15 analysis'

Front Cover Analysis The colour scheme is mostly black, white and red which are very contrasting colours to make the white text stand out against the background whereas the Font sizes vary a lot and so does the capitals within the text along with the colour which gives the text a good variation and looks appealing. Mise en scene on the other hand shows the central image of two Pac and shows him under low key lighting and him clasping his hands to make him look The layout on the other hand is like most magazines with the central image and then having cover lines and callouts around the outside to draw the reader in and this magazine has done that well with a mix of callouts, cover lines and buzz words. The cover lines are well laid out with them Two Pac in the central image is wearing very dark clothing which suggests along with his posture that he means business and then the sort of clothes he is wearing connotes a version

Transcript of 15 analysis'

Page 1: 15 analysis'

Front Cover Analysis

The colour scheme is mostly black, white and red which are very contrasting colours to make the white text stand out against the background whereas the masthead is in red to make it stand out even from the text.

Font sizes vary a lot and so does the capitals within the text along with the colour which gives the text a good variation and looks appealing. Mise en scene on the other hand shows the central image of two Pac and shows him under low key lighting and him clasping his hands to make him look mysterious but in a way business like which gives him a specific aspect to the readers.

The layout on the other hand is like most magazines with the central image and then having cover lines and callouts around the outside to draw the reader in and this magazine has done that well with a mix of callouts, cover lines and buzz words. The cover lines are well laid out with them being centred to the left or the right and then the third colour red is used effectively to single out important parts such as ‘bad girl’.

Two Pac in the central image is wearing very dark clothing which suggests along with his posture that he means business and then the sort of clothes he is wearing connotes a version of being rebellious and gangster like with the large chains and side on caps.

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Front Cover Analysis

The page layout seems to be typical ‘VIBE’ layout due to it having the central image actually cover up most of the masthead but still leaving enough so readers know what it is but this is only possible by having a large reputation already. Not many cover lines are used but they use a main cover line and use the colour red to make it stand out as well as a large font size. Varying fonts are used for each cover line.

The colour scheme seems to be grey white and red but does have parts that are black but are mainly used in small places to make the text contrasting to its background. The red is rarely used but for that exact reason it is made very effective by being used on the main cover line along with a buzz word of ‘exclusive’.

The central image has a sinister facial expression but also looking a bit mysterious along with it again to draw in the reader’s attention. His clothing is contrasting colours to help him stand out at the same time blend with the background and the chain around his neck gives him a gangster look on him. He is also wearing a grey hat which helps to blend him into the background and keep him to the colour scheme for unification of the front cover.

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Front Cover Analysis

The colour scheme is yet again dark colours except this time the background has a glow behind the central image which makes him stand out even more in the centre of the cover. This front cover seems to actually use four colours of white black red and yellow but in specific places: red is used as the titles of the cover lines and backgrounds to the flash and adverts on the front cover and yellow is used to make specific parts of text stand out against the rest such as ‘Special’.

The layout of this page again is like most magazines with the central image surrounded by cover lines and more but this time there is a central cover lines referring to the central image which uses powerful rhetorical questions to draw in the reader and shows that it is the main story of the magazine. This front cover though also contains a by line above the mast head and has used many more buzz words than the first I have analysed.

The text is well presents again with varying use of colours but fonts seems to be more important in this by them using it to single out more important parts of text such as ‘wants you’ and they have also used it all in capitals to give it a powerful effect but mainly the main cover line is in a different font, colour and position entirely to make it stand out as much as possible.

The central image is again under low key lighting to give him a more sinister serious look to him and his gesture is as if he is reading someone’s mind which I am unsure of the implications but I imagine it is to make him look mysterious but also have some relationship with the main cover line. His clothing on the other hand is just a plain red shirt which works with the colour scheme and helps to create that merging effect and make the whole front cover work well together.

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Front Cover Analysis

This magazine front cover has an interesting colour scheme because it is black and white which is odd firstly because it makes ‘XXL’ stand out much more than most magazines would approve of but also because the background is as if he is stood under lamp light on a street which along with his gesture makes him look very sinister and almost dangerous. Like all the magazines they use white and black for contrasting colours.

This magazine front cover also has very few cover lines along it and has its main one as a callout which shows that they focus on the image mostly grabbing the attention of its readers and by making it a large part of the front cover but also having a callout for the main image is in a way like anchorage for the image. The fonts involved are not in capitals but are sharp fonts to grab attention.

The central images gesture is very sinister looking and his clothing is clearly something black but is blurred to make it blend into the background but also to give the background a variety. They blurred this again to get all the attention onto his facial expression and on the close up camera shot they used.

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Front Cover Analysis

The central image is the length of the front cover which instantly takes control but is almost seen as an anchorage to the main cover line below it due to it blending with the background so well. His gesture is quite relaxed and laid back with his hands suggesting he is a musician but also he is a rapper. His clothing is black and white which works with the colour scheme and is also wearing a lot of rings and a watch which suggests a gangster sort of look but also a rich look.

The colour scheme is very dark with like most of their magazine, black white and red. These colours are used well to give variety to the front cover but also the excessive use of black connotes seriousness to the magazine issue and darkness to it.

Text plays a big part in this magazine front cover because like a few of them they have a main cover line which in this one is the thing that grabs the attention of the reader the most in my opinion with the font of it being as if it is worn away which connotes again a gangster sort of look to it. The cover lines around the image moves with him like the ones that are aligned around his shoulder which gives him central stage more to the cover lines and in a sense gives it more importance. The fonts vary like most magazine front covers and are used in this one solely for the purpose of giving them importance.

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Contents Page Analysis

The layout of the page is again very well done with no use of a bleed which gives it a flowing effect and they have made the header a good size which black lines to separate it from the body of text. The proximity of the image and body of text is done well by giving them both almost an equal amount of the page but the image being slightly bigger meaning it gains importance which is very well made.

The colour scheme of the whole contents page is well made with the use of only black and white to make them as contrasting as possible and then inject a bit of colour using the one image which takes up half the page.

Mise en scene is important on this page because it gives the page a lot of colour through what he is wearing and his clothes are also very gangster looking and has a cool looking effect with the use of the sunglasses. His gesture is also important because him being crouched down facing towards the body of text is as if he is related to it so they make them link using the image instead of numbers or page layout. This effect is important to get right but is difficult to make the image really link with the body of text.

Fonts don’t vary very much only with the header and it being abbreviated gives it a more relaxed feel to the page but apart from that it is relatively the same throughout due to the body of text only being the real text on the page.

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Contents Page Analysis

The colour scheme of this magazine contents page is as if the central image was in a spotlight with the black fading into a light grey and the text is black and white which are contrasting colours which suggests is potentially more male but is not exactly clear with black and white.

The layout is unusual but definitely signifies it is a male target audience due to the female central image almost being wrapped around the texts and using her as a border as well as the main attention of the contents page so this strongly suggests it’s of a male target audience

The central image of a female instantly connotes it’s a male audience with the way she is dressed in clothing that shows off a lot of skin as well as the position she has put herself in and even her facial expression all suggest she is aimed at the audience in a sexual sense to make them find her attractive so this is clearly a male audience without a doubt.

The fonts generally are difficult to make to apply to a specific audience but with this contents page they use fancy writing for the sub headers but for the made header of the contents page they use very bold but smooth writing to grab the attention without implying anything further

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Contents Page Analysis

The page layout seems to be a typical ‘doin’ lines’ layout with the image and the text sharing the canter of the page which will hardly suggests to the target audience because it is a simple way of integration of the text and the central image.

The colour scheme I believe is aimed very much at a male target audience due to the black and white which can be seen as both genders but then with the mixes of red against the black gives it that male look and aspect about it which you simply wouldn’t get if it was just white and black.

The text on this contents page clearly shows its of a male target audience through its use of abbreviations in the title of doing and this is typically male due to the connotations of those sorts of language are of gangsters who do tend to be typically male but apart front that, the font size or the font do not connote either side of the target audience. The slang use of the word doing also suggests its target audience is of a younger origin and is aimed at young adults or teenagers.

The central image of this contents page also strongly suggests a male target audience of the younger generation due to the way he is dressed suggests a gang culture or rap culture which nowadays is appealing to those age groups and his gesture is of a ‘hard’ nature which suggests again that he is of a dangerous sort of background

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Contents Page Analysis

The colour scheme does not really imply anything to do with the target audience that I can find apart from that they are quite happy people as the colour scheme is mostly white so it isn’t a dark looking contents page. The fact the central image is wearing a white shirt which blends into the background almost completely shows a good integration of the central image and the background and the fact he is black makes him stand out so it still keeps the image there on the page and grabs attention but leaves out his actually body.

The layout of the page does not really imply an audience either due to it being very open with very little text actually on the page and a lot of the page being white so I am unsure how the layout would actually connote to a specific Audience due to the very simple layout and very open layout.

The text and fonts do not really imply much about the target audience either but it’s the main image along with the colour scheme that mostly implies the target audience is of a younger generation of males due to the large chains being worn and the sunglasses to make him look ‘cool’ and therefore appealing to a younger male audience.

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Contents Page Analysis

The layout of this contents page seems to be typical of the VIBE magazine due to the header ‘contents’ being split into 3 lines. The layout does not tell us much about their target audience and is therefore difficult to analyse. On the other hand the central image shows us that it is of a male target audience due to the jewellery he is wearing and his gesture towards the audience shows it is of a younger generation.

The colour scheme is an unusual one to find on contents pages and is red and white which seem to be quite masculine colours in the sense that it is used with the text being white and the background being a dark maroon sort of red.

The text is an interesting way of appealing to a specific target audience because it suggests strongly that this is focused at a male target audience because of the text tattooed on the central images body although all the text around the outside

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Double Page Spread Analysis

The colour scheme of this page is bright colours which suggest it has an uplifting mood to it. The colour scheme of black and white work well due to them being contrasting colours but then the central image is of the American flag with the red which really helps to make this image stand out from the double page spread.

The central image of the female looks rather sexual and is in a sexual position on the flag which means that they are targeting an audience of males due to the sexual attraction of the female and suggests its adults or younger not old men.

Although the central image is suggesting the magazines target audience is of males, the text is very elegant and therefore suggests that they are actually aiming at a more feminine audience so it remains as conflicting.

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Double Page Spread Analysis

The layout of this page instantly suggests it’s meant for a feminine target audience due to the image strip around the top of the page as if it was many photos from a catwalk.

The colour scheme is unusual on this page because it is white and black but then the image strip on the top of the page is in grey and then the main image is in normal colour which is to make the central image stand out as the most important one and to gather the most attention from the audience. This odd colour scheme again suggests that it is aimed at a female target audience because it uses bright colours but also uses a feminine looking blue.

Text and font does not really tell us much about the target audience apart from that the way it is written and the language used such as ‘forget her sister’ and is written in a very different way to which text is written towards males so in a sense it is aimed again at females but is difficult to gain evidence.

The central image suggests it is a female target audience because unlike the other ones with a male target audience it does not have her in a sexual position but hasher more in a more fashionable position as if she’s showing off her clothing instead of her sexuality so it seems more aimed at females.

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Double Page Spread Analysis

The colour scheme in this double page spread is very good because it uses the colour of the hat as the main header which is a good way of linking them but this also shows again like most of them that their target audience is of the younger generation of males due to the use of the colours of black and white and a dark orange colour.

The central image shows us that the target audience is males because he has a malicious look about him and is dressed up as if he were a gangster and he is wearing masculine clothes and so it gives off an impression that its targeted to males other than females who would have him in a sexual pose if it was aimed to females.

The page layout does not tell us much about the target audience because it is not integrated through the means of the page layout but instead through colour so they simply have one side of the double page spread as the image and then the other side as the body of text.

Text on the other hand actually does tell us quite a bit about the target audience because of the actual font used. They use a font which is usually used in basketball matches which suggest that their target audience is males because it’s stereotypically males who play basketball but also shows us that it’s aimed at an active audience.

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Double Page Spread Analysis

The page layout like a lot of the time does not tell us much about the target audience apart from that it is quite informative to them because only one half of the double page spread is the central image.

The text tells us a lot about the target audience because of the slang they use and the fact they use stars to block out words which would be rude and unauthorised in magazines which suggests that it is a young target audience and for people who are not light hearted but also that again its aimed at partially more males than females because stereotypically its mainly males who swear.

The central image is very clear that it’s a young male audience because of the way they are stood suggests they are stereotypical rappers but also because they are not in a sexual pose shows that it is aimed more towards males. Their clothing also tells us it’s male because they are wearing a lot of jewellery and a hat which is stereotypical of young male singers.

The colour scheme does not tell us much about the target audience which is unusual because it is more or less just black and white apart from the image which is black and grey which are rather dull colours and so it does not give away much about the audience due to black and white being potentially both genders.

Page 15: 15 analysis'

Double Page Spread Analysis

Page layout of the double page spread does not seem to tell us much about the target audience but again like the last one I analysed that it’s quite informative and that they like to keep the image and text spate on the page to make the text easier to read.

The central image tells us that unlike the other ones it is a bit less aimed towards rebellious teenagers/adults due to it being in black and white and his clothing and gesture being rather calm and generic with no real intent to imply something from the way the image is. They do make the image stretch across the header a bit to suggest its connection to the story.

The text in this double page spread is the thing that mainly shows us the target audience which is male due to the header being ‘trilla’ suggests it is male because it is slang and is the singers stage name which suggests a male connection but apart from that the text and font is relatively normal and hard to distinguish what the target audience is from it.

The colour scheme again does not tell us much about the target audience apart from that its aimed at males a bit more than females because of the red being used in the header to make it stand out from the page whereas the rest of the page is in black and white.