127 Community Building Tips - Kamloops

download 127 Community Building Tips - Kamloops

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This e-book contains a list of 127 community building tips offered by participants in a late July 2013 dinner dialogue honouring the legacy of Nelson Mandela and the community building efforts of the people of South Africa. This event was hosted in Kamloops BC by the Canadian Community for Dialogue and Deliberation.

Transcript of 127 Community Building Tips - Kamloops


  • Introduction

    This e-book of community building tips was authored by the attendees of a dinner dialogue hosted by the Canadian Community for Dialogue and Deliberation in Kamloops BC. The event, held in late July 2013, was held in honour of Nelson Mandela and South African citizens community building legacy. I was the event host and shared community building lessons I learned while serving as an election observer in the 1994 South African elections. I want to also thank Natasha Chisholm, Glen Hilke, and Pyara Lotay for sharing their reflections on South Africa, on Africa, and on community building on the microphone.

    The latter half of the evening featured attendees with many post its, pens, and pencils, brainstorming and recording the best community building tips they knew of. This was the e-book creation session. What an amazing collection of community insight and wisdom! Heartfelt thanks to the authors!

    Arjun Singh Past Board Chair, Interim Executive Director The Canadian Community for Dialogue and Deliberation July 2014

    Designed by

  • 1. Share resources. 2. Read about the perspectives of others.

    3. Look beyond yourself. 4. Get to know at least one street person.

    5. Dont underestimate who can give back to the community (those with the least often give the most).

    6. People need to be invited to participate in the community to be involved.

    7. Dont assume you know what is needed. Ask and listen to the real concern and need, then act.

    8. Address root causes, build capacity of people, organizations, families.

    9. Education, awareness, knowledge. Dont forget our history. It has the answers.

    10. OUCH. Dont be a bystander. Stand up for beliefs, people, cultures.

    11. Connection and involvement key to building community.

    12. WITS: walk in their shoes. 13. Accountability.

    14. Start with 10% of buying local. Support local to build sustainability in the community.

    15. Introduce people to each other. 16. Nudge for change, dont push.

    17. Dont give negative behaviour a stage and accentuate the positive.

    18. Create a municipal community building commission.

    19. Have your city council create a community building commission.

    20. When youre tired, take a break. 21. Volunteerism.

  • 22. Find a way to become a volunteer.

    23. Whats the next action that moves this forward (community building initiative).

    24. It takes time.

    25. To attract diversity, respect peoples comfort zones and give people multiple ways to participate.

    26. Know your neighbour program should be implemented and promoted.

    27. Make city hall appealing, first impressions to guests.

    28. Continue with community gardens, promote tournament capital, flowers, etc. build community pride.

    29. Support/engage your local media have real conversations with media, members of local clubs and groups.

    30. More moderated forums on civic issues (perhaps online?)

    31. Assist clubs (Rotoract, TRU groups, etc) a sense of club belonging used to be more prevalent.

    32. Communication is key, Kamloops could lead the way by having free wifi everywhere in town.

    33. Proposals must start with listening to stakeholders.

    34. Separating & segmenting First Nations peoples reduces our collective Canadiana.

    35. Capitalize on momentum when people are engaged, post election? Keep them engaged.

  • 36. Focus on more than just economic growth and avoid pitfalls of purely capitalist perspective.

    37. Outside perspective seek it. (People from other cities).

    38. Networking, community events like Arjuns where people speak, conversation flows, ideas are born and inspiration is sparked.

    39. When facilitating community events, discussion, do away with hierarchal structure i.e. literally have everyone, including host, sit on floor

    40. From momentum to accountability capitalize on momentum and hold your community leaders to account. Follow up! Debrief! Hold accountability meetings!

    41. Starting during periods of community momentum (i.e. elections).

    42. Focus on measurable, attainable goals.

    43. Working side by side, regardless of societal or other status.

    44. Good network that gets people engaged.

    45. Get corporations involved.

    46. Volunteering (exceptional) culture of Kamloops builds community, open invitation a way to get to know your neighbour.

    47. Turn off your cellphone.

    48. Play outside.

    49. Public transit.

    50. Practice giving away some of your harvest.

    51. Put ourselves in uncomfortable situations.

  • 52. Question/look into the system. 53. Level the playing field.

    54. Volunteer. 55. Become a Rotarian.

    56. Attend United Way kick off breakfast. 57. Neighbourhood association.

    58. Neighbourhood potluck. 59. Smile at others you come across.

    60. Learn about the other. 61. Expand city initiatives to be inclusive.

    62. Walk around the neighbourhood instead of driving, smile and take bananas.

    63. Learn to/practice listening. 64. Give away recycling cans/bottles.

    65. Neighbourhood heroes. 66. Supporting one another.

    67. Neighbourhood empowerment. 68. Vote.

    69. Create pride within the local population. 70. Building one another up.

    71. Be comfortable with who you are. 72. Be proud of who you are.

    73. Community empowers you. 74. Be colour blind in your dealings.

    75. Collaboration. 76. Embrace mosaic of culture.

    77. Community gardens. 78. Green space and green parks.

    79. Ask questions about supporting local. 80. Try a different coffee shop.

    81. Go out of your comfort zone to reach to find non-traditional support.

    82. Identify and remove barriers. 83. Have a plan that is inclusive.

  • 84. Close down local roads for special events such as trick or treating.

    85. Control evaluation of development of program.

    86. Bring infrastructure to meet the needs of good regulation.

    87. Succession planning for community groups.

    88. Knowledge gaps.

    89. Repetition of positive message.

    90. Harness social media and information age.

    91. Make it fun play while you do good things.

    92. Walking in neighbourhood, meet your neighbours and talk to each other passiagata (Italian for evening walk).

    93. Fun if its not fun, who wants to do something? Test fun ideas so people dont know what to expect.

    94. Inclusion include others.

    95. Create associations to have life beyond current leadership.

    96. Can do things without a lot of resources, everyone pitch in a little bit.

    97. Celebrate different diversities as a community.

    98. Concentrate on neighbourhood locally, local community association.

    99. Local stuff like painting graffiti, backyard barbecues.

  • 100. Model for others show others.

    101. John Todd High School 99 stairs stair climbing.

    102. Patience.

    103. Collaborative.

    104. Leadership someone has to initiate.

    105. Make sure everyone is visible, is represented in websites, newspapers, black, white, straight, lgbt etc.

    106. Neighbourhood.

    107. Freecycle in alleys.

    108. Neighbourhood walk at certain time, social only.

    109. Be friendly to someone you havent been friendly to before.

    110. Know your neighbour in your block.

    111. Dont make assumptions based on appearance.

    112. Use layers to build the project.

    113. Neighbourhood passiagata, Fraser passiagata, daily walks at certain meeting point.

    114. Create community pride within the local population.

    115. Create local heroes.

    116. Revitalize community parks and green space.

    117. Develop an inclusive plan and execute on it.

  • 118. Take pride in your community! If someone has littered pick it up!

    119. Dont be afraid to lend a hand or participate! Dont leave it to the next person there may not be one!

    120. Create a positive environment smile! Make eye contact.

    121. Do a random act of kindness e.g. buy a stranger coffee.

    122. Dont focus on the negative! Always look for solutions and stay positive!

    123. Give back to your community. Make time and participate!

    124. Dont be afraid of differences, look for what you have in common.

    125. Learn to develop your own opinions and respect others opinions.

    126. Get to know your neighbours! Put down the iPhone and interact.

    127. Find an area of interest where theres a need and volunteer.

  • authors

    Im very sorry if I missed anyone on this list. If I did, I will correct this page and repost at www.c2d2.ca and www.arjunsingh.com.

    Karen Atara

    Kelly Aulin

    Terri Axani

    Lindy Baird

    Teresa Bartel

    Nancy Bepple

    Peter Cameron-Inglis

    Donovan Cavers

    Natasha Chisholm

    Danalee Coates

    Heidi Coleman

    Geoff Collier

    Kathy Collier

    Matt Dundas

    Ashley Ekulund

    Tara Gostelow

    Allysa Gredling

    Dian Henderson

    Glen Hilke

    Wendy Krauza

    Tina Lange

    Charlene Levis

    Pyara Lotay

    Dave Marr

    Ann McCarthy

    Matt Osborne

    Teresa Parisone

    Stephen Puhallo

    Cam Rauschenberger

    Dave Reid

    Gisela Ruckert

    Paula Schmidt

    Ben Sears

    Christopher Seguin

    Marsha Stewart

    Bryan Strome

    Carl Sulkowski

    Leslie Sulkowski

    Tania Vidovic

    Jason Wassing