13th , 14th & 15th Batch Mumbai_Chennai_Raipur_Fast Track CFP Exam 5(Final Exam) Preparation...

download 13th , 14th & 15th Batch Mumbai_Chennai_Raipur_Fast Track CFP Exam 5(Final Exam) Preparation Training Workshop_September12 Schedule

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  • 7/31/2019 13th , 14th & 15th Batch Mumbai_Chennai_Raipur_Fast Track CFP Exam 5(Final Exam) Preparation Training Works


    Dear CFP Aspirant,

    We are happy to announce our 13th , 14th and 15th batch of FAST TRACK CFP EXAM

    5/FINAL/AFP MODULE preparation training workshops for month of September12

    Fast track CFP EXAM 5 (FINAL) Preparation Training Workshop (Two days)

    13th Batch @ Mumbai dates 7th & 8th Sept.(Frid & Sat.)(Already 5 seats are booked)

    14th Batch_@ Chennai on dates 15th & 16th Sept12 (Sat. & Sun.)(Already 5 seats are booked)

    15th Batch @ Raipur dates 6th and 7th Oct.12 (Sat. & Sun.)(Already 5 seats are booked)

    Batch size: 10 and Training fees: Rs.10,000/- per participant

    Early bird discount : 10% & Group discount ( 3 or more) :10%

    Last date for an early bird discount (Raipur- 10th Sept.,Mumbai-30th Aug & Chennai-5th Sept.)

    Call now for early bird and group discount offer


    Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

    Vantage (VIFM)-Authorized Education partner-FPSB India & KEYUR SHAH (Expert

    Coach and Trainer for the CFP exam 5/Final/AFP module) launches the "FASTTRACK CFP EXAM 5/FINAL/AFP MODULE" preparation training workshop.

    KolkataA 12th batch of FAST TRACK CFP EXAM 5/FINAL/AFP module preparationtraining workshop dates 18th & 19th August12 @ 1 Love Lock Hotel, Kolkata

    Ten(10) Senior BFSI Professional have attended the training workshop includes Chief Manager- UCO Bank, Branch Manager-Bank of India, Senior Manager-State Bank of India, Branch Manager- UTI MF, Wealth Managers from a leading Private Wealth Management firms and Established Independent FinancialAdvisers. Post Training workshop, All participants were confident to pass the CFP Final/ Exam 5 with A or B Grade in Month of Sept./Oct.'12.

    New Delhi

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/31/2019 13th , 14th & 15th Batch Mumbai_Chennai_Raipur_Fast Track CFP Exam 5(Final Exam) Preparation Training Works


    A 9th batch of FAST TRACK CFP EXAM 5/FINAL/AFP module preparationtraining workshop dates 14th & 15th July12 @ SIRIS2 Hotel Gurgoan.

    10 senior BFSI professionals (AVP/VP+ level) from Religare Macquarie, Aditya Birla Money Mart, EliteWealth management attended the training workshop. Post training workshop All participants were

    confident to pass the Final/Exam 5 in their first/next attempt by Aug.'/Sept.12 with A or B grade.

    BanglaoreAn 8th batch of FAST TRACK CFP EXAM 5/FINAL/AFP MODULE

    preparation training workshop (Nahar Heritage Hotel) successfullycompleted dated 7th & 8th July'12.

    Ten(10) senior BFSI professional attended a training workshop includes Director of a leading stock brokingCo., Head-Finance-CITY OF LONDON TELECOM, Premier Banker from HDFC Bank, Wealth Manager from aleading Corporate, Training Manager of a leading Life Insurance Co., Branch Manager of State Bank of Indiaand established IFAs.Post training workshop All participants were confident to pass the Final/Exam 5 in thenext attempt by Aug./Sept.'12 with A or B grade

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    preparation training workshop @ Religare Macquarie Private Wealth MgmtHO, Mumbai successfully completed dated 30th June & 1st July'12.

    There were 12 wealth managers (AVP/VP+ level) from Religare Macquarie and one participant

    from Met life (Zone Training Manager-Banca) attended the training workshop. Post trainingworkshop All participants were confident to pass the Final/Exam 5 in the next attempt by

    July/Aug.'12 with A or B grade.

    A 6th batch of FAST TRACK CFP EXAM 5/FINAL/AFP preparation training workshop@ HO of a leading MNC Private Wealth mgmt Co @ Mumbai. A training workshop

    was attended by "CXO" level participants (Director-Sales (PAN INDIA HEAD),Chief Investment Officer(CIO) of a leading Pvt. Life Insurance Co.)

  • 7/31/2019 13th , 14th & 15th Batch Mumbai_Chennai_Raipur_Fast Track CFP Exam 5(Final Exam) Preparation Training Works


    Ahmedabad_3rd batch of "FAST TRACK CFP EXAM 5/FINAL/AFP MODULE"

    preparation training workshop @ Ahmedabad on dated 2nd & 3rd

    June'2012. There were nine (09) experienced BFSI professionals had attended

    the program from SBI/Axis Bank/ICICI Securities/Trust Plutus/MNYL andestablished financial Advisors.

    Introduction:Exam 5 is a final exam for CFP aspirant for regular/challenge pathway students. Exam 5 is acase study based and different from first four module exams.

    How the Exam 5/Final exam is different from first four modules?

    Exam 5 is a case study based paper and financial calculations questions are four/five markswith at least 10-12 variables has kept in mind while calculation instead of 2-3 first fourmodule exam.Now, the problem is that if you dont know right method or missed one variable and youranswer will be wrong, you will lose four/five marks.

    Why special training for Exam 5

    If you fail in exam 5, you will lose Rs.5618/- and also confidence and mostvaluable timeWe have found that each time student appears for the repeated attempt receives a

    less percentage mark compared to the previous attempt due to fear of failure or dontknow the right method of calculation.With quality training program, you will learn the right methodology for financial calculationand sound understanding about financial planning concepts and enhance your domainknowledge.You will pass exam 5 @ first attempt with the better grade A or B.Quality training will helpful to enhance your business and productivity and ultimate moreincome per month.

  • 7/31/2019 13th , 14th & 15th Batch Mumbai_Chennai_Raipur_Fast Track CFP Exam 5(Final Exam) Preparation Training Works


    Benefits of FAST TRACK training workshop:

    @ Save your valuable time:

    Right Quality Coaching + Right Preparation=Success

    The Fast Track CFP Exam 5 training workshop will help you learn the right

    concepts/methods/calculations will enhance your knowledge and understanding.Post training, we will happy to provide query handling supports throughmail/phone till you pass all exams.

    If you want to successfully pass the Final/Exam 5 @ 1st attempt, you may requireat least 200 to 400 hrs preparation based on your present understanding of

    personal financial planning domain. Now, If you attend the FAST TRACK CFP 5exam training workshop then you will require approx. 100 to 200 hrs hours of

    preparation/practice to successfully pass the exam with good grades. So, you will

    save your valuable time of at least 200 hrs to 300 hrs and also learn the conceptswell.

    # Post training, you will have the access of your coach Mr. Keyur Shah for any

    queries/doubts till you pass the exam.

    # Save Your Money: Right Now, Pass% of Final/Exam 5 approx. 30%+.

    Each attempt of Exam 5 will cost you Rs.5618/-. Pass% of our participants(attended the quality Coaching and backed by right preparation) is 70%+. So, You

    can save money and also valuable time.

    # Quality Knowledge and Skill building: Objective of getting CFPCM certification

    is to learn the domain knowledge of personal financial planning. Once you pass the

    exam, you should be able to construct Personal Financial Plan to your clients andalso able to provide wider advisory services to customers. But, we have observed

    that 60%+ candidates pass Exam 5/Final exam with C grade on 2nd or 3rd

    attempt. Post CFPCM certificants may not able to provide quality wider advisory

    services or may not able to construct the financial plan for their customers.Our Quality coaching and training will help you to gain the sound knowledge and

    skills in the Personal Financial Planning domain which will not only help you topass the exams with good grades (Aor B) and also you will get the confidence to

    launch the Fee based advisory or able to construct quality customized Financial

    Plan to your customers and also able to provide wider (Insurance to Estate

    planning) advisory services to your client.

    @ Homogenous batch of only BFSI Professionals:

    BFSI professionals are at a particular level, having limited time and unwilling to sit in theheterogeneous batch. The FAST TRACK CFP EXAM 5 training workshop provides a rightunderstanding of Case Study calculations, cover important concepts and calculations ofTax planning, Investment planning, theory of Insurance and retirement and most

    importantly "DO & DON'T" for Exam 5. It also provides the contemporary and relevantstudy materials and question banks in the soft copy.

  • 7/31/2019 13th , 14th & 15th Batch Mumbai_Chennai_Raipur_Fast Track CFP Exam 5(Final Exam) Preparation Training Works


    The UNIQUESS of the workshop is that it provides post training supports to participant(solutions of queries through phone/mail) and our responsibility ends when participant

    successfully passes the exam 5.

    @ Bigger ticket size and better conversion rate:

    # FAST TRACK CFP EXAM 5 training workshop will help the participant to offer the wider

    advisory services to their clients (Insurance to Estate planning) and most importantbenefits are better conversion rate and bigger ticket size of their business.

    @ Launch your Fee based advisory:

    # You will acquire sound knowledge and skills in the personal financial planningdomain (Insurance to Estate Planning) during the workshop and post training

    preparation for CFP exam 5.Once you pass the exam, you may launch your fee based practice and an earn fix

    annual fee starting from Rs.10000/- per year per client apart from commission

    income.Training Flow

    # Practical guidance/tips for Exam 5/Exam 4/Exam 3 (Dos and Donts)# How to attend the Exam 5# Learn Financial Mathematics on Excel/ Financial Calculator Casio FC200V# Financial calculations: Time value of Money, Real rate of return, Investment return(CAGR), Loan EMI/Amortatization calculation, Bond value calculation etc.

    # Case study solutions with Excel/Financial calculator (Learn the right methodology)

    @ Calculate Insurance corpus in case of death (Expenses replacement/Incomereplacement)

    @ Retirement corpus: Calculate retirement corpusAnd calculate the Monthly/Annual/Lump sum investment required@ Higher Education Corpus: Calculate higher education corpus required for a childshigher education and find the monthly/Annual/lump sum investment required@ Marriage Corpus: Calculate marriage corpus required for a childs marriage and find themonthly/Annual/lump sum investment required@ Vacation corpus and special need corpus and investment required calculations@ Emergencies corpus@ PRACTICE OF CASE STUDIES (A TO F) & PAST CASE STUDIES 2010/2009/2008

    Investment Planning (Concepts and Calculations)

    # Risk and Return (Equity Investments): Concept of Morden Portfolio Theory, CAGR, Riskadjusted return (Sharpe, Treynor, Jensen Alpha), Standard deviation etc.# Equity valuation-Intrinsic value calculation-Dividend discount model, important ratios-Dividend yield, PE, EPS etc.# Bond Valuation# Derivatives-Concepts of Futures and Options, Calculation of option premium and variousoption strategies# Real Estate Valuation: Residential/Commercial Real estate analysis and valuation.# Other Investment options: Mutual Fund/ETF/Structure/Alternative Products

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    # Govt. Scheme: PPF/NPS/NSC/Senior Citizen Savings Scheme/PO MIS/

    # Tax planning (Concepts and Calculations)

    # Know various terminologies, Learn the difference between Gross income and TaxableIncome, Learn to calculate tax free part of HRA, RFA, Gratuity, Pension,Leave encashment, allowances, perquisites etc.

    # How to calculate STCG/LTCG and learn capital gain tax savings strategies# Various Tax savings strategies: Loss from House property-Real estate, FMP/PPF Vs.FD,etc.

    # designing of tax efficient CTC # know the important tax rule and regulations

    # Estate Planning

    # What is Estate Planning and Benefits of Estate Planning# Instruments for Estate Planning (WILL, Private Trust)# Learn tax efficient Estate planning strategies

    # Retirement Planning# Tax efficient retirement planning strategy# Instruments for sound retirement planning: PPF, NPS, SCSC, POMIS, MF

    Theory/Concepts:# Weightage of theory in fifth exam approx. 30% (13 questions) and we will cover allimportant concepts from the Introduction to FP, Insurance, retirement planning andEstate planning concepts.

    Learn to prepare your own Financial PlanLearn the various contents of the financial plan # How to design the Financial plan for Middle

    income/Upper Middle/HNI customer # Sample financial plan

    Training material:Soft copies of Study materials/Case studies/sample financial plan etc.

    Post Training Supports:We will provide offline/online queries handling support till you pass the exam 5.

    Expert Coach & Trainer Profile:

    Keyur Shah, CFPCM(A Grade), BE, MBA, III Associate (Life) & MFA LIMRA, AMFI &

    IRDA certified has 7+ years of rich experience in Training and development with

    the Financial Services Sector. He is an Expert Coach & Trainer (CFP Exam5/AFP/FINAL Module) and working as Director-Training & KnowledgeManagement with the Authorized Education Partner of FPSB India. He has

    also worked with FPSB India (Knowledge Management) department and he

    was the preferred visiting faculty with International College of FinancialPlanning(ICoFP) for more than one year. He has conducted more than 1000+

    hours CFP module training for Corporate BFSI professionals & IFAs and produced50+ CFP/AFP. He has also worked with leading insurers like Max New York Life,

    HDFC and ING Vysya life. He is a seasoned senior corporate trainer having the

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    expertise in delivery of soft skills, selling skills, motivation, leadership/teamdevelopment and financial concepts/product training. He has delivered more than

    10000+ hours training across industries and also attends TTT more than 1000+hours. He had started a career in leadership roles with Pidilite and also worked

    with Bosch.


    passed CFP Exam 5|FINAL|AFP in month of August.12. I had enrolled in challenge status and failed twiceand later on I had attended our FAST TRACK CFP EXAM 5|FINAL|AFP training workshop in the month of May in Mumbai. Ilearned the right method of various Goal Corpus calculations and finding investment required, concepts of Insurance to Estateplanning with us and practiced well and successfully passed CFP FINAL|Exam 5. I found that there is need of personal financialplanning among all families and I have decided to promote the Financial Planning Movement in South Gujarat and became

    Authorized Education Partner with FPSB India (Franchisee of Vantage Institute of Financial Market) and also plans to launchsoon Fee based Financial planning practice in South Gujarat.

    Mr. Birju Acharya (9825126655): I have successfully passed the CFP Exam 5/Final/AFP module with B Grade in monthof August12. He is an established Independent Financial Advisor and Share Broker based out of Patan, Gujarat.Last year, I joined a CFP course (regular pathway) in the self study mode and failed in 1st exam (Insurance planning) inOct.11. Later on I contacted Mr.Keyur Shah and undergo personal Coaching 10hrs for each module and passed Insurance,Retirement, Investment and Tax planning till May12.I had joined our FAST TRACK CFP EXAM 5/FINAL/AFP module preparation training workshop @ Ahmedabad dated 2ndand 3rd June12 and he made a good preparation / practice for almost 100 hrs+ and successfully passed Exam 5 with BGrade on dated 21/8/12. Keyur Sirs teaching methodology was simple and easy to understand various concepts andcalculations and way he taught the financial calculator was made my life easy and also use in day to day practicalapplications with clients. The way KeyurSir taught various persuasion techniques which gave me confidence to putKnowledge in practice and client enjoyed the experience and my conversion rate and ticket size almost are doubled. Now, Iam ready to launch immediate basis FEE based financial planning practice.

    Mr.Paresh Patel (Manager-Sate Bank of India-09825129701) I had enrolled challenge status (Direct Final module)pathway 6 months before and was struggling to find the right coaching for me. One of my colleague referred Mr.Keyur Shahand I attended FAST TRACK CFP EXAM 5 preparation training workshop last month in Ahmedabad. It was a really qualitytraining provided a sound understanding of personal financial domain knowledge and skill. Post training, Keyur Sir provided24*7 supports till I passed the exam 5. I have cleared CFP exam 5/Final module with B Grade within 2 months of attendingthe workshop

    Mr. Biju Behanan- Sr. Manager- TATA CAPITAL LTD. (09223325573) Myself Biju Behanan, MBA (Finance) has 10+years of experience in Financial Services Sector. I had enrolled in the Challenge pathway /FINAL exam and made goodpreparation/practice and also attended the training.But, I failed in first attempt. Fortunately, I came to know about Mr. Keyur Shah Sirs FAST TRACK CFP EXAM 5/FINALMODULE preparation training workshop and attended a training workshop last month (May12) and found huge gaps in myunderstanding and concepts/calculations. During Training workshop, I learned the right methodology about case study'scalculations, most important DO and Donts, Calculation/Concepts of Investment planning & Tax planning and importanttheory. His training style was simple & learned the concepts and calculations easily. I had also received required trainingmaterial including contemporary question banks (A to F) and regular post training supports through mail/phone which helpedme to pass FINAL/ EXAM 5 @ 2nd ATTEMPT WITH B GRADE.

    Bhavin Sarda (9825210977): I am an IFA / LIC Advisor based out of Jamnagar and I had enrolled in aregular pathway with ICoFP. Mr. Keyur Shah was our faculty for Investment, Tax and AFP modules. In Just 4

    months time, All batch participants have successfully passed AFP/Exam 5 @ 1st

    attempt. Post CFP, My averageticket size and conversion rate in MF/LIC products almost doubled and I am able to provide wider advisoryservices to my clients (Insurance to Estate planning)