14 February El Clarín

Hermana Dayton and I want to wish a Happy Valentine's Day to our outstanding missionaries in El Faro. We are so grateful for you valiant sisters and elders and love you in ways we wouldn't have thought possible before the mission. Traditionally, this holiday is the holiday that celebrates romantic and Christian love. The history of St. Valentine is not a lovely image at all as he was sentenced to be executed by the Roman emperor, Claudius, for secretly performing Christian marriages of young couples in opposition to Roman law. It is clear to all of us that Christ and Christianity really introduced love and the higher law to the world. It started with our Heavenly Father who "so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) In the epistle of John we read that "God is love." (1 John 4:8). In other words, the very essence of our Heavenly Father is love. Romans assures us that "nothing can separate us from the love of God" (Romans 8:38) Finally, in one of the most beautiful scriptures on love, we are promised that "we are encircled eternally in His love." (2 Nephi 1:15) After being reassured that God's love for us is beyond our understanding, we are then taught that, after our love for God, our love for our fellowman is the most important thing we can do. Commandments such as "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" (Matt 22:36-39), "as I have loved you, love one another," (John 13:34-35) and "he who loveth God love his brother also" (1 John 4:21) make it clear how much our mission as missionaries is to love the people we teach. One characteristic of a consecrated missionary is that they truly love all people with whom they come in contact. What an amazing difference one kind, loving, happy missionary makes in this complicated unhappy world. There are so many ways we can show our love to the wonderful Spanish people. Unplanned service for them, sharing their burdens, mourning with them when they have sadness, being tireless in bringing them salvation, not judging them, listening to them, sympathizing with them and being kind, loving and patient with them are all ways of showing them a Christ-like love. A higher demand is placed on us when we are called upon to love those that are mean, insulting, abrasive, abusive, unreceptive, and irritating. Truly we are loving like the Savior when we are able to love those who are not very lovable. When our investigators reject us, lie to us, waste our time, fire on appointments, insult us and decide not to be baptized--we still must love them in the same manner as Christ would. On this Valentine's Day it is my prayer that we may truly "fill the world with love" and make love the very center of everything we do. Please always remember how much we love you. Con un amor eterno, Presidente Merril T. Dayton Message From Presidente Dayton Love Ought to Be at the Center of Everything We Do 14 de Febrero de 2016 El Clarín de El Faro


El Clarín de 14 de febrero del 2016

Transcript of 14 February El Clarín

Page 1: 14 February El Clarín

Hermana Dayton and I want to wish a Happy Valentine's Day to our outstanding

missionaries in El Faro. We are so grateful for you valiant sisters and elders and love you in ways we

wouldn't have thought possible before the mission. Traditionally, this holiday is the holiday that

celebrates romantic and Christian love. The history of St. Valentine is not a lovely image at all as he was

sentenced to be executed by the Roman emperor, Claudius, for secretly performing Christian

marriages of young couples in opposition to Roman law. It is clear to all of us that Christ and Christianity

really introduced love and the higher law to the world. It started with our Heavenly Father who "so

loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish

but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) In the epistle of John we read that "God is love." (1 John 4:8). In

other words, the very essence of our Heavenly Father is love. Romans assures us that "nothing can

separate us from the love of God" (Romans 8:38) Finally, in one of the most beautiful scriptures on love,

we are promised that "we are encircled eternally in His love." (2 Nephi 1:15)

After being reassured that God's love for us is beyond our understanding, we are then

taught that, after our love for God, our love for our fellowman is the most important thing we can

do. Commandments such as "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" (Matt 22:36-39), "as I have loved

you, love one another," (John 13:34-35) and "he who loveth God love his brother also" (1 John 4:21)

make it clear how much our mission as missionaries is to love the people we teach. One characteristic

of a consecrated missionary is that they truly love all people with whom they come in contact. What

an amazing difference one kind, loving, happy missionary makes in this complicated unhappy world.

There are so many ways we can show our love to the wonderful Spanish

people. Unplanned service for them, sharing their burdens, mourning with them when they have

sadness, being tireless in bringing them salvation, not judging them, listening to them, sympathizing with

them and being kind, loving and patient with them are all ways of showing them a Christ-like love. A

higher demand is placed on us when we are called upon to love those that are mean, insulting,

abrasive, abusive, unreceptive, and irritating. Truly we are loving like the Savior when we are able to

love those who are not very lovable. When our investigators reject us, lie to us, waste our time, fire on

appointments, insult us and decide not to be baptized--we still must love them in the same manner as

Christ would. On this Valentine's Day it is my prayer that we may truly "fill the world with love" and make

love the very center of everything we do. Please always remember how much we love you.

Con un amor eterno,

Presidente Merril T. Dayton

Message From Presidente Dayton

Love Ought to Be at the Center of Everything We Do

14 de Febrero de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

Page 2: 14 February El Clarín

Punctuality vs. Tardiness

Message From Hermana Dayton

14 de Febrero de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

Punctuality is showing esteem for others by doing the right thing at the right time. Punctuality is based on two important factors (1) reverence for time and (2) a respect for other people. Punctuality is being present, prepared, and alert for appointments and it is living in harmony with the nature of God. Our Heavenly father designed the day for work and the night for rest. He wants us to make full

use of every day and finish one week´s work in six days. We are then to honor Him in keeping the Sabbath day holy.

An important part of punctuality is a respect for other people and the time God has entrusted to them. My five minute delay means that each person waiting loses 5 precious minutes of their day... it is irreplaceable time. Your punctuality affects how you keep your word, determines whether others

can depend on you, and demonstrates your respect for others. Time is one of our most precious assets. We are given a limited amount of it and are accountable to God for how we use it.Especially as we are serving in the mission field--18 months or 2 years is all we have to give to the Lord--it is His time and we have such a responsibility to make the best use of it in bringing souls to Him.

Time is very much like a coupon; it does nothing for us until we exchange it for something of value. We get the most value when we invest in what matters most... bringing souls to Christ.A great quote by Horace Mann is, "Lost yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two

golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered for they are gone forever.”

Page 3: 14 February El Clarín

Message From Hermana Dayton

14 de Febrero de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

We can apply punctuality to missionary work by:

-Praying and reading Scriptures each morning to show Heavenly father that He is most important in our lives.

-Arriving for church early, for dinner appointments with members on time, and meeting with investigators at the agreed upon time.

-Following through on referrals within the first 24 hours and reporting back to Elder Alleman.

-Sending baptismal forms the Day after confirmation (Monday).

-Sharing the Gospel as the Holy Ghost guides usto people on the streets.

-Arriving for District Meetings, Zone Conferences, Intercombios at the appointed time.

In Alma 12:24 we read "this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God" and we are further warned that "if we do not improve our time in this life, then cometh the day of darkness." Alma 34:33I have a desire to make punctuality a strength and feel grateful for the opportunity to study these

Christlike attributes. With each one, I see weak areas that I can improve. How grateful I am for the opportunity to learn and grow.

We love you very much and continue to learn so much from you as we serve together in the Spain Barcelona mission. We will continue to pray for you daily as you valiantly serve and represent the Savior.

Much love, gratitude and admiration--

Hermana Dayton

Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility, Knowledge & Wisdom, Patience, Diligence, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Generosity, Forgiveness, Dependability, Availability, Orderliness, Gratitude, Endurance, Persuasiveness, Compassion, Alerness, Character, Decisiveness, Determination, Truthfulness, Benevolence, Honor, Sincerity, Punctuality,

Page 4: 14 February El Clarín

Percentage of Missionaries with Baptism

14 de Febrero de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

























Up to this point of the year, 36% of

all companionships have seen a


Page 5: 14 February El Clarín


14 de Febrero de 2016

“Eran contados … y se

inscribían sus nombres”



























Bautismos 8 9 12 5 8 12 7 7 3 5 10 3 6

Confirmaciones 9 9 12 5 7 10 10 7 3 5 10 3 5

Fechas bautismales 121 95 103 87 92 72 91 88 115 102 87 94 110

Inv reunion sacramental 164 211 166 215 162 173 170 192 204 197 191 190 213

Lecciones con un

miembro696 734 692 645 729 572 635 598 683 675 690 633 657

Lecciones con un m. p. 45% 45% 46% 44% 45% 50% 47% 43% 42% 40% 46% 41% 41%

Nuevos Investigadores 567 620 469 525 507 340 539 529 659 588 466 518 556

Bautismos/Confirmaciones esta semana 5

Bautismos/Confirmaciones este mes 8

Bautismos/Confirmaciones hasta la fecha

este año43

El Clarín de El Faro

Aurar Nahiely García Badalona 2B Hermanas Leija y Larsen

Rocio Rincon Morilla Mataró A Élderes Bronson y Averett

Leonidas Mario Fajardo Leon Las Arenas A Élderes Rogers y Hemeyer

Salvador Murcia Beltran Valencia 3A Élderes McArthur y Carter

Gonzalo Pino Bosett Inca Élderes Reddish y Jones

Page 6: 14 February El Clarín

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.Doctrine & Covenants 42:14

CINCO: Élderes McArthur y Carter

CUATRO: Hermanas Leija y Larsen

Hermanas Vilariño y Jones

Hermanas Ratliff y Fernández

TRES: Hermanas O´Neill y Manotas

Élderes Carballo y Sedgwick

Hermanas Rica e Iregui

Élderes Gonzalez y Mallette

Élderes Lake y Thompson

Hermanas Ingram y Larsen

Élderes Watterson y Parker

Élderes Reddish y Jones

Roxana Barcelona 3B

Edward, Raquel, Vic B


Aurelio Zaragoza 1B

Jaune, Miriam Andorra

Pepe Bilbao B

José Bilbao C

Pedro Hospitalet 2B

Hammadú Martorell A

Jean Carlos Castellón A

Luis Gandía A

Jorge, Jorge Valencia 2A

Miguel Angel

Sarahy Valencia 2C

Ana Vitoria C

Fernando Palma 1A

Beatriz Palma 2B

14 de Febrero de 2016

Compañerismos que lograron las pautas de excelencia:

Oremos por estos investigadores con fechas bautismales para esta semana:

El Clarín de El Faro

The Zone

Bilbao is in the Zone!-With an average of 8.1 new investigators per


Page 7: 14 February El Clarín

BAPTISM!!!!!! This last saturday

was amazing! me and my

companion had the

opportunity to baptize Anton,

and I have never felt the spirit

so strong in a baptismal

service! Being in the font with

him and being able to see his

eyes light up and the smile on

his face. That is what I love, not

only that I get to help another

one of Gods children find the

fold but that they can feel the

love and joy of being in the

fold! I love Anton and this work

so much!

This week was sweet!! We

had the baptism of Beatriz and

it was a good one! The service

was super good and the

members here really support so

that's great! I had the chance

to baptize her! It was a good

experience and the spirit was

strong like always! It was fun

having you there! Thanks for

coming! The next day she was

confirmed and also her

husband was ordained to be a

priest! So it is fun to see them

both progress in the gospel!

They really are great people!

Hey president this is Elder

______reporting from another

week in ______. So we´re super

awesome and ready for this

weekend for the baptism of

Gonzalo! He will for sure be

baptized but as for Helen she

has a few questions about the

law of chastity along with her

boyfriend. But theyll figure it

out soon I think. We're going to

try and teach the boyfriend to

help him out a little.

President it been another

great week in Logroño! Ioan got


For a long time i thought he was

a member because he even

looks like one! He would

participate in gospel principles

and prayed and just looked

straight up MORMON! Haha so

last week here we decide to ask

him when we can meet with

him, he tells us to go wenesday.

We go and take a returned

missionary named Angie who is

amazing! We come to find out

that he's in 2 Nephi and loves

the book of mormon! PLUS he

prays every night.... (Mmmm

okay Ioan stop messing with me

seriously!?). We decide to read 3

Nephi 11 which talks about

when Christ comes to the

Americas and teaches about his

gospel; faith, repentence ,

BAPTISM, and the priesthood. we

invite him to be baptized the 6th

of Feb. and invite him to pray

about it, he then says that he

already knows the church is true

and that the book of mormon is

true and says YES! At this point

im sitting on the couch

practically singing " Glory to

God". His baptism service was so

beautiful and full of the spirit! His

family came and were able to

get a feel for the church!

Experiences like this bear record

to me that the Lord truly is

preparing all his children to

accept the gospel. What i

haven't mentioned is that Ioan

had actually been in a way

"investigating the church" for 4

years, but didn't agree with the

book of mormon or the

priesthood. Yeah those are two

very huge and VITAL things

necessary for knowing this is

Gods True church! He wasn't

ready four years ago but was

ready now.

13 de abril de 2014

The Miracle of Baptism

14 de Febrero de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

Sunday night, as we were in

Barcelona traveling to the

mission home, we received a

call from an investigator that

has been investigating for a

long time. He has always had

desires to be baptized since he

was found about a year ago,

but due to certain

commandments, he wasn´t

quite ready to be baptized. He

goes to church every week,

and helped us out on our visits

to less active members and

recent converts because he

had a strong testimony of the

church, but he just lacked the

ordinance. Well he (Salvador)

called us and said ¨Elders, I

have been thinking quite a bit,

and I have decided that I

need to be baptized.¨ At that

point my jaw hit the floor, he

had always been a great guy,

but I won´t lie, I wasn´t

expecting to hear about

baptism from him for about a

year or two. He continued to

tell me that he had talked to

our bishop and that bishop

told him to talk with us and get

the baptismal interview set up.

He wants to be baptized THIS

SATURDAY!!! I am so excited for

this week and to see him be

baptized! He and his girlfriend

are getting closer to becoming

sealed in the temple and

become members of the


Page 8: 14 February El Clarín

The Miracle of Baptism

14 de Febrero de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

El momento en que le

conocimos fue muy especial.

Pues íbamos andando y de

repente algo me dijo mira

atrás y estaba ella. Sentimos

que teníamos que hablar con

ella y lo hicimos. Mientras

hablamos su hijo salió y muy

alegremente gritó

"Elderes". Fue un sentimiento

tan bonito. Cuando alguien

nos conoce por las calles es

tan maravilloso. Y a partir de

ese moment nos comentaron

que eran bautizados pero

ella no. Ella permitió que los

niños se bautizaran con 8

años junto a su hermano

mayor y hemos quedado con

ella dos veces y esta muy


So this week was a super

great!!! We have been seeing

alot of success- I dont know

why, but the área is just

progressing alot!!! We have

had some super great people

just put into our path!!! We

have alot of people

progressing towards their

baptismal dates, like, we

have 6 people that we have

that have a desire to be

baptized- super great, and

super humbling to have that

many people that are willing

to listen to the word of Christ

and follow His example. If yall

could, please pray for them :)

(Miriam y Jaume-mother and

son, Leila, Pilar, y Hilary-

Grandma, mom, and

daughter, y Luis- great man).

We dont have any scheduled

for this saturday, but the next

two saturdays we do. This

área has made me work

even harder, and I feel like

there are so many more

people here just waiting to

have the opportunity to hear

the góspel and to accept the

Savior into their lives!!!

Page 9: 14 February El Clarín

14 de Febrero de 2016El Clarín de El FaroMission News

Recent Baptisms in El Faro