1845-1877. Election 1844: James Polk (D) v. Henry Clay(W) Whigs: internal improvements, civilizing...

Civil War and Reconstruction 1845-1877

Transcript of 1845-1877. Election 1844: James Polk (D) v. Henry Clay(W) Whigs: internal improvements, civilizing...

Civil War and Reconstruction


Election 1844: James Polk (D) v. Henry Clay(W) Whigs: internal improvements, civilizing land Democrats: continue to expand, believed that

government should have very little interaction with internal improvements (should be left in private hands).

Remember: since colonial times- North was prone to more population/ cities/ community/ industry.

South: less populates, farms, plantations, no need for industry.

*Different voting patterns/ visions for America. Close election, Polk won.

Political & Judicial Activity Before the War

Pledged would only be in office for one term. Four goals:

◦ 1. Go back to placing government funds in the Treasury ◦ 2. cut tariffs ◦ 3. Oregon ◦ 4. California Proposes Annexation of TexasDemanded the entirety of Oregon County

(balance)54-40 or fight

Oregon Treaty (1846) a more reasonable American-Canadian border

Polk Presidency 1845-49

Focused on efforts to claim S.W territories from Mexico

Tries to buy territories- fails Mexico attacks (already annoyed) Polk uses attack as excuse Mexican-American War (1846)

◦ Does not have everyone’s support (North v. South)

◦ Slave Power ◦ Rejection of Wilmot Proviso Whig’s Split Free-

Soil Party (single issue)


Mexican War Continues:◦ Texas easy deep into So. Mexico & West.◦ Mexico City ends war Treaty of Guadalupe

Hidalgo (1848) Mexican Cession Increases the nation’s wealth (gold) also

increases sectional issues (slavery) Nation already divided on the slavery issue

AND there were states S of Missouri Compromise, West of the Mississippi were plantation crops were not allowed. ◦ Threatens Southerners popular sovereignty


Sectional strife started immediately Gold rush brought in many settlers (very

populated) & wanted statehood (Free State) ◦ Opposed by South ◦ Threaten with secession

Immediate response: Stephen Douglas (D) & Henry Clay (W) work on Compromise of 1850◦ California free, stronger fugitive slave laws, Utah & New

Mexico – popular sovereignty, abolishes slave trade in D.C ◦ Popular Sovereignty creates problems: very vague- open

interpretation ◦ Fugitive slave acts also creates issues: North feels forced

to comply with slavery

Compromise of 1850

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852)- Harriet Beecher Stowe


Propaganda that worked anti-slavery sentiments in the North grew.

Continued…Anti-Slavery in the North grows

After California- no admittance until 1858 Status of new territories continue to grow more

problematic Kansas-Nebraska Territory

◦ No government at the moment◦ Order must be imposed◦ Wanted land security (from Natives) ◦ Construction supervision

Stephen Douglas attempts to fix issue with the Kansas-Nebraska act (1854)◦ Popular sovereignty ◦ Repels Missouri Compromise◦ Who would this upset? Why?

Kansas-Nebraska ActBleeding Kansas

North’s Direct Response: Personal Liberty Laws ◦ Fugitive slaves would have the right to a trial by

jury ◦ Right to a lawyer

Ends the Free-Soil Party, Enter Republicans◦ Goes from “political” parties to “sectional” parties◦ Many joined Northern Democrats or joined Free-

Soilers (also defeated by Kansas-Nebraska Act) Republicans

◦ Not originally abolitionists but dedicated to keep slavery out of the territories

◦ Also campaigned a larger group of issues


Other party formed: Know-Nothings◦ Met privately◦ Secretive ◦ Single issue party◦ Seemed biggest competitor for Democrats ◦ Quick growth ◦ Racist/ nativists

anti-German & Irish ◦ Party dies on the issues on slavery: N & S wings



Violence erupts at the Kansas-Nebraska territories ◦ Due to popular sovereignty both sides rush to the

territory with one specific goal. ◦ Border Ruffians two different constitutions Topeka

(anti-slavery) & Lecompton (pro) ◦ Doughface President Franklin Pierce accepts the

Lecompton Constitution Kansas slave territory demolished free-soil cities

◦ Bleeding Kansas: John Brown’s raid More Violence- in Congress

◦ Preston Brooks/ Sen. Andrew Butler beats Senator Charles Sumner

Pierce’s career destroyed James Buchanan (1856)


Election of 1856◦ Buchanan wins South ◦ North: Buchanan and Fremont (R)

Tries to maintain status quo : 1. enforce fugitive slave law 2. Opposition to abolition in South & West.

Dred Scott v. Sandford ◦ Not considered citizen, therefore, can’t sue◦ Considered private poverty, unconstitutional for

government to get involved. ◦ Nullifies: N.W Ordinance, Missouri Compromise, Kansas-

Nebraska ◦ Major victory for Southerners/ turning point

Buchanan, Dread Scot & Election of 1860

Lincoln Douglas debates for Illinois Senate Seat. Douglas wishy-washy on his stance on popular

sovereignty Lincoln: House Divided Speech Douglas: Freeport Doctrine (defending popular

sovereignty) ◦ “Slavery could not exist where certain laws won’t protect it”.

Hmmm… what about the Dred Scott decision? Lincoln does not win this election but sure wins the

presidential election (1860) John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry (1859)

◦ Hopes to spark a slave revolt, fails◦ Martyr for the cause

Continued…1858 Elections

Democrats: split North (Douglas) and South (John Breckinridge)

North: Lincoln & Douglas South: Democrat- Breckinridge & Constitutional Union

Party (John Bell). Lincoln didn’t even appear on the Southern ballot.

Lincoln wins without a single southern vote. Southerner’s immediate response: secession. South proposes Crittendon Compromise: Lincoln

refuses to compromise Dec. 1860 South Carolina secedes

◦ Eventually six states follow Confederate States of America. ◦ President: Jefferson Davis

1860 Presidential Election

Lincoln decides to wait until South makes first move. ◦ April 12, 1861 Fort Sumter ◦ Lincoln then declares war


Although slavery was the issue that caused Civil War, War not purely about slavery initially. (not until emancipation) ◦ Border States (Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland &

Delaware)◦ Took place on economical, social and political


Civil War and Reconstruction1860-1877

Confederacy fighting for state’s rights◦ Irony behind it all: ◦ central government (Davis) took control of much

of the land’s economy. ◦ Martial law

Economic progress and downfall ◦ Poverty

Draft greater poverty Class conflict

◦ Exemptions for the rich ◦ Hmmm… Another Quartering Act?

Civil War & the Confederacy

Economic boost war goods produced in the North (manufacture)

Corruption (precursor to the Gilded Age) Inflation occurred (not as bad as the So.) Unions are formed (another precursor).

Some blacklisted violence Central Government’s power increases

◦ Implemented programs without approval ◦ Suspends habeas corpus drafts, P.O.Ws◦ Control of economy (Salmon P. Chase


Civil war and the Union

Initially war was not fought on the basis of ended slavery.

Some sought gradual emancipation and colonizing free slaves in Africa

Progressive group in North: Radical Republicans- immediate emancipation ◦ Confiscation Acts: (1861) government has the right

to seize any slaves used for revolutionary reasons.(1862) liberate slaves owned by any supporter of the rebellion (Confederacy)

◦ Lincoln refused to enforce cautious towards emancipation.

Emancipation of the Slaves

Slaves indirectly supported the South. ◦ Influenced some main strategies used by North◦ Freed slaves = many positive effects for North.

Keeps outside countries out of the war New source of troops for the Union Lincoln would not make first move until Northern

victory Antietam Emancipation


Changes focus of war NOW fought for slavery. (Kind of like the Declaration of Independence in the Revolutionary War)

Does not free ALL slaves only those held in the states of “rebellion”

Gives the South a chance to come back into the Union without actually ending slavery.

Even then, Lincoln’s goal was not to actually end slavery but to preserve the Union.

Until campaigning for re-election◦ Thirteenth Amendment Hampton Roads Conference

settlements with the South.

Emancipation Proclamation

Lincoln v. General George McClellan (North) Public opinion: against war

◦ South: less than 1% actually owned slaves ◦ North: War Democrats v. Copperheads ◦ NYC Draft Riots of 1863: nativism. Irish Immigrants

resented being drafted into war job competition. Lincoln wins re-election

◦ 1865 Union Victory assured Freedman’s Bureau April 1865: Robert E. Lee surrenders to Ulysses

S. Grant at the Appomattox Court House

Election of 1864 and End of Civil War

3 million men fought in the war 500,000 killed another 500,000 wounded

Economy for North and South ruined ◦ Sherman’s March ◦ Southern resources gone ◦ Politically: expands the role of government,



5 days after Lee surrenders, Abe Lincoln killed by Booth

Andrew Johnson (V.P becomes President) Had to deal with the three major questions:

◦ What conditions would the Southern states be readmitted to the Union?

◦ What would be the status of blacks in postwar nation? ◦ What would be done with rebels?

Reconstruction 1865-77◦ Process begun even before War ended. ◦ Lincoln wanted to preserve the union (main goal)◦ Ten Percent Plan

Reconstruction and Andrew Johnson’s impeachment

Congress had another vision: ◦ Radical Republicans saw the South as “conquered

territory”◦ Harsh punishment ◦ Lincoln to lenient: Wade-Davis Bill

Confederates be ruled by military governor 50 % State convention would abolish slavery and repeal

ordinance if necessary Lincoln pocket-vetoes Assassinated following year


Strong supporter of Lincoln’s views War ends, congress in recess for 8 months

Johnson deals with first part of Reconstruction on his own. ◦ Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan:◦ Provisional government will run states until ready to

enter union ◦ Loyalty oath◦ Prohibited Slave owners/ Southern elite from re-entry◦ Did not require states to enfranchise blacks. ◦ Pardoned many Southern elite Congress reconvenes, not pleased with Johnson’s plan

Andrew Johnson

Radical Republicans Harsh punishment revenge?

Special Field Order No. 15; land taken from Confederates given to new freedmen

Johnson rescinded order; 40 acres and a mule

Much tensions between Congress and President

Radical Republicans Congressional Reconstruction 14th Amendment (citizenship) also a loop for Jim Crow laws.


14th Amendment: clarified status of the freed slaved and hoped it will force suffrage.

Johnson’s response: Swing Around the Circle tour campaigned against amendment

1866 Congress heavily weighed on the radical end of the spectrum ◦ Military Reconstruction Act (1867) Martial Law in

South, forced to allow blacks to vote (conventional delegates), ratify 14th Amendment

◦ Passed laws limiting President’s power ◦ Johnson impeached (tenure of office act) but



15th Amendment proposed (1869)- suffrage◦ Only passed because Southern States forced to

vote in favor of it. Unfortunately his administration was

heavily packed with scandals. No political experience but war hero Spoils system

Ulysses S. Grant

SOME success: ALL men could now vote, not just property owners

Many appointed government positions replaced with elected ones.

Stimulated industrial growth However, ultimately failed

◦ Plans to help rebuild south very costly ◦ More hostility towards reconstruction due to high taxes◦ Propaganda War: Scalawags (Southerners who

cooperated) & Carpetbaggers (Northerners who ran programs)

◦ Corruption (selling votes for $ and favors) ◦ North as well as the South (political machines & “bosses-

Reconstruction- Failure

Ku Klux Klan White League Attorney General Amos Akerman Southern officials failed to do anything to protect

blacks Reconstruction did nothing to redistribute South’s

wealth 1869 Government sends signals that would ease

restrictions Slaughter House Cases: United States v. Reese:

grandfather clauses Grant’s corruption taints everything

Reconstruction Fails (Continued)War of Intimidation

1872- Liberal Republicans hoped to end control of the South (angered by corruption)

Candidate: Horace Greeley. Gains congressionally & State elections

Grant moves farther away from radicalism Amnesty Acts of 1872 Panic of 1873 1876 Southern Democrats regained control:

Redeemers (reverse Republican Reconstruction)


Most contested election. ◦ Fraud

Samuel J. Tilden went after “Boss” Tweed. Won the popular vote but not electoral vote

Congress creates bipartisan electoral commission Compromise of 1877

Rutherford B. Hayes wins Back to normal in the south

Election of 1876

Several “interpretations” of freedom Many became sharecroppers, searched for

family, freedman’s bureau (new jobs & housing, education) although eventually died down.

Found communities and formed bonds within black churches

Many moved away after reconstruction (Great Migration- after WWI)

Southern Blacks During and After Reconstruction

Pg. 168-169

Do the Ch. 9 Drill & Reflection