugees-.

.Th€ best nl1er e@. Produced

eistly ol llaly]3nd, orir {a6 ctocked i! eightnirute6. 16.9 seconds, finlshing 11€ vardsah€ad oi sawer. Parly €5 Lined ii 8:50 for

This .ace. nhich netted th6 time! a irophvfron the sp;Eoring Gleai€r 3et!im!e T&!Associalto; and cold A.A.!, chdpio$hiP redats,has lone been on ihe A.d.t. rule book, but Eso@llooied ut,it 1a.! yesr€ m{ioEl [email protected]

No nole then llve ren cd siari fo! ev !ean,riih lhe lirst thlee io finish coutllg totdd

JuI1N Penzes llnlshed foullh for the }{agvaisand l€sUe g€gedt6 iook fifih, iusi edAlngfas!-closlns Joe Pouse, of the B.O.C' B !€M.Pe!e! trhl-r sd h.roly lallati che.ked It neftlor ihe g!i8a!la.s and Dave l€as and oDy'hiddencoh!1eied th6 lineup fo! ihe B.o.c.

PeDzes set the lace for trc leps snd thensarye! look ove! foll@d by Grin. lliih ito iopo. Crln n@d eeen ritf Sa/ye!, ard on the guIai lhe for@r rcyed dL snd Bs 4 easv Fjde..

mlttoN l,Itl{s NINE r{rtE cH,llM,lR RoAD !4C!vancouwr, B.C,, aPdl L- Paul flerconr 21 v€4-

o1d 6t 9r DulishGn, le. aII ihe Ev lo talc Lhe

W.B. Chandler Nine lttle load !ace. llis pte ioElntaid fir/e f,iNtes !e! sile torked quite Gl1e severeL toD-notch rlvab feU back dsavthr6u'h the dind. Adriu VaIi and TYor Davlesroshi rt oui fot 8+ [il€s befor€ vali sPrirn€d*i ror mer'.ro honors. !1!6! liJteen:raui uenaon - vot Lh:!1.8 -r-t"-lTffinEs, u..{drIen vali - 9oc l+?:ot | 55t?l!Ift! Davres - voc h?:l!.t ' !. 8eid, 96.28Ed csdeu - voc 18.5? I J. CoMrcllo, 57!lq86fl1e Bellon-Voc 5o:Il I !, u€non, 51,)!EJohn Monc.lerf i 9orll t r. casp€rson, 57:!8R. ficclet]l@ - c@di4 I q.B. orToole, 56:05A!nv, 51!o?.!

Eltk crFi.i6cen. VOC 5h!l I

ril 11u B . H;l d rho BniBh€d r.st ]t 1 .27 .56t5 ?t ysds oId! Eeld i6 the lasi remlning liJtkdth ihe eolden dalts of IoEg dlstance nlnlig hBllt$h Coluibla a! ih€ ian of the c€nt!q,. Fe

co@led ylti the En fd {}pn the race ss ')aEdand- so lE!tued the F€Eent genelailon ihet lhe

corp€lltoB chipped ln !o haE a speclel reda1s!,ru.k for rb. sel-d.

llay, 1958--t

clFurfi aT 63 IJr$ llcilrs DArl,Yau€tlalla! ilack coach, lelcy Ceniiyr

es oar! of nAs persoGl coldlliolitrepro:s: d, liJt.€ 1oB rtuds 63 lifts_e dey.

Ulei Ekes 1iihai csliiy 1s 6l dd

'eigrrs onty 119.

nI Just c.nri heb 1!,n he eipbtlE."I alcrts upset !EoP1er6 peace and ham-ona. I cartt !e1e l1ke others dd rustkeep dliving ivseu on aDd on.n

Centty adrised dfe et€ai Johr I!trdvtrhoE€ best hile um ras lou ndnuies sndl1 second6 rhen cenity siar+ed coechlbghir. ge holds ihe accepled tolld recordof l:t8.0 nor!

Cerutiy rd adtises Helb ILLiott, th€flrsi Diter ev€r to b"eak ttu rdnut€sln thlee siraigh! laces. He Es orrv 19trheD he lelforned ihe feet edly thislred! becomins ihe touseEt athlete tonn the dlstdce ln 1e6s the f@! Fis'

ilandyts llouble tas ihst he lelaxedby .eichlng buitsflies ahs he shdldhave lelded !'hile lretne,i Cerutiy 6ays.nEUioii is ditfeled. I donit tnink therorfd has eve! 6een ihe f1kes of Herb ld

In cetuttyrs eyes, Ialdyrs 8!eat fau-lte4 iha! he c@ldlri be a nstoia!,n anetue! of a culi dltch Cerutlyifhng oPnio alf {lro c@ld quaiift.r Th€ t@e tta corbisiion of nspa[dn dd nstolc.'

Ao qualuy as a lne Slolan, CefrilYused a foI1ore! leriodlcally io td fled1es. fasi fo! 2U hNs, talk 25 LLes,cycle lOO aile6, high dtw flon 20 feet,sirh lOO ysrdg ln ttnie!, cljrh s 5O0O-toot rcDrr[ain .id f1ft f,eighis uP to 150

' cerrliyr a lr:32 nlle! as e 6choolboy,had bigralDe headaches whereve! he laceded usEllt becare iIL sftet{ad.

nlb@t I930,i he said, nI did sone 3e!-ious t})lnkins fo! ihe f,irst tbe. I foutdih4i I realy doubl€d qf PrD'Eic3t stlengtbby sttenplilg !64!s I had rec! tlled be-fore, I Juled flor the nlghegt dlYlnatM! a! ihe loca1 !ool, tiJted heary ihDib

be}]! snd llved in the o!en. Mougbi it€s mt secobd ilre or eartl.d

Ae stdted mlatho! ru&Ing at ihe ageot 18. soon at!e! hi3 lailo<luciton tore1ch!-1lJ!i!e, h€ ras sble to liJt 190!oun& 10 ttres i! qulc* eccesslo!.'

The blass rw€plate on h1s bone !€ddsli!6!cy llleUs cenriiy' coldtttoGt of !en.n

I;$€, cflltY has a P e of nltuoglaph-ed sheels llstins the atus of htu Phr51c!-culise culi. Ee alio has a lelihfirlly kspidldy of hls om PhY61c31 leats. --- -ri 1E deled up !o lle dry he FtIl turn 80

Page 7: 1958MayLDL

6--r.ray. 1958

A TOI!]UE-IN C]S!( COI,I1EI[I,Ai1 ON MI !.]!ST I'ARATHONBy Scoii !. geiliohr Jr.,Utt,le Eock, trk.

To ny oxford ctass-mtes the Bosion Uai;thon @ latdolrs lay 16 best, desclibed as rau-LRerere Fiihdi his horse ald a{rh dt rhe !!iti6h tnce4tire. ri" g""t* *p"ri"" ""t",Itry qd f9" cone aIL the ,ay to 8os!on?n The Ns rolk lepor!,er

""r"a, "ui,y aia y"" **

. The liti;b nock E$papers studl@s]y lgnor€d ry eccentlic tenitencies <hrlna condirlon_uC on Hrver xoad Lhose @y honLfs. Ai, Lhe lasr n ouL", the Caretle Soclerv aotlm cslt"dl1p, bu! I Ede cte.! soston Eashrt tor ',€ocial reasoGn: rhe-d;tatf,e did. i"*";.. ,..."-_1y publlsh en edftoriat delrorins a rack of Rodd rumers 1fi,e ma;fn ir,,i ;;;;;-;d._,"

_ I cane io Boston_for [email protected] lesides lobsier, and,har I rec€ived Es poached ess6 o.ioast. As n'y Colnel1 fllends devoured lobster, ihe s.i!re6s slotosized fo. brlnelns";,1real. "he niehl b.for" Lhe r..e T pdrd ny se^r"! r"apon stiI Fpip?d_in ru6t..,v;sruehg rn ry e8rs froqB.C. dM Lo lxet-r SL!ee!. ThF o1o oalrered -€coro ,as lhe:91yl!t 9-:. March of 19J2i, rith a sprendid iempo bu! th6 corniesi rin€s [email protected],uAhplc coMltiee said tney rever heald of $ch a lecord, oMcial or eotficial, andsen_rA a rlenct chanl, Lo subs t : Lule--lHyBe o Lylmtq -c__Re@c Li on pou piano e! chsLde^.lraLl-u!--by lli.har Soisak., klLh rolds in tysch, nslish, ano F6pa;ol

olucose iablet6 catd not be f@nd ii Boslon, 1,re eie! ilied-cheneyr;, !o ancieni andherbish that ore could i4gire dri€d oclopus sd squjo reicdies "" ir,"',pp." r-oo"",su!er-@d honey *as the Bnbstttute, and I chose as if tert tne tgth psatn, if olfy for

. Ls l6r.".n.es to ra sllone run to tu a r..ep so ,.sseeler atso than hori arc Lh;

At lopkinion Bigh School one was laken hy lhe variety of r€!so@11ties aad Dhysj.@€siha! shd u!, and tort!@tely ne rele not sicen a nentat e'ei@ticn. Th.,. s;.@dio ."3o Mny rolo{ youE enLrres ano iyoungi oto enLrres rhar T $s con\sed as .o {here Ibelonged. Therc aa6 the smll boy couectine eiograFhs to rhon I replied, ',8!r soey,Irve af.eady sisned thlee tines, and |n.obody. lhere's a sonebodyj !..v6r tirere.,,

the band deated a cdnlel slirit alt right, aad the enclosue - f;! the !rct,ectton orne€ls - Ede ne leel like 6one ra!€ anitul in the zoo. War,chlis sohe of th; e.ihnsiast6doi.g push{ps a4d si!{p6 or last ninie spdnts alound the roods Bde re ereen Filh enw.EElyoe steds e(Md,aiting fo! ihe gunj aer afte! lhe ss soes of!, s;e are stil1

The {elIesb gi!1s thai crorlCed ihe sidesalks rele so aitraclive, their ch€el6 so enL,u6-taslic, and tu acquainiee so fleetinE. The reason *hy I ra viin nry unubs polniecdom $a6 due to the lr€quen1, quesilon fton the .rords, ,'Heyr !1t!1e RoclJ rhat do youthinl ot laubus?n the lilile bo]E {iih cups ol ratd s€e s he1!ft1,(!il. Johnit i(euey(ihe eld*) clahs th€y rele h1s trelve nephersl ) but {hen I sat thror Et,er at ne. Irean nyself, not lhe lellor behlnd. He sanleC to drink it,

Al 15 ll.lles an atiack of aptendicitis ienlied ne to quii, bui ihen I thougni, !,H6 crnny alpe.dif, b€ under rly !itr?,' the photogralhels had a sredt iim lnoioglalhing thenselve6i! the confrrsion. Thele @s a 1lttle lady tr th€ shade Msins an 1ce cree cone. andrtrispellne, trCone onr Scottylr!

Afte! Bosion Coueee, I tude ibe nisiake of asklng ihe clNCj natter rneieI Es, th8 !€p1y ras An, nos I ]o@ rhy so runy run ine Boston. Ii g1re6 thenpe!@rse saitsfaciio! in havine a1l the cross-tratftc !t1e up at, a blsy intersectlon Just{or then. A cd la ror blocks and not €ven gelilng arested!

YoD look at that, ait€ldani holdir€ e blankeiJ rci lnorins rhether he intends io pui !dound you or over you slen yo! couapse. I lelt all !igh!- haslcauy- tudMentaUy-FlrclpaUy, that ts, !ut, was rc.6e aftei seelbc aone oihels coning dffi to tne sicl bay.lGltey,the elder, ms on ihe lext coi, leaping aU over th€ !ra.e, but he had scne !9ninutes o! nore !d rest up belore I ever cme in. I {onder L+1ai he does sitb all rhoselovine cups-{leraie a hdd{are stole? tJust ihinl hon nonotorow lt Nst be to have su ors€ven of each dltfeieni llolhy, lhey fiould Eke sch nlce reddins Fesenls to. relaiires.( hai is ii, Bu!t? you guess is ss good as trjne).

T didnr! ro ro- haldEle bur eor ^6fols-- in lhe 6re{. ,Oren I Has ri,lat 'y aole ro Etk(aidedl, the beel sier Ms all gone. That is rhy I ran the race, and lrll t@oF next tmeto grab nV b@1 befole I lie domr for iirs a lonC tjre gettlng up. lhy do it, lhls Maihon?Itrs tike rloreits dswe! Lhen lhey asked tbe lealytic palnter {hy he contined !o laht

Page 8: 1958MayLDL

A toNGlE-M Clflr couMexT,{Rl(codlmed frd page 6)rn6tr it hut Eo Ncn.iThe laln is soon fo!go!!en, but ihe beaunvllYes fqevdi

t{estellt, Rhode Islahdr ey l- Johtrry-(e1]ey'tne @i;ze!. rd a'av with thc .Jrul 5 l4lla

tesie;]y ioaa nace beaiit€ t{om HlggiE bvtb ninie6 atd 15 €€cond5. Th€ .e.e tas

orlgislly schedulpd eor Julv Itd, but roveduD is rc;lhs b*aLse of e heavv schedule ofNd EnCland iaces Julv lrth ue€kend.(26 starters., 52 desree !enP.J1. Joh! J. XeUeY, BA,t 2lat512. Nor'B lliggiD' uEt. 2?:tl3. CIen llccrath! uat. 21136h- Bob luPeeri. Prov.col!. 273lLt'. Ton ficdiD, hov. cou.27:5?6. Paul Phiirey, xo. l4ed.C.zu.olr?. l.rilUs ttoridge, !.c. 2urlbI Rofre Samr. No. Hed,C.2U:469.8i1 xd;, fio. ted. c. 28!5810. Jares coucl[, No.Med c. 29:0011. Frenk Baines, IS{c, 29.4212. llsfi6 cede@n, ?.c. 29:0513. Jde6 lcInlyre, P'c. loru1I. De01s carl, P.c. 30.2515. John {scheli, NnC. 10:2916. 1,r11Il,Itlcox. mo. J0! l51?. FraJ* (eUY, NxC. 3t:5818. GeolPe Clzeblen, Nl4C. ll:lu19. Jake-Brede.6onr Nuc. ll:1520- }}dcls Neney, uEt!. ll:!7

?ICSS (EIJEI IN OIJ}FICS\jrlo zar 13 lhe lugosla! co@l Lo Are'1ca'

,{r reasr ;han js his trtfolio. He ecied nolF ukea re@rter and fla o Mjna.Llc 's persoml t!rih'_drr; lhe BAA Maralhon rir"r's siav 1! Bosion're roAe the bus r!!h leport"rs, he tePt shoutins,aoi". t,o u otl" alolrr lhe r@te dd hopPed orta! eech checkj!€ PojnL !o ofler hri a xei sloDge-Ifler Lh€ race, he iniervjMdo@s i! the clubh@se and took coplous no!* uhts lii.L1e black Dool.. Ha spenl a tu]I hour wil'bJohily rel.Leyr lno finlBhed second. He lnvj ledhiri;

"".rE i; h Lhe nostce, cTecho€lovaLja fult

Ealhon. i(euey hedged because hers a tea'her atcrotoo. ct.. ai .ait get a,al' ln l'he fau'hlfii'" "i"r "i"e-

ln !h€ ffi.,' serlev loId hir,

irl.r.o z* "r,uai"o

his no!"s and sludied XelleyfroF a di;Lee, t)ren amoleed o!! of h13 hed-inE: "(eu€v r11l t'tn lie 1960 olylpic Matnon1n Rore. Ee hss !h. firesl t.lsing i!v1e of sryMathone! r ewr sat' tle 1s

'outs (??)' ad this

ra.e is no! tor'ibe rclis (xihalj c is 36). Keueva411 be nore @i@e In 1960. lle r{11 bave learEdio conque! h15 !ear6. ge ri1l be the Mtathoner

xaY, 1998--7

The TusoElaY coN] Faiched rel.leYrasli@ io! breath. H6 €s in sch Poo!i'rin ttr"t on. Fnd*ed if he ev€! mldrun dothe! tacei 1et alone d! o!e.Ii Esntt like !ha! a Year ago rfien hehad tonped ore! th€ c@!6e t6 a ndreco!d.. iturtntJlg ls l! th€ nlDi agre]1 as the fegs,'t sald zeu. kctyear Xelley tss tbe underdog. Kdwa€nEs ih€ faYorite. l{a!!!lnen Es arso6n!e!ed alonc dth I5Mda of Japan andsdelal IoreaF. Ii had been 3o longslrce s Affrlcan 6n 1! ihet ebodyeffc{ed Xeuey to beai tba! fl€ld.H€ eiie!€d the race b hlgh spiriis.He had everylb1ng to gai! and @thlngio 1ose. So he teni out and broke ihereco!d.. "Ii tas so dffe!€rli ihisyed," Zgr contiNed. hNoY [eLL.v hada leputalion io uphold. No! he *s rcr*'lru xid4 presse, ile tad ihe hoPe6

of Aftrica resled on his shdlders andlhe ljsda tas cnshlne. Iiehfl tEhalicsa3 ah ouistalrdibg nmer, dd s ex-oerienced conletiior sho rdld m{ leiiorry aereet hjr. He had raced 4ee1Gthln in the olvnpica. So KeUev ilid thercftyrng. He ca mn oui b€fore ih€!ace. I could see 1t ai th€ siartlng11Ee !.hen re1f-{tshels kep! sa}'lnctnsei a t!€r lecord iod4t Johr&y.! Ee

had ihe jttids' I! Es ioo dch of eIoad for ore boY !o csft.'

Nobody knoB bui the d@r hitrelfrha! a stleln 1i is to {in tm 9A.A

ua!4ihoE in succ*61ve Years. 01dJohdy XeUey rcn lt tslce but noi_succ-essively. I€311e PaEo! ea ii lhrlcebut ei 3uc.e65iGv. Johrorv tlaves rcDihe t9o8 olvnplc l'larathon and ode! 'onanother. He ms in the clubh(me foltd-bg lhe racer a.d he undelEi@d Leuevrsuenvi4ble Posltlon.

Ies. Kell€Y €s nrslng nde ihsn a

!ace.'ge Bs a sJdbol of anedca's P!es-iiqe. It 63 Kellev asai@i lugo8bv1a,Keil€y aeaiEr Finland, ,(e]-Iev agstrctthe F.ld.. i{eUev is a nervous, hlghs!rurq chaP, ge 51ePt fitfu.l\v au reekHe !s lorced to atl€nd luncheoG and

sodts nishts thsi he d1drri Eni iorit.ta ano te h€ryd hi@elf arloglzedto lhe skies. lvelticody etiP€cied hir iowin dd bleak th€ reco!d.. hessure,

I! tdld @i have

i,rrprrs.i lotrmt." If Keuev, icteadof iaffedy, Confalone and Co*ritt. rEd

beeo bsed fron the race becagle of ah€dt, nrflr. (ContiNed Prge ur

Page 9: 1958MayLDL

8--l'fay. 1958

tlcl(s {Euav rt otYHPrcs(contrned fr@ page ?)if didnrt th!* I c@1d Ji!tuh the race,ihe adhlrted, iI r@led to qul L aL Brse Bun.I never ibde]lt I cdld @ke thoEe hlUs. Ikep! saying !o ioseu, rstat in thele untily@ ieach Bo6totr College! I hren iJ I reechedBc I cdld coasi th€ lest of the Ey.r i..Ii @s a diJleient Johnrt XeUey froh the boyrho bloke records in the Ne{ BedJord 16-Ei1ead glde Shoe 124i1e last, rcnlh. Then h€ras rlsins fo! f'm, buoyant and bourcl.s.those eie exlaibltion sdes, thts cs ihef,iorld Series. and he rre6 tredcars No. Ii

nHetu lealD to contlol his iesiBtlo!,said lrilko Zgu!, n aDd hertl be lhe wo"ldrsEreaiest @railoner fo! ihe rext ien ]b.isNe@ befole ha@ I eeen so ruch talenlrested tn on6 sf| frme. llol'y beat hIf, i!t[is !ace" It, Bsnrt the heai.. iacing eqd-thiiy con€s Eiih erperience. By 1960 he rtllha@ ecauired ii. Then he ritl be 6beai,able.n


lllesi ?oi!i, I{.1. ],{ay l0 - the lEy vdBiiy!!ac! and t1e1d aq eas ofttctally l@edshea slsdlu ioday 1! !€dory of ore of thecadelrs ria! niddle-disiaDce mers.He f,as lleut. RlchFd T. (tick) shea' J!,,

{ho vas kitfed in action in (orea ed rcath€ redal ot honor PosthM@3]Y.A ndb€r of th€ class ol 1992, Lleu!. Shea

h€Id slxteen tntetcoUeglale niddl€-dlst-dce atlC cross-cNniry che!1onsh1P6 dullnghls thr6e yearE aE a cede!. Iie 3e! seveDlndoor dd ouidooi acadew tteck recoida.lls ldents, ridd atrd Eo., of Pod8nouth,

Va., atiend6d tlre leviet of ine Coils or

Rye, N.Y. l{ay 10- Ve1lsa itugosa, chenpio!ol Yugo6lavta ai 150on., 2,000n-, l,ooon.and 5.0OOi. lrned in the fast6i outdoormile e@! ru In the rast, His ttne FBL:0h.8. husosa, r'ho is noH att€nding NeH

Yo.k' njcersliy, _d umllacned. (59-2:01.i-l:c!.?) 2. areAa Erd, Ioldhan iJ. (175 vds.)

2!d Amal Culve! Ciiy Io-nite gandlcap Road lunr Cu1.er cityr California, Sunday, Alitl 2?...S!oNo!ed by cxlve! city Delartnent of Recreallon. 26 nmeis sterted dd flnlshed,Wesiher: Ned prfect, not oee!1y rarn, iac€ ras conducied es a !1ind handicap event, rithenllre fleld stalting lroh scraich and dtu1ns tm laps over lhe five-rite route lsed in ih.

oR!ER 0l lIIfISg Scrai.h lire6 r'ast !dcD.Tl-FfiFf?f5.-Tctrz. F;-f----FfiI;h rire Hdro. rire

va uey road-tuT.rs..,2. si ester vil1a, sc sr,_ide_s,..........25t5a t2t25 3 t'a 5a.15J. f\onas Ryan, Fr csino co11€g",.....,..25108 5L!8.5 .l sc_. 5-:18.9!. Robelt coc, c\rlvei clty Ac. . , . . . . . . . .. 26102 5L,o5 )! 2tao 52,69. Rob6!t, hake.,.,.culve! city Ac......., 25.50 52.21r.t 2 s.!. 92.4.96. lltuian A. lJelts, c\rlrer cily Ac......, 29.a8 60123 !2 6tla 53.537. r. Jses seblo. sc silid€rs. . . .. . . ,. . . . 21.31 t7.I2 7 3,Da 5i!,\28. Ansero co!a11is, umtt&hed. ..., . ,... ,. 29135 59tt2 11 5.)0 51r.22 Note: In detelh-9. walier t, teike, U ot chlcaso rc.......25,5a 58t3\ 8 !:00 5L:31 lntns the llacingsro. ArnEndo I6pe2J last tos Alsel€s Jc....21t!3 96.39 6 2tao 51,,39 lhe lddlcaps1r. Dorstss c. Xlam, culE Ciiy Ac...,.. 29.a8 58t59 10 !!o0 51159 tele 6ubtracted12. Philip s. clalke, J!., culve! cily Ac. 28:05 98:IL 9 3,3a 55,7\ flon lhe actual1]. Hlu1an sesen, u;ttached...,.....,.,. 3a.o? 62tr7 1lt 6t3o 55.)!l Bmins !Des.U. ition A. creanser c\rt@! cliy Ac..,.. 3I.58 6)r.5)! t6 gtoa t5.5)a ]f, convelse]y,15, DoGld A. nrcx, etiached..,.,...... 32158 68t32 2r wtan t6t32 lhe h&dicaps15; hnest 0. Schutiz, sc sirlders,, . .... . 30.2a 60.57 t3 \tr5 96:Lz dfferences 'deU. iles6 C. Agulrle, Srv Road-RumeG..... J2t28 67t32 2a ratAo 51t)2 added, the18. !1ario lladdlaga, uttach€d...,...,., 29tl!l! 6l!121 15 6t3o 57,51 !es!1ts @u1d be19. John 1,r. stone, u;aiiached. . , . . . . . .. . . . 32.t8 (6.a6 1? 8:00 58106 eEc!1y the20. riemelh TlicD;iio, @iiached.... .... . 3a.a8 6?.25 t9 9,oa t8t2t saner thusr21r raleD r{illei, unailached, . , ,. ,, ..... . , 3Lt58 (6.!9 rB 6t3o 59t)9 tr,12..,6L:!722. xeEeth t. sarcns, rMii ched,........ 3L:10 7L!9 22 ra.oa 6rtl9 viua.,. 6!:5523. l@is E. cddeBs, sw Road-tumer6... ll!20 ?2:!8 2l 10300 62:!8 Ryan,.. 65118.52!. ulchsel Ii6h, niv;lstde 11{c1. . . . , . .. . , 37.)!3 79.1i 29 L\,an 69.\2 coE.,. 66:0525. Xaye }'ub, crJ].ver Cilt Ac..,..,.,.,... llrr!8 78.2? d) Iot3o 61,5'l DraLe,. 66:21r.526, ce6lse c. fiizserieu, cu1@r ciiy Ac. 37139 qotal 26 \2ta0 68ta7 1,lell'6.. 6?:53 et

Bobby consr !1ne in FilDlns tne 199? lun lron the sdalch @k f,as 523U.8.. Pacflc' Coast entry liEls are sli.Ll rrmlng ahead of last yed. Thls lace rent off €11.

Page 10: 1958MayLDL

'{IND SmIMs - A,t.U. Piesidenir Kellm Johrcon,ffi" Lhc qoslon llarathon c@tse in rhe

;;ii;i.. "," a lhe large. eiPld

:nd Lhe tleaetuo s turrbe! of peopl' ei'rug-; "rnt,.. Bob r.a'b has charli' shorLiser4nta11) and uike alten *olLing @i iogelner 1ns.|l;e.n call-fornia. lhcJ -ire alrosu n"x' ^'rro -a.h orhFr.,. l'fanlo PLi}lalrc fill iavF ohys-rcar eau.z":or e*atu shorLlv' pLamjng Lo f"r'"ii" "".:*t

:^ his! 5ctoo-J LhFn col 'se .s \"n.odr€ssed. re !i11 point lor ihe Erlrope'nilaioionsntp ln Auc!31, aiii ne 4or 4orhor r'ra-

';;;"i.1;;i,... c"iarc "or', rou-.i' *:Ter orthe BM !b;a hon, snol's onlv Ll ree 'istr o'"cry "."..' l. ll,; '" -ooq' fi " r&kic MF\le':s'radkea flrs in lf" %'arron fo. ru''bv une

-ou h Af-ican ds60_rarion oa l&f sLatisL)^rqrFald !f".otlt qf_i'ar "-ra lon RLm+s !LUb'!1el,lcr r6co-d-d a cir- 2: ).0r5.b jn f tr!1g _n_

l9t? ^,r. ns'e-'on ^larp:oniLtD aL Qu'p'rstom'n"."""'0".i* ran.eO s'iorc ar' C"rt ' na'Fr

hi;"... ,'" F.c... o' ngl-nd fl- 'nt6rri'[email protected] tn the nl&:!e Canes

irf;ra1 diMer at ihe House of Comons on

i,-,.,. :",... ,on rh.p.-,r, v1o w"s th- fjr Ii"i -" . ".ir

!.fri "a L; N r'or Johrou-p '' Du-oan (or-_ Lm ri '!r_an r0o nil' jn 2 daJ5

r€.anllt --'_o'Jof' .c o auott adr '6- bac'after a; overnishrr stav... F1olis visserr ihe'"'r..r,.t" r-"*" nara"ion chanpion son +'be earri-10n. .o. al.'^a ni " ro€o 'ac'Li'r"..t, ^-

la3- n-I./ - ad _s :j -i I "d

are to ttre heat... The O!€gotr Issociation is bid_.i" r- .- -9 9 O! .oo' f3! 1" oiol hios' -h'J

"-r" " :'ri"*,: r- lo\o scheo 16 \'J u

""--" r, *,oO a ." -- a che,lniv r '- J oI, -""6p 11 1-y "-r" "

_F. aep ... or_Jon c a

n r ar a fo- T(r .!e rs "op" tha/ cal Lhb ao'r...P- - th 1 o la"_'d5 lhe .e3Ll' of a 'arl vora

"".r" r"ir. r,r... l"'rs _a"L a'o Fi'1d o_r r'_er;e 1959 OL, roor l'n's Lr.-.4. &r 'hm orsr rDs

.,' 1"." -*_o* o i'r'Po^\y IoonLain Associal:ori. * r"r" . Boul er, oro_ado. th" __P_ x I be

he,o as !E- o. a,d in ^.4j a.Ljo1 riLh r"-Colo. .o en,"dia. I.a- of rh. cold or "h Dav6.

Al. a!fl'Le:r ^oa'l'as rd L-air't Erf oF

i"" -. ar ' c,l'a, _o 1 'n _r'five colo'8do;J"""": y

".*i ..i"t riinin !'o b'..!s I

"r," . *":y. {Br'n vou o.vser 'n}3 bov's!)

---len..Jood a dn ?o 6 r'les 'n id' L: lil" .ry "r,*. nclj"mr... co_oon Pr'1' has

never conoeied in the E@ire Ganes or lheuroDean il.mojonsf'p., dasoir' l}clne ia r'

Ij_s; si' :n i-" oljroics tui_'." P:!jc mt a

cto-. -co,ntrv _ace 'n a!1!ar BdrC'!r' la'liliii i" ir,ls o"". an 8,zlb fteter coulse(ius!cer ( niles), . van laete, Beleiun was ?nd 1n

2?:50... SurD-ise, der ol t'1e Belgtan '_o6s--:-.t"v r"..p:"*rt:p Es Van o'n Bo-_", a 'pelld3oroi";. riir tYans PF.naa se^on and PUL'/S I'rjrd.

latotit; t{arcel vandetaitlne, six iires c}ranlron,ljnish€d fouth... !a! aetn, Sredish lr-ni nie

MaY, 1958-- 9

ntle!, @Y not conpete thi€ sea6on,dne to achlues-tendon ir@ble "lladirir (uts, olyrlic 50OO ad1O-O@ n. chatrFlon i6 tePorted io oe

hsa.rs s€icn! irouble. l{ut6, Lto had

io ease olf tralniJrs irtren he nao asloMch uPset som nonths ago, hes.

r€prt,ed1y tried dietincana longer irainins$cces6...contrarv to al.t reporsi.ion telanJ hasnri declded H1r3! he Feoing io do lpon graduaiing ironiiflsova ttLis Jae...Itilers shooi g

Ior the fow-ntnute nile have-fe'r'eoto train endlesslY tn a

'orrui€ naoe

Iaoors bv ihe s@Jes, bli eatr Hodgson'

orlihom's L:05 ni1er, doesn'i rhlnKthey do enoigh v€t. t'I dont. thlih.anv-bodr has i.ained hard enough Yet,3a{s r:he Solth Afrlcan sophono'e {no;s ?) mjle3 a reck. nNoi dli'bodyidlahet.. lniL zaiopek tralned haroer*rin aA, nan rd the !or1d and he rasodL! bo !ei:.il fl!.n ... Ii'5 qeiilnB." l,haL ih. lrlvnlics ale deeropinc 1Noan,\ne!i..ri va.3itv rexnlon due io lne.wav thF dtionrs coupges have enbrace'',c;snic .ecruiiing." This is or conp--arati!.-lv recent r4ntaee. Ii is larCery2 5Drod;.L of ihe acceferated r:e'!o or

int;;national athletic exchanset un'erihe austices of ihe Aill slncc lorroar II. Unilred Staiee rLhIeLes lho

,o on:.{.L iorrs abroad, and rne -

coachcs tho ac.onlanv lhenJ ohvaolsrvdo a roo4 job of :euing Pr:mqaiJvoud loreian aLhtetes on ine sdvanl_;:es or.n rd€rican coLtese ar!car1'n'1:e.. nail liod:son, Jan 14acv, non !er'anv. nanon San4ovrl' John Joe lariv,uvi l,ean, rranl llyaiLr Jin HaaleYi

ale* tenderson, A1e7 BrecFenraJge,, -velisa ltucosa, clJ Holhberg. ro'm -rov1'et,c. Hot !ou1d voo Lik€ io hav' inr'!or iour oi these dlsttn'e bov6 on one

tee?... vJill!€ aiterbu'y' qachlgan .

:ji,'te soDhomrre, is the onrv iopnolcnerin lhe c;untlY "ho

wins slrinis :n'fliLes. I. a dual reet Lhis monih ne-

rca lhe 220 in 21'? and ihen the m11c

in !:1b. Blt hi6 fa{orite eveniq.arethe hLO and BEo (h6'5 end r:'rD v'"'Ass'i viuanova 1lack coach, Jin Tupp-env. describanE the villanove- st Jo:epbis ba.eball g €r 'rthe iirst ih'e€.m;n sot on base ihen the .nchor nan hrra hone ru.,, tlex Henderson laceoarizona slaie to lhe tes iiile ai iheBorder Conference .t Tcnpe, Arizom r

sai. lllsht, llav 10, {idi'g ihe rlread Lro . ad !h" 2-Mi e in o:2L d {-"

Page 11: 1958MayLDL

10-- l,ay, 19to

REC Nds - the Naiio@1 Tre1ve-tti1e adone fitu iu chdj-oBhip of the amrlcanFoad Rtme-s Club ls seL fd lednesdat,.rse 25, 6!00 !.M., at ihe [email protected] otchlcago ilack (stegg field). Tnts eredi{lf be the Becond ol ibee €ttoElcharplorehips scheduled lor thls JEebJ a ternsLjee conntite., de5lsmted torePfeaert, rne RRc as a mttoEl bof.Ihis l)elculsr tic ms plcked by th€Chicago g!d! be.auBe they ftgured thetrdeaich a bette! lleld of nmers at, thlsitne- E be 6one .oDlng back fron the Nst,rl.LAurs at, Bake?sfleld. Californla. !1ost,distence !:1ee!s Brodd sii1l be jn shapefron the didoo! track seasoD ahd the sBusroad nmlng season at thts tlre,

RRC ve"tbg ( idL€ Allantic DisL-ic!) April5The reeLiig res called Lo orde- by pleEiteN

Brohile noss al ?:lr5 p.n, aL Lh- PeM A.8oal!dse. Aftei adnonishing the club nenbers torihel! lack of Eupport of ihe NattoEl RnC te-Mn to-aile Relay CharlPlo^ship, Ross L-r".t Lo-llcit $p!orl, for the York Colonlal Day3 5-Utle Fandlcap Road Run at 8 !.n. on Tuesday,Aprtl 15j the ltL.lic Cliy !-r@ zo-niterelay clralFionshi! at tl a.n. t. Sonels Polnt,N.J., ed the 3,000 @ter {atloEl la0 t€&cha4loBhip, May !, 1n Baltimore. Ross a1$o?oretold the tse of oltrnplc Developnen! nedatstor the slmer neets, lhe A,{U tn trhe UlddleAilatic Area turlng Ede fittle tge ot such ln thepast. A check Es Ede of the pro€ress of rbeieleiision set raffle. Secr€iary qugh Jascoutread ilre nlmtes rhich eele approvod. AfierudsJescdrt, mde the folltrjlg notloc Ehicn Eleunariro$ly approred-that, ihe yice-p.eside.ihave tne sleclflc duly of being ln chrse ofnolng RnC slonsofed reeie and obiainlng spon-so!s, the rice-presiden! beilA eble to delegaiehis !o@B t,o comitie€s io acconplish tllisand beire tbe tocal poiai io recelve any sugs6stioN fo!spouors and lacesi thst this RIC nalnlaln ascrapbook (lherapon fierb gand€roff {as appollt,edchaimn oa ihis acujdty)i and Lfal rhe RRC !!inra I4q listrict, nic y€albook ot the ,earrs totalacilvtties and, in qddiiion, rdth lhe suplort ofiis alftliaie ERCE prbllsh a lilatioFl RFC ved-rook. Jascmlt,rs sggeslion for d tustorn AAUle1ay chanpiochip leatEing di€tdce ieleysand relalE based on lbt,erval @ing {as tabted for';F ne\t neetine as Uh- e!-nl is noi coftedFrted

Treaser Si€ve Thonas leported $16.00 sitU inthe ireasuy d€slite lecent race e4ens€s. tn hou!lone disassioh Lhen raged as io rhen t,o hold adoard of oovelno!€ reeilns and, i{ Eo rhere. otherpotnts of conteniion rele rhether such a neetinCras necessa.y at the plesent tiie, lhy one €snrtheld bef@€, and rho had ihe po@r t,o caLL ii. The%Jor otrLi.i!ar! Ele John 5t. CIa:-, S-., Jacksr. Clab, Jr.r John ^ll4i nglh ed coss am J.scourt.

The ne6tlns ms adJounod ar 9!!tR€spectfully abDltt€d,

dugh Ja6.ouri, secreidy

llon Jolh J@l1r ton, pfesided,REC, of lnslend.

17 {ings AveNeEaling, {. 5

"we nsn yd every flcce6s i:tththe lEC USA. No d@bt se riucoDtllue ihe closest, of ties and1! ihe yeals to cone it mv belossible to paticilate i; eachoihels €venis, there ale alt kjtrdsof po€sibitlties.

I E5 parttmldly lai€leslecto bear that you have adopled ouhadge, abeit in differe;t colous-The badge 1s based otr the Cre€kelenent raf! a tllang1e rith ahdizontal line across the nicdte!a l'Wer has be€! lBerted tnto it.As tDu probably b@ Jobn Chrcl)has stdt,ed a Cedian lrech ofthe lFC in ?oro.io.

RRc l4eeting (}{,q listric!) laay 5Tbe neeiiq @s .alled to order

by lresidedi Brming Ross a! 8rolrp.n. at the Pem AC Boathouse.tugh Jascou* read the ninutes rnichs€re as lead appoved. A dis@ssionof ih€ FxC and its flanevork in

seneral ensued, fo11ored by a readingot the nles and resulaiions by Ross.Ross noved that the Board ol Gowr-nors shoutd elect lron iheh odPlesent henbership ot sevenr firenenbers rho r1l1 vote, ihe ofiicersol tle club to be non-voting nerbers.The lulose of ihe notion, sas to@ke the clfeni bodd less rlneildy,It Bs ako sti€ssed ihai the Aoardwould subiit its recomendattons toihe nenbershilJ nilo rdld ha@ tlefiEl 6ay on all Elters. The nea6ureEas approved by the nerbelship. rtEs slbsequently ftoved by Jasc@ti,ha! oEe ol tle flve bo.rd nentrersrusi be an acl:iw ]lder. This {asa16o applored.It €5 also sugeesledtbailnenbers-et,-ld'ee'rJ i.€. those.o! riihin ihe tliddle Atlalt,lc AAUdisilici and noi in d area yei Ialgeen@eb to sulport, 4 lRC, sho!1d not

b€ n€d€rs of tllis Rff and thai thei!statls and fi]6cial duty should bedecided later by a National RP,C con-

ntitee. The nenbership apFoved othaeine a felay neet on the irack i!

(conttmed on p:se t6)

Page 12: 1958MayLDL


ATI,AI'ITC CoAET CoN!T!!NC€ T&I CEAxls:Fis;-N=;-6T:--Ttrrn"l;--fefalins, sho*ing overafl sirength,u6n rhe tea iille lor lhe thirdconseotlve tear. A crord of 6,500 6aw

Maly1and score 72; points. Duke {as rextFith irlr. North Carolim bed J?, SothCarol1ha 21, clehson 21, Vtrslnia 22:,Norlh Calo1jtu Slaie 2, {ake rores! O.

2-l4i1e: 1. Walme Bi6ho!, NCi 2,]'lalterTvler. Clemon (2OO ds. back)t l. FNev,Ierylandi h. Tinsley, clensoni 5' Rmrllaryland. line: 9:19.0 (reu conferencerecord; old record 9:25.1 sel in 1956 bvIt{ike shea, ol Nc siaie,

t-M1le: 1. lathe, s,C.i 2. welsige!,D*e; 3. !hai1ey, NCi lr. Claggei, l4d'i5, TiFley, Clenson. Tine: lr:12.?.

880 rcn by D.ve Sculock, Ncr 1:56.1'lt]]o Hon bv Dare Sorlock. NC, !4.1

xav; 1998--u

EFl.ted io vl! ir 1:95.1 !o bleak a ElEteFk 5e! tn 1913 by n.l. B8h of DauasSw6i tls.

Be!]ln, May 10- laBt cel@lrrs si€gftledHeriEfi mn a 15oo neter re.e 1n !!fi!'l1n 3:!1.9 today. ?he tine Es the b6lrecorded h iho ft!]d ib16 yea!.

loth ae@lB@ldElk il€ Run Ailanttc CltyrN.J. Slocoled by lnlet Social Club.t. !!ank latsonj PeE,{c, !.25i 2. TjrMcli@, shelsnan cc, lr:33i 3. Jobn siokes,Sh&rahd CC, lt:39; !. llaus lYaesenlr ?eh AC,!:l8j 5, ceolse !rcd, Baltinore cross-cosiry club, L:51, 6. Joe Eepp, shanahan cc,l+:52; 7. Bob Eurleyr shanahan cc, l:53.Balson, conL-nd"" for the pasi !e ]car6,

1ed flos ihe stad.. necordnotder 1952 DonGhe!@E. reN. lllsconsin, !:05.3

S.C.LI.C. , Ios Angeles, I4ay 2: l4i1e- 1.ly Hadleyi l:11.8; 2. Dave R€isbordr !:11+.3.2-Mi1e- 1. lal flalloess. 9:22.8,880- R"isbord, -:2J.o (Al1 Oc.ideh!d.!,

SqlAH AINICAN UIIAITON CIIT}IPIONSHIP WON BTJAI{ BAIIIiARD IN 2:26.15 WRINC EiSTER HoLIMIS.t. Jan Ba!E!d(s.T.) 2.28.191 2. !1arthin8 illlld,(xata1) 2:l0.lr5! 3. ,tackie ltekle!, (s.T.)2.12.121 ir. Drvtd lodds, (Rbodesia) 2.38.11,

5. Bi1I riMler, (Rhod,) 2:11.20, 6. ,4ercerDaeies. (s.T,l 2ll1.27i 7. K"1Lh Janes, (s.T.)2:!I.05t 8. ren ltcrbsier, (Na!,) ?:ir8.98, 9.ceorse clAsssens, (t,Lio.elburs) ?.5a,16t Ia.Budge R* (so. Tvt.) 2:5l.ur 11. Nlck Rauben-h€1rcr. (Na!a1) 2t58.a7i 12. sotly Bedldenhoui,(s.T.) l:02.161 U, leniis l.tclnerney, (s,T.)l:U.!?i U. rob tii15o! (Naial) 3,21!.5ot ].5. K,lt4athds, (s,?.) 3.2L.5at 16. Job! ran der west-h!tren (N. Ivl) JrJ7.02 lRoPPll 0U1: )eieeBouue (s.r.) aL lo rjle6;-t-aiJn @-]sn aL l8nj.iJackle coldle ai 21 Dles.RuMl!€ $!€rbly atd fientiig ofl d eally

challerge tron Jackte oo1dle, the Sldngbok JanBalnald mn the 1958 S.A. baralhon chapiolshipa! Pretolia as defendlng charyion J. uekle!cane thitd, Bdrdis tlne las the Ltird rasL-esi tor ahy Mlalhon officlally timd 1n S@ii)Aflice, lhe beEi !e1!€ hls om lecord of 2t21.3iai Port Elizabeih ln 1996 fouored by 2:25,Q6E€i !p by U€lcoi Davies also al Por! ilizabeihon Lhe sse @v. SToRY 0F RAC!: An jnlrlsubgrace wes epeciea fi18--tEE-erponent s of ttrctasi4hoder dtsiances trelnl4g reihods agaiEtih€ orthodox 48e!s 1lke }lekle!, 1'{a1sh and ioa lesse! desree Dades. Aod as t4 expe.iedBalndo. Coldl" and (eilh Jahes RnL Lo t!€f-onL, letli ns a !triflc !ac€' At len n'Ies,coldla keEl 1! rlont In 56.05 follored bvBarm'd 96.0', uekter 56:?8, Jees 56:15 anr' (codlNed PsJ2)

lmRrDA t.,!,u. 1&! ctilNPs:Erre€vtiq-Flt;-@E-ree: r. lloridasrate (senirol€s)i !1 2/3t 2. Flolidaicalors)! 17. 2-ui1e. 1, Mik€ Co.1ev,FSUi 2. geEi Ce]'le!, It. Beeing, oa.iJ, CayLon Eichdes, !t, CanpleL1t h. C'T'Xeerey, IS!. Ti@. a:55.6 (Record),1-r4i1er 1, Iike ConLey, FSU; 2. Cel1e!!

l. c.T. Keenet, IsU. Tire: Ir:29.5.880 {on by c}Erles Nye, FsU. 1!56.5-rec.


ElTili6F.-6. j4--r.-Ctn-StaIFc.fiIEEE-Sat.. May 10- laorssn Siat€ 5L z/li(1o siralshi cont-rin) 2. \lllmton-Salen lrl: 3. Nodh cgrofiM Co11ege,28i L. ltaryldd siaie, 15.

?-r,ri1€! l. codJrey !,laitheE, tlst2, Bob Be!!y, !4St l. Call lairtholle,t{C co}tecej !. godge!, l4d. stai€.rtnet 9tt5.3 (l4eti,h€B c# tron no-*he!e on ih€ flEI 1aP io overhaulBerry aud HaFlholne),

1-U11e3 1. Beryr l4si 2. l4aiths,16; l. Co1e, l€! lr. !4dds, g@dd !'Ttre: L321.3.

880- 1. chrtsil&, nc co1]ece. 1:55.9.

^HtH#T#T#fffi##tre.t fG mlched It Pelfeci Eaih4.The U-yeat<td nlle recold sei bt

Javie! |.onies ot EL laso Bdi6 tb cBtuactuled ihree llnes 1n !e! rdmi*,fbst i! Cl.s. S Grooh $16 Joh[ Escble ten!:23.9 io b€at ft by 1.1 3ec6. Then 1n tAft. Wolthrs John Coope!, a 30-yd. idru6r,!s tt 1n !!U.9. llail€d by l{ldlrrdrs BobBeett io lr:21.?.. ss ldonlo laldd Iisrsled-fr half, nIler. Rlchard I'lerchaca,

Page 13: 1958MayLDL

r2-- Iay. 1958

s.A. trRAtEoll coltlINUED:

Doddsr nunter erd R€c eu 56:59.Boiio€d 10 and 15 rdfes ootdle begen !o

labor, obvidsly feellne the eff,6cts ofthe pace. The tlE6 st 15 nlles aa€.B8E!d lr2u.lro, $-td 1!2!.113, coldle1:25.10, Mekle! l!25.!5, Dodds and Euhl,e!rt26.29,,tares 1:2?,0, Rens }28.25 andDadeB 1:11.25. coldle dlopped out soonafte! 20 ntles end ldEid lonled hohe aneesy Eise! to lecel@ a gr€at ovatlonfrom Lhe big clord In th€ Pildllch stedtuTir€s ai 20 n1les: Barturd 1:55.0. ritd1:56.1r5, Met<le! 1:58,36 sld Hunre! r:9t.0.The lEmer in whlch Barhard Epleadeagled lhefleld indicated that he d11 be hald io

beat in tne Ehpile oaes lrial i! Usban lnr,Ly..Itil id spp€s-! !o be a !er{fi. prospec!.It Es only his thild @athon and h€ beatlis !!ed@s best. tlre of ?:!J.23 lry aboul,U niru1es.. yelcer Dsvtes has ye! !o reechhis b€st fo!n, lhlcn my cone a! the Dulbdtrtul.. The lace E6 a $.cessfu1 one lnslite .! ir6ffic dl-fflcu&les on lhe nauo*!oad. lscb frm€r €s ploylded Eiih a help€rand *fleshnant ms alairaok aL a.!-! .€edins

JA{ B,{RNAR' ]{INS 0!F]15T0N SPoR?S Cut! rS 1IlouR luN FoR sEcoND succlssltE t!tn.llaktig a r€tuD to conpetltlve adlng afte!

1 fer honihsr laroff, Spltngbok Jan Barnarde6s1ly @n thp C.S.C. I .ou nn Flrh a d:s!-ance ol lt niles 15 Frds. Th16 las ned1]1,000

'€rds 1e66 lhan hts om S-4. lecord

of l1 Diles 1,012 yalds (and incideniallynore ihe a nile less than the rcrld lecoldneld by EnlI zalopek o! Czechodovaba.

Bo@d E6 soon @t, on hls <M ad itonlJ re@lred fo! hlh !o seu]e hoH fr h-euld firish in floni of ]1'6 !lva1s. Ias!yea! he sas given a ihlilling llghi by J.oo1die aio @icled hii yald for yald dghtuntil ihe end, This yea youe Al:f Burgess(oSC) fidished secorit coveri!€ 10 nues1,326 ]brd8 fo1l@d by MulE van de!lu/ceaalde(Jli) 1o rdles 1,196 yards edBudse Res (tla!d,) 10 niles 990

'.a!d8,I'ARIIIINUS WIID lialF IAIioR-THo!4AS 10 !{IlI

'rnidiE ilne €s 1!:Ur Eec.) Re$lts!1. u, iEld, 98.51, 2. r. Mcr4a6te!, 62:o7il. I. Raubenh€lDer, 62:10; l. F. Ialdet,67:13, 5. J,Archlb8ld, 69:!ci 6. c€raldwalshr 70:!0, ?. !. rblsh, ?2,21,t 8. q.Pretorlus, ?2326j 9. r{. cielke, ?2!!2, 10.D. weUbeloved, 76:!1.'

I{CMIS1EE SIIS UP TTSTEST TI]iIE IN 29 Ii,fU,!omN gltftlc4t Rlc! ni ItARITzalBc. Pla.


ON Slr{nIY AltMS l4ArnllE ucuASTER, golngoff screich rlih Nlck Faube.n€ioe!, set, ihefastesi ilie fd a 25 Eite open handtcap.oad race at l,lariizbug, finishilg in 2:31.21,only I sec. tasier than lab6lhetuer, ltaoclocked 2:11.21. There rer€ 16 6ta!te!s and

Scholasilc tracl<- tasnindon, D.C. Itay 3-?!h aBual Calho1lc Urivelsity InviiarionIef! oo@n Cat\oljcrPhlra. ,li ll.chbishopSteti@c of i}ite Plains, N.Y. l+6 V5;CadiDl j{aye6 ol the B!oB, 28J.Pat li-asL-o of Ro@ Es chosetr Lhe orr-

slanding llmer. !e lMred the ruks inthe llro ed 88o yd. dashes. [icastrorstihe5 of 50.1 and 1:58.2 respect,iEty,rellaced @16 ol 5c.2 ser by Bi rt Rahr otWest, Catnohc,nrik. i! 1995 and 2:01.2

set by Uedice Culhab€ ol All itollo$ in195?. Sieplmcrs Ton Denpsey rcn the nilein a good ljr 26.5.

iles! Ch6ster, Pa. May 10- Middte Atlant,icStates Collegiate lthleiic Conterelce T&-r.

Chanplonships: Ted: 1. St,- Josephrs 5?j2. hsatle, I7;r 3. latayerte, 39t )!.r€hlgh, 12i 5. ilest Cheste!, 11: 6, rtb-right,9+;7. fiav€rford, ?j 8. De1awe,6;9, Cetiysbug, 6; 1o. s€llhnore880 I, Bruce shenk. wC (bv in hes ) 2- li-GTrereon, ,, l. :ln Bat;*in, sJ, J. TonbGdsh, Il. 1:51 ( old rec. r:56.h by-ar Er r-idge! €-a-.!e, 195?) lrik t. {ie}tlartlndater lehlBh, 2. Jim o'n6fr;l1. SJ.

l. J1r 3ald*in, sJ, h. Earl .teffdson. ls.5. Robert Haggeliy, S.J., Tlne: h:22.8(Btsgest upse! of the day - ttre l9-year-old soph beai defendin€ choplon O'ro@-

etl &d laldnAn by a nele tooi in a lhriU-inE blanlF! Cinish) 2 /i.e 1, Boo F.r!etl-SJ. 2. Dick uainFs, Er€-:feyette (25 yos /l. Joe Sloan, S.J, l. Hel- Tholsen, SJ, 5.nelvin ?ryan, C. Tihe: 9:112.0.

rick laint, lasauer 2. chas. tel-F-6i,!asal]e, J. Jin Crasfold, sJ, 11 RonTasl<et, fl4c, 5. ceolge Rusi, rela{de.rlne: 4!r+.1,. f€uey n€f,ae: f. Nesi

Malch 2l- Ihe arof race €s conducied 1neleat heai. U nmers 6ialted and onlt 12linished oa the hoti*i day ol ihe year.wlidrs unolflctal sp]:il,s. lrr58, r5:!5 and

2? niNies ai 5 nabs. (Oh Satuday, 22 l4d.h,l,rild bioke ihe Natal I nlle track record d:1clhad siood for

'sny yesrs at lllltn. t6 sec.

Page 14: 1958MayLDL

xay, 1998--B

Coltese tlack

Aprn 26 - lraFaid 8o rh, tu\nc.ro' e3 2/r,_ H,*ll: H: i:ukh*E, "l'rlllT"ilii.i' ''^,.,,*-.,ii'i;'"i'^jff :1,1**lrF--;itlilli.;i'S,*,T,fi iir.::":::;"*,'Tire: lr:19.1 (tuei recold r; zD

^e'ir iF f:'ii;r-$"i::':Iii;'1ffi;i.!i!:i',: .i;i:,l?'':''?h5l',i *.li;1i1..

tr79.5r 2 Mlre 1. Istestas, c' io,ot .i. a' Allen, c' 1o:11'6' " (lnsslon'P' lo:11

^''"'- rii':|r31;;il;i: ll;*i;'"ilyl: ii.l;l'll"4e. *l;.ilff"l=!;^;r.'";i3*'"'^p,"i

1, *;.,i":?;z:::;;;il":iilPffii:,_x;";;::,:;.J!#J: H:j*1,,J,:'.:,ap!i1 le- Naw 6t, i:s.;ti;:"!',.::.T"r3"iec. ) u e ri-Ferr,rngr-eb:r*,(lnc: ps (rle)-i,2t.6

^",-,, -#"- i;,1ifi;,f ' "i;.:gil,i' "i'f:Ti:lt#'di:: i: lfi ll"lli; 1".,,,,.,,2 Mile 1. rltzs€rald, H. 10'02'6*",o- o-=:5..""t*16'3""iji *;"*f *: Tgfli: fi: i;,8il.iff;,i.,i.iiii:""."i,u'.'

*" *- *3*::5";"k';"Xill!'lu"#;'i;1"'. 50 5/b- 880 1' sherrun, !' 2:o2i M ' r'

"* ,." - ,u#'il;"nt'r!:L:;ui"rl$*e":',t"i,l"'"it!'#'3 *t" len !f .Tra.cvr P'.r: 11'6 & '|o:or'Ll:l ; " itl:ii;i:,9';;;"i el :iiligi'tf,l'3:'f"iT),.str".i;"'31"1","?11,t;.'ili;,::::";:: :*":;:; !':i i.::':"::;l'";?l'l' :sfl""l*T::i"?:*;: i:tu:"g,n:t":*;$"','s.ts:,;tt :;ti:1, :l:i,"i:'.:i:l;",::::;I;':yffi 6 I'T-BMen's reL dud, ;ee! loss in !e J_a!s) l. "erry sreberl, ( r:5r'/

*, ,.- {H,l:"ilut*;*;;::,a'l:t;;; u:*il'i:'ii;:L:"f,i! i: B:i""i:':::i";:" .'"" "- ii'i:1,::h:l:;"ll,iit'"'=#:'*"i;"1;u: ]:"*.** *']:'i:-"-ffir l;"3;

"1H"]i";liili"###;i;;";j:;:,::; #. ;ru::: :: *'rt:":*ti';:r:11".;i:'u:'!:!?Jr':iuil:,i":;. iit,.*;i", n. L:z.J.3; z rjle: !iL2tsera1d o:l'.'i 880 - r' rom cdrolr'

,,"",.- ij"i;::ji"il'l #-3,"iiu#,:l.lg:*:*i.:"::: l"*':"*:'* To@sian, N.u. 1!L:1r7.8 arLd 10:19.2*",- (.il#i;l:'il;:"r:i:.1'i: ru:;: !l:i*Ts"*, f;p-l',1i":;"i:i},";.'ilu;li,

*,,-,,'";ff::;i ii-.-'":;,l.lF,?;,+i,:i::t"il.*i.ry-l;!;gi.$::ffi ;!,; "H*,i:"1fiil ?H"!i;'irl;1'"tt,"tt* :, ,i;.i-;".;;, cj"v i"i"ie",,.i,i,L=r,"gr,!'av 3- {D'hs' N'c ' )i'ke"tl"ftl?li"*"r* ihe leco'd sei bv ned !er{6, nq busineEs

*" _ ,*H:,i:,":,";ii;'i;;";1-!)"i.r,fr"*;i'ill#mx!"::';;rT.::.;+,};Jil:."91i,#; |;;a::'

2 xile 1' si

*,'- "ii;::;i.f,ii,:i.\y,?i,^in:r."'f f ,,ff_#" r;iril ffi"i:,lili;,1.-:{J;",

*"," "iiiiii la,i::ir:ffii:,;"q'r).;:Te-T: 1;;';:i$;?:i!:+ll.l;:'ilil;'* - ::;i" ,:;.;tj;.i;"i;f;i"if"!1";,1,1",--;*"m;,:,t*;l"i[il!l]llo"i"";"".*,,lri-re t. lred'(err,ps, :. rne."..i"f',i!, j. rl*!.,ps. L:lo.r i ' ul€ I' hea, 9:?o l

-7---Te.I! fieilsln;, il. ]. Dor T.u"', u.

Page 15: 1958MayLDL

1.1-- xsy, 1958

CoUes€ track

ay 1o - corne.Ll 75, ar Prln.eLon 55 - 880 1 chas. Eill. c. 2. sh6lE. !. r:5_.r:l41l,e -t. tEke tGd-4, c. 2. D. I;IeI,c. 3, c. Huason, p. Titr€3'lr:15.8 (N., cd.cti_Prjnc. reet rec. old @!k LrU.8 by Joe Uansan, c. 1n t9l2) 2 Mile t. Ecket,c.2. H.C!ea!T,C. 3. Mi.Lle!,C. 9: jr2,8

l,tay 1! - la5aue-56, St, Josephrs 60 _ 880 l-.--,Iln laLdFia, S.J., 2. lar] Jefferson, r5,

iidt"",'s:i+TdP,:i,'':-,f LHr'.""i..::i:ll;J:;,::, j:':-:*:,f j.,;i"!r.y ro- iill.!!!ir{i,l+"i"}*;!* **..1n,, (r8 easrern s*n couese6) at adelphiColtesers freld, Crdeh city.j*?;iqi.i""r*i.,*_ .l::*i :l;i,C. i.Fr?",i ; "ii'ilJi,irr, :i'1"3;5f ;y.,vav r'- ii"*i:":";::i ##!Fr,t#ri*'ll #{;il'ij:rdff:&ltirT6:i,3u*'

illiti;:t,,lii*i:lii:,iiiii!:r!, # i:iff Biiitr; t: i;,tr,'i !i"iii,lliHxi ;;,"":i*;;Hxtil'il #;"?.i,,iit*i;"it,!i"iif;.:; i;.,iH"l?3',,

mi;lirun,i*#f, :T,:";iff:";,*'*ff.',.i"!i,'iIiitii"t,.i,,l'i,.,*" " ' ::i1:,:::,"L:i:f:i; ';*"l!'tl ffi l;:I,'ffTii"Tj 2:0,r.?, sle r. Earl

Hi; T"*iil:nii;.k,-"i:"d#":ii".ryr'{:.' Hd; r'" v La*'ar' L:oB 7

*",0_ olliho;,i*.;j3 j-; ",ij' ;,' ;TJiii "?;";r.l,i"f :.ill l"+. ;.lai!"*;; ;; $:::Jry?tli.i::,:il::"*+.% ili"iiil'il':,1; "e1' i !' zli)s

ai, e".ai,,'ir..-i..;",'i."";;;"+f*i;";:'::..,'iiil"l'i,lili,i"jl"":!"f"1 l"i:old rec. L:2-.6. rran!. |{cruohtjj. cr. JosFph,s, _95b) 880 r. rioh-t s,-v;ns, JL."!I"i;3;."i"lH;!l',i3"il.l;'!;1;,Hf"-;:o;:;"i**:i,;i:";";:;i.,"".ii:i"'H;.1'i;,Tl'fl ,13],:,';H':.:',, 1t''ishr la. i ruar'' L.,,21.1 i ) -tt -

""",,- Jrutr,,m::,lr:*;:ltr:#;:f,+r#.:",];::';"::" :::i ;:; :"";";]il I';::;#"Jf ;."?,i"i.o:::""9 :l:; ?e@ i2. /-i'" ;;;,;;; ;;;'c:i\' roi caLh-m, v"r", L-ln w.llr'-qldr+r 'o!ne-rr

t' '""", **",'o iilo""'"i'

l:*";*:;'#::,:t:i:,#"'cii:"l"f li i:iii"i: iir ;ili :;;:;1-,

" " +#uh]*:riki;,i:;r:l;i":lru"+*i; Fxr:, xH' li:ii .;l:;?i,Hay l7- Piti 5l+ at pem siare io_ - i,L 1 rd v!re, !s, 2. L,e, Fr.eo ^er ad cna-tes

il'f;ii''f-'l;5'iifl"if:",s-;ir''i"l4ls i' n"a x"- j z. or.r'i'[iu"r'r, rs,.. ^, _ rinq,_ ps. r;:,' ;iij.ii "ir,o'.J"";"!#,,;J:il]i:';:li's,.2. Mo-dr'1. c€6.* --

i:Td::"fi#:Tq::.1#; jtT;i", 3#.ll.fil'iil,jt,i#,i.,tft'l*:; ii;:":.t:*",, lii{.Iiiii';un;,j9fl{,%*r-;"ifi:qp: 6":,li!i6;_le, *;rd;J;i. i,;i.r

:ffi i:,}:":di'*',f i:.I:.il,#ff ,:,;l,l:,fr]::i ::j;; *:T,;;:1,"t""'llii,l "B,#"1 ili*"jillfli%'if:';:,i:,*,;i.i: ;.-a!"t i"i

"iti"ilil.i. "ii,in.u


Page 16: 1958MayLDL

CoE 0N l,lcKEltzlx wI]{S l{Et l,{U fo_l'{ILE

Yonkeis, N,r., May 11- Ootdo. UcKeMle,of ih6 [.1, !1on€er Club, disap9ointed aihavirg lhe eilopolitan l0 ttle chaliplon-shi! tu chaDged frm the iiack to th€ roadand deprlved ot a chdce ai a er tnerlcanrecord rent ou! aDd rd lhe tield lnto ihegroud @er a hluy Yonkels c@rse.!eie! IcArdle, ot ibe N.Y.I.C.' steilng

hls filsi road ru! ard longesi dlsiancerace, ran neck ard reck dih ucrenrle foiseven diles before Cddon ptlled atay ios 600 ydd viclory. Rudy l{endez tas acbse tnird for nosi ol the dtsiece.There rere 28 stariers alrd finishe*.

OIIER Oi FI]iTISHf:-d6;do; n;izi€, NiPc tat52.22. Peier ucAldl€. NrAc 52,59.t!l. Rrdy xend€r, NrPc A 5L,2r.7lr. Jln B!om, Ilf?C A 551025. Ted Corbitl, frPC A 55taj6- aldo scddura. ftiUrose 58:29?- vi! xarn. xiuro5e 98:ir58. Rod llscNicholt, NYPo A 98t599. Jose Do@s. I'IPC A 591151o. Jin ro!de;, NrPc a 59t25u. terb {avario, st. An!h. 5915512. IIai cinlnlck, NYIC B 1:m12713. Joe (lein€rmnr ltitlrose 1:01:11lL. i4lke orltara, st. tnth. 1.o1:5lr15. Jo5n con@y, IYPC a 1:02:1116. late Vosel' st. atrth. 1:02:lUU. A1 SllYa, Si. 1.1h. 1r02:lr?18. l4i1i laiaky, St. An!h. 1:07:1519. Gus {oiieakos, si. Anth. 1:07:!220. Jack EorsYun, - MrPc a l:Cb:1ro21. Joe rellerr St. Anth. 1.lt:fl22, Clar€nce RlicheY' u@it. 1:1C:1223. !d lal].orj u@itached. I.rO,2)2|. Bill Steiner, l|i]lrose A.A 1:II:2?25. Jerry ailolLa, NrPC B 1:12:1620. cene RosetMn, Si. Antn. f:15:!02?. ?ete gears, !@ltached. 1t15:l+628, John Da1y, I'!?C B I.22.\6

Ted Scoline: NYPC T4n A -_15 !ts.2. Si. tnthonyis !.C.--L7 !ts.l. rliPc 9-- 58 !ts.

Rac€ Notes: The disalpointedbecause the lace ras changed fton th€ iracl<io ihe !oads.. a n4 tlack is beirg bntliand lhe bad {eaiher dulnre the pasi fd{eek6 bas held up @rk on 1i.. llcxenzie{as prired io a'viack Fred lal1errs iecold.rlfier ihe race, ihe lonlers olficiats 6aidthai in ihe nea! futre ihey Ei11 hold alo-ntle inviiaiion race on ihelr !e{ tlackFlth lrobably 10 siarters fron N4 Yoik,\"H n.:land.nl PllIad-I9hja (I'.?'nz p, Il'ndez,tlcArdte, xe1ley, Terry, Sapienza, Ross, Badt,lhom6, eic.) .. Course: a good ten niles dihplenly of ht116r ihe bisBesi a! ihe l: n e retk.

!iay, 1958--15

l{lilTEoN IjELRTBEATS (conttnued {!@ pg.3)

lespii€ iheii fat,e sialt, all thlee fintuhed1n tb€ tirsi 10 and fintshed fieshei thetlung Jobuy {el,ley, ldro flnslned 6econd,dd lino Pulldrhen, nho f,lnished ihbd.They rele srtltnC fo! ihe caela6 rlth alroeDtFi!€d rhlle th€ 2-3 nen rele stiU ga6p-ir€ for breaih on ihel! cois, Yei they welenot eLislbte for tropilies, Eo! dld tbdi!polnis c(Et ln ihe i€e iotals.

HM-RT lturR,4tc. , . oblirds underLones. hr*L-ce !a!?... Puis sonethbg on a felldts nlnd.16 it ihe ed of laffeiuyrs NalA cdee! andh" orly Lrc yers aEy fton beine a 20-yed@!? IB it the end of ihelr raclig cs€ers?Aie they !o sii in ihe oId rockins chairand fisi€! io ihek dtelies harden?nlr1l s&di I €E a bii 6caed.' saidco.fafone, ibui raffsiy slrd coritti ialkedne lnto nejrg and rcr Irn Clad I dld. Ifelt no iU €ffecis. f EE iense before therace. I had ilailed hsd ed ras *ious totlnish ldgh. I srppose I sh@fd ha@ Cone outand waftd u! on ihe ilopklnton school lambefole ny physical. I t@ldlrt haE been sokeyed up r,fien 44iDed.''

I&(RT llURl{J!. -. road lecers ss a srou! tg-nore such 1Enin6s.., Ton lDngboai cs {a!redbefore he ron ihe 1907 lG.atlo!. Clsenc€DeMar €s {aFed before h€ tun the 1907 Mar'a-thon. Jimy Eenisan sas {dned belore e€ry"ace

ne eEr rsn, Said l€s lason, rho ronthe BA-{ @ainon ln 1911, 1918 ahd 1911. lIus"d Lo tun {ilb e fel os Eneo C€org€ Durgjjof Urited Shoe. Qare re a hdd iire in ih€19lt {ef, lnEland sif,-e!1e chanlioEhi! at!tr. He €s balred lo. y€als by lhysicidsbu! persisted or amingr and Irfl a son-of-€-ern if tJc oocLor6 djlntl sta!{ okaying hi!laLe Ln his ca.eer. Cu.ss ne 3Lrec.i,h"r-o I isheari by tuing beca!6e in t9!2 pass€dtl- A.Iv pht6i.al and.venLual y @i l-ill-

De a!, noi only @s ordered noi to run 1n1911 bui Gs told to letlain fron ElkiDg'psLarrs, .ohad uas hi3 ticler, \oN ir li-7ors, Clalence stilf ros occasionally rbilei@y of ihe phy6iciar6 riio exanined hin 1o!gsince ha@ faded a{ay. Thele @s one in ladtc-ular dro used to cift Clarenc€ a 1ot of troubleand she! h€ lassed on Claience cracked: t'laka]s suspecied he 6 hstening to his omhead ahen ne bar!€d ne.t' (Idr n A few yearsagorat the lhllade1lhia raimoui Palk .Ea-thon, a physician iold ne t had a heoi ilDmr.Docio! Wo].fe, a head specialisir ov€rheddhir, ihen esked ne io iake a dee! bleath ddhad th€ phttsicld exdine ne aeein. That'slighi-ih€ illfu disaplededl D.. I^roU€ ef,pl-,:ned, Lhal nurrurs F_" cotron in dlstencemiers ana st'oura noi be ot corcerr.)

Page 17: 1958MayLDL


nFc lGEa]l|o(conllmed flon psse 10)Jlly laef6lsb1y at dshr sd tu€ !o lbelecor@rttatlo! ot th€ nenbe.snb. pedA.c. c@ch John sr, ctair, sr. ;;a(u.edthat th6 Peh AC T&! D6et on Jle 2t ytl1hclude a 3 frLlet 6 rite ad a sleeDle_chas6 nn. l4€ei Fdotels of tiF }lAirAUT&I Chqnpiorshlps *itl be p€t,itioed tolnclude a 5 nrtle in the n€et,, ft, ts hobedthat this plan *1[ spread !o othe! di;_trlct chahpioEhip heeis facld@ rh€6 rdle ro. Th€ Ualgete, N.J. !in.orieilEl-Iy Bcbedu.led tor l,tay D. rasle-set for Jue t as a $ree-eiie scrat.hro oB ihe beach, Tleatue! Stse Thoe6amolced a $ !8 lloflr (a.l.l i€tEns nor jr)5o C{ on LrF selling of chdces for aportable ieleTi6ion set! rtrich Es €ub_sequ€ntry ron by ldgd E316y ot lhltadelphta,an RRC trenbe.. the he"Lilrc Gs aqiNrned a.9t2q b-n--

RespectfullysubDitted.Husl Jascolrl,. Seoet 4-y

DTCySON \rTIiS AfI Sc'tiotls I,ILT,4ORTAL 2O-t0 d RU.,tloronro, 0rr., sar. r4!y J_ cord Dlchon of .neFqiuon Olyrpic CIuo caprq.d I he elhat rns.ho.les r€ld al 20-ni1" en vith a lihe oIone rrour, lrj mimtes ard J5 second6,

Tne tr{mer 1ed a fietd of lh Tolonto andHanllto. ruMers !y atm€! nine nimres-(lhe corse Is sho!!-but see coulse. tickso sroFcr reclrd over lhe s@ ctus- ks t:r..o),:. I"* l"!!, clad€Lone ac, roronLo, _:52.0,,J. No.r Neilson, Cladslore AC, Tor., _:qL.fr;i. I"1 Fp, Rali-ron o_F!ic club, r:56.10,,. ed suilo, S1. Anthont's B,c.r N.y. l:02.io_b. _c:?r-8e Ngmgn, Tolonro, ort. 2:o').r8

!. !,*y r""rr, HMi_ron 0.c., zt_t ,,o9. tr-d BrisLwr Ctadston€ Aar Tor.r 2:2I.Ooru. ltank presion, @tt. p.ai_Lon, 2!?!.lj

SAIITMA TAIGS CI{ICOPEE CRII{D -Chlcop€€ Fa.lls, Mas6., Su. l.ray tt_rorv sapie@aj a 29_year<1d @lhe@tics

i6ache. fron Sdthbridse. llass-- rodaveon the 12.6 dile road r;ce sDo;6ored-by the Nor.thend ctu6. The couse .osis_t,ed of tlree !.2 idle taDs. SaDienza_fotue Bosion CoUege cross-ccuniry -captaln ed fouth place finlsher 1n th€aln @sthon last nonth! ted t]1e ras!t@ thlrds of the way. Th6 ctuse ms@ry hilty-2 lo.g hitts each lap,. l9nmers aid ab@t as h6'ry prizes (15trolhies -re6t redats), Boston ,la mn5^@ tee ndds.. slarted 2:l+t p.n.

1. Toqy Saple@ar ao6t,on trl I:08,51z. Jod loorasJ boston A'{ tro9,hol. Jolm a._xeltey, ldisos clubJ 1:o9.Lb!. Jom lluonandrea, BA4 1:to.5o5, nd BlacketiJ lAA 1:U.r66. nme loirol, BM 1:U,jo)r. Jack !.ry, snenahan cc fr13.l0d, oeolge Wat€lhdse, No. ded.C. l:fl-oc9. lturk Ha@s, Nodh Xedfold c. 1.1h.11

10. (en rtuelle, Narick. as€- 1:II-2c11. Rich.Packardt Bostoi r,r t:h-1812. R1.h. ronohue. Boston t-4 t:t5:28ti. iobt. curertngs, crsnby, rass. t:t6,ho14, ,1ndy Pou1o6, aM 1:18-rt,15. Pe1Pldtuey, No. lJed. Ctub, t:18.5?b. Jonr Kauppinen. Bl.A. 1:19-16U. Nos cote, orthampion, t4rss. l:19.J5fo. !d Norronj xalden, Msss. 1:20,20Lo. liabn li1bere, peiD A.C. 1:20.2?20. gitl Fefot, Nodn edrord C1ubr 1;21.1+0


sat., I,t!y 1?- MorBa. Slate Cott6ae.lariirore, Hd.- lst, of ezseiies;f'ooenrrack n€et6 slonsored by the south Aitan-r1c 4s6octatlon MU.l-MiI9 - 1,.!xzz sahfbr, Baltirore oth_!1c,u.Iub, xr:20.5j 2. Cart pdty, B.o.C.:

B.O.C.. This breaka the

€er rn ry)o by co.don McKenzle _EesternUrack. Buz2 did l+:lr1. 9:Lo@ ended u! rath a 62,2 lasr L!0. iustrapptng carl Pdry at, the finish.: iadvotuy stsyed with Sawye! for thlee lars

on a rrack thet Es not the best- Bu;?a.rso bucked a strons find of 1? nDh.f&iy En rhe t/tr dre tu h j!ar9.o.

\o\, z,e5) 2. casser, @tt.! l. Moop.udote, h. anderson, Et. trtead€-Georee Derals, Sha@han CC rch ihe jiljust nissed ? feet!

ounl?! 801 BRF,ArS Cl loIlN ,lurtol alcomHdilLon, 0N., t'Ly l- .6-y€.r-olo Bncp An.treE,of tte Cu€lph tFglon Track Ctubr sped a-dnd slrc and on. half ni re ;mior co-rs" oE- H&iILon6Lr.ets ln lt dfrlcs ano .J7 seconds loday Lo.6et a n€s ru.l{ ln lhe yl( ars elevehlh ama-

eoo-ia_ Irophy race .. brly neyoo.Lds, of calt, tt1o finish€a second

nee!_up aEsin lhjs yea_ Filhan u,4o c.rocldnz,

, Defeading cheilon, !d craydon oa De.lLa (ol_eg_laLe cr'iDped one second off th6 re.o-d hF s.!1n Fimjng lest yedrs !a.e _o!l had Lo be bsr.s_!1ed rith ti'ird p16ce ij lt:5?., r/ enresraais sLarLed and fjtrtshed 1n IB deg,eetetlEratuF. Cueton rcn !h- les rttlF bv a rider@gin o@r tetla a.d ltit-l !a!k.

Page 18: 1958MayLDL

rncolstadt (Bavula). suGt, A!!j1 20, ,958ialler Xorad (ltuni.h 1860) wins oerun

Cioss-Coutry Chanpio.ship fo! s€cond tjrein a in. The def€bd.1ne chatpion coteled ihe?.5 (i1o (1.? njfe6) coutse 1n ihe sood tireof 21:58. Cunihe_ Dohrow {SCC Berl|t)r u6-race favorlte, lho has s*ltched fron the dooneters io tbe lons* disidces (note. he reP-resenled oertuny i! the r52 and 196 olvnlics),ras eiriually ro into ihe grMd. He look dFa_ly lead and luG3ed Lo keep \ls losttion,in lhe fielo of 90, "or the fi'sL 1rD (2.')d),bu! afte! ihai he jus! could not kee! up htsiorrid Soon pace and dlopPed back behind ihend lead:ing chanplon {odad, 1. 1tu1le! aDd

on ihe les! 1ap Korad sudderfv jurPed outio a loon lead and i€Fged to siay in flont.nL,t rtp fitsq, a.lfoush !h. \drd driviigItulle. cu! his . ead Lo lO rcL_rs. Ho's'- heldon io the 3!d pLace nitle lobros could noi do

f. i,auef {oded (ririch 1860) 2I.58.o2. L. !h11er (Tv iiesel) 22ro3.?l. roeaer (Tst cronedbach) 22t45.\lr- ,{idl- (Munich 1860) 22rlt5.\9. Patoa (HaiiNrs) 22:118.6b. l{leefeldt (TSV iJendLineen) 22t55 O

?. Di6se (sc Dahllausen)8. nubler (TV nomestheim)9. r€rch (scc Berlin)rc. tonrow (scc 3*1i!)


rE\x (l nen) 1. l6rnich 1860--t pis.2. scc Berlin--zz !is. J. rfg stui!ea!d--

lo !!s. I. Pabug--lr? pt6. 5. sc Dahlhaulen(lasL year's ch4ps) - 50 pts. b. hnicf 1860

lion Bob Canpbelt- iI see ln ihe Britlsh nRcNews LhaL Jln P"Lers 15 hasina a r@gh lln'trying io conyince the griiish thal the !n-nlre Canes. and oiher sffie! narainoE,:hd1d be [e1d in ihe cool ot the dav orclanEed to BrinP @ fau.

il eo aling *1t\ Pe,'!s on h's thinkinc.Viho has been any closer to ihe pioblen than!eie!s? fle sleaks tron erpeiience. C& iheothe$ say the sahe? There is rc ddbi iniV nlnd ihat holding a @aiho. in a no!€reasoEble seaion and horl mutd aain 4 noreaavo-aole !"aclioh tol onl/ fron the conpet-ito!. bui q16o the publtc dd pross.'

Toe plep tiack aficioMdos tiU be lntelesiedin lhe 220 ispliisi in the best evet Prep ftle(lr:13.2) by olesonrs Dliol Buleson: 29.0,32.a, 32.a, 32.a, 9.a, 33.a, 3o.a and 32.2.Meticutds Alchle (1,he Litife Btack BooklRichaidson gaihered ra.

xay. 1958--1?

uondey, May 12- Ratldalls Is1dd, {.Y.29th asual uetlopoliian Inielcoueelaieg(lo5tponed !*ice, lron Saiuday, May 3!dl1ler a la6hlng rain descilrded on Domlngstadim foUoI.Ing Mike Het%nrs 23r51i8..I. ftctort the only foot !4c3 of thedey €s for lhe *it, as in aliost no tlnethe irack 6 ldurdaied,dd tron l4ondayJMay 5th- stiU ratntns! )Mailslle took ihe iean lade1s td th€

4irnh lis€ in a rd r{th LL2 pts. 2. st.JohnrF, t0; l. x,t.o., Lli l. Folrthd,29.

88o i. ,toe soFrtu, U. 2. l,ionel SiereE,SJ. 3. Bob l'1cXey, M. !. ?m lidd, F. 5.Rahh Diaz. , Iirr 1:51.21 l'U 1e I' PeLeclo;e. 5J,'2. John qand, !. ]:-El. !c!€ucl.-lin' 11. L. Di.k We.LshJ l,l. 5. John Holton'U.Tre: LiIL.5 (close fougbt off a last-lapchalleng6 by llaDd to Fin by seven ya!ds.)2-tti1e 1. oene ltadin' U. 2. {alter CooperJtr'J-tri cunrEnel6, !. !. Pete reyer, M.

9. Al,tacobson, $J. Tine! 9!11.3 (crosestubled and id!€d hts ankle on th€ tljrdla! and 66 krccked oui of the !'usj!e.The iniury {asnri s€ ,ou.) !l+0 @n byTm hr;phi, sniBttd in !8,t-

lGi !ao6h Chaapionihips: Uanhalta ioial-eo 8I polnt s io o€feaL MnJis|fofeig! lecronnriLh 6a pojnL6. l. St. Jolbrs L+t [. Io@251; 5. .o-aru 21. r,!i1e 1. John !dc&,NYi, 2. NelBon Adelmi;--ftu, l. DemisH.r"Jr H, L. Ed X€medy, i{. Tim: I !25.3,2-lti1e 1. Dded, 2. Richard B!ir1ey' U.J:-IEE rawr.r, M. to:lz.Lr 88o 1. KyecourlFy. l'1. 2. "ugene Be.ffit, rJU. 1:t7.3

ued. Met llr- l4arfiaitsn 90, Quaniico l(sflGsl50. Van Cortladi Palk Stadim in theB!oB. M1]e 1. l4ak Lisconb, Q. 2. Fi4hya. l. DliF1ekh. 14, U:21+; 880 1. lonr4u!phy, v, 2. spance, a. l.-T,ib luc(ay, x.1:52t 2-l!E1e 1. oene Martin, M. 2, Jolb{opil,-o-;J: Jir ccniness, H, 9:16.1jlrlro rcn by Joe sop.do, l'1. L9s.

Sd arcoe, _*E, Sat. v,Y lo- tore Saaconference. Iea: 1. LasL I*s Slate 58t/it 2. trov*o Payne, 3?; J, sW Tees s!.32 t/)t L. IM Tech, 26 Vlj 5. sanE@sion s{aie' & Tees a&1. 11.l41]e l. Rson sddoval, IaEa! l€ch, 2. lonSftFh€ro, H.P. l. couje Draler, !.I. L.Royce renlor, 11.P. Tire! [:09.3 (net rec.old!€c. !:15 by Blaine Rldedt' Notih T*.sta!€. 1919) 2-t1i1e 1. saDdoEl, 2. I.ua"ves, ir.P. J:-IF-don oathlighL, H.P. L.ste@d EiceJ !.I. ?i@: 9:52.2 (Ned rec.o1d r€c. 10:16.1r by ray.s, H.P. 195?)

880 1. lobby PuUig, fi-!. 2. Sid O@G,trF. I, Don sheph*d, s.!. L. Royce Denlonlf .P, T1@: I.5J.2

Page 19: 1958MayLDL



18--U!y. U58

c'*uan Br,asrs ns m,"( crrxrc r.ar,f, ffii;"!flH;;1.*tli;'::l ;ilTlrr"-p€!c' c€!utr,r, 63 y'd-o1d ''!€-br@r,h- :f'd""'ii ffi i:": $'ii"'::$Xffi"::

1!|g coacb ot E6tb EiLLlott,, sub-fd|t dn- l€t, but ldFad Om codd coDrrlbute!i€ DiL,q, blEsled ldlcar T&F ethode ontt I'02.2 ob Lhe tbrep-tap Ieg srd oontodey (r{ay U) to }ds!.ughr, the Ls A!€- E-oHden lrnlEhed up Ftth a l;Ll.d rdk.eles siste c.L1es6{!oEded T!ac* cllilc Jus! coE€tlng. (J;cr< Iertd lan !26 6idat LAcc. Jer.ry Sltbelt re r:50.2) Tire! 9:51.2Ioluble-C€ntLy pr4sded h1.6 addr6s-to 2. Slarforo, ro.02.2, .). oklahoM, to!Og.8jAb@t ?Cro speci.tor8 r.tth s boi 361 ol [. Occidercalr -0:20.2... 2_ttl-ie ie]ay_ -Wlnd SprlEls sd defclseE, @!irg lhe l. Occtderts_L(Alda-tz. Uhjt,€. nelsbord.VLlffiE *fth h$ ylr, qlge ahd s.ay hsi!. dadtey) by l5 ,sd.. 7r2g,9i r. usc, i,tlr]|h4 lnrorcd h6 bd bri 10 hitut€. io j. sranfordr ?rJ?.6, !. ory'Flosrr, i:J?.?;apeak, cmtly d6cb!.d h6 t@1d F€d ar I. UcrA, ?:J?.? (Ne, !e1a; !€c."i. ^r.Gasr 60 rdEtes !o €:qlrl! hrs Elhods

"""""ai,:z.i'rlv iri6 1t;ij:..-;fi';;;"",atld UHottts ttll€ ad aloihs! l0 dn- f. uax rdex, Uaci 2. ,{di6, sirldersi l.uies for dtunsiretioB. So rathd ind Ckrk, Ssrfi,a Ac jC, !. rabirak, San Dregogo tnlo ary ilalnjns <L6tat1s, he [sed srare; 5. Eiser]j@, Bak. rl:ll.ith€ 1O Di.6rt66 to hand tI.S. athletlcE aE!ba1 lashi!€. Datta6, uay 10_ Souih@st Codfererce T&rF€ ptcked on lh€ U.S, !rac!€ ebst,, dec- Chdp1;6h.Ip. T€M3 t. Te&s. 9I: 2. SMj-lstis, nrr€ dontl haE setuF llke lhis L?, } Baylor, JLlj tr. tuce, lI;'9. tu"k_'

lD AuEiraUa, and I hope re nele do. lle scA6, 24, 6. TCt, t+! ?. Td;s l&u, 15,barc plenty of bnsh dd scsb ald ft ro TeEs Teci1, rr]. 4ik 1: Jo€ ViI]!de;I, 'rdih the cealud of Eire-i Teesr 2, !ar1 lofi; A!k., '). Je.ry rut,;on,Itfi€ do ! haE a dbotr_dlsds, haD'rer or TcU, L. RoMrd t{ebei, Rr;, 5. (elrh ! _aqt of lhos€ thlass- aIL re h{rB is . ner; reias. Tj@, l:i8,9..'B8o 1. viua_6nrau pslch of €rass. !|e harent! 50 p€op16 reat, 2. Jti pu!, srto, _1. D-lw rhDlsp,1n Australla Be.idsly irldesied in track. 1*;, !. Joes r,ierg6oo, rcu, 5. oai{sAU E haE ee a dmu Er@p of lndlvl.hlel! xob6riy, sW. Tlie: 1;51.6 (Ne;.€co!d;rho l1L€ to ru aid ha@ co@ !o lhe State8 otd recold 1:52.1 by Tor Rosers, T6Esto do 3d@thins for yo'r+ut yd pFbablr rcDrl I95I) villame.lr ! sruqy-. ' 5'1, o]tre-eppl.ciate 1t.' skimdj 26 yea!;td sousaonie plam io0b !.S. food C€ruiiy said, tTheleid rcthtne concentrete on tb€ trc-rdte to! lhe rtune

hele io stnk Jbur i€eth lllto bui reat-ed E reeis.. 2-l.111e 1 Tomry OskleyJ A!k., l.dorlt eat !hat... rith all ihose pi€s ad - nobert-!E;E;, Tcu, 2. wetter [cNex; ?ex.pasid9! r@ eai hero I do no! thtuk uny 9f lr. Bruce Br(mr st'lu, 5. Auen R€rick; Ark,ya dLI sli].l be rurudns ai 80 as I erpect rire: 9:l_.0 (5.006 rde)!o b€... I challense etry !6 olE 50 hde !o !I;sl ehds!-snu-t5.-Tiex;s: 51. re&s Techa b116 iace. .ADd hetU hare to bet ihe heck J8,raybrl3, t4i1e r. Je_Aht6ersr sMt@t of sir frjnid.r sredrsh i,pod, tr:-I1.8, 2, Jack Nei;on,On tlaln !g: nid haae to be silone aed ledy ark.. J. Er,e Bond. Tc]j. 1,. Da@ Uelher-to go at al-l itnes... t@ 6pend tm Nch tie TM;. (ord !ec. !;25.6'by vlumea] 1i96)

l4arrlng EIF *hat !r lhe Rlsslans ltlre io co@ !!9 I. Aht-berg, 2. Joh! REserL, Bice, l.oE! ihoBe houda.ns (san 0ab.1€1s) llsht, Iw. @! 99'!i", i;eE Tech. Trtu: i:5?.1'-{!€ yw golbg !o t€s up? Not lotr€ cotne io


ha@ !o be leady to get the heU out of here t|ay tO, Des Mojne., Iovs- I{t6soqi Ve1leyin a hEry. I!i8 ihe 6aE 1 t!&k... $inrt J@, Conf. Teo! t. Lb;ston 58! 2. {orih Te;6thele ar€ s@ sood lErlca$i I c! a c@ple 52+. Illirell. Don LoadmJ xousron, 2. Recin Hel!i!ki..I be]leE r@ do hae ore !s Darlet_fioEton; ]. Ron ieles, i,ri;hfia! '*ho !!! ih6 l-diut€ tri-l€ oDce.' l+. Te;.; iars, i{oston: 5. Je;r. rB.it.EUlott yorked .ot in l.A.rB Gdff1th Pdk !@s!or. Tjtu: L:U,[ iord rec.-h:18 bv'dlb U$de Tnlei of S.C., b€fde cdnng !o - Ray s6ds, Butle! 19jt).. 2-lt11e-: t. J;!!yihe cLld.c, rihte F9 najo. foe uervl! Lleoh, s@r!, B: 2. phil lior;y,-5;aT;, l. Rsy'yho siee$ clea! ot Csrulty, *edied bi6 &IV sdpro;, vrichfta; L. a!i; oarcG. troEion:rc!*dt, o! ihe L{CC o!al. 5. Dav€ lhDiu, ireke! Ttre! 9:19.9 (s@!!i

rcn by 80 rErd;,bu! aian't neee tne neetlop southeateo Conferenc€ !€for.l@ce6 tp t.o @k of 9:15) 880 1. sylR6ter Eoberlsonr

flTii:^q+:i;.:i:!,"qTt-:ir.i'"9:'B:'8: ti*:,, n:f,Li ,i.F['r#:"1i"]i"ii,:; Ti,.,(6rlucky, t: I 8..z-!E.te 1. Ab i nglon, 9: lJ..o.

Page 20: 1958MayLDL


TEN I4IIE ROA! I.ACE (I]ANDICA? )vetera6 of lo!€ign llars, Portsboutl, Nee P€ipslrresaiuday, Jue 28, 1958 Race siaris ai 5:00 l.u.P.izes- 15 Pl€ce- 21jre- 2 Local- T-e P-z€

Io enirece fee, lntdes close Jme 2t. 19t8 *iihArthu A. !ean. Boa 16! - lolisturth. N.H.

l{EsliRN N!1{ roRt SCoT?rSII oNqSSatrday, Jlly 19r 1958 - 7:00 p.n.j !.!,S,T, Uhde.riehis, Rain or Shine WlUl&vtUe gich Schoofstadi@ 5950 l4ain strcei (No. I rBchray) l{iltta6-yi1te, N.T, Distace erents ielude. 10-Ui1e Braeia!i43lathonr 6:00 p.n. (? Trophies) Repolt to clerk ofcou.se, Itoiel M,arkee,, t4at! & Uiica Sireei6, Bdtafo,N.1., at 5 p.n. D.s.T-i 88o-yard nn (handicap)i1-Mile R$ (Handicap), 2-t1i1e ftm (lddicap)iEniiies Close July 12th riib Western Ne{ York Scott-ish oanes, c/o Tii Ctrin, 11 MalGrd Drtve, Buftalo26, {.v. .rL-J .e- (0C fo-.ach event eftered.

uay, 1958--19

2. Ed l4a!her, phita.j l. NickDi-Angelos, ?hi1a. r !, JolsTLcke!, N,Y. Tiier 1.t6.7!l4i1e: 1. Veltsa Mugosa, N.I.,2. Jir B!oh, N,a,, l. Ikel4a!ra, N.Y.J !. tetuds JohsorlPhila. T!re: lr:21.5!ltu-l4iles 1. !e!er I4c,lrdte-rr, z. natr !eEn, !!, J. bdUc4uisier, II, L. V. Chiap-eitar NY. Tine: 9:1r8.9

CARBAGN H'LPS INAINII{CIraierdomr ontario, l4ay 18-A youe @ rho leels in

shape by coUecting ga$agercn the Waterdom 4!h1€t icAs.ociationrs dnuat lo-ndleload rac€ today.. 29-]re*€1dlDrne !hii€, of the tu€IphIesion lrack C1ub, is alo ane36er of tle cltyr. sad!a!-ion depe-tneat,.. 'rtrve got,the toughest job tr Ouetph,'rsaid ihe iedheaded speedste!tolloE te the race, ribli tihelps keep ne in snaler loo.trItrhite easily outdieidced hls

12 cohletito.s-one of the snallesi flelCs in t€a!s- ddconlleted th- rive-1ap coursein 55:ltr.6- alno6t l,m fxI1ninutes ahead aI Totunto clad-sioneis xddie Jonaston, lirolinish€d second.. oorC l)i.ks;n-of lhe Eanilton cC, rfio holds

rne colrse recorc ir lhts evertpassed up ihe !3ce tlds yearrbecause iirs too close to theBritish Ehpire Uarathon Tdal.,'t. Iolae ilhit.e, cLTc, 55:l1l1.6j2. Eddie Johnso!, TCC, 56.1?il. Noln Neilsonj roc, 57:0oj!, Ala. Clarenond, o,{CJ 5?:5?j5, Ed qareJ HoC, 58.22..,

A.ihur Menlove, a 29-)€ar-01dlmigrdt, lron tsnfodj tnglandoutsprinted 16-jd-01d BtuceAndr€rs in tbe lasi 100 Frds,

and crossed the fi.lsh line agood t,en

'brd6 in f.o!i ot tte

Young Guelph st,ar. !4erlo@rstine was 10:11.6 for ihe Trc-l4t1e ope! even't,, And.ast

was lD:lh. l. Iranl weaver, 0rIC, b.52, lt, Don !.iorr clfc,10:55, 5. {rt llackert,, ci,Tc,7a.45.5 ( 23 startersa

MI|])T,E ATI"dtjlilIC A.A.U. T&F Ctt]lFIot{StlIPSSponsored by Earrisbrg A.,{.A. Ssi.r Jde I1r,1958ai 2 P.l,l. John Harrls Itigh Sclbol. Disidce Erenisinclude. * 88o. Nile & l-file. Adli€s t,o tarl J,Flicl'insei. 2512 N. ?ih Sireei. garlsbuE. !a.

rIATIoNrt JUIUoR 20 (IlOUmtR CEqXPICNSEII 0I A.A.tr.0F TlE UIIITED STATF,S Unde! Auslices c€niral AihleticC1ub, liieiluen, Eaos. suday, Jue E, 1958 ai 2:lo !.n.llizes: Nationdl A-i.U. I4edals od ai least 15 additloEfprize6, Te& nedals dd Trophy. Io entry fee.Eniries !o Bernie lerer, 21 Main Streetr l4ethuen! Mass,

12th AI$I 1 51. grACrMHr r4nATltON (Tlrj NORTI AI@RTCANfJ\ffICNSPJP -26 fiItis, ldr tdls - Suday, Adgxsl llst

12;lo t.14. a! tle Cliy gau, Grdby, l.q. iinish ai cityHalI of St. fiyaciDtle, !,Q. org.rdzed by Gerdd Coielr iines trBosionr rituer vith ibe cooperatton ot lhe CItyof St. Hyacinthe, Quebec and the Clran&er of Comerce,i€e: ,0C fntrtes to l4r. Jea!-cuy Blodeu, tosial Box 2tOJst, Hyacilihe, P.Q.

Apr'l - a1br idgej FnL. I niv. ?o, 9Ar 59 al uro-iaeeb8o ,I ornion, C. _:c.1. -.4-!p-an, C. l:-1.8,.. Hac{:Jwl, l:q .0; j_Le _. BoJr'. qAI, L:1 .r. ?. toh,boLton, C,l:.'.tr; IiT"-l. Dual.eyJ.. . :.?.? 2.,Joo., !}!; .)rOO.l,. ra"-rEE?l-nqr, 1,.oo.1... t ,_ e.c,c or, . -,;-iuei $

"Lt"m"r's - 9P ,.Ia.re1lr A.Ar{ 1:t..o, 2. ihornLo., c. t:tr,2,J. h.pE, c,l._1.7; T l- 1. .ss. AA4. lr:I!.0. .. L€nq.idee.Ana. l: i.2r l. rolrouLoi;-T. ,:t .."r t. B;cse, c: L:ro.r! _ '2-vj1-' -. {il.-ey. c. o!09.8J 2. ooyoJ AAAJ o:0o.8 (.1o5- r J.a-ch6nb.Lo. qjr!. a:1 1. o

xEr/ lORn ',5I{S IInIR-CITI T!_AC( - Ner Iork, 1Ot, ptdlsdelphia 60Randaus ls1ad, NlCr Suday, ltay 25- gn.ter coiiait,ro* r,t ict:coll@'l nale D--1 rc.:e, lhF Met.opotiLa An! o"feat-d Lh€

v'cdfe Al:a!ic A,Alt i- a TSLE Dxa_ Mee.. as a con"ession !o r.e_arl sd ddJ 'or "vrnts- a_] lhe -!ing tests- re-p cance_-led - a bloE to tle Fl-:lade.Lprja r-*. 9@ -. rlarry Brr'ehlr MtJ

Page 21: 1958MayLDL

2o-- ray. 1958

I(!II,EY III1{5 OIIN MNX IN fuPTURItiC A.A.U.itln,{Tlloll TIIID XEAI IN RoW. Re! 2:21.00.1

Ionl"rs, M6y r8- John J, Ke]lpy, 27-rs-old qroton, Conr., school ieache! re!'resent-ing the Boston 4.,{. mn th6 llatioEl lmtarAihletlc Union Erstbon i! the trenendousifie of 2:21:0O.I brealing ure Etlomltu'\ ot 2t21t52.2 seL oy hir ln 1956. lasrF&,XpU€y took lhe 26-nile l8<-ya-d fir.Inaathon crind ia 2,21Jt55.2.

The sandy-hqlred (euey @red to the fro.tat the five-Bile @k eDd fts imediatelyrefieshed by a heavy rathfaUJ lastlng about45 nlnutes. treley poEred i! on b.fole the.loudbust end€d ed pulled aay fron th€fi€ld. He clocked 29:118.5 to! 5 itles dd<1.51., ror len ajles, enjoyins a tm ain-uie lead over Ted Corbiti. .J1n Creen olihe B4,tr xas {1ve ninul,as back of leltey attlfteeh ri1es. i(eueyr6 !1ne at that poiniras 1:18:18,9. Eis tire fo! 20 niles;ast:18!19,8.and n€ Es ove! f@-rlinul,es sh€adof his recoid with ! n!1es to go, but tlreda bit (no tum-.) orer tho6e lest J ril15 a!Tonke.s ! He hi! ihe finish line aL-the ChlD-!€wa Ct]lb on Iak€ AEnue lhe dcio! by anile and th!ee-q!ra!i,e!5 over earf,y leaderr.A1 Conlalone. cor{alore also {as second lasi]ea!. In third place fo! lhe secod Jru tna row- sas the Ner Yolk lionee! Clubts Tedcorbiii, mtioml iiilis! iD 195|. ({et 1,{Jhonols reni !o Cor$lit ).1. Joh! J, I(elletll Bosto. !.{.,... 2:31.00.!2. Itred Contatone, Bo.ton 1.A.., 2:32:06l. Theodole Colbiii, lrr rioree. C. 2:]9rlrlr[. John ?. lafferiy, Bogton !A.... 2:]61595. nudy Xend€2, Ny ?ioEer C1ab... 23l9ro96, Je6 6reen, Bodtotr t.A......-.. 2:19:lo?. Shalon rahaladr 92nd Si.,Yi!ltA. 2:19:!2d. AlLc Scaadula, Xiu.ose la..,. 2r!3:089.Johd DtconandFa, Bo6tou !-{..,,. 2:lil:2810. Conrales Scoiio, Boston tA.... 2:l+5!I8ll. Jose Dores, llf Pion€e! c1ub.., 2!I9:Uf,z- John L Kefley, loston ldison. 2!19:50D. Roherl D. Harlis, Jers€y l.lalathon Club

2,5a,16]t. Rlctut{ P.cb!d, Bos!@*... ?:50:!?15. vbc.ll l.n, nuu!!. 1 ..... 2r92rJ!16. D.E rlrt E , U-8, r!q, (hJ2r52rt617. Do! Lv, Borton r ....,.......2rt!r381!. t.d S!t!o, 5t. ldthoqrr! B.C. ?t'?i[19. rEI6 otf,slr, 5!. &thoryt. B.6.rr0lto620. Red ricrlcaolt, ll Ho4.! c]$.tott!22I. Joh! {rrsr, Sorb! ra...,.......}io9rlo22. Joh! cod.t, Xr PIo!r6! Cr6.. ldOrSZ2J. EaE rta!!s, St. ,&thory'. BC.trl2tO62!. Royce S.!.r€!, [or!h !.dford C. ]11511625. Elch.ld Doehu€, Borton r .... lr16ru9

Xo!6t 18 l.r u!d6r 3 hous t. . ft6ldlor tb. ldah fo!iko!! .our.a...Iht! r.c.PtoEd tn6 th!* ..Ject€d 8rr !qm! slld

have done bette! if lhet rere et upsei...It lools as ihough re wlll have the ttnesicrop of eaEteln mlalhorers ever in 59 & 60(nE!y of lhen ale 1€alnlns tu.athon p€ce &eenrt, leavirg all their races behind inpradice).,. tleDey becee the tourth 16 iotin the @iio@1 crotu three tines. ClalenceDeuar scored tuon 1926 thlough 1928; F!6t<(Pat) Denels in 1915, 1918 dd 19t9, udcc.ard coL- in 9ro,'tLJ and 1916... the,-2-! linisn ot (el1ey, ConJalone atrd laffeltygave the Boaton A.A. first i,ean the te@ char@-ionship f,ith 7 polnts. ?he Pioneer Club, {hichtook the tauels lasi ]Ea, {as ffier-u!riih 22 poinis... Confalone ras seven and on€-hau d.ltes back ot i(etlet at ihe 21-n!fe!oini... the 5? coDpeiltors fouored a couseLh.ouCh tlEfold, HrsLings{!-HuosonJ Dobb6leryJ lrvtngl,or and back to the spoGoring

Inter-€outies Cbmps: ( and Blitisn oees)londonr May 2lr & 26- Delek lbbotson failed toqulify 1n IC nile. Ibborso! rs 2nd io l{ikeBlagrove, Iho ctEged i.to the lead 5o ds.flon ibe end.(ftbotson .& lr:12.7 & fs Eryupser, orer rlming heat,s to qualify) * 880lst Tae. Even!- l. Don SLLhr cB. .r5a.1j-2.UL Bertil Llrdh, {omyJ 3, r. trs6a11e, ltestF-"r','t :iL: I Iazlo dolacs, Husary, 1306.1,(by irchFs FiLh a g."at spurt jn lasL 50 yds.)2. Maicel Be!@d, rlance, l:06.J, 3. Clahalve.eiL, 0B.i 2-!jl" I. Cordon Piri€, @, 8:L6.1.2. l,!l t'los szao-j-6gary, 8:16.J; 3. Delek lbb-oison, cB. 8!L?.1 (PjJie, shdile his old.onfl-deDce dd a devast,ating tiial busi, splrtedrilh onry 50 ydds io go ed ceqhi Szabo a!the dJ€ otr the Uhite Clly tre.l sodden byheew oEhistL ffi nolnlns lains.)

Ron lelany stale6 thst the tq ilack in Dublinis the no6! beautiful irack h€ eve! sar. T1letlack i5 very Elde Fith nine 1e€3, Thele eepls to bu11d stdds for tfo,ooo.

lokyo, ]ray 25 &26- thtld Asts ceres - tooon1.o,s,u{t lNoiryE, Ja!e, 11.}119.!, 2. snls-fFfiHan, rolea, 25 yds. (Ner rec., old !e.. 15:00.2by Inorye at arila ln 195[).. 880 l. roshiiakauoF, Japa, 1:52.1.. ollks sT€h, ot rndia,

sei htmeu up a5 ihe odds-on ranortte in rhe!0O n. fina1. His long lies6es pui up in bobbtpis, shsh ha his 6eni-fitu1 iest in 16.6s-by fa lhe fastest lire €ver *corded in As1a,{Th€ odleE contlrue Mtil Jw 2d)

y3O- notupE p&kr L!.!orr c.$ddr! udr- ej-H:L, "f . i:fi :,5.qT.*rr:trii :,1'ff'i:;'Dulll r, c. t!o5.!, 2. Ey&!, L. ldod.[. !ioorno!, !. h'22.9, 34ln oulrs.|r, 9'U:6.

Page 22: 1958MayLDL


D!b1in, l4ay 20- Ireladt Ron Delany, ga@15,0ilo hoiefolks so@ihing to cheei ebou!to.lAhi {he! h€ mn ihe nile race 1n 1+:0?.5at the Clontttfe Earlielst iJtiernaiioat f,eet.lrid Eenon ras seconc in lr:OB &d Derek

Ibbotson'thi.d in !.o8.5,the race o. ihe neB Santr1 Stadlun tlack

{as ro dder o€rcast sktes rith a ihreat

n.gk!c,s irterciioEl cro6s-couirycharpion, Stan xldon, tec at tbe siurt and{as lihed f,lth aps of 61, 6l ao 65 seconds.tfter three qudt€rs, lbboison noted lntoihe leadJ folloreC by Deldy ad Hewsonaronnd the linal bend.llhen lelany turned on his big finish, ihe

cloud sas yelljng din excitehent. H*ontried in vain to itrn bacL ihe Idshnan..41+,er linishins, ihe r.1me!-'tp !e saidrnse €s too sirons for ne tonieht." (las!night, ll#oa had defeaied Delany o@r 880yarcs by a nere tto yards 1n 1:119.7. Roncbcr<ed 1:l+9.9, !4ike Ra{son of England {4

"I couLd have bealen boih of then it I hadb"en frL," sa d lbbotson in li3 usDar conJ!-dent mder. Derek {on ihe 3-nile 1a6t

^isht,in 11t.07 over Corcon ?iri€, (12-yards baci)af ir. qri -vart oI o.eat Eritain, _rttn,l slrints - Added noies on the Ner En(landroad races of early lr€y - from lilt rot,ilbrai$J llas5. rJohnny {e1ley naie nis iirst

.iait slnea ihe 3r-4 mrailon dd ea311y {c!ine 2nd .ryu1 5 nile run sloEored by ihetesieriy, R.I.r Iodee ot -tk. (!aee 7) fhe.ace ec'! .rndernay ai 6:m P.!. de3liie aheart comlou: oi ranii (eUey sel a naucourse reco..l of 2L!58 br--aking ihe o1a tula! 25,16,2 .et by lorn ligsins lasi year. A]l.t - n1pre -^jor1 a banqlet .fle. Lh" r.c-and lhere rere prizes for at1. fhe nlks Clubdid a sreai job di s!.cial iheks snould eoto i,b. Vero orloner ihe cnallm, anl ioLrrry orace, sho Es head ottlclel and is the'op .oa _ac- enll ._ia, t n iodo Tsland...lroridence couetse scored lLr loinis i. defeat-ing ihe $orth Medlord C1!! (hh S) ror leanhonors,,. Tony Sapienza luUed ahead of John(ihe elder) j(euey al the eld of ihe ftrstla! dd ron s.ine a{ay in ihe chicopeo la11s_ac" (!a7 r- a.e -6). 11"-a' by 2r,.0\ Lh" ap - ursc.This @.ked ihe firsi rac. here slnce 1952urFl ..nh o-d chic.p " varaLr or uas ,ii.orL-inaed. (tO nile mcilied narathon)']..i-uther aul€tle tuned in a iFrmn siuivhen.ne of ihe Pem A.C. rtsr ieaa nnne.s'tas xnoble t, conpete in the A!r11 27th,

nay, 1958--21

Atlanllc C1iy, 20-rd11e relay. !tte! conp-lettn8 hls stint a6 leadoff i@ fo! ihesimtng PAc rtl' ue4, he lode a ca ioihe achor.l@ts losiiion, dd iook oterihe baion to !a dother 5 nd1es,. He didLLre second sLint ln 26:-2 !o co.llafe fabr-ably wiih his leadoff 26:05.


-annreis!, lIass., ltay U - Tony sapienza,Boslon nArs f-y1nC rlalh L-8-Lrer f_oa SouLh-bridge, rc! hls second lace in l,lesternlrass. in 1eb6 iha a e.ek as he Putledaray tron gdvard Un:y. x-coutry aee, Jiischbelpi atte! ihe lirsi trlle. This lacesas ihe hiChlighi of ihe A!$ersi oo@iiyFair, sponEors of the erelt. treryone thouehithe race ras a eleat success ed th€ iemtivept@ de io nEke tbls a! @ua1 event.ftFciat lhanls sholld go io the Univ. otNas.achusetl6, lor ihe use ot theil dretsin€roons ai the Cury ltick6 nieldhouse.

1. T6nt Salienza, Bo6ion ,1,{

2, John Boo.as, Boston ,1.{30,o2)It5t!

l. Jir schlaeppi, Ea.rard Unlv. l2:1o)r, nene !oi!on, Boston A,t )2.135, !a@ l4cnniChtj Eanald !niv. 12.286. iaxL Phimey, No*h Medford C. 12:57?, aob C1lmings, Norih lvedJord C. ll:zd8. nd Bracleil, Bosion,{A 33,\59. tlck Aikinson, ,tnhelst llrr!010. John (umlnen. Bosion A-A )1\.1!211, John Metlisis, ssltached \.5612. BIU l4aroi, North Medtord C. 15,00U. tiLlian Canpbel1, l{t. Her:]@ SchooL

15'121lr. td Norion, rmttsched, 3512515, No.nan coie, North Uedfold C. l5rlro

17. larl Schel1, No.ih l4edfo.d C. 16.3018. ?au] o'Do@euJ Fetholih 16:|019. siephen l,lente!!h, Adlelsi 16:1820. trich SeEal, Ha!va.<l Univ. 17:002t,\1rillim l,li1coa, Xo. Xedford C. l7:1lr22, nare l.ijerpe, tiliersi )7,)123. Jin Couclll, Norih l4e.Lfod C. l?!1162lr. lick Enaelson, watiached )812625. IbTon Bleelotr nastetn Naz.c. 19:0626. Ratlh suschM, !niv. of l4ass.lr0:1927. ,tohn nvasr lalrard Unlv. lro!1028. nubin BiEeloH, East€rn Naz,C. lro:5229. l, R. Salaent, uaitached lr0:51lo. John siole, ut. letnan school lr|i1511. Ben lshcroft, Ut, Hermn Sch. Llr:1812. Sieve niie, Ifu, !e.mn Sch. L6:28ll. Bob Jonss, No.th Medford Chb !8,111.llL, Ted cz€ch, qEilached l9:tlr15. rieo.se Caiy, North r4edfotd c. 50.50rern score: l.loston al --?9i 2. \'xc 5?

Page 23: 1958MayLDL

22-4Ay, L998

colsr 11r.1E $ ?d alsllsT llt IlIstoEIos hgol€s, liay 16 - lusirariars HetbEluoit, heiled as the nexi ftrldrs recoidnlfe Mer, ran the Becond rasbst $cein hl6tory lonlghi as he captued lhenMllacle Mtlen ot the 18th atrut ColiseutrRelays in 3.5?.8.

IUlotLr the zo-ye${fd dlstdce rm€rIlon Perlh, Australlar headed a pdade of.€co!d and nea!-lecoid perfome!6 in thelefays steeed on lhe C.ass for ihe ltrst tlieb€cau6€ tbe co113em also i5 belne used !o!bas€tlall by ihe todgels.

l1liollrs tlne shattered the lecognlzedrorldrs n@l< of l:58, s€t by ,Iohn Iandy, bu!ess six-i€nihs of a seco4d sloEr lhan thepending .ecord of l:5?.2, s-L by Der"k Jbbol-

lref, DElap, Iess, set the eely lace ed ranthe ftrs! quari€r 1n 5E.5 a6 Erlioti ad lincolnslayed flve yards behlnd him. .(nElltott ras ture

' llkely hlndeled thd helped by ihe pace naklngeffortE of !un1a!, ]lelb had to break sllide acouple of ilnes in ine fir6l hsu-d1e to k€€pfron ming up his bact,n seid Coacn CeorgeEas!@tr! of i4anhatid. tlh postive liie tlne{ould have baen just as fasi, or eveD faslelrF1lhout ihe pace-settei,rr Eastred conlrinues.IEUloit beed6 no such heb. It anj.lhins he,as

''lminA wde! Fap6. I aflays had thoughi

ihat Ron Delany sas ihe last rctd a6 a idlerrblL lhar Es o-lo_- - saB Elliotl-. This boy rsthe besi !:rDer Irve ever seen.")

Euioti stayed secoDd, close on ihe heels ofruta9 for the second lapr then toised tn trontafte! Bur Grin, rafylud, iook ihe lead briefly.

At the l/! @rk, Herb led Lilcoln !y 5 yalds,(l:00.1 i,o 3:01). A sreai firoshe! the ,ous aEsieknet h6 nad tne {or1d record in hls gras!. ge iookoff as soon as the gu souded and nad opened u! a20-ya!d lead on Lincoln wiih 300 yalds lefi, He EEall olt o. ihe borestleich, rumine sllaight, up,but, stiU belt' lincoh to tne r1!e by 20 yalds.As to ihe late criticisn of pace @king by lunlap,ldja! lurzles ine tract btrss is ihai ihe ra.e coni-ain€d a F!Ui!C front rume! 1n Crtu, and he {as6t.ict1y 1ega1, becau6€ he doesnrt, drop out.Th€ irtelutlo@l federatloo @st knd thai the

firsi n.! d1o ever ev6r broke h-minutes in then e, nnglandrs Roge. Bami3terr {asipace{l.fi chdscnaia{ay, a counirFanJ did it, and publicly is Foudof ii. SO PlIdSn- no crittcisn of Ellioltrs o.lbboisonrs great runs.nuiort- 58,?j 2r0o.lr, l:00.3 & l:9?.8I,1ncoln- 98.8j 2i00,8, l:01 & l+:o13, ta€z1o Taboli, Sania Clara IV, L:olr.lr

5. lur crin, Marirand, irro?.86. Ted llheeler, unattached, !:08.77. Jin lorers, IrLnois tuesnnenJ !:09,1r8. Bobby Sea@r unar:t,achedj lr:to.lr9, Nom l,loyd, Stanford, !:U.3

0c 1a6! coment !o sore rocthead or€n offlclal, rlb had 6mggled tnto ihelace a laceseite! to isue a record.It ras 5niirely Mecess4.y. tUioitrsrast, qualter s blasting 5?.5 pro@d turabbits s needed tp s@r1 the ploceed-14c3. l{hen rill lfe offtciats lesa tlris?IbbotsonrE 3.5?.2 should be iecosnized.

lU, 656 ts inriu€d ai ihe iuorattonof seeilg a iajor ilack reei on the Crsslof the fir6t tiie in ihis coutry andEtchirg th ftrldr8 Ecolds belteredf,ithin a half hor- dghl on lhe heefs olihe nl1e sizzler cee Cali{oraia riih a7:20.9 clocktne in the foa-nan 2 nilech*e, €11 ulder the mrld reco.d of7.?2.8 6e! in Lhis nee! ls!

'ca. by oc^rd-

eniel CoUeAe. Irue io ireditio. the ts[i1e reley proved a ctassic. Ii Bs ileth1!d !1ne the mrld recold nas bee.

loser€d in ihis neet. It ras close io! !!efirst ih legs ihen bec&e a ihree-teastnggle aong Californial t4ichigd State

End Southern caUfornla, 0n the ihird haumlle Jack Ier.M, ths Bed soph, dd Darei,eo ol 145 puUed &ay lroh lmj& l,lesMcleod as the batons chansed lor the anc!-or. lon 9o{den had a t{o ya.d lead o!'iitLie Aiierbe.ry, ihe ex Conpion Collegesia!, r:lains last for tne Spartds. Alih-ough Boaden poued i! onr siellirg htsflrst Uro in 5l seconds, \tiuie stuckthere. It ras the sme story on the fastso-aroud. Borden to.e dom ihe backstleichblt thele Eas witlie- Aroud lhe fiEtbend Atterberry actlauy @de a bid, clos-ing to on€ yard dd coni4g {ide. lli Bosdenheld hln olf ed in the final ien yardsolened ihe gap to !h!ee yalds. UichiganStaie Gs tin€d in 7:21,1r, also unde. theltsied record. Southern California'sclocktng sas ?r29. Borden Es ciediiedwlih 1:!9.8, the other Bea!Mayna(l ome, 1.52.2J Jerrt Sieb€rt,1:1r9.? dd Jack t€mar I:!9.h.. uSrsgreat iem tncluded Caslle, l€]r,-, lean& rlL-rb"-ry., -.'s r-s infl.d-' dh.--o rShdkland, l4cl,eod and lenors.. Iainailanfinished lih and or:. finished 5i!.

Aloiher lussie, Alex fienderson, snoconpetes fo: lrizo@ State at l€n!e!brok€ ine tnericd ttu-ni1e record ol8:19,6 *iih a tine oi 8r17.9. The rdeyArizoE Siai€ ace 1ed aU the way andsaved €mush tor lhe linal t@ laps whenSC's liarle T.ue* closed on lh" 5acl,sLrei.h!o *ithln six yard6 *ith a iurlong leitbut H€nderso! eased a{ay a.oltd the benddd tun easily in a d.ive. H€ stelpedhls riftt nile rn lr:11.J, the second i!li!16.6, *i!h a lssr' 1a! of 59.6

Page 24: 1958MayLDL

(colistu ielays, conti!0ed)Tnex irn his all tire best fo! se.ond Plac€a good 8:10.9. John acy, "r-Housion itnie.std !d thhd in 9:01.1. J6rry Srcrt!,Houslon €s fon:rih (tu riN). ualkE riledout included lorace Ashenfetier's 1955 Aner_ican recordi ouder Haeesrs, 8:53.9 co1isetuErk set back in rlrli Bob l4cl{iuelts' 9:02neei halk abo disattealed.

Daw sdr1o.!, No;ih cdoliE, rcn the 880in 1:50.5 Eth a 6!!otg sprini a1, lhe eid.2. .-renJ, oryr .:5o,., l. I lnlp curJiefeJslanJo-o rrcshJ .:r1.2i l. Ton cvrou, fateFrosh, 1:51.2j 5. Xer., Iuiloisj 6. AinleSoel1. Sdta Clara lV.l4ile ielay:1. I€*s ({11so!, Dunlep' Eol!,

southern) l:10.9i 2. oxy,li:12.1 3. ocLA.Jr, Couege r{ile nelay! 1. Mi. San Antolio(IalrieuJ crou€e, Sta.leyj l,lh!ie, lr?.1) NesNationBl JalEee .ecordi old @!k l:15.3 by141,. San Antolio l9t7- 'riret l:15 2. olendale3,!5.9.Dldi€ Southern, Tees, mn ihe Uro in !7.1

over Ted snlth ol Souihern CaliJomia

l{at, 195E--23

SEC Flosh Resutb: l{ilet 1. Ton SPalka,llrlsnet 2. SoEtr Broin, Tem.i l. Ratuaddoxr oeorela rech. I?re! l:15.2..880 -1. nrlon lrsdv. 01e rllss. l':59.3

Ton nutphy, Iarhalte CoILege nlddle-disiece ace, !a a !6.5 qErtd fo!hls !€e in the Cotiseu Relals as tbeyrd 3111.2 for 6econd, oDly to be dl3qEl-ifled. xarnraiie !d ?:26.8 for lth lEthe 2 ille rolgy @ Ton ra r:!8.6.

gdiindon leach, ca1if. uay u- clFTrack Seni-fina1s. lsi hea! l4ile Rden bv Neal (F\iledon) lr:26.I! secondheat;on by Da-1e sioly, (or&ee) 11122.6('ih fa6t€st pre! ni1€ tine h natj.on).'CIF Seni Finals, conlion, Ca1if. llile1st heat {on by Rmirezr (fl aecho,

lr:2?.9!r2id h€at tun by Woody Co{ihgion,{co@!on) by lnches over Ton l-11e, Antel-ope VaLley. bothe .lacked I:21.1

lnClercodr N.,I. Uey U- 12!h 8tna] He_6.1a.l T&F Inlerschotasttc fi€€t. Tee!5t. Flancls ll; Teneflyr N.J. 16. tiue!1. lric Cloon, I€on1., N.J. 2, Ton I4i3,ceolse ltashtnsion! [YC. ]. Joe F MceUorNolih arlinglon, N.J. Tlme: !:21.7.. qqqt. John Daie, lJnion, I.J. 2. Frsclr

Hasaliy, St. Frmcis, 5 yds. lite! 1!55neei mrkr old rec. 1:55.! b5y Dd nolke,si. !ranc1s. 1957., !1r0 1. lusere Praitr

(brcnher of dharles d?-}1efl11) Palrtra,N.J. 1r8.9

corrb'a, Ho., v4y It- Blg 'ighl I&r chs'Ps:Tem: I{ansas ll+r Neblaska ?o l{iIe 1.cEil llods6oa, Ok a. ^. s\alusJ re-. Cre-enlee, I(o. !. xley.nds, okla.5. Rodds,J(s. St. 6. Sarpsonr IoHa S!ai€. h:07.6

880 1, Peake, Coloradoi 2. laguei (d.l.-Flenins, I{eb!8skaj I. I,tu11iJte, Neb.5, cush@, fis.6. Rheo,okla. 1!50{o1d.ec. Saiee. Xa. 1:50.8) 2-l'ri1€,. s"rn " f ra\e;, coiora.o, 2.-68n,'S,. v.Npalr (an. L. Crarfo"dr Ks. 5. s4-

seni, co1orado,6, leghlnel€t, Ioea Si.Tire.9116,5

Seattle. f.iash. -[orihefn livision PCC- U!iv.of washi;ston stadiu 1eM: 1rceo\ 6) 5/6t2.'t!sin, t3t l. wash. st. lo+j !. Idaho 10 Vl,5. o-pdor siale 1 1/).. V-let l. JiJ c.elle,o.€Bon; L:ob.r (pe soru -ii;u l; 2. Jack la_sonJta";',eLon, .:07.? (sop 1 se! !ec. ot': r-):08;.. {oMs, 1.; L. c'_CUssenJ 0s (0lo neel r""lr:06.1by Jin saitey, orego. in 1956j old Sladiarec. L:08.8 by lraren Druetz1€r' Mich. siate 1991)8BO 1 Bill l4oser,

"{ashtbglon, l:52.8i 2. l,arson,

ii:1:53j .1. Boyce, I.j I. cordyJ osir.2-.'111e 1. Ildk ikatt, Idabo, 9.U.6 -led for 7 lsPs,iea:;d by Baldrin,ta! cde on in last 100 yds.io tin2. ra eata.i", or;gon; l. Mark Robblm, Oregon; i].B_mon. Va[ngion.

Redlddsr Ca1if. 14ay 18- lrd Amual Redled6 Ilvit-ational T&f Meet. Bill Cauaher olLsd Diego Siatebloke his blotherst 2{d1e nee! recdrd tdth a 9:10.3clockins io f€aire ihe @et.Robed callaher, {ho toolr tle n1Ie tn lr.2l tonishi,

sei ine 2 nile f,alk last rcar at 9:lrt,5. nk@n fou-ypa. .oll"ses pan .:!atFd. Hason of lons Be€chron th. 88o in L:c6.rr

lsu Benpate ce,arn st.- rrac! croq (161h s.c .in)aininghe, 11a., May 1?- Tem: Luisania staie A! ihe end ot the nl4iracle Ilet ai9) t/6j.2. \)aildai:: {eniucky and v&derbili & ihe blc coli6es Relal5 ii alleded foro"o-C al,Lf .{Dourn ?2-i Alabm 2l'i T.Mss-.e a niNi" Lha! .!]iot! ed Lncoln, morB 5/6j Mls6. 51. lli Ceo.si. Tech llt Tnd" 2 are noL epcL y close frlems njghi0-e l4iss, r. ,iile l. FrFd Abingion, Vendy, !:15.?i enbrace. flen Lt-r took a Becorc Iook?. Todry AukinE6;; Ata.i l. Walren Brns, l4j: L. l€vin at. 4a.h ot-rc- $d rl,lFd away FLlout

orsul,iva, \tiss, Slate..'-vile1. AbtnFlori 2. oordoh - saj.ing: @rd... Pht-aoe pniahscranM, al;,; .r. xoru sLtn?;Ted., L. lo1/ Pe_Ieyr Td. ollh" a Elow oe schorsLic tax.--. Pre6, Hheld, \J. TLr-: o: 0. .. !!9 1. r_n"st 'Ja1-1, njt".s as-yol-,u ere! see 'n rh6tlsu, 2. ca.l 'ie;feid, -51! Par' G4s, Auom; L. K.

-ea L"is rear-"."t r:56.9 oy Pe!'rsu-]tvan, !6. Ttne: _:55.i.

N-casLro of RoEn cathollc....

Page 25: 1958MayLDL

2!--!tay, rgto

Easten rliercolleglate C1a6s,{ l,lorceste!, }4as6.5h7/58 - 8&.1. Merili, Eoly cross, 1:55.2(!* nec. uro nec. f:r).o oy brrf broln or

)t>) r n). J,Poly Crcss, L:18.' ?-filp l. onofue, a:10.6

Paclfic rssoclaiior - 5/a7/58 2 I11e 1. lasz1olabori, 9!02.?i 2, Do! {€Ieyr SJS, :. CartCeopeuo, Chiisgo TC, !. Bob l4onzingo (St.)(N* mik, old idh 9:05.2 by l/c Cazarcs,

Flesno Slate 1t!2) X1le 1. l{a]t BoehnJ OC,lt1).9t 2. 'en Napi-r, SJa, L:16. ; . 1"T .61erIm! uL! 4. doger f1ce, rech.

880- 1. Frnie C61ilfe, 1:52t 2. ArEe Sorettjl:(1..i; . Charl"s Be]cher. 5. r-os', l:c:.

L. J-_!y lerr. Cer. -:5/.Gldf Coasi MuJEouston, Teas. May i?, 1958l{i1e: nanon Sddovalr rafu Techr I;11 a netrecord- The illusirious n@e of I'lal'dhittieldds s{epi lrcn ihe oulf Coast 1"\U !.cord booLby a lreslmq lanar lech rmer, Reon Sancoval.liiu.e Sandovalj a Chilem beiiered rxhitls

record ol l.:12.- "' - 19 .Ir- 50.'. tu-_.rch4!i on in boih 8C0 anC 1500 neters €s hardpressed by Houstonrs leg !a!1ey, but coins in"!othe final turn he o!€ned ihe ga! to rin bt 10 yCs.2. Reg !ar1ey, Eouston T&! C1ub, !:11.5j 3. JinReeres, ,{rilene Rec. clubr l+t15i lr. T€!r}. rrng,tJ of llolston Tc, 5. Robed, tulrer, Erooke Tch.

28ih 4mua1 P€talwa Slarids 26-nile ltarathon,{pf. 20, 19581. Jesse Vanzdi, Santa Clra loj 2. Arner Gust,-aison, olynpic chbJ l:ll.L2, 3. Wn ienet, sracrlrlrl,59j !. Jack [i!k, slaitans, lr:]2.51r; 5. Johhlick, scICr lr:12.5!; 5. l,ltke leasy, 3t1iC h:i2.00ldry donri sone of th€ Calif. nDers run loi

'"lD - A ,q\T, r1.At 25n.i'o .H]'AP_ 1.t ,sai. l1ay 2lr- BroEine Poss, PeM {C, mn lhesecond amnaL niverriew leachj J l4alathontoday in 1:2?:!e. A field ol 2l statted in theevedj {hich eoi, under ray at lilningion ciiyHa11 in nekM.e and cross.d over the lelararel,{ehorial BddC. i!t,o {e$ Je.s.y a! ihe 10 nile@rh. The race be1!e.r mrt ihe op--ning of lhe9:F_rrs ta_l for Li" s!me. s"ason. Trop -"to a1l and l.xd4U chaplolshi! nedals to lirsttlEee finishers. Te&! lem Ac(]r nen) Wa.n,:1. Dromtrg nossJ Pem,{c, l:2?.lrBi 2. Steve

J J:.1. ; ,.

?em AC, 1:;2.28; L. lob Chdfie.s, Sheaian cC,1:ll.18, 5. lav€ Pisieu,a, !'i.. nelvojr, va.,l:: , 0; 6. H-rb N-ra"ro, -(. !nr '-v's B,.,Iry, :. t:-L: 7. Yen .o!"1-, P"M A., : 1. ljd. Dr-r o. rup, qosron A,!', :/8.,1i 9, Ioos.er, ' a,%l e .. l-o t-6:. L':-tu h.;n=4 . r r; o,h" a, s,, A, ..1:Io.t8j 12. ltuch Jascoht, Pem ac, 1,1!2.50;tl, Ha*ey Snith, lt{t. ?1.asdt ]]S, l6lDinsion,

l4ay 2!, van Coft1ad! lsrk stadim, \lIC-Ped State ended a ftve-yea. t4a.hatt,air6i!1ng of yiciodes in dual T&I .onpet-ition- ?0-61. l-lr0 l,lurphy. y.r 880 so!r-ano, H. (by I F;. "; ""rorosivE-Ii"k t.owrhanl !d orars 5 yd. lead) Tinet1:51.|,2. Yor.hJ PS, 1:11.9, l. Biltschr.b, lS, t:c2.8 (s!!h)j X e - labreast, ttnish- 1. Chas. (tni:7, Uorfl.l. l.ed {er, all PS. Tinetlr:20.6;2-Mile lrpd rer.. PS.9:10-t- 2- nr.kEGEfbrink, ?s. ;. r.-r'":."sr,iin, u.(Euge.e Martin, !. noshere in sislt attne finish,r i{oter l"rumhv re hlo in h?-?

ra!.lrette, fud.J l,lay 2U- Bi|j Te! Charcs!1. Illinoisj lr5; 2, lndiana, l+ir l.

0hio State, 'qj [. richigan Stat,er 2]rj5. I'ihnesrl., 16;6. Io$a. 1ii ?. prrCrr.1'; !o. iichr:r.r 11!; t. trisconsin. br10. lr.d!,eir-:ra 7. 880 1. rave iea;.Iljch. st,r 2. r'ichaal shi-tbr In,i.r l.


ieoi6. tert, I1l.J LL. I arldrea.llorfr,lrich.J 5. Fotrert:luehes, I'Lich. St. 1:to,lBiE 1e. iccoraj 01c Record 1:t2.2 bysiacey Sicers, Illinois, 19t?; 2-tljte -1. ald l.lelenJ uidesotar 2. &:;fi;?(emedy, MicI. Si., l. lteaco\"lones. Ia.!. Irak Bedgcock, I1I. 5. loh i!ng, Inn.Tiret 9:01.2 (Ie* Fec. o1d 3js fen rec.9:10.! by ralter lGh1, tisc.nsin, 1918)

I*:1. \:99" rorlsJ rotra! 2. Jim :ou.rs.1rr. J. 11Ilre Aiterberry, riclr. 5t, 1r.lobe.i rake, Iich. srr. 5. Jack rilt. Ia,Tihe: I tD9.2t lrl! 1. otetr ravrs. ahi.statcJ !,:,b Ti;-s i,lorld nec, .id.;L:rsEed licfenlelrs Bi: Ten flec. .l 1..2-1 b

St, .Johnis 65,1: a! Irt! 6i, Io{ha lrll:lti1. C10se, SJr HindJ f,r urrnpley! 5JThorlso., JJ. Tih.: l:11.8; u!o Sreven:.SJj r\rarl j F., Hanc, !, J,tclleati, Ir5t.?;2-lEler Clos€, 'o.o... !,. lF in. liltr.l];;"-c 9:2r.7

-.""t* a.r--r"" "- "."i't" a*a

conf€leDce - Uile l. !.n :o!nen. catii.l:o:.7J 2. Jl;-d.e1le, or.son. 5yrs.

bbo 1. Je.ry siFb€ri. 1:tr: Ih! 1. ,.errvfoba.co, rashirdton, lr7.l; 2-l\-l o 1. rhi1llcxj Usc, q:05.1 by 50 yri;:-T!;r: sc.60!j 2. crlirorri., l.l1: l. Uar,r. lc

l.:qilgj t!: rarr Dele:y, shananan cc,l:h!.rcj r9. 4I Si1va, St. Antholv'sIt[t.2lt 16. Dicl. zid. ShanId. irl, shen re, l.lrr.L5120 tushers)

rIcrcON I{S 0 tAT ?:21:90.5 IN cxllruC!lEG TRItl- ganiltonr ontari.J !r!y 2h-9@r-irQrovtng, ooiC Dickso! ran tnefastest narathon tn Canadid hisioitladev O€lails !e'+ .""r1)

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