18 Time Hacks to Close More Deals

18 Sales Time Hacks

Transcript of 18 Time Hacks to Close More Deals

18 Sales Time Hacks

1. Call inbound leads in under one minute

Increases convers ion rates

by up to 391%

2. Implement a prioritization strategy

121% more revenue

97% convers ion rates

3. Automate sales emails

85% o f t op sa l e s t eams re spond t o p ro spec t s i n

unde r 5 minutes .

4. Minimize disruption

5. Accomplish BIG items first

Knock out the most daunt ing task f i rst so you don’ t waste

t ime procrast inat ing

6. Do some meetings standing up

7. Use guided prioritization

8. Keep prep time in check

Top per fo rming sa les o rgan i za t i ons p rep fo r

1-5 minutes

9. Group similar activities to gain momentum

Focus ing on one task a t a t ime

i nc reases p ro f i c iency by 40–60%

10. Group outreach by industry or title

11. Take more short breaks

12. Brainstorm Weekly

13. Redistribute neglected leads

70% of top sales organizat ions

redistr ibute neglected leads

14. Establish a lead policy

54% of top sales orgs have an automated,

enforced, or monitored sales process

15. Stop working your own deals - delegate

16. Spend at least 50% of your time coaching

17. Lead by example

18. Set a time for open office hours

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18 Time Hacks to Close More Deals bit.ly/18timehacks