184326855 Jyotish New Jyotisharnava Navanitam

Navanitam (As Taught by Lord Siva to Parvati) Sanskrit Transliteration and English Translation with detailed commentary by R. Santbanam Publishers: «.:R. Sonthanam ...?lssociate.s 9fl040 Govindpuri Post Box 4347 Ka1kaji P.O. New Delhi llO 019 (India) a 646-2777



Transcript of 184326855 Jyotish New Jyotisharnava Navanitam

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Jyotis~arnava Navanitam (As Taught by Lord Siva to Parvati)

Sanskrit Transliteration and English Translation with detailed commentary by R. Santbanam

Publishers: «.:R. Sonthanam ...?lssociate.s 9fl040 Govindpuri Post Box 4347 Ka1kaji P.O. New Delhi llO 019 (India) a 646-2777

Page 2: 184326855 Jyotish New Jyotisharnava Navanitam

English Translations and other Books by R. Santhanam

1 . Sambhu Hora Prakasa of Punjaraja ": 2. The Times Daily Ephemeris 1994 - 2000

(with Chaitrapaksha Ayanamsa) * 3. Deva Keralam - Vol 1 4. Deva Keralam - Vol 2 5. Deva keralama -Vol 3 6. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (Vol 1 only) 7. ravali of Kalyana Varma -Vol 1 8. Sa vali of Kalyana Varma - Vol 2 9. Hora ara of Prithu Yasas 10. Nashta ::Jatakam of Mukunda Daivagna 11 . Garga Hora of sage Garga 12. Doctrines of Suka Nadi - retold 13. Essentials of Predictive Hindu Astrology 14. Jyotisharnava N!tvanitam * 15. Latitudes, Longitudes & LMT's for

~5000 places in India.

Forthcoming Titles:

16. Hora Ratnam - Vol. 1 * 17. Hora Ratnam- Vo1.2 * 18. Secrets of Kalachakra Dasa *

. Sakadwipa System of Astrology * (of Philippine Origin) - by Paul Manansala, USA

• Pub/illhed by R. Santhanam Associates

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Preface It is with great pleasure and mercy of Goddess Sarasvathi

and Nava Grahas that I am· hereby able to place before my esteemed readets, this rare jewel of Astrology .

. This is rather for the very first time that this work appears in print with Sanskrit transliteration of the original slokas and English translation. That way, many of the works brought out by me are for the first-time for the pleasure of the English-knowing public and this fact gives me some kind of inexplicable happiness. Except Hora Sara ofPrithu Y asas, each and every work brought forth by me enjoys this credit:

The present work may have been named as Jyotisharnaua Nauanitam by some ancient scholars ·of mortal coil but the 9riginal contents are attributed to Lord Siva as taught to Devi Parvati. This fact can be understood by the reader when he holds the pulse of the instructions. There is some kind of authority arid some kind of divine touch at every step. The level of intuition exhibited in revealing the principles wili speak for themselves. Apparently, this work is older than the oldest text-books on astrology by Garga, Vasishta, Parasara etc.

On going through the work, the reader will surely feel that most of the aphorisms found herein are coming to his knowledge for the very flrst time and are not repetition as available in other texts. Except for a negligible number of rules, the contents are ·being known by us for the first time.

There are 670 slokas in this work distributed in flve chap-ters in all.

The first chapter is a Miscellaneous one dealing with preliminaries including Balarishta Yogas, their cancellation, N akshatra Dosha, 27 special kinds of Graha Samayas and their use. There is incomparable uniqueness even in these aphorisms.

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A word on Graha Samaya may serve the purpose effectively. Srunayas or Avasthas are many kinds. Sayanadi 12 Avasthas, Deeptadi ten (nine according to so~e authorities) Avasthas, Baladi six Avasthas and so on and so forth. With our experience becoming more and more intense and fruitful, we will not ignore even the simple ones like Deepta. Each classification has its own use in a specified context. All do not work in all circumstances alike. It is like a store-house of household ingredients. Where salt is needed, you cannot do away with sugar, and vice versa! Thus, where one of the SayanadiAvasthas work, BaladiAvasthas need not necess8.rily work. No Avastha is futile for that matter. The astrologer should have Sookshma Buddhi(i.e. be brainy) and not Manda Buddhi (not be a dunce) while using th!l various implements of his workshop.

Then, each of the 27 Graha Samayas as discussed in our text was also discussed in Sukra Nadi. These offer a great deal of opportunities for wider use in horary astrology as well, apart from natal horoscopes. Their beauty lies in that these are directly linked to Vimsottari dasa. Thus, it seems to be imperative that effects ofSamayas should be restricted to Vrmsottari dasa when it comes to natal horoscopes. These Samaya effects should not be jumbled up with Ashtottari, Y ogini, KCD etc.

(Graha Samayas or 27 Avasthas are linked to the 27 N akshatras. Sayanadi Avasthas are linked toN avainsas. Deeptadi Avasthas are linked to visible planetary dignities. Baladi Aavasthas are linked to degree zones. Thus various authorities described various Avasthas. Naturally, the subtler one is always better. Hence the Navamsa-based ~ayanadi twelve Avasthas assume a lot more importance in many contexts.)

I understand that each Samaya is again divided into six different sub-states. Although I have known of their calcula-tions, I am not able to lay my hands on the effects of six sub-states for each S;1maya, I may know of it one day and hope to place such information before my esteemed reader, nay my patron.

The second chapter keeps the reader glued to the text, dealing with Bhava analysis in a charming manner. The way the twelve houses have been covered is a solid proof of the work's greatness. This is another most important chapter of this work.

Here, we lmd rich techniques in respect of each and every

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house in a very enlightened manner. Various kinds ofyogas or combinations are brought forth in many contexts. What happens when two different planets join together, what is the role of their activities in the nativity, who is the real Maraka or killer, dangerous dasas for certain important Nakshatras of birth and the like. This chapter is also a fertile land for deep studies.

The third chapter gives instructions on analysis of plan-etary transits on our lives. The reader will specially stand to gain by the elaborate notes given by me, after consulting a number of rare and authoritative works.

Since my notes on ''Transits"' form a pivotal base for this work, some explanations are necessary in this preface. Even a minor planet like the Moon and Mercury may appear to be granting major events of life, viz. marriage, death and acquisition of a property. But one does not experience these so oftenly. An intelligent reader should value the transit of Saturn as the most important one, to start with, followed by that of Rahu/Ketu, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon· in that order. For each and every major event, a certain planet is in charge. Without that planet's direct involvement, the minor planets though indicative of an event will not materialis~ that event. Further, transit effects are to be ascertained in clear union with the help of dasa periods in currency at a given time. If these two factors do not coincide, then the transit event may not come to surface in reality.

There are two more conditions, of. importance. One is different kinds ofVedhas or obstacles to a transit planet. Once this is ignored, we will be going in an utterly wrong direction. The other one is use of Prastara and other Ash taka Vargas. These, help us to fine-tune the possibilities to the nearest time period. I have explained various kinds ofVedhas in the notes. It has not however been thought necessary that I explain Ashtaka Varga techniques here. These can be seen in a reliable form, the way ancients wanted, in my English translation of Sambhu Hora Prakasa, which is already available.

-The fourth chapter discusses some fine techniques of Ash· taka Varga. A study of some Raja Y ogas with the help of Ash taka Varga could be said to be for the first time.

The fifth and concluding chapter enlists some important

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combinations of interest. Throughout the course of this translation, I have retained

my characteristic commitment to explain each and everything to the reader and supply lucidly explanatory notes. This could be of a great deal of assistance to all, as usual.

I have employed every special care to properly transliterate the text in Sanskrit, and more special care to decipher the meanings in English, and yet more special care to give suitable guidelines aS and when required. I may have to some extent or even to a great extent failed in my task and may not have been an apt person for this great work. This may be an onerous burden for my weak shoulders. Hence the reader will forgive me for my lapses and insufficiencies, if any, and accept only such portions which are logical and correct, and reject the rest that are meaningless and erroneous to· his mind. I know that all my readers are more intelligent than ~e.

Of one thing, fm quite confident with this work. It will convince evety reader of the need to have many more wonderful and enlighterung techniques as uniquely laid down ih the present work, for rather the first time.

It is as a result of this firm conviction of mine that in succession of this. work, the reader will soon have an English translation from us of Hora Ratnam of Balabhadra, the most elaborate and voluminous classical text, of its kind, on predictive astrology. This is again for the first time in English language.

I shall only be glad if the reader finds the present work as one giving real satisfaction.

Aprill5, 1995 A.D. Vikrama Samvat 2052 Chaitra Paurnami

CJ?:_ Sant!Ulnam New Delhi

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Ch 1 Miscellanea




Balarishta Yogas, their cancellation, Birth-star blemishes, remedies etc.

1- 31

Bhava Effects (Houses 1 to 12) 32. 145

Transit Effects of Planets 146-192

Ash taka Varga · 193.206

Ch 5 Other Yogas 207.216

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31~ ~=zD fd till oicf -=tCI;:fidJt_ I

Jyotisharnava Navanitam Chapter 1

Miscellanea -(Balarishta Yogas, their cancellation,

Birth-star Blemishes & Remedies)

qt:&¥1"'4: I ~ ~ f:wott.'J~ ~: I

~<HRi"'taiCI ~ ~ ctG:fctq II 'i II 311iltitef ~<i'lf4<6ii!?04'11~: I ~ ~llf<:RII( ~ II ~ II 1 • 2. Prayer of Parvathi:. Parvathi tells: 0 Lord of the

Lords,. Mahesvara, tlie knower of the past, present and future, tell me of the nectar (i.e. essence) of the Jyotisharnava (the sea of astrology). To be merciful to the world, be kind to tell me of the essence of predictive aspects of astrology.

Notes: Lord Siva is said to be an incomparable authority on subjects like Jyotisha, Tantra, Mantra, Agama, Natya and

Jyotisharnava Navanitam 1 Chapter I

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such many other subje~ts. From His lotus mouth, many gems were born in these branches of knowledge. The present work is a collection from the Great Lord's instructions.

Naturally, the aphorisms listed i.i1 this work are found to be original (but for a probab~e re-composition), authoritative and in conformity to _truth if judiciously applied. There is equally a great element oflogic in these assertions.

If the reader compares these aphorisms with certain other compiled worl.q;relatingto astrology, a kind of rarity will be found in the present instructions. Many of these are not generally seen in every text book. Hence these are inestimable addition to our knowledge.

Almost all His teachings are through the Divine Mother Parvathi, an ardent disciple of Her lord.

From times immemorial, knowledge in fields like astrology, which are not mortal-invented subjects, came forth from divine sources like Lord Siva, Lord Surya, Brahma Rishi N arada, Garga, Parasara and Vyasa. That is the reason why, Hindu astrology, has been held in high esteem and has always stood the test of the time.


TJ 1:fct !lCf~ ~ ~ I eafci~RI ~ ~ ~ ~: II ~ II

~ ~ -gni -:q q;c:f,'f ~ "6<'4'fil I ·

~~~~:~ugn 3-4. Signs: 0 Devi, listen attentively. I am narrating below (the predictive aspects of astrology).

Twenty-seven Nakshatras make for the twelve Rasis (in the zodiac), thus: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,. Scorpio, S8gittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

3f4i~R~11qr&1~4ia4: I 'AGIJIRPa ollll:t"l~l ~ ~ II 't. II

Jyotisharnava Navanitant 2 Chapter 1

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5. Planets: The planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu traverse in the signs Aries and others through the Nakshatras (viz. Asvini and others).

Notes: N akshatras are part of a Rasi and the Rasi concept is as old as astrology is. In recent times, .some scholars have started saying that originally "astrology of the Hindus was Nakshatra-based and the Rasi concept is only a later one". I do not frankly understand what such assertions essay to convey:

Anyway without entering into such controversy, let me state that the. present verse throws light on the Rasis ·constituted by N akshatras like Asvini.

Even the Hindu Puranas of equally remote past have discussed about ·the existence of Rasis according to which, each time the Sun.transits a particular Rasi,.he assumes a certain name. (Cf. Dvadasa Adityas such as Mitra, Vishnu, Gabhasti, Divakara, Hiranyareta etc. during the various solar months like Margasira, as mentioned in Padma Purana).

Even ifRasis were a much later invention or wisdom lately dawned on the Hindus(!), Rasi is the primary point in Hindu astrology. Right from the beginning, only th~ Rasi is divided into Navamsa, Hora, Drekkana and the like. Narada Purana, one of the oldest works attributed to Brahmarishi Narada, contains over a thousand slokas on astrology where the Rasi-concept has been oft-repeated. '

Some of the western scholars have inaugurated a malicious and venomous propaganda, coming under the pressure of handsome rewards by alien interests, that astrology came to India throug~ the Greek channels. They want us to believe that heavens are under the earth!

f;Uta~lifl'{ mtt ~ ~ "ltlfqfa: 1

~ 1'51fe4 mPt T'f ~: II ~ II 6. Planetary Aspects: Saturn fully aspects the 3rd and

lOth, Jupiter the 5th and 9th, Mars the 4th and 8th, and all planets the 7th.

Jyotisharnava Navanitam 3 Chapkr 1

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3F-T mrct~ ~ ~ I cilid'11~ ~ 'j'l.<idf4i'*'*t>il<t II \9 II fi'lat ifiOi1~..,4~f*4 'j<t<t&~RI<{ 1

~ 'cifRi ftla1q;fl: Ril('5f"1H'11:;:;R<{ II z:; II

~ lfCU ;rW <tJ a:<:t<.'lidil> I ~ <tJ :Jts<t>Ru4i <tr 9111i1Ul<i'1P~a: 11 ~ 11 ~ ~ft(o<ufa: ~ -cRt~ 1

·"' ~ ~ v41R\~~IIf~ litctl51"11: 'lo II 7- 10. Duties of Father: I now speak of the good and bad

following the birth of a child. As soon as a son is born, the father should see its face whereby he wiUgetrid ofhis (ancestral) Debts; After this, he should obtain the orders of a Brahmin and take bath with clothes on his body, in a tank, well or river, facing the north. He should give away cows, lands, gold etc. in charity and get the ascendant ofbirth examined. For, those learned in astrology say that the ascendant of birth is of prime importance.

Notes: The importance of arriving at the exact degree, niinute etc. of the natal ascendant cannot be overlooked in a horoscope. This can be understood through the following two authoritative slokas collected from elsewhere.

~ ~: Wj: fCITlfi ~ ~: tR ~I ~~~~~mcj~"¥: II ¥• ~ m M'Jl<'f>R'?: B ~ I ~ ~ ·~ ~ ~ r-t• ~ 'ciA: II These verses praise the ascendant thus: "The ascendant is

divine (that is beyond mortals' commands), mighty (difficult to be subdued), !he master (making the person its slave), the Great light (or principle of light, the source of intellectual energy), the great lamp in the world (helps the person choose a right path within the limits of destiny or commands of the Cosmic Master), for the preceptors held the same view."

According to sage Narada: "The ascendant (in the heavens)

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remains in rule for a thousandth part of even the minutest space ·of time. It is impossible even for Lord Brahma to know of this. Then what of ordinary mortals?"

These highlight the importance of the ascendant and the need to calculate the same very minutely. Rough estimation of the ascendant based on approximate time, defective astronomical and geographical co-ordinates will never lead to the knowledge of divine truth.

Yogas For Childhood Danger:

4l11i~l4>fftld lFil ~ ~ I (i~fegd qrsfq ~ ~ "5ftctfa II 7'1 II

¥i~l4> ~ lFil ~~I if>'j~1d qrsfq ~ ~ !I 'I~ II

~'4i~l4> ~ lRl «< .. il~<:t ~ 1 ~ ~ qrstq ~ ~ eaft~a 11 '1~ 11

31<t>f~l4> ~ lFil ~ ~ I <#lo4qfe 1dCf1Sfit ~ "5ftctfa II '1~ II :qrs::j~jq> ~ lRl 'qr~q ~I ~~~~~~ ~Cfl'qll'!ilct{.:tsftctRI ~ m: II '1':( II

611cti~l4> ~ lRl ~ ~ ~~qrsfq~~~ II '1~ II 11 - 16. Evils At Birth. (a) In One Year: The child will live for one year only, if

Saturn is in a Navamsa of Mars with an aspect either from Mars orRahu.

(b) Three Years: If Saturn is in a Navamsa ofVenus and earns the aspect ofKetu or Venus, the new-born will live for three years.

(c) Three Years: Should Saturn be in a Navamsa of

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Mercury with the aspect of the Sun or Mercury, the child will live for three years.

(d) 4 Years: Four years will be the life-span of the child which has Saturn in the Sun's.Navamsa with the aspect of the Sun or Venus. '

(e) Six Years: Saturn in Cancer Navamsa with the aspect of the Moon or the lord of the ascendant (that is, the planet ruling the ascendant in the Rasi chart) indicates a life-span of six years. Else, the child will quit the world in its 8th year.

(f) Four Years: If Saturn is found in aNavamsa of Jupiter with the aspect of Jupiter or the Moon, say that the child will live for four years.

Notes: "Instant death" referred to in the present chapter need not be always interpreted so. These are Balarishta combinations and are capable of causing early loss of life to the child in question.

Further,.the relevant planet's position in Navamsa should be known and aspects should be estimated in the Rasi chart only. I shall give just one example, taking the aphorism under "a" above. ·

Say Saturn is in Leo 24th degree while Mars is in the sign Taurus. Mars aspects Saturn. Saturn in turn begets Scorpio N avarnsa ruled by Mars. This way, all such combinations should be understood.

The very first thing an astrologer should do in respect of an infant's horoscope is to scan the pre5ence of such Yogas that are specially capable of killing the child quite early ..

Once such Yogas are present, the other Yogas that are related to longer life-span will remain at bay.

A careful assessment of the strength of Balarishta Yogas should be done considering number of such rules given here and elsewhere and we must investigate if such Yo gas as pre :;ant are surmountable by remedial measures.

· As the. reader could see, some of the ensuingslokas point out impending danger to the child's kinsfolk as well.

The reader may refer to cancellation of yogas mentioned from sloka 68 onwards in this chapter.

We have to specially note that the aspect of Navamsa dispositor of a planet· on the said planet .proves evilsome for

Jyotisharna:va Navanitam 6 Chapter 1

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,childhood lif~spanin given circumstan~es. But in some particular cases of superior and favourable Y ogas which become relev:ant after a certain age, past the phase Balarsihta, the same dispositor's aspect'may prove an asset for the planet in question. ,

:CCije4"11:fl ~: q1~~fl~ I , ~ 1RUi <=:e1a:~nsa .VS~sqc:n 11 '~"' 11 17. If Rahu is in the 4th house with malefic planets'

aspects, the child concerned will die either in the 1Oth year or in the 16th year.

Notes: Once the Balarishta phase is over due to other countering Yogas, the present Yoga will turn its attention towards bringing forth evils concerning the native's mother.

00 (~R{l -:q aftvT :CC::S::(;j mtit I rtlijaRUiqH'Ie: ~ 'M&&c6 II 'lz:; II 18. Danger to Father. (a) Instant: As the two planets- Saturn and the Sun - are

in the 12th house, and the weak Moon is in the 7th hou8e, the child's father will die instantly.

(b) In Third Year: If this Yoga (i.e. of the Moon, the Sun and Saturn as above) is aspected by a benefic; he may live till the third year of the child.

Notes: (a) The life-span of the child in this case is' far less than three years.

311~~"i::J'1#:'io:&ll8 q"i::jij('jo'!j~~dl: I

fiW 'l:l'1ai fl~~I~:CCifil ~ ~: II '1~ II 19. Dap.ger to, Child & Parents: The Sun, the Moon and

Saturn placed in the 5th, 7th and 12th in order will cause danger to father, mother as well as the child.

~ fB:idiR'tihlt;l: SIIUI(i(I~~~~O: I

~ ~ ~: 'ilij&B'I ~: II ~o II 20. (a) Dangerous: Any (relevant) planetin the 8th house

Jyotisharnava Navanitani 7 Chapter 1

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will take away the life of the child (i.e. there will be Balarishta effects till the age of 12).

(b) Particularly Mars in the 8th house will endanger the maternal uncle of the child.

Notes: (a) "Sarve Grahah" is the term used in the original, meaning "all the planets". But it does not indeed mean that all the 7 planets should be in one go found in the 8th house. It only means "any relevant planet".

"Any plane tin the 8th house" should not again be interpreted that one in any condition will endanger the child. The planet in question should be duly blemished, like afilicted by bad aspects, bad associations, adverse divisions, adverse lordship, weakness etc. If the occupant of the 8th is well-placed and is strong in terms of Shadbala, no Balarishta effects should be foreseen.

~~~~~tl~~~: I ~ ~ ~ m01RVT ~ II ~'1 II 2l.Instant Death of Child: The ascendant being occupied

by Mars while the Sun and Saturn are in the 7th house will cause instant death of the child.

Notes: This condition should be applied to Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius ascendants with additional caution.

~"'qi~t"ld ~ ~ ~-~I ~~ I 22. Same Effect: The Moon in an odd Navamsa will

instantly consign the child to the Abode of Death Personified. Notes: On the surface, this one-line aphorism seems to be

of doubtful origin. Or possibly some lines are missing.

~ ~ ~ elRHt~ 1Jflll: ~: I . 6"'11t!+tft1Rr~ftll?a~l<t>l4~: II ~~ II 23. (a) Same Effect: The Moon in the 12th house and

Saturn in the ascendant with all other malefics will be a source ofBalarishta or infantile·death.

(b) Same Effect: The Moon and Saturn joining Mars in the

Jyotisharnava Navanitam 8 Chapter 1

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8th or 12th house will also lead to the same result. Notes: (a) "'All other malefics" means Sun, Mars and a


&iil«l'!it"l?arsa &ii"'lrs:>le4 ~ 1

sr<il61f?ttl~ ~ 1l(Vj ~ II ~H II 24. Early Death: The Moon in the 8th house, or

alternatively the three viz. the ascendant, the 8th house and the Moon, being in aspect to malefic planets, will cau5e early death of the child.

3&41fd"ldl: qrq'T: mlt 1:J(QJ ~: I '"'

~ ~: qrqr: q:;rfft41: '1(01!11&1: II- ~'l II 25. (a) Same Effect: Malefic planets in the ascendant and

the· 7th house will cause immediate (early) death of the child. (b) So also the Moon in the 6th or "8th house, as maletics are

in the lOth house.

qlql~:filoJCl>;os:>ft41: ¥6"18o<f<fle"l: I 311f&~<8«<t~0'514i ~~~II ~~ II . 26. Same Effect: Maletics in angles and trines, Venus in

the 6th, 8th or 12th house, and birth at Sun-rise - this threefold combination will also lead to -instant death.

Notes: Venus cannot be in the 6th or 8th during Sun rise. Hence, the position of Venus in the 12th is only relevant for this combination. ·

Thus, it will form as under: The Sun in the ascendant, Venus in the 12th thereof,· a malefic in an angle and another malefic in a trine.

Result - instant death of the child.

~ ~ cufq cijrqq:;R'; ~ :qfa: I

d&r ~ ~ 1l(Vj f4Hd~l4: II ~\9 II 27. Importance of Navamsa Ascendant: Should both

the lords of the rising sign and Navamsa ascendant be in

JyotishiU"Dava Navanitam 9 Chapter 1

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combustion, the child born will instantly pass away without any· doubt.

Notes: This kind of a rule throws light on the real utility of Navamsa ascendant. How important is the Navamsa lord even in regard to life-span can be hereby understood.

There is an ·interesting classical rule using Navamsa in respect of instant death of father, thus: Note the Navamsa ascendant and the Moon's Navamsa at the birth of a child. If its father also has the same yoga in his natal horoscope, he. will pass away on "the very first day" of the said child's birth.

~ CIT f:lq,)U)~fi ~ CIT 'lf&ld&l I ~1¥Cf1"1~1dicUSfil ~ ~: II ~r; II 28. Importance of a Trine: Whenever the three planets,

viz. lord of the ascendant, that of a trine (i. e. either the 9th lord or the 5th lord) and the lord of the rising Navamsa, are found at birth in the 6th or the 8th house from the natal ascendant (as seen in the Rasi chart), Balarishta effects should be foretold.

~ ""Rft -~ ~: ~ ~~~<ifd: I

~ lj_fJt:!*~ mft '1(01'11fa:~<:J:. II ~~ II 29. Instant Death: The Moon in the ascendant, the Sun

in the 12th house, Saturn in the 9th house and Mars. in the 8th house will cause instant death of the child.

(>)j CIT ~ cnfit mPt "' ~ ~ I . ~ "' ~ [il~q(Oi'ti~<:f. II ~o II

30. Father Endangered: The Sun andMarsjoiningin the ascendant, or in the 5th, 7th or 8th house, will cause unmediate death of father. .

.Notes: Also see sloka 34 infra.

<$~~~ ~ ;rcA fqai ~ I 31~1~!8 ~: ~~II~? II

Jyotisharnava Navanitam 10 Chapter 1

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31. Tw~ More Such Yogas wi~h Nodes: The child. will bring forth immediate death of father ifKetu is in an angle, or in the 5th or the 9th house. Rahu in these houses (i.e. in an.angle or a triile) will destroy "parental kinsfoik within three days of birth. In case ofboth the!ie Y ogas by the nodes, a malefic's aspect is also essential.

~ ¥1 ~ ~ lRU ~~i"lij ~: I ::!I~~<S Pl~i¥¥'l <fi ~ ~ ~: II ~~ II

32. (a) Father Away: Saturn placed in the 7th bouse, and being in direct motion (i. e. not being in retrogression) with the aspect of Mars denotes that the father had gone away to a foreign land at the time of birth of the child.

(b) Father's Death: The Moon, joining Mars who is just past his retrograde motion, in· a sign of Saturn will cause destruction of father, i.e. father will face instant death.

~ aU~f.ffi&ffi Fi ~ f trt~<"l<isi'Rfi =t ~ <lci'!f5id: 11 ~~ 11

33. Father's Death: Saturn aspectingthe ascendant which is a malefic sign, while Jupiter is not in an angle, will cause instant death of father. The ascendant should, however, be free from benefic's occupation.

Notes: Malefic signs are better interpreted ·as. tlie Of?.es owned by Mars, the Sun and Saturn" instead of all odd signs becoming Kroora or malefic.

~ci>~'i:lle¥1<1~~fd::t. ~ ~ I 41'4ii~~ei~~Rq<jfetn ~: II ~~ II 34. Same Effect: The Sun, Saturn and Mars in the 8th

house without the aspect of a benefic will also cause immediate death offather. ·

Notes: Also see sloka. 30, supra.

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~ ~ .~ tf'ift!Eiifo'Q~ ~: I

f<t~dlffif6dt ~ ~ ~: II ~~ II 35. Danger to Either Parent: A child with the Sun, the

Moon and Saturn placed severally or together in the 5th, 7th and 12th houses will kill its father and mother.

m~""'~:qfa:~: 1 ifl<jaf<:ot<=:ti~ ~ ;:. m: II ~~ II 36. Danger to Mother. The mother will die within seven

nights of the birth of the child having the Sun in the ascendant along with the Moon, its Mars is in the 7th house.

~·~n~il ~•i:l'ift<t 'ifo:s=:tfct ~ 11

~ ~ ~ filaiiftd4id II ~1.9 II 37. Danger to Parents & Child: The parents and the

. child will all die early if the ascendant and the lOth house are in occupation by the Sun, the Moon and Saturn, without receiving Jupiter's aspect.

Notes: The three pianets can occupy the two houses in any manner, that is two planets in the ascendant and the other in the lOth house, or vice versa.

'ifrs:&Jilf'ij ~: ti'ifit ~ ~ I ;r ~ ~ <ffl • ii~4e~l4: II ~,. II 38. Danger to Maternal Uncle: Should Mars be in the

5th place from the Moon and be devoid of the aspect of Jupiter, the child's maternal uncle will die (early).

dldlfi:"'~l 00 ifl<j~l:!ll "11~'11'1tfl "111fildi -:q ~: I

q4ilm.~at: ~ ti'ififlfi'.fl: dttt"'fn! ~ ~ II ~~ II 39. Planets & Danger to Relatives: The Sun and others

in order in the 5th house will endanger father, mother, co-born, . maternal uncle, maternal grand-mother, maternal grand-father

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and the native. Notes: The 5th house occupied by a certain planet as und':!r

will result in danger to the concerned relative as under. The Sun - father The Moon -mother Mars - co-born Mercury - maternal uncle Jupiter - maternal grand-mother Venus- maternal grand-father Saturn - the child itself. By simply seeing a planet as above, the noted event should

not be feared. The planet should be ill-placed, without relief from counteringsow;ce&. Proper dasa periods and transits should also be simultaneously checked.

Since Jupiter has been referred to in the text in the context of maternal grand-mother, obviously both ~lder and younger co-born in this context come under Mars.

Paternal grand-father comes under Jupiter and paternal grand-mother comes under Venus, the opposite of eachother,.for this purpose only.

Further, the nodes are not mentioned in the present sloka; Rahu and Ketu in order indicate paternal and maternal grand-parents.

Blemishes Concerning Birth Star:

~ fil1l11ifjiPt<?J'JiP'I ~ ~H<IIP'I ~: I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WiP-liG:I'ii<4ii<:f>~:q II ~o II 40. Birth with blemishful portions ofThithi, N akshatra and

ascendant will endanger both the father and mother of the child. If Jupiter is in the ascendant, in such of the cases, these relatives will survive, overcoming the blemish.

Notes: There are three kinds of Gandantas or blemishful portions which relate to Thithi, Nakshatra and ascendant. The following relevant aphorisms are collected from elsewhere and the meanings are also given for the benefit of the reader. ·

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~~ ~ G>I(?I"1'QI(?I4Hi'{ I

~ oqR:q;rg:4 '<{ Jrosr·a<tir<!'>l w= ~= 11 Nakshatra Ganda: Two ghatis each in the end ofRevathi,

Aslesha and Jyeshta succeded by the initial two ghatis each of Asvini, Makha and Moola respectively cause Nakshatra Ganda. (It is known to the reader that a Ghati equals 24 minutes of clock time.) Also see Sloka 47 infra.

~<lt: qori+a:<il"lil%4; '@: lf<.~ J(usHi -a~iHri%Cl;q;r 1 c-·

(i~4l>ff:iro4\:. ~~ J(06i•di(o'Q"1(>4A: II Thithi & Lagna Ga:ndanta: The last one ghati of a Purna

Thithi followed in succession by one ghati of a Nanda Thithi constitutes Thithi Gandanta or dangerous part of lunar· day. Purna Thithis are 5th, lOth an<J 15th lunar days of a fortnight. Nanda Thithis are 1st, 6th and 11th lunar days of a fortnight.

The last half ghati of the ascendants Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio continued by the initial half gbati of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius respectively constitute Lagna Ganda or blemishful

· part of ascendants. (Enthusiasts should not say that V argottama Lagna or Vargottama Moon is an exception.)

One born with these Gandanta blemishes will destroy his parents which is already highlighted by our text. M uhurta texts prohibit a marriage in such portions as it will destroy both the husband and wife. Similarly ;whenajourneyundertaken in such parts ofNakshatra & C, the traveller will lose his money.

The 2nd line of our text has some blemish of composition. "Hanti" is misprint for some other word. "Lagna" should read as "Lagne" meaniD.g in the ascendant.

Jupiter in the ascendant in power is an exception for such a blemish, as stipulated by our text. ·

~: ~ ~ 51ri1'il( fil1c:3'*!'( I fffii~tnq~ am= ~ m <::Ra'= 11 ~' 11

41. Asvini Nakshatra: Birth in the first quarter of Asvini N akshatra will cause danger to father within three months. This

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blemish can be offset by donation of gold. Notes: Birth with the Moon. in specified Nakshatras are

discussed. below, along wit;h remedies in some cases. The~ should not be applied to asce.ndant riSing in these Nakshatras.

4tt4<tJt4q,a ~ m ~: 1

~ 414NIG;q¥4 U 8~ II 42. BbaraniNakshatra: There will be danger for 72 days

(for llh Mandalas) for a child born in the 3rd quarter ofBharani Nakshatra.

~ ~- qt<l ¥111~ij fcR:i4Rf I -~ fircri ~ ~ mai ~I ~ 4~i<li:~~ II g~ II 43. RohiniNakshatra: Maternal uncle will· be destroyed

in case of birth in Rohini'slst qua.rter; the 2nd quarter will pose a threat to mother's life.· EVeryone (i e. the kinsfolk) will experience auspicious effects with birth in the 4th quarter of Rohini.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~~:~orct: I

jq<icij'*"a&IHatti ~ ~ ~ 1 l=ft:st;:qA~II4i~;;ql<! ~- 14f.1~1_ II 88 II ~ w.PI q.a~§l;;qq''i1{? ~ 1

fMl~Ntail~"14 ij f:t•ua<ti I '11'!1&f4 ~: F-lf!R\:4-:-~ ..a:Ffa: II 8l( II _

44 • 45. Pushyaini Nakshatra: (a) For a male child born during day time in Cancer ascendant with PushyamiN akshatra, declare danger to father. A female child so born in night time will similarly endanger the mother.

(b) The maternal uncle of the child born in the 1st quarter of Pushyami will be endangered early. If birth be in the 2nd

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quarter of the said N akshatra, the blemish will remain for three months. To overcome this danger, donation of scented articles be resorted to.

~ ~ -qrcl ~;:q:;l~t;:~1_ I ~. ~I~W<IIi!dl~ %!~'*!'<:!. I ~ fikj_<iltlf<uP:i~?FtG:Hd: II ·~t; II 46. Aslesha: For a child born with Aslesha Nakshatra, 1st

quarter will yield &uspicious effects. 2nd quarter Will endanger the child. 3rd one will a:ftlict mother and the 4th one father. Donation of food .(i. e. poor feeding as prescribed in Sastras) should be undertaken to overcome the ills.

Notes: Detailed Vedic remedies are discussed in Bala Bhadra's.l;loraRatnam (forthcom.ingtrans1ation and commentary by R. Santhanam). The relevant portion covers the most detailed Vedic remedies for various other Nakshatras like Jyeshta. It is not possible to reproduce all these here. The reader may refer to the srod work for benefit.

~ ~ ";;{ ~~I'SI~ ~ I ~'*i4~S(ll;ft~ ~~~I q~J.cif"'tf!a ~ ~ I 'il&~lifd~~~~il: Cf>l~4ii:sMa~~\:1l: II B\9 II

4 7. Birth in Gandanta: Note two ghatikas (or 48 minutes of time) in each of the following:

Concluding parts of Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revathi, and initial parts of Makha, Moola and Asvini. · Birth in any of the six phases will constitUte blemish. The

learned in astrology prescribe planetary propitiations for such a birth. . . Notes: The Gandanta Lagnas or Riskha Sandhis as generally known are. different which are highlighted in theN otes

·earlier. Presently pointed out are six kinds ofNakshatra blemishes that will endanger the new-born.

·' '.~ ..

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These are: The last two ghatikas of Aslesha, the iast two gh~tikas of Jyeshta, the last two ghatikas of Revathi, the first two ghatikas of Makha, the first two ghatikas of Moola and the first two ghatikas of AsVini. Two ghatikas are equal to 48 minutes of Clock time. The reader will note that these lunar positions also fall in

the junctions of Cancer- - Leo, Scorpio - Sagittarius, and Pisces -Aries.

One surviving Gandanta Lagna becomes eligible to enjoy Raja Yoga effects.

~if m ~ 'i041~Rti1tai:+t>~t 1 '11~'Nfi tflRr ~ tU~df<Ol ~ I Cf>do<OIIHJGJ:f ~ q~kql&:ii4 ~ II gr:; II 48. Makha: The blemish of birth of a child in the first

quarter of Makha will endanger its father during the first 5 ·months. This should be' remedied. The other quarters of this Nakshatrlj. are auspicious (that is, these pose threat to none).

3*1<tstl:t~q.a ~ ";;( "'f.\~ 1

fil$-~Ril<w"41Sfilf!cqleiC4~ ~ I Rl{"iqi~SI&I~"t di?&iPdfij'i~Cf"!. II g~ II

49. Uttara Phalguni: Should there be a birth in first or fourth quarter ofU~tara Phalguni, blemish will exist for paternal and maternal uncles for a period of two months. The remedy is donation of a vessel filled with sesamum seeds.

~*li'tl~~q·~ '5FR ~ ~~~iMfe: I lil<jfe~G:<Ioi -:q qoqmli:4~ ~ 1 di?&iPacif:~&l~"t "i~ts<tRI ';f ~: II ~o II

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50. Chitta: Birth in first, second or third quarter of Chitta will cause blemish 'to paternal artd maternal uncles for a period of six months. ·Donation of clothes will war.d off t}W; blemish.

~· t~teA;~Mcn·~~ ~ 1

~. "fldll1~ ~: fildll1€011 ~JI<fl> II !('1 II

~:il~dt~ ~ '1116c:Nj(f<e'!i'f.l ~ til<:;<l~ ~ ~liijG:l"f¥'f.ll !(~ II ~ a;:qeail dJ<~I!fC!''f.l 31M~~~~Iiff<naCiil ~1<ill!f'!''f.ll !( ~ 11 ~ 1111~1ctci 'J~I'JICJX;") ~: I 1tl:t:Nicl ~ ~: ~ II !(~ II

OfcFUeiCifV.I 'ij(:J fil1® ~ I <iJttP~If4 ~Cl'€01Pa.;m,1q~ ';:{ m: II !(!( II

51. 55. Ten PJ~rtS of Jyeshta: Divide the Ghatikas of the Nakshatra Jyeshta into ten equal parts. Birth in 1st part will be a blemish for maternal grand-mother, 2nd part for paternal grand-mother; 3rd part for maternal uncle, 4th part for the child's co-born and the 5th part for the child itself. The 6th part will prove auspicious. Blemish to. spouse of the native (when married) will occur in case of 7th part. Again the subject will be afllicted (in its childhood) in case ofbirth in 8th part. The 9th and

. lOth parts in order will endanger father and mother. So declare the learned concerning effects. of birth in Jyeshta Nakshatra. Birth in the fourth quarter of Jyeshta will lead to blemish for a period of nine months concerning the child's father. Donation of a cow will ward off the blemish.

'J~I4qiG:~I ~ %t-'11~'hl I fqfdsa~CF41W ~ II !(~ 11 d:::thf(idl :stldf41 ~:~ ~I

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fl:Nqi'4 ~ 5ti~*R"4«N\ ;r ~II ~\9 II 56 - 57. Jyesbta - Mula: Birth during the half of a ghatik.a

(that is 12 minutes of total time) composed by a quarter of the last Ghatik.9. (last six minutes) ofJyeshta and a quarter ofthe first ghatik.a (first six minutes of time) of Mula will be a blemish for a male child. A female child does not attract this blemish.

'k"*4~R<tilfe<tf: ~ sl~lia: 1 ~ . .

~ ~: ~ %!~{'(I 'lc; II

~ "WI1<il"R"41,:q<jif~CRI<il"''t{'( I ~ ~ rtl1o4~{'( II 'l~ II

. '111o~<rai ~ mA ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ :sft<t::to44: II ~o II

~ ~ ~ ~"R"detl ~ I Q<t>l<:i ~ <j 5tldf41f<f!i'IICf~{'( II ~'1 II

i11ij=f<qqlf;:J ~"114'1'jCfdd I

~11Pa4f6s41t::lq::t ~"R"41f4 l1Fclts4Ri II ~~ II

~· ~qq1<l :st?rilRqi!<il¥!'i:l I ~ '11t!<il"R"4hJ:~~ \l::tiilf.lj{'( I ~ ~ ~<iRif<M~<l: II ~~ II 58-63, (a) Twelve Parts ofMula Naksbatra: Divide the

duration of Mula Nakshatra, as at birth, into twelve equal parts. Accordingly blemishes will occur as under. 1st part -father, 2nd part - mother, 3td part - brother, 4th part - sister, 5th part -father-in-law (when marned), 6th part- paternal uncle, 7th part - maternal uncles and aunts, 8th part -loss of wealth, 9th part -loss of life, lOth part- penury, 11th part- servants, and 12th part -native himself. This blemish will exist for three months which can· be removed by donation of a she-buffalo.

(b) 4 Quarters of Mula: The first quarter of Mula will produce blemish for father, and the 2nd quarter for mother.

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·Birth in 3rd quarter will lead to loss of wealth. Auspicious effects Will follow the birth in the last quarter of Mula Nakshatra.

~ ~ f<t<:n T' 51f.l4~ I ~ dG:i!'lli~<Ma~~ll~st fcfqWJTT: II G~ II

'i<:fMit:l ~ ~ ~ ~ I tj_~SRfett~C4~ "!' ~ I :q~:;l.:;:!''l<lilri1f<4i~S~~dql ~ II G~ II

'iCJMit:l ~ '51Td': ftltjJ'<l"'ii~FJ!i{ I :Jb¥f>4ic::4> ~ ftltl4<ui'11~~<:{ II GG II

64 - 66. Purvashadha: (a) Destruction offather will occur in case of a child born during day time in Sagittarius ascendant· as the birth star is Purvashadha.

(b) Note ifbirth is in Sagittarius ascendant with the Moon in Purvashadha Nakshatra, or birth in Cancer ascendant with the Moon in Pushyami Nakshatra, coinciding with the sun-rise, the sun-set or mid~night in existence. This will cause danger to a male native.

(c) Birth-of a child in Sagittarius ascendant with the Moon in Purvashadha, or Cancer ascendant with the Moon in Pushyami Nakshatra will cause (early) death offather. ·

~<:tJ\~Id:~SI+i ftl(J<il"!'<t I ef5c'11tll<:f~d..,S1Pdff<:fuia:H: II Gl.9 II

67. Revathi: For a child born in the 4th quarter ofRevathi, blemish will rule for three months. Donation of gold will be its remedy.

Notes: So far explained are births in certain unfavourable Nakshatra phases. Once the danger is overcome due to other favourable Yogas, there should be no fear in that direction. That is, such Balarishta combinations will remain nullified after the respective age bracket.

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Yogas for Cancellation of EVils:

~ ~ ~: 4->o:s::~t!S~lut:ll: I

3fRe:4l:~1 ~ a(R?T ~ ~ II ~.,. II 68. The child will surely survive, overcoming the evil

Yogas, if the lord of the ascendant is endowed with strength and occupies an angle or a trine.

Notes: The yogas now being mentioned are protecting the child from Balarishta evils mentioned earlier, vide· sloka 11 etc. As a result of the present yogas effectively countering short-life combinations, threat to loss of life ~ be overcome.

~ ~: ~~lonq;jkt: •I &~•:u~Cf~Pi ~ <ihwori ctlt~fg<t<l;j4aj<f><lRI 11 ~~ 11

69. A single benefic planet enjoying all kinds of strength and occupying an angle or a trine will remove evils giving longevity and healthy physique to the child.

~ 4->o:srn,lcil~<n ~ 1 ijW¥f(ot4l:~n"''i IDmRl o:i;jtq,l(oj II \So II

70. Mercury, Venus and Jupi.ter disposed (severally) in angles and trines will obstruct the conibin,.tions for instant (early) death of the child.

Notes: 'l;he three benefics are referred to here. But sometimes, they themselves may form part of a certain Balarishta Yoga becoming a victim in certain specially laid conditions .. Then trinallangular po~;~itions of these planets sho1,1ld be intelligently scrutinised ..

The present verse lays down that these benefics should be in angles and or trines in any manner, together or separately. For example, these three planets joining in an angle is also enough. Or Mercury in 9th, Jupiter in ascendant and Venus "in lOth, for example, willli!So be sufficient. Also see the following verse for a specific Yoga which is otherwise the same except for

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specific exclusion ofthe 7th house .

. ~~'i~4~~:1 esat~t.'tfil Qrfa' A!ll<h::u~"»>i(fllq liif<fi<l<::A: II 13'1 II

71. Jupiter; Venus and Mercury placed in the ascendant, lOth, 5th, 4th and( or) the 9th houses (severally or jointly) will remove a hundred thousand blemishes (for instant loss of life) just as the rise of the Sun dispels darkness.

~ <\i~a :sftC\-.."<ta~(: 1

~ A~·~ "<t;os::l~ ~ "" II 13~ II 72. Jupiter, Venus, or Rahu 'in an angle will remove

blemishes of Balarishta and will grant a life-span of a hundred years. The Moon in an angle will re·move the blemiSh caused by other planets-~as stated so far).

Notes: (a) In normal cases, "hundred years'' is just an exaggeration. It should be construed that strong Jupiter or Venus, or auspiciously disposed Rahu, in an angle will give long-

. life. However, in caSe ofRahu being in ascendant it may not be always so. Rahu in the ascendant which is one of Vugo, Cap\icorn, Aries, Taurus and Cancer will give longevity (and wealth). In other ascendants, he may not be indeed· so good.

~ f&itl51""1 \tt:tla""1ff!a ~ 1 qtq4\&4fi:lij!li::S::: tR~IS~rWJ: II 13~ II

73. The Moon in the 6th or the 8th house aspected by a malefic will destroy blemishes in case ofbi.itlJ. in day time in dark lunar half. In case of birth in night time in bright lunar half, the aspect on the Moon should be from by a benefic planet.

Notes: If the Moqn is in the 6th or the 8th house for a birth in night time in dark lunar half, and for a'birth in day time in bright lunar half, she · will have no blemish. In such cases, malefic aspects on the Moon means blemish to life-span or sickness in childhood.

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~: ~"'9Y'Iffl ~I qNi:i"4\"'lifl<1JS«tW~I!BI ~ II \9ij II 74. One among Mercury, Venus and Jupiter being in

strength.and occupying an angular house without association of a malefic by aspect or union will remove blemishes for infantile death.

lFfil!Cif6 m: C\i;::s:;e~ iii&IP<4d:. I ~ ~ ~ ~ l'?f1(4t11 II '-'~ II· 75. Even by himself, the lord of the ascendant in strength

in an· angular house, will be capable of dispelling evils as Lord Siva destroyed the three cities (acquired by Pura, a king of demons, as a boon from the Trinity).

Notes; For purpose of overcoming Balarishta Yogas, the strength of the ascendant lo~ should be gauged as under.

a) He should enjoy more than stipUlated Shadbala, avoiding Gandanta points or Riksha Sandhis ..

b) He can be conjunct the Full Moon. c) He should avoid the face of a node, i.e. be not with a node

with a. lesser longitude in comparison to the node in question. Example for being in the face of a node: Rahu or Ketu in, say,

25th degree of a sign while the ascendaqt lord therein is in 24th degree or so.

'5ftCI¥tlf'!foidlil<t>: ~: 'J_«h'1: I 31~f.'IR.<k.; ~ Sfi(lrqq(qj..,"''~l: II 19G II

76. (a) One among the three planets, viz. Jupiter, Mercury and Venus with full strength in an angle will remove blemishes. (concerning Balarishta). ·

. (b) Even if the planet (as above) is a malefic for the nativity, it will prove beneficial in this respect if it is in deep exaltation.

Notes: (a) That Jupiter etc. in an angle will remove all blemishes - in any respect - is a misunderstanding.

(b) Malefic in this case means a "Paapi"·or adverse planet, and Maraka (killer). In any context, however, Maraka planets

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with strength will not be killers. Only their weakness will be adversity. ·

311i;J&~II&&i,JSI"toti'11~R ot~l<f<ld 1 <:~~q~qRft<\>~tna= ~m ~ 11 \9\9 11 77. From birth till the age of twelve years, it will not be

possible to decide a child's length of life. It should till then be protected by offering sacrificial recitations, rituals and medical care.

Notes: The pointimplied in thisaphorismis that astrological calculations and estimates regarding life-span may be futile till a child completes its twelfth year of age. To overcome unnoticeable planetary blemishes, the text suggests resorting to remedial measures.

Thus a horoscope should not be discussed from every angle till the child completes the 12th year of age.

""-W~~~ m ~ ~ 1

414\if(!';fct~=tHII'ila>illl{! ijJMC\1_ II 19z; II 78. The dasa of the weakest among the four planets, viz.

lo~ of the natal ascendant, lord of the Hora ascendant, lord of the 8th house from the natal ascendant, imd Saturn will kill the native.

Notes: The lord of the Hora ascendant means either the Sun or the Moon in whose Hora the natal ascendant falls.

~ tlji!Jolj4fl'fl~ I

~ ~ ma: d.htig<lia:~~ II \9~ II 79.l'he native will be endowed with a long lease oflife ifthe

lords of the 8th house and the ascendant are in the 6th and 12th h.ouses as their lords are disposed in the ascendant and the 8th house.

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~ ~ <b::s:;f:t<t;lui~l: I

fql-.,:qf<:¢l::t. ~ <t\~(1341<:!. II c;o II 80. If the lord of the ascendant joins benefic planets and

occupies an angle or a trine identical with his exaltation or own sign, the subject will enjoy longevity.·

(i~"'tijbeii~: ~: I

f~qi~(~ ~ "'cf-fi ~ II c;'l II 81. If Riiliu is found in the 3rd, 6th or 11th house with the

aspect of a benefic, even one with short-life (caused by other Yogas) will acquire longevity and even a poor person will become wealthy.

~ ~ "<ti= <fi*~ '!&fq~ I a~ltf)ftle;<l<nRI Rm1fdil f.m<l: 11 c;~ 11

82. The blemish of Rahu being in the 8th house will be nullified by Jupiter's position in an angle. As a result, the subject will be endowed with a long lease of life.

·~ ~ ~ ~~iilq•Ck'ilf<l>a 1 d~lttfcle;<l<nRI ~114*11 ~ ~ II c;~ II

83. The blemish of the Moon being in the 8th house will be dispelled by the aspect of the Sun on her, just as the. recitation of Gayatri Mantra destroys sins.

~ <:iT ~ ~ <t\oqf~(i~"14l ~ I ~ en :qwfflrg~ ~= 11 c;g 11 84. (a) The lord of the 8th house in his awn sign (in strength,

and unassociated with evil planets) will give longevity. (b) Should the lord of the 2nd house be (strongly placed) in

a movable sign, the person will live long with prosperity.

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31<.>ql~ot411<:181 ~ ~ ~ I ~ l{'::i!f'il16(j firn '!uli~lld:~q_ II ,.~ II

85. If the ascendant lord is inimical to the Sun, short life will come to pass. If equal- medil,tm span of life, and if friendly -long life will be the result.

Notes: This is a general rule aiding longevity. If the Sun changes his relationship a level downwards, that is a friend becoming neutral through Panchadha Maitri, this yoga will not apply.

:q~~'Jofl ~ qr t1W!ii~(_J(f!'ITI qr I

tf8~<:idHIQ'icll~ <fl l'll~!il;;_~ !4~tl"'d~fni: II zot; II 86. (a) The Moon being auspicious should be found in the

12th house. · (b) Or the Moon should be in the 4th or 8th house, in aspect

to the lord of the ascendant. Then she ·will remove evils relating short-life. (c) So also, when she is in the 6th house receiving the aspect

of the lord of the 6th house. Notes: (a) The Moon should belong to the last 5 days of

bright fortnight and the flrst 5 days of dark fortnight when she is considered "Poorna Chandra" ·or auspicious. Here, Poorna" does not rdlect the Full Moon, or the Moon on Paurnar¢. day.

In this context, the following authoritative quotation may be of enlightenment:

lf<.:<it ~: ft8q8J11~: Cf>IMI:"4 Rt~<:Rfli~: -mfi I QCf>IIG>~dhf.IC"'l'jal<:"'liPaii '!'6UR"4 ~: ~ $~¥ .. =Ad II

The theaning of this verse is: From the first thithi of bright half, the Moon is "Madhya Chandra"' or of mediocre strength. From th~ llthday (Ekadasi) of bright half through the 5th day (Panchluni) of dark half, she is Poorna Chandra enjoying full strength. From the 6th day (Shashti) of dark half to the New Moon day (Amavasya), she is in decline or .Kshina Chandra. These are from an astrological angle only, not from an astronomical angle, and highlight the malefic and benefic

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natures of the Moon. "Dvada$a Bhaga" of our text" means 12th house and not

Dvadasamsa. · (c) "Saptama Viskhita" in the 2nd line does not get properly

associated with the context ancl hence not included in the transit:

'''Hi:lf&-:41 t'*'1Jf~ f4).c:qlf®& ~I ®.<nct-48¥1 «1:t::r:u<=tict"Y"ff ~ II z::19 II 87. The same effect, i. e. cancellatipn of evils relating to life-

span, will materialise if the Moon and. the Sun are in their own divisions, in exaltation and or friendly or benefic planets' divisions.

flsnf&&ile<:o<ilf'lifsn~tld<.~'il(l"'' 1 . .... ~ "''' ~ lfiC"'Jij_fjii "''' ~ II z::z:: II ~ fq~llctERi<:o<i41 101~~"'1: I

~ ~ ~ 8'1<ilf1dl: II z::~ II 88 - 89. Graha Samayas: Following is the method to find

out Graha Samaya (Avastha) or Planetary State. Count from Aries to the natal ascendant and call the figure "A". Count again from Aries to the sign occupied by a planet (for whom Samaya is required) and call the factor "P". Note the relevant dasa years as per Vimsottari scheme, for the said planet and call the factor. 'Y". Now multiply "A" by "P". The resultant figure should be again multiplied by the factor 'Y". Divide the latest sum by 27 and the remainder will denote the planet's Samaya (or Avastha) as given in the following verses ..

Notes: The 2nd line of sloka No. 88 is defective. The rendering is provided after ascertaining correct method of calculation from elsewhere.

These Samayas are also known as Avasthas which are 27 in number.

The formula given above can be simplified as below: (Ax P x Y) ... 27 = R, i.e. Samaya of the planet. Example: Assume Sagittarius (9) is the natal ascendant

and the Samaya for Mercury is to be found out who is in Leo (5).

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Mercury's Vrmsottari dasa is for 17 years. Hence: · . (9 x 5 x 17) + 27 = ;Remainder~- The planet's Samaya as

indicated by this remainderisNamaskara Samaya. Similarly for .any planet, this process is to be applied. ·

Some texts again divide each Samaya into six different sub divisions. But nowhere detailed effects are available for these sub divisions. The formula for reaching sub division iS: Samaya multiplied by 27 and divided by 6.

For example, take the first Satnaya, known as a planet's state ofbatlllng. This 'bathing" has six sub-states, viz. Mrittika Saucha (Cleansing the body with a kind of fragrant earth), Vanta Dhaavanam (cleansing teeth), Mukha Prakshalanam (washing the face), SeetOdakaSnana (bathing with cold water), Ushnodaka Snan.a (bathing with hot water) and Abhyanga Snana (rubbing with unctuous substances). These are the six preliminaries involving daily bathing as noted in the traditional sastras.

· There are a couple of more methods ofSamaya calculations. But standard and reliable texts use the present formula.

Rr-t ~ ~ >:~~qaf$t; 1 ~ICfq>SII!itJl"'!i ~bUN>Sil ·~&l'<f;:j II ~o II '"' ~ ...

¥1H>I(""'" ~ ~ I ~~sR\l!l:~ II ~'1 II .... ::1ils:t>J~I:iCidl"i!<:"i ~: I

'"' &&qHqc'll&f4 ~ II ~ ~ II

~~~f!IMPitf.1rs:RF~ I

~ "I>SIIdl"'i ~ 6"141f'fdl: II ~3 II 88 ~ 93. Names ofGraha Samayas: The 27 Samayas of

the planets are: 1. Snana Samaya (bathing) 2. Vastra Dharana Samaya (wearing clothes) 3. Tilaka Samaya (applying religious mark with saffron

or turmeric paste on fore-head.) 4. Japa Samaya (meditation)

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5. Siva Puja Samaya (worship of Lord Siva) 6. Homa Samaya (performing Fire rituals) 7. Vishnu Puja Samaya (worship of Lord Vishnu) 8. Dvijarchana Samaya (worship ofBrahmanas) 9. Namaskar!i Samaya (offering homage) 10. Adri Pradakshina Samaya (circumambulation of

the Mountain called Meru-~ 11. Vaisvadeva Samaya (religious ceremony before mid-

day meal with homage to Vaisvadeva and Agni) 12. Athithi Puja Samaya (bono ruing unexpected guests) 13. Bhojana Samaya (taking food) 14. Vidya Vivardhana Samaya (increase oflearning) 15. Akrosa Samaya (assailing with harsh language) 16. Tambula Samaya (eatillg bettie-leaves, nuts etc.) 17. Vagvilasa Samaya (elegance of speech) 18. Sabha Sthithi Samaya (presence in an assembly) 19. Jalapana Samaya (consuming water) 20. Alasya Samaya (indolence) 21. Sayana Samaya (lying down) 22. Amrita Bhakshana Samaya (consuming nectar) 23. Gandhalepana Samaya (applying scerits) 24. Sallapa Samaya (chattering together) 25. Bhoga Samaya (enjoyment) 26. Nidra Samaya (sleeping) 27. ;Ratna Pariksha Samaya (testing of diamond!;!) Notes: Each ofthe nine planets undergoes these Samayas

during various intervals of the day. At a given moment, the planet is expected to be in a certain state ofSamaya (or Avastha) as above. That particular Samaya is said to influence it to give certain results as note'd in the ensuing· s~okas. For an easy understandingand application, the meanings ofthe Samayas are given by me in brackets.

A careful grasp shows that a planet undergoes minimum of 12 of 27 San;1ayas listed above. With every change of ascending sign, the Sarilaya changes.

These Samayascan be applied to natal and query horoscopes. For example in a query relating to some litigation, the ascendant lord is in J apa Samaya, as noted at S. No. ·4 infra. This indicates

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that t}:le querist will win over his enemies. But if the 6th lord is in Japa Samaya, the querist ·will lose as his enemy is to win.

Take a natal horoscope. Say the 9th lord is in Sailakramana or Adri Pradakshina Samaya (S. No. 10) or Sayana Samaya (S. No. 21). Then the native's fortunes will be mauled badly. The lOth lord in Vastra Dhruti Samaya or Vastra Dharana Samaya (S. No.2) will give a, superior position to the person. The 5th lord in Vidya (or Pratibhashana) Samaya (S. No. 14) will make the subject highly intelligent, as noted in the ensuing slokas.

The present method of knowing a planet's Samaya is a unique proof of our ancient's divine wisdom and is based onSukra Nadi. ·


~t'l'<fq ~kJ:514I(flie ~:~ f4b"J''&I:;:f:i "'" II ~ ~ II ~:su:;:f:iw:s<l':te.it "'i'1fiia1~t:i "~" -~Sf;'icil ~ 1 31'1t'aii:ll''*4 ~ ~ Tf II ~~ II ~: ~: 31i'f'l~iq~:tct'j'ijfd'1~4: I

di'"'ie)<l; aJ~<.ct~~ct (i~lf4&1~f451<4Hjtctd&: II ~ ~ II ~ihf&4Hdf~t<i ~I ~ ID411Hifclift'1dl 'q t!'l'1R!=l ¥i'l~fd .. k4: II ~ 1.9 II

~ (1-:s~iti_ ~~~I Cf>HI~dSIIfa'j&iiRPd f.t~l~d~ lfl"lf4iftotdi "'" II ~ ~ II ~'11:atifi<~•Ntl~ "'" ~ il<nf.t ~ ~ II ~ ~ II 94 - 99. Effects of Sa may as: The effects of a planet in the

various Samayas are as under: 1. Snana Samaya - the native will be courageous; 2. Vastra Dhruti (Dharana) Samaya- kingship; 3. Tilaka Dharana Samaya - auspicious effects; 4. Japa Samaya - winning over enemies 5. Lingarchana or Siva Puja Samaya- same effect (i.e.

success over enemies); 6. Upasana (Homa) Samaya -.grief;

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7. Vishnu Puja Samaya- success; 8. Dvijarchana Samaya - kingdom; 9. N amaskara Samaya - auspiciousness; 10. Sailakramana (Adri pradakshina) Samaya - lack of

fortunes. 11. Vaisvadeva Samaya- inauspiciousness; 12. Athithi Puja Samaya - pleasures; 13. Bhukti (Bhojana Samaya) - again, pleasures; 14. Pratibhashana (Vidya Samaya) -very intelligent; 15. Akrosana Samaya - grief; 16. Tambula Samaya- increase of happiness through

spouse or females; 17. . Raja Vilasa (V aagvilasa) - success; 18. Sabhasthithi Samaya - happiness; 19. Jalapana Samaya- again happiness; 20. Aalasya Samaya - great fear; 21. Sayana- absense of fortunes; 22. Sukhasana (Amrita Bhakshana) Samaya -

satisfaction; 23. Alankrita (Gandhalepana) Samaya - kingdom and ·

friendship; 24. Stri Bhashana (Sallapa) Samaya - pleasures; -25. Bhoga Samaya- acquisition of spouse and progeny; 26. Nidra Samaya - lack of pleasures. 27. Ratna Pariksha Samaya- acquisition of wealth. Notes: These effe.cts have to be declared for each of the

Samaya of the planet at birth (or query) as detailed earlier.

End of Chapter 1 in Jyotish.arn.at•a Navan.itam.

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Bhava Effects

The. 1st House:

qo RctHmeg:<hl "fr<#'f<:kqwl4e:•

q>i(qoill'i<i~ifl!4: qjq(•~kW'11<1; II '111 1. Bhava's Effects: (a) The house (i. e. Bhava) that is

occupied by the concerned signifcator (i. e. Bhava Karaka) will yield limited effects (concerning that house). .

(b) If there is a malefic in a .certain sign, the indications concerning the house owned by its dispositor will be destroyed.

Notes: (a) There is a well-known aphorism that a Karaka (or·significator) in that Bhava will"destroy" its effects. Our text stipulates ;'limited effec~" flowing from that house, which is often found to.be the truth. To wit, as an example, Mars in the 3rd house may not completely destroy that.Bhava but will give "restricted effects". Further, there are many aphorisms elsewhere where Jupiter is said to be favourable in the 5th house for progeny, Venus in the 7th house favourable for spouse and so on and so forth.

(b) Here we get a rarely known clue. This kind of interpretation is clearly made in works like "Saptarishi Nadi".

· This implies that a malefic will cripple the Karakatva effects ofits dispositor. For example, a malefic in a sign of Venus will reduce the good effects concerning marriage. One in a sign of Jupiter will affect progeny adversely. This way, an understanding should be made with the overall disposition of the

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dispositor plan~t as well. The above aphorisms should '!:>e extended to the various

houses of the horoscope and not just to the 1st house.

~ "44ti~ql'4i~I:U ~: I ~ o4<A4aiJ8~:q)q)~ci} i11Ni'11%~: II ~ II 2.Auspicious& Inauspicious Planets:.(a)Those planets

that are related to the lords of the 9th and 5th houses by aspect or conjunction will prove auspicious.

(b) Planets deliver grief and death if they are conjunct with the lords of the 8th, 6th and 12th houses.

Notes: (a) If a planet joins or is aspected by the lord of the 9th or the 5th, he will deliver favourable effects. Even planets with bad lordships can considerably improve themselves in the said Yoga.

(b) The three planets cited are known as Trika lords or lords of evil houses. Others related to evil lords will prove harmful So also when in evil houses. For example, the 4th lord in the 6th, 8th or 12th or being related to such lords will adversely affect the 4th house indications.

·~ t"iiRI~R1i1t{;qat:

¢111~rS::"I~~ (i:st&lifOie<gd: II ~ II 3. Royal Features: The person will be endowed with royal

features if Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and the Moon are in the ascendant or in an angle therefrom.

Notes: All the 4 planets need not be so placed. Even one of them alone with strength, and without :t;ninus· points in the ascendant or in an angle will give the native such auspicious physical features as due to men of royal clan. As a result, the subject will enjoy abundant happiness.

~~Mt¥>~1 ~ qR:Ri<f~d3ji:U ~I

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'!'~l~u:ilsolc"t1llt 8GJ&(04 e"'P<ta: 11 ~ 11 4. Emaciated: If the ascendant is occupied by Rahu in

aspect to Mars and Saturn, the subject will be thin and warm-bodied and be ever lazy. So also when the lord of the ascendant is either Saturn or the Sun.

Notes: Though this sloka has three lines, the meaning is complete. ·

The condition of Saturn's being the lord of the ascendant (i. e. Capricorn or Aquarius) giving the said effects is understandable to some extent. But its applicability to Leo ascendant is not generally practical. Apparently some more conditions might have been enjoined in the context. For example, such ascendant should be ill-disposed by adverse occupation or aspect.

::ilidl=iil •nas~~tea1~l m lf>Ufl"'~G: e"'P.,.a~ 1 ~~~~:·ll't.ll 5. Umbilical Cord:-Ifthe ascendant is occupied by Rahu

and Saturn as both the sides of the ascendant are surrounded by Jupiter, Mercury, the Moon and Venus.

det"''rro <:ta<f;feft l!4>i~l4> eqp.,.Jl 1

~ "'iiiTdl ~fil:il<fil ~: ll·f; II 6. Parents: The Sun and the Moon in one and the same sign

with conjunction in one and the sarrie N avamsa will give three mothers and two fathers.

Notes: The two planets can join in a sign and can be again together in Navamsa (not necessarily Vargottama). As a result, the subject will be brought up by so many people as cited, like parents.


~d~i~<<ti 41Rl~4qrdP"1~ ~: 11 \9 II 7. Physical Felicity: It has been decided by the learned

that the person will be endowed with physical felicity if the lord

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of the ascendant is in the 5th house in the company of the lord of the lOth house.

Notes: This combination is capable of making the subject immune to physical ill-health.

~~~~gdl ~~:11 .. 11 8. If the Sun is the lord of the ascendant, is placed in the

5th house along with Jupiter and is in aspect to Venus, the native will be a Brahmin.

Notes: This and the following verses need not be interpreted as indicative of birth in such castes. With such combination as prescribed in the present sloka, one's deeds, way of living, conduct etc. will be such as due to a Vedic Brahmin. For example, a '"Brahmin'" means one who is learned in the Vedas and the like; his deeds will relate to knowledge, priesthood etc. A "king" will be an administrator etc .. etc ...

~~~~~ a.'l*'lliRlRR\ ~ ~ f.'f$:t: II ~ II 9. Royal Clan: The lord of the ascend:mt joining Jupiter

and begetting the aspect of Mars indicates th. t the native is a Kshatriya (i.e. of royal clan).

~~~~~ ~ ~ <r::1 ~: II 'Jo II 19. Business Community: Should the ascendant lord be

found with Mercury in aspect to Rahu, the person belongs to the community of traders.

~~~~~~ lj0101i~gd<llfil ~'511fa ~: II '1'1 II 11. Soodras' Community: One born with the ascendant

lord's conjunction with Saturn in aspect to Rahu, or one with tl.e

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lord of the ascendant joining Venus is-a Soodra.

The 2nd House:

~~.~~~· ~il4ijfS~ctlfil \t"'lil4asil ~ II '1~ II 12. Equal to Kubera: The native will be equal to Kubera,

the Hindu god of wealth, if Jupiter is in the 2nd house being its lord, along with the pltinet Mars.

Notes: This combination applies to Scorpio and Aquarius ascendants only.

In the former case, i. e. for Scorpio ascendant, Jupiter should be in Sagittarius in the company of Mars who is the lord of the ascendant and of the 6th. As a result, one will be extremely opulent. But the Yoga is not free from causing debts, if Mars is not weak. If he is strong, he may burden the subject with debts.

In case of Aquarius ascendant, Mars need not be weak when he occupies Pisces along with Jupiter. Mars is the lord of the 3rd and 9th. As the lord of the 9th reltited to 2nd lord, he will keep one's financial status at a good height, free from minus points.

~~~~·· ~ <\>r9JI~If41 '<4'1il"'laiil ~ II '1~ II 13. Wealthy Person: (a) The lord of 2nd house in the 11th house while the 11th

lord is in the 2nd bouse will make one equal to Kubera, the lord of wealth.

(b) So also when these two pltinets are in an angle from the ascendant.

~ <h<wi~i~<l ~ ~ f:l<ilul~ 1 i<i:lp~d ¥ ~II '1g II

14. Financial Gains: (a) The lord Qftbe ascendant in an angle from the ascendant,

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along with Jupiter and Venus, or begetting their aspects will give rmancial gains.

(b) So also when the 11th lord is in a trine with the aspect or association of Jupiter and Venus.

~ ~~flSfd"l~ <lf6: I ~ q1q1~~ ~ ~ '8: II '1~ II 15. Poverty: The person will be penniless if the lord of the

2nd house is in the 12th house or the 6th house, as the 11th lord is in combustion, and malefics occupy the 2nd and 11th houses.

Notes: The 8th house is not included in this process. When the 2nd lord is in the-8th house he will aspect the 2nd house, which is a favourable Yoga to some extent.

Among other things, one particular text describes the 2nd lord's position in the 8th house, as under:

The native will be devoid of happiness from older co-born. He will perform such acts which prove harmful to his ownself. He will be honourable and will acquire wealth hidden under-ground. He will enjoy various kinds of fmancialgains and pleasures, will be able to improve his fortunes, be averse to quarrels, will steal others' wealth, will have troubles on account of his own progeny, will help others and become wealthy.

From the above quotation, it will be seen that the 2nd lord 'in. the 8th is not bad for wealth.

~ ~ qjq<-~il<e1a: 1

~~~~:II 'It'; II 16. Penury & Beggary: Should the lords of the 2nd and

11th houses be with malefic planets, the native will be poor right from his birth and will obtain food by begging.

Notes: This Yoga should be carefully applied .. "Food by begging". means a very difficult survival marked by poverty.

When the 2nd and 11th lords join together with malefic planets who are functionally favourable for the given ascendant, the degree of financial acquisition will be in fact abundant. For example, Mars and the Sun together with Saturn in case ofLibra ascendant. Or Venus and Saturn together with the Sun for an

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Aries native. But when the malefics are functionally adverse, bad effects

will come forth. As an example, one born in Cancer ascendant with the Sun and Venus joining the 8th lord Saturn will have unsatisfactory finances.

~~~~. ~ ~: 1!161&061~"1~: II ~\9 II 17. Loss OfWealth: The subject will lose his wealth due to

royal punishment if the lords of the· 2nd and lith houses are placed in the 6th, 8th and 12th houses, as the 11th house and the 2nd house are in order occupied Mars and Rahu.

Notes: In modern days, these losses will occur through fines, penalties, interests etc. payable to government and other related institutes.

~:~~~' ~ ~ "<lifltc".%"1 ~: II 'lr; II 18. Charitable Deeds: Jupiter should be the lord of the

11th house and Venus should be in the 2nd house while the lords ofthe 2nd and 11th houses are with a benefic planet. Further, the 12th house shol,lld also contain a benefic planet. Such a native will spend his wealth on charitable deeds.

Notes: It will be clear that this Yoga is not indeed practicable as we do not have so many benefic planets to meet with the requirements in full. This Yoga in principle applies to Taurus and Aquarius ascendants.

From a practical angle, this Yoga, agai.nst the spirit of the original; can be split into three different ones.

(a) Jupiter should be the lord of the 11th house, i. e. the ascendant should either be Taurus or Aquarius, with simply Venus in the 2nd house.

(b) The lords of the 2nd and 11th house (for any ascendant) sho~ld be associated with benefic planet/s.

(c) The 12th house should contain a benefic planet. Each of these t_!lree Yogas will give expenditure on account

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of charitable deeds.

~: <l;r~dfcilil~&t;;_~l~ err 1

~~ ;qfc\~ldTJ4: 'f~'iife'l:~: II 'I~ II 19. Protecting One's Fanuly: A benefic owning the 2nd

house and placed in an angle, or in own sign, exaltation, or a friendly sign, in union with another benefic planet will make the native a protector of his family, endowed with eloquence in speech.

Notes: The lord of the 2nd house, the house of family responsibilities, being himself a benefic planet should join another benefic planet in an angle, or with specified positional dignity. Such a person will. fulfil his family responsibilities, like protecting his parents, co-born, spouse and progeny and will. possess excellent powers of spee_ch marked by eloquence. In terms of good placement, we can also take into account an unsullied position of the lord of the 2nd house in a trine, i.e. the 5th and the 9th houses.

Conversely if the 2nd lord is ill.-placed as in debility, inimical sign, evil house and the like, and is related to a malefic planet, the subject will abandon his family responsibilities, be devoid of power, of wealth, of impressive speech etc.

ifC!'iif'"llil 4'1:i:flil:n:±: d:~rS:::4~~'14d~ err I ~ ~~~ ~ ~

~'fl::ufctd:"dM-lftt~IJl ~ ~ctR'tl4dltfl II ~o II 20. Protecting A Thousand People: Should the lord of

the 2nd house be in deep exaltation and beget the company or aspect of Jupiter, the person will protect thousand men (i. e. will protect many people) and be valorous.

"I~C!'<ilf44dl ~~ -=~t 1 '.,;;) '.,;;) "11~~ .... ·~?,.·11 ~'-1'11~'(1..,1'-1'""11"1

f<fl-e~lj&.-:i!SI'"IdF'lfc\f'Q: q()qq;({l ~lti<fif'Qkl II ~'I II " ' 21. Helping Others: One of Jupiter, Venus and Mercury

becoming the lord of the 2nd house and occupying own, exaltation or friendly sign indicates that the native will. be helpful to others

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and protect them. Notes: This applies to Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio

and Aquarius ascendants. AB a result of the said 2nd lord in own or exaltation or in a friend's sign, the person will be an instrument in others' survival and progress.

m ;c&e~ ~~: , "451Mo<l$l Ol::taq>c::-<!'11fe:~C( II ~~ II

22. Eyes: If the lord of the 2nd house is endowed with strength,. the person possesses beautiful eyes. Should the 2nd lord be in the ·6th, 8th or 12th house, there will be defect in eyes.

Notes: If the 2nd lord is exalted, or is in own sign, or in a natural benefic's sign, attractive and broad eyes are indicated. When the· saidplanet is consigned to an evil house (6th, 8th or 12th), particularly in association with Venus, the Moon or the Sun, there will be danger to eyes including loss of vision.

The 2nd house occupied by Jupiter, Venus or the Full Moon will also give large and charming eyes. The Sun or Saturn in relation to the 2nd house will give small eyes.

"lq~q1qe~ '"-l"l414e11PC48 1

3t~k<IC4idJ ~: ~: II ~~ II 23. Untruthful etc.: With the lord ofthe 2nd house joining

a malefic planet as the 2nd house itself is occupied by a malefic, the subject will be untruthful, a tale-bearer and will acquire diseases due to his sinful deeds.

Notes: The 2nd house and its lord reflect various aspects of one's speech, like eloquence, fluency, courteousness, truthful or untruthful nature etc. A well-disposed 2nd house and 2nd lord will ensure positive effects in these matters. Otherwise, negative effects will follow. ,

· The 2nd lord being with malefic & C giving diseases is an interesting clue. These do not necessarily relate to diseases of tongue, teeth, face etc. These could be any disease for that matter.

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~: <t>loNa:gai:411lltr.ft ~: 1 'i1FIIi<t>10lil GC~N<t>!l:t' ~<ll~l "1Pd:t~<:o4CiH8 II ~g II 24. Royal Fortunes etc.: ffthe 2nd lord is in the company

of the lord of the 5th or the 9th, the subject will enjoy fortunes akin to that of a king. He will be kind to others, will commit many sinful deeds, be highly edueated and will enjoy happiness through ownership of housing properties.

Notes: Here again the 2nd is related to sinful deeds which is worth a note. The 2nd is the 6th from the 9th. The 9th house isthehouseofone'smeritoriousacts. The 6th house is the house of debt or negative influence for that matter. Thus the 2nd house gives a negative or a debit entry for the 9th house in the register of Destiny.

Cf. an accounts leqger of debits and credits.

'tHfl:ll+'ld mft ~ ~ I df41<::1Ctijl1\::if411:J.. ~ T;J II ~~ II 25. Loss of Quadrupeds: Note. if Rahu is placed in the

2nd house while. the 2nd lord is with his enemies. Then the dasa of the 2nd lord will lead to loss of quadrupeds, wealth and grains.

Notes: This is a Yoga for loss of properties, wealth etc. in the dasa of the 2nd lord. Even the sub period of such 2nd lord in

' other dasa can cause losses.·

~~~~ m~~ P:.K·qfilti\ ~: II ~~ II 26. Limited Education: The lord of the 2nd house in the

6th, 8th or 12th house in the company of or aspect to a malefic, or in such a house identical with a malefic's sign will cause limited education.

"lfQidiffi ~ ~ ~~+c:A I ~ ~ CU ~q"lrG;:"l II ~\9 II

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27. Mathematician: (a) If Mars is in the 2nd house along with the Moon and receives Mercury's aspect, the subject will be a mathematician.

(b) The same effect is indicated by Mercury in an angle.

~ C>i~a~~s::'iraa 1

~HICII'!"''e¥> ~:II ~r; II 28. Same Effect: One will be a mathematician if Mercury,

as the 2nd lord, is in own sign or in exaltaion, while Jupiter and Saturn are in order in the ascendant and the 8th house.

'f>~s;:f;tq,")ojj) JI~~Sf; t<ilii~ld<lfd> I

~Cfl~:ll~~ll 29. Same Effect: Jupiter in an angle or in a trine while

Venus is in exaltation denotes a mathematician.

~"f~l ij_M8t<f>lui~~CII q<f>"~llt~fci~II(C\: II

e'j_uf"!Me¥> ~ ~ I ~ ~llf&c:::q,1s4 ~ 11 ~o 11 30. (a) Logician: Jupiter, Venus and the lord of the 2nd

house, placed in their Moolatrik:ona or exaltation sign, in aspect to Mars and the Sun, will lead to birth of a logician.

(b) Grammarian: The native will be a grammarian if .Jupiter is endowed with full strength as the 2nd lord is in aspect to the Sun and Venus. ·

Notes: (b) ,.~,. i~ this context refers to the lord of the 2nd house, and not the dispositor of Jupiter.

1il"'MI<ffi •c:FRI~I~ ~ I if>~s;:f;tq,")Ul ~ Cfl if>'iHfcl,.01~~ ~: II 3'1 II :n. Vedic Expert: The native will be an expert in the

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Vedas and be interested in Sastras if strong Jupiter is in the 2nd house as benefic planets aspect angles and trines.

4}..-q)~a~<:~r& a~:4ift"1: ~ 4rct;:c&;:j ~: 1 ~ ~ fei"'!OI~Jt: {'l<'1,4~Htf&: II ~~ II 32. (a) Liar etc.: Mercury without strength in the 2nd

house in aspect to a malefic planet denotes a liar. (b) Poisonous Words: If the lord of the 2nd house is

aspected by a malefic planet, the subject will employ poisonous words and will be disposed to cheat others.

~ ~ .flq'!f6~4l~ I

4Ri4di~t4:>cttrtl a<f;~q((<OIO(: II ~~ II 33. Logics & Expedients: The Sun or Mars becoming the

lord of the 2nd house and being in aspect to Jupiter and Venus will make one interested in Logic and Expedients. So also when the said Sun and Mars are in Paravathamsa.

Notes: When a planet obtains six favourable Vargass-or divisions in Dasa Varga scheme, it is known as being in Paravatamsa.

The 3rd House:

~ ~Ril><:u(tl ~ I ~ CSI&eqoiY m::fUri Cfcf.:i ~ II ~~ II

<"- "' ' 34. Prosperity of Co· born: One's co-born will prosper if the lord of the 3rd house or its significator (that is, Mars) is related to a benefic by conjunction or by aspect, orifthe 3rd house is endowed with full strength.

<l;ps;:J~ch)ojl) cnfil f<:i'l'l\lf?ISI ~ I

~ "41 ~ cnftl ~II ~~ II 35. Aqcuisition of Co-born: The subject will acquire co-

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born if the lord of the 3rd house or Mars is in an angle, a trine or in exaltation or fnendly divisions.

~ Ui ~ ~ liiClti~ I ("'J~~Sfdfd =aCIH~di ;:r-~ ~: II 3~ II 37. No Co-born: The subject will be bereft of younger co-

born if the 3rd house contains its own lord along with Rahu as the lord of the ascendant is in combustion.

Notes: The meaning suggested in the original may be logical but there seems to be some composition or transmission error in the words "Tadeese Bhaua Samyuthe". Originally "Bhaua Samyuthe" could have read as ''Papa Samyuthe" requiring the 3rd lord to be with a malefic. The actual concept should be: The 3rdhouse occupiedbyRahu, lord of the 3rdjoining a malefic, and the lord of the ascendant in combustion.

It is unlikely that the 3rd house was referred to in one and the same quarter with two different designations.

~~~<f>~M~I ~ "'e:a:ti~ l1Pi~%Bisfl ~II 3.:; II 38. One Sister: The native will have one younger sister if

the 3rd house is occupied by Venus, as the 3rd lord is in angle from the ascendant, and Mars is with Saturn. .

Notes: This verse suggests existence of only one younger sister and no other younger co-born.

~ ·(?j ~ Cff 'l)II~_<:IS•"1cfll ~~·<iPt~~ ~113~ II 39. Of Twins: The native has a twin co-born (i.e; he is a

twin-birth) if the lord of the 3rd house is in the ascendant, or if the lords of the ascendant and the 3rd house are in the 3rd house.

Notes: In applying this combination, it should be ensured that the lord of the 3rd house is in close position to the cusp of the-ascendant. If he is far off, and yet is in the ascendant, the effect will not come to pass. Similarly, in respect of the other Yoga

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mentioned above.

~ ~ ~ 414<1~1~ki~~·~H I t''1<1~fl ~ 1Vak~'6"4'11fa:~{ll Ho II

40. Younger Brother: (a) If the Moon is in the 3rd house identical with a malefic Rasi, younger sister(s) will be destroyed (that is, will face early death).

(b) The Moon in Gemini with a position inN avamsa in signs identical with human Rasis, will cause birth of a younger brother following "the native.

Notes: (b) Virgo; Libra, Gemini, Aquarius and first half of Sagittarius are human signs or biped signs. Since there is no half in Navamsa Rasi, we should treat the whole of Sagittarius, as N ara Rasi or Dwipada Rasi, in this context only. For purposes of divisional chart, Sagittarius can as well become a quadruped sign. Thus the. Moon in the sign Gemini with one of these 4 Navamsas will give younger brothers to the native.

m-5) ~~ 'Jitl~g~ ~ I €fi'JI~?alfq ~ l11C1i14l~RI~iil I fa<tliifi\:<:i ~ <ifclb:qfa ;:r m: II H'1 II

41. Many Sisters: The person will acquire many younger sisters if the 3rd house belongs to a female planet and is aspected or occupied by female planets. So also when the 3rd lord is in aspect to a female planet.

Notes: Female planets are the Moon and Venus. Ketu is also a fell).ale planet among the nodes. Thus there are three female planets out of the nine.

The 4th House:

~mritm.~• ~'1Clitl"'l'!fWa ~II g~ II

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42. Happiness & Conveyances: Should the lord of the 4th house be in his own sign, in own N avamsa or in exaltation or in the 4th house itself, there will be increase of happiness and conveyances. Further, conch and musical drums will remain in play (as a mark of his social status).

Notes: Own sign and 4th house are separately indicated. Hence own sign indicates the other sign owned by a planet from Mars to Saturn.

RIR4S~m'Cl ~ ~ ~1$'11fu:~1:. 1

~ ~ ~ if>ra<l>~"fil 11 g~ 11 43. Huge Buildings: The native will acquire beautiful

palaces (say superior buildings) if the 4th lord occupies an angle in the company of the lOth lord and Saturn.

Notes: Satu.rn is known to give generally inferior and not-so-attractive houses. But his disposition changes when he joins the lords of the 4th and the lOth houses in an angle and the native will own giant and beautiful buildings.

~~~~ ~ at&a¥> ~: II gg II 44. Honour from Relatives: Should Mercury be the lord

of the 4th house and be aspected by a benefic planet, or ifMercury is endowed with strength, the native will be respected by his kinsfolk.

Notes: In case of Mercury's strength, it is not important that he should he the lord of the 4th house. The concept suggested is that for any ascendant, the strength ofMercury will bring forth honours from kinsfolk. For Mercury is the significator, in general, of kinsmen.

~ ~ f<fltRI~IJt I

~ "'&tl1$ '11<jd.focU1~Jfu:~<;t II g~ II 45. Long-lived Mother: The person's mother will enjoy a

long lease of life if there is a benefic in the 4th house, its lord is

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in exaltation and the signifcator (the Moon) is strong. Note:;;: There are three conditions stipulated in the text.

With each condition singly available, there can be longevity for one's mother, and it is not necessary that all the three conditions should simultaneously be present.

~ 'f>~Wl>loRI~~ ~if "'<{ ~ ~ I f<l:q~"ll~<ll'""l( ·¥'!011~ f.tfui ~ II BG II

" 46. Wealth & Other Benefits: One will be ever rich with varied kinds of garlands, robes and ornaments and will take food in such vessels due for a kingly person if the lord of the 4th lord is in an angle or in a trine, or in own, friendly or exaltation divisions.

Notes: This verse implies the benefits accruing to the native in respect of clothes, eating comforts, ornaments etc. with the dignity of the 4th lord as above. In a nutshell, an exalted and opulent status is indicated.

~~~<ii&B~I ~~~~:IIB\311 47. Best in the Circle: (a) The native will be the best

among his kinsfolk if Jupiter is in the 4th house while its lord is endowed with strength.

(b) So also when the 4th house is aspected by Jupiter.

~ ~ CfT ~'"<II~~ d~Ciq~l~'"4 I

:sfl~<il&l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8ct51q'J'j'!:O<I: II B" II 48. Principal Among Men: (a) Jupiter or another benefic

planet is to be found in the 4th house. (b) Mercury should· be the 4th lord, and the 4th house be

hemmed between benefics. (c) When the lord of the ascendant is in the 4th house,

Jupiter is endowed with strength. With anyone ofthe said yogas, the subject will be principal

among men, that is, he will occupy a supreme position of

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~SlJ~sfcl~tt~'J_fa<:tHi ~ ~ '[0~<.'51PcidHi I ~<l.qiP<:id ttl~ ttl~ II g~ II 49. Merits of Past Deeds: The 4th house should be owned

by one of Venus, the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter who is endowed with full strength. Further, the said 4th house should be related to a benefic planet by occupation or aspect. This Yoga indicates that the person born is meritorious. (That is, he would have to his credit the merits of good deeds of past birth and will enjoy many good things in the present life.)

Notes: As an illustration, assume Cancer is the ascendant iri which case Libra is the 4th house, owned by Venus. The 4th is occupied by Mercury, another benefic, while Venus is elsewhere with full strength. Jupiter is in Aries and aspects the 4th house. Such a person is born with the credit of good deeds of the past birth and his present life will be an excellent one·.


~ ~"ll~liif ttl·~ fc#l4'1Ci1&41fd II ~o II 50. Strong Person: The native will be (physically) strong

if the ascendant lord, rich in strength, occupies the 4th house, while the ascendant is also strong, and the 4th lord is related to a benefic planet by aspect or conjunction.

Notes: The strength of ascendant lord is to be seen from the view point of Graha Bala while the ascendant's strength is from the point of view ofBhava Bala.

The 4th features in this yoga, as it is "Sukha Sthana" or house of general happiness which includes physical well-being.

"!'1144;~s;:Cf>lOI~ ~ ~ I Wi'MIOIIot:il ttl <iF'i'11~%R'!'q:_ II ~'I II 51. Helpful to Relatives: Should the lord of the 4th house

be in the 2nd, 11th, 1st, 4th, 7th, lOth, 5th or 9th house or be aspected by a benefic planet or be in the divisions of a benefic

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planet, the person will be inclined to help his relatives.

~ <t>4<1~f~ ~I

~ ~ • fclf¥lill:f. II ~~ II 52. Abundant Landed Properties: The subject will have

abundant lands if the 4th lord is in the lOth house while the lOth lord is in the 4th house, and Mars is found in full strength.

Notes: "Landed properties" can also ~ interpreted as immovable properties.

qtq('"d(f~ ~ q(q(pq(l ~CIT I ~ ~<i~f4> ~fcl'11~1qfd II ~~ II

53. Loss ofLands: There will be destruction of one's lands: (a) If the 4th house, indicating landed properties, be

hemmed between malefic planets. (b) Or if the 4th house be occupied or aspected by malefics. (c) Or if the 4th house falls in a malefic planet's sign and

begets malefic divisions. Notes: These three particular Yogas can be used in the

context of some adversities concerning mother, education and the like.

~ ~ ~ ;ft:r:uR:3l ah11il'11~1qfd I fcfla~ttJ ~CIT qNIP<td fclq;4q(ij ~: II ~~ II


54. Selling Away Lands: One's landed properties will be sold away (in distress) with anyone of the following four combinations available at birth.

(a) The 4th lord is in the 2nd house along with a malefic planet,

(b) The 4th lord is in debilitation. (c) The 4th lord is in an enemy's sign. (d) The 4th lord is in exaltation but with a malefic. Notes: The o.ombinations at 'b" and "c" should be applied

only after it is ensured from other horoscopic sources that the person is destined to own landed and such other properties.

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~ ~ i?>i~:ti'S'qql I '51Rf: ~ 11fd"lli_ ~ ~ II \(\( II 55. Intelligent: Should the lord of the 4th house be in the

ascendant or be with the lord of the ascendant, the subject will be intelligent and be involved in acquiring education.

-<l;:s;:~q,lcij 1tRI~HI~ ~ GU ~ I ~ eu ~ eu eq~afch"JI ~ ~ '51Rf: 11 \(~ u 56. All :Kinds of Learning: (a) One will be endowed with

various kinds oflearning, if the 4th lord is in an angle or a trine in aspect to a benefic planet.

(b) The same result will occur if the 4th lord is in a benefic planet's sign begetting benefics' divisions .

• "4i3ei<:<l~~ qNi1~1J I tfl'lf~ 3i('q~~l Oi~6<!fd: II \(\9 II 57. Limited Education: (a) The subject will have a

limited education if the lord of the 4th house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house along with a malefic. · ·

(b) So also when the 4th lord is in an evil house that is · owned by a malefic planet ..

Notes: (a) In this case, the 4th lord can be in an evil house which is owned by even a benefic planet like Jupiter etc. If then he is with a weak malefic planet, the education of the native will be restricted. The 4th lord, without a malefic planet, in an evil · house need not spoil one's learning.

(b) Without getting the company of a malefic planet, the said 4th lord could be in 6th, 8th or 12th house which is owned by the Sun, Mars or Saturn. Because the sign of occupation itself is a malefic one, additiomil involvement of a malefic planet is not necessary.

In both the cases, a benefic planet's involvement will give better effects.

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f:w.)ulqiRif ~ 1dffilql ?f~tflfilqiSq I 81!11~4(.'1)~ ~~~~II 'i.o; II

'111W\!?4~~ ~: I "'ltffi1{04JIIG;~q ~ ~dPs=;iOI: II 'i.~ II

58-59. Acquisition of Kingdom: .If both the lords of the 5th and 9th houses are related to the lord of the 4th house by aspect or by conjunction, the native will acquire a kingdom (that is a superior position), and will enjoy many kinds of learning, vehicles and pleasures. He will also conquer his senses.

~~~I 3FII<Ri'1 ~ ~ "f '1 ~: II ~o II

60. Effortless Acquisition: If the 4th lord is in the 4th house in aspect to or in conjunction with a benefic planet, the subject will acquire palaces (say large building properties) without any special efforts.

~~~~~R\~1¥>1 ~~i<t~"ft 41'ct:tt~<Ml ~ II E;'i II

61. Kingdom, Wealth etc. : The native will possess kingdom, wealth, happiness, ornamentS and conveyances if the 4th lord in strength is in the 11th house or if the 4th lord (in strength) joins Mars. So also when the 4th lord is in a sign of Mars.

~ ~ ~ fcflilfll:ti:t I

1tw~l"'la ~ m dlifclfi.tffla 11 E;~ 11 62. Beautiful Houses: With the 9th lord in an angle, the

4th lord in exaltation or in a friendly sign, and the 4th house occupied by an exiuted planet, the subject will own beautiful houses.

Notes: These three conditions can be treated as individual ones to give some kind of housing properties.

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~ ~ "ii!!IP!o44 ~I ,.!iil&~q ~ fctflt~\!.04fctlfl"tqi1_ II /:;~ II

63. Deprived: The native will be deprived of housing properties, learning and happiness if the 4th lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house along with a malefic planet.

~ ~ t-4lim~li1 1 ~, <Si<"A:i¥ '11~<1f'a:~ii_ II ~:;~ II . 64. Long-lived mother: A benefic planet in the 4th house

while its lord is in exaltation and the significator (i. e. the Moon) is strong, will confer longevity on the native's mother.

qtqtra{ ~ - ~ "'1~"1-fifct"tt~i I ~QlsRofl-<tll'a: <W-tifl"l. ~ '119fct"tl~!iilRI II ~:;~ II 65. Loss of 1\fother: The native will incur early loss of

mother if the Moon is hemmed between malefics, or is related to malefic planets by aspect or conjunction. So also when the Moon is in decline, or in enemy's sign, or in debility, or be without strength.

'111~C4H,.Id ~ qlqill'!f.ltlri:Jd I ~ ~ '11'jtROI'11f'a:~ii_ II ~/:; II 66. Death o'f Mother: With the Moon in the 4th house in

aspect to a malefic planet, as the 4th lord is in debility, (early) death of mother is indicated.

~•w'!¥1 liA ~ ~~PI4l-<t~ 1 ~ qJqgd~ '11ijqOI'11f'a:~ii_ II t;\9 II 67. Same Effect: The 3rd and 5th houses in occupation by

malefic planets, the Moon related to malefic planets by aspect or conjunction, and the 4th house having debilitated Saturn - this combined phenomenon will end with early end of mother.

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l:flo1:q..ro:il"'eo4~ qr qNd<gd 1 ~ qjqij¥ q1¥<o1q1~1_ II ~.:; II

68. Same Effect: If the Moon is in decline in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, in association with malefic planets, or if the 4th house is conjoined with malefic planets, early death of mother will occur.

~ ~ ~ qjq.H'flqrs:fit~IG:~i4> 8'tl't: I !ijst>IS{fit: q;aq"jffiqr<:{l q~dC:II q(OIWtl<j: II ~~ II

69. Same Eff~t: Each of the following will be a cause of early death of mother:

(a) Malefics in the 7th place from the Moon. (b) The Sun joining malefics in the 12th place from the

Moon. (c) The Sun in the 5th place from Venus, and in relation to

Saturn by aspect or conjunction. Notes: The combination cited at "c" is not astronomically a

feasible one. The maximum elongation between Venus and the Sun is only 76 degrees.

;:<:{l~lJi ~ Frnrrt :ys61~~CII6f.l ~: I ql'jf.M"*Iictf.l511fcl> ~-a ~ ~ %J.t:<leilct II \9o II 70. The same effect as above will come to pass if Saturn

occupies the 5th place from the Moon, or Mars is in the· 5th from Venus, in aspect to malefics. So also when the Moon is in the ascendant and the Sun is in. the 8th therefrom provided the ascendant (containing the Moon) is hemmed between Saturn and Mars.

<4G:I('J'Jiq.til~~ Cfl ~~I ~ ~ q11fq~ fctf.l~{ II \9'1 II 71. Friendly Terms: The native will enjoy friendly terms

with his mother if the lords of the ascendant and the 4th house are mutually friendly, and are aspected by or conjoined with

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benefic planets.

~~~Cfi~Cfl~~l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ttJoqf¥G:Il:i<~fd II \9~ II 72. Long-lived Mother: The person's mother will live long

with one of the following Y ogas. (a) The Moon in strength. (b) Venus placed in benefic planets' divisions. (c) The 4th house or its lord is related to benefic planets by

aspect or conjunction.

~ ~ ~ ¥•g:<ta~w·w~•d! <fl 1 ~~~~<"SM: II \9~ II 73. Other Significances: (a) From Venus and her strength,

should be deduced scented articles, robes, ornaments and the like. So also from the 4th house counted from Venus. (This is in the context of pleasures and wealth in general.)

(b) If the 4th lord is related to the Moon, or to the ascendant and its lord, the native will gain horses (i. e. will possess conveyances).

~~o1g$ ~· ~ <1mPcca Cfl "'I(CIItHifa: I

a~~:S:::'j_v~"'lgd "'l ~ ~ ed?a$d41~ II \9~ II 73. Palanquins: Virtuous men indicate palanquins

(conveyances) if the 4th lord is with Venus or is in the ascendant. So also when Jupiter is in the ascendant ..

ilr:s;::i'Rv4iq(~ltJ:vafJ; d:ll Cfl 4fa: ~I ~ ~ Cll{)~ql~fd<U: 4liti~'1,iilfa:f.~nft"'l ~: II l3'i. II 75. Conveyances: The ascending sign or the 4th lord

joining the Moon, Jupiter or Venus is a combination for conveyances. But these planets should not be in debility, in inimical sign or in combustion.

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~ <f>rs:tJid ~ ~· <U Cil~iiHI~: I ~ ~ ~ <t>¥\'fB:IJ <U Cili<UtHiiiil: II \9~ II 76. Conveyances: Should the 4th lord be in an angle or in

the ascendant, or should the lords of the lOth and the ascendant exchange their houses, the subject will possess numerous conveyances.

~~~~~ Cilii'.litH~""<i p ~ II 19\9 II

77. Conveyances: The sign occupied by the 4th lord should be a benefic one and should be related to Venus or to a benefic planet by aspect or conjunction. The person having this Yoga will have a number of conveyances.

~ cu ~ cu ~<fi'<lrro ~· 1 ~ ~ ~fclb4RI II 19.; II 78. Conveyances: The native will ride on horses ifVenus

and the Moon are in the 2nd or the 4th house along with benefics. These two planets in a benefic's house will also give the same effect. (This is a Yoga for possessing conveyances.)

&•Ol~'l~l ~ ~ CllfSi'il'f. ~I >iiJ%~~@>1 '1(i'.lli:Fft II 19~ II 79. Men·borne Conveyances etc.: The lord of the 4th

house receiving the aspect of the Moon and of the lord of the ascendant will bless one with horses. If the 4th lord is in association with the lords of the 9th, lOth and 11th, one will have men·borne conveyances, i. e. palanquins.

~~~· ~ q(qlui~ ~'t'l~i<i:4il'd: ~ II o:;o 11 80. Bed Comforts: The subject will enjoy comforts of bed

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if the 4th house is occupied by a benefic planet, the 4th lord is in a t'rine and the 9th lord is in deep exaltation.

e;:~Zj~ ~ ~ ;fl~s<f>~ ~ Cff tRA I

51&il6onftl~~ ~ ¥~"1\flo:il 51&<1~1'1""'1 11 .. '1 11 81. Lack of Happiness: The native will be devoid of

happiness with any one of the undermentioned combinations. (a) The lord of the ascendant is in the 4th house along with

a debilitated planet. (b)Thelordoftheascendant himselfisindebility, oris with

the Sun or with 111alefics. (c) The lord of the 4th house is with a watery planet found

in a watery sign. Notes: (c) Watery planets are Venus and the Moon, while

watery signs are Cancer, Pisces and second half of Capricorn.

~f~rct1a ~ ~ ~ ~ cu, ~ "''§R"JcUiFfl Cff ~ ~ II .:;~ II 82. Conveyances: (a) If the 4th lord is in an evil house or

is in combustion, the person will own inferior vehicles or will not have one permanently.

(b) Even the aspect of the 11th lord (on the 4th lord so placed) will only cause the said effect (i. e. there will be no change for the better).

~ (Ji'irGJ«ri ~ ~ I ~~fcltftZI~ ~: ~ ~ II ... ~ II 83. Trouble through Siones: The lord of the 4th house

in association with Rahu and Saturn and receiving the aspect of Mars sans that of a benefic will bring forth troubles through stones (or such other injurious articles).

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roqNe~~~~ 414141~ ifi·~ $~14e~ ~f.ff&~i:{ II z::~ II

84. Deceitful: If the 4th house is occupied by a malefic while its lord is also aspected by a malefic, the subject will be of deceitful nature. So also when the 4th house is hemmed between malefic planets.

~ aflol'i;f"'9> ~ ~ ~ I 9i'4tt ~"'if f.l&f>Nai ~: II z::~ ll 85. Mixed Effects: If the 4th house is occupied by the Sun

or the weak Moon, the native will be deceitful for a moment, and will be bereft of deceit in the next moment.

fq't!t¥ ~ ~~~"'if I ~ ~ "'if ~ llqil;t(IOij II z::t; II 86. Crops: Abundant crops (or agricultural gains) should

be declared if the 4th lord is in exaltation, or in own sign, or in the 5th house, or is related to a benefic by" aspect or conjunction.

Notes: tF:f ~- (Mantra Griha) indicates the 5th house. "Own sign" should be ~referably interpreted as the 4th

house only, and not as the othei- sign owned by the 4th lord, which is possible in case ofnon-luminarie~?.

~ ~ :q"SW;.s:;ft~ ~ I ~ f~i'RI~itel fctg;trqfilsa ~ B": II r;\.!1 II

87. Scholar: Should the 4th lord be in angle from the ascendant, while the planet Ven1.ts is in an angle from the Moon, the subject will only (i. (!. l.tnfailingly) be a scholar.

~ q;:a:(litga "'iR1 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ..j)q~t><Oiifd: ~II r;z:: II


88. QuadrUpeds: The native will gain through cows, buffaloes etc. if Saturn and the Sun are in the 4th house while the

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9th house and 11th house are in order occupied by the Moon and Mars.

;:ft:q'Jl6or ~ ~ as::rfflHr4<f> 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ !41'4d<a<: II z;~ II

. " 89. Dumbness: The 4th house occupied by a planet in

debility, while the 6th and 12th houses are respectively occupied by the 4th lord and Mars - this entire combination denotes that the native is dumb.

~ ~ ~ ;:ft:;:wffll~ r ~ o44<1fflR?q Wtl<:f.ill'"li"'d( ~: II ~o II 90. Frequent Changes: One will move from village to

village ifMercury is the 8th lord, as the 4th lord is in debility and the signifcator is in the 12th house from the ascendant.

Notes: Mercury is the 8th lord· for Scorpio and Pisces ascendants.

The significator of the 4th house in terms of general happiness is Jupiter. Hence according to the current dictum, Jupiter should be in the 12th house.

The native concerned will not live stably in one place and will keep on changing from place to place for his livelihood, at the cost of general happiness.

~Wi<l~~~l ~~~~~~II~'/ II 91. Cheating One's Relatives: Should both the lords of

the 6th and 8th houses be in the 9th house, asthe4thlordisbereft of strength, the subject will cheat his own people.

~ Wct<lfflR?q ~ ~ I ~·~~~~~~~II 92. Conveyances: With the 11th lord in the 4th house

while the 4th lord is in the 11th house, the subject will acquire

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conveyances in his twelfth year of age. Notes: This Yoga with an exchange oflords of the 4th and

11th denotes early acquisition of comforts of conveyances, if not exactly in the 12th year of age. Timing of such yogas for conveyance, marriage etc. should be seen from a different angle as against the specified age periods for death of mother and the like.

C4i60ld4e~ m dS::I~Hi% I

~ ¥o•e¥ ~ cmr.i ~ 11 ~~ 11 93. Conveyances: There will be acquisition of conveyance

in the 32nd year if the Sun is in the 4th house while its lord is in exaltation in relation to Venus by aspect or conjunction.

The 5th House: ·

~ lfi5tlCR'i1~4"11flaf&ef'6€t(CR€tf%Jg8 Cfl 1 · "'~$1'51"14 ~ e::a€qa'IC4"l~ ~ ~~a~ilaq_ 11 ~ B 11

94. Many Children: Elders indicate acquisition of many children if the 5th house is aspected or occupied by Venus, Jupiter, Mercury.or the 5th lord. All these, i. e. matters relating to progeny, should be estimated on the basis of the strength of the lord of the 5th house.

~ "'&«~d ~ ~ I ~ qjq~'lff> eata&loi lilf.l~q_ 11 ~ ~ 11

95. Acquisition of Progeny: The lord of the 5th house should be strong and be related to the lord of the ascendant by aspect or conjunction. The 5th house should be bereft of malefic influences. A$ such, the person will acquire progeny.

Notes:"'Horadhipa" denotes the ascendant lord, and not the lord of the Hora.

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f ~ ~ &~k<\>rs:: ~?tq,lu•~ 1 f ~~~~~:IIV~II

96. Progeny: The lord of the 5th house in exaltation, (or) occupying an angle or a trine from the ascendant (or) being related to Jupiter either by aspect or conjunction will bless one with sons.

Notes: Keeping in line with experience, the three conditions stipulated above should be interpreted as independent ones.

Further the Sanskrit word "Putra" appearingin astrological texts could be generally grasped as progeny (including daughters) although it ·strictly means a "son". In some specific cases, however, it only means a son to the exclusion of a daughter.

~~"'~~~ f<tl~•ngaq! ~(t~ddH4>ROi II ~\9. II 97. Progeny: The 5th house being a benefic's sign, being in

aspect to or in conjunction with a benefic planet or with the 5th lord will be a cause of acquisition of progeny.

~~~~"'' e~<it<:•;tft<l'l Cfit>c41't:U14<:4dl II ~ z:: II 98. Childlessness: !fall of Jupiter, the ascendant lord, the

7th lord and the 5th lord are devoid of strength, childlessness is to be declared.

Notes: Four planets as above are required to be without strength to totally. deny progeny. If one of them is weak and the other three are not, progeny will be acquired after some disappointment· or delay. With more of them being weak, the delay will be greater.

Jupiter is the general signifcator for progeny. The ascendant lord denotes the native, and the 7th lord his spouse. The 5th lord is in charge of progeny. Thus, the weak planet should be properly located and suitable remedies (medical or otherwise) should be resorted to. For example, if the 7th lord is weak, the spouse of the native needs some remedies, the native's other combinations for

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progeny will be ineffective. !fit is the lord of the ascendant, or the 5th lord or Jupiter that is weak, the pe.rson himself is responsible.

These hints should be further judged with the help of Kshetra Sphuta and Bija Sphuta (as given in Prasna Marga) which are more important. A judgement without these special Sphutas or degrees could be a misnomer.

'"J«'?il~'ti~Hi q~w:etmr ~: 1 ~~tflil -:q Cf<f>o<Oif"'N~4dl II ~~ II 99. Childlessness: If the 5th places from Jupiter, the

ascendant, and the Moon are associated with malefic planets and be devoid of benefic aspects, it is a Yoga for childlessness.

~iR::etH"Id 1:JA ~ ~<m I ~~~q ':q Cf<f>o4f0t41~4dl II 'foo II 100. Again childlessness is denoted by a malefic in the 5th

house while its lord is placed betwixt malefics without beneficial aspects.

~: ~: trr4': ~:::d4=1i~r<t>: I

4!14:.!{(4 Cif~'l'4id;eq1~ ~ II ?o? II 1Ql. (a) Death of Childre11: A malefic without strength

in the 5th house will kill one's children. (b) Auspicious: Mercury in the 5th house will be auspicious

(in respect of children's life-span) provided he is strong an dis not the lord of the 8th house.

Notes: (b) Jupiter as the 8th lord cum 5th lord is not mentioned for Leo ascendant in specific terms. Ur l.ike for Mercury, here 'it is Moola trikona for Jupiter. See sloka No. 105 · infra.

~~q~-c<fl: <t><be~S('q!Eif<IIG?<liil. Md!'l'iill: II ?o~ II

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102. The Sun in 5th: (a) If Aquarius is the 5th house and the Sun is found therein; the person will be robbed of the fortunes of acquiring progeny.

(b) If the 5th house is Cancer, the Sun therein will give limited number of children.

(c) In other signs as the 5th house, the Sun's effects will be equal, that is he will neither deny nor limit progeny.

qi1J'1f~H:il ~ ~ iifi ~: I ~ ~ ~a]~J~~~If-1: II ~o~ II 103. Spouse & Children: Venus in the 5th house will give

a virtuous spouse and many children. Saturn in the 5th house as its ruler will give only one son (or child).

~~~itci;:q~ffe .. ~ ~ ~: 1

<t>r<41'J:Ji~~: ~ ~ ~ ~: II 'lol:l II 104~ Jupiter in the 5th House: (a) One will incur grief on

account of progeny (such as loss, untimely death etc.) if Jupiter is in the 5th house identical with Leo.

(b) Jupiter in the 5th house which is Gemini will confer fortunes.

(c) Should the 5th house be one of Virgo ·and Capricorn, Jupiter ther~in will deny progeny.

4l<=t~~q(>q ~ ~ 3'atiaRI: 1

3Fiaa": "ti$\(fq ~ ~: II ~o~ II 105. Same: Jupiter in each of the following signs as the 5th

house will produce relevant effects. a) Pisces- limited progeny (for Scorpio ascendant). b) Sagittarius - excellent children (for Leo ascendant). c) Cancer- innumerable children (for Pisces ascendant). d) Aquarius - denial of children (for Libra ascendant) .

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'i:a1Ci>r41~1~ ~~~I ~ 4>;::q<f>kqfa ~ 'f+'iliuii: II 'jot; II

106. Same: Jupiter in the 5th house identical with Capricorn or Virgo will cause grief on account of male progeny. If the 5th house be Cancer, Jupiter therein· will give female issues.

~ ~ '511Q: 6lb1JIS<'q~{ctl ~ I

:fJi6ot~d ~ ~~ CfJ ~: II 'Jo~ II 107. (a) Female Issues: One with Mercury in the 5th

house will acquire female issues and will get limited happiness therefrom.

(b) Male Issues: Should the 5th house be conjoined with or aspected by a inale planet, or ·shotdd it be owned by a male planet, the subject will beget male issues.

~: -~ ~ ~ · ~'11~14q:_ I um· ~-~ lf\<.>~141"'1(.'qj* II '1oz:; II 108. Mars· Rahu: (a) Mars in the 5th house will kill one's

children as and when they are born. (b) With Rahu in the 5th house, the native will be fickle-

minded, timid, kind-hearted·and will have limited number of children.

Notes: (a) Mars in the 5th house will not kill progeny if he is in Sayana Avastha (one of the 12 Sayanadi Avasthas).

~:~Cfl~~· ~: ~ qf{..,g{d: II '1o~ II 109. Childlessne!!ls: Whether it is the 5th lord that is in

the 7th house, or uice versa, if he is a malefic by nature, or is aspected by a malefic planet, the subject will have no fortunes of begetting progeny.

Notes: By merely seeing the 5th lord in the 7th house or the 7th lord in the 5th house, childlessness should not be concluded. The planet _in question should be a natural malefic. If

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he is a benefic; he should'be in aspect to a malefic .. Only then, the result specified shall come to pass.

~ ~ qrllt ~ ~IHNi~i4; I q:-aJ:8S"d~~ ~~IB~<:Jt;al II 'l'lo II 110. Child, After Fifty: If the 1Oth lord or the planet Mars

is in the 5th house, begetting theN avamsa ruled by the lord of the 9th house from the natal· ascendant, the native will acquire progeny after his age of 50.

Notes: Mars is a constant planet in this Y ~ga while the 5th lord differs from case to case.

'Take Capricorn as the ascendant, for example. Mars, or the lOth lord Venus should be in the Navamsa of Mercury (the 9th lord). As a result, the native will acquire a child after fifty.

~I"Fid ~ ilttfetiiR>Ja:fl<i~ I

~ ~ ~ ~ f4f.tf&~<:!_ II '1'1'1 II 111. Mars in the 5th House: Should Mars be in the 5th

house which is one of Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Pisces, and be in association with Jupiter by· aspect or conjunction, declare acquisition of progeny.

~:tft:ll<i~ ~ qmjQ" e11Pcia 1 311~~~!11011~1!8 ~ ~ II '1'1~ II 112. Initial Loss: If the 5th lord is in the 5th house along

with a malefic planet, the subject will lose children born in the initial phase while those born l_ater will survive.

~~~~ ~ m lfR G>IH~il ~ II '1'1~ II 113. Loss of Spouse & Progeny: If the lord of the 7th

house is conjoined with that of the 5th house, there will be loss of progeny as well as spouse.

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. Notes:.S~e comments under sloka No. 203 of the present. chapter.

:fhn~~'<il4"1d ~ ~ ~ <1T 1 ~ ~: q;~~~ ~: .~ ~ ~ II '1'1~ II 114. Loss of Progeny: If the lord of the 5th house is

debilitated or is in an em• my's sign, or is conjunct the lord of the 12th, 6th or-8th hous~, one's progeny \\ill incur" destruction (i.e. will not survive for long). Those versed (in astrology) say that in the said context, the. 5th house and its lord should be bereft of benefics' aspects.

~ ~afeu=t ~ .~ C1J 1 tilo:;q:Jl~<<;_e <tT ·~ ~f.l~~ II '1'1~ II 115. Destruction: With the lord of the 8th house placed in

the 5th house while the 5th lord is in the 8th house, without aspects from benefic planets, the person's progeny will be destroyed.

~~·=~~~~~· lfRl ~ c;_e d<U G;dl~dl: II '17f; II. 116. Adopted Progeny: If the 5th house is a sign .ruled

either by Mercury or by Saturn, and is occ:upied or aspected by Saturn, the subject will have adopted progeny.

~~ ~ ~ iiR'5<d~d I ~<;_fe~tfl=t ~ ~ ~f.lf&~~ II '1'1~ II 1 ;1.7. Loss of Children: Jupiter hemmed between malefics

as the lord of the 5th. house is bereft of both strength and beneficial aspects will cause destruction of children.

~ ~ ~ al<1~4~1"1d'j'i:l I ~ Cf;"41&14 -:q lllct4:('1RI"11iR: II '1'1z: II

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118. Female Progeny: Should the lord of the 5th house, the Moon and Venus be in female signs and female Navamsas, the native will beget daughters.

Notes: Female signs are all even signs like Taurus. These are again female Navamsas.

~~ ~ ~ 414ega 1

('?j ql46'11gt G;d~"''lf&~dCI: II '1'1~ II 119. Adopted Progeny: Jupiter betwixt malefic planets

while the ascendant and its lord are conjunct malefics, will give adopted progeny.

('?j ~ ~ W 4'1&l~4Rt: I ali!t!<¥ eflsH;j ~ a\!4SU5t"'';j II -'1~·o II

120. Twins: Mercury aspecting Gemini ascendant which has GeminiN avamsa, will cause birth of twins. When the aspect is from Rahu or from a female planet (i. e. Venus and the Moon), birth of female children will occur.

Notes: In the first combination, Gemini ascendant with Gemini Navamsa in relation to Mercury will give twin children. In the second case relating to Rahu or a female planet, the same ascendant will give daughters.

Rahu is not a female planet, but his giving daughters indicates his ability to deny a male issue.

~ ~ ~ "J't>{l$f;<fl~ I

~~m~~~~ '1~'111 121. Hihgly Intelligent: Should the 5th house be occupied

-by a benefic or by the 5th lord with the aspect of Venus and (or) Jupiter, the person will be highly intelligent.

Notes: A literal translation of the effect implied is: the native will be a giver of intelligence to all. Thus the Yoga denotes a high degree of intelligence on the part of the native.

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:;)ll~ilf?le:q<t>"\ iiP#I~ ~ f,1q,")o1~ 1 '"' ~ Ei'tl~ <;_e ~ ~ II ?~~ II 122. Astrologer: The native will be able to foresee the

events to come, i. e. will be an astrologer, if Jupiter (the signi.ficator of Mantri or adviser) is in an angle or a trine with a benefic's Navamsa, and in aspect to or in conjunction with Venus and Mercury.

ro qjqe...•¥ ~ ~ 1 qjqiltiiOij ~~ m;:a {\~l'tl~ II ?~~ II

123. Cardiac Diseases: If the 4th house is conjunct a malefic planet while its lord is in aspect to a malefic or is hemmed between malefics, the subject will suffer from diseases of the heart.

Notes: Although this verse is enlisted in the course of discussions concerning the 5th house, the term "Hrid(LyaSthana" only denotes the 4th house. There should be no confusion about that.

m~~~~ ;ft:q'j_GIR~ m a~l'tl~<:f..ll ?~~ " 124. If the 4th lord is in the 8th house ot ~s conjunct the lord

of the 8th house, or is in debility;· or in com•>'.istion, or in an enemy's sign, cardiac disorders will strike the person.

Notes: ·~ ~err;:r" means the 8th house.

'5ffilT ""lfe:f""liR~fd~jel~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C(J 1

~ ~ ~ <'f)I("ShR 'W:R ~4''%!.11 ?~~ II 125. Fora native of a Martian sign, Saturn and the Sun in

order occupying the 8th and the 5th houses, with aspect from or company of benefics, will give progeny after a long interval.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ji~H"'41eR ~I at~ ~SI~ISII~: ~ ~ fd' I

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e~il6 ~ ljA>!MJU4 ~ il '1~~ II 126~ (a) Progeny: ~aturn, Jupiter and Mars respectively

occupying the ascendant, the 8th and the 12th houses will give progeny.

(b) The 5th House:. Female signs (as the 5th) will give female children· while male signs (as the 5th) will give male children.

(b) The planetary periods (i. e. dasa and sub periods) will have to· be decided based upon the strength of the planets associated with the Yogas so far stated.

~lf1«~~~~ ~ ~ qr ~ al&cllqiffd'ilfd:~'i_ II 127. Worship of Deity: The 5th house o~cupied by Venus

or the Moon or aspected by these planets will lead to worship of a female deity.

m $Jitrga :ta:cilqJffattlfd:~<:t 1 ~ ~ firn ~ ettlfd:~'i_ II '1~ r:; II 128. The 5th house occupied by male planets will lead to

worship of male deities. Friendly terms between the lords of the ascendant and the 5th house will surely lead. to worship of the said kind.

ml1J1~~~ ~~~~11'1~~11 129. The 5th house occupied by the Sun will lead to worship

of the Sun God or Lord Siva. The Moon in the said place will cause 'Yorship ofYakshini (a female semi-divine being).

~qy~qrlqlftq~ I

~ ~ ~ ~ ~·ekcllc€t ~ 11 'J~o II 130. Should the 5th house be occupied or aspected by Mars,

the subject will worship Lord Skandha or Lord Bhairava. Mercury

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in this case denotes worship ofSarasvathi while Jupiter denotes Vishnu, i.e. Sattwika. · ~ ·

Notes: Skandha means Kartikeya, the younger son ofLord Siva and younger brother of Lord Ganesa. Skandha is also known as the army chief of gods in their Battle against demons.

Bhall:ava denotes a particular form of Lord Siva. Sattvika represents Lord Vishnu who is known for the

predominance of Purity. Puranas exalting Vishnu. are also known as Sattvika Puranas. This term Sattvika has further meanings like Durga and Brahma. Since Jupiter is referred to in the present verse, Vishnu is the right meaning as added in the original verse.

"':U'f'tl ~ ~ ~'1~11'1f.la<~t ~ 1

(t~<\;'il~d ~ q(rft5'1doCfdl II '~' II 181. Venus in the 5th house denotes worship ofChamundi.

Saturn therein denotes worship of a deity dwelling in burial ground. The person will worship such (mean) deities who cause trouble to others ifRahu or Ketu is found in the 5th house.

Notes: Chamunda is a particular form of Durga and is specially worshipped in N avaratri days.

_ ¥>t~a13 ~ m fit~i~~, -:q 1 ~~~~~~,~~~~ 132. If these planets (that is, those mentioned so far in

connection with worship of deities) are in divisions like exaltation and friendly ones, the worship will be for one's own sake. Otherwise (i.e. in a contrary situation) it will be meant for· others.

~..fA f:ftwn CfT @:qp:jjqf~ ~: I

~ dl¥~ ~-m~~ ~II'~~ II 133. Sterile & Barren: If the 5th house is occupied by

three or (even) two malefics, in aspect to inimical ·planets, not only the male will be sterile but also his spouse will .be barren.

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~-m ~ <rc:J wr:l

qJ4Ro<!:U: Cf>ICf>C4~t.-m 'i:J'. ~ ;r ~: II 'i~~ II 134. Barren After One Delivery: Should malefics be in

both the 2nd and the 5th houses, it Will be a Yoga for Kaka Vandhya.

Notes: "Kaka Vandhya" denotes a female who does not conceive after f:trst pregnancy. Since the text directly 'does not refer to the. native's spouse in specific terms, it seems that this Yoga belongs to a female's nativity.

Should this be. noted in a male's nativity, then also more than one pregnancy to spouse is not to be expected.

~ '¥ ~ !4~1~""11« ~ I q.=Y..~ ~ ~ "'11#14f fcl:qi(UI: n 'i3~ II 135. Remedies: Ghee (i.e. clarified butter)·and cow's urine

activiated by proper Mantras should be consumed by the female concerned who is barren. Upon this, she will have no hurdles in conceiving.

~ '¥ Cfl afR Cfl~ I tfFcfi ~ ~ ;ffif cp:.-m ~ ;r ~: II 'i~~ II 136. Oil, ghee and milk should be purified by suitable

Mantras for a hundred times and given to the barren female upon which she will doubtlessly obtain a son.

!41~~~~q5li~lo4 ~-~ "il«e~J 1

'51~"1<4~t.-m ~ 4Hitl&»B ~"il{!fAI II 'i~\9 II 137. "Pancha Gavya" duly activated by suitable Mantras

should be given to the female concerned for a period of one month. As a result, she will obtain a son.

· Notes: "Pancha Gavya" means the following f:tve sacred products of the cow which form part of religious rituals: Milk, curds, ghee, cow's urine and cow dung.

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~~~~~ ~~~~:II"'~.:; II 138. Butter should be purified by reciting suitable Mantras

for a hundred times and be given to the female concerned. As a result, she will be freed from the wrath of Gandharvas and will be able to conceive.

~ f.:l ..... a(>) ~ tfRclr ;ua ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II "'~~ II 139. Neem oil should be purified with Mantras and should

be given to the female for a period of one month. Then she will beget a son early, getting freed from the evils ofYakshini.

~~b~~l ~~·~~~~~ "'~o II 140. The female with miscarriage problems should be given

the mix ofjaggery, honey and milk (Madhu Traya) duly purified by relevant Mantra for a period of one month. As a result, she will reach a state of full pregnancy.

Notes: There is no clear indication as to what the purificatory Mantras are in connection with the remedies so far suggested. Under the circumstances, onewill have to seek the help of a genuine Mantra Sastra specialist.

The 6th House:

~ ~ ;ft:q'j_GIR ~ I m 'iifc1i ~ ~1!-'ll~i ~ II "1~"1 II 141. Destruction of Enemies: If the lord of the 6th house

is in an evil house (i. e. in the 6th, 8th or 12th house), or is debilitated, or is in combustion, or if the ascendant lord is endowed with strength, one's enemies will be destroyed.

Notes: These are better understood as four different conditions, as under.

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The 6th lord in an evil house; The 6th lord in debility; The 6th lord in combustion in the Sun; The 6th lord (indicating enemy) enjoys less strength as

against the lord of the ascendant (the native). These individual yogas will eliminate enemies, or stall

occurrence of enmity.

"42!H'IHfB:«n: ~: · ~ ~ I qjqj~-..g1~HNOJI'ij~'112&i:!UIIf.l "q II '1!3~ II

142. Enemies & Injuries: Should the planets in the 6th house be benefics, enemies will be destroyed. If they be malefics, enemies will be on the increase and the native will receive injuries on his body.

~: if<4't~~ CIT ~ CIT <iiiR-\;,1\<:nfq <iiStt ~ il.q};af<::ctl ~~CIT~: II '1!3~ II 143. Amalefic in the 6th house, or the 6th lord in a malefic's

sign, or an enemy's sign or in the sign of debility, er in the 2nd house, or in retrogression, or in aspect to an enemy promotes enemies.

Notes: The· 6th lord in debility giving enemies is a contradiction to what has been already mentioned as a right condition, in sloka 141 supra.

The 6th. lord when retrograde will not only promote enemies but he will also cause health problems, troubles through litigations and the like.

~~~~I ~ ~~ *' ~ fclf.lfa~q_ II '1!3!3 II 144. Friendship with Enemies: Should the 6th lord be

aspected by a benefic planet, or be with a benefic or in a benefic's sign, the person will establish friendly terms with his enemies.

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~ ~ ~ ~ f?tst(I~IJI I ~lfa"'l~f?t:egPd ;r ~~~;{q~: II 'l~'i. II

145. Kinsfolk: If the 6th.house is occupied by the Sun as tne lord of the ascenaant is in a friend's sign, the subject will have a wide circle of kinsfolk and will be free from enemies and injuries.

Notes: "Injury" does not only mean that, but the Yoga covers abSence of diseases to the native. Thus, the simple idea that the Sun (or a malefic planet) in the 6th house removes diseases is a ~yth. The Sun or any malefic in the 6th house will only cause danger to health. The Sun, for example, causes troubles to heart, skull and bones, diseases ofblood (like anaemia) etc.

The proteCtion here is the position of the lord of the ascendant in a friendly sign. ·

Thqugh not mentioned in the original verse, we should en·sure that the Sun, as above, is not exceedingly strong in Shadbala. It is better that he enjoys average Shadbala, or still Letter, lesser Shadbala than the lord of the ascendant.

~ "'~ctH1Pa ~ d;q~d 1 ~~·~~II 'l~f; II 146. Relatives: If Jupiter becomes the lord of the 6th

house, and is related to other benefics by conjunction or aspect, the native has many relatives.

Notes: This Yoga will particularly denote a large number of maternal kinsfolk. That is, the mother's side will have large family.

~ 'lldJSr<i\Rj ~ ~ I ~ ,.!iii~l~ B$ir'fl~ II '1~\9 II 147. Death in A Duel: The Sun and Mars in mutual

aspects, or in one another's signs, or Navamsas will get the person killed in a physical duel.

Notes: These Yogas indicate danger to the person in a physical combat or encounter. When a combination like this

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involves the lOth house (profession) or the 3rdhouse (sports), the subject can be a boxing champion.

~ ~ Pf("Rr~fl RA~·~ ~Rl~11e , ~· ~ '1~fi1<1>1<fl1 .. !liCIC::f.'ij ~: II 'lg"' II 148. Small-pox: (a) The Sun in the ascendant, the 7th or

the 2nd house aspected by Mars \\~ill lead tc trouble from sn1all-pox.

(b) So also when the planet Mars is aspected by the Sun. Notes: (a) This combination occurs in the ascendant, 2nd or

7th house which should be occupied by the Sun. The aspecting planet should be Mars. It can be the special aspect. of Mars (4th or 8th aspect) and he need not be in turn aspected by the Sun.

(b) In this Yoga,a specific house is not mentioned. However, it seems to me that Mars should be in either the ascendant, the 6th ·or the 8th house. It is Mars that is to be aspected by the Sun, who has only the 7th aspect. That is, the Sun will also receive back the aspect of Mars. Some may like to interpret this part placing Mars in the ascendant, 2nd or 7th as per rule "a" above.

~JFc::~~~· ~ q;ac:;~us& ~ f$JC::<#I~ faf.:lfa:~<:~ II 'lg~ II 149. Tumours: The subject will be .troubled by tumours in

his 30th year or in 15th year if Saturn is in the 8th house while Mars is either in the 12th or the 8th house.

~~~~qrqe¥• ~ ~ ~ -;)"cr<:n~ft ~: 11 'l~o II 150. Fever: Mars in the 6th house as the 6th lord is with a

malefic will lead to (dangerous) fever in the 12th or the 15th year of age of the native.

~~~~~~· ~ Q<.f>l"ifci~ Cfl ~ ~: II '1~'1 II

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151. Abdominal Disease: One will be troubled by abdominal disorders in the 22nd year or in the 19th year if Jupiter is in the 6th house while the Moon is in the 12th therefrom, i. e. in the 5th house from the ascendant.

~ ~ oo 'i:l;wiiP& e~"1Cid 1

&iJ~CIIftl ~ ~ ~ 11·'1~~ II 152. Tuberculosis: There will be tuberculosis of the lungs

in the 36th year ifRahu is in the 6th house along with the Moon and Saturn. So also when the lord of the ascendant is in the 6th house (with the Moon and Saturn).

Notes: The term "Mandi" refers to Saturn and not Mimdi, i.e. not to Gulika.

The term "Rasi" in the 2nd lines denotes the 6th house in the present context.

~ il~RI~If~· ~ o:tj:tj(l~l:il I

RICi~<t>1"1fci~IS&d. '1@1il~i ~PI~~'i.ll '1'1.~ II 153. Gulma Roga: The subject will suffer from Gulma

Roga in the 3rd year or in the 19th year of his age if the 6th lord is in the 12th house while the 12th lord is in the 6th house.

Notes: "GulmaRoga" denoteschronicenlargementofspleen or any abdominal gland like mesenteric giand. In short, this is a kind of splenary disorder.

~~~~IR<HI~~~· 4!34!31~1&~ CIT ~ ~f.\~~'i. II '1~!3 II

154. Leprosy: The .Moon in the 6th house along with Ketu will cause red-leprosy (a kind of cutaneous eruption) in the 55th year of age.

~ ·~ •nPc:::~11 e'1Pt:~a 1 Q<t>1"1i'1~ ~ ~ Cllail~uraq'1. ~ n '1'i.~ 11

155. Windy Diseases: The three planets, viz. the lord of the ascendant, Saturn and a planet that is inimical ascendant

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lord, pla<.·ed i"n the .8th house will bring forth windy diseases at the age of 5t. .

~ ~:fl~l~et ~ &'JRi~ I :q~ei~l ~ ~ ~ n 't~G 11

156. Danger from Animals: Fear from animals will occur in the eighth year of age if the lord of the ascendant is in the 6th house, the 12th lord is in the ascendant and the Moon is in the 6th Navamsa ..

Notes:·~· referring to the Moon is interpreted as the Moon in the sixth Navamsa. There is no specific division with this prescription (Cf. Drekkana etc.). This is the possible meaning I could locate for this term in the present context. ·

6th N avamsa means 16 deg 40' to 20 deg of a sign. Hence the Moon is required to be in such space in any sign .

.. 1314"1d mil d(''1k .. l'i"lld <All cHt~sflt1Fi 081' ~~II 't'i\9 II . ' 157. Danger from Fire & Paralysis: The child will incur

· a fire accident in the very flrst year of its birth, and will be troubled by paralysis in the 3rd year of age if Rahu is in the 6th or the 11th house while Saturn is in the 6th place from the said Rahu.

B) ~ ~ ~ aR:tq,lul~ 1

{;>Jfci~SI'!I&~<:iij ~PeiilQtfd:o1ls"'l"!_ II 't~z; II 158. Varicocele & Urinary Disorders: The subject will

incur swelling or hardening of blood vessels (e.g. varicocele) and urinary disorders in his 22nd or 18th year of age ifRahu is in the 8th house while the 8th lord is in the 5th or 9th place from the said 8th house. /

Notes: Rahu should be in the 8th house as the 8th lord is in.the 12th or 4th from the ascendant. As a result, the native will have problems of blood vessels or of urine in 18th/22nd year of age. Alternatively, in my opinion, these diseases can occur in the dasa of Rahu or of the 8th lord.

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~ R~l~lt~ ~~I l!<t>'t:l~ ... l~~~s .. a, ~l~&l:{lO"'IaFi II '1~~ II

159. Expenditure through Enemies: The native's wealth will be sperit away (or lost) on account of his enemies in his 41st year if the 11th lord is in the 6th house as the 6th lord is in the in the 6th houSe or its divisions.

~ ~ ~ '!J«"igd I ~ ~ i M4~:fl ~II 'l~o II 160. Enmity with One's Son: The lord of the 6th in the

6th house along with Jupiter will bring forth enmity with one's own son (or progeny). So also when the lords of the ascendant and the 12th are in the 6th ruong with Jupiter.

Notes: The term "Shashtese" has a repetition in the trrst line vide the original text. In both the Y ogas, Jupiter can be replaced with the lord of the 5th house.

~ "tl3(i~R4 ~ tl(l!l(i~i:il I

<:::ail4'>1"1Fci~n .. a. ~ 11 '1~'1 11 161. Danger from Dog: There will be fear from dog in the

lOth or 19th year if the lord of the ascendant is in the 6th house along with the 6th lord.

The 7th House:

~ ~ ~ <::1~'1&:1'1Pcr~ I

~ til(">e~ ~: II '1~~ II 162. Virtuous Spou!je: Venus ip. a movable sign while the

7th house is occupied by Jupiter, and the lord of the ascendant is strong - this yoga indicates that the subject will acquire a virtuous wife.

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~ ~ ~ ~ G4(.+]1Pctd I ~ CfT ~ ¥ qfdqd4d4011: II '1~~ II 163. Devout Wife: .The 7th lord or Venus in strength and

related to Jupiter by aspect or conjunction denotes that the wife of the subject will be devoted to him ever wishing his welfare.

4?&5~~ ~ ~ f.1tlfa:rd I

~~qr~~ll '1~~ II 164. Charitable & Devout Spouse: If the 7th lord is

Jupiter, or if the 7th lord is aspected by Venus and Mercury, or if the 7th house is a,spected by Jupiter, the spouse will be charitable and devoted to the native.

~ ~ ~ e11P<tJ I

~ ~ 'CfT -aBI 'Ffi ~II 'If;!( II 165. Spouse: The lord of the 7th house occupying an angle

along with a benefic planet, or the lord of 7th house placed in a benefic sign and benefic N avamsa will also cause a devout spouse.

Notes: 7th house in a benefic's N avamsa is better understood with the following example.

Suppose, the 7th cusp falls in Libra 8 degrees, for an Aries Lagna horoscope. The ·N avamsa of the 7th cusp is Sagittarius. Thus the 7th house is in the Rasi and Navamsa owned by benefic planets. In these cases, benefic means a planet who is naturally benefic.

~: ~U<Ojij~O(~ ~ CfT ~: ~: I

~l""''gif>l "J'I<tHI~ ~ ~: II 'Jf;f; II 166. The subject will be pure in heart, fortunate, yirtuous,

lordly and be endowed with a fortunate spouse and grains (i. e. plentifulness) if the 7th lord is conjunct or aspected by benefics.

~ M <l>R<l>(O"'' CfT I e<:fl'<I"'G4(.+Jf~<t ~ ~~ fctf.\fa:~q_ II '1f;\.9 II

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167. Caste: The spouse will belong to the caste as indicated by the strongest of the three, viz. the 7th lord, Venus and the sign holding the 7th house.

WJm ~qeq;u ~ ~ 1 ~~~~~II '1~r: II 168. Quality of Spouse: Should Jupiter aspect the 7th

house, the spouse will be .endowed with good qualities and much beauty. If a malefic aspects or occupies the 7th house, she will be ugly and will lack virtues.

~ fct<41{)kq{<:f\ ~ ~*=4q :;:(\q:q;qlf.!<4d I

i'~t;;tq ~ ~.CIT Wf~"ll~ II '1~~ II 169. Prosperity After marriage: The lord of the 2nd

house, or the lord of the ascendant, or the dispositor of Venus occupying an.Upachaya house (i.e. 3rd, 6th, lOth or lltli house) in aspect to a benefic will cause prosperity to the native after his marriage.

Notes: Four different positions each for the ascendant lord and the 2nd lord are discussed apart from four for the dispositor ofVenus in an Upachaya house. That is 12 different positions are implied in a brief expression.

· The following notes for the ascendant lord and the 2nd lord may be useful additions from other angles.

Ascendant lord: (a) In the 3rd - the subject will enjoy excellent friends, excellent kinsfolk, excellent intelligence, happines::;, liberal and heroic disposition. He will have two marriages, be quite opulent, will have excellent co-born and will be highly fortunate.·

(b) In the 6th house- The native will be blessed with wealth, health, progeny, co-born, happiness from maternal kinsfolk and quadrupeds. He will be long-lived, will have enemies and will

·possess landed properties. · (c) In the lOth house- The subject will gain from high-ups,

be devoted to his mother and elders, be exceedingly wealthy, will perform good deeds and will enjoy all kinds of pleasures.

(d) In the 11th house - One will acquire progeny, be famous

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in foreign lands, physically energetic, devoid of grief and be long-lived. The only minus point in this position is troubles to the native through disorders of throat.

The 2nd lord: (a) In the 3rd house - One will be bereft of happiness from co-born, be egoistic, thievish; unjust and immodest. On the positive side, the person will be stable in disposition, will enjoy family happiness, be fond of befriending the king (or the likes), and be endowed with gold and gems (i.e. wealth).

(b) In the .6th house- He will incur rectal disorders, be able to eliminate his f9es, fond of gathering (or accumulating) wealth, be exceedingly skilfulin thievish deeds, and will cheat others. He will, however, receive respect from others but will perform qu~stion~ble or unlawful deeds. He will gain wealth from his foes as well as will lose his wealth on account of foes.

(c) In the lOth house - He will beget wealth through the king, will increase his opulence and will be associated with many females (or will beget many wives). He will be honoured by the king, will incur disappointments in acquiring progeny, be associated with gentle folk, be widely famous and will possess superior rcioos and gems. He will be quite libidinous in disposition.

(d) In the 11th house - The person will have the blessings of the goddess of wealth, will enjoy various pleasures and happiness, will have gainful ventures, be a king's adviser, will act according to his own will, be sacrificial in nature and will protect his dependants. ·He will be widely famous.

These quotations are from a reliable ancient source. Of course there is no such reference to the dispositor ofVenus in available texts and so I could not give such information.

The reader will see many advantageous results in U pachaya position of the lord of the ascendant imd that of the 2nd. There are here and there some minus points for the lo~ds of the 2nd and ascendant which is all in the game.

Thus our text indicating prosperity after one's mariiage is quite meaningful. A benefic's aspect p1entionedin the original is certainly a good addition. Even without that, the results will come forth as reflected in the sourced annotations.

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~ <t>oo'l•nCl ~ ~~~~ 1 a~~j~ ~ ~ Cf>i'JJ:j('SI~: II '11.9o II

170. Wife from an Exce1lent Caste: One's spouse will hail from an excellent caste (or family) if the 7th lord is stronger than the lord ofthe ascendant and is dignifl.ed with V aiseshlkamsa division and (or) iii deep exaltation degree.

· Notes: Vaiseshikamsa means . a planet with all ten favourable divisions in Dasa Varga scheme.

Hence the 7th lord should enjoy more strength as against the. ruler of the ascendant and beget favourable divisions in all the Dasa vargas.

His being in deepest degree of exaltation should be an independent condition and separated from Vaiseshikamsa.

This can also be applied to Venus. That is, if the 7th lord (or Venus) enjoys better strength in

terms ofShadbala· and occupies more and more good Vargas, or is in deepest exaltation degree, one's spouse will be endowed with still an excellent or better family background as against the native himself. Possibly, such 7th lord or Venus can form part of a happy and prosperous marriage.· In the process, the planet concerned should not be in combustion, or in evil or inllnical company.

<'.>•q&<ki.t\<iGI~ Cf>i'JJ:j"li~Mi~l'~~ ~ I ~ ;ft:qeqPCI~ 'CIT Pli>e<:su~ ~ C¥i'JJ:j('SI'f: II '11.9'1 II 171. Spouse of a lower caste: If the 7th lord is with lesser

strength as against the lord of the ascendant, and is in an foe's Navamsa, or is combust, ·or in debilitation in Navamsa, or is in association. with a debilitated planet by conjunction or aspect, the native's spouse will hail from a lower caste:

4<<itii'"l~ ~ ~ ~<.Cl'<Rvl ~ 1 · ~ ~ "if ~ ~ SICIC:Pd 1(t11rd: II '11.9~ II 172. Abunc,lant Fortunes: The learned indicate much

fortunes to the person, in case the 7th lord is in deep exaltation as the 7th house is aspected by a benefic planet or Venus, or if the

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7th house falls in the exaltation sign of Venus (i.e. Pisces). Notes: The condition that 7th house falling in the sign

Pisces needs some improvement for actual gains, for, as per my experience, it has simply not been true. To beget the stipulated effect, the said Pisces should be well-aspected by Jupiter or the Full Moon. In fact 1 have seen some Virgo ascendant horoscopes with Full Moon in the ascendant (and the Sun in the 7th in Pisces) enjoying fortunes (through spouse or after marriage).

~~~~~fWnl - f~(51J:"Ck"JI ~. ~ ~: II '1\9~ II ~ 4~tjj<'f)jrffi Cfl ~ ~ Cfl !I<'J;lRktl I

~ ~ <t>RI1 -:q ~ ~ lf'iln '1\9~ n ~ ~: if<41fs51tti ~ I ~ ~'lct~ec~f{~ amt ~ II '1.\9~ II 178 - 175. Physical Union: One will physically join a

barren woman if the 7th house contains the Sun; with a young woman if it is the Moon; with a woman in her monthly periods (or a marriageable

woman) or a barren woman if it is Mars; with a prostitute or with a girl of traders' community if it is

Mercury; · with a Brahmin woman if it is Jupiter; with a pregnant woman if it is Venus or Rahu, and with a wicked and dwarfish woman if it is Saturn. This kind of illicit associations will also occur if these

planets are alternatively in the 4th house from the ascendant. Notes: The above Y ogas will pass the test only when

Venus, 12th house, 12th lord, ascendant and its lord are ill-·reflected. If these are chaste enough by good associatiQns and aspects, the combinations for illicit physical association should be set aside. Of course the Shadbala strength of these will only pave way for some such results and hence I have not qualified these with the term "strong".

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'!'~lfd<fl ~ ~ {")"''f~Fii '1rcw>Uft~i\>d1 I ~ ( .. 41<:f. ~~*1'1<hlttC?Sfd'11 II 7\9G II

~~~~~~ e'1HHI ~ qw.jl~s;::qql ~II '1\9\9 II

31k\f?id@'11 qi4l'1~0f d:IFU% I ~ ~ ¥onf.ltl~ 11 '1\9'" 11 ~1~~1cu~~~~ ~:~~~II '1\9~ II

c:ml ~(~~~ c.:Rcrr reffi> 1 {Ft>il~u' e"'<ie~ct'1ii! ~'1ir?::~i u· 7'"o 11

176-180. (a) If the 7th house has Mars, the native's spouse will have weak brea8ts. Saturn, Rahu or Ketu denotes long breasts. The Sun causes hard and elevated breasts and the other planets sof.t and excellent ones. Breasts of the spouse' will be even if the 7th lord is with a benefic planet. If the association is with a malefic planet, her breasts will not be even. Heavy breasts are denoted by the 7th lord who is not a benefic but is a watery pll;met, or is in a watery sign or is aspected by Jupiter. ·

· (b) The lord of the 7th house being either Jupiter or Venus and falling iii a benefic planet's Navamsa indicates even pudendum muliebre for the spouse. Amalefic thus featuring will cause a long one. If the 7th lord is in a dry sign, or the 7th house is being a dry one or the 7th house receiving the aspect of a dry planet denotes dry pudendum muliebre. ·

Notes: (b) Dry signs are Aries, Taurus, Leo, Capricorn, Virgo and Sagittarius. Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Libra, Aquarius and Pisces are wet signs, vi~e Sambhu Hora Prakasa, Ch. 14, sloka 93. The view that Capricorn is a dry sign and Sagittarius a wet sign is however not correct. Jyotisha Tatva reverses these two. Sagittarius, like Aries and Leo is fiery and hence is dry. Capricorn is partially watery and hence be treated as wet. (This. kind of rare errors need not undermine a text. Particularly Sambhu Hora, I can confidently assure the reader, is one of the rarest gems in astrology.)

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These classifications could be intelligently applied in relation to health of a person also. Diseases caused by sweat, drying up of bodily liquids, excess discharge of liquids including tearing of eyes and the like can be. known through dry and wet signs.

(Watery T·atva signs are again different and should not be mixed with. the above. These tatvas give different characteristics to a person.

Again water-resorting signs are different which show the inclination of a person to live in such places.)

Our text refers to dry planets also. These are known as Sushka Grahas and are Mars, the Sun and Saturn. Venus and the Moon are watery planets or Jala Grahas. Mercury and Jupiter are watery planets in the above-noted wet signs, and dry planets when in the above-noted dry signs.

CIR~~~~~I qlq<i".qj~l ef6dtHid 1€1"11~11. II '1.;'1 II 181. Dry pudendum muliebre will be caused to the spouse

by the 7th house being hemmed betwixt malefic planets or with association or aspect of such planets.

qj~goiC::~ICf>l"'f~ ~Uj'i:H~>f<j ·~ I

~ ~ q.:'l'.~jf~ifa:RI .::r<iiRI!iW ~: II '1<;~ II 182. Barren Wife: The learned in astrology say, malefics

in the 12th and the 7th houses, as the 5th house is occupied by weak Moon, will cause barrenness to the spouse of the native.

~~(fl~~l . e.

~ <fl snRuftcuftl ~ ~ ";J ~: 11 '1.;~ 11 183. Questionable Spouse: Should the planets Saturn

and Mars be in the 7th house or should the 7th be owned by Saiurn or Mars, the spouse of the person will be a prostitute or a questionable woman.

Notes: Merely the 7th house ownership going to Saturn or Mars should not lead to such a conclusion. We should in such a

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case locate more afflictions to the 7th house, or to Venus.

~ f<li'il'li\~w'Hf<li~il&l I

CI*'J.~~;::q"!~ fcltiRf<:u;:j ~ ~ ~: II 'l"'~ II 184. Places of Union: According to the occupant of the 4th

house being the Sun, the place of union will be a forest, the Moon· a residential house, Mars a deserted house, Mercury a picnic spot (or sports-ground), Jupiter temple and Saturn a watery land.

~"¥~~~ ~ ('i1~<R'f~e ~~II 'l"'!i. II 185. Food Comforts: The person will enjoy (superior food, ·

viz.) pulses, curd and ghee if the 7th house is owned by Jupiter or Venus who in turn is in a benefic planet's Navamsa, or particularly Mercury's Navamsa or with Mercury's aspect.

'<:Hl1il ctr ~ '5l&(i~4~ia~ I

51('.)'41~01 en ~ ~ II 'l"'~ II 186. Liquids: If the Moon, Jupiter or the 7th lord'~ccupies

a watery N avamsa, or begets the aspect of a watery planet, the subject will enjoy milk and jaggery water.

Notes: In traditional medical circles, a regulated sum of jaggery is considered to be superior for a strong digestive power.

Such verses only indicate that the native will enjoy comfortable and superior food.

4jqj~l<t>~ld ~ ~~ I

~ "'i'.l" ~ ~: II 'l"'\9 II 187. One will kiss the privities of the spouse if Venus is in

a sign or N avamsa of Mars, or is conjoined with or aspected by Mars.

11r>G>i~l<t>~id ~ 'Fe::~ "'i'.l" I

qrq:~. "'i'.1" ~ Ctr ~1~'1'1Ri'1d~q(: II 'l"'"' II

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188. The native will kiss male organs if the planet is in a sign or Navamsa owned by Saturn, or is aspected by Saturn.

~ Bflij(l~~ ~iM:wmttPctJ I

&ii~Ht"ld -~ -~ fctf.lf'~~1. II '1'"~ II • 189. One Marriage: The native will have only one spouse

(i.e. there will be no re-marriage) if the 7th lord is exalted or is with a benefic or if Venus is in an angle from the ascendant.

q;ort cU ~ CU qjq~•<fl"Ri~ I a<{l~GI&~q ~~II '1~o II 190. Re-marriage: The subject will have another marriage

if the 7th and the 2nd houses are related to malefic planets by occupation or aspect; or ifthese two lords are bereft of strength.

Notes: The involvement of both the 7th and 2nd houses should exist for a re-marriage.

Moreover, the 9th or the lith house, or their lords, should hold promise for re-marriage; without a sanction. from one of these two houses, another marriage may not be easily possible.

Etail<tl~clifqo4~ 'N1ti~J I

~~11'1~'111 191. Re·marriage: Note if one of the 7th, 8th or the 12th

is occupied by Mars and is without the aspect of the lord of the concerned house (i. e. lord of the 7th, 8th or 12th as the case may be). In that case, there will occur a re-marriage to the subject.

Notes: This verse gives some useful instruction to some extent about Mars dosha. At least one can emphasise that.Mars dosha in these 3 houses is dangerous for the first marriage in that it leads to a remarriage, if there is aspect on Mars ·from the concerned dispbsitor.

~~:I ~di'1<5_1!!l'ile:fdilt!<?511'!dl II '1~ ~ II

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192. Urinary Disorders to Spouse: The native's spouse will incur ·severe urinary disorders if the 3rd and 8th counted from one's 7th house are occupied by the Sun and Mars without benefic planetary aspects.

Notes: To be clear, if the 2nd and the 9th houses are in order occupied by the Sun and Mars,.the native's wife will have problems relating to kidney, urine etc;

Cf>i15~HJ\qrql ~: I ~ (l~lg~4Jf.l¥trfd:~i I ~ <&w:ti d..,'<§l~({qe""''dl If 'i~~ II 193. Diseased Vagina: If the 4th,.3rd and the 8th houses

counted from the 7th house are occupied by malefics, without aspect or conjunction of benefic planets, the native' spouse will have some ~iseases in her vagina. A beneficial aspect will bring . forth help through 'remedial measures.

Notes: 3 malefic planets should participate in this Yoga to cause vaginal problems to one'll wife. Counted from the native's ascendant, locate these malefic planets in the lOth, 9th and the 2nd houses.

eMkW'fg"f;ri"'1r&l<~rR<Ril'ict: 1

~<1ei1"61N "il<ciFIOII.:s'iill('<flf<dj) II 'i~ B II· 194. Questionable Spouse: The person will acquire a

spouse of questionable character if the 4th place from the 7th is occupied by Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu where there is no aspect from or association of a benefic planet.

Gll'iCffeQil qjqcstu! qr ~ 1

i:ti<liii3~~M~ '!*f"'~ fctf.lfe:~i II '1~ ~ II 195. Strangury: The subject will suffer from urinary

disorders like strangury if the 7th, 6th or the 8th house is occupied by inany malefic planets in evil Shahstiamsas.

Notes: This is a combination for painful discharge of urine,

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or frequent urination with burning sensation. Our ancients have enlisted about eight kinds of strangury.

In a horoscope, the 7th house denotes the process of urination. Malefics in the 6th and 8th cause Papa Kartari Yoga to the 7th house.

In .the natural zodiac, Libra is the sign of kidney and urination. It is significant that we find Ketu in Libra Navamsa causing some problems relating to. urine or kidney vide Deva Keralam.

Evil Shahstiamsas or Krura Shashtiamsa are spoken of in Parasara l[ora, Sarvartha Chintamani etc. For detailed information and meanings of the 60 Shashtiamsas, the reader is referred to the notes on the subject in· part 1 ofBrihat Parasara Hora Sastra,. translated in English by me.

~ (t<t>oo*lrea <!l~cn"i:i£1 tfl'1iili'51 ~ 1

~ c::Riil~~CI<fliO<tct351<fl~j ~~II ~~~ II 196. Many Wives: Should the lords of the 5th and 9th

houses be in-an evil house along with the 7th lord and be bereft of strength but with beneficial aspect or conjunction, the subject will have many wives. Further, where is the question of progeny for him? (To wit, he will be childless.)

Notes: I believe this verse has a partly wrong text particularly in view ofthe stipulation that progeny will be denied to the person. Instead of "benefic planet", the association or aspect should be of a malefic planet. Then both the effects seem to be logical in occurrence.

l:.flli\~1~1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <'f>6551~1141 I

Bfif ~ <'f>i1J51"'11~ ~~II '1~1.9 II 197. (a) Attachment to Others' Wives: The weak Moon

in a:;sociation with a malefic planet and placed in the 7th house will cause illicit relations with the wives of other men ..

(b) A Single Wife: The lords of the 2nd and the 7th houses in their own (respective) houses will cause one wife.

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~ ~ tiWCist>lfd:6~: I ~~ ~3"444•1asqct1 n '1~ .. u. 198. Many Wives: Should the 7th house be endowed with'

many good qualities· by occupation of a planet that is exalted, retrograde etc. or should it be a dual sign, the subject will beget many wives.

Notes: About dual sign being the 7th house, a word of caution is. necessary. Merely, Gemini or one of its angles becoming the 7th house will not cause many. marriages. The exceeding streiJ.gth ·of Venus, 7th lord and ascendant lord is also a pre-requisite.

q(o:jlil"ld ~ 'i«mft~Jt<.4"f~OI ~ I ~ lf'fl~ tii ~: !lctc@atJ_R4: -a n 'I~~ n 199. Many Wives: Scholars indicate many wives to one

who has the 7th lord in deep exaltation while the 7th house is aspected by a benefic planet. Else, the 7th should be occupied by Venus in exaltation.

~ <tld.l::tf~ <tld.l~~ ~I

· <n"n'lcr-t"nqR•>Ht~Oi ~ 1 ~m~~~ Q~a"\:oflw:il ~ ~ al~1aHiti n ~oo n

200. (a) Madana Gopala Yoga: The lords ofthe ascendant and the 7th. house should be in exchange. One of them should be in the company of Venus. What then formed is called Madana Gopala Yoga. (Such native will have. association with many females.)

(b) Venus in exaltation in the 7th house and in aspect to the 7th lord will lead one to enjoy a hundred women.

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<t>C'Jl=t"'llit Rt"fi'i:Ri~ '!iW.4Cfl ~en 1 ~ i:f ¥ <'t>C'Jl=tl'lif.'i !>lct&Pil ~: II ~o'l II 201. Loss of Spouse: Astrologers predict (early) loss of

spouse to one having the 7th lord in an inimical sign, in combustion or is in aspect to malefic planets whereas the 7th house is also associated with a malefic planet by tenancy.

tfltltl\:..~ ~ 511fi:IM1Sl:lctlf-1: I ~ ~~ w•nRe ~: 11 ~o~ u 202. Loss of Spouse: The learned speak of early death of

spouse in case Venus is hemmed between malefic heavenly bodies while in addition, the 7th house or.itslord is also similarly· placed (i. e. between malefics).

Notes: The implication is Venus and the 7th house or Venus and the 7th lord should be between malefics. Only one of them so placed will not lead to early loss of spouse.

~~' i4'11!!~H:Ql1;j ~ II ~o~ II 203. Spouse & Progeny: The native will lose his progeny

and spouse if the 7th lord is conjunct th~ 5th lord. · Notes: This idea is a repetition, vide sloka 113 supra.

When the lords of the 5th and 7th join, it is found to be a disadvantage for happiness concerning marriage and children. Even if the 7th lord is in the 5th house, it will spoil happiness in marital life.

Regarding progeny, the following verse collected from another rare source will be of interest. ~: ~: q~;ftlft(~1~~~4\: ,

. ~ ~ &'d~"lclli_ II This quotation suggests adopted progeny when the 5th

lord, without strength, joins the lords of the 7th and the ascendant. ·

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"431f!lio'Q'Q~ 'q ~ ~ -:q I

;:fl:q(l~i,.ld ~ ~ ~f?tfchr<:t_ II ~o~ II 204. Loss of Spouse: The subject will lose his spouse early

if the 7th lord, bereft of strength, is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house while Venus is in debility. ·

~ ~ ~ ~ qr iili414g"CII I

~ 88'1(1~~ aPil&<!i ~<t>oo~4l"i: II ~o~ II 205. Two Wives: If the 7th lord is in debility, or in a.

movable Navamsa, or in a malefic sign, or with many malefics, one will have two marriages. So also when the 7th house is occupied by a eunuch planet (viz. Saturn or Mercury).

<t>i'h:tfCIH~ ~ ~arfil::til~r~ 1

~ ~ <tii'h:ii~<!CfF{ ~ II ~ot; II 206. Three Wives: The native will marry three women if

Mars is in the 7th house in the company of either Venus or the Moon, while the lord of the ascendant is in the 8th house.

~ ~cnias::r~Hr<N; ·' ~ iileseg$ Cil§ld:I«<'IP<:4d: II ~o\9 II 207. Many Wives: The subject will possess many spouses

if the planet Venus is in a dual sign as the lord thereof is in. exaltation and the 7th lord is endowed with strength.

Notes: The strength of these three related planets giving two or more marriages sbould be noted with advantage. If only one of them is strong, there will be good effects concerning first marrriage, like happiness, long-living spuse etc. etc. The moment such strong planets increase, more chances of remarriage will exiSt. The conditions of actual occurrence may vary from horoscope to horoscope.

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~~~-~ ~ "1Ct'11&il ~ ~:~ ~II ==!o"' II 208. Early Marriage: The native will marry during his

5th/9th yearifthe 7th lord is in a benefic's sign while Venus is iii his own sign or is exalted.

· Notes: These and such other Y ogas appearing in the text should be understood to mean an early marriage and not literally in the age indicated.

10~ft!Hil '¥ ~ "f{'5(1~1il I ~ tfle~tl&<l ~: ~ ~II ==!o~ U 209. Marriage in l0/16th year: If Venus is in the 2nd

house as the lord of the 7th houSe is in a strong sign (i. e. strongly placed), the subject will beget married at the age often or sixteen.

~ ~ (CfJ) '¥ ~ 'trd>(i~lil I QCf>IG>~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "Fi II ==!'1o II

210. Marriage in 11th year: (a) The planet Venus occupying an angle or (b) Venus being the lord of the ascendant and occupying a sign of Saturn will cause marriage at the age of eleven.

Notes: Venus in an angle from the ascendant (i.e. even for the ascendants not ruled by him) will cause early marriage. Alternatively, when the ascendant is Libra or Taurus, Venus in a sign of Saturn (Capricorn or Aquarius) will also give marriage in an early age." For other ascendants, Venus in a sign of Saturn is a delaying factor. This is the correct meaning of the verse which is however open to a different interpretation.

{'5it<\i:rs::"tJ~ aF!Oii..:sSII~t':til ~ I gtmtc&'IC4~ ~ ~ ~ II ~'1'1 II 211. Marriage at 11/12: If Venus is in an angle from the

ascendant while the Moon is in the 7th from Venus, marriage will come to pass at the age. of 11 or 12 years.

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Notes: The present sloka is not in contradiction ·to the first condition stipulated in sloka 210 above and is sini'ply yet another·. possibility ..

~::S::I$11flr:r~~ ~l~lflr:t~~l4l I

'*m~1<cil -sna ~ ~ " ~7~ 11 212. Marriage at 18: Venus in the 7th from the Moon while

Saturn is in the 7th from Venus (i e. Venus opposing the Moon and Saturn) will give marriage in 18th year.

~1"4®":<fiM ~ ~M4tt~dill l!Cfi~~ ~ ~ FctPI~~ ll ~7~ 11·

213. Marriage at 24 or 31£ One's marriage will be celebrated in his 24th/31st year ifVenus is in the 9th from the 9th (i. e. in the 5th from the ascendant) as Rahu is in the 12th therefrom (i. e. in the 4th from the ascendant).

ifl"<ii:Jtlflr:t~~ ~ ~1<'11'44> I ~ "" . eafc1~necl q ~ ::f<': 11 :m~ 11

214. Marriage in 27/30th Year: The native will get married at the age of27 or 30 ifVenus is in the 7th from the 9th (that is, in the_ 3rd from the ascendant) while the 7th lord is in the 7th therefrom (i. e. in the 9th from the ascendant).

&ill~oo~ ~<4-.:Ro:sl e~·w~ft ~ ~ 1 &*t~ ~ qr ~~~I adl!R~M~ "'~f.llqltnfa:<ti ifl~<i<lf: 11 ~7~ - ~7E; 11

215- 216, Very Early Marriage: The native's marriagf,l . and such other auspicious functions will occur in the very childhood if the 7th house is Pisces containing a benefic planet. So also when the ascendant, the 2nd and the 7th join benefic planets or their divisiohs, or when these lords are with the company or aspect of be_nefic planets.

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CIW>Rif> ~ 'j''£&<St"'ll~ ~ "i:f ~ I o:ft:ql~<:i~l"ld ·wm ~ f<l<liQhl'jqRf"'ll~i II ~'113 II

217. Destruction of Fortunes . with Marriage: The native's fortunes will end with his marriage if the significator of 7th house (i. e. Venus), and the lords of the 7th, 2nd and ascendant are in evil houses in the company of malefic planets.

~ J:(lrS!;4.::s:4l~Hti!IPt"-il I "'

~Cl*R"<4~11f<l41if> Cli-c<41f<l<l161f<\i!Qhlllitl("~: II ~'1"" II 218. Relevant Dasa for Marriage: One's marriage and

such other auspicious functions will take place in the dasa of the strongest of the following planets: the lord of the ascendant, the lord of the 7th house, the lord of the 9th house; Jupiter and Venus. (That is one of the 5.dasas will give marriage.)

Notes: This instruction deserves our special attention. When well-applied, this can guide us· truly. For a better understanding, the actua). lords of ascendant etc. should be known. Let us say it is a Capricorn ascendant horoscop.e. The dasas then involved will be of Saturn, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. Suppose the native is running the Moon's dasa in an appropriate age for marriage. Naturally, in a case like

· this, one will eliminate the distant dasas like that of Jupiter, s·aturn, Mercury and Venus. .

Once the dasa is capable of giving assurance, then the relevant sub-period coupled with major transits, viz. of Saturn, Jupiter and nodes, will give better guidance.

C"5Jtl41q ~ <fl ~ l11"~SGII'ill ~ ~ ~ Sfd~lif> ~ <fl ~·~ ~ tRr: II ~'1~ II 219. Late Marriage: Men of virtues predict delayed

marriage· in case the ascendant, 2nd, 7th or the 9th house is aspected by a malefic planet or in malefic divisions.

Notes: ''W'' should not be interpreted as in a distant place in the present context.

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:Jill~lilcq:qq~ 'fl~-::<d"ito:a~<;n !OI~cl~dltft 11 ~~o II 220. Progeny etc. : In analysing acquisition of progeny·

etc. one should think in the same way (as instructed for the 7th house in respect of marriage).

Notes: In respect of marriage the principal involvement is of Venus, the 7th house, 7th lord; .. ascendant and its lord. Similarly, for progeny, Jupiter, the 5th house and its lord should be analysed on. the same lines with suitable modifications.

G:R~4hRI~Ifq ~ I ~ d4~::i~ ~ GJHI~I=i II ~~'I II

221. Loss of Spause at 28/33: The native will lose his spouse in his 28th or 33rd year if the 7th lord is in debility whUe Venus is iri the.8th froui the a.sc'endant.

~ "''I~RI~ o4a~'fG:<:Iffl:l~ 1 Q{<t,1"'ffci~u<!.o4 ~ ~Pt~C(.II ~~~ II

222. Loss of Spause at 19: Should the 7th lord be in the 8th house while the 12th lord is in the 7th house, the subject will lose his spouse at the age of 19.

Notes: The age of occurrence of marriage, loss of spouse and the like should be suitably modified in the modern context based on one's practical observations. For example, the present verse need not be applied to death of spouse at 19 itself. The age of marriage should be intelligently arrived at as generally marriages do occur much beyond that age. However, this is a yoga for early loss of spouse, though not at 19.

~ ;fl:q(I~R4 ~~I

"'1-::~1~ ~ qij cf;(9Hi(f~'j_RI~ II ~ ~ ~ II 223. Death of Wife at 24: The subject will lose his spouse

at the age of24 if the lord ofthe ascendant is in debility while the 7th lord is in the 8th house.

Notes: This is again a case for early loss of spouse, and not just at 24.

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~allfq::t4l· ~ 'ii"'SUIIfq:.4) ~ I 31r<F<RI~I4l ~ <"'Hihulil31"'11<14; 'il'j®f<li~ll;;cl fcf<mt ~ -=R:: II ~~g II

·224 •. Marriage at 14/21: (a) One's marriage will occur at the age of 14 or 21 if the Moon is in the 7th from Venus while Mercury is in the 7th from the Moon. That is, Venus and Mercury should be together in opposition to the Moon.

(b) The same effect will come to pass if the ascendant belongs to one ofVenus and.Mercury while the 7th lord from the ascendant is in the ascendant. ·

~.·~ ~-<+>4"<1~14l·l ~~m~··~~~~·~~·lt u 225. Marriage at 15: The person will celebrate his

marriage during his 15th year if the 7th lord is in the 11th house as the lord of the. ascendant is in the lOth house:

~ ~ "1'11!1~1~ I ~ ~ m fcf<mt ~ -~ II ~~~ II 226. Marriage'at 13: .There will be marriage during the

13th year of age if the 2nd lord is in the llth house as the 7th lord is in·the 2nd house.

227. Marriage at 22127: One will get married at the age of 22 or 27 if Venus is in the 7th from the 8th house (i. e. in the 2nd house from the ~ndant) while the lord of the 2nd house is in the company of Mars..

~<:">iH~~~I ~ :.iiUii~ fcf<mt ~: II~~.; II

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228. Marriage at25 or35: The lord ofthe 8th house along· with the lord·ofthe ascendant as Venus is in the ascendant will grant marriage at the age of 25 or 35.

Notes; The lord of the 8th house, placed alone iil the ascendant ill a delaying factor marriage. Even when he joins the lord of the ascnedant and Venus, marriage will be delayed. The above ancient combination timing the event at 25 or 35 only ·shows the delay. The purpose of this Yoga is to highlight the possible year of marriage .

. ~ ~ ~ CQI"'i&G:it I

~ ~ ~ "'q '44ff::i~ -~ I_ f.rcn"t ~ ~: =il#i'liifcl:qi(Uii: II ~~~ II 229. Three Marriages: If the lord of the ascendant is in the

7th house, the native will have three marriages, the first one at the age of 10, the 2nd one at the age of22 and the 3rd one at the age of33.

Notes: This only indicates a poRsibility of early loss of spouse and a consequent re-marriage, if not literally 3 marriages at the specified years of age.

Balabhadra in Hora Ratnam adds that the lord of the ascendant in the 7th house will make the native virtuous and brilliant. He will acquire a charming and e~ergetic spouse. But there is no mention of re-marriages.

One of the rare classical aphorisms in my collection avers that such a person will lose his wife, that is the spouse will pre· decease the native. Hence the principle given by our text should be used, only by adding some more specifics, like the ascendant lord in the 7th in aspect to or conjunction with 9th or 11th lord, or the said ascendant lord being related to Mercury and the like.

There is bound to be some danger to marriage if the lord of the ascendant is in the 7th house, as seen by me in certain horoscopes. In fact, such natives acquired attractive spouses. Threat to mari:iage is all the more certain in such cases if the ascendant is a duhl sign.

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The 8th House:

41~(1"!'1~ iPft' fik41~~: I ~ dJ"<ll':fdd@Jtl?$ II ~~o II 230. Planets in the 8th Bouse: Malefic planets in the 8th

house will make one sickly, short-lived and weak-sighted. Benefics therein will give plenty of money, longevity and much courage.

Notes: Malefics except Saturn in the 8th house will give adverse effects concerning life-span. Saturn (without retrogression, combustion or debility) or the owner of the 8th house (without combustion) in the 8th, and not ill-associated, will give a long lease of life. Saturn, however, will affect one's financial progress if he is in the 8th and will check his bodily growth and family ties.

Whatever may be the combinations for long-life, the following conditions should always be included as a ritual.

(a) Strong ascendant lord. (b) Strong 8th lord. (c) Strong Saturn.

1f-'{l~ ~ ~k1'1ig;{~ie<OI: II ~~'1 II 231. Hundred Years: The lord of the 8th house in an angle

or in dignity with a position in own sign or in exaltation and in association with Jupiter or Venus by aspect or company will bless the subject with a hundred-year lease of life.

Notes: A combination like 100 years of life-span should not be casually applied. Moreover, in this case, the lord of the 8th should enjoy dignity of own sign, or exaltation or angular position. He should be also related to Jupiter or Venus which is a part of the Yoga. Otherwise, the lord of the 8th in dignity can give longevity but not as long as 100 years.

Further, the angular position should not be blindly applied to 8th lord's being in the ascendant, though ascendant is also an angle like the 4th etc. When the lord ofthe 8th comes to singly occupy the ascendant, the factor of life-span suffers severely

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This should not be forgotten. The exceptions however for this particular line of argument

are: Venus in Libra ascendant and Mars in Aries ascendant. Classicals have rightly exempted these two cases from the blemish of 8th lordship.

Given below are some more combinations that can give hundred years (or so) of life to the native:.

(a) If an angle contains five planets (excluding a node), the subject will enjoy a hundred-year lease of life.

(b) With all the seven planets (from the Sun through Saturn) in the 9th house (not slipping to the 8th or lOth Bhava),_ the same effect will come to pass.

(c) If the f!th, 8th and 9th houses are simultaneously occupied by pl.8nets enjoying strength, the sai:ne effect will occur.

(d)IftheMoonisin the l()thhousealongwithboththelords of 8th house· and ascending sign, 100 years of life-span should be foretold.

~ ~ ~ eqPfcta: 1 ~ t{l$irgtS4 ~: II 1~~ II 232: Long Life: If there exists fr> mdliness for the Sun

with one or both of the lords ofth.e ascen<la:..•t and the 8th house, long life will come to pass. So also when t}.'"'"e.is friendli.11ess between the lords of the 'ascendant and the 8th "·:use .

. Notes: In this context, we should apply· tt.·! .. final. terms emanating from "Panchadha Sambandha" c.r ·five-fold relationship. Friendliness referred to above should be understood-as "deep friendship" or "Ati Mitra" relationship.

!!JiJl~~{'l~ t{loqfgtS;4 ~: I q'ijq(~~ ~ e:sflCifd: II ~~~ II

TJCI'Iila:tja~ 31<.>ql'gfd"'<:iiid'i> I fcfliJ~~iSCIM~ t{l$i1gfc\~f&~1_ II ~~B II

~ ~ ~ %1fd]ijfll: I t{l~ 'TJ'i fclrtll~0~ffl"'41fd~Sr4l:fl II ~~~ II

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233 • 235. (a) _If benefics (meaning all the benefics, viz. Jupiter, Venus.1 digitally strong Moon (vide sloka 86a, chapter 1 supra), and not ill-associated Mercury} are placed in the first four houses, i.e. from the ascendant through 4th house, they will give long life. IT placed in the next four houses, viz. from the 5th house through the 8th house, they confer sixty.years of life. Should they all be in the last four houses, that is fr.om the 9th house through the. 12th house, the native will be short-lived.

(b) If the lord of the 8th house is in retrogression, and such other states, without being in exaltation, know that the person will be long-lived. With the 8th lord placed in inimical sign, debility or combustion, short-life will come to pass.

Notes: (b) The two combinations given here should be intelligently put together and correctly understood.

That the lord cif the 8th in retrogression without occupying his exaltation will give longevity should not mean that in debility with retrogression, he will grant a long life. For debility (as well as position in inimical sign or in combustion), a minus point is reflected by the text. Similarly 8th lord's retrogression in an enemy's sign, or retrogression in combustion shall also go in. vain. (Venus and Mercury can be combust while in retrogression.)

M~~~ ";f ~ ~: #1: (};;:sl;:sfl~ ~ lpit II ~3~ II

3ttildt'4if~ ~H!N~<nason~~: 1 . G ~ .

~1"61f'g'l:eil ~4sfij<.~ft<flfarn II ~3\9 II

~ri~~l ~ lfl:4'1i'g6lj ~ <tJ-4'11'gt4 II ~3z:; II 236 · 238. Other Yogas for Life-span: (a) The lord of the

8th house in the 8th house itself will confer long life. (b) Malefics in the 8th house will not constitute a blemish

for life-span if Jupiter or Venus is in an angle from the ascendant. (That is, life-span will not diminish.) But (in spite of Jupiter/ Venus being so), the native will be troubled through frre, water, weapon, distress, fever, thirst, hunger etc. The Sun etc. related to the 8th house by aspect or occupation will cause danger to the

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person through the above mentioned relevant means. (c) The lord of the ascendant being inimical to the Sun will

reduce one's life-span (in general). If there be neutrality between them, medium life-span will come to pass. If they are friendly, long-life will occur to the native.

Notes: (b) Malefic planets in the 8th house will not affect the person's longevity if JupiterNenus occupy an angle. But if the 8th house is connected with a malefic planet by virtue ofits own nature or lordship (for example, Venus is a malefic in case of Pisces ascendant), troubles through specified sources will occur as enlisted in the sloka itself. The sources of trouble thus are:

The Sun • fire. The Moon · water. Mars • weapons. Mercury • mental distress. Jupiter· fever. Venus ·thirst. Saturn· hunger. (c) The relationship with the ascendantlord (or the 8th lord

as mentioned in sloka 232) are only a general clue and should not be casually applied without noting Panchadha Sambandha or five-fold terms. .

Fci&'Jiie+t ~: 4>~&1"1f:!lch1orJJT:

~ 'J_UMI~f.lfd:~q_ II =I~~ II 239. Strong Saturn: Should the lords of the ascendant,

the 8th and the lOth houses be disposed in angles, trines or the 11th house (in any manner) while Saturn is endowed with vigour, the person will be blessed with long life.

Blif ~ 'W14;rs:;:f:;j<iturit j

~'llig'fi<\lr~ ~ ~ m: II =IBo II 240. If the lord of the 8th house be in the 8th itself while

benefics are disposed in angles/trines, the native will enjoy longevity, virtues and pl~asures of life.

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iil&fcttftq ~ ~ 4>•-j::J~<t>lul'oil I

ttect(L<I~'I;::cl l'f'::<l'llg<i<:::lltc:l'{ II ~B'l II 241.' Medium Life: Even if Jupiter is in an angle while

Saturn is in the 6th orthe 8th house, the native will have medium length of life if the ascendant lord is weak.

Notes: The weakness of the lord of the ascendant brings . down the life-span. If he is strong in thisYoga, there will be

longevity-of a higher order.

~-t!(elo<I'QII'! ~I "11~'11 .... 11"1, _.,.

~~tt~ditct ~ 'f-{ II ~B~ II · 242. Short Life: The subject Will have short life if the lord

of the 8th house is placed in the 6th, 12th or 8th house in aspect. to a malefic planet. So also when he occupies one of these houses (i. e. 6th/12th) which is owned by a natural malefic.

~- 4\'i:i(i~R".?l ~q•q:u~ga 1

&i~n¥f&l46j ::jj<:>qi~<I~RI 'f-{ II ~B~ II 243. Short Life: The lord of the 8th house is in debility,

malefic planets are in the 8th house and the lord of the ascendant is weak - this combination will cause short life.

t!(elil'!'lo<l<!flif.:t ~ tNI~<il I

1<f>l~l~: 1'4fr<l( fCI(>q~HI~ II ~BB II 244. Very Limited Life: If the lord of the 8th house is

found in the 6th, 8th or 12th house in the company of the lord of the ascendant as well as a malefic planet, the subject will have very limited life-span.

&i'!fllj:::~CII~ 'llr"''Cf>l&<:::~ll ~ I Cf>l'!iRiq;Pi ~ ~ ~ II ~B't. II 245. First Dasa: Should a person start his life with the

dasa of either the 8th lord or of the ascendant lord, the dasa will produce intense difficulties. Both of them joining in an angle will

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cause early death. Notes: .The f"rrst condition is clear. Normally this is applied

to Vimsottari dasa. Intelligent and experienced astrologers can extend this suitably to other relevant dasa systems also.

The second condition needs some explanation. If these two planets join in an angle from the ascendant; and if the opening dasa is ruled by one of them, the very first dasa will kill the native.

4s::l~<t~lea«i'lR: ~:

d&i'¥\!ll"'':il~c:<tl ~ ittHI~I;j II :u~~ II 246. DiSpositor of Saturn: The lord of the sign occupied

by Saturn is. a malefic. Should the said malefic planet be in the 8th house from the ascendant,- then his sub period (in a relevant dasa) will kill. the person.

Notes: The sub period ofthe.dispositor of Saturn will rule in each dasa. Only in the Maraka dasa, his sub period should be considered inauspicious for life-span. Some such clues about Maraka dasas are given below. The reader should collect such more phases of danger from other texts as well, and apply them sensibly.

31~q~~~l5tk1f4 ~ ~I ~41$if~15tldf41 !M~ciJ~ ~II :(g\9 II 247. Death-inflicting Dasas: For a person born with

short-life combinations, the 3rd dasa from the birth will be Maraka (death-inflicting) dasa. The 5th dasa will kill one born with combinations for medium life-span.

~~~1G:::111 Cf;!'!llj_OIY<if~l5tldFlfl I

fcNdkll~"<:iq~IG:~'&I 31R:fhHII: I

qlql<f>lrd fclq*llfa&l~llfd'llkl ~: II :(gz:; II 248. The dasa of the 8th lord (Nidhana + !sa = 8th lord,

ruling death) will cause troubles to one born with full-length life combinations. Should the lord of the 8th house, lord of the 3rd

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dasa, and the lord of the 5th dasa be in debility or in inimical signs, or be in association with malefic planets, they will give death in their dasas. ·

~ "'estfl;fl "<l(i~i~~!il~: I ~ ~ ~ ~: !iR"~oRilljj "q ~: II ~B~ II 249. End.in War: The lords of the ascendant and the 8th

house being weak and in the company of Mars or the 6th lord will kill the subject in-a war or through weapons.

~. 4f&i11~~f41<1GiPldJ ~'H~ffiq"'<a I df:t~~CtcfSII ~- !i~Slo1~quj ~~I{ II ~~o II

250. Weapons & Thieve$ as Cause ofDeath:Should the lords of the 8th and ascendant be in an inimical ·sign in the company ofRahu/Ketu or Satutri, their sub periods or dasas (i.e. sub and main periods of ascendant lord or 8th lord) will b a source of death through weapons and thieves.

Notes: Suppose Mars, the 8th lord for a Virgo Lagna horoscope is "in Gemini, a sign ruled by enemy, along with a node or Saturn. Then the dasa of Mars will bring forth death of the native or equivalent troubles.

Or say in a Virgo ascendant horoscope, Mercury as the ascendant lord is 'in .Scorpio, an inimical sign, with Saturn or node. Then the dasa_ of Mercury will cause the same effect.

~ ctitH"''Iq1"f>1 dfqlr'iR1 df4ct&Pd ~: ·, lj"f>~f-q1lil1jd"''~ ~ 'Cfl f<.wl~ I ~'511<?4ie~JI -::q ~ ~ ~ ~ ll.~'i.'l u 251. Vehi~le, Poison & Hanging as Source of Death: (a) The person will die on account of vehicles if the lords of

the 8th and the ascendant are in the company of the 4th lord. (b) One will die by consumption of poison if the lords of the

2nd and the ascendant are in conjunction with Saturn in an evil bouse, viz. the 6th, 8th or 12th house.

(c) He will die by banging himself ifRahu or Ketu is in the

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6th, 8th or 12th in the company of the lords of the 2nd and the ascendant.

Notes: Since the 2nd house iS the house of chosen death (or suicide), the text involves the 2nd in regard to consumption and hanging vide rules ''b" and "c" above:

~: lnai<d'a~ • i1~rij(Ui~<:<U~!B<f ~ilf*4>1fcl<::i: II ·~~~ ll 252. Dasas giving Death: The dasas of the lords of the

2nd, 7th and 11th when in rule can also kill a person. Notes: So far, no known text, has noted the 11th lord to be

a· killer. The·11th lord's dasa as Maraka dasa is an exclusive concept of the present text. Although the 11th house is known as the ho~ of gains, its power to kill is an eiligma, but the dasa is generally found to be a troublesome one. Brihat Parasara Hora also attributes evils to the 11th house.

And the present concept is a worthy clue. Also see the following verse where the 11th lord is specially

referred to as a killer for a dual sign ascending.

~ ma; idlW<U~lii~<l(l~~l <:.~i:i(~li~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~~~~'J.RI:~ ~ ;mvli ~~~~~ II 253. Immovable & Dual Ascendants: (a) In case of an

immovable sign ascending (viz. one of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius), the dasas·ofthe lords of the 3rd, 8th, ascendant and the 9th will be a source of death.

(b) Whereas one born in a dual sign (viz. one of Geinini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) will fall to his death in the dasas ruled by the owners ofthe 11th and the 7th houses.

61~'11Md~1d ae:~n<ti ~ 1 ~ ·~ ~1'10<t<tuq'1<:<t f<il'i18:~11<11 ~".,'1"l. II ~~g II 254. Dasas ofRahu & Saturn: (a) The dasa ofRahu who

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is placed in the 8th. house from the ascendant will end one's mundane journey.

(b) The dasa of Saturn ruling the 12th house (in case of Aquari;. s ascendant) will alSo end one's life.

Notes: (b) Saturn is the lotd of the 12th and his dasa will cause death only when he is ill-placed or ill-associated. If he is

·well-placed and associated with good planets, his dasa will be a source of gains, happiness etc. and not death. However, the implication is that Saturn can easily turn a killer for Aquarius· ascendant, tha:n for Capricorn ascendant.

~ eaqq~q • ~ <~l*liHii'lfd: 1

<:ll""'l!fe4c4\ ~: d't:lll'l4i ~ 11 ~~~ n 255. Dasas of the Sun & Mars: (a) Should the Sun beget

the lordship of the 7th house from the ascending sign, his dasa will kill the subject.

(b) Mars becoming the .lord of the 6th house from the ascendant will in his dasa kill the subject.

Notes: (a) The Sun is the 7th lord fJr Aquarius ascendant. Hence his dasa will be inauspicious for this native if the Sun is weak.

(b) Mars rules the 6th in case of Gemini and Scorpio natives. Thus, the dasa of weak Mars for these two ascendants will be a death-dealing one.·

We should remember while applying this kind of.rules lis: Calculation of life-span through mathematical principals should first be done. And it should be ensured that such dasas like Mars dasa for Gemini and Scorpio, the Sun dasa for Aquarius, the dasa of the 2nd lord & C should occur in critical years of life coupled with bad transits of major planets. However, the best way is to use one of the important four Dasas, viz. Amsa dasa, Pinda dasa, N aisargika dasa and Ash taka Varga dasa, as thoroughly explained in Sambhu Hora Prakasa, English translation by R. Santhanam.

it is possible that sometimes these dasas like that of Mars, Saturn, 11th lord, 2nd lord & C will only give troubles equal to death ·and not actual death.

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~~liNq'!fc'-i<t>l ~ ~: I ~ ~llfCflqfd~U ~ :;:r II ~lt.li; II 256. Gulika's Dispositol"S: Find out if Gulika is placed in

the 4th or the loth house from the ascendant. In that event, the dru>a of the lord of the 4th or loth as the case-may be if in rule, will kill the person.

~: 4>!*4ii=aa~n4i ~ 1 "'I'Sif!i1o44~1Hi ~: ttl1'!fd!4G:I: II ~lt.\9 II

257. (a) Venus Dasa: If the 12th lordship goes to Venus, hiS dasa will inflict death on the native (in case of Gemini and Scorpio ascendants).

(b) Father's.Death: Th~ d8sas of the lord-s .of the 6th, 8th an_d 12th will be a source of the native's father's death.

<:ii;::qqil'fa: 4>4tittf4 ~ ~ 1·

a~4'4>¥AIC'If4a::w ¥1111fd!i<=:i 11 ~lt.'" 11 258. Mother's Death: (a) The dasa of the lord of the loth

house counted from the 5th house with reference to natal ascendant will kill the mother of the native. (That is, the dasa of the -2nd lord from the ascendant will cause the said event.)

(b) So also, the dasa ofthe lord of the loth house counted from the lOth house with reference to natal ascendant. ·That is, the dasa of the 4th lord from the ascendant can also kill one's mother.

&ilq!ijq('l}j~~l&~iltCf"jcilqi(oj I

\ilr~q!ij>icilif'I:CqHj ;;r41'St4¥1(Uj II ~lt. ~ II 259~ Death of Co-born: (a) The dasa oflord of asctondant,

5th or lith house will kill person's younger co-born (younger brother or younger sister).

(b) The dasa of the lord of the 4th, 5th or 7th will endanger one's older co-born (i.e. older brother or older sister).

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~~~· • d:il'i(Oj. <:illd<t>flf :r ~: II ~E;o II 260. The 4th Dasa: Should the fourth dasa from birth be

ruled by SatUrn, death of the subject i~ to be expected.

~~: <:'J'JI<t>tfft!H"Idl 'lfta: I qjq"Jifjjfdit~ll~ JRUi <:illa<hfll ~ II ~E;? II 261. Malefic in 4th & lOth from Janma Rasi: Note if

there is a malefic in the 4th or lOth place counted from the. Rasi containing his. birth star, i.e. from the Moon sign. Then.the dasa of the said malefic planet will kill the subject.

m ~ ~ 1'51<1il<f~ dm I ~ 'lfta: ~ d"4~1i(Oj ~II ~G~ II. 262.DasasofMars,Rahu&Jupiter:(a)Marsdasabeing

the 5th in sequence from birth will be a killer. (b) The 7th dasa from birth belonging to Rahu can also kill

the person. (c) Jupiter as the lord of the 6th dasa counted from birth will

inflict death upon the subject. Notes: (a) For persons born in Aswiiii, Makha and Moola,

the dasa of Mars will be the 5th dasa. (b) For those born in Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revathi, (with

Mercury's dasa) the dasa ofRahu will be the 7th one. (c) For those born in Bharani, Poorva Phalguni and Poorva

Ashadha (with the dasa of Venus), the sixth dasa will be of Jupiter.

These three are respective Maraka dasas for specified birth Nakshatras.

There is one more Maraka dasa based on birth star, which our text has enlisted earlier, vide sloka No. 260 supra. It is this: For those born in Mrigasira, Chitta or Dhanishta (i.e. with Mars dasa), the 4th dasa, that is of Saturn will be a death-inflicting dasa.

These are mainly the four sets of Nakshatras which are specially rel~ted to Maraka Dasa periods by ancients.

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~ '=t«l~ltt<fkq(~~ ~I ~ ~ fCR'eWs ~ ~: ~ II ~~~ II 263. Place of Death: One will die in a foreign place if the

8th house is a movable sign; in his own place if an immovable sign, and en route if.a dual sign.

Notes: The 8th house is a movable sign for a dulil sign ascending, viz. Gemini and its angles. An immovable sign is the 8th house for a movable ascendant, viz. Aries and its quadrants. A dual sigil is in the 8th for an immovable ascendant, viz. Taurus and its angles.

But this evaluation is confined to a surfacial understanding of a horoscope. The actual cusp of the 8th house should be seen for all practical purposes in which case the understanding reflected in the above notes may not always be true.

~ ~ 't>~f:tc61u1:o~ 1 ~~~'if~: II ~~B II 264. Note if the lords of the 7th and ascendant are in an

angle and or in a trine. Their dispositor/s should in turn be in the ascendant and or the 8th house. Then, the dasa of the lord of the ascendant.or the 7th house (as the case may be) will inflict death.

Notes: The lords of the ascendant and the 7th can either join in one of the said places or be Separately disposed. Their dispositor/s should in turn be in the 1st and or 8th. Then only the dasa of the 7th lord or of the ascendant lord as the case may .be will be a death-dealing one. The lord of the ascendan-t or the 7th in one of the specified places will not just bring forth the. said effect but will inflict serious reversals

Here we have an example thus: Suppose Cancer is the ascendant. The Moon and Saturn,

ascendant lord and 7th lord respectively, are placed in the 4th in Libra and 9th in Pisces. Their dispositors are Venus and Jupiter. Assume that Jupiter and Venus are in the 8th house. Then Saturn, the 8th lord will be a true killer ofthe native.

As per the requirement, suppose the lords of 1st and 7th are in an angle and a trine. Their dispositors joining will bring Raja Yoga. Even !;0, Maraka·effects implied here will not vanish.

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~ <qjf!l!l8:qi~ ~~I

~ dlt~ll"''i ~ ihHi~i4><l ~ II ~~~ II 265. The 8th Lord: Should the lord of the 8th house be in

the 6th, 8th or 12th hQuse, his dasa or sub period (in some other relevant dasa) Will cause death.

~ (l'.l:i"f~\!ldciilil 31l'!Jffl!IHJ!Iil ClT I dl!~ll"''i ~5th~"''k( JRVl ~ ~: II ~~~ II

266. Saturn's Dasa: If Saturn is found in the ascendant or the 8th house, his dasa will inflict death upon the subject.

Notes:.The dasa.ofSaturn who is in the 8th house causing death is not a contradiction to the aphorism that Saturn in the 8th gives longevity.

-~~~~~~ ~-~ &t!~I0$1rd qftct>~d II ~~\9 II 267. TheAscendant Lord: Note if the lord of the ascendant

occupies the ascendant itself, and if the initial dasa is ruled by him: Then his own sub period will endanger the person.

if<lt-a;fh:w;::r4 <-4"'1<~"'1ao~ll ~ 1

~111W:~fij;i\<:j Sl<'.ldO~ q;fl~Oj: II ~~o:; II 268. Chidra Dasa: The dasa of a malefic planet, that of a

debilitated planet, and the dasa of a planet placed in a house other than the 3rd, 6th, lOth and 11th (i. e. the dasa of a planet placed. in the ascendant, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th or 12th) are known as Chidra -Dasas.

Notes: Tci have a better perspective of this most important and most misunderstood term, our own text's view needs to be re-interpreted though it may be against the original's tenns, thus:

The dasa of a malefic or debilitated planet which is placed in Ol<e ofthe eight places, viz. the ascendant, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th or 12th houses is to be known as Chidra dasa or death dealing dasa. Simply calling the dasa of i. planet seen in one of these eight places in one. breath may not fit the truth, except in

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case ·or such planet in the 2nd and 8th house. Chidra Graha dasa or Chidra dasa or "'Dasa Chidra"' has

unfortunately remained with the greatest misinterpretation at the price of real concept behind it. Chidra dasa is not the junction of two dasas but that of a Chidra Graha.

There is some more detailed and additional information on this term, vide Jyotisha Tatwa of late Sri Mukunda Raina Daivagna; of Gharwal.

Chidra graha is to be located among one of the following seven planets:

a) The planet in the 8th house._ b) The planet ruling the 8th ho~. c) The planet associated by aspect or conjlmction with the

lord of the 8th house. d) The dead enemy (by 5-fold relationship) of the 8th lord. e) The lord. of the 22nd decanate. f) The lord ofthe 64th Navamsa.. g) The planet aspecting the 8tl,l house. These planets ruling Chidra dasas are uniqt.Je trouble-

makers and everyone of them· may not always thrust death, for in a horoscope we may generally find more than one Chidra Graha.

Generally, the ways of Destiny are inscrutable indeed! However, another worthy point to be noted is this: If two Chidra Graha dasas come in succession, there could be great danger to one's life-span.

I have the two following examples for this. (a) Gemini ascendant- Venus in the 4th in debility arid the

Sun in the 5th in Libra, with the chidra dasas of Venus and the Sun occurring one after the other.

(b) Pisces ascendant- The 7th, 8th and 9th in order occupied by Venus, the Sun and Moon in their debility spaces, with the chidra dasas of Venus, the Sun and the Moon coming in tailor-lllade succession. . ·

Such chidra dasa patterns throw the entire good Yogas out of operation!

In this whole chapter, and in other texts dealing with this subject, Maraka planets are oftenly pointed out. - It is quite possible that sometimes, more than one planet may emerge to be

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a "Mar aka". Then "the. real Maraka or killer is the weakest of them. The weakest is the one who is devoid of prescribed Shadbaia: to qualify for a strong planet. .

Maraka dasa apart, the (ll"Bt and. foremost thing to be seen concerning death is .the greeri signal from Sa~ SatUrn should be in appropriate space in the horoscope. InAlpayu horoscopes indicating short-life' the very first round of transit will take away ·the life ofthe native. In Madhyayu horoscopes (showinglJ!.edium life-span), Saturn's second round will bring foi-th end of life. In PoornayU horoscopes (shoWing full or long life), Saturn's third round will he relevant .. The sigit of Satu,rn's transit in thiS co,.,text should be located with the help ofcbieslike Rasiindicated by 64th Navamsa or 22nd decanate and s~cial sensitive degrees~ With a suitable transit of Saturn in the most appropriate aign in the round concerned,- and with the relevant Chidra dasa only, death should be declared.

G:~li~tffi:Cf>I~!J ~ JRUn!G:: II ~~~ II . 269. A Maraka planet will kill the subject during the

operation of a Chidra dasa (as in sloka 268 above). That is, one of these dasas in operation will be dangerous for the native'slife.

The 9th House:

lll<?'llf\!!J cU6"1(1~RI~ ~ ""' 7lftcf ~l~li\> I ~ q,~uj:q~ CIT "'i<::ctd:~ii"*flt ~: II ~\So II 270, Fortunes: The 4th lord in the 9th house, Venus and

Jupiter in benefic signs and the 9th lord in an angle or a trine will give plenty of fortunes from distant lands .

. Notes: "Chatushtaya" means an angle or a Kendra, vide Varaha Mihrra's Yoga Yatra, ch 4, sloka 48.

lj'~ ~ ~011ftlf.l~~ I ~ ct1U"11Gil~'it (f511G:IdHil ~II ~'3'1 II 271. Conveyances, Royal Status etc.: If the lord of the

9th house .is in an angle from the ascendant in the company of or

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in aspect to Jupiter, the person will be endowed with numerous .conveyanc~s, be a king and a liberal donor.

"'fqiiif.:tCPft4 ';';1 ~ilfl~'Jit4 ~ I . . f2Ntti\~'@.il:il.~ ~f<MR111 ~\9~ II

272. Ever-lastirig Fortunes: The lord of the 9th in the ·~ndant and the lord of the ascendant in the 9th,.or these two. planets in the said own houses, in relation to Jupiter will confer endless. prosperity. ·

· Noie8.: The 9th lord in the 9th while. the ascendant lord is in the ascendant, or their mutual exchange, in association with Jupiter will comer uninterrUpted fortunes. Jupiter's joining or

. aspecting one of the said planets will automatically bring the other planet in the picture. '

Jupiter, the 9th lord and the ascendant lord are three most important planets for fortune~;~ in respect of all nativities.

C4i('H~ ~ 011~" ~ ~ I ~: <t>af.tleU CU ~ m ma: II ~\9~ II "''-::"4iil(q a41¥ii: 31"'4RI~d ~ 1 ~ fil::t<l~lftll: ~~~IP'cidi: II ~\9g II

13::t'"It~•faei•~di~ ~ ctit~-mlm , 31i;:cilf8Jq;1Hof ~ ct}oq\''1':4 ~<.<ilfq& II ~\9\i. II %J.61<:o:4 ~::t•H~'htl ~I. ~ m ~ ~gilfa:~d: II ~\9f; II 273 ~ 276. Properties etc.: (a) Note the planets available

asunder:· 1. the lord of the 4th house in the 4th, the 9th lord in the 9th, ·2. the lOth lord in the lOth and the ascendant lord in the

ascendant, . 3. or these four planets joining in one place, i. e. in the

ascendant, or in j!Xchange of these houses in any manner. 4. Else the~ four can be differently placed like in exaltation

or friendly signs with the aspect and or company of benefic

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planets. As a. result of any one of the said.Y ogas, the native will have

landed ·and housing' properties, palanquiris·{i .. e. conveyances), seats and beds (i e. household materials for comfort},'1ongevity' happmess and· resi!limtial homil. He will enjoy happiness on account of mother, kinsfolk and friends.

(b) All these good ·results will, however, be possible even when Mercury alone is iii.-( deep) exaltation or enjoying such other dignity . .

i."Hii<(+i1~4'i<ti~1 ~: I· . ~ 41fild\~ i1 ~1.91.9 II ~ ~'4~i~<Rl::4 4>-=wtt~a11

~m~~~~~ ~"'"'II ~ Gt~CCitFI'11~'ll'f4<:(.1

!f»l<<ti ~ et~fflid1'!: II ~1.9~ II ~ ~ C:J(el'@<l ~: II ~"'o II 277-280. Wealth etc.: (a) Note the lords of the 9th and

the lOth from a,ny of the following places- the ascendant, the 9th house and the loth house. The two planets of any one of the three groups should be in exchange of signs, or in mutual aspect, or in mutual company or m mutual angles O:t: should be related to the ascendmg sign by being therein. As a result, the native will be opulent.

(b) If the pair is related to the 4th lord, one will enjoy the fortunes of conveyances. ·

(c) The saidpair,s association with the significator of the 5th house viz. Jupiter will give many long-living sons.

(d) With the said pair related to the 7th lord (or Karaka ·Venus), one will enjoy happiness concernmg spouse and will

beget many children. No'tes: (a) A very interesting secret concerning the 6th

lord, who is generally dubbed as a condemned malefic, is brought, inter alia, to light by this verse, if the reader takes pains to scan.

The lords of the 9th and lOth from the ascendant as above

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giving wealth is found in almost every text. But the lords of the 9th and lOth from the 9th house are the lords of the 5th and the 6th noted from the ascendant. Similarly, the lords of the 9th and the lOth from the lOth are the lords of the 6th and the 7th. Thus a relation, as specified, for the 6th lord with either the 5th lord or the 7th lord will cause wealth. The combinations listed under "a" above should be individually expanded as under concerning the native becoming wealthy:

1. The lords of the 9th and lOth, or that of the 5th and 6th, or that of the 6th and 7th should be in exchange of their respective Rasis~

2. The two given planets can be in mutual aspects. 3. The two _given planets can be together in one sign

(preferably good places). 4. The two given planets can be angular to each other. 5. The two given planets can occupy the ascendant. When these five positions are indicative of wealth, it does

not mean ·that other· inherent ills are surrendered by these planets. For example, a relationship between lords of5th and 6t_h will cause enmity with progeny. That between lords of 6th and 7th will be adverse for marital aspects.

(b) The association oflords of the 9th and lOth, or the lords . ofthe 5th and 6th, orthelordsofthe 6th and 7th with the 4th lord will grant conveyances. The 6th lord although is capable of giVing conveyances will not fail to give the other malefic effects because of the present Yoga alone.

(c) Similarly the 6th lord getting related to Jupiter, not alone, but in the companyofeitherthe 5th lord or the 7th lord will· give niany children. The 9th and lOth lords jointly related to the planet Jupiter is also favourable for acquiring progeny.

(d) So also when the'6th lord is related to both, repeat both, the 7th lord and Venus will give the specified effects .. If he gives up the company of the 5th/7th lord and joins Jupiter or Venus, adverse results concerning progeny or spouse as the case may be foretold. A conjunction ofVenus or the 7th lord with both the 9th and lOth lords, good effects about spous~ will occur. ·

It should be noted that the association with a specified planet is of both the planets in a particular group, and not alone. That is why, I have Italicised the word "pair" in the English

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rendering. Needless to mention, if we choose any one p_lanet in a given pair; there will be not only decay of the good effects suggested but rutogether reverse effects in some cases ..

~'q-~~:1 ifiiftlCile;a~ ifi4ftlr%om~rq: .11 ~ .. ? 11 281. Lords of 9th & 1Oth: (a) The strength of the 9th lord

will grant quadrupeds, lands, grains and the like (say wealth in general). ·

(b) One's undertakings will be fruitful if the lOth lord is powerful.

q(.j\ili~t<t ~ li•"~~OfeatP4a , 111•~i"l~~l~lgd ~ ~II ~z;~ II 282. Abundant Fortunes: The Moon in the 9th house as

· Venus is in deep exaltation in association with the lord of the 9th house will give abundant fortunes.

Notes: Also see sloka 297 infra.

~ <t>4d~~ ~ liW!f(lffll:il I ifi4~<:5\ "*11~!8 <t>'lrd'411. ~ ~: II ~ z;~ II 283.Excbangeof 9th & 1Oth Lords: The native will truly

be dutiful, wealthy .and famous if the lords of' the 9th and lOth exchange their places. ·

q(.j\iji~'"'a ~-~ ~ 1

~ tti=u(a<.'4: -~(J.'i>:r4\·~: 11 ~z;~u 284. Virt.uous etc. : The Sun in deep exaltation and the

lord of the 9th hQu8e in the 11th. house will make one highly . virtuous; dear to king and honour his father. ·

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father if the Sun is in a trine from the ascendant along with the 9th lord and is related to J~piter by aspect or eonjunction.

~ 111~4(1~~ ~I

~ ~ ""'' ~ \Oitnlc:tli_ II ~,..t; II 286. Happy Right from Birth: The 9th lord in the 11th

house as the 11th lord is in the 9th house Will make the subject happy right frOm birth and will increase his fortunes With. the passage of time.

~ ~ ffii::qc~_;ateqJ 1

~~~:11~ ... \911 287. Fortunes thrOugh Co-borru The native will make

his fortunes through the wealth of liis co-born if the 9th lord is with the lord of the 3rd house and gets the company or aspect of a benefic planet, and Navamsa and other divisions of a benefic planet. ·

Fen~ ~n~:qw~fl ~ ~ ~ 1 d~tt4> en ~ ~ ::illd~dl<(~l~¥j~R\ ~ II ~,..,.. II 288. Fortunes through PrOgeny: Should the lord of the

5th house be in the 9th house with the aspect or company of the 9th lord, or if the signifcator of fortunes (i e. Jupiter) is in the 5th house, the subject will prosper through his progeny.

Notes: This verse clears the mis-application of a signifcator in the signifying house destroying its prosperity.

~ ~ ~ <6rmiga 1 m Gi~giji ~ ~ 11 ~ ... ~ 11 289. Abundant Fortunes: The person will be a lord of

abundant fortunes if Jupiter is in the 9th house while the 9th lord is in an angle from the ascendant, and the l~rd of the ascendant is endowed with strength.

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~ lJ.1e¥ (crr~ l1Pit lJ.1e'ffrqJ 1 C"Jii<\H:::"Id ~ ~: II ~~o II 290. Paternal Fortunes: The native will enjoy paternal

fortunes: (a) if Venus is with the 9th lord, (b) or ifVenusis in the 9th house (c) or if Venus is in an angle from the ascendant.


~~~4~;ft:cm~lfil ~ f.r.-t.:J t!Cf '8: II =1 ~ '1 II 291. Poor Father: The native's father is poor if the 9th

house is occupied by Ketu, and the 2nd house by Mars, as the 9th. lord is in debility.

~ q(oi\iJ~ ~. sfi<:R11J I

C"..ilil<ji'!4 ¥ fil<j<tf"<ti1<1fd:~q;ll =1~ =1 II 292. Long-living Father: One's father will be long-lived if

the. 9th lord is in deep exaltation in association with Jupiter, as the planet Venus is in an angle from the ascendant. ·

Notes: Possibly the right text could have read "Bhagye Jeeva Samyuthe'.' instead of"B}lagye{!g_Jeeva Samyuthe" vide the f"rrst line. In that case, the interpretation is:

' With the 9th l~rd in deep exaltation, Jupiter in the 9th house, and Venus in an angle, there will be long life to father.

~ ~ 1'6Uii'q ~ I

~ qJiFfi~Hj<tlldt:ii1. ~:Of.'MHfil II =1~~ II 293. Wealthy Father: The 9th lord in an angle from the

ascendant in aspect to Jupiter denotes rich vehicles, wide fame a·nd wealth to the father of the native.

~ ~ ~ l'jJHt(J~jj) I

g:JI4::iik%fllW<i qm;:i ~ ~: li ~~g II

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294. Fortunes After 22: If the 9th lord is in the 2nd/11th· house as the 2nd lord is in the 9th house, one will attain fortune~\~, conveyances and fame after the age of twenty-two.

~ 3f!(I~R4 ~ ••na:q(l~l~ 1

~~~~: <j>Raal~ll ~~~II 295. Enmity with Father: Should the 9th lord be in the

8th house as the 6th lord is in the 9th house, the native will be contemptible and there will be enmity between him and his father.

~ ~ Rlst;il~ilsR1~af&: 1 -~Cflfit~~·~: II~~~ II 296.: Begg!ng: The person will be fond of begging if the

lOth lord is in the, company of the .lord of the 3rd house, and is weak, in debility or in combustion.

Notes:. This yoga denotes one seeking others' help like a "beggar" and who has no fortunes of his own.

q(ailiiii~l~ ~ 011a~~"1e'1P<:td 1 lii"<R"til<l ~ ~ fcl~~~<:f. II ~~1.9 II 297. Much Fortunes: Venus ·in deep exaltation and in

conjunction with the 9th lord as the 9th house is occupied by Mercury indicates abundant fortunes to the native.

Notes: Also see sloka 282 supra.

~ 111"4<1~1(0~ ~ &ile~a 1

'f6olle~d ~~II ~~o:; II 298. Wealth & Conveyances: The lord of the ascendant

in the 9th house, 9th lord iri the ascendant, and Jupiter in the 7th house this combination will result in gain of wealth and conveyances for the subject.

Notes: An exchange between the lords of the 9th and the ascendant can easily achieve the results mentioned. When Jupiter, in addition comes to the 7th house, it means that the

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native will have legendary fortunes after marriage· and be extremely Wealthy without ever incurring obstacles in his WO:fk.

~ utff \.~ ~1~1"1;::a}ll ·~ "11~RI~it4 l11"'4ifl;:jl ~: II ~~~ II 299. Bereft of Fortunes: Rahu in the 9th from the 9th (i.e.

in the 5th hou~from the ascendant), Mercury in the 9th house,. ·and the 9th lord in· the 8th house- this combination will not give any fortunes to the subject. ·

. ·lOf·"'~fCtlot"'ld zr-:<1 ~ "<f tt'tP<:id I m·::fl~(i~~ ~~1~aiu tt": II ~o~ II 300. Beggar: SatUrn and the Moon iri the 9th house, as the

lord oft;he aseendallt is in debility, will make. one a beggar and a contemptible person.

i@jf!¥1o4q lOfll ~ 'oii"'<R\iij I

~· {")'Sid~lfil ~ q§lqfB:I(l II ~o'1 II

.~ cil"f"1k'J_cf cil"f<tlf4 ~II ~o~ II 301 -302. Father's Death Prior to Birth: The Sun in the

6th/8th/12th house, the 8th-lord iri the 9th house, the 12th lord in the ascendant, and the 6th lord in the 5th hous!l would have caused father's death prior to the native's birth.

~ ~ ·~ l11"'4"114if> I ., ~ 51l'.:j¥ti&<l fq<j4N¥tifd:~1_11 ~o~ II 303. Father's Death in the 1st Year: The native's father

will die in the first year if the Sun is in an angle w11ile the 9th lord goes to the 8th house. ·

~ utff l11"'41~"'4"1d ~ I ~ ~ mU cil"fi#f4 ~ II ~og II 304. Father's Death at 6 orl6: Rahu in the 4th and the

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Sun in the 5th from the ascendant will bring forth death of father with the onset· of the 6th or 16th year of age of the native.

~~~~~~.1 ea~<t>l"ifci~n&& ~ TRUi ~ 11 ~o'i. 11

305. The native will die in his 7th or 19th year of age if the Sun joins Rahu (anywhere) as Saturn is in the 9th house.

Notes: This Yoga as per the original text is said to cause death of the native in 7th or 19th year. Actually the death should be of father during the native's 7th or 19th year of age. Thus, the term "'Jaatasya"' should read as "Tataasya"' ~ in the 2nd line of the original verse.

~ o'Q4{1~Jf4 ~I

.._ ~ 'if fil'j~OI'11fe:m~ II ~o~ II 306. Death of Father During 44th Year: The native will

lose his father during his 44th year of age, as the 9th lord is in the 12th house and the 12th lord in turn is in ·the 9th house.

~~~4~nfaq:iJ ~ lil<ffi:eaq:iJ m;il. 1

~ q§Jfci~u~ fil'j'koJ"til&:a~ 11 ~o~ 11 307. Father's Death at 8 or 25: The Sun in the 7th place

from the sign occupied by the lord of the 9th house while Saturn is in the 7th place from the Sun will cause death of father during the native's 8th. or 25th year of age.

Notes: In this Yoga, Saturn and the 9th lord will be together in opposition to the Sun.

<to4~1<f> ~ ~ m ~ I q!IJf::i~q;·.:kclll< ~ ~ 11 ~oz:; 11

308. Father's Death at 35 or 41: One will lose his father at the age of35 or 41 if the ascendant lord is in the 8th house as the Moon attains Leo N avamsa.

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fi'l(j_fqHI~~~I q>1)1~1g;dR ma :::ll<i<t>t4'fl: II ~o~ 11

309. Father's Death at 50: The Sun in conjunction with Saturn and Mars, and ruling the 9th house, will cause father's death when the native will he 50 years of age.

~ <ft:qef~ · ~~~J>Jmf.:ttt~ 1 ~ ~ .Cfl"511~ f.N;r 't:~<n:J: II ~'lo II . . .

310. Pennilessness: One will be indigent if the 9th lord is in debility in aspect to an inimical planet and begets a N avamsa or Rasi ruled by a malefic planet:

"'rMetti'itl~ ~ ~ I ~~ Cfl~:·ll~'l'll 311. No Fortunes: If the lord of the 9th house is weak and

is in the grip of many malefic planets while the lord of the ascendant is also weak, the subject will be devoid of fortunes.

~ Cfl ~ Cfl fCOilf?t"Jti~lil ~ I ~ ~<rail ~: II ~'I~ II 312. Rendet;.ngJustice: If the planet Jupiter or Venus is

exalted or is in friendly or beneficial Navamsa as the lord of the 9th house is endowed with strength, the person will be an overseer of justice.

Notes: This can also denote a person rendering justice to others, Cf a magistrate, a judge, or advocate.

dJ<ffqHI~ fCili ~ilt'lf.:ttlfaM I

~ &I+!'~Of{l ~II ~'I~ II . 313. Charitable Deeds: Should the lord of the 9th house

be in exaltation and beget the aspect of a benefic planet, while the 9th house is occupied by a benefic planet, the subject will perform charitable deeds.

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~ _&1'1'11~~ ~ Ci;:s::aql~d I ~ '!!~ '161&1•Nil ;R\ ~II ~'I~ II 314. Highly Charitable: If the lord of the 9th house is in

the 4th house as the 4th lord is in an angle from th~ ascendant, the subject will be extremely charitable in disposition.

~ .. 4:a ... rq ~ fCdij~ W'1'1':Gq I ~ <iO:S::'11"'-R4 '161GWI>il ~ II ~'1~ II 315. Highly Charitable: Mercury in exaltation in aspect

to the lord of the 9th house while the 11th lord is in an angle will make the person .very charitable;

~ iii"'IRI~~ .. ~ .• 1 <:'5~0f1rq -~ GJ"Ifli~48~i4: II ~'1~ II

316. Receiving Donations: If the lord of the 5th house is in the 9th house as the 9th lord is in the lOth house· in aspect to -~he lord of the ascendant, the native will receive charities.

~ <t>ifot•q .. qe 4>~1o•~ 1 q(aflili~l<iql(q GJ"Ifll~ofe~l<f: II ~ '1\9 n 3i 7. Receiving Donations: ShoUld the 9th lord be in an

angle or a trine and receive the lOth lord's aspect, or should the 9th lord be in his deepest exaltation degree, the person Will receive charities.

rqit<ilqfR ~ <t>lt<i~'Riid 1-~ rq~(<Xj ~f.lf<M<:t.n ~, .. n 318. Happiness to Father: Mercury (or a.nother benefic)

ruling the mh houSe while the Sun a.Iid 9th house are CO!ljunct a benefic. planet will· bring forth happiness to father.

~ ~ ~iltiidrq "i:f I <w<i"'oo~ rq'i&tr:lfi(l~:a<:f.. n ~'1~ n

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319. Long-lived Father: The· 9th lord in an angle in conjunction with a benefic planet while the Sun is endowed with strength will confer longevity to the person's father.

'qif<:uc:qeil ~ cu q1rm~J 1

~ ~~tltRUI'flfd:~~ II ~~o II 320. Untimely Death of Father: Malefic planets in the

9th, 6th, 8th or 12th, or the 9th house being occupied by Mars or the Sun will cause untimely death of father.

~~CU~I qJqi•'~R"Id<tlrt\ ~:~ ~f.lf&~q_ II ~~'1 II

321. Grief to Father: Should the Sun and 9th lord be related to malefics by aspect or conjunction, or be placed betwixt malefic planets, there will be only grief to the native's father.

st><4hli~l<f>f~ <u ~ 't:f '<f>R% I "' 'l~&lii~G:~~~a~ ~:~ f<lf.lf&~q_ II ~~~ II

. 322. Grief to Father: The Sun and the 9th lord begetting malefic or debilitation N avamsas and being conjunct Saturn and Mandi's (i.e. Gulika's) will give grief to father.

Notes: ':Angu" is a misnomer in the 2nd line. The correct ·text shoudl read as "Manda Maandyena Samyukte ... "and the rendering is provided acorrdingly. Thus the Yoga implied is:

The Sun and 9th lord should be together, and get the company ofSatv.rn and Mandi. Further, the Sun and the 9th lord should beget debilitation or malefic Navamsas.

~ "''W~If~ ~ (f<?Ri~d I '1Ril>~i~J¥ rti¥<U1'11f&~l:!_ II ~~~ II

323. Untimely Death of Father: The lord of the 9th house in amovable sign or movable N avamsa in the company ofthe Sun and related to a Maraka planet (i.e. a killer planet) by aspect or conjunction will cause early death of father.

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~~I ~ ~CI"ti<IIRf ~ ~kj}I..,~Rf II ~~B II

324. Fortunes: If there be an exchange between the lords of the 9th and 6th houses, the native will enjoy his enemy's fortunes while that of his will go away to his enemy.

Notes: Sometimes there could be only enmity but no fortunes through enemies, by this exchange, when these two planets are of nominal strength. To enjoy fortunes from foes by destroying them, the 9th lord in the 6th should be quite strong, and the 6th lord in the 9th should not be ill-associated.

m >ii~<~<I~R'"q ~ '*_.,e1a 1

1'6~Sf>1d~ ~~II ~~~ II 325. Trance & Meditation: If the lord of the lOth house

is in the 9th house while the 9th lord is endowed with strength and enjoys the company or aspect of Jupiter and Venus, the person will be engaged in Yogic recitation, meditation and trance.

~ 111~4'1:1~1~ l11~4~&~"1egJ 1

~ ~ cnfq ~ ~: II ~~E; II 326. Father's Fortunes: The subject will enjoy his father's

fortunes if the lord of the ascendant is in the 9th house while the lord of the 9th is in the ascendant. Else, the lords ofthe ascendant and the 9th may be in angles.

~ ofhHI~IPi~ ~ diegd I ~ "t!il'i(<fi ~ ~ ':R: II~~~ II

327. Contempt for Father: If the lord of the 9th is in debility and in conjunction with Rahu, the subject will hate his father, be a gr'eat fool and will perform bad deeds.

· Notes: "Dharmese Rahu Samyuthe" should in my view read as "Karmese Rahu Samyuthe" indicating the lOth lord to be in conjunction with Rahu.

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The lOth House:

Cf;clfCfH~Id ~ ~ fclct~d I

~ ~ ~ ~: II ~~r;; II 328. Pertorming Yagnas (Sacrificial Rites): One will

perfonn Yagnas if the Moon is in the lOth house, without association of Rahu or Ketu while the lord of the .lOth house is related to benefics.

Cf;cffCfHI~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ Cf;cffe(t~4J<~<:{ II ~~~ II 329. Fruitful Deeds: The person's deeds (efforts) will

fructify if the lord of the lOth is in the ascendant, 4th, 7th or the lOth in conjunction with a benefic planet.

Notes: In a generic sense, the abcive is the translation for the verse. But seeing the slokas before and after, the implication is that one's religious rituals (Yagnas and the like) will bring forth desired merits for spiritual upliftment. In fact, for such attainments, the lOth lord should be exceedingly strong and be well-related to a favourable Jupiter or Venus.

In an ordinary context, the lOth lord well-placed will give fruits iD. one's work.

Cf;clfl:fl*ld ~ ~~t•Ft•;i ·~ ~<@Ira 1 31CfCif S::o4:gt err <M<fiqf ~: II ~~o II 330. Dips in Ganges: If the Moon is in the lOth house, the

subject will bathe in the Ganges (i. e. will go on pilgrimage for sacred dips). If she is in the 2nd house, he will perform Yagnas (or sacrificial rites).

~~err U51"1~:fl ~: I ~"4f4le~CIIfq !4dNimi\ ~: II -~~'1 II 331. (a) Royal Minister: Ifthe lOth lord is in exaltation,

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the native will be a royal ~ter. (b) Valour & Riches: Should the lord of the lOth be in

exaltation or in own sign, the subject will be valorous and rich. Notes: (a) Royal minister should be understood as one

holding powerful position of a high order. (b) In fact, both the aphorisms are one and the same, which

needs the lOth lord to be powerful so that the subject enjoys professional 'success and wealth.

f31<t>luNII<fi ~ <t>4.fliJila~a 1 'llfa:~'IOIIS::F::iid~~ ~ ~: II ~~~ II

332. King of Kings: If the lOth lord is exalted and is in the company of the lords of 5th/9th, the native will be the head of rulers.

m fci~~Rjt~~14>4'1itU l1~'l4R cft4g=<hi: I

~: Ri<1flc:lfa "!~q1&l ~ ~: 11 ~~~ 11 333. Longevity & Kingship : Should all the four planets,

viz. the lords of the ascendant, the 2nd, the 4th and the lOth be endowed with strength, the native will enjoy a long span of life. He will be a king, ruler of other kings, and be very charitable.

~-'li<''I<I~R"lil~i 'IHI<tHftlitla' ~:II ~~g II

334. Head of a Kingdom: If the lord of the ascendant is in the lOth house (with strength), the native will be the head of a kingdom (or administration). He will be endowed with virtuous qualities and divine (i. e. auspicious or fortunate) features.

'i:lo::cUR<I~·i<4ll:fs::f: ~: ~: I

"d'l!lf e<fl~l'li~Ui ~ ~ II ~~'i. II 4;rs:;l~aat:ll fclt041dl: ~: q!UlR&u: 1

"d'l!lf lf\:."~ ~ ~ ~ II ~~G II

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~ <i\Jt<..af{l ~ ~: I (?~~~~~~~~\911 a:4\HlWiii~Ui =qst;qdf ~ II ~~z; II . 335 - 338. (a) The 4 angles (ascendant, 4th, 7th and lOth)

and the trines (5th and 9th) are auspicious ones. Even malefic planets turn auspicious by occupying these houses.

(b) Out of the four angles enjoying fame among sages, the 4th and the lOth are (particularly) auspicious. The lords of the 4th and the lOth are Yoga Karakas or the planets producing Yoga .. The ·others (i.e. all other houses in a nativity) partake the character of these two (particular) angles .

.(c) The trines are known as Lakshmi Sthaana or the abodes of Lakshmi, the goddess of fortunes. The angles are known as Vishnu Sthaana, the abode of Lord Vishnu, the Supreme Lord. The native will be a ruler by a mere conjunction of the lord of an angle and a trinP (in an appropriate house).

Notes: (a) That the angles and trines are auspicious houses is well-known; there is no need to over-emphasise this aspect. But as for a malefic placed in an angle from the ascendant turning auspicious is not to be over-rated. It is true that a malefic will be helpful if he is placed in a Kendra.

(As regards a malefic owning an angle to become favourable, he should additionally own a trine. Only then will he prove to be a superior planet to give prosperity of a high order; see Saturn owning an angle and a trine for Taurus and Libra ascendant~, or Mars for Leo ascendant.)

(b) According to our text, the 4th and lOth lords are the most imP,ortant planets and their good disposition, with strength, is capable of helping the native rise in prosperity. If these two are adverse, the lords of the other 10 Bhavas or houses will not be of much help on their own.

<F4<»il~tG:I~~~~ ~ "<:f I 3'iilct~<il·<:tei{l'!l (151:4\:afl ~ II ~~~ II 339. Raja Yoga by Lords of 1. 7 & 10: (a) If the lords of

the lOth, ascendant and 7th are conjunct with benefics, they. will

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cause Raja Yoga, giving a high position to the native. (b) So also when any two of these three lords are in mutual

aspects. Notes: (a) The three planets can individually be with

benefic planets or can be together in one place and join a single benefic planet. As a result, the subject will enjoy professional prosperity.

(b) Alternatively, the ascendant lord may be in mutual aspect with 7th/10th lord; or the 7th lord can be so with ascendant lord or lOth lord; or the lOth lord can be in mutual aspect with the lord of the ascendant or 7th lord .

..,if~01gJ ~ ~wi~t~a ' fa:q~<:nR~t4> ~ "1<cUi:;"1<{l~pif~. II ~~o II

340. Conveyance: The subject will obtain a conveyance at the age of 42 if the 4th lord joins the lOth lord (in Rasi) and obtains exaltation Navamsa.

W"<t<ti"'f~ ~ ~ ~ ·1 ~ mit<fl;afl ~:II ~l:S? II 341. Raja Yoga: If the 4th and lOth iu·rds are in exaltation,

or own·or friendly sign while there is a beneik planet in any one angle from the ascendant, the native will enjoy Raja Yoga effects (leading to professional fortunes).

~ w:f<t~l~il m <.tA<If~l<il I ~ ~ <Fiit4\:ii\ ~: II :?~~ II

342. Raja Yoga: If the 9th lord is in the 9th and the lOth lord is in the lOth, in aspect to the lord of the 5th house, there will arise a Raja Yoga leading to professional fortunes.

Notes: Mars is the only one planet that can aspect two successive houses. Instead of applying this condition literally, it is sufficient even if one ofthe 9th and lOth lords placed as above is aspected by the 5th lord.

As a matter of fact, the 9th and 10th lords simply in their

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own houses- that is in the 9th and lOth respectively - will cause Raja Yoga. The present Yoga as such is a much superior one.

~ ~ ~ d~*f>lOI:ij I ~ ~¥fi1~1~ ~ d~::tCf>lOI'il II ~!:5~ II <kll'!~:ajl ~ ~ ~: II ~gg II 343 - 344. Kingdom: Note the following two Yogas giving

kingdom to the native. (a) The lord of the 4th in the 5th house as the 5th lord is in

a trine therefrom (i. e. the 5th lord in the 9th or in ascendant). (b) The lord of the lOth in the 9th house as the 9th lord is

in a trine therefrom (i.e. the 9th lord in the 5th or the ascendant).

~qq,q~l"'ra~n: ~ ~ 1 ~~~~:11~!:5~11 345. Raja Yoga: The lords of the 5th, 9th and lOth should

also be the lords of the 8th and 11th. Then their mere mutual relationship will produce a Raja Yoga.

Notes: Any of the 3lords, viz. lords of the 5th, 9th and lOth should additionally get lordship over either the 8th or 11th house as the case may be. Then, if there is a recognized relationship between these planets (i.e.-between two of them or the three of them), they will cause a Raja Yoga.

For Leo ascendant, Jupiter gets the lordship of 5th and the 8th house. As such if he is related to 9th lord (Mars) and or the lOth lord (Venus), he gives a Raja Yoga. Thus, Jupiter and Venus relationship for Leo ascendant is a Raja Yoga, whereas Mars -Jupiter connection being favourable is already well-known to the readers in this context.

For Gemini ascendant, Saturn is the lord of the 9th, and gets 8th lordship. Hence his association with 5th lord Venus and or lOth lord Jupiter will give a Raja Yoga.

For Aries ascendant, Saturn is the lord of lOth and also gets the 11th lordship. Hence his association with 5th lord Sun and or 9th lord Jupiter will cause Raja Yoga.

These are the three ascendants specially implied by. the

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original verse which does not however mean that the 5th, 9th and lOth lords if in mutual association will not give Raja Yoga if they do not own 8th/11th house. This is just to show how the 8th/11th lordship can also turn favourable for a good Yoga.

The SaTJtbandhas or relationships generally .recognized are: two planets in mutual exchange ofRasis, or in mutual aspect, or in conjunction, or in mutual anglesltrin~s .

. As stressed by me in my various writings all these years. Raja Yogakaraka planet does not mean that he will be free from other inherent maleficence. For example, if the 6th lord gives Raja Yoga effects, in specific conditions, it does not mean that he will not give diseases.

q;q1JI~~IIl9~'11 ~ ~ I Q<i(i~l"ldl: q;qq;j~'111::it& ~ II ~HE; II 346. Final Rites to Mother: If the lords of the lOth, 3rd

and ascendant join the Moon and be in one sign, the .native will perform imal rites to his mother during ''Karma Dasa". ·

Notes: If we expand the scope of this verse, we will stand to gain more in understanding a horoscope: If the natal Moon is transited by a major planet who~ the lord of the 3rd, lOth or the ascendant, during the currency of Karma dasa or the dasa indicating fmal rites, one will perform .the final rites of his mother. .

Karma dasa is the dasa of a planet related to the lOth lord or to the lOth house at birth. The lOth is the Karma sthana, the house of final rites a person performs.

Similarly replacing the natal Sun with t~e natal Moon as above, we can trace Karm~ or performance oflast offices to one's father.

~ ~ Cfl ~ !ili<iRi'riiUC::q "i\~1~1._1 ~·~ ~ ciftoit4;<:onf&..; ~II ~'io II 350. Charitable Deeds: (a) Should Mercury be with Mars

or Jupiter, the subject will be associated With construction of ramparts, pavilions and towers (for temples).

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(b) The lor~ of the lOth j.n the lOth itself indicates that he will rehabilitate dilapidated buildings. ·

Notes: These two -combinations should be viewed as indicators of associati~n with charitable deeds and not in the literal sense.

~ ~ fciliifctf'l=tct<3fj) I

el'"'*'lai:i~M>ctrfil e~fdef6d) ~ u ~~'~ 11 351. Fame: The person will be famous if the lord of the lOth

house is a benefic and is in exaltation or friendly divisions or in benefic Shashtiamsa.

Notes: For details of malefic and benefic Shashtiamsas, with their meanings, consult the notes in my English translation of Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Part 1.

tiiem4<r~R"~ q;il~'i::a:a~a , <\>r:c>f:ttilorj)ctrfil G:I~G:I~fiPcfPi~~i II ~~~ II

352. Commanding Servants: The lord of the 6th house placed in the iOth house while the lOth lordjoins Saturn or while

. the lOth lord is in an angle or a trine will bless the native with servants.

(\;;:9J~q,lorj) ~ ~ 1

"Jifiuiie~d<ie 8~4ef6JI ~II ~~~ II 353. Good Deeds: The lOth lord in the lOth or in another

angle or a trine in relation to Jupiter by aspect or conjunction denotes that the ·person. will perform good deeds.

Notes: This condition implies that the subject will not be associated with any kind of questionable deeds. His deeds will always be within the limits of law or Dharma.

~~~I ~ 41<.<>4i<tl"{ ~ '1131e~lli: II ~'t.B II 354. Happiness etc.: The subject will enjoy quality robes,

ornaments (or vSiuables), happiness etc. if the lOth house is

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occupied by Jupiter or the Moon along with Mercury and Venus.

~ <t>rf<:l~~~ 4'11"<Mi44o I "18iesio4~11::( <i~fd ~: II ~~l( II

355. Disrepute: If the lord of the 6th house is in the lOth house, as the lord of the ninth is in the 6th/8th/12th house, the subject will earn only disrepute.

~0'<1~ Ml~<:4 <ti~'!J«i'!@ I ~ 4itfd~~ ~II ~~t; II

356. Honour, Wealth & Valour: The person will be endowed with honour, wealth and valour if the lord of the lOth is in his exaltation sign in the company of Jupiter, while the lord of the 9th occupies the lOth house.

€'JiM4<•~~ <t>il$11egd 1 ~ <t>o:s:::aa<:ufq ~<.<r5ft<H'it'"<i<ll1. 11 ~ ~ 1.9 11

357. Happiness & Prosperity: (a) The native will enjoy a happy life coupled with prosperity in case of an exchange of Rasis between the lords of the ascendant and the lOth house.

(b) Alternatively, these two planets may be together in an angle from th~ ascendant.

<t>tfp:n~ ilf!&<H; 4fa:ctt~ctfad I

d&t&f&~~ul ~:ctl'14fa i\f<tft II ~~,. II 358. Utter Penury: Should the lOth house be not in aspect

to or occupation of a planet, the subject will suffer from great poverty and will have the desire to possess the whole earth for himself (i. e. he will be very greedy).

'ii~~RI~~ 4fa: <rr ~~~I 'itq~t<l~~ 4fa: <tisch!!* e'"4te<tl"i ij4<4lcta:Pa 11 ~~~ 11

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359. (a) Ifthe lOth house is occupied by the Sun, the subject will have dips in the Ganges and earn religious merits.

(b) Should it be Saturn, instead of the Sun, he will embrace asceticism.

Notes: (a) Such slokas as indicating "dips in Gnages" can also be seen as the ones causing pilgrimages etc.

(b) Sanyasa Yoga- the one leading to asceticism -involving Saturn should be analysed in association with other major Yogas of such nattire and his position in Vimsamsa (1/20th) division. By merely locating Saturn in the lOth house, the result need not be expected without checking these pre-requisites.

"1~:.~~~~1 ~ q[ ~ ~~~:::tHi;:;qie:ci•iil a@:uflEl II ~t;o II 360. Sanyasa Yoga: If the ascendant lord aspects Saturn

or receives Saturn's aspect, is also weak a~d unaspected by any other planet, Sanyasa Yoga (Yoga for asceticism) is formed.

~ ~ Sfd~~ qr ':Jf&ito:t~ I 8r<fl8~<'4ijC::IiRiPa ~-~II ~f;'l II

361. Obstruction to Asceticism: One's order of asceticism will be interrupted if the planet causing Sanyasa Yoga is with Rahu or with Gulika, or is in a malefic N avamsa, as the ascendant is devoid of any benefic planet's occupation.

Notes: In the commentaries on Goladhyaya of Varaha Mihira's works, his. commentators have rightly identified the Sanskrit term ''l1cf". (Bhava) as the 11th hou.se only. But in the interpretation of the words·~~" vide.the 2nd line of the present sloka, the term "Bhava" - signifying the process of "cQming into existence"- is interpreted by me as the ascendant only. The lith bouse does not go well with Sanyasa. Those who wanttoreplace "the ascendant" with the "11th house" can change the context accordingly.

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~~~<iiMgdl ~ 51<:'5i~Jt4 "I,·IHI;f. ~: II ~G~ II 362.Dipsin the Ganges: A benefic in the lOth house while

the lOth lord in strength is in a watery Rasi or N avamsa will enable the person have dips in the Ganges.

~ tft4<1~1liliJ;s;AIJI fcffi: I ~ :!:itl~cflHI:f Cfi&••<:u~sq<U II ~G~ II

363. If the lOth house from the ascendant is Pisces, particularly: containing the Moon, one will bathe in the Ganges. This effect will also materialise if Venus is in the sign Vu-go or Taurus at birth.

~ ~ ~~~gdfT.I CUI ~"'li~l"ldcUfT.I , :!:itlij&ql;fllq,i\ ~ II ~G~ II

·364 •. Issuing Orders: Iflord of the lOth house is a benefic and enjoys another benefic's aspects or is benefic's Navamsa, the native will be in a position (with authority) to issue orders.

-~ ~ ~ 'j_ltij~UI CU ~ I <f>o:s:;IPctd a<ti~fT.I lf<lql;ai ~ ~: II ~Gl( II 365. Cruel Orders: Should the Sun be in the lOth house

along with Mars, the subject will pass cruel orders. So also when the lord of the lOth house (unassociated with benefics) is in an angle from the ascendant.

~ <f>rS::"I~ ~ CfT I

~if ~~ mR11q1~i ~ ~: II ~GG II 366. Favourable Orders: If the lOth lord being in an

angle (as above) is in association with a benefic planet or benefic Rasi, or is hemmed between benefics, the subject will issue favourable (or merci..i'ul) orders.

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q;qiJ ~4lj) ~: ~ '=r-i I

~lf..141j) ~ ~ ~: II ~tc;~ II 367. Sources of Financial Gains: The lOth lord in

conjunction with Jupiter will give wealth through the king (or men of royalty); with Saturn through Soodras, and with Rahu through men of mean order etc.

q;qq <t>O'J~qfd<i(S1:1¥oj:qf?:>egJ 1

efMot511'4dCf~~ d"it~o4 fct~~d~<:( II ~~z:; II 368. If the lord of the lOth house is with the 7th lord or with

Venus, mo~ey will be acquired through spouse or females. This way, the source of acquisition should be guessed based on the association the lOth lord has.

Notes: The ·lOth lord's conjunction with a planet will indicate source of income. See some basic examples given below.

With the Sun -·. through father, government service, politicians etc.

With the Moon - water, textiles, mother, females etc. With Mars- co-born, enemies, landed properties, litigations,

weapons et<;. With Mercury - through cousins, maternal relatives,

learning etc. With Jupiter - through astrology, money lending,

speculatio·ns, stock market etc. With Venus -through spouse, female_s, cows, jewellery etc. With Saturn - through oil, steel, labourers, buffaloes etc. With Rahu - through Muslims, foreigners, fraud etc. With Ketu - through men of low caste etc.

~~M4>1rd~~~ ~ "@{: I

eQCfqlqe~ ~: II ~~~ II 369. The Sun in 10th/6th: (a) One will acquire intelligence,

valour, fame, progeny and wealth if the Sun is in the lOth house. (b) The said Sun (in the lOth) aspected by malefics, will

cause (untimely) death. So also the Sun in the 6th house.

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il4~MstdNI~::t«!'l?<f!OIG:: ~: I

~: ~ ma: ~- fc1t:"ij1_ II ~1.9o II 370. Mars in the lOth House: One will enjoy courage,

heroism, wealth, and happiness concerning children if Mars is in the lOth house. However, if Mars in the lOth is aspected by a malefic planet, there will be interruption to one's heroism.

:1HI¥11ilfill~"4¥1r::fl Cff c;:os"1F"i&;: I <.~~j..,qtq_qe ~~~~'Clld<f;: II ~1.9'1 II

371. Jupiter, Saturn in the lOth House: Jupiter in the lOth house will bless one with lordship of a city or a village or will make him a judicial officer. With Saturn in the lOth house in aspect to malefic, the native will ruin or seriously injure his adversaries (i.e. will eliminate his enemies).

<:tm4"•a ~s..,g•f§a~=~= 1 q;q("ql"li~'<lr~!{lij;qj (j~i11d I

'<40$I05'11'flitaTIS~¥1'1 f#4<:~d\ ~ II ~1.9~ II 372. Rahu etc. : (a) IfRahu is in the lOth house, the native

will inc1.1-r colic or gout pains, will have the wealth ofMlechchas -and be a wicked man.

(b) Chandala Y~ga: Mercury, the Moon or Venus in the lOth house along with Rahu causes Cha.ndala Yoga. One born with this Yoga will not perform his duties.

Notes: (a) "Mlechcha" in Sanskrit means- a foreigner, a barbarian, one belonging to an outcast race, one who does not conform to·Hindu traditions, one who is ignorant of Sanskrit, a wicked or a bad man, a sinner. In general, we can conceive that Rahu in the lOth will give money through non-Hindu sourc_es. This planet may cause wealth through sinful or bad means. In fact, the term· "Mlechcha" is often used in astrological texts to denote one of a foreign origin, for example Arabians, Yavanas and the like.

(b) Chandala Yoga has generally been misinterpreted to be a dreaded Yoga by some recent writers, giving originally

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unimplied dimensions to its concept. Actually, this Yoga produces one who does not follow the

codes prescribed for the religion of his birth, particularly an Aryan, violating the rules ofhiscaste. "KarmaRahita" in the text does not mean "without work, without employment".

<t>if~q·m~lf~ ~ 1

<tf4~~uj{'l~e ~: II ~\9~ II 373. Sev~ring of Head: If the lOth lord is in the 7th house

while Saturn is.conjunct Mars, one's head will be severed. Notes: In the 2nd line, the condition of Saturn's aspect is

not clear. It is not known as to whom Saturn should aspect. Or there is something missing.

The 11th House:

~ WW~If~ -qq~rMgd. 1

'¥'onega ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 ~\9~ ·II 374. Abundant Fortunes: If the 11th lord is in the 2nd

house, as the 2nd lord is in an angle from the ascendant enjoying the company of Jupiter, the person will acquire prosperity of a huge order.


(o<liC::'* s::t>"'l(11'i~~ilfi:l<:R"~(i~IJII: II ~\9~ II 375. Planets in 11th House: The Sun and others in the

11th house or in exaltation, friendly sign or own sign will cause :wealth, fame, eloquence in speech, intelligence of high order, wealth and longevity.

·Notes: This is an important verse giving prominent results in specified respect, by the Sun etc. in the 11th house. Such a position in the 11th house should additionally be a dignified one, like exaltation, friendly sign or own sign. That is, a planet in the 11th with debility or inimical sign or with bad association of planets and divisions will not produce the good effect originally

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implied. Further, in the original, only six individual results are cited

whereas the Sun etc. mean the seven planets. Apparently, the effect for Mars is missing. Thus, the list will be as under:

The Sun - wealth The Moon - fame Mars - courage Mercury- eloquence in speech Jupitei:- intelligence of a high order Venus- riches Saturn -longevity. . See also slokas 380 to 386 infra.

~ ~ ~ dl<t'1"4i~Ri~lll (".):il>;ii(!'Jd ~ CIT ~ dlql""d(IG;I,.Idtff<j(!'JI~: II ~IS~ .II

376. Gains from Foreign Sources: Should the 11th lord in the 11th house with strength, as the lord of the 21;1d house is in a watery N avamsa while the ascendant or its lord is in a watery Rasi, the native will gain articles from other islands. That is, the person will financially gain from foreign sources.

Notes: Watery Rasis or signs are- Cancer, Pisces and the second half of Capricorn. Watery Navamsas are Cancer and Pisces. Scorpio is Keeta Rasi or insect sign.

~d~S~"tlo:ft~Akf. ~ I ~ ~ ~<i,.ldS<:OI"41 II ~\.!!IS II

377. Jupiter in the lOth: The native will be skilful in interpreting others' internal sentiments and will have a high opinion of his own self if Jupiter or another benefic is in the tenth house. So also when the tenth lord is related to a benefic planet or is betw~t benefic planets.

~ ~~~Sifi••:Hte"'P<:td 1 ~~~:II ~IS:; II 378. Wealth etc. : The subject will be endowed with

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wealth, grains, prosperity, precious gems and others if the lord .. f the lith house is.in the lith itself as Jupiter joins the Moon an.' Venus (anywhere in a good house).

<l;rs;J~<l>or:Jl ~ ~e4Pctd 1

<Si&IPctd ~if 'CIT ~ II ~'-9~ II 379. Gains: The subject will enjoy income or gains (of a

high order) if the lord ofthe lith house is in an angle or a trine along with a benefic. So also when the lith lord is strongly placed in a benefic's sign.

3114fe0ij("C(~ =4("~: ~ 14&f?l<t> lOI"I: <-

~ "'kq;Rq;ff~e:a~q;IN> 'I::RT"Jll: II ~c;o II 380. Source of Gains: The Karaka planet (i.e. the

signifcator) in the lith house, exaltation, own sign, friendly sign or Moola trikona sign will give financial gains through the source for which it is the Karaka.

Notes: These are further explained in the following Slokas. Also see sloka 375 supra.

Q~"!lol't!Hi4: fq1q"IT~'151G;: I

Q~"''rs:>'t!F'!IIfq "lkfC1"1l:{[-'ISIG;: II ~c;'l II

~ f4q;ilor ~ 1 ~ ("Ciq;tfu:~lilHCII II ~c;~ II

f<mT 'CIT "'J5RT ~ ~ ~ I "'"

~ fC(Uifie: ~II ~c;~ II

fCIItad'tlo1'1QCI"'if..q;"lfie:CiiJ'1 "CC" I

<l&f4dlf4iJ~oJ l:Fi ~ ~ 'CIT II ~c;g II

~~efd<'l.ifURi'i51Jl4lf%4>'1 'CIT I q;(1Jiq;Jo<tf4iJ~or a"ft~lf&<:iiJ'1"'1 II ~c;~ II


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~'q~:ll~r;GII 381 - 386. If the Sun is the planet (vide sloka 380), the

subject will gain through paternal relatives. If it be the Moon, through maternal relatives, if Mars - through co-born and courageous deeds; if Mercury- through maternal uncles, various trading activities, education and religious sacrifices etc., if Jupiter- through progeny, gold, self-earned wealth, six kinds of religious duties prescribed for a Brahmin by the Vedas (like receiving donations) and through knowledge of the Vedas; if by Venus - through spouse, silver, pearl, arts, literature, music, poetry, learning etc. and ifSaturn through servants and receiving gifts or donations.

~(15iilt!~dl3~1'!~ld:g•f!IG>: I

fl~4il~ ~ {ldl{_fSlol ftl~fij I ~~~~~~~ .. \911 387. Should the 11th house be occupied or aspected by a

royal planet, one's gains will be from royal sources; if by a planet of traders, through trading activities; if by a Soodra planet through Soodras and if by a Brahmin planet through Brahmins. The strongest of such a planet will produce the effects mentioned.

Notes: Royal planets are the Sun and Mars. (The Moon is also included as she is the queen of the planetary ca~inet.) Brahmins are denoted by the Moon and Jupiter. Saturn represents Soodras. Mercury is Vaisya Graha or the planet indicating traders. Venus is also a planet of trading activities.

~ ~ ~<l:qrs;w=tPcta 1 ·~~~~~~ .... 11 ._, .... .... 388. Wealth: If the 11th house is occupied by Jupiter, the

2nd by the Moon, and the 9th by Venus, the subject will possess wealth exceeding 6000 (gold coins).

Notes: This kind ·of verses are meant to denote a high degree of wealth.

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~ ~ ~ 'q"HI~I~ I ~qi!';kq<:aQcf ~ tl'llf&~<:( II 3z:;~ II

389. Fortunes After Marriage: An exchange between the lords. of the 11th and. the 7th house will give abundant wealth following one's'marriage.

~~~~~ ~~"'qll3~oll 390. If the 11th lord is in the 3rd house as the 3rd lord is in

the 11th house, the subject will gain wealth and ornaments through his co-born.

The 12th House:

~ q1q<:1~1fil o;q~qtqeqpq(l I

qjqij~uj ~ chii~:ttia( ~: II 3~ 'i II 391. Futile Wanderings: The lord of the 12th house

should be in a malefic planet's sign while the 12th house is in occupation or aspect to a malefic planet. One with this Yoga will wander (aimlessly) from one country to the other (or one region-to the other).

Notes: So to say, if the 12th house and its lord indicating a distant land is ill-placed, the person will only move from place to place without any success.

· If the 12th house or the 9th house is well presented in a horoscope, the native will gain from foreign lands and foreign work.

~ ~ o;q;qa] ~I ~ ~ ~ e.:Ri:l<:: II 3~~ II 392·. Own Country: The 12th lord in a benefic's sign while

Pte 12th house is also a benefic's sign which is aspected by a netic indicates that the native will seek his livelihood in his

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o>q~ql4ili!~ij~f~cll<i ~ I

~~~'¥iII~~~ II 393. Litigations, Sacrificial Nature: The subject will

incur litigations (or disputes) if the 12th house is occupied by a . malefic planet. He will be of sacrificial nature if the said house is occupied by a benefic planet. ·

~~~~::f.ff!~rclfB~:: I ~ \IIHHI~I: <t>lil"'li~il8<j6qG;: II ~~g II 394. Many Evils: If the 12th lord is in a malefic's sign, the

subject will undergo numerous difficulties and will incur destruction of his money, fortunes, work and quadrupeds (or properties).

Notes: ''Anishta Sthana" in general means any evil house among the .6th, 8th and 12th house .. But this chapter deals with the 12th house and hence the term relates to the 12th lord.

The 12th lord just placed in a malefic's sign should be duly afflicted by some evil or unfavourable planet. Only then these results will mature.

~ o>q~cUftl ~RR~'<t( ~ I

~ ~ cnfit ·~ct,.N1~4'fcls:qfd II ~~ '.i. 11 395. Attaining Salvation: If a benefic is in the 12th house

in aspect to another benefic, or if the 12th lord is in his exaltation sign, the native will attain heavens after death.

Notes: Generally this is a Yoga for spiritual upliftment, if not literally on.e for Emancipation.

~ ~ f.if&~~: I <tti!ofl'<btfa:<# ~ ~ Fc!RI::a41_11 ~~E; II

396. Conveyances: Jupiter, Mercury, or Venus in the 12th house. will give conveyances. Whatever has been stated for· the house of conveyances (the 4th house relating to conveyance) will occur as a result of such a position of Jupiter etc.

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~ ~ ~ QijJ<:!"'114Ch I

St<"'.>i'l:'ti:q ~ :::!14<1if<Ujot<t€dl'.ff II ~~ \.9 II 397. Sleeping Comforts: ·The native will ever enjoy

happiness of swinging cradles, cots and other sleeping comforts if the 12th house or its lord is related to a benefic planet.

~ o'll4\!:talfil ~ <:'J~"'1fi$r lf.ff"~ ~~~:II~~.::; II 398. Expenditure through Charities: If the lord of the

ascendant is in the 12th house, as the 12th lord in ascendant begets the aspect ofVenus, there will be expenditure on account of charities.

~~· ·~;r+u~urfi~ ~4'j_<:'Ji;wr ~= 11 ~ ~ ~ 11 399. The same effect as above will materialise if theN avamsa

dispositor of the 12th lord is a benefic planet and receives a benefic's aspect.

~~~~<rla:r ~- d:<:~1411ruri a<::rq;ref ~ -~ 11 ~oo u 400. If the lords of the 2nd and 11th are friends of the

ascendant lord, one's money will be spent on gods (temples), Brahmins, tanks etc.

:q<jCS4C::iQiil~ o4~dW~Wi ~ I

Rlet~<jcsq<t ;:rrn: fuqc:) @:qc;:rr'£Rl: 11 ~o '! 11 401. Losses: If the lord of a quadruped sign occupies the

1'2th house, one's quadrupeds will be destroyed. If it be a plaEet ruling a biped sign, his bipeds will be lost.

Notes: In the present form, the sloka has limited use - for people who breed quadrupeds and birds.

Quadruped signs or Chatushpada Rasis are - Taurvs (bull),

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Leo (lion), flrst half of Capricorn (deer) and second half of Sagittarius.

Biped/human signs or Dwipada Rasis are - Gemini (male and female), Virgo (a virgin), Aquarius (a man carrying an empty pot), Libra and f"rrst half of Sagittarius.

Sagittarius second half resembles a horse, and f"rrst half a . male.

· The reader may be wondering why the lords of insect and watery signs, i.e. Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces, second half of Capricorn· are omitted, as there are total 4 classifications as such. In fact, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are already taken care of. The only planet left out is the Moon. Apparently, the Moon does not cause loss of bipeds and quadrupeds.

~'1·cW~~I 3N4'1._<:'5k«'1il ~lilb<:tRt ~= 11 go~ 11

402. Bad expenditures: If the 12th lord is conjunct Saturn and is aspected by Mars, one's money will be spent on irreligious or sinful deeds.

End of Chapter 2 in Jyotisharnava Navanitam

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Chapter3 Transit Effects of Planets

The Sun's Transits:

®IRf4:"~h'CitiijJ4: ~ I ~·q;_gq: it•'~::<J~I~Id ~II 't II I. In the Moon Sign: During the transit ofthe Sun on the

natal Moon, the native will incur physical troubles and mental distress. He will take untimely food and earn the displeasure of his relatives and friends.

Notes: In this chapter, the text gives instructions concerning analysis of planetary transits with reference to natal Moon. Generally, for effects oftransits, the Moon sign is the basis whereas we must use advanced classical techniques to scan transit effects from various other natal_ sources, viz. from the ascendant, the Sun, Mars etc .... etc ... including the lords of dasa, sub period, Bhava; Moorthi Lakshana of transit planet, Prastara Ashtaka Varga and the like for obtaining a real picture.

In order that transits as mentioned in· this chapter are reasonablyunderstoodbythe reader, I am appending in this part of the text four different tables on Vedha C~'<l) (or points of obstacles), Viparita Vedha (i.e. obstacles turning auspicious), Nakshatra Vedha based on birth star positions, and Vedhas for

:malefic effects with further information on the subject at relevant fplaces, resting on my gloss and studies. Without taking into ! consideration these extra information, an analysis of transit t effects may not be fully paying in all cases.

When a transit planet is in a certain place from the natal Moon is said to be positive, it should not incur what is called

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Vedha or obstacle from another transit planet at one and the same time. If an obsttuctive transit exists, the good effects suggested will go in vain. Following is the table ofVedhas.

Table ofVedha (Places of Obstacles)

3 6 10 11 Sun

9 12 4 5

1 3 6 7 10 11 Moon

5 9 12 2 4 8

3 6 11 Mars

12 9 5

2 4 6 8 10 11 Mercuy

5 3 9 1 8 12

2 5 7 9 11 .Jupiter

12 4 3 10 8

1 .2 3 4 5 8 9 11 12 Ven.

8 7 1 10 9 5 11 6 3

3 6 11 Saturn

12 9 5

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Opposite each planet, there are certain figures above the line and certain other figures below the line. For example, take the Sun. He is auspicious in the 3rd, 6th, lOth and 11th from the natal Moon. Below these figures, we find 9, 12, 4 and 5. That is, the Sun's benefic effects in transit in the 3rd will be nullified by anothtJr simultaneous tran"sit in the 9th from the Moon. He is benefic in the 6th from the natal Moon, but another transit in the 12th from the Moon will remove good effectR. He is good in the lOth from the Moon but another transit in the 4th from the natal Moon will eliminate the good. The Sun gives good results in the 11th from the natal Moon provided the 5th from the natal Moon is free from transit. These obstructive transits are known as Vedha. This way, the auspicious plac"es and the Vedha points for the other planets be understood.

However in regard to the Sun and Moon there are exceptions. The Sun and Saturn do not cause Vedha to each other. So also there is no Vedha between the Moon and Mercury.

There is another technique called Viparita Vedha. Even many classical texts do not explicitly carry this information, except one or two. I shall explain this for the benefit of the readers. For example, we find 12th, 2nd and 5th as Vedha points against the respective auspicious places of 3rd, 6th and 11th for the planet Mars. When Mars moves in to the Vedha point, with another planet moving in the respective beneficial place indicated for Mars, there will be good but not bad effeCts from Mars.

That is, Mars moving in the 12th from the natal Moon when another planet is in transit in the 3rd from the natal Moon, will give auspicious effects. To wit, Mars who is otherwise not a benefic in the" 12th from the natal Moon will turn benefic because of simultaneous transit of another planet in the 3rd from the natal Moon.

If we do not know this condition ofViparita Vedha, we will wrongly declare evil effects for Mars in the 12th from the natal Moon. T_o obtain a table of Viparita Vedhas (see next page), reverse the figures noted up and down in the Table of Vedhas given earlier. That is, those obstacle places should be marked on the top and those obstacle-removal places (converting relevant bad effects into good) should be marked underneath.

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Table ofViparita Vedha

9 12 4 5 Sun

3 6 10 11

5 9 12 2 4 8 Moon

1 3 6 7 10 11

12 9 5 Mars

3 6 11

5 3 ::1 1 12 Mercuy

2 4 6 8 10 11

12 4 3 10 8 Jupiter

2 5 7 9 11

8 7' 1 10 9 5 11 6 3 Ven.

1 2 3 4 f) 8 9 11 12

12 9 5 Saturn

3 6 11

The third kind of the Vedhas is Nakshatra Vedha, caused by certain planet in transit in certain Nakshatra counted from the natal Nakshatra position of another planet. These are 16 in

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all (two each for the 7 planets and 2 jointly for the nodes) and are as under:

Natal Nakshatra Transit in: Vedha causing Occupied by: Transit by:

The Sun 9th N akshatra Rahu/Ketu The Sun 15th " Ketu only The Moon 7th Mars The Moon 12th " Sun Mars 4th Mercury Mars 12th " Moon Mercury 5th Jupiter Mercury 17th " Saturn Jupiter 6th Venus Jupiter 12th " Rahu Venus 8th Saturn Venus 18th " Mercury Saturn 9th Sun Saturn 12th " Jupiter Rahu/Ketu 9th Moon Rahu/Ketu 13th " Mars

The above column should be understood thus. Suppose the Sun iS in Asvini Nakshatra in the birth horoscope. The 9th Nakshatra therefrom is Aslesha. When Rahu or Ketu moves in Aslesha N akshatra, most of the good effects indicated by other planetary transits will be suspended and only malefic effects will come to pass. Again, the 15th Nakshatra from Asvini is Svathi. When Ketu, as per the above table, comes to move in Svathi N akshatra, all good effects of the Sun will vanish and adversities will be on the dawn. Similarly, the other Nakshatra Vedhas as above should not be ignored in considering any transit effect. It is somewhat a different matter if the directional influences are puissantly favourable to the native.

The last of the Vedhas, i.e. the 4th one is somewhat akin to Viparita Vedha but it covers other evil houses for the various planets. This is not less important for it gives check-points for malefic places. This way the bad influences are obstructed and

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the.planet is mellowed down. Suppose the Sun is in transit in the 4th from the natal Moon sign. He is supposed to give bad effects but he will be checked by another planet's transit in the 3rd from the Moon sign. Or say Venus is in the 6th house ready to give evil effects. He will be checked b); any planet in the 12th from the natal Moon. Venus in the 6th is one of the worst transits and V araha Mihira describes the fearful effects in the following poetic terms: !::ili{M"''iJ.. ~- "like that of a tiger". Such evils can be stopped by another planet simultaneously moving in the 12th from the natal Moon. These are all shown below.

Vedha for bad places only

~ House 1 2 · 3 4 5 6

Sun 1 Moon Mars 1 Mere 2 Juptr 1 Venus .. Sat 1

2 1 2


4 2

3 6 3 6 4 4

7 5

4 4

6 12

7 8 9

7 8 10 7 10

6 7 8 6 8

8 2 6 7 8



.. 10

9 4 10

NB: Places without figures are basically auspicious. . .

11 12

11 11

.. 12 11 12

.. 12

In regard to Graha Vedhas mentioned in the table showing check-points, supra, ."4/ uh urta Martanda ofN arayana Daivagna, has added a confusion that Vedha points are to be seen from the transiting planet in the region between Himalayas and the Vindhyas, and for places other than these from the Moon sign itself, through the following sloka.

fctW o4Htt>&J ~~~fcl:q{l ~tjj(?;:fclr"<.~ I

~~ fc!JIOI41~4:il'1<i ~ II This is highly illogical and of a spurious origin. Standard

texts of ancients cannot and would riot make any such unitelligible exceptions of this nature for counting check-points. Vedha points are tg be seen from the natal Moon sign only, as auspicious places

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for a planet are counted from the natal Moon. My belief is: Apiece of wisdom even in a village dialect should be honoured as against an abuse in Ranskrit language. The concept, not the medium, is important.

Relel'ance ofVedha: According to sage Narada, verifying the existence ofVedha is a pre-requisite. He states:'

4 ~ ~ fc\;~'{Jfl:q{ ~~: I

~ ~~ <f;e.~ ~II

3ffl8lT ~~~~:~~I ~ ~ QlBi ~ ;:ft: BGJ II These two slokas mean: "The planet subjected to Vedha (or

obstacle) will not produce even an iota of good effects. Hence, Vedha should be assessed suitably and only then good and bad effects of planetary transits be declared. The predictinns of an astrologer who does not.consider the various Vedhas will be false and he will become a laughing stock."

The following condition relates to Vedhas, based on an aphorism of Manu, as found in the wor~ Jaganmohanam.

The aphorism is: ~~'9~~1 The instruction concerned means: if the Vedha causing

planet is weak, its Vedha will be ineffective. That is the auspicious or inauspicious planet will go ahead unchecked.

71h Years Saturn checked: The table given for Viparita Vedha will be helpful in tackling evil planets' effects. More so, it will be specially helpful in Sade Sathi (or 7Y.a years Staurn), Saturn in the 4th or 8th, Jupiter in the lOth, Venus in the 6th I all from the Moon) and the like. For example, Sade Sathi effects are checked by another planet (except the Sun, Rahu etc.) in simultaneous transit with Saturn himself. Jupiter in the lOth is ·:~<~eked by another planet in transit in the 9th from· the Moon r-;·:.g-..-\.

· There is another most important condition to see whether a planet in transit will give good effects attributed to it or not. This is called Moorthi Lakshana. A transit planet assumes certain form or Moorthi when it enters a particular sign. The

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same Moorthi Lakshana is valid for its journey in the sign in question. This is dependant on the transit Moon and natal Moon as well. The classical verse in. this regard is:

'~'~ai%4>1&~1 ~ l'i~tt&oPiRi=

~ 'fiGJ am<fl ~, 1

~ 'fiGJ l'i~<1~1Wj,Ri:

"11"11~<@1~11~ ~ ~ ~: II This verse suggests different MoorthiLakshanas as under:

At· the time of a planet's entry into a given sign, the Moon in transit in the following places with reference to the natal Moon will make the said transit planet as a certain Moorthi thus:

Swarna Moorthi (golden form): 6, 1, 11. Rajata Moorthi (silver form): 5, 2 9. · Tamra Moorthi (copper form): 7, 3, 10. Loha Moorthi. (iron form): 8, 4, 12. For example, say Jupiter enters Sagittarius on a certain

date and time. At that particular time, if the transit Moon is in the 6th, 11th or the 1st with reference to natal Moon, the planet ,Jupiter in transit becomes Swarna Moorthi. Other three Lakshanas may be accordingly understood.

The terse results for these four Moorthi Lakshanas are: Swarna Moorthi: the transit planet will be auspicious . Rajatha Moorthi: moderately auspicious effects. · Tamra Moorthi:·somewhat grievous effects. Loha Moorthi: highly grievous eff(lcts. Planets in Parama Maitra Taro: Another of the essential

points of study is to see if a planet is placed in the Parama Maitra Tara at birth which are, for elementary purposes, the 9th, 18th and 27th Nakshatras from the Nakshatra occupied by the Moan at birth. Assume that Bharani is the Janma Nakshatra.· Then planets at birth in Makha, Moola and Asvini are said to·be in Parama Maitra Tara or extremely favourable Nakshatras. In this context, Bhattasri Lakshmanacharya quotes the following:

...... ~ -al'U: ~.:ftfi("'iJ4dJ: vide sloka 1, chapter 34, Gocharadhyaya of his work Jaganmohanam.

Thus, when we see a planet at birth in such specific class of

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Nakshatras, we should not attribute too much ofmalefic effects for such planets in transit. This applies to transit effects like Sadesathi, bad Jupiter, bad Venus and the like and also in estimating the nature of a planet's effects concerning Bhava etc. as for birth horoscope.

Universal importance of the lOth lord in transit: The transit of the planet ruling the lOth from the natal ascendant is held in high esteem in respect of transit of all other planets. If a transit planet is inclined to giving adverse effects, its maleficence is generally or to a great extent controlled by the lOth lord's transit. That is if the natal lOth lord, while in transit, gets in touch with another ill-disposed transit by aspect or conjunction, evil effects will be minimised and auspicious effects will foll~w.

These special influences of the lOth lord in transit will vanish the moment the lOth lord abandons the relative aspect or changes the sign. That is, for example, if the Moon is the lOth lord, the propensities of good, and check on other evils will be just temporary. If major planets like Jupiter or Saturn be ruling the lOth, the duration of effects as above will be longer in this case.

Effectiveness of Planets in Transit: SageN arada emphasises on two specific aspects in transit, thus: ~: ~= ~'!jkq(q<ma:r~= 1

Ptbw1 ~ ~m ~ ~ ~ 11 ;fliw~~ ~ ~= lif::tal~sftt en 1 ~ ~ a:t~IG>hl~~ftl en 11 These verses mean: (a) Malefic planets aspected by benefic

planets will be auspicious whereas benefics in aspect to malefics will become inauspicious in respect of their transit effects.

(b) Whether it is a benefic or a malefic, if it is placed in inimical sign, it will fail to give results. (That is, good results will not forthcome and bad results will progress.)

(c) The planet that is in debility, or inimical sign, or is in combustion will remain ineffective concerning its good and bad effects. ·

About malefic planets not giving evil effects when in debility & C, the right approach is to see refusal of the planet to improve

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easily for the better. It is improper to say that one in debility, inimical sign or combustion will fail to be active for the malefic purpose it is originally intended to. N-either sage Narada would have meant that improper concept.

Though these two verses are enlisted. in the chapter on transits, these apply to birth horoscopes too.

Effectil'e phase for transi.t effects: A planet's behaviour in transit is not going to be the same in the whole sign. It will give specified good or bad effects in a certain part of the sign only. When a planet is not in the specified effective part of the sign, it may not be really relevant for good or bad effects. . Prasna Marga, in chapter 22, sloka 42, in this connection lays down the following condition:

{i~fl<lfa:~iJI~tR>Hl<t~"lf'' ~ I lf'<.~ ~ '11~1~1f.:\sw8 ~ 11 That is, the Sun and Mars reveal their transit effects

whether good or bad, in the initial part of the sign, i.e. when in first ten degrees, Jupiter and Venus when in the 2nd ten degrees, the Moon and Saturn in the last ten degrees, and Mercury in the whole of the sign. (This yard-stick, however, is not applied to natal positions.)

For example, Jupiter's transit in the 3rd from the natal Moon is highly inauspicious. These effects will be felt only when he is in the 2nd one-third of the sign, and not before and after. The same Jupiter is very favourable when in transit in the 7th. Here again, he will be auspicious in the 2nd one-third part of the sign and not before and after. These rules about effective phases in transit should be well-applied so that a planet's ephemeral disposition is profitably estimated.

So far, I have given several important tips on Graha Vedha, Nakshatra Vedha etc. which should be invariably used in wisely estimating transit effects.

I have closely observed one special character of planetary transits, although I have no classical authority for this statement. When two planets indicating auspicious effects join in one sign (for example, any two planets in transit in the 11th from the natal Moon sign), both the planets fail to give the stipulated good effects. As soon as one of them leaves the sign, the remaining one

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is free to be auspicious. The reader may try with this suggestion for whatever worth it is.

I am not ·going to discuss at this point of time many other details like Bhinna, Prastara Ashtaka Varga etc. lest we should deviate from the present text's analysis as I have already covered a lot of special aspects in respect of transits.

Authorities considered for my commentary from now onwards in this whole chapter are:

1. Jataka Sagara 2. Sphuji Dhwaja's Brihad Yavana Jataka

(under translation by R. Santhanam) 3. Jaganmohanam (Vol. 1 -Sanskrit) 4. Sripathi (Sanskrit) 5. Narada (Sanskrit) 6. Vasishta Samhita (Sanskrit) 7. Vidhi Ratna (Sanskrit) 8. Mukunda Daivagna's Jyoti.sha Tatvam (Vol. 1) Now see, what some such other texts speak of the Sun in

transit in the natal Moon sign. (a) The Sun in the Moon sign: The subject will turn more

irascible. His body will decay or will incur weakness. He will be more cunning and unstable in disposition. He will wander for nothing. His eyes will be sour.

When the Sun comes in transit to the Moon sign,_ patients of cardiac and blood diseases will fall to an unkind time.

(b) The Sun in Janma Nakshatra: If the Sun enters the ,Janma Nakshatra (occupied by the Moon), there will be decline in one's enjoyments, happiness, prosperity and honour. His undertakings will be checked. He will incur losses, aching of the eyes and head, and will have change of place.

<c) The Sun in JanmaNakshatrajoined by Saturn or Rahu: If Saturn or Rahu joins the said Sun simultaneously, the person will be troubled by thieves or base men, will be humiliated and will earn a bad name. He or his spouse or his in-laws will be exposed to danger.

(d) The Sun in ,Janma Nakshatrajoined by Mars: If Mars joins the said Sun, one will wander with his friends fruitlessly. He will incur· disorders caused by excessive heat .

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In respect of points "a" to "d" above, we have to· note the following. Saturn of course unehecks the evil effects of the Sun. But Rahu or Mars should not fail to check the evils of the Sun as such. These have to be thus treated as limited exceptions.

(e) The Sun in. Janma Nak.shatrajoined by Jupiter: When Jupiter joins the said Sun, the subject will undertake an important journey.

~ c;eee~"'4HI4~1ilo~ 1 f.ls%1?~-..rur.::r4 ~=ad~l'"ld rcit n ~ u

2. In the 2nd: When the Sun transits the 2nd place from the natal Moon sign, mean,mittdedness, evil associations, mental distress, head-aches, and unfruitful phases in agriculture and trading activities (i.e. professional debaCles) will be experienced by the subject.

Notes: In addition to the above, the following effects will come to pass. The person will have additional expenses. He will be impatient. There will be a possibility of being cheated by others. He will be fickle~minded, will lack in decisions and will be disposed to speak untruth. His eyes will pose some problems.

If Saturn or Rahu simultaneously transits the 2nd sign from the natal Moon, the native will be deceived by his spouse, in-laws, friends etc. He will lose his money due to his own harsh and hasty speeches (or decisions) and through journeys outside his place of living.

~ f.l~4*'1lt1: ~ ~: I ~: ~:m1oto<lfttt'!~fW1<ft4~ II ~ II

3. In the 3rd: The native will enjoy health, continuous happiness, financial gains, association with kinsfolk and friends. and happiness from progeny during the movement of the Run in the 3rd place from the natal Moon.

Notes: When the Sun is in transit in the 3rd from the Moon ·sign, the subject will be happy with his friends, will earn respect from others and will enjoy more and more pleasures.

This will be a favourable transit for recovery from diseases and major treatment thereof.

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The native will have profitable professional changes and progress. He will be kind t~ others and will win over his enemies. Some female in the family may conceive. He will enjoy happiness through siblings,and servants (or subordinates) and will earn more friends but be disposed to lose his anger in a fillip.

3RJ:~""16n,'* ~'I !>1410llitt::rt'11c:of1Rl ~ <~~$l-n ~ 11 4. In th,e4th:When the Sunjourneys in the4thplace from

one's natal Moon, mental-grief, family quarrels, loss ofhappiness, lack of food, and obstacles to travel plans will come forth.

Notes: The following are additional effects in this context. The native will incur damage of bones. He may be injured and. lose blood. Diseases will worry him. His general enjoyments and sexual dalliances will be impeded.

Professional obstacles, evil dreams, heart problems and blood-pressure will worry him.

~ . . ~. . i5R'Sf4 '1:rt&flq ~ti<: ~I ~ I

~;:u~<.'4'1tc;:ilRl ~ <Rm$l II ~ II 5. In the 5th: When the Sun is in progress in the 5th place

from the natal Moon, the person will develop laziness. He will be mentally distressed, will incur enmity with his friends, spend away his money and be of unstable disposition.

Notes: The said transit will also bring forth pressure from high-ups, and unpleasant events for progeny and kinsfolk. The native will be a victim of stomach, blood and heart disorders. He will be specially after sexual pleasures.

~ ~«l<.o41~1. ~ I ey_;lil•4rf& ~~II E; II 6. In the 6th: With the Sun in transit in the 6th place from

the natal Moon, there will be much happiness. The subject will achieve success in his .undertakings, be of a sound body, happy and will havegains,dfrobes,·grains and others.

Notes: The _person will be additionally able to subdue his

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enemies. He will be famous. His spouse may conceive. He will do good even to those who are ill-disposed toward him. His desires will be fu.lfllled with his own tact. He will be charitable and will earn respect from others.

81"1;::~1'"11'1~: C::,](lcftl5Rj~U"'<i I ~ ~ eail<~ 11 13 11 7. In the 7th: The native, during the Sun's movements in

the 7th place from his natal Moon, will incur the displeasure of hisneighbours. Hiswifeandprogenywillfallsick. Hisenthusiasm and undertakings will be crippled.

Notes: Additionally, the subject will be endangered by poison and such other substances. He will lose blood through some injwj or a disease. He will lose his energy and will often feel tired. This will be a special transit for head-aches and head disorders. His profession will involve him in some quarrels. His honour and fame will be lost. He will be cruel in speech.

In appropriate cases, there will be danger to the pregnancy of spouse. (Particularly if the 7th from the natal Moon iS occupied by Mars, Saturn or Rahu, or by ill-placed Jupiter or the 5th lord.)

~: ~~~eqJ(ij "l"':tiS"I"f:::toiJl!'lf I ~:<.<t"41d¥:aq ~e~ ~ ~: II o:; II 8. In the 8th: Evils, arguments with foes, distress in

journey and getting glievous news will be brought forth by the Sun moving in the 8th place from the natal Moon.

Notes: The native's life will be endangered. His spouse will incur some sorrow. He will be a victim of misfortunes apart from difficulties related to government, unnecessary quarrels, anger and financial losses.

~~:I .. ~ Fcliir{)'1qi\ rci II ~ II 9. In the 9th: When the Sun transits the 9th place from the

Moon, blames, crimes, qua>Tel.s,. destruction of money for no fault

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of the native and destruction of gains, of wealth as well as of meritorious deeds will come to pass.

Notes: Moreover. one's status will decline. He will start hating his elders and preceptors. He will be involved in some danger and will be in utter dejection. His religious pursuits will be obstructed. His financial dealings will produce misunderstandings with others. Ear and eye disorders are also probable with this transit.

~ftfttGJS(\Hi ~;m"'l"l"': I U51t::~iot ~ ~ ~ ~ II '1o II 10. In the lOth: During the Sun's transit in the lOth place

from the natal Moon, the person will have fulf"tlment of his objectives, will enjoy physical soundness, be associated with his kinsfolk and friends, will meet the king for discussions (or high-ups on important matters), and enjoy much happiness.

Notes: There will also be the following events.· The native will be successful in achieving a chief position for him at work. His foes and diseases will vanish. He will acquire immovable properties.

~ -:q f<¥fi<"JiiiR: ~lgf.k4ldFI: ~ I ~~~11'1'111 11. In the 11th: With the Sun's movements in the 11th

place from the natal Moon, one will financially gain and follow his family codes. There will be joyous occasions and auspiciousness at his home. He will enjoy sweet food-stuff.

Notes: The person will further become glorious. Many of his evil will be removed. He will be able to invest in gold, lands and the like.

~~~~: 541014'lhiliNRtlt<ct"'loi ~ ~ II '1~ II 12. In the 12th: The native will lose his place or position.

His kinsfolk will incur diseases. His money will be spent away. His own life will be endangered. He will be humiliated.· These

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effects are for the transit Sun in the 12th place from the natal· Moon. .

Notes: When the Sun moves in this specified place, the native's financial advancements will be impeded. He will obtain enmity with virtuous people, friends etc. Various kinds of nuisances will cripple his happiness.

Varaha Mihira explains this in a philosophical sense that only men of ideal character will be successful, and not others, with the Sun in transit in the 12th from the natal Moon.

The Moon's Transits:

~itl(fl1{o~"'Jil"(j ~ 'Cf:;:jljiikl: I

~ ~ a;;qR ~ ~ II '1~ II 18. In the Moon Sign: When the Moon assumes her

journey in the sign occupied by her at birth, the subject will enjoy physical felicity, happiness, wealth (or financial advancement), general progress, sweet food, company of females and honour.

Notes: The native will in addition be able to subdue his enemies. He will increase his acquisitions tactfully. There will be advent of new clothes, soft beds, fruits and flowers. (That is, material enjoyments will accrue to the person.) He will enjoy pleasures of the sex.

This will be a favourable transit for initia:.ions into Mantra and Tantra Sastra disciplines.

3Fa:~ o44GRI<f<t'ltt: I ~ ~511mi fM\<R"tli"t:an ~: II '1~ II 14. In the 2nd: When the Moon transitsthe2ndplacefrom

her natal position, she will give mental distress, loss of money, expenditure, various kinds of blemishes or shortcomings, bad food and sickness of the body.

Notes: This transit will further give fear, indolence, loss of happiness concerning spouse and progeny, wasting money in

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useless undertakings, difficulties and despair.

~~~:I ~:~~11'1!(11 15. In the 3rd: With the Moon in transit in the 3rd place

from her natal position, the native will have gains of money, robes, happiness and mental resolute. He will gossip with females to his heart's content (i.e. he will enjoy the company of females).

Nofes: When the Moon attains the 3rd sign from her natal place, the subject will attain even such things he has never longed. He will have to fear no evil effects. He will hate things within a f"illip, be fond oflistening to music, will befriend high-ups and will be just in his deeds.

This transit will give one a strong desire to acquire progeny.

~ ~ ~"'l?i<:'"4ilct "''' I q>4aq>('Coqq>t<f :"!" ~ ~: II 'IG II 16. In the 4th: When the Moon is in transit in the 4th place

from her natal position, the subject will lose his mental equilibrium, incur enmity with his kinsfolk, be of unstable disposition and will indulge in acts that will destroy his own undertakings.

Notes: In addition to the above, the native will have fear of confinement, anguish and will indulge in bad deeds without the knowledge of others. He will also be disposed to cause harm to other people. He will lose grateful and modest feelings and be grieved. His financial state will decline.

~ e<!JS('>)f<q 1A:1furi ~ ~ I

~ ~ ~ "4GJ ~: II '/1.9 II 17. In the 5th: Excess ofthehumourwind in the body (i.e.

proneness to windy disorders), indolence, mental distress and destruction of articles or undertakings dear to the native will

· follow the Moon's stay in the 5th from her natal position. Notes: Fear, grief, loss of money, unstable disposition,

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indigestion and other diSeases· will occur as additional e:ffects hereof.

&:R"t41"'1!111Mi1t(}:a4Jief{'#Siol ~ I aRte41ci '1:4~~ ~· 'fk"SlSi"'l: II '1"' U 18. In the 6th: With the transit Moon in the 6th place from

her natal position. the subJect will earn a plaee for him and will enjoy health, financial gain~ fame, happiness and association with females.

Notes: The native's enemies will try to come to terms with him. His social status will inCJ"ease. He will enjoy calmness of the mind and be inclined to acquire more and more learning.

'1'1Hi1&4 4~il~ ~ "'q ~··,

aRfl<.<>4 ~al<.<>4 "'q &I~ ~ ~: II 7~ II 19. In the 7th.: Mental happiness, increase of fame,

fortunes, acquisition of money and happiness through spouse will come to pass with the transit Moon h the 7th place from her natal position.

Notes: One will beget all-round gooL. ,ffects. Professional gains, various kinds of pleasures, flowers, a.. "nts, beds, women etc . .will be the additional transits for this move •. ••mt of the M.oop.

~5ftuhi14 ~ ~. "'q I ~ ~511(iij rfleliiil!!if:OI~~~~ II ~o II 20. In the 8th: Indigestion, grief, pains in the knees, bad

food, physical illness and 4istress will be produced by the Moon's transit in the 8th place from her natal position.

Notes: When the Moon is found in the 8th, the subject will. be troubled by.hunger, various evil effects, futile arguments, self-destructive approach, stubbornness, loss of money and news about death of someone will occur.

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Ci(iHI~i F- rcOO ~ I ~· ~ •wtfli! ~ ~: II ~'I II 21.In the 9th: Destruction of robes, e~mity with progeny,

going away to adist8nt place, ~ases, distress, loss of undertaking and quarrels willoccurduringthe ¥oon'smovementsin the 9th place from the natal Moon.

Notes: As an addition, note the following effects. The person will incur all-round obstacles,.worries, subordination to others, loss of wealth and honour, falling sick and the like.

$~rtfeGisU"4.~ I a:a't~ ~ ~: ~ 11 ~~ 11

22. In the lOth: The Moon's transit in the 10th place from her natal sign position will lead to fulfilment of desires and a healthy body. One's relatives will gain happiness. The native will enjoy quality food and will beget success m his effortS.

Notes: The person will display enthusiasm in many ways. He will meet. men of virtues and will earn honour from one and all. He will acquire conveyances and the like.

't=tR'tl<?'<i (tc=>l"'fPG:: . ~ I ~ ~ "''::sl#lc=>~i"ld II ~~ II 23.In the 11th: Mental peace, continuous happiness, good

quality of food at home and gain of wealth, grains etc. will come to pass with the Moon in transit in the 11th place from her natal sign position.

Notes: In ihe 11th, the Moon in transit will give some more effects thus. The person will command happiness from women, all kinds of luxuries, a.nd success in litigations or over enemies.

~ 'ti=ti!lf.l: ~ "T-fllFr: I Sil&~ifl!ll ~ ~ cl61&~4 'tilfaqq_ II ~B II

24 .. In the :12th: Mental imbalance, loss ofhonour, enmity with relative.s, _loss of wealth, laziness and great danger will folio~ the Moon in transit in the 12th from her natal position.

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Notes: If the Moon is found as above, one will further lose his happiness, will have unnecessary arguments and Will be troubled by fear, anxiety etc.

Transits of Mars:

~ <.<ttaoi=act ~ 1

:q;:sW~I"'Id +rr ~ II ~~ II 25. In the Moon Sign: When Mars transits the hatalMoon

sign, the native will incur fever, injury from sword (sharp weapons), enmity with spouse and children, and troubles from spirits and demons (i.e. from evil or wicked forces).

Notes: The person will be a victim of many kinds of adversities, dangers, sudden quarr~ls, diseases caused by heat, bile and blood and be egoistic. He will not reveal his grief to others, and be troubled by the king, animals, poison, fire and the like.

~ m ~: e<fcwff~411~1"i I

ea:•~J-18%: lflRif'lfl"::t~'}~ u .~E; ·II 26. In the 2nd: Loss of physical vigour, grief, destruction

of all undertakings, association with wicked people and fear will come forth with Mars moving in the 2nd place from the natal Moon.

Notes: With Mars in the 2nd, there will be blemishes galore. Family difficulties, loss of money, danger from weapons, illness and fraudulent disposition will also come to pass.

~&Js{\•;q~l'!fft"'Aj{Cflcli$: I

~ "141SIIIaH!dl;q~qH~ F II ~1.9 II 27. In the 3rd: During the transit of Mars in the 3rd place

from natal Moon, one will have financial gains, will enjoy physical felicity, fulfilment of-undertakings, gain of robes and acquisition of wealth.

Notes: The additional results for Mars in the 3rd in transit

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will be: The person will acquire a kind disposition, auspicious effects, birth of a child, and rise in profession

~1"41!liPI: ~ '¥ ~ "<R~: I il"liflslf& ~: ~ ~ II ~.:; II 28. In the 4th: When Mars moves in the 4th place from the

natal Moon, the subject will lose his fortunes, be struck by fear, be cruel in disposition, and will incur enmity with relatives, f"mancial losses and diseases.

Notes: Abdominal disorders, loss of kinsfolk including spouse, loss of place, various kinds of difficulties, danger from weapons, association with bad people, involvementin one litigation after the other, grief after grief etc. will also form part of one's life.

<h!au~ "q" ~ ~ 1

~Jct>4t.">•~ ~ qsaqe!B:ta 11 ~~ 11 29. In the 5th: During the transit of Mars in the 5th place

from the natal Moon, the native will fall ill, be distressed, will not enjoy timely meal and will indulge in sinful (unrighteous) deeds.

Notes: One will be inflicted by abdominal diseases produc~d by heat and be troubled by men in power. He will have pains of the heart as welL His mind will. lose its fertility. He will be attached to other females and be in the grip of sexual lust. His progeny may·be in danger. He may lose wealth through thefts;. deceit and the like.


q::i\~18: ~: "4M'Ifq ~ ~ II ~o II 30. In the 6th: lfMan; is in movement in the 6th place from

the natal Moon, one will gain robes, grains, wealth, fame and happiness and will perform charitable activities.

Notes: The planet Mars in the 6th in transit will pour forth gains on account of spouse, servants, youngsters etc. All his disputes will be settled in his favour. His·desires will bear fruits without any .obstacle. He will recover from health problems of the

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past. He will gain through ""thieves"" (or men of ill-gotten wealth).

31i't<:U&I~f6d e&liJi~l: ~: I ~~~~11~'1.11 31. In the 7th: With Marstransiting in the 7th place from

the natal Moon sign, the native will be. d~prived of food and robes. He will be put to anguish by his kinsfolk. His speech will be foul and he will incur the wrath of his co-born and progeny.

Notes': In addition to the above, the native will be an object of humiliation in the hands of women. He will incur loss of fame, unnecessary fear, loss of undertaking, quarrels with spouse, eye diseases, excessive heat problems and the like. He will easily believe others who make empty promises.

~: <t>i4tl1Aff41~ <t>iei\:an'lcfls-1 1 fl!IH"11~~ lliut~ 311!!i'R'4 ~ II ~~ II

32. In the 8th: When Mars transits the 8th place from the natal Moon, the person will have to go away from his place. His undertakings will be impeded: He will incur breathing disorders, will lose his place or position and be troubled by debts.

Notes: Small-pox and other evils also will trouble him. He will have f"mancial decline.

31~1"11'Ci§i&"1""4oi ~ ~ tfts;i· I <'

~ fcRM '1:f ~ ~: II ~~ II 33. In the 9th: With Mars moving in the 9th place from the

natal Moon, the subject will not enjoy robes and food. His body will start withering and paining. He will lose his position (or place) and will earn enmity with others.

Notes: His monetary dealings will cause him humiliation. He will be slow in all his jobs, will lose his physical strength and be very jealous of others. These are in furtherance of what has been stated in the original sloka.

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~ ~: e&to4i~: · ~ ~a .. s;,f& 11 tt&lttiiR 3riM &::!1"1~ ~II ~g II 34. In the lOth: Should Mars be in transit in the lOth place

from the natal Moon, one will be ang-.Jished, be continuously ill, will not beget nutritious food and will have to wander from place to place on account ofhis work.

Notes: Further, the subject will be in the company of bad elements and be cheated by others. He may incur some great disease; At the end of all these ills, "he will see what is called success"a

Some people in practice see Mars in the I Oth as a beneficial movement, which does not agree with classical spirit.

31i<l"'4"1e.f{'51ot "CJ ~ ~ I 4i'1Gfit'4f"j'f&<i\ \'t'liil<t>laj\ ~: II ~!< II

35. In the lith: WhenMars transits the lith place from one's natal Moon, one will acquire sound health, financial gains, happiness, garments, success in attempts. and courage.

Notes: The person will be endowed with necessary expedients to ensure his success. He will gain through friends, and willenjoy.variouskinds ofhappiness. He may acquire an off-spring with this transit.

m~"CJ~~· ~ "CJ m G:IG:::!iftiHJjl ~: II ~II 36. In the 12th: When Mars moves in the 12th place from

the natal Moon, the native will go away from his place, will suffer from sickness; will.incur enmity with his relatives, will have bodily troubles arid be moving aimlessly.

Notes: In addition to the above, his litigations will plummet in a wrong direction. He will incur, hu.miliation at every step. Troubles from men in power and wasteful expenditure will also form part of this bad transit of Mars in the 12th place from the

·Moon. If Mars in tranist retrogrades in the 12th, one will run into

troubles with government authorities.

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Mercury's Transits:

~~~I ~i ~"" · it"'sW~I"Id ~ II ~\9 II

37. In the Moon Sign: During the transit of Mercury in the na:tal Moon sign, the person will lose his mental bBlance, incur enmity with ·his relatives, have his food beyond time schedule, be involved in litigations and associated with evil men.

Notes: Financial losses, burning sensation in the body, grief, being a messenger of someone, loss of courage, bilious disorders and the like will be produced by this transit ofMercury. Sonie of the native's friends may turn inimical to him.

'lfill*!&fe;i(.'i)Jif Tt 8q6'ko<i ~ Tt I Aflllil•;tf Tt • fadi<R<4J"''jj ~ II ~ .. II

38. In the 2nd: With the transit Mercury in the 2nd place from one's natal Moon, he will gain through precious gems, be healthy and will enjoy continuing happiness and the company of good people.

Not.es: For this transit, most of the authors prescribe good effects like our text, while one or two have cited adverse effects. Most acceptable is, the transit ofMercury in 2nd being auspicious.

Although I have numerous authorities, showing favourable effects for Mercury's transit in the 2nd from the natal Moon, I am quoting just three of the irrefutable authodties among these.

f<llt,~liijJd<.<ii<l"ll: ~ ~ . . . . . . (Sripathi)

(Vasishta Samhita, Ch. IS, sloka 5)

~:~C<WR41~'j ......... (Sage Narada) In each of the above quotations, the tenn "Sva" CB0 means

the 2nd place from the Moon sign. · There will \le wealth (or financial progress) with the said

transit, according to sage Narada, Sripathi, Jaganmohanam and Vidhi Ratnam.

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Jataka Sagara strangely attributes the following effects: The .native will be garrulous, will lose his money and will incur blemishes concerning his spouse. He will have various kinds of fear and will face troubles as a tale-bearer.

Sphujidhwaja also gives bad effects thus: The person will see interruption of his work, and will lose his wealth.

Brihat SaTnhita states that the person will be humiliated but will acquire we8.1th.

31ett!l;:ft(jac#lq: ~· ql!U ~: i 'f.«5ii~ q"ff~uq:. fti55ifC'OIH:il ~: II ~~ II 39~ ln the 3rd: Should Mercury be in transit in the 3rd

place from one's natal Moon, his wealth will incUr harm. He will· be subjected to royal wrath, enmity with relatives ·and loss of memory, be mentally sick and distressed.

Notes: Further, his own kinsfolk will obstruct his progress. He will lose soundness of bodily he'alth as well. His spouse may be in danger. · He will· be highly fear-struck, will earn more enemies and will have unfruitful journeys or resettlement plans.

%!41'!?4 o:q ~: ·~ ~ I

'f.«OIIl("''<hl:4f<:t ~ ~ II Ho II 40. In the 4t~: When Mercury journeys in the 4th from the

natal Moon, happiness to mother and self will prevail. He will experience gain of grains and wealth. The undertakings conceived by him will attain success.

Notes: The native will in addition enjoy much happiness with his men. His words will carry weight. He will acquire women and wealth.

Some of the good effects attributed to this particular transit can remain marred due to the native's own sinful acts. To wit, there could be a slip between the lip and the cup in the nick of the moment and special efforts will be required in case some major plans are on the anvil. But in no way, this transit should be treated as a malefic.

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e~uitiaiq: e<t«N1v JIR'Ui 1 31'hl'*ti~<tR"Jdiil·~ ~~II ~7 II

41. In the 5th: During the eou,rse ofMercury in the 5th from the natal Moon. "t~ere will be distress to the person all over the body due to heat.. Due to various blemishes, he will face death (or death-like evils) ·and will unexpectedly be involved in quarrels.

Notes: With the saidmovement ofMercury, the native will not be in good ternis with his apouse and progeny. He may inctir some calamity as welL He. will maintain a "vow of silence" (i.e. will not be disP.osed to speak much), will.incur. calumny, fear, timidity and be at the mercy.ofothers.·

. Clfik'Siai \li"'®lif: ~ ~: I

~tJI~~~ ";;J ~A"Id ~ II ~~ II 42. In the. 6th: The nati¥e will gam garments, grains,

wealth, courage, learning, enjo!YIJlents and general happiness with Mercury's mo~ment iii the 6th place from the·natal Moon.

Notes: In addition to the above, hishappiness,willincrease by the day. He will display a high fuvel of intelligence, will enjoy all-round prosperity, buy conveyances, will subd111ehis adversaries andiwillgain birth, of a child. He will enjoy better authority at his place .of work.

(j]4o<Ft44Rea ~ 1 ecfit:stt~ui o:q ea*t€ttH~ ~ 11 ~:} 11 43. In the 7th: When Mercury in transit is seen in the 7th

place from. one's natal Moon, declare the following effects: misfortunes, lo$B of money, wrath of the employer, loss of beauty and troubbes to the entire body due to <Useases and heat.

Notes:Allofone'sundertakingswillbeturneddownbythe god of destiny. The native will not be on good terms with his spouse and children. He will be badly humiliated.

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44. In the 8th: When Mercury transits the 8th place from one's natal Moon sign, he will fall sick, be mentally distressed and anguished, will have less food, indulge in falsehood and be haunted by fear.

Notes: Our ted attributes evil effects to the transit of Mercury in, the 8th from the natal Moon, whereas generally this transit is stated to be highly auspicious by other authorities.

According to one source, the person may acquire a child. His wealth will increase and he will be more and more enthusiastic concerning his profession. Happiness of a great order and auspicious effects Will form part of this transit.

As per Sphujidhwaja, this transit will bring forth help from wise men. The native will enjoy status, joy and others' favour.

Vide Brihat Samhita, itis informed that Mercury in the 8th will give gains, success, children, clothes, money and skill that brings joy to one's heart.

According to another text ofYavanas, such Mercury will be helpful in various ways and will cause intelligence, favours, position and happiness. (See: f41&1'!1Jfai't ~ ~~!l~l<:: fBlR\BJto(lCfij(l).

Thus, Mercury in the 8th should be treated as auspicious transit and our text's view is not tenable.

ih!t<"*li 4~flt!lf.tf<K4ql!cfli5;j I ~~~~llgl(ll

45. In the 9th: Should Mercury be in transit in the 9th place from the natal Moon, the subject will be lazy, will lose his fame, cause troubles to others, have tasteles.s food and suffer from bilious imbalances.

Notes: With this transit, the native's health and.work will suffer.· His travel plans will be checked and he will lose his physical energy and honour.

~: ~ "if 31a~1{04f.ktt>RI: 1 ~ arq;j~q a:~111~ ~ u·gf; 11

46. In the lOth: Mercury in the lOth from the natal Moon

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sign will give the following effects - calumny, abuses from others, lack of food comforts, laziness and distress. ·

Notes: Here again, our text gives negative effects for this · transit. With the help of the following quotations, we can say the text is incorrect. ·

One source states that Mercury's said transit .will help the person achieve his undertakings. He will attain more learning, will visit pilgrim centers and will enjoy increased prosperity.

Success in unde~akings, honour and money are seen in this connection, bySphujidhwaja's work.

Varaha Mihira states: "It destroys enemies and bestows wealth, a beautiful d~l on a couch, her house, property, sweet words and spread-sheets". So to say, the native will not only gain a woman but also her· properties.. In a simple seiiSe, this transit will be of great help for mariW 1JropPsaJ.s;

0 --~

.ati:ila:qqq(.')j'I!IJ -i-r:'!ftla": ~-~ 1

iPjSftiM~~~~~~ 'i"'t: II ~1.9 II ..

47. In the 11th: Duringthe transit of Mercury in the 11th place from the natal Moon, one will enjoy physical felicity, financial gains, mental happiness, comforts, satisfaction of kinsfolk, increase of fame and gains in general.

Notes: More effects in this connection are: He will be highly skilful. His intelligence, fame etc. will be waxing. He wili enjoy various kinds of pleasures.

~i$1f.t4"1:~: ~: I f.t~c:ua: ~ ~ ~ 'f1n ~ .. 11

48. In the 12th: During the transit of Mercury in the 12th place from the natal Moon, the person will lose happiness, be distressed and face decline in respect of work and food. He will be continuously involved in disputes or litigations and be in the grip of utter poverty (or financial debacles).

Notes: He will incur losses, be troubled by others, subjected to fear and will lose his wealth to others. His fmancial decline may also be due to females.- His place ofliving will change; he will incur danger to his life and unexpected evils.

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Jupiter's Transits:

(i5i<t>)lj\ 4~il~lf.\'6W:iiff4 ~ I ~ lti'"<«nA44 ·~ ~· II f$~ II 49. In the Moon Sign: When transit Jupiter a,ttains the

natal Moon sign, the subject will incur the wrath of the rulers. IUs fame will be endangered. His work will produce enmity. He will be mentally Unbalanced and be in the grip of fear.

Notes: In estimating. transit effects,· prime importance is given to the major planets, viz, Saturn, Rahu/Ketu and ·Jupiter. The roles other planets viz: Mars, Venus, Sun and Mercury depend on these major transits. That is, a major planet's say is more on the native' a life than that of Mars & C.

As an example, say Jupiter denotes obstacles to getting marriedand Venus indicates a positive opportunityformarriage. In such a case, only Jupiter· will prevail, and Vfi!nus cannot alter the situation.

One Paryaya for a planet is complete when it completes one round ofthe zodiac from its natal sign. For example, say·Jupiter

. is in. Gemini at birth. From Gemini, he will cover Cancer, Leo eie .• reach Taurus iri the end, and come back to Gemini. As soon as be enters the sign Gemini, the secorid Paryaya commences. Degree positions are not seen .in such cases.

Some classical books specially give important effects for each "Paryaya'" or a round of the zodiac by these planet& .. '!'bus it will be relevant for us to know now. of Jupiter's Paryaya results whereas special results for Saturn and the nodes are appended at the end of this chapter.

First Roun:d: During the trrst round of transit, Jupiter's arrival in the 8th or the 12th from the natal Moon will increase father's fmancial status: Such hints do not always mean that the .evil effects of a planet for a specified evil place will be inoperable. When Jupiter reaches the 9th from the natal Moon, it will be auspicious for elder brothers and elder sisters. In the frrstround, Jupiter. will be auspicious in general in Aries and Taurus irrespective of the Moon sign at birth.

Second Round: When Jupiter attains Aries and Taurus,

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h,p.ppiness and auspicious effects will prevail in the 2nd round. Third ~l!,[Ul: In thlil" ~h anq lOth from the Moon sigri.

Jupiter in the thfrd round will give wealth, whereas generally Jupiter in the lOth is not otherwise auspicious. Although he is stated to be welcome iii the 11th from the natal M.oon, he. Will produce ~nmity with government, high-ups and like during this round. ·

ID. the 12th and in the Moon sign, he is otherwise deemed to be harmful by general standards. But in the third round he will give happi.itess in the 12th from the Moon sign. The native will experience good effects for himself when the Moon sign is transited by Jupiter in the third round, but some ofhis kinsfolk will lose a child in their family.

Fourth Round: When Jupiter comes to. Pisces, he will be inauspicious in many ways and will give mental distress which applies to his progress in the first and last ten degrees. That is, in the middle ten degrees, he will not be harmful in Pisces.

There will be great calamity when Jupiter progresses through the sign Taurus in the fourth round. If during this transit, the dasa of 8th or 7th lord is also in progress, the troubles will be compounded miserably. In case of such a bad transit, Jupiter should not get the conjunction of Saturn. ·

If Jupiter moves in the Moon sign during his fourth round, the subject will incur the wrath of the-king and be involved iit quarrels. He will have gaiils of money and robes when Jupiter moves in the 2nd from the M~on sign. Some amount of distress and a mix of good and bad effects will exist when Jupiter. is found in the 3rd from the natal Moon. In the 4th, happiness and acquisition of progeny will come to pass. When in the 5th from the natal Moon, the planet will cause anguish and royal wrath for some time which will improve later. If he reaches the 9th, he will bring forth wealth. In the lOth from the natal Moon, he will destroy the native's enemies. In the 11th as well as in the 12th, one's wealth will increase.

Fifth Round: When in the Moon sign, he will cause anguish. In the 2nd from the sign, wealth Will flow. Transit in the 3rd from the Moon will produce happiness.

In the 4th from the natal Moon, Jupiter will increase one's prosperity and fortunes, more so in abundance for one born with

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the Moon Gemini. In the 5th round, Jupiter in the initial part of Aries will give

wealth. In Taurus, the prosperity will be much higher. Thus, the five Paryayas or rounds of transits have been

specially treated in certain special respects. Without taking into consideration any particular round,

Jupiter's transit on the Moon sign is described as under by texts in general. The person will have some change of place. He will be ever wandering, will incur enmity with mother, spouse; progeny and co-hom, and go through bad patches of health. He will nearly be humiliated. His articles will be lost. He will face opposition at each and every step.

q"if41:to4 ~ "i'f 'tf.WIJ{: I

~ '1'1~<?4 ~dl4ft~Hj} ~II ~o II 50. In the 2nd: The native will enjoy mental happiness,

increase of fame, good fortunes and acquiSition of money. He will spend on charities. These will be when Jupiter transits the 2nd place from the natal Moon sign.

Notes: With Jupiter in the 2nd piace from the Moon, the subject will additionally be respected by others. He will enjoy family happiness. His plans will be fruitful and he will professionally stand to gain. One may also acquire an off-spring.

~ ~ ~ ihicftsoi 1

~~~~:11~'111 51. In the 3rd: Jupiter's transit in the 3rd froin the natal

Moon will cause a lot of anguish, enmity with relatives, utter financial debacles, physical sickness, interruption of work, and .strife.

Notes: "Let one ·survive the transit of Jupiter in tne 3rd from the natal Moon" is the cryptic remark made by one of the ancient au,thorities, bringing to light the intensity of accompanying evils just as Varaha Mihira sees Venus in the 6th from the natal Moon sign as a horrible tiger! (It is a different matter, he used the word ·~·meaning tiger to fit in tactfully

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the class of meter of his poem, Sardula Vikriditam.) In detail, classical works speak of this transit in the following

manner. The person's place will be destroyed. Some of his near and dear will pass away. His spouse will incur dangers. He will face obstacle after obstacle in his work, but in the end will see suc.cess. He may lose health, progeny arid quadrupeds. His relatives. will blame him. He will be in the height of dejection. He will foolishly trust others and will stand to lose.

~ ~~IM a,jltnf-1 ·~ I ~k4Pi"''' ~ ~ ~: II ~~ II

52. In the 4th: During the transit of Jupiter in the 4th place from the natal Moon, the person will go abegging. He will be not mentally stable. His splendour (or physical energy) will be lost. He will spend away his money, will go away to a distantland and be involved in quarrels.

Notes: With this transit, additional results .will be as under. The subject will experience grief due to his kirisfolk. There will be danger to the person through quadrupe<ls and the like. He will serve others or be a subordinate to them. For most part, he will be in."exile" and earn displeasure of his mother, sp·ouse and progeny. His wealth will be endangered and there may be a death in the family.

· ~ ~ fCI<f>at<fd ·~ I .~ fcfSI"i~i'R§<i "''' q:;aq~ ¥f~it1 II ~ ~ II 53. In the 5th: When Jupiter transits the 5th from the

natal Moon, the person's efforts will be gainfui. He will acquire wealth, devoted to his work and be happy. He will also gain happiness through his relatives.

Notes: All-round auspiciouseffects, increase of intelligence, fame, progr~ss of progeny, higher position, association with men of Virtues, favours from the king, acquisition of gold and success over enemies willadditiomiliy result the above-mentioned transit of Jupiter.

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tm::~::rfctii>:W ~ if>&6f<:ten 1 ~ "'M'1~ li'lt!:il II ~g II 54 . .In the 6th: During the movements of Jupiter in the 6th

place from the natal Moon, one will not be in good terms with his wife and children. There will be litigations or disputes with relatives. He will be endangered through thieves, fire and ruler.

Notes: Evils in general, troubles from debts foes and diseases, greed, wicked propensities, obstacles in everything, failure and losses are the additional results. ""The native will forget what happiness was alike." - observes another ~xt.

Uiil~i:1'1t<l•ni .~ :an::r~ttoi 1 3Tlfle<t>l'!i~ft?a ~ li'l<{'¥111 ~ ~ II

55. In the 7th: During the transit of Jupiter in the 7th place from the natal Moon, one will visit the king (or will gain through higher-ups). He will enjoy sound health and be profound in character. His body will show signs of physical irowth and his desires will be fulf1lled.

Notes: The subject will, moreover, enjoy happiness through females. He will have important journeys, will gain a son and will experience all-round good results.

~ Jii=iJUaflt.it~i:4 I

f.:l¥ ~~~~II ~G II 56. In the 8th: Jupiter in transit in the 8th from the natal

Moon will produce danger through thieves, irre and king, and will destroy one's physique and prc;>fundity of character. The person will be cruel in speech, foolhardy and irascible.

Notes: The subject will have financial losses and face various kinds of evils. · He may incur some punishment or dishonour. His wife will be in trouble. Hls father may be on death-bed. His gold and lands will be lost .. He himself will be about to die.

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3'ltf ~ #i'C11<?5i'qR: ~ I A<:<•IF~:sJ:;ffiq<f>: "1+1~ ~'lt\:1<1 II ~ 1.9 II

57. In the 9th: When Jupiter transits the 9th place from the natal Moon, the native will have financial gains. He will follow the codes of his family, will gain ho\ising properties and quality food -and be l!VI!l" m the'~any of females.

Notes: With Jupiter journeying in the 9th from the natal Moon, the following will also come to pass. The native will be merciful and modest. He will gain in respect of progeny, spouse, learning, lands, houses, fame, ornaments and work. He will be deeply interested in pursuing Puranas and mythological stories. All kinds of fortunes will be ready to wed him. He will be much sought after by his friends and high-ups.

""'11"'4"il~il \0'1"1~: '¥U ~ ~ I f<:4'51~{eloi ~ ~ ~ '¥: 11 ~.:; n 58. In the lOth: During Jupiter's transit in the lOth from

the natal Moon, one's gr.ains and wealth will be destroyed (i.e. one will have huge debacles in respect of work and money). He will wander unfruitfully and will dishonour his kinsfolk.

Notes: The-person's progeny will be troubled. He will lose his lands and valuable articles. He may suffer disorders oflungs, cough, tuberculosis etc. ·

One good thing, if we may say so, will be that the person will go on pilgrimage (perhaps) in search of mental peace.

<i~i\~af<? d'51~4~ fit:sJ<R4j<.ct I ~l~"''i~i\ 'ir~(fi~{<t>lt::~l"ld ~ II ~~ II

59. In the 11th: During the movements of Jupiteli" in the 11th house, one's fame, strength and splendour will be on the increase. 'He will gain all-round success, will destroy his foes and gain through Mantras (or spiritually be successful). ·

Notes: The transit under discussion will also give birth of sons, gain of a place, golden ornaments, lands, auspicious events to family members and abundant prosperity. He will move in the circles of men of importance, will perform charitable activities.

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There will be a re-marriage in relevant cases.

~ij_&lo44:iGt Sll~lfcli'f.i41qoj I ~ -:q ~ gJ~~i'1:il ¥ II ~o II 60. Iq the 12th: When Jupiter moves in the 12th from the

natal Moon, the native will spend money on auspicious accounts. He will face difficulties in respect of sales of animals, will lose his place (or position)"and be in utter financial difficulties.

Notes: With Jupiter in the 12th from the natal Moon, the subject will incur troubles from wicked men on account of financial matters. His life may be in danger and he will be a victim of unexpected calamities.

Transits ofVenus:

~ q(~:fte,¥1HI4r I

4<::'1<t>l4f4 ~~ lf'!j+cf.lll ~'1 II 61. In the Moon Sign: Should Venus transit the natal

. Moon sign, the native will have financial gains, happiness, association with others' females and success in attempts.

Notes: In addition to the above, the subject will enjoy all kinds of pleasures, will buy gold, will provide·food to the needy and will speak in eloquent terms. The goddess ofwealth will shower on him blessings. He will befriend many women.

t~&<Stm<o4'11ij:uj. ~:fteewi 4~1f<f>i 1 flt!e1<o4 ~ fM'i4feilljO'!jf&*t_ II G~ II

62. In the 2nd: When Venus moves in the 2nd place from the natal Moon, the native will enjoy family happiness, health, chit-chats with females, physical felicity and robes.

Notes: Moreover, he will perform acts of charity and will gain costly articles like gnld, new robes and silver. Music will be of particular interest to him. He will enjoy all-round happiness.

In relevant cases, this will be a congenial transit for marriage.

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~ "' ~~~'!ft'4::fwt: I Ji<ihil'14"1<1fS~4 ~ ~ II ~~ II

63. In the Srd: Venus in transit in the 3rd place from the natal Moon will destroy cine's business as well as wealth; and will increase enemies .. The native will be wandering and be without suitable livelihood.

Notes: Our text commits a mistake here and attributes bad results to this transit whereas others speak of this transit as under. ·

Such Venus leads to acquisition of cows, robes, .properties, progeny, association with women, enjoyments etc. according to Y avana Jataka.

Another Tamil work relates this to happiness from friends, gain of gold; enlightened thinking, wealth, learning and various kinds of h~nours.

~nr.=nd ~......,_.;.~ "'"~'~..,~~~...,,..., ~"'~~"11~"1~~"1: I ~:il~*f>d.blif'a- fciEJIJi'le'i ~ ~: II ~g II

64. In the 4th: When the planet Venus transits the 4th place from one's natal Moon, he will act according to his own line ofthinking, be honoured by his kinsfolk, and will enjoy talks with females and intellectual discussions with spouse, progeny and others.

Notes; This transit will give happiness on account of spouse and progeny. One will enjoy various kinds of happiness.


~:~~~··~~·· 65. In the 5th: With Venus moving in the 5th place froDI! the natal Moon, one will gain through female slaves and servants. He will enjoy sweet food, and will gain cereals, wealth and articles of his choice.

Notes: One's business undertakings will ensure progress. The person will enjoy various kinds of pleasures.

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~tt~tt~:l ... 311416\em::pua ~ lfl= n ~E; n

66. In the 6th: Should Venus be in.transit in the 6th place from the natal MoO>n, enmity with others, troubles from adversarie.s, enmity with kinsfolk and weariness with spouse, progeny etc. will come to pass.

Notes: "'All the following in the possession ofthe native will be destroyed with Venus moving in the 6th from natal Moon -spouse, progeny, quadrupeds, ornaments, gold, silver and various other articles"' according to one particular text.

Further sources point out that the native will be a victim of some calamity. He will.develop a crooked disposition, be jealous of others, will lose his honour and health.

Oflf= <hlqfaefl ~= m j~•5flct4 , al'511~ il6il"iifd: ~ ~ ~ II E;\.9 II

67. In the 7th: When Venus journeys in the 7th place from the natal Moon, the subject will be subjected to distress, anger and an anguished living. He will incur venereal, urinary and other disorders.

Notes: The native's wife will have health disorders. His progeny will be a source of worry. His money will be lost. He will be in debts and will fall into undesirable company.

'S=~ 'f6tta<o<4 ~: I (1'51~f.:w~ifa&l'!illf"!flr~ II E;,. II 68. In the 8th: Should Venus transit the 8th place from the

natal Moon, one's grief will be destroyed and much happiness will exist. He will join his kinsfolk and friends. He will ~eet the J.:Uler.

Notes: Further, the person will enjoy the company of young females. He will acquire more wealth, particularly through womenfolk. His undertakings will be fulfilled. He will increase his learning and be more well-known.

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~ '1t:ls<l~4 ~I

~: ~ ~ lflt II~~ II 69. In the 9th: During the transit ofVenus in the 9th place

from the natal Moon, one will gain robes, be of sound health, devoted to elders and will perform deeds recommended for his religion. He will be of pure heart and his desires will be fulfilled.

Notes: The native will visit pilgrim centers. He will gain a beautiful spouse, soft silk ornaments, and gold.

o41't<"i ;lq f.lHR4'1ef011~i ~ I al~'lo4t:lf-l'11c;flfd ~1'1~ lf~d II 1.9o II

70. In the lOth: With transit Venus in the 10th place from the natal Moon, one will be agitated, untruthful and will lose his wealth. He will face fear from his enemies and be deprived of happiness from spouse.

Notes: His mind will not be stably set on any one thing. He will quarrel with others and will join others' women. He will have no professional gains but.orily some professional recognition.

:!l!f<'f>IPd ~ ~ldfilect>l4itfal~ I

~ ~ ~~il<t>i&~l ~ II 1.9'1 II 71. In the llth: Transit Venus in the 11th place from the

natal Moon will increase one's brilliance and fame. He will achieve his undertakings and will enjoy food made of milk (i.e. excellent food comforts).

Notes: Financial gains of extra-ordinary limits and sexual pleasures are attributed additionally to this transit.

~1atfts1 ~ ~ 1 'J?641~ e~(4l':;:jf41q;_g:JG:~If~ lflt II 1.9:( II

72. I:tt the 12th: With the transit Venus in the 12th place from the natal Moon, the subject will incur troubles on account of weapons and thieves apart from experiencing great fear or danger. He will also face destruction to his agricultural (or professional) activities.

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Notes:. Contrary to our text's version, we imd the following elsewhere in this connection.

The native will be in the company of attractive women, will gain gold etc., will enjoy bed pleasures, but will lose his "clothes". He will make money through articles related to sleeping comforts.

Transits of Saturn:

J::Jicytf4tffd~: l:Ff:~ ~ I

~ 'it ~ ~ ~ II 13~ II 73. In Natal Moon Sign: During the transit of Saturn in

the natal Moon, the native will lose his splendour (or physical energy) and mental balance. Trouble from diseases, enmity with kinsfolk and falling prey to vices will also result this transit of Saturn.

Notes: The transit of Saturn is the master key to analyse the transit effects of all other planets. Even Jupiter's transit is next to that- of Saturn only. With this in mind, we must know certain specifics concerning Saturn's movements.

Some useful tips have been-given about Saturn's death-inflicting role in the three classes of horoscopes, bound by life-span, in the notes tinder sloka 268 of chapter 2 supra. See more as under.

(a) If Satur.n's major or sub period in Vimsottari should be in rule, the effects stated for the transit of Saturn will be more pronounced.

(b) If the natal Moon sign is one ofTaurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius, Sade Sathi (7lh years Saturn) effects will not be so much harmful. Moreover, in the 2nd round,- Saturn will give abundant gains.

(c) Should Rahu, Mars or Ketu be in the same sign as transited by Saturn, the malefic effects will be stronger and good effects will slow down.

(d) In case of Jupiter's conjunction with the said Saturn, the reverse will be true.

(e) During a given transit, if Saturn undertakes his retrograde journey, good effects will be stalled.

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(f) If the Moon or the 8th lord is in the 8th house, Saturn's transit thereupon will bring forth untold miseries.

(g) Saturn's transit in the sign identical with the Navamsa Rasis of lOth lord, 6th or 8th lord will also produce difficulties.

(h) In the sign indicated by the Navamsa occupied by the 12th lord, danger to progeny will come to pass. -

(i) When it is the Navamsa Rasi of the 7th lord, danger to spouse or mother will come to pass.

(j) Note the Dvadasamsa occupied by the Sun or the Moon. When Saturn transits the correspondingRasi, danger to father or the mother as the case may be, will come to pass.

(k) Note the Navamsa occupied by H.ahu. Saturn's movement in the correspondingRasi will endanger paternal grand-parents.

(1) Similarly on Ketu's Navamsa Rasi, this transit will take away one's maternal grand-parents.

(m) When Gulika is in the 4th or the lOth at birth, Saturn's movement thereupon will bring forth danger to one's mother.

(n) Note the Drekkana occupied by Mars or Jupiter. Saturn in journey in the corresponding Rasi will trouble one's co-born.

(o) The first round of Sade Sathi will give maximum difficulties. The 2nd round will lead to prosperity coupled with some family death or adversities. The third round may endanger one's life-span.

Deva Keralam (English translation by R. Santhanam) enlists dozens of important rules "which the reader may refer to, for profit.

The following are additional effects in general for Saturn's transit in the natal Moon sign.

The subject will see his family members in agony. His livelihood will be disturbed. He will have unclean mind and unclean habits. His mind -will be set in self-destructive deeds. Some female in the family "Will incur obstacles to her pregnancy.

8dJii~i ~ ~ 4>14=11~1-i I e"'tRff<:C:51fiWi q14RI"**i ~ II 1.9B II 74. In the 2nd: The subject will be persistently in grief, will

incur enmity for nothing and will face loss of undertakings.

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There will be futile wanc;lerings. He will hate others and will develop sinful thoughts. These results will come to pass with the transit of Saturn in the 2nd place from the natal Moon.

Notes: With Saturn in the 2nd from natal Moon sign, the native will lose his articles and wealth. He may face difficulties with high-ups, spouse and progeny. His family peace will often

, be threatened. His men will be inimical to him. He will waste away his money.

aMM ';;f 'i"ffW:(ooQ i%4~<fif'&lft{i><!'('( I

~~~ll\9'i.ll 75. In the 3rd: When Saturn moves in the 3rd place from

one's natal Moon, one will enjoy pleasures with females (or with spouse), will incur mental happiness and achieve his undertakings with his intelligence and efforts. He will obtain a ·place of residence for himself and enjoy sound health.

Notes: The person will eliminate his enemies, will enjoy all-round happiness, will acquire marriage or progeny, will be Ncognised by others and will launch new and profitable ventures.

However, this particular transit will produce diseases of the ears, and troubles with brothers and sisters.

~l'FJ:~~~' !:t~c"h7!fti51 ';;f ~: II \9~ II

76. In the 4th: When Saturn moves in the 4th from one's natal Moon, he will cause colic with flatulence (Vaata Soola), mental distress, fear, loss of place and bodily troubles. There will be some delivery in the family.

Notes: With the said Saturn, following are more effects. -The native will incur various kinds of ni.iseries. His spouse, kinsfolk and wealth will decline. He will himself suffer from

. disorders of the heart. All his acts will be foolish. His bodily beauty will be destroyed. He may perform final rites to some family member.

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<t>14&1ArHhtN: li111'ao<il.:s4<t>C'>N<6 I ~: ~ li~~ II \!\! II 77. In the 5th: With Saturn's journey in the 5th from the

natal Moon, the native will fail in his undertakings, be mentally anguished, will have litigations with his kinsfolk, and troubles on account of union with mean women.

Notes: All ofhis happiness will be a~; a great discount. He will be stubborn, foolish, argumentative and greedy. His father will be endangered. The native will incur disappointments in respect of birth of progeny. He will be inflicted by vices.

~'i:f~l Eft61tO<i "!tif.l'ifoi "41!S~I+•Ia~~lf.l: II \!"' II

78. In the 6th: The native will incur progress in respect of money and grains (i.e. professional sphere). His relatives' happiness will increase. He will enjoy happiness on acc:ount ofhis wife and will construct (or acquire) a house. These will come to pass with Saturn's transit in the 6th from the natal Moon.

Notes: Moreover, the native will be relieved from grief. He will maintain sound.health (provided the 6th from the Moon is not ill-occupied at'birth or in transit).

~ cfteiSiilte -:q 3Fa:~ ~ 1 ~ ifOf(O~fl'i ~Uiif~I"'"I~~IA: II \!~ II 79. In the 7th: The person will be troubled by diseases,

evils, mental anguish, great fear and loss of wealth when Saturn journeys in the 7th place from the natal Moon.·

Notes: The person' will face danger through venereal diseases. He will have difficulties, losses concerning travels and an unpleasant change of place. He will be hard-hearted and will lose wealth in gambling or to eneinies.

"'Ht<t>t*tii"<W ~ ~: I ~~~ll.,oll.

80. In the 8th: Obstacles to various undertakings, troubles

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from diseases, decrease of wealth and fear ofuntimelydeath will result the movements of Saturn in the 8th place from the natal Moon.

Notes: His progeny and relatives will be a source of his unhappiness. He wil). be addicted to falsehood, vices, and evil companies etc. He will be disposed to cheat others and will incur humiliation and disrespect from others. There may be some family death. .

-m iFf 1lQTS=~ <tCIRI<:'!_s:>o4 <tCIRI~W.ci 1

fCI&RfCI$11?!2i ~ !21f.l~~{ II .:;'/ II 81. In the 9th: With Saturn's movements in the 9th from

one's natal Moon, there will be grief and diseases for the native. He will have some financial gains {lnd some happiness in general. Distress concerning spouse and progeny will also exist.

Notes: While our text shows gainsinmoneymatters, there are authorities to state that poverty will cripple him. In fact, this transit gives loss of money.

Moreover, the subject will· face hindrances in his religious pursuits and will perform questionable deeds. He will have a revolting tendency.

o4i<Jci !2it<t>eaJq: 414'j'Ei\"ifctoc;'1<fi I '!>IS4Jfd:ecifcloc;;i ':t:( ~ 11Q:<>I:§~ II .:;~ II 82. In the lOth: Bewilderment, grief, distress, sins,

obstacles to work and loss of agricultural undertakings will be given by transit .Saturn in the lOth place from the natal Moon.

Notes: The subject will be associated with questionable women. He will be defied by others. His name and fame will be at stake.

~ dl~~fk04Citf.:i I

~ Q<#IG:!2i"ld m II .:;~ II 83. In the 11th: When Saturn journeys in the 11th place

from the natal·Moon, he will grant health, financial gains,

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increase ofhappiness related to spouse arid children, pure heart and desired articles.

Notes: · The native will also be honoured by high-ups. He will enjoy abundant family happiness and will establish good terms with his kinsfolk. Long-term enmities will vanish. He will enjoy pleasures with others' wives.

"1Hl'!lf44"'1;~ ~;I

f.t~4ticll& ~ ~ ~ II z;~ II 84. In the 12th: With the transitofSaturn in the 12th from

the natal Moon, one will lose his honour, be anguished, will have limited agricultural (professional) gains and limited food. He will be ever in the grip of strife and penury.

Notes: The native will incur danger to his life. He will experience various kinds of grief, losses, obstacles etc. His intelligence, health and all will be lost.

Transit Effects of Rahu & Ketu: Our text does not give effects of nodal transits. In order that the reader has complete information on transit at his disposal, I am giving below effects ofRahu - Ketu transits with reference to natal Moon.

Sripathi gives terse effects. Rahu in the 1st - fear; 2nd -quarrels; 3rd fortunes; 4th - loss of honour; 5th - mental derangement; 6th- much happiness; 7th-fear from government; 8th -loss of wealth; 9th- distress; lOth- quarrels; lith- abundant wealth and 12th - destruction. ·

Ketu in the 1st- diseases; 2nd -enmity; 3rd- happiness; 4th - fear; 5th - purity of character; 6th - wealth; 7th - sexual enjoyments; 8th - sinful acts; 9th - diseases; lOth - grief; 11th -disease and 12th - enmity.

While the above is a brief description, we have some more detailed information from elsewhere.

Rahu in the Moon sign: The native will be involved in unexpected quarrels. He will not enjoy good terms with his own spouse and will not have a firm place of living. His wealth will be lost. ··

Rahu in the 2nd: The subject, his spouse, or progeny will incur danger from poison. His speeches will bring him troubles. He will have dental problems and will be cheated by others.

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Rahu in the 3rd: Th,ere will be a possibility of marriage for the native. He will have fmancial gains. All his undertakings will be instantly fruitful His fear and diseases will be destroyed.

Rahu in th.e 4th: The person will be grieved. Happiness will abandon him. He will have abdominal and eye disorders. His mother will be endangered.

Rahu in the 5th: He will lose the confidence ofhis employers or people connected with his profession and will be humiliated by women. His kinsfolk will be subjected to evils. His diseases will be difficult to be cured. His marriage will be at stake.

Rah.u in the 6th:· He will enjoy happiness through women. His financial gains will specially emanate from the western direction. He will be able~ pay of debts. His diseases will vanjsh. He will commence new undertakings.

Rahu in the 7th: He will have misunderstandings with his wife and members of the fair sex. There. will be unexpected calamities, unpleasant changes and difficulties galore.

Rahu in the 8th: He will face danger to life-span, humiliation etc. His friends, spouse and progeny will be in danger. He will befriend mean people secretively and will fall to a bad path. He will be inimical to virtuous people. His wealth will be lost and he may be troubled by small-pox, poisonous insects, infectious diseases etc.

Rahu in the 9th: The native will have unpleasant terms with his brothers and sisters. He will have success in profession, only through mean and "questionable people. He may be troubled by long-lasting diseases.

Rahu in the lOth: Professional debacles, visit to pilgrim centers, mental distress and association with mean people will follow this transit.

Rahu in the 11th: He will gain through women and will be successful in foreign trips, or trips to distant lands. He will enjoy various kinds of pleasures and will invest in ornaments and the like.

:aahu in th.e 12th: He will have a disadvantageous change of place, be troubled.by diseases, particularly relating to blood, will incur fear from mean people and will have financial losses. In relevant cases, it is mated, the native nuiy die in sleep.

In respect of above transits of Rahu, if he moves on the

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natal positions ofthe Moon, Jupiter, Mars, or Mercury, the evil propensities originally intended will increase.

Rahu's transit in general on the natal Sun will cause worries about father, and on the Moon about mother.

Ketu in the 1st: The movement of Ketu in the natal Moon smn will produce meaningless wanderings. The native may look like an ascetic in appearance. He will be highly cunning in disposition and ·will ever hatch evil plans~

Ketu in the 2nd: One will betray his spouse and progeny. His bodily felicity will decline. His form of appearance will decline. He will be involved in severe arguments on intellectual matters marked by impertinence. He will lose temper instantly.

Ketu in the 3rd: He will have professional advancements and will gain wealth. His honour will increase. Pilgrimages will form part of his priorities. ·

Ketu in the 4th: His mother will be endangered. He will be humiliated in vario~s ways and will have unpleasant and unprofitable changes. He may gamble and cheat others. But he will gain in education.

Ketu in the 5th: The native will suffer from health disorders like jaundice, contraction of liver and severe stomach pains. He · may also suffer from epilepsy or loss of consciousness. He will blame learned and virtuous men and turn highly irreligious.

Ketu in the 6th: The person will have all-round gains in work and money matters but may be· endangered through accidents, injury, fall, loss of blood etc.

Ketu in the 7th: He may face danger of diseases relating to memory and brain. His family life will be full of unhappiness and sorrow. He will wander without gains and will be blamed by one and all.

Ketu in the 8th: The person will incur enmity with siblings, father and friends. His life may be endangered through poison poisonous insects and horned animals and his difficulties will be akin to death. Surgery, loss of money, ulcer, itches, loss of consciousness etc. will also strike him down.

Ketu in the 9th: The native will be intensely on pilgrimages and will worship various gods. His father will face evil after evil. Maternal relatives will be troubled. The person himself will acquire more learning but will look more like a fool His co-born

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will go through patches of bad luck. Ketu in the lOth: There maybe an occasion to perform last

offices to a close relative. More and more evilS and inability to stick to one place will be additional effects.

Ketu in the 11th: The person will undertake profitable journeys to distant lands and foreign countries. He will visit many pilgrim centers and become highly spiritual. He will show deep interest in the study of ancient Sastras and will perform charities and meritorious activities.

Ketu in the. 12th: One will go from place to place in search of livelihood but will not su~ceed. His troubles will suppress his desire to survive. He will'be quite unstable in disposition.

Generally speaking, without reference to particular place from the Moon, if Ketu moves on natal Mars or natal Jupiter, auspicious results will follow. The Sun or Venus so .transited will bring forth debacles. Mercury this way transited by Ke.tu will cause diseases of spine or inability of physical movements or a high degree of mental tension and uneasines.

From the above we observe, that the nodes are good in 3rd, 6th and 11th places like Saturn and Mars. Th~ Vedha places for these good transits are in order 12th 9th and 5th just as forr Saturn and Mars. The Sun's not obstructing Saturn does not anywayy apply to the nodes.

End of chapter 3 in Jyotisharnava Navanitam

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Chapter 4

Ashtaka Varga

<tn 'I:T<U c6"f Cf~R"d"'R'fl~ J:t;'fi<!6Uj<'f)(lf& ~: I ~ mr ~ -~= actiecfij ~ ~: 11 .. '1 11. ~ 11 <'6rfct:tctc::rfct-:ICfCirfitclsa<tlfJelr ,, 1 - llh. Samudaya AshtakaYarca: 48, 49, 39, 54, 56, 52

and 39 are the total Bindus (benefi~poitjta) in the Sarva.shtaka Vargas of the various planets commei}i-.ingCroni the Sun (i.e. the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jtipiter~'V~nus and'Saturn).

Notes: The term "Bindu .. ln our text·itzwtes !lUSpicious or. benefic points while some texts use the wor..: 'ltekha" to denote benefic points. · . ,

The entire Ash taka Varga method has bee_q well treated in Sambhu Hora Prakasa (English 'translation by'R. S~nthanam) wherein much attention has been devoted to every angle. of Ashtaka Varga including specific Ashtaka Varga da.sa, hindu effects, accurate method of reductions, life-span calculations etc .. etc. which the interested reader may consult.

)i~IVII<fl f.l61i1<6fal~: ~ 'f"ifdN"iqi&;::ik: II ~ II ~ ~ 1'~11Ci1M(O~k<'6&Ci1:i o4"l'E'>"'H8rf.l 1 ~'{<'II~Ni4 o<!~fcht&I'*§!.<'ISIG:(Oal~i( fai;:qq~ II ~ II J:!go€1&1~d&IWI ~ i><t4~aq:;aR!~: I

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'*'tfet~q;f'j "'fqifltH:rt\&~q ~"AI'1fa"<f'14~i!GI&illiHif.l II g II

eeafet<it.='i!("iifa:<u4 o~!Caici lCCfi~<t><lffi 1 ~lsefil~~ioJifiroq) a~P?>~.::r<i cq~c:(;lfd&t"l: II 1( II 2-5. Bhh1nasbtaka Varga- General: (a) Should there

be one'Bindu (in a sign occupied by a planet in general), the native will be fear-stricken and. will wander (aimlessly).

(b) With two Bidnus, there will be distress due to rulers and thieves.

(c) With three Bindus, wandering, loss of energy and mental angUish will come to pass.

· (d) With foUr Bind us, the native will experience happiness as well as unhappiness. He will earn wealth but will also incur (wasteful) expenditure.

(e) With five Bind us, acquisition of quality robes, caressing one's children; association with gentle folk, learning and wealth will be the effects.

(f) With six Bind us, the person will be exceedingly attractive and virtuou$. He will beget success in wars (or litigations, disputes etc.) and will acqui:i-e fame, conveyances and energy:

(g) With seven . Bitidus, one will possess horses (i. e. conveyances), royal honour and bravery.

(h) With eight Bind\ls, the person will enjoy supreme virtues (like-Lord Rama), be charming, honoured by Indra, the god of gods, and will earn ab;undan~ fame and gains.

Notes: These Bindus are of Bhinriashtaka Varga of a planet in general, ~ obtained after the two reductions, viz. Trikona and Ekadhipatya Sodhanas. The. concept in the original is open to more than one interPretation.

i4CjJ:~NJiilA: ~- ffifqa<l?4<41 I <flg~<~tcflst·"'f ~~: II G II . .

6. Effects of Bindus in Sarvashtaka Varga: Should there be 14 Bindus, loss of good effects will come to pass. 15 Bindus will capse povEirty. There will be troubles and diseases to oody if the Bindus are 16. .•

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' Cl:~ ~ 88®1~: ~ ~ 'li\mt I

~ ~ ifi<"J''"%A~~IId: II IS II 7. With 17Bindw, griefwillc;ome to pass. Decline of wealth

for 18 Bindus, and troubles from relatives for 19 Bindus will be the effects.

~~k41<t>&~!lltfil: o<qqi;nfi4q((J:{q: I ij.4:itfa>t ~ =il!!Wto<i ~~II z; II

8. QuarrelS, expenditure and humiliation will be the results for 20 Bindus. Loss of consciousness (i.e. coma tic phases), loss in efforts and loss of happiness should be foretold for 21 Bindus.

31f1>~41'J~'g~ \M ~ ~ ~ I :t<il~~~la~o4t!tf.IA't+'i'4di ~ u ~ 11

9. If there are 22 Bindus, there will be troubles till the end of life, loss of courage and humiliation. For 23 Bind us, the results are loss of wealth and lack of energy. ·

51<l<4f4ifl"11H ~: I ~ .. ~~:alaa<tf~t!lltc;:'144&tf.l<::: 11 'o u 10. With 24 Bindus, poverty; with 25 Bindus, harm to

quadrupeds, grains and wealth; and with 26 Bind us, anguish and loss of wealth be foretold.

eq~ciea~~k414( ~ ~ 1 =i<.tfct~tR\~("llCf>'r.;J4dJqfaqJ=i<.t: II '1'1 II I I. With 27 Bindus there will be equality of good and bad,

28 Bindus - acquisition of wealth and 29 Bindus - world-wide honour.

~: ~'to<Ojq'j(.'l§ 8¥C::1Qq(('1cf: I

~q;~~ldl ~ ~ ~II 'I~ II

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12. Incomparable happiness, and humiliation at some time through near and dear will result 30 Bind us. 31 Bind us will bring forth happiness, wealth and cereals.

t;:tf:i~l~ok#il'!o:z:i ~ (J611f'd:licr4di I • "141r4~1!Weflffl ~ II 'I~ II

13. One will enjoy happiness, gains and royal honours with 32 Bindus. Acquisition of wealth and greatness will come to pass with 33 Bindus. ·

'<4<jfa~t~<ertfil: <161'!611 ~·ft'11P<=la: 1 q§Jf:i~tf!lra,eulceRI<fl CIT lOOffcliS4fd II ·n:~ II

14. Thirty-four Bind us will cause wealth, royal honour and happiness. One will be a minister with 35 Bindus.

((cr41fd:C6 W!lflfGW>( qc;;_f:i~lf.ilr((<:l: I

~ fair<le<o41 ~ ~ II 'l'i. II 15. One will attain a kingdom or similar results with 36

Bindus. Bind us beyond this number will surely make one a king.

~ ~ ~11=flil~l6'l ~ I ~~:~~:mt·m: II 'It; II 16. In the (Ashtaka Varga) dasa of a planet, having no

Bindus (in the sign occupied by it in its Bhinnashtaka Varga), and in the dasa of a planet in inimical sign or in debility, the following effects will come to pass: Diseases, loss ofwealth, grief etc.

~~l'j<o4"JI$ ~ <IGJ ~~f.\~!{!,r"'f .. Jii '!i<lRf; I ~ ~ ~JIC!il,.llfu: \Of4i<j'><"'>lf.\ II '1\9 II

. 17. In the Bhinnashtaka Varga of the Sun and others, if there be zero Bindus in the sign occupied by Saturn, the person

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will be troubled by excess of bile, serious diseases, fear and distress.

Notes: This is one of the most useful hints. Suppose Saturn is in Sagittarius at birth. In no planet's Bhinnashtaka Varga, there should be zero Bindus in Sagittarius. l?hould there be zero Bindu in anyone planet's Bhinna Ashtaka varga, after the two reductions, the native will betroubled by diseases etc. as suggested in the original.

~~~~; ¥~11"jf'lr;q .. <l ~ -:q Wit ~ f\q~ef6ala:<~j} ~ -~~~~:·II 'I'" II 18. Planets & Ashtaka Varga: (a) If th~ Sun is with

inimical or debilitational division and is in the rising sign which has 4 Bindus, the person will incur diseases.

(b) If the ascendant has five or more Bindus and the Sun is placed therein which is his own or exaltation sign (i.e. Leo or Aries), the native will be a king and be long-lived.

Notes: In reading the material related to Ash taka Varga in any standard ancient text book, 1 to 8 Bindus refer to the concerned planet's Bhinna Ash taka Varga. Sometimes, the text would specify if the BA V used ·is of a different planet .

. · 4i .. s:;:f:tl<t~oflq"ra ~ "'if.q§Jee I @!if> 1\q~<:t:if r 't's::>l'1<1;ft("}GI("}is&4i'3 ~ CIT ~~"1<f>f4 ~: II 'I~ II 19. Death: The Sun should be in an angle or a trine which

has 6 or 5 or 7 Ash taka Varga Bindus. Then during the native's 11th, 34th, 7th or 33rd year, he or his father will incur death.

W:41CII~II!! g:<:rf\q .. ~ 4i..a!f\\ld (l,.<l61(j_4q411

l11'!G:41s&kq(dHI'f~ ~ ~· ~4'1ii<l<4f: II ~o II 20. Prosperity ofFather: If the two planets, viz. Mercury

and Saturn, join in an angle which has two Ashtaka Varga

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Bindus after reduction (in the Sun's Bhinna Ashtaka Varga), the father, during the native's 4th or 18th year, will acquire kingdom and abundant wealth.

~4141"11( d<fUt:n~tom!AJf ~ I lfffi ~ 8Cfi&~¥fcl<64fUi ~4i.;s4'11§: II ~'I II 21. Prohibited Phenomena: The months (signs in transit

by the Sun) indicated by the signs having zero Bindus in the Sun's Ashtaka Varga should be avoided for all auspicious functions by the native. So also the Rasis (i. e. the days and Nakshatras) denoted by Moon's transit) which have no Bindus in the Moon's Ashtaka Varga.

4~ ~ ajl:'t<t>mlf~ I

Rf~ffiaffi!llii\R~tt(Uj ~~<.~C::tf<\ "'if II ~ ~ II 22. One will suffer from pulmonary disorders if the Moon is

in the ascendant with one, two or three Bindus. If the Moon is (additionally) associated with two or three planets, the person will face his death in 7th or 30th year.

C$~lonq"ld ~ eft:qtR~ <3:<;0<6d51rc.tft"l I ~~:t~ CfJ ~ ~fal=-<a . d~i<FII!li Cfiet4Pd ~: II ~~ II

23. Annihilation of Bhava Effects: Should the Moon be in an angle or a trine, having 2 or 3 Bind us, identical with debility or inimical sign (the latter by five·foldrelationship}, or with older age (i. e. with decrepit rays from Krishna Paksha Ekadasi to Sukla Panchami), the Bhava in question will be destroyed.

~~f~faH~id 'f>lUi'i:f'jf!4 <u· I ~~~.~~~:II~~ II

24. Prosperity of a Bhaya: If the Moon is strong (with digital strength) .and is in a trine, an angle or the 11th house with four to seven Bindus, the prosperity of that Bhava will exist.

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fa4rg:e4; ~ 4;r¢;•Jd ~ ~; ~'Wgte.fll~tel ~ ~: I t:<flilf<tjj ~ {!'<.cflC::<lttH<Ud fGI;:g:M; ~~II ~'i. II

25. Kotiswara Yoga: The Moon in an angle with eight Ashtaka Varga hindus will grant learning, longevity, wealth, fame and wide kingdom. If the Moon is in exaltation, or in own sign, having eight Ash taka Varga Bindus, identical with the 4th house, ascendant or .the lOth house, the native· will-acquire a crore of wealth. (i.e. plenty of wealth). ·

"'llqi51fet!'!~ICfifct I¥J<iie~ I ~ "i:j~I!!4Cf)e)lq~ld ;:r mtl II ~~ II fGirg:ejj ~ ·;:r ~ I ttiOlS<!i<tl ~ ;:r qt}qRif411. 11 ~\9 ·II

51Jdls<to:ft~J1&il ~ ~ 1 f<flUfcf(l~te~d iq'CfSf><tdflt ~ r; II

26 - 28. (a) If Mars is in the ascendant identical with Sagittarius, Aries, Le9, Capricorn or Cancer with four ~htaka Varga Bindus, the native will be a king. -

(b) If there are eighJ Ashtaka Varga hindus in the sign occupied by Mars, the native will be the head of a small k1ngdom. If the said sign is identical with the lOth house_ or the ascen_dant, he 'will be a king. · ·

(These clues in 'b" are iridependent of "a" above.) (c) IfMars is exalted or is in own sign (with 8 Ash taka Varga

hindus), one born in a royal family will become an emperor.

Cf>•s::fi!<tMl ~r~Cf; ~ 511Ji4~al~~~~n<:>il I

f<flUifd:<li<t>~d<!RIIGI~ ~: II ~ ~ II 29. (a) If Mercury is in an angle or a trine with eight.

Ashtaka Varga hindus, the subject will receive education befitting the family ofhis birth. He will enjoy abundant pleasures

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l!.s well. <bl If Mercury is in exaltation with Ieven) one, two or three

Ashtaka Varga hindus, the Bhava in question, will only prosper but will not face destruction.

Notes: (b) Generally, 5 Bindus and above are required for a Bhava to prosper in case of various planets. But our text excludes Mercury from this stipulation and gives the condition that even one Bindu is sufficient in case Mercury is in exaltation.

~ 4:t<l~~ ~ ~ fclt~l4><f41~ I ~rh::u{oliilf4 {!_P<IIC'>4Pif ~ GP<jiiilldtiqfa:MI: II 3o II

30. (a) Note maximum number of Ashtaka Varga points in the Ashtaka Varga of Mercury. Education commenced in that Rasi (with transit Moon therein) will grant learning (i.e. related results).

(b) Note the sign which has no Bindus in Mercury'sAshtaka Varga. When Saturn comes into that sign in his transit, the subject will lose his relatives and wealth.

'5flqiM<4 &~fiil .. s ~161q4ia ~t\<!'('IIR<lc» ~ fcl=tl::!l('lif?l I q52JI'~Jef"'1; R~o44( .. ~ ~ :::!ll('lfiHig{fd fcliilad1R<:fif411_ II 3't II

31. (a) If the 'sign occupied by Jupiter registers less number of Bindus (i.e. less than four) in Jupiter's Ashtaka Varga, all auspicious (i.e. favourable) results will only be delayed and destroyed.

(b) If there be 5 to 8 Ashtaka Varga Bindus in the sign occupied by Jupiter in Jupiter"s Ash taRa Varga, and if Jupiter is placed (even) in the 6th,.8th or 12th house, the native will enjoy longevity, exceeding wealth and success over his adversaries.

'5fi<fr~ fal"'1;{1:.!a C'>i ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ <;c~'i:llfg>: II 3~ II 32. (a) Note the sign having maximum number of Ashtaka

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Varga Bindus in the Bhinna Ashtaka Varga of Jupiter. 'rbe impregnation ceremony conducted in such an ascendant will be fruitful.

(b) If one's home is acquired in that direction (as indicated by the Rasi as at '"a'" above), one will acquire abundant quadrupeds, wealth and cereals (i. e. he will be exceedingly prosperous living in such a home).

~~q~~ il>o:s::ff~ " '!j'@'llct~~ I ~·fclq<:(l~]


51k1f¥'tl4 ~ lf!-~qfaf4kf. II ~~ II 33. Jupiter should be .in exaltation or in own sign, with

eight Ashtaka Varga hindus, identical with an angle or the 9th house. He should avoid debilitationaland inimical divisions, and should not be in combustion. One born in this Yoga will enjoy fame and will be a ruler of the world (or a kingdom).

M8RH~HUR"Sl9cil~ ~ ~: I "4\'tRf~<:\> ctltHFcl~ctra: aq;,Jfit~ JW~("Sq;::a: II ~t:t- II

34. (a) If Jupiter is endowed with virtues (as described in the previous verse) and acquires seven Ashtaka Varga Bindus, the subject will acquire much wealth through women (or through marriage).

(b) With six Bindus, one will enjoy conveyances and wealth. (c) He will be timid in disposition, if there are only five

Bindus for Jupiter as above.

mefi~H~tfi(")<hlol4;;:s::~ ~ ~ <itiictltHII':R: I

:jji¥1~'1Fcl&ia ~ ~ 6~dll!!faH§b II ~~ II 35. Raja Yoga etc.: IfVenus enjoys eightAshtaka Varga

Bindus while being ·in an angle or a trine, one will be endowed with numerous conveyances, longevity, excellent pleasures, wealth and precious stones.

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Notes: The term "Ashta Bindu"or "8 Bindus" erroneously appears twice in the original

;ft<qffdfNq; ~ ~ ~ I

~ ~faqfd<fiJI f4"fl~lf4kl. II 31:; II 36. Nullification: The above-stated Raja Yoga, i.e.

favourable' yoga, Will stand nullified it' Venus is in debility, in combustion or in the 8th/12th.

Notes: It is not understood why the 8th and 12th are chosen whereaS the.se are not a part of the Yoga. Only an angle or a trine can form the basis of Yoga. Or it may mean that in the 2nd, 3rd, 6th, and 11th it gives similar results as per verse 35 which concept is apparently logical.

:yq>l~~~d 'frf'a<ta.fJCf~ I ~ *'1"114'16 ~: II ~\9 II 37. Bed-Room: It is commendable to have the room for

union with one's spouse in the direction indicated by the sign having 7 Bindus in the Ashtaka Varga of Venus.

<#\u(~"'' ?{!_r:l'ld'((l~l"ld ~ · ~ I ~ '!oc~lfi(")¥!1i{J ~ <n II ~r:; II 38. If in Saturn's Ashtaka Varga, one ofthe trines (i.e. the

5th or the 9th from the ascendant) has no Bindus and Saturn is placed in such a trine, the native will incur effects equal to death or will lose his wealth. .

Notes: This verse is to be understood thus. For example, in a Cancer Lagna horoscope, Saturn is in Scorpio or Pisces and there are no Bindus in the particular sign in Bhinna Ashil;lka varga of Saturn.· Then the effect stated.will materialise.

This verse is also -open to a second interpretation. Note the sign occupied by, Saturn at birth and see if the said sign has no Bindus in the Bhinna .Ashtak.a Varga of Mars. For, the term "Kona" also means·Mars. .. .. "

r·4 !'(.'· -·.-.·:.~-'."~'·.-··· -~~-

·,. 0- I

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lt'f>f"dm ~afil~ga ~ , ~ (f<t~<'q•ug: n ~~ 11 39. Short-Life: If Saturn is in an angle or in exaltation and

is associated with 1, 2 or 3 Ashtaka Varga Bindus, the native will be short-lived. ~ fal~affla ·~ ~ 1 51Pitifa <1:~ • 5i"FII~IotFtil({ II Bo II

40. Grief From Birth: If Saturn is endowed with strength. is placed in the asce.ndant and acquires five or six Bindus in his Bhinna Ash taka Varga, one will incur abundant grief right from his birth· and will lose his kinsfolk (untimely).

11-'<l ~RI~ ~ ~ I 51idltRF~p:RI~~'1"1CC,.\%ra II B'l II

41. Longevity: If Saturn acquires five or more Bindus in. his Bhinna Ash taka Varga and is in debility or is in the 6th house, one will enj9y a long lease of life. So ~o when Saturn is in an angle with the divisions of exceedingly benefic planets .•

Notes: In this verse '~" means five like the term '-anvl". The Hindu god of Love, Manmatha or Kama Deva has five arrows. Hence these two terms indicate the number five. In Katapaya system ·~· means 1; i.e. the ascendant.

'iC:j~;floq .. li\il ~R~&falr<{l &iFtil(d~ af<t(jfd"14 ~ I

Jt~~affla ~ ~ ~ P1ftfal~ ~ ~ II B~ II 42. (a) Attached to maid-servants: If Saturn is in

combustion, inimical sign or debility and is with 4 or 5 Ash taka Varga Bindus, the native will be ill-associated with maid-servants (or low elru;s women}.

(b) Should Saturn be associated with 8 Bindus in his Bhinna Ashtaka Varga, the. native will be the head of villages or a town· and be a Tantrika; with 7 Hindus, he will be quite rich.

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•mos::gj ~ 3BH1h1P-itl~ 1 ~ fil1!1'1Hi ~ ~'f{ctusfr.ts4d II l:$~ II

q;cf;alfctct&ki ~ M<i<t4osfilt>4d 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ <t<'IU5filt>4d II l:$l:$ II 43 - 44. Three Khandas or Zones: The three zones as

being explained hereunder should f"rrst be examined (before declaring Ash taka Varga effects). The f"rrst zone is from Pisces to Gemini; the second one is from Cancer to Libra; and the third one is from Scorpio to Aquarius.

Notes: There are three different schools of thought on Khanda Traya or three A V zones.

Our text takes Pisces through Gemini, and the like as three different zones.

Some texts classify the f"rrst four houses from ascendant as IJISt Khanda, 5th to 8th houses from the ascendant as second Khanda, and 9th to 12th houses as third Khanda.

There is yet another view. The 12th, 1st, 2nd and 3rd are f"rrst Khanda, 4th to 7th are second Khanda, and 8th to 11th are 3rdKhanda.

It is difficult to say which one is right. For effects ofKhandas as per our text, see notes under verse

45 below.

''11311'!'fo4<i ~ ~l!fjO~~ Si'bc-441:_ I qjq'm.ie'"li~G m ~ ~I ~~%~~~~~~ gx 11 45. Effects: Ignore the three houses, viz. the 6th, 8th and

12th houses from the ascendant in these three Khandas or zones. The zone having predominant malefic occupation will yield malefic results. Benefics will increase favourable effects. Both benefics and malefics in a zone will give mixed results.

Notes: The reference here is to Sarvashtaka Varga Hindus, i.e. the·"gross Hindus in the various planets' Bhinna Ashtaka Vargas added up together.

Note down the total Bindus in the 4 signs from Pisces to

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Gemini which is the first zone. The ones in the 4 signs from Cancer to Libra denote the acquisition in second zone. Lastly the third zone comprises of the total Bindus in the 4 signs from Scorpio to Aquarius.

The first zone represents first l/3rd oflife-span (calculated through mathematical means, viz. one of Ashtaka Varga Ayu, Amsayu eic. ); the s_econd zone represents the 2nd slab oflife-span and the third zone represents the last 113rd of life-span.

If benefic planets are predominant in a particular zone, that part of life will bring forth good effects. The zone having more midefic influences will give adverse effects in that particular one-third part of life. Mixed planets will give mixed effects.

In seeing occupation of malef"Ics and benefics, the 6th, 8th and the 12th are to be ignored. It is understood that one zone will have no evil house, one zone ~ill have only one evil house, and yet another one will have two of the three evil houses. Our ~xt suggests exclusion ofBindus in the three evil houses, viz. 6, 8 imd 12 whereas some texts do not add the 6th house "to the list of exclusion. The addition of" 6th house is only correct. ~,

~IGJCI~ 'if arocU faFG:cU ~~I 1:1\:.~ "' ("Cf('qfai.<lf<uci\..jl i51f'&f>l ~: II ~E; II <:JFl 5'i'64>51Jd:. 311&1Cfrd 'if <fl:oJCII1_ I 1:1\:.~"' tfl+!~:ok<=n<lci ~ ~ 11 ~'-9. 11 46- 47. Damaruka Yoga & Effects: Damaruka Yoga is

formed if there are more Bindus in the first and third zones (as in the three zones mentioned in the previous slokas) while the middle zone (Cancer to Libra) has less number of Bind us. One having this yoga will enjoy prosperity in the first and last parts of life. In the middle part of life, there will be reduced prosperity.

31TG1 ""' IGI·~("("q('qf("(Oj(I'J.. 1:1\:.<Pl ~ ~: I 3Rt ~ m..r: 4il6d.i'1l'i4i: II ~,.. II

~ 4ii6&il<flil 31TG1 fCk"iW<j ~ I ll\:.~4"1ffi"!o4f4i&•d (l;:s<OIWcj ~ II ~~ II

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48 • 49. Kaahala Yoga: The first zone with less Bindus, the second one having more Bindus than the first one, a:ad the third one having still more Bii!.dus than the second one will cause a Yoga called Kaahala Yoga. One born in this Yoga will enjoy less happiness in the fu-st one-~d part of life, mediocre happiness in the middle of life and a kingdom (or exceeding happiness) in the last one third part of life.

~ iili5COOI<6 ~~ii<=i!"'ifa:HF'I: I ~41'1-"ffa:i=t~: cfton4\Jils44j..,4d 11 ~o 11

cflon;q)~!'l&ldf4 )Oji'Riq1<6¥i&~'t 1

l:fl:.~ f4>f~J{;;ta:ti ~ f<:f(.>q~'<."i "ffill.ll ~'I II 50 • 51. Veena Yoga: This Yoga is caused under the

following circumstances: There should be maximum Bindus in the frrst zone, the second one should have lesser Bindus, and the third one should have the least number ofBindus. One born in this Yoga will enjoy maximum fortunes in the frrst one third oflife which will gradually decline iq. the next two slabs of life.

311&JCfrd "if l=f'::-lf ~~~I e<:ti'4\"'il ~ ~ eijG:nta: 11 ~~ 11 e<:t~·<lljj ~ ech>® ~: ·1

~1"'41fuiqRI{'f)t'qlqdl~: II ~3 II 52 • 53. Sarvanga Yoga: If there are equal number of

Bindus in all the three zones (i. e. in all the three Khandas), Sarvanga Yoga is formed. One born in this Yoga will uninterruptedly enjoy wealth, cereals etc.

Notes: The total numberofBindus contributed by 7 planets will always be 337. (The ascendant's contribution of 49 points is not used in general Sarva Ashtaka Varga but in life-span calculations.) Thus, there may not be mathematically eq~al number of Bindus in the three zones. There will be one Bindu more in a particular Khanda, than the other two.

End of 4th chapter in Jyoti.sharnava Navanitam

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Chapter 5


~ ~ ~ ;ft:q('j~ I ~ en ;ft:q(i~l ~ II '1 II

l1<4~1q~ ~~I ~ at{'l)Bf6ijl ~ ~IIW~'l!l~ ~: II ~ II 1 • 2. (a) 6th & 8th Lords: If the lords of the 6th and 8th

be in debility, or if their dispositors are in debility, the person will be the chief of kings.

(b) Perennial Wealth: The native will enjoy uninterrupted weaith, if the lord of the 9th house is endowed with. strength.

Notes:. (a) Both the evils lords, viz. 6th and 8th lords, should occupy their debilitation degrees. Or else, the dispositors of these tYI"o planets may·be itt their debilitation degrees. This Yoga will grant one a superior positiop giving wealth, :power and the like.

(b) "The 9th lord in strength" does not merely mea~ that he should enjoy Shadbala score. He should also obtain favourable divisions of naturally benefic planets, avoid evil associations, combustion and the like. Only then, the result ascribed will occur.

~ ~ :q~<:uf{Mrffaefd ~ 1

~ ~ en ~: ~: ('IIQI_,-4'fl~41{ II ~ II 3. Kingdom: If the lOth house is occupied by four planets

or receives the joint aspect of four planets, there occurs Samrajya Yoga, leading to kingdom (i.e. wealth, position and power).

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..... ::s:tf4 ~1'1feli£l ~ I 3jfq(IS11i~;:sua: ~ ~ II ~ II

4. Renunciation: If Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are together in the lOth from the Moon, even one of a royal scion will take to asceticism.

<l>1l~i4ii~~-a "" ~ «•a<il .. ,~ 1 IOfiJ~~I!JJifq ~: ~ mil: ~ II 'i II

5. Raja Yoga: If the lords of the 5th and lOth houses are together, it is a Raja Yoga. Even if the 9th lord joins the lOth lord, similar Yoga is formed.

{¥~~1G:~iil~fl CIT ~ d'51'4JJj{ij I ~~~lit; II

6. (a) Raja Yoga: The lords of the 4th and lOth in conjunction (in good. places) will also cause a Raja Yoga.

(b) Gain of Spouse: If the lords of the lOth and 7th houses are together, the person will enjoy gain of spouse and pleasures.

~ iW:f o<R44"1 ~ 4fa: I U::ii<i!Ji!JI<:tl ~ ~: II 1.9 II

·7. Ifthe above mentioned lords exchange their houses, then also there is a Raja Yoga.

Notes: The following planets should be in exchange. (a) Lords of 5th and 9th. (b) Lords of 9th and lOth. (c) Lords of the 4th and lOth. (d) Lords of 7th and lOth. It is also to be remembered that an exchange of the lord of

the ascendant with one of the planets ruling 5th, 7th, 9th and lOth can also cause a Raja yoga.

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~ G:l"i<tqP::i~ ~ =iRf<tla~ ~ 'CIT I ~ 00 <t~<f>loi:il "i:f ~ ~: II o:: II 8. Venus: If the ascendant is a fixed sign, Venus placed

therein will bless the native with ownership of forts, forests and lands. So also Venus in an angle for a movable sign, and in a trine for a dual sign.

Notes: This is one of the rare yogas not found generally in other texts. In modern context, this yoga will be useful for immovable properties, estates, forests etc. The position of Venus should be ensured to be in relevant cusps for effective results.

~: il:;rs:::fl:41:"l'f'ii<tfd: I "f.fi fcfm ~ ~ ~naqf0l5a ~ "i:f 11. ~ 11 9. Wealth & Others: If the Moon, Jupiter, Venus and

Mercury are (severally or jointly) iri angle/angles from the ascendant, the native will be wealthy, educated and happy. He will enjoy all kinds of pleasures, and be well-versed in ancient disciplines.

~: ~ ~: ~:~ "i:f ~: I ~ ~ sr-:<it 'fUs('SJ~: II '/o II 10. Rare Positions: It is difficult to obtain Jupiter in

Cancer, or Saturn in Aquarius. One born in a royal fam,ily with one of these positions will ascend the throne, while others will head a zone.

Notes: The position of Jupiter in Cancer, or that of Saturn in Aquarius will only show a good degree of Poorva Punya acquired by a native. This position should not however be overly rated as liberally as implied in the original. Such a position when

. unsullied will prove apricedassetamongothergood combinations in the horoscope. Further, Jupiter in Cancer as also Saturn in Aquarius will ensure protection from downfall ..

~;n61ij ~ ~: f::t;n61ij ~: I iii~'JII'!Itittl~i~<l: ~ <:>Sl<l>"ii<ICfi: II '1'1 II

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11. A subordinate king, a king, wide kingdom and lordship of the world are respectively granted by 2, 3, 4 and 5 planets in exaltation degrees.

Notes: Results as mentioned above to a "great extent" though in a modified· form in modern days, can be seen if one strictly adheres to locate exalted planet/s within the degrees specified for exaltation: Merely being in. a relevant sign, the results suggested will never come to pass.

For example, the Moon is not exalted in the whole of Taunts. Only the first three degrees are her exaltation zone. Once the Moon enters the 4th degree of Taunts, she is bereft of exaltation strength.

Take Saturn as another example. He is beyond exaltation, and is no more exalted, the moment he enters the 21st degree of Libra. Unless this m'uch of care is taken, we will not see the effects in real terms: The purpose of ancients in fixing deep exaltation points should not go in vain.

~(gil;~ ~~~~I 4~il'1"1d ~ ~ m<f fclf.lf&~q:_ II ?~ II

12. Rahu in the ascendant, Mercury and Venus in the 3rd house, and the Moon in the 5th house - this yoga will grant kingdom.


<t>4fttH~~ ~ (icii410ifl "ifclcs:q~ II 'i~ II 13. The Moon in the ascendant, Jupiter and Venus in a

trine, and the Sun in the lOth house will also cause a Raja Yoga.

_ 'J:"N~<J%"'41<t><fic::fq "Cf, ~ ~ (?~ (fcii(iciil~ I --r-;,r.::DPr.:;~ftibnr.!-:i:' • '1("1cii«'!qi51''10${".> 81"1d"'d

~'14Rl\IR ~ 'iJf!Oi~lfd: II ?g II 14. Rahu Praised: (a) If Rahu is in Capricorn, Taunts,

Virgo or Caricer at birth, the native will enjoy abundant wealth,

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. be a king of kings, endowed with armymen, chariots, horses and regions of rulership extending to the sea-limits.·

(b) Exalted Rahu is praiseworthy in eliminating enemies. Notes: (a) ~means a lion as well as lord of antelopes.

But, here it refers only to Capt?.corn and not to Leo. The position ofRahu in the signs specified is good for wealth

and paraphernalia. (b) Regarding the dignities of the two nodes, different views

exist in classical text-books. Jyoti.<;ha Tattvam ofMukundaDaivagna has the following: ~-at~m_~:~:~:l

~ ~ (i~lril<Aul'iif 'GI'jji"<WOSC:U: ~: II This stipulates the following. For Rahu, Virgo is the own

sign; Aquarius is Moolatrikona and twenty degrees of Gemini are exaltation space. As regards Ketu, own sign is Pisces; Leo is Moola trikona, and twenty degrees of Sagittarius exalt him.

According to this, debilitation spaces should be understood to be opposite exaltation. In these cases, twenty degrees mean the 3rd and 2nd decanates of the sign.

Keeping this as a basis, the reader may correlate the views of other texts and come to a definite conclusion with extensive practical application.

f-:1~11'11~ ~ ':J'6~1 ~ ~ I ~~~~~: ~ (15141~,. ~ lOjq~f.:I!BO!l: II 'i~ II 15. One will acquire a kingdom with the Moon in the lOth,

Jupiter and Venus in the 2nd, Rahu and the Su1;1 in the 3rd, and Saturn and Mercury in the 11th.

fWJ\~':J~ .. ~ "'' 'J:iftijr~ ~ I 3111~{<1 ~ q~~~lst>4 II 'it:; II

16. The 2nd house occupied by Jupiter, Mercury, Venus or the Moon as the case may be, will grant longevity, happiness, fortunes and increase of quadrupeds respectively. That is Jupiter

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will give longevity, Mercury happiness, Venus fortunes and the Moon increase of quadrupeds.

~ ~·'l;rSt:fqA ~~I

~~~~~:II '11.311 17. Mercury (or another benefic) exalted in an angle will

give kingdom according to one's family of birth.

'<H::kil;rA"'Id ~ ~ qfi'hif>l(<f>: I q~i'hi<:Oil :ffi ~: ~II 'lr; II

18. Mangala Yoga: Mars in an angle with reference to the Moon will cause Mangala Yoga. The native of this Yoga will enjoy everlasting wealth and everlasting auspiciousness.

Notes: This is a very important combination. Although the first house is included to the list of angles, the conjunction of Mars and the Moon should not be given importance in this context. Their conjunction has more inherent evils. Further, the Moon debilitated as Mars is in her angle will cause great harm to mother. Similarly, with Mars in Cancer in debility while the Moon is angular thereof, harm to brothers and sisters will be experienced. These are some practical exceptions.

~f6'i:H'!1'io!ilH•~ %."l14l~1Hi3-c4d I.

%!;1~:il ~: '<:4'1<::tl;:q,'lfdeqc:;: II '1~ II 19. Mala Yoga: Jupiter and the Moon being together in

Cancer will cause Mala Yoga. The native in question will enjoy wealth and fame.

Notes: There is a reference to Jupiter-Moon conjunction in Keeranuru Nataraja's Jatakaf,ankaram that one with this Yoga will rule "Kashmir" (or say a c~rtain region). Thus this is a Raja Yoga. '

(J)j ~ ~ "'f ~jffl4(i~4cN§JJI<::t: I ~ ~ ~: ~ '<:4'1W'!:04C">I"l: II ~o II

20. Mercury and Venus in the ascendant or the 4th house,

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Rahu in the 3rd house, and Jupiter in the 5th or the 9th - this combination will give horses and elephants. Further the subject will enjoy required food, wealth and happiness.

"'41CjiWI"'I'ftil• f::lll<i>i-qqp:;col: I ~ ~. A qr +tOS<"'JI~: II ~'? II 21. Four Planets: The four planets, viz. Mars, the Sun,

Mercury and Jupiter joining in one sign will make a Brahmin learned' in the four Vedas; others with this Yoga will become heads of some region.

-:erA ~ tm· ~ ti~diHI<t>& "ilm: I "'4CjHII"IN4'J 'ffiiT l1cda ~: II ~~ II

22. If all the (8even) planets occupy Sagittarius, Aquarius, Leo and Gemini, the native will acquire a kingdom the boundary of which will touch all the four seas.

~m~~~.~~ 5ftctl~rs:::<~~ 'iilldMia:rJI~: II ~~ II

23. The Moon and Venus in the ascendant, Jupiter in the ascendant or the 5th house and the duo Sun and Mars in an angle from Jupiter will enable the person ascend a throne.

~: <t>4<1~~: ~ ~IHRI~I"I: I ~·;.so:.f~q,')o1:i~ ct1fit (1514\"lfdl:{l ~II ~~ II

24. If the lords of the 9th and lOth house a,re in exchange, or if these two planets join in an angle or a trine, there will be a Raja Yoga (giving power and wealth). ·

~ ~tRI~IfCit ~: I 4\i:41~'i<i1J~ (1514\"lfd\!fT ~II ~~ II 25. Should the lord of the lOth house be in the 9th house

while the 9th lord is in a benefic's sign bereft of debility, combustion

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andinintical placement, a Raja Yoga is fanned.

~I~<Ri'14q~q+f~ ilf::lqf@:Chll ~ ~l(j,{41ft"'IR"41~ ~II ~E; II

26. If the lords of the 9th and lOth are mutual friends, the person will~ devoid of foes and will enjoy Raja Yoga effects.

iC((I~oj\>o:s:;~:~: ~I l1~8jiijtst!fe~<tN§JI~I~~I#: II ~~ II

27. If a movable sign is ascendant and there are four exalted planets in four different angles, the person will be a ruler of 56 countries: ·

q'"'<h~:aqc:c~ ~ ~ ~.I -.:tlomiPHc;Je"'"'arM c:c•f51f!l;qe:aq: 11 ~z:; 11 , 28. A strong Saturn in Vargottama, Jupiter in debilitation

N avamsa, and the Sun enjoying benefic aspects and divisions will make one an excellent ruler.

(iij"'l4>4fVI&ioM ~· ~ I

m '4fa: ;fl:q{~iC(~d 'le;<fl~l'{l@il ~ II ~ ~ II 29. Rahu in the lOth, Saturn in the 11th in aspect to the lord

of the 9th, and the ascendant lord in conjunction with a . debilitated planet- one born with this combination will be equal to lord of the earth.

~ ~ t.rctlfit iCPS::iltl 4; .. s;:qfd1. I fct~"f<?l~q~<?.ia:<.<\usal!'li'f4 qgjqfat41~ 11 ~o 11

30. Akhanda Samrajya Yoga: One of the lords of the 11th, 9th and 2nd from the ascendant should be in an angle to the Moon. Jupiter should rule either 2nd, 5th or the 11th house from the ascendant. Then Akhanda Samrajya Yoga is fanned and the native will have a wide kingdom.

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Notes: A careful study of the rulership of Jupiter as above will reveal that this Yoga applies only to an immovable ascendant.

For an immo.vable ascendant, even one of the 3 planets, viz. the lords ofthe 2nd, 9th and 11th in an angle from the Moon C!lll cause this yoga. That excludes the conditional participation of Jupiter. The Yoga is formed as under:

In case of Taurus ascendant, one of Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter, can be in an angle from the Moon. In case of Leo ascendant, one of Mercury and Mars can be angular to the Moon.· In case of Scorpio ascendant, one of Jupiter, the Moon and Mercury can be angular to the Moon. In case of Aquarius, either Jupiter or Venus can be angular to the Moon. It will be seen that except for Leo, in the other three cases, Jupiter can be a participllllt of this Yoga.

Deva Keralam, p. 76, Book II, does not refer to the 9th lord but to the lOth lord.

"'"jif.1'(1esl<j>Ui'l<t>il&<tj) ~ I ~~~f"Hqfdf4t;:11_ ~II ~'1 .11

31. Saturn in the ascendant which is one of Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Aquarius and Capricorn will produce a brave king who will be learned and be the head of towns and villages.

~ ~ ds::I~HJe.i\fq d$i"flq: I e"CCrs;>("JilltiR:: il;rs::qdt miff "'~Jfq<t>"<<st>Cidt II ~~ II

32. Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga: The dispositor of a debilitated planet or the planet that will exalt in the sign occupied by the said debilitated planet" occupying an angle with reference to the Moon will cause birth of an emperor who will be religiously disposed.

~~ilat"'mtRiaJ~~P-FS:~r: 1 ~~:II~~ II

~: Wj6'1~~1181et~qCII1. I

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~<tPI'ifct~Wti~~lfillaf44\<fe"itlf ~II ~~ II 33. 34. Bliaskara Yoga: Mercury in the 2nd from the Sun,

the Moon in the 11th from the said Mercury, and Jupiter in the 5th or 9th from the said Moon will cause Bhaskara Yoga. One belonging to this Yoga will be valorous, equal to a king, be an expert in the meanings ofSastras, and be charming in appearance. He will achieve expertise in music and Agama (traditional doctrines), poetry and mathematics. He will be skilful and courageous.

'<t~tJ~#t>'i~l: <j>dllS<tf.l~di&~a~lf.\HJ_4stifd I

a~<4'1'6~dlri1({4~fl ~ 4<1:hft;;q: II ~l( II

\!o4k'!~<t"WfCR"~<"'ii"l<tl{ ~: I ctrn1lfct'itfct_R!"'~j_"ful~ '€45idjqlf.!cta: II ~~ II 35 · 36. lndu Yoga: Mars in thy 3rd from the Moon, Saturn

in the 12th from the said Mars, Venus in the 7th from the said Saturn, and Jupiter in the 7th from the said Venus will cause Indu Yoga. One born in this Yoga will be famous, virtuous, kingly or equal to a king, eloquent in speech, endowed with wealth, ornaments and valour.

~st>t::<t>lut~idl':Ji!if~<:'1<l: ~§l~~~~~a•il: 1 ~ fe;:4q;{l ~ 'l<t><:am: 11 ~\.9 11 <ti~4lCiil'jqq) fct~li<"'i~({44fl'i<"'il'!'kl"'01€1fct1_ I ~ Sf>4~il'!"''d{l (i511Sef<tl 'd«:f1l: II ~.:: II 37 • 38. Marut Yoga: Jupiter in a trine from Venus, the

Moon in the 5th from~the said Jupiter, and the Sun in an angle from the said Moon will cause Marut Yoga. The native concerned will be eloquent in speech, large-hearted, heavy-bodied and learned in "Sastras. He will be wealthy, skilful in trading activities, be a king or equal to a king.

End of chapter 5 in Jyotish.arnava Navanitam Finis ··

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