13 Podcasting Tips from the Experts

PODCAST MARKETING 13 Podcasting Tips from The Experts


There’s a “Podcasting Renaissance” going on right now. Businesses and Internet marketers are realizing the benefits of having their own podcast…their own Internet radio show. Please check out the details tips at http://bit.ly/13podcastingtips The benefits of podcasting are plentiful: Creating a podcast is simple and inexpensive (although you can certainly make it difficult and expensive if that’s how you roll.) You have a captive audience, because people often listen to podcasts while they’re doing something that keeps them from reading or watching videos, like driving in their car or running on a treadmill. You are quite literally inside your audience’s head, and they feel like they know you. People subscribe to your podcast, so it’s delivered to them automatically, not unlike an email newsletter. Since I’m no podcasting expert, I decided to tap some friends who were. Here are expert podcasting tips from 13 professionals who are knocking it out of the park. Please check out the details tips at http://bit.ly/13podcastingtips

Transcript of 13 Podcasting Tips from the Experts

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PODCAST MARKETING13 Podcasting Tips from The Experts

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Just Do It

Actually ‘getting started’ with a podcast is the toughest part – and it’s not a tech thing.

Chris C. Ducker is the Founder of Virtual Staff Finder, a virtual assistant match-making service and Location63, Cebu City’s first ever co-working


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Have a Plan & System for Your Podcast

Shelia Butler is a Business Consultant and host of the WebTV show Successful Women Talk.

Podcasting is an excellent medium to share content, and is showing signs of resurgence with a number of thought leaders and professional now entering

(or re-entering) the Podcast arena.

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Launch Big or Go Home

John Lee Dumas is the Founder and Host of EntrepreneurOnFire, a business podcast that

interviews todays most inspiring and successful Entrepreneurs 5-days a week.

When bringing a podcast into the world, launch day is of utmost importance.

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Hire a Professional Voice

Michael Stelzner is the founder of Social Media Examiner and the Social Media

Marketing Podcast.

Get a professional voice talent to record your introduction and outro. 

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Be Thankful for the Audience You Have

Cliff Ravenscraft is the Podcast Answer Man.

In essence, when you super serve those who are already following you, those folks will eventually be the ones who promote you and your podcast best.

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Your Podcast Ranking is Important

Jaime Tardy is the founder of Eventual Millionaire, where she interviews millionaires for her weekly


Just like with Google results, the top rankings get most of the traffic. So when you decide to create a

podcast, shoot for being in the top 5%.

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Length Is Important

C.C. Chapman is the Founder of the Cleon Foundation, the author of the bestselling book

Amazing Things Will Happen.

Make it as long as necessary to cover the essentials, but short enough to keep it


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Drive People to Your Website or Blog

Pat Flynn is the owner of SmartPassiveIncome.com where he has an

audience of over 60,000 subscribers

A podcast is great, but nobody can click a sound – you MUST get people to come back to your

website or blog from your podcast.

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Create Content You Would Want to Listen To

Farnoosh Brock is a corporate escapee and a full-time entrepreneur. She created the podcast, The Daily Inte


Podcasting, more than blogging and social media, can have a reach that is remarkably unique.

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Listen, Really Listen When You Interview

Chris Brogan is the CEO and president of Human Business Works, a business design company that helps professionals work better, do the work they

want, and be brave.  

Be a listening interviewer, not a question list reader.

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Find Your Best Potential Interviewees

Travis Lane Jenkins is the founder and owner of service and consulting businesses with more than 70

million dollars in sales.

Select the best guests for your show while quickly building a large following and profitable Platform.

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Allow The Interview to Flow, But Focus on One Topic fro the Blog Post

John Jantsch is a speaker, marketing consultant, award winning social media publisher

 and author

I do an interview style show and one of the things I really try to do is add something insightful to the


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You Can Profit From Podcasting!

Jeremy Frandsen is the founder and co-host of the Internet Business Mastery podcast.

Action Plans That Lead to Podcasting Profits: Find the pain; Believe in the value you have to offer;

Build a Relationship; Chose a Money Model; Clearly Define the Solution

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Thanks! Questions?Rich Brooks




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