14/11/2007CERN - Muon Week1 Detector Description status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia –...

14/11/2007 CERN - Muon Week 1 Detector Detector Description Description status and plans status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia – Saclay Stefania Spagnolo Univ. del Salento and INFN Lecce

Transcript of 14/11/2007CERN - Muon Week1 Detector Description status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia –...

Page 1: 14/11/2007CERN - Muon Week1 Detector Description status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia – Saclay Stefania Spagnolo Univ. del Salento and INFN Lecce.

14/11/2007 CERN - Muon Week 1

Detector DescriptionDetector Descriptionstatus and plansstatus and plans

Laurent ChevalierDapnia – Saclay

Stefania SpagnoloUniv. del Salento and INFN Lecce

Page 2: 14/11/2007CERN - Muon Week1 Detector Description status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia – Saclay Stefania Spagnolo Univ. del Salento and INFN Lecce.

14/11/2007 CERN - Muon Week 2

OutlineOutline General issues and plans:

layoutsM4 setuptoward a revised layout R in detector description

validationdead matterMuonGeoModel RTT jobs

MuonGeoModel MDT deformations Volume clashes Optimizations

Page 3: 14/11/2007CERN - Muon Week1 Detector Description status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia – Saclay Stefania Spagnolo Univ. del Salento and INFN Lecce.

14/11/2007 CERN - Muon Week 3

+2.000m w.r.t nominal position

+1.711m w.r.t.nominal


only EIL4 unchange


Layouts – Layouts – M4 setupM4 setup Primary numbers available in a new Oracle tag in Sept.

MuonSpectrometer-R.01.01.Initial.Light-M4-EIL4only in ATLAS-CommNF-03-00-00

TGC (T1,T2,T3) move by 2.000 m MDT(EMS/EML) move by 2.000 m End-Cap Toroid moved by 1.711 m (Tile extended move by 1.227 m)

Used for M4 data reconstruction

Simulation not started yet: a configuration problem (?) preventing correct

simulation identifiers to be produced for TGC - under investigation

Adjustments will be needed for the M5 layout end-cap chambers moved in the beam direction - in progress

Page 4: 14/11/2007CERN - Muon Week1 Detector Description status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia – Saclay Stefania Spagnolo Univ. del Salento and INFN Lecce.

14/11/2007 CERN - Muon Week 4

Layouts – Layouts – new version of amdb for new version of amdb for

layout Rlayout R AmdbSimrec-R-02-01 is under development

first release of ascii format expected by end of November then will propagate to Oracle GeoModel Simulation full validation

based on AmdbSimrec-R-01-01 with updates of active components only (dead matter as in R-01-01)

Main changes: corrected position of BIS, BIR and BIM (up to 7.5 cm in the radial

direction) new BIR subtype with correct RO/HV side BOG, BOF, BOL will move by ~10 mm (to be worked out) fix long beam type/size in BMF and EML1,6 to fix clashes (now avoided by

hard-coding in MuonGeoModel) RPC 17(in some BOG), 8(some special chambers in BMS across toroid ribs)

correct eta strip number and pitch (to be worked out) impact on cabling BML – change assignment of station eta impact on Identifier dictionary

Describe more realistically layout R in the software

Page 5: 14/11/2007CERN - Muon Week1 Detector Description status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia – Saclay Stefania Spagnolo Univ. del Salento and INFN Lecce.

14/11/2007 CERN - Muon Week 5

Validation – Validation – dead matterdead matter

Materials in MuonGeoModel vs AmdcMaterials in MuonGeoModel vs Amdc

G4 via GeoModelAmdc

Layout R – integrated X0via Amdc Dead Matter service

(reading Amdb)by shooting geantinos in the G4

simulation of the MS and integrating X0 along the track

pathmany thanks to A. Di Simone

Page 6: 14/11/2007CERN - Muon Week1 Detector Description status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia – Saclay Stefania Spagnolo Univ. del Salento and INFN Lecce.

14/11/2007 CERN - Muon Week 6

Validation – Validation – dead matterdead matter

Identified some inconsistency between GeoModel and primary numbers for dead-matterall details in L. Chevalier talk @ Muon

Reconstruction Session Alignement bars through EC toroids not at the correct phi

phi position hard coded in MuonGeoModel

support between ECT coils too short size hard coded in MuonGeoModel

clearance between connection box and voussoirs to be removed

Page 7: 14/11/2007CERN - Muon Week1 Detector Description status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia – Saclay Stefania Spagnolo Univ. del Salento and INFN Lecce.

14/11/2007 CERN - Muon Week


connectionbetween coiland support

Page 8: 14/11/2007CERN - Muon Week1 Detector Description status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia – Saclay Stefania Spagnolo Univ. del Salento and INFN Lecce.

14/11/2007 CERN - Muon Week


tube lenght in eta 1.66->2.10

Aligment tube and ECT coil supporthard coded in GeoModel since...1.5 years

Page 9: 14/11/2007CERN - Muon Week1 Detector Description status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia – Saclay Stefania Spagnolo Univ. del Salento and INFN Lecce.

14/11/2007 CERN - Muon Week 9

Validation - Validation - MuonGeoModel RTTMuonGeoModel RTT

code + python in MuonGeoModelTest have been re-adapted in order to configure 3 RTT jobs (many thanks to Stephane W.) now running in the dev nightly builds

for each tube/strip/wire-gang dump global position + compare with a reference (for most relevant layouts);

Check consistency of diff. versions of MuonGeoModel hit-relocation: simulate geantino hits + run hit relocation; output:

ntuple; root macro to generate standard plots (by Stephane).

Check coherence of raw geometry (simulation) w.r.t. readout geometry (reconstruction)

AmdcMGM (by J.F. Laporte): build Amdc transient model + MuonGeoModel; compare global positions of each tube/strip/wire;

Check coherence of two models (help enforcing coherence with primary number conventions)

3 jobs running in the RTT tests - MuonGeomRTT3 jobs running in the RTT tests - MuonGeomRTT

Page 10: 14/11/2007CERN - Muon Week1 Detector Description status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia – Saclay Stefania Spagnolo Univ. del Salento and INFN Lecce.

14/11/2007 CERN - Muon Week 10

Validation - Validation - MuonGeoModel RTTMuonGeoModel RTT

RPC hits X-Y view

MDT hits R-Z view

relocated MDT hits

distance from the geantino track

relocated MDT hits

distance from the geantino track

z direction

a selection of plots from this week rel_1 nightly RTT - hit a selection of plots from this week rel_1 nightly RTT - hit relocationrelocation

Page 11: 14/11/2007CERN - Muon Week1 Detector Description status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia – Saclay Stefania Spagnolo Univ. del Salento and INFN Lecce.

14/11/2007 CERN - Muon Week 11

MuonGeoModel - MuonGeoModel - MDT deformationsMDT deformations New agreed convention on MDT deformation parameters (C. Amelung

and F. Bauer, Sept 3, Muon Alignment Meeting ) new format of B-lines

Ivan Logashecho modified the kernel methods in MuonGeoModel to deal with deformation parameters (fully compliant with new conventions) handle only parameters describing rigid tube displacements in the

multilayer integrated in tag MuonGeoModel-00-05-07 (to go in 13.x.0)

ok for B-lines 0 no sensible overhead for extra transforms due to deformation parameters – from

tests in 13.0.30 on MC samples with pile-up and cavern background (Niels Van Eldik)

tests of digitization with deformations to be resumed (D. Rebuzzi, R. Harrington)

access to B-lines from COOL to be enabled and tested; access methods to B-lines container to be provided

TO DO: comparison of B-lines implementation in Amdc-MuonGeoModel

Page 12: 14/11/2007CERN - Muon Week1 Detector Description status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia – Saclay Stefania Spagnolo Univ. del Salento and INFN Lecce.

14/11/2007 CERN - Muon Week 12

MuonGeoModel - MuonGeoModel - Volume clashesVolume clashes

GEANT4 recursive test (depth: 7 levels from Muon System tree top) very successful on latest tags

Needs tests of simulation with new version of GEANT4 (with improved multiple scattering)

Still to fix (in the active geometry sector) feet region chambers with cutouts

Page 13: 14/11/2007CERN - Muon Week1 Detector Description status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia – Saclay Stefania Spagnolo Univ. del Salento and INFN Lecce.

14/11/2007 CERN - Muon Week 13

MuonGeoModel - MuonGeoModel - OptimizationsOptimizations

MuonGeoModel (via the new tracking methods) allocates memory incrementally by building a cache with transforms for each MDT tube and RPC/TGC/CSC gas gap ! memory allocated by HLT tasks grows slowly during the run

not nice in the online with 1GByte Ram available per task implemented a switch enabling/disabling the caching

mechanism to check the benefit of caching, memory vs cpu time;

Performance test will be done by running TrigMoore (started by F. Winklmeier)

option to fill the cache at start of run under study will impact on initialization time – also critical for HLT

more caching + access via hash id was proposed by the reconstruction communitywait for the outcome of HLT performance tests

memory vs cpu time

Page 14: 14/11/2007CERN - Muon Week1 Detector Description status and plans Laurent Chevalier Dapnia – Saclay Stefania Spagnolo Univ. del Salento and INFN Lecce.

14/11/2007 CERN - Muon Week 14

MuonGeoModel - MuonGeoModel - OptimizationsOptimizations

Id hashes for XxxReadoutElements (provided by new versions of MuonIdHelpers in dev branch – Ketevi) detector manager can give access to XxxReadoutElements via detector

element hash XxxReadoutElements vs Data Collections

Mdt multilayer DD // Mdt chamber (2 multilayers) Data Collection Rpc module DD // Rpc set (typically 2 Rpc modules) Data

Collection Tgc chamber DD // Tgc chamber Data Collection Csc chamber layer DD // Csc chamber (2 layers) Data Collection in a loop over a Collection, this implies using hit identifiers to retrieve the

relevant XxxReadoutElement NOT OPTIMAL better design under study

disc surfaces for TGC – on hold – optimize ~pointing phi strip description a bug report concerning a single RPC surface for gas gap with two different strip

panels … not suitable for new tracking ! to be fixed generic (but important) optimizations under way: use of MessageStream / internal

use of cached quantities / etc …

MuonGeoModel vs muon EDM