19 Boosts For Google AdWords Ads And Their Landing Pages

1 19 Boosts For Google AdWords Ads And Their Landing Pages

Transcript of 19 Boosts For Google AdWords Ads And Their Landing Pages

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19 Boosts For Google AdWords Ads And Their Landing Pages

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Created By Rushe Brady


[email protected]

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Grow your keyword list with phrases that indicate a visitor’s intent. Keywords

will have a higher conversion rate when they

reflect the goals of the visitor.

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Test ad variations that provide details about your product or service so your audience can choose not to click an ad if those details

don’t fit them.

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Create a negative keyword list to

exclude poor quality traffic. Look for

phrases that suggest the users intent is to

do something OTHER THAN buy your product or use

your service.

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Adjust keyword bids upward. A low conversion

rate might indicate that you are focusing on the wrong


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Adjust geo-tracking. View location reports to see from

where conversions are originating. Identify the areas that produce the

highest conversion rates.

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Set mobile bid adjustments by checking performance at the device level. If you notice that mobile traffic is converting better than

computer & tablet traffic, increase bids.

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Optimize Site Link Extensions by removing low Click-Through-Rate extensions and

replace them with others to test.

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Create Call Extensions using your business phone number so

customers can speak to the company without even visiting

the website.

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Implement Location Extensions. If you have a physical address for your business and have set up

Google Places, you can link it to your AdWords account.

Location Extensions will show your address within

an ad.

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Create Call-Out Extensions, which are additional lines of text below an ad. Use call-outs to promote your selling points, such as free delivery or a 20%

off sale.

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Set up remarketing to re-engage website visitors. People need a reminder to come back to your website.

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Optimize your website and ads for mobile users.

Mobile traffic now consumes a larger

volume than traffic from desktop computers.

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Highlight the Call-To-Action on your ad’s

landing page. Most folks need to be told what to

do on your website.

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Highlight sales incentives. If you offer discounts, this should be the first thing a

visitor sees on an ad’s landing page.

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Put high converting keywords into their own ad

groups to prevent low quality keywords from

wasting your daily budget.

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Set up call conversion tracking on your website. This could be one of the

most beneficial strategies to improve your conversion


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Add location information to your website to instill trust

and confidence in your company.

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Create specific landing pages for high converting

keywords. The more targeted and relevant your landing pages, the higher

your conversion rate.

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Adjust campaign budget caps. If you run multiple campaigns, there is a chance that some perform

better than others.

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Created By Rushe Brady

[email protected]

19 Boosts For Google AdWords Ads And Their

Landing Pages

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