130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration

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  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration




    Submitted in partial fulfillment f t!e re"uirement#

    fr t!e a$ard f t!e %e&ree f 'a(!elr f Te(!nl&)in *e(!ani(al En&ineerin& t t!e

    Uni+er#it) f ,erala

    Submitted b)

    ,IRAN P R

    PA%*A,U*AR R



    %epartment f *e(!ani(al En&ineerin&

    Clle&e f En&ineerin&- T!iru+anant!apuram . /0

    April- 1223

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration





    T!i# i# t (ertif) t!at t!e pr5e(t reprt entitled 6Electrolux refrigeration using solar heat


    RAJENDRANt t!e Uni+er#it) f ,erala in partial fulfillment f t!e re"uirement fr t!e

    a$ard f t!e %e&ree f 'a(!elr f Te(!nl&) in *e(!ani(al En&ineerin& i# a bnafide

    $r7 (arried ut under ur &uidan(e and #uper+i#in8 T!e (ntent# f t!i# $r7 in full r

    part# !a+e nt been #ubmitted in an) t!er in#titute r Uni+er#it) fr t!e a$ard f an)

    de&ree r diplma8

    %r8 N8 A#7 ,umar %r8 ' Anil

    A##i#tant Prfe##r Prfe##r 9 Head

    %ept8 f *e(!ani(al En&ineerin& %ept8 f *e(!ani(al En&ineerin&Clle&e f En&ineerin& Tri+andrum Clle&e f En&ineerin& Tri+andrum

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration




  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



    ;e $uld li7e t ta7e t!i# pprtunit) t e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration




  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration





  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration





    /8 S@NOPSIS



    B8 'ATTER@


    08 CON%ENSER

    8 %8C 'LO;ER











  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    ;e $uld li7e t ta7e t!i# pprtunit) t e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    T!e pr5e(t (n#i#t# f an Ele(trlu< refri&eratin #)#tem u#in& #lar ener&) a# input8

    T!i# #)#tem $a# a(tuall) in+ented b) t$ S$edi#! en&ineer#- 4n Platen and Carl

    *unter#8 T!e idea $a# fir#t de+elped b) t!e 6Ele(trlu< Cmpan)- f Lutn- En&land-

    !en(e t!e name 6Ele(trlu< refri&eratin #)#tem8 T!e prin(iple be!ind Ele(trlurefri&erant? $ater >ab#rbent? and !)dr&en8 Ammnia i# u#ed a# t!e refri&erant a# it i#

    ea#il) a+ailable- en+irnmentall) friendl) and (an prdu(e a better (lin& effe(t8

    H)dr&en i# u#ed t redu(e t!e partial pre##ure f ammnia +apur in t!e e+apratr

    (!amber # t!at mre ammnia e+aprate# )ieldin& mre (lin& effe(t8 Heat input i#

    re"uired at t!e &eneratr $!ere a"ua ammnia i# !eated t &et ammnia +apr#8 In t!i#

    pr5e(t- an e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    If t!e #lar ener&) p##e##e# t!e ad+anta&e t be (lean- free and rene$able- t!i# la#t i#

    prbabl)- (n#idered li7e an adapted ptential #lutin- t!at an#$er# in e+en time at a

    e(nmi( pre((upatin and e(l&i(al prblem#8 Amn& t!e main dne (urrentl)

    re#ear(! i# t!e u#e f t!i# free #ur(e t ma7e perate #)#tem f refri&eratin8 Sin(e

    amn& t!e dme#ti( applian(e# u#ed tda)- refri&eratr# (n#ume a (n#iderable amunt

    f ener&)- u#in& #lar ener&) t run refri&eratr i# f &reat pra(ti(al rele+an(e n$ada)#8

    T!e diffu#in ab#rptin refri&eratr ()(le in+ented in t!e /312# i# ba#ed n ammnia

    >refri&erant? and $ater >ab#rbent? a# t!e $r7in& fluid# t&et!er $it! !)dr&en a# an


  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



    VEHICLES, J. Ener! Enr. Vo"#$e 1%&, I''#e %, ((. )*+&* A##'- 1/


    T!i# #tud) in(lude# an e4AR? #)#tem# in rad tran#prt +e!i(le# u#in& t!e$a#te !eat in t!e e

    &a#e# f t!e main prpul#inunit a# t!e ener&) #ur(e8 T!i# $uld pr+ide an alternati+e

    t t!e (n+entinal +apr (mpre##in refri&eratin #)#tem and it# a##(iated internal

    (mbu#tin en&ine8 T!e perfrman(e f a 4AR #)#tem fired b) natural &a# i# (mpared

    $it! t!at f t!e #ame

    #)#tem dri+en b) en&ine e


    fired #)#tem8 It al# #u&&e#ted t!at- $it! (areful de#i&n- in#ertin& t!e 4AR #)#tem

    &eneratr int t!e main en&ine e

    +e!i(le prpul#in unit8 A(mpari#n f t!e (apital and runnin& (#t# f t!e (n+entinal

    and prp#ed alternati+e #)#tem i# made8


    REFRIGERATION UNIT 0! B. C2ao#a23, S. Ga0'3 A$er3an Jo#rna" o4

    A(("3ed S3ene', Fe0, %556/


    T!e purp#e f t!i# #tud) $a# t!e de#i&n and t!e #imulatin f an ab#rptin diffu#in

    refri&eratr u#in& #lar a# #ur(e f ener&)- fr dme#ti( u#e8 T!e de#i&n !ld# a((unt

    abut t!e (limati( (nditin# and t!e unit (#t due t te(!ni(al (n#traint# imp#ed b)

    t!e te(!nl&) f t!e +ariu# (mpnent# f t!e in#tallatin #u(! a# t!e #lar &eneratr-

    t!e (nden#er- t!e ab#rber and t!e e+apratr8 *a## and ener&) (n#er+atin e"uatin#

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    $ere de+elped fr ea(! (mpnent f t!e ()(le and #l+ed numeri(all)8 T!e btained

    re#ult# #!$ed- t!at t!e ne$ de#i&ned mn pre##ure ab#rptin ()(le f ammnia $a#

    #uitable $ell fr t!e (ld prdu(tin b) mean# f t!e #lar ener&) and t!at $it! a #imple

    plate (lle(tr $e (an rea(! a p$er- f t!e rder f 322 $att# #uffi(ient fr dme#ti(



    J#ne %55*, Pae' &)&+&&1 Re4r3era-3on 83-2 A$$on3a and H!droar0on'/ 0! And!

    Pear'on, S-ar Re4r3era-3on L-d., G"a'o8 G)9 *J:, UK,


    Ammnia i# $idel) u#ed a# a refri&erant in indu#trial #)#tem# fr fd refri&eratin-

    di#tributin $are!u#in& and pr(e## (lin&8 It !a# mre re(entl) been prp#ed fr u#e

    in appli(atin# #u(! a# $ater (!illin& fr air:(nditinin& #)#tem# but !a# nt )et

    re(ei+ed $ide#pread a((eptan(e in t!i# field8 T!i# re+ie$ paper a##e##e# t!e rea#n# $!)

    ammnia i# # ppular in indu#trial #)#tem#- t!e rea#n# $!) it i# deemed le## #uitable

    fr t!er appli(atin# and t!e p##ible benefit# at l(al- natinal and internatinal le+el#

    t!at mi&!t be &ained b) mre &eneral a((eptan(e f ammnia a# a refri&erant8 T!e paper

    al# (n#ider# t!er p##ible appli(atin# $!i(! mi&!t benefit frm t!e u#e f ammnia

    a# refri&erant8


    Mr. A=a! Pra>a'2 S2r3?a'-a?a, Pre'3den-, So"ar Ener! So3e-! o4 Ind3a SESI/.


  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    India i# ne f t!e fe$ (untrie# $it! ln& da)# and plent) f #un#!ine8 T!i# =ne- !a+in&

    abundant #lar ener&) a+ailable- i# #uitable fr !arne##in& #lar ener&) fr a number f

    appli(atin#8 In area# $it! #imilar inten#it) f #lar radiatin- #lar ener&) (uld be ea#il)

    !arne##ed8 Slar t!ermal ener&) i# bein& u#ed in India fr !eatin& $ater fr bt!

    indu#trial and dme#ti( purp#e#8 A /B2 *; inte&rated #lar p$er plant i# t be #et up

    in Jd!pur but t!e initial e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



    T!ere i# di#(l#ed t!e manner in $!i(! a refle(tr fr a #lar ener&) (lle(tr i# de#i&ned8

    T!e ab#rber i# a ri&!t (ir(ular ()linder and i# (ntained in an e+a(uated &la## #!rud8

    T!e &la## #!rud pre+ent# t!e u#e f t!e refle(tr de#i&n te(!ni"ue f t!e prir art- and

    in#tead (al(ulatin# are perfrmed a# if an ab#rber !a+in& a #maller diameter $ere t be



    P"o42an US Pa-en- )*)7&%1, J#n %6 1*/


    A $ide an&le fla#! tube refle(tr !a# dual in+lute #urfa(e# t!eren inter#e(tin& at a (u#p

    and bent in t!e !ri=ntal t inter(ept li&!t frm a li&!t #ur(e ad5a(ent t!e (u#p and t

    refle(t #u(! li&!t in a di#per#in pattern t!at #pread# t!e fla#! (+era&e t mat(! e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    ;!en $e #tarted $it! ur pr5e(t- $e $ere plannin& t utili=e t!e nn(n+entinal

    ener&) re#ur(e# li7e #lar ener&) fr dme#ti( purp#e#8 ;!ile (n#iderin& t!e p$er

    utili=atin f +ariu# dme#ti( applian(e#- b) 7n$in& t!at a ma5r amunt f p$er i#

    dra$n b) refri&eratr#- $e planned t ma7e u#e f #lar ener&) t dri+e refri&eratr#

    $!i(! $ill be mre e(nmi(al $it! le## $a#ta&e f ele(tri(al p$er8 *#tl) u#ed

    refri&eratr #)#tem# are +apur ab#rptin and +apur (mpre##in f $!i(! +apur

    ab#rptin #)#tem i# mre #uitable $!en !eat i# u#ed a# t!e ener&) input8 Our #tudie#

    abut t!e +apur ab#rptin #)#tem led t t!e (n(lu#in t!at Ele(trlu< refri&eratin

    #)#tem i# be#t #uitable fr dme#ti( purp#e a# it (n#ume# le## ener&)8 Sin(e t!e

    Ele(trlu< #)#tem u#e# n pump fr it# $r7in&- t!e nl) ener&) input i# in t!e frm f

    !eat at t!e &eneratr pipe8 An Ele(trlu< #)#tem al# (alled Platen:*unter# #)#tem u#e#

    t!ree fluid# fr it# peratin +i= Ammnia- ;ater and H)dr&en8 Hen(e t!e #)#tem i# al#

    (alled T!ree Fluid S)#tem8

    ;e &t an ld Ele(trlu< refri&eratin #)#tem frm t!e dump )ard f t!e !eat en&ine# lab

    in ur (lle&e8 ;e in#pe(ted t!e #)#tem $it! t!e !elp f a prfe##inal frid&e me(!ani(

    and (ame t a (n(lu#in t!at t!e e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    refri&eratin i# l$erin& t!e temperature f t!e en(l#ed #pa(e r #ub#tan(e and t!en

    maintainin& t!at l$er temperature8 T!e term (lin& refer# &enerall) t an) natural r

    artifi(ial pr(e## b) $!i(! !eat i# di##ipated8 T!e pr(e## f artifi(iall) prdu(in&


  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    F3r'- re4r3era-3on '!'-e$'

    T!e fir#t 7n$n met!d f artifi(ial refri&eratin $a# demn#trated b) ;illiam Cullenat

    t!e Uni+er#it) f Gla#&$ in S(tland in /08 Cullen u#ed a pump t (reate a partial

    +a(uum+er a (ntainer f diet!)l et!er-$!i(! t!en biled- ab#rbin& !eat frm t!e

    #urrundin& air8 T!e e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    !me#- re#taurant# and lar&e #tra&e $are!u#e#8 T!e u#e f refri&eratr# in ur 7it(!en#

    fr t!e #tra&e f fruit# and +e&etable# !a# all$ed u# t add fre#! #alad# t ur diet# )ear

    rund- and t #tre fi#! and meat# #afel) fr ln& perid#8

    In (mmer(e and manufa(turin&- t!ere are man) u#e# fr refri&eratin8 Refri&eratin i#

    u#ed t li"uif) &a#e# li7e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    i# t!e !eat m+ed frm t!e (ld re#er+ir >t t!e !t re#er+ir?8

    i# t!e $r7(n#umed b) t!e !eat pump8

    #nit of refrigeration

    %me#ti( and (mmer(ial refri&eratr# ma) be rated in 7J#- r 'tu! f (lin&8

    Cmmer(ial refri&eratr# in t!e US are m#tl) rated in tn# f refri&eratin- but

    el#e$!ere in 7;8 One tn f refri&eratin (apa(it) (an free=e ne #!rt tnf $ater at 2

    MC >1 MF? in 1B !ur#8 'a#ed n t!at

    Latent !eat f i(e >i8e8- !eat f fu#in? 8 7J7& /BB 'tulb

    One #!rt tn 1222 lb

    Heat e1222?>/BB?1B !r 1222 'tu1B !r /1222 'tu!r 122


    / tn refri&eratin 122 'tumin 8/ 7J# 8/7;

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



    *et!d# f refri&eratin (an be (la##ified a# nn:()(li(- ()(li( and t!ermele(tri(8

    Non+!"3 re4r3era-3on

    In t!e#e met!d#- refri&eratin (an be a((mpli#!ed b) meltin& i(e r b) #ublimin&dr)

    i(e8 T!e#e met!d# are u#ed fr #mall:#(ale refri&eratin #u(! a# in labratrie# and

    $r7#!p#- r in prtable (ler#8

    C!"3 re4r3era-3on

    T!i# (n#i#t# f a refri&eratin ()(le- $!ere !eat i# rem+ed frm a l$:temperature

    #pa(e r #ur(e and re5e(ted t a !i&!:temperature #in7 $it! t!e !elp f e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    T!e m#t (mmn t)pe# f refri&eratin #)#tem# u#e t!e re+er#e:Ran7ine +apr:

    (mpre##in refri&eratin()(le alt!u&! ab#rptin !eat pump#are u#ed in a minrit) f


    C)(li( refri&eratin (an be (la##ified a#

    /8 4apr ()(le- and

    18 Ga# ()(le

    4apr ()(le refri&eratin (an furt!er be (la##ified a#

    /8 4apr (mpre##in refri&eratin

    18 4apr ab#rptin refri&eratin

    Va(or+o$(re''3on !"e

    T!e +apr:(mpre##in ()(le i# u#ed in m#t !u#e!ld refri&eratr# a# $ell a# in man)

    lar&e (mmer(ial and indu#trial refri&eratin #)#tem#8 Fi&ure / pr+ide# a #(!emati(

    dia&ram f t!e (mpnent# f a t)pi(al +apr:(mpre##in refri&eratin #)#tem8

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    T!e t!ermd)nami(#f t!e ()(le (an be anal)=ed n a dia&ram a# #!$n in Fi&ure 18 In

    t!i# ()(le- a (ir(ulatin& refri&erant #u(! a# Fren enter# t!e (mpre##ra# a +apr8 Frm

    pint / t pint 1- t!e +apr i# (mpre##ed at (n#tant entrp)and e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    refri&erant +apr return# t t!e (mpre##r inlet at pint / t (mplete t!e

    t!ermd)nami( ()(le8

    Va(or a0'or(-3on !"e

    In t!e earl) )ear# f t!e t$entiet! (entur)- t!e +apr ab#rptin ()(le u#in& $ater:

    ammnia #)#tem# $a# ppular and $idel) u#ed8 After t!e de+elpment f t!e +apr

    (mpre##in ()(le- t!e +apr ab#rptin ()(le l#t mu(! f it# imprtan(e be(au#e f it#

    l$ (effi(ient f perfrman(e>abut ne fift! f t!at f t!e +apr (mpre##in ()(le?8

    Tda)- t!e +apr ab#rptin ()(le i# u#ed mainl) $!ere fuel fr !eatin& i# a+ailable but

    ele(tri(it) i# nt- #u(! a# in re(reatinal +e!i(le# t!at (arr) LP &a#8 ItQ# al# u#ed in

    indu#trial en+irnment# $!ere plentiful $a#te !eat +er(me# it# ineffi(ien()8

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    T!e ab#rptin ()(le i# #imilar t t!e (mpre##in ()(le- erefri&erant? and $ater >ab#rber? and $ater >refri&erant? and lit!ium brmide>ab#rber?8

    Ga' re4r3era-3on !"e

    ;!en t!e $r7in& fluid i# a &a# t!at i# (mpre##ed and e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    T!e &a# ()(le i# le## effi(ient t!an t!e +apr (mpre##in ()(le be(au#e t!e &a# ()(le

    $r7# n t!e re+er#e 'ra)tn ()(le in#tead f t!e re+er#e Ran7ine ()(le8 A# #u(! t!e

    $r7in& fluid de# nt re(ei+e and re5e(t !eat at (n#tant temperature8'e(au#e f t!eir

    l$er effi(ien() and lar&er bul7- air ()(le (ler# are nt ften u#ed n$ada)# in

    terre#trial (lin& de+i(e#8 T!e air ()(le ma(!ine i# +er) (mmn- !$e+er- n &a#

    urbine:p$ered 5et air(raftbe(au#e (mpre##ed air i# readil) a+ailable frm t!e en&ine#Q

    (mpre##r #e(tin#8

    T2er$oe"e-r3 re4r3era-3on

    T!ermele(tri( (lin& u#e# t!e Peltier effe(tt (reate a !eat flu

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    Mane-3 re4r3era-3on

    *a&neti( refri&eratin- r adiabati( dema&neti=atin- i# a (lin& te(!nl&) ba#ed n

    t!e ma&net(alri( effe(t- an intrin#i( prpert) f ma&neti( #lid#8 T!e refri&erant i#

    ften aparama&neti(#alt- #u(! a# (eriumma&ne#iumnitrate8 T!e a(ti+e ma&neti(diple#

    in t!i# (a#e are t!#e f t!e ele(trn #!ell# f t!e parama&neti( atm#8A #trn& ma&neti(

    field i# applied t t!e refri&erant- fr(in& it# +ariu# ma&neti( diple# t ali&n and puttin&

    t!e#e de&ree# f freedm f t!e refri&erant int a #tate f l$ered entrp)8 A !eat #in7

    t!en ab#rb# t!e !eat relea#ed b) t!e refri&erant due t it# l## f entrp)8 T!ermal

    (nta(t $it! t!e !eat #in7 i# t!en br7en # t!at t!e #)#tem i# in#ulated- and t!e ma&neti(

    field i# #$it(!ed ff8 T!i# in(rea#e# t!e !eat (apa(it) f t!e refri&erant- t!u# de(rea#in&

    it# temperature bel$ t!e temperature f t!e !eat #in78

    O-2er $e-2od'

    Ot!er met!d# f refri&eratin in(lude t!e air ()(le ma(!ineu#ed in air(raftK t!e +rteNHBV?8 An!)dru# ammnia i# ften u#ed fr t!e

    prdu(tin f met!amp!etamine8 A"ueu# ammnia (an be applied n t!e #7in t le##en

    t!e effe(t# f a(idi( animal pi#n#- #u(! a# frm in#e(t and5ell)fi#!8

    Alt!u&! ammnia i# $ell:7n$n a# a ba#e- it (an al# a(t a# an e$!i(! (ntain t!e NH1in?-

    fr e.8 MC?-08202 7Pa

    Criti(al pint

    B28 , >/18 MC?-//822 *Pa

    Std ent!alp) (!an&e

    f fu#in- fu#H

    V80 7Jml

    Std entrp) (!an&e

    f fu#in- fu#S

    V183 J>mlY,?

    Std ent!alp) (!an&e

    f +apri=atin- +apH

    V18 7Jml at 'Pf .8B MC

    Std entrp) (!an&e f +apri=atin +apS - V38B/ J>mlY, at 'Pf .8B MC

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



    An!)dru# ammnia i# a (lear li"uid t!at bil# at a temperature f :1MF8 In refri&eratin

    #)#tem#- t!e li"uid i# #tred in (l#ed (ntainer# under pre##ure8 ;!en t!e pre##ure i#

    relea#ed- t!e li"uid e+aprate# rapidl)- &enerall) frmin& an in+i#ible +apr r &a#8 T!e

    rapid e+apratin (au#e# t!e temperature f t!e li"uid t drp until it rea(!e# t!e nrmal

    bilin& pint f :1MF- a #imilar effe(t ((ur# $!en $ater e+aprate# ff t!e #7in- t!u#

    (lin& it8 T!i# i# $!) ammnia i# u#ed in refri&eratin #)#tem#8 Li"uid an!)dru#

    ammnia $ei&!# le## t!an $ater8 Abut ei&!t &alln# f ammnia $ei&!# t!e #ame a#

    fi+e &alln# f $ater8 Li"uid and &a# ammnia e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration




    Hu#e!ld ammnia i# a &eneral purp#e (leaner t!at (an be u#ed n man) #urfa(e#8

    'e(au#e ammnia re#ult# in a relati+el) #trea7:free #!ine- ne f it# m#t (mmn u#e# i#

    t (lean &la##- pr(elain and #tainle## #teel8 It i# al# fre"uentl) u#ed fr (leanin& +en#

    and #a7in& item# t l#en ba7ed:n r (a7ed:n &rime8

    +A' a ?e23"e 4#e"

    Ammnia !a# been prp#ed a# a pra(ti(al alternati+e t f##il fuel fr internal

    (mbu#tin en&ine#8 T!e (alrifi( +alue f ammnia i# 118 *J7& >3032 'TUlb? $!i(!

    i# abut !alf t!at f die#el8 In a nrmal en&ine- in $!i(! t!e $ater +apr i# nt (nden#ed-

    t!e (alrifi( +alue f ammnia $ill be abut 1/ le## t!an t!i# fi&ure8 It (an be u#ed in

    et!e (mbu#tin prdu(t# are nitr&en and $ater?8 In /3/ a Canadian (mpan)

    (n+erted a /3/ C!e+rlet Impala t perate u#in& ammnia a# fuel8

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    Haard' o4 a$$on3a

    Ammnia i# nt- #tri(tl) #pea7in&- a pi#n and repeated e(!rni(? effe(t# n t!e !uman bd)8 H$e+er- e+en in #mall (n(entratin# in

    t!e air it (an be e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



    In t!e lun- li"uid an!)dru# ammnia (au#e# de#tru(tin f deli(ate re#piratr) ti##ue8


  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



    S7in dama&e depend# upn t!e len&t! and (n(entratin f e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    in(ident demn#trate# t!e need fr me(!ani(al prte(tin t prte(t refri&eratin

    e"uipment frm impa(t8 In a /331 in(ident at a meat pa(7in& plant- a fr7lift #tru(7 and

    ruptured pipe (arr)in& ammnia fr refri&eratin8 ;r7er# $ere e+a(uated $!en t!e lea7

    $a# dete(ted8 A #!rt time later- an e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



    Pro(er-3e' and e3'-ene

    ;ater >H1O- HOH? i# t!e m#t abundant mle(ulen Eart!Q# #urfa(e- (n#titutin& abut

    f t!e Eart!Q# #urfa(e in li"uid- #lid- and &a#eu# #tate#8 It i# in d)nami(

    e"uilibriumbet$een t!e li"uid and &a##tate# at #tandard temperature and pre##ure8 At

    rm temperature- it i# a nearl) (lrle## >$it! a !int f blue?- ta#tele##- and drle##

    li"uid8 *an) #ub#tan(e# di##l+e in $ater and it i# (mmnl) referred t a# t!e uni+er#al

    #l+ent8 ;ater i# t!e (!emi(al #ub#tan(e$it! (!emi(al frmula H1O ne mle(ule f

    $ater !a# t$ !)dr&en atm# (+alentl)bnded t a #in&le B280 7J ml/?- bt! f $!i(! are

    a re#ult f t!e e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    One mle(ulef $ater !a# t$ !)dr&enatm#(+alentl)bndedt a #in&le t!er t!an flurine?8 Oa"??8

    1 H1O >l?HOV

    >a"?V OH


  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    :2! 8a-er

    T!e plarit) f NH mle(ule# and t!eir abilit) t frm !)dr&en bnd# ea"?

    T!e prdu(tin f !)dr

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



    Pro(er-3e' and e3'-ene

    H)dr&en i# t!e m#t abundantelement in t!e uni+er#e- ma7in& up f nrmal matter

    b)ma##and +er 32 b) number f atm#8 T!i# element i# fund in &reat abundan(e in

    #tar# and &a# &iantplanet#8 *le(ular (lud#f H1are a##(iated $it! #tar frmatin8

    H)dr&en pla)# a +ital rle in p$erin& #tar# t!ru&!prtn:prtn rea(tinandCNO

    ()(le nu(lear fu#in8

    T!ru&!ut t!e uni+er#e- !)dr&en i# m#tl) fund in t!e atmi( and pla#ma #tate#

    $!#e prpertie# are "uite different frm mle(ular !)dr&en8 A# a pla#ma- !)dr&enQ#

    ele(trn and prtn are nt bund t&et!er- re#ultin& in +er) !i&! ele(tri(al (ndu(ti+it)

    and !i&! emi##i+it) >prdu(in& t!e li&!t frm t!e #un and t!er #tar#?8 T!e (!ar&ed

    parti(le# are !i&!l) influen(ed b) ma&neti( and ele(tri( field#8 Fr e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    #me ba(teria and al&ae and i# a natural (mpnent f flatu#8 *et!ane i# a !)dr&en

    #ur(e f in(rea#in& imprtan(e8

    H)dr&en i# t!e (!emi(al element$it! atmi( number/8 It i# repre#ented b) t!e #)mbl

    H8 At #tandard temperature and pre##ure-!)dr&en i# a (lrle##- drle##-nnmetalli(-

    ta#tele##- !i&!l) flammablediatmi(&a#$it! t!e mle(ular frmulaH18 ;it! an atmi(

    $ei&!tf /8223B- !)dr&en i# t!e li&!te#t element8 T!e den#it) f !)dr&en at 1

    7el+in i# 2823&l8 T!e meltin& pint i# /B8217 and bilin& pint i# 128178

    T!e m#t (mmn i#tpe f !)dr&en i# prtium>name rarel) u#ed? $it! a #in&le

    prtn and n neutrn#8 In ini( (mpund# it (an ta7e a p#iti+e (!ar&e >a (atin

    (mp#ed f a bare prtn? r a ne&ati+e (!ar&e >an anin 7n$n a# a !)dride?8

    H)dr&en frm# (mpund# $it! m#t element# and i# pre#ent in $aterand m#t r&ani(

    (mpund#8 It pla)# a parti(ularl) imprtant rle in a(id:ba#e (!emi#tr) $it! man)

    rea(tin# e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    :2! 2!droen 3n P"a-en M#n-er' '!'-e$

    H)dr&en i# u#ed a# t!e (arrier &a# in Platen *unter# #)#tem8 H)dr&en i# u#ed t redu(e

    t!e partial pre##ure f ammnia in t!e e+apratr8 Al# it 7eep# t!e ttal pre##ure f t!e

    #)#tem (n#tant8 A ma5r +lume f e+apratr i# filled $it! !)dr&en # t!at ammnia

    &et# le## +lume t e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



    T!e main ener&) #ur(e# fr Ele(trlu< refri&eratin are

    Slar ener&)

    Ele(tri( !eater#

    ;a#te !eat


    Natural &a#


    Ge t!ermal ener&)

    'i &a#

    Autmbile e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



    Rene$able ener&) i# ener&)&enerated frm natural re#ur(e#[#u(! a# #unli&!t- $ind-

    rain- tide# and &et!ermal !eat[$!i(! are rene$able >naturall) repleni#!ed?8 In 1220-

    abut / f &lbal final ener&) (n#umptin (ame frm rene$able#- $it! / (min&

    frm traditinal bima##- #u(! a# $d:burnin&8 H)drele(tri(it)$a# t!e ne/ f &lbal ele(tri(it) &eneratin?- fll$ed b) #lar

    !t $ater!eatin&- $!i(! (ntributed /88 *dern te(!nl&ie#- #u(! a# &et!ermal

    ener&)-$ind p$er- #lar p$er- and (ean ener&)t&et!er pr+ided #me 28 f final

    ener&) (n#umptin8

    ;ind p$er i# &r$in& at t!e rate f 2 per(ent annuall)- $it! a $rld$ide in#talled

    (apa(it) f +er /22 G;- and i# $idel) u#ed in #e+eral Eurpean (untrie# and t!e

    United State#8 T!e manufa(turin& utput f t!ep!t+ltai(indu#tr) rea(!ed mre t!an

    1-222 *; in 1220- and p!t+ltai( >P4? p$er #tatin#are parti(ularl) ppular in

    German)and Spain8Slar t!ermal p$er#tatin# perate in t!e USA and Spain- and t!e

    lar&e#t f t!e#e i# t!e B *; SEGS p$er plant in t!e *5a+e %e#ert88 T!e $rldQ#

    lar&e#t&et!ermal p$er in#tallatin i# T!e Ge)#er# in Califrnia- $it! a rated (apa(it)

    f 2 *;8 'ra=il !a# ne f t!e lar&e#t rene$able ener&) pr&ram# in t!e $rld-

    in+l+in& prdu(tin f et!anl fuel frm #u&ar (ane- and et!anl n$ pr+ide# /

    per(ent f t!e (untr)Q# autmti+e fuel8 Et!anl fuel i# al# $idel) a+ailable in t!e USA8

    ;!ile t!ere are man) lar&e:#(ale rene$able ener&) pr5e(t# and prdu(tin- rene$able

    te(!nl&ie# are al# #uited t #mall ff:&rid appli(atin#- #metime# in ruraland remte

    area#- $!ere ener&) i# ften (ru(ial in !uman de+elpment8 ,en)a !a# t!e $rldQ#

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    !i&!e#t !u#e!ld #lar $ner#!ip rate $it! ru&!l) 2-222 #mall >12./22 $att? #lar

    p$er #)#tem# #ld per )ear8 Rene$able ener&) fl$# in+l+e natural p!enmena #u(! a#

    #unli&!t- $ind- tide# and &et!ermal !eat- a# t!e Internatinal Ener&) A&en()e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    te(!ni"ue# in(lude t!e u#e f p!t+ltai( panel#- #lar t!ermal(lle(tr#- $it! ele(tri(al

    r me(!ani(al e"uipment- t (n+ert #unli&!t int u#eful utput#8 Pa##i+e #lar

    te(!ni"ue# in(lude rientin& a buildin& t t!e Sun- #ele(tin& material# $it! fa+rable

    t!ermal ma##r li&!t di#per#in& prpertie#- and de#i&nin& #pa(e# t!at naturall) (ir(ulate


    T!e Eart! re(ei+e# /Bpeta$att#>P;? f in(min& #lar radiatin >in#latin? at t!e

    upper atm#p!ere8 Appr

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    -222 EJ per )ear in bima##8 T!e amunt f #lar ener&) rea(!in& t!e #urfa(e f t!e

    planet i# # +a#t t!at in ne )ear it i# abut t$i(e a# mu(! a# $ill e+er be btained frm

    all f t!e Eart!Q# nn:rene$able re#ur(e# f (al- il- natural &a#- and mined uranium


    Applications of solar technolog&

    Slar ener&) refer# primaril) t t!e u#e f #lar radiatinfr pra(ti(al end#8 All t!er

    rene$able ener&ie# t!er t!an &et!ermalandtidalderi+e t!eir ener&) frm t!e #un8Slar

    te(!nl&ie# are bradl) (!ara(teri=ed a# eit!er pa##i+e r a(ti+e dependin& n t!e $a)

    t!e) (apture- (n+ert and di#tribute #unli&!t8 A(ti+e #lar te(!ni"ue# u#e p!t+ltai(

    panel#- pump#- and fan# t (n+ert #unli&!t int u#eful utput#8 Pa##i+e #lar te(!ni"ue#

    in(lude #ele(tin& material# $it! fa+rable t!ermal prpertie#- de#i&nin& #pa(e# t!at

    naturall) (ir(ulate air- and referen(in& t!e p#itin f a buildin& t t!e Sun8 A(ti+e #lar

    te(!nl&ie# in(rea#e t!e #uppl) f ener&) and are (n#idered #uppl) #idete(!nl&ie#-

    $!ile pa##i+e #lar te(!nl&ie# redu(e t!e need fr alternate re#ur(e# and are &enerall)

    (n#idered demand #ide te(!nl&ie#8



  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    A #lar (lle(tr i# a de+i(e fr eln&? t t!e ultra+ilet>#!rt? $a+elen&t!#8 T!e #lar ener&) #tri7in&

    t!e eart!Q# #urfa(e at an) ne time depend# n $eat!er (nditin#- a# $ell a# l(atin and

    rientatin f t!e #urfa(e- but +erall- it a+era&e# abut /222 $att# per #"uare meter

    under (lear #7ie# $it! t!e #urfa(e dire(tl) perpendi(ular t t!e #unQ# ra)#8


    T!e effi(ien() f a #lar (lle(tr i# defined a# t!e "utient f u#able t!ermal ener&)

    +er#u# re(ei+ed #lar ener&)8 'e#ide# t!ermal l## t!ere al$a)# i# pti(al l## a# $ell8

    T!e (n+er#in fa(tr r pti(al effi(ien() !2 indi(ate# t!e per(enta&e f t!e #lar ra)#

    penetratin& t!e tran#parent (+er f t!e (lle(tr >tran#mi##in? and t!e per(enta&e bein&

    ab#rbed8 'a#i(all)- it i# t!e prdu(t f t!e rate f tran#mi##in f t!e (+er and t!e

    ab#rptin rate f t!e ab#rber8 T!e !eat l## i# indi(ated b) t!e t!ermal l## fa(tr r 7:

    +alue8 T!i# i# &i+en in $att per m^ (lle(tr #urfa(e and t!e parti(ular temperature

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    differen(e >in MC? bet$een t!e ab#rber and it# #urrundin T!e !i&!er t!e temperature

    differen(e- t!e mre !eat i# l#t8 Ab+e a #pe(ifi( temperature differen(e- t!e amunt f

    !eat l## e"ual# t!e ener&) )ield f t!e (lle(tr- # t!at n ener&) at all i# deli+ered t

    t!e #lar (ir(ulatin #)#tem8 A &d (lle(tr $ill !a+e a !i&! (n+er#in fa(tr and a

    l$ 7:+alue8

    Conen-ra-3on ra-3o



    Alt!u&! t!e di#(u##in t!at fll$# deal# $it! (n(entratr# a# entitie#- (n(entratr#

    are nl) a prtin f an ener&) (lle(tin #)#tem8 T be u#eful t!e (n(entrated ra)# mu#t

    be dire(ted t a tar&et (alled a re(ei+er- $!i(! (n+ert# t!e ra)# int ant!er frm f

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    ener&)- !eat8 T!e (n(entratr and re(ei+er mu#t be mat(!ed fr ptimum perfrman(e8

    Fre"uentl)- t!e re(ei+er i# e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    F"a- ("a-e

    Slar t!ermal #)#tem fr $ater !eatin& : t!e#e are depl)ed n flat rf#8

    A flat plate i# t!e m#t (mmn t)pe f #lar t!ermal (lle(tr- and i# u#uall) u#ed a# a

    #lar !t $ater panel t &enerate #lar !t $ater8 A $eat!erprfed- in#ulated bt!erm#)p!n?8 T!e $ater i# u#uall) pa##ed t a #tra&e

    tan7 l(ated ab+e t!e (lle(tr8 T!i# pa##i+e #lar $ater !eatin& #)#tem i# &enerall) u#ed

    in !tel# and !me# in #unn) (limate# #u(! a# t!#e fund in #ut!ern Eurpe8

    Fr t!e#e purp#e#- t!e &eneral pra(ti(e i# t u#e flat:plate #lar ener&)r e+a(uated tube

    (lle(tr# $it! a fip#itin?8 T!e !i&!e#t effi(ien() $it! a fi

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    an&le t t!e !ri=n e"ual t t!e latitude plu# abut /2 de&ree#8 Slar (lle(tr# fall int

    t$ &eneral (ate&rie# nn:(n(entratin& and (n(entratin&8

    In t!e nn:(n(entratin& t)pe- t!e (lle(tr area >i8e8 t!e area t!at inter(ept# t!e #lar

    radiatin? i# t!e #ame a# t!e ab#rber area >i8e8- t!e area ab#rbin& t!e radiatin?8 In t!e#e

    t)pe# t!e $!le #lar panel ab#rb# t!e li&!t8

    T!ere are man) flat:plate (lle(tr de#i&n# but &enerall) all (n#i#t f >/? a flat:plate

    ab#rber- $!i(! inter(ept# and ab#rb# t!e #lar ener&)- >1? a tran#parent (+er>#? t!at

    all$# #lar ener&) t pa## t!ru&! but redu(e# !eat l## frm t!e ab#rber- >? a !eat:

    tran#prt fluid >air- antifree=e r $ater? fl$in& t!ru&! tube# t rem+e !eat frm t!e

    ab#rber- and >B? a !eat in#ulatin& ba(7in&8 One flat plate (lle(tr i# de#i&ned t be

    e+a(uated- t pre+ent !eat l##8

    E?a#a-ed -#0e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    T!e#e (lle(tr# !a+e multiple e+a(uated &la##tube# $!i(! !eat up #lar ab#rber# and-

    ultimatel)- #lar $r7in& fluid >$ater r an antifree=emi< :: t)pi(all)prp)lene &l)(l?

    in rder t !eat dme#ti( !t $ater- r fr !)drni(#pa(e !eatin&8 T!e +a(uum $it!in t!e

    e+a(uated tube# redu(e (n+e(tin !eat l##e#- all$in& t!em t rea(! (n#iderabl)

    !i&!er temperature# t!an m#t flat:plate (lle(tr#8 T!e e+a(uated tube# dra$ t!eir

    ener&) frm t!e a+ailable li&!t rat!er t!an ut#ide temperature8 Fr t!e#e rea#n# t!e)

    (an perfrm $ell in (lder (nditin#8 T!e ad+anta&e i# lar&el) l#t in $armer (limate#-

    e %e$ar tube? r !eat pipe-

    pla(ed at t!e f(al pint-(ntainin& (lant$!i(! tran#fer# !eat frm t!e (lle(tr# t

    t!ebiler# in t!e p$er #tatin8 Alternati+el) t!e tru&! (an be ali&ned n an ea#t:$e#t

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    (ur+e i# defined a# a (ur+e t!at inter#e(t# all it# tan&ent# at ri&!t an&le#8 T!e Trmbe

    *einel de#i&n# a prfile de#(ribed b) t!e l(u# f a #trin& un$rapped frm abut a

    (ir(ular re(ei+er8

    T)pe f Cn(entratr Cu#p

    T)pe f F(u# Line

    Len# r *irrr *irrr

    SunQ# Cn(entratin /8:18

    Tra(7in& N

    Tra(7in& Re(ei+er N

    Temperature >C? /1/

    Temperature >F? 12

    A0o#- 3n?o"#-e #r?e

    Atta(! a #trin& t a pint n a (ur+e8 E

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    O#r de'3n

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



    Do#0"e 3n?o"#-e #'( o""e-or

    T!e #lar (n(entratin& de+i(e i# !a+in& a #!ape f duble in+lute (u#p8 T!e fabri(atin

    $a# dne at t!e #!eet metal #!p f Indu#tan en&ineerin& $r7#- ,aramana8 T!e de#i&n

    f t!e (lle(tr $a# (reated $it! t!e !elp f CA% #ft$are8 Frm t!e dimen#ined fi&ure-

    a template f t!e (lle(tr $a# made fir#t n a #trip f *S metal #!eet f &au&e 18 T!en

    a *S #!eet f dimen#in B1 < $a# (ut ut8 T!e (entre line i# dra$n n t!e #!eet8

    T!en t!e #!eet $a# t!en (ur+ed $it! t!e !elp f !ammer and rller8 T!e entire #!eet $a#

    fir#t (ur+ed $it! a radiu# f (ur+ature B8 T!en t!e (u#p #!ape $a# made b) 7eepin& t!e

    #!eet in bet$een t$ pipe# and !ammerin& aln& t!e (entre line $it! a #trai&!t ed&e

    (!i#el8 After ea(! #et f !ammerin& t!e de#i&n $a# (r## (!e(7ed $it! t!e template

    made8 An) de+iatin frm t!e de#i&n $a# re(tified at ea(! #ta&e8 Hammerin& $a#

    (ntinued until t!e re"uired prfile $a# btained8 T!en t!e #urfa(e i# le+eled t rem+e

    t!e pun(! mar7# made b) !ammer8 T!e ed&e# are !ammered t &et a #trai&!t ed&e8

    T!e ne

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    paper n t!e #urfa(e8 T!e mirrr pla#ti( u#ed in ur pr5e(t i# #imilar t t!e refle(tin&

    paper# u#ed t tint autmbile &la##e#8 In rder t #ti(7 t!e mirrr paper- an initial la)er

    f P4C i# (ated +er t!e (lle(tr #urfa(e8 T!e (lur f t!e P4C (atin& i# #ele(ted

    $!ite t impr+e t!e refle(ti+it)8 T!en t!e mirrr paper i# fi

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    T!e pre##ure &au&e i# u#ed i# a (mpund pre##ure &au&e u#ed fr (!e(7in& pre##ure f

    ammnia and il8 A pre##ure &au&e mu#t al$a)# be a##embled aln& $it! a +al+e8 T!i# i#

    t fa(ilitate t!e repla(in& f pre##ure &au&e if it $ent $rn&8

    After fini#!in& t!e lea7 (!e(7 and &i+in& ptin# fr +al+e# and &au&e#- t!e &eneratr

    tube $a# pli#!ed u#in& #and paper t rem+e #(ale8 T!en t!e tube# $ere painted $it!

    bla(7 matte fini#! paint8 T!i# i# dne t en#ure ma

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



    E3- 4or a#a a$$on3a

    T!e Ele(trlu< refri&eratin #)#tem btained $a# mdified in rder t a((mmdate t!e

    #lar (lle(tr8 Fr t!i# t!e pipe (min& frm t!e ab#rber tan7 $a# (ut u#in& a (uttin&

    &rinder8 T!i# pipe $a# e

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



    C!ar&in& t!e #)#tem mean# fillin& t!e (lin& #)#tem $it! refri&erant at apprpriate

    (n(entratin- pre##ure and "uantit)8 In +apur ab#rptin #)#tem- ade"uate amunt f

    refri&erant mu#t be (!ar&ed8 If t!e amunt f refri&erant (!ar&ed i# t !i&!- de#ired

    (lin& effe(t $ill nt be btained a# t!ere $ill nt be ade"uate #pa(e fr t!e e+apratin

    f t!e refri&erant8

    In ur #)#tem- it (ntain# t!ree fluid#8 Hen(e (!ar&in& t!e #)#tem i# mre (mplePa(tual? 2 ;

    Slar irradiatin at trpi(al re&in >I? 22 ;m1

    Effe(ti+e area re"uired t &et de#ired p$er >Pa(tual? I


    28/0 m1


  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    S!'-e$ (re''#re

    Frm t!e #pe(ifi(atin f Ele(trlu< refri&eratin- t!e #)#tem pre##ure /2 ,&(m1

    Ener! a"#"a-3on

    Amunt f ener&) relea#ed $!en ne ml f ammnia rea(t# $it! ne ml f $ater

    NH >&a#?V H1O>a"? NHBOH>a"?

    Ent!alp) f rea(tin :2 ,Jml

    T!i# implie# t!at an ent!alp) f 2 ,Jml i# relea#ed durin& t!e frmatin f ammnium


  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    Ma'' o4 a$$on3a 3n 'o"#-3on

    *lar (n(entratin f #aturated ammnium !)dr

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    Hen(e +lume f air in#ide t!e (abin 2820 m

    %en#it) f air /8/ ,& m>at #ea le+el- 2(?

    *a## f air in#ide t!e (abin 28203 ,&

    Spe(ifi( !eat f air >(p? =/822 7J7& ,

    A##umin& ambient temperature >Tamb? B2C

    / ,

    Ent!alp) (!an&e f refri&erant durin& e+apratin Ent!alp) (!an&e f air in#ide (abin

    V Ent!alp) (!an&e f ammnia +apur

    A##umin& a t!ereti(al COP f 28/

    COP cEcG

    cE 28/ < 2281

    2 ,J

    T!i# mu(! ener&) i# ab#rbed frm t!e e+apratr (abin

    cE m>air? < (p< (!an&e in temperature

    2 2820 < /822 < >/ : Te?

    V 2811 < B8 < >/ : Te?

    Te 1082 ,

    /82 C

    T!i# i# t!e t!ereti(al temperature drp $!i(! (an be btained frm t!e mdified #)#tem8

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



    T!e #)#tem $a# te#ted fr different te#t parameter# li7e

    Orientatin f #lar (lle(tr

    In(ident an&le f #lar irradiatin

    Temperature drp in#ide t!e e+apratr

    Temperature at &eneratr tube

    Pre##ure f t!e #)#tem

    COP f t!e #)#tem

    Effi(ien() f t!e #)#tem

    Fr be#t re#ult#- t!e different parameter# mu#t be a# fll$#

    Orientatin f #lar (lle(tr nrt!:#ut! dire(tin8

    In(ident an&le f #lar irradiatin !ri=ntal8

    Temperature at &eneratr tube 32C8

    Pre##ure f t!e #)#tem /2 bar

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration



    T!e (#t f manufa(turin& a (mpnent i# mainl) (la##ified in t t$ t)pe#


    It i# t!e (#t f material u#ed fr manufa(turin& t!e prdu(t8

    I-e$ #an-3-! Co'- 3n R'/

    Refri&eratr / n8 -222

    Generatr tube >/ diameter- /m len&t!? 1 n#8 022

    Clle(tr plate > 2 < 12? / n8 022

    P4C (atin& >2 < /? / n8 /2

    *irrr paper >2 < /? / n8 /2

    *atte fini#! bla(7 paint 2 ml B2

    Sand paper > _ 2 and _ /22? 1 n#8 12

    Air ma#ter ammnia Pre##ure &au&e / n8 B2, +al+e > 1 pint t)pe ? 1 n#8 1-222

    N)ln reinfr(ed Rubber !#e m 22

    H#e (lip n#8 B2

    Ammnium !)dr

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    To-a" o?er 2ead o'- %,7&5 7,555


    To-a" o'- 15,)5 &,7&5+


    S#e'-3on' 4or $od343a-3on

    Our pr5e(t $a# t build a dme#ti( refri&eratr $it! =er runnin& (#t8 'ut t!e pre#ent

    #)#tem (annt be u#ed durin& ni&!t and al# durin& (lud) #ea#n#8 Fr t!i# ant!er

    #)#tem (an be atta(!ed $it! t!e #)#tem8 T!e additinal #)#tem u#ed i# (alled a #lar

    ad#rptin #)#tem $!i(! utili=e# t!e i(e batter) (n(ept $!i(! $a# u#ed in earlier time#8

    T!e ad#rptin #)#tem i# #imilar t +apur ab#rptin #)#tem in $!i(! ammnia +apur

    i# ad#rbed n (al(ium (!lride8 Ammnia rea(t# $it! (al(ium (!lride t &i+e

    ammnium (!lride and (al(ium (r)#tal#8 T!e rea(tin i# a re+er#ible ne8 On !eatin&

    t!i# mi

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    tan7 i# (l#ed8 T!en t!e li"uid ammnia i# all$ed t pa## t!ru&! t!e e+apratr tube#8

    ;ater 7ept in t!e e+apratr (abin #lidifie# due t t!e e+apratin f li"uid ammnia

    in#ide t!e e+apratr (il8 T!e ammnia +apur t!u# frmed i# dire(ted t$ard# t!e

    &eneratr $!ere t!i# +apur re(mbine# $it! (al(ium (!lride8 T!e i(e frmed in t!e

    e+apratr (abin pr+ide# (lin& effe(t durin& ni&!t8

    In(rpratin& t!e ab+e #aid #)#tem in ur pre#ent #)#tem- $e (an btain a rund t!e

    (l(7 dme#ti( refri&eratin $r7in& at =er runnin& (#t8

    F#-#re 'o(e

    In t!e pre#ent #(enari f ener&) #!rta&e t!i# #)#tem $ill be m#t $el(min&8 %ifferent

    frm# f #lar refri&eratin #)#tem# u#in& ab#rptin te(!ni"ue i# $idel) u#ed n$ a da)8

    A &rup f #tudent# in San J#e State Uni+er#it)fabri(ated a #lar i(e ma7er u#in& a

    refri&erant t!er t!an ammnia8 Re#ear(! i# &in& n t effe(ti+el) utili=e t!e rene$able

    ener&) t run ab#rptin #)#tem# $!i(! (an deli+er better COP8


    T!e pre#ent #)#tem i# !a+in& #li&!t defe(t# $!i(! (an be re(tified b) prper $eldin& f

    5int#K mdif)in& t!e de#i&n f #lar (lle(tr fr $ide a((eptan(e an&le and ma7in&

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration


    &eneratr tube# $it! material f !i&!er t!ermal (ndu(ti+it)8 Prper in#tallatin i# al#

    re"uired t &et t!e de#ired effe(t8


    /8 C8P8ARORA- Refri&eratin and Air (nditinin&- Tata *(Gra$:Hill Publi#!in&

    Cmpan) limited- Ne$ %el!i

    18 Refri&eratin and Air Cnditinin& b) Ste(7er and Jne#

    8 Slar ab#rptin #)#tem b) Sanfrd A8 ,lein- P!8%8- Fell$ ASHRAE- and

    %u&la# T8 Reindl- P!8%8- *ember ASHRAE

    8 Ammnia a# refri&erant b)

    08 Slar Ener&) Fundamental#- %e#i&n- *delin&- and Appli(atin# b) G8 N8 Ti$ari

    8 A'SORPTION REFRIGERATION ,e+in %8 Raffert)- P8E8 Ge:Heat Center

    ,lamat! Fall#8

  • 8/10/2019 130168601 Electrolux Refrigeration Using Solar Heat Solar Refrigeration







