1.28.16 Chapter 1 HAP 301 002.ppt

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  • 7/25/2019 1.28.16 Chapter 1 HAP 301 002.ppt


    Chapter 1: Major Characteristicsof U.S. Health Care Delivery

    Nancy Freeborne, DrPH, MPH, P!C

    "an#ary $%th, $&1'

  • 7/25/2019 1.28.16 Chapter 1 HAP 301 002.ppt


    (hat is Health Care

    Delivery) *t incl#+es ajor coponents of the health care

    syste an+ the processes that allo- people toobtain access/ health care

    0he act of provi+in health care services to patients


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    4oals of Health Care

    Delivery Provi+e accessto services

    Deliver services that are cost e5ective

    Meet certain levels of 6#ality

    ccess, Cost, 7#ality are interrelate+

    Use+ by policya8ers to assess ho- -ell the systeis -or8in

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    Health Care Delivery Syste iU.S.

    Can be an iportant sector of a co#ntry9s econoy: eployent,research, e3ports

    Nearly 1'. illion people eploye+ in vario#s health +eliverysettins

    *nstit#tions incl#+e: ;,%1; hospitals, 1',&&& n#rsin hoes, 11,&&&hoe health aencies an+ hospices, $,

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    0he Health Care Syste of

    a Nation *s in>#ence+ by: Political Cliate

    Stae of 2conoic Developent

    0echnoloical Proress

    Social an+ C#lt#ral ?al#es

    Physical 2nvironent

    Pop#lation characteristics


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    U.S. vers#s @ther

    Develope+ Co#ntries *n ost +evelope+ co#ntries there is a national

    health ins#rance prora r#n by the

    overnent an+ pai+ for by eneral ta3es.

    ll citiAens are entitle+ to receive services

    0hese co#ntries have -hat is calle+#niversal

    accessto health care or a #niversal syste of

    health care

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    S#bsystes of U.S. Health CareDelivery

    C#rrently, there is N@0 #niversal access to health care services in theU.S.

    ll ericans are N@0 entitle+ to basic health care

    S#bsystes have +evelope+ in response to ar8et forces an+ to coversoe v#lnerable pop#lations

    S#bsystes: See 0e3t p =!1&,/

    Manae+ Care Military

    ?#lnerable Pop#lations

    *nterate+ Delivery

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    Characteristics of the U.S. HealthCare Syste

    No central overnin aency

    Bac8 of coor+ination

    Bac8 of *nteration

    0echnoloy Driven

    Foc#s on c#te Care

    Hih Cost

    Une6#al ccess

    verae @#tcoes

    Beal is8s

    *perfect Mar8et Con+itions

    Private Sector Doinant ole

    Mar8et "#stice vs. Social "#sticeCon>ict

    M#ltiple Players

    ccess base+ on *ns#ranceCoverae

    Desire for interation,acco#ntability

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    U.S. No Central 4overnin

    ency No central aency is responsible for provi+in health care centralsystes are less cople3, less costly/

    Health care is Enance+ both p#blically an+ privately

    *ncl#+es a variety of payent, ins#rance an+ +elivery echaniss

    Syste is cople3 an+ fraente+ -ith little interation an+


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    *n the U.S. a reat +eal of oney is spent on research

    innovations an+ a+vances in e+ical technoloy -ith

    any beneEts

    Ho-ever, there are +ra-bac8s ne- technoloy can be

    e3pensive, over#se+, an+ creates +ean+ for ne-


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    Hih Costs, Une6#al ccess,verae @#tcoes

    0he U.S. spen+s ore than any other +evelope+ co#ntry on health care

    1' $&&%/ an+ 1G.' $&&

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    Health Care efor *n $&1, soe states e3pan+e+ their Me+icai+ proras a8in

    ore people eliible an+ overnent s#bsi+ies becae available

    to soe of lo- incoe not covere+ by Me+icai+ to cover soe

    health ins#rance costs. @thers are re6#ire+ to obtain ins#rance or

    pay a Ene. 0his sho#l+ re+#ce the n#ber of people in the Unite+

    States -itho#t health ins#rance coverae. Patient Protection an+

    5or+able Care ct, March, $&1&/

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    @ther Characteristics

    $& of the pop#lation acco#nts for %& of all healthe3pen+it#res referre+ to as the $&!%& r#le/

    Majority of the Services provi+e+ foc#s on treatentof illness an+ +isease not health prevention,prootion an+ palliative care/

    arton, $&&G/

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    *perfect Mar8et

    Con+itions Not a tr#e free ar8et systeI6#asi or iperfect ar8et syste *n a totally free ar8et:

    patients an+ provi+ers act in+epen+ently

    patients choose provi+ers base+ on price an+ 6#ality

    copetition #st occ#r base+ on price an+ 6#ality

    patients bear costs of services, a8e +ecisions abo#t p#rchasin

    health care an+ have coplete inforation on services available

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    4overnent as S#bsi+iary

    to Private Sector *n ost +evelope+ co#ntries overnent plays a

    central role in provi+in health care to its citiAens

    U.S. the private sector plays +oinant role

    4overnent spen+in Ells in aps

    23aple: Me+icare an+ Me+icai+

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    Mar8et "#stice vers#s Social


    Mar8et "#stice: Me+ical care is +istrib#te+ base+ on ability an+ +esireto pay

    Social j#stice: Me+ical care is +istrib#te+ base+ on nee+

    U.S.Ihas historically preferre+ ar8et sol#tions -hich can res#lt in#ne6#al allocation of reso#rces

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    M#ltiple Players an+

    alance of Po-er Jey players in the health care syste:



    *ns#rance Copanies

    Bare eployers


    ll have +i5erent interests

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    *nteration of Health Care

    Services 0here is a +esire to iprove interation an+

    acco#ntability of health care services

    Use of priary care as point of coor+ination for health

    care services

    Provi+e 6#ality healthcare in an eKcient anner

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    ccess: the ability to obtain health careservices -hen nee+e+

    *n $&1&, %.$ illion #nins#re+ 1%.$ of thepop#lation/ Shi an+ Sinh, $&1=/

    0his n#ber sho#l+ +ecrease as a res#lt of theprovisions of the Patient Protection an+5or+able Care ct March, $&1&/

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    Beal is8s in>#ence

    Practice Decisions Defensive e+icine is practice+ in or+er to avoi+


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    Health Care Systes of

    @ther Develope+ Co#ntries Most of -estern 2#rope has #niversal access to health care

    Mo+els for national health systes:

    Cana+a ! ta3es pay for health care +elivere+ by the privatesector

    4reat ritain ! Enance+ by ta3es, overnent anaes

    +elivery, provi+ers are overnent eployees

    4erany ! overnent an+ate+ contrib#tions by eployeesan+ eployers. Health care +elivere+ by private provi+ers

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    Dra-bac8s to Universal

    Health Care Most (estern 2#ropean co#ntries provi+e

    national health care proras that provi+e

    #niversal access

    Boo8 in yo#r te3t, p.$&!$$

    (hat are soe of the +ra-bac8s of theseproras)

    Note: Lo# -ill be responsible for this inforation

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    Systes Frae-or8: a loicalarraneent of the coponents of

    health care +elivery

    Syste Fo#n+ations! Chapters $!=:historical, c#lt#ral, social, an+econoic factors

    Syste eso#rces Chapters !':h#an an+ nonh#an reso#rces Syste Processes Chapters G!11:

    physical str#ct#res an+ Enancinechaniss

    Syste @#tcoes Chapters 1$!1=:ccess, cost an+ 6#ality Syste @#tloo8 Chapter 1:F#t#re

    +esire+ o#tcoes

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    C@NCBUS*@N 0he Unite+ States has a #ni6#e syste of health care +elivery. *t is

    cople3 an+ fraente+. Unli8e ost +evelope+ co#ntries, the syste

    lac8s #niversal access. *t is a coprise+ of s#bsystes create+ thro#h

    ar8et forces or +evelope+ to cover soe v#lnerable pop#lations.

    Historically, there have been a lare n#ber of #nins#re+ in the US.

    einnin in $&1, this sho#l+ chane to soe +eree as a res#lt of the

    Patient Protection an+ 5or+able Care ct as Me+icai+ coverae e3pan+s

    in soe states, s#bsi+ies are provi+e+ to other lo- incoe persons by

    the fe+eral overnent, an+ in+ivi+#als are re6#ire+ to have health

    ins#rance or pay a Ene.

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    arton, P.B. $&&G/. Understanding the U.S. Health Services System.Chicao, ll:Health +inistration Press, Fo#n+ation of the erican Collee of Healthcare


    Shi, Beiy# an+ Sinh, Do#las . $&1=/. 2ssentials of the U.S. Health CareSyste. S#+b#ry, M: "ones an+ artlett P#blishers, BBC.

    Shi, Beiy# an+ Sinh, Do#las . $&1&/. Essentials of the U.S. Health CareSystem. S#+b#ry, M: "ones an+ artlett P#blishers, BBC.

    Sic8o trailer retrieve+ fro : http:---.yo#t#be.co-atch)v3lDUJSh

  • 7/25/2019 1.28.16 Chapter 1 HAP 301 002.ppt


    0railer for OSic8o by

    Michael Moore
