14th Edition - P.E & School Sport eBulletin

01743 453495 [email protected] www.energizestw.org.uk @EnergizeCSP /EnergizeSTW EnergizeSTW PE and School Sport eBulletin Welcome to the 14 th edition of EnergizeSTW PE and Sport School e-bulletin. This newsletter is here for you… to help keep you informed of opportunities and developments influencing physical education and school sport across Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin. Got something that you would like to share? Drop us a line at [email protected] with an outline of your article and associated pictures / logos. Friends and colleagues who would like to receive this e-bulletin directly, please email [email protected] Issued 23 rd February 2015



Transcript of 14th Edition - P.E & School Sport eBulletin

01743 453495 [email protected] www.energizestw.org.uk

@EnergizeCSP /EnergizeSTW

EnergizeSTW PE and School Sport eBulletin

Welcome to the 14th edition of EnergizeSTW PE and Sport School e-bulletin. This newsletter is here for you… to help keep you informed of opportunities and developments influencing physical education and school sport across Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin. Got something that you would like to share? Drop us a line at [email protected] with an outline of your article and associated pictures / logos. Friends and colleagues who would like to receive this e-bulletin directly, please email [email protected]


23rd February 2015

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

In this issue… Local News

Girls rugby moves to contact in Shropshire Sportivate football success Veolia Junior Street Champions Accreditation Scheme

Training FA Teachers Award Shropshire Playing Fields Association workshops

Events Shrewsbury Hockey Club

Funding Premier League and FA Facilities Fund Project Ability Funding Extension

Healthy Schools Inclusive park case study ‘Eat Better Move More’ nominated for Award Improving young people’s wellbeing Sugar swaps

National Policy Updates and News

PE National Curriculum advice and support Whole School PE Development YST Conference presentations Inspiring Women Campaign PE survey results Youth Sport Trust ‘Class of 2035’ ASA Improving School Swimming 2014 Bikeability School Travel Report

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

Local News

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

Winter School Games 2015 takes place next week!

The Shropshire Homes School Sport Festival as part of Sainsbury’s School Games takes place next week 3rd and 4th March at Shrewsbury Sports Village! Click here for a full list of events on both days and risk assessments The County wide competition will see over 1,600 pupils taking part in events including; tag rugby, gymnastics and indoor rowing!

You can follow the action on social media: Twitter: @STWSchoolGames Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STWschoolgames

The full results will be available on www.energizestw.org.uk plus a round up of the two days will be in the next issue. For all School Games related enquiries, contact Harry Cade [email protected] 07539 377701

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

Girls move to contact in Shropshire

Over the past couple of months year 8, 9 and 10 girls from secondary schools across Shropshire have been taking part in

transition events to take them from playing tag rugby to contact. These sessions have been delivered by RFU members

of staff and club volunteers who took the girls through an introduction to tackling, scrummaging and 1 v 1 rucking. The girls then took part in a festival to put their newly acquired skills into practice with each event being linked to the local

rugby club with representatives there to assist with coaching and to promote girls rugby at their club.

So far 135 girls have taken part in the three transitional events

with a fourth planned to take place in Shrewsbury in March. Huge amounts of enthusiasm have been shown by the girls.

Teachers who have attended the events have also commented on how fun and engaging the sessions have been and that

they would love to participate at a club near them.

Shropshire will be holding a Girls Pitch Up and Play event at Shrewsbury RFC on Sunday 1st March starting at 1pm.

For more information contact [email protected] Source of news item – page 10

The RFU will delivering girls Year 8/9 Rugby at School Games this March.

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

Girl’s football booming at AFC Telford United

AFC Telford United Football Club held a Sportivate project in late 2013 to encourage more girls in the area to play. Women and girls participation at the club is now the highest it’s ever been. Click here for a short case study about the project

What is Sportivate?

Sportivate is aimed at anyone between the ages of 11-25, however a particular focus is placed on projects aimed at children and young people who are inactive, women and girls, those aged 19+ or projects with an inclusive element.

Who can apply?

Sportivate is open to all! In the past projects have been led by a huge range of providers (from sport and non-sporting organisations and individuals). The main requirement is that you have recognised the demand for a project and can show how your intervention will have a positive effect on the group or area you are targeting. There is a current focus on engaging inactive children and young people and women

Any questions? Contact [email protected]

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

Veolia Junior Street Champion Accreditation Scheme Reducing, Re-using, Recycling and Recovering Energy

Veolia is working with Telford & Wrekin Council to provide recycling services across the Borough. As part of their contract they would like to work with schools in Telford & Wrekin and get pupils engaged in talking about recycling as well as other waste management topics. They are offering a number of workshops free of charge.

Workshop 1 - Your Streets

Workshop 2 - Recycle Races

Workshop 3 - Food waste & the lunch box challenge

Workshop 4 - Composting & Gardening to include bulb planting

Workshop 5 - The recycling process - site visits to Materials Recovery Facility

Workshop 6 - The magic of energy waster - site visit to an Energy Recovery Facility

Workshop 7 - Meet the crew (from 2016)

If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Harry Weaver [email protected] or 07787 005 379.

Click here for further information

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk


> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

FA Teachers Award

Primary school teachers have the opportunity to develop their coaching skills on a new course at St. Georges Park. The FA Primary Teachers Award was designed to provide a basic introduction to the skills required when planning to deliver a KS1 or KS2 Physical Education lesson involving the beautiful game. The 6 hour course provides primary school teachers with the confidence to deliver football within a school setting.

Follow this link for more information

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

Shropshire Playing Fields Association Workshops

The Shropshire Playing Fields Association are currently offering workshops to promote the benefits and value of play in local communities.

They are offering the following workshop for free: Understanding the value and benefits of play Covering a general overview of the theory and policies involved in play and its practical application. For further information please contact David Kilby on 01743 850943 or email [email protected]

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk


> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk


> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

Premier League & FA Facilities Fund

Over £17m has been invested into a fund by the Premier League and the FA to benefit grassroots football facilities, with grants of £10,000 to £500,000 available

They welcome applicants from football clubs, community trusts, multi-sport clubs, local authorities, educational establishments, and registered charities, among others Visit the Football Foundation website for more information on eligibility criteria

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

Funding Extension for Project Ability

There has been a £300,000 fund announced by Children and Families Minister Edward Timpson to get more young disabled people into playing sport.

The Youth Sport Trust will manage the Project Ability programme to organise Paralympic athlete visits and to deliver specialist training to teachers.

The funding is being handed out to raise the confidence of disabled young people - and get them playing more sport.

Key achievements from the grant last year-

- 100 events for 1,652 members to improve their ability to engage young disabled people.

- More than 60 schools connected with national disability sport organisations to support young disabled people, parents and carers.

- Inspirational mentoring visits from Olympic and Paralympic role models to more than 1,250 young disabled people.

View the full news item here

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk


Schools Articles in this section will be linked to the

Everybody Active Everyday recommendations

for Schools and Higher Education as set out by

Public Health England, these are:

Designing playgrounds to increase physical activity

Integrating active travel into the school day

Promoting a healthy lifestyle to pupils

Maximising the community use of school


> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

Inclusive Play Park

If you are planning to refurbish or create a play area, it is vital to consider the needs and abilities of all children.

A play area in Exeter has been rated as number 6 in the World in the top 30 ‘most impressive accessible and inclusive playgrounds’.

The refurbished park recognised the need to cater for all children and aimed to enhance enjoyment regardless of ability. The project was funded by Big Lottery and features level tarmac paths, a ramped sandpit, Braille signs for blind children and accessible equipment.

See the full story here

Are you looking to make your play area in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin more inclusive? Follow this link for some ideas!

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

Eat Better Move More shortlisted for Award

Shropshire Council’s Public Health curriculum work with primary schools has been shortlisted for the prestigious Pamela Sheridan Award which recognises pioneering approaches to relationships, sex and wellbeing education.

Shropshire’s Respect Yourself Eat Better, Move More, Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) programme supports schools to deliver age appropriate, up to date lessons to help pupils keep themselves healthy, happy and safe. Read the full story here

If you are a primary school in Shropshire and would like more information, contact Health Development Officer Alice Cruttwell - [email protected] Phone: 01743 242439

Mobile: 07990085968

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

Improving young people’s health and wellbeing

Public Health England have created a framework for improving young people’s health and wellbeing.

There are specific questions for education settings:

Do you have an accurate assessment of health and wellbeing needs of your population, including identifying those who need extra support? How are you ensuring that personal, social and health education (PSHE) and sex and relationships education (SRE) are embedded across the curriculum and culture of the organisation, and is equally about building skills as well as knowledge? (see previous page on the Eat Better Move More resource) How is the school/college helping young people know where to go for health advice and support? See page 19. of the document for the full list of questions

To view the framework in more detail follow this link

The document also provides information on why we should invest in young peoples health, the most critical health outcomes and how can we make a difference now

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

Sugar Swaps

Following their 10 minute Shake Ups Change4Life are back with a new healthy eating campaign encouraging children, parents and schools to eat less sugar by swapping to healthier snacks. Sign up and receive: • Free Sugar Swaps guide to eating less sugar,

shopping pad, swap cards and stickers

• Money off vouchers to make buying Sugar Swaps cheaper

• Handy weekly emails and texts packed with tips, advice and fun ideas to help you swap.

For more information and access to the resources

follow https://sugarswaps.change4life.co.uk/

Healthy Shropshire is supporting the campaign - http://www.healthyshropshire.co.uk/change4life-sugar-swaps/

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

National Policy

Updates and


> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

P.E Advice & support for the National Curriculum

Aimed at anyone who has a responsibility in training teachers or in delivering the new National Curriculum for physical education, it provides easy and one-stop access to the programmes of study as well as to guidance, readings, resources and other sites which will assist in interpreting and implementing the new curriculum. This section on the afPE website has been developed by the PE Expert Group and includes advice and support relating to the new national curriculum which came into force in September 2014. Sections include:

Guidance on the New National Curriculum New National PE Curriculum Glossary of Terms Guidance on Assessment Professional Learning for Primary PE Secondary PE Teachers’ Development Tool Readings & Resources NGB Statement Advice on the Primary PE & Sport Premium Advocacy Statements

Source of information

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

Whole School PE


The Association for Physical Education (afPE) believes “The difference that physical education and sport make to the lives of young people is quite remarkable”

Follow this link to see the poster that shows the contribution of physical education to whole school improvement. Harry Cade has some hard copies of this poster, please email [email protected] if you would like one.

You can also download the physical education subject content and assessment objectives for-

GCSE teaching from 2016


GCE AS and A Level teaching from 2016

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

YST Conference 2015

You can now download a selection of presentations and videos from the conference, from the relevant links below:

Consultations Debates Effective Practice - EP01-EP05 Effective Practice - EP07-EP11 Effective Practice - EP13, EP15, EP17, EP20-21 Effective Practice - EP22-EP25 Primary Strand

Source of information

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

Inspiring Women


During this week 23 – 27 February 2015 the Inspiring Women in Sport campaign is planning a week of action with events bringing together women working in sports and the next generation of girls and young women. The aim is to broaden awareness amongst girls of the range of jobs in sport, identify female role models, and shine a spotlight on women in sport. If your school or college would like to take part in the week, please sign up today at: www.inspiringthefuture.org You can then view and contact the volunteers in your area. Contact- call 020 3206 0510 or email [email protected] View the full news item here

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

YST ‘Class of 2035’

Youth Sport Trust launched its Class of 2035 on Thursday 5th February which looks ahead to what young people's relationship with PE and school sport might look like 20 years on from now.

The Class of 2035 uses a detailed insight to present four possible scenarios depicting possible relationships between technology, the relevance and quality of PE and School Sport and levels of physical activity in the future Visit the website- www.classof2035.com

Also view the full news item here

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

PE, School Sport and Physical Activity Survey Report

The Youth Sport Trust have reported findings from their PE, School Sport and Physical Activity survey carried out over a 6 week period in June and July 2014.

Main findings include-

- 97% of primary schools and 85% of secondary schools actively encourage physical activity as part of the school day

- 91% of schools believed that PE and School Sport makes a positive contribution to achievement, 70% to behaviour and truancy and 69% to attainment

- 48% of primary schools include PE and sport in their transition programme, using it as a vehicle to drive wider school agendas

Download a copy of the report here

Follow this link for more information

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

Can you help improve school swimming?

The ASA is asking primary schools across England to help them improve the standards of school swimming by sharing their experiences. Each year the ASA compiles a ‘state of the nation’ report that looks at the number of primary school children who achieve the minimum national curriculum standards for swimming. To ensure an accurate picture is compiled, the ASA is asking all primary schools in England to take part in the School Swimming Survey Also view the ASA Club Strategy 2013-2017 More information is available here

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

2014 Bikeability School Travel Report

The Association of Bikeability Schemes (TABS) have completed a report considering the contribution Bikeability cycle training makes to encouraging more children to cycle more often to school and other places nearby. The report covers areas such as frequency of activity in trained children compared to untrained; do they normally cycle on roads or pavement; do they enjoy cycling and what do they think would make cycling more enjoyable.

View the full report here

> 01743 453495 > [email protected] > www.energizestw.org.uk

Contact Us If you don’t receive this e-bulletin directly and would like to please email [email protected]

If you would like to know more about School Games or would like advice about the Primary School Sport Premium, contact:

HARRY CADE: Youth Sport Manager

For information about Sportivate projects, contact:

BEN HARPER: Senior Sports Manager

If you would like information about Energize’s Sporting Champion programme featuring Alison Williamson, contact:

HELEN MADDEN: Office Manager

For information about Satellite Clubs, contact:

JOE LOCKLEY: Club Development Manager

[email protected]

Central telephone: 01743 453 495