#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps Gold Star Review 2009 Dileas Gu Brath.

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps Gold Star Gold Star Review Review 2009 2009 Dileas Gu Brath Dileas Gu Brath
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Transcript of #142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps Gold Star Review 2009 Dileas Gu Brath.

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps

Gold Star Review Gold Star Review


Dileas Gu BrathDileas Gu Brath

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps2

Gold Star ReviewGold Star Review

Requirements to Qualify for Your Gold Star: Complete leadership modules and in class

assignments (LM’s 7,8,9)

Organize & execute one leadership project(LM10)

Prepare 2 lesson plans and teach a lesson Pass the gold star written test (60% or more) Complete the drill requirements for parades.

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Gold Star ReviewGold Star Review

Leadership Modules (30%)1. “Just You and Me”(LM8) – building blocks to positive relationships

2. “Living in a Fast Paced World”(LM9) – dealing with challenges of stress and social related issues as a leader. Also, where to find help for those in need.

3. “CHAP”(LM7) – review & understand harassment & abuse policies within the cadet organization


All above material is submitted as part of your

Leadership journal.

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps5

Gold Star ReviewGold Star Review

Organizing Your Leadership Project (20%): Leadership proposals could be Duke of Ed or Community Service based. Other

ideas may be considered also. Projects began in 28 Sept 2006. Begin the planning and organization using “The Task Procedure Process 411.10”

studied in class. Leadership project Warning & Operations Orders to be posted on e-journals If you are a Duke of Ed leader or Comm Service leader, you will schedule group

meetings outside of Cadet training hours. Periodic mentoring sessions will take place to review your progress

(conducted by the Course Training Officer). Project activity to be completed by 15 Dec 2007 Project Debrief session with Capt Connery must be completed by 15 Feb


#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps6

Gold Star Review

Instructional Techniques – prepare & teach a lesson– Prepare 2 lesson plans

Drill Classroom

– Teach a 15 minute lesson– Submit a copy of each lesson plan to the assessor

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps7

Evaluation Breakdown

Leadership Modules and assignments – 30% Final Exam – 20% Leadership Project – 20% Instructional Techniques – teach a lesson –

10% Personal Drill assessment – 10% Course Report – 10 %

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps8

Gold Star ReviewGold Star Review

Passing the Written Gold Star Test: The test will have at least one question from

each chapter (Army Cadet Reference Book)

The emphasis is on Instructional Technique Leadership Map & Compass

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps9

Gold Star ReviewGold Star Review

Use the following questions to help you study each chapter.

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps


Gold Star ReviewGold Star Review

Chapter One – DrillDescribe the flag party position called “The


What are the steps in a Ceremonial Review

What is the difference between the cautionary and executive parts to a drill command.

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps


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Chapter Two – Fundamental TrainingName the components of a memorandum

Define a “Parade State”

Explain the difference between “rank” and “appointment”.

Explain the difference in the roles of officers and Non-Commissioned officers.

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps


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Battalion Organization

Cadet Commanding OfficerLieutenant Colonel

Appointment Rank

Company CommanderCaptain

Company Sergeant MajorMaster Warrant Officer

Platoon CommanderLieutenant

Platoon SergeantSergeant

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps


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Chapters Three and Four

Not allocated – nothing to study here!

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps


Gold Star ReviewGold Star Review

Chapter Five – Map and CompassWhat are the steps involved in converting a grid (map)

bearing to a magnetic (compass) bearing?

Understand how to take a bearing using a protractor and plot your course

How do you measure distance on a topographic map.

How to use a 6 figure Grid Reference

How to identify map signs –water, terrain, activity

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps


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Chapter Six – Range DutiesName four points to be covered during a range


Name three duties of a Range Assistant.

At what point should the Coach review strengths and weaknesses with the shooter?

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps


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Name three desirable attributes in a coach.

List the four things of which a coach should possess a detailed knowledge.

Define the terms “Calling the shots” and “clock system”.

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps


Gold Star ReviewGold Star Review

Chapters Seven and Eight

Not allocated - two more chapters with nothing to study!

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps


Gold Star ReviewGold Star Review

Chapter Nine – Instructional TechniquesList six principles of instruction. (Hint : ICE-PAC)

Name two types of questions you can use in the classroom & two qualities of a good question.

What are the four stages of a lesson plan

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps


Gold Star ReviewGold Star Review

Chapter Ten

Not allocated - last chapter with nothing in it!

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps


Gold Star ReviewGold Star Review

Chapter Eleven – LeadershipDefine “Morale” and “Esprit-de-Corps”.List six of twelve expectations of followers.Name two of the benefits of discipline in a cadet

corps.What is “task procedure,” and what are the steps

in an “operations order”?List the barriers to communication.

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps


Gold Star ReviewGold Star Review

Chapter 12 – CitizenshipGive two reasons why cadets should participate

in a community activity.

Give an example for each of these two reasons.

What is the first major consideration when organizing an community activity?

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps


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Chapter 13 – Physical FitnessName two advantages of “Tabloid Sports Meets”.

Name three duties of the event organizer.

The objective is for each competitor to achieve the predetermined ______________.

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps


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Chapter 14 – Sensible LivingWhat four things should be stated in a Notice of


What two purposes does an agenda serve?

Name six agenda items that are included between the Call to Order and the Adjournment?

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps


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Suggestions for studying:Study every chapter in the book

Find a study partner to work with.GOOD LUCK

#142 St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps


Gold Star ReviewGold Star Review

Good Luck Gentlemen!Dileas Gu Brath