13356 Cuisinart Soup Maker

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  • 5/24/2018 13356 Cuisinart Soup Maker


    Soup Maker

  • 5/24/2018 13356 Cuisinart Soup Maker


    Contents Tomato and Basil Soup 54 Thai Style Coconut Broth with Tiger Prawns 56 Wild Mushroom Soup with Crme Fraiche

    & Chive Drizzle 58

    Main Courses 61 Chicken Tikka Masala 62

    Chilli Con Carne 64

    Creamy Pork & White Wine and Tarragon Sauce 66

    Lamb Rogan Josh 68

    Thai Green Chicken Curry 70

    Tomato & Chilli Seafood Spaghetti 72

    Sauces & Pastes 75 Barbecue Sauce 76

    Creamy White Wine and Tarragon Sauce 78

    Hollandaise Sauce 80

    Red Wine Sauce 82

    Rogan Josh Paste 84

    Thai Curry Paste 86

    Tikka Masala Sauce 88

    Tomato and Herb Sauce 90

    Desserts 93 Berry & Lime Granita 94

    Brioche Bread and Butter Pudding 96 Strawberry and Elderflower Fool 98

    Vanilla Panna Cotta with Berry Compote 100

    Walnut and Maple Syrup Tart 102

    Drinks 105 Malteser Teaser 106

    Real Hot Chocolate 108

    Vanilla Chai Latte 110

    Conversion chart 112

    Soup Maker hints and tips 4

    Starters 7 Artichoke Crostini Topped with

    Goats Cheese 8

    Spiced Apple Chutney 10

    Thai Fish Cakes 12

    Tomato and Chilli Jam 14

    Dips & Dressings 17 Broad Bean Dip 18

    Creamy Ranch Dressing 20

    Honey and Balsamic Dressing 21

    Indonesian Style Chillie & Peanut Dressing 22

    Walnut Pesto 23

    Soups 25Broccoli and Stilton Soup 26

    Butternut Squash Soup 28

    Carrot and Coriander Soup 30

    Chicken Miso Soup with

    Spinach and Noodles 32

    Creamy Chicken and Thyme Soup 34

    Leek and Potato Soup 36

    Minestrone Soup 38

    Parsnip and Apple Soup with Honey 40

    Pea and Ham Soup 42

    Prawn Tom Yam Soup 44 Quick and Easy Scotch Broth 46 Smoked Haddock Chowder 48

    Sweet Potato and Red Pepper Soup 50

    Smokey Bacon and Red Lentil Soup 52

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    4 5

    Soup MakerHints and Tips Whn cooin in ou Soup Ma, th tim must b st to at last 1 minut.

    Th us of hatd stoc o stoc mad with boilin wat will dcas th total tim quid

    fom stat to nish whn main soup.

    Fo bst sults ppa all indints bfo statin th cooin pocss as this is quic.

    Th tim can b incasd o dcasd thouhout th cooin pocss. To hat oil o mltbutt, st th tim fo th full ccl tim and st th hat on low fo aound 30 sconds - 1 minut.Onc hatd, add mainin indints and stoc if cooin soup. Bin to a ioous boil onhih fo up to two minuts thn tun th sttins to simm.

    If th tim uns down to zo duin cooin, a bp will sound. If ou cip quis futhcooin, simpl put th tim bac on, st th tmpatu and p cooin.

    Th low sttin can also b usd fo dlicat foods that qui low tmpatus fo cooin,mltin chs o wamin cam that has bn addd to th nd of a cip.

    Th Soup Ma coms with 3 tmpatu sttins;

    - Low is suitabl fo all bownin, fin, sautin and cooin most foods.- Hih is suitabl fo binin liquids to boil o fo cooin with a hih hat. - Simm is fo simmin soups and saucs until th tabls a tnd and ad fo


    To pnt sticin w commnd th us of a nob of butt and 1 tsp of oil whn sautinonions and alic. Fo a low caloi option us 1 tbsp wat and 1 tbsp oil.

    Us th sti function thouhout th cooin pocss, this will pnt foods fom sticin toth bas of th Soup Ma o fom bin o cood and bunin. W commnd usin thsti function in shot busts, littl and oftn. This will nsu n cooin without choppin thindints too much.

    Whn cooin in th Soup Ma, alwas nsu th lid is lft on th lass a. To add indints,mo th masuin cup fom th lid and allow built up stam to b lasd to aoid scaldin,

    thn pocd to add indints, o st th tmpatu to simm whn addin la quantitisof indints, but alwas plac th lid onc th ha bn addd. Alwas add indintswith ca, th cooin plat ts hot!

    Th Soup Ma can ith hat and sti o blnd. It cannot blnd whilst th hat is in us, thisis a saft fatu. If ou nd to blnd foods, tun th tim off, this will d-actiat th hatand thn ou will b abl to blnd.

    Whn blndin hot indints, ll 1 o 2 is all that is quid to t a sil smooth liquid.

    If ou pf ttu to b lft in ou cip, us th puls button in shot busts. Li th blndfunction, th puls cannot b usd duin th cooin pocss, so tun th hat off bfopulsin.

    Whn blndin cold indints o cushin ic, ll 3 o 4 will i ou optimum sults.

    If ou ha usd th Soup Ma to coo and blnd hot indints, allow th a to com bacto oom tmpatu bfo blndin cold indints, which also applis in s, insa cold a with wam wat bfo addin hot indints. This will aoid dama to th lass


    N oll th Soup Ma, ths cips a a uid, as tabl sizs a, alwas nsuth maimum capacit mad on th a is not cdd.

    Fo full ca and us instuctions, plas s th instuction manual which coms with ouSoup Ma.

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    8 9

    ArtichokeCrostini Toppedwith GoatsCheese

    1. Plac th atichos, pasl and alic in th

    Soup Maker together with about of the reserved

    oil fom th atichos. Add som fshl ound

    salt and blac ppp. Blnd on ll 4 until th

    mitu is smooth.

    2. Bush th slics of bad with som of th

    remaining olive oil and lightly toast on both sides

    und a hot ill.

    Serve the warm toasts with a slice of goats cheese

    and a spoonful of th aticho mitu.

    Crostini are sliced rounds of breadusuall bushd with a littl oli oil,sometimes rubbed with garlic andlihtl toastd. This cip uss adroasted artichokes sold in olive oil in

    as. Th a adil aailabl in allsupmats.

    ServeS 4-6PrePArATION TIMe 5 MINUTeS

    280 a oastd atichos in oli oil,drained reserving the oil

    25 fsh flat laf pasl, ouhlchopped

    1 clo alic, cushd

    To Serve small bautt, thinl slicd50 fim oats chs, thinl slicd

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    Spiced AppleChutney

    1. Plac thin in th Soup Ma cpt th

    aisins and co with th lid. St th tim to

    25 minuts on low to stat cooin. Us th sti

    function intmittntl, to mi th chutn.

    2. Aft 25 minuts sti aain and st th tim fo

    anoth 30 minuts and switch th hat to simm.

    Add th aisins fo th last 10 minuts of cooin,

    thouh th lid of th Soup Ma. Sti ulal to

    pnt sticin. Cool bi thn cafull pou

    th hot chutn into clan stil as, sal with


    3. Labl th as and sto in a cool da plac fo up

    to 6 months.

    Da, swt and spic chutn, atfor serving with a ploughmans lunchor in sandwiches or panini


    2 mdium cooin appls, pld, codand finely chopped

    1 mdium onion, choppd 1 tbsp tomato pu 300ml malt ina 100 da bown sua tsp papia 1 tsp mid spic tsp blac mustad sds

    75 aisins

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    Thai Fish Cakes

    1. Plac th shallots, in, alic, coiand and

    chilli in the Soup Maker and Pulse until everything

    is ouhl choppd.

    2. Add th sh and so and blnd aain on ll 3until wll combind but not compltl smooth.

    3. Add th whit, ou and th lim zst and

    uic and us th sti function to combin but

    without bain down th ttu.

    4. Hat a littl oil in a non-stic fin pan and add

    spoonfuls of th sh mitu in batchs. Coo fo

    3 minutes on each side until golden on both sides

    and cood thouh.

    Serve the fish cakes with some sweet chilli dipping


    Fish cakes are a great dinner party disheither small for a wonderful first courseo la fo a smat main.


    4 shallots, pld and quatd (ous bunch salad onions, timmd andouhl choppd)

    3cm pic fsh oot in, pld androughly chopped

    3 clos alic, pld and cushd Handful fsh coiand, includin th


    1 d chilli, cod and dsdd 550 fim whit fish, such as cod, color pollack cut into small cubes

    2 tbsp liht so sauc 1 whit 2 tbsp plain flou Zst and uic 1 lim 2-3 tbsp apsd oil to f th fish cas

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    Tomato andChill i Jam

    1. Plac all th indints into th Soup Ma. St

    to hih and bin to th boil. rduc th hat

    and simm fo 30 minuts. Aft 30 minuts sti

    th am usin th sti function and thn st th

    tim and simm fo anoth 30 minuts, untilth indints a soft and th am is thic and

    sup. Cool a littl in th Soup Ma and if

    dsid pu on ll 1 until compltl smooth.

    2. Plac into clan and stil am as. Sal with

    th lid, labl and p in a cool da plac fo 1


    A dlicious cupboad standb, which isthe perfect accompaniment to cheesesand cold meats or makes a greataddition to sandwichs and Paninis.

    Its also delicious drizzled over a warmoats chs salad.


    6 tomatos, cod and ouhl choppd 1 la onion, pld and

    roughly chopped 4 d chillis, cod and ouhl

    choppd, sds includd 6 alic clos, pld 5cm pic oot in, pld

    and roughly chopped 400 cast sua 8 tbsp d win ina

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    Dips &Dressing


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    18 19

    Broad BeanDip

    1. Coo th boad bans in a littl boilin wat in th

    Soup Ma fo 4-5 minuts on low. Dain th bans

    thouh a si and fsh in cold wat.

    2. Plac all th indints in th Soup Ma and pocss

    until smooth.

    3. Sto in th fid in an aitiht contain in th fid

    fo 2-3 das.

    S with totilla chips o toastd pitta bad ns.

    This beautiful vibrant green dip ispacked with flavour and makes a great

    alternative to traditional hummus madewith chicpas. Whn fsh boad bansare not available use frozen baby broadbans. If ou want to ou can doubl podth bans, moin not onl th outshell but also the grey thin inner shell onth bans, which sults in a smoothttu.


    300 boad bans, shlld (o us foznbab boad bans)

    2 alic clos, pld and ouhlchopped

    100ml ta iin oli oil 1 small d onion, pld and ouhl

    chopped juic 1 lmon

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    Creamy RanchDressing

    1. Plac all th indints toth in th Soup Ma

    with som salt and fshl ound blac ppp. Blnd

    on ll 4 until smooth.

    2. Sto in th fid fo 3-4 das in an aitiht contain

    A lovely fresh dressing to serve withbabcud o illd sh, poult,

    stas, and bus o ust spoondo som fsh salad las. Bst ofall its fat f!

    reADy IN 5 MINUTeS

    200 tub fat f foma fais 2 clos alic, cushd 3 tbsp cid o whit win ina juic lmon 2 tsp cla hon 2 tbsp fsh chis

    Honey &BalsamicDressing

    1. Plac all th indints in th Soup Ma tothwith some salt and freshly ground black pepper and

    blnd on ll 4 fo 30 sconds until smooth.

    2. Sto in an aitiht a in th fid fo 3-4 das.

    This is a classic dressing that is perfectfo pin in th fid. Not onl is it

    great with salads and peppery leavessuch as oct o watcss, o oatscheese salad but also lovely used todss pasta and ic salads.

    reADy IN 5 MINUTeS

    2 tbsp Dion mustad 2 tbsp cla hon 1 clo alic, cushd 4 tbsp balsamic ina 6 tbsp ta iin oli oil

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    Indonesian StyleChilli & PeanutDressing

    1. Plac all th indints in th Soup Ma and blnd

    on ll 4 until smooth.

    2. kp th dssin in an aitiht contain in th fid

    fo 2-3 das.

    This delicious thick sweet and spicydressing is a great all rounder to keep

    in th fid. Its pfct dizzld ocooked chicken and as a tasty dressingfor a gado gado salad or as a dip forcudits.


    2 tbsp kcap Manis (Indonsian swtso sauc)

    1 tbsp sh ina 1 d chilli, dsdd and ouhl

    chopped 100 unsaltd panuts

    50ml apsd oil 50ml cold wat

    Walnut Pesto

    1. Plac all th indints in th Soup Ma toth

    with some freshly ground salt and pepper and blend on

    ll 4 until smooth.

    2. Sto in an aitiht contain in th fid fo 2-3 das.

    A great alternative to the classic basilpsto, pfct stid into hot cood

    pasta or with some cooked fish orchicn.


    150 walnut hals 200ml ta iin oli oil 2 clos alic, cushd La handful fsh basil las 50 Pamiianino riano, atd juic and zst 2 lmons

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    Broccoli & StiltonSoup

    1. Plac th butt and oli oil in th Soup Ma. St

    th tim to 20 minuts and mlt on th low hat. Aft

    30 sconds, add th onion and l and coo untilsoftnd. Sti ulal usin th sti function.

    2. Add th boccoli, potato and stoc, bin to th boil

    using the high heat and then simmer until the end of the

    ccl o th boccoli is cood.

    3. Onc cood blnd on ll 1 until smooth.

    4. Add th doubl cam, sason wll and nall add th

    chs, sti until ust mltd, do not allow to boil.

    5. Pou th soup btwn 4 bowls and s.

    This Bitish classic is an cllntstarter which can be made healthier by

    replacing the double cream with crmefraiche or creamier by adding morestilton.


    25 butt 1 tbsp oli oil 1 onion, ouhl choppd 1 l, n had mod, choppd 350 boccoli, cut into small flots 1 small potato, pld and

    roughly chopped 700ml chicn stoc 4 tbsp doubl cam Salt and fshl milld blac ppp 125 stilton, ind mod, cumbld

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    Butternut SquashSoup

    1. St th tim on th Soup Ma to 25 minuts

    and tun on Hih.

    2. Add butt and th oli oil to hat and immdiatl

    follow with th onion and alic, la fo 60 90

    seconds until steaming using the stir button 2 or 3


    3. Add th caots and cl, co and swat fo 2


    4. rmo th lid and add th buttnut squash and stoc

    mitu. rplac th lid and bin to a ioous boil,

    hold the boil for 2 minutes and then set the Soup Maker

    to Simm fo th maind of th ccl. Us th sti

    button onc o twic to nsu n cooin.

    5. Add sasonin to tast and blnd on sttin 2.

    Serving suggestion: For a thicker soup add 1 or 2

    chopped medium potatoes and decrease the volume

    of stock so that the liquid level remains at the 1400ml

    ma. Fo a spici soup add a pinch of cann


    Thin o thic, plain o spic this soup isust dlicious. Fo a taian option

    change the chicken stock to vegetablestoc.


    1 nob of butt 1 tbsp oli oil 1 onion, dicd 1 clo of alic, cushd 1 mdium caot, choppd 1 stal cl, slicd 400 buttnut squash cubd

    600ml chicn stoc in boilin wat Sa salt and fshl ound blac ppp

    to season

    Ppa all indints bfo binnin.

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    Carrot &Coriander Soup

    1. St th tim on th Soup Ma to 25 minuts

    and tun on Hih.

    2. Add th butt and oil to hat and immdiatl followwith th onion and alic, la fo 60 90 sconds until

    stamin usin th sti button 2 o 3 tims.

    3. Add th caots, co and swat fo 2 minuts.

    4. Add th ound coiand, sti and coo fo a futh


    5. Pou in th stoc and sason. Bin to a ioous boil,

    on high heat and then simmer until the end of the cycle

    o until th tabls a tnd.

    6. Blnd on ll 1 until smooth. Sti in th out and

    hat on low, do not allow to boil.

    7. Pou th soup into 4 sin bowls, spinl withcoiand and s.

    This is a classic, ich and cam soup.Fo bst sults, us ood qualitindints, oanic caots and ahome made stock will give a fuller richeraou.


    25 butt 1 tbsp oli oil 1 small onion, finl slicd 400 caots, slicd 1.5 tsp ound coiand 700ml chicn stoc Salt and fshl milld blac ppp

    To s:- 75ml g-stl out o cm faich 2 tbsp fshl choppd coiand

    Chicken Miso Soup

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    32 33

    Chicken Miso Soupwith Spinach& Noodles

    St th Soup Ma to 20 minuts on simm.

    Plac th chicn, miso, in, stoc and onions

    in th blnd. Co and coo fo 12-15 minuts.

    Add the noodles and continue cooking for a

    futh 3-4 minuts at th sam hat sttin. Sti in th

    spinach, coo fo a nal 1-2 minuts until th ccl is


    S immdiatl.

    Fo a littl ta sasonin s with so sauc.

    Fo th japans, miso soup is ataditional culina stapl. Miso is a

    past mad fom a mitu of sobans,a stach fo ampl ic o bal, salt,wat and ast.


    350 fsh chicn (o us duc bastfillts) slicd thinl

    3 sachts japans Miso past 3cm pic fsh oot in, pld and

    finely chopped

    700ml chicn stoc 1 bunch salad onions, timmd and finl

    chopped 2 150 pacs ad cood fin thad

    egg noodles 100 bab spinach, washd




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    Creamy Chicken& Thyme Soup

    1. St th tim on th Soup Ma to 25 minuts and tun

    on Hih.

    2. Add th oundnut oil and butt to hat and

    immdiatl follow with th slicd chicn, hat fo 2-3

    minuts until th chicn is cood thouh, thn add

    th onion and alic, la fo 60 90 sconds until

    stamin usin th sti button intmittntl.

    3. Add th ls and caots, co and swat fo 2


    4. Add th potato, stoc and thm and sason.

    Co, st to hih and bin to a ioous boil.

    Switch to simm and la until th nd of th ccl.

    5. Us th blnd function pu to a smooth consistnc,

    thn sti in th cam and chc th sasonin.

    6. Hat on low fo 1-2 minuts.

    S with som wam cust bad.

    This is a ich and cam soup. Fo bst sults,use good quality ingredients and a home madestoc will i a full ich aou.


    1 nob of butt 1 tbsp oundnut oil 100 f an chicn bast thinl slicd 2 clos alic, cushd 1 la onion, ouhl choppd 1 l, timmd and choppd 2 caots, pld and ouhl choppd

    1 mdium potato 700ml chicn stoc (pfabl mad

    fom a chicn cacass fo bst flaou) 3 spis fsh thm, las mod and

    finely chopped 100ml doubl cam

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    Leek and PotatoSoup

    1. St th tim on th Soup Ma to 27 minuts

    and tun on Hih.

    2. Add th oli oil and butt to hat and immdiatlfollow with th onion and alic, la fo 60 90

    seconds until steaming using the stir button

    2 o 3 tims.

    3. Add th slicd ls, co and swat fo 2 minuts.

    4. rmo th lid and add th potatos and stoc mitu.

    rplac th lid and bin to a ioous boil, hold th

    boil for 2 minutes and then set the Soup Maker to

    Simm fo th maind of th ccl. Us th sti

    button onc o twic to nsu thin coos nl.

    5. Add sasonin to tast and blnd on sttin 2.

    6. Finall add th doubl cam and blnd until combind.

    Serving suggestion: For a healthier twist replace the

    doubl cam with cm faich.

    Not to b batn, L and Potato soupis a staple that will fill you up and makeou fl wam on th insid.


    1 nob of butt 1 tbsp oli oil 1 onion, dicd 1 clo of alic, cushd 2 mdium o 3 small ls slicd 2 mdium potatos cubd 700ml chicn stoc in boilin wat Sa salt and fshl ound blac ppp

    to season 3 tbsp doubl cam (optional)

    Ppa all indints bfo binnin.

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    1. Hat half th oil in th bas of th Soup Ma on low.

    Add th bacon and coo fo 2-3 minuts until ust cisp.

    rmo fom th Soup Ma and st asid.2. St th Soup Ma to 30 minuts on simm. Add th

    mainin oil to th blnd and coo th onion, alic,

    caot and cl on low fo 3-4 minuts o until statin

    to softn, stiin occasionall usin th sti function.

    3. Add th tomato pu, tomatos and stoc toth

    with som sasonin. Incas th hat sttin to hih

    and bin to th boil. rduc th hat to simm and

    cook to the end of the cycle or until the vegetables are

    all tnd. Tun off th hat and blnd on ll 1 until


    4. St th Soup Ma to 4 minuts on simm and addth spahtti and bans coo until tnd. Sti in th

    cisp bacon.

    Serve the soup in bowls topped with some grated

    Pamiiano toth with som cust bad.

    This heart warming soup is a meal initslf, wholsom and nutitious itsbound to b a cowd plas. you canadd ou own slction of tabls,what ou ha to hand.


    1 tbsp oli oil 125 smod bacon ladons 1 onion, finl choppd 1 clo alic, cushd 1 mdium caot, pld

    and finely chopped

    1 stic cl, cland and finl choppd 2 tbsp tomato pu 400 can choppd tomatos 500ml tabl o chicn stoc 75 fsh spahtti, cut into small lnths 50 n bans, hald

    To ServeGrated Parmiggiano Reggiano

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    Parsnip & AppleSoup with Honey

    1. St th tim on th Soup Ma to 26 minuts and tun

    on Hih.

    2. Add th oli oil to hat and immdiatl follow with th

    onion, la fo 60 90 sconds until stamin usin

    th sti button intmittntl.

    3. Add th pasnips, appls and hon toth with som

    freshly ground salt and black pepper and cook for a

    futh 3-4 minuts, stiin occasionall usin th sti

    function until thin is coatd in hon.

    4. Add th stoc, bin to th boil on hih, thn duc

    th hat to simm, co and coo until th nd of th

    ccl o th pasnips a tnd.

    5. Switch off th hat and blnd on ll 1 until sil and

    compltl smooth. Chc th sasonin and s


    A wonderfully satisfying soup with asmooth lt ttu.


    1 tbsp oli oil 1 mdium onion, ouhl choppd 2 mdium pasnips, pld and choppd

    into small dices 2 dsst appls, pld cod and

    chopped into small dices Sasonin to tast 2 tbsp cla hon 2 pinchs did thm 650ml chicn o tabl stoc

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    42 43

    Pea & HamSoup

    1. St th Soup Ma to 25 on simm. Add th oil and

    in 30 sconds add th bacon and coo fo 1-2 minuts.

    Add th onion and l and saut fo 4-5 minuts to


    2. St th Soup Ma to hih and add th alic, pas,

    stoc and thm and bin to th boil. Add som fshl

    ound salt and blac ppp. Switch to simm fo th

    maind of cooin tim.

    3. Tun off th hat and blnd on ll 1 until smooth.

    Chc th sasonin bfo sin.

    This soup uses a classic combinationof ingredients and makes a beautifulibant n coloud soup. you coulduse yellow split peas in place of thefozn pas fo a dlicious aiation.


    1 tbsp oli oil 200 pac choppd panctta o bacon

    lardons 1 onion, ouhl choppd 1 l, cland and ouhl choppd 2 clos alic, cushd

    500 fozn pas 800ml chicn stoc 1 tsp did thm

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    Prawn Tom YamSoup

    1. Plac all th indints cpt th pawns

    and coiand in th blnd; co and

    coo on simm fo 4-5 minuts, usin th

    sti function occasionall.

    2. Add th pawns and coo fo a futh 2-3 minuts

    on simmer until they are thoroughly heated through

    without bcomin touh.

    3. S in small bowls with th coiand

    scattd o.

    This oriential delight makes a refreshingsoup and is an easy dish to prepare fora Thai thmd dinn pat.


    700ml chicn stoc 1 tbsp tom am past 1 bunch spin onions, timmd

    and finely chopped 1 stic lmon ass, inn las onl,

    finely chopped juic 1 lim 2 tbsp fish sauc

    1 tsp sua 150 mushooms, slicd thinl 250 cood pld pawns Handful fsh coiand, finl choppd

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    Quick & EasyScotch Broth

    1. St th tim on th Soup Ma to 30 minuts and

    tun on Hih.

    2. Add th oli oil to hat and immdiatl follow with

    th onion, la fo 60 90 sconds until stamin

    usin th sti button intmittntl.

    3. Add th tunips, caots and l and coo fo a

    futh 4-5 minuts, stiin occasionall.

    4. Add th pal bal, stoc and sasonin. Co

    and st th Soup Ma to hih. Bin to a ioous

    boil for 1 minute and then reduce the setting to

    simm. La until 2 minuts bfo th nd of

    th ccl and chc th pal bal. If it is soft add

    the seasoning and kale and stir awaiting the end

    of th ccl. If th pal bal is not soft add

    another 10 minutes to the cycle and at 2 minutes

    before the end add the seasoning and kale cook on

    simm fo a futh 1-2 minuts until th al is ust


    5. Blnd on ll 1 to bin with thn ll 2 to nish.

    Serve with some toasted Cheddar cheese


    The perfect hearty winter warmer is acomforting dish especially when pairedwith a ustic bautt.


    1 tbsp tabl oil 1 onion, ouhl choppd 2 small tunips, pld and choppd 2 caots, pld and choppd 1 l, cland and choppd 100 pal bal, washd 700ml ood qualit lamb o mutton stoc 70 al o wint ns, washd and

    finely shredded

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    48 49

    Smoked HaddockChowder

    1. St th tim on th Soup Ma to 30 minuts and

    st to Hih.

    2. Add th butt to hat and immdiatl follow with th

    l and onion, la fo 60 90 sconds until stamin

    usin th sti button intmittntl.

    3. Add th mil, stoc and potato, bin to th boil thn

    simm fo 10-15 minuts.

    4. Add th swtcon and sti. Add th haddoc and

    simm fo 10-15 minuts until haddoc is cood


    5. Blnd on ll 1.

    6. Add th cam and sason to tast, hat thouh and

    thn s, spinld with pasl and fsh cust


    This rich but healthy dish is low fat andich in oma 3, sd with custbad, it is hat nouh fo a main



    25 butt 1 small l, slicd 1 onion, ouhl choppd 400ml mil 200ml sh stoc 400 ou potatos, pld and dicd 150 swtcon

    500 smod haddoc llts, sin modand broken into pieces

    4 tbsp doubl cam (optional) 2 tbsp fsh choppd pasl

    Sweet Potato

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    50 51

    & Red PepperSoup

    1. St th tim on th Soup Ma to 30 minuts and tun

    on Hih.

    2. Add th oli oil to hat and immdiatl follow with th

    onion and alic, la fo 60 90 sconds until

    stamin usin th sti button intmittntl.

    3. Add th potatos, ppp, stoc and chillis (if usin)

    into th Soup Ma. Bin to th boil usin th hih

    setting and then set to simmer until all the vegetables

    a soft.

    4. Blnd on ll 2 until smooth. Sason with salt and

    ppp and s.

    This warm and comforting soup has awonderful colour and is very quick andas to ma. La th sins on th

    sweet potato for a more rustic flavour andttu. O t usin caots o buttnutsquash in place of the sweet potato for atast aiation.


    1 tbsp oli oil 1 la onion, ouhl choppd 3 alic clos, cushd

    500 swt potato, pld and cubd 2 mdium d ppps, sdd and ouhlchopped

    700ml tabl stoc 1 2 chillis, dsdd and ouhl choppd

    (optional) Salt and fshl milld blac ppp

    Smokey Bacon& R d L til

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    52 53

    & Red LentilSoup

    1. St th Soup Ma to 30 minuts on simm. Hat

    the oil in the base and add the bacon and cook for

    2-3 minuts until ust cisp.

    2. Add th onion and caots and saut fo 7-8 minuts

    on simm until th tabls softn.

    3. Add th stoc, lntils and som sasonin and st

    to hih until th soup achs a ioous boil. St th

    Soup Maker to simmer for the remainder of the cooking

    ccl. If th lntils a not soft add anoth 5 to 10

    minuts on simm.

    4. Pu th soup to a smooth consistnc.

    Sti in th pasl and chc th sasonin.

    5. S with som ustic coutons scattd o.

    A hearty classic full of flavour anddita b.


    1 tbsp oli oil 200 smod bacon ladons

    (o us choppd sta bacon) 1 onion, ouhl choppd 2 caots, pld and ouhl choppd 800ml chicn stoc 150 d lntils, washd Handful fsh pasl, nl choppd to s

    Tomato &B il S

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    54 55

    Basil Soup

    1. St th tim on th Soup Ma to 25 minuts and tun

    on Hih.

    2. Add th oli oil and butt to hat and immdiatl

    follow with th onion and alic, la fo 60 90seconds until steaming using the stir button


    3. Add th tomatos and sti.

    4. Add th stoc, win and tomato pu, bin to th boil

    on th hih hat and thn switch to simm, stiin

    occasionall. Add th basil, sti and thn blnd th soup

    on ll 1 until smooth.

    5. Sti in th cam and hat thouh on low, do not allowto boil.

    6. Pou th soup btwn 4 bowls, anish with fsh basil

    las and s with fsh cust bad.

    To Serve:

    - Fsh basil las

    - Fsh cust bad

    This summ soup, is so simpl andperfect served as a starter as it is soliht, us ood tomatos fo a bttaou.


    1 tbsp oli oil

    25 butt

    1 onion, ouhl choppd

    2 clos alic, cushd

    800 fsh tomatos, ouhl choppd

    500ml chicn o tabl stoc

    50ml d whit win

    2 tbsp tomato pu

    1 bunch basil las, ton

    100ml doubl cam

    Salt and fshl milld blac ppp

    Thai StyleCoconut Broth

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    56 57

    Coconut Brothwith Tiger Prawns

    1. St th Soup Ma to 4 minuts on simm.

    2. Add th oil to hat and immdiatl follow with

    th onion, in and alic, la fo 60 90

    seconds until steaming using the stir button


    3. Add th Thai past and coo fo a futh 1-2

    minuts. Pou in th coconut mil, sh sauc and


    4. Pu th soup on ll 1 until smooth thn co

    and coo ntl on th low sttin fo 4-5


    5. St th soup ma to 9 minuts on simm.

    6. Aft 5 minuts add th pawns and coo until

    th tim sounds. Sti in th basil and s


    An aomatic both, ad in nt to notim and a at wint wam.


    1 tbsp oundnut oil 1 onion, nl choppd 3cm pic fsh oot in, pld and

    roughly chopped 2 clos alic, pld and cushd 1-2 tbsp n Thai cu past (dpndnt

    on psonal tast, pa 86) 400ml can coconut mil 1 tbsp sh sauc 1 tsp sua 150 cood in pawns

    Handful fsh basil, nl shddd

    Wild MushroomSoup with Crme

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    58 59

    Soup with CrmeFraiche & ChiveDrizzle

    1. Plac th did mushooms in a bowl and co with

    som boilin wat. La fo 20 minuts to softn.

    2. Plac th butt and oil in th bas of th Soup Ma.

    Set the time to 20 minutes and the temperature to

    simm. Add th onion and alic and saut fo 2-3

    minuts until softnd.

    3. Add th mushooms and som fshl ound salt and

    blac ppp and coo fo a futh 4-5 minuts. Add

    the stock and the soaked mushrooms together with

    thi soain liquid. Co and simm until th Soup

    Ma bps.

    4. Add th pasl and blnd until smooth.

    5. Mi th cm faich with th chis to a smooth

    consistency and then top each bowl of soup with a little

    dizzl toth with som mo cacd blac ppp.

    This is a classic soup, which uss a

    combination of fresh and dried wildmushooms fo an ta hit of intnsmushoom aou.


    15 did wild mushooms 25 butt 1 tbsp oli oil 1 onion, nl choppd 2 clos alic, cushd Fshl ound salt and ppp

    250 button mushooms, choppd 850ml tabl stoc Handful fsh at laf pasl, ouhl


    To Serve:4 tbsp crme fraiche2 tbsp fsh chis, nl choppd

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    Chicken Tikka

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    62 63


    1. rouhl chop 4 sinnd chicn basts and hat in

    a pan with a littl tabl oil fo 2-3 minuts until

    statin to bown.

    2. Add th pud sauc fom th Soup Ma and simm

    fo 20 minuts until th chicn is thoouhl cood.

    3. Sti in 5 tbsp of cam o out and a handful of fsh

    choppd coiand and wam thouh ntl fo 1-2

    minuts. Chc th sasonin and s th cu

    topped with the cashew nuts together with some pilau

    ic and naan bad.

    Tip: Whn cooin with natual out, us oats

    milk yogurt as unlike cows milk based yogurt it wont


    A classic mildly spiced and a wonderfullysmooth ttud cu sauc which isat with chicn o safood. Main itin th blnd is so as.


    4 chicn basts, sinnd 1tbsp tabl oil 1 sin Tia Masala sauc (pa 88)

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    64 65

    Chill i Con Carne 1. St th tim to 5 minuts and tun th Soup Ma tosimm. Hat th oil in th bas thn add th alic,

    onion and chilli and saut fo 1-2 minuts until th onion

    is statin to softn.

    2. Add th cumin sds and papia and saut fo 30

    sconds thn th tomato pu fo anoth 30 sconds

    (this mas th aou mo mllow and oundd). Sti

    usin th sti function.

    3. Add th oano and tomatos toth with th cocoa

    powd and thn coo fo a futh 1-2 minuts.

    4. Tun off th hat and blnd on ll 1 until smooth. Add

    th ba laf, bf stoc and som sasonin, blnd

    aain bi to combin.

    5. D f 500 pac sta minc in a saucpan o

    mdium hat until statin to bown and ba down.

    Add the chilli sauce from the blender and bring to the

    boil, duc th hat and simm fo 30-40 minuts,

    adding the kidney beans about 15 minutes before the

    nd of th cooin tim.


    Toppd with a spoonful of Cm Faich, som atd

    Chdda and som con totillas o ic.

    This family favourite is a great versatiledish which gathers more flavouroniht. S half fo dinn and

    either freeze for future use in tastedsandwichs th nt da with chs.


    1 tbsp tabl oil 3 clos alic, cushd 1 onion, pld and dicd 1 d chilli, cod, sdd

    and chopped 1 tsp cumin sds 1 tsp smod papia 2 tbsp tomato pu 1 tsp did oano

    400 can whol tomatos 2 tsp cocoa powd 1 ba laf 150ml bf stoc 300 can idn bans,


    Creamy Pork inWhite Wine &

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    66 67

    te e &Tarragon Sauce

    1. Saut 450 slicd po llt, which ha bn tossd in

    2 tbsp sasond ou fo 2-3 minuts tunin ulal

    until statin to bown a littl. Add th sauc fom th

    Soup Ma toth with th lmon uic and zstand coo fo 10-12 minuts until th po is thoouhl


    2. S with som wild and whit ic.

    Utilisin th Cam Whit Win andTarragon sauce in the Soup Makercip boo, this dish is dlicious with

    po o chicn.


    Utilisin th Cam Whit Win and Taaonsauce on page 74 this dish is delicious withpo o chicn.

    450 po llt, slicd 2 tbsp sasond oo Zst and uic 1 lmon

    Cam whit win and taaon saucfrom page 78


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    68 69

    Rogan Josh

    1. Hat a littl oli oil in a pan and saut 500 dicd lamb

    nc llt until it stats to bown. Add th oan osh

    sauc, toth with 100ml chicn stoc and 200ml

    coconut cam and som sasonin. Bin to th boil,

    thn co and duc th hat.

    2. eith simm on th hob on th lowst hat o in a

    mdium on fo about 1-1/4 hous until th lamb is


    3. S with ic and naan bads.

    SERVES 4


    500 dicd lamb nc llt 100mls chicn stoc 200ml coconut cam sason to tast

    Thai Green

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    70 71

    Chicken Curry

    1. Plac th oil in a saucpan and saut th chicn fo

    4-5 minuts until statin to tun oldn.

    2. Add th cu past and coo fo a futh 4-5 minutsstiin all th tim. Add th coconut mil, sua, Thai

    fish sauce and some freshly ground black pepper and

    bin to a ntl simm.

    3. Coo fo 15-20 minuts until th chicn is

    cood thouh.

    S with som Thai asmin ic to soa up th uics.

    The aromatic dish combines nicelyto make a delicious Thai meal in lessthan the time to place an order and

    have it delivered and is guaranteed tob fsh.


    1 tbsp oundnut oil 2 whol chicn basts, dicd into bit sizd

    pieces 100 n Thai cu past ( s cip on

    pious pa 86) 400ml can coconut mil 1 tbsp liht bown soft sua tsp Thai sh sauc

    Tomato & ChilliSeafood

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    72 73


    1. St th tim to 2 minuts, plac th oil in th bas of

    th Soup Ma and hat on low. Immdiatl add th

    alic and onion and saut fo 1-2 minuts until th

    onion is statin to softn.

    2. Add th tomato pu and coo fo 30 sconds stiin

    all th tim usin th sti function. Add th win and

    allow to duc fo 1 minut.

    3. Add th tomatos, chilli as and som sasonin and

    coo cod fo 5-6 minuts usin th sti function to

    mi occasionall. Tun off th hat and blnd to ma a

    smooth sauc.

    4. Add th safood and coo ntl on low fo 10 minuts

    until th safood is ust cood thouh without bin


    5. Coo th spahtti in a la pan of boilin saltd wat

    and dain wll. Sti th tomato safood sauc thouh

    the cooked spaghetti and scatter with the parsley and

    som cacd blac ppp.

    A smooth tomato sauc, with a hint ofchilli makes a great accompaniment toth pawns and mid safood.


    1 tbsp oli oil 2 clos alic, cushd 1 mdium onion, ouhl choppd 2 tbsp tomato pu 150ml whit win 400 can choppd tomatos Pinch chilli as 400 mid safood, such as pawns,

    mussls, squid ins


    500 ba fsh spahtti

    Handful fsh at laf pasl, choppd

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    Sauces& Pastes



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    76 77


    1. St th tim to 25 minuts and hat th oil in th bas

    of th Soup Ma on simm, thn saut th onion and

    alic on low until statin to softn.

    2. Add th mainin indints and incas th hat to

    hih to bin to th boil.

    3. rduc th hat aain and simm fo 15-20 minuts

    until the sauce has reduced and become thick and

    sup and coats th bac of th spoon.

    Cool and store in an airtight container in the fridge for

    4-5 das.


    If usin with spa ibs, coat th ibs nousl inth sauc and mainat fo 3-4 hous in th fid.

    Cook the ribs either in a hot oven for about an hour or

    on th babcu.

    A really tasty and useful sauce to keep inth fid. Us as a mainad fo spaibs o po chops o ust a dlicious

    dipping sauce for potato wedges orchips.


    tbsp oundnut oil 1 mdium onion, pld

    and chopped 1 clo alic, cushd 300ml tomato passata 2 tbsp cla hon

    250ml cola Fw dops Wocstshi sauc 1 tsp smod papia 2 tbsp malt ina

    Creamy WhiteWine & TarragonSa ce

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    78 79


    1. St th tim to 2 minuts, tun th Soup Ma to

    simm and saut th onion fo 1-2 minuts until

    statin to softn.

    2. Add th win and continu cooin fo anoth 1 minut

    to duc a littl.

    3. Add th stoc, taaon, Cm Faich and mustad

    and continue cooking for another 1 minute stirring

    occasionall usin th sti function.

    4. Blnd until smooth, sason to tast.

    This is a twist on the classic white wineand taaon sauc. Th mustad andlemon adds another flavour dimension

    to this dlicious sauc.


    1 tbsp tabl oil 1 onion, ouhl choppd 150ml whit win 200ml chicn stoc Handful taaon las 6 tbsp cm faich 2 tbsp Dion mustad


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    80 81


    1. St th tim to 1 minut, tun th Soup Ma to

    simm, add th butt and allow to mlt. Pou it into a

    small u.

    2. Allow th a to cool and thn wip clan with itchn

    pap. Without an hat, add th ols and ina

    with some seasoning to the Soup Maker and blend on

    ll 1 ust nouh to mi wll.

    3. With th Soup Ma blndin on ll 1, aduall add

    the melted butter through the hole in the lid (use a tea

    towl to pnt an splattin) in a slow stad stam

    until th sauc is smooth and loss.

    4. Add th lmon uic, blnd aain bi to combin and

    chc th sasonin.


    If the sauce separates add vinegar drop by drop blending

    wll until it coms toth.

    This recipe contains raw egg and is therefore not suitable

    fo th oun, pnant womn, ldl popl, o thos

    whos immun sstms a wa.

    A classic sauc, which is so satil.Whn aspaaus is in sason, sthe sauce drizzled over some lightlystamd spas.


    3 la ols 2 tbsp whit win ina 250 butt 1 tsp fsh lmon uic

    Red WineSauce

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    82 83

    Sauce1. Plac th oil in th bas of th Soup Ma st th tim

    to 14 minuts and hat on low. Add th onion and alic

    and saut fo 2-3 minuts until statin to softn.

    2. Add th tomato pu and coo fo 1-2 minuts stiinall th tim, usin th sti function.

    3. Add th osma and balsamic ina and simm on

    low fo about 1 minut.

    4. Add th d win and allow to simm on low uncod

    fo 7-8 minuts to duc b about half. Tun off th

    hat put th lid bac on th a and blnd on ll 1 until


    5. Add th stoc and som sasonin and continu

    simmin (co with th lid on but la th cup out)

    usin a mdium hat fo a futh 8-10 minuts until

    ducd b about half. Sti in th butt and chc th


    This sauce makes the perfectaccompaniment to beef or venisonstas.


    1 tbsp oli oil 1 d onion, pld and nl choppd 1 clo alic, cushd 2 tbsp tomato pu 1 spi osma, ndls mod,ouhl

    chopped 3 tbsp balsamic ina 400ml d win

    400ml chicn stoc knob butt

    Rogan JoshPaste

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    84 85


    1. St th tim to 2 minuts and tun th Soup Ma to

    simm. Add th oil, onion, in and alic and saut

    fo 1-2 minuts until th onion is statin to softn.

    2. Add th d spics and coo fo a futh 1 minut. Add

    th tomato pu and coo fo a futh 30 sconds (this

    is a mo mllow oundd aou). Sti ulal

    usin th sti function.

    3. Add th tomatos and coo fo 1-2 minuts. Tun off

    the heat and blend the sauce on level 1 until a smooth

    consistnc is achd. Add th cadamom pods and

    puls to combin.

    A mildl spicd ich tomato sauc, thcreamy coconut is not traditionally usedin Rogan Josh but makes a delicious

    contast to th spics.


    1 tbsp tabl oil 1 onion, ouhl choppd 2.5cm pic oot in,

    peeled and roughlychopped

    3 alic clos, pld andcrushed

    1 tsp ound cinnamon

    2 tsp ound cumin 2 tsp ound coiand 1 tbsp papia 1 tsp chilli powd 1 tbsp tomato pu 400 can whol tomatos 3 cadamom pods

    Thai CurryPaste

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    86 87


    1. Plac all th indints into th Soup Ma and blnd

    on ll 3. Sason.

    2. kp th past in an aitiht contain in th fid foup to 1 w.

    This vibrant spicy paste makes thepfct bas fo a n Thai cu. Itwill p in th fid fo up to a w.

    You can make it more or less spicy if youpf b addin o moin chillis.


    2 n chillis, dsdd, cod and ouhlchopped

    5cm pic oot in, pld and choppd 6 clos alic, pld and hald 75 shallots o onions, pld and choppd 1 tsp ound coiand 1 tsp whol cumin sds 50 fsh coiand (includin th stals) 25 fsh basil las 3 tbsp oundnut oil Zst and uic 2 lims 2 tsp Thai sh sauc

    Tikka MasalaSauce

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    88 89

    1. St th Soup Ma to 8-10 minuts and hat th oil,

    on simm. Add th onion and saut fo 1 minut.

    Add th in and alic and coo fo a futh 1-2

    minuts stiin ulal usin th sti function.

    2. Add th aam masala, chilli powd (accodin to

    how hot ou li it) and tumic and coo fo 1 minut

    stiin ulal.

    3. Add th tomato pu and coo fo 30 sconds (this

    mas th aou mo mllow and oundd), thn add

    th stoc, tomatos and som sasonin and coo fo

    1-2 minuts on simm.

    4. Tun off th hat and blnd th sauc, on ll 1 until


    A classic mildly spiced and a wonderfullysmooth ttud cu sauc which isat with chicn o safood. Main itin th Soup Ma is so as.


    To Serve:

    2 tbsp cashw nuts, lihtl toastd

    2 tbsp tabl oil 1 la onion, quatd 4cm pic fsh oot

    ginger peeled 2 clos alic, pld

    and finely chopped

    2 tsp aam masala 1-2 tsp chilli powd 1 tsp tumic 1 tbsp tomato pu 150ml chicn stoc 400 can whol tomatos

    Tomato & HerbSauce

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    90 91

    3. Add th tomatos, basil, sua and som fshl ound

    salt and blac ppp. Simm fo 20-25 minuts usin

    th low hat sttin.

    4. Tun off th hat and pu th sauc in th Soup Ma

    on ll I until smooth. Chc th sasonin.


    F a littl panctta o bacon ladons in a fin pan and

    add th tomato sauc, s with som cood pasta

    and Pamiianio riano shains.

    Fo Bolons sauc, f off som sta minc until

    lightly browned then add the tomato sauce and simmer

    in a saucpan fo 20-30 minuts until th mat is

    thoouhl cood.

    Wap som chicn basts in som Pama ham and

    pou a littl tomato sauc o. Ba in th on at

    200C for 20 minutes or until the chicken is thoroughly


    Add som in pawns to th hot tomato sauc and

    cook for a few minutes in the Soup Maker until the

    pawns a thoouhl cood. Sti thouh som

    cood linuin pasta, top with lots of cacd blac

    ppp and a fw basil las.

    Everyone needs a good tomato saucecip in thi ptoi. Not onl is thison bustin with aou and oodnss,

    but also its hihl satil.


    1 tbsp oli oil 1 mdium onion, pld and choppd 2 clos alic, cushd 1 caot, pld and dicd 2 tbsp tomato pu 600 fsh tomatos, ouhl dicd Handful fsh basil las, ouhl choppd 1 tsp sua

    1. St th tim to 27 minuts, hat th oil in th bas of th

    Soup Ma on low. Add th onion and alic and f

    until softnd.

    2. Add th caot and tomato pu and continu cooin

    fo anoth 1-2 minuts stiin all th tim usin th sti


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    Berry & LimeGranita

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    94 95

    1. Plac th wat and sua in th Soup Ma. St th

    tim to 2 minuts, st on hih and bin to th boil.

    2. Tun off th hat, add th bis and blnd on ll 1

    until th mitu is smooth.

    3. Add th lim zst and uic and us th sti function to

    combin bi.

    4. Pou into a fz saf tub and plac in th fz fo

    about half an hou, o until statin to o ic aound th


    5. Us a fo to combin th ic pats into th st of th

    mitu and tun to th fz. Sti 1 hou

    until th whol mitu is a slihtl soft mi of ic as.

    Either serve straight away or cover and replace in the

    fz until ad to s.

    6. S in ptt lasss o bowls with som ta bis

    and a spi of mint.

    Granita is an Italian style dessert witha fozn a ttu. Its a dliciousway to use seasonal berries and a

    ood altnati to iccam, its alsofat f!


    100ml hot wat 50 whit sua 400 mid bis, such as stawbis,

    raspberries and blueberries Zst and uic 1 fsh lim

    Brioche Bread &Butter Pudding

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    96 97

    1. Phat th on to 180 C/ as ma 4. Lihtl butt a

    shallow onpoof dish.

    2. Us a fo to bat th ols and sua in a

    hatpoof u until smooth.

    3. St th tim to 3 minuts and hat th mil and anilla

    tact in th bas of th Soup Ma on simm until

    ust about at simmin point. Pou th mil into th

    mitu whisin all th tim. rtun th mitu to th

    Soup Ma and continu simmin fo 2-3 minuts

    until it has thickened use the stirring function regularly

    to p th custad smooth.

    4. La th bioch tianls in th sin dish with th

    raisins scattered between each layer (but not over the

    top to pnt bunin).

    5. Pou th wam custad o th bioch and thn

    spinl th dmaa sua o th top. Allow to stand

    fo 5-10 minuts to lt th custad soa into th bioch.

    6. Ba fo 25-30 minuts until th llin has ust st and

    th top is cunch and lihtl oldn bown.

    This variation of the classic Englishpudding uses brioche for a richeraou, of cous ou can us da old

    slicd bad if ou pf.

    ServeS 4-6PrePArATION TIMe 10 MINUTeSCOOkINg TIMe 30-35 MINUTeS

    2 ols 50 cast sua 300ml mil tsp anilla tact 200 bioch loaf, slicd thinl

    and cut into triangles 25 aisins 2 tbsp dmaa sua


    If you want to make this a chocolate version

    then simply add 50g grated good quality plain

    chocolate into the milk before gently heating it in

    th Soup Ma to allow th chocolat to mlt.

    Strawberry& ElderflowerFool

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    98 99

    1. Plac th stawbis in th bas of th Soup Ma

    with th icin sua and th ldow codial. St

    th tim to 3 minuts and simm fo 2-3 minuts until

    the strawberries start to soften but not break down

    compltl. Tun off th hat.

    2. Pu th mitu on ll 1 until smooth. Allow to cool.

    3. Whip th cam with a balloon o lctic hand whis

    until it ust holds its shap, and thn fold in th

    stawb pu mitu.

    4. Tip into sin dishs and dcoat with a spi of

    fsh mint.

    Swt and smooth, this summ dsstis a al classic thats ad in a ash.


    400 ip stawbis, quatd 25 icin sua 2 tbsp ldow codial 284ml pot whippin cam


    you could us oth fuit such as hubab,

    gooseberries or raspberries following the same

    mthod as in abo.

    Vanilla PannaCotta with BerryCompote

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    100 101

    1. Ma th fuit compot b placin th fuit in th Soup

    Ma with th icin sua. Tun th hat on to simm,

    and hat ntl fo 2-3 minuts until th bis a

    statin to bust. Tun off th hat and blnd on ll 1

    until smooth. If ou pf, si th compot, othwis

    tip into a serving bowl and put to one side until ready to

    s. rins out th blnd.

    2. Ma th panna cotta b st soain th latin in

    cold wat fo 5 minuts until it has softnd.

    3. Plac th cam, mil and sua in th clan Soup

    Ma, st th tim to 2 minuts and hat on low,

    stiin intmittntl until th sua has dissold.

    4. Squz th wat out of th latin on laf at a tim.

    Sti ach on into th wam cam mitu, blndin on

    ll 1 btwn ach addition.

    5. Ppa th moulds fo th panna cotta b insin 6

    200ml mtal puddin moulds with cold wat, lain

    thm wt. Pou th cam mitu into th moulds and

    cool bfo chillin in th fid fo 2-3 hous.

    6. S th panna cotta with som of th b compot

    spoond o.

    Rich and creamy this dessert is perfectfo simpl ppa ahad nttainin.


    For The Berry Compote 200 ach of stawbis, aspbis and

    blueberries 25 icin sua

    For The Panna Cotta 4 las n laf latin 600ml pot doubl cam 200ml simmd mil

    125 cast sua 1 anilla pod, hald

    Tips:To mo th panna cotta, dip ach on in abowl of boiling water very briefly before tippingonto th sin plats.

    Walnut & MapleSyrup Tart

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    102 103

    1. Ma th past b placin th butt, sua and

    ou in th Soup Ma and blndin until th ttu

    smbls badcumbs.

    2. Add th ols and blnd until th past coms

    toth into a ball. Wap in clin lm and fiat.

    3. Phat th on to 180C, as ma 4. Ma th llin

    b miin all th llin indints in th Soup Ma

    (without an hat) until a smooth past has bn


    4. roll out th past to ust slihtl la than a 23cm

    loos bottomd utd an tin. Lin with th past and

    pou in th walnut llin. Dcoat th top with as man

    walnut hals as ou li. Plac on a bain ta and

    coo fo 35-40 minuts until th top is oldn and th

    llin ust m (co with foil half wa thouh cooin

    if bownin too quicl). S wam.

    A really delicious dessert to serve warmwith a dollop of cam.

    ServeS 6-8


    For the pastry 75 butt, cut into cubs 25 liht soft bown sua 125 plain ou 2 ols

    For the filling

    100 butt 125 choppd walnuts 75 soft bown sua 2 s 3 tbsp mapl sup

    To ServeWalnut halves to decorate

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    Malteser Teaser

  • 5/24/2018 13356 Cuisinart Soup Maker


    106 107

    1. Plac th mil and Maltssin th Soup Ma. St

    the timer to 3 minutes gradually bring to simmering

    point on low.

    2. If ou pf a smooth ttud din wait until th

    Maltesersha mltd compltl, thn switch off th

    hat and blnd on ll 1 bi to combin.

    Otherwise pour the hot drink into mugs whilst small

    pieces of the Maltesersa still cunch.

    3. S with th biscotti and chocolat stis.

    Th maltd aou and ttu of thMalteserscombined with the meltingchocolate in the milk is a divine bedtimedin.


    500ml mil 75 Maltss

    To Serve Biscotti Chocolat stis

    Real HotChocolate

    Pl ll h i di i h S M S h

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    108 109

    1. Plac all th indints in th Soup Ma. St th

    tim on 3 minuts and slowl bin to ust about

    simmin point on simm. Blnd to combin wll.

    2. S in mus with whippd cam and mashmallows

    on top


    Keeping the hot chocolate warm in the blender on the

    low setting makes it perfect for Bonfire night or childrens


    This is th al dal; hot chocolat dosnot t an btt than this!

    ServeS 3 - 4reADy IN 5 MINUTeS

    800ml mil 4 tsp cocoa powd 200 mil chocolat, bon into small pics

    To Serve

    Mini mashmallows Whippd cam

    Vanilla ChaiLatte

    1 Plac all th indints in th Soup Ma St th tim

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    110 111

    1. Plac all th indints in th Soup Ma. St th tim

    to 4 minuts and hat on simm fo 3-4 minuts. Tun

    off th hat and allow th chai to infus fo 1-2 minuts

    bfo sin.

    2. Stain th mil thouh a si and s in tacups.

    Chai (spicd ta) latt is a mil aomaticdin pacd with aou, t ainth spics to suit ou own tast.


    500ml mil 1 tbsp ta las, such as Assam

    o Dalin 1 tbsp bown sua o hon if ou pf 4 clos 1 stic cinnamon 2 cadamom pods tsp anilla tact

    Conversion Chart

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    Gas mark F C

    1 275F 140C

    2 300F 150C

    3 325F 170C

    4 350F 180C

    5 375F 190C

    6 400F 200C

    7 425F 220C

    8 450F 230C

    9 475F 240C


    Imperial Metric

    oz 10 g

    oz 20 g

    1 oz 25 g

    1 oz 40 g

    2 oz 50 g

    2 oz 60 g

    3 oz 75 g

    4 oz 110 g

    4 oz 125 g5 oz 150 g

    6 oz 175 g

    7 oz 200 g

    8 oz 225 g

    9 oz 250 g

    10 oz 275 g

    12 oz 350 g

    1 lb 450 g

    1 lb 8 oz 700 g

    2 lb 900 g

    3 lb 1,350 g


    Imperial Metric

    2 f oz 55 ml

    3 f oz 75 ml

    5 f oz ( pint) 150 ml

    10 f oz (


    275 ml

    1 pint 570 ml

    1 pint 725 ml

    1 pint 1 litre

    2 pint 1,2 litre

    2 pint 1,5 litre

    4 pint 2,25 litre