1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard...Jan 22, 2021  · New Hampshire Chamber of Commerce...

Fund Names Program Names Allocated Expended Remaining Administrative Budget Administrative Budget Subtotal Agency Support DHHS COVID-19 Support Funds FEMA Match - DHHS Department of Information Technology New Hampshire Employment Security - Call Center Support Mutual Link Department of Education ILearn System Grant Department of Safety Board of Tax and Land Appeals Subtotal Agriculture COVID-19 Relief Fund Agriculture COVID-19 Relief Fund Lapse - Agriculture COVID-19 Relief Fund Subtotal Connecting New Hampshire - Emergency Broadband Expansion Program Connecting New Hampshire - Emergency Broadband Expansion Program Lapse - Connecting New Hampshire Broadband Expansion Program $6,113,250.78 $6,113,250.78 $1,313,749.22 $1,313,749.22 $7,427,000.00 $7,427,000.00 $42,335,125.53 $0.00 $0.00 $156,405.82 $938,580.00 $682,328.00 $1,854,980.00 $12,584,146.58 $26,118,685.13 $55,099,814.47 $9,023.00 $511,225.00 $1,094,650.18 $920,105.00 $3,635,067.00 $4,732,576.00 $24,915,853.42 $19,281,314.87 $97,434,940.00 $9,023.00 $511,225.00 $1,251,056.00 $1,858,685.00 $4,317,395.00 $6,587,556.00 $37,500,000.00 $45,400,000.00 $7,622.33 -$994,186.00 $1,001,808.33 $6,992,377.67 $0.00 $6,992,377.67 $7,000,000.00 -$994,186.00 $7,994,186.00 -$36,000,000.00 $36,916,473.07 $0.00 $13,083,526.93 -$36,000,000.00 $50,000,000.00 Sheet 1 (2) 1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard

Transcript of 1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard...Jan 22, 2021  · New Hampshire Chamber of Commerce...

Page 1: 1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard...Jan 22, 2021  · New Hampshire Chamber of Commerce Partnership Program Stay Safe Public Service Announcements Subtotal New Hampshire

Fund Names Program Names Allocated E xpended R emaining

Adminis t rat ive B udget Adminis t rat ive B udget


Agency Support DHHS COVID-19 Support Funds

FE M A M atch - DHHS

Department of Informat ion Technology

New Hamps hire E mployment Secur ity - CallCenter Support

M utual Link

Department of E ducat ion ILearn Sys temGrant

Department of Safety

B oard of Tax and Land Appeals


Agriculture COVID-19 R elief Fund Agriculture COVID-19 R elief Fund

Laps e - Agr iculture COVID-19 R elief Fund


Connect ing New Hamps hire - E mergencyB roadband E xpans ion Program

Connect ing New Hamps hire - E mergencyB roadband E xpans ion Program

Laps e - Connect ing New Hamps hireB roadband E xpans ion Program


















































Sheet 1 (2)

Allocated, E xpended and R emaining broken down by Fund Names and Program Names . The data is fi ltered on Date1 (M DY) and Table vs B ar Graph. TheDate1 (M DY) fi lter keeps J anuary 22, 2021. The Table vs B ar Graph fi lter ranges f rom 1 to 1.

1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard

Page 2: 1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard...Jan 22, 2021  · New Hampshire Chamber of Commerce Partnership Program Stay Safe Public Service Announcements Subtotal New Hampshire

Fund Names Program Names Allocated E xpended R emainingConnect ing New Hamps hire - E mergencyB roadband E xpans ion Program

Laps e - Connect ing New Hamps hireB roadband E xpans ion Program


Domes t ic and Sexual Violence R eliefProgram

Domes t ic and Sexual Violence R eliefProgram


Firs t R es ponder & Correct ional O� cerIncent ive St ipend Program

Firs t R es ponder & Correct ional O� cerIncent ive St ipend Program

Laps e - Firs t R es ponder St ipend Program


Healthcare Sys tem R elief Fund Healthcare Provider R elief Program

Long Term Care Provider Program

Long Term Care Facilit ies Self DirectedTes t ing and PPC

Laps e - Healthcare Provider R elief Program

Laps e - Long Term Care Provider R eliefProgram


Hous ing R elief Fund Hous ing R elief Fund


Inter-City Trans portat ion Program Inter-City Trans portat ion Program


Live Venue R elief Program















































Sheet 1 (2)

Allocated, E xpended and R emaining broken down by Fund Names and Program Names . The data is fi ltered on Date1 (M DY) and Table vs B ar Graph. TheDate1 (M DY) fi lter keeps J anuary 22, 2021. The Table vs B ar Graph fi lter ranges f rom 1 to 1.

1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard

Page 3: 1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard...Jan 22, 2021  · New Hampshire Chamber of Commerce Partnership Program Stay Safe Public Service Announcements Subtotal New Hampshire

Fund Names Program Names Allocated E xpended R emainingInter-City Trans portat ion Program Subtotal

Live Venue R elief Program Live Venue R elief Program


Long Term Care Stabilizat ion Program Long Term Care Stabilizat ion Program

Laps e - Long Term Care Stabilizat ionProgram


M ain Street R elief Fund M ain Street R elief Fund

M ain Street R elief Fund 2.0

Self E mployed Livelihood Fund (SE LF)

Laps es - M ain Street R elief Fund


M ental Health and Subs tance Us eDis order (SUD) Support and R elief FundFor Adults

Addit ional Subs tance Us e Dis order (SUD)As s ociated Programs

R es pite Care Services

R ecovery Hous ing COVID-19 R elief Program

Clos ed Loop R eferral Sys tem

R ental As s is tance


M unicipal COVID-19 Cos t R eimburs ementProgram

















































Sheet 1 (2)

Allocated, E xpended and R emaining broken down by Fund Names and Program Names . The data is fi ltered on Date1 (M DY) and Table vs B ar Graph. TheDate1 (M DY) fi lter keeps J anuary 22, 2021. The Table vs B ar Graph fi lter ranges f rom 1 to 1.

1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard

Page 4: 1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard...Jan 22, 2021  · New Hampshire Chamber of Commerce Partnership Program Stay Safe Public Service Announcements Subtotal New Hampshire

Fund Names Program Names Allocated E xpended R emaining

M ental Health and Subs tance Us eDis order (SUD) Support and R elief FundFor Adults Subtotal

M unicipal & County COVID-19 Cos tR eimburs ement Program

M unicipal COVID-19 Cos t R eimburs ementProgram

County COVID-19 Cos t R eimburs ementProgram

Laps e - M unicipal and County COVID-19 Cos tR eimburs ement Program


New Hamps hire Acces s To J us t ice Fund Safer Courthous es Program

J udicial Council Programs

Laps e - J udicial Council Programs


New Hamps hire Childcare R ecovery andStabilizat ion Program (CCR SP)

New Hamps hire Childcare R ecovery andStabilizat ion Program (CCR SP)


New Hamps hire COVID CommunitySupport Program

New Hamps hire COVID Community SupportProgram

O� ce of the Child Advocate


New Hamps hire E conomic R es tart FundNew Hamps hire Chamber of CommercePartners hip Program

Stay Safe Public Service Announcements


New Hamps hire E conomy R es tart Fund

















































Sheet 1 (2)

Allocated, E xpended and R emaining broken down by Fund Names and Program Names . The data is fi ltered on Date1 (M DY) and Table vs B ar Graph. TheDate1 (M DY) fi lter keeps J anuary 22, 2021. The Table vs B ar Graph fi lter ranges f rom 1 to 1.

1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard

Page 5: 1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard...Jan 22, 2021  · New Hampshire Chamber of Commerce Partnership Program Stay Safe Public Service Announcements Subtotal New Hampshire

Fund Names Program Names Allocated E xpended R emainingNew Hamps hire E conomic R es tart Fund Subtotal

New Hamps hire E conomy R es tart Fund New Hamps hire E conomy R es tart Fund


New Hamps hire Food B ank Grant New Hamps hire Food B ank Grant


New Hamps hire Front line Protect iveW orker St ipend Program

New Hamps hire Front line Protect ive W orkerSt ipend Program


New Hamps hire General As s is tance &Pres ervat ion (GAP) Fund

New Hamps hire General As s is tance &Pres ervat ion (GAP) Fund

Laps e - NH GAP Fund


New Hamps hire General Court COVID-19R eimburs ement Grant

New Hamps hire General Court COVID-19R eimburs ement Grant


New Hamps hire Higher E ducat ionCOVID-19 R es pons e Fund

Public Higher E ducat ion Sys tem R eliefProgram - USNH

Public Higher E ducat ion Sys tem R eliefProgram - CCSNH

Safer Scholars - COVID-19 CampusM odifi cat ion Program


New Hamps hire Internet Cr imes Agains tChildren Tas kforce Grant

New Hamps hire Internet Cr imes Agains tChildren Tas kforce Grant





















































Sheet 1 (2)

Allocated, E xpended and R emaining broken down by Fund Names and Program Names . The data is fi ltered on Date1 (M DY) and Table vs B ar Graph. TheDate1 (M DY) fi lter keeps J anuary 22, 2021. The Table vs B ar Graph fi lter ranges f rom 1 to 1.

1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard

Page 6: 1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard...Jan 22, 2021  · New Hampshire Chamber of Commerce Partnership Program Stay Safe Public Service Announcements Subtotal New Hampshire

Fund Names Program Names Allocated E xpended R emainingNew Hamps hire Internet Cr imes Agains tChildren Tas kforce Grant

New Hamps hire Internet Cr imes Agains tChildren Tas kforce Grant


New Hamps hire Inves t in the FutureFund

Special E ducat ion Provider Grant Program

E mpowering Youth Program

Governor ' s Youth Council Program

E ducat ion E nr ichment Provider Program

Support for E SL R emote Learning

Support ing Children In Care Program

Laps e - Governor ' s Youth Council Program


New Hamps hire Liquor Commis s ionE mployee W ages E nhancement

New Hamps hire Liquor Commis s ionE mployee W ages E nhancement


New Hamps hire Veterans COVID-19R elief and Support Fund

New Hamps hire Veterans Homeles s nes sand M ental Health Support and R eliefProgram

Tradit ional Veterans Services and VeteranService Organizat ions (VSO) SupportPrograms

Addit ional Veteran Support


New Hamps hire VolunteersNew Hamps hire Volunteers COVID-19R es pons e Program

Laps e - NH Volunteers













































Sheet 1 (2)

Allocated, E xpended and R emaining broken down by Fund Names and Program Names . The data is fi ltered on Date1 (M DY) and Table vs B ar Graph. TheDate1 (M DY) fi lter keeps J anuary 22, 2021. The Table vs B ar Graph fi lter ranges f rom 1 to 1.

1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard

Page 7: 1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard...Jan 22, 2021  · New Hampshire Chamber of Commerce Partnership Program Stay Safe Public Service Announcements Subtotal New Hampshire

Fund Names Program Names Allocated E xpended R emainingNew Hamps hire Volunteers

New Hamps hire Volunteers COVID-19R es pons e Program

Laps e - NH Volunteers


Nonprofi t E mergency R elief Fund (NE R F) Nonprofi t E mergency R elief Fund (NE R F)

Laps e - Nonprofi t E mergency R elief Fund(NE R F)


Public School COVID-19 Support Fund Public School COVID-19 Support Fund


R elief and R ecovery - UnemploymentTrus t Fund

R elief and R ecovery - UnemploymentTrus t Fund


Safer Spaces – COVID-19 ShelterM odifi cat ion Program

Safer Spaces – COVID-19 ShelterM odifi cat ion Program


Secretary of State Secretary of State


Snowmobile Snowmobile


Virtual Learning Academy Support Virtual Learning Academy Support

Laps e - Vir tual Learning Academy Support















































Sheet 1 (2)

Allocated, E xpended and R emaining broken down by Fund Names and Program Names . The data is fi ltered on Date1 (M DY) and Table vs B ar Graph. TheDate1 (M DY) fi lter keeps J anuary 22, 2021. The Table vs B ar Graph fi lter ranges f rom 1 to 1.

1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard

Page 8: 1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard...Jan 22, 2021  · New Hampshire Chamber of Commerce Partnership Program Stay Safe Public Service Announcements Subtotal New Hampshire

Fund Names Program Names Allocated E xpended R emainingVir tual Learning Academy Support

Virtual Learning Academy Support

Laps e - Vir tual Learning Academy Support


R es erve Funds Hous ing R elief Fund R es erve

Laps e - Hous ing R elief R es erve Fund


Grand Total

















Sheet 1 (2)

Allocated, E xpended and R emaining broken down by Fund Names and Program Names . The data is fi ltered on Date1 (M DY) and Table vs B ar Graph. TheDate1 (M DY) fi lter keeps J anuary 22, 2021. The Table vs B ar Graph fi lter ranges f rom 1 to 1.

1/22/2021 Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard