


A n E mo t i o n a l Re s p o n s e

Transcript of 15-16

Page 1: 15-16

An Emotional Response

I made this wooden cube to describe my personal response to the area of Roseangle in Dundee.TheThe conventional shape was a response to the ordered and fairly traditional style of Roseangle. The layers of wood symbol-ise the different types of people and lifestyles which can all be found living side by side in the area. The wood I chose was im-portant as I wanted to cube first to have a luxurious and expen-sive appearance. This is achieved through the rich grains and colours of varnished elm and oak. There is however, cheaper plywood within the cube. This was added to describe how al-though at first glance Roseangle looks like a very “well to do” area, it actually has its less affluent corners - with smashed phone boxes and shopping trolleys on the streets.The last important feature of the cube is its carved face. I carved a pattern into the surface partly to describe some of the old-fashioned wrought iron work found often in Roseangle, but also to hint at the lush organic nature of the area in general, as it seems to me to be one of the “greenest” residential areas within Dundee’s inner city.