1905 Revolution

BY JEAN 1905 Revolution


1905 Revolution. By Jean. Bloom Question. Remembering What happen after the Bloody Sunday? Understanding What was main reason the workers in Russia revolt? Applying How is Russo-Japanese war related to 1905 revolution? Analyzing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 1905 Revolution

Page 1: 1905 Revolution


1905 Revolution

Page 2: 1905 Revolution

Bloom Question Remembering What happen after the Bloody Sunday? Understanding What was main reason the workers in Russia revolt? Applying How is Russo-Japanese war related to 1905 revolution? Analyzing If Tsar’s arm force was on worker’s side what would have happen to tsar? Evaluating If you were Tsar Nicholas ll what would you do to survive the revolution? Creating What might happen if Bloody Sunday were didn’t exist in history?

Page 3: 1905 Revolution


Russian suffered a defeat by Japan in 1905 As a result the living conditions of the workers got worst. The price of food became more expensive peasants wanted their own land liberals wanted to share power with Tsar Workers wanted to have better living conditions

Page 4: 1905 Revolution

Bloody Sunday

Sunday 9, January 1905 Lead by priest Father Gapon 200,00 unarmed workers march to the Winter Palace Soldiers fires on the crowd killing more than 100 People lose respect of Tsar Nicholas after this event

"Oh Sire, we working men and inhabitants of St. Petersburg, our wives, our children and our parents, helpless and aged women and men, have come to You our ruler, in search of justice and protection. We are beggars, we are oppressed and overburdened with work, we are insulted, we are not looked on as human beings but as slaves. The moment has come for us when death would be better than the prolongation of our intolerable sufferings. We are seeking here our last salvation. Do not refuse to help Your people. Destroy the wall between Yourself and Your people."

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The revolution course

strikes took place all over the country Peasants attack their landlords Tsar’s uncle was assassinated. The battleship “Potekin” revolt the Government.

strikes by workers developed into a general strike Whole country was paralyzed Tsar Nicholas made a constitution “October manifesto”

January-August 1905

September-October 1905

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Revolution Course

Most rebellion stopTsar send out army to arrest leader of the rebellion

sovietThe revolution ended

November-December 1905

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Result of the Revolution

October ManifestoMost workers and farmer lost respect to Tsar

Nicholas llDuma was establishedVoting system (only the rich had influence with the


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Why did the revolution failed(How did Tsar survive?)

Most of the arm force are loyal to the TsarOctober Manifesto divided his opponentThe worker's strike were not well organizedTsar made peace with Japan and brought

back his best troops to crush the revolt.

Page 9: 1905 Revolution

Answer to bloom question

Remembering After the event Bloody Sunday workers lost faith in Tsar and a series of worker’s strike

happen. Understanding Workers in Russia revolt because they wanted to improve their living condition and reduce

working time. Applying Russo-Japanese was related to 1905 revolution because the after Russia is defeated by

Japan Analyzing If Tsar’s arm force were to be on the worker’s side, Tsar would’ve died and the

revolution would be successful. Evaluating If I were Tsar Nicholas ll i would’ve accept the protester’s petition and Bloody

Sunday wouldn’t have happen. Creating If Bloody Sunday event disappear from the history then the revolution wouldn't happen in

1905 but it will still happen sooner or later.