1394330130hs and g6pd.pdf

Hemolytic anemias Hereditary spherocytosis G6PD deficiency


RBC Disorders :G6PD deficiency

Transcript of 1394330130hs and g6pd.pdf

  • Hemolytic anemias

    Hereditary spherocytosis

    G6PD deficiency

  • Erythrocyte membrane

    15 major proteins


    Cross lipid bilayer

    Glycophorins, Rh proteins, band 3, ATP-ases


    Inside the lipid bilayer (Membrane skeleton)

    Membrane skeleton provides support to lipid bilayer

    Spectrin is major protein of membrane skeleton Alpha and beta chains

    These chains intertwine to form heterodimers

    Ankyrin binds spectrin to Band 3

  • Erythrocyte membrane

  • Erythrocyte membrane defects Spherocytes

    Hereditary spherocytosis Autoimmune hemolysis

    Elliptocytes Hereditary elliptocytosis

    Poikilocytes Hereditary elliptocytosis

    Stomatocytes Vinca alkaloids, Alcohol

    Target cells Iron deficinecy, Thalassemias Hepatic dysfunction

    Acanthocytes Abetalipoprotienemia

    Echinocytes Uremia Vitamin K deficiency

    Normal RBCs

  • Hereditary spherocytosis

    Erythrocyte membrane disorder characterized by Loss of vertical interaction of erythrocyte membrane

    RBCs assume a spherical shape

    Spherical RBCs are sequestered by intact spleen

    Intact spleen enlarges, and destroys RBCs (Hemolysis)

    This leads to anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly

    Peripheral smear shows spherical RBCs

    Spherical RBCs are fragile (increased osmotic fragility)

    RBC life span is about 10-20 days

    Mostly autosomal dominant (75%)

  • Normal

    Hereditary spherocytosis



  • Hereditary spherocytosis: Pathogenesis

    Molecularly heterogenous disorder

    Membrane defects Spectrin deficiency

    Ankyrin deficiency

    Band 3 deficiency

    Combined deficiency

    Erythrocyte abnormalities Increased Na and K flux across membrane

    RBCs are dehydrated, and less deformable

    This makes RBCs more fragile

  • Hereditary spherocytosis: Pathogenesis

    Splenic sequestration

    Spherocytes are unable to move through splenic sinusoids due to impaired deformability

    These abnormal cells get entrapped and then lysed

    If spleen is removed, hemolysis does not take place.

  • Pathogenesis of HS

    Spectrin,ankyrin,band 3 defect Decreased spectrin incorporation into

    membrane/band 3 deficiency Destabilisation of lipid bilayer Microspherocytosis-Decreased RBC deformability Stagnation in splenic cords and contact with


    Phagocytosis of spherocytes/Conditioning of spherocytes

    Further loss of membrane surface area

  • Pathogenesis of HS

    ATP depletion

    Increased glycolysis

    Decreased 2,3 dpg,Ph falls

    Passive cation leak

    Increased Na/K Pump activity

    Water leak and cell dehydration

  • Clinical features




  • Lab findings Peripheral Smear : Spherocytes Reticulocytosis Nucleated RBCs Bone marrow : Erythroid hyperplasia Serum Iron Increased Decreased MCV,Increased MCHC Hemosiderosis Unconjugated bilirubin increased Osmotic fragility test - hemolysis

  • Spherocytes Formed by partial phagocytosis

    Decreased deformability

    Denser, smaller (in appearance!), round RBC without central pallor

  • 80 50 70 60 30 40 20 10





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  • Molecular studies

    Quantification of major proteins using PAGE

    Mutation screening/Direct DNA sequencing

  • Complications

    Worsening anemia

    Aplastic crisis

    Exhaustion of folate reserves


    Bilirubin pigment stones

  • Splenectomy is mainstay of treatment

  • Erythrocyte metabolism

    Glucose is the main substrate of red cells

    Two pathways

    Glycolytic/Energy producing pathway

    HMP Shunt/Protective pathway

    Major products of glycolytic pathway: ATP, 2-3 DPG NADH

    Major product of HMP pathway: NADPH

  • Classification of enzyme disorders

    Disorders of HMP Shunt and glutathione metabolism G6PD def Glutathione reductase def Glutathione peroxidase def

    Glycolytic enzyme abnormalities Abnormalities of purine and pyrimidine

    metabolism Pyrimidine 5 Nucleotidase deficiency ADA excess Adenylate kinase (

  • Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency

    Basic defect

    Inability of red cells to protect themselves against oxidative injuries

    Leading to hemolytic disease

    Abnormalities in the hexose monophosphate shunt or glutathione metabolism

  • Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency

    Variants G6PD B Normal variant

    G6PD A- 10% of African Americans

    G6PD Mediterranean-clinically significant hemolytic anemias

    Protective effect against Plasmodium falciparum malaria

    X- Linked recessive

    Males at highest risk

  • G6PD variants

    Class I (Severe deficiency,chronic hemolytic anemia

    Class II (Severe def, intermittent hemolysis)

    Class III (Moderate def, intermittent hemolysis)

    Class IV (No def)

    Class V (Increased activity)

  • Activity of G6PD decrease with aging red cells

    Normal half life of enzyme is 62 days

    Normal old red cells have sufficient NADPH

    G6PD Variants associated with hemolysis have much shorter half life

  • Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency

    Clinical patterns-

    1. Foods- fava beans (favism),

    2. Medications - ***antimalarials (e.g., primaquine and chloroquine), sulfonamides, nitrofurantoins,

    3. Infections- viral hepatitis, pneumonia, and typhoid fever

    Hemolysis causes both intravascular and Extravascular lysis

    after exposure to oxidant stress

  • Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency

    They cant reduce peroxides

    Peroxides attack hemoglobin bonds

    Heme breaks away from globin

    Globin denatures and sticks to RBC membrane, forming Heinz body which may lead to intra-vascular hemolysis

    Remaining cells are trapped in splenic cords

    Macrophages bite out Heinz bodies, leaving cell fragile and deformed may lead to extravascular hemolysis

    Why do the red cells die?

  • Clinical and hematologic features

    Acute hemolytic anemia after oxidant stress pallour,jaundice,dark urine,abdominal pain

    Bite cells and blister cells on peripheral smear

    Heinz bodies on supravital stains

    Features related to chronic hemolysis (splenomegaly,cholelithiasis absent)

    Congenital Nonspherocytic Hemolytic anemia

  • Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency

  • Bite cells and Heinz Bodies

  • Lab diagnosis

    Spectrophotometrically measure NADPH generation (hemolysate+NADP+G6P)

    Flourescent spot test

    Methemoglobin reduction test using methylene blue as hydrogen acceptor