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  • 8/2/2019 1411442


    Eat ing Your Way to a

    Kit chen t o t he Restaurant

    Sabrina Candelaria, MPH, RD, LD/N

    er c oo o e c ne- n vers y o amDepartment of Pediatrics/ UWellness Center

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    Health & Eating

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    Problem Areas

    Grocery shopping

    Food labels

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    Preparing Foods at Home

    YOU control what isin our food

    Involves planning aheadof time

    YOU can control

    our ortion size

    -Availability of ingredients


    Greater ease ofweight management

    Time consuming

    - $$ Cost effective (marinating, chopping)


  • 8/2/2019 1411442


    Eating Healthy at Home: What

    D I T k ?

    Making your meals more Heart Healthy

    Loading up on healthy foods

    Equipping your kitchen with tools forhealthy cooking

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    Tips For Healthy Cooking

    (1) Adopt Healthier Cooking Methods

    Roast Bake


    Grill/broil au


    - Microwave

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    Tips For Healthy Cooking


    available. Preservation methods such as canningmake foods high in sodium and sugar.

    Low-sodium varieties

    Foods packed in water instead of oil Frozen fruits and vegetables ( sodium)


    Salt-free seasonings Citrus zest Fresh herbs & spices Lemon juice

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    Tips For Healthy Cooking

    (4) Make the most of time spent cooking.

    Prepare more food than you will eat in one sitting

    Additional servings can be refrigerated (24 hours) or

    Saves time and energy

    (5) Keep your pantry stocked with foods for quick andeasy use.

    , , ,juice

    Cooking wine (red & white)

    ege a es pac e n wa er o ves, ar c o es

    Pre-chopped or minced garlic

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    Tips For Healthy Cooking

    cholesterol sources with healthier alternatives.Use non-stick cooking spray instead of butter or oil

    FYI: cup of butter (1 stick)= 815 calories, 58 gramsof saturated fat, and 244 grams of cholesterol

    - 1 oz. of oil= ~2 Tbs .= ~250 calories

    Replace the butter in your baking with fruit purees suchas bananas, applesauce & prunes (reduces calories & fat;

    When a recipe uses more than 1 egg, lower cholesterolby replacing at least 1 whole egg with 2 egg whites.

    -Replacing at least one whole egg ~35 calories, 5grams of fat, and 212 grams of cholesterol

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    Tips For Healthy Cooking


    in your recipes.Substitute low fat yogurt, sour cream, or cottage cheese


    grain alternatives to boost your fiber intake.Use whole grain starches (bread, rice, pasta, couscous,

    , , , , ,buckwheat)

    Use unbleached, whole wheat flour when baking

    - , =

    -1 cup of unbleached, whole wheat flour= ~15g fiber

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    Tips For Healthy Cooking

    (8) For recipes using chocolate:

    a a espoons o cocoa pow er an a espoonof vegetable oil in place of 1 ounce of baking chocolate(or 1 square). This simple substitution can spare you

    ~6-7 grams of saturated fat.

    (9) Keep tools on hand for healthy food preparation.Non-stick cookware

    Kitchen-sized grill ware

    -Range top grill pan

    -George Foreman grillGarlic press

    Citrus zester

    Food processor

    Cookware for steaming (double boiler, steam basket)

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    Grocery Shopping

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    Grocery Shopping Strategies

    (1) Plan meals in advance to save money, energy, andtime.

    Include foods needed for all meals and snacks toavoid bu in more than ou need.

    Post a grocery list on the refrigerator to keep track of

    foods as you run out.(2) Avoid shopping when you are hungry or thirsty.

    Leads to impulsive choices

    (3) Fill your cart with the healthiest choices in eachfood group (MyPyramid guidelines).

    Whole rains whole fruits and ve etables rich incolor, non-fat & low fat dairy, lean meats, poultry, fish,

    beans, and nuts.

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    Grocery Shopping Strategies

    (4) Use food labels as a guide to healthy choices.

    -Total calories-Serving sizes

    -Saturated & trans fat

    -Sugar- o um


    (5) Make the Produce Section your first stop; spend themost time in this section.


    Buy precut fruits and veggies for convenience

  • 8/2/2019 1411442


    Grocery Shopping Strategies

    (6) Start your journey on the perimeter of the store

    where the fresh and more nutrient-rich foods arekept: produce, dairy, meat, fish.

    un oo s are yp ca y p ace n e cen er o e s ore

    (7) Choose real, whole, natural foods more thanprocesse oo s.

    -More nutrients, fewer preservatives, sodium, and sugar

    (8) Pay attention to ingredients on labels; limit/avoidfoods with more than 5 ingredients, artificialin redients and those ou cannot ronounce.

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    Food Label LingoUS FDA, How to Use Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label

    5%DV or less islow

    20%DV or moreis high

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    Health-related Claims

    Low calorie Less than 40 calories per serving. Low cholesterol Less than 20 mg of cholesterol and 2

    gm or less of saturated fat per serving. Reduced 25% less of the specified nutrient or calories

    an e usua pro uc .

    Good source of Provides at least 10% of the DV of a

    particular vitamin or nutrient per serving. Calorie free Less than 5 calories per serving. Fat free / sugar free Less than 12 gram of fat or sugar

    per serving.

    Low sodium Less than 140 mg of sodium per serving. High in Provides 20% or more of the Daily Value of a

    s ecified nutrient er servin .

    High fiber 5 or more grams of fiber per serving.

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    Food Labels: % Daily Value

    eating 2,000 calories a day. A food item with a 5% DVmeans 5% of the amount of fat that a person consuming, .

    Remember percent DV are for the entire day not just forone meal or snack.

    You may need more or less than 2,000 calories per day.For some nutrients you may need more or less than

    100% DV.

    ource: mer can e e c ssoc a on u r on ac ee : e mar -

    Get the facts on food labels, 2006.

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    Food Label Info

    U.S. Food and Drug Administration

    Nutrition Facts Label

    . . . ~ .

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    Dining Out

    plan of attack before you get there

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    Dining Out Healthy

    (1) Remember that food does not have to lack taste andflavor in order to be healthy.

    (2) Always remember: the more you are served, themore you will eat.

    Share an entre

    s o ave a your p a e wrappe o go e ore

    being brought to the table

    gain; 1 lb fat= 3500 calories.

    Cuttin out 10 calories/da = 1 ound of fat lost/1 earCutting out 100 calories/day= 10 pounds lost/1 year

    Find ways to make small changes you barely notice

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    Dining Out Healthy

    (4) Leave the rules of the past, where they belongin the past.

    Finishing everything on your plate

    Dont make a scene in public (asking wait staff

    questions/making requests) on t p ay w t your oo ott ng oo to remove o ,removing skin, scraping off breading)

    High fat/calorie dressings boost up calories quickly

    , ,serving and ask for the rest to be removed from the


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    Dining Out Healthy

    side. Be assertive when ordering. (1 oz. oil= ~2Tbsp= ~250 calories)


    ,ask for the luncheon portion at dinner.

    Add a side salad or non-cream sou to add bulk.

    (9) If you are not taking leftovers, ask for your plate to beremoved immediately.

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    Dining Out Healthy

    (10) Red fla terms on a menu:

    Fried Crispy






    Au Gratin In a Butter, Cream, or Cheese Sauce



  • 8/2/2019 1411442


    Bran Muffin Breakfast Sandwich

    420 calories, 20 grams of fat 300 calories, 12 grams of fat

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    Chicken Caesar Salad Grilled Chicken Breast Salad

    900 calories, 60 grams of fat

    400 calories, 20 grams fat900 calories, 60 grams fat

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    ur ey urger r o n ea

    ca or es, grams o a

    350 calories, 20 grams fat850 calories, 50 grams fat

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    Foods do not have to be tasteless in

    order to be healthy

    Try not to deprive yourself of the foodsyou love

    Learn to plan ahead (shopping,

    restaurant eating) Slow it down (enjoy the experience of


    Set yourself up for success Find ways to make changes that you

    barely notice (no big deal)

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    Recommended Reading

    Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think, Brian Wansink

    PhD, 2006.

    What To Eat, Marion Nestle, PhD, 2006.

    Eat This Not That: Thousands of Simple Food Swaps That Can Save

    You 10, 20, 30 pounds or More!, David Zinczenko, Matt Goulding,


    Dr. Jos Dining Lean: How to eat healthy when youre not at home, 3rd

    edition, Joanne V. Lichten, RD, PhD, 2007. (www.drjo.com)

    American Dietetic Association Complete Food and Nutrition Guide,Roberta Larson Duyff, MS, RD, FADA, CFCS, John Wiley & Sons, 2002

    n u ve a ng , n e on, ve yn r o e, , an yse esc ,

    MS, RD, FADA, St. Martins Griffin, 2003

  • 8/2/2019 1411442


    Online Resources

    American Dietetic Association




    Fruits and Veggies More Matter

    . .