
chieving ABS Type Approval for a product confers an immediate range of benefits on a manufacturer including reduced administration and potentially greater market penetration. Once Type Approved, the product can be selected by ship designers, builders and owners to be placed aboard an ABS-classed vessel. A Type Approved Product is expedited through the Unit Certification process. ABS Type Approval requires a contract between ABS and the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) – the person or legal entity that has legal or patent rights to produce the material, component, product or system. The ABS Type Approval process is practical, client oriented and flexible. It mimics the European Union’s Marine Equipment Directive (MED) to the greatest extent possible, simplifying a manufacturer’s certification burden. An ABS Product Design Assessment (PDA) is the assessment of a product for use on a variety of ABS-classed ships following a technical evaluation. The PDA reduces the turnaround time for approval on a specific ship. When a specific ship is chosen, ABS technical staff verify that the product, as already assessed, is suitable for use. This can be done with a simple review of the PDA and does not require submittal of further documentation from the manufacturer. The ABS Type Approval Program follows International Maritime Organization MSC.1/Circ.1221 dated 11 December 2006, which states in part: “To clarify the purpose and procedures of the Type Approval certification scheme used by the flag States, classification societies and other recognized bodies; the Committee agreed that such scheme include the following steps: 1. Engineering evaluation; 2. Witnessing the manufacturing and testing processes; 3. Evaluating the manufacturing arrangements; and 4. Issuing of a Type Approval Certificate generally valid for not more than five years which may be subject to annual inspections or verification of the manufacturer’s process after all the above-mentioned procedures have been satisfactorily completed.” The ABS Type Approval Program has formalized this process in Part One of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels. The ABS/MED programs incorporate a two-step process for the issuance of relevant certificates. 1. Satisfactory evaluation of a product to ABS Rules or other approved standards is evidenced by the issuance of a PDA certificate. The process is similar to the Module B category of the MED. 2. Satisfactory evaluation of the manufacturing facility and processes to confirm its ability to consistently manufacture the product in accordance with the PDA is evidenced by the issuance of a Manufacturing Assessment (MA) certificate. This is comparable to Modules D and E of the MED. When a product does not require unit certification, the manufacturer may be best served by having a PDA only. However, if the manufacturer wants a product to be labeled Type Approved, then a formal address of the plant where the product is manufactured (or assembled) must be provided to ABS. Inspection of the product during manufacture and an assessment of the manufacturing system and manufacturing process used by the plant must be satisfactorily completed. These assessments and inspections verify that the product can be manufactured in accordance with the PDA. Type Approval Program A



Transcript of 13429_TAbrochure

  • chieving ABS Type Approval for a product confers an immediate range of benefi ts on a manufacturer including reduced administration and potentially greater market penetration. Once Type Approved, the product

    can be selected by ship designers, builders and owners to be placed aboard an ABS-classed vessel. A Type Approved Product is expedited through the Unit Certifi cation process. ABS Type Approval requires a contract between ABS and the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) the person or legal entity that has legal or patent rights to produce the material, component, product or system.

    The ABS Type Approval process is practical, client oriented and fl exible. It mimics the European Unions Marine Equipment Directive (MED) to the greatest extent possible, simplifying a manufacturers certifi cation burden.

    An ABS Product Design Assessment (PDA) is the assessment of a product for use on a variety of ABS-classed ships following a technical evaluation. The PDA reduces the turnaround time for approval on a specifi c ship. When a specifi c ship is chosen, ABS technical staff verify that the product, as already assessed, is suitable for use. This can be done with a simple review of the PDA and does not require submittal of further documentation from the manufacturer.

    The ABS Type Approval Program follows International Maritime Organization MSC.1/Circ.1221 dated 11 December 2006, which states in part: To clarify the purpose and procedures of the Type Approval certifi cation scheme used by the fl ag States, classifi cation societies and other recognized bodies; the Committee agreed that such scheme include the following steps:

    1. Engineering evaluation;

    2. Witnessing the manufacturing and testing processes;

    3. Evaluating the manufacturing arrangements; and

    4. Issuing of a Type Approval Certifi cate generally valid for not more than fi ve years which may be subject to annual inspections or verifi cation of the manufacturers process after all the above-mentioned procedures have been satisfactorily completed.

    The ABS Type Approval Program has formalized this process in Part One of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels. The ABS/MED programs incorporate a two-step process for the issuance of relevant certifi cates.

    1. Satisfactory evaluation of a product to ABS Rules or other approved standards is evidenced by the issuance of a PDA certifi cate. The process is similar to the Module B category of the MED.

    2. Satisfactory evaluation of the manufacturing facility and processes to confi rm its ability to consistently manufacture the product in accordance with the PDA is evidenced by the issuance of a Manufacturing Assessment (MA) certifi cate. This is comparable to Modules D and E of the MED.

    When a product does not require unit certifi cation, the manufacturer may be best served by having a PDA only.

    However, if the manufacturer wants a product to be labeled Type Approved, then a formal address of the plant where the product is manufactured (or assembled) must be provided to ABS. Inspection of the product during manufacture and an assessment of the manufacturing system and manufacturing process used by the plant must be satisfactorily completed. These assessments and inspections verify that the product can be manufactured in accordance with the PDA.

    Type Approval Program


  • Key Criteria for ABS Type Approval Certifi cates

    Name of Certifi cate Criteria for Issue Terms of Validity Consequences of Non-complianceProduct Design Assessment (PDA): Each product may be awarded a PDA. There is no limit to the number of products a manufacturer can have Type Approved. The certifi cate is issued by ABS after a satisfactory technical evaluation.

    Evaluation of the product to ABS Rules and/or specifi ed, acceptable national, international or client standards.

    Five years, subject to continued compliance with the Rules or other standard used for the evaluation. Any signifi cant change in the design of the product will require reassessment and the issuance of a new PDA.

    Reverts to category of PDA Limited, is not eligible for Product Type Approval and is removed from the Type Approved listing on the ABS website after one year.

    Manufacturing Assessment (MA): A separate certifi cate must be issued for each manufacturing facility and for each product.

    Valid PDA and satisfactory demonstration that the product can be consistently manufactured according to the PDA. Rule-required testing must be witnessed by an ABS surveyor.

    Five years subject to annual audits and the continued validity of the PDA.

    The product may not be listed as Type Approved.

    Confi rmation of Type Approval: Only available from the Type Approval section on the ABS website.

    Product must have both a valid PDA and MA.

    Valid until the expiration of the PDA or MA (whichever occurs fi rst).

    The product may not be listed as Type Approved.

    Product Quality Assurance (PQA): ABS may grant unsupervised testing authority to the manufacturer in special circumstances.

    The manufacturer must have a certifi ed quality system, the MA must be valid and the product must require unit certifi cation.

    Same as the associated MA and subject to semi-annual audits.

    Reverts to standard MA status, and all Rule-required testing must be witnessed by an ABS surveyor.

    MED Module B: May only be issued by the ABS offi ce in London.

    Must have valid PDA. Same as associated with PDA.

    Same as PDA.

    MED Module D, E, F or G: May only be issued by the ABS offi ce in London.

    Must have valid MA. Same as associated with MA.

    Same as associated with MA and manufacturer may not use the MED wheelmark.

  • Certifi cates Issued by EU and ABS

    Certifi cation Levels and Limitations

    Process Most Common MED Document

    ABS Document

    Evaluation of a design to determine conformance with specifi cations.

    EC type-examination certifi cate (Module B)

    Product Design Assessment certifi cate (PDA)

    Evaluation of the manufacturing process to confi rm the product can be consistently produced in accordance with the specifi cation.

    Module D or E certifi cate Manufacturing Assessment certifi cate (MA)

    Mark of Conformity

    Certifi cation Declaration of Conformity is a descriptive document that the manufacturer issues. There is no standard format, and manufacturers are at liberty to customize their Declarations.

    Confi rmation of Product Type Approval from the Type Approval section on the ABS website. In order to be issued, it is required that both the PDA and the MA are valid.

    Level of Certifi cation Limitations

    Manufacturers Guarantee There is no ABS certifi cate.

    Product Design Assessment (PDA) (This is a voluntary category.)

    Limited to a specifi c set of Rules and standards. May also require unit certifi cation.

    Approved Product: Required by ABS Rules and typically documented in a Design Review Letter (DRL).

    It is specifi c for installation in an identifi ed vessel, MODU or facility to be classed. If Unit Certifi cation is required, it will be delineated.

    Type Approved Product, Product Quality Assurance (PQA): May be applied only to mass-produced products that require unit certifi cation. (This is a voluntary category.)

    Manufacturer witnesses tests normally witnessed by an ABS surveyor and issues a Declaration of Conformity to the surveyor. The surveyor then issues the unit certifi cation after the product has been shipped. It is the least intrusive process. Manufacturer is subject to semi-annual audits and must keep PDA up to date.

    Unit Certifi ed Product: Also known as Conformity Assessment and Factory Acceptance Testing.

    The product is subject to installation and trials in the intended application. Unit certifi cation is required by ABS Rules. Testing is normally done at the plant of manufacture and is witnessed by an ABS surveyor or an authorized manufacturer.

    (Tier 1)

    (Tier 3)

    (Tier 4)

    (Tier 5)

    (Tier 2)

    Normal Certifi cates Issued by All Class SocietiesType of Supplier Example of Certifi ed Items

    System supplier Emergency generator (engine and generator)

    Product supplier Diesel engine for the emergency generator

    Component supplier Crankshaft for the diesel engine

    Material supplier Steel billet for the crankshaft

  • Decision Process for ABS Certifi cationSituation Procedure Result Limitation Voluntary Option

    The product requires a design review.

    Necessary details are submitted to an ABS technical offi ce for review.

    ABS engineer issues a Design Review Letter (DRL).

    The approval is normally for a specifi c vessel, MODU or facility.

    Consider a Product Design Assessment (PDA).

    The designer or manufacturer wants a generic approval of a product.

    Necessary details are submitted to an ABS technical offi ce for review.

    ABS engineer issues a PDA.

    The PDA remains valid as long as the Rules or standards used in the evaluation remain unchanged.

    The PDA can be limited to vessel contracted on or before the effective date of the Rules or standards used in the evaluation.

    The product has a DRL or a PDA and requires material certifi cation.

    ABS surveyor is called in to witness the material tests.

    ABS surveyor issues a material testing certifi cate.

    The material testing report remains valid as long as the material remains workable in service.

    Consider being in the Product Quality Assurance (PQA) category of ABS Type Approval and be allowed to self witness the material testing.

    The product has a DRL or a PDA and requires witness of steps in the manufacturing process.

    ABS surveyor is called in to witness the manufacturing process.

    ABS surveyor will issue a report on the witnessing of the manufacturing process.

    ABS surveyor will witness the manufacturing process.

    Consider being in the Type Approved Product category of the ABS Type Approval Program and then Rule-required surveys and tests may be conducted without an ABS surveyor in attendance.

    Manufacturer requests to be in the Type Approved Product category of ABS Type Approval.

    Must have a PDA and complete a manufacturing assessment.

    ABS surveyor issues a Manufacturing Assessment (MA) certifi cate.

    PDA must remain valid and annual audits are conducted. ABS surveyor must witness selected testing.

    Consider being in the PQA category of ABS Type Approval.

    Manufacturer requests to be in the PQA category of ABS Type Approval.

    Must have a PDA, ISO 9001 certifi cation and complete a manufacturing assessment.

    ABS surveyor issues an MA certifi cate and a PQA certifi cate.

    PDA must remain valid and semi-annual audits are conducted. Manufacturer must witness required testing.

    None; this is the most amenable means of satisfying ABS Rules.

    Email: [email protected]

    The ABS Type Approval Program is not a substitute for the

    independent judgment of professional designers, naval architects,

    marine engineers, owners, operators, Masters and crew, nor as

    a substitute for the quality control procedures of shipbuilders,

    engine builders, steel makers, suppliers, manufacturers and

    sellers of marine vessels, materials, machinery or equipment.

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