
The 1920s America’s present need is not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration; no surgery but serenity” Warren Harding (1920)

Transcript of 1920s

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The 1920s

“America’s present need is not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy;

not revolution but restoration; no surgery but serenity”

Warren Harding (1920)

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Mass Production

Machines and Factories

Higher Wages

Consumer Goods


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War Time Profits

Scientific Management

Automobile Industry

New Industries: aviation, chemicals,

radio and movies

Economic Growth

"Americans can have any kind of

car they want, and any color they

want, as long as it's a Ford, and as long as it's black."

Henry Ford

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Old Culture New Culture

Emphasized production

Emphasized consumption

Character Personality

Scarcity Abundance

Religion Science

Idealized the Past

Looked to the Future

Local Culture Mass Culture

Substance Image

Origins of the Culture Wars

Things that make a boy popular:

>>Athletics: 21%

>>Scholarship: 14%

>>Good Looks: 10%

>>Dependability: 1%

>>Capability: 2%

>>Character: 2%

Things that make a Girl Popular

>>Appearance 17%

>>Scholarship: 15%

>>Personality: 9%

>>Morality: 4%

>>Character: 3%

From a Survey of High Schools in 19 States, 1924

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The Great Ford Melting Pot

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Literacy Tests

The American Wall

"I do most solemnly . . .swear that I will always, to the best of my ability, labor, plead and wage a continuous warfare against ignorance and fanaticism; that I will use my utmost power to strike the shackles and chains of blind obedience to the Roman Catholic Church from the hampered and bound consciences of a priest-ridden and church-oppressed people. . .” American Protective Association Oath, 1912

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The Only Way to Handle It

Europe Under the 3% Rule

The First Attempt

1921 Emergency Quota Act

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Country QuotaGermany 51,227

Great Britain and N. Ireland 34,000

Ireland 28,567

France 3,954

Czechoslovakia 3,073

Russia 2,248

Japan 100

Greece 100

The 1924 Immigration ActThe annual quota of any nationality shall be two percentum of the number of foreign-born individuals of such nationality resident in continental United States as determined by the

United States census of 1890….

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Klan Day at the Races

"To unite white male persons, native-born, Gentile citizens of the United States of America, who owe no allegiance of any nature or degree to any foreign government, nation, institution, sect, ruler, person, or people; whose morals are good; whose reputations and vocations are respectable; whose habits are exemplary; who are of sound minds and eighteen years or more of age, under a common oath into a brother hood of strict regulations."

The Klan Manual, 1925

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How Drink Leads to Immorality, The Anti-Saloon League

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The Volstead Act (1919)

21st Amendment Repealed Prohibition in 1933

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Dayton, Tennessee (1925)


Clarence Darrow

• Defended Eugene Debs

• Represented workers and radical protestors

• Also represented big business at times

William J. Bryan

• Former Populist Leader

and presidential candidate

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Woman is at her best in the more decorative ways of life-- in the

production and distribution of beautiful necessities, or in those

professions most akin to motherhood, the care

and education of children, or medical

attendance of her own sex. Her brain power

and nervous energy are essentially different

from a man's, and she makes a mistake when she tries to use them in

the same way.

The New Woman, 1929

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