12 Monsters That Will Ruin Your Content Marketing by @PStaunstrup

Pontus Staunstrup @PStaunstrup Content Marketing Monsters That Will Ruin Your 12

Transcript of 12 Monsters That Will Ruin Your Content Marketing by @PStaunstrup

Pontus Staunstrup@PStaunstrup

Content Marketing

Monsters That Will Ruin Your


Forewarned is forarmed

If you’re going to succeed with Content marketing there are monsters you need to be aware of.

Here are 12 monsters and how to beat them.


1. “It’s a project”-stein

Content marketing is a commitment to create relevant and useful content. And to keep doing it over time. But if management see it as a project they will expect quick results. Solution: Get buy-in from management before you start, and be very clear that it must be a long-term and integrated effort.


2. No-Goals Kong Without goals, how will you know if your content marketing is successful? Or which parts worked the best? You need clear goals to measure efficiency. Solution: Define the purpose with your content marketing in your marketing strategy. Then create specific goals and measure regularly.


3. The invisible man plan

Far too many companies create content only when someone has the time or feel inspired. The target group gets confused and eventually lose interest. Solution: Start by creating a content calender, and plan your content production on a yearly, monthly and weekly basis. And keep a firm schedule for publishing


4. The “No strategy” robot

Not having a documented strategy is the single most common reason why content marketing fails. Without a strategy you can’t work efficiently and use resources wisely.

Solution: Take the time to invest in a proper strategy, including guidelines and a clear plan for activities. And make sure you implement it properly.  


5. The Creature from the “Work in a silo” lagoon

If you belong to a big company someone is probably creating the same kind of content you are elsewhere. This is a waste of time and money. Solution: Coordinate all content planning across the company. This will ensure you get better content for less money. And more opportunities to reuse content in different formats and channels..


Efficient content marketing is not about pushing out as much content as possible. It’s about providing the right content to the right target group. Too much content might drive them away.

Solution: Make sure every piece of content you create has a clear purpose and really provides value to your target group.

6. “Too much content”-zilla


7. Dr Jekyll and Mr No Target Audience

If you try to talk to everyone you might end up talking to no one. Only by having a clearly defined target audience can you create relevant content.

Solution: Take the time to not only to define your target audience, but also understand who they are and what they need. And this is just as important in B2B as in B2C.


8. No Distribution Aliens

Even if you create the best content in the world you still need to work just as hard to get it out in different channels and in different formats. Otherwise no one will see it and interact with it

Solution: Always make it easy for your target group to find your content, by making sure it’s available where they are. Via search, social media and paid media


9. Giant “Using content once” spiders

Creating content that’s used only once is a waste of money. You need to use it in several channels and re-use it a lot. Don’t worry about tiring people, this actually increases their chance of seeing it.

Solution: Create an editorial calender that allows you to plan for re-using and re-making content.


10. Mr Evil DIY Man

If you’re going to do everything from strategy and planning to producing and distributing content the end result will suffer.

Solution: Engage your colleagues and have them help you with analysing the target group and generate ideas. With everyone onboard distribution is much more effective from a quality and quantity perspective

This tip came from Ola Eriksson @PStaunstrup

11. The Vampire of “Creating one off content”

Your job is not to reach potential customers with one piece of content. It’s to guide them through a purchase process and build a relationship with them. You need to understand what content to use where.

Solution: Map the purchase process and make sure you have content for every step, including building and developing the relationship after the purchase

This tip is from Paul Pruneau @PStaunstrup

12. The “Creating content by committee” mummy

Make sure you streamline the approval process of your content. If too many people are involved both the process and quality of the content will suffer.

Solution: Create clear rules about who gets to weigh in or decide and on what. For example, a product owner doesn’t get to decide what formats or channels to use.

This tip came from Louis Christ @PStaunstrup

A final word werewolf

If you avoid these monsters you will have a mucg better chance of succeeding with your content marketing. Start with the strategy, everything else hinges on that one.

Good luck, and please visit staunstrup.se/en for more tips and insights.


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