18787799 Position Hierarchy R12

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Transcript of 18787799 Position Hierarchy R12

  • 8/10/2019 18787799 Position Hierarchy R12



    There are two types of Hierarchies used for approval routing.a. Position Hierarchiesb. Supervisor Hierarchies

    Position Hierarchies


    Position Hierarchies are hierarchies that have a JOB/POSITION relationship.

    For example, you could have a JOB called BUYER and within BUYER you could have variousgrades or POSITIONS of BUYERJunior, Senior and Chief

    Each POSITION has an approval limit, so when a purchase order exceeds the limits of the

    POSITION, the purchase order is forwarded onto the next POSITION in the Hierarchy.

    The hierarchy for this JOB/POSITION type of hierarchy is defined on the Position Hierarchyform. When this is complete or is changed, the Fill Employee Hierarchy concurrent process must

    be run for the new hierarchy to come into effect.

    The Position Hierarchy form can be found at PO NavigatorSetupPersonnelPosition


    Supervisor Hierarchies


    Supervisor Hierarchies are hierarchies that have an Employee/Supervisor relationship

    The supervisor of an employee is defined on the Assignment zone of the Employee form

    This type of hierarchy does not use the Position Hierarchy form, but is defined by the employee /

    supervisor relationship

    If the purchase order raised by the employee exceeds the approval limits, the purchase order isforwarded onto the employees supervisor, as defined on the Employee form

    Setup of Approval Hierarchies Position

  • 8/10/2019 18787799 Position Hierarchy R12


    For Approval of Purchase Order Documents we can set Hierarchies.There are 2 types of Hierarchies which are mainly used1.Employee-Supervisor Hierarchy2.Position Hierarchy

    Here we will see the setting of Position Hierarchy and approval of Purchase Order Using the Same.

    To Set up Position Hierarchy we need to set up the following :

    Define Employee Define Job Define Position Assign Job and Position to the Employee Define Approval Groups Assign Approval Groups to Position Define Position Hierarchy Define Buyer Define User Run Report Fill Employee Hierarchy

    We will take the below users in our Example

    Create Employee

    (N)HRMS Responsibility > People > Enter and Maintain

    Click (B) New

    Create all the four Employees as mentioned above.




    Vice President





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  • 8/10/2019 18787799 Position Hierarchy R12


    Define Job

    (N) HRMS Responsibility > Work Structures > Job >Description

    Click (B) New

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    Similarly define 3 more Jobs for Director, VP and President.

    Define Position

    (N) HRMS Responsibility > Work Structures > Position >Description

    Click (B) New

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  • 8/10/2019 18787799 Position Hierarchy R12


    Similarly Define 3 more Positions for Director, Vice President and President.

    Assign Job and Position to the Employees

    Query the Employees Created earlier and Click on


    Place the Cursor in the Position Field and from the LOV select the appropriate position.

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    Define Approval Groups

    (N) Purchasing Responsibility > Set up > Approvals > Approval Groups

    Give Approval for 100

    USD to Document Total

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    Assign the Approval Group to respective Positions

    Give approval for 1000

    USD for Document


    Give Approval for 2000

    USD to Document Total

    Give Approval for 5000 USD

    to Document Total

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    Similarly Assign the Other Positions to the respective approval Groups.

    Define Position Hierarchy

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    In the Subordinates region click on Down ArrowObserve that now 0812.VP12 is in the Position block

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    Again ,in the subordinates region click on Down Arrow

    Verify Use Approval Hierarchy Optionis enabled in the Financial Options .

    Observe that now 0812.VP12 is in the Position


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    This is where the choice is made. If the box is checked, Hierarchies are used. Otherwise Employee -Supervisor hierarchy will be used

    Set the above defined Position Hierarchy as Default Hierarchy fora Document Type.Choose Forward Method as Hierarchy.Here we will choose Standard Purchase Order as the document type

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    Run the request Fill Employee Hierarchy

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    Define Terry_Clerk as Buyer

    (N) Purchasing > Setup > Personnel > Buyers

    Click (B) Add Buyer

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    Define all the 4 Employees as Users in Oracle Application and Assign Purchasing Responsibility

    (N) System Administrator > Security > User >Define

    Give a User Name and Attach the Employee in the Person Field

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    Create a Purchase Order of 5000 USD

    Submit the document for Approval

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    Login with Smith_Dir and check the notification for PO approval

    (N)Purchasing Responsibility > Notification Summary

    Click on Approve Button

    Query the Purchase Order from Purchase Order Summary FormFrom Tool Bar Inquire > View Approval through Workflow observe theprogress ofthe Purchase Order.

    Observe that as per the Hierarchy, the PO isbeing forwarded to the Director Smith_Dir

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    Observe that the PO has been forwarded to Doe_VPwhois next in the line of Approval.

    Login into the application with Doe_VP and checkthe PO notification

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    Click on Approve Button

    Observe that the PO has been forwarded to Jane_Pr whois next in the line of Approval.

    Login into the application with Jane_Pr and checkthe PO notification

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    Observe the Approval Sequence

    Approve the Purchase Order.Query the Purchase Order. Observe the status of the Purchase Order and view Action History.

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