137548399 Motion for Judicial Determination of Probable Cause RE Palayan Case

REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES THIRD JUDICIAL REGION REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Branch 40, Palayan City, Nueva Ecija PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff, Criminal Case Nos. 1879-P & - versus - 1880-P SATURNINO OCAMPO, ET AL., Accused. x---------------------------------------------x MOTION FOR JUDICIAL DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE (WITH PRAYER TO DISMISS THE CASE OUTRIGHT) Accused SATURNINO C. OCAMPO, TEODORO A. CASIÑO, LIZA L. MAZA and RAFAEL V. MARIANO, by undersigned counsels, most respectfully move that this Honorable Court conduct a determination of probable cause pursuant to Article III, Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution and in support thereof state the following: PREFATORY The obvious involvement of political considerations in the actuations of respondent Secretary of Justice and respondent prosecutors brings to mind an observation we made in another equally politically charged case. We reiterate what we stated then, if only to emphasize the importance of maintaining the integrity of criminal prosecutions in general and preliminary investigations in particular, thus: [W]e cannot emphasize too strongly that prosecutors should not allow, and should avoid, giving the impression that their noble office is being used or prostituted, wittingly or unwittingly, for political ends, or other purposes alien to, or subversive of, the basic and fundamental objective of observing the interest of justice evenhandedly, without fear or favor to any and all litigants alike, whether rich or poor, weak or strong, powerless or mighty. Only by strict adherence to the established procedure may be public’s perception of the impartiality of the prosecutor be enhanced. 1 1 Consolidated cases G.R. Nos. 172070-72 (Vicente Ladlad, et al. vs. Senior State Prosecutor Emmanuel Velasco, et al.), G.R. Nos. 172074-76 (Liza Maza, et al.

Transcript of 137548399 Motion for Judicial Determination of Probable Cause RE Palayan Case


    Branch 40, Palayan City, Nueva Ecija

    PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff, Criminal Case Nos. 1879-P & - versus - 1880-P

    SATURNINO OCAMPO, ET AL., Accused. x---------------------------------------------x



    Accused SATURNINO C. OCAMPO, TEODORO A. CASIO, LIZA L. MAZA and RAFAEL V. MARIANO, by undersigned counsels, most respectfully

    move that this Honorable Court conduct a determination of probable cause

    pursuant to Article III, Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution and in support thereof

    state the following:


    The obvious involvement of political considerations in the actuations of respondent Secretary of Justice and respondent prosecutors brings to mind an observation we made in another equally politically charged case. We reiterate what we stated then, if only to emphasize the importance of maintaining the integrity of criminal prosecutions in general and preliminary investigations in particular, thus:

    [W]e cannot emphasize too strongly that prosecutors should not allow, and should avoid, giving the impression that their noble office is being used or prostituted, wittingly or unwittingly, for political ends, or other purposes alien to, or subversive of, the basic and fundamental objective of observing the interest of justice evenhandedly, without fear or favor to any and all litigants alike, whether rich or poor, weak or strong, powerless or mighty. Only by strict adherence to the established procedure may be publics perception of the impartiality of the prosecutor be enhanced.1

    1 Consolidated cases G.R. Nos. 172070-72 (Vicente Ladlad, et al. vs. Senior

    State Prosecutor Emmanuel Velasco, et al.), G.R. Nos. 172074-76 (Liza Maza, et al.

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    1. The Supreme Court, in a recent case also involving herein accused has

    made the foregoing strong admonition against public prosecutors.

    2. It is unfortunate that despite the admonition, the panel of prosecutors who

    conducted the preliminary investigation of the instant cases chose to defy

    such clear warning by no less than the Supreme Court, as will be

    discussed below.

    In the conduct of preliminary investigation, the members of the Investigating Panel committed grave prosecutorial misconduct which deprived accused of their right to due process. ------------------------------------------------------

    3. The preliminary investigation proceeding, like court proceedings, is subject to the requirements of both substantive and procedural due process. 2

    4. As an indispensable requirement of due process, the investigating prosecutors must possess the cold neutrality of an impartial judge.

    5. In the instant cases, however, accused-movants were denied due process when the panel of public prosecutors committed the following grave misconduct which also clearly showed that they did not possess the cold neutrality of an impartial judge.

    5.1. Despite failure to comply with the requirement under Rule 112, Section 3 (a) of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure that the affidavits of the complainants and his witnesses shall be

    vs. Raul M. Gonzalez, et al.) and G.R. No. 175013 (Crispin Beltran vs. People, et al.) promulgated on 1 June 2007. 2 Cruz vs. People, 237 SCRA 439, citing Cojuangco vs. PCGG, 190 SCRA 266

    and as cited in page 48 of Alejandro Ramon C. Alanos Handbook on Preliminary Investigation and Inquest & Remedies

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    subscribed and sworn to before any prosecutor x x x, the investigating prosecutors gave due course to the criminal complaints of the alleged widows, instead of dismissing them outright.

    5.2. The Investigating Panel refused to grant clarificatory hearing despite the existence of important issues and matters to be clarified before a fair resolution of the complaints may be made.

    5.2.1. While it is true that the conduct of clarificatory hearing is not mandatory, Rule 112, Section 3(e) directs that it be conducted when there are facts and issues that must be clarified before the prosecutors can resolve the cases.

    5.2.2. Accused-movants repeatedly requested and insisted on the panel of investigating prosecutors the need to require the complainants and their witnesses to appear for confrontation with the accused-movants and for clarificatory questioning.

    5.2.3. Accused-movants identified the following important issues and crucial facts that needed clarification:

    a) Re the confession of Julie Flores Sinohin, the specific dates of the alleged meetings attended by the accused-movants.

    It is well to note that the accused-movants were linked by Julie Sinohin to the three killings as the alleged masterminds who had allegedly ordered the liquidation of former CPP/NPA/NDFP members who were supporting AKBAYAN party-list.

    Accused-movants pointed out that Julie Sinohin failed to specify the dates in which the alleged meetings were held and in this connection manifested their intention to pose clarificatory questions.

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    b) Re the submission of the investigation report of the Philippine National Police of Nueva Ecija on the deaths of Felipe, Peralta and Bayudang.

    Accused-movants also pointed out that witnesses Alvaro L. Juliano, Cleotilde A. Peralta and Julie F. Sinohin executed their Sinumpaang Salaysay only in November 2006. The first two executed their Sinumpaang Salaysay on November 21, 2006 while Sinohin executed his the following day.

    After comparing the accounts of the above three witnesses with those who gave their statements shortly after the alleged killings, accused-movants noted glaring contradictions which support a reasonable conclusion that there existed a pattern of suppressing evidence that were executed or prepared shortly after the killings and that the suppressed evidence were replaced by recent statements taken only in November 2006.

    Given the above and considering that accused-movants were charged with non-bailable crime of two counts of murder, the investigating panel should have subpoenaed the complete result of the original police investigations on the killings.

    c) The need to establish the identity of the complaining witnesses

    This Honorable Court can take judicial notice of the fact that when the herein complaining witnesses filed a petition to disqualify accused-movants party-lists for last years electoral contest, the same witnesses appeared before the COMELEC with their faces covered with scarves. They refused to remove these scarves on the shallow pretext of personal security, thereby rendering questionable their real identities.

    The panel of investigating public prosecutors should have dispelled doubts over the complainants identities by requiring them to

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    appear and making themselves available for questioning in the presence of the accused-movants.

    As stated in accused-movants letter dated 14 January 2008 addressed to the panel of investigating prosecutors, what actually happened during the supposed preliminary investigation was a hide and seek type of proceedings whereby the complainants surreptitiously appeared before the public prosecutors without notice to the accused-movants.

    A big question remains: Was the panel able to confirm the identity of the complaining witnesses?

    d) There were material gaps, ambiguous and sweeping statements and serious inconsistencies in the affidavits of the Julie Sinohin and the complaining witnesses.

    Accused-movants enumerated in their counter-affidavits and their subsequent pleadings and letters submitted to the panel the material gaps and inconsistencies in the claims of the newly-surfaced witnesses with those of the first-hand accounts of witnesses whose testimonies or statements were secured shortly after the killings.

    e) Lastly, considering that accused-movants have sufficiently shown that the instant cases are part of the existing pattern to neutralize them, the panel of investigators could have addressed this by making the complainants available for questioning by the accused-movants.

    In the same letter dated 14 January 2008, accused-movants insisted that a clarificatory hearing with the appearance of the complainants and their witnesses in an open public hearing was necessary considering that the complainants and their witnesses are under the custody and control of their military handlers. Prosecution witnesses Alvaro L. Juliano, Cleotilde A. Peralta and Julie F. Sinohin claimed to be rebel returnees who have

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    surrendered to and are likely to be under the custody or protection of the military.

    A clarificatory hearing could have given the public prosecutors and the defense the opportunity to test the voluntariness and credibility of the complainants and their witnesses.

    The panel of investigating prosecutors did not only refuse to consider the foregoing reasons for accused-movants request for clarificatory questioning, the panel even went to the extent of accusing accused-movants of delaying the proceedings.

    5.3. The need for clarificatory hearing is even admitted by panel member Assistant Provincial Prosecutor Eddie Gutierrez who wrote by hand his comment in the Joint Resolution3 dated 11 April 2008 that I concur with the conclusion but I would have been more than satisfied if the witnesses for the prosecution were present.

    5.4. The panel readily dismissed accused-movants manifestation and request to allow them to submit a Memorandum.

    5.4.1. Although the submission of a Memorandum is not required, Section 33 of the DOJ Manual for Prosecutors allows the filing of the same in cases involving difficult or complicated questions of law or fact.

    5.4.2. Accused-movants have raised several questions of law, in particular the application of the doctrine of res inter alios acta alteri nocere non debet embodied in Section 28, Rule 130 of the Revised Rules of Court and the political offense doctrine.

    3 See page 11 of the Joint Resolution dated 11 April 2008 a copy of which is

    hereto attached as Annex 1.

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    5.4.3. As also stated above, the alleged involvement of herein accused-movants involved complicated factual questions for which a Memorandum may be filed.

    5.4.4. Unfortunately, the panel readily dismissed and even treated accused-movants request as dilatory tactic.

    5.5. The adverse Joint Resolution contained very scant and token presentation and discussion of accused-movants evidence and defenses.

    5.5.1. Way before the resolution of the instant cases, accused-movants have insisted that the actions of the panel of investigating prosecutors clearly revealed their feigned ignorance and lack of impartiality and obvious bias against accused-movants. And this is confirmed by the panels adverse Joint Resolution dated 11 April 2008 where accused-movants evidence were given very scant and token consideration and discussion.

    5.5.2. Of the average 20 pages each of accused-movants counter-affidavits and a number of communications/pleadings submitted thereafter, the 11-page Joint Resolution devoted only four (4) short paragraphs that can fit in a mere half page the defenses, allegations and counter-allegations and defenses of herein accused-movants.

    5.5.3. Worse, of the numerous defenses presented by the accused-movants and the major inconsistencies they have pointed out in the affidavits of the complainants and their witnesses, the panel only presented minor inconsistencies and left behind the major and crucial ones.

    5.5.4. The Joint Resolution, as written, does not only insult the intelligence and logic of any average thinking person. It clearly betrays the panels lack of impartiality and prior

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    intent to find probable cause against herein accused-movants at all cost.

    5.5.5. The Joint Resolution clearly shows that the panel did not at all consider the evidence and defenses presented by herein accused-movants. As such, the Joint Resolution is a nullity.

    5.6. Despite express manifestation, the panel did not give the accused-movants the opportunity to avail of their right to file a Motion for Reconsideration pursuant to and within the period provided under Section 56 of the Manual for Prosecutors.

    5.6.1. Foreseeing what was to come given the panels numerous transgressions, as early as November 2007, after accused-movants Motion to Conduct Clarificatory Hearing was denied by the panel, accused-movants requested that they be furnished a copy of an adverse resolution and manifested their intention to avail of their right to file a motion for reconsideration.

    5.6.2. On 18 April 2008, accused-movants undersigned counsels learned for the first time that an adverse Joint Resolution had been issued by the panel and that corresponding Informations for murder (two counts) and kidnapping with murder have been filed before the Regional Trial Courts of Palayan City and of Guimba.

    5.6.3. To date, accused-movants and their counsels are yet to receive a copy of the panels Joint Resolution.

    5.6.4. Clearly, the panel never intended to give the accused-movants the opportunity to avail of their right to file a timely motion for reconsideration.

    5.6.5. Accused-movants likewise learned that on the same day of 18 April 2008, elements of the Criminal Investigation and

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    Detection Group of the Philippine National Police were closely monitoring and awaiting the issuance of warrants of arrest against the accused-movants.

    5.6.6. All these clearly show the prior intent to see to it that cases be filed against accused-movants and warrants be issued for their arrest.

    6. All the foregoing show that accused-movants were denied their right to due process and that the panel of public prosecutors that conducted the investigation were biased against them.

    7. The reason for the evident lack of impartiality of the panel of investigating prosecutors is totally exposed when we learned from a very reliable source that Assistant Provincial Prosecutor Antonio Ll. Lapus, Jr., who led the panel, is reportedly an applicant for RTC judgeship in Nueva Ecija. Hence, the inescapable conclusion that he may have succumbed to political pressure.

    The instant cases are part of a vicious pattern of political persecution against accused-movants progressive party-list representatives. ------------------------------------------------------

    8. As in these cases, accused-movants and their party-list organizations are

    constantly being maligned and falsely accused as communist fronts by

    top civilian and military leadership of the present dispensation.4

    9. In these cases, all four accused-movants are being maliciously tagged as

    CPP/NPA/NDFP members and their party-lists as purportedly front

    4 Attached as Annex 2 is a photocopy of the news item: GMA aide wants CPP

    fronts out of polls Party-list hopefuls aiding NPA, Gonzales charges, Philippine Daily Inquirer, April 5, 2004; AFP wants militant groups out of politics, The Daily Tribune, January 17, 2007.

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    organizations of the CPP/NPA even as their party-lists are all duly

    accredited and registered with the COMELEC.

    10. At the outset, all these labeling is in itself an act of political persecution,

    given the propensity of our government officials to vilify their critics by

    resorting to such childish and anti-democratic tactics such as labeling

    those who do not agree with their anti-people policies as communists or


    11. This complaint on three counts of murder has been concocted by police

    and military operatives, obviously acting under central directive and

    command. As in prior legal offensives against the respondents the game

    plan is to neutralize the respondents politically, by filing and securing

    warrants of arrest at all costs for the non-bailable offense of murder.

    Fortunately, and as clearly demonstrated in their counter-affidavits, the

    fabrication of evidence has been so crudely done that even on their faces,

    the perjured statements have been exposed by the very weight of their inconsistencies, inherent incredibility and barefaced lies.

    11.1. All the four affiants themselves are undoubtedly working as military/

    police assets under the custody, direction and control of the AFP

    and /or PNP. All claim to be former members of the

    CPP/NPA/NDF. Sinohin and C. Peralta surrendered in 2006 and

    2005, respectively, as per their affidavits, and Juliano claims he

    was arrested in April 2003 by the Alpha Coy, 71st IB, Philippine

    Army. Bayudang claims she and her deceased husband decided to

    finally cut any ties with the NPAs in 1992, but claims to have

    decided to reunite with the government way back in 1987.

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    11.2. Their affidavits, aside from appearing contrived, also contain

    statements that are baseless and patently bereft of any logic. It

    also contained statements based on mere hearsay. On the whole,

    the allegations appear contrived, biased and reeked of prejudice against the four respondents who were all perceived to be

    members of the New Peoples Army. For instance, and assuming

    only for the sake of argument that the affiants statements are true,

    the lengthy text seen in the karton allegedly found in the crime

    scene as testified by the witness DIONISIO ROXAS is even

    incredibly stated in toto in the affidavit of MEDELYN FELIPE.

    11.3. All of these accounts are highly suspect and defies logic it

    even is contrary to human experience for it is highly incredible for

    individuals living totally different lives to recall exactly the same

    thing -- verbatim -- what they read in a text that they came across

    years ago.

    11.4. The fact that Isabelita Bayudang testified that she saw

    Mabuhay ang NPA written into the text of the carton allegedly

    found in the crime scene is also blatantly revealing: it shows her

    utmost bias against this organization, a bias that is translated into

    her overzealousness to make false allegations just to destroy the reputation of those individuals whom she imagines are members of

    the NPA.

    11.5. The testimony presented against the four accused-movants,

    being manifestly biased and malicious, aside from being false,

    highly indicate a mechanism ensured to persecute the four.

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    12. The filing of the instant cases, however, is not the only attempt by the

    government to prosecute and persecute accused-movants. The following

    events/cases reveal a pattern of persecution consciously carried out by

    the state and its security forces against the progressive party-list

    representatives accused herein.

    12.1. Since 2002, after BAYAN MUNA won the most number of votes

    in its first participation in the partylist election in 2001, National

    Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales already begun his campaign of

    vilification against BAYAN MUNA, intimating he would seek ways to

    have the partylists BAYAN MUNA, GABRIELA and ANAKPAWIS

    disqualified from further participating in elections.

    12.2. Since the creation of the Inter-Agency Legal Action Group

    (IALAG) through Executive Order 493,5 accused-movants party-list representatives, including Rep. Crispin Beltran, of BAYAN MUNA,

    Anakpawis and Gabriela Women's Party, have been harassed with

    cases of rebellion6 which have been ordered dismissed7 by the

    Supreme Court as earlier stated.

    12.3. Then came the filing of these murder cases (including another kidnapping with murder case8 filed in Guimba, Nueva Ecija).

    5 Attached as Annex 3 is a copy of E.O. 493 creating IALAG.

    6 A copy of the Information in the rebellion case filed against accused-movants in

    the Makati Regional Trial Court is hereto attached as Annex 4. 7 A copy of the Supreme Court decision in the rebellion case dated 1 June 2007 is

    hereto attached as Annex 5. 8 A copy of the kidnapping with murder case filed against the same accused-

    movants is hereto attached as Annex 6.

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    12.4. After the filing of these cases in Nueva Ecija, the same complainants in said cases filed petitions for disqualification against

    BAYAN MUNA, Anakpawis and Gabriela and herein accused-

    movants, including Rep. Crispin Beltran, with the Commission on


    12.5. The complaints at the COMELEC were initially docketed as SPA

    No. 07-015 and SPA 07-016, later redocketed as SPP No. 07-015

    and SPP 07-016.9 The filing of the disqualification complaints was

    even dramatized through the presentation to the media of the two

    complainants with their faces covered, allegedly to prevent

    retaliatory action against them by the adverse parties -- implying

    the respondents.

    12.6. Incidentally, the COMELEC in its Resolution10 promulgated on 1

    June 2007 made a significant ruling that demolishes the credibility

    and weight of the affidavits of Isabelita Bayudang, Medelyn Felipe

    and their witnesses, who are also the same witnesses in these

    cases for murder. Said COMELEC Resolution, which by the way

    set out in toto the verified complaint and/or petition filed therein by

    Isabelita Bayudang (noticeably, said verified complaint and/or petition contains identical statements contained in Bayudangs

    Sinumpaang Salaysay, so identical that the Sinumpaang Salaysay

    and the verified complaint and/or petition seem culled from one and

    the same document), ruled that after a careful scrutiny of the

    9 Copies of the complaints for disqualification filed at the COMELEC are hereto

    attached as Annexes 7 and 7-A. 10

    A copy of the COMELEC Resolution dismissing the complaints for disqualification is hereto attached as Annex 7-B.

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    records of this case, x x (there is) no sufficient and convincing evidence to support the petitions and the allegations

    contained therein. (page 12 of the Resolution) (Emphasis supplied.)

    13. Indeed, if there is one thing that is clear in these charges, it is that the

    four accused-movants are victims of malicious political persecution, perjury and incriminatory machination. There can be no doubt that these charges

    are just one of the numerous trumped-up cases being hurled against them, all highly politically motivated, and all being repugnant to the democratic

    principles enshrined in the Constitution. This constitutes political

    harassment in the guise of legal/judicial action.

    14. It is well that we be reminded of the Supreme Court ruling in Allado vs.

    Diokno (232 SCRA 192) which held: The sovereign power has the inherent right to protect

    itself and its people from vicious acts which endanger the proper administration of justice; hence, the State has every right to prosecute and punish violators of the law. This is essential for its self-preservation, nay, its very existence. But this does not confer a license for pointless assaults on its citizens. The right of the State to prosecute is not a carte blanche for government agents to defy and disregard the rights of its citizens under the Constitution. (Underscoring is ours)

    The evidence submitted by the prosecution are insufficient to establish probable cause against accused-movants. ------------------------------------------------------

    15. An analysis of the evidence presented by the prosecution against each

    accused-movant reveals the following:

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    Evidence Against Accused-Movant Liza Maza

    16. Aside from her categorical denial and the impossibility of her having participated in the alleged killings, Accused-movant MAZA pointed out the following inconsistencies in the testimonies of the Complainants and their witnesses:


    1) Julie Sinohin claimed that he planned the killing of Ricardo Peralta in such a way that he would be bumped from behind and that it would be made to appear as an accident.

    This is plainly unbelievable as they could not have predicted where Ricardo Peralta would go and whether their plan would work, say, if the person they were tailing suddenly took a different direction, road or path.

    2) That his group bumped Jimmy Peraltas motorcycle at its back11 causing the latter to fall down.

    3) That the white car was going the same direction as the motorcycle being driven by the victim.

    4) That he could not remember the name of the other person who was with him and Ka Mig inside the car.

    In fact, the whole story of Julie Sinohin, e.i. the planning and mistaken killing of Jimmy Peralta is a fabrication. This is proven by no less than the evidences submitted by the complainants and/or included by the police, as follows:

    a) Spot Report prepared by one AC Binuya the day after the incident or on December 24, 2004, and released by one Aquino BF which contained the following:


    11 Paragraph 21, Sinumpaang Salaysay of Julie F. Sinohin dated November 22,


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    From the above Spot Report, it is clear that Jimmy Peralta hit a certain Marlon Banicod with his motorcycle which caused the former to fall down on the road and he was then ran over by speeding vehicle coming from the opposite direction and not from the same direction as Julie Sinohin claimed.

    b) November 15, 2006 Statements of the following who were present at the scene of the accident (Marlon D. Banicod, Eugene Macayan, August L. Angeles) they were then walking home along the National Highway at Barangay Sinipit, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija, when Marlon was hit after which they saw a person (later identified as Jimmy Peralta) lying on the road, hit by an oncoming white car.

    c) Special Report of the Bongabon Chief of Police dated September 18, 2001 stated in paragraph 1 that Jimmy Peralta accidentally bumped a pedestrian from behind which caused Jimmy to lose control of the motorcycle. He fell down and was hit by a rushing vehicle from opposite direction.

    It is worth noting that the said Special Report called the case a hit-and-run case. It also mentioned that there was an eyewitness who executed an affidavit and that a copy of which was attached to the Special Report. Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Report stated the following, to wit:

    2. Initial investigation of this case reveals that the herein victim was then on board his motorcycle when a pedestrian accidentally bumped from behind, causing to lost control and subsequently hit by a rushing vehicle from opposite direction upon falling down, thereby said victim fatally hit on the spot.

    3. Follow-up investigation of the incident appears that the circumstances surrounding hereto is hit-and-run case in which the vehicle involved described as automobile with no specific brand/make, color white, plate nr. was not taken by the eyewitness, who executed an affidavit relevant to this incident

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    and a copy of which is attached hereto, ready reference. (Emphasis supplied)

    17. But where is that affidavit which was supposedly attached to the above

    Special Report and which affidavit can potentially totally discredit the

    testimony of Julie Sinohin?

    18. As per the same report, the case was considered an unsolved Traffic

    Accident. Even the filled up Case Report Chart classified the case as one

    of reckless imprudence resulting to homicide.

    19. After tailing the person for a few hours and after the alleged Intelligence

    Group conducted surveillance, how could Julie Sinohin credibly explain

    the alleged mistake in identity that resulted to the killing of the wrong


    20. Indeed, Jimmy Peralta appears to be a victim of a real hit-and-run case

    perpetrated by an unknown individual but certainly not by Julie Sinohins

    group as he claims. Jimmy Peralta was not a victim of a mistaken identity;

    rather, he is a victim of a recycled identity.


    1) Julie Sinohin claimed that Carlito Bayudang was killed pursuant to the order of the Central Committee which, in turn, was in compliance with Accused-movants alleged order to liquidate supporters of AKBAYAN who were hindering the campaign and election of Gabriela and Bayan Muna.

    The evidence that were executed or prepared in 2004 shortly after the shooting (which are the following: The Spot Report, the May 7, 2004 Special Report, the May 19, 2004 Progress Report and the June 7, 2004 Sinumpaang Salaysay of Angel Ayson) never mentioned or considered this angle as the motive behind the killing,

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    and this, considering that the police were not unaware of their active membership in and campaigning for AKBAYAN Party List. As per the May 19, 2004 Progress Report, Carlito Bayudangs killing appears to be a land dispute-related killing on account of his and his groups (the Red Vigilante Group) involvement in the forced take-over of the 150-hectare Vijandre land.

    The suspected mastermind of his killing was one DOMINGO DELA CRUZ and not accused-movant Maza or her co-accused-movants . This Domingo Dela Cruz, according to the widow is an alleged CPP/NPA hitman connected with the Vijandres.

    2) Julie Sinohin claimed that there were three of them, Ka Nasa, Ka Apple and himself, who perpetrated that killing.

    Angel Ayson who gave a sworn statement in June 7, 2004 stated that he saw only two men; one who was already outside waiting for the other who went out shortly, and that he saw them (the 2 men) board the black motorcycle and drove towards the highway.

    All other reports including the Salaysay of Isabelita Bayudang stated that there were only two men who perpetrated the crime.

    Moreover, with only a motorcycle as a get-away vehicle, it would have been impractical and certainly risky to employ three (3) hitmen or assailants as their escape and mobility away from the scene of the crime will be greatly hampered.

    Lastly, there was no explanation and certainly no need to employ more than three hitmen as Julie claimed that the killing was planned and pursuant to a prior surveillance.

    3) Julie Sinohin claimed that his companions were Ka Nasa and Ka Apple; that it was Ka Apple who went with him inside the house of Bayudang while Ka Nasa waited in the get-away motorcycle.

    Angel Ayson who gave a sworn statement in June 7, 2004 stated that he saw only two men and that he heard the man standing on a black

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    motorcycle shout tayo na KA RON, may dumarating then he saw another man who emerged from the yard of Carlito Bayudang. There was no mention of the name/s of Julie Sinohins alleged companion/s and Julie Sinohin did not claim in his statement to have employed the alias Ka Ron.

    4) Julie Sinohin and Isabelita Bayudang claimed that there were two (2) people with whom the victim was talking to in the living room of Bayudangs house.

    The May 19, 2004 Progress Report clearly stated that there was only one (1) witness and named him as ERROL GERONIMO JR. but in Isabelita Bayudangs November 21, 2006 Sinumpaang Salaysay, she stated that her late husband was talking to two (2) people and named them as GERONIMO RAZON and ANTONIO COLLADO.

    The same May 19, 2004 Progress Report stated that Isabelita Bayudang was willing to give a sworn statement that will implicate Domingo dela Cruz as the mastermind. Where is this Sworn Statement? Certainly, it cannot be credibly said that Isabelita Bayudang changed her mind into giving this sworn statement and which she only decided to give more than two (2) years after the killing when Julie Sinohin miraculously surfaced.

    Moreover, it will be noted that while Sinohin12 listed the following persons: Ricardo Peralta, Danilo Felipe, Carlito Bayudang, Francisco Peralta, one Ka Ben and one Ka Ricky, to have been ordered killed by

    12 Paragraph 14 of Sinohins Sinumpaang Salaysay stated:

    14. Disyembre ng 2000 pinatawag ako ni @ Sendong sa isang pagpupulong sa isang liblib na Barangay sa bungabon, Nueva Ecija. Sa pulong na iyon ay ibinaba sa amin ang atas na likidahin ang mga sumusunod bilang pagtupad sa inuutos nina Satur Ocampo, Liza Maza, Teddy Casino, at Rafael Mariano na likidahin ang mga dating kasama na sumosuporta sa AKBAYAN:

    1. RICARDO PERALTA 2. DANILO FELIPE 3. CARLITO BAYUDANG 4. FRANSICO PERALTA; 5. KA BEN 6. KA RICKY Ang amin (6) na nabanggit ay mga dating miyembro ng CPP/NPA/NDFP na

    sumapi at sumoporta sa AKBAYAN na nag resulta sa malamya na pagtangkilik ng masa sa BAYAN MUNA sa Lalawigan ng Nueva Ecija.

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    the CPP/NPA pursuant to the order allegedly handed down by the accused-movants during the alleged meeting, the placard that was recovered on the dead body of Felipe listed the following: 1. Danilo Felipe with X mark; 2. Lito Bayudan, killed on May 06, 2004, 3. Ric Peralta, 4. Fred Sadoy, 5. Eduardo Balay, 6. Hernan Ocampo, 7. and Arjee Esquejo.

    If Sinohins group was the one who prepared the placard that was placed on Felipes dead body, how can he explain the discrepancy?

    21. Significantly, the testimonies on accused-movant MAZAs alleged

    participation in the killings are replete with tell-tale signs of a perjured testimony as follows:

    a. The meetings were supposedly big meetings (malaking pagpupulong) of high-ranking officials of the CPP/NPA/NDFP Central Luzon, and yet the meeting was repeatedly held (all of the three) in the same venue the house of Cleotilde Peralta @ Joy at Barangay Tugatog, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija.

    b. All three (3) witnesses could not mention any other matters discussed during the meeting than our alleged order to liquidate AKBAYAN supporters.

    c. All three (3) remembered almost exactly the same people who attended the said meetings, save for one or two, whose alleged aliases they could only provide.

    d. All three (3) are rebel returnees who have surrendered to and are not unlikely to be under the custody or protection of the military.

    e. All three (3) executed their Sinumpaang Salaysay only in November 2006. Alvaro L. Juliano and Cleotilde A. Peralta executed their Sinumpaang Salaysay on November 21, 2006 while Julie F. Sinohin executed his the following day. Both Sinohin and Peralta gave the identical reasons for the execution of their affidavits, to wit:

    Habang lumilipas ang mga panahon ay hindi ko na masikmura ang mga pagpapatay na isinagawa namin sa mga inosenteng tao. Dahilan nito, ako ay nagpasya na lisanin ang kilusan upang makapamuhay ng tahimik ...

    f. Julie Sinohin claimed in paragraph 28 of his Sinumpaang Salaysay that after the 2004 elections, he was summoned to a meeting at @ Joys house in Barangay Tugatog, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija. However, Cleotilde @ Joy Peralta stated in paragraph 23 of her

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    Sinumpaang Salaysay that in the year 2004, she lied low and went abroad and that when she came back she heard that our alleged order was implemented prior to the elections.

    22. How then could we have held a meeting in Joys house after the 2004

    elections when Joy herself claimed that she lied low and went abroad in


    23. Accused-movant MAZA made the following conclusions:

    1) There is a pattern of suppression of evidence that were executed or prepared shortly after the alleged killings or deaths of Danilo Felipe, Jimmy Peralta and Carlito Bayudang;

    2) The suppressed evidence were replaced by recent statements taken only in November 2006 when Julie Sinohin miraculously surfaced, admitted participation in the killings and implicated myself and my co-respondents as the masterminds;

    3) The fabrication of new evidence were, however, sloppily done as their cross-matching with submitted earlier reports reveal major inconsistencies that discredit the whole allegation of my and my co-respondents participation.

    24. Lastly, the complainants and their witnesses failed to attribute a credible

    motive on all the accuseds alleged participation in the killings. And while it

    is true that motive is not an element in the crime of murder, it becomes

    material when the evidence is circumstantial or inconclusive, and there is

    some doubt on whether the crime was committed or whether the accused

    has committed it13. In the instant cases, there is certainly more than just some doubt on all the accuseds participation or guilt.

    25. Accused-movant MAZA maintained that BAYAN MUNA, ANAKPAWIS and

    GWP have strong constituencies nationwide and whatever influence

    Akbayan or the three alleged victims will have in a few barangays or towns

    13 People vs. Galano, 327 SCRA 462.

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    in Nueva Ecija will have no or very little effect on the electoral strength of their party-list organizations.

    26. It is to be noted that all three victims were residents of the town of

    Bongabon, Nueva Ecija. As per latest (January 25, 2007) COMELEC data, Bongabon has 28 barangays with total registered voters of only Thirty Two

    Thousand One Hundred Ninety Three (32,193). Surely, this number of voters could not have any significant effect to the national or overall



    27. While the widows of Carlito Bayudang and Danilo Felipe admitted that

    they are supporters and/or leaders of AKBAYAN, such fact does not seem

    to be the highlight of their personalities. All three (3) intended victims are members of the dreaded Red Vigilante Grour (RVG), who figured in a deadly conflict with another group led by one DOMINGO DELA CRUZ on

    account of the formers involvement in the forcible take-over of the 150-

    hectare Vijandre land discussed above. It is therefore more credible to consider that Felipe and Bayudang were killed because of their connection

    with the RVG, hence, one of the placards found on Felipes body read:

    Tao ng RVG followed by enumeration of the people who were to be

    killed next. Jimmy Peralta, on the other hand, appears to have been a real

    victim of a hit-and-run.

    28. In fact, Ricardo Peralta (who was the alleged intended target when his brother was allegedly killed) was the suspected leader of the RVG and who prior to his arrest in October 2004 was considered as RPs Public

    Enemy No. 1 and commanded a bounty of P1.2M on his head. Upon his

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    arrest, he was even presented by the Philippine National Police to

    President Macapagal-Arroyo. Newspaper reports also described the RVG

    as engaged in gun-for-hire and high profile kidnap for ransom activities

    operating in Nueva Ecija. Certainly, then, even AKBAYAN would not have been proud to have them as members.

    Evidence Against Accused-Movant Teodoro Casio


    (1) Sinumpaang Salaysay of Mayumi Peralta

    There is no mention of accused-movant Casio or Bayan Muna in her

    sinumpaang salaysay, or any allegation that it was accused-movant

    Casio or any Bayan Muna leader that ordered the killing of her


    (2) Affidavit of Cleotilde Peralta

    Accused-movant Casio does not know anyone named Cleotilde

    Peralta @ Joy. She claimed that she was the @ Joy whose house in

    Barangay Tugatog, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija was used by and others in the above-mentioned meetings; that in 1986 she personally knew

    accused-movant Casio through her task of coordinating with CPPs

    legal front organizations; that after 1987, she met accused-movant

    Casio, Father Balweg and other CPP/NPA leaders on various

    meetings; that she saw accused-movant Casio in the alleged meeting

    held at her house in August 2000 and that she served food during the

    meeting; that there was another big meeting at her house in the last

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    quarter of 2003, which meeting was again attended by

    CPP/NPA/NDFP high-ranking leaders and leaders of BAYAN MUNA,

    GABRIELA and ANAKPAWIS, including accused-movant Casio and

    his co-accused-movants; that in 2004 she lied low in the Kilusan and

    went abroad but later came back and thats when she heard that the

    alleged order to liquidate Carlito Bayudang was carried out.

    This is an outright lie. Accused-movant Casio has never been to the

    house of Cleotilde Peralta or to any house in Brgy. Tugatog,

    Bongabon, Nueva Ecija. Neither could he be attending meetings therein, much less give orders to kill people whose deaths would not

    have any interest to him. Affiants conclusion that the killings were

    done at the instance of accused-movants is absolutely hearsay. She

    never stated she actually heard accused-movants giving orders to

    allegedly liquidate Peralta or Bayudang.

    Having admitted to surrendering to the AFP in 2005, her testimony is

    expectedly full of bias and therefore self-serving and cannot be taken


    (3) Affidavit of Alvaro Juliano

    He said that he was designated as one of the security leaders in a

    meeting held at @ Joys house in August 2000 in Barangay Tugatog,

    Bongabon, Nueva Ecija where he allegedly recognized accused-movant as one of the attendees and where he and his co-accused-

    movants had ordered the liquidation of the former kasamas who have

    shifted their support to AKBAYAN.

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    His statement is an outright fabrication. To reiterate, accused-movant

    Casio has never been to the house of Cleotilde Peralta or to any

    house in Brgy. Tugatog, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija. Neither could he be attending meetings therein, much less give orders to kill people whose

    deaths would not have any interest to him. Having admitted to be a

    rebel returnee in April 2003, affiant is most likely under the custody of

    the military. Thus, his testimony is self-serving and lacks credibility.

    (4) Affidavit of Julie Sinohin

    At the outset, Sinohin is a self-confessed triggerman and should be

    accused as a principal in the murders of Peralta and Bayudang. His

    testimony is self-serving and meant to lessen or absolve himself from

    his criminal liability. As repeatedly stated by accused-movant Casio,

    he has never been in any of the meetings alleged by the witnesses for

    the complainant. More importantly, there is no reason for him or his

    party-list to order the killing of Akbayan supporters in Central Luzon or

    in any part of the country. In the 2001 elections, Akbayan was never a

    threat to Bayan Muna which garnered 1.7 million votes, the highest

    number of votes in the party-list elections. Then again, Bayan Muna

    topped the 2004 elections, obtaining 1.2. million votes.

    Again, there was no such meeting on August 2000, much less an order

    to kill from accused-movant Casio or his fellow accused-movants.

    Even in Sinohins account of the alleged two meetings, the alleged

    order to kill Akbayan supporters did not mention any specific name.

    Thus, whatever plan Sinohin and his co-conspirators had cooked up,

    including their alleged hit list, is purely their initiative and cannot be

    attributed to accused-movant Casio or his fellow accused-movants.

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    At no time had accused-movant Casio any motive to kill Peralta and

    Bayudang. He does not know them, much less their activities.

    Sinohin details his participation in the murders but his account is

    inconsistent with the attached police reports and other evidence.


    (1) Affidavit of Isabelita Bayudang

    There is no mention here of accused-movant Casio. Neither is there

    any allegation that it was him who ordered the killing of Carlito


    Contrary to the malicious claim of affiant, Bayan Muna is a political

    party organized not by the CPP but by Filipino citizens who saw the

    need to establish an alternative political party to represent the

    marginalized and underrepresented sectors in Philippine society.

    Bayan Muna is duly registered in and accredited by the COMELEC.

    It is patently false and ridiculous for affiant to allege that her husbands

    activities weakened Bayan Muna. Having topped the 2001 party-list

    elections, for Bayan Muna, Akbayan was never seen as a threat to it.

    On her alleged and hearsay statement that Bayan Muna sent a

    warning to Carlito Bayudang to stop his support for Akbayan on pain of

    liquidation, affiant never identified specifically who sent the alleged

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    warning and, therefore, she or her husband has no basis in concluding

    that it came from Bayan Muna.

    (2) Affidavits of Julie Sinohin, Cleotilde Peralta and Alvaro Juliano Please refer to the above discussion on their respective affidavits.

    Evidence Against Accused-Movant Saturnino Ocampo

    29. A reading of the affidavits that directly implicate Saturnino Ocampo as

    well as Representatives Liza L. Maza, Teodoro A. Casio and Rafael V.

    Mariano reveal that they are executed and sworn to by four affiants who

    claim to be former members of the CPP/NPA/NDF, namely, Julie Flores

    Sinohin, Cleotilde Aguilar Peralta, Alvaro Juliano y Laureano and Isabelita

    Bayudang. All the four affiants executed their extra-judicial confessions before their military/ police handlers and all are now undoubtedly working

    as military/ police assets under the custody, direction and control of the

    AFP and /or PNP. To mention again, Sinohin and C. Peralta surrendered

    in 2006 and 2005, respectively, as per their affidavits, and Juliano claims

    he was arrested in April 2003 by the Alpha Coy, 71st IB, Philippine Army.

    Bayudang claims she and her deceased husband decided to finally cut

    any ties with the NPAs in 1992, but claims to have decided to reunite with

    the government way back in 1987.

    30. These affidavits, aside from appearing contrived, biased and concocted,

    even contain numerous inconsistencies and statements that are baseless,

    or based on mere hearsay, and bereft of any logic. Indeed, these are

    obviously false and manufactured statements that do not deserve to be

    accorded any credibility. For instance, Sinohin stated:

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    21. Noong ika-23 ng buwan ng Disyembre taong 2001, ay namatyagan naming si RICARDO PERALTA sa Bongabon, Nueva Ecija na sakay sa kanyang motorsiklo. Gamit ang puting kotse na minaneho ni Ka MIG ay sinundan naming ang motorsiklo ni RICARDO PERALTA. Kasama naming sa loob ng nasabing puting kotse ang isa pang kasama na hindi ko na natandaan ang pangalan subalit makikilala ko siya kung makikita ko muli.

    31. Assuming only for the sake of argument that Sinohin is not lying, it defies

    logic and reason that Sinohin in his statement was able to recall as many

    as twenty-two names (22) from different occasions dating as far back as 1999 -- most of these occasions allegedly attended by numerous people

    where ones ability of recollection could be expected to be hampered-- but

    he could not even remember his one companion in the car they rode on

    the night of the fateful incident, considering that there were only three of

    them inside the car.

    32. Sinohin likewise stated:

    21. x x x Noong gabi ng araw na iyon ay naabutan naming ang motor ni RICARDO PERALTA sa National Highway sa Barangay Sinipit, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija. Habang tumatakbo ang nasabing motorsiklo ay binangga naming ito sa likuran. Nakita ko na tumilapon ang sakay nito sa kalsada at ng bumagsak siya ay sinagasaan naman ng kotse sa sinasakyan namin.

    33. The statement reeks of so many inconsistencies that it is just incredible. For one, while Sinohin stated that their white car was going in the same

    direction as the motorcycle being driven by the victim, the polices Spot

    Report prepared by one AC Binuya on December 24, 2004 based on first

    hand accounts of witnesses show that Jimmy Peralta hit a certain Marlon

    Banicod with his motorcycle which caused Jimmy Peralta to lose control

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    and fall down, and while Jimmy lay fallen, a speeding vehicle coming from

    the opposite direction accidentally ran him over.

    34. Sinohin also stated that:

    26. x x x Minaneho ni KA NASA ang motorsiklo at kami naman ni KA APPLE ay naglakad at sumunod sa motor ni AKA (sic) NASA patungo sa bahay ni CARLITO BAYUDANG. Nang makarating kami ay dali-dali kami ni KA APPLE na pumasok sa bahay ni CARLITO BAYUDANG at inabutan naming siya na nakaupo at may ka-kuwentuhan na dalawang tao sa salas ng kanilang bahay. Agad kong binaril ng tatlong beses si CARLITO BAYUDANG ng dala kong .45 na pistola. Narinig ko na pumutok din ng dalawang beses si KA APPLE na noon ay nasa tabi ko. Nang matiyak naming patay na si CARLITO BAYUDANG ay agad na sumigaw ako na mga NPA kami at saka mabilis kaming sumakay sa motor na dala ni KA NASA at lumayo kami sa nasabing lugar.

    35. This is inconsistent with the affidavit of one witness, Angel Ayson, who, in

    his sworn statement revealed that he saw only two men board the black

    motorcycle and sped away from Carlitos house after the gunshots were

    heard. Angel Ayson likewise specifically mentioned that he heard a man

    standing by the motorcycle outside Carlitos house shout: tayo na KA

    RON may dumarating, That was all. A review of Sinohins statement

    reveals that he used the code: Ka RB, Ka Sam, Ka Ramil, at Ka

    Berting. In this narrative, assuming it were true, nowhere did he mention

    the name Ka Ron. The credibility of Sinohins statement is put into

    question, for if Sinohin maliciously and deliberately stated one falsity in

    one or two details, this is a tell-tale sign that the rest of his affidavit is

    unreliable and unworthy of credit.

    36. Sinohins statement (No. 19) in his Sinumpaang Salaysay that they boarded the victim Danilo Felipe on the hand tractor and brought him to

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    Barangay Maeling, Nampicuan where they allegedly killed him is likewise

    inconsistent with the Pinagsamang Sinumpaang Salaysay together with

    Barangay Captain Rodrigo A. Toribio and the Karagdagang Sinumpaang

    Salaysay of Danilo T. Centro wherein it was stated that the armed men,

    after allegedly abducting Danilo Felipe, allowed the rest of them to leave

    unharmed and he, Centro and his companions, did leave on board the

    hand tractor.

    37. Even Isabelita Bayudangs affidavit on the alleged murder of Danilo Felipe

    gives away a crucial yet telling inconsistency, a detail that shows the

    motive why she filed this charges against people she imagines to be

    connected with the NPA. In her statement, Isabelita states:

    16. Noong Pebrero 17, 2001 ay dinukot ng mga pinaghihinlang (sic) miyembro ng NPA si DANILO FELIPE at noong Pebrero 20, 2001 ay natagpuan ang kanyang bangay (sic) sa Narvacan 1, Guimba, Nueva Ecija. Nakasabit sa bangay (sic) ni Danilo ang isang papel na may nakasulat na Mabuhay ang NPA at nakasulat din ang listahan ng mga taong susunod na itutumba ng NPA at isa doon ay ang pangalan ng asawa ko .

    38. The inconsistency lies in the account of witnesses DIONISIO ROXAS, in

    the affidavit of MEDELYN FELIPE and the report of P/Senior Inspector

    Palomo. Assuming they were true, all of these accounts, except Isabelita

    Bayudangs, alleged that two cartons were found beside the body of

    Danilo Felipe.

    39. Likewise, assuming for the sake of argument that they are true, in all of

    these accounts, nobody alleged that they saw Mabuhay ang NPA in the

    text written on the cartons. The account of witnesses DIONISIO ROXAS

    alleges a different text, a text that is even incredibly stated in toto in the

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    affidavit of MEDELYN FELIPE and the report of PSenior Inspector


    40. The fact that Isabelita Bayudang alone testified that she saw Mabuhay

    ang NPA written into the text of the carton allegedly found in the crime

    scene is also blatantly revealing: it shows her utmost bias against this

    organization, a bias that is translated into her overzealousness to make

    false allegations just to destroy the reputation of those individuals whom she imagines are members of the NPA. Her testimony, being manifestly

    biased and malicious, aside from being false, does not deserve to be

    accorded any credibility.

    41. All the allegations reeked of ill-motives against persons whom the four

    perceive to be NPAs, and do not deserve to be given any credence at all.

    42. Noteworthy that the statements of the complainants Isabelita Bayudang,

    Medelyn Felipe, and Mayumi Peralta did not mention Saturnino Ocampos

    name or that his co-respondents as perpetrators of the offense being

    charged; nor did they mention any act committed by the four accused for

    them to be charged with murder. On the other hand, a close scrutiny of

    the allegations in the sworn statements of complainants witnesses will

    readily show signs that they were synchronized, coached, directed and

    sourced, albeit crudely, from the same minds.

    43. The most notable element in the separate statements of Sinohin, C.

    Peralta and Juliano is their uniform allegation that accused Ocampo,

    Maza, Casio and Mariano attended an alleged meeting of the top

    leaders of the CPP/NPA/NDF in Central Luzon and leaders of BAYAN

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    MUNA and BAYAN on an unspecified date in August 2006 in the house

    of Peralta (@Joy) in Tugatog, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija.

    44. Sinohin and Juliano claim they were assigned as security officers at the

    alleged meeting (pagpupulong), while C.Peralta claims to have served food to the participants, under which circumstances the trio explain how

    they came to know of the contents of the long discussions. Thus, they

    uniformly state almost verbatimly in their separate sworn statements the


    Isa sa mga natalakay ay ang pagsali ng BAYAN MUNA sa halalan noon taong 2001 at ang epekto sa pagsuporta ng mga dating kasamahan sa kalaban na party-list organization ng AKBAYAN. Pinag-usapan nila ang magiging epekto ng pagbaligtad at pagsuporta ng mga dating kasama sa kalaban na party-list organization na AKBAYAN at matapos ang mahabang talakayan ay ini-utos nina Satur Ocampo, Liza Maza, Teddy Casio at Rafael Mariano sa mga lider ng CPP/NPA ng Central Luzon na agad likidahin ang sinumang dating kasamahan na susuporta sa AKBAYAN at magiging sagabal sa ikapapanalo ng BAYAN MUNA. Narinig ko na minungkahi ni Liza Maza ang paggamit sa mga miyembro ng Gabriela sa paniniktik sa mga dating kasama na sumusuporta sa AKBAYAN.

    45. The above-quoted statement is found in the affidavits of C.Peralta (No.19) and Juliano (No. 17). The only variance in the affidavit of Sinohin (No. 13), from the other two are the word sinuri (ang magiging epekto) in lieu of the phrase pinag-usapan nila common to the C.Peralta and Juliano

    affidavits, and matapos ang palitan ng kuro-kuro in lieu of matapos ng

    mahabang talakayan in the Peralta and Juliano affidavits.

    46. The falsity of this uniform statement is obvious:

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    46.1. It is inherently incredible that all three affiants were present in the

    room where the alleged meeting took place ALL throughout the

    discussions, as to listen in and intellectually ingest the long

    discussions while Sinohin and Juliano stood as security and

    C.Peralta served food to the participants. It is also incredible to

    assign security people in the room where the alleged meeting

    took place instead of outside the house to better secure the venue

    of the meeting against strangers and intruders.

    46.2. Furthermore, granting there was such a meeting, it was

    inconceivable for the leaders of the CPP/NPA/NDF in Central

    Luzon and the leaders of BAYAN MUNA and BAYAN to have

    assigned security details inside the meeting room if the topic of

    discussion was as sensitive as the affiants allege. Likewise, it

    was inconceivable for C. Peralta - even if she owned the house-to

    have been allowed to stay in the meeting room when her

    acknowledged task was simply to serve food to the participants.

    46.3. It likewise strains credibility to take as factually correct that all the

    four accused -- Ocampo, Maza, Casio, Mariano - could have

    ordered the leaders of the CPP/NPA in Central Luzon to

    immediately liquidate any former comrade who supported

    AKBAYAN and hindered the victory of BAYAN MUNA in the 2001

    partylist election. This allegation raises the following questions:

    47. By what authority could Ocampo, Maza, Casio and Mariano have

    ordered the leaders of the CPP/NPA in Central Luzon to undertake the

    alleged liquidation?

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    48. How did the four issue the alleged order-all together, or one after the other

    speaking at the alleged meeting?

    49. Who presided over the alleged meeting? Is there any proof that the four

    representatives or anyone of them was a member or leader of the CPP/

    NPA/ NDF? All three affiants are silent on these questions.

    50. Given the fact that the party-list election was held nationwide, why should

    BAYAN MUNA be concerned that the activities of a few supposed former

    comrades supporting AKBAYAN in a few towns or barangays in Nueva

    Ecija can hinder (magiging sagabal) the party's victory in the 2001 partylist election?

    51. As earlier stated, the COMELEC records of the 2001 partylist election

    show that BAYAN MUNA garnered One Million Seven Hundred Thousand

    (1.7M) votes, as against AKBAYAN'S 357,274.

    52. Surely, AKBAYAN was no threat to BAYAN MUNA's victory. Clearly, the

    motive attributed to the four respondents for allegedly ordering the

    liquidation of the supporters of AKBAYAN in Nueva Ecija is baseless. It is a malicious imputation of ruthlessness which is sought to be backed-up by

    alluding to an imagined meeting in August 2000, using the perjured testimonies of persons who are police/ military assets under effective

    military custody and control.

    53. It bears repeating that all the four affiants claim to be former members of

    the CPP/NPA/NDF and all are now police/ military assets under the

    custody and control of the AFP and/or PNP. Sinohin and C. Peralta

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    surrendered in 2006 and 2005, respectively as per their affidavits, and

    Juliano claims he was arrested in April 2003 by the Alpha Coy, 71st IB,

    Philippine Army. Bayudang claims she and her deceased husband

    decided to finally cut any ties with the NPAs in 1992, but claims to have

    decided to reunite with the government way back in 1987. Hence, their

    testimonies and/or extrajudicial admissions all lack credibility for being biased and patently fabricated. Having themselves admitted that they left

    the movement with resentments and ill-feelings boiling in their hearts, it is

    but inevitable and almost natural to expect that their statements would be

    full of biased and false allegations that reek of motives to demonize, vilify,

    and demolish the reputation of the movement that they deserted, including

    the reputation and the lives of the people whom they imagine to be

    members or sympathizers of the CPP/ NPA/ NDF.

    Evidence Against Accused-Movant Rafael Mariano

    54. Prosecution witness Julie Sinohin Flores volunteered accused-movant

    Rafael Marianos alleged participation on the supposed murders of the

    above-named persons. Julie Sinohin confesses that he was the one who

    directly committed and executed the dastardly acts. He executed his

    affidavit before Police Superintendent Ferdinand Vero, the administering

    officer thereof on 22 November 2002. Alvaro Juliano y Laureano and

    Cleotilde Aguilar Peralta, who both executed their affidavits on 21

    November 2006 also before Police Superintendent Vero, supposedly

    corroborate the sworn statement of Sinohin.

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    The Affidavit of Julie Flores Sinohin:

    55. According to Sinohins web of lies, in August 2000, accused Rafael

    Mariano, together with his co-accused-movants Reps. Satur Ocampo, Liza

    Maza and Teodoro Casio attended a meeting of the leaders of the CPP-

    NPA-NDF in Barangay Tugatog, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija. Allegedly, during the said meeting, the said accused ordered the liquidation or

    summary execution of former members of CPP/NPA who supported

    Akbayan and who would derail the victory of Bayan Muna. Further,

    Sinohin said that in December 2000 a certain @ Sendong summoned him

    and he received an order to liquidate Ricardo Peralta, Carlito Bayudang,

    and Danilo Felipe which the herein accused allegedly issued. Thus,

    according to Sinohin, a Special Operations Group (SOG) composed of the Intel Group and Liquidation Group were formed on the same date to

    implement the order that the herein accused have supposedly issued.

    Sinohin was allegedly tasked as the head of the Liquidation Group.

    56. The testimony of this perjured witness Julie Sinohin is totally different from the official reports of the Philippine National Police as to the death of

    Ricardo Peralta. While prosecution witness Julie Sinohin is claiming that

    he intentionally bumped the motorcycle of Ricardo Peralta, to quote:

    21. x x x Noong gabi ng araw na iyon ay naabutan namin ang motor ni RICARDO PERALTA sa National Highway sa Barangay Sinipit, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija. Habang Tumatakbo ang nasabing motorsiklo ay binangga namin ito sa likuran. Nakita ko na tumilapon ang sakay nito sa kalsada at ng bumagsak siya ay sinagasaan naman ng kotse na sinasakyan namin. Subalit sa hindi inaasahang pangyayari, ang napatay pala namin ay ang kapatid ni RICARDO na si JIMMY PERALTA.

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    57. The official reports proved otherwise. The official report dated September

    18, 2004 of the Chief of Police of Bangabon, Nueva Ecija, to the PNP Provincial Director of Nueva Ecija, which was attached to the complaint, says otherwise, to quote:

    2. Initial investigation reveals that the herein victim was then on board on his motorcycle when a pedestrian accidentally bumped from behind causing to lost (sic) control and subsequently hit by a rushing vehicle from opposite direction upon falling down, thereby said victim was fatally hit on the spot.

    58. Moreover, the Police Report dated December 24, 2004 signed by PC/Insp.

    Aquino, which was likewise attached to the complaint as an annex,

    declared that while the victim, Jimmy Peralta was driving his motorcycle, it

    hit a certain Marilou Basnicod. The report states that the death of Jimmy

    Peralta was also due to an accident, to quote:

    x x x hit a certain Marilou Basnicod of Brgy. Palomaria causing to fall down the said motorcycle as well as Jimmy Peralta thereby accidentally run over by a speeding vehicle coming from the opposite direction. (emphasis supplied)

    59. On the other hand, Isabelita Bayudang ADMITTED during the

    investigation that the reason for the killing of her husband was connected

    with the land dispute in their locality. In fact, during the investigation, she

    readily pinpointed to Domingo de la Cruz as the Mastermind. She testified

    also that the group of Carlito Bayudang (her husband) received death threats from another group of farmers identified with the owner of the land,

    the Vijandro family. Both Isabelita Bayudang and her deceased husband were members of the dreaded Red Vigilante Group (RVG). Those who were allegedly killed for being Akbayan supporters were actually members

    of the Red Vigilante Group (RVG). Please refer to the PNP Provincial

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    NEPPO report dated May 19, 2005, that P/CInsp. Whelmer Carillo signed,

    which was attached to the record of the case.

    60. In sum, the testimony of Sinohin is perjured and not worthy of trust. In addition, the supposed participation of the party-list representatives,

    accused-movant Mariano among them, to the supposed murders is based

    on purely on hearsay as discussed below.

    The Affidavits of Alvaro Juliano y Laureano and Cleotilde Aguilar Peralta.

    61. The affidavits of the above-named persons provide nothing on accused-

    movant Marianos supposed participation on the alleged murder of Jimmy

    Peralta, Carlito Bayudang and Danilo Felipe. They merely state his

    alleged membership with the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the New Peoples Army (NPA). However, mere membership in the said organization is not considered a crime after the repeal of the Anti-

    Subversion Law. He does not admit, however, that he was ever a member

    of the CPP-NPA.

    Accused-movant Marianos Supposed Participation To The Murder Of The Victims Is Based On Hearsay Evidence.

    62. According to Julie Sinohin, several months after the supposed meeting, he

    received an order from @ Sendong to kill Ricardo Peralta, Carlito

    Bayudang and Danilo Felipe. He alleges that the accused party-list

    representatives were the ones who allegedly gave the said order to @

    Sendong. This only shows that Julie Sinohin based his conclusion that

    the accused party-list representatives ordered the killing of the said

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    persons based on the information that @ Sendong relayed to him.

    Clearly, it is hearsay and therefore, inadmissible in evidence.

    63. This likewise shows that the witness has not personally and directly

    received any order from accused-movant Mariano to supposedly kill the

    said persons. If at all, the State should prosecute @ Sendong and Julie

    Sinohin not the accused herein. @ Sendong is the principal by

    inducement while Sinohin is the principal by direct participation.

    64. Upon scrutiny, it is respectfully submitted, that the pieces of evidence that

    the prosecution submitted conflict and contradict each other, and have not

    met the mandated standard. The pieces of evidence presented falls on

    their own weight as they have not shown that the herein accused were

    ever aware of and consented to any criminal act or violation of the law.

    65. The prosecutions reliance on the perjured testimony of Julie Sinohin must come to naught. His testimony is nothing but an admission of his having a

    criminal mind and character, as shown in his Sinumpaang Salaysay

    confessing to the heinous crimes he committed against the husbands of

    the private complainants.

    66. It is so perplexing that despite his admissions and confessions to the said

    killings, the authorities just kept their eyes blind and never indicted Julie Sinohin as the principal accused for multiple murders, as he is the most

    guilty of the crimes committed. The military and/or police handlers

    designed Julie Sinohins testimony, who have openly campaigned against

    the progressive party-lists of herein accused. This fact is very much clear

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    in his Sinumpaang Salaysay which was administered before P/Supt.

    Ferdinand M. Vero, and that men from the military/PNP witnessed.

    The documents attached on record are nothing but hearsay, irrelevant and inadmissible in evidence. They would not establish the complicity of the accused party-list representatives to the death of the supposed victims.

    67. Most, if not all, of the voluminous documents that the prosecution

    submitted are printed materials which are irrelevant and immaterial,

    hearsay, spurious, unauthenticated and inadmissible in evidence that

    either belong to the anti-insurgency section of the military archive or long

    consigned to the PNP/AFP shredding machine.

    The findings of probable cause by the Provincial Prosecutor of Nueva Ecija against the respondents are based on inadmissible evidence in violation of the res inter alios acta rule. ------------------------------------------------------

    68. Section 28, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court which enshrines in the

    Philippine jurisdiction the doctrine of res inter alios acta alteri nocere debet ordains that an act, declaration or omission of another person cannot

    prejudice the rights of any party, and that, therefore, an extrajudicial confession or admission is binding only upon the confessant and not

    against others. In the case of People v. Tena,14 the Honorable Supreme

    Court said:

    Not unexpectedly, therefore, it is this extrajudicial confession on which Solita Sena centers his attack in the present appellate proceedings, assigning as errors on the part of the lower court the admission in evidence of the extrajudicial confession of Adelberto Camota and his conviction on the sole basis thereof.

    14 215 SCRA 43 [1992].

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    But as is made clear by the Solicitor General in his Manifestation in Lieu of Appellees Brief, the matter of that confessions competency need not be delved into as the issue of accused-appellants guilt or innocence may be resolved by application of the doctrine res inter alios acta alteri nocere debet. Actually, the issue is not so much the admissibility in evidence of the extrajudicial confession, but rather, even conceding its admissibility, its use against persons other than the confessant, e.g., herein accused-appellant.

    Use of Camotas extrajudicial confession is precluded by Section 25 (now Section 28) of Rule 130 of the Rules of Court, viz:

    Section 28. Admission by third party. The rights of a party cannot be prejudiced by an act, declaration, or omission of another, except as hereinafter provided.

    The reason for the rule is that:

    On a principle of good faith and mutual convenience, a mans own acts are binding upon himself, and are evidence against him. So are his conduct and declarations. Yet it would not only be rightly inconvenient, but also manifestly unjust, that a man should be bound by the acts of mere unauthorized strangers; and if a party ought not to be bound by the acts of strangers, neither ought their acts or conduct be used as evidence against him.

    69. While the res inter alios acta rule admits of certain exceptions, one of

    which is found in Section 30, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court on admission

    regarding co-conspirators, such exception does not apply in the present

    case. As held in People v. Tena 15 and reiterated in People v.

    Surigawan,16 the prosecution must meet the following criteria before the

    exception under Section 30 can apply: (1) proof of the conspiracy through evidence other than the admission itself; (2) the admission relates to the common object; and (3) the admission was made while the declarant was engaged in carrying out the conspiracy.

    70. In People v. Surigawan (supra), the Court said: The error of the trial court is compounded by the use of similar uncounselled confessions made by the other accused to convict

    15 Supra.

    16 228 SCRA 458, 464-465 [1993].

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    accused-appellant Surigawan. Cited by the trial court to bolster its ruling is Section 30 of Rule 130 which provides:

    The act or declaration of a conspirator relating to the conspiracy and during its existence, may be given in evidence against the co-conspirator after the conspiracy is shown by evidence other than such act or declaration.

    Again, the inapplicability of this provision is plain to the eye. For this provision to apply, the following requisites must be satisfied:

    a. that the conspiracy be first proved by evidence other than the admission itself.;

    b. that the admission relates to the common object; and, c. that it has been made while the declarant was engaged in carrying out the conspiracy.

    In the case at bar, the alleged conspiracy among the accused was not priorly established by separate and independent evidence. Nor was it shown that the extrajudicial confessions of the other accused (Exhibits B, F and J) were made while they were engaged in carrying out the conspiracy. In truth, the confessions were made after the conspiracy has ended and after the consummation of the crime. These confessions cannot be used against the accused-appellant without doing violence against his constitutional right to be confronted with the witnesses against him and to cross-examine them.

    Without the uncounselled confession of the accused-appellant and the extrajudicial confessions of the other accused, no shred of evidence remains to establish the guilt of accused-appellant Surigawan beyond reasonable doubt.

    71. In view of the foregoing, it is perfectly clear that the extrajudicial confessions of witnesses Julie Flores Sinohin and Alvaro Juliano-

    Laureano and Cleotilde Aguilar-Peralta and Isabelita Bayudang y Nanip

    are inadmissible in evidence under the doctrine of res inter alios acta alteri

    nocere debet embodied in Rule 130, Section 28 of the Rules of Court.

    72. The public prosecutors categorically stated in their Resolution dated 11

    April 2008 that the testimony of Julie Flores Sinohin is an absolute

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    necessity xxxx if we are to successfully prosecute these cases. 17

    However, the prosecution has not proven the supposed conspiracy

    through any other evidence other than Julie Flores Sinohins sole extra-

    judicial confession dated 22 November 2006. Nor were his declarations made during the existence of the alleged conspiracy.

    73. The provincial prosecutors wrongly construe that Section 30, Rule 130

    does not circumscribe the testimonies of Alvaro Juliano-Laureano, and

    Cleotilde Aguilar-Peralta and Isabelita Bayudang since they are allegedly

    not co-conspirators. In any case, whether they are conspirators or not, the

    general prohibition itself provided in Section 28, Rule 130 applies squarely

    to them since their so-called admissions do not qualify as the exception

    thus rendering their confessions inadmissible in evidence.

    74. Undoubtedly, the case for the prosecution rests solely on the testimonies

    of Julie Flores Sinohin and Alvaro Juliano-Laureano and Cleotilde Aguilar-

    Peralta and Isabelita Bayudang. Without their testimonies, the case for

    the prosecution will have no leg to stand on.

    75. Contrary to the requirement that the prosecution must first prove the

    conspiracy through evidence other than the admission itself, there is

    absolutely no evidence to establish the alleged conspiracy between

    accused-movants and Julie Flores Sinohin who claims that he is the actual

    perpetrator of the killings.

    17 Please see the Resolution of the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor of Nueva

    Ecija dated 11 April 2008 attached as Annex 1 herein at page 10.

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    76. Excluding the inadmissible confessions and admissions of Julie Flores

    Sinohin and Alvaro Juliano-Laureano, and Cleotilde Aguilar-Peralta and

    Isabelita Bayudang, the other affidavits and the e