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japanesep h R a s e b o o k

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Compiled by Lexus with T. Yahata Hyland and Kumi LileyLexus Series Editor: Sally Davies

Rough Guides Reference Director: Andrew LockettRough Guides Series Editor: Mark Ellingham

First edition published in 1998 by Rough Guides Ltd.Revised in 2001.

This updated edition published in 2006 by Rough Guides Ltd,

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© Lexus Ltd 2006304pp.

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ISBN 13: 978-1-84353-634-5 ISBN 10: 1-84353-634-X

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contentsIntroduction� 5

Basic Phrases� 8

Scenarios� 13

English - Japanese � �31

Japanese - English 178

Japanese - English: Signs and Notices 215

Menu ReaderFood�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������238Drink�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������258

How the Language WorksPronunciation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������263Abbreviations����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������263General;�Articles;�Nouns��������������������������������������������������������������264Pronouns��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������265Possessives�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������268Postpositional�Particles���������������������������������������������������������������269Verbs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������275Adjectives������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������279Adverbs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������282Word�Order;�‘Yes’�and�‘No’��������������������������������������������������������283‘And’�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������284Masculine�and�Feminine�Forms�of�Speech������������������285Counting����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������286Dates�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������288Days;�Months;�Time�������������������������������������������������������������������������290Numbers����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������292Conversion�Tables�����������������������������������������������������������������������������294

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The Rough Guide Japanese dictionary phrasebook is a highly practical introduction to the contemporary language. Laid

out in clear A-Z style, it uses key-word referencing to lead you straight to the words and phrases you want – so if you need to book a room, just look up ‘room’. The Rough Guide gets straight to the point in every situation, in bars and shops, on trains and buses, and in hotels and banks.

The main part of the Rough Guide is a double dictionary: English-Japanese then Japanese-English. Before that, there’s a sec-tion called Basic Phrases and to get you involved in two-way communication, the Rough Guide includes, in this new edition, a set of Scenario dialogues illustrating questions and responses in key situations such as renting a car and asking directions. You can hear these and then download them free from www.roughguides.com/phrasebooks for use on your computer or MP3 player.

Forming the heart of the guide, the English-Japanese section gives easy-to-use transliterations of the Japanese words wherever pronunciation might be a problem. Throughout this section, cross-references enable you to pinpoint key facts and phrases, while asterisked words indicate where further information can be found in a section at the end of the book called How the Language Works. This section sets out the fundamental rules of the language, with plenty of practical examples. You’ll also find here other essentials like numbers, dates, telling the time and basic phrases. The Japanese-English section is in two parts: a dictionary, arranged phonetically, of all the words and phrases you’re likely to hear (starting with a section of slang and colloquialisms); then a compilation, arranged by subject, of various signs, labels, instructions and other basic words you may come across in print or in public places.

Near the back of the book too the Rough Guide offers an extensive Menu Reader. Consisting of food and drink sections (each starting with a list of essential terms), it’s indispensable whether you’re eating out, stopping for a quick drink, or brows-ing through a local food market.

!"#$%&'(tanoshi�goryoko�o!have a good trip!








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hellokon·nichi wa�� �

(on phone) moshi-moshi����

good morningohayo gozaimasu���������

good eveningkomban wa����

good night (when leaving)osaki ni!"#

(when going to bed) oyasuminasai$%&'()*

goodbye (formal) sayonara+,-./

(informal) dewa mata0123

(between friends) ja ne 4567

see you later!ja, mata!89:;<=

please (requesting something) onegai shimasu>?@ABC

yes, pleasehai, onegai shimasuDEFGHIJKL

could you please ...?... -te kuremasen ka?MN—OPQRSTUV

thank youarigatoWXYZ[

thank you very muchhonto ni arigato gozaimasu���������� ��



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no, thank youie kek·ko desu����������

don’t mention itdo itashimashite������ !

how do you do?hajimemashite"#$%&'

how are you?ogenki desu ka?()*+,-.

I’m fine, thanksokagesama de/01234

nice to meet youhajimemashite56789:

excuse me (to get past)shitsurei shimasu;<=>?

excuse me! (to get attention)chot·to sumimasen!@ABCDEFGHI

excuse me/sorrygomen·nasaiJKLMNO

sorry?/pardon me?nante imashita ka?PQRSTUVWX

I see/I understandnaruhodoYZ[\

I don’t understandwakarimasen]^_`ab

do you speak English?Eigo o hanasemasu ka?cdefghijk

I don’t speak Japanesenihon·go wa hanasemasenlmnopqrst

could you speak more slowly?mot·to yuk·kuri hanashite

kuremasen ka?uvwxyz{|}~�������

could you repeat that?mo ichido it·te kuremasen




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1. Accommodation

is there an inexpensive hotel you can recommend?a yasume no hoteru o shōkai shite kuremasu ka?

zan·nen desu ga, subete yoyaku zumi desu bI’m sorry, they all seem to be fully booked

can you give me the name of a good middle-range hotel?a chū gurai no hoteru wa arimasu ka?

sōdesu ne, chūshin bu ga ī desu ka? blet me have a look; do you want to be in the centre?

if possiblea dekireba

sukoshi hazure demo ī desu ka? bdo you mind being a little way out of town?

not too far outa amari tōku nai hō ga ī desu

where is it on the map?a chizu no doko desu ka?

can you write the name and address down?a namae to jyūsho o kaite kudasai

I’m looking for a room in a private housea minsyuku o sagashite imasu

I’d like to stay in a ryokan, a Japanese-style hotela ryokan ni tomaritai desu

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2. Banks

can you change this into yen? a yen ni ryōgae shite kudasai

could I have three 10,000 yen notes, two 5,000 yen notes and five 100 yen coins?a ichiman en satsu sanmai, gosen en satsu nimai to hyaku en dama goko kudasai

do you have information in English about opening an account?a kōza ni tsuite Eigo no setsumē wa arimasu ka?

hai, don·na kōza ga ī desu ka? b yes, what sort of account do you want?

I’d like a current account pasupōto o misete kudasai ba tōza yokin ga ī desu your passport, please

can I use this card to draw some cash?a kono kādo de genkin ga hikidasemasu ka?

kaikē ni it·te kudasai byou have to go to the cashier’s desk

I want to transfer this to my account at Nippon Banka kore o Nip·pon Ginkō no watashi no kōza ni sōkin shite kudasai

shōchi shimashita, demo denwa ryōkin o itadakimasubOK, but we’ll have to charge you for the phonecall

bank account ginkō kōzato change money ryōgae shimasucheque kogit·teto deposit yokin shimasupin number anshō bangōpound pondoto withdraw hikidashi masu

口座番号kōza bangōaccount number


当座預金tōza yokin current account

貯蓄預金chochik(u) yokinsavings account

支店コードshiten kōdosort code

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3. Booking a room

do you have any rooms?a heya wa arimasu ka?

a nanmē sama desu ka? for one/for twofor how many people? a hitori desu/futari desu

a hai, aki beya ga arimasuyes, we have rooms free

a nanpaku desu ka? just for one nightfor how many nights? a hito ban dake desu

how much is it?a ikura desu ka?

furo tsuki de ichi man en, furo nashi de hassen en desu bten thousand yen with bathroom and eight thousand yen without


does that include breakfast?a chōshoku tsuki desu ka?

can I see a room with bathroom?a furo tsuki no heya o misete kuremasu ka?

ok, I’ll take ita kore ni shimasu

when do I have to check out?a chek·ku auto wa nanji desu ka?

is there anywhere I can leave luggage? a nimotsu okiba wa arimasu ka?

shower shawātelephone in the room heya no denwapayphone in the lobby kōshūdenwa

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4. Car hire

I’d like to rent a cara renta kā o karitainodesu ga

a nan nichi kan desu ka? two daysfor how long? a futsuka desu

I’ll take the ... a…ni shimasu

is that with unlimited mileage? hai ba sōkō kyori wa musēgen desu ka? it is

menkyo shō o misete kudasai bcan I see your driving licence, please?

sorekara pasupōto mo band your passport

is insurance included? a hoken komi desu ka?

so desu ga, saisho no ichi man en wa jiko futan gaku desu byes, but you have to pay the first ten thousand yen

hoshōkin wa ichi man en desu bcan you leave a deposit of ten thousand yen?

and if this office is closed, where do I leave the keys?a kono ofisu ga shimat·te itara dokoni kī o kaeshimashō ka?

ano hako ni irete kudasai byou drop them in that box

automatic o-tomachik·kufull tank mantanmanual manyuarurented car renta kā

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5. Communications

is there an Internet café around here?a kono chikaku ni intānet·to kafe wa arimasu ka?

can I send email from here?a koko kara denshi mēru o okuremasu ka?

where’s the at sign on the keyboard?a kono kībōdo dewa dore ga at·to desu ka?

can you switch this to a UK keyboard?a UK kībōdo ni henkan dekimasu ka?

can you help me log on?a rogu in o tetsudat·te kuremasu ka?

I’m not getting a connection, can you help?a setsuzoku dekimasen, mite kuremasu ka?

where can I get a top-up card for my mobile?a doko de kētai denwa no top·pu ap·pu kādo o kaemasu ka?

can you put me through to...?a …ni tsunaide kudasai

ADSL modem ADSL modemuat at·todial-up modem daiyaru ap·pu modemudot dot·toInternet intānet·tomobile (phone) kētai (denwa)password pasuwādotelephone socket adaptor denwa soket·toadaputāwireless hotspot waiyaresuhot·to supot·to

zero zeroone ichitwo nithree sanfour yon

five gosix rokuseven nanaeight hachinine kyū

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6. Directions

hi, I’m looking for Shinjukua sumimasen, Shinjuku o sagashite imasu

gomen·nasai, shirimasen bsorry, never heard of it

hi, can you tell me where Shinjuku is?a sumimasen, Shinjuku wa dochira desu ka?

watashi mo shiranaindesu b I’m a stranger here too

hi, Shinjuku, do you know where it is?a sumimasen, Shinjuku wa doko daka wakarimasu ka ?

sono kado b around the corner

futatsume no shingō o hidari bleft at the second traffic lights

soshite saisho no migi no michi bthen it’s the first street on the right

where? which direction?doko? dochira no hōgaku?

asoko niover there


hantai gawaopposite

hidari nion the left

…no maein front of…

mas·sugu mae straight ahead

migi(gawa) nion the right

mot·to sakifurther

…o sugitepast the ...sugu ato just after

tonari, tsuginext


ushirobackwakare michiturn off

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7. Emergencies

help!a tasukete!

can you help me?a tasukete kudasai

please come with me! it’s really very urgenta is·sho ni kite kudasai! kinkyū jitai desu

I’ve lost (my keys)a (kagi) o nakushimashita

(my car) is not workinga (kuruma) ga koshō shimashita

(my purse) has been stolena (saifu) ga nusumaremashita

I’ve been muggeda gōtō ni aimashita

o namae wa? bwhat’s your name?

pasupōto o misete kudasai b I need to see your passport

I’m sorry, all my papers have been stolena gomen·nasai, shorui ga zembu nusumaremashita

accidentjikoambulance kyūkyūsha

consul ryōjikanembassytaishikan

fire brigade shōbōtaipolice kēsatsu

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8. Friends

hi, how’re you doing?a kon·nichiwa, o genki desu ka?

hai, anata wa? bOK, and you?

yeah, fine not bada ee, genki desu a waruku arimasen

d’you know Mark?a Mark-san o go zonji desu ka?

and this is Hannah ee, shit·te imasu ba kochira wa Han·nah-san desu yeah, we know each other

where do you know each other from?a doko de o ai ni narimashita ka?

Kenji-san no tokoro de ai mashita bwe met at Kenji’s place

that was some party, eh? saikō ba yoi pātī deshita ne? the best

are you guys coming for a beer?a bīru o nomini ikimasen ka?

a īne, ikimashō a īe, Yōko-san to aimasu cool, let’s go no, I’m meeting Yōko

see you at Luke’s place tonight jyā ne ba Luke-san no tokoro de konya aimashō see you

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9. Health

I’m not feeling very wella kibun ga suguremasen

can you get a doctor?a isha o yonde kuremasu ka?

doko ga itai desu ka? bwhere does it hurt?

it hurts herea koko ga itai desu

a itami wa tsuzuite imasu ka? it’s not a constant painis the pain constant? a zut·to itaku wa arimasen

can I make an appointment?a yoyaku wa toremasu ka?

can you give me something for ...?a …no kusuri o kuremasu ka?

yes, I have insurancea hai, hoken ni hait·te imasu

antibiotics kōsēbus·shitsu antiseptic ointment kanōdome nankōcystitis bōkōendentist haishadiarrhoea geridoctor ishahospital byōinill byōkimedicine kusuripainkillers itami domepharmacy yak·kyokuto prescribe shohō suruthrush kanjida shō

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10. Language difficulties

anata no kurejit·to kādo wa kyohi saremashita b your credit card has been refused

what, I don’t understand; do you speak English?a e? wakarimasen, Eigo o hanasemasu ka?

kore wa mukō desu bthis isn’t valid

could you say that again? slowlya mō ichido it·te kudasai a yuk·kuri

I understand very little Japanesea Nihongo wa hotondo hanasemasen

I speak Japanese very badly a Nihongo wa amari hanasemasen

kono kādo de harau koto wa dekimasen b you can’t use this card to pay

a wakarimasu ka? sorry, nodo you understand? a gomen·nasai, wakarimasen

is there someone who speaks English?a dare ka Eigo o hanaseru hito wa imasu ka?

oh, now I understanda ā, ima wakarimashita

is that ok now?a dewa, kore de ī desu ka?

a few words ikutsu ka no kotobainterpreter tsūyakuto translate honyaku suru

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11. Meeting people

helloa kon·nichiwa

kon·nichiwa, watashi wa Kumiko desu b hello, my name’s Kumiko

Graham, from England, Thirska watashi wa Igirisu no Thirsk kara kita Graham desu

sore wa shirimasen, doko desu ka? b don’t know that, where is it?

not far from York, in the North; and you?a hokubu no York no chikaku desu, anata wa?

watashi wa Ōsaka kara kimashita, anata wa kochira dewa o hitori desu ka? b

I’m from Ōsaka; here by yourself?

no, I’m with my wife and two kidsa īe, tsuma to kodomo futari ga kochira ni imasu

what do you do? kompyūtā kankē desu ba o shigoto wa? I’m in computers

me tooa watashi mo

here’s my wife nowa kore ga watashi no tsuma desu

hajime mashite b nice to meet you

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12. Post offices

what time does the post office close? syūjitsu wa goji desuba yūbinkyoku wa nanji ni shimarimasu ka? five o’clock weekdays

is the post office open on Saturdays? shōgo made ba Doyōbi ni yūbinkyoku wa aite imasu ka? until midday

I’d like to send this registered to Englanda kore o Igirisu ni kakitome de okuritai no desu ga

wakarimashita, san byaku yen desu bcertainly, that will cost 300 yen

and also two stamps for England, pleasea sorekara Igirisu e no kit·te o ni mai kudasai

do you have some airmail stickers?a kōkūbin no sutek·kā wa arimasu ka?

do you have any mail for me?a watashi e no yūbinbutsu wa arimasu ka?

airmail kōkūbin

post card ehagaki

post office yūbinkyoku


国内 kokunai domestic海外/国際 kaigai/kokusai international書簡 shokan letters小包 kozutsumi parcels局留め郵便 kyokudome yūbin poste restante

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13. Restaurants

can we have a non-smoking table?a kin’en seki o onegai shimasu?

there are two of us there are four of usa futari desu a yonin desu

what’s this? sakana no is·syu desu b a korewa nan desu ka? it’s a type of fish

kono tochi no mēbutsu desu bit’s a local speciality

naka ni dōzo, o mise shimashō bcome inside and I’ll show you

we would like two of these, one of these, and one of thosea kore o futatsu, kore o hitotsu, soshite are o hitotsu kudasai

a o nomimono wa? red wine white wineand to drink? a aka wain a shiro wain

a beer and two orange juicesa bīru hitotsu to orenji jūsu futatsu

some more bread pleasea mot·to pan o kudasai

a ikaga deshita ka? excellent!, very nice!how was your meal? a saikō! totemo oishikat·ta desu!

a hoka ni wa? just the bill thanksanything else? a okanjō onegai shimasu

bill kanjō gakimenu menyūtable tēburu

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14. Shopping

nani ka, o sagashi desu ka? bcan I help you?

can I just have a look around? yes, I’m looking for ...a miru dake desu a hai, …o kaitaino desu ga

how much is this?a kore wa ikura desu ka?

ni sen en btwo thousand yen

OK, I think I’ll have to leave it; it’s a little too expensive for mea wakarimashita, yamete okimasu, sukoshi taka sugi masu

kore wa dō desu ka? bhow about this?

can I pay by credit card?a kurejit·to kādo de haraemasu ka?

it’s too big it’s too smalla ōki sugi masu a chīsa sugi masu

it’s for my son – he’s about this higha musuko no desu – kore gurai no takasa desu

a hoka ni nani ka? that’s all thankswill there be anything else? a kore de zembu desu

make it five thousand yen and I’ll take it a go sen en ni shite kurereba kai masu

fine, I’ll take ita ī desu, kaimasu

お支払い o shiharai cash desk閉店 hēten closed開店 kaiten openバーゲンセール bāgen sēru sale取り替える torikaeru to exchange

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15. Sightseeing

I’m interested in seeing the old towna kyūshigai ga mitai desu

are there guided tours?a gaido tsuki no tsuā wa arimasu ka?

mōshiwake arimasen, manseki desu bI’m sorry, it’s fully booked

how much would you charge to drive us around for four hours?a yo jikan no kankō doraibu wa ikura desu ka?

can we book tickets for the concert here?a koko de konsāto no kip·pu o yoyaku dekimasu ka?

a hai, o namae wa? a dono kurejit·to kādo? yes, in what name? which credit card?

where do we pick up the tickets? a kip·pu wa doko de moraemasu ka?

iriguchi de uketot·te kudasai bjust pick them up at the entrance

is it open on Sundays? a Nichiyōbi wa aite imasu ka?

how much is it to get in?a nūjōryō wa ikura desu ka?

are there reductions for groups of 6?a roku nin no dantai ni waribiki wa arimasu ka?

that was really impressive!a totemo yokat·ta desu!

art gallery bijutsukanbus tour basu tsuācity centre chūshinbuclosed shimat·te iru

guide gaidomuseum hakubutsukanopen aite iru

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16. Trains

how much is ...?a …wa ikura desu ka?

a single, second class to ...a katamichi hitori, futsūsha, … made

two returns, second class to ...a ōfuku futari, futsūsha, ... made

for today for tomorrow for next Tuesdaya kyō no a ashita no a raisyū no Kayōbi

Shinkansen wa tokubetsu ryōkin desu b there’s a supplement for the Bullet Train

zaseki o yoyaku shimasu ka? bdo you want to make a seat reservation?

Okayama de norikaete kudasai b you have to change at Okayama

what time is the last train to Kyoto? a Kyoto e no saisyūdensha wa nanji desu ka?

is this seat free?a kono seki wa aite imasu ka?

excuse me, which station are we at?a sumimasen, koko wa doko no eki desu ka?

is this where I change for Okayama? a Okayama e wa koko de norikae desu ka?

to change trains norikaeruplatform purat·tofōmu return ōfukusingle katamichistation ekistop ekiticket kip·pu

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a, an* hitotsu (no)������

about: about 20 ni-ju kurai���it’s about 5 o’clock goji goro� ��a film about Japan Nihon nitsuite no eiga���������

above … no ue ni����

abroad gaikok de���

absorbent cotton das·shimen !"

accelerator akseru#$%&

accept (present) uketorimasu'()*+,(credit card etc) uketsukemasu-./012

accident jiko34there’s been an accident jikoga arimashita56789:;<

accommodation heya=>

account koza?@

accurate seikak (na)ABCDE

ache itamiFGmy back aches koshi ga itaidesuHIJKLM

across: across the road michino mukogawaNOPQR

adapter adaptaSTUVW

address jushoXYwhat’s your address?gojusho wa?Z[\]^

address book jushorok_`a

admission chargenyujoryobcd

adult otonaef

advance: in advance mae-mot·teghij

aeroplane hikokiklm

after … no ato denopqafter you dozo osaki nirstuvwafter lunch chushoku-go nixyz{after all kek·kyoku|}





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afternoon gogo~�in the afternoon gogo ni���this afternoon kyo no gogoni������

aftershave afuta-shebu��������

aftersun cream afutasan-roshon�����������

afterwards ato de��

again mata��

against (opposed to) … tohantai (no)��� �(position) … ni tatekakete�������

age toshi�

agent dairinin���

ago mae�a week ago is·shukan-mae����an hour ago ichijikan-mae� !"

agree: I agree dokan desu#$%&

agreement kyotei

'(AIDS eizu)*+

air kuki,-by air (travel) hikoki de./01(send) kokubin de2345

air-conditioning eya-kon6789

airmail: by airmail kokubin de:;<=

airmail envelope kokubin-yofuto>?@ABCDE

airplane hikokiFGH

airport kukoIJto the airport, please kukomade, onegai shimasuKLMNOPQRST

airport bus rimujin-basuUVWXYZ

aisle seat tsurogawa no seki[\]^_

alarm clock mezamashi-dokei`abcde

alcohol arukorufghij

alcoholic drink osakekl

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ABCDEFGHIJKLAmall: all the ... … wa min·namnopqall of it sore zemburstuvall of them zembuwxythat’s all, thanks sore dakedesu, domo arigatoz{|}~����������

allergic: I’m allergic to ...watashi wa … arerugi desu����������

allowed: is it allowed? i desuka?������

all right kek·ko desu������(I agree) dokan desu����I’m all right daijobu desu����are you all right? daijobudesu ka?�� ���

almost hotondo����

alone hitori���

already mo��

also … mo��

although … keredomo

����although it’s expensive takaikeredomo !"#$%

altogether zembu de&'()

always itsumo*+,

am*: I am watashi wa … desu-./01

am: at 7am gozen shichiji ni23456at 1am gozen ichiji ni789:;

amazing (surprising) odoroku-beki<=>?(very good) subarashi@ABCD

ambulance kyukyushaEFGcall an ambulance!kyukyusha o yondekudasai!HIJKLMNOPQRS

America AmerikaTUVW

American (adj) Amerika (no)XYZ[\]^I’m American watashi waAmerika-jin desu_`abcdefg

among … no naka dehijkl

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amount ryom(of money) gakn

amp: a 13-amp fusejusan-ampeya no hyuzopqrstuvwxy

and* soshitez{|(with nouns) to}(at beginning of sentence)sorekara~���

angry okot·ta���

animal dobutsu��

ankle ashikubi��

anniversary (wedding)kek·kon-kinen-bi�����

annoy: this man’s annoyingme kono hito wa watashi okomarasete imasu��������������

annoying iraira suru���� ¡

another (different) betsu no��(one more) mo hitotsu�����

can we have another room?betsu no heya wa arimasuka?��� �����another beer, please biru omo hitotsu onegai shimasu������������� !

antibiotics kosei-bus·shitsu"#$%

antihistamine ko-hisutamin-zai&'()*+,

antique: is it an antique? sorewa kot·tohin desu ka?-./0123456

antique shop kot·tohin-ten789:

antiseptic shodoku-zai;<=

any: do you have any ...? … omot·te imasu ka?>?@ABCDEFGhave you got any bread/cherries? pan/sakuranbo waarimasu ka?HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVsorry, I don’t have anysumimasen, mot·te imasenWXYZ[\]^_`abc

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anybody dare kadefdoes anybody speakEnglish? dare ka Eigo gahanasemasu ka?ghijklmnopqrthere wasn’t anybody theresoko niwa dare mo imasendeshitastuvwxyz{|}~��

anything nani ka��


anything else? hoka ninani ka?nothing else, thanks hokaniwa nai desu, arigatowould you like anything todrink? nani ka nomimasuka?I don’t want anything,thanks nani mo hoshikuarimasen, arigato

apart from … igai dewa�����

apartment apat(o)����

apartment block manshon�����

appetizer zensai

��apple rin·go���

appointment yoyaku��


good morning, how can Ihelp you? ohayogozaimasu, ikagaitashimasho?I’d like to make anappointment yoyaku oshitai no desu gawhat time would you like?nanji ga yoroshi desuka?three o’clock sanji ga idesuI’m afraid that’s notpossible, is four o’clock allright? moshiwakearimasen ga sanji waip·pai desu, yoji dewaikaga desu ka?yes, that will be fine hai, idesuthe name was? onamae oitadakemasu ka?

apricot anzu���

April Shigatsu��





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are* desu��you are (sing) anata wa …desu� ¡¢£¤¥they are (men/women) karera/kanojotachi wa … desu¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°

area chiki±²

area code shigai-kyokuban³´µ¶

arm ude·¸

arrange tehai shimasu�����will you arrange it for us? soreo tehai shite kuremasu ka?����� �����

arrival tochaku��

arrive tsukimasu����when do we arrive? itsutsukimasu ka?������� has my fax arrived yet?watashi no fak·kus watodokimashita ka?!"#$%&'()*+,-./we arrived today kyotsukimashita

01234567art bijutsu89

art gallery bijutsu-kan:;<

artist geijutsu-ka=>?

as: as big as ... … to onajiokisa no@ABCDEFGas soon as possible dekirudake hayakuHIJKLMN

ashtray haizaraOP

Asia AjiaQRS

Asian (adj) Ajia (no)TUVWXY(noun) Ajia-jinZ[\]

ask tanomimasu^_`aI didn’t ask for this kore watanonde imasenbcdefghijkcould you ask him to ...? kareni … yo tanondekuremasen ka?lmnopqrstuvwxyz

asleep: she’s asleep kanojowa nemut·te imasu{|}~�����





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aspirin asupirin�����

asthma zensoku����

astonishing odoroku hodo(no)�������

at: at the hotel hoteru de����at the station eki de��at six o’clock rokuji ni���at Yukiko’sYukiko-san notokoro de��� ¡¢£¤¥¦

ATM genkin-jido-shiharaiki§¨©ª«¬­

attractive miryoku-teki (na)®¯°±²³

August Hachigatsu´µ

aunt (one’s own) oba¶·(someone else’s) oba-san¸¹º»

Australia Osutoraria�������

Australian (adj) Osutoraria(no)��� ����I’m Australian watashi waOsutoraria-jin desu


automatic (adj) jido (no)�� !"(noun: car) otomachik·ku#$%&'()*

autumn aki+in the autumn aki ni,-

avalanche nadare./0

avenue odori123

average (not good) heikin-teki(na)456789on average heikin shite:;<=

awake: is he awake? kare waokite imasu ka?>?@ABCDEFG

away: go away! at·chi e it·te!HIJKLMNOis it far away? toi desu ka?PQRSTU

awful hidoiVWX


baby akachanYZ[\





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baby food bebi-fudo]^_`ab

baby’s bottle honyubincdef

baby-sitter bebi-shit·taghijklm

back (of body) senakano(back part) urapat the back ushiro niqrscan I have my money back?okane o kaeshitekuremasen ka?tuvwxyz{|}~��to come back modot·tekimasu������to go back modot·teikimasu�������

backache koshi no itami����

bacon bekon����

bad warui��a bad headache hidoi zutsu�����not bad mama desu��� ¡¢

badly hidoku£¤¥

badminton badominton¦§¨©ª«

bag kaban¬­®(paper bag) fukuro�(carrier bag) biniru-bukuro�����(handbag) handobag·gu����

baggage nimotsu �

baggage checkroomtenimotsu-azukari-jo������

baggage claimtenimotsu-uketori-jo������

baker’s pan-ya���

balcony beranda�� !a room with a balconyberanda-tsuki no heya"#$%&'()*

ball boru+,-

ballpoint pen boru-pen./012

bamboo take3

bamboo shoots takenoko4567

banana banana89:





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ABCDEFGHIJKLBeband (musical) bando;<=

bandage hotai>?

Bandaid® bando-eido@ABCDE

bank (money) ginkoFG

bank account ginko-kozaHIJK

banker’s draft kawase-tegataLMNO

bar baPQa bar of chocolatechokoreto-baRSTUVWXY

barber’s toko-yaZ[

baseball yakyu\]

basket kago^_(in shop) basuket·to`abcd

basketball basuket·to-boruefghijkl

bath ofuromnocan I have a bath? ofuro nihait·te mo i desu ka?pqrstuvwxyz{|}~

bathroom ofuro-ba����

with a private bathroombasu-tsuki no heya�������

bath towel basu-taoru�����

bathtub yokuso��

battery (for radio etc) denchi��(for car) bat·teri�����

bay wan�

be* desu��

beach hamabeon the beach hamabe de��

bean curd tofu��

beans mame�soya beans daizu��

beard hige��

beautiful (object, painting)subarashi�����(person, view) kirei (na)����(building) utsukushi��

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because nazenara!"#$because of ... … no tame ni%&'()

bed (Western-style) bed·do*+,(Japanese-style) nedoko-.I’m going to bed nowsorosoro nemasu/012345

bed and breakfastchoshoku-tsuki yado6789:

bedding (Japanese) futon;<=

bedroom shinshitsu>?

beef gyuniku@A

beer biruBCDtwo beers, please birufutatsu, onegai shimasuEFGHIJKLMNOPQ

before … mae niRST

begin hajimarimasuUVWXYwhen does it begin? itsuhajimarimasu ka?Z[\]^_`ab

beginner shoshinshacde

beginning: at the beginninghajime nifgh

behind … no ushiro niijklmbehind me watashi noushiro ninopqr

below … no shita nistuv

belt berutowxy

bend (in road) kabuz{|

berth (on ship) shindai}~

beside … no soba ni�����

best saiko (no)�����

better mot·to i���are you feeling better?kibun wa yoku narimashitaka?�� ���������

between … no aida ni����

beyond … no muko ni�����

bicycle jitensha!"#

big oki$%&





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ABCDEFGHIJKLBltoo big okisugimasu'()*+,it’s not big enoughchisasugimasu-./012

bikini bikini345

bill seikyusho678(in restaurant, bar etc) okanjo9:;(US: banknote) shihei<=could I have the bill, please?okanjo o onegai shimasu>?@ABCDEFG

bin gomibakoHIJ

bird toriK

birthday tanjobiLMNhappy birthday! otanjobiomedeto gozaimasu!OPQRSTUVWXYZ[\

biscuit bisuket·to]^_`a

bit: a little bit sukoshibcda big bit oki bubunefghia bit of ... … o sukoshijklmn

a bit expensive chot·to takaidesuopqrstuv

bite (by insect) mushi-sasarewxyz(by dog) inu no kamikizu{|}~�

bitter (taste etc) nigai���

black kuroi��

blanket mofu��

blind me no fujiyu nahito (no)����������

blinds buraindo�����

blocked (road, pipe) fusagat·ta�����(sink) tsumat·ta����

blond (adj) kimpatsu (no)�����

blood ketsu·eki��high blood pressurekoketsu·atsu�

blouse burausu�� �

blow-dry buro-dorai������I’d like a cut and blow-dry

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kat·to to buro-dorai oonegai shimasu����������� !"#$%

blue aoi&'

boarding pass tojoken()*

boat boto+,-(for passengers) fune.

body karada/01

boiled egg yude-tamago23456

boiled rice gohan789

bone hone:;

bonnet (of car) bon·net·to<=>?@

book (noun) honA(verb) yoyaku shimasuBCDEFcan I book a seat? seki oyoyaku dekimasu ka?GHIJKLMNOP


I’d like to book a table fortwo teburu o futari-yo ni

yoyaku shitai no desu gawhat time would you like itbooked for? nanji niotorishimasho ka?half past seven shichiji-han ni onegai shimasuthat’s fine o-uke-itashimasuand your name?dochirasama desu ka?

bookshop, bookstore hon-yaQR

boot (footwear) butsuSTU(of car) torankuVWXY

border (of country) kok·kyoZ[

bored: I’m bored taikutsudesu\]^_

boring taikutsu (na)`ab

born: I was born in ... (place)… de umaremashitacdefghij(year) … ni umaremashitaklmnopq

borrow karimasurstumay I borrow ...? … ookarishite mo i desu ka?vwxyz{|}~�����





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ABCDEFGHIJKLBrboth ryoho��

bother: sorry to bother youotesu o okakeshitesumimasen��������������

bottle bin��a bottle of sake sake ip·pon���

bottle-opener sen·nuki���

bottom (of person) oshiri��at the bottom of the ... … nosoko ni��(hill, mountain) … no fumotoni �����(road, street) … no tsukiatarini��������

bowl (porcelain) chawan��(wooden) owan��

box hako�(wooden) kibako !

box office kip·p-uriba"#$%&

boy otoko no ko

'()boyfriend boi-frendo*+,-./0

bra braja12345

bracelet buresuret·to6789:;

brake (noun) bureki<=>?

brandy burande@ABCD

bread panEFwhite bread shiro-panGHIbrown bread kuro-panJKLwholemeal bread zenryukono panMNOPQR

break (verb) kowashimasuSTUVI’ve broken the ... … okowashite shimai-mashitaWXYZ[\]^_`aI think I’ve broken my wristdomo tekubi o ot·ta yodesubcdefghijklmn

break down kosho shimasuopqrsI’ve broken down kuruma ga

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enko shimashitatuvwxyz{|

breakdown kosho}~

breakdown service rek·ka-sha�����

breakfast choshoku��

break-in: I’ve had a break-indorobo ni hairaremashita������������

breast chibusa��

bridge (over river) hashi�

brief mijikai��

briefcase burifu-kesu�������

bright (light etc) akarui����(colour) azayaka (na)�����

brilliant subarashi� ���

bring mot·te kimasu������I’ll bring it back later atodekaeshi ni kimasu��������

Britain Eikoku��

British (adj) Eikoku (no) !"#$

brochure panfret·to%&'()*

broken kowareta+,-(leg etc) hone ga oreta./012

brooch burochi3456

brother kyodai78(elder: one’s own) ani9(someone else’s) oni-san:;<=(younger: one’s own) ototo>(someone else’s) ototo-san?@A

brother-in-law giri no kyodaiBCDEF(elder: one’s own) giri no aniGHIJ(someone else’s) giri nooni-sanKLMNOPQ(younger: one’s own) giri noototoRSTU(someone else’s) giri noototo-sanVWXYZ[

brown cha-iro (no)\]

bruise daboku-sho^_`

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brush (for hair) burashiabc(artist’s) efudede(for cleaning) hokifgh

Buddha hotoke-samaij

Buddhism Buk·kyokl

Buddhist (adj) Buk·kyo (no)mnopq(noun) Buk·kyotorst

buffet car shokudoshauvw

buggy (for child) uba-gurumaxyz

building biru{|

bullet train shinkansen}~�

bunk shindai��

bureau de change ryogae-jo���

burglary oshikomi-goto�����

burn (noun) yakedo��(verb) yakedo shimasu �����

burnt: this is burnt (food) korewa kogete imasu���������

bus basu��what number bus is it to ...?…-iki no basu wa nambandesu ka?�� !"#$%&'()*+when is the next bus to ...?tsugi no …-iki no basu wananji desu ka?,-./0123456789:;what time is the last bus?saishu basu wa nanji desuka?<=>?@ABCDEF


does this bus go to ...?kono basu wa …-ikidesu ka?no, you need a number ...ie, … ban no basu desu

business shigotoGH(company) kaishaIJ

business card meishiKL

business hotelbijinesu-hoteruMNOPQRS





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businessman bijinesu-manTUVWXY

business trip shut·choZ[

businesswoman kyaria-uman\]^_`abc

bus station basu-taminarudefghij

bus stop basu-teiklm

bust basutonop

busy (restaurant etc) konde iruqrstuI’m busy tomorrow ashita waisogashi desuvwxyz{|}~

but demo��

butcher’s niku-ya��

butter bata���

button botan���

buy kaimasu����where can I buy ...? doko de… ga kaemasu ka?�����������

by: by car kuruma de��by bus basu de���

written by ... … ga kaita��� ¡by the window mado no soba¢£¤¥by the sea umi no soba¦§¨©by Thursday Moku·yobimade niª«¬­®¯

bye dewa mata����(between friends) ja ne����


cabin (on ship) senshitsu(in mountains) yamagoya��

cable car keburu-ka������

café kis·saten���

cake keki���

cake shop keki-ya����

calendar karenda�� !"lunar calendar kyureki#$

call (verb: to phone) denwashimasu





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%&'()what’s it called? kore wanan to imasu ka?*+,-./012345he/she is called ...kare/kanojo wa … toimasu6789:;<=>?@please call the doctor isha oyonde kudasaiABCDEFGHIJplease give me a call at7.30am tomorrow ashita noasa shichi-ji han ni denwao kudasaiKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZplease ask him to call mekare ni denwa o kureru yotsutaete kudasai[\]^_`abcdefghijk

call back: I’ll call back laterato de mata ukagaimasulmnopqrstu(phone back) ato de matadenwa shimasuvwxyz{|}~

call round: I’ll call roundtomorrow ashita ukagaimasu���������

calligraphy shodo��

camcorder bideo-kamera������

camera kamera���

camera shop kamera-ya����

campsite kyamp-jo�����

can kanzume���a can of beer kan-biru� ¡¢

can*: can you ...? …-koto gadekimasu ka?£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­can I have ...? … o morat·temo i desu ka?®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹ºI can’t ... …-koto gadekimasen��������

Canada Kanada��

Canadian (adj) Kanada (no)������I’m Canadian watashi waKanada-jin desu��������

canal un·ga��





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cancel torikeshimasu�� !"#

candies kyandi$%&'()

candle rosoku*+,-

canoe kanu./0

canoeing kanuingu123456

can-opener kankiri789

cap (hat) boshi:;<(of bottle) futa=>

car kuruma?by car kuruma de@A

card (birthday etc) kadoBCDNew Year’s card nen·gajoEFGhere’s my (business) cardwatashi no meishi desuHIJKLM

cardphone kado-denwaNOPQR

careful chuibukaiSTUVbe careful! ki o tsukete!WXYZ[\

carp koi]^

car park chushajo_`a

carpet jutanbcdef

carp streamer koi-noborighijk

car rental rentakalmnop

carriage (of train) kyakushaqr

carrier bag biniru-bukurostuvw

carrot ninjinxyz{

carry mochimasu|}~�

carry-cot keitai-yobebi-bed·do���������

carton pak·ku���

cartoon (film) animeshon�������

cash (noun) genkin��(verb) genkin ni kaemasu�������will you cash this for me?genkin ni kaete kuremasenka?����������

cash desk kaikei��

cash dispenser

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cassette kaset·to����

cassette recorderkaset·to-rekoda����� !"#

castle shiro$

casualty departmentkyukyubyoto%&'(

cat neko)*

catch tsukamaemasu+,-./where do we catch the bus to ...? …-iki no basu wadoko kara dete imasu ka?0123456789:;<=>?@AB

Catholic (adj) Katorik·ku (no)CDEFGHIJ

cauliflower karifurawaKLMNOP

cave hora-anaQR

CD shi-diSTUVW

ceiling tenjoXY

cemetery bochiZ[

centigrade ses·shi

\]centimetre senchi-metoru^_`abcd

central chushin (no)efghi

centre chushinjkhow do we get to the citycentre? hankagai niwa doikimasu ka?lmnopqrstuvwx

cereal konfurekuyz{|}~�

ceremony shikiten��opening ceremonykaikaishiki���tea ceremony chakai��

certainly tashika ni����certainly not! (that’s wrong)zet·tai chigaimasu!�������(refusal) dame desu!�����

certificate shomeisho���

chair isu��

change (verb: replace)torikaemasu���� ¡

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(trains etc) norikaemasu¢£¤¥¦§(money) kuzushimasu¨©ª«¬(noun: money) kozeni��can I change this for ...,please? kore o … totorikaete kudasai�������� ���where do I change trains?doko de norikaereba i desuka?���������������I don’t have any changekozeni ga arimasen !"#$%&'can you give me change for a1,000-yen note?sen-en-satsu o kuzushitekuremasen ka?()*+,-./0123456


do we have to change(trains)? norikae-nakutewa narimasen ka?yes, change at Tokyo/no,it’s a direct train hai,Tokyo-eki de norikaedesu/ie, chokutsu desu

changed: to get changedkigaemasu789:;

character (written) kanji<=

charge (noun) ryokin>?(verb) seikyu shimasu@ABCD

charge card kurejit·to-kadoEFGHIJKL

cheap yasuiMNdo you have anythingcheaper? mo sukoshi yasuino wa arimasu ka?OPQRSTUVWXYZ[\

check (US: noun) kogit·te]^_(bill) seikyusho`ab(in restaurant, bar etc) okanjocdecould I have the check,please? okanjo o onegaishimasufghijklmn

check (verb) shirabemasuopqrcould you check the ...? … oshirabete kuremasen ka?stuvwxyz{|}~

check-in chek·ku-in





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check in chek·ku-in shimasu���������where do we have to check in?doko de chek·ku-inshinakute wa narimasen ka?������������������ ¡¢

cheek (on face) ho£¤

cheerio! bai-bai!¥¦§¨©

cheers! (toast) kampai!ª«¬

cheese chizu­®¯

chemist’s yak·kyoku°±

cheque kogit·te²³´

cherry sakuranboµ¶·¸¹

cherry blossom sakuraº

cherry tree sakura no ki���

chess (Western) chesu���(Japanese) shogi��

chest mune

chestnut kuri�

chewing gum chuin·gam� ������

chicken (meat) toriniku��

chickenpox mizuboso�����

child kodomo��children kodomo-tachi���

child minder komori!"

children’s pool kodomo-yopuru#$%&'(

children’s portionokosama-yo)*+,

chin ago-.

china setomono/012

China Chugoku34

Chinese (adj) Chugoku (no)56789

chips (French fries) furench-frai:;<=>?@(US) poteto-chip·puABCDEF

chocolate chokoretoGHIJKLmilk chocolatemiruku-chokoretoMNOPQRSTU

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plain chocolateburak·ku-chokoretoVWXYZ[\]^_a hot chocolate kokoa`ab

choose erabimasucdef

chopstick rest hashiokighij

chopsticks hashikl

Christmas Kurismasumnopqmerry Christmas!Meri-Kurismasu!rstuvwxy

Christmas EveKurismasu-Ibuz{|}~��

church kyokai��

cider rin·goshu����

cigar hamaki��

cigarette tabako���

cigarette lighter raita����

cinema eiga��

circle en�(in theatre) barukoni-seki

������city toshi�

city centre hankagai��

clean (adj) kirei (na) �����(verb) kirei ni shimasu�������can you clean these for me?kore o kirei ni shitekuremasen ka?������ !"#$%&'()

cleaning solution (for contactlenses) kontakuto-renzu-yokurina*+,-./01234567

cleansing lotionkurenjing-roshon89:;<=>?@AB

clear tomei (na)CDEFG(obvious) akiraka (na)HIJKLM

clever kashikoiNOPQ

client iraininRST

cliff gakeU

climbing tozanVW

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clinic shinryojoXYZ

cloakroom kuroku[\]^

clock tokei_`

close (verb) shimarimasuabcde


what time do you close?nanji ni shimarimasu ka?we close at 8pm onweekdays, and 6pm onSaturdays heijitsu wahachiji, Doyobi wa rokjini shimarimasudo you close for lunch?hiruyasumi wa arimasuka?yes, between 12 and 1pmhai, juniji kara ichiji desu

closed (door) shimat·tafghi(shop) heiten (no)jklmn

cloth (fabric) nunojiop(for cleaning etc) zokinqrst

clothes (Western) yofukuuv(Japanese) kimono

wxcloudy kumori (no)yz{|}~

clutch (in car) kurat·chi����

coach (bus) chokyori-basu�����(on train) kyaksha��

coach station basu-taminaru�������

coach trip basu-ryoko����

coast kaigan��on the coast engan ni���

coat (long coat) koto���(jacket) jaket·to��

coathanger han·ga����

code (for phoning)shigai-kyokban����what’s the (dialling) code forOsaka? Osaka no shigai-kyokban wa namban desuka?���������� !"#

coffee kohi$%&'two coffees, please kohi





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futatsu, onegai shimasu()*+,-./012345

coin koka67

Coke® kola89:

cold tsumetai;<=(weather, person) samui>?I’m cold samui desu@ABCI have a cold kaze ohikimashitaDEFGHIJK

collar eriLM

collect atsumemasuNOPQI’ve come to collect ... … otori ni kimashitaRSTUVWXYZ

collect call korekuto-koru[\]^_`a

college daigakubc

colour iroddo you have this in othercolours? hoka no iro waarimasu ka?efghijklmno

colour film kara-firumu

pqrstuvcomb kushiwx

come kimasuyz{


where do you come from?doko karairas·shaimashita ka?I come from EdinburghEjinbara kara kimashita

come back modot·te kimasu|}~���I’ll come back tomorrowmata ashita kimasu��������

come in hairimasu����

comfortable yut·tari shita������

comic book man·ga��

compact disckompakuto-disuku���������

company (business) kaisha� 

compare kurabemasu¡¢£¤

compartment (on train)koshitsu��





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compass kompasu����

complain kujo o imasu����

complaint kujo��I have a complaint kujo gaarimasu�������

completely kanzen ni���

computer kompyuta������

concert konsato!"#$%

conditioner (for hair) rinsu&'(

condom kondomu)*+,-

conference kaigi./

conference room kaigijo012

confirm kakunin shimasu34567

congratulations! omedeto!89:;<=

connecting flightsetsuzokubin>?@

connection (in travelling)setsuzokuAB

constipation bempiCD

consulate ryojikanEFG

contact (verb) renrakushimasuHIJKL

contact lenseskontakuto-renzuMNOPQRST

contract keiyakuUV

convenient (time) tsugo no iWXYZ[(location, object) benri (na)\]^_`that’s not convenient sore watsugo ga yoku arimasenabcdefghijklm

cook (verb) ryori shimasunopqrnot cooked han·nama (na)stuvwx

cooker renjiyz{

cookie bisuket·to|}~��

cool suzushi���

cork koruku���

corkscrew koruku-nuki�����

corner: on the cornermachikado ni���





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in the corner sumi ni��

cornflakes konfureku�������

correct (right) tadashi���

corridor roka��

cosmetics keshohin���

cost (noun) hiyo��(verb) hiyo ga kakarimasu��� ��how much does it cost?ikura desu ka?�������

cot bebi-bed·do������

cotton momen��

cotton wool das·shimen� !

couchette shindai"#

cough (noun) seki$%

cough medicine sekidome&'()

could: could you ...? …-tekuremasen ka?*+,-./0123could I have ...? … okuremasen ka?

456789:;<I couldn’t ... … koto wadekimasen deshita=>?@ABCDEFGH

country (nation) kuniI(countryside) inakaJKL

countryside inakaMNO

couple: a couple of ...… futatsuPQRS

courier gaidoTUV

course kosuWXYof course mochironZ[\]of course not mochironchigaimasu^_`abcde

cousin itokofgh

crab kaniij

cracker (biscuit) kurak·kaklmno

craft shop min·geihin-tenpqrs

crash (noun) shototsu-jikotuvwI’ve had a crashshototsu-jiko ni aimashita

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crazy muchu (na)�����

cream kurimu����

creche takuji-sho���

credit card kurejit·to-kado��������do you take credit cards?kurejit·to-kado watsukaemasu ka?���������� ¡¢��


can I pay by credit card?kurejit·to-kado deharaemasu ka?which card do you want touse? doko no kado desuka?Mastercard/Visamasuta/biza desuyes, sir hai, oshiharaiitadakemasuwhat’s the number?ban·go o itadakemasu ka?and the expiry date?yukokigen wa itsu desuka?

crisps poteto-chip·pu

������crockery tojiki�

crossing (by sea) odan�

crossroads jujiro���

crowd hitogomi����

crowded konda���

crown (dental) kuraun����

cruise kokai��

crutches matsubazue��

cry (verb) nakimasu!"#$

cucumber kyuri%&'(

cup kap·pu)*+a cup of ..., please … ohitotsu kudasai,-./01234

cupboard oshire5678(with shelves) todana9:

curly kari-hea (no);<=>?@ABC

curtains katenDEFG





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cushion kus·shonHIJKLfloor cushion zabutonMNOP

custom shukanQR

customer kyakuS

Customs zeikanTU

cut (noun) kirikizuVWX(verb) kirimasuYZ[\I’ve cut myself kit·teshimaimashita]^_`abcde

cutlery naifu-foku-ruifghijklmn

cycling saikuringuopqrst

cyclist saikurisutouvwxyz


daily mainichi (no){|

damage (verb) kowashimasu}~��damaged kowareta���I’m sorry, I’ve damaged thissumimasen, kore o

kowashite shimaimashita������������������

damn! chikusho!������

damp shimet·ta��

dance (noun) dansu� �(verb) odorimasu�����would you like to dance?odorimasen ka?��������

dangerous abunai���

Danish (adj) Dem·maku (no)� !"#$%&

dark (adj: colour) koi'((hair) kuroi)*it’s getting dark kurakunat·te kimashita+,-./0123

date*: what’s the date today?kyo wa nan·nichi desu ka?456789:;<=let’s make a date for nextMonday raishu noGetsuyobi ni shimasho>?@ABCDEFGHI





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daughter (one’s own) musumeJ(someone else’s) ojo-sanKLMN

daughter-in-law (one’s own) girino musumeOPQR(someone else’s) giri nomusume-sanSTUVWX

dawn yoakeYZ[at dawn yoake ni\]^_

day hi`the day after sono tsugi nohiabcdethe day after tomorrowas·sat·tefghithe day before sono mae nohijklmnthe day before yesterdayototoiopqrevery day mainichistall day ichinichi-juuvwin two days’ timefutsuka-inai nixyz{|

have a nice day! gokigen·yo!}~�����

day trip higaeri-ryoko�����

dead shinda���

deaf mimi ga kikoenai�������

deal (business) torihiki����it’s a deal sore de te ouchimasho�����������

death shi�

decaffeinated coffee kafeinnuki no kohi������ ���

December Junigatsu���

decide kimemasu����we haven’t decided yet madakimete imasen��������

decision ket·tei!"

deck (on ship) dek·ki#$%

deckchair dek·ki-chea&'()*+

deep fukai,-





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definitely mat·taku sono toridesu./012345678definitely not mat·takuchigaimasu9:;<=>?@

degree doA(qualification) gakuiBC

delay (noun) okureDE

deliberately waza toFGH

delicatessen sozai-yaIJK

delicious totemo oishiLMNOPQR

deliver haitatsu shimasuSTUVW

delivery haitatsuXY

Denmark Den·makuZ[\]^

dental floss dentaru-furosu_`abcde

dentist haishafgh


it’s this one here koko nokore desuthis one? kore desu ka?

no that one ie, sore desuhere? koko desu ka?yes hai

dentures irebaijk

deodorant deodorantolmnopq

department bumonrs

department store depatotuvw

departure shup·patsuxy

departure loungeshup·patsu-raunjiz{|}~�

depend: it depends bai niyorimasu�������it depends on ... … niyorimasu������

deposit (for bike/boat hire)hoshokin���(as part payment) atamakin��

description setsumei��

design dezain����

dessert dezato����

destination mokutekichi





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�develop genzo shimasu� ���


could you develop thesefilms? kono firumu ogenzo shite kuremasenka?yes, certainly hai, genzodesu newhen will they be ready?itsu dekiagarimasu ka?tomorrow afternoon ashitano gogo desuhow much is the four-hourservice? yojikan nosabisu wa ikura desu ka?

diabetic (noun)tonyobyo-kanja�����diabetic foodstonyobyo-kanja-yoshokuhin��������

dial (verb) daiyaru shimasu�� !"#$

dialling codeshigai-kyokuban%&'(

diamond daiyamondo)*+,-.

diaper omutsu

/01diarrhoea geri23do you have any medicine fordiarrhoea? geridome waarimasu ka?456789:;<=>

diary (business etc) techo?@(for personal experiences) nik·kiAB

dictionary jishoCD

didn’t* …-masen deshitaEFGHIJKLsee not

die shinimasuMNOP

diesel dizeru-shaQRSTUV

diet daiet·toWXYZ[I’m on a diet daiet·to-chudesu\]^_`abcI have to follow a special diet shokuji-seigen gaarimasudefghijkl

difference chigaimnwhat’s the difference? chigaiwa nan desu ka?opqrstuv





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different chigauwxthis one is different kore wachigaimasuyz{|}~�a different table chigauteburu������

difficult muzukashi�����

dining room shokudo��

dinner (evening meal) yushoku��to have dinner shokuji oshimasu������

direct (adj) choksetsu (no)�����is there a direct train?chokutsu no densha waarimasu ka?������ ¡¢£¤¥

direction hoko¦§which direction is it? dot·chino hoko desu ka?¨©ª«¬­®¯��is it in this direction? konohoko desu ka?������

director (section chief) kacho��

(of department) bucho �(of company) shacho��

directory enquiriesdenwa-ban·go-an·nai������

dirt yogore��

dirty kitanai��

disabled: disabled personshintai-shogai-sha�����is there access for thedisabled? shintai-shogai-shamo riyo dekimasu ka? !"#$%&'()*+,-

disappear nakunarimasu./0123it’s disappearednakunarimashita456789:

disappointed gak·kari sh(i(ta;<=>?@

disappointing kitai hazure (no)ABCDEFGH

disaster saigaiIJthis is a disaster kore wahidoi desuKLMNOPQR

disco disukoSTUV





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discount waribikiWXis there a discount? waribikini narimasu ka?YZ[\]^_`a

disease byokibc

disgusting iya (na)defgh

dish (meal) ryoriij(plate) sarak

disk (for computer) disukulmno

disposable diapers/nappieskami-omutsupqrs

distance kyorituin the distance toku nivwx

district chihoyz

disturb jama shimasu{|}~��do not disturb okosanaidekudasai����������

diversion (detour)mawari-michi���

divorced rikon shita����

dizzy: I feel dizzy memai gashimasu�������

do (verb) shimasu���what shall we do? nani oshimasho ka?�������how do you do it? doyat·tesurundesu ka? �����������will you do it for me? soshitekuremasen ka?������� !"#


how do you do?hajimemashite, dozoyoroshikunice to meet youo-aidekite ureshideswhat do you do? (work)oshigoto wa nan desuka?I’m a teacher, and you?watashi wa kyoshi desuga anata wa?I’m a student watashi wagakusei desuwhat are you doingtonight? komban wa nanio shite imasu ka?





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we’re going out for a drink,do you want to join us?watashitachi wa nomi niikimasu ga, is·sho nikimasen ka?

do you want tea? ocha waikaga desu ka?I do, but she doesn’twatashi wa itadakimasuga, kanojo niwa kek·kodesu

doctor isha$%we need a doctor isha gahitsuyo desu&'()*+,please call a doctor isha oyonde kudasai-./0123456


where does it hurt? dokoga itai desu ka?right here koko desudoes that hurt now? korewa itai desu ka?yes haitake this to the chemistkore o mot·te kusuri-yani ikinasai

document shorui78

dog inu9

doll nin·gyo:;

domestic flight kokunaisen<=>

don’t!* dame!?@Adon’t do that! yoshinasai!BCDEFGsee not

door doaHI(of house: Japanese-style) toJsliding door (wooden lattice andpaper) shojiKL(patterned) fusumaMNO

doorman doamanPQRS

doorway genkanTU

double nibai (no)VW

double bed daburu-bed·doXYZ[\]

double room daburu^_`

double whisky daburuabc

doughnut donat·tsu





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defghdown: down here kono shitadesuijklmput it down over there sokoni oite kudasainopqrstuvwit’s down there on the rightsoko o it·te migi desuxyz{|}~��it’s further down the roadmot·to saki desu������

downmarket (restaurant etc)yasup·poi����

downstairs shita�

dozen ichi-dasu (no)����half a dozen han-das (no)����

draught beer nama-biru����

draughty: it’s draughtysukima-kaze ga hairimasu������ �

drawer hikidashi���

drawing e�

dreadful hidoi���

dream (noun) yume�

dress (noun) doresu���

dressed: to get dressed fukuo kimasu�����

dressing gown gaun� !

drink (noun) nomimono"#(alcoholic) osake$%(non-alcoholic) seiryo-inryo&'()(verb) nomimasu*+,-a cold drink tsumetainomimono./012can I get you a drink?nomimono wa ikaga desuka?3456789:;<what would you like (todrink)? nani o nomimasuka?=>?@ABCDno thanks, I don’t drinkarigato, demo arukoru wanomimasenEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW





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I’ll just have a drink of watermizu o kudasaiXYZ[\]

drinking water inryosui^_`is this drinking water? korewa inryosui desu ka?abcdefghij

drive (verb) unten shimasuklmnowe drove here kuruma dekimashitapqrstuI’ll drive you home okut·teikimasuvwxyz{|

driver untenshu}~�

driving licenceunten-menkyo-sho�����

drop: just a drop, please (ofdrink) hon no sukoshi dakekudasai�����������

drug (medicine) kusuri�

drugs (narcotics) mayaku��

drunk (adj) yop·parat·ta������

dry (adj) kawaita���

(wine) karakuchi (no)�����

dry-cleaner’s kurining-ya�� ��

due: he was due to arriveyesterday kare wa kinotochaku suru hazu deshita��������������when is the train due?densha wa itsu kuru hazudesu ka?�� !"#$%&'()*

dull (pain) zuki-zuki+,-.(weather) kumori (no)/01234(uninteresting) tsumaranai56789

dummy (baby’s) oshaburi:;<=>

during … no aida ni?@AB

dust hokoriCDE

dustbin gomibakoFGH

dusty hokorip·poiIJKLMN

Dutch (adj) Oranda (no)OPQR

duty-free (goods)menzei(hin)STUVW





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duty-free shopmenzeihin-tenXYZ[

duvet kakebuton\]^_`


each (every) sorezore (no)abcdefghow much are they each?hitotsu ikura desu ka?hijklmnopq

ear mimir

earache: I have earache mimiga itai desustuvwx

early hayaiyzearly in the morning asahayaku{|}I called by earlier sakihodomo ukagaimashita~���������

earrings iyaringu�����

earthquake jishin��

east higashi�in the east higashi ni��

Easter Fuk·katsu-sai���

Eastern (oriental) toyo (no)�����

easy yasashi����

eat tabemasu�� ¡we’ve already eatenwatashitachi wa motabemashita���������

eau de toiletteo-do-toware� ����

economy class ekonomi-kurasu��������

eel unagi���

egg tamago���

either: either ... or ... … ka …ka !"#either of them dochiraka$%&'

elbow hiji()

electric denki (no)*+,-.

electrical appliancesdenki-kigu/012





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electrician denki-ya345

electricity denki67

elevator erebeta89:;<=

else: something else nani kahoka no mono>?@ABCDsomewhere else doko kahoka no tokoroEFGHIJKLM


would you like anythingelse? hoka ni nani kairimasu ka?no, nothing else, thanks ie,hoka niwa nani moirimasen, arigato

e-mail i-meruNOPQR

embassy taishikanSTU

emergency kinkyuVWthis is an emergency! kinkyudesu!XYZ[

emergency exit hijoguchi\]^

Emperor of Japan Ten·no-Heika

_`abEmpress of Japan Kogo-Heikacdef

empty kara (no)ghijk

end (noun) owarilmnat the end of the street sonomichi no tsukiatari niopqrstuvwxwhen does it end? itsu owarimasu ka?yz{|}~���

engaged (toilet) shiyo-chu���(phone) hanashi-chu���(to be married) kon·yaku shita����

engine (car) enjin����

England Igirisu����

English (adj) Igirisu (no)�������(language) Eigo��I’m English watashi waIgirisu-jin desu��� ¡¢£¤¥do you speak English? Eigoga hanasemasu ka?��������

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enjoy: to enjoy oneselftanoshimimasu�� �


how did you like the film?eiga wa do deshita ka?I enjoyed it very much, didyou enjoy it? totemotanoshikat·ta desu, anatawa do deshita ka?

enlargement (of photo)hiki-nobashi�����

enormous totemo oki������

enough jubun��there’s not enough tarimasen���� it’s not big enoughchisasugimasu!"#$%&that’s enough sore de jubundesu'()*+,-

entrance iriguchi./0(of house) genkan12

envelope futo3456

epileptic tenkan-kanja

789:;<equipment setsubi=>(for climbing etc) sobi?@

error machigaiABCD

especially toku niEFG

essential hitsuyo (na)HIJKLit is essential that ... …-kotowa hitsuyo desuMNOPQRSTU


European (adj) Yorop·pa (no)[\]^_`ab

even: even the ... … democdeeven if ... moshi … demofghij

evening yugataklthis evening kombanmnin the evening yoru niop

evening meal yushokuqr

eventually tsui nistu

ever: I hardly ever ... hotondo...-masenvwxyz{|}~





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have you ever been toHiroshima? Hiroshima niit·ta koto ga arimasu ka?yes, I was there two yearsago hai, ni-nen mae niikimashita

every subete no����every day mainichi��

everyone mina-san���

everything subete���

everywhere doko demo����

exactly! sono tori desu!��������

exam shiken��

example rei�for example tatoeba����

excellent subarashi���(food) totemo oishi�� ����(hotel) ichiryu (no)�����excellent! subarashi!������

except … igai wa���

excess baggagechoka-tenimotsu!"#$%

exchange rate ryogae-reto&'()*

exciting omoshiroi+,-./

excuse me (to get past)shitsurei shimasu01234(to say sorry) gomen·nasai56789:(to get attention) chot·tosumimasen!;<=>?@ABC

executive kanrishokuDEF

exhaust (pipe) haikikanGHI

exhibition tenrankaiJKL

exit deguchiMNwhere’s the nearest exit?ichiban chikai deguchi wadoko desu ka?OPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]

expensive takai^_

experienced keiken no aru`abcd

explain setsumei shimasu





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efghican you explain that?setsumei shite kuremasenka?jklmnopqrst

express (mail) sokutatsuuv(train) tok·kyuwx

extension (telephone) naisenyzextension ..., please naisenno …, onegai shimasu{|}~�������

extension lead encho-kodo�����

extra: can we have an extraone? mo hitotsumoraemasen ka?�������������do you charge extra for that?sore wa betsu-ryokin desuka?�������� ¡

extraordinary mezurashi¢£¤¥¦

extremely totemo§¨©

eye meªwill you keep an eye on my

suitcase for me? chot·tosutsukes o mite itekuremasen ka?«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·��������

eyeglasses (US: spectacles)megane��

eyeliner ai-raina �����

eye make-up removerai-meku-otoshi�������

eye shadow ai-shado������


face kao !

face mask (for colds) masuku"#$

factory kojo%&

Fahrenheit kashi'(

faint (verb) ki o ushinaimasu)*+,-.she’s fainted kanojo wa ki oushinaimashita/012345678





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I feel faint fura-fura shimasu9:;<=>?

fair (funfair) yuenchi@AB(trade fair) mihon-ichiCDE(impartial) kohei (na)FGHIJ(amount) kanari (no)KLMNOP

fairly (quite) kanariQRS

fake (adj) nise (no)TUVWX

fall (US: season) akiYin the fall aki niZ[

fall (verb) korobimasu\]^_`she’s had a fall kanojo wakorobimashitaabcdefghi

false (not true) machigat·tajklmn

family kazokuop

famous yumei (na)qrstu

fan (electrical) sempukivwx(handheld) sensuyz{(sports) fan|}~

fantastic subarashi�����

far toi��


is it far from here? kokokara toi desu ka?no, not very far ie, amaritoku nai desuwell, how far? dono kuraidesu ka?it’s about 20 kilometres ni-juk·kiro kurai desu

fare ryokin��

fare box (on buses)ryokinbako���

farm nojo��

fashionable oshare (na)�������

fast hayai��

fat (person) futot·ta���(on meat) aburami����

father (one’s own) chichi�(someone else’s) oto-san��

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father-in-law (one’s own) girino chichi ���(someone else’s) giri nooto-san�������

faucet jaguchi���

fault: sorry, it was my faultgomen·nasai, watashi no seideshita����� !"#$%&'(it’s not my fault watashi nosei dewa arimasen)*+,-./0123

faulty choshi ga okashi456789:

favourite oki ni iri (no);<=>?@AB

fax (noun) fak·ksuCDEFG(verb) fak·ksu o okurimasuHIJKLMNOPQ

February NigatsuRS

feel kanjimasuTUVWI feel hot atsui desuXYZ[I feel unwell kibun ga yokunai desu\]^_`abcd

I feel like going for a walksampo ni ikitai desuefghijklmhow are you feeling? ikagadesu ka?nopqrstI’m feeling better zut·to idesuuvwxyz{

fence (noun) hei|

fencing fensingu}~����Japanese fencing kendo��

ferry feri����

festival omatsuri���

fetch (person) tsurete kimasu������(object) tot·te kimasu������I’ll fetch him kare o yondekimasho�������� ¡will you come and fetch melater? atode mukae ni kitekuremasen ka?¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°

feverish netsup·poi����





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few: a few sukoshi no���a few days ni-san nichi�

fiancé(e) kon·yakusha��

field hatake�

fight (noun) kenka���

fill in kinyu shimas�����do I have to fill this in? kinyushinakute wa narimasen ka?��������� !"#$

fill up ip·pai ni shimas%&'()*+,fill it up, please ip·pai nishite kudasai-./01234567

filling (in cake, sandwich) nakami89:(in tooth) ha no tsumemono;<=>?@

film (movie) eigaAB(for camera) firumuCDEF


do you have this kind offilm? kon·na firumu wa

arimasu ka?yes, how many exposures?hai, nan·mai dori desu ka?36 san-ju-roku-mai desu

film processing genzoGH

final (adj) saigo (no)IJKLM

find (verb) mitsukemasuNOPQRI can’t find it mitsukarimasenSTUVWXYI’ve found it mitsukemashitaZ[\]^_

find out shirabemasu`abccould you find out for me?shirabete kuremasen ka?defghijklm

fine (weather) haretanop(punishment) bak·kinqr


how are you? ogenki desuka?I’m fine, thanksokagesama de

is that OK? sore de i desuka?





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that’s fine, thanks e,kek·ko desu

finger yubis

finish (verb) owarimasutuvwxI haven’t finished yet madaowat·te imasenyz{|}~����when does it finish? itsuowarimasu ka?���������

fire (in hearth) hi�(blaze) kaji��fire! kaji da!����can we light a fire here?koko de hi o taite mo idesu ka?������������� ¡it’s on fire kaji desu����

fire alarm kasai-hochiki����

fire brigade shobotai��

fire escape hijoguchi ��

fire extinguisher shokaki���

fireworks hanabi��

first saisho (no)�����I was first watashi ga sakideshita������at first saisho ni !"the first time hajimete#$%&first on the left hidarigawano saisho'()*+,

first aid okyu-te-ate-./0

first-aid kit kyukyubako123

first class (train) gurinsha45678(plane) fasuto-kurasu9:;<=>?@first-class ticket (train)gurinsha joshakenABCDEFGH(plane) fasuto-kurasuchiket·toIJKLMNOPQRST

first floor ni-kaiUV(US) ik·kaiWX

first name namaeYZ





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fish (noun) sakana[\]

fishmonger’s sakana-ya^_

fit (attack) hos·sa`a

fit: it doesn’t fit me sore wawatashi ni aimasenbcdefghijk

fitting room shichaku-shitsulmn

fix (verb: arrange) tehai shimasuopqrscan you fix this? (repair)naosemasu ka?tuvwxyz

fizzy tansan (no){|}~�

fizzy orange tansan-iri orenjijusu������������

flag hata��

flannel taoru���

flash (for camera) furashu�����

flat (noun: apartment) apato����(adj) taira (na)������I’ve got a flat tyre taiya gapanku shimashita


flavour fumi�

flea nomi��

flight hiko��

flight number bin·mei��

flood kozui��

floor (of room) yuka�(storey) kai�on the floor yuka ni��

florist’s hana-ya��

flower hana�

flower arranging ikebana���

flu infuruenza !"#$%&

fluent: he speaks fluentJapanese kare wa ryuchona Nihon-go ohanashimasu'()*+,-./0123

fly (noun) hae45(verb) tobimasu





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6789can we fly there? hikoki deikemasu ka?:;<=>?@ABC

fog kiriD

foggy: it’s foggy kiri ga deteimasuEFGHIJK

food (in general) tabemonoLMN(in shop) shokuryohinOPQ(in restaurant) ryoriRS

food poisoningshokuchudokuTUV

food shop/storeshokuryohin-tenWXYZ

foot (of person) ashi[on foot aruite\]^

football (game) sak·ka_`ab(ball) sak·ka-borucdefghi

footwarmer kotatsujkl

for: do you have something for...? (headache/diarrhoea etc) …ni kik kusuri wa arimasu



who’s the tempura for?tempura wa dochira desuka?that’s for me watashi desuand this one? kore wadochira desu ka?that’s for her kanojo desu

where do I get the bus forShinjuku? Shinjuku-ikino basu wa doko denoremasu ka?the bus for Shinjuku leavesfrom Tokyo stationShinjuku-iki no basu waTokyo eki kara deteimasu

how long have you beenhere? koko niwa modono kurai ni narimasuka?I’ve been here for twodays, how about you?futsuka desu ga, anatawa?I’ve been here for a weekis·shukan ni narimasu





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forehead odekoyz{

foreign gaikoku (no)|}

foreigner gaijin~�

forest mori�

forget wasuremasu����I forget, I’ve forgottenwasurete shimaimashita����� �

fork fok����(in road) bunkiten���

form (document) yoshi��

formal seishiki (na)�����(dress) aratamat·ta��� !"

fortnight nishukan#$%

fortunately un·yoku&'(

forward: could you forward mymail? tegami o tenso shitekuremasen ka?)*+,-./0123456

forwarding address tenso saki789

foundation (make-up)


fountain (ornamental) funsuiBC(for drinking) kyusuikiDEF

foyer robiGHI

fracture (noun) kos·setsuJK

France FuransuLMNO

free (no charge) tada, muryoPQRSTis it free (of charge)? muryodesu ka?UVWXYZ

freeway kosokudoro[\]^

freezer reitoko_`a

French (adj) Furansu (no)bcdefgh(language) Furansu-goijklm

French fries furenchi-furainopqrst

frequent tabitabi (no)uvwxyz{how frequent is the bus toKobe? Kobe-iki no basu wanambon kurai dete imasu ka?|}~�����������������





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fresh (food) shinsen (na)�����

Friday Kin·yobi���

fridge reizoko���

fried itameta����

fried egg medamayaki� ¡¢£

fried rice chahan¤¥¦§¨

friend tomodachi��

friendly shinsetsu (na)�����

from kara�when does the next trainfrom Hakata arrive? tsugi noHakata hatsu no res·sha waitsu tsukimasu ka?�� �������������from Monday to FridayGetsuyobi kara Kin·yobi����� !"from next Thursday tsugi noMok·yobi kara#$%&'()


where are you from? dokokara kimashita ka?

I’m from ManchesterManchesuta kara desu

front mae*in front mae ni+,in front of the hotel hoteruno mae ni-./012at the front mae de34

frost shimo5

frozen reito shita6789

fruit kudamono:;<=

fruit juice frutsu-jusu>?@ABCDE

full ip·paiFGHIit’s full of ... … de ip·paidesuJKLMNOPQI’m full onaka ga ip·pai desuRSTUVWXYZ[

full board san-shoku-tsuki\]^_

fun: it was funomoshirokat·ta desu`abcdefgh

funeral ososhikiijk





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funny (strange) okashilmno(amusing) omoshiroipqrst

furniture kaguuv

further mot·to tokuwxyz{it’s further down the roadsono michi no mot·to sakidesu|}~�������


how much further is it toKinkakuji? Kinkakuji ewadono kurai arimasu ka?about 5 kilometresgo-kiro kurai desu

fuse (noun) hyuzu����

future shorai��in future kore kara����


gallon garon���

game (cards etc) gemu

���(match) shiai��

garage (for fuel) gasorin-sutando��������(for repairs) shurikojo����(for parking) shako��

garden niwa�

garlic nin·niku��

gas gasu� (US) gasorin����

gas permeable lensessanso-toka-sei kontakuto-renzu�������������

gas station (US) gasorin-sutando� !"#$%&

gate mon'(at airport) geto()*

gay homo (no)+,

gay bar gei-ba-./0

gears (in car) gia





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12general (adj) ip·pan-teki (na)345678

gents’ toilet dansei-yo toire9:;<=>

genuine (antique etc)hon·mono (no)?@ABC

German (adj) Doitsu (no)DEFGHI

Germany DoitsuJKL

get (fetch) te ni iremasuMNOPQRcould you get me anotherone, please? mo hitotsumoraemasu ka?STUVWXYZ[\]^how do I get to ...? … ewado ikeba i desu ka?_`abcdefghijkldo you know where I can getthem? sore wa dokode te nihairimasu ka?mnopqrstuvwxyz


can I get you a drink?nomimono wa ikagadesu ka?no, I’ll get this one, what

would you like? ie, korewa watashi mochi desu,nani ga i desu ka?a beer, please biru kudasai

get back (return) modorimasu{|}~

get in (arrive) tochaku shimasu�����

get off orimasu����where do I get off? doko deorireba i desu ka?�������������

get on (to train etc) norimasu����

get out (of car etc) orimasu����(take out) toridashimasu��� ¡¢

get up (in the morning) okimasu£¤¥¦

gift okurimono§¨©

gift shop gifuto-shop·puª«¬­®¯°

gin jin��a gin and tonic, please jin-tonik·ku o onegai shimasu�������� ��

girl on·na no ko���





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girlfriend garu-furendo�������

give agemasu����can you give me somechange? kore o kuzushitekuremasen ka?�� !"#$%&'()*+I gave it to him sore wa kareni watashimashita,-./0123456will you give this to ...? koreo … ni watashitekuremasen ka?789:;<=>?@ABCDEF

give back kaeshimasuGHIJ

glad ureshiKLMN

glass (material) garasuOPQ(for drinking) kop·puRSTa glass of wine wain o ip·paiUVWXYZ

glasses (spectacles) megane[\]

gloves tebukuro^_

glue (noun) set·chaku-zai`ab

go ikimasucdefwe’d like to go to TokyoDisneyland Tokyo-Dizunirando ni it·te mitaidesughijklmnopqrstuvwxywhere are you going? doko eikundesu ka?z{|}~�����where does this bus go?kono basu wa doko eikimasu ka?��������������let’s go! ikimasho!�������hamburger to go hambaga oteiku-auto de������� ¡¢£¤¥¦she’s gone (left) kanojo wait·te shimaimashita§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²where has he gone? kare wadoko e ikimashita ka?³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼���I went there last week senshusoko e ikimashita�����





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go away dekakemasu�����go away! at·chi e it·te!�����

go back (return) kaerimasu����

go down (the stairs etc) shita eikimasu������

go in naka e hairimasu�������

go out (in the evening) gaishutsushimasu� !"#do you want to go out tonight?komban dekaketai desu ka?$%&'()*+,-.

go through torinukemasu/01234

go up (the stairs etc) ue eikimasu56789:

God kami-sama;<

goggles goguru=>?@

gold kinA

goldfish kin·gyoBC

golf gorufuDEF

golf course gorufu-jo

GHIJgood iKLgood! yokat·ta!MNOPQit’s no good sore wa damedesuRSTUVWX

goodbye (formal) sayonaraYZ[\](informal) dewa mata^_`a(between friends) ja nebcde

good evening komban wafghij

Good Friday Sei-Kin·yobiklmn

good morning ohayogozaimasuopqrstuvw

good night (when leaving) osakinixyz(when going to bed)oyasuminasai{|}~���

got: we’ve got to leave moikanakereba narimasen�������������have you got any ...? … omot·te imasu ka?���������

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government seifu��

gradually dandan����

gram(me) guramu�� 

granddaughter (one’s own)magomusme¡¢(someone else’s) omago-san£¤¥¦

grandfather (one’s own) sofu§¨(someone else’s) oji-san�����

grandmother (one’s own) sobo��(someone else’s) oba-san���

grandson (one’s own)magomusuko ��(someone else’s) omago-san����

grapefruit gurepu-frutsu��������

grapes budo���

grass kusa�

grateful ureshi !"#

gravy gurebi-sosu$%&'()*+

great (excellent) subarashi,-./0that’s great! sore wa sugoi!1234567a great success daiseiko89:

Great Britain Eikoku;<

greedy yokubari (na)=>?@ABC(for food) kuishimbo (no)DEFGHIJ

green midori (no)KLMNOP

green card (car insurance)jidosha-hokenQRSTU

greengrocer’s yao-yaVWX

grey hai-iro (no)YZ[\]

grilled guriru de yaita^_`abcd

grocer’s shokuryohin-tenefgh

ground jimenijon the ground jimen niklm

ground floor ik·kaino

group gurupupqrs

guarantee (noun) hoshotu

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is it guaranteed? hosho-tsuki desu ka?vwxyz{|}

guest okyaku-sama~���

guesthouse minshuku��

guide (person) gaido���

guidebook gaido-buk·ku������

guided tour gaido-tsuki tua��������

gum (in mouth) haguki���

gun (rifle) ju�(pistol) pisutoru����

gym jimu��


hair kami�

hairbrush burashi�

haircut (man’s) sampatsu��(woman’s) heya-kat·to ����

hairdresser’s (men’s) toko-ya��

(women’s) biyoin���

hairdryer doraiya�����

hair gel jeru���

hairgrips heya-pin� !"

hair spray heya-supure#$%&'(

half hambun)*half an hour han-jikan+,-half a litre han-rit·toru./012about half that sonohambun kurai3456789

half boardasayu-nishoku-tsuki:;<=>?

half-bottle hafu-botoru@ABCDE

half fare hangakuFG

half-price hangaku(no)HIJKL

ham hamuMN

hamburger hambagaOPQRST

hand teU





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handbag handobag·guVWXYZ[

handbrake handobureki\]^_`ab

handkerchief hankachicdef

handle (on door) tot·teghi(on suitcase) mochitejkl

hand luggage tenimotsumno

hang-gliding hanguraidingupqrstuvwx

hangover futsukayoiyz{|}I’ve got a hangoverfutsukayoi desu~������

happen okorimasu����what’s happening? do nat·teimasu ka?����������(what’s on?) nani o yat·teimasu ka?��������(what’s wrong?) do shitandesuka?�� ������what has happened? nani gaat·tandesu ka?����������

happy ureshi�� !I’m not happy about this soreniwa nat·toku dekimasen"#$%&'()*+,

harbour minato-

hard katai./0(difficult) muzukashi12345

hard-boiled eggkatayude-tamago6789:;<

hard lenses hado-kontakuto=>?@ABCD

hardly: I hardly ever ...hotondo …-masenEFGHIJKLMI hardly ever go met·ta niikimasenNOPQRSTUVI hardly know him kare nokoto wa hotondoshirimasenWXYZ[\]^_`abcd

hardware shop kanamono-yaefg

hat boshihij

hate (verb) kirai desuklmno

have mochimasu

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pqrscan I have a ...? … omorat·te mo i desu ka?tuvwxyz{|}~��can we have some ...? … oikutsuka moraemasu ka?�������������do you have ...? … o mot·teimasu ka?����������what’ll you have (to drink)?nani ni shimasu ka?�������I have to ... …-nakute wanarimasen� ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©I have to leave now moikanakute wa narimasenª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶do I have to ...? …-nakutewa narimasen ka?·¸¹º»��������

hayfever kafun-sho�

he* kare�

head atama ��

headache zutsu

��headlights hed·do-raito������

headphones hed·do-hon���

healthy (person) kenko (na)� ���(food) karada ni i������

hear kikoemasu�����


can you hear me?kikoemasu ka?I can’t hear you, could yourepeat that? kikoemasen,mo ichido it·tekuremasen ka?

hearing aid hochoki���

heart shinzo�

heart attack shinzomahi!"#$

heat atsusa%&

heater (in room) dambo'((in car) hita)*+,

heating dambo-.





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heavy omoi/01

heel (of foot) kakato234(of shoe) hiru567could you heel these? hiru onaoshite kuremasen ka?89:;<=>?@ABCDEF

height (of person) shinchoGH(of object) takasaIJ

helicopter herikoptaKLMNOP

hello kon·nichi waQRSTU(on phone) moshi-moshiVWXY

helmet (for motorcycle)herumet·toZ[\]^

help (noun) kyoryoku_`(verb) tetsudaimasuabcdehelp! tasukete!fghijcan you help me? tetsudat·tekuremasen ka?klmnopqrstuthank you very much for yourhelp tetsudat·te kurete

domo arigatovwxyz{|}~������

helpful yaku ni tatsu����

hepatitis kan-en��

her* kanojo (o)�����to her kanojo ni���with her kanojo to���for her kanojo no tame ni������that’s her kanojo desu����I haven’t seen her kanojoniwa at·te imasen������ ��her ... kanojo no …����it’s her car sore wa kanojono kuruma desu���������

herbal tea habu-ti��� !"

herbs (for cooking) habu#$%(medicinal) yakuso&'

here koko()





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here is/are ... … wa kokodesu*+,-./here you are (offering) hai,dozo012345

hers* kanojo no678that’s hers sore wa kanojono desu9:;<=>?@

hey! chot·to!ABCDE

hi! (hello) domo!FGHI

high takaiJK

highchair bebi-cheaLMNOPQ

highway kosokudoroRSTU

hill okaV

him* kare (o)WXYZto him kare ni[\with him kare to]^for him kare no tame ni_`abcthat’s him kare desudefI haven’t seen him kare niwaat·te imasen


hip oshiriqrs

hire karimasutuvwfor hire rentaru (no)xyz{|}~where can I hire a bike?doko de jitensha gakariraremasu ka?���������������

his* kare no��it’s his car sore wa kare nokuruma desu��������that’s his sore wa kare nodesu�������

hitch-hike hit·chi-haiku� ¡¢£¤

hobby shumi��

hold (verb) mochimasu����

hole ana��

holiday yasumion holiday yasumi de��

Holland Oranda����





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home uchi��at home (in my house) uchi de���(in my country) watashi nokuni de����we go home tomorrowwatashitachi wa ashitakikoku shimasu����� !"#$%&

honey hachimitsu'()*

honeymoon shinkon-ryoko+,-.

hood (US: of car) bon·net·to/0123

hope kibo45I hope so so da to i desu ne6789:;<=>I hope not so de nai to idesu ne?@ABCDEFGHI

hopefully dekirebaJKLM

horrible osoroshiNOPQR

horse umaS

horse riding jobaTU

hospital byoin

VWhospitality omotenashiXYZ[\thank you for your hospitalityomotenashi domo arigatogozaimashita]^_`abcdefghijklmno

hot atsuipq(spicy) karairstI’m hot atsui desuuvwxit’s hot today kyo wa atsuidesuyz{|}~��

hotel hoteru���(Japanese-style) ryokan��

hotel room hoteru no heya������

hot spring onsen��

hour jikan��

house ie�

hovercraft hoba-kurafuto�������

how do�how many? ikutsu?





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�� how do you do?hajimemashite������


how are you? ogenki desuka?fine, thanks, and you? e,okagesama de, sochira wado desu ka?

how much is it? ikura desuka?520 yen go-hyaku-ni-ju-en desuI’ll take it ja, sore okudasai

humid mushi-atsui����

hungry onaka ga suita�������are you hungry? onaka gasukimashita ka?� !"#$%&'()

hurry (verb) isogimasu*+,-I’m in a hurry isoide imasu./0123there’s no hurry isogu kotowa arimasen456789:

;<=hurry up! isoide kudasai!>?@ABCDE

hurt (verb) itamimasuFGHIit really hurts totemoitamimasuJKLMNOP

husband (one’s own) shujinQR(someone else’s) goshujinSTUmy husband uchi no shujinVWXYZ

hydrofoil suichu-yokusen[\]^


I watashi_

ice kori`with ice kori-iriabcno ice, thanks kori wa idesudefghi

ice cream aisu-kurimujklmnop

ice-cream cone aisu-kurimuno konqrstuvwxyz{





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ice lolly aisu-kyandi|}~������idea kan·gae��

idiot hakuchi��

if moshi��

ill byoki (no)�����I feel ill kibun ga warui desu�������

illness byoki��

imitation (leather etc) mozohin���

immediately sugu��

important taisetsu (na)�� ¡¢it’s very important totemotaisetsu desu�������it’s not important do demo ikoto desu��� ����

impossible fukano (na)������

impressive insho-teki (na)������

improve: I want to improve myJapanese Nihon-go gaumak naritai desu�� !"#$%&

'()*in: it’s in the centre sore wahankagai ni arimasu+,-./012345in my car watashi nokuruma no naka6789:;in Sapporo Sapporo ni<=>in May Gogatsu ni?@Ain English Eigo deBCDin Japanese Nihon-go deEFGHin two days from now imakara futsuka deIJKLMNOin five minutes go-fun dePQRis he in? kare wa imasu ka?STUVWXY

incense okoZ[

inch inchi\]^

include fukumimasu_`abdoes that include meals?shokuji wa komi desu ka?cdefghijkis that included? sore moryokin ni fukumarete imasuka?





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inconvenient fuben (na){|}~�

incredible shinjirarenai������

Indian (adj) Indo (no)������

indicator winka�����

indigestion shokafuryo����

indoor pool okunai-puru�����

indoors okunai��

inexpensive tegoro (na)���� ¡

infection kansensho¢£¤

infectious densensei (no)¥¦§¨©ª

inflammation ensho«¬

informal kudaketa­®¯°

information joho±²do you have any informationabout ...? … ni tsuite nojoho ga arimasu ka?³´µ¶·¸¹º»������

information desk an·naisho��

injection chusha�

injured kega o shita� ���she’s been injured kanojowa kega o shimashita����������

inn (Japanese-style) ryokan��

inner tube (for tyre) chubu���

insect mushi!

insect bite mushi-sasare"#$%do you have anything forinsect bites? mushi-sasareno kusuri wa arimasu ka?&'()*+,-./012

insect repellentmushiyoke345

inside: inside the hotel hoteruno naka6789:;let’s sit inside naka nisuwarimasho<=>?@ABCD

insist iharimasuEFGHIJI insist doka zehiKLMNOif you insist do shitemo to

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instant coffee insutanto-kohiZ[\]^_`abc

instead: give me that oneinstead kawari ni sot·chi okudasaidefghijklmnoinstead of ... … no kawarinipqrstu

insulin inshurinvwxyz{

insurance hoken|}

intelligent atama ga i~�����

interested: I’m interested in ...… ni kyomi ga arimasu���������

interesting omoshiroi�����that’s very interesting sorewa totemo omoshiroi desu�������������

international kokusai-teki(na)� ¡¢£¤

Internet intanet·to¥¦§¨©ª«

interpreter tsuyaku

¬­intersection kosaten®¯°

interval (at theatre) kyukei-jikan±²³´

into … niµ¶I’m not into ... … wa sukidewa arimasen���������

introduce shokai shimasu� ���may I introduce ...? (formal)… o goshokai itashimasu����������(informal) … o shokaishimasu����� !

invitation shotai"#

invite shotai shimasu$%&'(

invoice seikyusho)*+

Ireland Airurando,-./01

Irish Airurando (no)23456789:I’m Irish watashi waAirurando-jin desu;<=>?@ABC

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iron (for ironing) aironFGHIcan you iron these for me?kore ni airon o kaketekuremasen ka?JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[

is* … desu\]^

island shima_

it sore`ait is ... sore wa … desubcdefgis it ...? … desu ka?hijklwhere is it? doko desu ka?mnopqrit’s him kare desustuit was ... … deshitavwxy

Italian (adj) Itaria (no)z{|}~��

Italy Itaria����

itch: it itches kayui desu�����

ivory zoge���


jacket jaket·to�����

jam (preserve) jamu���

jammed: it’s jammedtsumat·te imasu�������

January Ichigatsu��

Japan Nihon��

Japanese (adj) Nihon (no) ¡¢£¤(noun) Nihon-jin¥¦§(language) Nihon-go���the Japanese Nihon-jin���

Japanese food washoku��

Japanese-style wafu

Japan Sea Nihon-kai��

jar (noun) bin��

jaw ago��

jazz jazu���

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jeans jinzu����

jellyfish kurage���

jersey seta����

jetty sambashi !"#

jeweller’s hoseki-ten$%&

jewellery hoseki'(

JewishYudaya (no))*+,-.

job shigoto/0

jogging jogingu12345

joke jodan67

joss stick osenko89:

journey ryoko;<have a good journey! soredewa tanoshi ryoko o!=>?@ABCDEFG

judo judoHI

jug mizusashiJKLa jug of water mizusashiip·pai no mizuMNOPQRS

juice fres·shu-jusuTUVWXYZ[\

July Shichigatsu]^

jump (verb) jampu shimasu_`abcde

junction (in road) kosatenfgh(on motorway) intachenjiijklmnop

June Rokgatsuqr

just (only) … dakestujust two futatsu dakevwxyzjust for me watashi ni dake{|}~just here chodo koko de�������not just now ima wa damedesu�������we’ve just arrived ima tsuitatokoro desu��������


keep (verb) tot·te okimasu�� ����keep the change otsuri wakek·ko desu





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����������can I keep it? morat·te mo idesu ka?���� !"#$%&please keep it dozo omochikudasai'()*+,-./0

ketchup kechap·pu12345

kettle yakan678

key kagi9:the key for room 201, pleaseni-maru-ichi-go no kagi oonegai shimasu;<=>?@ABCDEFGH

keyring kihorudaIJKLMN

kidneys jinzoOP

kilo kiroQR

kilometre kirometoruSTUVWXhow many kilometres is it to...? … made nan-kiroarimasu ka?YZ[\]^_`abcd

kind (generous) shinsetsuef

that’s very kind sore wagoshinsetsu nighijklm


which kind do you want?dochira ga i desu ka?I want this/that kind kono/sono shurui ga hoshi desu

kiosk kiosukunopq

kiss (noun) kisurs(verb) kisu shimasutuvwx

kitchen daidokoroyz

kite tako{|

kite-flying tako-age}~��

Kleenex® tis·shu-pepa���������

knee hiza��

knickers shotsu����

knife naifu���

knock (verb) nok·ku shimasu������

knock over (object) hik·kurikaeshimasu





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������� (pedestrian) hanemasu¡¢£¤he’s been knocked over karewa kuruma nihaneraremashita¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯

know shit·te imasu������I don’t know shirimasen���I didn’t know that sore washirimasen deshita� ���������do you know where I can find ...? doko de … ga te nihairimasu ka?��������� !"#

Korean (adj) Kankoku (no)$%&'(


label raberu)*+

lacquerware shik·ki,-

ladies’ room, ladies’ toiletskeshoshitsu./0

ladies’ wear fujinfuku-uriba

123456lady josei78

lager raga-biru9:;<=>

lake mizumi?

lamb (meat) kohitsuji@A

lamp sutandoBCDE

lane (motorway) shasenFG(small road) rojiHI

language kotobaJK(foreign language) gaikoku-goLMN

language coursegogaku-kosuOPQRS

large okiTUV

last (final) saigo (no)WXYZ[last week senshu\]last Friday senshu noKin·yobi^_`abclast night yubedefwhat time is the last train toYokohama?Yokohama-iki

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no saishu-densha wa nanjidesu ka?ghijklmnopqrstuv

late osoiwxsorry I’m late okuretesumimasenyz{|}~��the train was late densha gaokuremashita��������we must go – we’ll be lateikanaito chikoku shiteshimaimasu��������������it’s getting late zuibunosoku narimashita��������� ¡

later ato de¢£¤I’ll come back later ato demodot·te kimasu��������see you later sore ja mata�� ���later on ato de���

latest (most recent) saishin (no)�����by Wednesday at the latestosoku-tomo Suiyobi madeni

������� !"

laugh (verb) waraimasu#$%&

launderette, laundromatkoin-randori'()*+,-.

laundry (clothes) sentaku-mono/01234(place) sentaku-ya56789

lavatory toire:;<

law horitsu=>

lawn shibafu?@A

lawyer ben·goshiBCD

laxative gezaiEF

lazy namake-monoGHIJK

lead (electrical) kodoLMN

lead (verb) tsujite imasuOPQRSTwhere does this road lead?kono michi wa doko nitsujite imas ka?UVWXYZ[\]^_`abc

leaf hap·padef





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leaflet chirashighi

leak (noun) morejkthe roof leaks amamori gashimasulmnopqr

learn naraimasustuv

least: not in the least zenzenwxyzat least sukunaku-tomo{|}~��

leather kawa�

leave (verb: depart) shup·patsushimasu�����(put somewhere) okimasu����(forget) okiwasuremasu������I am leaving tomorrow ashitashup·patsu shimasu��������he left yesterday kare wakino tachimashita������� ¡¢when does the bus forKanazawa leave? Kanazawa-iki no basu wa itsushup·patsu shimasu ka?£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³

may I leave this here? kokoni oite mo i desu ka?���������� I left my coat in the bar ba nikoto o okiwasuremashita��������������

left hidari�on the left hidari ni��to the left hidari e� turn left hidari e magat·tekudasai!"#$%&'()*there’s none left moarimasen+,-./01

left-handed hidari-kiki (no)234

left luggage (office)tenimotsu-azukari-jo56789:

leg ashi;

lemon remon<=>

lemonade remonedo?@ABC

lend kashimasuDEFGwill you lend me your ...?

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… o kashite kuremasen ka?HIJKLMNOPQRS

lens (of camera) renzuTUV

lesbian rezubianWXYZ[

less mot·to sukunaku\]^_`abless than … ikacdeless expensive sore hodotakaku naifghijklm

lesson jugyono

let: will you let me know?shirasete kuremasen ka?pqrstuvwxyzI’ll let you know oshiraseshimasu{|}~���let’s go for something to eatnani ka tabe ni ikimasho�����������

let off oroshimasu�����will you let me off at ...? …de oroshite kuremasen ka?�������������

letter tegami

� do you have any letters forme? watashi-ate no tegamiwa arimasu ka?¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­

letterbox posuto®¯°

lettuce retasu±²³

library toshokan´µ¶

licence menkyo��

lid futa��

lie (verb: tell untruth) uso otsukimasu�����

lie down yoko ni narimasu� ����

lifebelt kyumeitai���

lifeguard raifu-gado������

life jacket kyumei-doi����

lift (elevator) erebeta� !"#$could you give me a lift?nosete kuremasen ka?%&'()*+,-.would you like a lift? nosete





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agemasho ka?/0123456789

light (noun) hikari:;<(electric) denki=>(adj: not heavy) karui?@Ado you have a light? (forcigarette) hi o mot·te imasuka?BCDEFGHIJKlight green usu-midori (no)LMNOPQRS

light bulb denkyuTUI need a new light bulbatarashi denkyu ga hitsuyodesuVWXYZ[\]^_

lighter (cigarette) raita`abc

lightning inabikaridefgh

like (verb) suki desuijklI like it suki desumnopI like going for walks samponi ikuno ga suki desuqrstuvwxyz{

I like you anata ga suki desu|}~�����I don’t like it suki jaarimasen���������do you like ...? … ga sukidesu ka?��������I’d like a beer biru ga hoshidesu���������I’d like to go swimming oyogini ikitai desu�� ¡¢£¤¥¦would you like a drink?nomimono wa ikaga desuka?§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±would you like to go for awalk? sampo ni ikitakuarimasen ka?²³´µ¶·¸¹º»����what’s it like? do yu kanjidesu ka?������ �I want one like this kon·nano ga hoshi desu��������

lime raimu��

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ABCDEFGHIJKLLoline sen�could you give me an outsideline? gaisen ni tsunaidekudasai�����������

lips kuchibiru����

lipstick kuchibeni��

liqueur rikyuru !"#$

listen kikimasu%&'(

litre rit·toru)*+,

little sukoshi-./just a little, thanks arigato,hon no sukoshi0123456789:;a little milk miruku o honno sukoshi<=>?@ABCDEa little bit more mo sukoshiFGHIJ

live (verb) sunde imasuKLMNOPwe live together is·sho nisunde imasuQRSTUVWXY


where do you live? dokoni sunde imasu ka?I live in London Rondonni sunde imasu

lively iki-iki shitaZ[\]^_

liver (in body) kanzo`a(food) rebabcd

lobby (in hotel) robiefg

lobster ise-ebihijk

local jimoto nolmn

lock (noun) kagiopit’s locked kagi ga kakat·teimasuqrstuvwxyz

lock in tojikomemasu{|}~��

lock outshimedashimasu������I’ve locked myself out of myroom kagi o naka niwasuremashita����������

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locker (for luggage etc) rok·ka����

lollipop kyandi������

London Rondon����

long nagai� how long will it take to fix it?naosu no ni dono kuraikakarimasu ka?���������� ����how long does it take? donokurai kakarimasu ka?������������a long time nagai aida��

long-distance callchokyori-denwa!"#$%

look: I’m just looking, thanksmiteru dake desu, arigato&'()*+,-./012you don’t look well guai gayoku nasaso desu ne3456789:;<=>?look out! ki o tsuete!@ABCDEcan I have a look? chot·tomisete kuremasen ka?FGHIJKLMN

OPQRSlook after sewa o shimasuTUVWXY

look at mimasuZ[\

look for sagashimasu]^_`aI’m looking for ... … osagashite imasubcdefghij

look forward to tanoshimi nishimasuklmnopqI’m looking forward to ittanoshimi ni shite imasurstuvwxyz

loose (handle etc) yurui{|}

lorry torak·ku~���

lose nakushimasu�����I’ve lost my way michi nimayot·te shimaimashita�����������I’m lost, I want to get to ...… e ikitai no desu ga,mayot·te shimaimashita�������������� ¡¢£¤¥I’ve lost my bag bag·gu onakshimashita¦§¨©ª«¬

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­®¯lost property (office)ishitsubutsu-toriatsukai-jo°±²³´µ

lot: a lot, lots takusan¶·¸¹not a lot an-mari oku nakuº»������a lot of people takusan nohito���� a lot bigger zut·to oki�������I like it a lot totemo sukidesu�������

lotion roshon����

loud sawagashi����

lounge raunji����

love (noun) ai(verb) daisuki desu�� �I love Japan Nihon gadaisuki desu��������

lovely steki (na)������

low (prices) yasui��(bridge) hikui�

luck un!good luck! umaku ikimasuyoni!"#$%&'()*+,

luggage nimotsu-.

luggage trolley nimotsu-yokato/01234

lunch chushoku56boxed lunch obento789:;

lungs hai<

luxurious zeitaku (na)=>?@ABC


machine kikaiDE

magazine zas·shiFG

maid (in hotel)kyakushitsu-gakariHIJ(in Japanese inn, restaurant)nakai-sanKLMN

maiden name kyuseiOP





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mail (noun) yubinQR(verb) yuso shimasuSTUVWis there any mail for me?nani ka yubin ga kite imasuka?XYZ[\]^_`abc

mailbox posutodef

main omo (na)ghij

main course mein-kosuklmnop

main post office yubinkyokuno honkyokqrstuv

main road odoriwxy

mains switch dengenz{

make (brand name) shurui|}(verb) tsukurimasu~����I make it 500 yen tat·tago-hyaku-en desu��������what is it made of? nani dedekite imasu ka?��������

make-up kesho��

Malaysia Mareshia ����

Malaysian (adj) Mareshia (no)��������

man otoko no hito���

manager (in restaurant, hotel)shihainin���(in shop) tencho !(in business) keieisha"#$can I see the manager?shihainin ni awasetekuremasen ka?%&'()*+,-./0123

managing director shacho45

manual (car with manual gears)manyuaru (no)6789:;<=

many takusan (no)>?@ABCDnot many amari ok naiEFGHIJK

map chizuLMnetwork map rosenzuNOP

March San·gatsuQR

margarine magarin

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STUVWmarket ichibaXY(in business) shijoZ[

marmalade mamaredo\]^_`a

married: I’m married kek·konshite imasubcdefghare you married? kek·konshite imasu ka?ijklmnopq

martial arts budors

mascara masukaratuvw

massage (noun) mas·sajixyz{|

mat (Japanese) tatami}~�

match (football etc) shiai��

matches mat·chi���

material (fabric) kiji��

matter: it doesn’t matter nandemo i desu��������what’s the matter? doshimashita ka?��������

mattress futon���

May Gogatsu��

may: may I have another one?mo hitotsu morat·te mo idesu ka?���������� ���may I come in? hait·te mo idesu ka?����������may I see it? mite mo i desuka?����� !"#may I sit here? koko nisuwat·te mo i desu ka?$%&'()*+,-./0

maybe tabun123

mayonnaise mayonezu45678

me* watashi (o)9:;<that’s for me sore wawatashi no desu=>?@ABCsend it to me okut·tekudasaiDEFGHIJme too watashi moKL

meal gohan, shokujiMNOPQR





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did you enjoy your meal?oshokuji no ho wa ikagadeshita ka?it was excellent, thank youarigato gozaimasu,totemo oishikat·ta desu

mean: what do you mean? doiu koto desu ka?STUVWXYZ[\


what does this wordmean? kono kotoba wado iu imi desu ka?it means ... in English Eigode … to iu imi desu

measles hashika]^_German measles fushin`a

meat nikub

mechanic shurikocde

medicine kusurif

medium (adj) chu kurai (no)ghijklm(clothes) emu-saizunopqr

medium-dry chu kurai nokarasa (no)stuvwxyz{|

medium-rare midiamu-rea(no)}~���������

medium-sized chu kurai (no)�������

meet aimasu����nice to meet youhajimemashite������where shall I meet you? dokode aimasho ka?������� ¡¢£

meeting shukai¤¥(business) kaigi¦§

meeting placemachi-awase-basho¨©ª«¬­®

men dansei¯°

mend naoshimasu±²³´µcould you mend this for me?kore o naoshite kuremasenka?¶·¸¹º»��������

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men’s room dansei-yo toire�� �

menswear shinshifuku-uriba������

mention: don’t mention it doitashimashite��������

menu menyu��� may I see the menu, please?menyu o onegai shimasu!"#$%&'()*+see menu reader page 266

message dengon,-are there any messages forme? dengon ga nani kaarimasen deshita ka?./0123456789:;<I want to leave a message for ... …-san ni dengon oonegai shimasu=>?@ABCDEFGHIJ

metal kinzokuKL

metre metoruMNOP

microwave (oven) denshi-renjiQRSTU

midday shogoVW

at midday shogo niXYZ

middle: in the middleman·naka ni[\]^in the middle of the nightmayonaka ni_`abthe middle one man·naka nocdef

midnight mayonakaghiat midnight mayonaka nijklm

might: I might go iku kamoshiremasennopqrstuvI might not go ikanai kamoshiremasenwxyz{|}~���I might want to stay anotherday mo ip·paku suru kamoshiremasen�������������

migraine henzutsu���

mild (taste) usuaji (no)�������(weather) atatakai�����

mile mairu���





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milk miruku�

milkshake miruku-seki� ����

millimetre mirimetoru������

mind: never mind ki nishinaide kudasai�������� !I’ve changed my mind ki gakawarimashita��������


do you mind if I open thewindow? mado o aketemo i desho ka?no, I don’t mind e, dozo

mine*: it’s mine watashi nodesu��

mineral water mineraru-uota ��������

mints minto���

minute fun�in a minute sug ni���just a minute chot·to mat·tekudasai��� !"#

$%&'mirror kagami()*

Miss ... …-san+,-.

miss: I missed the bus basu ninoriokuremashita/012345678

missing: one of my ... ismissing … ga hitotsumiatarimasen9:;<=>?@ABCDthere’s a suitcase missingsutsuesu ga miatarimasenEFGHIJKLMNOPQR

mist kiriS

mistake (noun) machigaiTUVWI think there’s a mistakedomo machigai ga aru yonan desu gaXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghsorry, I’ve made a mistakesumimasen,machigaemashitaijklmnopqrstu

mix-up: sorry, there’s been amix-up sumimasen, techigaideshita





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mobile phone keitaidenwa����

modern modan (na)������

moisturizer nyueki��

moment: I won’t be a momentsugu modorimasu������

monastery soin��

Monday Getsuyobi���

money okane��

month (this, last, next etc) getsu�(one, two, three etc) kagetsu��

monument kinenhi�� 

moon tsuki¡

moped tansha¢£

more* mot·to¤¥¦can I have some more water,please? omizu o mosukoshi moraemasu ka?§¨©ª«¬­®�������more expensive/interesting

mot·to takai/omoshiroi��� �����more than 50 go-ju ijo����more than that sore ijo����a lot more mot·to takusan����� !


would you like somemore? mo sukoshi ikagadesu ka?no, no more for me, thanks ie, mo kek·kodesuhow about you? sochirawa do desu ka?I don’t want any more,thanks mo kek·ko desu

morning asa"this morning kesa#$in the morning asa ni%&

mosquito ka'

mosquito repellentkayoke-supure()*+,-.

most: I like this one most of all





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kore ga ichiban suki desu/0123456789most of the time taitei:;<=most tourists taitei noryokokyaku>?@ABCDE

mostly taiteiFGHI

mother (one’s own) hahaJ(someone else’s) oka-sanKLMN

mother-in-law (one’s own) girino hahaOPQR(someone else’s) giri no oka-sanSTUVWXY

motorbike otobaiZ[\]^

motorboat motaboto_`abcde

motorway kosokudorofghi

mountain yamajup in the mountains yama nikl

mountaineering tozanmn

mouse nezumiopq

moustache kuchihige

rstumouth kuchiv

move (verb) ugokashimasuwxyz{he’s moved to another room kare wahik·koshimashita|}~������could you move your car?kuruma o ugokashitekuremasen ka?�������������could you move up a little?sukoshi tsumete kuremasenka?�������������

movie eiga� 

movie theater (US) eigakan¡¢£

Mr …-san¤¥¦§

Mrs …-san����

Ms …-san����

much takusan (no)�� ��much better zut·to i desu�������much worse nao warui desu������





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much hotter zut·to atsui��� !not much sukoshi"#$not very much amari%&'I don’t want very much amarihoshiku nai desu()*+,-./01

mud doro23

mug (for drinking) magukap·pu45678I’ve been mugged goto niosowaremashita9:;<=>?@AB

mum mamaCD

mumps otafuku-kazeEFGHIJ

museum hakubutsuanKLM

mushrooms kinokoNOP

music on·gakuQR

musician on·gak-kaSTU

Muslim (adj) Isuramukyo (no)VWXYZ

mussels murugai[\]^

must: I must ... …-nakereba

narimasen_`abcdefghiI mustn’t drink alcoholwatashi wa arukoru ononde wa ikenain desujklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|

mustard masutado}~���(Japanese) karashi���

my* watashi no��

myself: I’ll do it myself jibunde shimasu������by myself jibun de���


nail (finger) tsume��(metal) kugi��

nailbrush tsume-burashi�����

nail varnish manikyua�����

name namae��my name’s John watashi no





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namae wa John desu��������what’s your name? shitsureidesu ga, onamae wa? ���������what is the name of thisstreet? kono tori no namaewa nan desu ka?��������� !"#

napkin napukin$%&'

nappy omutsu()*

narrow (street) semai+,-

nasty (person) iya (na)./012(weather, accident etc) hidoi345

national kokuritsu (no)6789:

nationality kokuseki;<

natural shizen (na)=>?@A

nausea hakikeBCD

navy (blue) kon-iro (no)EFGHI

near … no sobaJKLMis it near the city centre?

hankagai kara chikai desuka?NOPQRSTUVWXdo you go near the Osaka-jo?Osaka-jo no chikaku eikimasu ka?YZ[\]^_`abcdewhere is the nearest ...?ichiban chikai … wa dokodesu ka?fghijklmnopqrs

nearby chikaitu

nearly hotondovwxy

necessary hitsuyo (na)z{|}~

neck kubi��

necklace nek·kuresu�����

necktie nekutai����

need: I need ... … ga hitsuyodesu������do I need to pay? okane waharaun desho ka?������������

needle hari�





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negative (film) nega��

neither: neither (one) of themdochira demo nai� ¡¢£¤¥neither ... nor ... … demo …demo nai¦§¨©ª«¬­

nephew (one’s own) oi®(someone else’s) oigo-san����

net (in sport) net·to���

net price seika�

never* kes·shite …-masen�� �����I never go there soko e wakes·shite ikimasen�������������(never been/done) … koto gaarimasen !"#$%&'(


have you ever been toTokyo? Tokyo ni it·takoto wa arimasu ka?no, I’ve never been thereie, ichido mo it·ta kotoga arimasen

new atarashi)*+

news (radio, TV etc) nyus,-./

newsagent’s shimbun-ya012

newspaper shimbun34

New Year oshogatsu567Happy New Year!akemashite omedetogozaimasu!89:;<=>?@ABCDEFG

New Year’s Day gantanHI

New Year’s Eve omisokaJKL

New Zealand Nyu-JirandoMNOPQRST

New Zealander: I’m a NewZealander watashi wa Nyu-Jirando-jin desuUVWXYZ[\]^_`a

next tsugi (no)bcdethe next turning/street on theleft tsugi no hidari nomagarikado/michifghijklmnat the next stop tsugi noteiryu-jo deopqrst





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next week raishuuvnext to … no tonariwxyz{

nice (food) oishi|}~�(looks, view etc) kirei (na)������(person) shinsetsu (na)�����

niece (one’s own) mei�(someone else’s) meigo-san����

night yoru�at night yoru ni��good night oyasuminasai�������


do you have a single roomfor one night? ip·pakudesu ga shinguru wa aiteimasu ka?yes, madam hai,gozaimasuhow much is it per night?ip·paku ikura desu ka?5,000 yen ip·paku go-sen-en ni narimasuthank you, I’ll take it ja,onegai shimasu

nightclub naitokurabu������

nightdress naitodoresu ¡¢£¤¥

night porter yakan nofuronto-gakari¦§¨©ª«¬­

no* (answer) ie®¯°no ... … ga arimasen�������I’ve no change kozeni gaarimasen��� ��there’s no ... left … ga moarimasen���������no way! tondemo nai!�������oh no! (upset) masaka! !"#

nobody* dare mo …-masen$%&'()*+there’s nobody there sokoniwa dare mo imasen,-./0123456

noise so-on78

noisy urusai9:;<

non-alcoholic arukoru-nuki(no)=>?@ABCDEF

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none* (people) dare mo …-masenGHIJKLMN(things) dore mo …-masenOPQRSTUV

nonsmoking compartmentkin·en-koshitsuWXYZ

noodles menrui[\]

noon shogo^_at noon shogo ni`ab

no-one* dare mo …-masencdefghij

nor: nor do I watashi mo sodesuklmnop

normal futsu (no)qrstuv

north kitawin the north kita nixyto the north kita ez{north of KanazawaKanazawa no kita|}~�

northeast hokuto��

Northern Ireland Kita-Airurando�������

North Korea Kita-Chosen���

northwest hokusei��

Norway Norue�����

Norwegian (adj) Norue (no)��������

nose hana�

not* …-masen���� no, I’m not hungry ie, onakaga suite imasen¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯I don’t want any, thank youarigato, demo watashi wakek·ko desu���������� ���it’s not necessary hitsuyonai desu������I didn’t know that sore washirimasen deshita��������� !not that one sore jaarimasen"#$%&'()*not that one, this one sore janakute, kore desu+,-./012345





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note (banknote) shihei67

notebook techo89

nothing nani mo …-masen:;<=>?@nothing for me, thanks nanimo irimasenABCDEFG

novel shosetsuHI

November JuichigatsuJKL

now imaMN

number ban·goOP(figure) sujiQRI’ve got the wrong numberban·go o machigaemashitaSTUVWXYZ[\what is your phone number?denwaban·go wa nan-bandesu ka?]^_`abcdefg

number plate namba-puretohijklmno

nurse (man) kan·goshipqr(woman) kan·gofustu

nuts nat·tsuvwx


Occidental seiyo (no)yz{|}

occupied (phone) hanashi-chu~��(toilet) shiyo-chu���

October Jugatsu��

o’clock ji�

odd (strange) kawat·ta����

of* … no��

off (lights) kiete iru�����it’s just off ... sore wa …kara sugu desu����������we’re off tomorrow ashitatachimasu���� ¡¢

office (place of work) jimusho£¤¥

officer (said to policeman)omawari-san������

often yoku��





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not often met·ta ni��how often are the buses?basu wa nan-bon kuraiarimasu ka? �������������

oil (for car) oiru���(for cooking) abura�� (for salad) sarada-oiru!"#$%&

ointment nanko'(

OK oke)*+,are you OK? daijobu desuka?-./0123is that OK with you? sore dei desu ka?456789:;<is it OK to ...? … shite mo idesu ka?=>?@ABCDEFthat’s OK, thanks sore dekamaimasen, arigatoGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUI’m OK (nothing for me) watashiwa kek·ko desuVWXYZ[\](I feel OK) daijobu desu

^_`abis this train OK for ...? konodensha wa … e ikimasu ka?cdefghijklmno

old (person) toshi o tot·tapqrst(thing) furuiuv


how old are you? oikutsudesu ka?I’m 25 ni-ju-go desuand you? anata wa?

old-fashioned mukashi-fu(no)wxyz{

old town (old part of town)kyushigai|}~in the old town kyushigai ni����

omelette omuretsu����

on … no ue���on the street tori de���is it on this road? sore wakono michizoi desu ka?������������





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on the plane hikoki de����on Saturday Doyobi ni��� on television terebi de¡¢£¤I haven’t got it on me imamot·te imasen¥¦§¨©ª«¬­this one’s on me (drink) korewa watashi mochi desu®¯°±²³´µthe light wasn’t on denki gatsuite imasen deshita���������� what’s on tonight? kombanwa nani o yat·te imasu ka?�������������

once (on one occasion) ik·kai��(formerly) mae ni��(as soon as) it·tan …-tara� !"#$%&at once (immediately) sugu'(

one* hitotsu)*+the white one shiroi no,-./

one-way ticket katamichi-kip·pu0123

a one-way ticket to ...… made katamichi-kip·puo ichi-mai456789:;<=>

onion tamanegi?@AB

only … dakeCDEonly one hitotsu dakeFGHIJit’s only 6 o’clock madarokuji desuKLMNOPI’ve only just got here madatsuita bakari desuQRSTUVWXYZ

on/off switch suit·chi[\]^

open (adj) hiraita_`a(verb: door) akemasubcde(of shop) eigyo-chufghwhen do you open? koko waitsu akimasu ka?ijklmnopqrsI can’t get it open akimasentuvwxin the open air kogai deyz{

opening times eigyojikan





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|}~�open ticket opun-chiket·to��������

opera opera���

operation (medical) shujutsu��

operator (telephone) opereta������

opposite: the oppositedirection hantaihoko����the bar opposite mukai noba������opposite my hotel hoteru nomukaigawa ni��� ¡¢£¤¥

optician megane-ya¦§¨©

or mata waª«¬

orange (fruit) orenji����(colour) orenji-iro (no)������

orange juice orenji-jusu �������

orchestra okesutora������

order (noun) chumon��(verb) chumon shimasu��� !can we order now? (in

restaurant) chumon shite moi desu ka?"#$%&'()*+,I’ve already ordered mochumon shimashita-./01234I didn’t order this kore wachumon shimasen deshita56789:;<=>?@out of order kowarete imasuABCDEFG

ordinary futsu (no)HIJKLM

other hoka noNOPQRthe other one mo kataho noSTUVWthe other day sujitsu maeXYZI’m waiting for the others hokano hitotachi o mat·te imasu[\]^_`abcdefghdo you have any others?hoka nimo arimasu ka?ijklmnopqr

otherwise samonaitostuvw

Oriental toyo (no)xyz{|

our(s)* watashitachi no}~��

out: he’s out kare wa





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gaishutsu-chu desu�������three kilometres out of townmachi kara san-kiro������

outdoor pool okugai-puru�����

outside … no soto ni����can we sit outside? soto nisuwaremasu ka?��������

oven obun� ¡¢

over: over here koko ni£¤¥over there asoko ni¦§¨©over 500 go-hyaku ijoª«¬­®it’s over owarimashita¯°±²³´

overcharge: you’ve overchargedme kore wa torisugi desuµ¶·¸¹º»��

overcoat oba����

overland mail sarubin���

overnight (travel) ip·paku (no)��

overtake oikoshimasu������

owe: how much do I owe you?ikura haraeba i desu ka?


own: my own ...watashi-jishin no …�����are you on your own? ohitoridesu ka?��������I’m on my own hitori desu�����

owner mochinushi� !

oyster kaki"#


Pacific Ocean Taiheiyo$%&

pack (verb) nimotsu otsumemasu'()*+,-a pack of ... … hito-pak·ku./012

package (parcel) kozutsumi34

package holiday pak·ku-ryoko56789

packed lunch obento:;<

packet: a packet of cigarettestabako hito-hako=>?@A





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ABCDEFGHIJKLPapaddy field tamboBCD

page (of book) pejiEFGcould you page Mr ...? …-sano yobidashite kuremasen ka?HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX

pagoda toY

pain itamiZ[I have a pain here koko gaitai desu\]^_`ab

painful itaicd

painkillers itamidomeefgh

painting ei

pair: a pair of ... hito-kumi no …jklm

palace kyudenno

pale (colour) usu-…pqrspale blue usu-aoituvwx

pan furaipanyz{|}

panties (women’s underwear)shotsu~���

pants (underwear: men’s) pantsu���(women’s) shotsu~���(US: trousers) zubon���

pantyhose panti-sutok·kingu�����������

paper kami�(Japanese) washi��(newspaper) shimbun��a piece of paper kamiichi-mai���

paper folding origami�

paper handkerchiefs tis·shu-pepa�� ������

parcel kozutsumi��

pardon (me)? (didn’tunderstand/hear) nanteimashita ka?����������

parents (one’s own) ryoshin !(someone else’s) goryoshin"#$

park (noun) koen

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%&(verb) chushajo'()can I park here? koko nichusha shite mo i desu ka?*+,-./01234567

parking lot chushajo89:

part (noun) bubun;<

partner (boyfriend, girlfriend etc)patona=>?@A(in business) kyodo-keiei-shaBCDEF

party (group) dantaiGH(celebration) patiIJKLM

passenger jokyakuNO

passport pasupotoPQRST

past*: in the past mae niUVWjust past the informationoffice an·naijo o koete suguXYZ[\]^_`

path komichiab

pattern moyocde

pavement hodofg

on the pavement hodo dehij

pavilion tenjikanklm

pay (verb) shiharaimasunopqrcan I pay, please? okanjo oonegai shimasustuvwxyz{|it’s already paid for moharat·te arimasu}~�������


who’s paying? dare gaharaimasu ka?I’ll pay watashi gaharaimasuno, you paid last time, I’llpay ie, konomae harat·temoraimashita, watashi gaharaimasu

payment shiharai���

payphone koshudenwa����

peaceful shizuka (na)������

peach momo��

peanuts pinat·tsu��

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pear nashi��

pearl shinju��

peculiar (strange) kawat·ta����

pedestrian crossing odanhodo����

pedestrian zone hokosha-ten·goku�����

peg (for washing) sentaku-basami� !"#$%(for tent) pegu&'

pen pen()

pencil empitsu*+,-

penfriend pemparu./01

penicillin penishirin23456

penknife poket·to-naifu789:;<=


people hitoCDthe other people in the hotelhoteru no hoka notomarikyakuEFGHIJKLM

Ntoo many people hito gaosugiOPQRST

pepper (spice) koshoUVWX

per: per night hito-ban nitsuiYZ[\]how much per day?ichinichi ikura desu ka?^_`abcdefper cent pasentoghijk

perfect kampeki (na)lmnop

perfume kosuiqr

perhaps tabunstuperhaps not tabun chigaudeshovwxyz{|}~

period (of time) kikan��(menstruation) seiri��

permit (noun) kyoka��

person hito��

personal stereo uokuman������

petrol gasorin����





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petrol can sekiyukan���

petrol station gasorin-sutando��������

pharmacy yak·kyoku,kusuri-ya�����

Philippines Firipin���

phone (noun) denwa��(verb) denwa shimasu ����

phone book denwacho���

phone box koshudenwa����

phonecard terefon-kado�������

phone number denwaban·go !"#

photo shashin$%excuse me, could you take aphoto of us? chot·tosumimasen, shashin tot·tekuremasen ka?&'()*+,-./0123456789:;

phrasebook kaiwa-hyogen-shu<=>?@

piano piano

ABCpickpocket suriDE

pick up: will you be there to pickme up? soko made mukae nikite kuremasen ka?FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV

picnic (noun) piknik·kuWXYZ[

picture (painting) e\(photo) shashin]^

piece hitotsu_`aa piece of ... hito-kire no …bcdefg

pill piruhiI’m on the pill piru o nondeimasujklmnopqr

pillow makurastu

pillow case makura-kabavwxyz{

pin (noun) pin|}

pinball pachinko~���

pine matsu�

pineapple painap·puru������





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pink pinku-iro (no)�������

pipe (for smoking) paipu���(for water) suidokan���

pity: it’s a pityzan·nen desu����

pizza piza��

place (noun) tokoro���at your place anata notokoro de������at his place kare no tokorode� ����

plain (not patterned) muji (no)�����

plane hikoki���by plane hikoki de����

plant shokubutsu��

plasters bansoko !"#$%

plastic purastik·ku&'()*+,(credit cards) kurejit·to-kado-./01234

plastic bag biniru-bukuro56789

plate sara:;

platform purat·to-homu<=>?@ABwhich platform is it for Nara?Nara-iki wa dono purat·to-homu desu ka?CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST

play (verb: sports, game) shimasuUVW(musical instrument) hikimasuXYZ[(music) kakemasu\]^_(noun: in theatre) shibai`a

playground asobibabcde

pleasant kimochi no ifghijk

please (requesting) onegaishimasulmnopq(go ahead) dozorstyes, please hai, onegaishimasuuvwxyz{|}could you please ...? … -tekuremasen ka?~���������please don’t doka yamete





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pleased: pleased to meet youhajimemashite������

pleasure: my pleasure doitashimashite��������

plenty: plenty of ... takusan no… ¡¢£¤¥there’s plenty of time jikanwa jubun arimasu¦§¨©ª«¬­®that’s plenty, thanks mokek·ko desu, domo¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º

plug (electrical, for car) puragu»¼��(in sink) sen��

plum (Western) sumomo���(Japanese) ume�

plumber suido-ya��

pm gogo �

poached egg otoshi-tamago������

pocket poket·to����

point: two point five ni-ten-go�.�there’s no point muda desu����

poisonous yudoku (na)� !"#

police keisatsu$%call the police! keisatsu oyonde kudasai!&'()*+,-./

policeman keikan01

police station keisatsu-sho234

policewoman fukei56

polish (noun) tsuyadashi789:

polite teinei (na);<=>?@A

polluted yogoretaBCDE

pool (for swimming) puruFGH

poor (not rich) bimbo (na)IJKLMNO(quality) somatsu (na)PQRSTU

pop music pop·psuVWXY

pop singer kashuZ[

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ABCDEFGHIJKLPrpopular ninki no aru\]^_`

pork butanikuab

port (for boats) minatocde(drink) poto-wainfghijk

porter (in hotel) boilmn

portrait shozogaopq

posh (restaurant) sharetarstu(people) johin (na)vwxyz

possible kano (na){|}~�is it possible to ...?… -koto ga dekimasu ka?�����������

as ... as possible dekiru-dake …������

post (noun: mail) yubin��(verb) yuso shimasu�� could you post this for me?kore o tokan shitekuremasen ka?��������������

postcard ehagaki

����postcode yubimban·go !"#

poster posuta$%&'

poste restantekyoku-dome-yubin()*+,

post office yubinkyoku-./

potato chips (US: crisps)poteto-chip·pu012345

pottery (objects) toki67

pound (money) pondo89:(weight) paundo;<=>

power cut teiden?@

power point konsentoABCDE

practise: I want to practise myJapanese Nihon-go orenshu shitai desuFGHIJKLMNOP

prawns ebiQR

prefer: I prefer ... … no ho gasuki desuSTUVWXYZ[

pregnant ninshin-chu (no)\]^_`a

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prescription (for medicine)shohosenbcde

present (gift) purezentofghij

president (of country) daitoryoklm(of company) shachono

pretty kirei (na)pqrstuit’s pretty expensive kanaritakai desuvwxyz{|

price nedan}~

priest obo-san����(Shinto) kan·nushi-san����

prime minister soridaijin����

printed matter insatsubutsu���

prison keimusho���

private shi-teki (na)�����

private bathroom sen·yo nobasu-toire���������

probably osoraku� ¡¢

problem mondai��

no problem! daijobu!����

product seihin��

program(me) (TV, radio)ban·gumi(theatre, computer) puroguramu�� ��

promise: I promise yakusokushimasu�����

pronounce: how is thispronounced? kore wa dohatsu·on shimasu ka?�����������

properly (repaired, locked etc)chanto!"#$

protection factor fakuta%&'()

Protestant purotesutanto*+,-./0

public baths sento12

public holiday saijitsu34

public toilets koshubenjo5678

pull hikimasu9:;<

puncture (noun) panku=>?

puppet nin·gyo





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@Apuppet show nin·gyo-gekiBCD

puppet theatre (Japanesetraditional) bunrakuEF

purple murasaki (no)GHIJKLM

purse (for money) saifuNOP(US: handbag) handobag·guQRSTUV

push oshimasuWXYZ

pushchair kuruma-isu[\]

put okimasu^_`awhere can I put ...? … odoko ni okimasho ka?bcdefghijklmncould you put us up for thenight? komban tometeitadakemasen desho ka?opqrstuvwxyz{|}~��

pyjamas pajama����


quality hinshitsu��

quarantine ken·eki��

quarter (amount) yom-bun noichi����(time) ju-go-fun���

quayside: on the quaysidehatoba de����

question shitsumon��

queue (noun) gyoretsu��

quick hayai��that was quick hayakat·tadesu����what’s the quickest waythere? soko ni iku niwa naniga ichiban hayai desu ka? ������������������fancy a quick drink? ip·paiyat·te ikimasen ka? !"#$%&'()*+

quickly hayaku,-

quiet (place, hotel) shizuka (na)./0123quiet! shizuka ni!45678





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quite (fairly) kanari9:;(very) totemo<=>that’s quite right mat·takusono tori desu?@ABCDEFGHIquite a lot kanari takusanJKLMNOP


race (for horses) keibaQR(for cars, runners) resuSTU

racket (tennis, squash) raket·toVWXY

radiator (of car) rajietaZ[\]^_(in room) damboki`ab

radio rajiocdeon the radio rajio defghi

rail: by rail tetsudo dejkl

rail pass teikikenmno

railway tetsudopq

rain (noun) ame

rin the rain ame no naka destuvit’s raining ame ga fut·teimasuwxyz{|}~

rainy season tsuyu��

raincoat reinkoto������

rape (noun) fujoboko����

rare (uncommon) mezurashi�����(steak) reya��

rash (on skin) fukidemono�����

raspberry razuberi�����

rat nezumi���

rate (for changing money)ryogae-reto��

rather: it’s rather goodnakanaka i desu��������I’d rather ... … ho ga i desu��������

raw nama (no)�� !"raw fish sashimi#$%

razor kamisori

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ABCDEFGHIJKLRe&'()(electric) denki-kamisori*+,-./

read yomimasu0123

ready yoi ga dekita456789are you ready? mo i desuka?:;<=>?@AI’m not ready yet mada yoiga dekite imasenBCDEFGHIJKLM


when will it be ready? itsudekimasu ka?

it should be ready in a coupleof days ni-san-nichi-chu nidekimasu

real hom·mono (no)NOPQR

really honto niSTUVWXYI’m really sorry honto nisumimasenZ[\]^_`abcthat’s really great sore wahonto ni sugoi desudefghijklmnopreally? (doubt) honto?

qrstu(polite interest) honto desu ka?vwxyz{|}

rear lights teru-rampu~�����

reasonable (prices etc) tegoro(na)������

receipt reshito����

recently saikin��

reception (in hotel) furonto����(for guests) kan·geikai���at reception uketsuke de���

reception desk uketsuke��

receptionist uketsuke-gakari���(in hotel) furonto-gakari� ¡¢£

recognize ki ga tsukimasu¤¥¦§¨©

recommend: could yourecommend ...? osusume no… o oshiete kuremasen ka?ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»

record (music) rekodo����

red akai��

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red wine aka-wain����

refund (noun) harai-modoshi��can I have a refund? okane oharaimodoshite kure-masenka?�� ������������

region chiho��

registered: by registered mailkakitome-yubin de����

registration numbertorokuban·go !"#

religion shukyo$%

remember: I don’t rememberoboete imasen&'()*+,-I remember oboete imasu./01234do you remember? oboeteimasu ka?56789:;<=

rent (noun: for apartment) yachin>?(verb: car etc) karimasu@ABCto rent rentaru (no)DEFG

rental (for car, boat etc) ryokinHI

rented car renta-kaJKLMN

repair (verb) shuri shimasuOPQRScan you repair it? shuridekimasu ka?TUVWXYZ[

repeat kurikaeshimasu\]^_`acould you repeat that? moichido it·te kuremasen ka?bcdefghijklmno

representative (noun: ofcompany) daihyopq

reservation yoyakursI’d like to make a reservationyoyaku o shitai no desu gatuvwxyz{|}


I have a reservationyoyaku o shite arimasuyes sir, what name please?kashikomarimashita,dochira-sama desu ka?

reserve (verb) yoyakushimasu~����

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can I reserve a table fortonight? teburu okomban yoyakudekimasu ka?yes madam, for how manypeople? hai,uketamawarimasu,nam·mei-sama desu ka?for two futari desuand for what time? ojikanwa?for eight o’clock hachiji nionegai shimasuand could I have yourname please? onamae oitadakemasu ka?

rest: I need a rest hitoyasumisasete kudasai�����������the rest of the group hokano hitotachi�������

restaurant restoran�����

restaurant car shokudosha���

rest room toire���

retired: I’m retired watashi wa teinen-taishokushimashita


return: a return to ... … madeno ofuku-kip·pu o ichi-maiª«¬­®¯°±²³´

return ticket ofuku-kip·pu����

reverse charge callkorekuto-koru�����

reverse gear bak·ku-giya� ���

revolting fuyukai (na)�������

rib abarabone�����

rice (uncooked) kome��(boiled) gohan� !(fried) chahan"#$%&

rich (person) kanemochi (no)'()*+,(food) kot·teri shita-./012

ridiculous bakageta3456

right (correct) tadashi789(not left) migi (no):;<=you were right anata no iu





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tori deshita>?@ABCDEFGH6that’s right so desuIJKLthis can’t be right kon·nahazu wa nai desuMNOPQRSTUVright here chodo koko deWXYZ[\]is this the right road for ...?…e iku niwa kono michide i desu ka?^_`abcdefghijklmon the right migi ninoto the right migi epqturn right migi e magat·tekudasairstuvwxyz{

right-hand drive migi-handoru (no)|}~��

ring (on finger) yubiwa���I’ll ring you atode denwashimasu��������

ring back orikaeshi denwashimasu���H�����

ripe (fruit) jukushita���

rip-off: it’s a rip-off! hogai nanedan desu!��������rip-off prices hogai nanedan� ¡¢£

risky kiken (na)¤¥¦

river kawa§

road michi¨is this the road for ...? korewa … e iku michi desu ka?©ª«¬­®¯°����down the road konosaki����

road map dorochizu��

roadsign doro-hyoshiki ���

rob: I’ve been robbed goto niosowaremashita����������

rock iwa�(music) rok·ku���on the rocks (whisky)on-za-rok·ku de� !"#$





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roll (bread) rorupan%&'()

roof (of house) yane*+(of car) rufu,-.

room heya/0in my room watashi no heyade12345

room service rumu-sabisu6789:;<

rope ropu=>?

rosé (wine) roze@A

roughly (approximately) daitaiBCDE

round: it’s my round watashino ban desuFGHIJ

round-trip ticketofuku-kip·puKLMNa round-trip ticket to ...… made no ofuku-kip·puo ichi-maiOPQRSTUVWXY

route ikikataZ[\what’s the best route? dorega ichiban i ikikata desuka?


rubber (material) gomumn(eraser) keshigomuopqr

rubber band wagomustu

rubbish (waste) gomivw(poor quality goods) garakutaxyz{rubbish! (nonsense)bakabakashi!|}~����

rucksack ryuk·ku-sak·ku�������

rude shitsurei (na)�����

ruins iseki��

rum ramu-shu���rum and Coke® ramu-shuno kora-wari���������

run (verb: person) hashirimasu����I’ve run out of money okanega soko o tsukimashita������ �

rush hour ras·shu-awa�������





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sad kanashi����

saddle (for bike) sadoru���

safe (adj) anzen (na)��� !

safety pin anzen-pin"#$%

sailboard (noun) safubodo&'()*+

sailboarding uindosafingu,-./012345

sailing seringu6789:

sake bottle tok·kuri;<=>

sake cup sakazuki?@AB

salad saradaCDEsalad dressing dores·shinguFGHIJK

sale: for sale uridashi-chuLMNOP

salesman serusumanQRSTUV

salmon sakeWX

salt shioYZ

same: the same onaji

[\the same as this kore toonaji no]^_`abthe same again, please onajino o mo hitotsu kudasaicde�fghijklmnit’s all the same to medot·chi demo onaji desuopqrstuvw

sand sunaxy

sandals sandaruz{|}(wooden) geta~�

sandwich sandoit·chi������

sanitary napkins/towelsseiri-yo napukin�������

sash obi�

Saturday Doyobi���

sauce sosu���

saucepan katatenabe����

saucer ukezara���

sauna sauna���

sausage soseji

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say (verb) imasu��how do you say ... inJapanese? Nihon-go de …o nan te imasu ka? �������������what did he say? kare wanan te imashita ka?����� !"#$%she said ... kanojo wa … toimashita&'()*+,-./could you say that again?mo ichido it·te kuremasenka?0123456789:;<=>

scarf sukafu?@AB

scenery keshikiCDE

schedule yoteiFG(US: timetable) jikokuhyoHIJ

scheduled flight teikibinKLM

school gak·koNO

scissors: a pair of scissorshasami

PQRscooter sukutaSTUVW

scotch Sukot·chi-uisukiXYZ[\]^_`

Scotch tape® serotepuabcde

Scotland Sukot·torandofghijkl

Scottish (adj) Sukot·torando(no)mnopqrstuvI’m Scottish watashi waSukot·torando-jin desuwxyz{|}~����

scrambled eggs iri-tamago�����

screen (Japanese) byobu����

scroll (hanging) kakejiku����(rolled) makimono����

sea umi�by the sea umibe de���

seafood shifudo�����

seafront kaigan-zoi��� on the seafront kaigan-zoi ni¡¢£¤¥

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seal: personal seal hanko¦§¨

search (verb) sagashimasu©ª«¬­

seasick: I feel seasick fune niyoimashita�������I get seasick funayoi surutachi desu��� ���

seaside: by the seasidekaigan de���

seat seki�is this seat taken? kono sekiwa fusagat·te imasu ka?����������� !"

seat belt shito-beruto#$%&'(

seaweed kaiso)*

secluded hempi (na)+,-./0

second (adj) ni-bam·me (no)123456(of time) byo7just a second! chot·tomat·te kudasai!89:;<=>?@AB

second class (train etc)futsuseki

CDEsecond-hand chuko (no)FGHIJ

second floor san-kaiKL(US) ni-kaiMN

secretary hishoOP

see mimasuQRScan I see? mite mo i desuka?TUVWXYZ[\have you seen ...? … omimashita ka?]^_`abcdI saw him this morning kesakare ni aimashitaefghijklmsee you! ja, mata!nopqrsI see (I understand) naruhodotuvw

self-service serufu-sabisuxyz{|}~

sell urimasu����do you sell ...? … waarimasu ka?��������

Sellotape® serotepu�����

send okurimasu

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ABCDEFGHIJKLSh����I want to send this to Englandkore o Igirisu ni okuritaino desu ga������������ ¡¢£

separate betsubetsu (no)¤¥¦§¨©ª

separated: I’m separatedwatashi wa bek·kyo-chudesu«¬­®¯°±

separately (pay, travel)betsubetsu ni²³´µ¶

September Kugatsu·¸

serious (problem) judai (na)�����(illness) omoi���(person) majime (na)�� �

service charge (in restaurant)sabisu-ryo�����

service stationgasorin-sutando��������

serviette napukin����

set menu teishoku !

several ikutsuka (no)"#$%&'(

sew nuimasu)*+,could you sew this back on?kore o nuitsuketekuremasen ka?-./0123456789:;

sex sek·kusu<=>?

sexy sekushi (na)@ABCDEF

shade: in the shade hikage niGHIJ

shallow (water) asaiKL

shame: what a shame! (it’s apity) zan·nen!MNO

shampoo (noun) shampuPQRSTshampoo and set shampu toset·toUVWXYZ[\]

share (verb: room) aibeya ninarimasu^_`abcde(table) aiseki shimasufghij

sharp (knife) yoku kireruklmno(pain) surudoipqrs

shaver denki-kamisorituvwxy

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shaving foam shebingu-fomuz{|}~�����

shaving pointdenki-kamisori-yokonsento������������

she* kanojo��is she here? kanojo waimasu ka?��������

sheet (for bed) shitsu���

shelf tana��

shellfish kai�

sherry sheri ¡¢£

Shinto (adj) Shinto (no)¤¥¦§¨

Shintoism Shinto©ª

ship fune«by ship fune de��

shirt shatsu���

shit! kuso!���

shock (noun) shok·ku��

I got an electric shock from the ... … de kandenshimashita �������

shocking hidoi���

shoe kutsu��a pair of shoes kutsu is·soku����

shoelaces kutsu·himo�� !

shoe polish kutsuzumi"#$%

shoe repairer kutsunaoshi&'()*

shop mise+

shopping: I’m going shoppingkaimono ni ikimasu,-./012

shopping centreshop·pingu-senta3456789:;<

shop window shouindo=>?@ABCD

shore (of sea) umibeEF(of lake) kishibeGH

short (person) se no hikuiIJKL(time, journey) mijikaiMNOP

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ABCDEFGHIJKLSishortcut chikamichiQR

shorts pantsuSTU

should: what should I do? doshitara i desho?VWXYZ[\]^_`ayou should ... … -ta ho ga idesubcdefghijkyou shouldn’t ... … -nai hoga i desulmnopqrstuvhe should be back soon karewa sugu modot·te kuruhazu desuwxyz{|}~�����

shoulder kata��

shout (verb) sakebimasu�����

show (in theatre) sho���could you show me? misetekuremasen ka?����������(direction) oshiete kuremasenka?�������� ¡¢

shower (in bathroom) shawa����(of rain) niwaka-ame����with shower shawa-tsuki(no)�� ����

shower gel bodi-sopu�������

shrine jinja��

shut (verb) shimemasu����when do you shut? koko wananji ni shimarimasu ka?� !"#$%&'()*+when does it shut? itsushimarimasu ka?,-./01234they’re shut shimat·te imasu56789:;I’ve shut myself out kagi onaka ni wasuremashita<=>?@ABCDEshut up! damare!FGHI

shutter (on camera) shat·taJKLMN(on window) amadoOPQ

sick (ill) byoki (no)RSTUVI’m going to be sick (vomit)

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hakiso desuWXYZ[\

side yoko]^the other side of the streettori no mukogawa_`abcde

side street wakimichifgh

sidewalk hodoijon the sidewalk hodo deklm

sight: the sights of ... … nomeishonopq

sightseeing: we’re goingsightseeing kanko nidekakeru tsumori desurstuvwxyz{|}

sightseeing tour kankoryoko~���

sign kamban��(roadsign) hyoshiki��

signature shomei��

silk kinu��

silly baka (na)�����

silver (noun) gin�

similar onaji yo (na)�����

simple (easy) kantan (na)�������

since: since last week senshukara����since I got here koko ni kiteirai ¡¢£¤¥¦

sing utaimasu§¨©ª

Singapore Shin·gaporu������

singer kashu��

single: a single to ... … madekatamichi-kip·pu oichi-mai�� �����I’m single watashi wadokushin desu������

single bed shin·guru-bed·do�������

single room shin·guru !"#

single ticketkatamichi-kip·pu$%&'

sink (in kitchen) nagashi()*

sister (elder: one’s own) ane+

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ABCDEFGHIJKLSl(someone else’s) one-san,-./(younger: one’s own) imoto0(someone else’s) imoto-san123

sister-in-law (elder: one’s own)giri no ane4567(someone else’s) giri noone-san89:;<=>(younger: one’s own) giri noimoto?@AB(someone else’s) giri noimoto-sanCDEFGH

sit: can I sit here? koko nisuwat·te mo i desu ka?IJKLMNOPQRSTUis anyone sitting here? kokoni wa dare ka suwat·teimasu ka?VWXYZ[\]^_`abcd

sit down suwarimasuefghsit down osuwari kudasaiijklmno

size saizupqr

skin hifust

skinny yasetauvw

skirt sukatoxyz{

sky sora|

skyscraper kosobiru}~��

sleep (verb) nemurimasu����did you sleep well? yokunemuremashita ka?���������

sleeper (on train) shindaisha���

sleeping bag nebukuro��

sleeping car shindaisha���

sleeping pill suimin·yaku���

sleeve sode��

slide (photographic) suraido����

slippers surip·pa����

slippery suberiyasui����

slow osoi�� slow down! mot·toyuk·kuri!��������

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slowly yuk·kuri����very slowly unto yuk·kuri������

small chisai!"#$

smell: it smells (smells bad)nioimasu ne%&'()*

smile (verb) hohoemimasu+,-./0

smoke (noun) kemuri123do you mind if I smoke?tabako o sut·te mo i desuka?456789:;<=>?@AI don’t smoke tabako wasuimasenBCDEFGHIJdo you smoke? tabako osuimasu ka?KLMNOPQRST

snack: just a snack chot·tooyatsuUVWXYZ[

sneeze (noun) kushami oshimasu\]^_`abc

snow yukidit’s snowing yuki ga fut·teimasu

efghijklso: it’s so good totemo i desumnopqrsit’s so expensive totemotakai desutuvwxyznot so much son·na nitakusan ja naku{|}~��������not so bad son·na niwaruku nai��������so am I watashi mo so desu������so do I watashi mo so desu������so-so mama desu����� 

soaking solution (for contactlenses) hozon·eki¡¢£

soap sek·ken¤¥¦§

soap powder kona-sek·ken¨©ª«¬

sober shirafu (no)­®¯°±²

sock sok·kusu³´µ¶

socket (electrical) soket·to·¸¹º

soda (water) soda-sui»¼���

sofa sofa





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����soft (material etc) yawarakai�����

soft-boiled egghanjuku-tamago���

soft drink sofuto-dorinku� �����

soft lenses sofuto-kontakuto��������

sole (of shoe) kutsu no soko����(of foot) ashi no ura� !could you put new soles onthese? kutsu no soko oharikaete kuremasen ka?"#$%�&'()*+,-./01

some: can I have somewater/apples? mizu/rin·goo sukoshi moraemasu ka?23456789:;<=>?@Acan I have some? sukoshimorat·te mo i desu ka?BCDEFGHIJKLMNO

somebody, someone dare kaPQR

something nani kaSTsomething to eat nani kataberu monoUVWXYZ[

sometimes tokidoki\]^_

somewhere doko ka`ab

son (one’s own) musukocd(someone else’s) musuko-sanefgh

song utai

son-in-law (one’s own) giri nomusukojklmn(someone else’s) giri nomusuko-sanopqrstu

soon suguvwI’ll be back soon sugumodot·te kimasuxyz{|}~�as soon as possiblenarubeku hayaku�������

sore: it’s sore itai desu����

sore throat nodo no itami�����I’ve got a sore throat nodoga itai desu�������

sorry: (I’m) sorry domosumimasen��������sorry? (didn’t understand) nante





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imashita ka?� ¡¢£¤¥¦§

sort: what sort of ...? dono yona …?¨©ª«¬­®

soup supu¯°±

sour (taste) sup·pai²³´µ

south minami¶in the south minami ni·¸

South AfricaMinami-Afurika�����

South African (adj)Minami-Afurika (no)����� I’m South African watashi waMinami-Afurika-jin desu����������

southeast nanto��

South Korea Kankoku��

southwest nansei��

souvenir omiyage�� !

soya milk tonyu"#

Spain Supein$%&'

Spanish (adj) Supein (no)()*+,-.

spare tyre yobi no taiya/01234

speak: do you speak English?Eigo o hanasemasu ka?56789:;<=I don’t speak ... … wahanasemasen>?@ABCD


can I speak to Yoko?Yoko-san wairas·shaimasu ka?who’s calling?dochira-sama desu ka?it’s Patricia Patricia desuI’m sorry, Yoko’s not in,can I take a message?moshiwake arimasen ga,Yoko wa ima rusu nishite orimasu, nani kaden·gon wa arimasu ka?no thanks, I’ll call backlater ie, kek·ko desu,atode kakenaoshimasuplease tell her Patriciacalled kanojo ni Patriciakara denwa ga at·ta tootsutae kudasai

spectacles meganeEFG





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speed limit sokudoseigenHIJK

spend okane o tsukaimasuLMNOPQRS

spider kumoTU

spin-dryer das·suikiVWX

spoon spunYZ[\

sport spotsu]^_`

sprain: I’ve sprained my ... …o kujiite shimaimashitaabcdefghijkl

spring (season) harum(of car, seat) spuringunopqrin the spring haru nist

square (in town) hirobauv

stairs kaidanwx

stale furuiyz{

stamp (noun) kit·te|}


a stamp for England,please Igirisu made no

kit·te o kudasaiwhat are you sending?nani o yuso saremasu ka?this postcard kono hagakidesu

standby kyanseru-machi~������

star hoshi��(in film) suta���

start (noun) sutato����(verb) hajimemasu����when does it start? itsuhajimarimasu ka?���������the car won’t start kurumano enjin ga kakarimasen����������

starter (of car) shidoki���(food) zensai��

station eki�

statue zo�

stay: where are you staying?doko ni tomat·te imasu ka?�����������





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I’m staying at ... … nitomat·te imasu!"#$%&'()I’d like to stay another twonights mo ni-haku shitai toomoimasu*+,-./0123456

steak steki789:

steal nusumimasu;<=>my bag has been stolenbag·gu o nusumaremashita?@ABCDEFGH

steep (hill) kewashiIJKL

step: on the steps kaidan deMNO

sterling Igirisu-pondoPQRSTUV

steward (on plane) schuwadoWXYZ[\

stewardess schuwadesu]^_`abc

still: I’m still here mada kokoni imasudefghijk(on the phone) hai,moshi-moshilmnopqris he still there? kare wamada soko ni imasu ka?stuvwxyz{

|}~keep still! ugokanaidekudasai!�����������

sting: I’ve been stung hachini sasaremashita���������

stockings stok·kingu������

stomach onaka���

stomach ache fukutsu��

stone (rock) ishi�

stop (verb) tomarimasu� ¡¢£please, stop here (to taxi driveretc) koko de tomete kudasai¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­do you stop near ...? … nochikaku de tomarimasu ka?®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹stop it! yamete kudasai!º»������

stopover keiyu��

storm arashi���

straight (whisky) storeto�����it’s straight ahead mas·sugu

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it·ta tokoro desu�� �������

straightaway sugu ni���

strange (odd) hen (na)�����

stranger shiranai hito��� !"I’m a stranger here koko wahajimete desu#$%&'()*

strap (on watch) bando+,-(on dress, suitcase) storap·pu./012

strawberry ichigo345

straw mat tatami678

stream kawa9

street tori:;on the street tori de<=>

streetmap dorochizu?@AB

string himoCD

strong tsuyoiEFG

stuck tsukaetaHIJKit’s stuck tsukaete


student gakuseiVW

stupid baka (na)XYZ[\

suburb kogai]^

subway (US: railway) chikatetsu_`a

suddenly totsuzen nibcd

suede suedoefgh

sugar satoijk

suit (noun) sutsulmnit doesn’t suit me (jacket etc)watashi niwa niaimasenopqrstuvwit suits you yoku niaimasuxyz{|}~

suitcase sutsukesu������

summer natsu�in the summer natsu ni��

sumo wrestling sumo���

sun taiyo��





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in the sun hinata de����out of the sun hikage de����

sunbathe nik·koyoku�

sunblock (cream)hiyake-dome� ���

sunburn hiyake���

sunburnt hiyake shita�����

Sunday Nichiyobi���

sunglasses san·gurasu����

sunny: it’s sunny harete imasu!"#$%&

sunset nichibotsu'(

sunshade hiyoke)*+

sunshine nik·ko,-

sunstroke nis·shabyo./0

suntan hiyake123

suntan lotion santan-roshon456789:;<

suntanned hi ni yaketa=>?@A

suntan oil san-oiruBCDEF

super sugoiGHI

supermarket supaJKLM

supper yushokuNO

supplement (extra charge)tsuikaryokinPQRS

supply (noun) takuwaeTUVW(verb) chotatsu shimasuXYZ[\

sure: are you sure? tashikadesu ka?]^_`abcsure! mochiron!defgh

surface mail sarubinijk

surname myojilm

sweater setanopq

sweatshirt torenarstuv

Sweden Suedenwxyz{|

Swedish (adj) Sueden (no)}~�������

sweet (adj: taste) amai���

sweets kyandi������

swelling hare





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��swim (verb) oyogimasu����I’m going for a swim oyogi niikimasu�������let’s go for a swim oyogi niikimasho��� ���

swimming costume mizugi��

swimming pool puru���

swimming trunks mizugi��

switch (noun) suit·chi����

switch off (engine) tomemasu����(TV, lights) keshimasu !"#

switch on (engine) kakemasu$%&'(TV, lights) tsukemasu()*+

swollen hareta,-.


table teburu/012a table for two futari-bun no


tablecloth teburu-kurosu89:;<=>

table tennis tak·kyu?@

table wine teburu-wainABCDEFG

tailor shinshifuku-tenHIJK

Taiwan TaiwanLM

take (verb: lead a person) tsureteikimasuNOPQRST(object) mot·te ikimasuUVWXYZ[(accept) torimasu\]^_can you take me to the ...?… made tsurete it·tekuremasen ka?`abcdefghijklmnodo you take credit cards?kurejit·to-kado watsukaemasu ka?pqrstuvwxyz{|}~�fine, I’ll take it ja, sore nishimasu���������can I take this? (leaflet etc)kore o morat·te mo i





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desu ka?��������������how long does it take? jikanwa dono kurai kakarimasuka?��������� ¡¢£¤¥it takes three hours san-jikankakarimasu¦§¨©ª«¬­is this seat taken? kono sekiwa fusagat·te imasu ka?®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»hamburger to take awayhambaga o teiku·auto de���������� �can you take a little off here?(to hairdresser) koko o mosukoshi kit·te kuremasen ka?��������� ������

talcum powdertarukam-pauda��������

talk (verb) hanashimasu����

tall (person) se ga takai !"#(building) takai$%

tampons tampon&'()

tan (noun) hiyake*+,to get a tan hiyake shimasu-./012

tap jaguchi345

tape (cassette) tepu678

taste (noun) aji9can I taste it? ajimi shite moi desu ka?:;<=>?@ABCD

taxi takushiEFGHwill you get me a taxi?takushi o yonde kuremasenka?IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWwhere can I find a taxi? dokode takushi otsukamaeraremasu ka?XYZ[\]^_`abcdefghi


to the airport/to the ...Hotel, please kuko/…hoteru made, onegaishimasuhow much will it be? ikurakurai kakarimasu ka?





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about 2,500 yen daitai ni-sen-go-hyaku-en desuthat’s fine right here,thanks sumimasen, kokode oroshite kudasai

taxi-driver takushi nountenshujklmnopq

taxi rank takushi-noribarstuvwx

tea (drink) kochayzgreen tea ocha{|tea for one/two please kochao hitotsu/futatsu kudasai}~������������

teabags tibag·gu������

teach: could you teach me?oshiete kuremasen ka?����������

teacher sensei��

teahouse kis·sa-ten���

team chimu ¡¢

teaspoon tisupun£¤¥¦§¨©

tea towel fukinª«¬

teenager tin·eija

­®¯°±²³´µtelephone denwa��see phone

television terebi���

tell: could you tell him ...? kareni … to tsutaete kuremasenka?������� ����

temperature (weather) kion��(fever) netsu��

temple (Buddhist) otera��

tent tento���

term (at university, school) gak·ki��

terminus (rail) shuten��

terrible hidoi� !

text (message) ketai meru��PQR

terrific subarashi"#$%&

than … yorimo'()*smaller than ... … yorimochisai+,-./012

thank: thank you, thanks





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arigato34567thank you very much hontoni arigato gozaimasu89:;<=>?@ABCDEFthanks for the lift nosetekurete arigatoGHIJKLMNOPQno thanks ie kek·ko desuRSTUVWXYZ[


thanks arigatothat’s OK, don’t mention itie, do itashimashite

that (nearby) sore\](further away) are^_(adj: nearby) sono`a(further away) anobcthat one (nearby) sorede(further away) arefgI hope that ... … -tara i desunehijklmnop

that’s nice suteki desuqrstuis that ...? sore wa … desuka?vwxyz{|}that’s it (that’s right) sono toridesu~������

the* sono��

theatre gekijo��

their(s)* (male) karera no���(female) kanojotachi no�����

them* (things) sore��(male) karera (o)�����(female) kanojotachi (o)�����for them karera/kanojotachino tame ni ����������with them karera/kanojotachi to is·sho ni�������� !"to them karera/kanojotachini#$%&'()*who? – them dare desu ka? –karera/kanojotachi desu

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then (at that time) sono toki;<=(after that) sore kara>?@A

there soko deBCDover there muko niEFGHup there asoko niIJKLis there ...? … ga arimasuka?MNOPQRSTare there ...? … ga arimasuka?UVWXYZ[\there is ... … ga arimasu]^_`abthere are ... ga arimasucdefghthere you are (giving something) hai, dozoijklmn

Thermos® flask mahobinopqr

these* korerastu(adj) konovwI’d like these kore ga ki niirimashitaxyz{|}~���

they* (things) sorera���(male) karera��(female) kanojotachi����

thick atsui��(stupid) nibui���

thief dorobo����

thigh momo��

thin (person) yaseta���(object) usui���

thing mono��my things watashi noshibutsu�� ¡

think kan·gaemasu����I think so watashi wa soomoimasu������ I don’t think sowatashi wa so waomoimasen�����������I’ll think about it sore nitsuite wa kan·gaete

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okimasu������� !"#$%&

third party insurancedaisansha-hoken'()*+

thirsty: I’m thirsty nodo gakawakimashita,-./01234

this kore56(adj) kono78this one kore9:this is my wife watashi notsuma desu;<=>?is this ...? kore wa … desuka?@ABCDEFG

those areraHIJ(adj) anoKLwhich ones? – those doredesu ka? – are desuMNOPQRSTUVW

thread (noun) itoXY

throat nodoZ[

throat pastilles torochi\]^_

through tot·te`abdoes it go through ...? (train,bus) … o torimasu ka?cdefghij

throw (verb) nagemasuklmn

throw away sutemasuopqr

thumb oya-yubistuv

thunderstorm rai-uwx

Thursday Moku·yobi���

ticket keny(for transport) kip·puz{


a return to Sendai Sendaimade ofuku-kip·p oichi-maicoming back when? kaeriwa itsu desu ka?today/next Tuesdaykyo/tsugi no Kayobidesuthat will be 13,000 yenichi-man-san-zen-en ninarimasu

ticket office kip·pu-uriba





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|}~��tie (necktie) nekutai����

tight (clothes etc) kitsui���it’s too tight kitsu·sugimasu������

tights panti-sutok·kingu�����������

time* jikan��what’s the time? ima nanjidesu ka?����� ¡¢this time konkai��last time zenkai��next time kondo��three times san-kai��

timetable jikokuhyo�

tin (can) kan�

tin-opener kankiri ��

tiny totemo chisai�������

tip (to waiter etc) chip·pu���

tired tsukareta����

I’m tired tsukaremashita�� !"#

tissues tis·shu$%&'(

to: to Tokyo/London Tokyo/Rondon e)*+,-./0to Japan/Britain nip·pon/Igirisu e12345678to the post office yubin-kyoku e9:;<

toast (bread) tosuto=>?@

today kyoABC

toe tsumasakiDEFG

together is·sho niHIJwe’re together (in shop etc)is·sho desuKLMN

toilet toireOPQwhere is the toilet? toire wadoko desu ka?RSTUVWXYZ[I have to go to the toilettoire ni ikitai no desu ga\]^_`abcdefg





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toilet paper toiret·to-pepahijklmnop

Tokyo Bay Tokyo-wanqrs

tomato tomatotuv

tomato ketchup kechap·puwxyz{

tomorrow ashita|}~tomorrow morning ashita noasa�����the day after tomorrowasat·te����

tongue shita�

tonic (water) tonik·ku-uota���������

tonight komban��

too (excessively) … sugimasu�����(also) mo�too hot atsu-sugimasu������too much osugimasu���me too watashi mo �

tooth ha�

toothache haita

��toothbrush haburashi����

toothpaste hamigakiko�����

top: on top of ... … no ue ni����at the top tep·pen ni� !"#

top floor saijokai$%&

topless top·puresu'()*+

torch kaichudento,-./

total gokei01

tour (noun) tsua234is there a tour of ...? … notsua ga arimasu ka?56789:;<=>?@

tour guide gaidoABC

tourist ryokokyakuDEF

tourist information officekanko-an·naijoGHIJK

towards ... … no ho eLMNOP

towel taoruQRS

town machi

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ABCDEFGHIJKLTrTin town machi deUVjust out of townmachihazureWXYZ[

town centre hankagai\]^

toy omocha_`ab

track (platform)purat·to-homucdefghiwhich track is it for Nara?Nara-iki wa donopurat·to-homu desu ka?jklmnopqrstuvwxyz{

tracksuit suet·t(o)-sutsu|}~����

trade fair mihon·ichi���

traditional dento-teki (na)������

traffic kotsu��

traffic jam jutai��

traffic lights shin·go��

train densha��by train densha de���


is this the train for Otaru?kore wa Otaru-iki nodensha desu ka?I am not sure sa, chot·towakarimasenno, you want that platformthere ie, muko nopurat·to-homu desu

trainers (shoes) sunika���

train station eki

tram romendensha����

translate hon·yaku shimasu�����could you translate that?sore o yaku shitekuremasen ka?��������� !"#

translation hon·yaku$%

translator hon·yakusha&'(

trash (waste) gomi)*

trashcan gomibako+,-

travel ryoko shimasu./012we’re travelling around

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achikochi ryoko shiteimasu3456789:;<=

travel agent’s ryokogaisha>?@A

traveller’s chequetraberazu-chek·kuBCDEFGHIJKdo you take traveller’scheques? traberazu-chek·kuwa tsukaemasu ka?LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]

tray obon^_`

tree kia

tremendous sugoibcd

trendy oshare (na)efghijk

trim: just a trim, please (tohairdresser) kesaki o soroeruteido ni onegai shimasulmnopqrstuvwxyz{

trip (excursion) kankoryoko|}~�I’d like to go on a trip to ...… o ryoko shite mitai desu�����������

trolley (for luggage) nimotsu-yo


trouble (noun) yak·kaigoto������I’m having trouble with ...… de komat·te imasu��������

trousers zubon� ¡

true honto (no)¢£¤¥¦§¨that’s not true sore wahonto ja arimasen©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶

trunk (US: of car) toranku����

trunks (swimming) mizugi��

try (verb) tameshimasu��can I try it? (food) ajimi shitemo i desu ka?�� ��������(at doing something) yat·te mitemo i desu ka?���������� !

try on shichaku shimasu"#$%&can I try it on? shichakushite mo i desu ka?'()*+,-./01





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T-shirt ti-shatsu2345

Tuesday Kayobi678

tuna maguro9:;

tunnel ton·neru<=>?

turn: turn left/righthidari/migi e magat·tekudasai@ABCDEFGHIJK

turn off: where do I turn off?doko de magarimasu ka?LMNOPQRSTUcan you turn the heating off?dambo o kit·te kuremasenka?VWXYZ[\]^_`ab

turn on: can you turn theheating on? dambo otsukete kuremasen ka?cdefghijklmno

turning (in road) magarikadopqr

TV terebistu

tweezers kenukivwx

twice ni-kaiyz

twice as much ni-bai{|

twin beds tsuin-bed·do}~����

twin room tsuin���

twist: I’ve twisted my ankleashikubi o kujiiteshimaimashita�������������

type (noun) shurui��another type of ... betsu noshurui no …������

typhoon taifu��

typical (dish etc) daihyo-teki(na)��� ¡¢

tyre taiya£¤¥


ugly minikui¦§¨©

UK Igirisu����

ulcer kaiyo����

umbrella kasa





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uncle (one’s own) oji��(someone else’s) oji-san ���

unconscious muishiki (no)������

under (in position) … no shitani�����(less than) … ika���

underdone (meat) namayake(no)� !"#$%

underground (railway)chikatetsu&'(

underpants pantsu)*+

understand: I understandwakarimasu,-./0I don’t understandwakarimasen123456do you understand?wakarimasu ka?789:;<=

unemployed shitsugyo-chu>?@

unfashionable ryuko-okure(no)ABCDEFGH

United States Gas·shukokuIJK

university daigakuLM

unleaded petrolmuen-gasorinNOPQRS

unlimited mileagesokokyori-museigenTUVWXYZ

unlock kagi o akemasu[\]^_`a

unpack nihodoki shimasubcdefgh

until: until 6 o’clock rokujimadeMijkuntil Saturday Doyobi madelmnop

unusual mezurashiqrstu

up ue nivwup there asoko nixyz{he’s not up yet (not out of bed)kare wa mada nete imasu|}~������what’s up? (what’s wrong?) doka shimashita ka?���������

upmarket kokyu (na)�����

upset stomach i no choshiga yoku nai���������I have an upset stomach i no





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choshi ga yoku arimasen���� ¡¢£¤¥¦§

upside down sakasama¨©ª«

upstairs ue¬

up-to-date saishin (no)�����

urgent kinkyu (na)���

us* watashitachi (o)�� ���with us watashitachi to����for us watashitachi no tameni�������

USA Amerika Gas·shukoku���� !"

use (verb) tsukaimasu#$%&'may I use ...? … o tsukat·temo i desu ka?()*+,-./01234

useful yaku ni tatsu5678

usual futsu (no)9:;<=>the usual (drink etc) itsumono?@AB


vacancy: do you have anyvacancies? (hotel) akibeya gaarimas(u) ka?CDEFGHIJKLM

vacation yasumiNOon vacation yasumi dePQR

vaccination yobochushaSTUV

vacuum cleaner sojikiWXYZ

valid (ticket etc) yuko (na)[\]^_how long is it valid for?yukokikan wa dono kuraides(u) ka?`abcdefghijklm

valley tanino

valuable (adj) kicho (na)pqrstcan I leave my valuableshere? kicho-hin o koko ni azukeraremasuka?uvwxyz{|}~����

value (noun) kachi��





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van ban��

vanilla banira���a vanilla ice creambanira-aisukurimu����������

vary: it varies bai niyorimasu�������

vase kabin���

veal koushi no niku�� ¡

vegetables yasai¢£

vegetarian (noun)saishoku-shugisha¤¥¦§¨

vending machine jido-ham-baiki©ª«¬­

very totemo®¯°very little for me hon·nosukoshi dake±²³´µ¶·¸I like it very much totemosuki desu�������

via keiyu de�

video (noun: film) bideo-tepu�� ���

(recorder) bideo-kamera������

view nagame���

village mura�

vinegar su�

visa biza��

visit (verb) tazunemasu�� !I’d like to visit ... … otazunetai desu"#$%&'()

vital: it’s vital that ... … watotemo taisetsu desu*+,-./01234

vodka uok·ka5678

voice koe9:

volcano kazan;<

voltage den·atsu=>

vomit hakimasu?@AB


waist uestoCDEF

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ABCDEFGHIJKLWawaistcoat bestoGHI

wait machimasuJKLMwait for me mat·te kudasaiNOPQRSTdon’t wait for me matanaidekudasaiUVWXYZ[\]can I wait until my wife getshere? tsuma ga kuru mademat·te mo i desu ka?^_`abcdefghijklmcan you do it while I wait?mat·te iru aida ni yat·tekuremasen ka?nopqrstuvwxyz{|}~��could you wait here for me?koko de chot·to mat·te itekuremasen ka?�������������������

waiter ueta�����waiter! chot·to sumimasen!������� ¡¢

waitress uetoresu£¤¥¦§¨waitress! chot·tosumimasen!


wake: can you wake me up at5.30? goji-han ni okoshitekuremasen ka?���������� ��

wake-up call moningu-koru��������

Wales Ueruzu�����

walk: is it a long walk?arukuto toi desu ka?��� !"#$%&it’s only a short walk aruitesugu desu'()*+,-I’ll walk aruite ikimasu./01234I’m going for a walk samponi dekakemasu56789:;<

wall kabe=>

wallet saifu?@A

want: I want a ... … ga hoshidesuBCDEFGHI don’t want any ... … wairimasenIJKLMNOI want to go home uchi nikaeritai desuPQRSTUVWX

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I don’t want to so shitaku naidesuYZ[\]^_`ahe wants to ... kare wa …-tai desubcdefghiwhat do you want? nani gahoshi desu ka?jklmnopqr

ward (in hospital) byotost

warm atatakaiuvwxyI’m so warm atsui desuz{|}~

was* … deshita����

wash (verb) araimasu����can you wash these? kore oarat·te kuremasen ka?�������������

washhand basin sem·mendai���

washing (clothes)sentakumono������

washing machine sentak·ki��� ¡

washing powder senzai¢£

washing-up: to do thewashing-up shok·ki oaraimasu

¤¥¦§¨©ªwashing-up liquid shok·ki-yosenzai«¬­®¯

wasp hachi°±

watch (wristwatch) udedokei²³´will you watch my things forme? watashi no nimotsu omite ite kuremasen ka?µ¶·¸¹º»��������watch out! abunai!�� �

watch strap tokei no bando������

water mizu�may I have some water?mizu o moraemasu ka?�������

waterproof (adj) bosui (no)�� ��

waterskiing suijo-suki�����

way: it’s this way kot·chi noho desu��������it’s that way at·chi no hodesu��� !"#$is it a long way to ...?… made toi desu ka?%&'()*+,-.

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ABCDEFGHIJKLWeno way! dame desu!/0123


could you tell me the wayto ...? … ewa do ikeba idesu ka?go straight on until youreach the traffic lightsshin·go ni ikiataru mademas·sugu desuturn left hidari e magat·tekudasaitake the first on the rightsaisho no magarikado omigi ni magat·te kudasai

we* watashitachi456

weak yowai789(tea) usui:;<

weather tenki=>


what’s the weatherforecast? tenkiyoho wado desu ka?it’s going to be fine hareruyo desuit’s going to rain ame ni

naru yo desuit’ll brighten up later atode hareru yo desu

wedding kek·kon-shiki?@A

wedding ringkek·kon-yubiwaBCDE

Wednesday SuiyobiFGH

week (one, two, three etc) shukanIJ(this, last, next etc) shuKa week (from) today raishuno kyoLMNOPQa week (from) tomorrowraishu no ashitaRSTUVW

weekend shumatsuXYat the weekend shumatsu niZ[\

weight omosa]^_

weird hen (na)`abcd

weirdo henjinef

welcome: welcome to ... … eyokosoghijklyou’re welcome (don’t

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mention it) do itashimashitemnopqrst

well: I don’t feel well kibun gayoku arimasenuvwxyz{|}~she’s not well kanojo wabyoki desu�������you speak English very wellEigo ga totemo jozu desune�������������well done! sugoi!����this one as well kore modesu�����well well! (surprise) oya oya!���� 


how are you? gokigenikaga desu ka?very well, thanks, and you?hai, okagesama desu ga,sochira wa?

well-done (meat) uerudan¡¢£¤¥

Welsh (adj) Ueruzu (no)¦§¨©ªI’m Welsh watashi wa

Ueruzu-jin desu��������

were* … deshita�� �

West: the West Obei��

west nishi�in the west nishi ni��

Western Obei (no)�����

Westerner Obei-jin���

Western-style yofu (no)����

wet nureta!"#

whale kujira$%&

what? nan desu ka?'()*+,what’s that? sore wa nandesu ka?-./01234what’s happening? nani gaarundesu ka?56789:;<=(what’s on?) nani o yat·teimasu ka?>?@ABCDEFG(what’s wrong?) do shitandeska?





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ABCDEFGHIJKLWhHIJKLMNOPwhat should I do? do shitarai desho ka?QRSTUVWXYZ[\]what a view! i nagame desune!^_`abcdefwhat bus do I take? donobasu ni noreba i desu ka?ghijklmnopqrst

wheel sharinuv

wheelchair kuruma-isuwxy

when? itsu?z{|when we get back kaet·te kara}~���when’s the train/ferry?res·sha/feri wa nanji desuka?��������������

where? doko?���I don’t know where it is dokodaka shirimasen���������


where is the railwaystation? eki wa doko

desu ka?it’s over there muko desucould you show me whereit is on the map? chizu dedoko daka oshietekuremasen ka?it’s just here koko desusee way

which: which bus? donobasu?���� 


which one? dore?that one sore desuthis one? kore?no, that one ie, sore desu

while: while I’m here koko niiru aida ni¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©

whisky uisukiª«¬­®

white shiroi¯°±

white wine shiro-wain²³´µ

who? dare?¶·¸who is it? donata desu ka?�������the man who ... … hito�

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whole: the whole week maruis·shukan�� ��the whole lot zembu���

whose: whose is this? korewa dare no desu ka?����������

why? doshite desu ka?��� !"#$why not? doshite desu ka?%&'()*+,

wide hiroi-./

wife (one’s own) tsuma0(someone else’s) oku-san123my wife watashi no tsuma456

will*: will you do it for me? soshite kuremasen ka?789:;<=>?@A

wind (noun) kazeB

window madoCDnear the window mado nosoba deEFGHIJin the window (of shop)shouindo niKLMNOPQRS

window seat madogawa nosekiTUVW

windscreen furonto-garasuXYZ[\]^

windscreen wiper waipa_`ab

windsurfing uindosafincdefghijk

windy: it’s so windy kaze gatsuyoi desulmnopqr

wine wainstucan we have some morewine? wain o mo sukoshimoraemasu ka?vwxyz{|}~�������

wine list wain no risuto�������

winter fuyu�in the winter fuyu ni��

wire waiya����(electric) kodo���

with … to is·sho ni�����I’m staying with ... … notokoro ni tomat·te imasu���� ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨





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without nashi de©ª«

witness shonin¬­will you be a witness for me?watashi no shonin ni nat·tekuremasen ka?®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º��

woman josei��

wonderful subarashi����

won’t*: it won’t start do shitemo stato shimasen�� ���������

wood (material) zaimoku��

woods (forest) mori�

wool uru���

word kotoba���

work (noun) shigoto !it’s not working ugokimasen"#$%&I work in ... … de hataraiteimasu'()*+,-.

world sekai/0

worry: I’m worried shimpai


worse: it’s worse nao waruidesu56789:;

worst sai-ak (no)<=>?@

worth: is it worth a visit? it·temiru kachi ga arimasu ka?ABCDEFGHIJKLMN

would: would you give this to...? kore o … ni watashitekuremasen ka?OPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^

wrap: could you wrap it up?tsutsunde kuremasen ka?_`abcdefgh

wrapping paper hososhiijk

wrestler resuralmnosumo wrestler rikishipq

wrestling resuringurstuvsumo wrestling sumowxy

wrist tekubiz{

write kakimasu|}~�could you write it down?kaite kuremasen ka?





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����������how do you write it? dokakimasu ka?��������

writing paper binsen����

wrong: it’s the wrong key kagiga aimasen��������this is the wrong train korewa chigau densha desu�� ¡¢£¤¥¦§the bill’s wrong okanjo gamachigat·te imasu¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³sorry, wrong numbersumimasen, ban·go omachigaemashita���������� ���sorry, wrong roomsumimasen, heya omachigaemashita��������������� there’s something wrong with... … wa doko ka okashidesu!"#$%&'()*+what’s wrong? do kashimashita ka?,-./01234


X-ray rentogen56789


yacht yot·to:;<

yard yado=>?

year toshi@

yellow kiroiABCD

yen enE

yes haiFG

yesterday kinoHIJyesterday morning kino no asaKLMNOthe day before yesterdayototoiPQRS

yet madaTU


is it here yet? motsukimashita ka?





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no, not yet ie, mada desuyou’ll have to wait a littlelonger yet mo shibarakukakarimas

yoghurt yogurutoVWXYZ

you* (sing) anata[\](pl) anatatachi^_`abthis is for you kore wa anatani agemascdefghijklmwith you anata to is·sho ninopqrst

young wakaiuvw

your(s)* (sing) anata noxyz{(pl) anatatachi no|}~���

youth hostel yusu-hosteru�������


Zen Buddhism Zen�

Zen garden Zentei��

Zen priest Zenso��

Zen sect Zenshu��

Zen temple Zendera��

zero zero��

zip fasuna�����could you put a new zip on?atarashi fasuna ni kaetekuremasen ka?������� 


zip code yubimban·go����

zoo dobutsu·en���





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ColloquialismsThe following are words you may well hear.You shouldn’t betempted to use any of the stronger ones unless you are sureof your audience.

aho! fool!baka! you fool!, stupid bastard!bakamitai stupidbakayaro! damn fool!bijin beautiful womancharinko bicyclechikusho! damn!, hell! (literally: beast)chot·to! hey!damare! shut up!domo thanks; higaijin foreignerja ne bye, cheeriokak·ko i trendy; cool; handsomekireru blow one’s topkonoyaro! damn fool!kuso! shit!maji de honestly; reallymansatsu ten-thousand yen notemashi bettermeshi mealshinjiran·nai unbelievablesubarashi! fantastic!sugoi! great!, super!; well done!tondemo nai! no way!urusai! shut up!uso! that’s a lie!usotsuki! liar!yada! no!; yuk!yokat·ta! good!

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abek·ku lovers, a coupleabunai dangerousat·chi e it·te! go away!agemasu to giveago chin; jawaibeya ni narimasu to share(room)

aimasu to meetaiseki shimasu to share (table)aji taste; flavourAjia AsiaAjia (no) Asianakachan babyakai redakemasu to openakemashite omedeto goza-imasu! Happy New Year!

aki autumn, (U S) fallakiraka (na) clear, obviousakuseru acceleratoramai sweet (taste)amari not very muchamari oku nai not many

ame candies, sweets; rainAmerika Gas·shukoku USAana holeanata (ga) you (sing)anata no your; yoursanata o you (sing)anata wa you (sing)anata wa … desu you are

anatatachi (ga) you (p l)anatatachi no your; yours (p l)anatatachi o you (p l)anatatachi wa you (p l)ane sister (one’s own: older)

ani brother (one’s own: older)an·naisho information deskano that; those (further away)anzen (na) safeaoi blueapato apartment, flataraimasu to washarashi stormaratamat·ta formalare that; that one; those (fur-ther away)

arigato thank you, thanksarimasen: sore ja arimasennot that one… ga arimasen no ...

aruite walk; on footarukoru alcoholarukoru-nuki (no) non-alco-holic

asa morningasat·te the day after tomor-row

asayu-nishoku-tsuki halfboard

ashi leg; footashikubi ankleashita tomorrowashita no asa tomorrowmorning

ashita no gogo tomorrowafternoon

asobiba playgroundasoko ni up there; over thereas·sat·te the day aftertomorrow

atama headatama ga i intelligentatamakin deposit (as part pay-ment)

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atarashi newatatakai warm; mildat·chi: at·chi e it·te! go away!at·chi no ho desu it’s thatway

ato de after; afterwards, later,later on

atsumemasu to collectatsui thick; hotazayaka (na) bright


baka (na) silly; stupidbaka! you fool!

bakageta ridiculousbak·kin fine (punishment)ban vanban·go numberban·go o machigaemashitawrong number

ban·gumi programmebansoko plasters, Bandaid®basu-ryoko coach tripbasu-taminaru coach station,bus station

basu-tei bus stopbasu-tsuki no heya with aprivate bathroom

bed·do bed (W estern-style)ben·goshi lawyerbenri (na) convenientberuto beltbesuto waistcoatbetsubetsu (no) separatebetsu no another, differentbijinesu-hoteru business hotelbijutsu art

bijutsu-kan art gallerybimbo poorbim·mei flight numberbin jar; bottlebiniru-bukuro carrier bag,plastic bag

binsen writing padbiru buildingbiru beerbiyoin hairdresser’s (women’s)biza visabochi cemeteryboi porter (in hotel)boku (ga) I (fam, m)boku no my; mine (fam, m)boku o me (fam, m)bokushi priest (Christian)boku wa I (fam, m)bon·net·to bonnet, (U S)hood

boru ballborupen ballpoint penboshi cap, hatboto boatbraja brabubun part, bitoki bubun a big bit

bucho director, head ofdepartment

budo martial artsBuk·kyo BuddhismBuk·kyo (no) BuddhistBuk·kyoto Buddhist bunraku traditional puppettheatre

butsudan house altarbyo second (of time)byobu screenbyoin hospital

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ABCDEFGHIJKLDabyoki illness; diseasebyoki (no) sick, illbyoto ward


cha-iro (no) brown-chan diminutive suffixadded to child’s name orfamiliar suffix usedbetween friends and family

chanto properlychawan bowl (porcelain)chek·ku-in shimasu to checkin

chibusa breastchichi father (one’s own)chigai differencechigau differentchiho region, districtchikai near, nearbychikatetsu underground,(U S) subway

chiki areachimu teamchip·pu tipchirashi leafletchisai smallchizu mapcho areachodo koko de right herechoka-tenimotsu excess bag-gage

chokusetsu (no) direct chokutsu directchokyori-basu coach, buschokyori-denwa long-dis-tance call

chome area of a few squareblocks

choshi ga okashi faultychoshoku breakfastchoshoku-tsuki yado bed andbreakfast

chot·to! hey!chot·to mat·te kudasai! just aminute!chot·to sumimasen! excuseme!

Chugoku ChinaChugoku (no) Chinese chuibukai carefulchuko (no) second-handchukurai (no) medium, medi-um-sized

chumon order chumon shimasu to order chusha injectionchushajo car park, parking lotchushin centrechushoku lunchchushoku-go after lunch


daburu double; doubleroom; double whisky

-dai classifier for machines,cars, bikes and stereos

daidokoro kitchendaigaku college; universitydaihyo representativedaihyo-teki (na) typicaldaijobu all right, OK; noproblem

daisuki desu to love

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daitai roughly, approximatelydaitoryo president (of country)daiyaru shimasu to dial dake only, justdambo heater, heatingdame! don’t!dame desu! certainly not!sore wa dame desu it’s nogood

dandan graduallydansei mendansei-yo toire gents’ toilet,men’s room

dantai party, groupdare? who?dare ka anybody; somebody,someone

dare mo …-masen nobody,no-one; none

das·shimen cotton wool,absorbent cotton

de by, by means of; with; at;on; in

deguchi exit, way outdekakemasu to go awaydekimas candekimasen cannotdekireba hopefullydekirudake … as ... as possi-bledekirudake hayaku as soonas possible

demo but; even the… demo … demo nai neither... nor ...

den·atsu voltagedenchi batteryden·gon messagedenki electricity; light

denki (no) electricdenki-kamisori shaverdenki-kamisori-yo konsentoshaving point

denki-seihin electrical appliances

denki-ya electrician; electri-cal goods shop

denkyu light bulbdensensei (no) infectiousdensha traindenshi-renji microwave(oven)

dento-teki (na) traditionaldenwa telephone, phone denwaban·go phone numberdenwaban·go-an·nai directo-ry enquiries

denwacho phone bookdenwa shimasu to call, tophone

depato department storedesu be; am; is; are; it isanata wa … desu you are ...watashi wa … desu I am ...… desu ka? is it ...?

deshita were; was; it wasdewa mata see you againdizeru-sha dieseldo degreedo? how?do shimashita ka? what’sthe matter?do itashimashite don’t men-tion it, you’re welcome

doa doordoaboi doormandobutsu animaldobutsu-en zoo

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ABCDEFGHIJKLFudochira which; whodochira demo nai neither(one) of them

dochiraka either of themdochira-sama desu ka? who’scalling?

Doitsu GermanyDoitsu (no) German dokan desu I agree; all right doka yamete kudasai pleasedon’t

doko? where?doko desu ka? where is it?

doko demo everywhere;anywhere

doko ka somewheredokushin single, not marrieddomo thanks; hidomo arigato thanksdomo sumimasen sorry

dono? which?dore? which one?dore mo …-masen nonedoro muddorobo thiefdorochizu road map;streetmap

doshite des ka? why?; whynot?

Doyobi Saturdaydozo I don’t mind, please goahead; here you aredozo osaki ni after youdozo yoroshiku pleased tomeet you


e to; towards; until; painting,picture; drawinge yesehagaki postcardeiga film, movieeigakan cinema, movie the-ater

Eigo English (language)Eigo de in English

eigyo-chu openeigyojikan opening timesEikoku BritainEikoku (no) Britisheizu AIDSeki train stationempitsu pencilem-saizu mediumen circle; yenerabimasu to chooseerebeta lift, elevatoreri collareru-saiz largeeya-kon air-conditioning


fak·kusu fax fak·kusu o okurimasu to fax fasuna zipFransu (no) French Fransu-go French (language)furonto reception desk (inhotel)

furonto-gakari receptionist(in hotel)

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furonto-garasu windscreenfu cityfuben (na) inconvenientfufu married couplefujinfuku-uriba ladies’ wearfukai deepfukano(na) impossiblefukin tea towelFuk·katsu·sai Easterfukumimasu to includefukutsu stomachachefukuro bag, paper bagfumi flavourfumoto bottomfun minutefune boat, shipfunsui fountain (ornamental)furui old; stalefusuma sliding door (pat-terned)

futa cap; lidfutatsu two; a couplefuto envelopefuton mattress; beddingfutot·ta fatfutsuka two daysfutsukayoi hangoverfutsu local intercity trainfutsu(no) ordinary, usualfuyu winterfuyukai (na) unpleasant


ga subject particle thatemphasizes the subject… ga arimasu there is ...;there are ...

… ga arimasen no ...; there’sno ...; there are no ...

gaido guidegaijin foreignergaikoku abroadgaikoku (no) foreigngaikoku-go foreign languagegaikoku-jin foreignergaishutsu shimasu to go outgaku amountgake cliffgak·kari shita disappointedgak·ki term (at university,school)

gak·ko schoolgakusei studentGantan New Year’s Daygarakuta rubbishgarasu glassgasorin petrol, (U S) gasgasorin-sutando petrol sta-tion, (U S) gas station

geijutsu-ka artistgekijo theatregenkan doorway, entrance,porch

genki? how are you?genki de ne take care, bye,see you

genkin cash genkin-jido-shiharaiki cashdispenser,ATM

genkin ni kaemasu to cash genzo film processinggenzo shimasu to developgeta wooden sandalsgeto gate (at airport)getsu month (this, last, nextetc)

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ABCDEFGHIJKLHaGetsuyobi Mondaygezai laxativegin silver ginko bank (money)giri no imoto sister-in-law(one’s own: younger)

giri no musuko son-in-law(one’s own)

giri no musume daughter-in-law (one’s own)

giri no oka-san mother-in-law (someone else’s)

giri no one-san sister-in-law(someone else’s: older)

giri no oni-san brother-in-law (someone else’s: older)

giri no oto-san father-in-law(someone else’s)

giri no ototo brother-in-law(one’s own: younger)

go fivego- polite prefix-go aftergochiso-sama deshita it wasdelicious (literally: it was afeast)

gogaku-kosu languagecourse

Gogatsu Maygogo afternoon, pmkyono gogo ni this after-noon

go-hyaku five hundredgo-ju fiftygojusho addressgojusho wa? what’s youraddress?

gokei totalgokigen: gokigen ikaga desu

ka? how are you?gokigen·yo! have a nice day!

gomu rubber (material)gomen·nasai excuse me,sorry

gomi rubbish, trash; wastegomibako bin; dustbin,trashcan

goro about, approximatelygoryoshin parents (someoneelse’s)

goshujin husband (someoneelse’s)

gozen amgozen shichiji ni at 7am

gun countygurinsha first-class carriagegurinsha-joshaken first-classtrain ticket

gyoretsu queue


ha toothhaburashi toothbrushhachi eight; waspHachigatsu Augusthachi-ju eightyhae fly haguki gum (in mouth)haha mother (one’s own)hai yes; lungs-hai classifier meaning glassful or cupful

hai-iro (no) greyhai-oku unleaded petrolhairimasu to come inhaisha dentist

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haita toothachehaitatsu deliveryhaitatsu shimasu to deliverhaizara ashtrayhajimarimasu to beginhajime beginninghajimemasu to start hajimemashite how do youdo?, pleased to meet you

hajimete the first timehakubutsukan museumhakike nauseahako boxhamabe beachhamaki cigarhambun halfhamigakiko toothpastehana nose; flowerhanabi fireworkshanashi-chu engaged, (U S)occupied

hanashimasu to speak; totalk

hana-ya florist’shan-dasu (no) half a dozen

handobag·gu bag, handbag,(U S) purse

hanemasu to knock overhangaku half farehangaku (no) half-pricehanjikan half an hourhankagai city centre, down-town

hanko personal sealhan·nama (na) not cookedhan-rit·toru half a litrehantai oppositeto hantai (no) against,

opposed tohap-pyaku eight hundredharai-modoshi refund hareta fine (weather); swollenharete imasu it’s sunny; it’sswollen

hari needleharu springhasami scissorshashi bridge (over river);chopsticks

hashirimasu to run hata flaghatake fieldhayai fast, quick; earlyhayaku quicklyhei fence heikin-teki average (not good)hempi (na) secludedhen (na) weird, strange, oddheya accommodation; roomhi fire; dayhidari lefthidari e to the lefthidari ni on the left

hidari-kiki (no) left-handedhidoi bad; dreadful; nastyhidoku badlyhifu skinhigaeri-ryoko day triphigashi easthiji elbowhijoguchi fire escape; emer-gency exit

hikage shadehikari light -hiki classifier for animalshikidashi drawerhikimasu to pull; to play

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hikinobashi enlargementhik·kuri kaeshimasu to knockover

hiko flighthikoki plane, airplanehikui lowhimo stringhinata sunhi ni yaketa suntannedhinshitsu qualityhiraita open hiroba squarehiroi widehiru heel (of shoe)hisho secretaryhitai foreheadhito person; peoplehito-ban ni tsuki per nighthitogomi crowdhito-hako packethito-kire piecehito-kumi pairhito-pak·ku packhitori alonehitotsu piece; onehitotsu mo …-masen nomo hitotsu another, onemore

hitotsu (no) a, anhitsuyo (na) necessary, essen-tial

hiyake tan, suntan; sunburnhiyake-dome sunblockhiyake shimasu to get a tanhiyo ga kakarimasu to cost hiza kneeho cheek (on face)hodo pavement, sidewalk

hodo … nai less ...thanhohoemimasu to smile hoka the resthoka hoka bento lunch boxshop

hoka ni nani ka somethingelse, anything else

hoka niwa nai desu nothingelse

hoka no otherhoken insurancehoki brushhoko directionhokori dusthokusei northwesthokuto northeasthom·mono (no) real, genuinehomo (no) gayhon book -hon classfier for pens, ciga-rettes and other cylindricalobjects

hone bonehone ga oreta brokenhon no sukoshi just a littlehonto (ni) reallyhontodesu ka? really?

honto(no) truehon·ya bookshop, bookstorehon·yaku translationhon·yaku shimasu to trans-late

honyubin baby’s bottlehoritsu lawhoseki jewelleryhoseki-ten jeweller’shoshi starhoshidesu to wanthosho guarantee

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hoshokin deposithososhi wrapping paperhos·sa fit, attackhotai bandage; dressinghoteru hotelhoteru no heya hotel roomhotoke-sama Buddhahotondo almost, nearlyhotondo …-masen hardlyhyaku hundredhyaku man millionhyoshiki sign


i goodi desu that’s good; that’sfine

ichi oneichiba marketichiban suki (na) favouriteichi-dasu (no) dozenIchigatsu Januaryichinichi-ju all dayichiryu (no) excellentie houseie noigai dewa apart fromigai wa exceptIgirisu BritainIgirisu (no) BritishIgirisu-jin British personIgirisu-pondo sterlingijo over, more thansore ijo more than that

ika less than, underikebana flower arrangementiki-iki shita lively

ikikata routeikimasu to goikimasho! let’s go!ikitai desu I’d like toik·kai ground floor, (U S) firstfloor; once

ik·kaibun doseikura desu ka? how much isit?

ikutsu? how many?; howold?

ikutsuka (no) severalima now; just, only justima wa dame desu not justnowima nanji desu ka? whattime is it?

imamade ni everimasu to say; to calli–meiru e-mailimoto sister (one’s own:younger)

inaka country; countrysideIndo (no) Indian inryosui drinking waterintachenji interchange (onmotorway)

inu dogip·pai full; a glass ofip·pai ni shimasu to fill upip·paku (no) overnightip·pan-teki (na) general iraira suru annoyingiras·shaimase may I helpyou

ireba denturesiriguchi entrance, way iniro colouriseki ruins

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ABCDEFGHIJKLJuisha doctorishi stone, rockisogashi busyisogimasu to hurry is·sho ni together… to is·sho ni with ...

is·soku pair; pair ofshoes/socks

isu chairIsuramukyo (no) Muslim itadakimasu! enjoy yourmeal!, bon appetit!

itai hurt; painfulitai desu it’s soreitami pain, acheitamidome painkillersitamimasu to hurt Itaria ItalyItaria (no) Italian ito thread itoko cousinitsuka fifthitsumo alwaysitsu? when?itsutsu fiveit·tan …-tara once, as soon asiwa rockiya (na) disgusting, nastyizaka-ya pub


ja welljaguchi tap, faucetjama shimasu to disturbja mata see you laterja ne bye, cheerioji o’clock

jibun de myself; by myselfjido automatic jido-hambaiki vendingmachine

jidosha-hoken green card (carinsurance)

jikan time; hourjiko accidentjikokuhyo timetable, (U S)schedule

jimen groundjimoto no localjimusho officejinja shrinejishin earthquakejitensha bicycle, bikejitensha-okiba bicycle parkjodan jokejohin (na) poshjoho informationjokyaku passengerjosei woman; ladyju ten; gun; riflejubun enoughjudai (na) seriousJugatsu Octoberju-go fifteenjugyo lessonju-hachi eighteenju-ichi elevenJuichigatsu Novemberjujiro crossroads, intersectionjukushita ripeju-kyu nineteenju-ni twelveJunigatsu Decemberju-roku sixteenju-san thirteenju-shichi seventeen

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jusho addressjushoroku address bookjutai traffic jamjutan carpetju-yon fourteen


ka mosquito… ka … ka either ... or ...

ka? question particlekaban bagkabe wallkabin vasekacho section chiefkado cardkado-denwa cardphonekaerimasu to go back, toreturn

kaeshimasu to give backkagu furniturekagami mirrorkagetsu month (one, two, threeetc)

kagi key; lockkagi o akemasu to unlockkago basketkai floor, storeykaichudento torchkaidan steps, stairskaigan coastkaigi meeting (business); con-ference

kaigishitsu conference roomkaikaishiki opening ceremo-ny

kaikei cash deskkaimasu to buy

kaisha company, businesskaisoku local train with lim-ited stops

kaji fire (blaze)kakebuton duvetkakejiku scroll (hanging)kakemasu to switch on(engine); to play (music)

kakimasu to writekakitome-yubin de by regis-tered mail

kakunin shimasu to confirmkamban signkamera-ya camera shopkami paper; hairkami-omutsu disposable nap-pies/diapers

kami-sama Godkamisori razorkampai! cheers!kampeki (na) perfectkanari fairly, pretty, quite; abitkanari takusan quite a lot

kanari (no) fair (amount)kanashi sadkanemochi (no) rich (person)kan·gae ideakan·gaemasu to thinkkan·geikai reception (forguests)

kan·gofu nurse (woman)kan·goshi nurse (man)kanji character (written);Chinese character

kanjimasu to feelkankiri can-opener, tin-opener

kanko-an·naijo tourist infor-

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ABCDEFGHIJKLKemation office

Kankoku South KoreaKankoku (no) Korean kankoryoko trip, excursion,sightseeing tour

kan·nushi Shinto priestkano(na) possiblekanojo (ga) shekanojo no her; herskanojo o herkanojo wa shekanojotachi (ga) they (f)kanojotachi no their;theirs (f)

kanojotachi o them (f)kanojotachi wa they (f)kanpai! cheers!kanrishoku executivekansen infectionkansha (no) gratefulkantan (na) simple, easykanzen ni completelykanzo liver (in body)kanzume cankao facekap·pu cupkap·puru couplekara from; sincekara (no) emptykarada bodykarada ni i healthykarai hot, spicykare hekare ga hekare no hiskare o himkare wa hekarera (ga) they (m)karera no their; theirs (m)

karera o them (m)karera wa they (m)karimasu to rent, to hire; toborrow

karui light (not heavy)kasa umbrellakashimasu to lendkashikoi cleverkashu singer; pop singerkata shoulderkataho one end; one sidekatai hardkatamichi-kip·pu single tick-et, one-way ticket

kat·to cutkawa leather; riverkawaita drykawari ni insteadkawase-tegata banker’s draftkawat·ta odd, strange, pecu-liar

Kayobi Tuesdaykazan volcanokaze wind kazoku familykazu number, figurekega o shita injuredkeiba race (for horses)keieisha manager (in business)keikan policemankeisatsu policekeisatsu·sho police stationkeitai-denwa mobile phonekeiyaku contractkeiyu stopoverkeiyu de viakek·ko desu all right, fineie kek·ko desu no thanks

kek·kon marriage

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kek·kon shita marriedkek·kon shite imasu I’mmarriedkek·kon shite imasu ka? areyou married?

kek·kon-kinen-bi weddinganniversary

kek·kon-shiki weddingkek·kon-yubiwa weddingring

kek·kyoku after allkemuri smoke ken ticket; prefecturekendo Japanese fencingken·eki quarantinekenka fight kenko (na) healthykeredomo althoughkesa this morningkeshiki scenerykeshimasu to switch offkesho make-upkeshohin cosmeticskeshoshitsu ladies’ toilets,ladies’ room

kes·shite …-masen neverketsu·eki bloodkewashi steepki tree; mind; heartkibako wooden boxkibo hopekibun feelingkicho(na) valuable kiete iru off (lights)kigaemasu to get changedkiji material (fabric)kikai machinekikan period (of time)kiken (na) risky

kikimasu to listenkikoemasu to hearkimasu to comekimemasu to decidekimi (ga) you (sing, fam)kimi no your; yours (sing,fam)

kimi o you (sing, fam)kimi wa you (sing, fam)kimochi no i pleasantkimono kimono; Japaneseclothes

kimpatsu (no) blond kin goldkinen-hi monumentkin·en-koshitsu nonsmokingcompartment

kin·gyo goldfishkinkyu emergencykinkyu (na) urgentkino yesterdaykino no asa yesterdaymorning

kinu silkKin·yobi Fridaykinyushimasu to fill inkinzoku metalkion temperature (weather)ki o tsukete! look out!kip·pu ticketkip·pu-uriba box office; tick-et office

kirai desu hate kirei (na) beautiful; pretty;nice; clean

kirei ni shimasu to clean upkiri mist, fogkirimasu to cut kiroi yellow

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ABCDEFGHIJKLKokisu kiss kishibe shore (of lake)kis·sa-ten teahouse; cafékis shimasu to kiss kita northKita-Chosen North Koreakitai hazure (no) disappoint-ing

kitai shimasu to look for-ward to

kitanai dirtykitsui tightkit·te stamp-ko classifer for fruit, cakes,eggs and small chunkyobjects

koban police boxkocha tea (drink)kodo wire; leadkodomo child; childrenkodomo-yo (no) children’skoe voicekoen park kogai open airkogai suburbKogo-Heika Empress ofJapan

kohei (na) fair, impartialkohi coffeekoi carpkoin-randori launderette,laundromat

kojo factorykoka coinkokan-reto exchange ratekok·kyo border (of country)kokunaisen domestic flightkoko herekoko desu right here, just

here… wa koko desu here is/are...masa ni koko de just herekoko ni over herekoko no kore desu this onehere

kokonoka ninthkokonotsu ninekokuritsu (no) nationalkokusai-teki (na)international

kokuseki nationalitykokubin de by airmailkokubin·yo futo airmail enve-lope

kokyu (na) upmarketkomban tonight, thisevening

komban wa good eveningkome rice (uncooked)komichi pathkomori child minderkona-sek·ken soap powderkonda crowdedkonde iru busykondo next timekon-iro (no) navy (blue)konkai this timekonkuru contestkon·nichi wa hellokono this; thesekonoha leafkonosaki down the roadkono shita desu down herekonsento power pointkop·pu glasskore this; this one; thesekore desu ka this one here

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kore kara in futurekore wa … desu this is ...

korekuto-koru reverse chargecall, collect call

kori icekorobimasu to fall koruku-nuki corkscrewkosu coursekosaten junctionkosho breakdownkoshubenjo public toiletskoshudenwa phone box,payphone

kosobiru skyscraperkosokudoro motorway, free-way, highway

kos·setsu fracture kosui perfumekotatsu footwarmerkot·chi this; this way; herekoto coatkotoba word, languagekotsu traffickotsujiko road accidentkot·tohin antiquekot·tohin-ten antique shopkowareta damaged; brokenkowarete imasu out of orderkowashimasu to break, todamage

koza bank account, accountkozeni change, moneykozui floodkozutsumi parcel, packagekusa grasskusuri drug, medicinekusuri-ya pharmacyku ward, area of a citykubi neck

kuchi mouthkuchibeni lipstickkuchibiru lipskudaketa informalkudamono fruitKugats Septemberkuishimbo (no) greedykujira whalekujo complaintkujoo imas to complainkuki airkuko airportkumo spiderkumori (no) cloudy, dull-kun suffix used whenaddressing a young person

kuni country, nationkurabemasu to comparekurai about, approximatelykuremasu to give… o kuremasen ka? could Ihave ...?…-te kuremasen ka? couldyou ...?

kurikaeshimasu to repeatKurisumasu-Ibu ChristmasEve

kuro blackkuroi darkkuroku cloakroomkuruma carkushami o shimasu to sneezekushi combkutsu shoekutsu-himo shoelaceskutsunaoshi shoe repairerkutsu no soko sole (of shoe)kutsuzumi shoe polishkuzushimasu to change

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kyaku customerkyakusha coach, carriagekyakushitsu compartmentkyakushitsu-gakari maidkyanseru-machi standbykyo todaykyodai brotherkyodo-keiei-sha partner (i nbusiness)

kyoka permit kyokai churchkyoku-dome-yubin posterestante

kyori distancekyoryoku help kyu ninekyuden palacekyugyo closedkyu-hyaku nine hundredkyu-ju ninetykyuka holiday, vacationkyukei-jikan intervalkyuko express trainkyukyubako first-aid kitkyukyubyoto casualty depart-ment

kyukyusha ambulancekyureki lunar calendarkyusuiki fountain (fordrinking)


mabushi brightmachi town; areamachi-awase-basho meetingplace

machigai error, mistakemachigat·ta false, not truemachimasu to waitmada still; only; yetie, mada desu not yet

made to; up to; until; as farasMok·yobi made ni byThursday

mado windowmadogawa no seki windowseat

mae ago; frontichijikan mae an hour agosono mae no hi the daybefore

mae mot·te in advancemae ni in front, at the front;formerly, in the past; before

magarikado turning (in road)magomusuko grandson (one’sown)

magomusume granddaughter(one’s own)

mahobin Thermos® flask-mai classifier for pieces ofpaper, tickets and otherthin, flat objects

mainichi (no) dailymajime (na) seriousmakura pillowmakura-kaba pillow casemama mummama desu not bad, so-soman·ga comic bookmanikyua nail varnishman·naka middlemanshon apartment blockMare-hanto (no) Malay

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maroyaka (na) mildmasaka! oh no!-masen not-masen deshita didn’tmata againmata wa ormatsu pinemat·taku chigaimasu defi-nitely not

mat·taku sono tori desu defi-nitely

mawari-michi diversion,detour

mayaku drugs (narcotics)mayonaka midnightmayonaka ni in the middleof the night; at midnight

me eyemegane spectacles, eyeglassesmei niece (one’s own)meishi business cardmeisho the sightsmenkyo licencemenrui noodlesmenzei(hin) duty-free(goods)

menzeihin-ten duty-freeshop

met·ta ni not oftenmet·ta ni …-masen hardlyever

mezurashi rare, uncommon,unusual

miatarimasen missingmichi roadmidori (no) greenmidori no madoguchi ticketcounter

migi right

migi e to the rightmigi ni on the right

mihon-ichi fair; trade fairmijikai brief, shortmik·ka thirdmimasu to look at; to seemimi earmimi ga kikoenai deafminami southo minami in the south

minato harbour, portmin·geihin-ten craft shopminikui uglymin·na everyone; all… wa min·na all the ...

minshuku guesthousemiryoku-teki (na) attractivemise shopmitsukemasu to find mit·tsu threemizu watermizugi swimming trunks;swimming costume

mizumi lakemizusashi jugmo also, too; even; both ...and; neither ... nor

mo alreadymo hitotsu another, onemore

mochimasu to have; tocarry; to hold

mochinushi ownermochiron of coursemochiron chigaimasu ofcourse not

mochite handlemodorimasu to get back, toreturn

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ABCDEFGHIJKLNamodot·te ikimasu to go backmodot·te kimasu to comeback

mofu blanketmokutekichi destinationMoku·yobi Thursdaymomen cottonmomo thighmon gatemondai problemmono thingmore leak mori woods, forestmoshi ifmoshi … demo even if ...

moshi-moshi hello; I’m stillhere

mosukoshi some more, a lit-tle bit more

mot·te kimasu to bring; tofetch

mot·to moremot·to i bettermot·to sukunaku lessmot·to takusan a lot moremot·to toku furthermoyo patternmuchu(na) crazymuen-gasorin unleadedpetrol

muika sixthmuishiki (no) unconsciousmuji (no) plainmukai no oppositemukashi-fu (no) old-fash-ioned

muko there; over theremuko desu, muko ni overthere

mukogawa acrossmune chest, breastmura villagemurasaki (no) purple, violetmuryo free of chargemushi insectmushi-atsui humidmushi-sasare insect bitemusuko son (one’s own)musume daughter (one’s own)mut·tsu sixmuzukashi hard, difficultmyoji surname


nadare avalanchenagai longnagai aida a long time

nagame viewnagashi sinknagemasu to thrownaisen telephone extensionnaka insidenaka e hairimasu to go innakai-san maidnaka ni inside-nakereba narimasen I must...

nakimasu to cry nakunarimasu to disappearnakushimasu to losenama (no) rawnamae name; first name,given name

namake-mono lazynana sevennana-hyaku seven hundred

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nana-ju seventynanatsu sevennani? what?nani desu ka? what?sore wa nani desu ka?what’s that?nani demo i desu it doesn’tmatter

nani ka something, anythingnani ka … ka? would youlike anything ...?

nani mo …-masen nothingnani mo nai desu nothingelse

nanoka seventhnansei southwestnante imashita? pardon(me)?, sorry?

nanto southeastnaorimasu to cure naoshimasu to mendnao warui desu it’s worse;much worse

naraimasu to learnnarubeku hayaku as soon aspossible

naruhodo I see; indeednashi de withoutnatsu summernazenara becausene? isn’t it?, haven’t we?,haven’t you? etc

nedan cost, pricenedoko bed (Japanese-style)nega negative (f i lm)neko catnemurimasu to sleep nen·gajo New Year’s cardnenkin-seikatsu·sha pensioner

netsu fever; temperaturenetsup·poi feverishnezumi mouse; ratni two; to; in; at; into; on;indirect object particle

ni-bai (no) double; twice asmuch

ni-bam·me (no) second nibui stupidnichibotsu sunsetNichiyobi Sundaynigai bitterNigatsu Februarynihodoki shimasu to unpackNihon JapanNihon (no) Japanese Nihon·go Japanese (language)Nihon·go de in Japanese

Nihon-jin Japanese (person)ni-hyaku two hundredni-ju twentyniku meatni-kai first floor, (U S) secondfloor; twice

nik·ki diary (for personal experi-ences)

nik·ko sunshineniku-ya butcher’snimotsu luggage, baggagenimotsu o tsumemasu topack

-nin classifier for peoplenin·gyo dollnin·gyo-geki puppet showninki no aru popularninshin-chu (no) pregnantNip·pon Japannise (no) fakenishi west

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ABCDEFGHIJKLOknishukan fortnightni-to second class (train etc)niwa gardenniwaka-ame shower (of rain)no of; possessive particleno aida ni between; duringnodo throatnodo no itami sore throatno hoe towardsnojo farmnok·ku shimasu to knock nomi fleanomimasu to drink nomimono drink no mukoni beyondnorikaemasu to change(trains etc)

norimasu to get on (train etc)no shita ni under (in position)no soba near; byumi no soba by the seano soba ni beside

no soko ni at the bottom ofno soto ni outsideno tame ni because of; for no tonari next tono ue onno ushiro ni behindnuimasu to sewnunoji cloth, fabricnureta wetnusumimasu to stealnyujoryo admission charge


o object particleo- polite prefix

o-ai-dekite ureshidesu niceto meet youoba overcoatoba-san auntoba-san grandmother (some-one else’s)Obei the WestObei (no) WesternObei-jin Westernerobi sashoboete imasu to remember

obon trayocha green teaodori main road; avenueodorimasu to dance odoroku-hodo (no) astonish-ingofuku-kip·pu return ticket,round-trip ticket

ofuro bathofuro-ba bathroomofuro-tsuki de ... ... withbathroom

ogenki desu ka? how areyou?

ohayogozaimasu goodmorning

oi nephew (one’s own)oishi deliciousoji-san uncleoji-san grandfatherojo-san daughter (someoneelse’s)oku muchoku nai not a lot

oka hillokagesama de fine; wellokane money

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okane o tsukaimasu to spendokanjo bill, (U S) checkoka-san motherokashi funny, strangeoki big, largeokimasu to get up; to leave;to keep; to put

okiwasuremasu to leavebehind

okorimasu to happenokot·ta angryoku-san wife (someone else’s)okugai outdoorokunai indoorokure delay okurimasu to sendokurimono giftokyaku-sama guestokyu-teate first aidomago-san grandchild (some-one else’s)

omatase sorry to keep youwaiting

omatsuri festivalomawari-san policemanomedeto! congratulations!Omisoka New Year’s Eveomiyage souveniromo (na) mainomocha toyomoi serious, grave; heavyomoimas to thinkomosa weightomoshiroi exciting; interest-ing; funny, amusing

omutsu nappy, diaperonaji the sameonaji yo (na) similaronaka stomach

onaka ga suita hungryonegai shimasu please; thankyouhai, onegai shimasu yes,please

one-san sisteron·gaku musicon·gak-ka musicianoni-san brotheron·na no ko girlonsen hot springOranda HollandOranda (no) Dutch orenji-iro (no) orangeorigami paper foldingorikaeshi denwa shimasu toring back

orimasu to get out; to getoff

oroshimasu to let offosake alcoholic drinkosaki ni good night; good-bye; see you

osenko joss stickoshare (na) trendy, fashion-able

oshibori moistened handtowel

oshikomi-goto burglaryoshimasu to pushoshire cupboard, closetoshiri hip; bottomOshogatsu New Yearosoi slow; lateosoku slowlyosoraku probablyosoroshi horrible, awfulososhiki funeralosugi too many, too much

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ABCDEFGHIJKLRyosugimasu that is too muchosuwari kudasai sit downotanjobi omedeto gozaimasu!happy birthday!

otera Buddhist templeotoko no hito manotoko no ko boyotona adultoto-san father; dadotoshiyori old personototo brother (one’s own:younger)

ototoi the day before yester-day

owan bowlowari end owarimasu to finish owarimashita it’s finishedoyasuminasai good nightoya-yubi thumboyogimasu to swim


pachinko pinballpak·ku-ryoko package holi-day

pan breadpanfuret·to brochurepanku puncture panti–sutok·kingu tights,pantyhose

pantsu underpants; shortspan-ya baker’spiru contraceptive pillpop·pusu pop musicposuto letterbox, mailboxpurasutik·ku plastic

purat·to-homu platform;track

puru swimming pool


raishu next weekraishu no ashita a weektomorrowraishu no kyo a week today

rai-u thunderstormregyura regular unleadedpetrol

rei examplereitoshita frozenreizoko fridgerek·kasha breakdown servicerenji cookerrenta-ka rented car; carrental

rentaru (no) to rent, for hirerenzu lens; camera lens; con-tact lens

reshito receiptrimujin-basu airport busrinsu conditioner (for hair)roji laneroku sixroka corridorRokugatsu Juneroku-ju sixtyromendensha tramrop·pyaku six hundredrosenzu network maprosoku candleryo amount (quantity)ryogae-jo bureau de changeryogae-reto exchange rate

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ryoho bothryojikan consulateryokan Japanese traditionalinn

ryokin charge; fare; rentalryokinbako fare boxryoko journeysore dewa tanoshi ryoko o!have a good journey!

ryokogaisha travel agent’sryokokyaku touristryokoshimasu to travelryori food; dish (meal)ryori shimasu to cook ryoshin parents (one’s own)ryukookure (no) unfashion-able


sabisu-ryo service chargesagashimasu to search, tolook for

sai-aku (no) worstsaifu purse; walletsaigai disastersaigo (no) final, lastsaijitsu public holidaysaijokai top floorsaikin recentlysaiko(no) bestsaishin (no) latest, mostrecent, up-to-date

saisho (no) firstsaisho ni at first

saishoku-shugisha vegetariansaizu sizesakana fish

sakana-ya fishmonger’ssakasama upside downsakazuki sake cupsaki firstsakihodo earliersakura cherry blossomsakura no ki cherry tree-sama Mr; Mrs; Ms; Misssambashi jettysam-byaku three hundredsamonaito otherwisesampatsu haircut (man’s)samui coldsan three-san Mr; Mrs; Ms; MissSan·gatsu Marchsan-ju thirtysan-kai second floor, (U S)third floor; three times

san-shoku-tsuki full boardsara platesarari-man businessman;salaried worker

sarubin surface mail, over-land mail

sato sugar-satsu classifier for bookssawagashi loudsayonara goodbyese ga takai tallseifu governmentseihin productseijo(na) normalseika net priceseikaku (na) accurateseikyusho bill, (U S) check;invoice

seiri period (menstruation)seiri-yonapukin sanitary nap-

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seishiki (na) formalseiyo(no) Occidentalsekai worldseki seat; coughsek·ken soapsemai narrow (street)-semasu to let, to allowsem·mendai washhand basinsempuki fan (electrical)sen thousand; line; plug (i nsink)

senaka back (of body)senaka no itami backachesenchi centimetresen·nuki bottle-openerse no hikui shortsensei teacher; polite formof address for teachers,doctors, dentists etc

senshitsu cabinsenshu last weeksenshukara since last weeksenshuno Kin·yobi last Fridaysensu fansentak-ki washing machinesentaku-mono washing,laundry

sentaku-ya laundry (place)sento public bathssen·yono basu-toire privatebathroom

senzai washing powderserotepu Sellotape®, Scotchtape®

ses·shi centigradeseta pullover, sweatersetomono chinasetsubi equipment

setsumei shimasu to explainsetsuzoku connection (i ntravelling)

setsuzokubin connectingflight

sewa o shimasu to look aftershacho managing director,president (of company)

shako garage (for parking)shareta poshsharin wheelshasen lane (on motorway)shashin photo; pictureshatsu shirtshawa-tsuki (no) with showershi death; city; fourshiai game, matchshibafu lawnshibai play (in theatre)shibutsu belongingsshichaku shimasu to try onshichaku-shitsu fitting roomshichi sevenShichigatsu Julyshigai-kyokuban diallingcode, area code

Shigatsu Aprilshigoto business; job, workshihainin managershiharai paymentshiharaimasu to pay shihei banknote, (U S) billshijo market (in business)shiken examshiki-buton mattressshikiten ceremonyshik·ki lacquerwareshima islandshimarimasu to close

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shimasu to do; to play; togive; to make; to work (as);to taste; to smell; to feel; tosound; to cost

shimat·ta closedshimbun newspaper, papershimbun·ya newsagent’sshimemasu to shut shimet·ta dampshimo frostshimpai worriedshinai: … shinai ho ga i desuyou shouldn’t ...

shincho heightshinda deadshindaisha sleeper, sleepingcar

shin·go traffic lightsshin·gu bedding (W estern-style)

shin·guru single roomshin·guru-bed·do single bedshinimasu to dieshinjiran·nai unbelievableshinkansen bullet trainshinsen (na) freshshinsetsu (na) friendly, nice;kind; generous

shinshifuku-uriba menswearshinshitsu bedroomshintai-shogai-sha disabledperson; the disabled

shinzo heartshirabemasu to find out; tocheck

shirafu (no) sobershirimasen I don’t knowshiro castleshiroi white

shita downstairs; tongueshita (ni) belowshita e ikimasu to go downshite: … shite kuremasen ka?could you please ...?

shi-teki (na) privateshitsugyo-chu unemployedshitsumon questionshitsurei (na) rudeshitsurei shimasu excuse meshit·te imasu to knowshiyo-chu engaged, occupiedshizen (na) natural; peaceful,quiet

shizuka ni! quiet!shobosho fire brigadeshodoku-zai antisepticshogi Japanese chessshogo midday, noonshohosen prescriptionshoji sliding door (wooden lat-tice and paper)

shoka-furyo indigestionshokai shimasu to introduceshokaki fire extinguishershokbutsu plantshokudosha restaurant car,buffet car

shokuji mealshokuji o shimasu to havedinner

shok·ki o araimasu to do thewashing-up

shok·ki-yosenzai washing-upliquid

shokuryohin food (in shop)shokuryohin-ten foodshop/store

shomei signature

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ABCDEFGHIJKLSushomeisho certificateshonin witnessshorai futureshorui documentshotai invitationshotai shimasu to inviteshotsu pants, pantiesshu week (this, last, next etc)shujin husband (one’s own)shukai meetingshukan custom; week (one,two, three etc)

shukyo religionshumatsu weekendshumi hobbyshup·patsu departureshup·patsu-raunji departurelounge

shup·patsu shimasu to leave,to depart

shuri shimasu to repair shurui type, make, brandname

shut·cho business tripshuten terminussukoshi a little bit, notmuch; little; some

sukoshi no a fewsukunaku-tomo at leastso soso desu that’s right

sobi equipmentsoin monasterysojiki vacuum cleanersoko (de) theresoko-kyori-museigen unlim-ited mileage

sokutatsu express (mail)somatsu (na) poor (quality)

son·na such; so; like thatson·na ni takusan ja nakunot so muchson·na ni waruku nai not sobad

sono the; that (nearby)sono tori desu that’s it

sono toki then, at that timeso-on noisesora skysore it; that (nearby); that one(nearby); those; them(objects)sore dake desu that’s allsore de i desu ka? is thatOK?sore desu that onesore wa … des it is ...sore zembu all of it

sorekara and thensorera (ga) they (inanimateobjects)

sorera no their; theirs (inani-mate objects)

sorera o them (inanimateobjects)

sorera wa they (inanimateobjects)

sorezore (no) each, everysoridaijin prime ministersoryo Buddhist priestsoshite andsoto ni outsidesozai-ya delicatessensutando lampsuteki (na) lovelysutemasu to throw awaysubarashi beautiful; excel-lent, great, wonderful

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subete everythingsubete no everysugu at once, immediately;soonsugu ni straightaway; in aminute

-sugimasu toosugoi super, greatsugoi! well done!

suichu-yokusen hydrofoilsuido-ya plumbersuijo-ski waterskiingsuit·chi switchSuiyobi Wednesdaysujitsu mae the other daysuki: … ga suki desu ka? doyou like ...?suki desu I like itsuki ja arimasen I don’t likeit

sumi cornersumi ni in the corner

sumimasen thanks; sorry;may I?

suna sandsunde imasu to live sunika trainerssupa supermarketsup·pai soursuwarimasu to sit downsuzushi cool


tabako cigarettetabemasu to eattabemono foodtabitabi (no) frequent

tabun perhaps, maybetabun chigau desho perhapsnot

tada free of chargetadashi correct, righttaifu typhoonTaiheiyo Pacific Oceantaikutsu boredtaikutsu (na) boringtaira (na) flat taisetsu (na) importanttaishikan embassytaitei most; mostly, most ofthe timetaitei no most

taiyo suntakai high; expensive; talltakasa heighttake bambootak·kyu table tennistako kitetako-age kite-flyingtakusan a lot, lots takusan (no) much; many; alot, lotstakusan no … plenty of ..., alot of ...

takushi-noriba taxi ranktakushi no unten-shu taxi-driver

takuwae supply tambo paddy fieldtameshimasu to try tana shelftani valleytanjobi birthdaytanomimasu to asktanoshimimasu to enjoyoneself

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ABCDEFGHIJKLTotansha mopedtaoru flannel; toweltarimasen there’s notenough

tashika certain, suretashika desu ka? are yousure?tashika ni certainly

tasukete! help!tatami straw mattatoeba for exampletatoe …-temo even iftazunemasu to visit te handtebukuro glovestecho notebook; diarytegami lettertegoro (na) reasonable; inex-pensive

tehai shimasu to arrangeteiki-bin scheduled flightteikiken rail passteinei (na) politetekubi wristtencho manager (in shop)te ni iremasu to get, to fetchtenimots baggage; hand lug-gage

tenimotsu-azukari-jo left lug-gage (office), baggagecheckroom

tenimotsu-uketori-jo baggageclaim

tenjikan paviliontenki weatherTen·no-Heika Emperor ofJapan

tenrankai exhibitiontenso-saki forwarding

addresstento tenttep·pen ni at the topterebi televisionteru-rampu rear lightstetsudaimasu to help tetsudo railwaytis·shu (pepa) tissues,Kleenex®

to with, accompanying; and;door (of house: Japanese-style)

-to metropolisto pagoda; tentobimasu to fly tochaku arrivaltochaku shimasu to arrive, toget in

todana cupboardtoi fartoire toilet, rest roomtojiki crockerytojikomemasu to lock intojoken boarding passtoku (no) distanttoka tenthtokei clock, watchtoki potterytokidoki sometimestok·kyu super express traintoku ni especiallytokonoma alcovetokoro place; someone’shouse

toko-ya barber’sTokyowan Tokyo Baytomarimasu to stop; to stay tomei (no) cleartomemasu to switch off(engine)

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tomodachi friendton·neru tunneltoranku boot (of car), (U S)trunk

torena sweatshirttori birdtori streettoridashimasu to get out, totake out

torihiki deal (business)torikaemasu to change, toreplace

torikeshimasu to canceltorimasu to take, to accepttorokuban·go registrationnumber, license number

toshi age; city; yeartoshi o tot·ta old (person)totemo quite; very, extreme-ly; so; a lot

totemo oishi delicious, excel-lent

totsuzen ni suddenlytot·te handletot·te throughtot·te okimasu to keep toyo(no) Oriental, Easterntozan mountaineeringtsugi (no) nextsono tsugi no hi the day after

tsugono i convenient (time)tsukaeta stucktsukaimasu to use tsukamaemasu to fetch; tocatch

tsukaremashita I’m tiredtsukareta tiredtsukemasu to switch on (T V,lights)

tsuki moontsukiatari end of a roadtsukimasu to arrivetsukurimasu to make tsuma wife (one’s own)tsumaranai dull, uninterest-ing

tsumasaki toetsume nail (finger)tsumetai cold-tsu classifier for letterstsua tour tsuika-ryokin supplement,extra charge

tsuin twin roomtsui ni eventuallytsuitach firsttsuite no about, concerningtsujite imasu to lead tsurete ikimasu to take, tolead

tsurogawa no seki aisle seattsuyadashi polish tsuyaku interpretertsuyu rainy seasontsuyoi strong


ubaguruma buggyuchi homeuchimasho dealsore de te o uchimasho it’s adeal

ude armudedokei wristwatchue upstairs; above… no ue ni on top of ...

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ugokashimasu to move uketorimasu to acceptuketsuke reception deskuketsuke de at reception

uketsuke-gakari receptionistuketsukemasu to acceptukezara sauceruma horseumi seaumibe shoreun luckuntem·menkyosho drivinglicence

unten shimasu to drive untenshu driverun·yoku fortunatelyura backureshi happy, gladuridashi-chu for saleurimasu to selluru woolurusai noisyurusai! shut up!

ushiro ni at the backuso o tsukimasu to lie, to telluntruth

usu-… pale (colour)usui weak; thin; light, paleuta songutaimasu to singutsukushi beautiful


wa subject particlewafu Japanese-stylewakai young

wakarimasu to understandwakarimasu ka? do youunderstand?wakarimasen I don’t under-stand

wakimichi side streetwan baywaraimasu to laugh waribiki discountwarikan going Dutchwarui bad; illwaruku badlywashi paperwasuremasu to forgetwatakushi (ga) I (pol)watakushi no my; mine (pol)watakushi o me (pol)watakushi wa I (pol)watashi (ga) Iwatashi mo me toowatashi mo so desu so am I,so do I

watashi no my; minewatashi no desu it’s mine

watashi o mewatashi wa Iwatashi wa … desu I am

watashitachi (ga) wewatashitachi no our; ourswatashitachi o uswatashitachi wa wewaza to deliberatelywinka indicator


yakan kettleyakedo burn

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yakedo shimasu to burn yak·kai-goto trouble yak·kyoku pharmacyyaku ni tatsu helpful; usefulyakuso herbs (medicinal)yakyu baseballyama mountainyamagoya cabin (in mountains)yamete kudasai! stop it!yane roofyao-ya greengrocer’syasai vegetablesyasashi easyyaseta thin, skinnyyasui cheap, inexpensive;low

yasumi holiday, vacationyat·tsu eightyawarakai softyoake dawnyofu(no) Western-styleyofuku clothes (W estern)yogore dirtyogoreta pollutedyoi ga dekita readyyoku oftenyoka eighthyokat·ta! good!yokubari (na) greedyyok·ka fourthyoku kireru sharpyoko sideyoko ni narimasu to lie downyokuso bath, bathtubyom-bun no ichi quarteryomimasu to readyomoku foreign cigarettesyon fouryon-hyaku four hundred

yon-ju fortyyop·parat·ta drunk yorimasu: bai ni yorimas itdepends

yorimo thanyoru nightyoshi form, documentyoshinasai! don’t do that!yotei scheduleyot·tsu fouryowai weakyoyaku reservation; appoint-ment

yoyaku shimasu to book, toreserve

yube last nightyubi fingeryubimban·go postcode, zipcode

yubin post, mailyubi-nin·gyo puppetyubinkyoku post officeyubinkyoku no honkyokumain post office

yubiwa ring (on finger)yudoku (na) poisonousyuen four-star petrolyuenchi fair, funfairyugata eveningyuka floor (of room)yukata cotton dressing gownyuki snowyuk·kuri slowlyyuko(na) valid (ticket etc)yumei (na) famousyurui looseyushoku evening mealyusoshimasu to post, to mail yut·tari shita comfortable

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zabuton floor cushionzan·nen (des)! what ashame!, it’s a pity!

zas·shi magazinezeikan Customszeitaku (na) luxuriouszembu the whole lot, all ofthemsore zembu all of it

zembu de altogetherZen-dera Zen templezenkai last timezensai starter, appetizerZen-so Zen priestZen-tei Zen gardenzenzen not in the leastzet·tai chigaimasu! certainlynot!

zo statuezubon trousers, (U S) pantszutsu headachezut·to much, a lot more

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EnglishSigns and


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ContentsGeneral Signs ....................................................................215Airport, Planes ..................................................................215Banks, Money....................................................................216Bus Travel ..........................................................................216Countries, Nationalities ....................................................217Customs ............................................................................218Days ..................................................................................218Emergencies ......................................................................218Entertainment ..................................................................219Ferry, Boat Services ..........................................................220Forms ................................................................................220Garages..............................................................................220Geographical Terms ..........................................................221Hairdresser’s, Beauty Salon ................................................221Health ..............................................................................222Hiring, Renting ................................................................222Hotels................................................................................222Japanese Culture and Festivals............................................223Lifts (Elevators) ..................................................................223Medicines ..........................................................................224Months..............................................................................224Notices on Doors..............................................................224Phones ..............................................................................225Place Names......................................................................225Post Office ........................................................................226Public Holidays ................................................................226Restaurants, Cafés and Bars ..............................................227Road Signs ........................................................................228Shopping ..........................................................................228Streets and Roads ..............................................................230Taxis ..................................................................................230Timetables ........................................................................231Toilets................................................................................231Train Types ........................................................................231Train and Underground Travel ..........................................232Youth Hostels ....................................................................233

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General Signs

�� otona adult�� kodomo child�� kiken danger�� nomimizu drinkingwater�� ��… okotowari … forbidden�� an·nai information������������ shibafu nihairanaide kudasai keep offthe grass�� !"# tachiiri-kinshi keep out$%& kinryoku no fishing'( kin·en no smoking)* kosho out of order+, gomi litter-./012 gomisteruna no litter3456 odanhodopedestrian crossing789:shizukani quiet,please

Airport, Planes ;< kuko airport=>?@ kuko-basuairport busABC kokubin flight DE bim·mei flight numberFG tochaku arrival(s)

HI shup·patsudeparture(s)JKL ikisaki destinationMNOPQ … iki boundfor …RS keiyu viaTUV tojoguchi boardinggateWXY tojoken boarding passZ[\ geto gate]^ higashi-guchi east exit(or entrance)_` kita-guchi north exit(or entrance)ab minami-guchi southexit (or entrance)cd nishi-guchi west exit(or entrance)ef koku airlineghi kokuken airline ticketjkl Zen-Nik·ku AllNippon Airways����kokunai-sendomestic airlines��� kokusai-seninternational airlines�� Nihon-KokuJapan Airlines� yoyaku reservations���an·nai information��� an·nai-gakariinformation desk������tenimotsu-uketori-jo baggageclaim




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������ chek·ku-incheck-in� ! menzei-ten duty-free shop

Banks, Money

"# ginko bank$%&'()*+gaikoku-kawase-konin-ginkoauthorized foreignexchange bank,-. ryogaejo bureau dechange, foreign exchange/012 gaikoku-kawaseforeign exchange34 madoguchi counter56789 kawase-retoexchange rate:; furikae transfer<=>? kawase-tegatabanker’s draft @ABCDEFGHI� traberazu-chek·kutraveller’s chequeJKLMNOPQkurejit·to-kado credit cardRSTU kado-ka creditcards acceptedVWXY kozaban·goaccount numberZ[ koza bank account\] ryokin fee^_ yuryo fee charged

`a muryo no chargebcd shohi-zei VAT, (US)consumption taxe en yenf yengh doru dollarijk pondo poundsterling

Bus Travellm basu busnopqrsbasu-senta bus station��� basu-tei bus stop����� basu-noribabus boarding point�� ��basu-taminaru bus terminal����� … iki boundfor …��� shi-basu municipalbus���� toei-basumunicipal bus (in Tokyo)���� kip·pu-uribaticket office!" kip·pu ticket#$% kaisuken book oftickets&'( unchin-hyo table offares)* yuko valid+,-./01 joshawa mae tobira kara enter at

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front door2345678 koshawa ushiro tobira kara exit atrear door9:; unchim-bako fare box<=> ryokin-bako fare box?@ kaiso out of serviceABCD tsugi-wa-teishastopping at the next stopEFG seisanjo excess fareoffice


HIJK AmerikaAmerica;AmericanLMNOPQROsutoraria Australia;AustralianS Ei Britain; British;England; EnglishTU Eikoku Britain; British;England; EnglishVWX Kanada Canada;CanadianYZ Chugoku China;Chinese[\]^_ Dem·makuDenmark; Danish`abc OrandaHolland; Dutchdefg Igirisu England;English; Britain; British

hijkl Yorop·paEurope; Europeanmnop Fransu France;Frenchq Futsu France; Frenchrst Doitsu Germany;Germanu Doku Germany; Germanvwx Indo India; Indianyz{| Itaria Italy;Italian� Nichi Japan; Japanese�� Nihon Japan; Japanese����� MareshiaMalaysia; Malay�� ���Nyu-Jirando New Zealand��� Kita-Chosen NorthKorea; North Korean����� NorueNorway; Norwegian���� …-jin person��� ! FiripinPhilippines; Filipina"#$ Roshia Russia;Russian%& Kankoku South Korea;South Korean'()* Spein Spain;Spanish+,-./0 SuedenSweden; Swedish1 Bei USA23 Beikoku USA

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45 zeikan Customs6789 zeikan-shinsaCustoms check:;<=>zeikan-kokuchi-sho Customsdeclaration form?@ABCD zeikan-shinkoku-yoshi Customsdeclaration formEF shuk·koku departurefrom a countryGH nyukoku entry into acountryIJKLMnyukoku-kado entry card,landing cardNOPQ nyukoku-shinsaentry examinationRST gaikoku-jinforeignersUVWXYshutsunyukoku-kanriimmigrationZ[\ Nihon-jin Japanesenationals]^ ken·eki quarantine

Days_`a Getsuyobi Mondaybcd Kayobi Tuesdayefg Suiyobi Wednesdayhij Moku·yobi

Thursdayklm Kin·yobi Fridaynop Doyobi Saturdayqrs Nichiyobi Sunday

Emergencies��� kyukyu-shaambulance

119� hyaku-ju-kyu-banambulance; fire brigade�� byoin hospital�� kyukyu-byoinemergency hospital�� �� okyu-teatefirst aid��� kyukyu-bako first-aid box����� kyukyu-set·tofirst-aid kit, emergency kit

110� hyaku-to-ban police�� keisats police����� kasai-hochikifire alarm !" shobosho firebrigade#$% shokaki fireextinguisher&'( hinan·guchiemergency exit)*+ hijoguchiemergency exit,-.kosho breakdown/01234 hijo-yobidashi emergency call

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5678 hijo-denwaemergency telephone

Entertainment9:; eigakan cinema,movie theater<= eiga film, movie>?@A seijin-eiga adultfilmBCDEFGHanimeshon cartoonIJ yoga Western filmKL jimaku subtitlesMNOPQR rodoshospecial releaseSTU joei-chu nowshowingVWXY kaijo-jikanopening timeZ[\ maeuri-ken advancebooking]^ gekijo theatre_` kip·pu ticketabcd kip·pu-uribaticket office, box officee seki seatfg zaseki seathijk zaseki-ban·goseat numberlmn shiteiseki reservedseat��� shitei-ken reservedseat ticket�� manseki all seats taken

�� man·in full� geki play, drama� jidai-geki historicalplay or film� �� Teikoku-GekijoImperial Theatre���� Kabuki-zakabuki theatre���� Kokuritsu-GekijoNational Theatre�� Bunraku traditionalpuppet theatre� No Noh play�� Kyogen traditionalcomic drama��� Kabuki traditionaldrama from the Edo period !"# disuko disco$%&'()naito-kurabu nightclub*+,-./hosutesu-ba hostess bar0123 karaoke karaokebar456789 miseinen-okotowari minors notadmitted:;<=>?@Amiseinensha-nyujo-mukominors not admittedBCDE pachinko pinballFGHIJKL gemu-senta amusement arcadeMNOPQRSTUtakis·shu basu Turkish bath

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Ferry, BoatServicesVWXYZ kyumei-botolifeboat[\]^ feri ferry; ferryservice_`abcde hoba-kurafuto hovercraftfghi suichu-yokusenhydrofoil

Formsjk yoshi formlmnop anketoquestionnaireqrstuvwxyz{|}~borupen degokinyu kudasai write in ink�� shimei full name��� onamae name�� jusho address���� taizaijushoaddress during stay��� renrakusaki contactaddress�� nenrei age��� seinen-gap·pidate of birth� kokuseki nationality� shokugyo occupation�������pasupoto-ban·go passportnumber

���� ryoken-ban·gopassport number������� gaikoku-jin-toroku-shomeisho foreignresident’s ID card, alienregistration card!"#$%mibun-shomeisho ID card&'()* shup·patsu-yoteibi intended date ofdeparture+,-. taizai-nis·sulength of stay/0 hakusu length of visit1234honichi-mokuteki purpose ofvisit567 go-shome signature89: sain signature

Garages;<=>?@ABgasorin-sutando petrolstation, (US) gas stationCDEF gasorin petrol,(US) gasGH sekiyu petrol, (US) gasIJ keiyu dieselKLMN hai-oku highoctaneOPQR supa super,premiumSTUVW regyura

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regular unleadedXYZ oiru oil[\ toyu paraffin, kerosene]^_`abc jidosha-seibi-kojo auto repairsde sensha car washfg ryokin fee, chargehi yuryo fee, chargejklm muryotenkenfree inspection no muryo no chargepqrstu tenken-sabisu servicevwxyz{| taiya-chek·ku tyre check, (US) tirecheck} mizu water~� eya air


� misaki cape, promontory� kuni country� mori forest�� onsen hot spring� shima island� mizumi lake� chizu map yama mountain�� sam·myaku mountainrange � hanto peninsula� kawa river

� umi sea�� chojo summit� tani valley�� kazan volcano� taki waterfall� shi town, city� mura village��ken prefecture� higashi east� kita north�� chiho region, area��minami south �nishi west!" Kansai Kansai Region(Osaka etc)#$ Kanto Kanto Region(Tokyo etc)

Hairdresser’s,Beauty Salon

%&' biyoin hairdresser’s,beauty salon() tokoya barber’s shop*+, rihatsu·ten barber’sshop-./012345byuti-saron beauty salon6789:; buro-doraiblow dry<=> kat·to cut?@ chohatsu cut������heya-sutairu hairstyle

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��� heya-set·to set� ������shampu-set-to shampoo andset�� sempatsu wash����� manikyuamanicure����� mas·sajimassage

Health ! isha doctor"#$ haisha dentist%& in (small) hospital'( byoin hospital)*+ shinryojo clinic,-. hokenjo publichealth centre/0 shinryo consultation1234 shinryo-jikanconsultation hours

Hiring, Renting56789 kashi-… … hire, … rental:;<=> kashi-jitenshabicycle hire?@ABC kashi-botoboat hireDEFGH kashi-jidoshacar rentalIJKLM rentaka carrental

NOPQ kashibeya roomto letRSTU jikan-gashihourly rentalVW atama-kin depositXYZ tetsukekin deposit[\]^ kyori-baraipayment by distance_`abc jikan-baraipayment by the hourdefghijkrentaru-sabisu rental servicelmn ni-di-ke two roomsand dining kitchen

Hotelsopq hoteru hotelrs minshuku guesthousetuvwxyzbijinesu-hoteru businesshotel{|}~���kapuseru- hoteru capsulehotel�� ryokan traditional inn��� kaikei-gakari cashier���� furontoreception� uketsuke reception�� robi lobby ����������Nihon-Kotsu-Kosha JapanTravel Bureau�� dantai group

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�� yoyaku reservations�� heya room�� washitsu Japanese-style room ! yoshitsu Western-styleroom"# reibo air-conditioning$%& ofuro bath'()*+,-.dainingu-rumu dining room/0 shokudo dining room123 inryosui drinkingwater456 nomimizu drinkingwater789:;< kuriningudry-cleaning=> dambo heating?@ onsen hot springABCD raunji loungeEFGHIJKrumu-sabisu room serviceLM denwa telephoneNOPQRS jido-hambaikivending machine

JapaneseCulture andFestivals (see also

Public Holidays)

TU jin templeVS tera templeWX jinja shrine

YZ sumo traditionalJapanese wrestling[\ Shogatsu New Year]^ Setsubun Bean-Throwing Festival (3February)_` Hina-matsuri Girls’Festival, Doll Festival (3March)ab Hanami CherryBlossom Viewing cd Hana-matsuriBuddha’s Birthday (8 April)ef Tanabata Star Festival(7 July)gh Obon Bon Festival,Buddhist festival celebratedin summer��� ShichigosanFestival for 3, 5 and 7 yearolds (15 November)����� KurisumasuChristmas� bijutsukan artgallery� � hakbutsukanmuseum �� onsen hot spring��� ofuro public bath

Lifts (Elevators)������ erebetalift, elevator� …-kai floor, storey

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�� chikai basement�� ik·kai ground floor,(US) first floor� ni·kai first floor, (US)second floor!" te·in capacity#$ man·in full% hei close& kai open' ue up( shita down)*+, hijoteishiemergency stop-./01hijodenwaemergency telephone23 kosho out of order

Medicines4567891ichinichi …-jo … tablets a day:;<=>?ichinichi …-kai … times aday@A shokugo after mealsBCD shushinzen beforegoing to bedEF shokuzen before mealsGH shok·kan between mealsIJKL fuku·yohohodirections for oral useMN tekiryo dosageO saji spoonful(s)PQ jozai tabletsRSTUV asupirin

aspirin WXY chintsu-zaipainkillerZ[\]^_`ahi-pirin-kei-chintsu-zaiparacetamol�������sekidome-dorop·pu throatlozenges

Months� Ichigatsu January� Nigatsu February� San·gatsu March�� Shigatsu April�� Gogatsu May���Rokgatsu June�� Shichigatsu July�� Hachigatsu August�� Kugatsu September�� Jugatsu October��� JuichigatsuNovember !" JunigatsuDecember

Notices on Doors#$ iriguchi entrance, way in%& deguchi exit, way out'()* jido-doaautomatic door+, hiku pull-. osu push

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/01 eigyochu open23 hiraku to open4 kai open5 hei closed678 tojiru to close, to shut9: kyujitsu closed;<= eigyochu open forbusiness>?@A nenju-mukyuopen all year roundBCDEF Getsu-yo-teikyubi closed on MondaysGHIJK nichi-saijitsu-yasumi closed on Sundaysand National HolidaysLMNO honjitsu-kyugyoclosed todayPQR teikyubi closed forholidaysSTUV hijodeguchiemergency exitWXY hijoguchiemergency exitZ[\ hinan·guchiemergency exit]^_` kaiho-genkinkeep closedabcde nyujookotowari no admittancefghijklmnopq kankeisha igai notachiiri kinshi no admittancefor unauthorized personnelrstuvwtachiiri-kinshi no entry


xy denwa phonez{|} koshudenwapublic phone~�����denwa-bok·ksu phone booth������ Kokusai-Denshin-Denwa OverseasTelecommunications Service�������terehon-kado phonecard��� denwadai call charge��� tsuwaryo call charge��� kokanshu operator��� denwacho directory�� naisen extension� ¡¢ denwaban·gophone number£¤¥¦ kokusai-denwainternational call§¨©ª shinai-denwalocal call����� chokyori-denwa long-distance call��� shigai-denwaout-of-town call�� � fak·kusu fax;fax machine

Place Names�� Hakone�� Hiroshima��� Hok·kaido

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�� Honshu�� Ise�� Kamakura�� Kobe�� Kyoto ! Kyushu"# Nagasaki$%& Nagoya'( Nara)* Nik·ko+, Osaka-. Shikoku/0 Tokyo12 Yokohama

Post Office345 yubinkyoku postoffice

yubinkyoku no makusymbol for Japanese postoffice 67 madoguchi counter89 kit·te stamp:; tegami letter<= kozutsumi parcel,package>?@A koku-shokanaerogrammeBCD kokubin airmailEF sokutatsu express mailGH kakitome registeredmailIJ funabin sea mailKLM sarubin surface

mail, overland mailNO jusho addressPQ atena addresseeRST insatsubutsuprinted matterUV tomeoki poste restante,general deliveryWX kawase money orderYZ chiho out of town[\]^ gaikoku-mukeoverseas mail_`ab tokunai to otherparts of Toykocde tafuken to otherprefectures

Public Holidaysfg shukujitsu publicholidayhiGanjitsu New Year’sDayjklm Sejin-no-hiComing-of-Age Day (2ndMonday in January)nopqr kenkoku-kinem·bi NationalFoundation Day (11 February)stuv shum-bun·no-hiVernal Equinoxwxyz{ midori-no-hiThe Greenery Day (29 April)|}~��kempokinem·bi ConstitutionDay (3 May)

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���� kodomo-no-hiBoys’ Festival, Children’sDay (5 May)��� Sea Day (20 July)�� keiro-no-hiRespect the Aged Day (15September)� �� shubun·no-hiAutumnal Equinox���� tai·iku-no-hiSports Day (2nd Monday inOctober)���� bunka-no-hiCulture Day (3 November)������kinrokansha-no-hi LabourThanksgiving Day (23November)�� !" Ten·no-tanjobiThe Emperor’s Birthday (23December)

Restaurants,Cafés and Bars

#$ shokudo restaurant%&' ryori-ya restaurant()*+, restoranrestaurant-. kap·po upmarketrestaurant/0 ryotei upmarketrestaurant12 washoku Japanese

restaurant3456 chuka-ryoriChinese restaurant789 tempura restaurantspecializing in deep-friedfood:;<= koryori-ya smallrestaurant usually servinglocal dishes>? meshi-ya small localrestaurant@AB sushi-dokoro sushirestaurantCDEFG shojin-ryori-yavegetarian restaurantHIJ shokji-dokoro verysmall local restaurantKLM eigyo-chu mealsbeing servedNO teishoku set mealPQ soba noodlesRSTU ramen ChinesenoodlesVWX okaikei cashierYZ[ kis·saten coffee shop\]^_ keishoku-kis·sacoffee shop serving lightmeals`a keishoku snackbarbcde snak·kusnackbarfghijk snak·kubasnackbarlm ba barnop izaka-ya bar,serving local cuisine

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qrs nomi-ya bar,serving food, often from amobile stall

Road Signstuvw sasetsu-kinshino left turnxyz{ usetsu-kinshi noright turn|}~� teisha-kinshi nostopping���� tsuko-kinshi nothrough traffic���� tsuko-dome nothrough traffic��������spido o otose reduce speed���� saiko-sokudomaximum speed���� dorokoji roadunder construction��� koji-chu road works���� kyukabu sharpbend�  joko slow¡¢£¤ it·tan-teishi stop¥¦§¨ it·tan-teisha stop©ª« tomare stop¬­®¯°±²³kono saki hyaku-metoru 100metres ahead��� jiko accident�� chui caution�� kiken danger

��mawari-michidiversion, detour�� � kosokudoroexpressway�� kokudo nationalmotorway/highway���� yuryodoro tollroad �� ryokin fee�� yuryo fee charged�� muryo no charge��� kosaten junction,intersection�� honsen lane forthrough traffic ! fumikiri level crossing,railroad crossing"#$ chushajo car park,parking lot%&'() hijo-chusha-tai emergencyparking area*+,-. ichiji-azukarishort-term parking/012 chusha-kinshino parking34 mansha car park/parking lot full

Shopping5678 …-ya… shop/store9:;< …-ten… shop/store

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=> reji cash desk, cashier?@ kaikei cashierABC okanjo pay hereDEFG kot·tohin-tenantique shop, curiosity shopHIJKLMN odio-seihin audio and hi-fiequipmentOPQ pan-ya baker’sRS hon-ya bookshop,bookstoreTU shoten bookshop,bookstoreVW niku-ya butcher’sXYZ[ keki-ya cake shop\]^_ kamera-yacamera shop`abcdefkodomofuku(-uriba)children’s weargh toki chinaijkl setomono-yachina shopmno kis·saten coffee shoppqrs okashi-yaconfectioner’s, candy storetuv keshohin cosmeticswxyz depatodepartment store{|}~���kuriningu-ten dry cleaner’s���� denki-seihinelectrical goods��� denki-ya electricalgoods shop

�� sakana-ya fishmonger�� hana-ya florist�� shokuhin food��� kudamono-ya fruitshop��� yao-ya greengrocer’s���� shokuryohin-tengrocer’s��� kanamono-yahardware store�� kimono kimonos�� baiten kiosk ¡¢£ daidokoro-yohinkitchen goods¤¥¦§¨©ª fujin-fuku(-uriba) ladies’ weardepartment��������koin-randori launderette,laundromat ichiba market�� ����shinshifuku(-uriba) mensweardepartment�� saka-ya off-licence,liquor store������megane(-ten) optician�� kosui perfumery�� kusuri-ya pharmacy�� yak·kyoku pharmacy !" shashin-yaphotography shop#$%&' rekodo-tenrecord shop, music store

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()* furuhon-ya second-hand bookshop/bookstore+, kutsu-ya shoe shop-./ miyage-tensouvenir shop0123456spotsu-yohin-ten sports shop789: bumbogu-yastationery shop;<=>?supa supermarket@ABCDE omocha-uriba toy departmentFGHIJ omocha-yatoy shopKLMNOryokodairi-ten travel agencyPQRS ryokogaishatravel agencyTUVW shitagi-uribaunderwear departmentXYZ[\]^_`abc ote o furenaidekudasai please do not touchdefg bagen bargainshijkl ouridashibargains, salemno seru salepqrstuseru-jis·shi-chu sale now onvwxytokubetsu-kakaku specialpricez{| oseibo year-end gifts}~���� saimatsu-

uridashi year-end sale��� ochugen mid-summer presents�������esukareta escalator���� …-kai floor�� okjo roof

Streets andRoads

�� rosen lane�� doro road���� kansen-doroarterial road, trunk road���� kosoku-doromotorway, highway� ¡¢£ oikoshi-senlane for overtaking¤¥ hiroba square

Taxis ¦§¨© takushi taxiª«¬­®¯ kojin-takushi mini-cab°±²³´µtakushi-noriba taxi rank¶· kusha for hire, free������ryokin-meta fare meter���� �yakan-warimashi-ryokin late-night fare

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�� kaiso out of service���� jido-doaautomatic door

Timetables ��� jikokhyo timetable,schedule�� tochak arrival�� shup·pats departure�� has·sha departure�� homen direction !" ikisaki destination#$ noriba boardingplatform/track%&'() … iki boundfor …*+ keiyu via,-./ … sen … line

Toilets 0123 koshu benjopublic toilet456 keshoshits toilet,rest room789: otearai toilet(s),rest room(s) ;<= toire toilet, rest room>? benjo toilet, rest room@AB danshi-yo gents’toilet, men’s roomCDE joshi-yo ladies’toilet, ladies’ roomFGH shinshi-yo gents’

toilet, men’s roomIJK fujin-yo ladies’toilet, ladies’ roomL otoko men M onna womenNOP shiyo-chuoccupied, engagedQ aki vacant

Train Types RS densha trainTU res·sha trainVWX shinkansen bullettrainYZ kyuko express[\] hikari fastest bullettrain^_ futsu local slow trainstopping at all stations`a junkyu semi-expressbcd kodama slowerbullet trainefgh tokbets-kyukosuper express with limitedstops onlyij tok·kyu super expresswith limited stops onlyklmno gurin-shagreen car (first class)

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Train andUndergroundTravel

pq tetsdo railway, railroadrs shitets private railwayt eki stationuvwx …-ken … ticketyz kip·p ticket{|} kaisuken book oftickets~�� teiki-ken seasonticket��� maeuri-ken advancesale tickets�� yoyak reservations������ shiteiseki(-ken) reserved seat (ticket)��� jiyuseki unreservedseat���� kip·p-uriba ticketoffice; ticket vendingmachine�� madoguchi ticketwindow��� shus·sats-guchiticket window������ midori nomadoguchi first-class ticketwindow��� ryokinhyo table ofcharges��� unchinhyo table offares�� otona adult

kodomo child�� dantai group � kojin individual��� kaisats-guchi ticketbarrier��� nyujoken platformticket��� hom platform, (US)track����� …-bansenplatform …, (US) track …�� zaseki seat� seki seat ! yuko valid"# muko not valid$%&'()*+…-en-kukan-yuki fordestinations within the …-yen zone (eg 200-yen zone),-./01 gesha-zento-muko after alighting,not valid for further travel23456789hatsbai-tojits-kagiri-yukovalid only on day of purchase:;< seisanjo excess fareoffice=> tochak arrival(s)?@ has·sha departure(s)AB shup·pats departure(s)CDEFG norikae-guchithis way for changing trainsHI shasho conductor JKLMN …-go-sha

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carriage …OPQ shokdo-sha diningcarRS man·in fullTU kaiso out of serviceVW nimots luggage, baggageXYZ[\]^ koin-rok·ka coin-operated locker_`abcdichiji-azkari-jo left luggageoffice, baggage checkroomefghij ishitsbuts-toriatskai-jo lost propertyoffice, lost and foundklmn owasure-monolost property, lost and foundopq machiai-shitswaiting roomrs chizu maptuvw hidarigawa-tsukokeep to the leftxyz{ migigawa-tsukokeep to the right|} higashi-guchi east exit(or entrance)~� kita-guchi north exit(or entrance)�� minami-guchi southexit (or entrance)�� nishi-guchi west exit(or entrance)��� chikatetsunderground, (US) subway

Youth Hostels

�������yus-hosteru youth hostel�� daidokoro kitchen���� kit·chin kitchen��������koin-randori launderette,laundromat�� baiten shop�� ¡ shawa shower

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Essential Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238Basic Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239Basic Preparation and Cooking Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239Basic Set Meals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239Bean Curd Dishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239Beef and Beef Dishes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240Biscuits, Cakes, Crackers and Sweets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240Chicken, Poultry etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241Chinese Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241Condiments, Herbs, Spices and Pickles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242Desserts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242Eggs and Egg Dishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244Fish Dishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245Fruit, Nuts and Seeds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246Lunch Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246Meat and Meat Dishes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246Menu Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247Noodles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247Pork and Pork Dishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249Rice and Rice Dishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249Salads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250Snacks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250Soups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250Starters and Appetizers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251Sushi Dishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252

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Essential Terms

bowl chawan ��chopsticks hashi ��cup kap·p ���dessert dezato ��fork fok � ��fried rice chahan �����glass kop·p ���knife naif ���menu menyu����noodles menrui � !plate sara "#rice (boiled) gohan $%&soup sup '()soy sauce shoyu *+,-spoon spun ./01table teburu 2345

excuse me! chot·to sumimasen! 6789:;<=>?

could I have the bill, please?okanjo o onegai shimas @ABCDEFGHI

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Basic Foods

JKLpan breadMNOLbata butterPQLmiso fermentedsoybean pasteRSTUVLkechap·puketchupWLabura oilXYZ[Lkosho pepper\]Lshio salt^_`aLshoyu soy saucebcdLsato sugar

BasicPreparation andCooking Methodsefghijklbabekyu shita barbecuedmnoLyudeta boiledpqrstLdonabe denita casseroleduvLnita cookedwxyLageta deep-friedz{|Lhoshita dried}~�Lyaita grilled���L tsuketa pickled������L rostoshita roast����mushita steamed�����nikonda stewed�� itameta stir-fried� ����tsumemono shita stuffed

Basic Set Meals

��� teishoku set mealwith rice, soup, pickles andmain dish of meat or fish������higawari-teishoku set meal of the day������� tempura-teishoku set meal withdeep-fried prawns� !"#�unagi-teishoku set meal with eel$%&'�yakizakana-teishoku set meal with friedfish()*+�yakiniku-teishoku set meal withgrilled meat,-./01� tonkatsu-teishoku set meal with pork2345�sashimi-teishoku set meal with rawfish

Bean Curd Dishes67� tofu bean curd89:�abura-age deep-fried bean curd;<�dengaku grilled bean curd on a woodenskewer

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Beef and BeefDishes=>�gyuniku beef?@A�bifu beefBCDE sukiyaki beef andvegetables cooked with soysauce in a pot at the tableFGHI� tep·pan·yakibeef and vegetables grilledat the tableJKLMNOPgyushogayaki beef cookedin soy sauce with gingerQRSTU�gyuteriyakibeef cooked in soy sauceand sakeVWXY�bifuteki beefsteakZ[�yakiniku fried beefmarinated in soy sauce\]^_`ab� rosto-bifu roast beefcdefg�saroin sirloinhijklmshabushabu sliced beef withvegetables boiled at thetablenopq�steki steak

Biscuits, Cakes,Crackers andSweetsrstuv�bisuket·tobiscuits, cookieswxyz�kuk·ki biscuits,cookies{|}�keki cake~����wata-amecandy floss, cotton candy�������chizu-kekicheesecake�������chokoretochocolate��okashiconfectionery�� ����shukurimu cream puff������donat·tsudoughnut�����ekurea éclair����wagashi Japanese-style confectionery�� �okoshi poppedrice confectionery!"#$�zenzai rice cake with sweet bean sauce%&�mochi rice cakes'()*+�shio-sembeirice crackers flavoured withsalt,-./�sembei ricecrackers flavoured with soy

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ABCDEFGHIJKLsauce01234�manju rice-flour cakes with sweet beanpaste5678�yokan soft,sweet bean paste9:;<=>?�shoto-keki sponge cake with freshcream and strawberries@ABC�kasutera spongecakeDEFG�oshiruko sweetbean soup with rice cakeHIJK�kuzumochitriangles of arrowroot jelly in brown sugar syrup LMN�monaka wafersfilled with sweet bean paste

Chicken, PoultryetcOP� toriniku chickenQRS� tori-ryori poultrydishesTUVW yakitoribarbecued chicken on askewerXYZ�sasami breast[\]^�gacho goose_`�kiji pheasantabc�uzura quaildefghij� rosto-chikin roast chicken

klm shchimenchoturkey

Chinese Foodnopq�Chuka-ryoriChinese-style cuisinerstu�mabodofu beancurd in spicy saucevwx�kanitama crabomeletteyz{|�kara-age deep-fried pieces of pork orchicken}~���harumaki deep-fried spring rolls�����gyoza frieddumplings stuffed withminced pork����hap·posai friedpork with vegetables������chahan friedrice���yasai-itamefried vegetables�� �nikudangomeatballs�����yakisobanoodles fried in a wok����� ramen noodlesin bouillon��������chashumen noodles inbouillon with slices of pork

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�� !"#�miso-ramen noodles in bouillonwith fermented soybeanpaste$%&' tam·men noodlesin bouillon with vegetables()*+,-wantam·men porkdumplings, served inbouillon with noodles./012�shumaisteamed pork meatballs inthin pastry345�subuta sweet andsour pork

Condiments,Herbs, Spicesand Pickles

678�umeboshi dried,pickled sour Japaneseplums9:�nat·to fermentedsoybeans;<=>�shoga ginger?@A�mitsuba JapanesecorianderBC�shiso Japanese basilDEFGH�mayonezumayonnaiseIJK�karashi mustardLMN�paseri parsleyOPQR�kosho pepper

STUVWXdores·shingu salad dressingYZ�shio salt�����shoyu soy sauce �����tonkatsu-sosu thick sweetfruity sauce �su vinegar����� taku·an yellowradish pickles

Desserts�����dezato desserts�������ap·puru-pai apple pie���� !"#$%&'(chokoreto-aisu-kurimu chocolate ice cream)*+,-./01chokoreto-musu chocolatemousse23456789:; chokoreto-sandechocolate sundae<=>?@AB�kohi-zeri coffee-flavoured jellyCDEF�kurepu crepeGHI�uji-gori crushed icewith green tea syrupJKLM�uji-kintokicrushed ice with green teasyrup and sweet bean pasteNOPQ�kori-remoncrushed ice with lemon

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ABCDEFGHIJKLsyrupRSTU�kori-meroncrushed ice with melonsyrupVWXY�kori-ichigocrushed ice withstrawberry syrupZ[\]�kori-azkicrushed ice with sweetbean paste^_`abcd� frutsu-sarada fruit cocktail, fruitsaladefghijk� frutsu-zeri fruit jellylmno�mitsumamegelatin cubes and sweetbean paste with pieces offruitpqrs�am·mitsugelatin cubes with sweetbean paste and pieces offruittuvwxyz�aisu-kurimu ice cream{|}�zeri jelly~����� remon-pailemon pie������� remon-sufure lemon soufflé����musu mousse�������shabet·tosorbet���������� storoberi-aisu-

kurimu strawberry ice cream�����������storoberi-sandestrawberry sundae����purin caramelcustard���� !"#$%�banira-aisu-kurimuvanilla ice cream&'()*�yogurutoyoghurt

Eggs and EggDishes

+� tamago egg,-.�kanitama crabomelette/0123�medama-yakifried egg45678�yude-tamagohard-boiled egg9:;<�omuretsuomelette=>?@A� tamago-yakiJapanese-style omeletteBCDEF�omuraisuomelette with riceGHIJKL�otoshi-tamago poached eggMNOP�chawam·mushisavoury custard with eggand fishQRSTU�hanjuku-

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tamago soft-boiled eggVWXYZ[� tamago-supu soup with egg\]^_`� tamago-dofusteamed egg

Fishabc�awabi abalonede�akagai ark shellfg� fugu blowfishhij�mirugai boiledround clamsklm�katsuo bonito,tunnyno�koi carppqrs�hamaguri clamstu� tara codvwx� tarako cod roeyz{�anago conger eel|}~�shijimi corbicula���kani crab�����karasumi driedmullet roe����unagi eel����hirame flatfish����� tobi-uo flyingfish����kim·me-daigold-eyed bream�� �nishin herring�����kazunokoherring roe���aji horse mackerel����kurage jellyfish

������ taraba-ganiking crab�����dojo loach !"#� ise-ebi lobster$%�saba mackerel&'(�chu-toro mediumfatty tuna)*+,�ankomonkfish-./0 muru-gai mussels12� tako octopus34�kaki oyster567�sam·ma Pacificsaury89:�kamasu pike,barracuda;<=>?�kuruma-ebiprawns@ABC�nijimasurainbow troutDE�sashimi raw fishFGHI tairagi razorshell ligamentJK�sake salmonLMN� ikura salmon roeOPQ� iwashi sardinesRSTU� tachi-uoscabbard fishVWXY hotategai scallopsZ[�kai-bashira scallops\]^�suzuki sea bass_`� tai sea breamab�hamo sea eelcd�kisu sea smeltef�uni sea urchin

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ABCDEFGHIJKLgh�same sharkijk�asari short-neckedclamlm�ebi shrimps, prawnsnopq�shishamo smeltrstuvwxysumoku-samon smokedsalmonz{� toro soft, fatty pinkbelly of tuna|}~���shita-biramesole��� ika squid���ayu sweet smelt����kajiki swordfish����sazae top-shell��namako trepang���masu trout ���maguro tuna����karei turbot�����sup·pon turtle��� fuka type of shark����kujira whale����shirasu whitebait� �buri yellowtail

Fish Dishes!"#$� fugu-ryoriblowfish cuisine%&'(�kabayakibroiled eel)*+�unaju broiled eelon rice,-.�unadon broiled eel

on rice in a bowl/0123� robata-yakicharcoal-grilled fish andvegetables456789�aji notataki chopped raw horsemackerel, mild ginger andherbs:;<=� tempura deep-fried seafood andvegetables>?@A� takoyakidumplings with smallpieces of octopusBC�nabemono fish andvegetables cooked in a potat the tableDEF�yosenabe fish andvegetables cooked in a potat the tableGH�sashimi raw fishIJ�sushi raw fish on riceballsKLMN� fugu-sashi rawsliced blowfishOPQ� tek·kadon rice in abowl topped with slices ofraw tunaRSTU� fugu-chirishredded blowfish invegetable chowderVWX oden vegetables and fish dumplings stewedin a thin soy soup, servedhot

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Fruit, Nuts andSeedsYZ[\�kudamono fruit]^_`� frutsu fruitabcde�amondoalmondsfgh� rin·go appleijk�banana bananalmnop�sakurambocherries���kuri chestnuts������kokonat·tsucoconut��� ichijiku figs ����gin·nan gingkonuts��������grepu-frutsu grapefruit����budo grapes���ume Japanese plum�� � remon lemon!"#�meron melon$%&'�orenji orange()�momo peach*+,-.�pinat·tsupeanuts/0�nashi pear12�kaki persimmon,sharon fruit345678painap·puru pineapple9:;�sumomo plum<=>�zakuropomegranate

?@�goma sesame seedsABC� ichigo strawberriesDEF�mikan tangerineGHI�kurumi walnutsJKL�suika watermelon

Lunch BoxesMN�bento boxed lunchOPQRS�makunouchi-bento boxed lunch withrice, meat and vegetables

Meat and MeatDishes (see also beef,

chicken, poultry etc and pork)

T�niku meatUVWX�bekon baconYZ[\]^�babekyubarbecue_`abcde� roru-kyabetsu cabbage rolls filledwith minced meatfghi�abaraniku chopsjklm�korok·kecroquettesnopq�katsuretsucutletsrst�kushi-age deep-fried meat on skewersuvw�hireniku fillet���ham ham������hambagu

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ABCDEFGHIJKLhamburger� jinzo kidney��� ramu lamb ��� reba liver����nikudango meat-filled dumplings����hikiniku mincedbeef, pork or chicken����maton mutton����honetsuki on thebone���� �sosejisausage!"#$%&'� ramu-no-kushiyaki skewered lamb()*+,�speyaribspare ribs-./01�chanko-nabethick meat and vegetablestew23� tan tongue45�motsu tripe678�koushi-niku veal

Menu Terms9:;<�menyu menu=�nami cheaper selection>?@ABCDEhonjitsu no osusume-hinchef ’s speciality of the dayFGHI�Chuka-ryoriChinese-style cuisineJKLM�dezato dessertsN� jo expensive selection

OPQRST�Fransu-ryori French-style cuisineUVWX�kudamono fruitYZ[\]^� Itaria-ryoriItalian-style cuisine_`ab�Nihon-ryoriJapanese-style cuisinecdef�kaiseki-ryoriJapanese haute cuisineghijkl�mein-kosu main coursem�niku meatnopq�kyodo-ryoriregional specialitiesrs� teishoku set mealtuv�supu soupswxyz{�odoburustarters, appetizers���yasai vegetables�����shojin-ryorivegetarian cuisine���seiyo-ryoriWestern-style cuisine

Noodles� �soba buckwheatnoodles����udon thicknoodles made fromwheatflour�����shiratakitranslucent, thin noodlesmade from potato flour�����somen very

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thin wheatflour vermicelliserved cold with soy-saucedipping sauce�����yakisobaChinese noodles fried in awok��� � ramen Chinesenoodles in bouillon!"#$%&'(chashumen Chinesenoodles in bouillon withslices of pork)*+,-.�miso-ramen Chinese noodles inbouillon with fermentedsoybean paste/0123�champonChinese noodles in saltedbouillon with vegetables456� ten-zaru coldnoodles served with deep-fried shrimps789:�hiyashi-chukacold noodles with slices ofmeat and vegetables invinegary sauce;<=>?@ABzaru-soba/udon coldnoodles with sweet soysauce for dippingCDEF�kakitamanoodles and egg in fishsoupGHIJ�gomoku-sobanoodles in bouillon with

vegetables and meatKLMNO�kare-nambannoodles in curry-flavouredsoup with pork or beefPQRST� tororo-sobanoodles in fish bouillongarnished with grated yamUVWXYZ[\tsukimi-soba/udon noodlesin fish bouillon with a rawegg]^_�kamo-nambannoodles in fish bouillonwith chicken`abcdefghkitsune-soba/udon noodlesin fish bouillon with deep-fried bean curdijklmn� tempura-soba noodles in fishbouillon with deep-friedshrimpsopqrstuvwokame-soba/udon noodlesin fish bouillon with fishdumplingsxyz{|}~��nameko-soba/udon noodlesin fish bouillon withJapanese small mushrooms����niku-nambannoodles in fish bouillonwith pork or beef���������tanuki-soba/udon noodles in

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ABCDEFGHIJKLfish bouillon with smallpieces of deep-fried batter���������ankake-soba/udonnoodles in thick bouillonwith fish dumplings andvegetables

Pork and PorkDishes� �butaniku pork����poku pork����� tonkatsu deep-fried pork cutlets����katsudon deep-fried pork on rice������honetsuki-butaniku pork chop��� !"#�buta-shogayaki pork cooked insoy sauce with ginger$%&'(�katsukarepork cutlets with curry)*+,-�buta-teriyakipork cooked in soy sauceand sake./01234� rosto-poku roast pork56789�batayakisliced pork (or beef) friedin butter

Rice and RiceDishes

:;<�gohan rice=>?� raisu rice@AB�unaju broiled eelon riceCD�dom·mono bowl ofrice with something on topEFG�oyakodondom·mono with chickenand eggHIJ�katsudondom·mono with deep-friedbreaded pork cutletKL� tendon dom·monowith deep-fried shrimpsMN� tamagodondom·mono with softscrambled eggs and onionsOPQ�unadondom·mono with broiled eelRST�chukadondom·mono with pork andvegetablesUV�gyudon dom·monowith sliced beefWXYZ[�chahan friedrice\]^_�onigiri riceballs `a�mochi rice cakesbcde�ochazuke ricein tea or fish bouillonfg�kamameshi ricesteamed in fish bouillon

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with pieces of meat, fishand vegetableshijklm�chikin-raisrice with chicken, cookedin tomato saucenopqrs�kareraisrice with curry-flavouredstewtuvwx�omurais ricewrapped in a plainomeletteyz{|}~�hayashi-rais diced beef in gravy onrice

Salads����sarada salad����nama-yasai salad�������mik·kus-sarada mixed salad��� �poteto-sarada potato salad������dores·shingu salad dressing

Snacks��������chizu-baga cheeseburger���� !�poteto-frai chips, French fries"#$%&'�poteto-chipu crisps, (US) potatochips

()*+,-�hambagahamburger./012�hamusandoham sandwich345678hot·todog·gu hotdog9:;<=> tomorokoshiroasted corn on the cob?@ABCD sandoit·chisandwichEFGHIJ�spaget·tispaghettiKLMN� tosto toastOPQRS� tsunasandotuna sandwich

SoupsTUV�supu soups (usuallyWestern-style)WX�shirumono soups(Japanese-style)YZ�suimono clear fishbouillon with meat, fish orvegetable[\]^�sumashi-jiruclear fish bouillon withmeat, fish or vegetable_`abcdekonsome-supu consomméfghijklmno�yasai no kurimu-supucream of vegetable souppqrstuvwxyz�onion-guratan-

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ABCDEFGHIJKLsupu onion soup au gratin{|}�misoshiru soupwith bean paste~�����potaju thicksoup������� tomato-supu tomato soup���soba buckwheatnoodles in bouillon����udon thicknoodles made fromwheatflour in bouillon����� ramen Chinesenoodles in bouillon

Starters andAppetizers

������odoburustarters, appetizers���otsumami Jap-anese-style starter/appetizer�� ���asuparagasu asparagus�����kyabia caviar����serori celery�����hamaguri clams���kani crab�� !"#$%frutsu-jusu fruit juice&'�ham ham()*�nishin herring+,-.� ise-ebi lobster/01�meron melon

2345678mashrumu mushrooms9:�kaki oysters;<=>?�kuruma-ebiprawns@AB�sakana no tamagoroeCDE�sarada saladFGH�sarami salamiIJ�sake salmonKLMNO�sosejisausagePQR�ko-ebi shrimpsSTU�maguro tuna

Sushi DishesVW�sushi raw fish onriceballsXYZ[�nigiri-zushi rawfish on seasoned riceballs\]^_�gomoku-zushimixed fish and vegetableson rice`abcd�chirashi-zushi mixed raw fish onriceefgh�oshi-zushi sushicut in squaresijkl�saba-zushi sushiwith vinegared mackerelmnopq�kap·pa-makicucumber and seasonedrice wrapped in seaweedrstuv�oshinko-maki

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pickles and seasoned ricewrapped in seaweedwxyz�chakin-zushiseasoned rice wrapped inegg crepe{|}~�� inari-zushiseasoned rice wrapped indeep-fried bean curd�����norimaki slicedroll of rice, vegetables orcooked gourd wrapped inseaweed����� tek·ka-makituna and seasoned ricewrapped in seaweed����wasabi very spicyhorseradish served withsushi

Vegetables���yasai vegetables����azuki adzuki beans����asuparagasu asparagus ��nasu aubergine,eggplant�����abokadoavocado�����yaki-imo bakedyam����� takenokobamboo shoots���� shinachikubamboo shoots cooked in

soy sauce, sugar and sesameoil� �mame beans!"#�moyashi beansprouts$%&�bitsu beet'()*� tensai beetroot+,-.�edamameboiled green soybeans/012�ohitashi boiledspinach with seasoning3456�soramamebroad beans789:;�burok·koribroccoli<=>�shimeji brownbutton mushrooms?@ABC�mekyabetsuBrussels sproutsDEF�gobo burdock rootGHIJ�kyabetsucabbageKLMN�ninjin carrotOPQRST�karifrawa

cauliflowerUVW�serori celeryXYZ[\�puchi-tomatocherry tomatoes]^_�chikori chicory`a�hakusai Chinesecabbagebc�shun·giku chrysanth-emum greensdefghitomorokoshi corn on the

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ABCDEFGHIJKLcobjklmn�zuk·kinicourgette, zucchiniopqr�kyuri cucumberstuvw�kampyodried gourd shavingsxyz{�shitake driedmushrooms|}�nori dried seaweed~���nameko ediblefungus�����kikurage edibletree fungus�������endibuendive���kimpira friedburdock root and carrot� ���nin·niku garlic�����shishito greenchilli pepper�����piman greenpepper�������saya-ingen haricot beans�� �wasabi Japanesegreen horseradish!"#$�matsutakeJapanese mushrooms, witha distinctive aromaticflavour%&'()*ingem·mame kidney beans+,-�komatsuna leafycabbage./�negi leeks

012� retasu lettuce3456� renkon lotusroot789:�kabochapumpkin, squash;<=>?@A�mash-rumu mushrooms (Western)BCD�kinoko mushrooms(general term)EFGH�karashinamustard greensIJK�okura okraLMNO� tamanegi onionPQRSTUendomame peasVWX�poteto potatoYZ[\]� jagaimopotato^_`abcdhatsuka-daikon radishefg�hijiki seaweedcooked in soy sauce andsugarhi�goma sesame seedsjkl�daizu soybeansmnopqr�horensospinachst�nira spring onionsuvw�wakegi springonionsxyz�kon sweetcorn{|}~��satsumaimosweet potato�����satoimo taropotato

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���� tomato tomato���kabu turnip����wakame type ofseaweed����kombu type ofseaweed���kuresonwatercress� � fuki wild butterbur(green vegetable stalk)�����yamaimo yam������enokidakeyellow button mushrooms

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Essential Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258Beer, Spirits,Wine etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259Coffee,Tea etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259Soft Drinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

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Essential Terms

beer biru ���bottle bin ��coffee kohi ����cup kap·pu !"glass kop·pu#$%milk miruku&'(mineral water mineraru-uota )*+,-./01orange juice orenji-jusu23456789red wine aka-wain :;<=rice wine sake >soft drink sofuto-dorinku?@ABCDEsugar sato FGHtea kocha IJ(green) ocha KL

water mizu Mwhite wine shiro-wain NOPQwine wain RSTwhisky uiski UVWXY

a cup of …, please… o hitotsu kudasai Z[\]^_`ab

another beer, pleasebiru o mo hitotsu onegai shimasucdefghijklmnopq

a glass of sakesake o ip·pai rstu

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ABCDEFGHIJKLBeer, Spirits,Wine etc

vwx�biru beeryz{|}~�brandibrandy������shampenchampagne������Nihonshuhiya chilled rice wine�����nama-birudraught beer���karakuchi dry�� jin gin�� ��� jin-tonikugin and tonic������ jin-fizu ginfizz������Nihonshuatsukan heated rice wine������ rikyuruliqueur� !"#�matinimartini$%&'()�poto-wainport*+,-�aka-wain redwine.�sake rice wine/0� jizake rice wine (localvariety)12�masuzake rice wineserved in wooden box cup34� ramu rum56789:�onza-

rok·ku scotch on the rocks;<=>?@Aspakuringu sparklingBC�amakuchi sweetDEFGHIJKLtoniku-uota tonicMNOPQ�berumot·tovermouthRS�shochu very strong,transparent, colourless spiritTUVW�uok·ka vodkaXYZ[\�uiski whisky]^_�mizuwari whiskywith water`abc�shiro-wainwhite winedef�wain wine

Coffee, Tea etcghi�o-nomimonobeveragesjkl�gem·mai-cha ban-cha tea with roastedricemn�mat·cha bitter greentea made of fine teapowderopqrstuvburaku-kohi black coffeewx�kocha black tea,similar to English teayz{|}�uron-chaChinese tea~����kohi coffee

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���ocha green tea����kokoa hotchocolate�������ais-ti icedtea��� ��ais-kohi iced coffee���ban-cha inexpensivetea with large leaves������� remon-tilemon tea���sencha medium-grade green tea����miruk milk����osato sugar� !"�hojicha teamade with roasted ban-chaleaves#$%&'(�miruk-titea with milk)*+,-./�miruk-kohi white coffee, coffeewith milk

Soft Drinks0123456� rin·go-jus apple juice789:;<�kohi-gyunyu coffee-flavouredmilk=>?@A�koka-koraCoke®BCD�kora colaEFGH� fanta Fanta®

IJKLMNOPQRST�gurep-fruts-jusgrapefruit juiceUVWXYZ[\gurep-jus grape juice]^_`�soda-sui green,sweet soda popabc�ohiya iced waterdefgh� remonedolemonadeijklmnopremon-skash lemon squashqrstuvw�meron-jus melon juicexyz�miruk milk{|}~�����mineraru-uota mineral water��������orenji-jus orange juice��������orenji-skash orange squash�� Pepusi Pepsi®������� pain-jus pineapple juice���� saida soda pop����� ichigo-gyunyu strawberry milk�� !"#$tomato-jus tomato juice%& mizu water'( korimizu water withice

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How theLanguage


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/ Ab




sPronunciationThroughout this book, Japanese words have been transliter-ated into romanized form so that they can be read as thoughthey were English, bearing in mind the notes on pronunci-ation given below.a as in rather e as in bed; e is always pronounced, even at the end of a wordi like the ee in feet, but slightly shortero as in notu as in putae separate a followed by e, pronounced ah-ehai as in Thaiei as in weightie separate ee followed by e, pronounced ee-ehue separate u followed by e, pronounced oo-eh

g hard g as in girls always as in mass (never z)y as in yetA bar over a vowel means that it is twice as long as a vowelwithout a bar.A dot (·) between two letters indicates a slight pause.Note that ing in Japanese is pronounced more strongly thanin English.In spoken Japanese the sounds u and i, in certain contexts, areshortened and can become barely audible. In this book we showu and i in italics to mean that their pronunciation is clipped.Forexample, desu is pronounced as des.Japanese is generally evenly stressed, with all syllables havingthe same emphasis.

Abbreviationsf feminine pol politem masculine pl pluralob. part. object particle sing singularpart. particle sub. part. subject particle

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GeneralThe Japanese language has a number of characteristicswhich are very different from European languages, the mostimportant of these being that there are no changes for case,number or gender and that verbs do not change accordingto the person or number.Also, pronouns, both personal andimpersonal, are often omitted.

Another distinctive feature of Japanese is that small wordsknown as postpositional particles are used after a noun orpronoun to indicate whether it is the subject, object or indi-rect object of a sentence. See pages 269.

ArticlesThere is no equivalent in Japanese for either the definitearticle ‘the’ or the indefinite articles ‘a’ and ‘an’. The exactmeaning of a word or phrase will be clear from the context.Therefore, zas·shi (magazine) can mean ‘a magazine’ or ‘themagazine’.

If you want to be more precise, you can use the demonstra-tive adjectives sono/ano (that) or kono (this) with the appro-priate word (see page 282).

The number hitots (one) (see page 286) can also be used totranslate ‘a/an’, but generally this is not necessary:

biru hitots, onegai shimas[‘beer one please’]a beer, please

NounsJapanese nouns only have one form. Singular and pluralforms of nouns are the same and there are no distinctions forgender (masculine/feminine/neuter).Therefore:






l / Artic


/ No



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hon can mean ‘a book’, ‘the book’, ‘books’, ‘some books’or ‘the books’

biru can mean: ‘a beer’, ‘the beer’, ‘beers’, ‘some beers’ or‘the beers’

Usually,what you mean will be perfectly clear from the con-text. Where necessary, you can be more specific by usingnumbers (see Counting, page 286).

Although the form of the noun itself does not change,grammatical particles placed after the noun indicatewhether it is the subject, object or indirect object of a sen-tence:

watashi no fak·kusu wa todokimashita ka?[‘I’ + possessive part. ‘fax’ + sub. part. + ‘arrived’ + question part.]has my fax arrived yet?

fak·kusu o okurimashita ka?[‘fax’ + ob. part. + ‘sent’ + question part.]did you send the fax?

Wa and o are known as postpositional particles (see page 273).One interesting aspect of many nouns is that they can bechanged into verbs by just adding suru (to do) or shimas(polite form of ‘to do’).Thus, dokusho is the Japanese wordfor ‘reading’, and doksho suru is the equivalent of ‘to read’.

PronounsGenerally, pronouns are omitted in Japanese whenever pos-sible, but occasionally it might be necessary to use them foremphasis or to avoid misunderstanding. It should be remem-bered that, on the whole, use of pronouns does not showrespect and should be avoided, especially when addressingone’s superiors. If it does become necessary to use a person-al pronoun, the words listed in the sections that follow canbe used.






/ Pro




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Personal Pronouns

watashi Ibok I (m, fam)watakshi I (pol)anata you (sing)kimi you (sing, fam, to a subordinate)kare hekanojo shewatashitachi weanatatachi you (pl) kimitachi you (pl, fam, to subordinates)karera they (m)kanojotachi they (f)sorera they (inanimate objects)

watashi wa Igiris-jin des[‘I’ + sub. part. + ‘English am’]I’m English

The subject of the sentence above is followed by the subjectparticle wa (see page 270).

Care should also be taken not to address Japanese usinganata, the direct translation of ‘you’.The best way to say, forexample, ‘where are you going?’ in Japanese, is to use theperson’s name plus -san, instead of the word for ‘you’.Another acceptable way to say this is to omit both ‘you’ andthe name in Japanese.

Eigo o hanasemas ka?[‘English’ + ob. part. + ‘speak can’ + question part.]do you speak English?

Nakada-san wa Frans-go o hanasemas ka?[‘surname Mr’ + sub. part. + ‘French’ + ob. part. + ‘speak’ + question part.]Mr Nakada, do you speak French?







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The form of the pronoun does not change, but there is achange in the postpositional particle that is placed after thepronoun; for direct object pronouns, use o instead of wa:

watashi o mebok o me (m, fam)watakshi o me (pol)anata o you (sing)kimi o you (sing, fam, to a subordinate)kare o himkanojo o herwatashitachi o usanatatachi o you (pl)kimitachi o you (pl, fam, to subordinates)karera o them (m)kanojotachi o them (f)sorera o them (inanimate objects)

kare o yonde kimasho[‘he’ + ob. part. + ‘fetch’]

I’ll get him


Japanese has no word that is equivalent to the English pro-noun ‘it’;‘it’ will be understood in phrases like the following:

doko desu ka? toi desu ka?[‘where is’ + question part.] [‘far is’ + question part.]where is it? is it far?

ame ga fut·te imasu[‘rain’ + sub. part. + ‘fall is’]it’s raining

If you really need to emphasise ‘it’, you can use sore, but thisis a demonstrative pronoun rather than a personal pronoun,and actually means ‘that’:







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sore wa kare no kuruma des[‘that’ + sub. part. + ‘he’ + possessive part. + ‘car is’]it’s his car

Demonstrative Pronouns

kore this (one); these (ones)sore that (one); those (ones) (nearby or just mentioned)are that (one); those (ones) (further away)

kore wa watashi no des sore dewa nak, kore des[‘this’ + sub. part. + ‘I of am’] [‘that as for not this is’]this is mine not that one, this one

are wa takai des[‘that’ + sub. part. + ‘expensive is’]that one is expensive

See Demonstrative Adjectives, page 282.

PossessivesPossessive adjectives and pronouns are the same in Japanese.To form the possessive, add the particle no to the pronoun:

watashi no my; minebok no my; mine (m, fam)watakshi no my; mine (pol)anata no your; yours (sing)kimi no you (sing, fam, to a subordinate)kare no hiskanojo no her; herswatashitachi no our; oursanatatachi no your; yours (pl)kimitachi no you (pl, fam, to subordinates)karera no their; theirs (m)kanojotachi no their; theirs (f)sorera no their; theirs (inanimate objects)

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watashi no desu watashi no heya de[‘I’ + possessive part. + ‘be’] [‘I’ + possessive part. + ‘room in’]

it’s mine in my room

The possessive is generally omitted if the meaning is clearfrom the context:

handobag·gu o nakushimashita[‘handbag’ + ob. part. + ‘lost’]I’ve lost my handbag

In phrases like the one below, it’s more respectful to use thepossessive particle with the person’s name or job title:

shacho no kuruma[‘director’ + possessive part. + ‘car’]

the director’s car

rather than:

kare no kuruma[‘he’ + possessive part. + ‘car’]

his car

even if the English phrase doesn’t use the name or title.

Postpositional ParticlesPostpositional particles are small words that always followthe word they relate to.They have two main functions:

a) They indicate whether a noun or pronoun is the sub-ject, object or indirect object of a sentence.

b) They are the equivalent of certain English grammaticalelements, for example, prepositions (to, from, with etc),constructions such as ‘and’,‘because’,‘also’, and they arealso used to indicate a question.

The following list shows the meanings of the various parti-cles in brief; for further information and examples, see thetext that follows this list.








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ga follows the subject of a sentence, emphasises thesubject

wa follows the subject of a sentenceo follows the object of a sentenceni follows the indirect object of a sentence; or means

on, in, to, at (referring to time and location)e to (indicates motion towards); towards; untilmade to; up to; until; as far askara from; sincede by, by means of; with; at; on; in (referring to loca-

tion)to with, accompanied by; and, thatmo too, also; even; both ... and; neither ... norno of; possessiveka? question particlene? question tag: isn’t it?, haven’t we?, haven’t you? etc

Subject Particles

To indicate that a word is the subject of a sentence, the par-ticles ga or wa are used:

onaka ga sukimashita ka?[‘stomach’ + sub. part. + ‘empty’ + question part.]are you hungry?

The particle ga can indicate that the subject of the sentenceis more important than the text that follows. In English thisdistinction can be achieved by tone of voice:

watashi ga ikimasu[‘I’ + sub. part. + ‘will go’]I will go, it’s me who’s going (not anyone else)

watashi ga haraimasu[‘I’ + sub. part. + ‘pay’]I’ll pay (nobody else has to pay)

If wa is used instead of ga, this gives less emphasis to the sub-ject and more to the rest of the text:








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watashi wa Amerika-jin desu watashi wa gakusei desu[‘I’ + sub. part. + ‘American am’] [‘I’ + sub. part. + ‘student am’]I’m American I’m a student

Ga is often used if the verb is arimasu or imasu:

kyo wa sumo ga arimasu[‘today’ + sub. part. + ‘sumo’ + sub. part. + ‘is’]there’s a sumo match today

and wa is often used when the verb is des or a negative:

sore wa totemo omoshiroi desu[‘that’ + sub. part. + ‘very interesting is’]that’s very interesting

watashi wa Igirisu-jin desu[‘I’ + sub. part. + ‘English am’]I’m English

watashi wa ikimasen [‘I’ + sub. part. + ‘go’ + negative]I’m not going

kono hon wa omoshiroku nai desu[‘this book’ + sub. part. + ‘interesting not is’]this book is not interesting

Object Particle

The object particle o is placed after the object of the verb:

yoyaku o shite arimasu[‘reservation’ + ob. part. + ‘made’]I have a reservation

Eigo o hanasemasu ka?[‘English’ + ob. part. + ‘speak can’ + question part.]can you speak English?








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Indirect Object Particle

The particle ni is used to indicate an indirect object:

sensei ni wain o agemashita[‘teacher’ + ind. ob. part. + ‘wine’ + ob. part. + ‘gave’]I gave the teacher a bottle of wine

Other Particles

The particle e indicates motion towards something:

Kobe e ikimasu[‘Kobe to go’]I’m going to Kobe

The particle made means ‘to’, ‘up to’, ‘until’ or ‘as far as’:

kuko made, onegai shimasu[‘airport to please’]to the airport, please

... made nan-kiro arimasu ka?[‘... to how many kilometres is’ + question part.]how many kilometres is it to ...?

Doyobi made[‘Saturday until’]until Saturday

The particle kara means ‘from’ or ‘since’:

Rondon kara Tokyo made senshu kara[‘London from Tokyo to’] [‘last week since’]

from London to Tokyo since last week

The particle ni (as well as being the indirect object particle)means ‘on’, ‘in’, ‘to’ or ‘at’, referring to time or location:

Doyobi ni[‘Saturday on’]on Saturday








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Hiruton hoteru ni tomat·te imasu[‘Hilton Hotel at staying’]I’m staying at the Hilton Hotel

Tokyo ni oba ga sunde imasu[‘Tokyo in aunt’ + sub. part. + ‘lives’]my aunt lives in Tokyo

The particle de can mean ‘by’, ‘by means of ’ or ‘with’:

kuruma de basu de[‘car by’] [‘bus by’]by car by bus

kurejit·to-kado de haraemasu ka?[‘credit card by can pay’ + question part.]can I pay by credit card?

de can also mean ‘at’, ‘on’ or ‘in’, referring to location:

ba de suwat·te imashita[‘bar at was sitting’]he was sitting at the bar

depato no naka de aimasho[‘department store of inside in meet let’s’]I’ll see you in the department store

The particle to means ‘with’, ‘accompanying’:

haha to kaimono shimasu[‘mother with shopping do’]I go shopping with my mother

See page 284 for when to use to meaning ‘and’.

The particle mo can mean ‘too’, ‘also’ or ‘even’:

kimi mo heya ni itano ka? watashi mo[‘you too room in were’ + question part.] me toowere you in the room too?








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mo can also be used to translate ‘both ... and’ (in a positivestatement) and ‘neither ... nor’ (with a negative verb, see page278):

biru mo sake mo nomimashita[‘beer both sake and drank’]I drank both beer and sake

biru mo sake mo nomimasen deshita[‘beer both sake and not drank’]I drank neither beer nor sake

The particle no means ‘of ’ or corresponds to the ’s or thepossessive in English:

ane no hon kurabu no memba[‘sister of book’] [‘club of member’]

my sister’s book a member of the club

watashi no kuruma[‘I of car’]my car

The particle ka is added to the end of a statement to changeit into a question:

kip·pu wa takai desu[‘ticket’ + sub. part. + ‘expensive’]the tickets are expensive

kip·pu wa takai desu ka?[‘ticket’ + sub. part. + ‘expensive’ + question part.]are the tickets expensive?

The particle ne is the equivalent of English tag questions like‘isn’t it?’, ‘haven’t we?’ and so on:

Keiko-san, kore wa anata no desu ne?[‘Keiko’ + polite form + ‘this’ + sub. part. + ‘you of is’ + question tag]it’s yours, Keiko, isn’t it?








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koko ni kita koto ga arimasu ne?[‘here in that came’ + sub. part. ‘be’+ question tag]we’ve been here, haven’t we?

VerbsUnlike English verbs, Japanese verbs do not change theirform according to first, second, or third person subjects, sin-gular or plural.Therefore, ikimasu means:

to go he/she/it goesI go we goyou go they go

However, Japanese verbs do change their form according tovarious other criteria, for example, the degree of politenessrequired, the tense, or whether the verb indicates ‘wanting’or ‘necessity’.

Polite Verb Forms

The form of Japanese verbs is changed to indicate differentlevels of politeness. As a general rule, longer verb formsdenote courtesy:

yomimasu to readshimbun yomu ka? (basic form)shimbun yomimasu ka? (polite)shimbun yomaremasu ka? (very polite)do you read the paper?

It is more straightforward for beginners in Japanese to stickto the second form given above (yomimasu).This is the verbform we have generally given in the English-Japanese sectionof this book and it is polite enough for most situations.

Present Tense

To express the simple present, use the basic form of the verbending in -masu:








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ikimasu to go swarimasu to sit downI go I sit downyou go you sit downhe/she/it goes he/she/it sits downwe go we sit downthey go they sit down

To express a continuing action in the present (‘he is going’, ‘Iam walking’ etc), the -masu ending is removed from the verband replaced with -te or -de, and imasu is placed after the verb:

nani o yonde imasu ka?[‘what’ + ob. part. + ‘reading’ + question part.]what are you reading?

karera wa tabete imasu[‘they’ + sub. part. + ‘eating’]they are eating

kare wa tabako o sut·te imasu[‘he’ + sub. part. + ‘cigarette’ + ob. part. + ‘inhale’]he is smoking

Past Tense

The ending -mashita indicates the past tense. Replace the-masu ending of the verb with -mashita:

ikimasu to go mimasu to see; to watchikimashita I went mimashita I’ve seen

you went you’ve seenhe/she/it went he/she/it has seenwe went we have seenthey went they have seen

tsukimasu to arrive tabemasu to eatkyo tsukimashita watashitachi wa mo tabemashita[‘today arrived’] [‘we’ + sub. part. + ‘already have eaten’]we arrived today we’ve already eaten






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Future Tense

There is no real future tense in Japanese; instead the presenttense is used to express the future:

mata ashita kimasu rainen Kyoto ni ikimasu[‘again tomorrow come’] [‘next year Kyoto to go’]I’ll come back tomorrow I’m going to Kyoto next year

Asking Permission

Asking permission to do something is indicated by the verbending -te followed by ... i desu ka? (literally: is it allowed?):

anata ni tegami o kaite i desu ka?[‘you to letter’ + ob. part. + ‘write is is allowed’ + question part.]can I write to you?

Indicating Necessity

Necessity is indicated by the verb ending -nakereba nari-masen:

ikimasu to gomo ikanakereba narimasen[‘already go must’]I have to go now

kakimasu to writetegami o kakanakereba narimasen[‘letter’ + ob. part. + ‘write must’]I have to write a letter

Indicating Wanting

Wanting to do something is indicated by the verb ending -tai:

okurimasu to sendkore o Igirisu ni okuritai no desu ga[‘this’ + ob. part. + ‘England to send want request please’]I want to send this to England






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karimasu to rentkuruma o karitai no desu ga[‘car’ + ob. part. + ‘buy want request please’]I’d like to rent a car


There is no simple equivalent to ‘not’ in Japanese. Instead theform of the verb changes to indicate the negative. The -masu ending changes to -masen and the -tai (wanting) end-ing changes to -taku nai:

kono gak·ko e ikimasu[‘this school to go’]I go to this school

kono gak·ko e wa ikimasen[‘this school to’ + sub. part. + ‘go’ negative]I don’t go to this school

Igirisu ni ikitai desu[‘England to want go’ + polite ending]I want to go to England

Igirisu ni ikitaku nai desu[‘England to want go’ + negative + polite ending]I don’t want to go to England

Japanese has no words like ‘nobody’, ‘no-one’, ‘never’,‘none’,‘neither’,‘nor’,‘(not) any’; these must be expressed inJapanese by a negative verb construction:

dare mo kimasen deshita[‘somebody even come’ + negative]nobody came

dare mo hakbutskan e ikitagarimasen[‘somebody even museum to want to go’ + negative]nobody wants to visit the museum






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Kobe niwa ichido mo it·ta koto ga arimasen[‘Kobe to’ + sub. part. + ‘not once even that’ + sub. part. + negative]I’ve never been to Kobe

mo hitots mo arimasen[‘already one even exist’ + negative]there’s none left

hoshik arimasen[‘want’ + negative]I don’t want any

AdjectivesJapanese ‘adjectives’ are a special category of words, many ofwhich behave in a way quite unlike their English counter-parts. Many, indeed, are more like verbs since they have sep-arate forms for present and past tenses and for positive andnegative use. For example, the adjective for ‘red’ akai reallymeans ‘is red’.

There are two types of adjectives in Japanese.The first typeend in -ai, -i, -oi or -ui:

akai is redoishi is deliciousomoshiroi is interestingwarui is bad

The final -i or -i indicates the present positive form of theadjective, which is the basic form given in the English-Japanese section of this book; to make the past positive form,remove the -i or -i to obtain the stem and add -kat·ta:

present positive past positive

akai is red akakat·ta was redoishi is delicious oishkat·ta was deliciousomoshiroi is interesting omoshirokat·ta was interestingwarui is bad warukat·ta was bad





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These are all plain forms which generally would not be usedby themselves; to make them polite forms, add desu:

nimotsu wa omokat·ta desu[‘luggage’ + sub. part. + ‘was heavy’ + polite ending]the luggage was heavy

To form the present negative, remove -i or -i, and add -k nai;for the past negative add -ku nakat·ta to the stem:

present negative past negativeakaku nai is not red akaku nakat·ta was not redoishiku nai is not delicious oishiku nakat·ta was not

deliciousomoshiroku nai is not omoshiroku nakat·ta was

interesting not interestingwaruku nai is not bad waruku nakat·ta was not bad

To make the above polite forms (as used in speech), change-ku nai to -ku arimasen:

kono suika wa amaku arimasen[‘this watermelon’ + sub. part. + ‘sweet’ + negative]this watermelon is not sweet

Adjectival Nouns

The second type of Japanese adjective is more like anEnglish adjective in that it does not change its ending and isnot a form of verb.This type of adjective does not end in -ai,-i, -oi or -ui, but consists of a noun followed by na:

shizuka (na)quiet

Adjectival nouns are used with the following to form thepresent and past tenses (positive and negative):

positive present despast deshta

negative present dewa arimasenpast dewa arimasen deshta







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If the adjectival noun is followed by des, na can be omitted:

hoteru wa shizka des[‘hotel’ + sub. part. + ‘quiet is’]the hotel is quiet

kono hon wa tekito dewa arimasen[‘this book’ + sub. part. + ‘suitable’ + negative]this book is not suitable

chit·toma shimpai dewa arimasen deshta[‘not at all worried’ + negative]I wasn’t worried at all

Comparatives and Superlatives

To form the comparative, put mot·to (more) in front of theadjective:

mot·to hayak mot·to omoshiroifaster more interesting

To form the superlative, put ichi·ban (literally: number one)or mot·tomo (most) in front of the adjective:

ichi·ban omoshiroi toshi[‘most is interesting city’]the most interesting city

mot·tomo takai hoteru[‘most is expensive hotel’]the most expensive hotel

To express ‘more ... than ...’, ‘...-er than’, use yori (than):

kono hoteru wa ryokan yori takai desu[‘this hotel’ + sub. part. + ‘Japanese inn than expensive’]this hotel is more expensive than a Japanese inn

densha wa basu yori hayai desu[‘train’ + sub. part. + ‘bus than fast is’]the train is faster than the bus







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To express ‘as ... as ...’ use to onaji kurai (about the same as):

Rondon wa Nagano to onaji kurai samui desu[‘London’ + sub. part. + ‘Nagano as cold as is’]London is as cold as Nagano

To express ‘not as ... as ...’, use hodo ... nai:

Nippon wa Amerika hodo okiku nai desu[‘Japan’ + sub. part. + ‘America not as big as is’]Japan is not as big as America

Demonstrative Adjectives

There are three demonstrative adjectives: kono, sono and ano:

kono this; thesesono that; those (nearby or just mentioned)ano that; those (further away)

kono densha this trainsono tomodachi that friend (of yours, that you mentioned)ano basu that bus (over there)

AdverbsTo form an adverb from the first type of adjective (endingin -ai, -i, -oi or -ui), change the final -i to -k:

hayai quick hayaku quicklyosoi slow osoku slowlyyasashi easy yasashiku easilywarui bad waruku badlyyasui cheap yask cheaply

To form the adverb from the second type of adjective (shownwith (na) in the English-Japanese section), change na to ni:

shizka na heya Keiko-san wa shizka ni hanashimas[‘quiet room’] [‘Keiko’ + polite form + sub. part. + ‘quietly speaks’]a quiet room Keiko speaks quietly







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Word OrderThe normal word order in Japanese sentences is:

subject – object – verb

ane wa sushi o suki des ga, watashi wa suki dewa ari-masen

[‘sister’ + sub. part. + ‘sushi’ + ob. part. + ‘like but I’ + sub. part. + ‘like not’]my sister likes sushi but I don’t

Adjectives usually precede the noun they modify while par-ticles and conjunctions follow the noun they refer to.

‘Yes’ and ‘No’The words for ‘yes’ and ‘no’ are hai (or sometimes e) and ie(or ie):

hai, onegai shimas ie kek·ko desyes, please no thanks

yomimashta ka? hai, yomimashta have you read the paper? yes, I have

In general, however, it is possible to omit hai and ie andanswer simply by using the verb.

When the question is a negative one, however, hai and ie areused in quite a different way to English.This is because haiis used to confirm the statement, whether the answer is affir-mative or negative:

anata wa Amerika-jin dewa arimasen ka?[‘you’ + sub. part. + ‘American’ + negative + question part.]

aren’t you American?

hai, Igirisu-jin desu[‘yes (I am not) English’]no, I’m English






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This kind of negative question (as in English) implies thespeaker may be slightly surprised or incredulous or wants toconfirm something that they are almost sure of. If a positivequestion were asked, with no prior assumptions, the answerwould be ie.In the same way, when the question is a negative one, ie isused to deny the sentence whether the answer is affirmativeor negative:

soba o tabemasen deshita ka?[‘noodles’ + ob. part. + ‘eat did not’ + question part.]didn’t you eat the noodles? (implying you should have)

ie, tabemashita[‘no, did eat’]yes, I did eat them

‘And’There are different words for ‘and’ in Japanese. To is usedwith nouns and pronouns:

shio to kosho Tokyo to Rondonsalt and pepper Tokyo and London

kohi to sato o kaimashita[‘coffee and sugar’ + ob. part. + ‘bought’]I bought coffee and sugar

Soshite also means ‘and’; it is used with verbs, adjectives andadverbs:

watashitachi wa onsen ni hairi soshite shokji o shimashta[‘we’ + sub. part. + ‘hot spring in go and meal did’]we had a bath in the hot spring and had a meal

kare wa hayak, soshite utskushik, ji o kakimas[‘he’ + sub. part. + ‘fast and neatly characters’ + ob. part. + ‘writes’]he writes both fast and neatly

Sorekara means ‘and then’:





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terebi o mite, sorekara benkyo shimas[‘television’ + ob. part. + ‘watched and then study’]I’ll watch television and then I’ll study

Masculine and Feminine Forms ofSpeechIn the past, there were many different levels of courtesy inJapanese speech and special words and phrases were used, forexample, to praise one’s superiors, and to deprecate oneself.As well as this, women’s speech was traditionally more politethan men’s. Although the differences between male andfemale speech patterns are now less pronounced than theyused to be, there are still many ways of speaking that areexclusively used by either men or women. Men speak witha more even tone of voice, whereas women speak in a morelilting manner. Men and women use different pronouns andinterjections.Also, in informal speech, men tend to use yo orzo at the end of sentences for emphasis, whereas women willuse wa, for example:

bok wa Eigo ga hanaseru yo/zo! (said by a man)[‘I’ + sub. part. + ‘English’ + ob. part. + ‘speak can emphasis’]I can speak English!

watashi wa okoto ga hikeru wa! (said by a woman)[‘I’ + sub. part. + polite prefix + ‘Japanese harp’ + ob. part. + ‘play can’ +

emphasis]I can play the Japanese harp!

Women make more use of the polite prefix o- or go-, as in:

denwa/odenwa(said by a man/woman)(your) telephone

gokazoku wa ogenki desu ka?[polite prefix + ‘family’ + sub. part. + polite prefix + ‘well’ + question part.]are your family all well?








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Women also tend to use emotional interjections more thanmen, such as ‘kawai’ (cute!) or ‘suteki!’ (marvellous!). Toexpress surprise when meeting somebody unexpectedly,women tend to say ‘ma!’ or ‘ara!’, which are never used bymen, who tend to say ‘ya!’ or ‘o!’.

CountingJapanese has two sets of numbers from one to ten:

set 1 set 21 ichi hitotsu2 ni futatsu3 san mit·tsu4 yon/shi* yot·tsu5 go itsutsu6 roku mut·tsu7 nana/shichi* nanatsu8 hachi yat·tsu9 kyu/ku* kokonotsu10 ju to

The first set is used when referring to expressions of time,quantities and measurements.They are used with the classi-fiers on the opposite page or with count words such as‘minute’, ‘yen’ etc:

go-fun ichijikan maefive minutes an hour ago

gozen shichiji ni ju-enat 7am 10 yen

* The alternative numerals in the first set above must be usedin the following time expressions:

yoji shichiji kujifour o’clock seven o’clock nine o’clock

The second set of numbers is used for counting any otherthings not mentioned above.The number is placed after the







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object and is used without a count word (like ‘minute’) or aclassifier:

biru futats, onegai shimastwo beers, please

If you use the two sets of numbers in the way describedabove, this will be acceptable, but a further method ofcounting, using a counting word known as a classifier, ismore commonly used. Classifiers equate roughly to Englishwords like ‘glassful’,‘cupful’,‘bottle of ’,‘sheets of ’ etc. Nounsor groups of nouns in Japanese have specific classifiers whichare used when they are counted or quantified.The most common classifiers are:

-dai machines, cars, bikes, stereos-hai glassfuls, cupfuls-hiki animals-hon pens, cigarettes, other cylindrical objects-ko fruit, cakes, eggs and small chunky objects-mai pieces of paper, tickets, other things that are thin

and flat-nin people-sats books-tsu letters

kuruma ni-dai kip·p o sam-mai, kudasai[‘car two’ + classifier] [‘ticket’ + ob. part. + ‘three’ + classifier + ‘please’]two cars three tickets, pleaseNihon·go no hon o go-satsu kaimashita[‘Japanese of book’ + ob. part. + ‘five’ + classifier + ‘bought’]I bought five Japanese booksmajan wa yo-nin de shimasu[‘mahjong’ + sub. part. + ‘four’ + classifier + ‘by do’]mahjong is played by four people

There is only one set of numbers above ten. See pages 292-293.







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DatesThe word order for dates is:

year – month – day

There are two common ways of counting years in Japanese.The Western system is used thus:

sen-kyu-hyaku-kyu-ju-hachi-nen ni-sen-ichi-nen[thousand-nine-hundreds-nine-tens-eight-year] [two-thousand-one-year]1998 2001

There is also a traditional system of counting from the firstyear of the current emperor’s reign. The Heisei period (ofEmperor Akihito) began in 1989:

Heisei ni-nen Heisei ju-nen[Heisei two year] [Heisei ten year]second year of Heisei (1990) tenth year of Heisei (1998)

Kugatsu tsuitachi Junigatsu futsuka[nine-month (September) first] [twelve-month (December) second]the first of September the second of December

ni-sen-ichi-nen Gogatsu san-ju-nichi[two-thousand-one-year five-month (May) thirtieth]the thirtieth of May 2001

Heisei ju-nen Rokgats ni-ju san-ichi[Heise-ten-year six-month (June) twenty-third]the twenty-third of June 1998

Dates are formed using the versions of the ordinal numbersbelow:

1st tsuitachi ��2nd futska ��3rd mik·ka ��4th yok·ka ��






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5th itska 6th muika ��7th nanoka �8th yoka ��9th kokonoka ��10th toka ��11th ju-ichi-nichi ���12th ju-ni-nichi ���13th ju-san-nichi ���14th ju-yok·ka �� 15th ju-go-nichi !"#16th ju-rok-nichi $%&17th ju-shichi-nichi '()18th ju-hachi-nichi *+,19th ju-ku-nichi -./20th hatska 01221st ni-ju-ichi nichi 345622nd ni-ju-ni-nichi 789:23rd ni-ju-san-nichi ;<=>24th ni-ju-yok·ka ?@AB25th ni-ju-go-nichi CDEF26th ni-ju-rok-nichi GHIJ27th ni-ju-shichi-nichi KLMN28th ni-ju-hachi-nichi OPQR29th ni-ju-ku-nichi STUV30th san-ju-nichi WXY31st san-ju-ichi-nichi Z[\]

Japanese ordinals are written using the Chinese characters(kanji) above if writing vertically; otherwise, when writingleft to right,Arabic numbers can be used instead.






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DaysMonday Getsuyobi ^_`Tuesday Kayobi abcWednesday Suiyobi decThursday Moku·yobi fghFriday Kin·yobi ijkSaturday Doyobi lmnSunday Nichiyobi opq

MonthsJanuary Ichigatsu rsFebruary Nigatsu tuMarch San·gatsu vwApril Shigatsu xyMay Gogatsu z{June Rokgatsu |}July Shichigatsu ~�August Hachigatsu ��September Kugatsu ��October Jugatsu ��November Juichigatsu ���December Junigatsu ���

Timewhat time is it? ima nanji desu ka? �������it’s one o’clock ichiji desu ����it’s two o’clock niji desu ����at one o’clock ichiji ni ���at two o’clock niji ni ���five past one ichiji go-fun ��





s / M



/ Tim


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ten past one ichiji jup·pun �� �quarter past one ichiji ju-go-fun �����quarter past two niji ju-go-fun �����half past one ichiji-han ���half past two niji-han ���quarter to one ichiji ju-go-fun mae � !"#$quarter to two niji ju-go-fun mae %&'()*twenty to one ichiji nijup·pun mae +,-./0ten to two niji jup·pun mae 12345am gozen 67pm gogo 89at 1am gozen ichiji ni :;<=>at 1pm gogo ichiji ni [email protected] ju-sanji DEF14.00 ju-yoji GHI18.30 ju-hachiji sanjup·pun JKLMNOnoon shogo PQmidnight mayonaka RSThour jikan UVminute fun Wone minute ip·pun XYtwo minutes ni-fun Z[second byo \quarter of an hour ju-go-fun ]^_half an hour san-jup·pun `abthree quarters of an hour yon-ju-go-fun cdef

Minutes are expressed by adding -fun (minute) to the num-bers below. This sometimes changes to -pun depending onthe preceding sound:

ni-fun go-fun jup·puntwo minutes five minutes ten minutes





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NumbersSee Counting pages 286.

0 zero gh1 ichi i2 ni j3 san k4 shi l5 go m6 rok n7 shichi o8 hachi p9 kyu q10 ju r11 ju-ichi st12 ju-ni uv13 ju-san wx14 ju-shi yz15 ju-go {|16 ju-rok }~17 ju-shichi ��18 ju-hachi ��19 ju-kyu ��20 ni-ju ��21 ni-ju-ichi ���22 ni-ju-ni ���30 san-ju ��31 san-ju-ichi ���32 san-ju-ni ���40 yon-ju ��50 go-ju ��60 rok-ju ��

70 shichi-ju ��80 hachi-ju ��90 kyu-ju � 100 hyak ¡101 hyak-ichi ¢£102 hyak-ni ¤¥200 ni-hyak ¦§1,000 sen ¨2,000 ni-sen ©ª3,000 san-zen «¬4,000 yon-sen ­®5,000 go-sen �®10,000* ichi-man ��20,000 ni-man ��1,000,000

hyaku-man ��10,000,000

is·sem·man ��100,000,000

ichi-oku �

*For 10,000 and above, useman instead of sen.

Japanese numbers are writ-ten using the Chinese char-acters (kanji) above if writ-ing vertically; otherwise,when writing left to right,Arabic numbers can be usedinstead.







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In Japanese, the words used for the dates (1st of March etc)and the ordinals in English sense (for example, ‘third chairfrom the window’) are different. The English ordinals canusually be translated by adding -bam·me to numbers.

1st ichi-bam·me � �2nd ni-bam·me ���3rd san-bam·me ���4th yon-bam·me ���5th go-bam·me ���6th rok-bam·me ���7th nana-bam·me �� 8th hachi-bam·me !"#9th kyu-bam·me $%&10th jyu-bam·me '()

See pages 288-289 for the set of ordinals used to form dates.







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Conversion Tables1 centimetre = 0.39 inches 1 inch = 2.54 cm

1 metre = 39.37 inches = 1.09 yards 1 foot = 30.48 cm

1 kilometre = 0.62 miles = 5/8 mile 1 yard = 0.91 m

1 mile = 1.61 km

km 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100

miles 0.6 1.2 1.9 2.5 3.1 6.2 12.4 18.6 24.8 31.0 62.1

miles 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100

km 1.6 3.2 4.8 6.4 8.0 16.1 32.2 48.3 64.4 80.5 161

1 gram = 0.035 ounces 1 kilo = 1000 g = 2.2 poundsg 100 250 500 1 oz = 28.35 goz 3.5 8.75 17.5 1 lb = 0.45 kg

kg 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

lb 1.1 2.2 4.4 6.6 8.8 11.0 13.2 15.4 17.6 19.8 22.0

kg 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

lb 44 66 88 110 132 154 176 198 220

lb 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20

kg 0.2 0.5 0.9 1.4 1.8 2.3 2.7 3.2 3.6 4.1 4.5 9.0

1 litre = 1.75 UK pints / 2.13 US pints

1 UK pint = 0.57 l 1 UK gallon = 4.55 l1 US pint = 0.47 l 1 US gallon = 3.79 l

centigrade / Celsius °C = (°F - 32) x 5/9

°C -5 0 5 10 15 18 20 25 30 36.8 38

°F 23 32 41 50 59 64 68 77 86 98.4 100.4

Fahrenheit °F = (°C x 9/5) + 32

°F 23 32 40 50 60 65 70 80 85 98.4 101

°C -5 0 4 10 16 18 21 27 29 36.8 38.3

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