12 rHHtIl L 01 H I- I TRUXTON KING mount It...Synopsis of Chapters Already Published Truxton King...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES FRIDAY OCTOBER 29 1909 r 12 l L TRUXTON KING A STORY OF GEORGE BARR McCJUTCHEON Copyright 1990 by Exwld M ad Company rHHtIl 1 I 1 I I I I III 1M 1 1 1 1 1 lH6 i 11 01 I X9oh 4t1XH H 1 H41K 1H X H HH t 1 1 I- c I y GRA STARK t t t- 4t i t tt It t I I I ttIIt iIIt f + + ++ + + + + + + + + + Synopsis of Chapters Already Published Truxton King New York man of twentysix beconiM an embryo slob trotter and searcher after tbe trMMurea of romance He t cnmt dtoguMad wttb the result of his travel when 1 di- rected to th country of Qnuittefc which it was saId contained the most beautiful women In U world Disappoint in DM looks of the wotm about to return h is eaM to who gun hop whom King invite out for a drink at a cafe across the street oM man tells King tory of the young prince of the realm who govern the land under a regency Hla mother and the latter an AmoricwB having bees Wiled In a railroad wreck some years before The old man reeenta all attempts to refer to hIs niece but gives King a very pod history of th and the court particularly attenttOK to John mills the Atnertcair friend ottbe priwetfs father who is the real power behind the throne As the old nan leave to return to his shop King Hods that Ue to betas police Glancing across toe street sees gun maker before he enters his shop Aa KIng saunters away the blind above the shop opens ned the gun maMwrs niece Jhn Tuilis the companion to the prince in Graustark and was sought la o af rence by men In Me principality He inert the hatred of UM Duke of PerM a miser- ly minister of tee nee although be was fond of dukes daughter the Cbunteec of Marlanx who came often to Kdelwetes The rtn grew vecp any at a meeting cabinet one day beoaoee the Duke of Pwse traduced his Unole Jack had called John Tuttle becaoee the cablnrt decided on mill advice to refrain from loan on the new railroad Tuilis and the prince war out ridlns Later in attending a military review King sees the glory ef Grawetark also its beauty ORe lady la particular interests Countess Martanx KIng vlsiu the gun again and finds the chit occupant the beautiful girl he has seen before Spantz comes In jrtstly irritated finding King and bin niece together steBB Oct of tile sbap he to by Hoblw the Cook tourist agent who Informs bin that Danatiiss wants to see himKing to sea Oa gloM Is to keep from the girt gunshop He is told that she 1 Olaa year before for conspiracy te revolutionary movement in Poland The girl wae the secretary She had a sweet- heart in perron of a prince of the royal blood in Poland but be Woe torn tag an anarchist Te neart however he v es to the guns otsjp and finds both the g rt and Snaat in She has been weeping the again He is fouowed from th hoft Mow MM prince discovers that the and KnK nleter coavent scholar together KIng Is being watched by the cost maJter wm the local to the anarchist Ins through a door In Count Mwlanx was the Olga Plata w Mad kill t Mm a nat King nyjigfe as a spy brought r i Amnfcii to Tulli prince MarlaBx lawyer BmttM- Bpeak of yow prince uuaa slaughter say she will as she has sworn defends against the suspicion of beteg a awr committee plans assassinated of wtooe daughter tho- Marians is viaitinc him A drive un to the ben asked by the She tells him the prince The coi Inspects and gioss to NIne CHiAJBTEB VTCv Air sasK nocrcHra HUT to cwwolt the J tower h- and aaked fcertlM countew so many owrd that b hind from her to the g e rf the caetle ground not by for but up the eorvettlanc in casual manner ae the watcher Mm left off Ttti cunning which maakei thoao proeeea- Jnsa there Was a wily brain behind It Thf dokefe aeeretary aneipernr tile call TulUa teN Marianx bad t Kdelweim 6 that inotntoK who was ahootlnic wild bon party In Axphaln When dOM abe reteiwr the Amerteaa acareetf MIlt W eaTs She had aaidr iwCktec et this right before What could It mean 7 I do not know ate In a day or twoT She toM abetoeo tntnka the lacowle ngK r tt thai story In full Well Iw d I beg IMrdO I beg l J In meaatte nr yeau friend Trmeton IDa wa imrtoar- sorrr time at it It aB wheo be went to th Cathedtttl In the bee C- w iau the charmta Utte- pi me more Not onlr he one but aM injt ben aaeured U royal worshiped there quite aa and as teJteiosMdv a the oommunt cant 8H did not appear More than all with tree disappointment when be ambled dawn to the armorers shop The doom w Jocked and there waa no eian of Ittk about the shuttered place The tmCt were closed on this day of rest to there was nothing left for hint to do but to slink oft to the room ID the Aetrenpeta there to read or to play solitaire and to curse the proareea of civilization Monday was little better than Sun WATCH SPECIAL Th i m handsomely engraved Gold Watch a regular Andrew Jeweler and Optician 732 Seventh St N W he be thre bit Ja whsn be lIeU In the gun chop tile girl of his This young woma be the vleee of tile old tile The the try cam watch by BareIL of be three mOllRteet ccidiers tldklag te the old send a ally in 4tnDP- Uon was a power for great good the- m Et the W 1t littler of tile Ie granting to RUN1 the of mak- Ing a when tJtfI6 meet Trenton King and and he Is Informed that Ia the I The at guM In the Platanova tier Ier th the away from her nuweetPd ot 1M The girl warns KlIiC not to come to gun bop or to trY to Mr bY I swarthy tJHH ot Sputts tM King goes with Uobb the lok to the palace JPOuPd trMpa OU the princes private ound lid frJeD4a and goes ftIIIdaK wttIc his The telle King that old Count Marlanx going to up with bombe They crc in the pretty young aunt of the prince willi were tee oI of which Spsnti the gun leader the main en- trance be trap shop rent sad an ber of the Mea chOMa to the At meeting of In DC the Count wile the chief at the to the he interrupted by a shriek from Olga bJ against the of the innocent even though do the deed She King TIle and that Count Madanx sIIMl take the Kene W of the D1IIa Per e IIJIIC deOr a fig YialtCIr IIJ has to In perU from her Teitla of tile wiIIIIIII Mr DMIIt THE BeKt morntng before All I the on tile to hsr ia N door one mit that would heve exted by halt a donen the betore r tile wos bowleeL- b the out o that tt Ceua jeIa I with JJ NW r Aj die WN r your the nil t began aunt att- end service or tbem that family rogularty 5oo value specially f 1000 O Hutterly a mt drw zec owns Dsngicm mIciItce hnpcIv hie re cc tiege gPaol As- King accOet cad ad- vised away hat was UtM the is Ce a gencechur gSt mekjce hlnee prince Is the teI hssdunmre his leader and bee prince Is repre- sents meeting bena when proestad child she as hat the prince shad be on July two weeks hence folice POe kioen The the cestIe cerrts a The mYterb rhUb whe enU is husheii tells be asks hpr tw tk siea panin OaMrk fi en safflU o ced Jncse place tPIePhOP th been a100 sespldt at en- taltng s wend cainpSty gpes bore tw her g dIs uh- S C C e C Once dIM hay gLn ks Q I ¬ ¬ ¬ < > < < ° > day Hobbs positively refused to escort Mm to the cetin grounds again amount of bribing or browbeating could move the confounded Englishman from his stand He was wUttng to tafe ShIm anywhere else but never again would riak a peKaonally conducted tour Into hot waters royal Mr King himself to purely business call at the shop of Mr He looked long with somewhat shifty eye at the cabinet of sui leat rings and neck laces and then deported hav- ing soon the Interesting Miss PlaVanova the old man observed tondismj to roam in the young man eye he did not betray the fact at least not so any one could notice Trurtton de IMrtMl b t returned Immediately after luncheon vaguely Inclined to decide be- tween two desirable rings a pro- tracted period of iadeolsion In which Olga rematotd stubbornly out of sight announcad could net his mind and would return later for another inspectton At hiv room In the hotel he found a note addrM d to himseLf It did not have much to say but it meant a great deal There we no signature and the was that of a vuoman Pleaae do not come again That alL He laugbtKl with a line tone of de Sauce back to the at 5 oclock Jiwt to prove that nothing so towever wai9 after he taken a ten walk down Castle avenue with- a sttpvtementary stroll of little inci dent o Uide tbe grim high walls that inctoeerf the rotrnds any one had told him that he was hoping to find a crova se through could invade pttradise I make no doubt be would hays resented the soundly On the occasion of this last visit to the shop he did not star ions b t went away somewhat dazed himself the possessor of a Amerie n Baiviog come to the conclu Bion that knljclit errantry of that kind was not only profligate but distinctly irrttatm ta sense of he lAeked up Mr Hbbbs and arranged for a days ride in the Youll me Mr Hobbs by that band team your X know youre an Intemreten Its an insult to my to have it taunted tL my taco aH day long IM so take It onT before we start out tomor- row And so nrfnus the besaiUInpr Insignia Af fa e led his hypercritical patron into the mountain roads early the net morning boUt Wall mounted and provided with a luncheon large ecouch to roBtore t3i0 amiability tht- wa sure to flew at unless sus- tained by westhetib sandwiches and beer The day was brJgiUL nail clear warm in the waling Where the city lay cooler to cold as one meunteds the winding that led past the Monastery of St Valentine somber sentinel among the clouds A of Bdete als is built along the side of the mountain its narrow streets winding upward and past countless ter- races to the very base of the rocks jagged eminence at whose top a full mile above the last of houses stands the Isolated beak monastery view from these streets one enters the circuitous and hid- den monastery road that winds afar in Its climb is never to be forgotten by the spectator no matter how often be traverses the lofty thoroughfares As valley through which winds the silvery river with Its evergreen bank and spot- less whfto houses and whites that almost shame the vaunted tints of old Ireland a one views them from the steamers Immediately below ones feet lies the compact with Its red roofs and green chimney pots Its narrow streets and vivid awn ings its wMe avenue and the ancient castle to the north To south the and the bridges encircling the city a tinfok high wait and there enormous gates flanked by towers so grim and old that they seem ready to topple over from shear fatigue of centuries A soft IinlJan summer oNe he Span 8 that that he make- up handwriting w andwent timid a note stop This he rIng he did net want anti out ot pocket Jt r int admit yure you you are JJI HOBBs The be- fore far the ee flee the green city- he fortress the re- signed a a r as eauld bad Imputa- tion re- moving what say roads as can ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ hfuiga over the laayllt valley it Is al- ways so in the summer tfcne Outside the city wall si the wheat fields awl the meadops the vineyards and orchards all snug In tho nest of foresterowaed hMl whose lower are spotted with broker herds of cattle and the more mobile flocks of sheep An air of tranquillity lies low over the entire if he looks long into this peaceful bowl of plenty From distant passes in the moun- tains to the east and north come the dull intonations of dynamite blasts proving the presence of that disturbing element of progress which i the ratroed through the unbroken heart of the land It is a good three hours ride to the summit of Monastery mountain And after the height has been attained one does not to linger long among the chilly whistling with their snow crevasses and bitter winds the utter loneliness the aloofness of this frost crowned crest appalls disheartens one who loves the fair green things of life In the shelter of the crags at the base of the monastery wells looking out over the one has his luncheon and his snack of spirits quito undisturbed monks pay no heed to him They we not hospitable neith- er are they unfriendly One seldom tee them Truon King and Mr Hobbs were not tang te disposing of their lunch It too for comfort in their drafty lining room and they were not invited to enter the inhospitable gates In half alt hour they were wending their way down the north side of the peak gradually declining roads headed for the borne of the witch in Ganlook GAP some six miles from Edelweiss aa the crow flies hut twice that distance aver the tortuous bridle patha and pest rondo It was 3 oclock when they clattered down the stone road and up to the for- bidding vale in wirich lurked like an evil guilty the logbuilt home of that ancient female who made no secret of her practices in witchcraft The hut stood back from the mountain road a hundred yar4s or niece at the heed of a smair thick etgrown recess A low thatched roof protruded from the hill against which tho hut was built As a matter o fact a thla hlm ney grew out of th earth itsell for all the world like a smoking tree stump The hovel was a squalid beggary thing that might have been built over night somewhere back in the dark ages Its single door was so low that ono was obliged tb stoop to miter the little room where the dame had been holding forth for threescore years twas said This was her throne room her dining room her bed chamber her all it would seem unless one had been there before and knew that her kitchen WAS beyond n the side the hill The one window sans glass looked narrowly out upon an odd opening in the foliage below giving the occupant of the hut an un obstructed view of the winding road that led up from E3 lwei s TIle doer faced the Monastery read down wWan the two men had ridden As r the yard it as no more thnir v pebbly avalanche wept opening among the trees and rocks which in tho glacial age perhaps a thousand torrents had leaped but which wee now so dry and white and lifeless that one only think of bones bleached and pol ished by a sun that had sickened of the work a thousand years ago This brief inadequate description of the witchs hut is given in advance of the actual descen of tile pwaoBftlly- condtteted gentlenvin for the somewhat ambiguous reaam that he was to Ibid It not at all as described The two horsemen rode into the sad came plump a amall detach- ment of the royal guard mounted and rather resolute in their lack of amJa bUlly Wbfs gasped Mr drawing rein at of the pebbly dooryaccL Soldiers Id say remarked Mr King scowling quite glumly from be the rim of his panama HelloJ His eyes brightened and his hat with a TJtarete the My word eJnauNUod Mr Hobbs etch slopes s forth wa b m C talkwor o t door I upon thiS Hobbs came- o ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > and forthwith began to ransack his for the band which said he was from Cooks Farther up the glen in fact at the very door of the were ered a small but rather distinguished portion of the royal household It was not difficult to recognize the little John speak ill of his valor that we add ho was the sleekest part of that gentlemans riding beeks an earnestness betrayiid extreme trepi- dation Facing them on the stone door step was the witch herself a flguro to try the courage of a timetired hero let alone susceptibilities of a small boy in and the prince were several ladles and gentle- men all in riding garments and all more or less ill at ea f Truxton KIngs heart swelled sud- denly all the world grew bright again for him Next to the tall figure of Col onel Quinnox of tbe Royal Guard was the slim entrancing lady of his most recent princes aunt The lady of the grotto The lady of the The Marian tall and ex- quisite was a little apart from tilt others with Baron Dangloss and young Count yes Engo whom Trux ton was ready to hate because he was a recognized suitor for the hand of the slim younir person in gray He thought he had liked her beyond in crease In the rajeh silk but now he confessed to him that he was mis taken He liked her better in a gray riding habit It struck him sharply as ho sat there in the saddle that slid would be absolutely and adorably fault- less in point lace or jr lowneok or high He was for riding boldly up to little group but a very objectionable lieutenant barred the way supported in no small measure by the defection of Mr Hobbs who an nounced in a hoarse agitated whisper that hed be anaed if hed let any man make a fool of him twice over The way was made easy by the in of the alert young woman in gray She caught sight of the re- stricted adventurers 01 one of thorn to be quite accurate and after speed ing a swift smile of astonishment turned quickly to Prince Bobby- A moment later the tall with the sunbrowned face was the center of Interest to the small group at the door He bowed amiably to the smiling young person n gray and was adventuring what he conamered be a proper salute prince he observed that a few words passed between the lads aunt and John Talus who wa now surveying him with some interest prince brQke the lee he cried shrilly his little face aglow Hello responded the gentleman readily John Tuilis found himself being dragged away from the witchs door the newcomer at the bottom glen Mr Hobbs listened with deepening awe to the friendly which resulted in Truxton King going forward to join the party In front of the hut He came along in the rear after having1 tethered the tired horses not quite sure that he was awake The prince had cased him Mr Cook had asked bbs how his sons were all oC which was highly gratifying when oin pauses to con- sider that he lead get has cap band on down in his excitement He always was to wonder how the Itttle monarch succeeded in reading the title without standing on hIs heal to do so Truxton WJMI duly presented to the ladles and gentlemen of the party by John Tunis who gracefully announced that h knew parents in New York Baron Dangles waa quite an old friend if one were to judge by the manner in which greeted the youna man The lady ia gvay smiled so sweetly and nodded so that of presenting Cfng TO her as he had done U the Countess Mar and others merely said And you know one another of course she flushed very witchs prlnoe He was k1e Tullis and it Is not with a desire to the goldfish this I I re- ceived a nod In response he to ftlr the Honor I r JJ t his te anx II pock ts ehind conspiracy quick toward con- versation Whereupon ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ prettily and felt constrained to avoid Truxtons look of inquiry He did not lose his wits vowed acquiesenct and assumed that he knew As a result of tbe combined suppli- cations of the entire party old them her hovel where in ex change for small pieces of silver she would undertake certain manifestations in necromancy Truxton King scarcely able to be lieve his fortune crowded into the loathsome squnlW room with his aristocratic managing with considerable to his charming friend They stood back table where the hag ocupied herself with a crystal Never had Truxton looked upon a creature who so thoroughly vindicated the h had put in the description of witches given by the farytale tellers of his earliest youth She had the traditional hook nose and peaked cbin the eyes the thousand wrinkles and toothless gurus He looked about for the raven and the cat but if she had them they were not in evidenc At a rough guess he calculated her age at years A youth of extreme laziness whY Baron Dangloss said was the old womans grandson appeared to be her manof Jillworrf He fetched the old womans crystal placed st ola for the visitors lighted the candle on the table occupy ing no los stlian a quarter of an in performing these arts so awk- ward that at least two of his observers giggled openly and whispered their opinions Gruesome lady isnt she whispered King I shall dream of her for months whispered the lady in gray shuddering Are you to her read your future in that hell you realty think she can tell I had a fortuneteller that I would be married before I waa twenty three he informed her She appeared interested And were you No gut she did her part you know moon She warned you I see So It wasnt her fault She was watching the preparations at the table eagsr eyes her and her breath coming quick through excitement Would you mind telling he I am to address u whispered King They wore leaning aeainet the wal near Ute little window side by side whimsical smile that every one lovwd to see was on his in his eyes Yen see Im a stranger- in a strange land That accounts for my ignorance You must not speak whHe she is gazing into the crystal she warned after a quick searching glance at his lace He could have sworn that he saw a gleam of concern in her eyes followed instantly by a twinkle that meant mis chiefPlease consider my plight he im plored I cant call you Aunt t woman grudgingly concented to take i ldd others UP to the th 1 onc t Loraine you know say lip hew T ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ She laughed and turned her heed to deote her entire attention to the scene at the table Truxton Kin was in a sudden state ef trepidation Had he offended her was a hot rush of blood to his ears He missed the sly wondering glance that she gave him out ef the corner of her eye a mo- ment later Although it was broad daylight the low stuffy room would dark not been for the flickering candles on table beside gray head of the mumbling fortune tel ler whose bony twitched over and about the crystal globe like sting serpents tails The window or no light and the door closed the grinning grandson leaning against It llmplir The picture wan a weird uncanny one despite the gay appearance ef the visitors The old woman in high shrill tones had commanded silence The men obey- ed with a erlm while the women seemed really awed by their sur- roundings The Continuation of This Story Will Be Found In Tomorrows lance of The Tlmiss the n 11I U gAve ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Milk from HighBred Holsteins Six Cents Per QuartT- hat is what Van Camps Milk actually means A rich sterile milk the best milk and cream for every purpose always on hand when wanted n 4g Tiheflc fe can you get of Van milk will open a new era in your household econ omy No more buying from hand to mouth no more shortage no more waste No more germladen milk for your table No more halfmilk skimmed or settled to be used in cooking No more milk from mongrel cows nothing but genuine Holstein That is why you wont go bank to the milkman when we once win you away No Tubercular Cows The chief danger in raw milk He in tuber- cular germ Millions of infected cows milked every day are spreading consumption at a terrible rate That is why every authority advises steril- ized milk Van Camps milk is sterilized but that isnt alL Our are inspected so we know none is infected Our dairies are sanitary in the extreme Our evaporating plants are built without wood We employ every modem precaution The result is a milk which is utterly sterile A milk that is safe without a germ of any kind in it Rich Holstein Milk We buy none but Holstein cows the worlds finest breed famed for thoir splen- did vitality The milk from such cows is immeasurably better for children than the milk of mongrel cows Camps cows ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ This milk fresh from the cows is placed- in a vacuum And a moderate heat because of the vacuum throws off the water in steam Thus we take out twothirds of the water and the milk that results is as thick as thick cream It contains 28 cent total solids and 8 per cent butter fat We use no no starch no preserva tive Van Camps is simply rich milk for convenience in shipping Six Cents Per Quart The cost of Van Camps when you re place the water which we evaporate is about air cents per quart The IDcent can contains a full pint of milk reduced to the minimum And grocers give discounts on cases So Van Camps is cheaper than raw milk because your milkmans daily delivery costs more than the milk itself And you have no waste when you use Van Camps You never have milk left over You open a can when you want it and it keeps till you use it up A Cow in the KitchenV- an Camps ricans a cow in the kitchen Rich milk or cream for every purpose all you want and all the time Add one part water for coffee or cereals It is then like the richest cream For cook ing or drinking reduce as you like Van Camps to milk dishes twice the richness and flavor that get from raw milk For this is whole milk with all the butter fat all the solids in it In milkmans milk the butter fat rises and the solids fall You dont get the whole milk pee Holstein ¬ ¬ ¬ from any part of the can Then you let it stand it separates more So the milk used for cooking rarely more than a halfmilk Youll be amazed at the flavor which Van Camps gives to mite dishes Not the slight almond flavor due to sterilization apparent when Van Camps is drunk cold You get that same flavor from milkmans milk when you heat it The delicious flavor that Van Camps gives to milk dishes is due to the richness the wholeness of the milk Dont be Misled If you want Holstein milk reduced to the minimum you will always insist on Van Camps Others may claim that common milk only partly reduced is just as good as Van Camps But it isnt And dont think that condensed Txlk which is nearly half sugar is anythin like Van Camps Van Camps contains no sugar no addition whatever Sugar was used to milk before the days of sterilization It is entirely unneces- sary now If you want sugar you can buy it for half what it costs in a can of milk And condensed milk because of the sugar is unfit for cooking You cant use it as can Van Camps So please let no one mis- lead 16oz can of Van Camps sells for 10 cents the 6oz can for So you get for your money in buying the larger cans Grocers give discounts on cases The milk ia produced at our dairies located STERILIZED and Scents onethird more six states you- Th ¬ ¬ Van Camp Packing Co Indianapolis Ind Evaporated Sterilized Unsweetened Van Camps Milk 1 tkltJ l es I A I AMUSEMENTS Thnr Sat TONIGHT I VTSL A ESAU AT 81 5I Announces MR LOUIS MANN Jn His Now YorkChicaaoBoston Hit SPHE MAX WTSO STOOD STILL NEXT X S SIRE WEEK I presents The Funniest Woman on the Stage MAY ROBSONI- N The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary Seats now 50c to 150 Mats Soc to 1 MR FRED HIBLO From Blarney CasKe to Giants Causeway SOc 7Sc and 100 NEW HAT90HAL Saturday FROHMANS BIG COMEDY COMPANY INCLUDING G P HUNTLEY IN KITTY JULIA SANDERSON as NEXT SELLING MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY COHAN AND HARRIS PRESENT Mr J E HOUSE DODSON NEXT DOOR- By J HARTLEY MANNERS TWO SEASONS ORIGINAL CAST IN NEW YORK AND PRODUCTION oe256t BELASOQ Tonight Matinee Saturday Night Soc to 2 Mats SIc to 9150 Tie row Musical Comedy THE GOLDEN WIDOW IOUISE BEUSSSXB CO EDISS AliEKAinJES CL- a d a Notable Cast NEXT NOW LACK AYE In ClevcJaid Mofferts Great Play THE BATTLE IRE N D Prices25c NEXT Tonight at 8l5 Matinee MUSICAL GREY KITTY WEEKSEATS THE IN WEEK EArS xI2j L SUNDAYSCOTLA3i- oc25t I I MR- WITON 1 US V MATS TUES MwM El THURS SAT LIEBLEB COS PRODUCTION THE SQUAW MANB- y Efiw n Milton Royle Next Week Spooner in The Little Terror ocSSt Daily Mat 28c Eves 2 5 c and The lar Melody Maket CARYL HENRY CO MaeLarens Vitagraph Next Week Ralph C Herz late star of The Soul Kiss Laekys Twentieth Century Limited Etc o 5 t B LYCEUM I DAILY I ALL THIS WEEK THE LADY BUCGAHEERS WITH JOS K WATSON AND 40 11 PROVOKERS 40 MOSTLY GIRLS AND GIRLIES NEXT Hayes in The Umpire oc36st Gayety Theatre 9ih Street Near F- ALL TgIS WKBKMATINKB EVERY DAY Rice and Bartons Big Gaiety Company In the Musical Sxtravaganzo A Night at Brighton Beach Special American Pour Next RUNAWAY GIRLS 0 rft BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA MAX FIEDLER Conductor SEASON OF FIVE CONCERTS Tuesdays Nov Dec 7 Jan 11 Monday Feb 21 and Tuesday March NATIONAL THEATER 4 t SOLOISTS MME CORINNE RIDER XBLSBY- MI8CHA ELMAX MME SAMARO3TF WILLY H7SS- Prleeo ft the awtcena 7 M JXtt new on sale at Wlla R tteket efflee In Dreen store MS Pa aye M- Oreeee Local Manager oeMlf- eJANGING Wa Armory The Davieoas Daaees Every Wed and Sat Evening AUTUMN RESORTS Atlantic City SUPERB rail service to the popular Fall Atlantic City N J se8mvfm Ostrich Plume Week OneHalf French Plumes and Willow Plumes in all the new esters at to K leas than regu- lar prices OneThird Christian Xanders i Wines and DistillatesIm- ported direct from France e Great saving effected by laying iy- a supply before November 1 when 5 the high tariff JOts into effect 5 Quality nnq 7U Cf Pone M 27- 4Miou MO branch houses AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Gent Weather Strips We art ijallty felt at 1 cent a good weather foot All lengths Hardware Store JO UOS7 7th Street JOHNSON Prop oCHtf- 6 Nil JAII MR GUS EDWARDS Amedeas 3on Popu 8 Co Lee Canine Stone Five WEEKEdmond New FeatureThe WeekCLARKS MUSIC odItStuwt Save To BON MARCHE314316 7th St YYVVYYVVVYVVYVyyyyy VV A AA A AA An Per selling F MORSRi J 9 ae seats latioeal B- eset I aol trIp itI3E ¬ > > mount Vernon Seminary Southwest Corner of fil and Eleventh Streets Preparatory Collegiate PostQraanat and Special Courses TWrtyflf year op a n Tuesday October Filth Sirs znizaBotb J SomorB Mrs AdellA Oaten Hensley selSaet Principals 180000000 AXXUAL SALARIEg typewriting beokkeeotec a d BelUh School tt year Catalogue tree Ph e 3 Iii East CapltoJ TIlE Berlitz School- OF LANGUAGES T28 11U St N W OTHER BRANCH IK WASHINGTON Telephone Main ft 7 X IN ALL LEADING CITIES Private and Class at School er Be l demo Day and Evening Best Native Teash ers Psplte and speak Ue sew toaettage exdustveiy from the Stat lesson Trial les free Free conversation circles and pro ncHclatlon cOurse EVENING POPULAR CLASSES PER MONTH NOTICE The BerllU School dees net vassers In order to avoid all ar ningemenU should be wade at the office by mall or telephone sef3wfStitn3et Special rates for complete stenographic course Individual Pcsitlooi uarau ed Shorthand taught ISO hour study STENOGRAPHIC Mrs TOL J ERSKINE Principal Building eWmw eet Mrs TMIwt w toi anaouaces a shor summer course of ten lessons f r teaehers Music room Belasco Theater ST MARGARETS- Day and Boarding School and Connecticut and California Avenue Miss Llpplnoett and His Principal ei 7S t- Our Work Is to Train Totmg Men and Women for the Bust ness World OUR INSTRUCTIONS are bualnes Hues giving practical training tri reneral office work OUR SCHOOL is equipped trlA every ap pliance used In tho baalness office OUR INSTRUCTORS are men with practtcw business experience WRITE TODAY FOR OUR ADVANCE CATALOGO- ESTBATEJlS BUSINESS Klnth and P Street K W OLD MASONIC TEMPLE se23tf THE BUSSES ASTMA2TS SCHOOL POS GZSZiB 1305 Seventeenth St Cor r sir Ave Send for Catalogue eeLtf FLYNNS BUSINESS COLLEGE iSSllSSX Shorthand type ritlne bookkeeping peq manshlp number limited 6 a month Mrs EMILY A FLYNN EXCURSIONS NEW NORFOLK LINE 9 Round UU way I Trip fcOiUU Special WeekEnd Excursion- To Old Point and Korf one BOUND TBZP 9200 Boat laves Saturday o p m Potomac and Chesapeake Steamboat Company Steamer Sf Johns Soatabooad utay Tbandar ttur day Leave Washington from 8th st wear 5 p m Alexandria 5M p JR Beach p m Arrive Old 6 a In Norfolk 7 a m Northbound Sunday a 4 Fri day Leave Norfolk from Com wrce at dock 4 W Old Point p m Ostonlal Beach M midnight Arrive Alexandria 5 a m Washington Connoetloas at Colonial Bench and Wash ington with local steamers for Potomac River landings At Norfolk sad Washington srtth lines diverging firstClass Service Throughout W F CARNE Jr W B ZUO BRT Geal Agt Vie President Qw Mgr CO Every day In Ute year for Fort Monroe tk vu pert News Norfolk and Lv XVsshUm pmlLv Portsmouth t pro Lv Alexandria 7 6 pra Ar Ft Mo rr 7 amjLv Ft Monroe pm Ar Norfolk t 0 amAr AVexaadrtaS am Wa8hiHKtonT am Ticket Office TM Utk at Boed BMMing Phone Main IBM 7th St Wharf Phone Main nM W H CALLAHAN Qeal pass Agt You Can Get It at Andrews STATIONERY SPECIALS 48 SHEETS AND ENVELOPES regular SOc quality THIS WEEK ONLY R P ANDREWS PAPER CO Largest Paper Houss South of New York 6252729 La Ave N W THE COFFEE THAT BETTERS THE BREAKFAST SENATE BLEND COFFEE Pound The Great Atlantic Pacific Tea Co Main Store 607 7th st 9 branches In the city One Near You ewizig Ma chines Repaired Put into first class condition for l immediate use Ve carry a complete line of sewing ma chines a t low OPPENHEIMERS 5149th St J Washingtons Leading Sewlnjr Ma- ll Woods brand an CommercIal Dan ecfMdtt NO U SHOnTXAliD A1iD Old berg swfSu28t alon COLLEGE n W r8lh K fw 3JGuLAB and PaInt II IlL tt NORFOLK T Norfolk Newport News and points palace steagars SouUaillaul New Lv Nortok 1 amlAr t 3 5 C i I III 25c V 1000 ne 13 ron cane TYEEWRITmG Co1era4 of Baker ocSt and T4Z One ii wednee I I a e 4 VASIHNQTON steel settc- ao 0 4 O C ee e se s S C SS su- rprisingly 0 1 ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + =

Transcript of 12 rHHtIl L 01 H I- I TRUXTON KING mount It...Synopsis of Chapters Already Published Truxton King...

Page 1: 12 rHHtIl L 01 H I- I TRUXTON KING mount It...Synopsis of Chapters Already Published Truxton King New York man of twentysix beconiM an embryo slob trotter and searcher after tbe trMMurea





GEORGE BARR McCJUTCHEONCopyright 1990 by Exwld M ad Company

rHHtIl 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1M 1 1 1 1 1 lH6 i 11 01 I X9oh 4t1XH H 1 H41K 1H XH HH t 1 1 I-





4ti t t t It t I I I ttIIt iIIt f

+ + ++ + +

+ ++ + ++ +Synopsis of Chapters Already Published

Truxton King New York man oftwentysix beconiM an embryo slobtrotter and searcher after tbe trMMureaof romance He t cnmt dtoguMad wttbthe result of his travel when 1 di-rected to th country of Qnuittefc whichit was saId contained the most beautifulwomen In U world Disappoint in DMlooks of the wotmabout to return h

is eaM towho gun

hop whom King invite out for a drinkat a cafe across the street oM mantells King tory of the young princeof the realm who govern the land undera regency Hla mother and thelatter an AmoricwB having bees WiledIn a railroad wreck some years beforeThe old man reeenta all attempts to referto hIs niece but gives King a very podhistory of th and the courtparticularly attenttOK to Johnmills the Atnertcair friend ottbe priwetfsfather who is the real power behind thethrone As the old nan leave to returnto his shop King Hods that Ue to betaspolice Glancing across toe street sees

gun maker before he enters his shop AaKIng saunters away the blind above theshop opens ned the gun maMwrs niece

Jhn Tuilis the companion to the princein Graustark

and was sought la o af rence bymen In Me principality He inert

the hatred of UM Duke of PerM a miser-ly minister of tee nee although be was

fond of dukes daughter theCbunteec of Marlanx who came

often to Kdelwetes The rtngrew vecp any at a meetingcabinet one day beoaoee the Duke of Pwsetraduced his Unole Jack hadcalled John Tuttle becaoee the cablnrtdecided on mill advice to refrain from

loan on the new railroadTuilis and the prince war out ridlns

Later inattending a military review King seesthe glory ef Grawetark also itsbeauty ORe lady la particular interests

Countess MartanxKIng vlsiu the gun again and

finds the chit occupant the beautiful girlhe has seen beforeSpantz comes In jrtstly irritatedfinding King and bin niece together

steBB Oct of tile sbap he toby Hoblw the Cook tourist agent whoInforms bin that Danatiiss wants to seehimKing to sea Oa gloM Is

to keep from the girtgunshop He is told that she 1 Olaa

year before for conspiracy terevolutionary movement in Poland Thegirl wae the secretary She had a sweet-heart in perron of a prince of theroyal blood in Poland but be Woe torn

tag an anarchist Te nearthowever he v es to the guns otsjpand finds both the g rt and Snaat inShe has been weeping

the againHe is fouowed from th hoft

Mow MM prince

discovers that the and KnK nletercoavent scholar together

KIng Is being watched by the costmaJter wm the local

to the anarchistIns through a door InCount Mwlanx was theOlga Plata w

Madkill t Mma nat King nyjigfeas a spy brought r i Amnfcii toTulli princeMarlaBx lawyer BmttM-

Bpeak of yow princeuuaa

slaughtersay she will

as she has sworn defendsagainst the suspicion of beteg a awrcommittee plansassassinated

of wtooe daughter tho-Marians is viaitinc him Adrive un to the

ben asked by theShe tells him the prince

The coiInspectsandgioss toNIne


Air sasK nocrcHra HUT

to cwwolt theJ tower h-

and aaked fcertlM countewso many owrd that b hind

from her to the g e rf thecaetle ground not byforbut

up the eorvettlanc incasual manner ae the watcherMm left off Ttticunning which maakei thoao proeeea-Jnsa there Was a wily brain behind It

Thf dokefe aeeretary aneipernr tilecall TulUa

teN Marianx bad t Kdelweim6 that inotntoKwho was ahootlnic wild bonparty In Axphaln

When dOM abe reteiwrthe Amerteaa acareetf MIlt WeaTs She had aaidr iwCktec et thisright before What could It mean 7

I do not know ateIn a day or twoTShe toM abetoeo tntnka

the lacowle ngK r tt thaistory In full

Well Iw dI beg IMrdOI beg l J

In meaatte nr yeaufriend Trmeton IDa wa imrtoar-sorrr time at it It aB wheo bewent to th Cathedtttl In the bee C-

w iau the charmta Utte-pi me more Not onlr he

one but aMinjt ben aaeured U royalworshiped there quite aa andas teJteiosMdv a the oommuntcant 8H did not appear

More than all with treedisappointment when be ambled dawnto the armorers shop The doom wJocked and there waa no eian of Ittkabout the shuttered place The tmCtwere closed on this day of rest to therewas nothing left for hint to do but toslink oft to the room ID the Aetrenpetathere to read or to play solitaire andto curse the proareea of civilization

Monday was little better than Sun

WATCH SPECIALTh i m handsomely

engraved GoldWatch a regular


Jeweler and Optician732 Seventh St N W


be thre bit Jawhsn be lIeU In

the gun chop tile girl of hisThis young woma be the

vleee of tile old tile



watch by BareIL ofbe

three mOllRteet ccidiers tldklag te the old

send a ally in 4tnDP-Uon

was a power for great goodthe-

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granting to RUN1 the of mak-Ing a

when tJtfI6 meet Trenton King


and he Is Informed that Ia the



guMIn the

Platanova tier Ierth the

away from her nuweetPd ot 1M

The girl warns KlIiC not to come togun bop or to trY to Mr

bY I

swarthy tJHH ot Sputts tMKing goes with Uobb the lokto the palace JPOuPd trMpa OU theprinces private ound lid frJeD4aand goes ftIIIdaK wttIc his

The telle King that old CountMarlanx going toup with bombe They crc inthe pretty young aunt of the prince willi


tee oI of which Spsnti the gunleader the main en-

trance betrap shop

rent sadan

ber of the Mea chOMa tothe At

meeting of

In DC the Countwile

the chief at the tothe he

interrupted by a shriek fromOlga bJ against the

of the innocent eventhough do the deed

She KingTIle

and that Count Madanx sIIMltake theKene W of the D1IIa

Per e IIJIICdeOr a

figYialtCIr IIJ

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perU from herTeitla of tile


THEBeKt morntng before

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cedJncse place tPIePhOP



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day Hobbs positively refused to escortMm to the cetin grounds againamount of bribing or browbeating couldmove the confounded Englishman fromhis stand He was wUttng to tafe ShImanywhere else but never again would

riak a peKaonally conducted tourInto hot waters royal Mr King

himself to purely business callat the shop of Mr He lookedlong with somewhat shifty eye atthe cabinet of sui leat rings and necklaces and then deported hav-ing soon the Interesting Miss PlaVanova

the old man observed tondismj toroam in the young man eye he didnot betray the fact at least not soany one could notice Trurtton deIMrtMl b t returned Immediately afterluncheon vaguely Inclined to decide be-tween two desirable rings a pro-tracted period of iadeolsion In whichOlga rematotd stubbornly out of sight

announcad could nethis mind and would return later foranother inspectton

At hiv room In the hotel he found anote addrM d to himseLf It did nothave much to say but it meant a greatdeal There we no signature and thewas that of a vuoman

Pleaae do not come again ThatalLHe laugbtKl with a line tone of deSauce back to the at5 oclock Jiwt to prove that nothing so

towever wai9 after he taken aten walk down Castle avenue with-a sttpvtementary stroll of little incident o Uide tbe grim high walls thatinctoeerf the rotrnds any one hadtold him that he was hopingto find a crova se throughcould invade pttradise I make no doubtbe would hays resented thesoundly On the occasion of thislast visit to the shop he did not starions b t went away somewhat dazed

himself the possessor of aAmerie n Baiviog come to the concluBion that knljclit errantry of that kindwas not only profligate but distinctlyirrttatm ta sense of helAeked up Mr Hbbbs and arranged fora days ride in the

Youll me Mr Hobbs bythat band team your X

know youre an Intemreten Its aninsult to my to have ittaunted tL my taco aH day long IM

sotake It onT before we start out tomor-row

And so nrfnus the besaiUInpr InsigniaAf fa e led his hypercriticalpatron into the mountain roads earlythe net morning boUt Wall mountedand provided with a luncheon largeecouch to roBtore t3i0 amiability tht-wa sure to flew at unless sus-tained by westhetib sandwiches andbeer

The day was brJgiUL nail clear warmin the waling Where the city lay coolerto cold as one meunteds the winding

that led past the Monasteryof St Valentine somber sentinel amongthe clouds

A of Bdete als is built along theside of the mountain its narrow streetswinding upward and past countless ter-races to the very base of the rocksjagged eminence at whose top a fullmile above the last of housesstands the Isolated beak monastery

view from these streetsone enters the circuitous and hid-

den monastery road that winds afarin Its climb is never to be forgotten bythe spectator no matter how often betraverses the lofty thoroughfares Asvalley through which winds the silveryriver with Its evergreen bank and spot-less whfto houses and whitesthat almost shame the vaunted tints ofold Ireland a one views them from thesteamers Immediately belowones feet lies the compactwith Its red roofs and green chimneypots Its narrow streets and vivid awnings its wMe avenue and the ancientcastle to the north To south the

and the bridges encircling thecity a tinfok high wait andthere enormous gates flanked by towersso grim and old that they seem readyto topple over from shear fatigue ofcenturies A soft IinlJan summer






that he make-up


andwenttimid a note stop This


rInghe did net want anti out ot pocket Jt


intadmit yure you you are


The be-fore

far the ee flee the green




re-signed a



as eauldbad



what say


as can









hfuiga over the laayllt valley it Is al-ways so in the summer tfcne

Outside the city wall si the wheatfields awl the meadops the vineyardsand orchards all snug In tho nest offoresterowaed hMl whose lowerare spotted with broker herds of cattleand the more mobile flocks of sheepAn air of tranquillity lies low over theentire if he looks longinto this peaceful bowl of plenty

From distant passes in the moun-tains to the east and north come thedull intonations of dynamite blastsproving the presence of that disturbingelement of progress which i theratroed through the unbroken heart ofthe land

It is a good three hours ride to thesummit of Monastery mountain Andafter the height has been attained onedoes not to linger long among thechilly whistling with their snowcrevasses and bitter winds the utterloneliness the aloofness of this frostcrowned crest appalls disheartens onewho loves the fair green things oflife In the shelter of the crags at thebase of the monastery wells lookingout over the one has hisluncheon and his snack of spirits quitoundisturbed monks pay no heedto him They we not hospitable neith-er are they unfriendly One seldom teethemTruon King and Mr Hobbs were nottang te disposing of their lunch Ittoo for comfort in their draftylining room and they were not invited

to enter the inhospitable gates In halfalt hour they were wending their waydown the north side of the peakgradually declining roads headed forthe borne of the witchin Ganlook GAP some six miles fromEdelweiss aa the crow flies hut twicethat distance aver the tortuous bridlepatha and pest rondo

It was 3 oclock when they clattereddown the stone road and up to the for-bidding vale in wirich lurked like anevil guilty the logbuilt home ofthat ancient female who made no secretof her practices in witchcraft The hutstood back from the mountain road ahundred yar4s or niece at the heed ofa smair thick etgrown recess

A low thatched roof protruded fromthe hill against which tho hut wasbuilt As a matter o fact a thla hlmney grew out of th earth itsell forall the world like a smoking tree stumpThe hovel was a squalid beggary thingthat might have been built over nightsomewhere back in the dark ages Itssingle door was so low that ono wasobliged tb stoop to miter the little roomwhere the dame had been holding forthfor threescore years twas said Thiswas her throne room her dining roomher bed chamber her all it would seemunless one had been there before andknew that her kitchen WAS beyond nthe side the hill The one windowsans glass looked narrowly out uponan odd opening in the foliage belowgiving the occupant of the hut an unobstructed view of the winding roadthat led up from E3 lwei s TIle doerfaced the Monastery read down wWanthe two men had ridden As rthe yard it as no more thnir vpebbly avalanche wept opening amongthe trees and rocks which in thoglacial age perhaps a thousand torrentshad leaped but which wee now so dryand white and lifeless that oneonly think of bones bleached and polished by a sun that had sickened of thework a thousand years ago

This brief inadequate description ofthe witchs hut is given in advance ofthe actual descen of tile pwaoBftlly-condtteted gentlenvin for the somewhatambiguous reaam that he was to IbidIt not at all as described

The two horsemen rode into thesad came plump a amall detach-ment of the royal guard mounted andrather resolute in their lack of amJabUlly

Wbfs gasped Mrdrawing rein at of the pebblydooryaccL

Soldiers Id say remarked MrKing scowling quite glumly from bethe rim of his panama HelloJ

His eyes brightened and his hatwith a TJtarete theMy word eJnauNUod Mr Hobbs






bmC talkwor





thiS Hobbs










and forthwith began to ransack hisfor the band which said he was

from CooksFarther up the glen in fact at thevery door of the were

ered a small but rather distinguishedportion of the royal household It wasnot difficult to recognize the little

Johnspeak ill of his valor that we add howas the sleekest part of thatgentlemans riding beeks anearnestness betrayiid extreme trepi-dation Facing them on the stone doorstep was the witch herself a flguro totry the courage of a timetired hero letalone susceptibilities of a small boyin and theprince were several ladles and gentle-men all in riding garments and all moreor less ill at ea f

Truxton KIngs heart swelled sud-denly all the world grew bright againfor him Next to the tall figure of Colonel Quinnox of tbe Royal Guard wasthe slim entrancing lady of his mostrecent princes aunt Thelady of the grotto The lady of the

The Marian tall and ex-quisite was a little apart from tiltothers with Baron Dangloss andyoung Count yes Engo whom Truxton was ready to hate because he wasa recognized suitor for the hand ofthe slim younir person in gray Hethought he had liked her beyond increase In the rajeh silk but now heconfessed to him that he was mistaken He liked her better in a grayriding habit It struck him sharply asho sat there in the saddle that slidwould be absolutely and adorably fault-less in point lace or jr

lowneok or high He was forriding boldly up to little group buta very objectionable lieutenant barredthe way supported in no small measureby the defection of Mr Hobbs who announced in a hoarse agitated whisperthat hed be anaed if hed let any manmake a fool of him twice over

The way was made easy by the inof the alert young woman

in gray She caught sight of the re-stricted adventurers 01 one of thornto be quite accurate and after speeding a swift smile of astonishmentturned quickly to Prince Bobby-

A moment later the tallwith the sunbrowned face was thecenter of Interest to the small groupat the door He bowed amiably to thesmiling young person n gray andwas adventuring what he conamered

be a proper salute princehe observed that a few words passedbetween the lads aunt and JohnTalus who wa now surveying himwith some interest

prince brQke the leehe cried shrilly his little

face aglowHello responded the gentleman

readilyJohn Tuilis found himself being

dragged away from the witchs doorthe newcomer at the bottomglen Mr Hobbs listened with

deepening awe to the friendlywhich resulted in Truxton

King going forward to join the partyIn front of the hut He came along inthe rear after having1 tethered thetired horses not quite sure that hewas awake The prince had casedhim Mr Cook had asked bbs how hissons were all oC which was highlygratifying when oin pauses to con-sider that he lead get has cap band on

down in his excitement Healways was to wonder how the Itttle

monarch succeeded in reading thetitle without standing on hIs heal todo so

Truxton WJMI duly presented to theladles and gentlemen of the party byJohn Tunis who gracefully announcedthat h knew parents in NewYork Baron Dangles waa quite anold friend if one were to judge bythe manner in which greeted theyouna man The lady ia gvay smiledso sweetly and nodded so that

of presenting Cfng TOher as he had done U the Countess Mar

and others merely saidAnd you know one another of

course she flushed very


prlnoe He was k1eTullis and it Is not with a desire to


this I


re-ceived a nod In response he

to ftlr the






pock ts
























prettily and felt constrained to avoidTruxtons look of inquiry He did notlose his wits vowed acquiesenctand assumed that he knew

As a result of tbe combined suppli-cations of the entire party oldthem her hovel where in exchange for small pieces of silver shewould undertake certain manifestationsin necromancy

Truxton King scarcely able to believe his fortune crowded intothe loathsome squnlW room with hisaristocratic managing withconsiderable tohis charming friend They stood backtable where the hag ocupied herselfwith a crystal

Never had Truxton looked upon acreature who so thoroughly vindicatedthe h had put in thedescription of witches given by thefarytale tellers of his earliest youthShe had the traditional hook nose andpeaked cbin the eyes thethousand wrinkles and toothlessgurus He looked about for the ravenand the cat but if she had them theywere not in evidenc At a rough guesshe calculated her age at years Ayouth of extreme laziness whY BaronDangloss said was the old womansgrandson appeared to be her manofJillworrf He fetched the old womanscrystal placed st ola for the visitorslighted the candle on the table occupying no los stlian a quarter of anin performing these arts so awk-ward that at least two of his observersgiggled openly and whispered theiropinions

Gruesome lady isnt she whisperedKingI shall dream of her for monthswhispered the lady in gray shudderingAre you to her readyour future in that hellyou realty think she can tellI had a fortuneteller thatI would be married before I waa twenty

three he informed her She appearedinterestedAnd were youNo gut she did her part you know

moonShe warned you I see So It

wasnt her fault She was watchingthe preparations at the table eagsreyes her and her breathcoming quick through excitement

Would you mind telling he Iam to address u whispered KingThey wore leaning aeainet the

wal near Ute little windowside by side whimsical smile thatevery one lovwd to see was on hisin his eyes Yen see Im a stranger-in a strange land That accounts formy ignorance

You must not speak whHe she isgazing into the crystal she warnedafter a quick searching glance at hislace He could have sworn that he sawa gleam of concern in her eyes followedinstantly by a twinkle that meant mischiefPlease consider my plight he implored I cant call you Aunt

twoman grudgingly concented to take

i ldd

others UP to the




Loraineyou know










She laughed and turned herheed to deote her entire attention tothe scene at the table Truxton Kinwas in a sudden state ef trepidationHad he offended her was ahot rush of blood to his ears He missedthe sly wondering glance that she gavehim out ef the corner of her eye a mo-ment later

Although it was broad daylight thelow stuffy room woulddark not been for the flickeringcandles on table besidegray head of the mumbling fortune teller whose bony twitched overand about the crystal globe likesting serpents tails The window

or no light and the doorclosed the grinning grandson leaningagainst It llmplir The picture wan aweird uncanny one despite the gay

appearance ef the visitorsThe old woman in high shrill toneshad commanded silence The men obey-ed with a erlm while thewomen seemed really awed by their sur-roundings

The Continuation of This Story WillBe Found In Tomorrows

lance of The Tlmiss

then 11I







Milk from HighBred Holsteins

Six Cents Per QuartT-

hat is what Van Camps Milk actually means A rich sterile milkthe best milk and cream for every purpose always on hand when wanted



Tiheflc fe can you get of Van milkwill open a new era in your household economy

No more buying from hand to mouth nomore shortage no more waste

No more germladen milk for your tableNo more halfmilk skimmed or settled tobe used in cooking

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That is why you wont go bank to themilkman when we once win you away

No Tubercular CowsThe chief danger in raw milk He in tuber-

cular germ Millions of infected cowsmilked every day are spreading consumptionat a terrible rate

That is why every authority advises steril-ized milk

Van Camps milk is sterilized but thatisnt alL Our are inspected so weknow none is infected

Our dairies are sanitary in the extremeOur evaporating plants are built withoutwood We employ every modem precaution

The result is a milk which is utterlysterile A milk that is safe without a germof any kind in it

Rich Holstein MilkWe buy none but Holstein cows the

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The milk from such cows is immeasurablybetter for children than the milk of mongrelcows







This milk fresh from the cows is placed-in a vacuum And a moderate heat becauseof the vacuum throws off the water insteam

Thus we take out twothirds of the waterand the milk that results is as thick as thickcream It contains 28 cent total solidsand 8 per cent butter fat

We use no no starch no preservative Van Camps is simply richmilk for convenience in shipping

Six Cents Per QuartThe cost of Van Camps when you re

place the water which we evaporate is aboutair cents per quart

The IDcent can contains a full pint of milkreduced to the minimum And grocers givediscounts on cases

So Van Camps is cheaper than raw milkbecause your milkmans daily delivery costsmore than the milk itself

And you have no waste when you use VanCamps You never have milk left over Youopen a can when you want it and it keepstill you use it up

A Cow in the KitchenV-

an Camps ricans a cow in the kitchenRich milk or cream for every purpose allyou want and all the time

Add one part water for coffee or cerealsIt is then like the richest cream For cooking or drinking reduce as you like

Van Camps to milk dishes twice therichness and flavor that get from rawmilk For this is whole milk with all thebutter fat all the solids in it

In milkmans milk the butter fat rises andthe solids fall You dont get the whole milk





from any part of the can Then you let itstand it separates more So the milk usedfor cooking rarely more than a halfmilk

Youll be amazed at the flavor which VanCamps gives to mite dishes Not the slightalmond flavor due to sterilization apparentwhen Van Camps is drunk cold You getthat same flavor from milkmans milk whenyou heat it The delicious flavor that VanCamps gives to milk dishes is due to therichness the wholeness of the milk

Dont be MisledIf you want Holstein milk reduced to the

minimum you will always insist on VanCamps

Others may claim that common milk onlypartly reduced is just as good as VanCamps But it isnt

And dont think that condensed Txlk whichis nearly half sugar is anythin like VanCamps Van Camps contains no sugar noaddition whatever

Sugar was used to milk before thedays of sterilization It is entirely unneces-sary now If you want sugar you can buyit for half what it costs in a can of milk

And condensed milk because of the sugaris unfit for cooking You cant use it ascan Van Camps So please let no one mis-


16oz can of VanCamps sells for 10 centsthe 6oz can forSo you getfor your money in buyingthe larger cans Grocersgive discounts on casesThe milk ia produced atour dairies located



Scentsonethird more






Van Camp Packing CoIndianapolis Ind Evaporated Sterilized Unsweetened

Van Camps Milk1







AT 81 5 I Announces

MR LOUIS MANNJn His Now YorkChicaaoBoston Hit


The Funniest Woman on the Stage


The Rejuvenation of Aunt MarySeats now 50c to 150 Mats Soc to 1

MR FRED HIBLOFrom Blarney CasKeto Giants Causeway

SOc 7Sc and 100

NEW HAT90HAL Saturday









BELASOQ TonightMatinee Saturday

Night Soc to 2 Mats SIc to 9150Tie row Musical Comedy


a d a Notable CastNEXT NOW

LACK AYEIn ClevcJaid Mofferts Great Play


IRE N DPrices25cNEXT

Tonight at 8l5Matinee













y Efiw n Milton Royle

Next Week Spooner in The LittleTerror ocSSt

Daily Mat 28c Eves 2 5 c and The

lar Melody Maket CARYL HENRY CO

MaeLarens Vitagraph Next Week RalphC Herz late star of The Soul KissLaekys Twentieth Century Limited Etc







NEXT Hayes in TheUmpire oc36st

Gayety Theatre 9ih Street Near F-

ALL TgIS WKBKMATINKB EVERY DAYRice and Bartons Big Gaiety Company

In the Musical SxtravaganzoA Night at Brighton Beach

Special American PourNext RUNAWAY GIRLS

0 rft



Tuesdays Nov Dec 7 Jan 11 MondayFeb 21 and Tuesday March




WILLY H7SS-Prleeo ft the awtcena 7M JXtt

new on sale at Wlla R tteket effleeIn Dreen store MS Pa aye M-

Oreeee Local Manager oeMlf-eJANGING Wa Armory

The DavieoasDaaees Every Wed and Sat Evening


SUPERB rail service to the popular FallAtlantic City N J se8mvfm

Ostrich Plume Week

OneHalfFrench Plumes and

Willow Plumes in allthe new esters atto K leas than regu-

lar pricesOneThird

Christian Xandersi Wines and DistillatesIm-

ported direct from France e

Great saving effected by laying iy-

a supply before November 1 when5 the high tariff JOts into effect5 Quality nnq 7U Cf Pone M 27-4Miou MO branch houses


Gent WeatherStrips

We artijallty felt

at 1 cent a


footAll lengths

Hardware StoreJO UOS7 7th StreetJOHNSON Prop





8Co Lee Canine Stone Five








BON MARCHE314316 7th St



Per selling







Iaol trIp





mount VernonSeminary

Southwest Corner of fil andEleventh Streets

Preparatory Collegiate PostQraanatand Special Courses

TWrtyflf year op a nTuesday October Filth

Sirs znizaBotb J SomorBMrs AdellA Oaten Hensley

selSaet Principals


typewritingbeokkeeotec a d BelUh

Schooltt year Catalogue treePh e 3

Iii East CapltoJ

TIlEBerlitz School-

OF LANGUAGEST28 11U St N WOTHER BRANCH IK WASHINGTONTelephone Main ft 7X IN ALL LEADING CITIESPrivate and Class at School er Be ldemo Day and Evening Best Native Teashers Psplte and speak Ue sew toaettageexdustveiy from the Stat lesson Trial lesfree Free conversation circles and pro



NOTICEThe BerllU School dees netvassers In order to avoid all arningemenU should be wade at the office by

mall or telephone sef3wfStitn3et

Special rates for complete stenographiccourse Individual Pcsitlooiuarau ed Shorthand taught ISO hourstudy STENOGRAPHIC MrsTOL J ERSKINE PrincipalBuilding eWmw eet

Mrs TMIwt w toianaouaces a shorsummer course of ten lessons f r teaehersMusic room Belasco Theater

ST MARGARETS-Day and Boarding School

andConnecticut and California AvenueMiss Llpplnoett and His Principal

ei 7S t-

Our Work Is to Train Totmg Menand Women for the Bust

ness WorldOUR INSTRUCTIONS are bualnesHues giving practical training tri reneraloffice workOUR SCHOOL is equipped trlA every appliance used In tho baalnessofficeOUR INSTRUCTORS are men with practtcw

business experienceWRITE TODAY FOR OUR ADVANCE


Klnth and P Street K WOLD MASONIC TEMPLE se23tf


1305 Seventeenth St Cor r sir AveSend for Catalogue


Shorthand type ritlne bookkeeping peqmanshlp number limited 6 a monthMrs EMILY A FLYNN



9 RoundUU way I Trip fcOiUUSpecial WeekEnd Excursion-

To Old Point and Korf oneBOUND TBZP 9200

Boat laves Saturday o p m

Potomac and ChesapeakeSteamboat CompanySteamer Sf Johns

Soatabooad utay Tbandar tturday Leave Washington from 8th st wear5 p m Alexandria 5M p JRBeach p m Arrive Old 6 a InNorfolk 7 a m

Northbound Sunday a 4 Friday Leave Norfolk from Com wrce atdock 4 W Old Point p m OstonlalBeach M midnight Arrive Alexandria 5a m Washington

Connoetloas at Colonial Bench and Washington with local steamers for Potomac Riverlandings At Norfolk sad Washington srtthlines diverging

firstClass Service ThroughoutW F CARNE Jr W B ZUO BRT

Geal Agt Vie President Qw Mgr

COEvery day In Ute year for Fort Monroe

tk vupert News Norfolk andLv XVsshUm pmlLv Portsmouth t proLv Alexandria 7 6 praAr Ft Mo rr 7 amjLv Ft Monroe pmAr Norfolk t 0 amAr AVexaadrtaS am

Wa8hiHKtonT amTicket Office TM Utk at Boed

BMMing Phone Main IBM7th St Wharf Phone Main nM

W H CALLAHAN Qeal pass Agt



regular SOc qualityTHIS WEEK ONLY

R P ANDREWS PAPER COLargest Paper Houss South of

New York6252729 La Ave N W


SENATEBLENDCOFFEE PoundThe Great Atlantic Pacific Tea Co

Main Store 607 7th st 9 branchesIn the city One Near You

ewizig Ma chinesRepaired

Put into firstclass condition for limmediate use Vecarry a completeline of sewing machines a t


OPPENHEIMERS 5149th StJ Washingtons Leading Sewlnjr Ma-ll

Woodsbrand anCommercIal Dan





Old berg




n W r8lh K fw








Norfolk Newport News and pointspalace steagars SouUaillaul New

Lv Nortok1



3 5 C iI













ocSt and



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