15 Signs

15 Signs The Man You’re With Is A Great Guy You don’t need anyone to tell you how important it is to read between the lines and pick up on all those subtle signs that say the person you’re with is a good guy. But, how do you really know he’s a keeper? Should you take things with him to the next level? Maybe even to marriage? Here are15 tell-tale signs that indicate your man is a great guy and you should probably hold on to him with everything you’ve got. 1. He is your biggest fan (arguably at par with your mom). You are a priority in his life and he’s always looking out for you. He supports you and your dreams, encourages you when you are feeling down, and uplifts and keeps you focused on the positive side of life. He is just there for you.


15 signs that he is the one (searched)

Transcript of 15 Signs

15 Signs The Man Youre With Is A Great GuyYou dont need anyone to tell you how important it is to read between the lines and pick up on all those subtle signs that say the person youre with is a good guy. But, how do you really know hes a keeper? Should you take things with him to the next level? Maybe even to marriage? Here are15tell-talesigns that indicate your man is a great guy and you should probably hold on to him with everything youve got.1.He is your biggest fan (arguably at par with your mom).You are a priority in his life and hes always looking out for you. He supports you and your dreams, encourages you when you are feeling down, and uplifts and keeps you focused on the positive side of life. He is just there for you.2.He initiates and holds intellectually stimulating conversations with you.Thats because he doesnt like gossip or mediocre, empty rhetoric likewhos wearing what and where.Instead, he initiates meaningful conversations that stimulate your mind,such asnew ways to look at a situation or make an impact in your own and other peoples lives.3.He listens to you.Hes actually your go-to person whenever you want to talk to someone or just share an experience youve had, such as an experience about work, about a feeling, about anything. You used to call your friend(s), now you dont feel the need quite as much because you are satisfied after you talk to him.4.He lets you vent.Sometimes you just want to voice your anger and or frustrations and have someone there with you who understands where we are coming from. A great guy is patient and staysput with you as you vent without getting annoyed or upset. The only thing that upsets him is that you arefrustratedand he wishes you were not.5.He speaks his mind and does so coolly, calmly and respectively.You see, a great guy has got high self confidence. He knows his own self-worth and doesnt agree to everything you say. He has a mind of his own andis more than happy to letyou have it. However, he speaks his mind in a cool, calm, collected and respectful manner.6.He admits hes wrong when hes wrong.Its not in him to shift blame or try to maneuver out of a situation when he knows hes clearly on the wrong. He simply admits when hes wrong, apologies when the situation calls for it and tries to make amends. He knows to err is human and mistakes are learning opportunities that help you do things in a better way next time. Theres no shame in that.7.He is passionate about his job and more than capable of motivating himself.This isnot to say that a man who is not passionate about his job is a bad guy. But, a great guy has figured out what he wants in his life and does it passionately. If hes stuck in a job hedoesntlike, hes working towards getting where his heart really lies and motivates himselfthroughout each step of the way. In other words, he has something else besides you he is passionate about.8.He takes care of himself mind, body and soul.Its difficult to care for others, if you cant even care for yourself. A great guy knows this and does what he must to keep himself in good shape, physically, emotionally and spiritually. He might workout to take care of his body, read books to take care of his mind and go to church or meditate to nourish his soul (or spirit). Whatever it is, he takes care of his whole self (mind, body and soul) and ensures he is a well-oiled machine inside and out.9.He surprises you with sweet words and/or acts of love every now and then.Although hes always loving and kind to you, sometimes he does things that take you by surprise and leave you muttering, Awww! That is so sweet, honey.He might tell you, out of the blue, you are the most beautiful woman on the planet on a day that youdidnteven put onyour makeup or make you breakfast-in-bed. Those seemingly little, unexpected acts of love tell you he truly cares and wants to make you happy.10.He genuinely cares about your friends.Your friends know a thing or two about you that he doesnt and they have helped you get through some difficult situations when he wasnt around. So, yeah, he cares about your friends too. So much so, that he might asks how one of your friends hes not heard about in a while is doing or even suggest you go spend time with that friend whos having a bad day or sleep over at her place if she is going through a really tough time in her life.11.He treats other people with kindness and respect.How he treats other people (especially when no one is looking) is a sure sign of what kind of person he really is. If he treats people with respect and is kind and compassionate, hes a catch. If he is dismissive, rude or even uninterested in the people around him, run! Any negative attitude and energy you notice will likely be directed at you when all the lovey-dovey feelings he has for you wane and the feelings do wane naturally with time.12.Hes got his acttogether anddoesntneed you to babysit him.Everybody plays the cards they are dealt. Nobody is perfect. Great guys have their own issues too. He might go out clubbing with the boys and get drunk, but he will still get himself home safely. He doesnt need you to watch him so he doesnt do something stupid, carry him home after a drinking spree, or worse help him foot the bills because he is paying child support somewhere. Hes got all his stuffunder control.13.He is in good terms with your family, and has made sure youve met his.It just makes sense to him that he should know and at least be civil with your parents and other family members, and for you to know and do likewise with his, including any siblings, grandparents, nieces and nephews. After all, you cant quite know where you are going together unless you both know where you are coming from.14.He keeps his apartment neat and tidy.It doesnt have to be sparkling clean, but his apartment is not a garbage dump. In fact, he doesnt even have to have his own place, but any where he lives is clean, tidy and orderly. A neat and tidy house reflects positively on his character and mental state.15. Hedoesntwant to, but he is not afraid to lose you.Yep, thats a good thing because it means he is not needy or clingy. Hell give you your space when you need it and allow you to pursue your own passions because he wants you to give him his space, as well. Hes a great guy!

10 Essential Qualities of a Real Man Worth DatingIts awfully easy for a man to puff up his chest and put on a show, but how can you know if he is a real man worth dating? Discover the truth today with these 10 Essential Qualities of a Gentleman.1. A real man is responsive to your needs.Real men dont merely care about how you fit into their world; instead, they care about your individual needs. If your partner gets upset just because your needs interrupt his day or cause a minor inconvenience, then you should find someone less selfish to share your life with.2. A real man would never project his faults onto you.Real men dont automatically assume a relationships problems are caused by you; instead, they take an honest look in the mirror before speaking up, because it can be easy to project your own problems onto another person. If your partner always points the finger at you instead of working together with you as a team, then he isnt worthy of your companionship.3. A real man is willing to take action without hesitation.Real men dont seek approval for every thing they do; instead, they are confident enough to take action without hesitation. While your partner should consult you about major life decisions that you deserve to have a say in, he shouldnt be so hesitant that he seeks your permission for every single thing he does. If your partner is unable to exercise anything resembling independent thought, then he will become so clingy that youll want to scream.4. A real man is passionate about something besides his relationship.Real men dont consider their relationship to be their one and only interest; instead, they have passions that dont involve you. If your partner pitches a fit any time you make plans that dont involve him, then you could be dating a person who is severely lacking in ambition.5. A real man isnt suspicious or paranoid without cause.Real men dont accuse you of cheating without cause; instead, they only speak up if they have a concrete reason for having a suspicion, and even then they do so in a way that doesnt involve wild accusations. If your partner gets paranoid just because you happen to have male co-workers or friends (crazy idea since that is approximately half of the population), or if he is so suspicious that he snoops your texts and Internet use behind your back,then you might be dating Mr. Wrong.6. A real man can stay calm and cool during a confrontation.Real men dont resort to insults, judgement or violence during a confrontation; instead, they are willing to talk through the issue without devolving to personal attacks. If your partner explodes in anger at the slightest provocation, then please tread cautiously for your own safety.7. A real man cares about his appearance.Real men dont let themselves go just because they are married or in a sustainable relationship; instead, they continue to take care of their body. Physical appearance isnt the most important thing in the world, but there is no denying that sexual attraction is a necessary ingredient of any healthy relationship. If your partner cant be bothered to exercise or practice basic grooming habits, then expect your intimacy to die a slow and painful death.8. A real man doesnt add insult to injury.Real men dont proclaim I told you so! after winning an argument; instead, they let the issue go as if it didnt even happen. If your partner makes you feel like a bad person just because you were wrong, then you might be dating a man who isntemotionally intelligent.9. A real man is happy to bask in the present moment with the love of his life.Real men arent so consumed by their work that they cant be bothered to spend uninterrupted time with you; instead, they are happy to turn off their phone so they can focus on enjoying the present moment with a partner they know they are lucky to have. If your partner cant turn away from his work, even for a moment, to express how much he loves and appreciates you then he isnt going to be capable of providing you with the romance and attention you deserve.10. A real man isnt concerned with fitting into societal stereotypes.Real men arent spineless conformists; instead, they exercise independent thought to make their own decisions, with no concern for what society or the guys have to say about it. If your partner is always consumed by what is the manly thing to do, then you might be dating a man who isnt capable of thinking for himself.25 Qualities of The Person You Should MarryMarriage is a big life decision that you should not make without a lot of thought and reflection. To help you get started, consider these 25 qualities of the person you should marry.1. They respect your beliefs and values.The person you marrydoesnt have to agree with you on every issue, but even so, you must have a mutual respect for each others core beliefs and values. How could it be possible to keep on loving a person you dont respect?Spoiler Alert: Its not.2. They help you grow as a person.The person you marryshould help you evolve into a better version of yourself. That doesnt mean they should belittle you with insults or tell you that youre not good enough, because positive transformation cannot happen without total acceptance of who you are; but your partnershouldchallenge you to step up your game in every aspect of your life.3. They trust you, and you trust them.The person you marryshouldnt be snooping through your phone, private messages, or browsing history. If they are concerned about a specific issue, they should confront you about it without mincing words or sneaking behind your back.4. They love all of you (even the flawed parts).The person you marryshould be in love withyounot their idea of who they think you should be. If they cant accept you without attempting to mold you into another person, you would be wise to look for love elsewhere.5. They make you chuckle or have giggle fits.The person you marryshould make you feel happy and fulfilled, not sad and stuck. You should be able to smile at each other for no good reason (other than the fact that youre so happy to be together), and you should have inside jokes that no one else in your social circle gets.6. They are okay with the occasional night in.The person you marryhas every right to expect the occasional date night, road-trip, vacation, or adventure of their choosing; however, they shouldnt feel like you always have to be doing something in order to enjoy your time together. They should be perfectly content to snuggle up with you in bed and enjoy a rare moment of silence together, with no need for anything but the feeling of peace and happiness that comes with being wrapped up in your arms.7. They make time together a priority.The person you marryneeds to make time for you, because even the best relationship cannot survive without proper care and attention.8. They have a life outside of your relationship.The person you marryshouldnt expect you to spend every waking moment with them, because you have hopes and dreams beyond the scope of your relationship. And besides, two people can only spend so much time together before getting fed up with each other, so a little bit of space will be good for both of you.9. They express why they appreciate you.The person you marryshould make a point of expressing why they appreciate you, how they feel about you, and what physical qualities about yourself that they find attractive, handsome, sexy, or hot. Its easy to feel your partner doesnt care without the occasional compliment, so make sure they truly appreciate the role you play in the story that is their life.10. They are willing to make compromises.The person you marryshouldnt be a weak-willed pushover who bends to your every whim, but that doesnt mean they get to be stubborn. It is rare that one half of a couple is 100% right or wrong in any given argument. The answer usually lies somewhere in the middle. Your partner should be willing to talk through any given issue with you and make a compromise that might not be exactly what either of you want, but is nonetheless fair to you both.11. They respect your mom and dad.The person you marry doesnt have to enjoy spending time with your family (just ask any married person you know how they feel about their in-laws to discover how unrealistic that idea is), but they should still have enough respect to do so without complaint during the holidays and special occasions that are important to you.12. They inspire your trust.The person you marryshould be a person who you trust so much that you feel like you could tell them anything. If you feel like you must hide things about your past or personality, this could be asign youre dating the wrong person.13. They can admit their shortcomings.The person you marrydoesnt have to be perfect, but they should be truthful enough to admit it when they are wrong. It is okay to make a mistake as long as it is followed by a sincere apology and honest explanation. But if your partner avoids all conflict, denies all short-comings, and is unwilling to apologize, you might want to abandon ship unless facing a constant storm of marital strife sounds like fun.14. They captivate your interest.The person you marryshould intrigue you in the same way a really good movie does; no matter how many times you watch it, you still enjoy the experience, and always seem to notice something new with each additional viewing. If they arent capable of sustaining your interest for the long-haul, then there is no way you can expectlong-lasting relationship success.15. They share your vision for the future.The person you marry doesnt have to be on the exact same life path as you, but your trails should converge in enough places so that you can both reach your final destination together. In other words: If your partner wants to travel overseas, but youre too scared to even get in the plane, then you might have a problem.16. They give without expectation of anything in return.The person you marry you marry should be selfless enough to surprise you with the occasional small act of kindness, without the expectation of getting anything out of it. If youve ever been on a date with a male (or female) who expected to get laid just because they took you out to a fancy dinner, then you know exactly what Im talking about. There is nothing more irritating than people who dont give gifts to be nice, but rather with a predetermined outcome on their mind.17. They dont constantly try to one-up you.The person you marryyou marry has every right to perform a touchdown dance if they win a poker match or board-game, but its a bit lame to live your life as if every single moment is a competition with another person.18. They can be with you in the present moment.The person you marry should be able to enjoy a romantic dinner or car ride together without having to escape into their phone every few seconds. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with a person who cant appreciate the simple act of looking into your eyes, basking in your presence, and enjoying the silence? I didnt think so.19. They turn you on (and vice versa).The person you marry needs to feel magnetically attracted to you; likewise, you should sometimes catch your thoughts drifting away to a naughty place, where you find yourself wanting to rip their clothes off so badly that it hurts. Looks arent everything, but show me a person who says physical attraction is 100% unimportant, and Ill show you a person who is delusional and out of touch with reality. I feel the need to clarify that Im not saying any look is inherently better than any other. I happen to be friends with a lot of gorgeous women of any body-type you can imagine; curvy, muscular, skinny, fit, somewhere in between? It doesnt matter. The same applies to you too, fellas. I cant speak for everyone, but there are three things that turn me on more than looks ever could: confidence, sharp wit, and an ability to make me think.20. They are willing to confront their demons.The person you marry might have a few skeletons in their closet, and thats okay. I would never tell you to not marry a person just because they suffer from alcoholism or suicidal thoughts; being unwilling to confront those obstacles, however, is a different story.21. They dont let feelings fester inside.The person you marry shouldnt keep their most vivid thoughts and feelings hidden behind a veil of secrecy. They should be willing to speak up when something is bothering them, so you can tackle the issue together as a team. Troubles that are held in have a way of intensifying, so you probably dont want to marry a person who puts up a barrier that cannot be obstructed.22. They remain faithful to you.The person you marry needs to be faithful to you and only you (unless you both have agreed otherwise). If you want to get frisky in bed with other invited guests, then Im not here to judge you, but its very important that you and your partner are both on the same page; otherwise, cheating is a thoughtless and inconsiderate act that is unforgivable in the eyes of many. I usually implore people to forgive their partners, but this is one area where you might only want to give a person a single chance, and I cant say I would blame you.23. They arent resistant to change.The person you marry shouldnt resist change with every ounce of their being. Sometimes life presents us with open doors of opportunity that could lead to a new career, a new house, a new hometown, or (insert the limitless possibilities that could occur here). If you love to improvise based on the contents of the hand youre dealt, no matter where that might take you, then you shouldnt settle down with a rigid partner who is so afraid of change that they wont even discuss the issue with you.24. They exercise personal responsibility.The person you marry should carry themselves like a responsible adult, not a reckless teenager. While life is meant to be fun, that doesnt mean it should resemble a 24/7 shopping spree. If your partner is bogged down in debt, or misses payment after payment, or is unemployed and doesnt seem to care, then his or her financial woes will become a constant source of stress as soon as you tie the knot. Unless dealing with collection calls and paying for a bunch of stuff that shouldnt even be your problemBefore You Let Someone Enter Your Life, You Should Have These 15 Things FirstIf you think getting into a relationship will make you whole or complete, think again. So many people enter into a relationship thinking the other person will have the ability to make them happy, when in reality happiness starts from within. If you want a healthy, long-lasting relationship, make sure to have these 15 qualities before you start looking for that perfect match:1. Self-worthKnowing your worth means you wont settle for less than you deserve. You wont be looking for someone to complete you, because you understand that you are already complete. You know youre worthy of the time, energy, and dedication a relationship takes. A good sense of self-worth also means youll be less likely to settle in a relationship.2. Your own group of friendsHaving a stable group of comrades will provide you with an equilibrium. New relationships tend to take up a large chunk of time in the beginning, and a good group of friends will remind you to stay balanced. Another benefit of fostering friendships before you enter into a romantic relationship is having people who know the real you. Good friends will tell you if you arent acting like yourself.3. A realistic view of relationshipsThe honeymoon phase isnt going to last forever. Whenthe infatuation subsidesand you settle back into a routine (except now another person has been added into your routine), this doesnt mean the relationship is fizzling out. Long-term relationships arent meant to continuously function on an emotional high. Unfortunately, our society has portrayed an unrealistic view of romance through movies and literature. It is important to remember that real relationships involve real people, each with their own set of flaws and idiosyncrasies. Being realistic in your expectations is essential. In order to stay fresh, relationships take consistent effort from both parties.4. Financial independenceYoull want to make sure youre not only financially independent, but also that you have a well-rounded understanding ofmoney management. A level head when it comes to money will keep you in control of your own financial well-being. Being financially independent before you start a relationship will give you a sense of security. You wont have to depend on anyone else to keep you afloat.5. Let go of that exIn order to cultivate a healthy relationship with a new person, all feelings toward your ex need to be dealt with. Youll want to have moved on completely from your past. Entering into a new relationship without resolving a previous one can lead to unnecessary animosity. You might start comparing your new partner to your ex or harboring resentments and projecting them onto your new relationship.6. A handle on your behavior when tipsyHopefully, youre done with the drunk make-out sessions and hook-ups. If these kinds of relationships are something you want to continue with, then you arent quite ready for one-on-one commitment.If you cant trust yourself, then your girlfriend or boyfriend wont be able to trust you either. Without trust, the relationship has no foundation.7. Understand that a relationship is a want, not a needYou dont need to be in a relationship. You are perfectly okay by yourself. A relationship is one of those bonuses of life. If you enter into a relationship thinking you need it, you risk becoming dependent on someone. This perpetuates a codependent dichotomy, which can cause harm to those involved. Your relationship is a beautiful addition to your already complete life.8. The ability to be aloneYoull want to be comfortable in your own skin before you invite someone else into your life. This means you need possess the ability to be alone and be comfortable with it. Can you sit at home with a cup of tea and a book without getting antsy? One of the hardest things a person can do is be alone, but its essential. Because even in a relationship, youll find yourself alone from time to time.9. BalanceAs stated earlier, your friends (if they are good friends) will help with this, but you have to make sure your sense of balance is intact before entering into a relationship. Naturally, a new relationship will skew your balance a little, but you should be able bring everything back into harmony with ease.10. An understanding of what you are looking forDo you have any ideas about what you are looking for in a partner? While remembering to stay flexible, also have some ideas about what you want in a match. Do you want to have kids down the road? Do you want to travel? Maybe you dont think this is necessary to think about at the moment, but these are questions that will affect the relationship long term.11. The ability to compromiseCompromise in a relationship is unavoidable. No matter how alike you and your partner are, there will come a time with your opinions differ on a particular subject. When a difference of opinion occurs, you will need to come to a compromise.12. An open mindIts good to have expectations in mind when looking for a partner, but also remember to stay open-minded. What you want might manifest itself in a person you didnt expect. Be open enough to step outside your comfort zone. This doesnt imply that you need to settle, just try something different.13. Your own set of hobbiesKnow what you like to do. Are you into yoga or paddle-boarding? Your partner will come with his or her own set of hobbies. Its important to have your own as well. That way, when your partner really wants to attend the latestComic-Conevent, you and your friends can plan a paddle-boarding date.14. GoalsIts not enough to know what your goals are. Youll want to have anactionable planwhen it comes to achieving them. The right partner will help you achieve those goals, but sometimes your aspirations can get lost in the mix of a new relationship.15. TimeRelationships take time. Getting to know someone takes time. If you are in the middle of a college degree and working part-time, or if you are in the midst of a strenuous career, you might not have the extra hours to dedicate to getting to know someone. This may well be one of the most important factors in letting someone into your life.