13 Truths

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  • 8/6/2019 13 Truths




    13 Truths


    Sammi Chung

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    Chapter One:

    I walked down the narrow path of Washington Cemetery until I reached the grave of my

    sister. Taking a tissue out, I carefully push the leaves off her grave and sat down. My fingers

    traced the graving that read:

    Leah Somerton

    April 21, 1992- May 13, 2011

    The past is history. The future, a mystery.But we will hold dear our memories of her,her smile,

    the sound of her laughter...forever.

    I leaned back and placed my head on her headstone. Leah was my only sister and losing

    her was losing part of me. I took out a piece of paper and started writing.

    Dear Leah,

    Its been two months since you died. Life has been the same: Mom going to work,

    me going to school, and younot being here. Everything seems to be fine, but deep down inside

    I know it isnt. Every night at dinner, Mom will ask how Im doing in school and Ill say its fine

    and thatll be the whole conversation of the night. Each time I step in the house, I feel like

    something is missing. It was driving me crazy for the first three weeks, but it wasnt until it was

    the fourth week did I realized what was missing? You, I was missing you, we are missing you.

    Theres this urge that tells me I no longer have a family.

    Theres something I have to tell you. Mom accepted the job as the forensic pathologist at

    White Creek. Were going to be moving there next week. So I guess I wont be coming here

    lately. I wanted so badly to tell Mom not to move, but I know that ever since you died its been

    hard on her and that I shouldnt be the so selfish. I know she hasnt been herself and perhaps

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    moving to a different town will make things better. Goodbye, Leah. I promise you Ill visit you

    when I come back.



    I reached for the lighter in my bag and lit the paper on fire. Dropping it onto the grave, I

    watched as it burned to ashes.

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    Chapter Two:

    Hurry up and pack up your things, Mom said as she carried an empty box down the

    hall. I nodded and started dumping CDs into the bag when I came across a CD that was in

    exquisite pink case.

    I lay down in bed when Leah knocked on my door. Hey, I said sitting up and offering

    her a seat on my bed. She jumped onto it and made the entire bed shake.

    Happy 15th

    Birthday, she said and gave me a hug. So Im kind of broke, but I still got

    you a gift. Well actually its free in a way. She took out a CD in a pink case. I hope you like it.

    Youre the first one thatll hear these songs.

    I scanned through the list of songs and recognized them as the songs she was writing.

    You wrote these, I asked.

    She nodded. All original songs.

    I jumped up and hugged her so tightly that both of us fell down onto the pillows that laid

    beneath us. Thanks. I love this gift.

    I slid the CD into my backpack and grabbed my luggage. Before I reached the staircase, I

    heard a soft muffling sound and I stepped back and peaked between the gap of the door and the

    wall. Mom was sitting on Leahs chair and her head was down as she hugged the photo to her

    chest. It wasnt when I saw her back rising and falling did I realize she was crying. I turned

    around too heartbroken to see anymore and leaned against the wall as I closed my eyes. I have

    never saw Mom cried before even when grandma died.

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    I unpacked my bags and reached for the box in my backpack. The pictures were stacked

    neatly together and I clipped them on the bulletin board next to the mirror. The house was bigger

    than I thought and there was a sunroom on the side of the house. My room was painted plum and

    there was a balcony. I couldnt imagine what Leah would have said if she saw this. I sat down on

    the bed opposite of the pictures and started studying it. In one picture, Leah was smiling at the

    camera with her arm around me and the other on Mom. I stared at the picture so intensely that I

    wondered if I can bring Leah out from the picture.

    I stepped out onto the balcony and took in a deep breath of fresh air when I caught

    someone staring at me on the street. He was about my age or maybe a year older and his blond

    hair glistened in the sun. A girl walked out from next door and grabbed him by the arm. She

    looked up straight at me when she realized he was staring at me. She flipped her strawberry

    blond hair over her shoulder as they walked inside.

    Skye, Mom called. I went back into the room and pulled the curtains over the door.

    Do you like your room?

    Yeah, its perfect, I said leaning against the desk. It felt so awkward talking to Mom

    because I have gotten used to just saying: its fine, yes, good morning, and good night and that

    will be the conversation of the day. I could hardly remember when was the last time we really

    had a talk besides the fight we used to have before Leah died. Everything ceased when she was


    Mom walked over and took my hands into hers. I want to start all over again, Skye, she

    whispered. Her green eyes filled with pain as she told me this. Youre the only daughter I have

    left and I dont want to lose you.

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    I smiled hopefully and hugged her. Youre not going to lose me, I assured her as I

    hugged her tighter.

    I felt a tear dropped onto my shoulder and she whispered, Ill do all I can to protect


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    Chapter Three:

    Do you want to tour around White Creek, Mom asked as she fished her car keys out. I

    was thinking we could drive by Keswick Academy.

    I frowned. Keswick Academy, I asked.

    Your new high school, she reminded me. Its a great school so dont screw up. I

    followed her into the car. I have to report to the hospital this afternoon. Take the car with you

    when I go to the hospital. I dont want you to roam around the streets especially when you dont

    know where youre going.

    I threw my head back. Sure, mother, I said. She turned down to Cromwell Avenue and

    pulled into the parking lot of a supermarket. When did Keswick become a supermarket?

    Im getting something, she said and smiled at my question. I havent seen Mom smiled

    for a long time and for a second there I had an urge to cry. I pinched my arm lightly stopping the

    tears as we walked in. What do you want for dinner?

    We were roaming around the meat section. I think were better off being vegetarian

    tonight, I said as I looked at the bloody meat that was sitting on the table of the butcher. Lets

    go with salad. I quickly walked to the vegetable section and dumped a box of lettuce in.

    Michelle, a woman called out. Mom stiffened and pressed her lips into a thin line.

    Shay, is that you?

    Mom turned around. Sarah, how are you, she asked and they gave each other a

    welcoming hug. You look the same as you did since last time I saw you.

    The lady laughed. You too, she said. I cant believe youre back. Imagining me telling

    them, they will think Im crazy and hallucinating.

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    Back, I thought. I didnt know that Mom was in White Creek before. I looked up at Mom

    and she only gave me a quick glance. And this is, the lady asked pointing at me.

    Skye, this is Sarah and Sarah, this is my daughter Skye, Mom said.

    Skye, Sarah repeated. I thought you daughter was called Leah. Instantly, the smile on

    Moms face was wiped away.

    Leah is my older daughter, Mom whispered. She died few months ago.

    Sarahs mouth hung open. Im so sorry, Michelle.

    Mom shook her head. You know what? We have to go, she said clearly upset.

    It was nice seeing again, Sarah said. It was nice meeting you, Skye.

    I smiled and walked behind Mom as she continued wandering around the supermarket

    like nothing happened, but I knew what Sarah asked broke Moms shield that protected her ever

    since Leah died.

    When we were back at the parking lot, I crossed my arm in front of my chest. Mom, I

    asked. She closed the trunk and looked at me. You were in White Creek before?

    After a few seconds of silence, she said, I was born and raised in White Creek. I moved

    away sixteen years ago.

    So Leah was born in White Creek, I asked.

    She nodded. I wanted to be away from this small town, she explained. Sometimes

    when youre born and raised in a town, you feel like everything is dissembled. Nothing seems

    real, so I decided to move to a city.

    Dont you miss it here, I asked.

    She sighed. I was a single mother that had a little girl and my whole family died. What

    was there to miss?

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    We stood there in silence. Im going to the hospital, she said grabbing her bag. Dont

    roam around too long.

    I nodded and climbed into the driver seat. I waved at Mom and watched as she turned the

    corner before I placed my hand on the steering wheel. My hand shook slightly when I touched it.

    I pressed my lips into a thin line and drove out of the parking and into the road.

    I blasted the music up and shook my head with the beat of the music. Do you have to

    seriously have to turn it on that loud, Leah asked as we entered the tunnel. Im not deaf.

    Consider I am, I said and leaned back in the seat. I cant believe school is starting

    next week. I wish it can last longer. Dont you?

    She shrugged. School isnt that bad, she said.

    I snickered. Im starting to wonder if were really sisters. I hate school while you are

    nearly in love with school. Does this even make sense? Maybe you inherit the traits of Mom and

    I inherited the traits of Dad.

    I bit my bottom lip realizing what I said. I opened my mouth ready to apologize when she

    stopped me. Dont bother saying sorry. Ive heard enough, she said. Plus the word Dad is

    not a bad word, so youre allow saying it and hesyour dad too.

    I looked out the window debating if I should ask her the question that has been lingering

    in my mind ever since I knew that my Dad was gone. Do you know anything about him? I was

    afraid of saying Dad and decided that I was better off calling it him.

    Who knows, she said. All I know is that he left when he found out Mom was carrying

    me and he came back two years later and when he found out that Mom was pregnant again he

    left. Then after that he never came back and just disappeared into thin air.

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    behind his long lashes. Im sorry. I didnt see you there or else I wouldnt have stepped on the

    accelerator, I said turning to look at my red mini cooper. Thank god, I stopped. It was then

    did I realize that I didnt step on the brake.

    I looked up and he mumbled the words, Im fine. I turned my head to the car and by the

    time I looked back he was gone.

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    Chapter Four

    I slammed the car door shut and closed my eyes trying to calm myself down. Reaching

    for my keys from my back pocket, it fell down on to the sidewalk. Here, a girl said holding up

    my keys.

    Thanks, I whispered.

    Youre new to White Creek, she asked.

    Yeah, I just moved here yesterday, I said.

    So I guess were stuck as neighbors, she said. I live right next door. Im Serena.

    Skye, I said. I got to go. It was nice meeting you, Serena.

    She flashed me a smile. It was nice meeting you too, Skye, she said. Ill see you.I

    watched as Serena went in a Mercedes and drove off. I shut the door and slid down to the floor

    and buried my head in my arms.

    My finger moved slightly as I opened my eyes. I stared up at the white ceiling and I was

    lying on the bed. The lights shone on my eyes and I winced in pain as the door opened and Mom

    stepped in. She was holding a bottle of water and when she saw me she ran to my side and took

    my hands into hers.

    Youre fine, she said and tears filled her eyes. You finally woke up. I studied her

    face wondering why she was crying. Youre at the hospital. You were in a car accident.

    I tried to shift my head, but realized that there was a cast on my neck and on my wrist

    there was a cast. I closed my eyes and tried to recall what happened. The sight of fire

    surrounding the car was so vivid that my eyes shot opened and stared hard at Mom. Leah, I

    whimpered. Moms small smile disappeared and a single tear fell onto my hand.

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    She wiped her tears away. I think youre thirsty, she said and lifted up the bottle of

    water. Her hands were shaking and some water landed on the table. Frantically, she looked for a

    towel. I just saw the towel. Where is it? Where did I put it, she shouted. I grasped her hand

    and she looked at me with pain in her eyes. Mom brushed her hair away from her face as she

    collapsed onto the chair.

    Mom, I whispered. Tears flooded her eyes as she closed them.

    Im sorry, she said and pressed my hand to her chest. Im so sorry.

    I lifted my head up and ran upstairs to my room. Taking a pen and paper, I started


    Dear Leah,

    Ive got through one day, but I have thousands of more. Today Mom had to report

    to the hospital and she told me to drive the car. I was scare; I was so scared that I could hardly

    even touch the steering wheel. My hands shook and all I can think about was what happened that

    day that claimed your life and my soul. I nearly ran over a guy because of this.

    Leah, I never expected my life to be like this. Everyday Im in denial. Denying that you

    are dead; denying that you are completely out of my life. I dont what to do, Leah. Im in so

    much pain that in the middle of the night I would wake up. It wasnt supposed to go this way.


    I reached for the ashtray in the bottom drawer and lit the letter on fire.

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    the crown of her heart-shaped face. She slammed the phone down and collapsed onto a nearby


    See I hate first day of school. Parents are calling, kids are running in and out, and the

    school doesnt hire another person to work at the Main Office. The old lady isnt asking for

    much, just another person to help her, Mrs. Kendrick said and looked up at me. Im sorry. How

    may I help you, dear?

    Ill new at Keswick, I said and gave her my ID card.

    She put on her glasses. Skye Somerton, she read and typed in my name onto the

    computer. From Virginia, right?

    I shook my head. New York City, I corrected. She frowned and squinted as she looked

    at the screen again.

    Oh right. Sorry sweetie, Patty said. Im usually not like this. First day of school

    usually drives me crazy, thats all. She printed my schedule out and handed it to me. Okay,

    this is your schedule and your locker is 321, which means that its on the third floor, she

    explained and pointed to the right side. She grabbed a handbook and showed me a map of

    Keswick. If you have any problem, you can always come back to me. Im sure our students here

    are willing to help you too. Good luck, Skye.

    I thanked her and found my way to my locker. My locker was at the end of the row and I

    snatched my combination lock out of bag and slipped it in the hook. I leaned against the locker

    as the bell rung and students burst out of the classroom. The sound of the students laughing and

    talking was so familiar, but at the same time it was different.

    Liking the view, an Asian girl said as she opened the locker next to mine. Im Ingrid,

    Ingrid Cheung.

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    Skye Somerton, I said. She threw her textbooks into her locker and slammed it shut

    before leaning against it.

    Youre new at Keswick, right, Ingrid asked. She tucked a strip of blue hair behind her

    ear. I titled my head to the side surprised that she knew. Okay, dont give me that what the hell

    face. White Creek is a small town, we basically know each other. I havent seen you around so

    that means youre the new girl. Believe me Im no stalker.

    I let out a relief laugh. Uh, it was nice meeting you, Ingrid. May be Ill see you in class

    later. Bye.

    I was exhausted by lunch t ime. My first four classes were boring, but I had great teachers.

    I sat by the window and started unpacking my lunch. Hey, mind if I sit here, Ingrid asked

    standing in front of me. Before I can say anything, she slipped into the seat. Didnt think you

    were going to say no.

    I smiled. Yeah, I wasnt going to say no either.

    I could possibly imagine how different it is for you, she said. I mean you moved from

    a ginormous city like New York City to a small town in New York. It even sounds weird.

    Hello, a guy with nerdy glasses said and took the seat besides Ingrid. Whos this

    pretty new girl here?

    Im Skye, I said.

    His mouth hung opened. Skye, I love your name. Its very natural, he said. BTW that

    means by the way, Im Wes.

    I laughed. Hi Wes.

    Whats with the glasses, Ingrid asked.

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    I searched through my bag for my schedule. Gym.

    I have that too, but I think youll need a good luck, she said and threw away the rest of

    her lunch just as the bell rung.

    It turned out that I really needed Ingrids good luck because we had to run twenty laps. I

    could hardly even run one lap and when I looked around the ginormous yard, I nearly fainted. I

    cupped my hands over my eyes as I looked up at the beating sun. Hi, a girl said. I squinted my

    eyes and saw Serena. Youre not used to this are you?

    Twenty laps, I said giving her a thumb up. I hope I survive.

    Serena laughed and ran ahead of me. Hey Somerton, Coach Wilson called. Start

    running. Dont be a wimp. A couple of girls beside started laughing. I sighed and started

    running along with the others. Coach Wilson blew the whistle. Ten more laps, he announced

    and everyone groaned. More running less groaning.

    You know her, Ingrid asked appearing next to me.

    She lives next door, I said. I just met her yesterday. Why? Whats wrong?

    Thats Serena Thompson, Gens sister, she informed. Shes nothing like Gen. But still

    be careful.

    Why, I asked, but Ingrid already ran past me. I continued running when a clinking

    noise pierced my ears as I stopped and looked around. The sound came from the glass windows

    that were behind the benches. Gently, I rubbed my ears and focus on running the rest of the lap.

    Suddenly the sound grew louder and I looked back at the glass windows, but there was nothing.

    Out of curiosity, I broke away from the rest of the runners and walked towards it. My teeth

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    clenched together as strong vibrations hit my ears again. Before I knew what was going on,

    someone from behind grabbed me and pushed me away before the glass exploded.

    Skye, I heard Ingrid shouted. I opened my eyes and found the guy I nearly ran over

    next to me his arms wrapped around my waist. Skye. Ingrid helped me up as Serena helped

    him up. He lifted his sleeves up and blood seeped from his wound where the glass cut him.

    What the hell, whats with the chaos, Coach Wilson shouted walking toward us.

    Kraftig, go to the nurse office. We dont need a bloody hell. Everyone get back to work. He

    clapped his hands as everyone returned to the field. You okay, Somerton? I nodded rubbing

    my knee where it was bleeding slightly. You should to go to the nurse too. I dont need any

    more problems. Cheung, bring her, will ya? I followed Ingrid when I looked up and saw Gen

    staring at us from the bleachers. Her blond hair blowing to the side as her blue eyes dug into

    mine. For a second, I swear her eyes turned jet black.

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    Chapter Six:

    I settled in the seat at the nurse office. Ingrid returned to class and I was sitting there

    starring out the open window. A strong gush of wind blew past me and lifted the white curtains

    up. I spotted the guy that saved sitting on the bench with his shirt off. Quickly, I looked away

    and focus at the window.

    Youre all good, the male nurse said. Am I going to be seeing you every day, Sage?

    Sage laughed. I hope not.

    You can leave if you want, he said and I heard the curtain slid open and close. I got off

    the chair and lifted the curtain up slightly.

    Hey, I said and he looked at me. This time he was wearing a shirt. I just want to say

    thank you.

    He didnt smile. You welcome.

    Im Skye, I said

    Sage, he said and grabbed his bag. Bye.

    Before he opened the curtain, I said, Sorry. He turned around obviously confused. I

    mean for yesterday. I almost ran you over.

    He looked at me one last time and left the room not saying anything. I sat back down on

    the chair wondering what I did to earn his attitude .

    Miss Somerton, Mrs. Greene, the school nurse, said coming in. Are you feeling better


    Yes, its just my knee, I said and helped her rolled up my jeans. My eyes widened

    when I saw that there was no scar or bruise on my knee. I swear I saw blood covering it, but now

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    there was no trace of blood. Uh, maybe it wasnt my blood. I quickly unrolled the jeans and

    jumped out of the chair.

    Alright, she said. Do you feel funky anywhere?

    No, I whispered said as my hand lingered on my knee.

    Do you want me to call your mother, Mrs. Greene asked. Suddenly, I felt so weak and

    all I can do is nod.

    I brought my legs to my chest and my hand trailed down to my knee. I examined my knee

    again, but there was no scar. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. Skye, Mom said

    opening the door. You have a friend. Ingrid appeared besides her and waved at me. If you

    need anything, Im going to be in the kitchen. Mom closed the door behind Ingrid.

    Your mom is so much better than mine, she said plopping onto my bed. So how are

    you dealing with the traumatic event?

    I threw a pillow at her. How did you know where I live?

    I told you its a small town. We basically know where each other live, no stalker move

    needed, she said. I was just talking with Serena, so I thought Ill come along and see how

    youre doing.


    Well, Im not a big fan of her, but I was handing her notebook back to her, she

    explained. So hows your knee?

    You saw it, I asked with confusion.

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    Yes, you were bleeding, she said and looked down at her knee. Okay so maybe it

    wasnt your blood. Probably its Sage. Ingrid shifted her eyes from my knee and stuffed her

    hands in her jean pockets in an uncomfortably way.

    Are you not telling me something, I asked.

    No, she said quietly. I dont have anything to tell you.


    I have to go, she said grabbing her bag quickly. My mom is totally going to have a

    spaz attack if Im late. See you tomorrow.

    Before I can say bye, she was already out the door. Wow, she ran out the door pretty

    fast, Mom said as she leaned against the doorframe wiping her hand on a towel.

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    Chapter Seven:

    I slouched down in my seat in Pre-Calculus when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

    Ingrid, who was sitting behind me, leaned forward. Im sorry about yesterday for leaving

    suddenly, she said.

    Its alright, I said copying the math problems Mr. Evans was writing.

    She fumbled with her pen and bit her lower lip. Skye, I, um, want to tell you

    something, she stuttered as she tapped her pen more vividly.

    I turned around ready to ask her why. Miss Somerton, Im glad youre making friends,

    but please do not talk, Mr. Evans said. Miss Cheung would mind doing problem four for us.

    Hesitantly, Ingrid got up to the front of the room and a piece of paper dropped onto my lap as she

    passed by. Wait for me at the locker Ingrid. I looked up while she started doing the problem.

    I dumped my textbook into my locker and slammed shut as I waited for Ingrid. The

    hallway was empty and even the security was nowhere in sight. I fumbled with my necklace

    when I heard Ingrids voice down the hall.

    She should know whats going on, Ingrid shouted.

    Its the right time, yet, a familiar girls voice said. She needs to know, but we have to

    find the perfect timing. Shes lost so much already. It was Serenas voice.

    Fine whens the perfect timing, Ingrid asked emphasizing the perfect. I walked closer

    to where they were and caught a glimpse of Serena with her arm crossed. If youre not going to

    control you pernicious sister then Ill do it and you wont like that. Gen, what did it have to do

    with her?

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    Ingrid, dont you dare, Serena warned and for a second her eyes changed into a darker

    shade. ISkye?

    I sighed and walked out from my hiding place. Hey, I said. I was waiting at the locker

    for Ingrid and I heard you guys. Is everything okay? Ingrid glared at Serena while Serena only

    glanced at her.

    We were just talking about something thats unnecessary, she said grabbing her bag on

    the floor. I should go now. I think Im late for my shift at the library. Ill see you tonight, Skye.

    Ingrid rolled her eyes as she walked away.

    So everythings fine, I asked again.

    She shrugged. Come on, lets go to lunch, she said throwing her duffle bag over one

    shoulder. How was your second day of school?

    Its great, I said sitting down on the same table as yesterday. At least there isnt a half

    day, yet.

    She laughed. You shouldnt sit near glass.

    I threw a tissue at her and silently ate my sandwich. So with Serena, what was that all

    about, I asked casually as if it didnt matter though I wanted to know.

    Ingrid looked away from the window and set her cup of fruit salad down. Like she said

    unnecessary things, she answered. Very unnecessary. Lets not talk about this. So are you

    going to tonights party?

    Maybe, I said.

    Its held on campus, she said. I could come and pick you up at 7:30, if you want?

    Sure, I said and finished my sandwich.

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    I threw on jeans and t-shirt along with a leather jacket. I ran down the stairs just as the

    front door opened. Hi Mom, I said. She looked exhausted as she collapsed onto the couch.

    Its a lot of work, she said and rested her head on the pillow. So where are you going?

    Looking all pretty and casual.

    I leaned against the couch and crossed my arms over my chest. Im going to the

    Welcoming party at Keswick, remember?

    Right the party, she said and closed. Have fun, sweetie. I smiled at her and opened

    the door to find Sage standing there with one hand stuffed in his pocket and the other ready to

    press the doorbell.

    Hey, I said closing the door behind me.

    Ingrid told me to pick you up, he said dryly. She said shes going get to the party

    later. I followed him into his car. How do you like White Creek?

    Its different, I said. But its a good difference.

    You moved here with your family, he asked as he stopped at the red light.

    Yeah, I whispered. I moved here with my mother. Shes the only family member I

    have left. How about you? Were you born here?

    Ive been in White Creek for my entire life, he said. When I graduate from Keswick,

    Im going to go to university in the city.

    Dont you like living in a small town, I asked.

    Sometimes you just need to escape from a small town like White Creek, he whispered.

    Things in a small town can be iniquitous. Then all you want to be is anything, but singular.

    His words sounded so familiar with what Mom said to me about White Creek. I glanced

    at him and wondered what his past was.

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    You shouldnt drink that, Tate said standing behind. They usually spike the fruit

    punch. His dirty blond hair was left naturally unlike this morning which was gel up. You

    should probably drink soda in the can unless you want to get drunk.

    I picked up a can of ice tea. Thanks for your tip, I said as he grabbed a can of Coke.

    You know Sage, he asked nodding at him, who was with a group of students.

    Not exactly besides the fact that I almost ran him over and him saving me, I said

    fumbling with the can before opening it.

    Sounds like an epic story to me, Tate said and I laughed along with him. Excuse my

    manners, I should introduce myself. Im Tate. I had to bit my lip from laughing. So that didnt

    work well.

    I nodded in agreement. You sounded like a guy that is at least sixty.

    Okay lets just go with hi my name is Tate, he said again.

    Hi Im Skye, I said.

    Was that better?

    Way better.

    Your mother is Shay Somerton, right, he asked. I remember seeing her in one of

    Keswick yearbook.

    Uh, that was interesting, I said. My mom never really talked to me about White Creek.

    I didnt even know she was from here until we met this lady call Sarah.

    Sarah, he repeated.

    I see that you guys have met, Serena said wrapping her arms around my shoulder. Let

    me introduce you to the others, Skye. She brought us over to the group that was sitting on the

    table. Guys, this is Skye. Skye, this is my sister, Gen, and this is Patricia and Glenn.

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    Patricia waved at me and Glenn nodded at me while Gen just glared at me. Im going to

    walk around, I said breaking from Serenas embrace. I walked off before Serena could stop me.

    Gripping onto my can of ice tea, I sat on the bench near the small lake. I studied the reflection of

    the moon in the lake and wished Leah was sitting beside me watching the stars.

    It was in the late summer and Leah and I were laying down on the ground in the

    backyard of Gigis, my friend, house. I bet Mom is going to have a heart attack when she found

    out that we snuck out, I said starring at the dark sky.

    Hey, Ill blame you, Leah said. You were the one that was begging me to come for the

    sleepover. I wouldnt have come if you werent nearly on your knees.

    I punched her shoulder playfully. I was not, I argued. I wouldnt have asked you if

    Mom didnt confiscate my driver license.

    You could still drive here, she said. There arent that much police around.

    I groaned and threw my legs on top of her. We didnt say anything as we watched the

    stars and the crescent moon. Leah, I whispered.


    If you were to choose what to be after you died, what will it be, I asked turning my

    head to look at her.

    She took in a deep breath as if she was inhaling the grass scent that surrounded us.

    Stars, Leah whispered. Ill choose to be a star.

    A star, I asked. Why?

    So I can always see you and Mom, she said. I can protect you guys.

    I wrapped my arms around her and lay my head on her shoulder. I love you, Leah, I

    said. I dont know what to do after youve gone off to college.

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    She laughed and kissed the top of my head. Ill always be there for you, Skye, she said.

    Because youll always be my little sky.

    A rock sliced through the water making small waves caught my attention. I looked up and

    found Sage sitting by the opposite side of the lake. Our eyes met and for a second I thought he

    had actually smiled. Deep thoughts, he asked as he picked up another rock. I took a seat next

    to him and brought my knees to my chest.

    Seems like you are too, I said.

    We sat there in silence; our thought in different directions, but one similarity was that our

    thought was not about the party. Shouldnt you be into the party, I asked.

    I could ask you the same, he said.

    But youre here for your whole entire life and Im only here for three days. Its normal

    for me to feel like the outsider and lonely, I said.

    You have weird conclusions, he said throwing another rock into the lake.

    For god sake, youre going to kill all living organisms in the lake, I said and he stopped

    picking up rocks. Im a good listener. He narrowed his eyes. Well, its better talking to me

    than to kill all those poor fishes in the lake. I promise you I wont die after hearing it.

    He sat there in silence for a few minutes and said, You know, how you think you know

    whats going on in your life and then one day someone comes up and tell you that youre not

    who you think you are or tells you this huge secret that youve never known. I continued

    starring at the lake because I felt the same way when Leah died. It shatters your world.

    I have a brother, he suddenly said. I never ever knew that until the day when my dying

    mother told me. I dont even know why Im telling you this.

    I smiled. I told you Im a good listener.

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    Whats your story, he asked. I picked a piece of grass off the soil and ripped it to

    pieces. Now youre going to kill grasses.

    Once upon a time there was a girl, who was afraid of the truth. All she ever wanted was

    to hide away from it. She loved her sister and mother, but one day she and her sister got into a

    car accident. Her sister died, but she survived. Every day shell ask god why did he let her sister

    died, but not her or let them both died. She never got the answer, I whispered wrapping my

    arms around my legs. Then her mother decided to move to a small town and here she is stuck in

    the black hole of her life. The end. Did you like the story?

    He dropped his head and looked down at his shoe. I should get going, I said brushing

    the grass and dirt off my jean. Bye.

    Hey, Sage said. Thanks for being a good listener.

    I brush my side bangs from my face. Anytime, I said and made my way out of the


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    Chapter Eight:

    I brushed my hair into a ponytail and went downstairs for breakfast. Mom was sitting

    already at the table reading her newspaper. Good morning, sweetie, she said setting her

    newspaper and pointed at the glass of orange juice on the table.

    Good morning, Mom, I said and gave her a peck on her cheek.

    How was last night, she asked. I sighed and opened the television. Doesnt seem to be

    going well.

    Kind of, I said as black TV screen turned to the news. I feel like Im an outsider that I

    dont even belong here. It feels so foreign and Im forlorn.

    Oh honey, she said. Youre not an outsider. You belong here. Your mother, me, was

    born here and Ill admit there are a lot of mysteries and secrets in this small town, but other than

    that its great.

    I poured a cup of milk into my bowl of cereal. Would you have diarrhea if you mix

    orange juice and milk?

    Its worth a try, she said smiling at me.

    Uh, youre the doctor here, I pointed out.

    Forensic pathologist, she corrected.

    Same thing, I said. You went to medical school before. I consider my exquisite

    mother to be a doctor and if something goes wrong, Ill give myself to you believing that you can

    handle and cure me.

    I only help dead people, she said getting up and grabbed the bottle of sugar on the


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    I looked up at the television as news caught my attention. The police has found a corpse

    near the woods of White Creek, the reporter. A girls picture showed up and I recognized her

    that she went to Keswick. According Sheriff Delaney, the girl corpse is Lora Corson, a

    sophomore at Keswick Academy. The cause of death has not been identified yet. This is White

    Creek News reporter, Helen Mackenzie.

    You know her, Mom asked returning to the table.

    She goes to Keswick, I said. I think I saw once or twice before.

    What are you doing today, she asked. Its Saturday. You should do something fun. I

    looked at her hopefully. Dont look at me like that. I have a shift today, but Ill be nice and cook

    you dinner. I frowned and rubbed my neck. Why dont you hang out with your friends? Oh, I

    heard that theres a new coffee shop in the square. You should try it. I heard they have awesome

    milk shakes, you r favorite.

    Its fattening, I said poking my spoon in the bowl.

    Youre nowhere near fat, she said and hit my flat stomach with the back of her hand.

    Have fun, darling. She pressed a kiss on my forehead and left the house. I sighed and looked

    around the empty house. There were still boxes around the living room. Grabbing the leather

    jacket on the back of the chair, I decided to take Moms idea and go to the caf and grab a milk


    I stuffed my keys in my jean pockets after locking the door when someone called my

    name. Hi, Serena said. She was wearing jogging pants and a tank top. She pulled out one of

    her earbuds and smiled at me.

    So youre a morning jogger, I asked.

    Yeah, she said. You can come along if you want.

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    I, uh, havent jog since, I said and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. Since my

    sister, Leah, died.

    Im so sorry, she said and twisted her waist around a few times. How about we stop

    by for a drink?

    I was going to go to the new coffee shop, I said. Im clueless here and have nothing

    better to do than to go to a coffee shop on a Saturday morning.

    Youre lucky today, she said. Ill show you around.

    What do you want to drink, she asked as we walked in Legend Caf. Ill pay for it. Its

    a welcoming gift from me.

    A medium milk chocolate, I said.

    A chocolaty person, arent you, she said as she stood on line. I took a seat by the

    window and watched as each car pass by the coffee shop. It didnt have to be us, but we were the

    lucky ones. Of all the cars that went through the tunnel that morning, we were the ones that got

    into the accident, we were the ones that saw the dog, and we were the ones that were too nice to

    just ignore the homeless dog. Here, Serena said handing me a milk chocolate. I love the

    watching the morning here. Its beautiful.

    It is, I agreed taking a sip of my drink.

    So, she said playing with her straw. Your mom looks familiar.

    Yeah, she was born and raised here, I said.

    You guys look different, Serena whispered biting her straw.

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    I never looked much like Mom. Leah was always the spitting image of Mom and

    everyone will think that Im just a niece or a cousin, I said. Maybe I look more like Dad, who

    knows? I havent met him or seen him.

    You never met your Dad?

    I nodded and brought the straw to my mouth, but I dont drink. Mom never told me much

    of Dad and I never saw a picture of him. The only think I know about him is what Leah told me

    which wasnt much because Mom hardly mentioned Dad in front of Leah. I guess he was too

    insignificant for me to know, I said. Its like he never existed. I used to think that I popped out

    from a rock because that was what Leah told me all the time. Apparently, I was young and stupid

    to believe her. It was hilarious. Ever since I told her I believed her, she always makes fun of me.

    Every time we have a fight, shell always bring it up.

    Serena smiled as she took another drink from her coffee. Im sorry am I boring you, I

    said. I should shut up.

    No, no, she said. You and your sister seem to have a great relationship.

    We did, I whispered.

    Do you mind if I ask you how she died, she asked.

    It was car accident, I said softly. We were going home and a dog appeared out of

    nowhere and there goes a car accident. I somehow got out and when I realized what was

    happening it was too late, the car got on fire.

    I shouldnt have asked, should I, she said handing me a tissue.

    Its not a big deal, I said. I never told anyone much of about it.

    Whos making this pretty girl here upset, a lady in her late twenties asked. She slid into

    the seat besides Serena.

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    We were talking about how the morning view here is beautiful, Serena said and winked

    at me.

    Ive got to agree, she said folding her hands. Are you ever going to introduce me to

    this girl here?

    Skye, this is Jessica Bennett and Jessica, this is Skye Somerton, Serena introduced.

    Somerton, Jessica repeated. Are perhaps related to Michelle Somerton?

    Shes my mom, I said.

    She wrapped an arm around Serenas shoulder and leaned toward Serena. You see that

    boy over there. We turned and saw the boy sitting in the corner staring at Serena. Hes been

    watching you since you first step foot at Legend caf. Looks like you have a secret admirer.

    Serena punched Jessicas arm playfully. I know him, she said and got up walking to the

    corner table.

    So you knew my mother, I asked casually.

    Your mom was a senior at Keswick when I was a freshman, she said. I met her in the

    cheerleading team. She was the team captain and every guy in the school was practically in love

    with her. I mean you cant blame them. Michelle was pretty, smart, popular, the team captain of

    cheerleading team, a member of ARISTA and Key Club, and a participant in the council. She

    was perfect.

    The council, I asked. What is that?

    She doesnt tell you much, does she, Jessica said. The council seats are only for those

    that are born in White Creek or if their family originated from White Creek. They have to take

    this test in order to get. Its complicated and I was never much into it. They usually come up and

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    set up parties and carnivals. You should ask Serena. She and Gen are part of the council. Maybe

    you can in too.

    Im not a big fan of those things, I said gripping onto the melted milk chocolate.

    She studied me for a few seconds. I believe theres a stack of books about family

    histories in the library. You can look around if you have time.

    Thanks, I said as Serena came back.

    I should get back to work, Jessica said. It was nice meeting you, Skye. Bye guys.

    By the time I got home, it was five thirty and I listened to voicemails on my phone. The

    first voicemail was from Mom. Skye, I wont be home for dinner. I know I promised you, but

    Im following this case, Mom said. If you need anything call me. I love you, sweetie. I

    groaned and pressed on seven to delete it. The second message was from Ingrid.

    Hi, Im Ingrid. I dont know if you know my phone number, so Im just saying my name

    just in case. Anyways I was going to ask are doing anything tonight, she asked. Well, Im

    hanging out at the arcade in the square and if you dont have anything to do tonight. You can tag

    along. Be there at about six. I glanced at the clock again and decided to join Ingrid since I have

    nothing better to do.

    The arcade at the square was at the corner of the street and was a whole block long. I

    stepped in and the only lights that were on are the pool section and lights that are given off by the

    video games. There was a food court at the back of the arcade. It was crowded and I had to

    squeezed my way through to look for Ingrid.

    Hi, a voice said startling me. Tate placed a hand on my shoulder and pulled me to the

    pool section. What are you doing here?

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    Ingrid invited me over, I said and looked around for her, but she was nowhere in sight.

    And shes gone, he said. But youre lucky, you have me. I stifled out a laugh. That

    was pathetic.

    Yo, Tate, a guy called waving for him to come over.

    Ill be fine by myself, I assured him. You should go with your friends. He opened his

    mouth ready to argue with me, but I stopped him. Just go. Ill find Ingrid. I gave him an

    assuring smile.

    Ill talk to you later, he said and went over to the pool table where his friends were. I

    wandered around and walked into an empty room. Suddenly, I felt a chill behind me and I turned

    around. There was no one behind me. A box fell next to me and I stumbled back hitting

    something. I shrieked and fell into Sages arms.

    You scared the hell out of me, I said placing my hand on my chest.

    That was an interesting scream, he said crossing his arms. He leaned against the wall

    and I found myself starring into his dark green eyes.

    That was shriek technically, I corrected him. I was just paranoid. I mean I sawor at

    least I thought I saw someone, but when I turned around there was no one.

    We should get out of here, he said and held for the door for me.

    You always where black, dont you, I said examining his outfit. He was wearing a

    black leather jacket and jeans. Only his shoes were not black, but white. Are you supposed to be

    inscrutable and dark?

    What do you think, he said and stepped closer to me. I was trapped between him and

    the wall.

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    Skye, there you are, Ingrid said and her smile wiped off her face when she saw Sage.

    Hi. She barely looked at him and pulled me away.

    A girl stepped out and we nearly collided with her. Oh, Im sorry, the girl said. Ingrid,

    hello. Ingrid doesnt say anything. You must be Skye. Im Lizzie.

    Hi, I said.

    I was going to grab Sage. Were going to the food court. Do you guys want to come,

    Lizzie offered.

    I looked over at Ingrid, but she didnt say anything. Sure, why not, I said and Ingrid

    glared at me.

    Youre the one that didnt say yes or no, I whispered in her ear as we followed Lizzie

    and Sage.

    You suck, she muttered back. There were already a few other people sitting at the table.

    Oh great.

    Skye, this is Phoebe, Michaela, and Johnson. This is Skye, Lizzie said sitting across

    from me. And as you know this is Ingrid. I heard Phoebe snickered and Johnson jabbed her in

    the stomach. Why dont we order a pizza? Itll be easier.

    Im going to the restroom, I said getting up.

    Ill come with you, Ingrid said.

    No its fine, I said and walked back into the corridor. I wrapped my jacket tighter

    around me as I noticed the swinging door to the girls bathroom. I looked behind me, but there

    was no one or the presence of wind. I stopped the swinging door and peaked in the bathroom.

    Hello, I said and when no one answered me I went over to the sink and washed my hand. A

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    clicking noise came from the middle stall. Miss, are you okay? I took a step closer as a marble

    rolled out of the stall and landed in front of my foot. You dropped something.

    I pressed my palm flat on the door and pushed it opened. A man was lying on the floor,

    his head rested on the toilet seat. His eyes were a shade of light grade and starred up at the

    ceiling as his mouth gasped open. I took a step back and screamed.

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    Chapter Nine:

    The sirens filled the air and the police cars surrounded the arcade. How did you find the

    body, the policeman asked.

    I was washing my hands when I heard some noise, so I asked if that person in there was

    okay, but no one answered me, I explained as the policeman took notes. I opened the door and

    found the man lying there.

    Thank you, Miss Somerton, he said closed his pad. If we have more questions for you,

    well call you.

    I nodded and saw Moms car pulled up. Mom, I said as she walked past me. She

    clipped her tag on her collar and looked up at me surprised.

    Skye, what are you doing here, she asked.

    Your daughter was the one that found the corpse, the policeman said. We might need

    to talk to her again for more information.

    Dr. Somerton, Sheriff Delaney called. The body is over here.

    Ill talk to you when I get home, she said and handed me car keys. Dont get into any

    more trouble.

    I dangled the keys in my hand as I walked over to Corolla. I climbed into the car and put

    the key in the ignition. My hands shook as I placed my hands on the steering wheel. I pressed my

    lips into a thin line and put my head down. Someone knocked on the window and I looked up to

    see Sage standing there. I rolled down the window.

    Are you okay, he asked.

    Do you mind doing me a favor, I asked and he smirked.

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    Thanks, I said as he pulled up in front of my house. Do you want to come in?

    If it doesnt bother you, Sage said handing me back the keys after he locked the car.

    Youre afraid of driving?

    I poured him a cup of water. Im more of a dystychiphobic. It means fear of accidents,

    but Im only afraid of car accidents.

    He set the glass on the table. Because of your sister?

    I nodded. I try not to drive because Ill probably have a panic attack, I said jokingly,

    but Sage doesnt laugh. Do you want to eat something?

    I think your mom wont be happy when she founds me here after she comes back from

    work, he said.

    Shell probably get back pretty late with the new case, I said remembering the way how

    the man looked like. I shivered.

    I should get going, he said. Ill see you on Monday.

    I opened the door for him, but he stopped abruptly. He tilted my head up towards him and

    kissed me and left the house leaving me standing there dumbfounded.

    I sat down on the window seat in the sunroom and started writing.

    Dear Leah,

    I dont know whats happening to me. I was paranoid yesterday at the arcade. I

    seriously felt someone was watching me. Afterwards Sage had to drive me home. I was

    frightened when I touched the steering wheel. The minute Sage kissed me, I felt guilty because

    you should have been alive. You should have the chance to date, to get marry, to have kids, and

    grow old with me. Im so confused with whats going on. Everyone seems so distant. Its like

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    theyre all hiding their own little secrets and theyre afraid to tell me. Mom is right. A small town

    like White Creek is dissembling. None of this is true.


    I lit the letter on fire and it turned to ashes in the ashtray. Skye, Mom called.

    Hi Mom, I said as she threw her bag on the island and patted the stool next to her

    indicating for me to sit. Whats wrong?

    She folded her hands in her lap. As you know there have been a few deaths in White

    Creek lately.

    Its only two, I said.

    Yes, its only two, but considering the population of White Creek. Its quite a lot, she


    What are you trying to say?

    I want to say that there will be curfew, she said. Starting tomorrow, you have to be

    home by nine the latest.

    Including Friday and Saturday night, I asked. She nodded. Whatever.

    Uh, girl, dont whatever me, she warned.

    Fine, mom, Ill be home at nine every day, so no worries, I said and stomped upstairs.

    Leah turned out from the tunnel and thats when she saw it. A dog ran out into the middle

    of the road. She spun the steering wheel and the whole car is whirling. I screamed grabbing onto

    the handle at the top of the car, but it didnt seem to hold me up. I slammed my head against the

    window as the air bag popped and it hit against my chest; my face dripping from blood where I

    hit my head.

    I moaned.

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    Leah, I called, but she didnt answer. The car moved again and I hit my head again on

    the window, but only this time darkness caught me.

    The next thing I know is that Im outside of the car and blood is pouring from my head. I

    moaned and placed my hand on my head hoping the pain will subside, until I realized that Lyn

    was still in the car. Leah, I called and looked at the flipped car that was at least a few feet

    ahead of me. She was patting against the window slowly and blood dripping from her arm to her

    hand. My eyes widen remembering what happened.

    I tried standing up, but my legs didnt hold me and I sank right back onto the cement

    road. Leah, I screamed. Her hand was pressed against window. A cackling sound caught my

    attention and a ring of fire surrounded the back of the car. No, Leah.

    The fire blazed and started growing larger. Before the fire reached to the front of the car,

    Leah mouthed the word, Go.

    No, she didnt say go this time, I made out the words and realized that she said, Im

    sorry. The fire reached to where Leah was. I screamed and tried to run to the burning car, but

    a force held me back.

    Its too late, a lady said standing behind me. Her eyes turned jet black and her pupils

    dilated as the fire grew now covering the entire car.

    I sat up in bed soaked with my own sweat. The door flew open and Mom came rushing in

    by my side. Skye, are you okay, she said hugging me. I heard you screaming. I sobbed and

    clung to her chest. Its alright sweetie. Im here.

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    Chapter Ten:

    Look whose exhausted already, Ingrid said as we took our Pre-Calculus textbook. You

    still have a whole week to go. How are you going to survive?

    Im having nightmares lately, I said shutting my locker. I keep seeing Leah and the

    car accident over and over again. Then Ill seesomething.

    Something, she said. Can that be a hot guy?

    I snickered. Im serious, Ingrid.

    Okay, fine, she said and started ransacking her bag. Wheres my pen?

    The second pocket inside, I said. She unzipped the pocket and took out her blue ink

    pen. I froze stopping in place and causing the girl behind me to bump into me. Im sorry. The

    girl rolled her eyes and walked away.

    How did you do that, she asked sticking her pen in her binder. Do you have like a

    sixth sense?

    I smiled wryly.

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