18 characteristics of a leader

18 Characteristics of a Leader


Leaders have characteristics, read this to find out what they are. So you can become a person that people want to follow.

Transcript of 18 characteristics of a leader

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18 Characteristics of a Leader

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Some say that leaders are born, but if you look at the 18 charactistics of a leader you will see that these

characteristics are skill based and therefore can be learnt.

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A Clear Vision

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As a leader you need to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and why. This vision needs to be grand enough to encompass the visions of the

people or group you wish to lead.

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Communication skills

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Leaders need to be able to communicate their vision powerfully and persuasively. Think of

Martin Luther King, or Gandi.

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You have to be competent in the task, so the berry picker leader would be the person who

knows where the best berries are.

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Leaders are able to empathise with people, so that they feel and know that their leader understands their feelings and thoughts.

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A leader will usually make a decision quickly once having accessed the situation and then stick with that decision. The root meaning of a decision is to

cut oneself off from any other option.

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If you don’t have courage this is a skill that can take a bit of learning. But with time and application can

be enhanced or learnt. Courage doesn’t mean foolhardy but means standing up for and doing what

you believe is right.

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Sense of Humour

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A great sense of humour Is a prerequisite for a leader. Patton famously said ‘We’re not retreating,

we’re advancing in a differentnt direction’

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Be confident and have confidence in your team and organisation. If you’re newly appointed to a leadership position and are a little unsure. Then have confidence in the people who promoted you, that you are

the best person to do a job.

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Self Discipline

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Good self discipline is another hallmark of a leader.

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Can do

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Leaders have a can do attitude. After all if the person in charge doesn’t think it can be done,

then there is little hope.

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Inspiration will keep us going long after motivation has faded away. As this blog Do you

want to be inspired or Motivated looks at.

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Maybe all of us have an ambition to be more and or have more, in leaders this is


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Maybe you’ve heard of the phrase, ‘have an attitude of gratitude’ being grateful for all that we already have. But how

about being grateful for the times things didn’t work out.

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We learn more from our failures, and we can fail our way to success. Cool.

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A leader will set a clear objective that is achievable for the group/organisation to attain.

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Success comes with an ability to change and adapt as situations arise and alter.

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Only air is softer and more malleable than water. Yet over time with persistence water will carve

great canyons out of hard bedrock.

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So there we have 18 Characteristics of a leader, we don’t have to equally strong in all areas, we can have members of

the team to enhance weaker areas. But to have these 18 characteristics is something a true leader will have or will be working towards. All leaders are readers. i.e. committed to

personal and organisational development.

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Ask a friend or two as to how they would score you in each of these areas. You will then have a

clearer idea of your strengths.

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Live in the moment it’s a present.

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Love, greatly and unconditionally

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Laugh at funny things and self

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