1527 Standley Dr. [email protected] Early childhood education I am a full time student and...

1527 Standley Dr. [email protected] om Early childhood education I am a full time
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Transcript of 1527 Standley Dr. [email protected] Early childhood education I am a full time student and...

1527 Standley [email protected]

Early childhood educationI am a full time student and


Personal Goals

• Be the best mother and wife I can be

• Receive a BA in Early Childhood Education

• Receive a MA in Educational Counseling

• Get a job in my field

• Enjoy Life

• Be the best mother and wife I can be

• Receive a BA in Early Childhood Education

• Receive a MA in Educational Counseling

• Get a job in my field

• Enjoy Life

Class Goals

• Learn how to incorporate technology in the classroom

• How to teach young children understandably about technology

• To learn how to do things for myself on the computer

• Learn how to incorporate technology in the classroom

• How to teach young children understandably about technology

• To learn how to do things for myself on the computer






Fi le Mngmnt


E xcel


P ix

Br owser s

emai l

E thical

Inf oSear ch

P r es.Ski l l s

T ech Intr g.

P r obSolv



•Go to programs and ws_ftp

•Go to session properties•Create your own folder•Transfer your file

•Essential Questions

•Unit Questions•Subject Areas

•Web portfolios•Academic, Professional, Working,& Presentation

•Textual Rhetoric, Visual Rhetoric, & Basic Design

Chapter 2•Planning you Web Portfolio

•Know who your audience is•Use a site map to organize your artifacts

Ch. 2 ContinuedEx. Of Site Map

Home Page

Web Quest Web Portfolio Favorite Links

Grade books

• Use Microsoft Excel• Enter Your Student information• Use the formula function to

get averages• Insert a graph of some or all of

your data

I do not use My Space although my husband does and he loves it. I really do not promote any kind of activity on the computer with my children unless either my husband or I are present. I think that parents need to be more aware and teach their children the dangers of the internet. That is really all we can do, just monitor our children and try to keep them safe.

Chapter 3

•Creating your Web Portfolio• Template should include layout

and text color• Avoid using tabs• Translate and link your artifacts• Make sure your readers have the

right software.

Using Netscape Composer

• If you do not have Netscape composer you can download it to your computer

• After clicking into Netscape composer click on the windows tab and then on composer.

• Create your homepage

- Add a table with the page titles of the links you would like to create

-Highlight your titles and press the link tab

- In the window that comes up click on the browse tab and find the file folder that you want to link

- click on the file and now it is linked!

~ Using graphics and multimedia. ~ You can add graphics by down loading it from the internet and inserting it on you page. ~ If you choose to use pictures you can edit your pictures to look how you want them and insert them into your page. ~ make sure the graphics you use are free to use

Chapter 5• Revising and Editing your

Portfolio• User testing – the process of getting

feed back situation based• Make sure your grammar is correct

and accurate• Try to read between the when doing

revisions and make an action list

Chapter 6•Publishing your web portfolio• Use either your schools web server

or subscribe to an ISP or subscribe to a free web hosting server

• You may also want to deliver your portfolio by hand on a disk

Creating a Digital Watermark

• Use word to create your watermark• Go to format• Choose background• Choose printed watermark• Choose either picture or text


Final Tech- BadgeChristina Ruybal





Fi le Mngmnt


E xcel


P ix

Br owser s

emai l

E thical

Inf oSear ch

P r es.Ski l l s

T ech Intr g.

P r obSolv



Web-Quest• Web quest is where you link to

your home page your essential question and create lesson plans for your unit questions in support of your essential question. This is where parents or your students can find your lessons for the week!

Reflection• Our book was helpful, but I find it

more beneficial when we do hands on work. Sometimes it is more frustrating to read about something than to have some one show you how it is done. With this book we will always have a reference if we get stuck.