12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border...


Transcript of 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border...

Page 1: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government
Page 2: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government

What isEl Carmen?CEMEX biodiversity conservation legacy.

It is part of a large trans-boundary biological corridor between Mexico and the U.S.

20,000 hectares of nativegrasslands restored.

Around 11.2 million tons ofCO2 are captured in the area.

60 scientific and popular articles published due to research.

Conservation efforts and coordination withneighboring communities, conservation NGOs and government agencies.







El Carmen in Figures

Habitat andSpeciesRestoration

CO2 Captureand EcosystemServices

2016 represents 15 years of continuous conservation.

1315 Years ofConservation Initiatives






pAwards and Achivements



Page 3: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government

1. What Is El Carmen?

El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government decreed 77% of its area of 140,300 hectares (ha) as Natural Protected Areas. Its ecosystems include rivers, desert scrub plains, grasslands, and mountainous forests. It is also part of an extensive biological corridor, vital for wildlife migration and distribution.

Among the world’s five major wilderness areas, El Carmen is home to 45% of mammals, 90% of birds, 35% of amphibians and reptiles, and 40% of plants across the Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem. El Carmen contributes to the conservation of 26% of the bird and 16% of the mammal species registered in Mexico. A habitat for endemic species, it provides protection for the largest black bear population in the country.

To supervise and conserve El Carmen’s ecosystems, the area’s biologically diverse flora and fauna has been repeatedly inventoried since 2000. More than 1,500 plant, 289 bird, 80 reptile and amphibian, and 78 mammal species have been identified.El Carmen has full-time staff, including wildlife management and conservation experts, for its operation and administration.

El Carmen 15 years 3

A private nature reserve located along theborder of Mexico and the United States

Through our El Carmen Conservation Program, we are able to restore habitats and wildlife in a region that is 8.4 times larger in size than the total sum of the areas impacted by our operations worldwide

CEMEX biodiversity conservation legacy.

Among the world’s five major wilderness area

A habitat for endemic speciesProtection for the largest black bear populationin Mexico

Create a trans-boundary legacy of high-impact biodiversity conservation Create a trans-boundary legacy of high-impact biodiversity conservation managed and certified under international standards exemplifying how to compensate the business and production activity through actions that enhance natural capital and environmental services. Contribute to the global fight against climate change by enhancing and maintaining an important sink for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

This initiative reflects CEMEX’s commitment to give back to nature, while offsetting our operations’ environmental footprint.

Conservebiodiversity 100%

Enhance andmaintain animportant sink forCO2 emissions


Restore habitatand nativespecies

Serve asan outdoorconservation lab

Compensate forthe environmentalfootprint of CEMEX’sworldwide operations

Page 4: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government

The area of El Carmen is 8 times greater than the area impacted by CEMEXʼs worldwide extractive activities.

It is part of a largetrans-boundarybiological corridorbetween Mexicoand the U.S.

Area: 140,300 ha. Equivalent to the size of Mexico City, including its 16 delegations, the size of Houston, Texas, or close to half the size of Big Bend National Park, Texas

Area of El Carmen in USA:

7,300 ha

Number of hectares within protected areas:

108,000 (77 %)

Natural Protected Areas in which El Carmen is located: Maderas del Carmen, Ocampo, andRio Bravo del Norte.

Area under Mexico̓s Volunteer Conservation Register since 2009:

22,400 ha

Five ecosystems:desert scrublands, grasslands, oak forest, pine forest, and gallery forest

Species biodiversity:1,500 plant, 40 fish, 8 amphibian, 73 reptile, 289 bird, and80 mammal

Home to 30% of the flora registered in Coahuila, Mexico, and about 45% of the flora of the Chihuahuan Desert

Black bear: El Carmen is home to the largest population of this species in Mexico.1 Oso / Km

CO2 sink: El Carmenʼs carbon sink captures 11,230,000 tons of CO2, equal to the annual emissions produced by more than 2.3 million vehicles.

El Carmen is energy self-sufficient, generating 33,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) year by four wind generators and 100 solar panels.

Operating El Carmen requires18 vehicles, three pieces of heavy machinery equipment, two tractors, five quad bikes, and a Cessna plane.

El Carmen has full-time staff, including experts in wildlife management and conservation programs.

Area of El Carmen in Mexico:

133,000 ha

2. El Carmen in Figures

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Page 5: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government

Location and infrastructure of El Carmen:

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Page 6: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government

La Cueva Center.

Camp #1 Dam. Pilares Bighorn Sheep Reserve.

Operation Center, El Carmen USA.

Pilares Operation Center.

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Infraestructure of El Carmen.

Page 7: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government

Widlife Conservation activities.

El Carmen 15 years 7

Widlife observation.Wildlife release.

Wildlife Monitoring with camera traps.Wildlife monitoring with radiotelemetry.

Page 8: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government

3. Habitat andSpecies RestorationGrassland Habitat Restoration.

When CEMEX began managing El Carmen, overexploitation and degradation of the site’s natural resources required application of management techniques to restore native species and habitat.

Since 2001, all domestic livestock were removed to allow habitat recovery from overgrazing. Mechanical aerator roller treatments, prescribed burning, and grass seed planting restored 20,000 hectares of native grasslands. Moreover, approximately 350 kilometers (km) of internal barbwire fences were removed, providing an open space for wildlife movement.

El Carmen 15 years 8

Before the restoration process.

After the restoration process.

Habitat Restoration Process.Selection of thearea.


Removal of livestock fences.

Implementation ofrestoration techniques(e.g., aerator roller,prescribed burning).

Removal of domestic livestock.


Native grassplanting.


20,000 hectares of native grasslands restored

Open space for wildlife movement

Page 9: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government










Bighorn Sheep Restoration

To return the desert bighorn sheep to El Carmen, a 5,000 ha brood facility was built. After receiving a founding group of 45 bighorns, the return of desert bighorn sheep to northeast Mexico became a reality.

Currently, the El Carmen reserve has a population of 200 bighorns. Since 2009, 100 sheep have been captured and released in the Sierra del Carmen the only wild population that exists in the state of Coahuila.

At the beginning of El Carmen’s operation, the mule deer population was so low that it was considered unviable. Overgrazing, lack of water, and poaching placed this species on the brink of extinction in the region, so a restoration plan was established utilizing surplus deer. In collaboration with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and ranch owners in the U.S., 816 deer have been released in El Carmen and neighboring ranches in Mexico and the U.S. since 2006, restoring the mule deer population in the region.

Mule Deer Restoration

Mule Deer PupulationBighorn Population

El Carmen 15 years 9

Species Restoration

To restore El Carmen’s native species, several actions were undertaken to revive the habitat and wild populations of black bear, mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk, desert bighorn sheep, and pronghorn. Thanks to CEMEX’s conservation efforts, the last three species are back after a more than six-decade absence from the area.

Elk, desert bighorn sheep, and pronghorn are back after more than a six-decade absence

200 bighorn population More than 800 mule deer released, restoringpopulation in the region

Page 10: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government

Pronghorn Restoration

Black Bear Protection

Another priority is the restoration of large mammals, such as pronghorn, to El Carmen. Pronghorn disappeared from the state of Coahuila due to livestock overgrazing and poaching in the late 1950s.

In 2001, a restoration process was established to recover its habitat in El Carmen. The first step was the removal of all domestic livestock and 350 km of interior fences.

During 2009 and 2010, in coordination with the Mexican and U.S. governmental agencies of SEMARNAT, the Environmental Agency of Coahuila State, and the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, 100 pronghorn were captured in New Mexico and released in El Carmen’s restored grassland. Today, more than 150 pronghorns are back in their historic habitat of northern Coahuila.

The black is a conservation priority in Mexico due to the problems affecting their population in most of their historic migration regions. In El Carmen, the black bear population density is 1 bear/km² and requires permanent protection. This contributes to their recovery in both Mexico and the Big Bend area of the U.S.—where their movements are widely documented. Additionally, universities and governmental agencies collaboratively monitor the species and provide environmental education to landowners in order to conserve a healthy bear population and habitat in Coahuila.

Pronghorn Population

El Carmen 15 years 10

More than 150 pronghorns are back in theirhistoric habitat

Page 11: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government




Selection of areas forspecies translocation.



Preparation ofcapture sites.

Species capture. Biological datacollection and collarpositioning for tracking.

Transfer and placement of specimens insoft release pen.


Potential habitatanalysis.

Analysis ofmonitoring data.

Population growthmonitoring.

Monitoring of specimens and development of research projects withstudents.

Species Restoration Process

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Page 12: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government

4. CO2 Capture andEnvironmental Services

The restoration activities developed over the past 15 years have increased natural capital throughout the area, contributing to the conservation of biodiversity in the region and mitigating the effects of climate change by capturing CO2 through the growth of vegetation cover in El Carmen.

During 2015 and 2016, a study was conducted measuring the biomass of El Carmen’s vegetation. By applying allometric equations, it was estimated that the area under conservation captures 11.2 million tons of COv, equivalent to the emissions produced by more than 2.3 million vehicles or the electricity consumed by more than 1.6 million homes annually, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The economic valuation of ecosystem services is a useful conservation tool. It explicitly displays the importance and close relationship between the integrity of nature and human welfare, while providing environmental services with a monetary unit that enables comparison with other goods. Through the contingent valuation method, a Master of Science research thesis was conducted to estimate the value that society gives to environmental services provided by the biodiversity and landscape of El Carmen. By applying 100 surveys of the adult population in the

neighboring municipality of Musquiz, Coahuila, this research indicates that the value society gives to the biodiversity and landscape found at El Carmen is approximately US$60 million per year.

Considering the annual CO2 sequestration and capture process, this value increases to US$70 million per year.

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Around 11.2 million tons of CO2 are captured in the area, equivalent to the emissions produced by more than 2.3 million vehicles in a year

Page 13: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government

5. 15 Years of ConservationInitiatives 2016 represents 15 years of continuous conservation efforts including programs focused on habitat and species restoration, scientific research, and infrastructure development to operate this unmatched nature reserve.

The following actions have been developed over time:

El Carmen 15 years 13

Construction ofSan Isidro House. Start of student workshops.

Release of 19 elk. Release of 33 desertbighorn sheep.

Release of 19 elk.

El Carmen project launch. Reintroduction of 45 bighorn sheep at Pilares Bighorn Sheep Reserve Start of white-tailed deer program. Start of research thesis program. Grassland and habitatrestoration. Start of baseline biodiversity inventory.






Acquisition of land in Mexico. Removal of domestic livestock. Removal of 350 km of interiorfences. Construction of Pilares DesertBighorn Sheep facility. Construction of El CarmenLanding Strips.

Page 14: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government

El Carmen 15 years 14

- Release of 22 elk. Construction of Camp #1 Release of 6 desert bighorn sheep.

- Regional restoration of 320 mule deer. Start of student internship program.

- Regional restoration of 85 mule deer. Expansion of El Carmen to the U.S. with purchase of Adams Ranch in Texas.

- Regional restoration of 350 mule deer. Construction of Camp Adams Ranch (USA). Construction of Camp Pilares.

- Release of 30 desert bighorn sheep. Release of 45 pronghorn.






- Release of 55 pronghorn Release of 6 desert bighorn sheep Shipment of 16 desert bighorn sheep to New Mexico (USA)

- Start of wildlife fires management program.



Page 15: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government

El Carmen 15 years 15

- Regional restoration of 30 mule deer.

- Release of 100gamble quail.

- Construction of La Cueva Visitors Center. Release of 111gamble quail. Regional restoration of 106 mule deer. Release of 100 collared peccary. Regional restoration of 21 mule deer.

- Construction of Wildfire Fighters Camp #5. Regional restoration of 31 mule deer. Release of 450 collared peccary. Certification of El Carmen by Wildlife Habitat Council.





Release of 18 desert bighorn sheep. Regional restoration of 22 mule deer.


Page 16: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government

6. Awards and Achievements Achievements:

El Carmen 15 years 16

Restored species: desert bighorn sheep, pronghorn, elk, mule deer, and collared peccary.

60 scientific and popular articles published due to researchin El Carmen.

950 students visited El Carmen.

350 km of interior fences removed

More than 20,000 ha of grassland restored

More than 2,050 native wildlife specimens reintroduced

16 master's thesis and doctoral students from prestigious Mexican and U.S. universities, such as ITESM, UANL, UNAM, UCLA, Yale, and Texas A&M.

Page 17: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government

El Carmen 15 years 17

Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Mexico)Honorable Mention Environmental Merit Award 2016, Business Category.

Wildlife Habitat Council.(5 recognitions)Gold-Tier Program of the Year for biodiversity protection projects.Species of Concern Project Award. Mammals Project Award. Desert Project Award. Forest Project Award.

Texas State Government (USA) Recognition of binationalconservation efforts, Texas,U.S.- Coahuila, Mexico.

2001 2009 2010 2015 2016

New Mexico Game and Fish Department. Recognition of the efforts and dedication of CEMEX Red Rock area management staff for the translocation of desert bighorn sheep to El Carmen (Reserve Pilares), Mexico.

Texas Bighorn Society, Recognition as aconservation partner.

Wild Sheep Foundation.Special recognition for conservation.

The Desert Bighorn Council. Honorary plaque for the vision, dedication, and commitment to the restoration of desert bighorn sheep in northeastern Mexico and its contribution to the restoration of wildlife.

Page 18: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government

7. Collaboration

In collaboration with our neighbors, we signed agreements with private landowners, including Rancho Guadalupe and Museo Maderas del Carmen, with whom we work to conserve and restore wildlife habitat.

We collaborate with conservation NGOs, including Cuenca Los Ojos, Texas Bighorn Society, Wild Sheep Foundation, and Mule Deer Foundation, on habitat and wildlife restoration projects on both sides of the border.

We also collaborate with the Commission of Natural Protected Areas of Mexico (CONANP) to protect forests and monitor biodiversity. El Carmen’s staff is a permanent member of the Technical Advisory Board of the Maderas del Carmen and Ocampo Natural Protected Areas, where we share our experiences and coordinate conservation efforts with neighboring communities.

Finally, we closely coordinate with governmental agencies such as SEMARNAT and SEMA Coahuila in Mexico, and the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in the U.S.

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Conservation efforts and coordination withneighboring communities, conservation NGOs and government agencies

Page 19: 12 - CEMEX Nature...El Carmen is a private nature reserve managed by CEMEX. Located along the border between the states of Coahuila, Mexico, and Texas, USA, Mexico’s federal government

CEMEX, S.A.B. de C.V. Corporate Sustainability. Av. Ricardo Margain Zozaya 325 Valle del Campestre San Pedro Garza Garcia, N.L.

ZIP 66265 MexicoPhotography by: Jonás A. Delgadillo, Santiago Gibert Isern / Dimensión Natural, Bonnie Mckinney, Alejandro Espinosa T. and El Carmen Staff


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