135702609 LabReport Gas Diffusion Docx

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Transcript of 135702609 LabReport Gas Diffusion Docx

  • 8/18/2019 135702609 LabReport Gas Diffusion Docx


    1.0 ABSTRACT

    Regarding to the experiment objectives which is to determine the diffusivity of the vapour of

    acetone and to study the effect of temperature on the diffusivity, this experiment is based on

    the mass transfer theory. The instrument used is the Gas Dispersion Apparatus that consists of

    an acrylic assembly which is sub divided into two compartments. !ne compartment is

    constructed from clear acrylic and is used as a constant temperature water bath. The other

    compartment is incorporates an air pump and the necessary electrical controls for the

    e"uipment. The experiment is run by using two difference temperatures in order to study the

    effect of temperature on the diffusivity of the vapour of acetone. At temperature of #$%&, the

    diffusivity of acetone that obtained is '.() x 10− 6

    m *+s. eanwhile, at temperature of

    -$%&, the diffusivity of acetone that obtained is *.*-* x 10− 6

    m *+s. This experiment

    showed that gas diffusivity decreased with increasing temperature. owever, supposedly the

    temperature increase with the diffusivity of the vapour of acetone increases as well.


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    Figure 1: Gaseous Difusion Apparatus

    Gaseous difusivity or gas dispersion apparatus which involves difusionwith bulk ow is one o the items o laboratory e uipment that have been

    designed to allow measurement o molecular difusivities and also to

    make the students become more amiliar with the basic notions o mass

    trans er theory! "his apparatus is a bench mounted apparatus or the

    determination o difusion coe#cients o a vapour in air$ which uses the

    method o measuring the rate o evaporation o a li uid through a

    stagnant layer into a owing air stream$ comprising a precision borecapillary tube$ which may be %lled rom a syringe and

    the top o which means are provided to pass air &or an inert gas' stream to

    remove vapour! "he apparatus also comprise an air pump$ a travelling

    microscope with accurate ocus ad(ustment and mounted or vertical a)is

    movement against a *ernier scale and a thermostatically controlled water

    bath$ in which to place the capillary tube$ capable o accurate

    temperature control!


  • 8/18/2019 135702609 LabReport Gas Diffusion Docx


    "he e)perimental capabilities o this apparatus are direct measurement o

    mass trans er rates in the absence convective efects$ use o a gas laws to

    calculate concentrations diferences in terms o partial pressures$ use o

    Fick,s -aw to measure difusion coe#cients in the presence o a stationary

    gas$ measurement o the efect o temperature on difusion coe#cients

    and gaining amiliarity with the use o laboratory instruments to achieve

    accurate measurements o data re uired or industrial process design!

    "he difusivity o the vapour o a volatile li uid in air can be conveniently

    determined by .inklemann,s method in which li uid is contained in a

    narrow diameter vertical tube$ maintained at a constant temperature$ and

    an air stream is passed over the top o the tube to ensure the partial

    pressure o the vapour is trans erred rom the sur ace o the li uid to the

    air stream by molecular difusion! "he molecular difusivity$ D$ is a kinetic

    parameter associated with static and dynamic conditions o a process! All

    the comple)ity and unwieldiness o many calculations is$ indeed$

    connected with the determination o this uantity!


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    "he ob(ective o this e)periment is:

    /!1 "o determine the difusivity o the vapour o acetone!

    /!+ "o study the efect o temperature on the difusivity!


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    4.0 THEORY

    "he difusion o vapour A rom a volatile li uid into another gas can be

    conveniently studied by con%ning a small sample o the li uid in a narrow

    vertical tube and observing its rate o evaporation into a stream o gas

    passed across the top o the tube! 2ormally$ or simple instructional

    purposes$ gas is air and vapour A is an organic solvent such as acetone

    or methyl alcohol!

    "he apparatus consist essentially o a glass capillary tube placed in a

    transparent3sided temperature controlled water bath! A hori4ontal glass

    tube is %)ed to the upper end o the capillary tube and air is blown

    through this by a small air pump included within the unit! "his

    arrangement allows the maintenance o a partial pressure diference

    within the capillary tube between the evaporating li uid sur aces and the

    owing air stream! A travelling microscope$ with sliding vernier scale$ is

    mounted on a rigid stand alongside the thermostatic bath and is used to

    measure the rate o all o the solvent or air meniscus within the capillary!

    "he relation between the measured molar mass trans er rate &2 ,A per unit

    area'$ the partial pressure gradient and the difusion coe#cient$ D is

    deduced based on the ollowing5

    666666666!666!! 7 uation 8192 ,A ; D -?

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  • 8/18/2019 135702609 LabReport Gas Diffusion Docx


  • 8/18/2019 135702609 LabReport Gas Diffusion Docx


  • 8/18/2019 135702609 LabReport Gas Diffusion Docx



    '.( Apparatus

    6igure *7 Gaseous Diffusion Apparatus

    ( TR (# embrane Test 8nit apparatus.

    * -$$ m9 bea2ers.

    / :lectronic balance.

    # Gloves


  • 8/18/2019 135702609 LabReport Gas Diffusion Docx


    - Ruler

    '.* aterials

    ( Acetone* ;odium &hloride/ 3ater

    7.0 RESULTS

    (.$ $.>$(.* (./ $.>*(.- (.4 $.4/(.4 *.( $.4'*.( *.# $.44*.# *.) $.4>*.) /.$ $.>$/.$ /.# $.44

    Table (

    (.' $.-'(.* $.4 (.-$(.- (./ (.(-(.4 *.4 $.'#*.( *.4 $.)-*.# /./ $.)/*.) /.4 $.)(/.$ #./ $.'>

    Table *


  • 8/18/2019 135702609 LabReport Gas Diffusion Docx



    %.& S'm le c'lc)l'tio s

    4.(.( Time from commencement of experiment7

    5 min x

    3600 s1 min

    ÷($$$ = $./2s

    9i"uid level ?9 @ 9o 7 = $./

    t L− Lo =


    0.3 = (.$ 2s+mm

    4.(.* &alculation on diffusivity, D ?T = #$ M&

    6igure /7 Graph of


    Lo− L against 9 o @ 9


    • Density of acetone, B = )>$ 2g+ m3

    • Gas constant, R =8.314


    mol . K

    • olecular weight of acetone =58.08 kg


    • Capor pressure, v = -' 2E+m /

    • ;lo e s = $.$/' ks / mm2

    = /.' x 107

  • 8/18/2019 135702609 LabReport Gas Diffusion Docx


    • Assume standard conditions ? = ($(./* 2E+ m2

    , C=**.# m3

    , T = *)/ F• Tempereature, T a = #$ M& = /(/ F

    &T = ?(+C ?T + Ta .. :"uation H4I

    = ?(+**.# ?*)/+/(/

    = $.$/4> 2mol+m /

    &J( = &T = $.$/4> 2mol+m /

    To find & J* 7

    &J* = ? a @ v + a &T . .. :"uation H>I

    = ?($(./* -'+ ($(./* $.$/4>

    = $.$()# 2mol+m/

    To find & J 7

    &J = ?&J( &J* +ln ?&J( +&J* .. .. :"uation H($I

    = ?$.$/4> @ $.$()# +ln ?$.$/4>+$.$()#

    = $.$*')

    To find & a 7

    &a = ? v+ a &T .. :"uation H((I

    = ?-'+($(./* $.$/4>

    = $.$*(- 2mol+m /


  • 8/18/2019 135702609 LabReport Gas Diffusion Docx


    To find diffusivity,D 7

    ....... . . :"uation H)I

    D = ?)>$ ?$.$*')+/.' x 107


    D * 6.&7 + 10− 6

    m $s

    &alculation steps is repeated to find diffusivity, D at T = -$ %&


    D ; & C- H = m '>

  • 8/18/2019 135702609 LabReport Gas Diffusion Docx


    4.(./ &alculation on diffusivity, D ?T = - $ M&

    6igure #7 Graph oft

    Lo− L against 9 o @ 9

    • Assume standard conditions ? = ($(./* 2E+ m2

    , C=**.# m3

    , T = *)/ F• Tempereature, T a = -$ M& = /*/ F

    &T = ?(+C ?T + Ta .. :"uation H(I


    • Density of acetone, B = )>$ 2g+ m3

    • Gas constant, R =8.314 J

    mol . K

    • olecular weight of acetone = 58.08 kgmol

    • Capor pressure, v = -' 2E+m /

    • ;lo e s = $.( ks / mm2

    = (.$ x 108

    s / m2

  • 8/18/2019 135702609 LabReport Gas Diffusion Docx


    = ?(+**.# ?*)/+/*/

    = $.$/)) 2mol+m /

    &J( = &T = $.$/)) 2mol+m / .. :"uation H*I

    To find & J* 7

    &J* = ? a @ v + a &T .. :"uation H/I

    = ?($(./* -'+ ($(./* $.$/))

    = $.$('> 2mol+m /

    To find & J 7

    &J = ?&J( &J* +ln ?&J( +&J* :"uation H#I

    = ?$.$/)) $.$('> +ln ?$.$/))+$.$('>

    = $.$*->)

    To find & a 7

    &a = ? v+ a &T . . :"uation H-I

    = ?-'+($(./* $.$/))

    = $.$*$4 2mol+m /

    To find diffusivity,D 7

    D = B & J +s?* & a &T . .. :"uation H'I

    D = ?)>$ ?$.$*->)+(.$ x 108


    D * . 5 + 10− 6

    m $s


  • 8/18/2019 135702609 LabReport Gas Diffusion Docx



  • 8/18/2019 135702609 LabReport Gas Diffusion Docx


    The calculations were proceeds with the aim to find the diffusivity of vapour acetone at

    different temperature.

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    As a conclusion, the result for diffusivity coefficient at #$ 5& is *-$#.-/ m *+s and the

    diffusivity coefficient at #- 5& is /'-$.-- m *+s. There are some errors when the experiment

    was done. ;ome of recommendations step should be ta2en otherwise the result for diffusivity

    would not be accurate. To sum up, the experiment had been done with "uite accurate results

    although some error happened.


    ;ome recommendations should be implements in this experiment. !ne of them is insulating

    the glass container.

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    All gas diffusion methods are based on interfacing the donor stream containing the analytic,

    with an acceptor stream containing a reagent. The porous hydrophobic membrane serves as a

    barrier that allows only the gaseous species passed through. This ma2es the gas diffusion

    methods very selective, since the non volatile species will not reach the detector. The

    instrumental setup can be configured in two ways7

    &. The continuous programmable flow method where both donor and acceptor stream

    are continuously pumped.

    . The stopped flow techni"ue where both donor and acceptor stream are controlled by

    syringe pumps.

    The gas diffusion unit for continuous flow has diffusion path * cm long and * mm wide. The

    acceptor stream is monitored by a flow cell with ($ cm long light path. The flow injection

    system is operated at a programmable flow rate of $.)-m9+min per channel while the sample

    passes through the diffusion unit and at a flow rate of /.$m9+min during flush period. The

    injection volume is /$$ microliters of sample and sampling fre"uency is #$ injections per


    The stop flow method uses the sandwich gas sensor, where the injected analytic is in contact

    with the gas diffusion membrane during the stopped flow period.

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    The ;andwich Gas Diffusion ;ensor uses a pair of optical fibres that monitor the acceptor

    solution adjacent to the diffusion membrane. The stop flow 6< techni"ue is robust, since it

    uses syringe pumps, and therefore suitable also for continuous monitoring. ;ensitivity of this

    method is easily adjusted by selecting the duration of the stopped flow time, while using the

    same experimental setup and reagent concentrations. The ;andwich ;ensor provides response

    in real time, since it monitors the 2inetics of the diffusion and of the subse"uent chemical

    reaction and uses smaller volumes of sample than the continuous flow method.

    6igure '

    6igure -


  • 8/18/2019 135702609 LabReport Gas Diffusion Docx


    & .0 RE//ERNCES

    • Lournal of hysical and &hemical Reference Data. Gaseous Diffusion &oefficients.

    Retrieved Eovember (-, *$(* from


    • Gases7 Graham1s 9aws of Diffusion and :ffusion. Graham1s 9aw. Retrieved

    Eovember (-, *$(* from


    • Diffusion of Gases. Diffusion and :ffusion. Retrieved Eovember (' *$(* from


    • 8;:&. Gaseous Diffusion. RetrievedEovember (', *$(* from

    http7++www.usec.com+gaseous diffusion

    • Advancing the &hemical ;ciences. 9earn &hemistry7 Diffusion of gases of ammonia

    and hydrogen chloride. Retrieved Eovember (', *$(* from http7++www.rsc.org+learn

    chemistry+wi2i+Teacher:xpt7DiffusionMofMgasesM MammoniaMandMhydrogenMchloride

    & .0 APPENDI1

    Refer attachment on the next page ?page **

