1789). (Lexington, KY) 1796-03-19 [p ]. - University of...

f mrvj ' :aabjl , S- T- --- v, -- w T- - m-- A- - I KEN a. u . ' r. v y v a ' - i rT nn it j B TO. A , -- rr 7-- . .iff . IM . R a t- f- Jje fNUMBi XXVIf. SATURDAY, Marcjh 19, iy9&. VOL. IX. t .FR'ANKFORT. ' t UAVEJ-O- SALE IK THIS TOWli, jf L 0 T, and ttio flory- - jramid H 6 V S E, six 'by thirty finifheU TVIfenty plaifterintr. Irllastwd rooms and A convenient pUflage be- low, and three above, with a gbo'd cellar under the whole, and the advantage of a well. Also, nine. ty-.nin- e jfcet of. Grcudd fronting Capt. Koerts'S tstvern, and ruri- - ning back along an alley 150 feet. Also, 8fj seer of Ground, fronting Mr. Trigg'd llorc Tiouf and ano- ther street, i4ofee't for depth. Al- fo; Lot,no is. fiontind Warning.' Ton street, with its appurtenances. Al the'above are some of the moll eligiblVfituation& in trwn. Also, 'near Frankfort, thirty acres of Groumlyxt part of which is improv- ed; and has excellent springs. Al- fo,. on very low terms, the remain- ing Stock in trade of DanIel Ga. ncJ & BRO.confiftingchicfly of Dry Goods, Hard Ware and Groceries. Also, one or two Orlean Boats. Al- io 12, 653 acres of Land on Red ri- ver; this, tract is Vell watered hab ort"it a auantitv of Pine timber and affords fcveral valuable Mine- - raisf r OT'ternis, appiy at rranii- - f ofi "to ti DAN. G'AnO.. 1 ho'mas Hart 6c Sonv Mttve Jujl Received, and dre now An EXTENSIVE and GENERAL AHortRienz of A r -- .Jlr" - t- - r(l t nttr - y w men mey tiii icii vt uy Jtyfilc Sate or Retail. . jihey rjaxealfoji large aflpr'j Bjitltinx Clo'lu & Copper, Which they.wilLfelLata more jryduce? prke.tlaiuh:ey haw&vcr ccjX(4djWtt-"th- T rffunrry jLIX. -- - )A.US r'AKKE.R, Have J tift. Received some Vft ESH GOODS; lirCH hi addition to those on hsfnd ; ill niaKe a gene ral a(Tb.rtmen: of DRY GOOUi.w trROCLlllbS &c which they will it II on the molt modeiate teuns ioiCaJJ? nm J,tdcs. Lexington, January 19. Taken up on Cumber land 1 iver, man the mtfuth of f i&ing crcek la. blrck mate, atout iix j ears oia, aDout hizlr. pacesand tiofi hai a. lnmr on the ite ar side about the size of a hen e&J.. Oil t oi the near hutd soot white, ths owner mav pet her bv applying to the sub- - fchber on the head of sugar creek Madiiba coiuity. S William hawion. NOTICE. Subrcribers intendir.5 to send t6 i Vhdadelphia and' Baltimore early in Iart'a nest, rsqjet all those indebt- ed to thein to make pavmeat on or befirre tliatjime. A nojt ot r.us jNouce vriu d very uiju'-iot- to . . . . C. B2ATTY, sc Co. Februai-- i, I796- - sell sundry trails of IAMauthorifedto X,i South Coe. of Gieen xivcr, and "on the Korth West Ueoi tieO-hi- o, for which a general warfinty--v'i- ll be given. Alto a conCdsrable quantity bf trea"-fu-iy warrant lands lying in various parts of imitate. jQim nrecmiTiuvj:. Feb. 13 I7?ir tf.. rAKEFt up o tie luJicnoec, living in 1 Mercer countv, about one mile from Ilichard Aiirfftron&'s, Teiry, abay mare, e- - Uven years old lalt spring, furteen hand-- three inches Uin a Jtann uki iu.ci.auf faajilsfpots on both sides of her backr some CaMwM fnurnCliei fiet. much fliaved iviththi"-cers- , branded on t'ie near (houlder bell on, a. patch i" ope corner a pieced collar, and a fquaie buckle ; appraised to eight pounds. JCAW BUTLER. 14 I795 1 ;; m r i ; Notice-S- ir HE ofELISHA t i. WINXRSrand Cov having explied, they crfer for sale the following property : h compleat and welj-chbfe- ri of DRY GOODS, well adapted to the prefeiit and ap- proaching Sealon, Sy whdlefale or retail, at a very low advance. AJ. so, an aflbrtment bf GROCERIES. A two Itory Brick House on Ivtatn-ftree- t, au excellent fitnation for b'ufinefs. rirat valuable and "well known ,fradi oi parcel of LAND, litaate3 a the mouth of Tate's creek, 15 miles from Lex- ington, on the main road leading to Wa'difon to'iuthoufe, containing rodo acres ; 200 of which is excel- lent b6ttom, ihe remainder hilly; but vt ell timberd ; 80 acr,s cleared, and five act is in timothy meadow, and twenty more can be made and, wateid wich very little exjienceS On the upper part of thi tract is ,1 erected a Merchant an." ORisr Mill the fitnation is perfectly secure either fiom back water from the rher, or floods in the 'reek The house is fifty feet by vith sour floors The mer t. chant null has a sixteen feet rtitt.H tack water wheel, double geereif... j41.ii1.il uuir jiuiics ; Willi point- ing, hoifling, screening, fantiing and packing work, 1 he" C riit Mill has a 1 2 fees v. aterwheel, or-Iio- t and double geered : the "whole newandincompleatoider The water empties from those mills into a pond, hereon frauds a saw nrtll m gor d repair, and a" ntv, hemp mill. There is alio on thepremifes.a iiewKramed Dwel- ling Bn"fe, kitchen andftoi e house ncn-- a nainxiur-tti- - u . . - , r and a large and never filling spring convenient; a Ropjs.-'VVai-- E . coverd 256 feet, and may be exten- ded over a Ieel piece of ground. 1 50 fathoms with every apararutr fuitablc for inamifa&nrfng cor-daj- je ; a young bearing peach or- - Lgiiara j alio a number or oearing apue trees. a bjs 1 ilery within forty yards f the mills, with over head wa-te- is TnierSTiLisx containing 375 gailorts. wnh every thing jfeceflaiy for distilling. A vVAbON, with fain o(jd hoi fes. a sew nead of cattle,and a Jarge flock of ho sis. As the above property isfitnated in a 'hick settled 1'eitile pan of the country, wheie thcgteateft abun- dance of produce may be Collecl-e- d, and the land abounds with good t'mber for Boat building, and a very convenient spot for thar purpofc-o- n Uie bank of the river Kentucky It h evident that boats foi the IVtiffiluppi trade, tan be built and loaded at the-mout- h of Tate's creek with more convenience less, expente and greater dispatch than at any other landing in the Mate. The mills are now well supplied vithfeafoned slower barrels; and there is fix1 boats on the flocks, that may be finilhed in a short time. The put dialer can have Choice of two of three is leqcired, The payments will be made easy, and the greater parr received annual- ly in produce. E. WINTERS. J- - WINTERS. Lexington, Dec 34, 17. N. B. All persons indebted to E. W. & Co. ae orice m6re requeu- ed to call and pay ofFthejr reipecl-iv- e balances without delcy. 1 1 L.L. penons navmg any; lrV ntands against the fubferibe Pare requetted to give them Vi John -- Fowler or James Hu&hes Esquires, for settlement. -- .. - Aug W' Tjfaldrbyn. Lexington, Dcc. z, I79J. A Stheme of Cfiances of Insurance , - On the LotUn autkMfed by Law for raifmg 2230 dollars, jir the Lexington Lodge, No 25 ; ti ratfe the same fur, for the purpbfe of repairing thrjlreitt. building Jlone bridges, paving, trc.Jhe u oj Lexington. THE trustees of thrt town of Xcxingtor, as the rf prefentatives of the inhabitants; fubinil follawmg fchme tq their conflhucnts, actj to the citizens ot the slate at laige-- . -- The iciiebitasts tf Uie town, whe'ther merchantSj tradsfoiep or mechanics and the and labourers of the Country mutually depend upon," sr-- d aflilt each otfcer,' tii. inhabitants of flic toui 'lave folnethinc to difpoie of to the cultivt. r of the land, whltli .ie cennotpanufafture jr lnmfelf at the lame prie ; on the other hono, as his occifpationpte-ven- ts iim fiom fhanrtV by his labor in tLe f the ow;n jld, prodvee of ti q toun , jio is 10m- - -u 10 receive m rtturn, lor wnat nc lias . mv ioiiiLiC lllCil, UI tlC UlltC VJ It. T"L.- - . .. r . . j,jicje opiervations aje. vermeil by the to the taiyn of Lesfngtonfo fupcrior to tl.e r ." v kfkrU.HL.Ca VlllL.ii UI1IV lirr HI .1 UI I J ot population in tile to-- n. the huiu.moii.an, great rile in the value of landed prciaty ,M&iuit rise cfropcar,c?ttefany'oe"t?Jii:ot eij Ttftl HIT nV THt" tTiT, noamant r.fv4 i., . .i - - hHJ AAUUak CA111.1J L.l lt3 To the citt7cns of the town of Lexington, the trustees ftrggeft that with the firms lutho-rized bv law to bc.Yollelted and appiopnated by them, the piccceds oi ieven eais tatei will be infuifiticiit to build ftpne bridges, to make leweis fpi caroing off the w7er, to Lnkf wells and erect (the neceffity of which has punps beeji evWented by the late culm itv bv nre) and to make iuih other lepairs,' as aie receiSnt for th i Afetana cenvtn. tee of their lellou-titizc- (What piupo' the ten.potaiv rtp-- ns xiofarine; hve which have the of tfioir een amount funds) everv cci en tr ccte.i To the citizens pf Sit fiate at large, they lugFtf. ;hat,alLf ictre'aie cf pLpiVon 11 Jl lhcicare of wealth; .r t t tie incieafe of lmif lutsr-t- s vhoaie ran!rF, ,n t,n,!r- - . . - njTIi'l.M m .mn.. ... ...UAn...l......l n , uia.tu.utmq iiu iiu uujiuiLuiuvaiemc earin, nuit incie the life, vi tr 1. comaeution of nurthafers f.ir a. ft.rfit.-r- , the prtjjplcd improven-t- i t of tne" town is pop, alien T c trdp and coriuninication etreerl tion 01 t e blosti, itis hrit impelled tothj i,uiu.e ck motttxtienie punj lurnUbed excecaed 1 llf r iPirjt ri.ir.1. i. fio...v ..111 tii.ia .. n, Tt.T r t . r T- - . - j .- , uu.u-.- t ..u ,.. . ijit (imiincr 01 tuancesoi iniurance, 5 Liere are tickets ,11 the L-- r. hgton Lodge lottery, W1U1 te iairip number-- , and jt tre fama r "i price, gno Met wdlpay to t..s ututier ofactance 01 tie ume nunr.he . n n,n ' f ui in tuat lotxgiy, tee lne luin wr.it .tut lv.itni-t- e iolder oi the tltkct fliall bo entitiea to. Tne fok tunats i.olders of tbnces oi uUurnce, toi be iulj-ec- t a's tie fortunate holders of fckets in at lott. , to a ceunttion of hft-- n per cintun. ... , LiJ.M&TON Lodce Lottery, No 2j. I i"iriB of 150a Doil-- rs is ISJ3 i 1000 i 2C3 753 s loo V 630 25 2J 2i3 r $.1 13 2,510 4j 2643 2 of IQ3 2eh. beinw I far- the fiat 1 for tnelajt Dollars 15.00 1016 prizes. Not two blacks to 2. prizs. 1984 blanks ?3o tickets at ? Dollars. insurance, who hold oi 'as the be'paid due th lotcsry1 for one any be the harciHiibed drawing. fevefaliumswruth lhallbecon oi j&alxnotbe for eighteen wilt lofihceisd donations. mfuraate oi ed by lawman oi drawins of tl-- e (hewing the and applying to Momfon,' Tegardeii, Atexaadut Jf January, And of town will the uud unlwcrcbk 'NOTICE IS GIVEIJ, 1' RO l O S A Lb TV T be atDarivilIe, on V day t esc day ofApril esi for a good .' ROAD, thi'tv feet and pafTable for waggon? 01 011a ton uit ..i.iiiu.. roHimenquig m neigncouinooa or iiro, ana tenmnating on the top tije Curoojrl nd ; wnere tne pie ftnt roaophj- - yr-gini- a oi.ers p.opofe out Mr. Landlords on nineteenti of early in mdruing, to el the rout the is to is that gentlemen who Eo undertake tne road ot there- of, may and see way the will Joseph Crockett. ) Thomas l.aibee, James Knox. ' sale, A SEMINAKY LOT, two t j Lexington, r"vyrth.e leading to the oi jr 4, 4L,C 3 V") tUlllftiuil' um uunuiwu an in this of five acres- - Foi to M. BOGGS. Lesiagtor,- - 19, 179- - 3W. rnrAKEN un by the fubferiber on Col. I --. J Madison's plantation, iri Fayette, a is bayHbrfe growth, a lJ3nsllftar in the sorehead, judged to be lit monwso'a,wicniome giay uairs uiuie u, notbresded; to il. r - HAIDEKTJUGG. November , i;tf5 " 1 to u educe, wi- - b J UIU HILL ..... , ri.-- ..... ti 6 d ie a c tie c?i. ix, lor rc t t the molt w&v topiocu iuch encieale us tlie tqwnand t'ie refemhle?: the heart,' nd fi cm driven to warn and mvi- - . t ' ..- -. .. .1: LMJc.TONt;H.AMis.0F Insurance. , lithnteof lrflurantcuf iaadols.ii 2 5, 3 350 5' 103 S3 12 635 753 23?3. 170 ait to 25t3 44a 6 A643- 2 cce'for the. the same as I aifortupats, ctssxus t? Not BrtrbiaoKs to rg34 S. apriaij " thances zt. 5 SiXi-x-iNt-r- - RLWARD. "O AN av av on t. c 23d u t nn npmentrce Xi bov 1 iku , aLouC The holders of chances of thances tl.e liine numbers tickets which drew orues, the funis to tLem ,n twenty days ..iter Lodge A credit half of number of chances foall ilntil said lottery fliall Is the to the holctrs chances witam montns, be as These chantes of depend upon the drawing the Lesingtoe Lottc lottery account toe which is to be pUiiifhid m pa- - blarilR Tickets may behd by Hugh M'llvain, James Rooert Pattetfon, George Pariter, nomas James Hue, trtuiees tne; of Who manage in(urance, be fu. pr.zs HEREBY TJ1AT ILL received Mon-- V umgj opening vv GON wide weigc uuuujii ti te cae Crabort of Muuntiin to The com.ua fettmg from tne JVWcn tee in older taohfli pass. This given incline opening part attend f.une plir.' Com j Feb-i- y 179s- - Is ok Abotit miles and half from road mouth acres'. Also OUT L.OT townj terms apply JOHN March Colt, of afmall appraised irarkttj lively country, circula- - thenfce 1500 3550 oftco each, beiiig cuanteiof nunioers bljiks'. 3333 Dollars. nuined wtbifeE fhaU gicn edue called the) pers, pnais. venth road notice ft jfc, lien- - A s 'iWkJ cithteen c. s olc , n.. , r i v e tee 1 der rauue ; 1 d on w.icii bw wett lhpvt blue co-- , ilriptd waih coutf inflto-- " .lOutetfureed e, !16rteJiJ whojvei iecurei ffaifl apprfcntic&rei!tWit lum again, have the otl er charge paid. 3WT1 WMUBkALP-UT- . X OTICE is hereby Kiven,-8fctaTe- e; rtairi. IN d'tirat he has a part in he fait works tin Sandy, hereby warn all persons to take notice that he has no pait or tonnexion, neither have I given him any power to acl: in my behalf in any respect concerning tic laid fait works. 3f Jaa.es Young. " THE SUBSCRIBER HAS SOR SALE THE TWO FOLLOWING DICRISD PIECEu O LAND. containing one hundred kctcs, of ONE thirty s cleared and under rood fence and 13 pait of that well known traft Called Wm. Mav's,oriViavslicktrai, and lies en the rord to Cotoaal Kankin' Mill. Their 1: good w ater and a tabm on, t!ie premises. To other tiaft contains entv-fiv- e atrss, being aparr of Ritha.d vadays feKler.icn'- - an i preenption, ndl es on. tne great road lead jigirom Limeitore t L!3gtC;n between Lee's creek a.id May's lick, abput fifteen aces cleared ard undef good fence, w i x'o cab'nns ard a gooci-fprin- General wi ai t dteds w 11 be y v-- en. Jpr furthtr paiticulari ciquiw cf tne fucfcribei. STEPHEN 3UNNEL. JVlflj' Lick, MafiiK.teai.tj. ?

Transcript of 1789). (Lexington, KY) 1796-03-19 [p ]. - University of...

Page 1: 1789). (Lexington, KY) 1796-03-19 [p ]. - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74b853fw0r/data/1112.pdfC riit Mill has a 1 2 fees v. aterwheel, or-Iio-t and double geered: the


mrvj '

:aabjl ,

S-T- ---v, --w T-- m-- A-- IKEN a. u .' r. v y v a ' - i rT nn itj B TO. A ,

--rr 7-- . .iff . IM . R a t-f-JjefNUMBi XXVIf. SATURDAY, Marcjh 19, iy9&. VOL. IX.


jf L 0 T, and ttio flory-- jramidH 6 V S E,six 'by thirty finifheUTVIfenty plaifterintr. Irllastwd

rooms and A convenient pUflage be-

low, and three above, with a gbo'dcellar under the whole, and theadvantage of a well. Also, nine.ty-.nin- e jfcet of. Grcudd frontingCapt. Koerts'S tstvern, and ruri- -

ning back along an alley 150 feet.Also, 8fj seer of Ground, frontingMr. Trigg'd llorc Tiouf and ano-

ther street, i4ofee't for depth. Al-

fo; Lot,no is. fiontind Warning.'Ton street, with its appurtenances.Al the'above are some of the molleligiblVfituation& in trwn. Also,'near Frankfort, thirty acres ofGroumlyxt part of which is improv-ed; and has excellent springs. Al-

fo,. on very low terms, the remain-ing Stock in trade of DanIel Ga.ncJ & BRO.confiftingchicfly of DryGoods, Hard Ware and Groceries.Also, one or two Orlean Boats. Al-

io 12, 653 acres of Land on Red ri-

ver; this, tract is Vell wateredhab ort"it a auantitv of Pine timberand affords fcveral valuable Mine- -

raisf r OT'ternis, appiy at rranii--

fofi "to

ti DAN. G'AnO..

1 ho'mas Hart 6c SonvMttve Jujl Received, and dre now


Ar -- .Jlr" - t- - r(l t nttr -y w men mey tiii icii vt uy

Jtyfilc Sate or Retail. .jihey rjaxealfoji large aflpr'j

Bjitltinx Clo'lu & Copper,Which they.wilLfelLata more

jryduce? prke.tlaiuh:ey haw&vcrccjX(4djWtt-"th- T rffunrry

jLIX. -- - )A.US r'AKKE.R,Have J tift. Received some

Vft ESH GOODS;lirCH hi addition to those

on hsfnd ; ill niaKe a general a(Tb.rtmen: of DRY GOOUi.wtrROCLlllbS &c which they willit II on the molt modeiate teunsioiCaJJ? nm J,tdcs.

Lexington, January 19.

Taken up on Cumberland 1 iver, man the mtfuth of fi&ing crcek

la. blrck mate, atout iix j ears oia, aDouthizlr. pacesand tiofi hai a.

lnmr on the ite ar side about the size of a hene&J.. Oil t oi the near hutd soot white, thsowner mav pet her bv applying to the sub- -

fchber on the head of sugar creek Madiibacoiuity.

S William hawion.NOTICE.

Subrcribers intendir.5 to send t6

i Vhdadelphia and' Baltimore early inIart'a nest, rsqjet all those indebt-

ed to thein to make pavmeat on or befirre

tliatjime. A nojt ot r.us jNouce vriu

d very uiju'-iot- to . .

. . C. B2ATTY, sc Co.

Februai-- i, I796- -

sell sundry trails ofIAMauthorifedto X,i South Coe. of Gieenxivcr, and "on the Korth West Ueoi tieO-hi- o,

for which a general warfinty--v'i- ll begiven. Alto a conCdsrable quantity bf trea"-fu-iy

warrant lands lying in various parts ofimitate.

jQim nrecmiTiuvj:.Feb. 13 I7?ir tf..rAKEFt up o tie luJicnoec, living in

1 Mercer countv, about one mile fromIlichard Aiirfftron&'s, Teiry, abay mare, e--

Uven years old lalt spring, furteen hand--

three inches Uin a Jtann uki iu.ci.auffaajilsfpots on both sides of her backr some

CaMwM fnurnCliei fiet. much fliaved

iviththi"-cers- , branded on t'ie near (houlderbell on, a. patch i"

ope corner a pieced collar, and a fquaiebuckle ; appraised to eight pounds.







Notice-S- irHE ofELISHA

t i. WINXRSrand Cov havingexplied, they crfer for sale thefollowing property :

h compleat and welj-chbfe- ri

of DRY GOODS, welladapted to the prefeiit and ap-proaching Sealon, Sy whdlefale orretail, at a very low advance. AJ.so, an aflbrtment bf GROCERIES.

A two Itory Brick House onIvtatn-ftree- t, au excellent fitnationfor b'ufinefs. rirat valuable and"well known ,fradi oi parcel ofLAND, litaate3 a the mouth ofTate's creek, 15 miles from Lex-ington, on the main road leadingto Wa'difon to'iuthoufe, containingrodo acres ; 200 of which is excel-lent b6ttom, ihe remainder hilly;but vt ell timberd ; 80 acr,s cleared,and five act is in timothy meadow,and twenty more can be made and,wateid wich very little exjienceSOn the upper part of thi tract is ,1

erected a Merchant an." ORisrMill the fitnation is perfectlysecure either fiom back waterfrom the rher, or floods in the'reek The house is fifty feet by

vith sour floors The mert.chant null has a sixteen feet rtitt.H

tack water wheel, double geereif...j41.ii1.il uuir jiuiics ; Willi point-ing, hoifling, screening, fantiingand packing work, 1 he"C riit Mill has a 1 2 fees v. aterwheel,or-Iio- t and double geered : the"whole newandincompleatoiderThe water empties from thosemills into a pond, hereon fraudsa saw nrtll m gor d repair, and a"

ntv, hemp mill. There is alio onthepremifes.a iiewKramed Dwel-ling Bn"fe, kitchen andftoi e house

ncn-- a nainxiur-tti- - u . . - , rand a large and never fillingspring convenient; a Ropjs.-'VVai-- E .coverd 256 feet, and may be exten-ded over a Ieel piece of ground.1 50 fathoms with every apararutrfuitablc for inamifa&nrfng cor-daj- je

; a young bearing peach or- -

Lgiiara j alio a number or oearingapue trees.

a bjs 1 ilery within forty yardsf the mills, with over head wa-te- is

TnierSTiLisx containing375 gailorts. wnh every

thing jfeceflaiy for distilling.A vVAbON, with fain o(jd hoi fes.

a sew nead of cattle,and a Jargeflock of ho sis.

As the above property isfitnatedin a 'hick settled 1'eitile pan of thecountry, wheie thcgteateft abun-dance of produce may be Collecl-e- d,

and the land abounds withgood t'mber for Boat building, anda very convenient spot for tharpurpofc-o- n Uie bank of the riverKentucky It h evident that boatsfoi the IVtiffiluppi trade, tan be builtand loaded at the-mout- h of Tate'screek with more convenience less,expente and greater dispatch thanat any other landing in the Mate.

The mills are now well suppliedvithfeafoned slower barrels; andthere is fix1 boats on the flocks, thatmay be finilhed in a short time.The put dialer can have Choice oftwo of three is leqcired, Thepayments will be made easy, andthe greater parr received annual-ly in produce. E. WINTERS.

J- - WINTERS.Lexington, Dec 34, 17.

N. B. All persons indebted toE. W. & Co. ae orice m6re requeu-ed to call and pay ofFthejr reipecl-iv- e

balances without delcy. 1

1 L.L. penons navmg any;

lrV ntands against the fubferibePare requetted to give them Vi John

-- Fowler or James Hu&hes Esquires,for settlement.

-- .. - Aug W' Tjfaldrbyn.Lexington, Dcc. z, I79J.

A Stheme of Cfiances of Insurance , -On the LotUn autkMfed by Law for raifmg 2230 dollars, jir the Lexington

Lodge, No 25 ; ti ratfe the samefur, for the purpbfe of repairing thrjlreitt.building Jlone bridges, paving, trc.Jhe u oj Lexington.

THE trustees of thrt town of Xcxingtor, as the rfprefentatives of the inhabitants; fubinilfollawmg fchme tq their conflhucnts, actj to the citizens ot the slate at laige-- .

--The iciiebitasts tf Uie town, whe'ther merchantSj tradsfoiep or mechanics and theand labourers of the Country mutually depend upon," sr--d aflilt each otfcer,' tii.inhabitants of flic toui 'lave folnethinc to difpoie of to the cultivt. r of the land, whltli .ie

cennotpanufafture jr lnmfelf at the lame prie ; on the other hono, as his occifpationpte-ven- tsiim fiom fhanrtV by his labor in tLe f theow;n jld, prodvee of ti q toun , jio is 10m- -

-u 10 receive m rtturn, lor wnat nc lias. mv ioiiiLiC lllCil, UI tlC UlltC VJ It.

T"L.- - . .. r . .j,jicje opiervations aje. vermeil by theto the taiyn of Lesfngtonfo fupcrior to tl.er ." v kfkrU.HL.Ca VlllL.ii UI1IV lirr HI .1 UI IJot population in tile to-- n.

the huiu.moii.an,

great rile in the value of landed prciaty ,M&iuitrise cfropcar,c?ttefany'oe"t?Jii:ot eij

Ttftl HIT nV THt" tTiT, noamant r.fv4 i., . .i- - hHJ AAUUak CA111.1J L.l lt3

To the citt7cns of the town of Lexington, the trustees ftrggeft that with the firms lutho-rized

bv law to bc.Yollelted and appiopnated by them, the piccceds oi ieven eais tateiwill be infuifiticiit to build ftpne bridges, to make leweis fpi caroing off the w7er, to Lnkfwells and erect (the neceffity of which haspunps beeji evWented by the late culm itv bvnre) and to make iuih other lepairs,' as aie receiSnt for th i Afetana cenvtn. teeof their lellou-titizc- (What piupo' the ten.potaiv rtp-- ns xiofarine; hve

which have the of tfioireen amount funds) everv cci en tr ccte.iTo the citizens pf Sit fiate at large, they lugFtf. ;hat,alLf ictre'aie cf pLpiVon 11 Jllhcicare of wealth; .r t t tie incieafe of lmif lutsr-t- s vhoaie ran!rF, ,n t,n,!r- - . . -

njTIi'l.M m .mn.. ... ...UAn...l......l n, uia.tu.utmq iiu iiu uujiuiLuiuvaiemc earin, nuit inciethe life, vi tr 1. comaeution of nurthafers f.ir a. ft.rfit.-r- ,

the prtjjplcd improven-t- i t of tne" town ispop, alien

T c trdp and coriuninication etreerltion 01 t e blosti, itis hrit impelled tothji,uiu.e ck motttxtienie punj



1 llf r iPirjt ri.ir.1. i. fio...v ..111 tii.ia .. n, Tt.T r t . rT- - . - j .- , uu.u-.- t ..u ,.. . ijit (imiincr 01 tuancesoi iniurance,5 Liere are tickets ,11 the L-- r. hgton Lodge lottery, W1U1 te iairip number-- , and jt tre fama r "i

price, gno Met wdlpay to t..s ututier ofactance 01 tie ume nunr.he . n n,n ' fui in tuat lotxgiy, tee lne luin wr.it .tut lv.itni-t- e iolder oi the tltkct fliall boentitiea to. Tne fok tunats i.olders of tbnces oi uUurnce, toi be iulj-ec- t a's tie fortunateholders of fckets in at lott. , to a ceunttion of hft-- n per cintun.

... ,

LiJ.M&TON Lodce Lottery, No 2j.I i"iriB of 150a Doil-- rs is ISJ3

i 1000i 2C3 753s loo

V 630252J 2i3r

$.1 13 2,5104j 2643

2 of IQ3 2eh. beinw I far-

the fiat 1 for tnelajt

Dollars 15.001016 prizes. Not two blacks to 2. prizs.1984 blanks

?3o tickets at ? Dollars.insurance, who hold oi 'as the

be'paid due th lotcsry1

for one any be theharciHiibed drawing. fevefaliumswruth lhallbecon oij&alxnotbe for eighteen wilt lofihceisd donations.

mfuraate oi ed

by lawman oi drawins of tl-- e

(hewing the andapplying to Momfon,'

Tegardeii, Atexaadut Jf January, And of

town will the uud unlwcrcbk


TV T be atDarivilIe, onV day t esc day ofApril esi

for a good.' ROAD,thi'tv feet and pafTable for waggon?01 011a ton uit ..i.iiiu..roHimenquig m neigncouinooa or

iiro, ana tenmnating on the toptije Curoojrl nd ; wnere tne pieftnt roaophj- - yr-gini-


oi.ers p.opofe outMr. Landlords on nineteenti of

early in mdruing, to elthe rout the is tois that gentlemen who

Eo undertake tne road ot there-

of, may and see way the will

Joseph Crockett. )Thomas l.aibee,James Knox.


twot j Lexington,r"vyrth.e leading to the oi

jr 4, 4L,C 3 V") tUlllftiuil' um uunuiwuan in this

of five acres- - Foi toM. BOGGS.

Lesiagtor,- - 19, 179- - 3W.

rnrAKEN un by the fubferiber on Col.I --. J Madison's plantation, iri Fayette, a

is bayHbrfe growth, alJ3nsllftar in the sorehead, judged to be lit

monwso'a,wicniome giay uairs uiuie u,

notbresded; to il.r - HAIDEKTJUGG.November , i;tf5 " 1

to u educe, wi- -b



ri.-- .....






c tie c?i. ix, lorrc t t

the molt w&v topiocu iuch encieale us

tlie tqwnand t'ie refemhle?: theheart,' nd fi cm driven to warn and mvi- -

. t ' ..- -. .. .1:

LMJc.TONt;H.AMis.0F Insurance. ,lithnteof lrflurantcuf iaadols.ii2 5,3 3505' 103 S3

12 635753

23?3.170ait to 25t344a 6 A643-

2 cce'for the.the same as

I aifortupats, ctssxus t? Not BrtrbiaoKs torg34 S. apriaij "

thances zt. 5

SiXi-x-iNt-r- - RLWARD.

"O AN av av on t. c 23d u t nn npmentrceXi bov 1 iku , aLouC

The holders of chances of thances tl.e liine numbers ticketswhich drew orues, the funis to tLem ,n twenty days ..iter Lodge

A credit half of number of chances foall ilntil said lottery fliallIs the to the holctrs chances

witam montns, be asThese chantes of depend upon the drawing the Lesingtoe Lottc lottery

account toe which is to be pUiiifhid m pa--


Tickets may behd by Hugh M'llvain, James Rooert Pattetfon,George Pariter, nomas James Hue, trtuiees tne;

of Who manage in(urance, be fu. pr.zs


ILL received Mon-- V


vv GONwide

weigc uuuujii

ti te cae

Crabort ofMuuntiinto

The com.ua fettmgfrom tneJVWcn tee in oldertaohfli pass. This

given inclineopening part

attend f.uneplir.'


jFeb-i- y 179s- -

Is ok

Abotit miles and half from

road mouth

acres'. Also OUT L.OT townjterms applyJOHN


Colt, of afmall



country, circula- -thenfce



oftco each, beiiigcuanteiof nunioers


3333 Dollars.

nuined wtbifeE



called the)

pers, pnais.



ftjfc, lien-- A


cithteen c. s olc , n.. , r i v e tee 1

der rauue ; 1 d on w.icii bw wettlhpvt blue co--

, ilriptd waih coutf inflto-- "

.lOutetfureed e, !16rteJiJ whojvei iecureiffaifl apprfcntic&rei!tWit lum again,have the otl er chargepaid. 3WT1


X OTICE is hereby Kiven,-8fctaTe- e; rtairi.IN d'tirat

he has a part in he fait works tin Sandy,hereby warn all persons to take notice thathe has no pait or tonnexion, neither haveI given him any power to acl: in my behalf inany respect concerning tic laid fait works.

3f Jaa.es Young."



PIECEu O LAND.containing one hundred kctcs, ofONE thirty s cleared and under

rood fence and 13 pait of that well knowntraft Called Wm. Mav's,oriViavslicktrai,and lies en the rord to Cotoaal Kankin'Mill. Their 1: good w ater and a tabm on,

t!ie premises. To other tiaft containsentv-fiv-e atrss, being aparr of Ritha.dvadays feKler.icn'- - an i preenption, ndl es

on. tne great road lead jigirom Limeitore tL!3gtC;n between Lee's creek a.id May'slick, abput fifteen aces cleared ard undefgood fence, w i x'o cab'nns ard a gooci-fprin-

General wi ai t dteds w 11 be y v--en.

Jpr furthtr paiticulari ciquiw cf tnefucfcribei.

STEPHEN 3UNNEL.JVlflj' Lick, MafiiK.teai.tj. ?