1865-1877. Northern economy economy is destroyed Many southerners did not want General Lee to...

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Transcript of 1865-1877. Northern economy economy is destroyed Many southerners did not want General Lee to...

Northern economy booming.Southern economy is destroyed Many southerners did not want General Lee to surrender Key Questions: - Should people who fought against the United State be allowed to become American citizens? Should they be punished? - What should be done to southern state governments that fought against the United States? - How will freed African American men and women be treated in the South? Conditions of South after Civil War Most of their major cities in ruins: Richmond, Charleston, and Atlanta Economically devastated: 1. Banks ruined by runaway inflation 2. Factories were closed or destroyed 3. Transportation system destroyed Agriculture: cotton fields in disarray Federal govt efforts to rebuild the Southern states and restore the union Plan #1: Presidential Reconstruction: Lincoln and Johnson's Plan Originally Lincoln's plan; continued by Johnson after his death Believed the states never really left the Union was lenient; wanted to welcome South back in quickly "10 Percent Plan:" offer pardon/amnesty to Confederates if they "swear allegiance to U.S. and promise to support Union in the future" Once 10% of pop. in each Southern state takes this oath, the state is re- admitted Problem: Lincoln is assassinated in 1865, and is never able to carry out plan Only Southern senator that didn't leave Congress during secession Pardoned over 13,000 Confederates during his presidency 1st president to ever be impeached Impeachment: Johnson is impeached by his own party in 1868 for violating the Tenure of Office act. Senate fell one vote short of convicting Johnson. Result: Johnson loses all political power, Radical Republicans take charge Plan #2: Radical Republican Reconstruction Led by Congressmen Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner Much more harsh than Lincoln's plan: 1. South should be punished 2. South needs major social and political change FORCED upon them thought Lincoln's plan was too lenient and would not sufficiently restructure Southern society One of their main goals: Must protect rights of newly-freed slaves wanted 50% oath instead of 10% MILITARY RECONSTRUCTION ACT (MARCH 1867): Military occupation of South South divided into five districts, each commanded by a Union general and Policed by the Union army (about 20,000 total) Had to guarantee in their new state constitutions full suffrage for blacks 13th- (1865) ended slavery 14th- (1868) he "civil rights" amendment Defines citizenship (ALL persons born/naturalized here are citizens) and ALL are granted "equal protection of the law" Had to be ratified by Southern states before they were re-admitted into the Union 15th- (1870) States that no male can be denied from voting due to RACE This gives black males the right to vote (in North and South) Actual name: The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands Funded and run by the US gov't, its main purpose was to aid distressed freedmen (freed slaves) Radical Republican idea; supported by Lincoln before his death Set up first ever public school system in the South; by 1870, there were over 1,000 schools in the South for freedmen Provided food, clothing, health care for free blacks and poor whites Authorized to provide "40 acres and a mule" from confiscated or abandoned lands to black settlers; never actually happened Carpetbaggers = a political candidate who seeks election in an area where they have no local connections Northern whites (mainly politicians and businessmen) who moved down South Southerners looked at them with skepticism and hostility Southern violence against "carpetbaggers" and blacks was significant Scalawags: southerners who supported Reconstruction in the South Reconstruction in the South was generally plagued by corruption, violence, & debt Southerners came up with new ways to keep African-Americans down: Ways to limit African American voting: 1. Literacy tests: a reading/citizenship test that hadto be passed in order to vote 2. Poll taxes: an annual tax thathad to be paid in order to vote 3. Grandfather Clause:(for whites who failed the literacy tests or couldn't pay poll tax) Were allowed to vote if your fathergrandfather voted before 1867 How were these laws allowed under the 15th Amendment?!?....Because, "technically," they had nothing to do with RACE Laws that denied African-Americans basic rights immediately after the Civil War Main Goal: RESTRICT blacks and keep them as dependent workers EXs: can't serve on juries, can't start their own businesses, can't travel without permits, can't own guns Passed on state/local levels Most Black Codes were overturned with the passage of the 14th Amendment in 1868 Replaced Black Codes; these laws were generally upheld by the court system segregated the races ex. separate schools, bathrooms, water fountains, restaurants, etc. would last until the 1950's-1960's KU KLUX KLAN Terrorist group that developed during Reconstruction; intimidated African- Americans through violence Goal: Overthrow Reconstruction governments in the South and replace them with white supremacy-oriented Democratic Party government. Used terrorism, lynching's to intimidate blacks, Carpetbaggers & Scalawags Effective in many areas for discouraging blacks from attaining their rights Lynching: when a mob kills someone (usually by hanging) for an alleged offense without a legal trial System where landowners gave poor person (i.e. former slave) a small piece of land. Person then had to pay rent and/or give a "share" (up to 50%) of his crop to the landowner VIRTUAL SLAVERY: kept freed slaves on farms. (Generations would remain on same plot of land, forever indebted to landowner) Election of 1876 is too close to call: Rutherford B. Hayes (Republican) vs. Samuel Tilden (Democrat) Compromise of 1877: North remove troops from South.. South elects Rutherford B. Hayes Troops left."Redeemer Democrats" took back control of Southern politics African-Americans would lose most of the gains made during Reconstruction and would be treated as second-class citizens until the 1950's/1960's Henry W. Grady, newspaper editor and most famous of southerners who urged South to catch up to the North commercially and industrially Encouraged the South to - embrace industrialization - form partnerships with Northern industrialists - construct internal improvements and more railroads - move textile factories to the South Ex: Tobacco industry grew dramatically after 1880 when machine-made cigarettes became the norm (mass-made slim cigarettes); most factories were in the South Civil Rights Cases (1883) and Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Issue: Can Congress issue laws (The Civil Rights Acts) that prevent discrimination under the 13 th and 14 th Amendments? Ruling: No. The 13 th Amendment abolishes slavery, but does not prohibit discrimination. The 14 th Amendment prohibits discrimination by government, but not by individuals or the private sector. Effect: Businesses and individuals in the south were free to discriminate against African Americans without legal consequences. Legalizes racism. Issue: Do laws which provide for the separation of races violate the rights of African Americans under the equal protection clause of the 14 th Amendment? Ruling: No. Segregation is legal as long as African Americans have access to equal but separate facilities. Effects: Legalizes segregation in the South. Promotes the idea of Separate but Equal even though it was not equal. The South will segregate all public facilities including: schools, hospitals, passenger terminals, and much more until the 1950s. Would take Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka Kansas in 1954 to overturn this ruling.