12 June 2019 - Gosnells Primary School

Dear Parents and Care Givers I understand that we are now living in a world far different to the one I grew up in. When I went to primary school there was no such thing as Social Media, in fact I am unsure the internet had even caught on at that point! What hasnt changed in all those years since I went to primary school is the conflict that exists amongst groups of students. We would all be pretty naïve to think there wouldnt be any conflict amongst 400+ students at Gosnells PS. This being said, I am really confident that the Positive Behaviour Support strategy we have in place to manage these conflicts, as well as the layers of support we have to wrap around individual and small groups of students who require it at our school, enable us to respond effectively to all incidents in the classroom and playground in a prompt manner, when we are made aware of them. We are more than happy to work with our students to resolve conflicts, as well as issue consequences that will educate them in order to be betterin the future when the need arises. What doesnt help us though, is when parents take to Social Media to vent their own frustrations at alleged actions from students or inaction from the school, without first discussing their concerns with us. I have four daughters of my own ranging from 10 to 15 years of age, and while I love them to pieces, I will never take their word as the absolute truth until asking a few clarifying questions of others. What I have found after many years as a school principal, there are usually three sides to every story, yours, the other persons and the truth that lies somewhere in the middle! So what I am asking, is that if you have a problem with anything at our school, please take the time to come and speak to the classroom teacher, or any member of our administration team before postingon Social Media because as we all know, once something is on the world wide web, it cannot be deleted and the damage can be far reaching, and in extreme circumstances irreversible. That time of year is fast approaching, where the school provides formal, written reports to all students from Year K-6. From Tuesday, 2 July parents/caregivers will be provided access to their childrens reports electronically. Please ensure the school has an up-to-date email contact for this to occur seamlessly. Hard copies of reports will not be sent home with children without a written request from the parent/caregiver. I ask that all parents take the time to read and understand their childs report as it contains valuable information about their achievement and progress in first semester. Vital explanatory notes to assist you in making sense of your childs report are provided on the reverse of the reports cover page and in an accompanying letter from me. As our expectation of students at each year of schooling has increased under the West Australian Curriculum, it is possible that your childs gradesmay appear to have declined in comparison to previous years. This does not necessarily mean they have not progressed; rather it is most likely that our expectations of them have lifted. It is important at this stage to clarify that Aand Bgrades are only issued when a student is consistently performing at a level that exceeds the expected standard for their year level - these grades are awarded far less than when you and I went to school. I am confident that the information provided by your childs teacher/s in this report is a valid and reliable summary of their achievement, attitude, behaviour and effort throughout the first two terms of 2019. I would strongly recommend that if you are concerned about any aspect of your childs report that you make an appointment to meet with the classroom teacher in the first instance. If you are still concerned after this, please feel free to discuss any concerns further with me. Information on how your child performed in the subjects studied compared to that of other children at Gosnells Primary School is available from the office upon request. The School Position Report shows you the number of students in each of the achievement levels at our school and will be included in the report package when requested before Friday, 28 June. Regards Craig Thursday, 13 June NO BREAKFAST CLUB THIS MORNING Uniform Shop Open (8:15am - 9:00am) Monday, 17 June Breakfast Club (7:45am to 8:30am) School Banking (Muster Area) Tuesday, 18 June Breakfast Club (7:45am to 8:30am) Uniform Shop Open (8:15am - 9:00am) Wednesday, 19 June Breakfast Club (8:00am-8:30am) P&C Meeting - Boardroom (8:30am) Thursday, 20 June Breakfast Club (8:00am-8:30am) Uniform Shop Open (8:15am - 9:00am) Friday, 21 June Assembly - Room 8 Winter Solstice - Wear Your Pyjamas to School for a Gold Coin Donation (Year 6 Fundraiser) Monday, 24 June Breakfast Club (7:45am to 8:30am) School Banking (Muster Area) Tuesday, 25 June Breakfast Club (7:45am to 8:30am) Uniform Shop Open (8:15am - 9:00am) Thursday, 27 June Winter Sports Carnival The Canteen will be closed today Principal: MR CRAIG ANDERSON Deputy Principals: MS LAUREN HOOK AND MRS SUZANNE PEARSON Program Coordinator (Ausm): MRS ALISON WADE 12 June 2019 9 There will be no Traffic Warden at the Childrens Crossing on Dorothy Street (near Terrence Street) from 10 to 14 June 2019 BREAKFAST CLUB CANCELLED FOR THURSDAY, 13 JUNE 2019 Resuming as normal the following week

Transcript of 12 June 2019 - Gosnells Primary School

Dear Parents and Care Givers

I understand that we are now living in a world far different to the one I grew up in. When I went to primary school there was no such thing as Social Media, in fact I am unsure the internet had even caught on at that point! What hasn’t changed in all those years since I went to primary school is the conflict that exists amongst groups of students. We would all be pretty naïve to think there wouldn’t be any conflict amongst 400+ students at Gosnells PS. This being said, I am really confident that the Positive Behaviour Support strategy we have in place to manage these conflicts, as well as the layers of support we have to wrap around individual and small groups of students who require it at our school, enable us to respond effectively to all incidents in the classroom and playground in a prompt manner, when we are made aware of them. We are more than happy to work with our students to resolve conflicts, as well as issue consequences that will educate them in order to ‘be better’ in the future when the need arises.

What doesn’t help us though, is when parents take to Social Media to vent their own frustrations at alleged actions from students or inaction from the school, without first discussing their concerns with us. I have four daughters of my own ranging from 10 to 15 years of age, and while I love them to pieces, I will never take their word as the absolute truth until asking a few clarifying questions of others. What I have found after many years as a school principal, there are usually three sides to every story, yours, the other persons and the truth that lies somewhere in the middle!

So what I am asking, is that if you have a problem with anything at our school, please take the time to come and speak to the classroom teacher, or any member of our administration team before ‘posting’ on Social Media because as we all know, once something is on the world wide web, it cannot be deleted and the damage can be far reaching, and in extreme circumstances irreversible.

That time of year is fast approaching, where the school provides formal, written reports to all students from Year K-6. From Tuesday, 2 July parents/caregivers will be provided access to their children’s reports electronically. Please ensure the school has an up-to-date email contact for this to occur seamlessly. Hard copies of reports will not be sent home with children without a written request from

the parent/caregiver. I ask that all parents take the time to read and understand their child’s report as it contains valuable information about their achievement and progress in first semester. Vital explanatory notes to assist you in making sense of your child’s report are provided on the reverse of the report’s cover page and in an accompanying letter from me. As our expectation of students at each year of schooling has increased under the West Australian Curriculum, it is possible that your child’s ‘grades’ may appear to have declined in comparison to previous years. This does not necessarily mean they have not progressed; rather it is most likely that our expectations of them have lifted. It is important at this stage to clarify that “A” and “B” grades are only issued when a student is consistently performing at a level that exceeds the expected standard for their year level - these grades are awarded far less than when you and I went to school. I am confident that the information provided by your child’s teacher/s in this report is a valid and reliable summary of their achievement, attitude, behaviour and effort throughout the first two terms of 2019. I would strongly recommend that if you are concerned about any aspect of your child’s report that you make an appointment to meet with the classroom teacher in the first instance. If you are still concerned after this, please feel free to discuss any concerns further with me. Information on how your child performed in the subjects studied compared to that of other children at Gosnells Primary School is available from the office upon request. The School Position Report shows you the number of students in each of the achievement levels at our school and will be included in the report package when requested before Friday, 28 June.




Uniform Shop Open (8:15am - 9:00am)

Monday, 17 June Breakfast Club (7:45am to 8:30am)

School Banking (Muster Area)

Tuesday, 18 June

Breakfast Club (7:45am to 8:30am)

Uniform Shop Open (8:15am - 9:00am)

Wednesday, 19 June Breakfast Club (8:00am-8:30am)

P&C Meeting - Boardroom (8:30am)

Thursday, 20 June

Breakfast Club (8:00am-8:30am)

Uniform Shop Open (8:15am - 9:00am)

Friday, 21 June Assembly - Room 8

Winter Solstice - Wear Your Pyjamas to School

for a Gold Coin Donation (Year 6 Fundraiser)

Monday, 24 June

Breakfast Club (7:45am to 8:30am)

School Banking (Muster Area)

Tuesday, 25 June Breakfast Club (7:45am to 8:30am)

Uniform Shop Open (8:15am - 9:00am)

Thursday, 27 June

Winter Sports Carnival The Canteen will be closed today


Deputy Principals: MS LAUREN HOOK AND


Program Coordinator (Autism):


12 June 2019 9

There will be no Traffic Warden at the Children’s Crossing on Dorothy Street (near

Terrence Street) from 10 to 14 June 2019


Resuming as normal the following week

Congratulations to the following students who achieved their Silver Pride Award Certificate on 30 May 2019:


Congratulations to the following students who achieved their Silver Pride Award Certificate on 7 June 2019:

Eshaal, Elisha, Constance, Caela, Aaliyah, Hayley and Isaac.


Congratulations to the following students who achieved their Bronze Pride Award Certificate on 30 May 2019:

Liane, Priyanka, Pheobe, Secilia, Montana, Nea and Hugo.

Congratulations to the following students who achieved their Bronze Pride Award Certificate on 7 June 2019:

Israel, Caleb, Hamish, Katie-Laine, Chase, Sreelekshmi, Chantelle, Kayeisha, Stephanie and Samar.


Kaidence, Ryven, Aarnish, Jaren, Deacon, Austin, Finley, Markies, Julia San, Pheobe, William, Carter, Lucy, Vikram, Tara, Dylan, Isabelle, Hayley, Haniya, Lariah, James and Damien.


Kapryse and Julia San



Zachary Aria

Friday 26 July 2019 is an important date in your child’s education.

You need to apply to enrol your children in a public school for 2020 if they are:

Starting Kindergarten - 4 years old by 30 June 2020; Starting Pre-Primary (first year of compulsory school) - 5 years old by 30 June 2020; Starting Year 7 (first year of secondary school - contact your local high school); or Changing schools.

All children from Pre-Primary to Year 12 are guaranteed a place at their local public school.

Come and see us to enrol your children today (Kindergarten to Year 6). Kindergarten places are limited so we encourage you to apply now.

Apply by Friday 26 July 2019.





School photos will be taken at the beginning of next term. The Uniform Shop would like to remind parents that you can order uniforms online or purchase them at the shop on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Also, start thinking about your Faction shirts, you may want to purchase or order them so they will be ready for the Sports Carnival in Term 3.

The Canteen is having a special Filipino lunch on Thursday, 20 June. There will be no other orders available on this day. Please see the advertisement for all the information. Remember the Canteen will be closed on the day of the Winter Sports Carnival on Thursday, 27 June. Keep collecting your stickers from Woolworths you can either put them in the box at the School Administration office or at the Maddington or Kelmscott Woolworths stores.

The 5c Challenge continues, we have 3 weeks left of the term, please deposit your coins in your child's classroom.

Our next P&C Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 19 June at 8:30am in the School Boardroom. Karen Schokker (P&C President)