150916_LSPR-CC05-s26 (1)

Master of Arts in Communication : Corporate Communication Studies elearning.lspr.edu Course : Crisis Communication (1509CC05)


150916_LSPR-CC05-s26 (1)

Transcript of 150916_LSPR-CC05-s26 (1)

Master of Arts in Communication : Corporate Communication Studies


Course : Crisis Communication (1509CC05)

Session Topic : Crisis & Social Media

Course: Crisis Communication

By Syafiq B. Assegaff, MA, MD, CBM, IAPR

LSPR eLearning Program

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• Part 1 Principles

• Part 2 Crisis Potential

• Part 3 News Value

• Part 4 Responses

• Part 5 Social Media


Part1: Principles

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Crisis: Principles & Why


1. Reputations can be gained or lost

during emergencies

2. Emergency (crisis) communications is

an extension of your normal

communications – good & bad

3. If you don’t fill the “news hole,”

someone less qualified probably


4. Perception is reality – if you don’t

like it, change it

5. Knowing what to do is only half the


6. The longer you wait to act, the

higher the price

Q: Why Crises Happen ?


1. Management’s failure to

understand the issue, public


Failure to…

2. …effectively engage the media –

allowing others to control the


3. …demonstrate control, concern &


4. Over-reliance on legal


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Crisis: The Crisis (News) Cycle

a. Initial story – “facts”

b. Follow-up (new details, angles, opportunities)

c. Inappropriate management response (lack of trust)

d. Management competence becomes the story (loss of credibility

& control)

e. Regulatory, political or board level reaction (blame & house


f. Coverage of investigation(s) & recovery

g. Next time, anniversary coverage

Part2: Crisis Potential

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Assessing Your Crisis Potential

a. Nature of your businessb. Nature, experience of your

CEO c. Prominence of your companyd. Organizational culturee. Communication reporting

structuref. Status of current public

relationsg. Do you have a plan ?h. Has it been tested ?

Crisis Potential: Assessing & Emergencies Strike

Before Emergencies Strike

a. Consider likely, unlikely scenarios

b. Identify key staff members, roles

c. Establish relations with external contacts

d. Develop a plan1) Objectives for each audience2) Think, “How would we ?”3) Identify resources 4) Train, rehearse staff members

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When ‘Stuff’ Happens

a. Fill the immediate “news hole” b. Collect, analyze the factsc. Assess newsworthiness – when,

where is it news ?d. Who are other likely news

sources ? • What are they saying?e. Develop a strategy, messages –

& communicate them f. Don’t let your silence become

the story

Crisis Potential: Expression

Avoiding the Initial “No Comment”

Even without facts, you should be able to express:a. Awareness – “We are aware

of/not aware of…”b. Concern – “We are concerned

about (or are taking seriously) reports of …”

c. Commitment – “Once we have the facts, we will take appropriate action …”

Part3: News Value

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Crisis: Assessing News Value

a. Prominence

b. Timeliness

c. Impact

d. Proximity

e. Conflict

f. Emotion

h. Oddity

i. Sex

j. Suspense

k. Progress

l. Trends


Goal: Address & reduce news value

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3 C’s of Success

a. ControlTake appropriate action, explain it

b. ConcernDemonstrate concern, compassion

c. Credibility1) Know the facts2) Be first with the news3) Build trust

Crisis: 3 C’s & News Media

Dealing with News Media

a. Labels – what are we calling this ?

b. Develop an approval process, one set of facts

c. Briefings or interviews ?d. Be helpful, instructive, polite –

but always firme. Reach out to third parties for

credibilityf. Listen for news, concerns g. Good relationships are made

in bad times

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It Is Not About Answering Questions

1. Prepare talking points2. Make statements about the issue3. Explain your company’s perspective4. Shape the story

Crisis: 3 C’s & News Media

Part4: Responses

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Starting Points for Good Responses

a. “Our primary concern at this point is…b. “What I can tell you right now is…c. “At the moment, our primary focus is…d. “The important thing at this point is…e. “I think a more accurate term is _____ (& then explain why) …

Crisis: Responses

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Major Accidents or Emergencies

a. Confirm/assign staff responsibilitiesb. Plan for sustained media presence, coverage – develop a briefing

schedulec. Find daily news peg, story angle – think “what’s next ?”d. Be first with the news (internal & external) – shape the story e. Prepare your spokespersonf. Look for good news – offer “behind the scenes” access, if

appropriateg. Use all your tools • E-mail, • Website,

h. Don’t forget internal communications i. Pace yourself, key staff

Crisis: Accidents or Emergencies

• YouTube, • Photo releases

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If/When It Gets Really Bad

a. Ask yourself, “What’s the worst thing ‘they’ can do ?”

b. Volunteer for the second worst quickly

c. Announce the decision to do so

The longer you delay, • the higher the cost –• $$ & reputation

Crisis: If/When & Legal Counsel

Working with Legal Counsel

a. Same team, different perspectives

b. Equally critical in emergenciesc. Tactics1) Build relationship in advance,

gain trust2) Highlight bad examples

elsewhere3) Understand legal concerns,

present options4) Bottom line – the boss needs

both perspectives

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When the Storm Passes

a. Thank those (inside & outside) who helped

b. Reward & congratulate successes

c. Collect lessons learnedd. Track issues, think about next

news peg – memorial, anniversary ?

Crisis: If/When & Legal Counsel

Keys to Success

a. Build relations with key people in advance

b. Have a plan, communicate it c. Fill the immediate “news hole” d. Try to stay ahead of the news e. Use all your resources 1) Staff, 2) Website, 3) Social media

f. Learn for next time

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Dealing with Social Media

a. Part of your strategy, but not the driver b. Valuable resources for: 1) Monitoring, listening2) Sharing perspective3) Interacting with users/customers/clients

c. Can be a time/resource “vampire”d. Choose those that work for your businesse. Interact with professionalism, authenticity

Crisis: Social Media

Part5: Social Media

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Social Media & 2-Way Symmetrical

a. The new social media networks are,• a boon to the possibilities of 2-way symmetrical practice. • An organization can, if it desires, listen to its publics & make

changes in its programs on the basis of those communications. • It can also use them to explain its policies to these publics.

Social Media: Social Media

b. Name some crisis which happened through Social Media

E.g.• Ariel & Luna Maya case (2010: immoral cases)• What else ?

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c. Social media & mobile technology have changed the landscape for crisis management.

d. These changes include: 1) Heightened stakeholder expectations of 2-way communication &

transparency in a crisis; 2) Amplifying the speed at which organizations need to be prepared to

respond & communicate in a crisis; 3) Increasingly,• it is more difficult for you to get ahead of the story & • position your organization as the narrative of its own crisis.

Social Media: Social Media (Cont.)

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New: Crisis & Social Media

1. Social media represent a central challenge & opportunity for public relations practitioners.

• As a case in point, consider the recent video posted on YouTube by employees of Dominos Pizza,

• offering viewers a twisted view of food preparation at the national chain.

• Although the video was quickly discredited as a hoax, • it nevertheless was seen by millions of potential Dominos customers

who may have had their views of…• …the company’s products seriously downgraded.• See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhBmWxQpedI

2. Dominos responded to its YouTube crisis by posting its own video on YouTube. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7l6AJ49xNSQ

Social Media: New

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3. From the case (previous slide) • How should a company respond to a crisis generated by…• …such communication on social media such as a) YouTube, b) Facebook, c) Twitter & d) the like ?

4. What are the appropriate strategic considerations ?5. What goals & objectives are realistically achieved when utilizing

social media in a pro-active or reactive fashion ?6. Is Dominos response to its YouTube crisis by posting its own video on

YouTube can be consider as the right response ?7. What other steps should be taken ?8. How can results be measured ?

Social Media: New (Cont.)

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Watch Other Videos

1. Dr. W. Timothy Coombs (7 minutes): Situational Crisis Communication

Theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zctIlJUeoA

2. Dr. W. Timothy Coombs (7.47 minutes): Social Media & Crisis

Management: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMUPaDBXqlk

3. Milken Institute (2014) Crisis Management & Communications – 1

hour video, interviews with experts & practitioners in the USA:


4. Melissa Agnes in ‘The Secret to Successful Crisis Management in the

21st Century’ (18 minutes):


5. Tony-Ridley: Crisis Management Plan – dari sisi lain:


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Course : Crisis Communication (1509CC05)