19 Basics of Mass Transport Advection, Diffusion, and Dispersion.

19 Basics of Mass Transport Advection, Diffusion, and Dispersion

Transcript of 19 Basics of Mass Transport Advection, Diffusion, and Dispersion.

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19Basics of Mass Transport

Advection, Diffusion, and Dispersion

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Mass Transport: Delivery/distribution problem

Dissolved mass: ions + molecules Natural or contaminated: SOURCE

Iron in gw comes from iron silicate mineral or old car in a landfill

Mass moves and distributes by Physical process (advection, dispersion) Chemical process (reactions) Biological process (redistribution of mass forms)

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Key Elements of Mass Transfer

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Physical and Chemical Mass Transport Processes operating in a groundwater flow system

Conceptualization of mass transport in a groundwater flow system

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19.1 Advection

19.2 Diffusion

19.3 Dispersion

19.8 Tracer and Tracer Tests

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19.1 Advection


mass transport due simpley to the flow of water in which the mass is dissolved

It’s The main process

Direction and rate of transport = direction and rate of groundwater flow

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19.1 Advection

(a) advection alone (b) advection + dispersion

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Mass spreading by advection in a shallow unconfined aquifer

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Velocity of advective transport (Darcy):

v: linear groundwater velocity

Kxx, Kyy, Kzz: Hydraulic conductivity along x,y, z

n: effective porosity dh/dx, dh/dy, dh/dz: hydraulic gradient

v v v vK













ngradx y z

xx yy zz

( , , ) ( , , ) h

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Advection velocity

cases where velocity of groundwater and transported mass are different:

1- negatively charged ions vm>vgw

2-small voids (medium works as membrane)3-Retardation


K hv

n l

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Advection, example

A small plume of tracer is added to an unconfined aquifer that has a hydraulic conductivity of 1 m/d and a porosity of 0.35. the hydraulic gradient is 0.07.

Calculate how far the center of mass of the tracer will move in one year.

Solution: Assume advection only, use previous equation v = -K/n * grad (h) = (1 m/d/0.35) x 0.07 = 0.2 m/d Distance = d = v x t = 0.2 m/d x 365 d = 73 m

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19.2 Diffusion

Fick’s Law:relates mass flux to gradient in concentration (similar to Darcy’s)

Jdif: chemical mass flux [L2/T]dC/dx concentration gradient [C: moles/L3]

Dm molecular diffusion coefficient [L2/T

Molecular diffusion: mixing caused by random molecular motions due to thermal kinetic energy of the solute

Coefficient is larger in gases than in liquids, in liquids than solids


dxdif m

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19.3 Dispersion


is a process of mixing that causes a zone of mixing to develop between a fluid of one composition that is adjacent to or

being displaced by a fluid with a different composition

Dispersion spreads mass beyond the region it normally would occupy due to advection alone

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Mixing caused by local variations in velocity Advective process Variations in K

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Dispersion with time

mixing zone size increases with time

Longitudinal & transverse dispersion

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19.3 Dispersion


Occurs because of two processes

1. Diffusion:

mass transport by concentration gradient

2. Molecular Dispersion:

mixing due to local differences around some mean velocity

of flow

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Page 19: 19 Basics of Mass Transport Advection, Diffusion, and Dispersion.

“Rubber duckies” released in a river from the circle at point “a” will end up highly dispersed due to local variability in the flow velocity

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(a) horizontal transverse dispersion(b) vertical transverse dispersion

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Map view of Cl- ion distribution in a tracer test after 462 days

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Mixing in Fractured Media

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19.8 Tracer and Tracer tests

Tracers:1. Ions occuring naturally in groundwater

systems: Br-, Cl-

2. Environmental isotopes: 2H, 3H, 18O3. Contaminants of all kinds in the flow

systems: radioisotopes 3H, 131I, 82Br…organic compounds

Ideal tracers: no reaction (conservative tracers)

Reactive tracers

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19.8 Tracer and Tracer tests


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Natural Gradient Test Single well pulse test Two well tracer test Single well injection or withdrawal with multiple observation


Tracers and Tracer Tests

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Cl- concentration distribution at various times after injection