13. F2013 Age of Chaucer Pilgrimage, Entertainment and Enlgihtenment



Thanksgiving and travel to pilgrimage sites in 14th Century England, particularly Canterbury. Entertainment with emphasis on the Christmas holiday.

Transcript of 13. F2013 Age of Chaucer Pilgrimage, Entertainment and Enlgihtenment

  • 1. Pilgrimage

2. Entertainment EnlightenmentAngelus ad virginem http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=PN58SsKnBWk 3. The Clerk in the Millers Tale And all above there lay a gay psalt'ry On which he made at nightes melody, So sweetely, that all the chamber rang: And Angelus ad virginem he sang. And after that he sung the kinge's note; Full often blessed was his merry throat. 4. York Mystery Plays Corpus Christi 1376 First recorded for the festival of Corpus Christi 48 pageants 48 guilds 1. Creation and fall of Lucifer 48. Judgment day York Mystery Plays 2010 Introduction http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nyFLOlEupM York Mystery Play Crucifixion 2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIImNnV1Ty0 5. Pilgrimage 6. Why were Chaucers pilgrims going to Canterbury? And specially from every shires ende Of engelond to caunterbury they wende, The hooly blisful martir for to seke, That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke. 7. Motivations For serfs, only way to escape ties to the land Self-improvement Medical and other personal problems Penance forced See the sights Group pilgrimage group solidarity 8. Limitations 1388 Statute of Canterbury Part of attempt to restrict mobility of labor Pilgrim needs a paper saying when, where, why Forbids remaining in one place for more than a day unless ill 9. Destinations Rome, Jerusalem International renown Santiago de Compostella Canterbury Regional Walsingham 10. Political Favorites & Martyrs? Opponents of Henry III Simon de Montfort Robert Grossteste (1175-1263), anti-papal Opponent of Edward II Thomas of Lancaster Worship fostered by Henry IV 11. Canterbury Cathedral 12. The Canterbury Pilgrims Hospital of St. Thomas 13. Greeting by monks Orientation in Chapter House stories of St. Thomas Start on route Altar at site of martyrdom Crypt tomb site (original) Trinity Chapel life and miracles in stained glass Head reliquary Pilgrimage Experience at Canterbury 14. Adam the Forester wounded by a poacher Cured by St. Thomas 15. St. Thomas and the family of a man who did not fulfil his pledge 16. Reliquary of St. Thomas 17. Tomb of St. Thomas Pilgrims badge 1350-1400 Metropolitan MuseumShrine drawn from MSS image 18. Praying at the Tomb; Giving thanks Trinity Chapel, 1213:1215/20 photo 4/2011 19. Pilgrim Souvenirs Canterbury 20. Cure of Robert of Cricklade (n IV);Ampulla found in Bergen 21. Pilgrim Souvenirs Canterbury 22. Pilgrims Badge found Queenhithe 23. Pilgrim Badge Martydom of Beckett 24. Walsingham15th C. Priory 25. Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham 1061 Richeldis de Faverches vision of the house of the Annunciation Private place of worship1150 Augustinian house 1216 Visit of Henry III 1315 Edward II 1328 Edward III 1383 Richard II 26. Walsingham, Slipper Chapel 27. Pilgrims badge Walsingham 28. Thomas of Lancaster, d. 1322Isabella, Edmund FitzAlan, 9th Earl of Arundel Hugh Despenser the ElderOpponent and Supporter of Edward II 29. Thomas, Earl of Lancaster Rebel against Edward II Executed Attempt to canonize 30. Indulgences - Norwich 1291 To visitors four feasts of the Virgin Mary, at Trinity and St. Mary Madgalene and on the anniversary of the dedication. one year and forty days of pardon1363 Donations to repair recent storm damage seven years and seven Lents1398 Visitors to the three main altars at Trinity 31. Value of Indulgences - Norwich 1393-4 1395-6 1399-1400 1400-1 1401-2 1403-4Altar Receipts 62 7s 63 7s 118 3s 113 1s 115 8s 77 18sReceipts at Rest of indulgence Year85 55 3s 49 17sTotal Devotional 98 8s 93 11s 33 3s 124 3s 57 18s 142 14s 65 12s 149 0s 112 7s 32. St. Leonards, Norfolk Small monastery near Cathedral Images of St. Michael, the Virgin, St. Anthony and St. Leonard 33. Entertainment - Music 34. And in a launde, upon an hille of floures, Was set this noble goddesse Nature;302To take hir doom and yeve hir audience. For this was on Seynt Valentynes day, Whan every foul cometh ther to chese his make, 310 Of every kinde, that men thynke may; And that so huge a noyse gan they make, That erthe and see, and tree, and every lake So ful was, that unnethe was ther space For me to stonde, so ful was al the place. 315From Parlement of Foules 35. Christmas in 14th Century England Lords provide feasts for servants Hire minstrels & dancers & actors Boy bishops a la St. Nicholas Carrying a plow around the fire Wassail Late 14th C. Restrictions on mumming, disguises etc. 36. Christmas Visiting Groups go through the streets Visit houses Games at home 37. Masks - Makeup Late 14th century regulations against night walking 17 Richard II. A.D. 1393. And that no man, . . .shall go about . . . with visor or false face, during this solemn Feast of Christmas,1425 More specific prohibition on those who walk by nyght in eny manere mommyng, pleyes, enterludes, or eny oer disgisynges with eny feynyd berdis, [beards] peyntid visers, diffourmyd or colourid visages in eny wyse, 38. Mummers Jehan de Grise, Alexander Romance, Bodl 264 39. Dancers, Musicians Alexander Romance 40. Formal dance 41. Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Circle Dance Allegory of Good and Bad Government 1338-9 42. Dancers, tumblers, jesters 43. Sword Dance 44. Amusements 45. Musicians 46. Table Games 47. Wrestling Club Kailes 48. Saltarello - Italian British Library Add. 29987 49. Gabriel from heven king