14.IJAEST Vol No 7 Issue No 2 Spectrum Utilization by Using Cognitive Radio Technology 258 263

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  • 8/6/2019 14.IJAEST Vol No 7 Issue No 2 Spectrum Utilization by Using Cognitive Radio Technology 258 263


    Spectrum Utilization by Using Cognitive Radio


    Er. Vishakha Sood

    ECE departmentStudent RIEIT Railmajra

    Punjab, [email protected]

    Er. Manwinder Singh

    ECE departmentFaculty RIEIT Railmajra

    Punjab, [email protected]

    Abstract: Cognitive radio networks can be designed to managethe radio spectrum more efficiently by utilizing the spectrum

    holes in primary users licensed frequency bands. The

    currently available unlicensed spectrum is reaching its limit

    and various demands for applications and data rates in

    wireless communications requires additional spectrum which

    imposes limits on spectrum access. These requirements

    demand for efficient and intelligent use of spectrum. The

    system model and the problem of the optimum spectrum

    allocation in cognitive radios are introduced and formulated.

    There are very few experimental simulation techniques present

    regarding cognitive radios, thus we intend to come out with a

    simpler and efficient simulating technique. Our approach was

    to take the decisions on the basis of power spectral density of

    the channel which can be used cognitively to find out the

    available gaps those can be assigned to new incoming usersthus improving the overall channel throughput.

    Keywords: - cognitive radio (CR), Power spectral density

    (PSD), Primary user (PU), secondary user (SU).

    I. INTRODUCTIONMost of todays radio systems are not aware of

    their radio spectrum environment and operate in a specific

    frequency band using a specific spectrum access system.

    Investigations of spectrum utilization indicate that not all

    the spectrum is used in space (geographic location) or time.

    A radio, therefore, that can sense and understand its local

    radio spectrum environment, to identify temporarily vacant

    spectrum and use it, has the potential to provide higher

    bandwidth services, increase spectrum efficiency and

    minimize the need for centralized spectrum management.

    This could be achieved by a radio that can makeautonomous (and rapid) decisions about how it accesses

    spectrum. Cognitive radios have the potential to do this.

    Cognitive radios have the potential to jump in and out of un-

    used spectrum gaps to increase spectrum efficiency and

    provide wideband services. In some locations and/or at

    some times of the day, 70 percent of the allocated spectrum

    may be sitting idle. The FCC has recently recommended

    that significantly greater spectral efficiency could be

    realized by deploying wireless devices that can coexist with

    the licensed users [1].

    Figure-1.Measurement of 0~6 GHz spectrum Utilization at Berkeley

    Wireless Research Center [1]

    As we now that spectrum is not scarce but it is

    not used properly or efficiently. It is shown in figure-1

    that the total available spectrum is 0-6 GHZ but only up to

    2 GHZ is used properly.

    Figure-2.Spectrum measurement across 900 kHz-1 GHz band

    (Lawrence, USA) [2]

    The figure -2 shows the use of cognitive radio for filling

    the spectral holes [2].

    This paper is organized as follows: in section II we

    will give complete description of PSD. In section III we

    will explain the current frequency allocation plan in India

    .In section IV we will explain the system performance with

    the block diagram .In section V we will explain the

    simulation results with graphs. Section VI will conclude the



    Vol No. 7, Issue No. 2, 258 - 263

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    II. POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY DETECTIONThe power spectral density (PSD) is intended for

    continuous spectra [2]-[6]. The integral of the PSD over a

    given frequency band computes the average power in the

    signal over that frequency band. In contrast to the mean-

    squared spectrum, the peaks in these spectra do not reflect

    the power at a given frequency.




    Hpsd = dspdata.psd (Data, Frequencies) uses the powerspectral density estimation data contained in Data andFrequencies vectors.

    Hpsd = dspdata.psd(...,'Fs',Fs) uses the sampling frequency

    Fs. Specifying Fs uses a default set of linear frequencies (inHz) based on Fs and sets Normalized Frequency to false.

    Hpsd = dspdata.psd (...,'SpectrumType', Spectr mType) uses

    the SpectrumType string to specify the interval over whichthe power spectral density was calculated. For data thatranges from [0 pi) or [0 pi], set the SpectrumType to one-

    sided; for data that ranges from [0 2pi), set the

    SpectrumType to two-sided.

    Hpsd = dspdata.psd (...,'CenterDC', flag) uses the value offlag to indicate whether the zero-frequency (DC) component

    is centered. If flag is true, it indicates that the DCcomponent is in the center of the two-sided spectrum. Set

    the flag to false if the DC component is on the left edge ofthe spectrum.

    The periodogram for a sequence[x1.xN] is given by the



    | | (1)

    The periodogram will be

    S (f) =

    | | (2)

    Where is in radians/sample. Frequency is in Hz, Fs arethe sampling frequency. Periodogram is the PSD estimate of

    the signal defined by sequence [x1 .xN].


    The word spectrum refers to a collection of various

    types of electromagnetic radiations of different

    wavelengths. Spectrum or airwaves are the radiofrequencies on which all communication signals travel. In

    India the radio frequencies are being used for different types

    of services like space communication, mobile

    communication, broadcasting, radio navigation, mobile

    satellite service, aeronautical satellite services, defense

    communication etc.

    Indias National Frequency Allocation plan:-

    The National Frequency Allocation Plan (NFAP)

    forms the basis for development and manufacturing ofwireless equipment and spectrum utilization in the country.

    Frequency bands allocated to various types of radio services

    in India are as follows.

    1) 0-87.5 MHz is used for marine and aeronauticalnavigation, short and medium wave radio, amateur

    (ham) radio and cordless phones.

    2) 87.5-108 is used for FM radio broadcasts3) 109-173 MHZ Used for Satellite communication,

    aeronautical navigation and outdoor broadcast vans

    4) 174-230 MHz not allocated.5) 230-450 MHZ Used for Satellite communication,

    aeronautical navigation and outdoor broadcast vans

    6) 450- 585 is Not allocated.7) 585-698 is used for TV broadcast8) 698-806 not allocated.9) 806-960 is used by GSM and CDMA mobile


    10) 960-1710 is used for Aeronautical and spacecommunication.

    11) 1710- 1930 is used for GSM mobile services.12) 1930-2010 is used by defense forces.13) 2010-2025is not allocated.14) 2025-2110is used for Satellite and space


    15) 2110-2170 is not allocated.16) 2170-2300 is used for Satellite and space


    17) 2300-2400 is not allocated.18) 2400- 2483.5 Used for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth short

    range services.

    19) 2483.5-3300 Space communications.20) 3300-3600 not allocated.21) 3600-10000 Space research, radio navigation.22) 10000 are used for satellite downlink for broadcast

    and DTH services.

    As is clear from the above plan that spectrum is not

    used fully thats why we are making use of cognitive radio

    technology to make best from available[7],[12]. The current

    fixed frequency band allocation scheme cannot

    accommodate these requirements of increasing number of

    high data rate devices. The challenges for managing the

    radio spectrums in India are mentioned in [11].The

    spectrum utilization in the frequency bands between 30

    MHz to 3GHz averaged over six locations was studied by

    the Shared Spectrum Company [12],[15].The report shows

    that the maximum utilization is approximately 25% in TV


    Vol No. 7, Issue No. 2, 258 - 263

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    channel and the average usage is only about 5.2% .This

    finding suggests that spectrum scarcity as perceived today is

    mostly due to the inefficient fixed frequency allocation

    rather than physical shortage of radio spectrum.

    IV. SYSTEM PERFORMANCEWeve taken 5 carrier frequencies Fc1 = 1000, Fc2

    = 2000, Fc3 = 3000, Fc4=4000 & Fc5 = 5000. Keeping the

    user message/data signal frequency as 1000.

    x = cos (2*pi*1000*t)//every users base band data signal.

    Once user 1s data arrive, it is modulated at the first carrier

    Fc1, similarly as the 2nd

    users data arrives, it is modulated

    at the 2nd

    carrier Fc2, so on till fifth user is assigned the Fc5

    band. If any users data is not present his frequency band

    remains empty which is called a Spectral Hole [16]-[20].

    Figure-3 shows the block diagram representation for

    calculation of PSD.

    Figure 3: Block diagram for PSD calculation

    Let us explain it by taking example:

    in_p = input ('\nDo you want to enter first primary user

    Y/N: ','s');

    If(in_p == 'Y' | in_p == 'y')

    y1 = ammod(x, Fc1, Fs);


    Firstly we will initialize the 5 Carrier Frequency Bands (Fc)

    for all Users, Message Frequency (as taken 1000 here) and

    the Sampling Frequency (Fs). When any users data arrives

    it is modulated at its carrier frequency, if any users data is

    not present then his frequency band remains empty. Then all

    the modulated signals are added to create a carrier signal.

    The Power Spectral Density is estimated by using

    periodogram method. All the PU is assigned with spectrum

    according to their data requirements. When a new User (SU)

    arrives he is assigned the first spectral hole. If all the slots

    are reserved ask user to empty a particular slot. The slot that

    is to be fired is asked and made empty accordingly to user.

    Whether to add or not the Noise and in how much amount is

    asked to user. The output is plotted. The attenuation and

    %age of attenuation is asked to be added and plotted

    accordingly [2], [7]-[9].

    V. SIMULATION RESULTSWeve designed our system to have 5 different

    frequency channels and each User is assigned a particular

    frequency band. Once we run our program itll ask to add a

    User and assign it a particular band in ascending order.

    Figure-4 command window showing entry of users

    Here we havent entered User 2, & 4, thus their respective

    bands are still un- allocated. We can see them below in the

    power spectral density graph of our carrier signal.

    Figure-5.PSD graph

    This figure shows the PSD graph of the values entered

    above. As is clear from the figure that we have allocated

    only users 1, 3 and 5; their respective bands can be seen


    Figure-6 command window

    Here the secondary users entry is asked and secondary user

    is entered at the free space which is not occupied by PU.


    Vol No. 7, Issue No. 2, 258 - 263

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    Figure-7 PSD graph

    Here is the PSD of figure-6.We can see from fig-5 that slot

    2 was not assigned to PU so it is allocated here to the SU.

    Figure-8 command window showing noise addition

    Here the noise adds operation is performed. The SNR is

    asked to be added. As here 50 dB is added.

    Figure-9 PSD graph

    Here the added noise figure is plotted. We can easily

    distinguish between the original signal and noise added


    Figure-10 command window showing attenuation

    Here we can see the attenuation operation. The %age by

    which the signal is to be attenuated is added here.

    Figure-11 PSD plot

    Here we can see the effect of adding attenuation to the

    signal. As the level of the signal depends upon the %age of

    attenuation added.

    Figure-12 command window

    Here we can see that until all the slots are not filled the

    program will re -run and ask for adding the secondary users.


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    Figure-13 PSD graph

    As we can see from fig-6 that slot 4 was un-occupied so it is

    allocated here to SU.

    Figure-14 command window showing all slots filled

    Here again the secondary users entry is asked. If all slots

    are reserved then the program will not re run.

    Figure-15 PSD plot

    Here is the PSD of above entered command. As all slots are

    occupied so no user cant be entered now. It is required to

    first vacate any slot for further entry.

    Figure-16 command window showing slot fired operation

    Here the slot fire operation is explained. The slot which is

    required to fire by user is entered and made vacant


    Figure-17 PSD Plot

    As we can see from above command that slot 1 is fired so it

    is free for next data or for next user to be used.


    In this paper we have taken the problem of in-efficientspectrum utilization i.e. shown by FCC that the spectrum is

    not scarce but it is not used efficiently and we have tried to

    maximize the utilization. We have made use of PSD and

    tried to vary some parameters so that the portion of the

    spectrum which is not used by PU at a time can be allocated

    to SUs. Firstly we have given priority to PUs and

    accordingly the left sots are allocated to SUs. Then we have

    fired the slots. Then we have added noise and attenuation to

    see their effects on the availability of the signal. As we have

    obtained best results but the results can vary with the

    previous researches due to variations in parameters.


    Vol No. 7, Issue No. 2, 258 - 263

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