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  • 8/6/2019 12.IJAEST Vol No 7 Issue No 2 Power Enhancement of Wind Energy Conversion System Using Hybrid Method 248 253


    Power Enhancement of Wind Energy Conversion

    System Using Hybrid Method

    Abstract- The wind energy conversion system can deliver

    the maximum power when the load impedance matches

    with the source impedance under a given wind speed.Since the load and wind speeds are varying dynamically,the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) becomes

    more complex with the use of MPPT functions. The

    advantages of the MPPT methods are that no need of the

    Wind Generator (WG) optimal power characteristic or

    measurement of the wind speed is not required and the

    WG operates at a variable speed. Thus, the system features

    higher reliability, lower complexity and less mechanical

    stress on the Wind Generator.

    The conventional methods for the maximum power

    point tracking (MPPT) are perturbation and observation

    (PAO) method and incremental conductance method. ThePAO method is slow in tracking the maximum power

    operating point and may track the maximum power

    operating point (MPOP) wrongly under rapidly changing

    atmospheric or load conditions. In the incremental

    conductance method, the incremental conductance and the

    negative of present conductance value are compared with

    this method it is not possible to sense the variation in the

    environmental conditions. At steady state its tendency to

    vary the system condition is very poor. To overcome thedisadvantages of above methods a hybrid method is used

    for tracking the maximum power. In this method, on

    power variation, the duty cycle are adjusted in according

    to the variation in rectifier output voltage.

    Keywords-Wind generator(WG), Wind energy conversion

    system(WECS), maximum power operating point(MPOP),

    maximum power point tracking(MPPT), perturb andobservation (PAO)method, incremental conductance


    I. INTRODUCTIONThe worldwide concern about the environment has led toincreasing interest in technologies for generation of renewable

    electrical energy. The ever-increasing demand forconventional energy sources has driven society towards theneed for research and development of alternative energysources. Many such energy sources, such as wind energy andphotovoltaic are now well developed, cost effective and they

    are widely used. These sources offer the advantages of loadshifting, customer demand, production of power inenvironmentally friendlier ways, and emergency backup


    Wind generators (WGs) have been widely used both in

    autonomous systems for supplying power to remote loads andin grid-connected applications. Although WGs have a lowerinstallation cost compared to photovoltaic cells, the overallsystem cost can be further reduced using high-efficiency

    power converters, controlled such that the optimal power isacquired according to the atmospheric conditions. Wind poweris used in large-scale wind farms for national electrical grid aswell as in small individual turbines for providing electricity to

    rural residences or grid-isolated locations. The countries withthe highest total installed capacity are Germany (20,621 MW),Spain (11,615 MW), USA (11,603 MW), India (6,270 MW)

    and Denmark (3,136 MW).The wind speed varies continuously and load also

    changes continuously. In order to match the load with WECSthe maximum power point tracking is required. MPPT is not amechanical tracking system; it is a fully electronic system thatvaries the electrical operating point of the wind energy

    conversion system. So that the wind energy conversion systemable to deliver maximum available power. MPPT can be usedin conjunction with a mechanical tracking system, but the twosystems are completely different. A power electronic

    converter is connected in between WECS and load. Themaximum power tracking process is done by the powerelectronic converter.

    S. Chandra Has1Associate Professor, Department of EEE

    Regency institute of technologyYanam, India

    Email: schandrahasa mail.com


    Associate Professor, EEE Dept

    Pondicherry Engineering CollegePondicherry, India

    Email: [email protected]

    G.R.K.D.Satya Prasad3Associate Professor, Department of EEE

    Regency institute of technologyYanam, India

    Email: [email protected]


    Vol No. 7, Issue No. 2, 248 - 253

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  • 8/6/2019 12.IJAEST Vol No 7 Issue No 2 Power Enhancement of Wind Energy Conversion System Using Hybrid Method 248 253



    Wind energy is transformed into mechanical energy bymeans of a wind turbine that has one or several blades. Theturbine is coupled to the generator system by means of a

    mechanical drive train. It usually includes a gearbox thatmatches the turbine low speed to the higher speed of thegenerator. New wind turbine designs use multi pole, low speedgenerators, usually synchronous with field winding or

    permanent magnet excitation, in order to eliminate thegearbox. Some turbines include a blade pitch angle control forcontrolling the amount of power to be transformed. Stall

    controlled turbines do not allow such control. Wind speed ismeasured by means of an anemometer. A general scheme ofWind energy conversion system is shown in Figure

    Fig 1. Wind energy conversion system

    The power obtained by the turbine is a function of wind

    speed. This function may have a shape such as shown inFigure. For variable speed WECS the upper part of the curvebetween and can be kept linear, equal to the reference power.

    The following notations are used:Pr: reference power, maximum power that the turbine canattain

    Vr: reference power wind speed, wind speed for whichreference power is achievedVci: cut-in wind speed, wind speed at which the turbine starts

    to produce powerVco: upper limit of the wind speed called cut-out wind speed,at which the turbine operates.

    Fig.2 power versus speed curve

    A. Mathematical Model of wind turbine:A wind energy conversion system is basically

    comprised of two main components, the aerodynamic

    component and the electrical component. The turbine forms amajor constituent of the aerodynamic system. The energy thatcould be captured from wind by a specific turbine depends onits design particulars and operating conditions. In this sectionall aspects related to the power conversion, from kinetic wind

    energy to rotational energy, that are of relevance for thestability model are explained.

    The kinetic energy Ek of a mass of air m having the speedVw is given by:


    2 wVm

    KE --- (1)

    The power associated to this moving air mass is the derivativeof the kinetic energy with respect to time can be expressed as













    -- (2)

    Where q represents the mass flow given by the expression:

    q =VW .AWhere : Air density;

    A: Cross section of the air mass flow.Ek: kinetic energy of the air

    This fraction of power (Pwind) depends on the wind speed,rotor speed and blade position (for pitch and active stallcontrol turbines) and on the turbine design. The aerodynamic

    efficiency Cp is defined as follows:





    PC ---- (3)

    For a specific turbine design, the values of Cp (, ) areusually presented as a function of the pitch angle () and thetip speed ratio (). The tip speed ratio is given by:






    Where R: the radius of the turbine blades. tur: the turbine

    angular speed.B. Speed Torque Characteristics Of Wind Turbine

    Fig.3 Turbine speed power characteristics under differentwind speeds


    Vol No. 7, Issue No. 2, 248 - 253

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    Fig.4: Torquespeed characteristics of the wind turbine and

    the generator

    III. Maximum Power Point Tracking

    The wind speed varies continuously and the load alsochanges continuously. In order to match the load with thewind energy conversion system we require a power electronic

    interface between the wind energy conversion system and theload. The basic block diagram of the wind energy conversion

    system is shown in figure.

    Fig. 5: Block Diagram of a WECS

    This power-conditioning unit consists of AC-DCconverter and DC-DC buck converter. The frequency andvoltage at which power is producing are variable parameters.

    If we are connecting directly to the load the load gets affected.To avoid this condition power conditioner is connected inbetween source and load by which we can change the voltage

    and frequency of required level. The maximum power pointtracking is done by using DC-DC converter.A. Maximum Power Operating Point Tracking:

    A maximum power point tracker is basically a converterconnected in between the WECS source and the load. Theduty cycle of is continuously changed and operated at a value

    such that the maximum power is tracked from the source. Bymaximum power transfer theorem, a source will deliver itsmaximum power when the source impedance matches the loadimpedance.

    Fig.6: Block Diagram for maximum power pointtracking

    The duty cycle of the converter is maintained in such away that the effective impedance seen by the wind energyconversion system source will be equal to the internal sourceimpedance and hence maximum power is delivered.

    Figure below represents the typical curve of wind powervariation according to the operating voltage and it shows thatthere are two operating zones: the first is located on the right

    side of the MPP where dp/d < 0 and the second on the leftside of the MPP where dp/d > 0.

    Fig. 6: Wind power variation

    Table: 1 Operation modes of buck converter

    B. Condition for Maximum Power Operating Point:MPPT process in wind energy conversion system is based ondirectly adjusting the dc/dc converter duty cycle according to

    the result of the comparison of successive WG-output-powermeasurements. Thus, the problem of maximizing the WGoutput power using the converter duty cycle as a controlvariable can be effectively solved using the steepest ascent

    method according to the following control law:









    Where Dk and Dk-1 are the duty-cycle values at

    iterations k and k - 1, respectively (0 < D k < 1); Pk-1/Dk-1 isthe WG power gradient at step k - 1; and C1 is the step change.


    Vol No. 7, Issue No. 2, 248 - 253

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    Thus, the function P (D) has a single extreme point, coincidingwith the WG MPOP, and the dc/dc converter duty-cycleadjustment according to the control law ensures convergence

    to the WG MPOP under any wind-speed condition. The powermaximization process is shown in Figure below.

    Fig.7 power maximization curve

    IV. Methods of MPPTThe control of MPPT is done by using buck converter. By

    varying the buck converter duty ratio we can achievemaximum power tracking. There are two popular methods ofmaximum power point tracking in use. They are Perturbationand Observation method and Incremental Conductancemethod equal to zero under power feedback control. A generalapproach to power feedback control is to measure andmaximize the power at the load terminal in this present work

    power feedback

    A. Perturbation and Observation method:

    In this method the duty cycle of the converter iscontinuously varied for each and every switching period. Thevalue of power is found as multiplication of current andvoltage. This present power is compared with the previous

    one. If both are equal, then no change in duty cycle is needed.i.e., the system is already operating in maximum poweroperating region. Thus the algorithm is very simple in

    mathematical calculation but with proper logical decisions.Hence it is considered as one of the easiest algorithm availablefor maximum power point tracking.

    B. Incremental conductance Method:In this method the value of conductance is calculated

    and compared with the previous value and is taken as

    incremental conductance. If this value is equal to the negationof the present conductance value, then the duty cycle is notvaried. If this value is more than the negation of presentconductance, then the duty cycle is increased, otherwisedecreased.

    C. Hybrid method:

    This method gives a new and simple control method formaximum power tracking in a variable speed wind turbine permanent magnet synchronous generator by using a buck

    converter. A maximum power-tracking algorithm calculatesthe Voltage command that corresponds to maximum poweroutput of the turbine.

    When the wind speed changes slowly the algorithmvaries the duty cycle with its own speed whether the presentoperating condition is at maximum power operating region or

    at least nearer to it. So the value of power output will bealways less than that it could have yielded. Choose the initialreference rotor speed and measure the output power of thegenerator. According to the value of measured DC outputvoltage of generator the reference voltage of wind generator

    increase or decrease by one step and measure the output poweragain. Calculate Sign (P) and Sign (V). Moreover thevariation of duty cycle at a particular instant might cause anincrease in power.

    In order to overcome these disadvantages here, the

    voltage generated at a particular wind speed is consideredinitially. The wind speeds will effects voltage at which thegenerator output is generated. So, wind speed is directly

    proportional to the generator output voltage in permanentmagnet synchronous generators. The drawback of incrementalinductance method is the implementation of the algorithm isvery difficult since we require more accurate sensors, which

    will calculate the effective impedance of the system at theparticular instant. So, in this hybrid algorithm we are takingthe voltage value as the control measure and calculating power

    variations, which will be given to the duty cycle of theconverter. This method is always operating at MPPTalgorithm is easy to implement.

    Fig.8: Flow chart for the hybrid method

    This algorithm is hybrid to overcome the disadvantagesof the above-mentioned conventional methods of maximumpower tracking, and it also incorporates the advantages of both

    the methods. The Perturbation and Observation method iserroneous because it does not consider whether the presentoperating value of duty cycle is correct or not. But it alwaysconcerns the next duty cycle to which it has to change. So in

    this hybrid algorithm we taking the voltage value as that thevoltage of generator tracks the command voltage.


    Vol No. 7, Issue No. 2, 248 - 253

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    Command to control the output power of the permanentmagnet generator, such that the voltage of generator tracks thecommand voltage. Control measure and calculating power

    variations, which will be given to the duty cycle of theconverter. This method is always operating at MPPTalgorithm is easy to implement.


    The wind energy conversion system is modelled inMATLAB simulink simulation software. The MPPTalgorithms were simulated in the graphical simulationsoftware Simulink for which the graphical representation has

    been taken from below. The simulation is carried out usingMATLAB simulink for 24 hours duration.

    Fig.9: Wind generator speed versus power characteristics

    Fig.10: Power output With out MPPT under constant loadconditions

    Fig.11: Power output using PAO method

    Fig.12: Power o/p using incremental conductance method

    Fig.13 Power output using hybridmethod

    Fig.14: Power output using PAO method

    Fig.15: Power output using incremental conductance method

    Fig.16: Power output using hybrid method.


    Vol No. 7, Issue No. 2, 248 - 253

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    In this paper, a hybrid algorithm is presented to track the

    maximum power from the wind energy conversion systemeliminating the drawbacks under rapidly changingatmospheric or load conditions. The PAO method is slow intracking the maximum power and may track the maximum power operating point (MPOP) wrongly under rapidly

    changing atmospheric or load conditions. The average output power is increasing by 14% by using the conventionalmethods. But, from the above results it is clear that using thehybrid method the power output is further increased by 3.54%in case of constant load condition and 4.2 % in case of

    variable load condition.


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